#because y’all just look silly trying to defend a racist who was bloodthirsty on genocide
sinnbaddie · 9 months
u dumb asl if u think geto couldn't have been saved had the people around him noticed his mental health declining during that year between the riko incident and his breakdown and helped with his trauma. ur dumb asl too if u think he'd be strictly opposed to having children especially his nurturing and caring younger self. and ur beyond dumb if u think he didn't gaf about his adopted daughters whom he loved with all his might. ijbol
Wrong about me being dumb asf three times actually :)
1. The whole point of Geto killing his village and breaking away from Gojo is because he chose to do this for his ideals. He didn’t just wake up and decided to kill people, he was already a person who could do that, he was just given information (from Yuki) that he already subconsciously knew. It’s also a vital lesson for Gojo to realize you can’t save people who don’t want to be saved. Geto willingly did all of this and didn’t bat an eye, he knew what he was doing and he did it with pleasure. There was no changing his mind = no saving him.
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2. Never said he’d be strictly opposed to it, but I am tired of the fandom constantly mischaracterizing him into making him only this “nurturing and kind person”. Because he’s not. Was he nice? Absolutely. But Geto’s dynamic with Gojo would not work as well if he was such a caring and nurturing person. He has many screws loose, which is why he could keep up with Gojo so well - he had many loose as well. To be a surviving jujutsu sorcerer you have to be incredibly unhinged.
3. He didn’t love these kids with all his might really. He may have cared for them in his own twisted way, but if he saw them be killed by Sukuna he would not be nearly as angry as you may think. The fact is, he saved those girls not out of the goodness of his own heart but because he snapped from how horrible non jujutsu sorcerers are. Nanako and Mimiko saw him as a savior. To them, he could do no wrong, it was an incredibly unhealthy servitude. They were unfortunately, still people he could dispose of if it truly came to that. In his lifetime it didn’t, but he never taught them anything other than serving him, they were broken children in need of genuine love and support. All Geto taught them was that killing was right. He was not a “good father” nor did he love these girls as his own children. He’s a genocidal racist, I promise you he wasn’t reading them bedtime stories and making sandwiches for their lunch.
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