#becca yaps
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rebeccamix · 2 days ago
ha I have a funny story about this as a full-time fantasy author
so back in college, I took a creative writing class and turned in a short story I was very proud of. imagine my confusion when the professor — who I greatly admired and liked! – gave it back with a note saying I had incredible talent, a great command of prose etc, but I really should stop writing fantasy because I was "wasting my time on that genre stuff"
which like, was obviously a bummer to hear as a 20yo, but also! I ignored him. because I liked fantasy! and I wanted to be a fantasy author!
and wouldn't you know it, a few years later, I turned that short story into a book, got an agent with it, sold it to simon & schuster, and it went on to debut as a new york times bestseller. I've since sold eight more books to major publishers; all some form of fantasy, which is great, because this is now my full-time job.
anyways! fast forward to last year. a professor reaches out and asks me to come talk to his classes about writing professionally.
anyone want to take a guess which professor that was? would you guess it was the very same professor that told me to stop writing fantasy now asking me to come give his class advice about writing?
I do still quite like this professor! I happily went and chatted with those kids! But you can bet your ass I also went up to him and asked if he remembered telling me to stop writing fantasy. (He did not, but he did laugh and admitted it sounded like something he would say.)
now, do writers need to read widely? yes!! if you want to write fantasy professionally, you should read and study lit fic, non-fic, poetry, etc – but the flip side is also true. read widely. read all of it. there is so much incredible work being done in different genres. if you're refusing to read it because it's ~commercial~ you're genuinely doing the reader equivalent of only eating a single cracker at a giant Vegas buffet.
if you want to write genre fic, don't let anyone discourage you. hone your craft as you would any other category.
that genre stuff you're wasting your time on might just make your dreams come true.
my creative writing prof also HATES fantasy. as in if she asks for an example of symbolism in a book, and you give something from a fantasy novel, she’ll ask for an example from a “non-commercial book” instead.
I dunno man, people can have preferences, but the second you discount the artistic merit of sci fi and fantasy I stop taking your opinion seriously. and there’s such a big culture in Canada of only valuing literary fiction, to the point where one of our biggest authors, Margaret Atwood, refused for a while to classify her books as sci fi or fantasy. she said they were “speculative fiction”, which is entirely separate and very highbrow (sarcasm).
and I could go on about how Octavia Butler and Ursula Le Guin wrote books every bit as intellectual (and honestly, even more so) than their literary counterparts, but I am also an enjoyer of schlock!! I think there’s artistic merit in animorphs, and in isekais where a japanese schoolgirl reincarnates into a magical spider who has to level up like it’s a video game! it’s like with everything, you can’t draw a clean line that separates ‘art’ from ‘non-art’ or even ‘lesser art’, and pretending you can do so just makes you look ignorant and goofy. in my opinion.
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rebeccamix · 24 days ago
being an author is ridiculous because sometimes I'll be working on a book and I'm like "man, it would be soooo cool/funny/great if X Y Z happened" and then I have an alarming moment of realizing it can, in fact, happen, because I am writing the book! and then I do it and usually no one stops me? why on earth was I allowed to put the cabbage man from ATLA in my debut?? clearly I cannot be trusted with the keys to the kingdoms I hath built because I will fill them with little jokes.
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liquidsmooth9 · 8 months ago
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I think these are the only two characters I CANT STAND from twdg
For Larry: he was always doing the most like OMG STFU 💀 and yeah I get it, his intentions were "protecting" his daughter and clementine from Lee but let's be fr nobody gives a damn that your a murderer in a zombie apocalypse 💀😭
For Becca: I get it she's a kid and stuff but idgaf 💀I heard that lil shady remark she made about my good sis Sarah in season 2. And her whole tough act/attitude, whatever tf that was got annoying after like two minutes. I usually cut kids and teenagers some slack but I was on my last straw w her cause I had played 400 days after I finished the other seasons so yeah I kinda didn't give a fuck 💀
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g3n3s1s-l0v3 · 15 days ago
got anymore yronica hcs :3 ... also maybe some becca ones !! / nf
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I'm gonna eat them btw . uur hcs are so good .....
ok. this is my second time answering this cuz i wrote it almost all out and TUMBLR DELETED IT ALL ABSJHDKWKWKKZ. anyways…. I LOVE BECCA BECCA PRESCOTT MY BELOVED I LOVE U BECCA BARK BARK BARK VARK
scared of fish. loves going to the ocean with her gals and taking hundreds of photos but absolutely hates (at least live) fish
makes callum take her out on fancy dates once a month; doesn’t even really care about the date part just likes being able to take photos in expensive restaurants + likes bragging to her friends
loves rollercoasters (especially when she was young) but kind of stopped going on them when a friend laughed at her for how messed up her hair got after going on one when she was twelve
loves spicy food (its the main type of food her parents cook lol)
lives with parents + grandpa
makes fun of smokers but vapes occasionally when she’s really stressed
favorite fruit is apple (specifically granny smith)
makes fun of callum + aaaqil when they sit ��too close’/brush hands/are generally in close proximity; does same things with eman
severe astigmatism but thinks glasses look bad on her so she refuses to wear them, resulting in lots of migraines and headaches. the cycle repeats
loves sitcoms
refers to callum as her discord kitten in her head; has only said it once (1) to eman on accident. refused to talk to her for two days after that.
mom is a chronic smoker
actually ive decided that yes im gonna giver her the chocolate allergy cuz. i mean, its such a common food thats in so many ‘gift’ type treats…. valentines day my beloathed…. so she kinda just. ignores it. but then gets sick cause duh. she’s allergic (PROJECTION BEAM BLAST)
made fun of people that dress ‘emo’ until she met eman -> hasn’t dont it since
heavy alcohol tolerance -> sometimes challenges eman to drinking games when they’re at parties together and almost always wins (sometimes she lets her win…. sometimes)
bad handwriting when she was young -> forced herself to learn cursive and almost never writes print
has a pet hamster
studying to be a nurse -> wants to work specifically with the elderly
lana del rey fan. favorite song is pretty when you cry (sigh… she’s just like me fr… ignore the projection happening here)
loves rainy weather; hates thunder. not scared of it per se, just feels like it ruins the vibes
terrible at arcade games, especially racing games. really competitive though, so she steers clear of them for the most part as to not totally freak out on her friends when she inevitably loses)
bad grades….
smokes pretty frequently. never around gavin though
has never drunk alcohol. never ever. really wants to though
very protective of her friends and family (obviously…. thats kinda part of the whole final girl thing lololol)
calls gavin ‘dipshit’ when its just the two of them
knows how to use a gun (very well) ((specifically a pistol but has messed around with rifles when out hunting with her grandpa)
dog person (husky, specifically)
loves music, especially indie and rock. big fan of britpop too.
hates the sight of blood (the type to get nauseous when seeing it) but learnt to power through that after the whole thing with wren went down
went to the circus a lot as a kid and loved it
hates the feel of cotton + very picky when it comes to clothing
has celiacs disease but not technically ‘allergic’ to anything else
learnt how to throw knives in the mist; plans to one day get revenge against wren
wrathful woman. god bless.
doesn’t read too much but has an appreciation for the classics
trust issues.
favorite food is bacon
took latin in highschool
doesn’t really understand ‘modern’ technology but does her best to figure it out
had a boyfriend before getting sent to the mist -> not necessarily still loyal to him per se, but feels mentally too old for most people in the mist and feels weird about dating other people
knows tae kwan do
born and raised in the midwest usa (northern kansas)
(yro. if u send me a ask for rose hcs i will absolutely do it. i just want a silly picture like the ones u keep sending to go with it. :3) ((actually ANYONE PLEASE SEND ME RQ’S IN MY ASK BOX I LOVE WRITING. can you guys tell im a fic writer….))
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marylily-my-beloved · 8 months ago
the Evans sisters are literally my roman empire. so are andie and becca bell
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sweettoothvn · 4 months ago
Hello, can you post the script about your latest audio pls ? For those english isn't their main language.
Sure thing! ^^
The setting is in a science lab and Tenylia is complaining about her day to her sister Becca who is not listening.
Tenylia: “Mr. Ravenar always makes the Bodross Biology class such a pain in the ass. I know I’m both halves of a freak of nature, but damn what do I need to know about gene mutations for??”
Becca does not respond so Tenylia keeps yapping.
Tenylia: “And THEN he rambled on and on about the silly Myconia and which one is more deadly than the other and what likes to be comfy around Jinns, I almost passed out at least twice– uh, thinking about it I might’ve because my head kissed the desk for a split second– anyway, it could kill a man if you weren’t already a nerd for the subject in general and I have a solid C, so I’m not a complete failure”
Short sarcastic 5-second pause on Becca’s device before it starts buzzing again
Tenylia: “But also if it weren’t for Eddie I have no idea how I would be able to get through it. Oh, speaking of him, I hope he’s been doing okay lately. He’s been more tense ever since he met this one guy at the Wild Witch. The dude’s a total creep by the way. You should see the way he acts around Eddie. It's… uncomfortable…”
The sounds of tech buzzing and small zaps from a pen to a board answers mostly between them
Tenylia: “On a better note though- I’m relieved that this guy seems to be distracted by something else– or rather someone else. But at the same time, I feel bad for them cause now he’s acting creepiER and hyperenergetic like he piped down a two-ton pack of steroids”
The sounds stop
Tenylia: “I see him lingering around Botanique sometimes and just… watching… He doesn’t even buy anything. He just chats with the newbie for a bit then pretends to leave. But he doesn’t. They don’t seem too bothered by it… or…. Or even worse….maybe they don’t know? What makes this awful is that they haven’t been in the Intrepid for a month and they’ve managed to capture the attention of a Gilvan?! Worst of all– a very sick one… in the head I mean. I’m just hoping he doesn’t do anything drastic like… I dunno… break into their apartment…?” 
Something snaps and Tenylia looks over to Becca, only to flinch as she sees her sister’s facial expression
Tenylia: “Did… uhm… Did I say something wrong? H-how about this, I’ll change topics-”
Becca cuts her off immediately with a serious tone, almost threatening.
Becca: “Who.”
Tenylia: “Pardon?”
Tenylia asks meekly, having not caught what her sister had said
Becca: “Who.”
Becca says more sternly
Tenylia: “Oh! T–That’s- I-I don’t think I should be talking anymore– this was a bad idea knowing how you–”
She stammers over her words, they crack a bit as she is clearly nervous and regretting having brought up the current topic. The sound of a chair creaks as Becca gets up from her chair and starts to approach Tenylia who backs away anxiously.
Becca: “Who. Are. You. Talking about?”
She says slowly, clearly not messing around as she wants the information that Tenylia is refusing to give up.
Tenylia: “Why are you suddenly so interested?!”
Tenylia blurts, feeling like a cornered animal. Becca grumbles under her breath and leans away from her sister with a sneer. Dragging a hand down her face she sighs then speaks with a frustrated but cold tone.
Becca: “....Forget it. I’ll figure it out myself.”
Tenylia begins to panic, stammering again before rushing off after her sister, her voice fading out.
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dreamwritesimagines · 1 year ago
I like to imagine Charm fresh off college flirting with Sam and Steve right in front of Bucky and it's actually sort of jarring how quickly it pisses him off that not only is she doing it while ignoring him, his friends are going along with it.
"Well, no wonder Chicago was so boring. All the good-looking men are here."
"Ah, hey... thanks Charm."
"James, I didn't see you there."
"Y/N, you look more beautiful every time i see you. How you been?"
"Well, you'll be seeing me more often, Sam. I'm officially moving back. The company is terrible though, Becca excluded. I can't take Ian yapping about nightclubs and refusing to step into a single one."
"Well, you are in the right place. Steve and I were just talking about visiting a new one in Romanov's turf tonight, see the new digs. Wanna come?"
"Well if it's alright with America's sweetheart."
"Of course you can come. Send me your adress and we'll pick you up-"
"What's happening-"
"You're still here, Barnes?"
"I was here first. But we'll catch up tonight, I'm sure."
"I thought you were busy, Buck. You said-"
"Change of plans."
Darling! 😍 This is amazing, I'm in love with this! ❤️ You are so talented and I'm definitely gonna fangirl over your wonderful work, so I'm putting this under keep reading! 😍❤️
First of all, YES! 😍 Charm would one hundred percent do it in front of Bucky while totally ignoring him 😁 And Sam and Steve flirting back? IT WOULD BE HILARIOUS😂
"Well, no wonder Chicago was so boring. All the good-looking men are here." AND THEN-
"James, I didn't see you there." Please, I can almost see his expression and I can't stop giggling 😂
The company is terrible though, Becca excluded. And everyone could probably hear the unsaid "Bucky included" 😂
"I can't take Ian yapping about nightclubs and refusing to step into a single one." Wait he really is doing that! 😱
They are both flirting with her aaaaaah I need this scene, I need this scene to happen so much! 😍
"I was here first. But we'll catch up tonight, I'm sure."
"I thought you were busy, Buck. You said-"
Darling this is absolutely amazing and I'm going to reread this a hundred times! 🥰 Thank you so so much for this, ILY and I love your work! ❤️
Also I'm so inspired for the scene where they'd be at the nightclub they mentioned and Bucky is like all brooding and watching Charm, and the minute she excused herself for the bathroom or something, he'd turn to them and go like,
"What are you doing?"
"With Charm, what do you think you're doing?"
"We're catching up?"
"Oh catching up, is that it?"
"Yeah. Why are you throwing a fit?"
"I'm not, it's just- you can't flirt with her!"
"Because you rejected her years ago?"
"That has nothing to do with the discussion right now, I'm just...I'm thinking about the business."
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automaticnerdbread · 19 days ago
Guys everytime I see the basement yard podcast I can only think of Dratchrod or even Driftrod. I know people are thinking yeah Rodimus is Frankie and Drift is Joey but I don't think so. Like yeah it can be that way and sometimes it flips but I think it would be so funny if like Ratchet is Becca, Drift is Frankie, and Rodimus is Joey. BECAUSE HEAR ME OUT (even though nobody cares because this is stupid 😂) WHAT IF Ratchet and Drift get together and Rodimus is at peace with that (like we see in the ending) but Drift is just still in love with him actually. This is probably inspired by some stuff I've read but ANYWAY. Just. I dunno I have to yap about this so I can move on and finish my calculus homework
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ivygrowncowboy · 24 days ago
a (late) january reading wrap-up
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just kids- patti smith: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
so yeah i am like every other person who has read this book. they way i view living has been changed for the better, this book is so full of life that i’m imbued with that beauty and tenacity with every word i read and all that. there aren’t any words. patti smith is an absolute wonder and i feel bit stronger having read her story and seen her art. i don’t know how to describe the emotions i felt for the reading experience or the sheer beauty of the prose…all i can say is that this book changed me for the better, line by line. 
iron flame- r*becca y*rros- no review, problematic author
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Happy Place- Emily Henry: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
re-read: oh my god. this felt like a punch to the chest and a warm hug all in one. i love this book so much 
onyx storm- r*becca y*rros- no review, problematic author
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Caraval- Stephanie Garber: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
re-read: julian is my pookie bear
that's all <3 please come yap to me about books ok thanks
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coffee-fueled-cookie · 15 days ago
Josh thinking out of all the guys he'd have the least likely of a chance of some girl even glancing in his direction. Next thing he knows this brat named Becca from some rich catholic school is yapping his ear off about her analysis on the Star Wars movies and calling him Joshie and holy shit she smiled at him-
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rebeccamix · 2 days ago
nothing will ever beat the high of typing "the end" on a first draft, particularly as a linear writer. I first came up with this idea in 2018 but set it aside; now, seven years later, I have a whole draft of a book idea that was never willing to go away.
it's also my shortest yet! 48k on the first draft? WHO IS SHE!!
MILO AND THE MONSTROUS BETWIXT will publish next summer from Simon & Schuster!
here is my actual pitch:
When Milo Huron and his little sister tumble into the Betwixt, a portal world beneath Michigan's swamps where memories are traded for magic, Milo has until the new moon to complete seven monstrous trials and rescue his sister before they’re both turned into monsters for good.
and here is my Vibes Pitch:
seven magical trials based off of a creepy old nursery rhyme, heavily inspired by The Boy & The Heron and the heart-ripping yearning for a parent who left of Tyler the Creator's Like Him – while also throwing in a weary talking sword, far too many nintendo references, a mc with crippling ADHD (i am him and he is me), a talking will o wisp with an attitude, and a girl with a spear slowly turning into a big mean bird. and of course, monsters. lots and lots of monsters!
(also bc this is a first draft all of this, including the title, may change, so Do Not Hold Me To It, this is just What It Is Currently.)
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call-me-casual · 13 days ago
So I just wanted to do a quick yap about this:
Becca doesn’t have her own Thunderbird because she is (obviously) auxiliary. Her job is to make sure that no matter what, every ‘bird has a pilot. Say something happens and one of the boys or kayo is out of the field for a bit. Normally that would mean another brother would substitute in, but THAT means there is now no one to operate their Thunderbird. This could pose a problem if those two are needed at the same time. This is where Becca comes in.
By always having someone on standby, International Rescue can always operate at maximum efficiency. She can also come in to take over if anyone is really pushing their flight hours and struggling. (Scott would sooner spray One neon orange than let his family collapse on the job he’s such a hypocrite-)
Outside of the Thunderbirds themselves, Becca is all about climbing. Not only does she have her climbing harness as part of her baldric, but her boots and gloves have incredibly strong grip (those gecko gloves from Home on the Range found a user!), meaning she can come in from any angle. To the untrained eye, it might look like she’s hurling herself down a cliff, when in reality she knows exactly what she’s doing and is actually in a very controlled descent. The details on her uniform are able to be turned on and off to communicate morse code if conditions mean that talking won’t work.
Since she works with, y’know, dragons, her uniform is also made of highly fire-resistant materials. It’s still obviously rather uncomfortable to be in fire for a long period, but short bursts wouldn’t really affect her. A monstrous nightmare could blast her in the face and she’d just be like “excuse you”.
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So this may have been on my mind for a few weeks and I may have finally gotten around to it…
Consider this an au of an au? I think?
Turns out designing IR uniforms is really fun but also bloody difficult-
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loveforpreserumsteve · 2 years ago
Most Likely (high school reunion Stucky fic)
Bucky Barnes didn't want for much. He had a stable job with full health care benefits. Sure, he had never been a morning person, and he always swore that once he'd left high school he'd never go back, but he really couldn't complain about being the automotive teacher at George Washington High. Even if he did get some little shits who expected an easy pass because they didn't think his class would hold any substance. Of course, he remembered thinking the same about a few of his own classes when he was their age, so he decided to choose his battles.
More than that, he was still thankful for Natasha. Not only was she still his best friend, but was an excellent mother to their three beautiful, intelligent, and compassionate daughters. And after seeing how some of his friends got along with their ex-spouses, he was even more thankful for Nattie. Even thankful for her new beau too because he treated their daughters as if they were his own.
So, no, Bucky Barnes might not have changed the world or done anything grandiose. But that was alright. He had never set out to do that.
The only thing that he'd do differently if given the chance would've been for him to stay in contact with Steve Rogers. The pair had been as thick as thieves growing up. Had spent Friday nights at each other's houses, stuffing their faces with popcorn and mocked Becca when the kernels would get stuck in her braces. Had defended each other when bullies teased Bucky for being a nerd or came after Steve because – well, anything really. Steve always knew how to start a fight and did his damndest to finish it without any help. However, he never succeeded at that part of his unplanned plans, and would always go a huge, long rant whenever Bucky jumped in to save his scrawny ass.
Pausing, Bucky wondered the kind of man Steve would've grown into. Had he gained any weight? Or was he still a hundred pounds soaking wet? Had he finally learn how to keep his yap closed? Or was he still fighting the good fight. As much as Bucky had hated seeing the mouthy little fucker covered in scrapes and bruises, he secretly hoped that he was still that kid that Bucky fell in love with all those years ago.
And that was the root of their fallout. Not that Steve had anything to do with it. Oh no, it was all Bucky and his jealousy's fault. Because Bucky didn't know how to be a good friend to Steve. Not really. Instead of being happy for Steve when he finally found a girl who saw all the wonderful things about him that Bucky had seen first, Bucky couldn't stand it. Every smile, every laugh, every kiss, it all felt like a stab to the gut.
So, Bucky only had himself to blame.
But he couldn't do too much of that because he was the one who got drunk at Brock Rumlow's house and tried to match Natasha shot for shot. Who knew that they'd end up stumbling into Brock's parent's bedroom and change their lives forever. Because as much as Bucky hated how he acted around Steve and Peggy, and hated how much he drank that night due to the hellacious hangover the next morning, he'd never take back what happened that fateful night. After all, it was what led to the first of the three best things that had ever happened to his life: his daughters.
Idly, Bucky wondered whatever happened to Steve and Peggy. In his wildest fantasies, he'd like to think that they never made it that far. Like they broke up before freshman orientation. Or hell, even before the first week of August, Bucky wasn't picky.
Sometimes, that made him feel even shittier about all of it. Made him feel like the hypocrite that he was. Bucky didn't have a right to wish such unhappiness on Steve. That wasn't how love worked. But sometimes his broken heart couldn't help it. It did whatever it wanted and Bucky was just there to enjoy the pathetic ride.
Because that was what he felt like whenever he thought of Steve Rogers, pathetic.
"DAD?!" One of his daughters called.
A few minutes later, his youngest, Vienna, peeked her head into the garage where Bucky sat on an old milkcrate as he worked on his baby, his sweet 2012 Harley-Davidson Softail Slim. It was the one and only purchase that he ever selfishly made, and he saved up whatever he could put aside after paying the bills and for the girls' extracurriculars. It took almost fifteen years to get it, but that just made Bucky cherish it all the more.
"How was the pool party?" Bucky asked the sixteen year old.
Revealing her braces with the large toothy grin, Vienna pulled another milkcrate up, "It was great! Although, Andy Peterson pretended to drown so one of us would give him mouth-to-mouth. It didn't work though because we could all see his chest moving, so Chanel dumped a bucket of cold water on him."
"Yeah, that sounds like something that Andy Peterson would do," Bucky confirmed, thinking about his former student and how he was always trying to scheme his way through everything. Getting back to the routine maintenance, he gave her a crooked grin, "He got exactly what he had coming to him."
Vienna giggled at that. Intently watching Bucky work, the pair sat in companionable silence while the radio played some old rock song from George Barnes's youth. Not that either of them minded. These were some of Bucky's favorite moments.
"Hey, um," Vienna started, nervously tucking her frizzy auburn curls behind her ear, "Can you take me to the movie's tonight?"
"Sure," Bucky easily agreed. "What time?"
"The movie starts at nine."
Pausing again, Bucky returned his gaze to his daughter, "That's kinda late, don't cha think?"
Shrugging, "Luke doesn't get off until eight."
"Oh," Bucky nodded to himself, finally getting it. So, it begins. Of course, he knew the day was coming. After all, Enola and Bianca had started dating around the same age. It didn't make it any easier, but it almost seemed inevitable. Vienna was the last one though. His baby. And she was growing up. Pretty soon, she'd be off at college like Bianca, or going for her doctorate like Enola.
Deciding that he was too distracted to continue babying his bike, Bucky grabbed one of the stained rags and wiped his greasy hands on it. As he stood, he headed back inside, and bypassed their overweight orange tabby, Nemo. The cat giving him a loud yowl before circling his empty fish-shaped food bowl.
Washing his hands, Bucky assured the cat, "Just a minute, Christ."
Giggling, Vienna scratched the top of the cat's head before grabbing the expensive organic cat food. Bucky dried his hands and muttered, "Damn cat eats better than I do."
Playfully, Vienna rolled her eyes and gave Nemo another scratch behind his ear. "He's just jealous of you. Don't listen to anything he says."
Shaking his head, Bucky grabbed the stack of mail. Bill. Bill. Another bill. Spam. Avon catalog for the woman who lived there in the early 2000s and has since passed away. More bills. More spam. A letter for Bianca. Extremely early birthday card for Enola. And then –
"Well, fuck me."
"What?" Vienna questioned, taking a seat at the table. Concerned, "Did someone die?"
"No, worse," Bucky exaggerated, moving over to the breakfast table. There, in his hand was an RSVP postcard. "It's my twenty-fifth high school reunion."
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soullistrations · 5 years ago
Yknow, I never thought that I would so thoroughly enjoy a story that’s basically just a pro player bullying less talented gamers—or if he’s not doing that, teaching his protégés how to bully gamers more efficiently
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smilesandsarcasm12 · 5 years ago
Some Marvel fic!
Remember how I said I was going to post come fanfic I’ve been writing? I’m going to post a bit and “test the waters” if you will.
This story is not finished and not nearly as good as some of the other stuff I’ve read out there but it brought me joy so
In short, I started thinking about Bucky’s younger sister Rebecca. What’s her story? (Obviously the comics have given her a story but the MCU hasn’t used her yet). So this is the events of TFA from her perspective. Once again it’s not done and it may connect to some broader thing but let’s go! Story begins below the slashes
Dear Bucky,
You really would try anything to get away from me. So much so, you traveled an entire ocean just so you wouldn’t have to hear my yapping. You James Barnes are impossible, the only person I truly feel comfortable around and you up and leave me here.
Now don’t go feeling all sad, as I’m sure that would make you a lousy fighter, and if you die out there I’ll kill you. Hand to god I will.
Just, just be smart, use that brain I know you have rattling around somewhere in that big head of yours and get yourself back here as soon as you can.
Steve says hello.
God, if I ended this with “I love you” I may have to hit myself over the head with a wrench.
Should I kiss the page like this is a letter from some girl of yours? Nah what lipstick would I use?
Stay safe,
For the past few months, the entire city of Brooklyn has been holding its breath.
It’s impossible not to, as more of our brothers, fathers, neighbors and friends are plucked, tapped, chosen, and shipped out.
Shipped, I chew on the word for days after Bucky leaves. It tastes metallic and is impossible to swallow. Shipped, like cargo, like livestock, like dead men. If I had a pen I’d write it down, I’d write a whole song and perform it in jazz clubs when this is all over. Provided I could sing, or write, or was pretty enough to perform at a jazz club.
Most of Bucks clients are okay with me picking up where he left off. I usually kept books for him anyway and last year started following him on jobs to learn. most of his regulars know me by now. There are a few men who, when I took over, stopped coming but I don’t mind. Bucky would have made them come back, he was always better with people than me. I’m polite enough to get jobs, but I’m not charming in the way he was… Is, I correct myself, if I speak about him like he’s dead soon enough he will be.
Ma hated it when I started working with Bucky.
“Ladies shouldn’t be smeared with oil. Pretty girl like you should be out dancing”
I’d remind her that I have neither the dress, nor the friends, to go out dancing with but it would be pointless. At least she always said I was pretty, with my dark untamable curls and eyes that can’t figure out what color they are.
I’d give a whole lot to hear her say that again.
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sailingfireshipz · 1 month ago
Into the thick of it part III here we go!
1. "I'm not asking for approval. I'm asking for help." Voight learning to work with others??
2. Duffy volunteering to help....
3. "Did you shoot my Sargeant?" Adam wasn't playing with that man. Told Stella not to waste a damn bandaid on him, lmao 😂
4. When Stella realized they were running out of air. She had been so focused and strong, but i loved how they allowed her to be vulnerable in this moment. She hit her knees & i just know she was thinking about Kelly. About everything they hadn't had time to do. Adam helped her snap back into action. Sort of need more of this duo moving forward.
4a. Sort of wish Stella would have gave a message to Kelly through morse code.
5. Becca clocking Duffy being a lying liar that lieeees. Get her a 🏅 too hell.
6. "If you talk, I'll pull you up." Welp Voights going to Voight. As their only lead goes tumbling off the side of the building.
7. Trudy is stable. Vitals are STRONG! She immediately gives up information to Voight to help track the offenders.
7a. Can we talk about the WOMEN of OneChicago absolutely being badasses this entire crossover? Regulating their emotions, saving lives, and solving crimes, like I don't ever want to hear another complaint about women being too emotional to lead.
8. Go. Go, Lieutenant. Was all Mouch needed to hear. 
9. I respect Pascal for not trying to pull that. No, you can't come because you're not thinking straight bs with Severide... nothing was going to keep him away from being a part of the rescue scene. Also, something about Mouch coming back to help Kelly rescue Stella just like Kelly refused to leave until Trudy was found.
10. Damn Duffy i was rooting for you!
11. Utterly chaos on the train at this point. I would have LOST my shit atp. Stella, hearing that they were trying to break through, i know my girl was tired atp.
12. Duffy taking Stella at gunpoint... he must not know the wrecking ball coming through that concrete wall. Duffy, you in danger 😂
13. "Fire department call out" was all Stella needed to hear & she was whooping ass!  🙌🏽 After ALL of that, when the gunshots go off, her first reaction was to check for Kelly...
14. No hard feelings, Ray? Ray: 😠
15. Bates is asking to be left with her gun.  LMAO lady, you better be happy Voight isn't taking you to an empty warehouse.
16. "We made a vow to protect this city & look what you did today"
17. Adam looking for Kim immediately. Their reunion was cute.
18. Did anyone pay attention to what was happening in the background, though? Stella tending to the kid she saved. Making sure he was OK. Even after being rescued, her focus was still on her patient! She even let him have her bunker coat. I love this lady. 
19. Stellaride reunion scene 😍 ✨️ bet Stella never has to ask more than once for anything else in her life lmao. Kelly was ready to take off into the night wherever she wanted to go.
20. Trudy already giving them hell 🥹
21. Dr. Frost speech about resilience & watching all of our OneChicago Avengers showcase it. 
22. Pascal & Voight ending it together, birds of a feather.
If you made it this far, wow, thanks for coming to my yap session! I must say this was the BEST OneChicago crossover ever 10/10 NO NOTES! Then they went & dropped that bomb of a promo for next week. Crazy to think we still have 11 more episodes to go. What does Newman have up her sleeves? Idk time will tell but I will say I'm interested & invested in what's to come. STELLARIDE NATION, just remember WINNERS never LOSE! 😌
My OneChicago crossover part I ramblings ✨️
1. Stellaride opening. First of all, i could write a few paragraphs on this 1 min 36 sec scene. From him playing in her hair to her rubbing his chest. The fact that Stella has this man cornered at the edge of the bed leaving her majority of it, yet she's still sleeping on him (that's so real). The 11x10 parrale without the nightmares. Kelly being the keeper of the alarm! The immediate banter about Pascal. Them about to be late, but Kelly is NOT moving out of that bed lmao. When he did get up, did he go grab some clothes to put on? NOPE. Went straight to his wife. Whatever you do, dont reimagine that scene, but now they have a kid they have to get ready also & Stella's in an all-out panic! I CAN KEEP GOING! 🥹
2. Mouch back from his 13x10 trip but in 13x11, which originally was supposed to be 13x12... hmmm, more thoughts on that to come.
3. Dr. Frost picked a hell of a day to do a ride along but i love that that's how he was incorporated in the episode.
4. Violet is in charge of triage yeees queen.
5. Little Miss Bates I 👀 you for who & what you ARE!
6. "I can't die yet not like this.. I haven't told him." Hmm, do we think this will have a lasting impact on Violet with Carver?
7.PLOUCH angst 🫣 How could you forget her birthday, Mouchy? "We can talk about it later." No talk about it right now, actually!
8. Stella saw Kelly & immediately knew he was off to do some nut shit.
8a. 7x02 parrale.. how dare you. The worry, "please be careful, you owe me a trip to Cancun," the cheek kiss & them touching arms before.. the only thing they could have added was Kelly saying "Always" nail in ⚰️
9. $250 million dollars on that little drive? 😵‍💫
10. TRUDY behind you. 10-1,10-1 Adam I'm hit. Mouch, hearing the call over the radio, oooh damn you. 😭
11. Severide, Mouch & Hermann refusing to leave without Trudy... ooooh, Sev, if you only knew.
12. That guy getting clocked in the head with debris ouch!
13. PLOUCH ambo scene. "Baby, don't you go. Don't you leave me. " Violets face 💔 why is everybody acting their asses off!?
14. When Carver came over the radio & said he didn't know where Kidd was. Everybody brace for impact 😵‍💫
15. "STELLA KIDD report back RIGHT NOW." Ok, what if I just die?
I'll keep saying it, but the musical score during this scene was just phenomenal. Smooth transition into part II. 👌
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