#because this is what my piling workload needed
Painfully Obvious
The partner piece to Imperceptible Movements, where Emily and Aaron are just too painfully obvious.
And the one time that they weren't.
Read on AO3.
There were some benefits to profiling that Derek has used to his advantage over the course of his career. His experience in criminal psychology translated to simpler psychoanalysis - assessing whether or not his sisters were in a foul mood based on how many times they sighed in one family dinner, choosing his line at the coffee shop based on how disgruntled the cashier was acting that morning, picking his moments to swing by Penelope’s desk with their favorite Thai food when a case hits her closer to home than she would ever admit.
However, there were times where he wished he could stop his initial reflex of dissecting a person’s behavior, instinctually aware of the motivations behind their actions - especially when said person is his partner.
Even more when his said partner is dating their boss.  
He hears familiar footsteps behind him, their cadence slightly different than normal (heavier on the plant of her left foot, his still permeating with intention on every step) and Derek looks up to see Emily with a smile stretched across her lips approaching her desk with their said boss trailing behind her.
“Morning Derek.” Emily greets, a bright tone to her voice as she dropped her bag on her desk opposite him. Hotch just nods in Derek’s direction, barely glancing up from his phone as he strides towards his office.
“Morning Princess.” Derek waits for their superior to retreat fully behind the structured walls of his office, the resounding click of his door echoing in the bullpen, before glancing back at Emily, who was unpacking the paperwork she had taken home and was humming softly under her breath. “You’re in a good mood this morning.”
“And from your line of questioning, I’m starting to get the feeling that I’m a nightmare in the morning.”
“Not a nightmare, but you’re no ray of sunshine.” Emily laughs, shaking her head at Derek’s antics when he catches it. Spencer makes an additional comment about Emily’s lack of joy in the mornings and she whips her head to tut disapprovingly, her hair catching behind her ear at the movement.
It’s barely there - the slightest mismatch of skin tone residing on the juncture between her neck and ear. It’s streaked, like the color had been swiped on her skin by someone in a rush. To the untrained eye, the pigment had matched her skin to perfection - however, he catches the hurried edges of manufactured skin tone barely concealing the dark spot nestled underneath her ear lobe.
To his horror, he slowly realizes that there was more than one spot on Emily’s skin that was camouflaged. From smaller, more concealed spots to an unmistakable round bruise that curved around the side of her neck, hidden beneath thick layers of makeup.
He’s about to point it out when Hotch materializes out of nowhere next to his desk and almost makes Derek jump out of his skin.
“Prentiss? My office.” Hotch says - his use of Emily’s surname is an indication that his request for her presence was work-related. She nods, eying the team with a stern glare before following their leader to his office. The team had snapped out of teasing them whenever Hotch asked for a meeting with Emily after being on the other end of a famous Hotchner glare, which has only been utilized to stare down criminals.
(And a mildly threatening email from Emily, who had promised bodily harm if they were unprofessional in the workplace again.)
Emily returns from Hotch’s office half an hour later with less fanfare, the team focused on their own work when she rounds the corner of her desk. She lets out a small sigh of relief, letting the tension in her shoulders ease slightly at the lack of attention the team was giving her despite her private meeting with Aaron.
It’s only when she settles back into her seat that Derek chucks something small into her lap. He had thrown a small tube with concealer that was a few shades lighter than her own, its product already slightly used by someone else. Based on the shade, it was closest to the fair tint of Penelope’s skin. Emily looks up to him with a questioning look, only to be met by a teasing smirk painted on Derek’s face.
“I thought you would need a touch up soon.” His hand waves in the air, unmistakably gesturing to his own neck.
Red creeps up Emily’s neck when it dawns on her and Derek starts cackling, slapping his own knee like this was the funniest thing he’s ever witnessed. She quietly places the container on her desk before turning to her partner with a menacing look she’s only ever used within the concrete confines of interrogation rooms.
“You have 10 seconds to run before I take my service weapon and shove it up your ass.”
“I actually think I’d be into that.”
Emily answers him with her shoe hitting him squarely on the head and Hotch’s stern tone reprimanding them both from above the bullpen.
They were exhausted.
The case had been long and brutal - a series of cold-case child murders that had been haunting one county in Wyoming for over five years. The BAU was only called in when three boys had been kidnapped in the past six months, all of them found naked and skinned in unutilized farm fields around the state.
Patrick Miller was the last boy they had found. He had gone missing the day that they landed and stayed missing until he was found 150 miles away from where he was taken.
Unfortunately, they were too late.
Blow flies and their maggots had already begun the decomposition process when local law enforcement found him. Like the others, his clothes and skin weren’t in the vicinity.
The police officer that found him had 20 years on the force - he was near his squad car when the team arrived, hunched over a small pool of his vomit as the unrelenting waves of nausea from the smell of putrid flesh and the sight of subcutaneous tissue kept him from looking at the crime scene. Even some of the county’s crime scene investigators looked pale while directing the team to Patrick’s body.
It hadn’t bothered Spencer. He was able to identify that the body had been moved based on the species of blowfly that had laid larvae a few hours older than the specimens right on the surface of the body (the information was from a book on forensic entomology he once read in high school at age 10). The older larvae had embedded themselves within the boy’s muscle fibers, digging into the stale flesh during the transportation of the corpse. Even when the CSI techs had gagged as he used a gloved finger to dig into the layers of muscles in the boy’s abdomen to fish out larvae - Spencer did not give it a second thought.
It didn’t seem like it bothered the rest of the team either - this was far from being the most gruesome or cruel crime scene they’ve ever come across. The perpetrator had been caught less than 10 miles from the original crime scene. They had tracked down the origin of the blowflies and found him in a dilapidated property once owned by his family. The skins of his victims were stretched across a tanning rack and their clothes were washed and folded before being displayed in a trophy case.
The body count was higher than they initially anticipated - they only found six bodies.
There were fourteen pairs of clothes in the case.
Local law enforcement had showered them with superfluous gratitude, even though Spencer knew that this was a case that would always haunt them.
But his job was to catch their killers, not console the victims in the aftermath. His job was done.
It isn’t until they all boarded the plane that Spencer noticed the different levels of discomfort the team was dealing with. The cabin was blanketed in a heavy silence that no one wanted to break.
JJ was soft spoken, her eyes glazed in the distance and answering each question thrown her way with a tight smile and gentle nod. Their police liaison had performed her job perfectly. She hosted multiple press conferences, consoled devastated families and went out of her way to return all the clothes to each family with local law enforcement. She kept a neutral expression on at most times, but Spencer knew that she saw her own son and spun make believe stories where the same kind of tragedy befell Henry.
Rossi and Derek were sullen, their attention tuned to a book and to his music respectively. They were still making jokes at the precinct, trying to bring a semblance of normality in a situation that was the complete opposite. They chose to keep to themselves, knowing that this case wouldn’t be as hard on them because they themselves didn’t have any children.
Spencer then focused his attention on the brunette pair seated near the front of the plane, their attention solely focused on each other.
He knew that this case would probably be the most difficult for Hotch. Despite his ability to present a steely, stoic exterior, Spencer knew without a doubt that Hotch loves his son and frets constantly about his well-being.
And when four of the six victims they found were brunette and roughly the same age as Jack, it was impossible not to draw comparisons. Hotch led as he always had, unflinching and unrelenting in pursuit of the unsub, never even mentioning that he himself had a son.
But when the chaos fell away, Hotch was left to face his old demons head to head, reviving old memories Spencer is sure he probably would prefer never to remember.
In another life, Hotch probably would’ve continued to push on with paperwork, choosing to bury his suffering under mountains of reports to keep himself from thinking too much about it. But with Emily there, Spencer can see the weariness in his body language with a new clarity.
He’s never seen their leader look so tired after a case before. He had always surrounded himself with impenetrable fortresses of admin work to stop those around him from prying too deeply about his feelings, even going as far as starting write-ups the moment they stepped foot on the jet.
He soon realizes that Hotch was being vulnerable right now. Open and willing to share, his emotions laid bare for someone else to analyze, flaying his weakness open - something Spencer hasn’t seen in all the years they’ve worked together.
Emily and Hotch kept the conversation to themselves, hushed words being exchanged between the two of them. Both of their bodies were angled towards each other slightly, a dip in Emily’s brow as she listened to whatever Hotch was telling her. Her eyes softened as Aaron continued to talk and Spencer turned away, feeling like he was intruding on a moment that was only supposed to be privy to the two of them.
When Spencer glances back at them, he can see their wrists pressed against each other and it doesn’t take much deduction to figure out that they were holding hands under the table to shield their newly-outed relationship from the prying eyes of the rest of the team.
They really did need to be obvious for him to catch on.
Printer paper.
More pens.
Penelope repeats the list to herself, making the trek down towards the supply room. She had been running low on supplies for weeks now, the back to back cases filling all the blank and scrap pieces of paper she had in her office. She was due to organize them and file them away with their cases, but serial killers and rapists seemed to be on the uptick the past few weeks.
Maybe there was something about the sweltering heat that was currently blanketing most of the East Coast that made everyone more violent. If she had a violent bone in her body, she’d be swinging some punches at those who crowded her on the Metro today. It was humid and people wanted to rub their sweaty skin on each other on the train?
The supply closet is three floors below her office, tucked between Hostage Negotiation and the women’s bathroom on that floor. It was a trek for most people to get to, far and out of the way. Most of her colleagues weren’t even aware there was a supply closet as none of them apparently needed paper or pens for any of the fancy work they were doing. Penelope grumbled to herself, wondering why she couldn’t just hoard 20 reams of paper and 3 boxes of pens like she had wanted.
(Facilities shot down the idea almost immediately. Killjoys.)
She’s engrossed in her thoughts, wondering if she should get retractable pens or the normal ballpoint ones, just as the door swings open and almost knocks her in the face.
“Hey! Watch where you're…” She is about to go on a tirade on making sure there wasn’t anyone on the other side of the door before swinging it open, but her rant is stopped in its tracks when their Unit Chief emerges from the supply closet, startling Penelope.
“Oh, sorry sir. I didn’t know it was you.”
“No apologies needed, Garcia.” He says smoothly, an uneasy smile on his normally stoic expression.
The amount of smiling he had been doing lately was honestly pretty unnerving. She thinks it’s probably due to the presence of a certain brunette in his life.
“Did you need more pens too, sir?” Penelope asks, watching as their leader cleared his throat and glanced back again at the door, like he was expecting someone on the other side. The door suddenly creaks open and Emily slinks out, smoothing wrinkles off of her blouse. She stands next to Hotch, barely glancing in his direction and Hotch seemed to be okay being totally ignored by his girlfriend.
Girlfriend. It still is a bit of an adjustment since there are some days that they barely looked at each other, especially when they were on a case. Aside from the first meeting where they told everyone they were in a relationship, they certainly didn’t act like it.
At least, not in front of the team.
“Hi Pen.” She greets Penelope like Emily was passing through the hallway and stopped for a brief chat, not like Penelope just watched both her boss and good friend emerging from a supply closet. She isn’t a profiler by any means, but it wasn’t a far jump to conclude what things were happening in the supply closet that was tucked away in a corner and rarely visited by anyone in the office. The first two buttons of Emily’s blouse are buttoned wrong and their Unit Chief’s hair lacked the normal rigidity that it had.
Definitely not in front of the team.
“Look, Garcia…” Hotch finally starts to look sheepish when the realization hits Penelope’s face.
“You were… and she was…”
“Yes, I was trying to find the new pens and Hotch was helping me. Right, Hotch?” She digs an elbow into his ribs as Hotch just nods and plasters a much less genuine, more terrifying smile on his face. There is something very vaguely threatening about the look in Emily’s eye, so she just nods in agreement and stays silent as they retreat down the hallway back towards the BAU.
They were alone in a supply closet in the middle of a work day and Emily had the audacity to threaten them about unprofessional work behavior?
Penelope opens the door to the supply closet and starts picking out her materials, her mind buzzing with the gossip she can’t wait to share with JJ during lunch.
If they said that they were trying to find new pens, who was she to doubt that?
Hopefully, one of them would notice that their Unit Chief’s fly was unzipped before they went into their next meeting.
JJ yawns, cursing herself for not bringing more coffee in a travel mug as they make their way to the Hotchners.. Henry had been extremely excited the night before at the prospect of spending all day with Jack at a nearby water park, his energy bouncing off the walls and JJ wondered briefly where he got his Enegizer-bunny level energy this close to his bedtime when she and Will were exhausted by 8 PM.
This was a tradition that she and Hotch had kept up for almost two years at this point - Jack was only two years older than Henry, but Henry looked up to him like the big brother he was always asking for.
(And yes, Henry knew where babies came from (or a watered down version that excluded details) but she still had to explain that she couldn’t give Henry an older brother.)
It gave each of them a reprieve from parenting - which on top of what they do for work, sometimes felt impossible. Instead, they came up with a wordless arrangement: once a month, they would alternate who would organize some activity for the boys that would keep them occupied the whole day and bring them back absolutely exhausted.
It had saved JJ’s sanity more than once; the most recent excursion was Hotch’s brilliant idea of taking them to a children’s museum with outdoor exhibits: a racetrack with cars the kids could ride had been the highlight of Henry’s entire month and was mentioned almost every day since. It had bought JJ one day sans responsibility - that 90 minute massage she got that day had saved both her life and her relationship.
They get to Hotch’s before 7, the sun only beginning its journey crossing the sky when Henry eagerly pounds on the Hotchners’ door. JJ has to tell Henry to knock quieter because Hotch did have neighbors and she doubted they would be as excited about going to a water park as Henry was.
There's brief movement behind the door before Jack Hotchner opens it, a smile on his face that highlights the wide gap where his four front teeth should be and Hotch trailing behind him with Jack’s backpack slung over his shoulder.
“Are you ready to go?” Henry asks, foregoing any greeting. JJ shoots him a pointed look before Henry sighs and in a monotone voice says: “Morning Jack. Morning Uncle Aaron.”
“Morning Henry. Jack’s about ready to go, he just needs to finish the oatmeal left in his bowl and he can leave.” Jack begins to protest, but after a haughty look from his father, begrudgingly moves towards the kitchen as Hotch ushers JJ and Henry inside.
Hotch pours her a steaming cup of coffee from the pot he had been brewing, dropping a Splenda or two next to her cup. JJ smiles and rolls her eyes, reaching for the sugar on the counter because she can’t stand the taste of Splenda.
She did know one person who couldn’t live without it.
Her thoughts suddenly materialized in the form of a yawning Emily Prentiss, walking into the kitchen in nothing but an old worn shirt with the Yale logo stretched across the worn fabric and sleep shorts. The shirt draped her petite figure as she rubbed the sleep that still streaked her expression from her eyes.
“Hey babe, has Jack le--” Emily trails off when she realizes that Jack did not leave but rather, his guests were sitting around Hotch’s kitchen table. JJ throws her a suggestive smirk as Hotch just shakes his head in response, waiting for Emily to stand next to him before curling an arm around her waist, her hip cupped in his hand as he drops a kiss to the top of her head. He reaches over to a steaming mug on the counter and places it in her grip as Emily sighs happily.
“Hi Auntie Emmy!” Henry greets, more than familiar now with Emily’s presence in the Hotcher residence. It had actually been Henry who gave JJ the confirmation that they had been dating before they announced it to the team, when Henry had come home bouncing off the walls after visiting the International Spy Museum with Jack and said that Auntie Emmy thought he would make a great spy.
“Morning Henry.” Emily says in return, peeling herself from Aaron’s side to kiss Henry on the cheek as she cupped his cheek to press her affection into the 4 year olds soft skin. Henry squeals excitedly as Emily does it again before turning to Jack.
“Morning Jack.” Emily turns to Jack and mirrors her greeting to Henry. The eight year old seemed unphased by the affection, but JJ saw the slight quirk at the corner of his lips and the soft tone to Hotch’s normally rigid expression.
Emily looked like she had always belonged here - like her presence was as constant in this apartment as the two who lived here. Jack announces that he’s done with breakfast and with a nod of approval from Aaron, eagerly grabs his backpack from his father and grabs Henry’s hand to tug him towards the front door. They all laugh at the boys’ excitement, Jack speaking a mile a minute at all the different slides he wanted to go on and Henry eagerly listening.
As Hotch tries to tell them the basic rules for that day (forever the rule follower), she slinks back to where Emily is leaning against the kitchen entryway with a slight smile and fresh cup of coffee as she watches the scene in front of her unfold.
“So how long has it been since you moved in?” JJ asks, secretly delighted that Emily’s eyes widen in a slight panic. There’s a beat of silence, before Emily blows a breath and laughs nervously.
“Two months ago.” Emily admits before JJ smiles and says that she’s happy for them. Just as she’s about to turn and leave, Emily asks:
“How the fuck did you find out?”
“C’mon Em. There’s an appointment reminder on Hotch’s fridge for a wellness exam. It’s conveniently located five minutes from your address, but why would the appointment reminder be here and not at your apartment?”
“You’re a terrifying profiler. Why did Aaron let you be a profiler when it eventually would come back to bite him in the ass?”
The aforementioned man just looks at them quizzically as they both suddenly roar with laughter.  
They had both been acting differently the past few days.
Not weird, or suspicious, but different.  
Aaron had dropped off a cup of coffee at her empty desk this morning with Dave watching from his office as he lingered for a moment longer than he normally would before the phone ringing in Aaron’s office had beckoned him back. Emily stopped by Aaron’s office yesterday afternoon once most of the team had gone for the day, as she had always done since the beginning of their relationship, but he could hear faint mutterings between them and paper rustling as they held what sounded like an official meeting just between the two of them. They were exchanging glances more than they normally did, their eyes finding each other in almost every meeting they had attended today.
He had figured out that they moved in together the day after they had done it, when Emily had come in smelling faintly of Aaron’s body wash and her clothes were neatly pressed with the same rigor he saw in Aaron’s dry cleaned suits. Both parties were understandably upset that he had figured it out but he swore that he wouldn’t tell the team anything unless they wanted to. Since then, he’s prided himself as the resident expert in all things Hotchniss-related.
(Hotchniss was their boat name, or something to that effect, that Penelope had dubbed the pair the day they came out as dating.)
So he kept a more focused eye on the two throughout the day, determined on finding out what kind of dalliance had kept the two occupied. They fell into their normal routine - walking in together with Emily goofing around with the rest of the team in the bullpen while Hotch gave them a stiff greeting. The team had meetings to discuss cases, where Dave would watch Aaron glance over to Emily while Derek was giving his report on the serial rapist case in Garland and she purposefully avoided his gaze, glancing down at the file in front of her. At lunch, Emily chose to dine with JJ and Garcia while Aaron worked through budgets in his office and she dropped off a sandwich at his desk before retreating back to her own.
It wasn’t till the end of a work day on Thursday that Dave realized why they were acting so differently. Aaron was standing by her desk as the day slowly bled into the night, waiting for her after the rest of the team had already gone home. Dave had been held back in his office by the bottle of bourbon in his cabinet and a long-winded call with his agent about his next book release (and just a smidge of curiosity).
It didn’t take long for Emily to emerge from the elevators, a soft smile crossing her features when she spots Aaron waiting for her at her desk.  Her body physically relaxes at the sight of him; her shoulders easing from their squared up posture and her jaw slackening as she makes his way towards him. Dave can see the same amount of relief in Aaron - the crease in his forehead flattening itself out as his hand extends towards her, tugging her into him as she laughs. Her arms wrap around his waist, her smile tilted to one side as Aaron smiles and kisses her tenderly. He untangles her from around him and simply holds her hands in his, thumbs brushing over her knuckles and that’s when Dave sees it.
The brush of his thumb repeatedly over a single spot: the knuckle on her left ring finger.
The next day, Dave walks into Aaron’s office once most of the team had already left, leaving Aaron doing paperwork and Emily keeping him company on the couch. They both look up at him, brows furrowed at the sight of champagne that he offers up to them along with crystal glasses he brought from home because clearly, this called for celebration.
“Did your book deal finally go through?” Emily asks when he pours them each a hefty glass of champagne.
“Actually, this is something better.” Dave says, watching as Aaron and Emily exchange questioning looks before he raises up his glass for a toast.
“To the future Mr. and Mrs. Hotchner.”
The silence is heavy for a moment, before Emily groans and downs the champagne in one swig.
“Shit.” Emily sighs before reaching for her wallet on Aaron’s desk and pulling out $20. She slaps it on the desk before her head hangs heavy in her hands, like she had lost a large sum of money. Just as Dave is about to reach for it, Aaron takes it from under his palm and pockets it into his suit jacket.
“I win.” Aaron says, barely a smile on his face as he continues his paperwork. Emily is seething as Dave is just left confused.
“He wins?” Dave asks as Emily sighs and reaches over to down the rest of the drink Aaron probably wasn’t going to touch.
“Yeah, we bet $20 that you’d profile us to figure out we were engaged. Aaron bet that you’d barge into the office to tell us, I bet that you’d make a big deal of it in front of the team when we announced it at the end of the week.” Dave just blinks wordlessly as Emily pours herself more of the extremely expensive champagne he had procured for the event.
“You were betting on me finding out?” Dave asks in disbelief. Emily nods, gesturing to Aaron.
“It was his idea - to prove who the better profiler is.”
“I need to hear you say it.” Aaron says, a devilish smile dancing on the corner of his lips even as he continues to retain his focus on the paperwork in front of him.
“Need to hear me say what?” Dave asks as Emily mumbles something under her breath.
“I can’t hear you.” Aaron says and Dave can see the annoyance starting to form on Emily’s face, paired with a slight sigh.
“ You’re the better profiler.” Emily says through gritted teeth. Aaron laughs and reaches for the champagne, extending his empty glass to Dave and reclining into his chair.
“Miracles do happen.” He says, reclining in his chair and propping his feet on the desk as he basks in his victory.
“It would also be miraculous if we were the only couple who go into a marriage already sexless.”
Two years later
“Do you know why they called this meeting? Do we have a new case?” Derek asks, strolling in with a fresh cup of coffee. JJ shrugs from her spot already seated at the roundtable with the rest of the team. The only two people who were noticeably absent were the Hotchners, who had both called this meeting.
Emily had transitioned earlier this year as Unit Chief of Domestic Terrorism after almost two years of working as a Supervisory Special Agent for their unit. HR had been less than pleased when they had told them that they were involved after they had already gotten engaged and said that due to a conflict of interest, it was impossible for them to continue to work in the same unit. Luckily, both Emily and Hotch had expected that that would be the reaction to their relationship, so Emily had been in talks with the Domestic Terrorism team in the early days of their engagement and her experience with Interpol was hard to ignore. Emily had transitioned from the fifth floor to the fourth floor before their wedding and had been working there ever since.
As if sensing that they had been summoned, the Hotchners opened the door to the roundtable. Emily takes a seat at the table as Hotch makes his way to the front of the room. .
“Is there a terrorism case we’re being brought into?” Reid asks as Emily and Hotch exchange glances, both their expressions difficult to read. Hotch shakes his head.
“Not exactly. We’re bringing a new team member in, part as both Domestic Terrorism and BAU.” Hotch starts, as Emily nods and stands up to take her place by her husband. The two gold rings on her left ring finger glints brightly under the fluorescent light.
“Where did you find someone? Interpol?” Dave asks, curiosity suddenly piqued. They had been searching for an additional headcount for a while - Dave was set to go on a 32 stop book tour and was choosing to step down from the BAU as a full-time agent and pivot as a consultant. All of the people they’ve interviewed so far could not get past Reid, who went out of his way to make sure that the person they hired could keep up with him.
“No, not Interpol. It was a joint effort between me and Hotch.”
“Did they come highly recommended?” Derek asks as Emily just shrugged.
“We’re not sure of their credentials, but we do have a picture of the candidate.” Emily says, gesturing to JJ as she nodded and pulled up a grainy picture on the screen.
“Meet the newest member of both the BAU and Domestic Terrorism Unit.”
It was a sonogram with a few words printed underneath:
Baby Hotchner, Coming This Fall
“You’re pregnant? ” Penelope squeals, nearly knocking Reid over as she cuts through every member of the team to hug both the Hotchners. They laugh and pat her on the back, an odd sense of relief befalling the room.
“It’ll be four months this Thursday.” Emily says, as the rest of the team gathers around the pair to shower them with congratulations and questions.
“Hotch is going to let you keep working?” JJ asked as she wrapped two arms around Emily’s waist for a tight hug. She knew how much her friend had struggled when they first got married, stunned with the realization that she had wanted kids but she had only wanted them with the right person. But her doctors had told her that it was an uphill battle, wrought with uncertainty and potential heartache.
She had gotten sick with a bad case of stomach flu, or so she had thought. For a solid week, their toilet was her sole companion and Aaron was worried enough to sideline her until her symptoms started to ease. When she fainted one weekend while they were home, Aaron insisted that she go to the doctor. The bored resident casually told them that they were pregnant, unaware of the bomb that he had dropped in their lives. JJ had just discovered by accident, after entering the first floor bathroom before getting into the elevator right as Emily emerged, wiping the corner of her lip with the back of her hand. It was too easy to put together the pieces from there, especially since she herself utilized the first floor bathroom to get herself through her first few months with morning sickness.
“I think I’m fighting a losing battle, especially about going on cases.” Emily murmurs quietly as JJ just laughs, Hotch’s overprotective nature unsurprising to them both.
“How long have you guys known?” Derek asks, surprised at how far along Emily already was. He hadn’t noticed her act any differently - still had her morning cup of coffee, no new aversions to food, and she hadn’t complained at all about feeling ill from the morning sickness.
“About two months, I think, give or take.” Hotch says, his hand going to Emily’s lower back as she tilted a smile up at him.
“You’ve known for two months ?” Dave says in disbelief. Emily nods, a wide smile on her face as everyone on the team looked perplexed that they’d hidden it from all of them. It was a conscious effort on her and Aaron’s part - one that had rivaled the effort she put into finding Valhalla, when she knew every move she made could potentially be scrutinized by the best behavioral analysts in the country.
“How come you all forget that I embedded myself in a terrorist organization for almost two years and did not get caught or outed? We can keep a secret, y’know.”
“Oh my God.” Penelope said, suddenly gasping as everyone in the team turned to her with concern. “This was a joint effort between you and Hotch?”
“That’s disgusting.” Derek moans.
“I think I’m going to throw up.”
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dotster001 · 1 year
Hi i don't know, if your requests are still open, if not you can ignore it or do it whenever you want.
Just readed your prompt, when reader suddenly passes out with Vil, Jamil, Floyd and Rook. I was wondering, if you could write something similar for Malleus, Lilia and maybe the teachers Trein and Crewel?
(I'm happy you enjoyed those! And I hope you like these too!)
Part One Part Three
CW:Burnout (obviously), mental breakdown/trauma in Trein's part, spoilers for Vargas training camp in Trein's part, injury in Crewel's part
A/N: I've said this in my pin post, but I age up characters to actual college age, because I am in college, and didn't realize until a few months in the characters were not. Everyone here is. 18+ If it makes you feel more comfortable, imagine this as a grad school situation.
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He's been pouting a lot lately. Which for a normal person wouldn't be a problem, but Mal's pouting usually meant that the weather was bad as well. He was pouty, because whenever you had time in your incredibly busy schedule to see him, you still had to be working on your homework. With everything Crowley had you do for the school, you had to share your "dragon time" with your "homework time". But your boyfriend looked very cute pouty, so part of you wasn't too upset about it.
Until the day you were so busy with something that you hadn't eaten or slept in over 24 hours and just…collapsed during dragon/homework time.
Malleus immediately panics. He assumes you have had a heart attack and died (Mal…college students are unlikely to have heart attacks)  Once he finds a pulse, and sees your breathing, he scoops you up and teleports to Lilia faster than he has ever teleported.
He's sobbing as he answers Lilia's questions, not entirely certain that this wasn't something he did. Lilia easily is able to figure out what has happened, and goes to make you some soup for when you wake up. Malleus is too relieved to think about the fact that while Lilia's soup will have loads of protein, it might send you into shock. In the meantime, he puts a cool cloth on your forehead, and caresses your cheek.
After you wake up and barely survive the soup Malleus spoon feeds you he tucks you into his massive comfy bed (you can't tell me he doesn't have the fluffiest comforters) and then…vanishes.
From here on out, everytime you get a task from Crowley, it's already finished by the time you get around to it. It's weird, but it means you have time to keep homework separate from "dragon time". Which makes a certain fae very happy.
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Lilia has spent years learning how to care for humans, especially since most of them *cough* Silver *cough cough* Y/N are not good at caring for themselves.  While his recipes are terrible, he is right in some ways about making sure to get all your nutrients. While it can feel a little patronizing sometimes, he is right that you need sleep. While he is a little unorthodox in how he has fun, he's right that you need to have leisure time and do things you enjoy.
What you don't know is that behind the scenes Lilia has already been having regular arguments with a certain Crow about your workload. When two fae fight, it's never good, but you don't have to worry about what's going on.
Azul and the tweels get called back home out of nowhere, and now you're in charge of all the paperwork that he is usually in charge of handling, both for the lounge and for the other Housewarden's. Lilia sees less and less of his sweet human, and he's suspicious part of it is because you are avoiding him, knowing full well he would make you take a break.
He has to admit, your avoiding skills are actually pretty good. So he's not actually there when you collapse. And he's furious. Especially when he finds out that Crowley also decided to add his own paperwork to your ever growing pile. He only knows you collapsed when he hears some randos gossiping about how "the prefect collapsed running laps today, and the idiot duo had to walk them to the infirmary." He's immediately flying to the infirmary, powered by his pure rage.
He knows it's not your fault, especially since you have nothing to your name in this world, so it's easy to manipulate you into this position. So he does his best not to take his anger out on you as he watches you sip apple juice that the nurse gave you, while you do your best to keep your eyes open. Once he is certain that the nurse has things under control, he kisses your forehead, and asks you if you want him to bring you anything.
While he's out getting you a treat, he makes a stop at a certain Crow's office. From here on out you don't see a lot of him. You are a little worried that Lilia may have killed him, but everytime you ask him, he giggles and messes up your hair, before telling you how silly that is.
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He's harder on you than he is on most of his students, partially so that no one can claim favoritism, partially because you are just so far behind in history (having it not be your history) that he has to give you extra work and lessons to catch you up. But as a trade off, he tries to be a step ahead of Crowley whenever he can. There's little that happens in the school that he's unaware of, so he's usually able to protect you from his foolish boss.
Until you get sent to the training camp with the sports clubs to assist Vargas. He's furious about this last minute decision, that Crowley conveniently forgot to tell him about, and he's even more angry when he later finds out that you were "kidnapped" and then immediately had to fight a creature in the mines. 
Naturally, your mental health is not so great after the trip. He's starting to see it on your face when you both hang out, and even if he didn't, your work for his class is deteriorating, if you even turn it in at all. 
Then you break down one day when he asks you about it. He can't understand a word you're saying as you sob and yell and shake. But he's pretty sure he has the idea. You've been pushed too far. He sends Lucius to fetch a nurse or counselor , or heck he's sure even Sam would have something to help you relax enough to just breathe. In the meantime, he wraps his arms around you and tries to walk you through breathing exercises, while whispering some praises to you that you can't comprehend in this state, but appreciate all the same.
After someone gives you a potion that helps you relax a little, he leaves you to rest on his office couch with Lucius in charge, and he holds a meeting with the rest of that staff about what's not appropriate to put people through. (Essentially it's Crewel and Trein yelling at Vargas and Crowley about trauma and what their job is supposed to be) 
This never happens again. You continue to have extra work from Trein, but he always ensures he makes time to help you, or give you a soothing tea if he thinks you're starting to drop back into the bad mental state. If you do, he holds you close, and says nothing, while allowing you to spill whatever is plaguing you. 
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Prior to him dating you, you had denied his request many times to financially sponsor you. Now that you were together, it was harder to come up with an excuse for him not to. So he'd purchased Ramshackle and renovated it. He'd taken up the expenses for your schooling and food (after much argument  he'd also taken up Grim's) and after several discussions about the future of your relationship, he'd begun helping you through the process of becoming a citizen in a world that had no proof of your existence (a pain and a half, but there was nothing he wouldn't do for his beloved pup). In doing all this, he'd made it very clear to the Headmage that he had no hold over you, and therefore couldn't coerce you into anything.
Divus knew he was a fool for leaving you alone for a week. He had assumed that Crowley had nothing on you anymore, and that he could go help a smaller fashion designer that showed a lot of promise get their career off the ground. At first he was only going to be gone for a week, but it quickly turned into two, then three. He should have recognized the tension in your voice when you'd asked him over the phone when he thought he'd be back. 
When he finally returned, he thought he'd surprise you by showing up where he knew you'd be hanging out with your friends. He'd bought a ring for you that he was particularly pleased with, and he wanted you to have it as soon as possible. His plan was dashed as he watched you collapse into Howl, who immediately started to panic.
With a clear voice Divus took over the scene, picking you up and carrying you to his office where he had all manner of potions. As he pressed one to your lips, he noticed a cast on your arm. He'd ask about it later. 
When you woke up, you wrapped your arms around him, and whispered how much you missed him. He asked what happened, and you tell him how you broke your arm in yet another overblot incudent, and had been working like crazy for Crowley to pay off the medical expenses. 
You've never been scared of your lover. But his eyes were practically glowing with rage, and now you were starting to wonder if you should be scared. Divus does not accept cruelty to animals or humans. And, he keeps his receipts. It's not long before there's a pretty hefty case and Dire is removed as headmage for coercion and endangerment. After that, there aren't any more overblot incidents and the students seem more mentally healthy. How about that?
He decides to wait to give you the ring until you're fully recovered after everything. But he's certain when he asks you the question that comes with it, you'll have an answer he likes. Especially when you nuzzle into him so sweetly while you nap in his office.
Tag list-@shytastemakerthing @stygianoir @leonia0 @lleoll
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I know you can be louder than that (Lucifer)
BIG warnings for this one guys! Major NSFW! Minors, Do NOT Interact! Warnings: FEM!AFAB MC, Semi public sex, voyeurism. Lucifer uses MC to punish his brothers, mentions of pact use.
Summary: Lucifer's had a helluva week, his brothers have done nothing but contribute to the chaos. MC's been doing her best to help, but maybe he's got one more use for his favourite human.
Lucifer is tired.
This is not news, he's a hardworking demon with enough on his plate on a good day to make lesser demons buckle, but this week had been...hellish, for lack of a better word.
The prince has been swamped with extra requests from the house of lords, which means Lucifer has been swamped with Student Council papers which would otherwise be Diavolo's workload, as well as his regular duties, and on top of that, his brothers have wrought absolute havoc.
Asmodeus started an internet fight with some important modelling agency which needed smoothing over, Belphie missed roughly 80% if his classes this week, Beel caused damages in three separate restaurants after eating their entire stock, and of course Mammon sold one of Lucifer's cursed records.
Lucifer hasn't even had the time to track the record down again and punish his brother properly because he's so swamped, and his only saving grace-
"Can I come in?"
MC pops her head in, having knocked gently at the door, a wrapped package tucked under her arm and a steaming mug balanced carefully in her hand.
She's giving him that look, the look of a woman who knows he's overworked and stressed and wishing he could do literally anything else.
"That depends, have you more news of my brothers causing further damage to our reputation?" Lucifer huffed, to which MC chuckled.
"Your brothers are in the dining room, doing their damned homework and student council papers that they've neglected lately." MC explained, handing him the mug of steaming coffee and sliding the slim package onto his desk.
"And how in the Devildom did you manage that?"
MC chuckled and perched herself on the edge of his desk beside him, her leg brushing his. She met his gaze, and her eyes swam with the colours of his brother's magics. She's used her pacts.
Rarely does MC use those pacts to get the brothers to do anything, more often she can talk them into behaving, but she's been stretched just as thin as Lucifer trying to keep things under control.
Lucifer chuckled, his gaze alight with pride in his little human's use of her power and sipped his coffee before drawing his attention to the envelope. "And this?"
MC watched him open it with eager eyes as he slid the missing record from its case. "That was harder to track down than I thought it would be. Mammon gave the buyer back their grimm."
"You are a wonder, MC." Lucifer couldn't help but grin, inspecting the record for damage. It was still in immaculate condition, a trace of her magic still clinging to it protectively. He slid out from behind his desk and slid the record back into its rightful place on the shelves of his office attached to the library.
He looked back at his desk, the pile of papers still awaiting him, and the smiling human perched beside it, smiling at him, legs dangling over the edge of his desk.
He stepped closer, and MC spread her legs to let him step between her thighs, his gloved hand sliding over her cheek, smiling as she leaned into him.
MC's hands slid up his chest, settling around his neck to play with the hair at the back of his neck. "What do you need from me, Luci?"
His heart swelled, cold and unfeeling as it had once been. Dear human, who already does so much for his family, whose absence he's convinced would spell the end of the world.
Lucifer's hands slid to her hips, drawing her closer. What does he need?
He needs those papers to disappear, he needs his brothers to learn their place, he needs a damned break, but none of that could happened-
Or maybe it could.
MC arched a brow as the demon's eyes damned near lit up, and his magic reached out, pulling his office door open. She thought he'd ask her to leave, but instead, Lucifer came down upon her with a passion, his lips crashing into hers in a searing kiss as he stole the breath from her lungs.
He pushed her down until she was flat on his desk, stationary and papers shoved carelessly aside. More work for later? Perhaps, but he's got something else on his mind now.
Lucifer nipped at her lower lip, smirking at the quiet whimper she let free. "Correct me if I'm wrong, my darling, but my idiot brothers are all gathered in the dining room, correct?"
"And they cannot leave without your permission, correct?"
MC gulped, realising what he was getting at, why he'd opened the door...the other 6 have only the library between them, and the doors are all open.
The first born dove for her neck, one hand nimbly unbuttoning her shirt, exposing her soft skin as sharp teeth nipped marks into her delicate skin.
The material of his gloves raised gooseflesh in his wake as he cupped her breast and squeeze, thumb and forefinger gently tugging at her sensitive nipple as the cold air greeted her.
MC whined, tangling her fingers in the demon's hair, her nails gently scraping against his scalp as he shoved his hips forward, grinding against her clothed heat.
"Lucifer, they'll hear!"
"You're damned right they will." He growled against her skin, nipping at the shell of her ear, smattering hungry kisses against her skin. "They've acted like menaces all week, they deserve punishment in kind."
MC would have laughed at the pettiness of Lucifer's actions if not for the sight of him pulling off his gloves with his teeth, his gaze dark with lust as heat shot down her centre and she squirmed against the desk.
This was out of character, for Lucifer to flaunt her so to his own brothers, but perhaps the stress of the week had piled up enough. He needs a release, and he's chosen her.
His bare fingers were cold against her hips as he pulled at her waistband, demanding she lift her hips while never forcing her. She could always stop him, if she wished.
MC lifted her hips for him to slide her leggings down her legs, reaching hungrily for him, but Lucifer took her hands and guided them to her knees, his eyes on her quickly wettening centre.
"Hold yourself open for me, love..." The Avatar of Pride dropped to his knees, sinking his teeth into her soft thigh, driving another whine from her lips as he dragged a finger through her glistening folds.
Lucifer wasn't one for teasing, not when he knows what he wants, but he paused barely an inch away from her heat. "May I, my darling?"
"Yes, please...Lucifer!" She gasped and arched as he dove forward, licking a long stripe from her entrance to her pearl, collecting her wetness on his tongue before circling her clit with confident strokes.
Saccharine moans tumbled from her lips, clinging to the backs of her knees, keeping herself open for him as Lucifer suckled at her clit.
She felt the tug at her magic, the brothers had noticing something was off.
As if Lucifer had sensed the shift in her magic, he licked more firmly, lightly dragging his teeth over her sensitive skin, drawing a muffled yelp from MC as she struggled to keep hold of those leashes. "Luci-I can't-"
"You can hold them." He filled his palms with the globes of her ass, yanking her closer to him so he could gorge himself properly. "And I know you can be louder than that."
MC's eyes went wide, but the demon buries his face in her cunt and shoves his tongue inside her, curling it just right and she sang for him, her voice flowing free as she forced her will behind her magic and slammed down on the pacts. Those brothers had driven her mad all week, she wasn't above petty revenge.
Pride surged in Lucifer's chest as he wrapped an arm around her trembling thigh, fingers toying with her clit as his tongue plunged in and out of her heat, his own desire restricted by his trousers as he chased the pleasure out of her, relishing every cry that fell from her lips, every shiver and whine.
His brothers could hear, his phone was exploding in his pocket, and Lucifer was glad of it, they got to hear what they could not have. He couldn't think of a better punishment.
Her walls quivered around his tongue, close to her end, and with his eyes he demanded she be loud, and his dear, sweet, reliable human delivered.
She tumbled over the edge, practically wailing his name and other pornographic noises and she tumbled over the edge, her slick wetting Lucifer's chin as he drove her through her orgasm.
"Don't relax too much, my darling. My brothers haven't been punished enough."
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divinefeminine-card · 7 months
What requires your immediate attention right now?
Today, in this general reading we shall know what requires your immediate attention right now. Please, take what resonates. Choose the card or cards which appeals to you the most or jumps out to you the most, or any other method if you do one.
Please like and reblog if this pac resonated with you in any way!
Good Luck 🤞🏻🍀
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Pile goes from left to right.
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Pile 1
Hello Pile 1!
Let's get into your reading~
Cards: The Lovers, 10 of Cups, 10 of Pentacles.
I believe your immediate attention is required by your personal life. Your relationships. I am not even saying any specific one. It's for all. Your romantic relationship, your friendships and your family relations and every relationship which you adore. This needs your immediate attention. Maybe you have been ignoring this due to workload, stress, anxiety and what not. Please try to refocus on your personal life. You will get some clarity for good. And some much needed rest from all the chaos. Your people are there for you pile 1. No matter the actual relation, your people are your family. There are two 10s, so I believe your personal life sort of completes you~ (whatever you perceive it to be 💕)
All the very best 👍🏻
Pile 2
Now onto my pile 2!
Cards: 9 of Pentacles, 5 of Pentacles, 10 of Wands, King of Pentacles.
My pile 2, the energy I got from you guys was a scattered one, a stuck one. I feel like, you guys are badly out of touch with yourself. You might need to seriously reconnect with yourself. Even with nature. Do you like animals? Perhaps. You might get significant joy from being in blissful solitude with yourself. Take some time out. Go somewhere, anywhere, even a simple walk will help you. I am getting this again. Do you guys have pets? If yes go with them. Pet, animal energy is very strong with this pile. I believe your spirit guides are looking out for you. Trust in them and have trust in yourself love! You are good, you are gonna do good.
Have faith in yourself 💕
Pile 3
Hello my lovely pile 3~~
Cards: 2 of Pentacles, Page of Wands, 9 of Pentacles
What I am getting is, your immediate attention is required by your work life I believe. You might have several tasks at hand. You might be juggling between them so much so that there is a great disbalance in your life because of that. Your mind is so occupied with all the work you have in your hands that you might not be even giving as much as you want to, to your work and even life circumstantially. The thing you need to do is, clear out your mind. Try to organise anything you can. Take small steps and start from there. Then, maybe the daunting and never ending may not be so horrifying. Balancing is the key here. Take only how much you can do. Might have to say no to a few offers.
You can do it pile 3! 💕
Pile 4
Hello my pile 4 🤗
Cards: 8 of Pentacles, 8 of Wands, 7 of Cups, Death ♾️ Rebirth.
This pile is giving me high school, college, any educational or vocational institutions vibe, AND anyone in a transition phase of their life regarding their career.
So as I said, your immediate attention is required by your studies, decisions and skills. For most of you I sense, you all are working hard and burning the midnight oil lamp. And I am so proud of you for that. I also, sense you might have many options on which way to go. It's just all too confusing. I connect with you deeply on this. What I suggest is, you can and will be awesome at whatever you are passionate about. Like listen, if you like something you are willing to work damn hard for it, you know passion ignites the flames so high and beyond in you all!! This transition phase will prove crucial to you. Think and think thoroughly, calmly.
Wishing for the best 🤞🏻
Pile 5
Hello my pile 5 :D
Cards: 6 of Cups, Ace of Cups, Ace of Swords, 8 of Swords.
My pile 5, you guys might be feeling, very much out of control I think. Might as well be feeling very very much suffocated with everything going around you. You know when the present comes to bite you, sometimes retreating back to older times, to where your heart lies is the best deal you can do/choose. And that's what you need to do. People from past, from whom you haven't talked to in months, years. Seeing photo albums, physical, online. Reminiscing about the past and thinking about the good times might be what you just need to do. Go deep in your mind and unlock the golden memories, who knows you might be in more in tune and control than you think.
Your heart is supposed to be in tune with you ❤️
Pile 6
Hello my lovely pile 6~~
Cards: 7 of Pentacles, Page of Swords, 3 of Wands, 8 of Swords.
My pile 6, have you been getting distracted from your path? I understand, it can get difficult and lonely while carving your path with patience meticulously. But, no one knows better than you on how much this all means to you. No one knows better than you on how hard you have worked for this, and how far you have come with so much resilience. I saw 11:11 right now, this might be the confirmation. Your brain, mind and intelligence will take you far and wide. Have trust in them and in yourself. You are a warrior. Like really, I am getting the vibes. The one who knows all the tactics and looks at the obstacles with eyes of determination. This is what you are. Keep working and going ahead, rest once in a while. You will do good, you will get better. Nothing can stop you now.
I believe in you ❤️
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Thank you everyone who saw and participated in this pac reading! Mind you, this was my first pac. Please, any kind of feedback is always very very appreciated!! Whatever resonated, didn't resonate or anything you might want to say with this. My ask box is open.
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you're confused about your emotions ? me too babe, here's a quick reading
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I chose random images from my pinterest to read into your energy so you can choose randomly aswell, whatever speaks to you♡ also Idk what's with the 2016 songs today but I kept hearing random ones throughout this reading maybe there's some resonance for you
Pile 1
The Moon🌜
first off I'm hearing that song "we don't talk anymore" by Charlie Puth. So maybe you're dealing with some kind of loss right now, maybe a breakup, a fight with a loved one, a new chapter meaning you have to leave someone behind a little... if this is the case, or similar, allow yourself to be "thrown off" a little, those kinds of situations take adjusting and remember that nothing has to be forever. where I come frome we say : "thunderstorms clear the air" meaning that after a fight there's great potential for healthy communications and solving problems once and for all, for a peaceful and harmonic environment♡ A reading about your emotional state and I pull the moon, how well fitting. The answer truly lays on the inside with this one. no one can tell you how you truly feel exept for yourself! (and maybe your therapist) I think for most of you there's a new season starting and you're realising that it can't be all returning characters. Take some time to heal your relationship with relationships and analyze what and who is truly of good value to your life. you got this!
Pile 2
four of swords🗡 and page of pentacles🪙
for you I'm hearing that song "cold water" with Justin Bieber. And you actually need to take a jump into cold water. There's something you've been manifesting and now that it's slowly getting closer you're resisting the change. Maybe by refusing to let go ? It's like little kids now around Christmas, you can actually watch this happen with slight alterations, all the time. Their parents take them to the toystore so they can see what they like, and they child ofcourse find something but their parents tell them okay now time to go home and wait and see if Santa will bring it. But the kid clings to the shelves and doesn't wanna leave behind the thing they so desperately wanted. Little does it now that their parents just need to get them out of sight so "Santa" can buy the gift and deliver it WHEN IT IS TIME. let go of obsessing, overthinking and trying to "go the right path" and just let the story unfold, take it step by step even if its a little scary and you'll find yourself where you're supposed to be, you're so close already♡
Pile 3
seven of swords🗡
It's too heavy darling you can't carry all of that. You might think you do and you think you're so strong and abundant and successful for "having" all of that but then you wouldn't be feeling like this, would you? A burden, too much responsibility, too many goals or to do's for a person who only has 24hours in a day. I know the card typically speaks about actual betrayal but in this case it feels a little paranoid, like you're desperately trying to do it all on your own because your scared of beeing betrayed or someone messing with your vision or even catching evil eye. For you I'm hearing "Lady Marmalade" yk from Moulin Rounge !? I'm not sure how that fits in here and I never watched the movie but oh well, maybe you know what to do with this information. There could be something about sisterhood and sharing a problem (could be workload or talking about problems...). You might have that lonely wolf mindset, but no matter how strong you are, out there, beeing alone can get you killed. I keep seeing pictures of spiritual communities and churches, you might wanna be looking for something like a mediation or yoga class, bible study group, a coven.... depending on your beliefsystem! you're right not everyone is your friend but also not everyone is your enemy!
ps. reading back this comes off a little weird and I feel like I need to say this. please don't join a cult lol. If you are in some kind of group and things feel off, please take care of yourself♡
hope that helped <3
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vodika-vibes · 5 months
Do It For Me
Summary: You are a Forensic Scientist who has been put in charge of the lab for Coruscant in spite of your youth and your relative inexperience. Due to budget cuts and the fact that there's so much crime on Coruscant, you are severely overworked. Hound takes an issue with that.
Pairing: Pre-ARF Trooper Hound x F!Reader
Word Count: 1837
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: I was writing a Fives fic and it was turning into hot garbage, so I wrote something else instead. And I'm in a Hound mood for some reason. AND I made a new divider for this story specifically.
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You are severely overworked. 
You know this. You’ve known this for years. And yet no one seems all that interested in making it better.
You thought, hoped, prayed, that the creation of the Coruscant Guard was going to lessen your workload.
It didn’t. In fact, it just made you busier.
Now there are a lot more men out there investigating crimes, and sending their evidence to your lab, and the same number of techs trying to analyze the evidence.
The turnover rate at your lab is, frankly, embarrassing. 
You’re the employee who’s been here the longest, and you’ve only been here for two years. The fact that you’re now in charge of the lab, at barely 24 years old, is horrifying.
But none of the people who trained you were willing to stay.
And you can’t even keep new hires around for longer than a couple of months.
In fact, you once had a recent graduate that you interviewed and hired, who took one look at her to-do stack, and resigned. She worked less than an hour. You hadn’t even had time to finish filing her paperwork before she resigned.
It was impressive. 
But as impressive as it was, it didn’t help with the fact that you’re one person doing the job of five.
You haven’t seen your apartment in a week.
You haven’t had a vacation since you were hired.
You haven’t slept more than 6 hours a night in over six months.
And still, still, the work keeps piling up.
At this point, every time you close your eyes, you see blood splatter and blaster round trajectory and dead bodies. Every night for the last week, you’ve had nightmares about the morgue-
You need a break.
But, in the end, it doesn’t matter what you need. Because crimes keep happening, people keep dying, and the evidence keeps piling up, and there aren’t enough employees for anyone to even take a day off, let alone a vacation.
You push your fingers through your hair, pulling it out of the tail only long enough to use your fingers as a brush, and then you pull your hair into a messy knot, and focus your exhausted eyes back on the file in front of you.
30 year old Nautolan Male, found murdered in the lower level. Coroner's report indicates that he was executed, two bolts to the back of the head. Victim was a known member of the Justic-
The words start blurring on the page, and you sigh and press the palms of your hands over your eyes.
You are so kriffing tired.
There’s a sharp knock on your door, and you lift your head as someone clad in gray and white armor walks in. The locations of the colors indicate that he’s a member of the Coruscant Guard, and the colors themselves indicate that he’s an ARF Trooper.
Not for the first time, you curse the fact that the Guard doesn’t allow for more unique body armor paint.
You squint at him for a moment, waiting for your eyes to agree with you so you can focus better on the man standing in front of you. “What’s wrong, Sen’ika, can’t recognize me?”
You recognize the light tone, and familiar nickname, before you recognize the man, and you send up a silent prayer of thanks that the clones only have identical faces, and not identical personalities.
“Hound,” You even sound tired to your own ears, and as he comes closer to you, you see a concerned expression on his face, “Ah, sorry. Sergeant.” You correct hastily.
“You don’t have to use my rank, Sen’ika.” He crouches next to your desk, his sharp eyes taking in the bags under your eyes, the way your hands are trembling, and the blanket and pillow on your couch. “When was the last time you went home and slept?” He asks, his voice gentle.
“Does it look like I have time for that?” You ask as you rub your tired eyes, “I dunno, it’s been a week, I think.”
“Sen’ika,” Hound frowns at you, “This isn’t healthy.”
“It’s not like crime stops because I need to sleep,” You grouch, “And the evidence keeps piling up, and I can’t get anyone to stay longer than a few months and-” You trail off, “And you have another case for me, don’t you?” Your voice becomes dull and almost lifeless.
Hound stares at you for a moment, and then he flashes a small smile. “I don’t, actually. I just wanted to come and see you.”
You squint at him, “Come and see me? Why?”
“Do I need a reason?”
“...I guess not?” You ask, bewildered.
“Exactly!” Hound smoothly slides something onto your desk while you watching him, bewildered, and then he takes your hands and lightly pulls you to your feet, “We’re taking a trip.”
“I can’t! I have-”
“You have a legal requirement to take an hour break every 6 hours.” Hound interrupts, “How many hours have you been working? More than 6 I’m guessing.”
“...Yeah, maybe.” You don’t fight him as he draps an arm over your shoulder and he guides you out of your office, and down the hall, and then outside, to where Grizzer is waiting.
The large massiff immediately bounces around your feet, and you duck slightly to give her a scratch. You’re a familiar person to her, likely because of how often you bump into Hound at various crime scenes.
“You never did tell me where we’re going.” You say to Hound once you straighten back up.
“Trust me.” Hound offers as he takes Grizzer’s leash and then tugs you against his side.
You’re a little confused at the way he’s being so comfortable with touching you, but you’re also not too bothered. Hound is Hound, after all. He’s always been safe.
So, as he leads you down the street, you don’t offer any complaint outside of a very weak argument that you needed your purse and your comm. And, with a laugh, Hound disagrees.
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Hound doesn’t have an office, per se, but he does have his own space where he’s able to do his own paperwork, and where he can take Grizzer when she gets overwhelmed.
And apparently, where he brings overworked and underpaid civil servants who are working themselves to death.
His sen’ika is sitting on the old, worn couch he got from somewhere, her arms draped over Grizzer who is asleep on her lap. She looks exhausted. The kind of exhausted that he’s only seen on Fox before.
In a word, he’s worried.
“Sen’ika,” He coos the familiar nickname, and she lifts her gaze to look at him through hazy and exhausted eyes, and even then she’s the most stunning woman he’s ever met, “You can lay down and take a nap, I won’t judge you.”
She’s already shaking her head, “I have to get back eventually.”
“But if you get up, you’ll disturb Grizzer.” Hound points out.
She looks down at Grizzer, and she must be more tired than he thought because she just looks puzzled, like she can’t quite figure out the best way to get free. His worry increases.
“Just a short nap, sen’ika.” Hound encourages, “You’re not going to be able to finish your work with how fuzzy you are right now.”
For a moment she looks like she’s about to agree, but then she presses her lips into a thin line, “I have to get back, Hound.”
Hound leans back in his seat, his mind racing. He can’t let her go back. Not in this state. And using Grizzer as an excuse isn’t going to work anymore, he already knows.
“Alright,” He says slowly, thoughtfully. 
He gets to his feet and carefully moves Grizzer, and then helps his sen’ika to her feet. Hound isn’t the least bit surprised when she stumbles into him, though he is glad that he thought ahead and removed the majority of his armor.
“...m’sorry.” She says quietly.
Hound closes his eyes for a moment and then, very gently presses his hand against the back of her neck, holding her against him. “You haven’t done anything wrong.” His voice is soft, soothing.
Her hands come up to press against his chest, and for a moment, Hound thinks she’s going to push away, worries that he pushed too hard. But, instead, she curls her fingers into the thin material of his blacks. “I’m so tired,” She whispers, and her voice cracks.
And that’s what Hound was waiting for.
His free arm wraps firmly around her, holding her tight, “You don’t have to go back to work. You need to take a break.”
He feels her tears soaking into his top and Hound turns his head to press a light kiss to the side of her head, “Someone has to do it-” She whispers, her voice thick with tears.
“That someone doesn’t have to be you.” Hound murmurs in reply as he slowly, and carefully, walks her back towards the couch. He readjusts her, and then sits on the couch, while holding her close. “We can reach out to the Jedi, they can help you.”
“The Senate-”
“Kriff the senate,” Hound’s voice holds no heat as he gently offers what comfort he can, “You’re working yourself to death, and I’m not going to tolerate it anymore.”
She pulls away from his shoulder and looks up at him through miserable, watery eyes, “Why do you care?”
“Because you’re my friend. Because I care about you.” Hound brushes his fingers against her cheek, “because I love you more than anything in this galaxy. Take your pick.”
She blinks at him, and then drops her head on his shoulder. She doesn’t say anything positive, but she also doesn’t say anything negative, which is good enough for now.
It’s not fair to spring love on her when she’s so exhausted. The fact that she’s not running away is good enough for now.
“Will you stay here and take a nap?” Hound asks as he strokes her back lovingly, “For me?”
“Every time I try to sleep, I have nightmares,” She admits quietly.
“Then you can sleep on me. I’ll wake you if you look like you’re having a nightmare. I promise.” Hound offers. “What do you think?”
She sighs, soft and quiet, “I suppose I can agree to that.” His sen’ika’s eyes drift shut, and Hound carefully adjusts her so that she’s leaning against him comfortably. 
Fox is going to blow a gasket, but if he words his request properly, maybe then the Guard and the Forensics unit can get Jedi oversight. That can only help with his poor Sen’ika’s problem, and it’ll keep Fox from working himself to death.
Hound glances at the woman in his lap, and his gaze softens, before he presses a light kiss to the top of her head. That’s a problem for later, for now, he has the love of his life asleep in his arms, and he’s going to just enjoy it while he can.
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a-d-nox · 8 months
pac/pap (creature feature: succubus): what do you desire but can't express?
welcome to my october pac/pap creature feature series - instead of having a single pac/ pap this month, there will be five! every monday (at 5p / 17:00 EST) this october, a new creature will be coming out to play as the sun begins to set earlier and earlier... keep an out; you never know what is lurking in the darkness..
today's creature is the succubus: song queued: "all the good girls go to hell" by billie eilish! you seduce others, but what seduces you? the typical succubi conundrum. in folklore, succubi appear in the dreams of men as feminine individual to seduce them.
take what resonates leave what doesn't - nothing is 100% for you because these aren't personalized so please no angry comments or dms about what i am saying not being a good fit for you or that you "don't claim" just keep scrolling if that is the case. be kind, self reflect, and have fun.
last pac/pap: the werewolf: what hidden truth does the moonlight illuminate? where do you lack control? where you are in transition?
want a personal reading? click here to check out my reading. options and prices!
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pile one
it feels like you enjoy control, yet you wish that you didn't have to "hold everyone's hands" when it comes to giving them a task that is meant to help you / ease your workload/burden. you are delegating but it is not effective - no one seems to do what you mean them to / guided them to. i don't think you mind a little chaos, but you need to rest right now - every thing is starting to feel overwhelming. you desire a pause in the world and its troubles for the moment. know that everything you are dealing with is temporary - all the chaos, change, and people getting on your nerves is bound to end. hang in there.
pile two
you like to be challenged and you also kind of like when things get in your way. it reminds me of that one part in notes from underground by dostoevsky when the underground man says that people enjoy toothaches because other people give them attention when they make their pain known. that's the energy of this card - you desire attention for the challenges you face. you want praise for facing difficult things and then for asserting yourself in the situation.
pile three
it feels like you find safety in disappointment. you desire something big and someone almost fictional. when you find something or someone you think meets those standards, you find that you are disappointed and kind of enjoy pointing out what was wrong. it might also be that you enjoy a bit of deception - you like seeming a bit better, bolder, and sexier around others than you typically feel. but that tends to be a bit draining, no? it might be time for you to evaluate the expectations you have for yourself and for others. no one is perfect - perception is all in the mind's eye.
want a personal succubus reading? tip 1.99 USD with the comment "succubus" and i will privately get back to you with what you desire but can't express!
other then that, thank you for reading! don't forget to comment down below which monster you believe is coming to join us next monday?
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hirayaaraw · 7 months
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Married Life 101
Tags: friends to lovers; marriage for convenience / fake marriage; pining
Crazy week for the both of you. Got married on Monday. Played board games, cooked pasta and steak together, and sleep together in one bed. It wasn't the first time it happened but the you are married to him now.
You faked sleeping first and when you feel like Wonwop is already asleep. You opened your eyes and observed how peaceful he is. To be honest, you don't news to marry him but his proposal is enticing. His effect on you will always put you in daze.
You carefully reach out to push away the hair from his face. Wonwoo, the friend you made during freshman orientation who became your bestfriend for life, is now your husband. The feelings you keep at bay during college are slowly resurfacing.
You wonder if he felt the same. You wonder if you give comfort to him, the way he is your comfort person. You wonder if bring peace in him or chaos because he bring both to you. He brings you peace when your world is in shambles. He knows what to say and do to calm you down. Wonwoon unknowingly cause chaos in you whenever he touches you or whenever he say words of assurance that brings tornado of butterflies. He doesn't know the power he has over you.
You were about to turn around and sleep when you feel his hand reach out yours. He pulled you towards his chest. When you raise your head, he is still asleep.
There goes chaos and peace.
You woke up with the smell of coffee. Wonwoo is long gone from the bed. You walk towards the kitchen and saw him in front of the espresso machine.
"Good morning." He said then gave you a cup of coffee. Black coffee with two teaspoon of sugar, no creamer. You smiled behind the mug. "What time is your work?"
"As usual at 9 am." You yawn then left the mug at the table. You check the refrigerator to see what you can cook. "What food do you want to pack for lunch?"
"Spam and egg will do." Wonwoo said while blinking at you. Wonwoo doesn't pack lunch to office and he got excited that he will something prepared by you to office. He was like a kid excited to brag his bento lunch prepared by his mom. "What time are you going home?"
"I think around 7 PM? We took a leave yesterday. I am sure my workload is piling up now." You said as you prepare the ingredients. You tied up your hair before cooking and Wonwoo drinks his coffee while watching.
"Okay. I'll be there around 6:30 PM."
"To pick up you and drive us home." Home. You try to hide your smile but you can't. Wonwoo smiling beside you too. You both enjoying the changes as newly weds.
After a quick breakfast, Wonwoo told you to shower and he will clean the kitchen. Once you're done, he took a shower while you put your make up on.
On the way to your work, he played your playlist and sang along with you. When you got at the drop off area, you gave him the paper bag of his lunch box.
"See you at dinner." You said and kissed his cheek then went out of the car. It took Wonwoo 30 second to realize you are already out of the car and you kissed him.
It's like being a routine for the both of you what you did yesterday. You enjoy sharing chores with him and the feeling of domesticated. You never dreamed of getting married but you are so grateful you marry Wonwoo.
Now he is dropping you off of at your work. You gave his lunch for today that made him smile.
"Can we drop by at my apartment later? I need to get some of my stuff left there." You said while unlocking the seatbelt. Wonwoo helped you packed your things last Sunday after you decided to marry on a whim. "The Landlady wants me to evacuate it as soon as possible."
"Sure. Should I buy some food before I come here?"
"Some pizza and chicken?" You said gleefully and Wonwoo nodded at you. "Okay. See you later."
You were about to go out when he pulled your hand. You looked at him waiting for him to speak.
"Did I forget something?"
"Ah nothing." Wonwoo said timidly then let go of your hand. "See you later."
You walked out of the car. When you reach your desk, you felt you forgot to do something and it bothers you so much. After lunch, you decided to text Wonwoo.
You: Did we turn off the light?
Wonwoo: Yes. Why?
You: Did we pull off the plugs?
Wonwoo: Yep. I double checked it before we went out.
You: I feel like I forgot something.
You: Ah nvm.
Wonwoo bitting his lips trying to hide his smile. He is in the middle of the meeting but can't stop himself from replying to you. Hoshi, his friend, elbowed him to bring him back to earth.
Later that day when went to pick you up from your office, once you buckled up your seatbelt, he held your cheek.
"This is what you forgot." He said and kissed the corner of your lips.
Your face is scarlet red the whole ride. From that day, you never forget kissing Wonwoo before leaving.
Thursday and Friday are work from home set up for you. As for Wonwoo, Thursday is work home from home while Friday to Sunday is his off days. Perks of building a start up with your best buddies during college.
You took a half day to pay your tax. The clerk in tax office said the lowering your tax bracket will be effective next year. Fortunately, you got your rent deposit already and use it as a payment.
When you got home by lunch, you saw Wonwoo standing in the living room with his hand on his waist and furrowed eyebrows. You hurried over to his side. He didn't notice your arrival.
"What are you look--wow" You stand beside with pure amusement.
"What do you think?" He said, looking at you.
"This is beautiful. Where did you get that photo?" He got the wedding photo hanging above the work desk for the both of you. You never knew you had a photo like this. It was picture of you and Wonwoo looking at each other with big smiles and his hand on your waist.
"The court clerk adored us and sent us this morning."
"You really look handsome that day." You said absent mindedly making Wonwoo's ear go red. When you look at him, it is so obvious he got fluttered. "You're blushing."
"I'm not." Wonwoo denied so hard but you held his face to prove a point. There goes his whole face getting red. "It's because the whole place is humid."
"Okay, Handsome." You smirked before kissing his cheek and leaving for the kitchen. "What do you want to eat? I'll cook before I start working."
"Anything." Wonwoo is flabbergasted the way you just freeze his whole world and you decided to leave him hanging.
"Thanks for building my work desk." You said and made Wonwoo's heart feel proud.
You woke up because of consecutive knocks and doorbell but felt lightheaded. You burried your head to Wonwoo's chest and felt his arm around your waist.
"5 minutes please." He hummed.
It didn't take another minute when a phone goes off. Wonwoo reached for his phone and saw Hoshi is calling. He kept one of his hands around you while answering the call. His soothing hand make you fall asleep a little bit more until Wonwoo's voice got louder.
"You're here?!"
"Who's here?" You said with eyes close.
"Okay. I'll be up. Stop knocking, dimwit!" Wonwoo said before sitting up. Your sleepiness is gone.
"Who's that?"
"Hoshi and Mingyu. They are the ones knocking at the door." He said while walking towards the bathroom. You followed him and you both do the morning rituals.
"They're here." You said in quiet voice. Hoshi and Mingyu are your college batchmates. You are also close to them. "Do you want us to tell them or?"
"Do you want to keep it secret?"
"Like we can keep it. We have a big wedding picture in the living room and pair of rings. If I were going to be honest, Hoshi got a sniff because that ring of yours and tattled it to you Mingyu." You both giggled at the thought. You hand him a towel to dry his face. "They're here to investigate."
"Should we give them a show?"
"Something that will make Hoshi faint."
"I'll open the door." You snicker with the thought. "Help me tousle my hair so it will look like we did something crazy last night."
Wonwoo shaked his head at your silly idea. He tousled your hair before you both went out. As per your instruction, he needs to video every second of it. Just like you predicted, Mingyu and Hoshi lose their wits.
"What are you doing here this early?" Hoshi asked when you opened the door.
"Where's Wonwoo?" Mingyu firing his question immediately then seeing your hair. "Are you two fucking?"
"Excuse me?" You said in high tone that sound you are so offended with the thought that you and Wonwoo are banging each other. Even though that's the idea you want them to get.
"We're not fucking. We got married, okay?"
"Oh you're not fucking but married."
"But that's married people do in their past time."
"Wait you both got married without us?"
At this point you'll get eviction notice because of how loud they are. You pulled them inside and they shrieked when they saw the wedding picture. Wonwoo laughed loud while taking a video of their histerics. When they both calmed down, you sat them down.
Wonwoo held your hand while explaining the two rascals the impulsive and best decision you made in your life.
It's like yesterday is a premonition of what would happen today. Wonwoo's mom calling in the morning trying to set him up with another girl. Your mom on the hand, called you to ask where you move because she went to your old apartment and they told her you move out.
"Are you ready?" Wonwoo asked you.
"It's not like they can do anything about it." You chuckled. Feeling silly at the moment. "If your mom asked me to divorce you in exchange for a million dollars, should I get it?"
"You should and give me the half million." You frowned a bit then look at him. "Then let's get married again."
"Idiot." You punch his arm lightly.
"Your idiot." He said then bumped his head on yours. Laughing together as if a storm is not about to hit you both.
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what paperwork would SAGAU reader do in their free time? is it just mailing letters to loyal followers or more serious things like government affairs?
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❀ synopsis: even gods have to do paperwork.
❀ notes: I am winging it (meaning I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing but I'm gonna do it anyway), and I just made it to Liyue too so I'll be having a lot of fun with this. This is Liyue centered btw :]
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Well, for starters yes there will be the occasional letter that one of your acolytes has sneaked into your pile of documents. But it would take days until you notice the letter due to how high the papers are stacked.
Anyways, most of the time it is serious. Sagau darling is usually written to have an abode on Liyue and I like to think it's because that's where most of their work is related to. Due to the fact that Rex Lapis has recently been "assassinated" and during the Rite of Descension he would give advice on how to handle the trade of the coming year.
Well, since they can't get any predictions from the Geo Archon anymore they would always request for sagau darlings' presence to help them manage the trading system, to the point darling just decided "Fuck it, I'll be putting my focus on Liyue now". So now sagau darling is just there managing governmental projects and attending diplomatic meetings to discuss Liyue's finances.
Sagau darling still has to travel across different nations too since there is also Monstadt which doesn't have an active archon. But they are better at managing themselves since it's been like that for a long time. Still, you have to occasionally check up on them.
Back to Liyue, when I say governmental projects it can scale to "Wait, this is actually work" to a "I just want to have a talk with the person who made this idea". Most of the time it's the latter. Sometimes you want to bash your head onto your study table when you read the ideas. No your not signing the permit, and no your not going to allow the idiots to try and demolish a domain to replace it with a factory.
Zhongli feels guilty to see how stressed you are with managing his nation and even suggested taking the mantle as Geo Archon again if it means you will be pleased. You tiredly assure him that there is no need (because you don't want to fuck up the storyline even more) and that it's only natural for you to take care of all of Teyvat.
Meetings are usually centered around trading and finance managing, but they would also be about how you will handle the Fatui and the Treasure hoarders. You have to be very careful with what you say about the Fatui because while most people will trust your word, some won't be too kind about it and will accuse you of putting the citizens in danger. Treasure hoarders will still be treated as criminals but you get to decide their punishment.
Ningguang helps you with whatever business you might be starting. She will even help you lessen your workload and would shut down any sort of rumor connected to you. If you need some time off she will set a schedule for you to help manage your time properly.
Xiao and Ganyu don't know how to help you in this situation, well, maybe Ganyu knows what to do and might even lend you a helping hand. But what the two do know is crowd control. With you being a very famous figure (you are GOD in this world) people will be chasing after you, begging for good fortune and true love. There would be offerings handed to you in person as they say their wishes. And there is some who just want to ask confirmation if a certain rumor is true.
In that case, the two will do their best to guard you. Xiao will be harsher than Ganyu who is trying to be formal in reminding the people that you want to have space. He will push, and even threaten them with his polearm that he will consider their invasion of privacy an active threat to his grace. And that he won't hesitate to follow through with the regulation if they continue to bother you.
But that's about it, I really have nothing to say other than you're very stressed and might have grown white hairs with how much work you have. You can send more ask about this idea but just to let you know I'm not a government worker (yet) and my ideas are probably wrong.
Imagine mixing the time dilation concept with this omg poor reader-
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tarotwithavi · 2 years
Watch me have my glow up in 2023
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Note : this is a general reading to take what resonates and leave the rest! If you don't feel like the pile you chose is resonating with you then you're free to choose another one.
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New year reading ( only two slots left)
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Pile 1
What is stopping you from getting your glow up ?
Schools 💀 like I was shuffling for this spread and the first thing that got into my mind is school. And I'm also seeing you being very stressed recently this might be due to exams or workload. You might be starting to have some skin issues or breakouts.
How can you get your glow up?
You might need to filter the water you take bath with or just clean your shower🚿. And if you use bathtubs try adding rose water and essential oils in it and then take bath in it. And for those of you who use showers try using this method too. And drink more water please. Your lips are chapped. Please moisturize them. Eat more fruits .
Your glow up
Woah pile one, I'm amazed by your energy. You guys are so ready to make 2023 your year and i see it manifesting. You're going to be very successful in 2023 . You are going to get the job you wanted, the grade you wanted and I'm even seeing you getting in your desired university. I feel like a lot you are starting to take good care or your body in 2023 and I see it ✨ GLOWING ✨ . Like you' are going to give off a boss bitch energy. And I also see you mastering law of manifestation. I feel like right now you're struggling with it because of your limiting beliefs. A lot of people are coming into your life and someone important is coming very soon. You might meet this person by the end of this year. If you're thinki thinking of cutting your hair short trust me it'll look great on you. And is your color my darling. You're going to make or get a lot of money in 2023.
Random messages
Taurus, Leo, scorpio , sun /moon/rising, success, short travel, delusion, material gurll, someone new, some great friends, parties, unicorn, silver hair, diamonds, a pet dog, yellow.
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Pile 2
What is stopping you from getting your glow up?
I feel like you might have lost someone very dear to you or something very precious to you. This can be your home, friends, family member or a pet. And this is causing great harm for your mental health. I'm also seeing that some of you are suffering from depression or just some disappointments. Your low confidence is stopping you from getting your glow up.
How can you get your glow up?
I know this is predictable by reading first paragraph but you have stop that negative self talk and the train of your negative thoughts. Try talking good about yourself , paise yourself in front of the mirror. Get a new hair cut, do skin care. Fake it till you make it ✨ 💅
Your glow up
Hmm I'm getting that you're going to win. Like in a competition or achieve something really good. I feel like your glow up includes your intuition too. Like dude I'm seeing you get a gorgeous glow up. You're going to be in your femme fatal era. Maybe try wearing more red and black if that's your aesthetic. But I feel like you have a dark aesthetic and for those who have a light or fairy like aesthetic try wearing pink and green too. Try investing in some nice quality clothes. I'm getting the message that you're going to do great in every field of your life. Like studies, work, family, love etc. I feel like a lot of you want to be jack of all traits because you want to be good in everything and I see you achieving that! The month of march could be important for you. Money! Money! Money! I'm seeing it for you. Maybeyou've even started buying things for your glow up. People are going to see you as Royality.
Random messages
Fire sign, air sign, Victoria/victor, Taurus, horse riding, historical, star , successful outcome, Pisces, family sorrow, business opportunity, rebirth, bow.
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Pile 3
What is stopping you from getting your glow up?
Your laziness and unwillingness to change. You're very stubborn my pile 3 . I know you feel like why you should change but remember change is constant. It's always happening . If you're not willing to change, you'll be forced to change by the universe. It's also because you're always in your own world and sometimes forget reality.
How can you get your glow up?
Change your bedsheets to silk ones, they reduce hair fall. Also change your pillow covers and always remember to keep them clean. Try to get more sunlight. Maybe try tanning. Read more books. And be more self disciplined. Try adding purple/Lavender and green colored clothes in your wardrobe. Listen to your intuition.
Your glow up
I'm getting a unrecognizable glow up for you. Like people won't be able to recognize you after your glow up. People will wonder how can a person change so much in just a year. I feel like your glow up will be slow but stable and forever lasting. You won't lack anything in your life. And a lot of people will want to court you. And I'm also seeing some people gossiping about you. I'm going to tell you something don't tell your secrets to anyone no matter how much you trust them because you can regret it in future. The person you tell your secrets to might gossip about them to others. You'll be thankful for everything you have in life so no matter how stressed and sad you're right now future is going to be amazing. So please have faith and enjoy as much as you can. You might need to defend yourself a lot in the near future. I see you becoming a more goal oriented person.
Random messages
Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, aries, sun/moon/rising, frustation, lessons, completion of a cycle, some troubles/problems, angel, guidance, good luck,
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saint-johnny · 1 year
love language , ghost
note, this is my first piece in this world. i write hockey and some other stuff on a different account (@ilyasorokinn if you want to check it out), but this is the first piece i've written for ghost and cod in general, so please be kind. anyways, let me know if you'd want to see this for any other guy, and i'm so down :) another note, a huge shoutout to @nsharks for everything she does. this fic and acc wouldn't exist if i hadn't read your stuff, so you're so slay. pair, simon "ghost" riley x reader summary, simon checks out a book at the library about the five different love languages. warnings, soft simon <3 word count: 2327 words
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(gif not mine)
Out of curiosity, Simon checked out a book at the library. It was about the 5 different love languages. He was expecting it to be a bore but was pleasantly surprised when he didn't want to claw his eyes out.
He was trying his best with you, he really was, but he wanted to show you how much he cared, and this book was going to help him show how much he cared about you.
i. acts of service - "Do chores together or make them breakfast in bed. Go out of your way to help alleviate their daily workload."
Saturdays were dedicated to laundry. Somehow it piled up, and you were often confused as to how. You let out a sigh as you started yet another load of laundry.
"I think we need to clean out our closet again."
"You say that every week." Simon pointed out, a hint of a smile on his face.
"And every week I mean it. I mean, how do we have so many clothes. I feel like I'm drowning in clothes and laundry detergent." You flopped back onto the bed, the same one Simon had just made.
"I'll do the next load." He volunteered.
"Will you really?" You peeked an eye open at him.
"Yeah." He nodded. He hated laundry almost as much as you did, if not more.
"You are a saint, Simon Riley." You leaned over and placed a dramatic kiss on his cheek.
"I wouldn't say a saint." He muttered but you didn't hear.
You watched him from the chair in the corner of your room as he folded clothes, "So, what do you want for dinner? We can have leftovers or there's some frozen chicken nuggets, I know you like those."
You spotted something of a smile on his face, "I'll take care of it."
You looked up from your book, then looked down at Stanley, your dog, who was laying at your feet and looked just as surprised as you, "You're going to cook tonight?"
"Don't sound so surprised." He grumbled.
"All right, you take care of dinner then. One less thing for me to do." You shrugged happily.
After laundry, you watched from your spot at the kitchen island as Simon moved around the kitchen. He was grabbing different things from different cabinets and from the fridge.
It was almost foreign for him to be in the kitchen, not that he had ever not cooked, it was just you were cooking (or ordering) for him because he was tired from a long mission.
"You know what you're doing, right?" You joked. He hardly heard you as he meticulously measured out his spices. You decided to wait it out in the living room, and you grabbed your glass and made your way over to the couch.
He finished his dish and carried the plates over to you. He sat down and handed you your utensils before handing you your plate. He watched your face the entire time for your reaction as you chewed on his dish.
"So?" You looked up to see the nervous, almost panicked look, on his face, "What do you think?"
"Simon, it's delicious." You complimented without hesitation, "Really." You set the plate down and reached over and hugged him.
You felt his body deflate as he relaxed, "I'm glad."
"Well now that we know you can cook, looks like you'll be in the kitchen." You nudged him jokingly. Stanley propped his front legs onto the couch, his tail wagging and his tongue hanging out, "I think Stanley wants to try some too." You smiled.
ii. physical touch - "Hug, kiss, hold hands, show physical affection often. Make intimacy a thoughtful priority."
Simon had only been away for a week and a couple days, but you couldn't help but feel nervous. This was, by far, not the longest mission but any mission was still too long in your eyes.
You had just talked to him the night before, and he had vehemently reassured you that everything was okay and he was on track to get home sometime in the afternoon.
You were riffling through your closet trying to find something to wear. You knew he didn't care what you wore, but that didn't mean you didn't want to look good.
"What do you think Stanley?" You were trying on different outfits in front of the mirror and had no one to show these outfits to except the dog.
You turned away from the mirror to look back at Stanley who was laying in his bed, his head resting on his legs, "Too colorful?" He tilted his head to the side.
You sighed turning back to the mirror, "You're right. I'm overthinking it. Just go with something simple." You nodded, "You've done it again, Stan."
You piled yourself and Simon into the car and drove to the base where everyone was landing. You waited in the designated area where you and Simon agreed you would always wait for him when you could.
You sat on the floor with Stanley, giving him all the love because you knew the moment he saw Simon, he would abandon you and charge straight for his other parent.
And you were right to think that. The moment the door opened and Stanley spotted Simon, he was jumping up and ran over to greet him, "It's good to see you, too, Stanley." Simon greeted the dog, bending down to give his head a pet and a scratch.
He set his bags down before his eyes finally landed on you. He carefully moved past Stanley before making his way over to you. You stood up and wrapped your arms around him, savoring the feeling of having him home and in your arms.
"Did you miss me, too?" You asked.
"Of course, love." He muttered into your hair, pressing a kiss to it, "Soap doesn't hold a candle to you when it comes to hugs." He joked, cracking a smile when you laughed.
With him in your arms, it was almost liked time stopped. You didn't know how long you stayed in that position but you honestly didn't care, "You ready to go?" Simon broke the silence.
"Not yet." You murmured.
"All right, we'll stay here, like this." He hummed.
And so you did.
iii. gift giving - "Give thoughtful gifts and gestures. Small things matter in a big way. Express gratitude when receiving a gift."
You were ready to give up on work. Everything was starting to blur together and the caffeine you were drinking could only help for so long.
You glanced up at the clock and groaned when you realize you had a couple more hours to go, "She's right over here." Your co-worker stopped next to your desk.
Your brows furrowed together but your questions were quickly answered when Simon stepped out from behind her, "What're you doing here?" You asked, getting out of your chair and wrapping him in a quick hug.
"You forgot your lunch at home, so figured I would drop it off." He held up a bag, which you assumed your lunch was in.
"You didn't have to bring it. I would've just ordered something."
"Wanted to see you, too." He responded, producing a bouquet of flowers from behind his back, which you had somehow missed.
"They're beautiful." You gushed, taking the bouquet in your arms, "Thank you."
"And I thought I could have lunch with you." He suggested, almost nervous.
"I don't have lunch for another 20 minutes."
"I can wait." He stated.
"All right, you can sit there." You pointed to a chair somewhere in the office. He sat there for 20 minutes and once those 20 minutes were up, he got up from the chair and walked over to your desk.
"Lunch time." He announced, pulling up a chair next to you and sitting down, giving you no choice but to stop working and give him all your attention.
He began unpacking the bag, and it was then you realized he was pulling out stuff you hadn't prepared the night before to bring. He had prepared food for you and brought it.
"Si, did you make this?"
He shrugged, "Figured if I was gonna bring you lunch, might as well be good." You made a face, "Not to say your sandwich isn't tasty, love." He quickly corrected himself, "Just sayin' you eat that sandwich every day. Why not try something new?"
You smiled so big your cheeks started to hurt, "Thank you, Si." You reached over and squeezed his hand, knowing he wasn't big on PDA.
He squeezed your hand back, "Eat, please." He scooped up some pasta and held it in front of your face.
"All right, all right." You grabbed the fork.
iv. quality time - "Create special moments together, take walks and do small things with your partner. Weekend getaways are huge."
Out of the blue, Simon surprised you with a mini getaway to a cabin in the woods, away from the rest of the world, something you mentioned to Simon a couple of times.
You spent your days doing whatever you wanted. Whenever you went on trips, you usually had a plan or at least an idea of what you wanted to do, but since Simon had planned this trip and had sprung it on you, he didn't really have anything planned, which was his plan.
He knew you were organized and always liked to plan ahead, so instead, he planned, for your trip, to do absolutely nothing.
After lunch that you and Simon had cooked together, something new that you were doing now that you knew he knew what he was doing in the kitchen, you decided to go for an afternoon walk.
When Stanley heard his leash being picked up, he was sprinting down the hall and jumped up on Simon, who just so happened to pick it up.
"Whoa." Simon stumbled back but quickly caught his footing. He bent down and clipped the leash to Simon's collar. Once you were both suited up, you finally stepped outside.
Stanley happily trotted in front of you and Simon, taking in everything. He was sniffing everything and even tried to eat a mini pinecone.
"Aye, no." Simon gently yanked Stanley back, who looked up at Simon like a scolded child.
You smiled, walking ahead of the two of them, completely oblivious to the picture Simon snapped of you. He caught up with you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, "Thank you for this trip." You hummed happily, looking up at him.
"You seemed like you needed it." He shrugged.
"Still, this was so out of left field, I didn't even see it coming."
"That was sort of the point, love." He pointed out.
You rolled your eyes, "Thank you, Si."
"You're welcome, love."
v. words of affirmation - "Send an unexpected note, text, or card. Genuinely encourage, and often."
When you woke up, Simon was already gone, off to work out. You selfishly lay in bed for a few more seconds, debating if you should cancel your plans for the day and just stay there.
You eventually pulled yourself out of bed and made your way into the bathroom. As you reached for your toothbrush, you found a post-it sitting on the front of the cup holding your toothbrush.
You smiled to yourself when you saw Simon's chicken scratch messily written on the note.
"Hope you have the best day. Give Stanley an extra kiss from me." - S
You looked down at your dog Stanley who stood guard at your side. The funny part was when you first adopted him, Simon wasn't too excited about it, but he often found it hard to say "no" to you.
Even so, it took Simon a while to finally accept Stanley. But they quickly became best friends and you would often have to fight for your spot in bed.
You gave Stanley a few extra kisses before moving on with your morning routine. By the time you got to the kitchen, you were hungry, so when you saw the donut box sitting on the counter, you dug right into it.
You spotted the note when you were halfway through your donut. You reached for it and it brought another smile to your face.
"Something sweet for my sweet." - S
That one made you laugh.
Throughout the day, Simon would send you texts. They were nothing big, but they were from Simon, and they were new. It was a nice surprise.
"Hope lunch is good. Don't forget to drink water." - S
"Me and Stanley miss you" - S
"Get home safe." - S
As you drove home, you couldn't help but smile. You don't know what caused Simon to start writing you sweet notes and texts, but you weren't complaining.
When you got home, you were happy to finally spend time with your little family. Just you, Simon, and Stanley. You spent the night catching up on episodes of Hell's Kitchen, and no matter how much he denied it, Simon did like the show.
You turned the bathroom light off and were very much ready to crawl into bed and crash. But right as you were about to climb in, you saw another post-it sitting on your pillow.
Your heart fluttered as you read it, then reread, then reread it again.
"I love you." - S
The next morning, Simon woke up alone. You had mentioned the night before that you had to leave earlier than normal the next day to finish up some work.
Stanley laid next to him, taking advantage of you not being in the bed. He smiled, carefully petting Stanley's head and then climbing out of bed.
He flicked on the bathroom light and got ready to burhs his teeth. He stopped when he saw a post-it sticking to the front of the glass. He picked it up and read it, then reread it, then reread it again.
"I love you, too." - Y/I
tagging @2manytabsopen cause you're slay <3
add yourself to my taglist!
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In the middle of the night
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requested: was thinking about an azrielxreader where reader feyre and nesta are all in the house of wind or wherever, and it gets attacked whilst the boys are away, i love the idea of just angst from eveyone because they are all worried for their mates and eachother, but also girl power because we all know reader feyre and nesta are capable of handling themselves. So something along the lines of angst comfort and badass faes.
Azriel x reader
warning: fighting, blood, mention of drugs
"Do you seriously need to take all of these books with you?", Azriel groaned from the other side of the room, where he was trying to juggle all the novels, book series, romances, and whatnot in his hands. While you were still digging through the bookshelves that your partner had lovingly made for you as a gift for your latest birthday, still trying to find additional ones.
"Well, yes. I promised the girls to share with them what I liked, and this is what I liked." Azriel rolled his eyes, not understanding how you could like everything that you read. But deep down, he loved seeing you so passionately interested in something. Even if at times he didn't understand what Eric did to Margaret and why it had you so worked up. But he listened to you ramble about different stories regardless. Never getting enough of how your eyes would go wide in excitement when he remembered your favorite character's name or greeted you with one of those "So, did Eric solve the mystery?"
Yet the pile in front of him seemed ridiculously big, especially for a one-night reading party. "I don't see a point in carrying all of these for tonight and then returning the", Azriel said, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm sorry, is it too heavy for you to hold, my dear?" You gave him one of your famous looks that told him straight away that he wasn't going to win this fight. So he turned to look for a box he could place all of the books into.
It was an exciting evening and a day ahead. After a long while, you convinced all of the boys to go out and have a night for themselves. The workload had been insane lately. They had all been way too worked up and cranky, so you three, being the best wives and girlfriends that you were, organized a little get-together. Going all out and beyond to stack up and prepare a little cabin in the mountains for them. So they could just get drunk and forget that they have any responsibilities, at least for a day. Were they happy about it? No. But did you ask them what they thought? Also, no. Rhys was the one who got on board with the idea first, and that was enough to convince the other two.
You felt two hands slip down your lower belly before Azriel tugged you closer to his chest. "I don't want to go," the shadow singer said, "Oh, stop it. If you don't take a break, you'll all die from cardiac arrest," you stated, turning into your lover's embrace and moving to face him.
"I'm fine with resting; I just don't want to leave you alone," Azriel admitted quietly. You two were the only ones freshly mated out of the bunch. It hadn't even been a year, and Azriel had no interest in letting the mating frenzy end just yet. He was extremely alert when you were surrounded by strangers. When he went on longer missions, he always left Cassian or Rhys with you, and even then, he was irritated that they were showing you love and caring for you because it was his responsibility to do so.
"I will be fine. We all will be fine", you gently pressed your palm to his cheek, "I won't close off the bond at any time of the day just like we agreed. Even if I think that you should take a break from worrying about me as well," you said. But the shadow singer only shook his head before bringing you even closer to him, "What you're suggesting now is offensive," both of you broke into a giggle, and you just let him hold you for a little while longer.
You two walked hand in hand into the river house. Feyre was sitting on Rhys's lap as the two of them beamed at one another. You couldn't help but smile to yourself. Seeing your friends so in love always made you feel giddy. "And I thought we'd be last to come," Azriel said when he didn't see Cassian anywhere. Feyre was already up and running to you as you two embraced one another, leaving Rhys to sulk over the loss of contact with his mate.
"You two are last. Cass and Ness are upstairs," Rhys said, throwing his head back before you all took a moment to listen. The skin-on-skin slapping and moans. Yep, they were going for it up there. You let out a giggle before biting your lip. "Let them be; it's a miracle if Cass will last a day without that in the first place." Everyone joined in on the laugh before you all nestled in to cuddle with your loved ones.
When they finally made their way down. With hair poking everywhere and Cassian's shirt missing a couple of buttons, you gently moved to hold Az's hand as if silently begging him not to comment on this. But of course, he and Rhys erupted in howls and shouts, leaving you girls to shake your heads.
"I think we should go before I drag my darling upstairs as well," Rhys wiggled his eyes at Feyre. "Okay, you horny bats, off you fly; I don't want to see any of you here till tomorrow night," you pointed your finger at all of them, pushing the males out the doors. With a last kiss to their partners, Rhys and Cass stepped outside, leaving Azriel still holding onto you.
"Your last chance to tell me that you want me to stay and not leave you", Azriel said cupping your face between his hands, "You wish, go get drunk and have fun", you kissed him and Azriel made sure to deepen the kiss immediately. "Enough, lover boy," Rhys said as he drew Azriel away from you, Cassian clutching the other side of your lover.
With the busybodies gone, you girls moved to make some food before bringing it up to the library, where Feyre had already prepared a little blanket fort for you three. Knowing full well that you were going to read and talk until the early hours of the morning anyway.
"So... how are you two?" You've been sipping on wine for a couple of hours now. Azriel like the loving boyfriend he was, let you know the first thing that they had made it to the cabin safely, followed by at least a couple of I love you's. You hummed, taking another sip, "I think we found a place we want to move into", both females gasped, waiting for you to continue. You have been living in a house of wind ever since you officially started dating. The place was lovely, and you appreciated Rhys's generosity, but it still wasn't your home. So you and Azriel had looked at more than one house that was for sale in the city, but nothing spoke to you. Not until you found a rather small but cozy house, a bit more hidden between the rocky hills and further away from the city chaos.
"It will need some renovations, but Azriel said all my visions are doable", Nesta let out a chuckle at your words, "As if that male won't bring you the moon if you asked him to". A blush ran down your face. It was true. Azriel was the most attentive lover. Most of the time, you didn't even need to tell him what was on your mind; he already knew. Quickly pulling on the golden thread, you sent some love down the bond, and not even a heartbeat later, Azriel did just the same, making you grin into the glass.
You were woken up by a sound coming from downstairs. Nesta's head was laying on your shoulder, so you tried to move as little as possible as you listened on. For a while, nothing happened, so you closed your eyes, ready to once again slip into a blissful sleep, but then a sound of shattering glass rang through the empty corridors. You instantly sat up, and Nesta snarled from beside you, but you shushed her.
Muffled voices came next, and now Nesta was nudging Feyre awake as you leaned over your shoulder to pull the dagger Azriel gave you out of its leather case. "That's a first," Nesta muttered. "Do we have a clue who that might be?" you asked, pushing the blanket off your body.
"I doubt it's the boys", "No, Azriel would not leave me in the dark if they decided to come back", the noises grew louder, and you motioned for Nesta to kill the fire in the fireplace. For a split second, you wondered if you should alert your lover. But that thought was cut short as the door to the library burst open, and a handful of males armed from head to toe stepped in.
Everything that followed next was a mess. Nesta threw the first punch, and you swung the dagger through the first male's neck. It was all fun and games until Feyre realized that she couldn't access her magic. You three had run for the stairs in hopes of reaching Rhysand's office, where most of the weapons were held.
"I knew something about the wine was dodgy," she muttered as she sank to the floor. You pulled at her hand, but when Nesta also stumbled to the side and the banging on the door intensified, you did the most logical thing you could.
"Azriel...," you called through the bond, letting the panic flow freely. A cold shiver ran down your spine when you didn't get a response. When an ax pierced through the door, you knew that you needed to act fast. Pushing at the invisible door in the wall, you dragged both Feyre and Nesta into the room before closing it behind them. Someone had to stay and slow the intruders down.
Ripping a dagger from the wall, you braced your steps, saying a final prayer before the ax ripped half of the door out of the wall. Calm and collected, just like Azriel taught you. But before anything could happen you heard Azriel's voice in your head, "Love?", "No time now, someone broke into the house girls are drugged", that's all you managed to say before a dagger was thrown at you, and it was your time to protect the ones you loved.
Azriel hoped it was just a nightmare, but the panic he felt on your side was unlike anything he had ever experienced. Jumping up, he ran to shake Rhysand and Cassian awake.
"You asshole, I was having a good dream", but Az only dragged Rhys up by the material of his shirt, "Someone's at the house, they are in danger". It was as if all the alcohol had vanished from their system in a second, and Rhys was winnowing them back to the house.
This was their biggest and scariest nightmare: not being there when their mates needed them the most. Numerous thoughts ran through their heads. From who was stupid enough to make a move like this to whom they were going to kill slowly and with no mercy. But at the same time, it wasn't just their mates they were worried for. There were three females alone in the house, and even if you three could stand your ground... No, the thought of any kind of danger threatening your safety was sickening.
They ran through the house, one after another. And the blood that led from the library towards the stairs made all three of them feel unwell inside.
"They are in the office; I can feel Y/N there," Azriel said quietly before sprinting for the staircase. When the unfamiliar figures came into sight, Azriel didn't care who the intruders were. His primal instinct to protect you was the only one at the center of his mind. He sliced through them like a hot knife through butter.
Cassian slid through the room to disarm one of the males who had lifted a sword to stab you, "Think again fucker", the male only got to take another breath in before collapsing to the floor, "You're okay?", it was Rhys who also turned his attention to you. You nodded your head as you watched Azriel go completely crazy at the other side of the room. "Sit in the corner over there; you're safe now. We'll deal with this."
The rest of the fight looked more like a blur. Rhys only left one of the intruders alive for interrogations later on. You felt two familiar hands sliding down your knee, and you lifted your head. Azriel's face and body were stained with blood, but you didn't care as you wrapped your arms around him, holding onto your lover tighter.
"I locked the girls in the secret room," you muttered to two other males, who swiftly moved to the said place before the other two voices filled your ears. They were responsive and, most importantly, alive. You felt a weight slip from your shoulders as you let out a shaky breath. Azriel hosted you on his lap. Your legs steadied him as he rocked you two back and forth.
"Why didn't you call right away?", he asked after a moment, "I don't know... I just thought it wasn't that serious at first." Azriel pulled away slightly, once again scanning your face for any signs of injury. "Next time something gives you even the slightest fright, you reach for me straight away," the shadow singer stated firmly. You nodded slowly. Not feeling the need to act like a big girl now. So you reached for him again, resting your head on Azriel's shoulder.
All acotar writing: @brekkershadowsinger @cityofidek
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atinystraynstay · 7 months
Eye Contact - Lee Minho
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Synopsis: After a long week at work, Friday nights were always your night to let loose. It was a way to forget about the office drama and stressful deadlines. What better way than to spend it with a stranger? "Well believe it or not, he is totally checking you out right now."
Pairing: Lee Minho x fem reader Genre: Angst, a little bit of smut if you squint
Word Count: 3.3k Warnings: contains swearing, alcohol consumption, swearing
"Oh my god, y/n. You look hot as fuck!" Your best friend called out once you had emerged from your bedroom.
It seems like every in your friend group had a stressful week at work. Specifically for you, your job just people quit after finding better opportunities which meant your workload was piling up. If you didn't need to make rent, you would have bounced out of there with the rest of your former co-workers.
It was your best friend that took it upon herself to declare Friday was a (mandatory) girls night out in the group chat. You offered to host a pregame for the group, so you guys could spend less money out on the bars. Though, you were hopeful to score lucky tonight and have a guy pay for a ew drinks.
You decided on wearing a tight white top that had a cutout around your cleavage, showing off your breasts. You wore a pair of ripped baggy jeans but had a brown belt secured around the belt loops to accentuate your ass. You had a pair of ankle boots on as well, helping give you some height and confidence.
"What? You said it was girls' night out, so I decided to show off my girls," you said teasingly, motioning towards your breasts. "Yeah, if I had tits like yours, I would do the same thing," your one friend jumped in.
"Ok, ok. Enough of gawking over y/n's breasts. I say we all take a shot then head out now that y/n is ready."
I rolled my eyes playfully at her dramatics but nodded my head. "Let's do it!" Your best friend took out 5 shot glasses, one for each person in attendance. She let her eyes gaze over your liquor selection before settling on tequila. Most of the group groaned whereas you grinned excitedly. Everyone put on their best brave face as y/bff/n poured the shots for everyone.
You raised yours mid-air, enough to easily take the shot and help the rest of the group just down it. "Here's to the girls," you announced.
"To the girls!"
You stood on the sidewalk, making sure everyone got out of the Uber safely. Also to ensure that nobody just stood around as there was oncoming traffic. You always tended to take on the mother role when you were out with your friends. Maybe it was because you had the highest tolerance or it was what your moral compass guided you to do.
Once you made sure everyone was on the sidewalk, your best friend led everyone inside the bar. The bouncer just nodded his head at you guys, a smirk on his lips. You watched as his eyes lingered on your best friend's ass. Ugh! Men are so gross. You shot daggers in the direction of the bouncer who then eased up. You smirked victoriously.
'Energy' by Beyonce was playing from the loudspeakers in the bar. The beat from the bass radiated throughout your body from the sound bouncing off the walls.
"Y'all, we need to dance!" "You guys go ahead, I need another drink," you announced.
Your best friend nodded as she guided the other three girls to the dance floor. It was nice to be able to switch parental responsibility with your best friend. You turned towards the counter, knowing you needed another drink before you got out there and danced.
You maneuvered your way through the crowd to get right up to the bar. Your shoulder brushed the person beside you as you squeezed through, wanting to try to get the bartender's attention so you could get your drink and reunite with your friends.
"You know you could say excuse me," a voice spoke from beside me.
Who the fuck thinks they can speak to me like that? Your gaze shifted to look beside you. It was the person who you bumped shoulder's with. You rolled your eyes before turning your body slightly, intentionally avoiding getting close to them whatsoever.
As you got a good look at the stranger, you couldn't help but notice his sharp features. He had jet-black hair with bands that fell short of his eyes, framing his forehead quite nicely. It lets you get a good view of his deep brown eyes. They could practically pierce right through you with the intensity of his gaze. His lips were curved into a smirk as he looked over at you.
"And you could not be a dick about it? It was an honest mistake."
He chuckled at my response. "I'm just saying, if you're looking for a guy to buy you a drink tonight, you could have at least been nicer about it." He leaned in a bit closer to me, an elbow resting on the countertop. "The name is Lee Know. Maybe you could buy me a drink instead as a apology?"
You were stunned. You've never been spoken to in such a manner. Normally you were the one to be sassy, so it felt odd to be on the receiving end.
Before you could even come up with a rebuttal, the bartender slide towards your end of the counter.
"What can I get for you two?" "Rum and Coke for me, and for you, princess?"
You wanted to grit your teeth at the pet name. Who did this guy think he is? If maybe he was a bit more charming upon first meeting, you would be more inclined to accept a drink from him. However, two can play this game.
You turned over the counter, close to the bartender and giving a good view of your cleavage. You put on the sweetest smile you could muster.
"Can I please get a bay breeze? And 5 shots of tequila for me and my girls?"
From behind you, you heard light gagging. What was wrong? Was he annoyed you were actually going to take him up on his offer to buy you drinks? The bartender smiled back at you before getting to work on your order. When you looked back towards Minho, you saw him stealing glasses at your ass as you were still leaned over slightly. Good. He can look all he wants but he isn't getting close enough to touch. "If I didn't know better, I would think you're playing hard to get, sweetheart. I'm flattered."
I groaned mentally. I was normally the type to be more sassy and flirty. I definitely didn't like being on the receiving hand because it was like he was calling the shots. It should be the other way around.
"So, tell me. You came here with your girls hence why you ordered five shots unless, but what are the chances I can ruin those plans and get you alone? You know, to get to know you better. I don't even know your name which is just rude considering that you put your order on my tab."
"Y/n." "Y/n? Very pretty," he commented. He slowly leaned in to you, so his lips were near your ear. You wanted to shutter away but you could feel your heart race with how close he was to you. He was a very attractive guy. You just hated the little mind games he was trying to play with you right now.
His breath hit your ear, causing a shiver to run down your spin. Your body was portraying you, revealing your true ambitions. You wouldn't mind getting alone with Minho, but you were here with your girls. You weren't the type to just abandon girls' night. His voice was calm. Almost to calm. "I'll make sure to remember that when I'm moaning out your name later tonight. I'm very vocal, you know. But you can find that out for yourself later.""
Before you could even respond, the bartender placed both of your cocktails in front of you two. You were stunned. You stood there, jaw slightly dropped and eyes widened. This has never happened to you. You were normally so quick on your feet, but this guy managed to make the impossible possible.
Minho chuckled at your expressing before pressing a quick kiss on your cheek. He reached for your drink. The bartender was about to place the five shots in front of you.
"I'm only paying for one of the shots. The others are on her tab."
You're fucking kidding me.
Minho looked at you as he took a sip out of his cocktail. "What? I only know your name, not your friends. For all I know, they could be made up. Guess you'll have to introduce me next time."
He slipped into the crowd, immediately getting lost in the crowd. What just happened? You turned towards the bartender who was just looking at you awkwardly. "Open or close?" He asked.
"Close," you grumbled. There was no way in hell you were going to spend any more of your own money tonight. You unlocked your purse to search for your debt card. You soon handed it over to the bartender who went to run the card and get your receipt. "Fuck," you groaned underneath your breath.
You unlocked your phone before quickly typing in the group chat that you bought shots for everyone. No use in letting them go to waste. You could at least also use a laugh once you retell your odd encounter with Minho.
"And he just left?" "Yes! He paid for MY shot and MY drink." "I mean, you could say that he has eyes for you and you only. Kind of sweet if you ask me," your one friend tried rationalizing.
You turned towards her, glaring. Her immediate response was to put her hands up in defense. Your best friend then joined in the conversation to help ease the tension. "Ok, ok, calm down, tiger. Forget about him," he said. "You're with your girls! Let's finish our drinks then go dance because I'm not about to commit a party foul."
Everyone nodded in agreement, including you. Dancing would help take your mind off of Minho and his antics. You always felt like you were in your element whenever you got to dancing, especially after a drink or two.
You took the last sip of your drink before your friend grabbed your hand. You laughed as she began guiding you toward the dance floor. "Paint The Town Red" by Doja Cat began playing, sending everyone into a frenzy to get to the dance floor. You guys formed a mini circle, beginning to sing along to the song. You felt your body relax more as you moved your hips gently to the beat.
Mm, she the devil She a bad lil' bitch, she a rebel (walk on by) She put her foot to the pedal I'll take a whole for me to settle (walk on by)
"What did you say this guy looked like?" A voice shouted in my ear.
It was like in that moment the record screeched to a stop in your mind. You slowed down my movement before looking over at my best friend. I was going to regret telling her. "He has black hair, brown eyes, and a stupid smirk on his face. Why?"
"Well, believe it or not, he is totally checking you out right now."
There's no way. She motioned up over my shoulder, where the balcony over looked the dance floor. I glanced over my shoulder, seeing where she was referring to. And sure enough, there he was. He was leaning against the railing, his drink held in one hand loosely. His eyes were trained on me. I felt like he could bur my skin with the intense gaze.
Maybe it was alcohol settling into my system, but I was yearning for his gaze. He was too confident for my liking, but maybe that was because he knew how attractive he was? Maybe he was used to women throwing themselves at him?
"Y/n, you're biting your lip," my friend teased. "You sure you're not into him? If not, I'm gonna try my way with him."
My head wiped around towards my friend. What? "Don't even dare."
The girls all smirked at me. My one friend looked at me shocked due to my quick reaction but soon smirked with the rest of the group. My eyes widened at what I realized I did. I was caught red-handed.
"You bragging to your friends about me?" A voice spoke to me.
No way. I stood up straighter, feeling the pressure of someone's body behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Lee Minho standing right behind me. It took everything in me not to crumble. I still had to be strong. But the way he was looking down at me, that smirk plastered on his lips.
"Maybe? What is it to you?" I asked him.
He chuckled lightly. His one hand resting on my hip, pulling me in closer. His lips are by my ear like at the bar top. "Because I was bragging to my friends about meeting you. You don't want me to embarrass myself when I told them I could get with the hottest girl in this club tonight, right?"
I turned around slightly. I took a step closer so our hips brushed against one another this time. My arms moved to wrap around his neck. One hand ran through his hair, the other resting on his shoulder lightly. "No, that wouldn't be very nice of me, would it?"
He shook his head now. I tilted my head up towards his, lips close to his. "But who said I liked to play nice?"
"Who said I wanted a good girl?" God, I could feel myself getting wet.
His hand moved from my hip back towards my ass. His hand cupped it, giving it a playful squeeze. His other hand rested at my side, keeping me close to him. There wasn't a moment he wasn't looking at me. My skin felt hot as I was becoming aware this was a game I was easily losing. I was the one who typically called my shots, telling the guy what I wanted and how I wanted. But here was Lee Minho, taking full control of my thoughts. It was hot.
Noticing my change in demeanor from earlier in the evening, he couldn't help but laugh. "Aw, darling, what's wrong? You getting shy on me?"
"I'm just not used to someone beating me at my own game." "I'm full of a lot of surprises. I just didn't realize making eye contact with you would cause you to crumble so easily." "Well, let's see what makes you fall to your knees."
Keeping your one hand loosely on the back of his neck, you began playing with the soft strands of the back of his hair. Slowly, you began to press kisses to across his jawline towards the corner of his mouth. Each kiss was slow, lingering. You could have sworn you heard him practically purred at your touch. Your body was lightly pressing against his, enough to be teasing him.
Your free hand slowly moved from his shoulder, down his chest. You decided to apply slightly more pressure with your hand over his clothes. You wanted to get a good feel after all, leave him craving more of your touch. To your surprise, you could feel the outline of Minho’s abs through his shirt. Your fingers traced up and down gently. Your lips hovering over his. “So you really think you’re the perfect guy, huh?” You asked teasingly.
Minho smiled for a moment, a gentle smile at that. His breathing was a tiny bit shaky at the feeling of you touching him. He normally wasn’t the type to let people touch him, but he was curious to know where your mind was at. “Just want to be seen as perfect in your eyes, princess,” he whispered.
You hummed lightly under your breath, processing what he had said. God, you’ve never been with someone who makes you so weak so easily. But feeling how hard he had gotten against your leg from the sensual touching and flirting, you’d say you had the same effect on him. Neither of you just wanted to admit it quite yet. You had to try to get the upper hand here. You wanted him to the be one to show more interest, to chase after you. The hand on his chest slowly moved down towards his crotch.
Suddenly, you felt a hand grasp around your wrist. You looked down to see Minho holding it as you looked up. Your cheeks instantly turned red. Fuck. I just fucked this up by being too forward.
You tried rushing out apologizes, trying to pull your hand back to undo any damage. Yet, Minho kept your hand still. He chuckled at your frantic state before leaning in again to kiss the corner of your mouth. He then dropped your wrist so he could hold both of your hips.
“Now, now, darling. Do you want everyone in here to know you want to be my dirty girl? I don’t like to share.”
Your knees nearly buckled at his words. His voice was an octave lower than what he had been speaking in all evening. There was this look in his eye that pained him from stopping you, but this was his game. He made the rules. You weren’t sure if it was the buzz from the alcohol or Minho himself making your body feel warm and fuzzy, making your head spin. You were growing addicted to the feeling.
“I also like to be taken out on a date before bringing someone home. Call me old fashioned,” he shrugged.
“Are you free tomorrow night?”
“That eager to get me all to yourself?”
“Yes.” There was no denying it now. You were wrapped around Minho’s finger. You lost, but maybe you won something greater if it means going out with Lee Minho.
“It’s a date, doll.” He took out his phone, unlocking it and giving it to you. Without any thought, you pulled your contact number into his phone. What am I doing? This is so unlike me. But Lee Minho is unlike anyone you’ve met before.
Once done, you saved your contact information before handing his phone back over to him. He had a smirk curled onto his lips watching you. His heart was racing just thinking about spending one-on-one time with you. You weren’t like other girls. You didn’t beg for his attention the way others have. You held your ground until you decided to let him in, not trying to force your way into his world. He was intrigued by you. Satisified, he slipped his phone back into his pocket.
“Come on, Minho,” someone called out from behind him. You saw a hand on his shoulder which immediately caused you to peak up. Stood behind Minho was a guy with an Australian accent. He had maroon-colored haired and dark brown eyes, similar to Minho's. This gaze was a bit friendlier you would say. Minho's tends to be intense but you're quickly learning that he does that on purpose.
You were a bit startled at the interruption. The stranger offered an apologetic smile as he squeezed Minho’s shoulder. “Uber is here. We gotta go.”
“Don’t miss me too much,” he whispered. He slowly moved his lips back closer to yours. They were brushing against yours now, causing your breathing to hitch at the feeling. You weren’t expecting him to make such a sudden move.
And just like that, the guy behind Minho lead him towards the front with a group of five other guys trailing behind him. You stood there, shocked. Minho looked back before he was led out, sending a wink in your direction. Uh oh, I'm in deep. "So, when's the first date?" your best friend asked, teasingly.
Little did she know her joke no longer was just poking fun. You looked over at her, smiling from ear to ear. "Tomorrow night."
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ghostlykeyes · 1 year
Hi! Ur one of my favorite csm fanfic writers, and I hope you have a good day today. Since your request is still open, Im going to take advantage of it haha.... Can you write a headcanon for Quanxi, Power, and Makima where their s/o is a med student and they are struggling to adjust to a VERY busy schedule with almost no time for socializing outside of school and internships? There are also times where they sleep at 1:00 a.m. and wake up at 5:00 a.m., which is probably because I procrastinate A LOT and Im still wondering how I am still alive today.
Hi!! Thank you 🖤 I hope your studies are going well! (and dear LORD babe please get more sleep if you're reading this go to bed RIGHT NOW)
(Fem pronouns for Quanxi, GN for Power/Makima)
Quanxi isn't particularly social herself, so she struggles to understand why you miss parties with your friends or getting dinner with your family. After all, you're working hard towards a career you're passionate about, and the two of you have a good thing going. What more could a sweet, driven girl like yourself want? Still, she doesn't like seeing you stressed, so she makes it a point to get you out of the house on weekends. "You can do this later," she tells you, shutting your textbook despite your protests. "All your friends are already at the restaurant, and we'll only stay for a little while." She ensures you slip a little time for yourself in your packed schedule, even if going out to bowling alleys or movie theaters with your friend group isn't her favorite. At least she gets to hold your hand the whole time.
She's a master at taking care of her girl—Quanxi always makes sure that you're comfortable, even three hours deep into test-prep. She knows your favorite source of caffeine and keeps it on-hand 24/7. Whenever she notices your eyes start drooping, she wordlessly places a tall glass at your elbow, placing a quick kiss on the top of your head. If it's cold, she grabs a blanket and your favorite socks. If it's been a few hours since lunch and you're blatantly ignoring your rumbling tummy, Quanxi pops out to grab your favorite take-out. You never have to ask; she just knows what you need, and provides it without delay.
Though Quanxi worries about your sleeping habits and demanding schedule, she knows you're an adult and can manage yourself. She doesn't nag or chide you if you're putting your studies first, and forgetting to shower every now-and-then. She does what she can to help, and she always, always tells you she's proud of you. Whenever you're ready to scream at the paper you're writing or about to cry into a pile of flashcards, she gently rubs your shoulders. "Hey," she says, "You're working hard. I'm so proud of you." Maybe to anyone else it wouldn't seem like much, but Quanxi is so sincere and tender as she works the knots out of your tired shoulders. Her quiet words are almost always enough to give you a second wind.
Despite her policy to let you do your own thing, Quanxi does get after you if she notices you procrastinating. She knows you need a break sometimes, but she also knows if you put off your work too long you'll be ten times as stressed when you're staring down a looming deadline. "Hey, cutie," she pinches your cheek, gentle but insistent enough to make you scrunch your nose up. "You better hit the books." If you protest, she raises an eyebrow at you. "You know I'm right. Just work on it for a little bit, and then we can cuddle and watch your favorite show or something." As you pass her by, grumbling about your workload, she smacks your ass for good measure. It's usually enough to make you smile back at her, and stop complaining.
Quanxi buys you a set of scrubs in your favorite color. "So my girl won't forget about me, even when she's busy," Quanxi teases, and you roll your eyes. You reassure her with a kiss that of course you'd never forget about her, and she ruffles your hair fondly. It's your favorite set of scrubs, and you wear them almost twice a week.
Power absolutely. hates. your jam-packed schedule. In her opinion, you should be devoting all that time to her! After all, you two could be having so much fun! Why dedicate hours to your internships and classes when the two of you could be out getting soft serve, going to fairs and winning goldfish, or eating exclusively the meat at monjayaki restaurants? She despises the fact that she has to share you with your studies. With a little help from Denji, though, she leaves you alone to do your work. If you ask her to scope out date locations, she's eager to hit the city and plan a perfect date for you two. Just bribe Denji with a handful of Family Burger coupons and he's willing to chauffer her. You get a nice, long day of peace and quiet to cram your studies into and, as a bonus, you get to look forward to whatever date spot Power's deemed a necessity to visit, whenever you've got the ever-rare free afternoon. The cramming might seem counter-intuitive, but it actually helps you get things done faster. It's harder to procrastinate when Power's asking for constant updates on your progress, eager for you to be done so she can have you all to herself.
Whenever you're settled on the couch for a study session, Power comes to cuddle up with you. She'll splay out across your lap or nuzzle her chin into the space between your neck and shoulder. She summons every single ounce of self-control she has to stay quiet and still, so you can keep studying. At first it's pretty difficult for her to resist the urge to poke your face or put Meowy on your head, but as she gets used to the quiet, she finds she starts to enjoy these gentle, low-key moments with you. Sure, she prefers being hyper and loud, but silently nestling into your side and soaking up your warmth is pretty nice, too.
Thrilled to have knowledge about something you're studying, Power is always eager to tell you about blood. How it feels when she's directing its energy, the way it almost hums beneath her fingertips as she molds it to her will. It's not something you'll find in any textbook, and your professors probably won't quiz you on how blood "feels"—but it's still fascinating stuff. Whenever you're diving into the specifics of how blood flows through the heart or mapping out arteries and veins, you tell Power about your studies. You listen eagerly as for every fact you give her, she tells you something about blood that you'd never find in any textbook.
Power absolutely insists that you get enough sleep. Pulling an all-nighter is simply not an option. "My human," she commands, closing her hands around your shoulders, " 'Tis time for us to go to bed." If you protest, telling her you'll come in a few hours, she pouts and shakes her head firmly. "Not an option! You must rest, and I must have someone to cuddle with." She'll physically pull you into bed if she has to. If you have to get up early to finish something, she'll begrudgingly allow it, but going to sleep together is non-negotiable.
All of your notes and flashcards are littered with Power's doodles. It's her way of cheering you up when you're three hours deep into studying the brain. Little scribbles of stars and hearts and hammers (don't ask), or sketches of Meowy doing impossible things like fighting a supervillain or rolling up some sushi. She's not the best illustrator but her pictures definitely have heart, and they do the job of cheering you up splendidly.
Makima's no stranger to a busy schedule, so she completely understands your struggles. For her, maintaining a planner is a must and she'll gladly help you start one. She gets you a plain faux-leather journal, your name embossed on the cover in gold. Inside is a neat chart laying out the week in precise detail. There's a spot for to-do lists, due dates, progress trackers for big assignments. She's also included reminders to eat, stretch, and drink plenty of water in the margins. She really thought of everything, and if you end up using the planner to its fullest extent, it pretty much kills your procrastination problem. (It's much easier to get things done when it's broken down into efficient, day-by-day steps for you.) Pay attention, and you'll find new comments from your lover packed inside the margins. Simple things, like "Be sure to eat something nutritious today" or "Remember, you have to be at your internship an hour early on Tuesday.", penciled in her neat handwriting. It's not an "I love you"—she struggles with those—but for Makima, the simple care is close enough.
Outwardly, Makima is sympathetic when you lament that you've got no time for friends and family. She nods her head and frowns when you tell her it's been three weeks since you've gotten to go out on the weekend, and assures you that you'll be able to hit an izakaya or bowling alley with your friends soon. Inside, though, Makima likes that your busy schedule keeps you from interacting with people too much. This way, she gets to have you all to herself. Makima loves that you have precious little free time, and that you spend most of it on her. The less other people get to claim your attention, the better.
Instead of eating on her lunch break, Makima dedicates that hour to you. She comes by your place to share a quick lunch, or drives you to your internships. Even if it's only a twenty-minute car ride and a quick kiss before you hurry into your internship building, decked out in scrubs and eager to learn, Makima cherishes this rare time with you.
Sunday afternoons are scheduled date times. No matter what might be going on at work, Makima pushes it aside to spend the day with you, and she expects you to do the same. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. Just getting coffee together or walking the dogs down a new path is enough. What matters is that the two of you, despite your demanding workloads, have time that's just for each other. She's not happy if you try to blow off your scheduled date to study. It's her favorite part of any week, so expect her to act cold for a few days if it's taken away from her.
Makima respects your work ethic, and she's incredibly proud of you. She makes it a rule not to bring her personal life into work—that would just make you a target—but she's hidden a photo of you, beaming at the camera in your scrubs, in her office. Whenever she's stressed, she pulls out that photograph and reminds herself how impressed she is with your hard work and diligence. It's enough to help her refocus and get her own work done.
Makima knows you're busy, so she likes to take care of your needs. Often, there's a healthy lunch she's put together for you in the fridge, a full bottle of filtered water in your bag, and a fresh notebook on hand in case you run out of paper. She prides herself on anticipating your needs. It sends a surge of satisfaction through her when you start to ask a question: "Darling, have you seen my—" only to cut yourself off as she holds up whatever you're looking for. She hands it off to you with a barely-there smug look and quick kiss to your nose. Now, if only she would look after her own daily needs with such dedication...
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saltydkdan · 6 months
Are the JoJo's icebergs fun to work on? They look like a blast to edit and write! (If a bit of a large workload)
The Jojo Iceberg has been... interesting. On one hand yes! It has been a blast to work on in some senses! It taught me a lot about writing, and research, while also allowing me the freedom to experiment with editing and injecting my humor into scripted stuff in a more organic way. I feel like with each chunk of the series I've posted thus far, I've shown more and more confidence over time.
Plus you are right!! Once the audio editing is done, working on visual edits and gags is a blast. Sure it takes time, but I have a weird love for making smooth video edits for people to watch (even though like 50% of the people that view those videos probably just listen to em like a podcast without looking at it haha).
So that sort of stuff, yes! That's been a blast, and I've learned a TON that I'd never take back for the world!
However on the flipside, logistically this project was a nightmare from day one LOL. And this is the part where I try to dissuade anyone from EVER working on a longer project like this because god damn it's been a pain at times.
Keep in mind, the script (as it stands) is nearly 200 pages. That is the longest scripted work I've ever helped write in my entire life, and when I started I was NOT that experienced as a writer whatsoever. I'm a bit better now, but at times I still struggle.
I made the horrible decision to never put a cap on the script. For every new fact I learned, even if it wasn't a part of the original plans for the video, I would add it to the pile. No matter what it was. I was committed to making it as long as I thought it needed to be, not as long as it probably SHOULD have been to get done in a reasonable amount of time.
I did all this for a deep passion for the source material, and even after the final part comes out early this year, I plan on going back and correcting the very few mistakes or miswordings I had in the original videos when I put them all together in one MEGA video.
But that passion for Jojo is a blessing and a curse, and I hadn't realized how long a project like this would take me amidst all the other big projects like Friendlocke and HYHA.
Full disclosure, the script was first started in December of 2020. That's nearly 3-4 YEARS AGO by now. If I knew that putting all this together would take that long, I probably wouldn't have committed to it in the way that I did. In that time, I probably could have put out a TON of shorter stuff, but I was so committed to this that I just didn't and that very much hurt my channel in the long term.
Though to be real, I haven't worked on it consistently, I tend to jump on and off between projects to avoid burnout. However still, by the time it's all done, the Jojo Iceberg combined together will most likely be the longest piece of content on my channel (yes, potentially longer than Friendlocke Season 3, I estimate that it'll probably come out to around 6 hours in length if I don't cut anything down).
It's because of this that after this is all out there? I plan to NEVER tackle something this long ever again. Friendlocke and Jojo have drained my bones, and all I wanna do these days is work on shorter stuff. Though I guess in that sense, this project has really helped teach me a lot about the sort of stuff I want to make. So in a way, even the negatives have positives! There's always something you can take away with, even if your experience had some downsides.
Looking at such a long script and doing some math, it's made me realize that like... damn. I could DEFINITELY do shorter videos way more consistently in the future. And so that's what I plan to do :)
So yeah! Some positives and negatives. But overall, I learned a lot and that's all I could ever ask for.
Thanks for your question! Have a good one!
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morosis-haze · 11 months
𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐬
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Nanami Kento x Gn!Reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: mentions of a knife (used for cooking) cheating and hooking up (not involved with the relationship with Nanami this ain’t a cheating fic)
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: Nanami can’t help but take notice of the stress his s/o is facing and he only wishes you’d share your burdens with him.
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Work has been stressful for you this week. Nothing unusual everyone had their days, but it was piling up on you from messy coworkers and their need to complain about one another to you or the fact that your boss felt the need to keep giving you work because he “knows you could handle it” 
It left you heading home later than usual with a pounding headache and more papers to finish. It didn’t help to not see your boyfriend home by the time you got back. Shrugging off your coat you head to the kitchen as much as you want to finish the work you brought home, your stomach is in need of food.
Kento came home to hear the sound of a knife hitting a cutting board. Any other time he would’ve been happy to know he could just jump in to assist you with dinner for the night, but with how aggressively the knife hit the board he knew you weren’t having the best day.
“Hello, my love” He voiced, letting you be aware of his presence before he rested his hands on the side of your waist. “How was work?” rubbing smooth circles on you.
“It was fine” You left the answer short not wanting to bother him with all your problems. He dealt with curses and other issues. So, why bother him over office drama and other nonsense? 
“What are you defining ‘fine’ as?” You looked at him through the side throwing him a questioning look “It was fine, what else is there to say?”
Kento sighs turning you around to face him before rephrasing his question “How have you been throughout the day?” He took the knife out of your hand, putting it on the counter. “Don’t lie to me” His eyes look stern, almost challenging you on your reply.
“Annoying a bit not like much happened there isn’t anything to tell you about” He keeps his gaze on you trying to read your expressions. “Then I wanna hear what annoyed you so much” 
He was waiting for you to go into detail about your day. All the work that was given to you, every other random task you dealt with, mentions of coworkers he never met, and having to remind him that, that one worker with the cheating scandal isn’t the new intern trying to hook up with the boss. He wanted to hear every little thing and he would engage in conversation letting you know he listened.
“Your boss better be giving you a raise soon with all of this happening” You could only nod in agreement getting a raise or promotion would do you good and possibly be more motivating for the workload given to you lately.
“If he doesn’t I’ll talk to him” Kento wasn’t one to always be confrontational, especially with things that didn’t exactly concern him, but taking note of your behavior the past week and from what he heard about your workplace someone needs to say something to your boss.
You only let out an airy laugh not fully believing he’d go there “I appreciate it really but that’s not needed-” 
Kento interrupts you knowing what you would say “You could handle it. I know you can, you handle a lot of things well that isn’t new to me. I just want you to know you could accept help, there's nothing wrong with that.” Kento holds your chin up to him making sure you don’t look away from him.
“I know, but I don’t want to bother you” Once again he cuts you off “I’m dating you, I’m meant to be here for these things. You’re not gonna become a burden to me suddenly for speaking out about how you feel or asking something of me. If I deal with Gojo all day then I could deal with all of that alongside you.”
He pressed a kiss to your forehead “I want to share your burdens. Now what can I help you with?” 
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𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @dojathascammer / @pinkfqiry / @simpsunit / @goldenglow149 to join the taglist fill out this form
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