#because thats what profic/ship means
pienhime · 8 months
the amount of people who follow me, someone w my ship/fiction stance in my pinned who reblogs my intro post that also states that pretty often who also have DNIs with explicit threats towards proshippers... bestie you clearly like us??? then theyll be into super "problematic" media... but see pro-fiction as a label and r like "omg gross!!!!" either u like what u like and think its okay or... youre one of us bestie. what do u think those terms mean
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not to be that person but theres no such thing as a ship being A proship, because proships actually a stance on harassment and censorship ( anti on both), it'd be a darkship or complex ship, as Thats something that catagorizes a type of ship ( i used to be deep in shipcourse bc of my sutism. ive stopped giving a shit bc its all stupid internet discorse in the end
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🌙 - [ Please. Proshiping IS a thing buddy..]
🌙 - [ProShip basically mean pro-shipping or pro fiction, it's a term for people who enjoy and support ships that involve pedophilia, incest, abusive relationships and other things like that. ]
🌙 - [It's short for "problematic shippers", they often support all the fricked up ships (incest, pedophilia, etc) and NSFW of underage characters/feral animals under the guise of it being "just fiction so it's okay". They don't believe fiction can affect reality, aka they think they can enjoy what's essentially simulated CP without being a pedophile... But I disagree. 
Other terms for them are profic/profiction, "🍖🌈", comshippers, anti-antis, etc. There's also a big overlap between them and lolicon/shotacon people. 
They call anyone who doesn't like this content (so, normal people) "antis"]
🌙 - [ copied and pasted from toyhousr ]
🌙 - [ please do ypur reaserchh oughhh ]
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bryndeavour · 4 years
2020 Fic Year In Review
Total number of completed stories: 31
Total word count: 137,371
Fandoms written in: Endeavour & Inspector Morse (often overlapping)
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? Absolutely. I think in the beginning of the year I was full of high hopes but by the year end I was positive that I hadn’t been very productive. TURNS OUT I WAS WRONG. 
What’s your own favorite story of the year? Sure would be a bummer if he got shot and died... with @ronniebox is really life changing tbh.
Did you take any writing risks this year? I mean embracing crackships and making them real? Writing some really whack ships that no one but me would bother with? And they are GOOD? Yes, I did.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? I think I always just want to do more than I did the year before but that’s a weird goal. I did finish several fic WIPs that were fairly old though and thats a super satisfying achievement. Some of my WIP were over a year old.
Most popular story of the year? Something In Me Understands (Max/Morse - 30k - wingfic). PERFECTLY DESERVED. I love this fic and I may write a sequel with old winged men adventures. 
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Are we having a hard time? - (Ronnie Box/Max Debryn -  948 words - mild BDSM PWP ) Honestly people are sleeping on the promise of Box/Max and there will be more of this ship to come.
Most fun story to write: Everything BoxFancy is a fucking joy. 
Most unintentionally telling story: The Supreme Vice (Max/Morse - 14k - S7 fic) I’m not sure it’s unintentionally telling. Perhaps very intentionally. It was difficult to write because of my displeasure with the poor writing in S7. But after having read it over later, I think it’s a fairly good depiction of the dynamic of my ship and how it endures, in my mind, indefinitely. If you wanted something juicier basically any of my smut is telling LOL we do be outing our kinks.
Biggest disappointment: Not my writing. Just Series 7. I think alot of people turned to old content and reworking the universe this year because S7 just had no spice. This isn’t a post about that though. 
Biggest surprise: BOXFANCY. THEM THEM THEM. Love them. Die for them. Now an essential part of my writing and shipping life. Ronnie Box will never leave my headcanon and you can all fight me to the death over it. 
I was tagged by @greenapricot. Thanks! I’m not going to tag anyone else cause the new year is hella passed and im very tired. Don’t want to think. Feel free to do your own!​
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dieinct · 7 years
fanfiction year in review 2017
Tagged by chloe @lynchbrothers​
Total number of completed stories: ten published! seven (?) of those are currently Completed, three are still wips
Total word count: 91,404 published, probably around 12k in various wip docs or started other oneshots
Fandoms written in: only TRC, published!
Looking back, did you expect to write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? definitely more! i would have liked to have done some more original writing, and i wish i was capable of writing slower/steadier rather than writing thousands of words in a day.
What’s your own favorite story of the year? empire that runs on its own
Did you take any writing risks this year? uhhh idk. writing content containing k is always a risk. lmao. but uh honestly writing stuff for trcexchange was interesting bc it’s a strictly sfw exchange, and i really like writing sex as character studies & to expand on characterization so... not being able to do that... has been interesting!
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? finish my sarchengsey road trip fic (though that’s way likely to happen when i stop having seasonal depression, rip me), learn how to outline, work on my original projects...
Best story of the year? honestly i think i just had a lot of... “fun” writing ronan this year, in a variety of different ways and settings... i think probably empire that runs on its own was most meaningful for me to write, and halfway between your house and mine was like. the Nicest.
Most popular story of the year? my most popular fic was spinning gotten strange - which isn’t surprising, it’s far and away the most popular ship in the fandom AND was relatively short, doesn’t contain trans characters, etc, which means it got way, way more hits than any of my other fics. lol.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: halfway between your house & mine. like... it’s even pynch. come on.
Most fun story to write: made it through the wilderness! the road trip fic!
Story with the single sexiest moment: kdaoidsf i dont necessarily think of sex in my fic as Sexy but i think probably spinning gotten strange. or tbqh GHOST SEX
Most sweet story: halfway between your house and mine for sure. 2018 mood is recovery, bitches!!!! be nice to your friends and loved ones!!!
”Holy crap, thats wrong, even for you!” story: i did not write or publish anything fun and kinky this year to the best of my recollection i keep that shit in my chatlogs where it belongs. except the ghost sex but it’s not like everyone didn’t see that one coming from one hundred thousand miles away, that’s not “wrong, even for me” that’s “exactly on brand for me”
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters & most unintentionally telling story: uhhh honestly even though none of my fics are like Canonical To Each Other (like they’re all... separate, not a series, or anything) i did a lot of work on ronsey backstory stuff that ended up spread out over three or four different fics. honestly the trcexchange stuff i’m still working on / have completed and am now continuing for fun has been difficult / interesting because i’m so uncertain of my ability to write adam, and also i’ve been pretty nervous about my gansey pov for this one... i’m really enjoying letting these teens be awful to each other.
Hardest story to write: empire, for sure. i was sitting on that one and chipping away at it for over a year, i think? or maybe a year exactly? i don’t remember but it took ages.
Biggest disappointment: nothing is really “disappointing” - i know my feedback and response is going to be proportional to the popularity of the ship, fandom, etc that i’m writing for, and i know i mostly write rarepairs or niche concepts... i guess maybe empire? but again i didn’t actually expect anything else so idk if that’s a “disappointment”
Biggest surprise: uhhhhhh how many people actually do go hard for ronsey, i guess
i tag mutuals who write fic. i am not sure who you are and i think chloe got most of yall too. or you haven’t published anything this year? idk. anyway!!! MUTUALS. TAGGED. @EVERYONE
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