#because the only thing thats good is the rejection of the flesh and embracing of the glorious evolution amen 🙏
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fujouppy · 4 months ago
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not morning anymore but GOOD MORNING TO UM. american east coast people maybe? its 6:30 over there rn i believe. gm yall
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ithisatanytime · 2 years ago
bladee & Mechatok - Gates
 i repeat myself a lot on here, but i see it as review, people forget i forget, i want everyone to be equipped to deal with jews and their lies as much as is possible, part of that means reviewing stuff ive already been over so we all have a good foundation, they are skilled liars. im trying to get ahead of shill tactics, i saw a new one today, basically they were doing the typical jewish trick where they are conflating being a christian with being a jew in far right spaces, jesus was a jew, you worship a jew and other such lies, when an anon pointed out the obvious “the book that calls them a den of vipers and thieves, the children of satan, thats what the jews are pushing” to which a shill responded “specifically the sadducees and the pharisees” so he wasnt talking to all the jews but just those guys! right? well heres the thing, the god of the hebrews manifested himself in the flesh on earth in order to combat the children of the lie, and then die for our sins, after all this was accomplished what happened to the jews? many became christian and ceased being jews in that moment, so it folows that all that could have remained behind were those that rejected the truth, literally rejecting the living truth from gods own mouth and murdered him, modern jewry ARE the pharisees, its been said again and again, but all the good jews became christian and ceased being jews. there is no distinction between jew and pharisee post christ, either you sided with the pharisees who would eventually write down their rules of men which became the talmud, or you siided with the truth and became christian and ceased being a jew. its a false distinction. as a jew in the time of christ there were only two camps you could belong to, either you rejected the lie of the pharisees which would become the babalonian talmud that jews still follow to this day, or you embrace the truth and became christain and cease being a jew. there are still only two camps in which all people belong, and the difference between a pharisee in jesus time, a modern jew, a muslim, or an atheist are purely academic, you either follow the truth or you follow a lie.
 i dont want to live around anyone whos not christian, because if you arent christian you arent a good person, hell even if you are a christian you probably arent a good person, but if you arent christian you are a bad person as a matter of absolute certainty. all other religions with their focus on rules over grace create a hotbed of liars, their holy texts demand literal perfection in thoughts and deed, and christ himself said that no one is good accept for god in heaven, so everyone is going to fall short of this ideal, god himself provided the remedy for this conundrum in the form of his sacrifice and his constant urging to be aware of our sinful nature and to be in repentance, but these other religions demand perfection and no remedy is provided when you inevitably fail to achieve perfection, so what happens is their holy priestly class are comprised of the most callous liars imaginable, the more shamelessly you are able to lie, the farther you will advance in societies such as these and the results of this wrongheadedness are apparent in the fucked up societies and cultures they produce. i dont want to live around a man who is unaware of the scope of his own personal sin, and therefor doesnt understand the value inherent in forgiveness, he fools himself into believing hes perfect so he neither requires grace nor provides it for those around him, the most rank hypocrites you can imagine. there is but one truth and any deviation from the truth can be nothing but a lie. i dont want to live amongst or around liars, but they want to live amongst us, and where Muhammad failed his people by preaching lies that dont create strong functioning societies, the people of this lie all clamor to get into christian nations and live even in the shell of formerly christian nations, even a formerly christian nation wholly subverted by jews is better than a country run by their own people practicing their own religion, they tramble each other to death and suffocate on boats all calmoring to get into christs kingdom while jews supply the boats, and then when they arrive on our peaceful prosperous shores, greatly relieved to finally be rid of the muslim shithole from which they came,  these idiots say praise be to allah
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imaginetonyandbucky · 6 years ago
On their first official date, Tony has a cold and ends up taking the wrong kind of cold medicine which makes him loopy but Steve kinda crashes the date trying to tell Tony he loves him before he ends up losing him to Bucky. Even doused Tony kindly but funnily rejects him but offers to buy him dinner. Bucky gives him a friendly threat saying he loves Steve, he's his bff and brother so they'll be cool but that he can't ever go after Tony.
Doped Up Date
Bucky’s heart pounded in his chest as if he were battling a levithan—not on a date with Tony Stark.
Honestly, fighting a levithan would be easier; he’d just need to grab his largest gun and shoot at the damn thing until it was dead.
How did one combat the humor and charm of Tony Stark—resist the beautiful, brown bambi eyes?
How could he win and not wave his white flag in defeat when the  red, stuffy nose on Tony’s face endeared Bucky to him?
Tony chuckled. He rested his head on Bucky’s shoulder. “You’re amazing.”
Bucky squeezed Tony’s hand. He pulled Tony close to his side. The chill off the evening seeped into his coat. If he could feel the cold then Tony could as well; he needed to keep Tony warm. It was bad enough that he had taken Tony outside when he was sick. Tony should be resting somewhere with a heater. Bucky hadn’t been able help himself when Tony had asked him out though.
He had been pouring himself a glass of milk when Tony had stumbled into the kitchen with a loopy grin on his face.
“There’s my gorgeous man.” Tony had clumsily sashayed up to Bucky. “Let’s go on a date.”
Bucky forced himself to swallow instead of spitting out the milk like it had gone sour. “Are you high?”
Tony had waved off Bucky’s question. “I took some cold medicine. Nothing strong. Date me.”
Like the weak person that he was, Bucky caved. He’d wanted to date Tony for so long, but had been too afraid to make a move due to their history. He couldn’t give up his chance at a date with Tony just because the circumstances weren’t perfect.
He also trusted that, despite a few out of character moments, Tony was telling him the truth when he said he was not high off his gourd.
(More after the break!)
“Bucky, you’re ignoring me.” Tony nuzzled Bucky’s shoulder as he whined.
“Sorry. I’m just really happy.”
Tony hummed. “That’s good.”
A violent sneeze bowed Tony’s body.
Bucky patted Tony on the back. “We should get you home.”
Tony rubbed his nose with the back of his wrist. “But we only had dinner. What kind of a date is only dinner?”
“A filling one.” Bucky slung his arm around Tony’s neck. “We’re walking under the stars.”
“On a dirty, busy sidewalk in New York.” Tony pressed closer to Bucky to avoid the two kids and their guardian rushing past.
“We could call Happy to pick us up.”
“Are you trying to kill the romance?”
“We could make out in backseat of the car.”
Tony scrunched his face. There was just something so childish and silly about the pout Tony directed at Bucky; it caused fondness and humor to course through Bucky. He kissed Tony’s temple. “A movie. You, me, and a comfy couch at home. We’ll dim the lights, grab a couple of blankets, and keep each other warm. How is that for romance?”
“Sounds better than it should be,” Tony grumbled. “It’s our first date; it should be more romantic. Flowers, sweeping music, and all that Hallmark stuff. Fireworks.”
“Watching fireworks or kissing being like fireworks?”
“Both.” Tony closed his eyes as he lolled his head back.
Bucky chuckled as he planted another kiss on Tony’s head. “Yeah, sounds like it is time to take you home.”
“I could buy fireworks, you know. I have bought fireworks.”
Bucky nodded his head and mumbled agreements. He had no doubt that Tony had purchased fireworks before.
With a gentle arm wrapped around Tony’s shoulders—or a hand tucked into Tony’s back pocket when Tony took to gesticulating—Bucky guided his sickly love home. Cuddled together, they entered the common area of the Avengers compound and took over the living room. Tony sprawled across one of the sofas and picked out the movie, as Bucky hunted down soft, fleece blankets to cocoon them in. He also fetched Tony’s medicine, much to Tony’s chagrin.
“I’m fine.” Snot dribbled out from Tony’s nose. He grimaced.
Bucky shook his head. He pulled a travel packet of tissues from his pocket then passed a tissue to Tony. “I’m sure. It’s for later when you don’t feel fine.”
Tony took the tissue. He blew his nose. “Hand sanitizer.”
“I’ll grab some while I get the popcorn.”
“My sweet prince, I would kiss you like a porn star if I weren’t carrying the plague.”
“I’ll hold you to that.” Bucky grinned as he went to the kitchen. In a flash, he had a bag of popcorn popping in the microwave and was on the move to fetch a bottle of hand sanitizer for Tony as promised. Just as quick as he was to get the popcorn started, he scurried to the bathroom where, after riffling through a couple of drawers, he found the hand sanitizer.
There was a bounce to his step as Bucky returned to the living room. The soft hum of the microwave coming from the kitchen told him the popcorn was still cooking, even as the salty and buttery aroma of the light as air treat teased his senses.
A square, blond head attached to a pair of broad shoulders peeked out from behind the couch. A corded arm pillowed Tony’s head. Laughter lit up Tony’s face as he looked at Steve: the encroacher.
Insecurity opened its maw and threatened to swallow Bucky whole.
Vague memories of a time when he used to be the dashing charmer who had all the girls fawning over him flooded back to him. Bitterness assaulted his tongue as shame coiled through his being; his jealousy was so strong that he was embarrassed.
He was happy that Steve knew how to flirt and charm.
He just wasn’t happy that the person who Steve was interested in was Tony.
Be a good friend, Bucky. Be a good friend. Tony asked you out. He likes you. Don’t go caveman.
Steve cocked his head then looked Bucky’s way. “Bucky, there you are. Tony was just telling me that you two are about to have a movie night. Hope you don’t mind a third wheel.”
“And here I thought you were tired of being a third wheel.” Bucky spoke with a smile that belied his backhanded words.
“Not when I am with two of my favorite people.”
Tony snorted tersely.
Steve gave Tony a look that communicated that he had heard Tony, knew exactly what Tony was saying without uttering a word, and that despite his disapproval, he was amused by Tony’s antics.
The microwave beeped its completion.
Bucky ignored it. “You’re giving me cavities, Steve. Tony and I planned for this movie night to be just the two of us. So…” Bucky swung his arms toward the exit.
A befuddled frown crossed Steve’s features. He looked to Tony for understanding.
Tony wrapped the blankets tighter around himself. “No need to fight over me boys.” He sniffled. “I know-” Tony blinked. “…and my head is spinning. Hello, vertigo, my old friend. Oh! Friday, movie change. Get ready to play Vertigo.”
Bucky marched over to Tony. He tucked the bottle of hand sanitizer into the space where sofa cushion met armrest. Bucky splayed his flesh hand across Tony’s forehead. “You’re not burning up.”
Tony nuzzled Bucky’s hand. “It’s just the mucus forming crystals in my head.”
“Are you sure?” Steve leaned into Tony’s space.  His brows knitted together. “Maybe we should cancel movie night tonight. You need your rest, Tony. I’ll take you out to the movies some other night. What do you say? We can make it a date.”
A part of Bucky applauded Steve for his new and improved pick up skills. Another part of Bucky screamed in horror. With just a few sentences, Steve had brought an end to Bucky’s date while simultaneously asking Tony out.
Steve was devastating him.
Tony huffed. He put his hand on Steve’s cheek and pushed him away. “I know thanks to that serum you are immune to the common cold but please stay out of my face.”
Steve frowned but kept his distance. “I’m worried about you, Tony.”
“Bah.” Tony tossed a corner of the blanket over his head. The fleece covered half his face. “Everyone is such a worrywart!” Tony twisted. He flung his arms open at Bucky. “Come to me, beautiful. Sick people need warmth.”
“Yeah, you were right about not needing more medicine.” Bucky went around the couch. He plopped himself on the other side of Tony. Tony embraced Bucky like he was Tony’s long lost teddy bear. Happiness curled in Bucky’s stomach like a contented cat. It was nice to be wanted. It was wonderful to be wanted by Tony.
Steve touched Tony’s shoulder. Genuine concern contorted his face. “Tony, I’m really worried. I love you; I don’t want to see you hospitalized because we didn’t take care of you.”
“That’s a sweet love confession, Steve, but my weak, barely functional heart belongs to this darling raccoon over here.” Tony pecked Bucky on the lips. “I really hope you are immune to the common cold, otherwise that was a lot more disgusting than I thought it would be in my head.” Tony sniffled.
Red-nosed, watery-eyed, and a voice that was slowly but surely becoming raspy, and Tony was still the person Bucky most wanted to kiss on the planet. He was a smitten man; he did not mind.
“Tony, I’m serious,” Steve’s tone hardened.
“So am I.” Tony lightly kicked Steve’s knee. “Shoo, shoo. Go pine for me in another room, or make another super boy band to fight against mine, whatever it is you do to cope.”
Steve shook his head. “You’re delirious.”
Tony closed his eyes and groaned. When he opened his eyes again, a shade of the sharp wit that he usually carried shimmered in his eyes. He turned on Steve. “Steve, if I am hospitalized it will be from blue balls, because right now, I am trying to get in your best friend’s pants, and you are cockblocking me.”
Steve’s head jerked back as if struck. He blinked rapidly like a cartoon character then stared at Tony and Bucky.
“You two are dating? Really dating? This isn’t a joke?”
Tony rolled his eyes. “We are trying to.”
“Yeah, third wheel and the love confessions are making it a little hard,” Bucky said.
Steve stiffened. Red tinged the tips of his ears. He crossed his arms over his chest. “Love confession? Really?”
“You said, ‘I love you,’” Bucky argued. He wasn’t going to let Steve off the hook for intruding on his date with Tony.
Tony nodded.
“I say ‘I love you’ to both of you all the time.” The red traveled down Steve’s eartips to his neck. Steve’s jaw set stubbornly.
“No, you don’t,” Bucky said.
“Yes, I do.”
“Friday,” Tony chimed in. “Has Steve ever said ‘I love you’ to Bucky or me before now?”
“I have no record of Steve Rogers saying ‘I love you’ to either of you; however, my records do not account for times that he was outside of my hearing range.”
Tony smirked at Steve. “Don’t try to say that every time you’ve said it you’ve just happened to not be around Friday.”
“I was wrong.” Steve stood up. “You’re not sick enough to go to the hospital. You have too much energy.”
“Love you too, Steve,” Tony said.
Steve’s face turned tomato red.
Tony tilted his head so he could kiss Bucky’s cheek. “Love you more.”
Bucky’s grin cut his face in half.
“I’m going to leave you two alone.” Steve hurried for the exit, like a child who had just walked in on his parents kissing.
“Don’t go after my fella again,” Bucky hollered at Steve’s retreating back. He spoke the words playfully with an undercurrent of seriousness that he knew Steve would pick up on. Steve was his family and best friend–he loved Steve–but Tony was special. He wasn’t okay with Steve hitting on Tony.
“I wasn’t!” Steve shouted as he made himself scarce.
“Sure,” Bucky said, sarcasm dripped off the word.
Tony flopped against Bucky. “Finally! Alone at last.”
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datingadviceonreddit · 5 years ago
I [28F] met this guy [32M] online shortly after dating someone I really liked for about a month.It was a hurtful breakup as we are both entering our thirties and ready for commitment, and he got cold feet and ran. I was very crushed. The smart thing to do would be to sit back for a bit, recollect my thoughts and confidence, and return to the dating scene at a later date. But I was a little mad, and feeling the heartache of someone leading me into a relationship and then bailing once I was onboard, it had been years since I felt that sense of disappointment... and rejection felt terrible, so I returned to the dating scene immediately after.Enter new guy, stage right.This new guy was polished, well educated, extreeeemely attractive (in my book), witty, mouthy, in shape, and basically everything a girl would look for in a movie screen boyfriend. Dreamy smile, great sense of humour, said all the right things, wanted all the same things as me like marriage, kids and to build a fun life together.He opened up with some cheesy line, we started to Facetime a bunch... and he was texting me every day for about a solid week. Right out of the gate he was feeding me relationship related lines. I reiterated constantly how it was moving too fast for me, in the nicest way possible. Sometimes he'd reference things we would be doing in the future, how i'd be staying with him in various situations, helping him with home projects, shopping for homes with him, cooking dinner together, buying a dog together. It was all like a fairytale creation and from the moment he started moving at top speed, my hackles went up.Before he had even met me in the flesh, he booked us a dinner date for a week later. Because he was back from a work trip, he had to stay in isolation for a couple weeks, and he was nearly finished but clearly getting antsy about being stuck in the house. I told him that I was looking forward to meeting him and things felt like they were in a good place. I wanted to make sure he was out of quarantine, and didn't feel bothered about waiting a few more days, but he seemed anxiety ridden that i'd get 'bored'.Then this is where i went wrong. He invited me over. My response was this "I don't usually spend time at other peoples apartments, or invite them over until I've had some time to get to know them on a few dates". This was the truth, I prefer to date for a bit, and then invite people into my personal space. He challenged those boundaries.THAT was where, under normal circumstances, I would have said "Tough. Thats the way it is, it's what makes me feel safe and comfortable and if its an issue for you, then we probably aren't looking for the same things".But i was feeling lonely, and weak, and needier than normal. I continued to say No, but less forcefully... and he continued to argue for pretty much the whole day and coax me into coming and making dinner with him. Eventually I relented, and the feeling was not nice. We made dinner, we kissed, we were playful, it was fun. He got a bit handsy with me, which I was not comfortable with yet. But I said nothing. Mistake number 2.I went home that night without having done anything except make out, and the next day he asked me to come over for drinks, and again the next, both days he was really touchy feely, and getting increasingly sexual. Then he asked me to stay over. I said no, I wasn't ready for that. He challenged me on it, said we didn't have to have sex. I pushed back, and he pushed and I pushed, and eventually he was taking my clothes off and i gave in. Then he wanted to have sex and i said i wanted to wait. But he pushed for it, whispered in my ear about how his feelings wouldn't change, and I gave in. Afterward he insisted that things were no different and that he still felt as strongly about me as he did before, but something about it just felt off to me. Third mistake.In the morning i got dressed and kissed him goodbye, and I felt totally crummy. I went to work, sat at my desk and just hated myself for not enforcing my own standards and boundaries. I wasn't ready for that, I wasn't ready to vault into intimacy before establishing a relationship. I didn't have a very long "body count" and I hated the fact that I was sleeping with someone who wasn't my boyfriend. It left me feeling devalued, and the only person who had devalued me and my standards, was myself.He continued to text me though, despite my assumptions he'd probably f*** off and cancel our dinner date. He appeared sweet and invested for the most part. He still took me for dinner, although there wasn't much touchy feely behaviour in public, and he had stopped asking me questions at this point. Dinner was great, but conversation seemed one sided, with the topics always on him and not really about mutually finding common ground with one another and growing the emotional bond. When they were on me, he just seemed distracted and not entirely present... especially when it was my turn to talk about difficult things. After our dinner date I slept over again and we made breakfast together in the morning, had sex in the shower, and then he took me to a bunch of open houses to help him look for a permanent place to live. It was very uncomfortable for me, as the realtor clearly thought we were a couple. It felt weird having him invite me and having heard him tell me things a week prior about how my input on his new home would be very important and essential as "I'd be living there too". I walked around feeling like I was in this preposterous dream, one where he was the architect and I was the panicky investor. The whole weekend from saturday afternoon to sunday evening was spent together.By the end of Sunday evening, I could see he was burning out. We were lying on my couch and it was just increasingly obvious that he was coming down to earth. The touching was less frequent, he'd stopped calling me babe, seemed to be getting mildly irritated with me or ignore things I was saying to him. His text messages were getting a bit shorter and the gaps between replies were longer. I knew this would happen, but yet I completely ignored it.The problem wasn't him. While he certainly had a bunch of red flags I ignored (extremely angry at his ex, fast-fowarding, future faking, love bombing, initially insecure, rushing, sweet talk)... I was the one who said NO and still ALLOWED him to elbow his way past and get what he wanted.Ladies (and men too), don't be me.When it's no, it's no for a very good reason, a reason that maybe you find difficult to explain yourself... but a reason that MOST MEN will not debate you on or feel so utterly self entitled to push past without a thought. Don't be me, because you will blame yourself, and frankly, it WILL be your own fault... because you knew better, and your gut was screaming, but you thought you were special, that this guy was an anomaly, but in the end... was just as messed up emotionally as you... and you welcomed that chaos in.Currently its monday, I'm sitting here with no good morning text from him, his goodnight message was polite and cordial, none of the sweet flirtiness, none of the normal "can't wait to see you again's" that men who have been genuinely interested in me say. I embraced the fantasy, and hopped on the crazy train, and now reality is hitting.Our emotions can govern us in bad ways. If you feel lonely, just take a break. Otherwise you will attract the same type of neediness that you are struggling with, and land yourself into another layer of hurt like I just did. via /r/dating_advice
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yeshuas-sons-of-thunder · 8 years ago
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so i traveled the united states for three years on and off ive been off the streets for 6 months now after being radically touched by my father and having my slavery to drugs alcohol and women broken, i had this chain attached to my soul yearning to find truth and follow in the steps of a brother named Christopher mccandless. alexander supertramp, little did i know this was just a story that the divine master of my life used to get me that much closer to him, i had never been chased or pursued by anyone in the whole world like my father chased me, through sleeping around with women across the country ruining their lives and mine and doing everyday drug possible from meth to weed, and acid and shrooms convincing myself i was my own god and that this reality was mine and i could do what i wanted with it, but death faced off with me every morning in the face of others and in my situation of being stuck in this fleshly prison, the creator thought this through forcing us to stay in this prison cell to truly find a way out only coming to realize in my life he was the way out, i was hiding in drugs day by day hiding at the bottom of a bottle when really all i needed was to hide out in him "he is my refuge" although i walked through the valley of death i felt protectance over me in the scariest ghettos and craziest situations, i lived in hell in a reality of hell for months allowing the god of this world the evil one to blind me and manipulate me through my traumas and wounds of depression rebellion rejection and dysfunctionality, finally he broke through, JESHUAS Love broke through, i was in SLAB CITY when the god of the universe, my papa came to speak to me, he had a messenger waiting there in slabs for me, i was a dirty kid with a dog and a sense and wish for purpose in my life not just wandering forever till i died which was what i was gonna do to prove i was a "man" or a hardcore guy. the hardest man gets broken by this world, nothing of this world is good, this flesh is a hell if your living a life for the flesh, it lives then it dies but i knew there was something eternal in me, my spirit nagged at me daily telling me there was more to this concious reality thn i dare to know. so i searched spiritually through acid and psychadelics, until i started having these awful spiritual attacks about ufos and aliens controlling my reality and a load of garbage all straight from the depths of sheol. someone something was trying to hinder me from finding out who i wtruly was and what im becoming to be and who my "real creator is" see the god of this world the"father of lies" puts blinders on those who are of the world, but when god revealed himself his true self to me everything changed i realized i was being chased and loved by something or someone so much bigger than me, he held my hand while i walked this country and hitched and hopped trains trying to figure out what in gods good name was i here for? an ant on the biggest space rock with a bilion other ants trying to figure out this whole mess too. im telling you it took all my self respect and admitting that i am nothing to finally realize who my daddy is, i hated him and rejected him for years i wanted to live this life my way, not "his" way and thats pepoples problem now adays we dont wanna admit we live sinfully and horribly because we know we'd have to lose all our self respect and our knowledge and everything we worked hard for in this life to get us to where we are in the first place, and to have to ask for forgiveness is our biggest weakness, we think "i dont need your forgiveness" id rather die than ask for it. but is heaven worth a little humiliation? for me yes, i couldnt go a day without his light his touch , paracleto's you are my everything. i made it back to oregon when i had encounter after soup kitchen another one of jehovas messenger of his holy army, his name was brian, he was a tatted up older military vet and he came up to me and my dog taco, i had these georgous dreads down to my shoulders and i looked like a dirty hippie, this false identity and this guy comes up to me and prophecy's my next five months, that id have these divine appoiintments and that id be marked by yawheh which is exactly what happened, that day i was marked for heavenly Purposes and longer the ambitions of the world. I've been sober for two months now and off the streets for 6 with my dog taco, ive been pursuing the lord everyday, i want people to get past their troubles and realize jesus didnt die so you could go to church every sunday and "Act" like you love god, i'd die for my lord i'd die like he died he' says pick up your cross and follow me, jesus means come die so you can actually live, i will live through you! in and through you touching his people and his children who dont know about christ and dont know of kingdom. dont ever let christians who dont actually have an intimate relationship with the king of kings ruin the idea of what a true beleive or baptized in holy spirit person might be like, the majority of the church goes to church to sing hymns and play the part of a goody too shoe christian when they sin every other dya of the week go to church sunday and play with themselves monday through saturday, saturated in the demonic instead of embraced by the king. i got baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT and thats when my life changed, not when i prayed "jesus come into my heart" which still allows the king to come do some work but you HAVE TO BE MADE INTO A NEW CREATION, he needs to touch you, no wonder so many people dont beleive in jesus BECAUSE they have never been touched physically by him becuae CHRISTIANS ARENT DOING THEYRE GOD GIVEN DUTY TO CAST OUT DEMONS AND HEAL THE SICK AND OPRESSED FEED THE HUNGRY not go to church then talk about football and get ready for super bowl sunday. IM HERE TO CAST DEMONS OUT OF PEOPLE AND TO HEAL MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS AND TO GET TO KNOW MY PAPA. how bout you? all creation is evidence that our aftehr created us we have no excuse to say otherwise that this all happened by accident. i asked holy spirit to touch me and to make himself real to me and he did, i walked up to the front of a gathering and this heat and electricity from heaven fell down my arms and i started prophecying in my prayer language emediately broken into tears and laughin uncontrollably . i was touched and hugged by my creator he touched me and told me im not alone through his actions and his electricity. never had i ever realized i was so far from alone in this enormous world. i dare you anyone reading this to call on him" Call on jeshua, the holy spirit to come bring his fire and to touch you and to change your life to forgive you of oyur transgression, to take awyay your pains, tell him to give you an idea of oyur identity he made you for, your destiny. you werent made for you, you were made for him. and the best thing an all consuming god can give you is himself. if he gives you the world he hates you, if he gives you himself he loves you. i love you brothers and sisters thats my story in short. im eternal ill never die and its not by my works or by my deeds is by grace alone that i was lifted out the pit, and i was rescued and enlightened and soon to be in full revelation of who my god truly is. he's more treal than the air you breathe, just dare yourself to knock on that door of calling on jesus holy spirit if he isnt real then you have nothing to worry about, but if he is.. then you have everything to gain. everything in your life to lose to gain everything in him. he's umcomparable to this world you cant compare anything to the life to come after this but whoever your god is here is who youll sever for eternity do you wanna serve an empty beer bottle in hell or do you wanna serve and live and dwell in the heart of your creator? stand with the world and be judged by god or stand with god and judge the whole world. share your testimony with me i'd love to hear from more of my brothers and sisters! god bless you and lets press into him intimately lay it all down and lets get to know our daddy and our big brother. he payed such a price for you to take away eerything you neer wanted, give him your baggage your carrying in life its not yours anymore its his to carry. love love love!
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