#because thats my silly nickname for his monster form
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baalzebufo · 4 years ago
🔫😃 give us them monster au Majima deets I dare you /hj
I'm invested, I wanna know stuff, like; What was the interaction between Kiryu and Majima like after the reveal? How did Haruka find out? Was it because she lives with Kiryu or did Majima tey to keep her oblivious to it as long as he can because no.?
(ya don't need ta do nothin if ya don't wanna, take yer time, I just wanna show excitement with this :>)
THANK YOU for the interest I am constantly excited to talk about things and will 100% share what deets I have
(Update: this got... WAY longer than I anticipated. So im putting it behind a readmore. sorry for the wall of text I got very passionate suddenly!!)
disclaimer: I have very little solid 'canon' established and 99% of this will be stuff I make up on the spot cause thats just how I do these things
So, in my head this all takes place after the events of the first game- Kiryu's been to jail, gets out, 10 billion yen drama ect. I think it would be peak drama if Majima accidentally let slip during the fight at Shangri-la that he isn't human, he got so hyped up on the idea of a 'fight to the death' with Kiryu (which, lets be honest, was probably a bit of suicidal ideation on his part because he wanted Kiryu to utterly destroy him) that he couldn't control himself and Kiryu gets an eyeful of claws and teeth and horns. But because things are so fucking manic during that point in the game, Kiryu deadass writes it off as a weird hallucination/'this might as well be happening' because he has WAY too much going on.
it's only after the games finished and Kiryu settles down, decides hes going to adopt Haruka and is trying to get his affairs in order when he's like. Holy Shit What Was Up With That.
Majima hasn't shown his face around him since because he becomes convinced Kiryu seeing that means hes going to despise him and/or try to kill him so he crawls into his hole to mope about it and Kiryu has to genuinely jump through hoops trying to find where he is. He was concerned! Eventually he gets in touch with Nishida who is equally worried about his boss (he knows Majima's secret but is sworn not to tell anyone) so he just. quietly tells Kiryu where Majima is living right now and prays it wont come back to bite him in the ass
He goes, Majima initially attempts to be like 'haha you hit your head pretty hard down there-' and write it off like that but Kiryu is nothing if not persistent and eventually he has a little meltdown about it and finally just shows him. Majimas been in a super weird mental state since Shimano died and hes just like, at his breaking point, so he figures 'fuck it, if Kiryu hates me, whatever' at that point
OBVIOUSLY Kiryu doesnt, hes just like. dude are you okay
they have a long ass talk about it and what happened and it all sort of culminates in an awkward love confession because turns out wow you two REALLY care about each other, huh!
Majima also shares that hes only really still in the yakuza because he feels like its the only place he belongs, that a monster like him doesn't deserve anything resembling a normal life. its that conversation that starts him on the path to realizing he's not happy there tbh
Im SEVERELY rambling at this point but. after a lot of emotional catharsis between these two they promise to try to make something work. majima considers leaving the yakuza, and kiryus going to make a home with haruka. and while hes not ready to join them properly, just yet, he's... thinking about it. in the meantime, he's heard some cool stuff about construction as a business, and he's lookin' into it.
they kept it from Haruka for a while, mostly because Majima is super not comfortable showing people. He didnt spend a lot of time around her because he still felt guilty about the kidnapping thing, but eventually Kiryu pushes him to try to apologize properly and make amends. Haruka is obviously suspicious of him but, I think shes got a good judge of character when it comes to if someones being earnest, and its clear Majima wasn't acting of his own volition. (She blackmails him for lots of ice cream as an apology.)
Eventually she picks up on the fact they're hiding *something* because of how like, furtive Majima becomes when he stays with Kiryu and how he's almost never actually around, especially since he loves being the center of attention otherwise. So they brace themselves for it all to come crashing down when they tell her.
It honestly... goes fine. Maybe its just cause she's a kid and was way more willing to believe monsters exist, but it's not quite the 100% world-shaking revelation. It does set them back a bit and there's a lot of convincing that 'not all monsters are evil', but eventually she settles on. 'he's not scary. he's just kind of weird.' and you know what? majima will 100% take that.
(also she thinks its funny how he purrs when you touch his ears a certain way. he's like a big weird puppy.)
okay goddamn this post got long enough as is but. thank you again for the interest I have... so many words in my brain about this. Ideally id love to write a proper fic but im really not great at structured writing like that- it takes a helluva lot of a work compared to just infodumping into a big nightmare post like this. One Day.
I mad appreciate any and all interest though! Like, at its heart this is a hurt/comfort kinda au, and my end-goal is for Majima to realize being a monster doesn't mean he doesn't get to be happy or that he doesn't deserve to be treated like a human. it is vitally important to me that these two old sad men be happy together and build a better life lmao
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imaginefeawakening · 7 years ago
Do you think you could do the male Shepard's reactions after femu has lashed out at them after shes been worried about her Grima side hurting them? Im sorry if thats worded oddly >
Your name: submit What is this?
My understanding is that MU has been ruminating over the Grima thingy and then they check up on em and then it’s all ‘grahahghragh’ , I hope I understood that right! //is slow
Frederick: “Your brow has been furrowed for an awfully long while,” observes Frederick. You’ve been hugging a pillow to your chest and intensely contemplating the fate that you have been given. Where to go, what to do, how to do it--Nothing makes sense at all. “Is there something you need--”
“Just leave me alone!” It comes out more harshly than intended, and you bite your lip. Yet an apology doesn’t come out. Perhaps, if you could isolate yourself, it would make things much easier.
Frederick regards you for a while before finally bowing his head. “As you wish.” To both your relief and dismay, he exits the tent and leaves you to wallow by yourself. It’s better this way...right? You look dolefully over your shoulder in hopes that he’s there but it’s only you by yourself. After several more moments of silence your husband returns, and gently sits beside you. “I cajoled Gaius out of these but--” He opens his palms to reveal two sizable helpings of your favorite tarts. “While these won’t solve your problems, I do hope I can alleviate your burdens even a bit. If my presence is truly unwanted, I do bid you to tell me at once.”
His last sentence makes you sniffle. You can’t imagine being without him at all. Ever. “Sniff--I’m sorry Frederick--of course I want you with me--” His face is right in front of yours, and his eyes crinkle with a warm and tender smile. He wipes your eyes and messy nose, and insists you take a nibble of the treat he’s brought for you. He’s happy to see that he’s right, and you’re far more relaxed now that you’re not alone.
“You can always count on me, _____.” He strokes your hair in soft caresses and speaks to you in a low and soothing voice. “Even if you want to shoo me away, I’ll be here to bother you.”
“You’re never a bother Frederick.” You reach up to squish his cheeks together and he smiles at you wryly. “But Frederick....Say I really am...Grima…”
“It wouldn’t change a thing in the world for me.” This time it’s his brow that furrows. “Do not suggest that you would--is that what you were so tense about.” He stops stroking your hair and his hands move down to your wrists. “You mustn’t. You cannot.”
Your eyes dart to the side, no longer able to hold the gaze of his warm, but now stern brown eyes. “I...I must do what is right, Frederick.”
“Sacrificing yourself is not right, by any means!” His voice holds a desperate fury that you cannot shy away from. He holds your chin up so you’re forced to look into his eyes. “Swear you won’t do such a thing.”
You lock eyes for a painfully long time, and every bit of you aches to simply hold him and tell him it’ll all be okay and that you’re being silly. But perhaps for now that would be the correct path of action...to lull him into a sense of security, with promises of tomorrow. And perhaps being positive may even bear fruit….perhaps.
“Fine, Frederick...I’ll swear it. I couldn’t bear leaving your side as it is.” You curl up in his lap and hug his waist, your cheek nuzzling his torso as you look up at him with a soft smile. “You’re my Freddy Bear, after all.”
“Won’t you quit that silly nickname even now?”
“Never, my dear Freddy Bear.” With a sigh he lets go of the debate for now, wishing to instead lavish you with so much attention that you never even think about leaving him.
Stahl: He’s gently stroking your hair with the same old smile as always. Yet--you find it unbearable to look at. You could be the one to get rid of it, to be the one that takes it away forever--
Before you’ve realized it, you’ve flinched from his touch and swatted his arm away. “D-dont!” His face falls, but he attempts to maintain a wobbly grin.
“Ah...sorry for bothering you. Do you want to stay alone for a bit..? You must have a lot to worry about but, you know you can count on me, right?”
He’s so sweet, damn him.
“I can’t rely on you forever Stahl. I have to learn to take care of myself.”
His mouth forms a tiny little ‘o’ and he rests his head on your lap. You look down at him with a surprised glance, while he in turn examines you, as though studying you for the first time. “When we got married, I thought the whole point was we could rely on each other?” He pokes your cheek softly and you sigh.
“I….It’s different now.”
“Really?” He pokes your other cheek and you wriggle your nose. “Do you not love me anymore?”
“You know that’s not it. It’s about…”
He sits up carefully and looks at you with a piercing gaze. “You potentially being Grima?”
You inhale sharply, not expecting him to know. “You...Yes. That’s...I can’t put anyone in danger. Not Morgan, not you, not anyone--I would rather die a million times over before I hurt any of you.” Your hands are shaking and you just wish he would get that you can’t live your life like before. But he won’t hear it at all.
“You’re not going to hurt any of us. It’ll be different this time.”
“How do you know? What if we said the same thing in that life?”
“Then I have all the more conviction in this one,” he says firmly. “I’ll hold you back, should you need it. But I believe you won’t do anything to harm us.”
“Stahl...would you take my life if I asked you to?”
“Absolutely not.”“Then my dilemma is the same.”
An uncomfortable silence falls, and the two of you ponder for a long while.
“If the time comes….If a time should ever come--”
“Then let it be you. Please? And don’t let it just be lip service.”
“....I’ll promise. Because I know it’ll never come to that.” His answer is resolute, and he squeezes your hand firmly to prove it. “Now...will you finally smile for me?”
You oblige him, if shaky and anxious, but it’s enough for now.
Gerome: He refuses to leave you be. “Gerome...get off of me.” He cages you in his arms and is adamant about not budging. You squirm weakly, half wanting solitude and the other half craving to continue receiving his affection.
“No. Because I was like you. Do you really think you can pull this with me around?” His hold only gets firmer and you get a whiff of his woody scent. “You’re giving up.”You grumble softly under your breath. “I’m not.” You’re determinedly looking at the ground, but he persists in getting your attention.
“Really? You’re not? Then why are you pushing me away.”
You almost retort, ‘what, like you?’ but you hold your tongue. He’s gotten better recently. Before when he held his tongue, you always wondered what was going on behind his surly silence and gloomy demeanor. And being prickly to him won’t do anything but make you feel even more guilty. “So I don’t kill you in this timeline as well.”“In this one as well? I assure you I’m whole and healthy.”
You push his face away slightly, sighing. “If we’re splitting hairs then...almost. I was the murderer of your parents. What’s to say I won’t take everything else from you too? Including your life this time, our son’s, I--”
He holds your cheeks firmly and finally has you look at him. “Quit that. For one thing--you’re not the same _____ from that lifetime. Even if you were...you and Grima aren’t the same.”
“So you...you don’t hate me? For being the monster--” He kisses you before you can go another rant again, although slowly enough that you could pull away if you so wished to. You return the soft peck, so gentle his lips caress yours rather than kiss.
“I detest Grima. Not you. So stop that. If you die, I’ll kill you, you know that, right?” He says such harsh words in such a soft voice. Before you know it, you’re laughing, and he nudges you with a playful smile. “Finally. That took a long time. I kinda feel bad for you for having to deal with me all the time.”
“It was worth it in the end. So you really believe in me Gerome?”
“I do. So you believe in yourself too, alright?” His words are strong...you don’t wish to betray his belief, nor take anything else away from his life. So you close your eyes and pray, pray that you can keep to your word and not break his heart ever again.
Chrom: Not sure what to do, he decides upon respecting your space and giving you time to breathe. He’s the one that you worry about the most. You’ve stolen his life in one timeline. What keeps you from doing it again and again?
Wracked with guilt, you stay up for him to come to bed so you can apologize for your sharp tongue, and promise to not shout at him again. But he doesn’t come back. In the late hours of the night, you finally doze off, exhausted from fear and stress. When you wake up in the morning, you’re not cold. He must have tucked you in once you dozed off. Braving the morning chill, you crawl over to the opening of the tent and poke your head out. Chrom’s right there, fast asleep against the front flap of the tent. With a heavy sigh, you grab him under his arms and drag him in.
He of course wakes with a start and almost attacks you, but calms down at the first sound of your voice. “_____,” he yawns and comes into the tent with a sleepy stagger. You invite him under your blanket and he snuggles up to your side in an instant. “_____...talk to me.”
“I wanted to,” you grumble, “but you never came back.”
“I...was doing patrols.” He rubs the back of his neck and averts his eyes. The man never made a very good liar.
“So you slept outside of the tent?” Your arms are crossed, and you cock your head to the side. He shrivels under your accusatory tone, and he wears a half smile that makes him look boyish (adorably so, you think with a pang). 
He looks down and hides his face in your shoulder. “I didn’t want to wake you. You looked so tired…”
You gently pet his head and he slumps his shoulders and sighs. “I’m sorry Chrom. I never should have yelled at you. I’m really, truly sorry.”
“Will you kiss it better?” he jokes, but anxiety pervades his voice. You both know the conversation that’s coming. Better now than keep the elephant in the room waiting. But he doesn’t give you the opportunity to even open your mouth, and makes a defensive maneuver. “Don’t.”
“We’re not discussing this again.” His tone holds finality but you don’t have any of it.
“Chrom! Be reasonable!” As much as you fight against it, your voice goes up by a decibel. You clench your fist to maintain control, but you’re shaking nonetheless.
“I’m the reasonable one here. You’re spouting nonsense!”
You curse inwardly, biting back the profanity in your mouth. Why wouldn’t he listen? Surely, surely it all made sense from a logical perspective. But a man like him listened to his heart above all, much to your dismay. “If you would just let me explain to you just why we should--” 
He holds your hands and brings them to his chest. He’s gone from snuggling in you to sitting up straight, his eyes full of desperation and a steely glare you’ve only been on the other side once before. It sends a chill down your spine. “There’s nothing to explain. I cannot allow you to...to--”
“Oh, and it’s alright for you to die? It’s okay if you die?” Your voice grows more shrill by the word. “Do you think love me more than I love you?”
“I do!”
“No you don’t!” He turns away as though he’s been slapped, and your throat burns from the guilt, as though it bears responsibility for physically paining him. “Y-you don’t Chrom, you don’t know what you are to me...what you mean to me,” you hiccup, unaware when you’ve started crying. You try to maintain a steady voice, but it remains a tremulous mess, and your words are barely coherent. “You’re my everything. If I did anything to you...if this hand ever hurt you I’d--I’d cut it off!” You announce this dramatically and he looks very concerned. His eyes too are brimming with tears, and it catches you off guard.
“_____…” Suddenly, he clutches you to his chest, holding you so hard as though he’ll never release you again. As though his arms are a cage he can protect you in forever. “Don’t go. Don’t hurt yourself. My every heartbeat matches yours...how could you say I don’t love you just as much as you love me?” His hands move from your back to your cheeks, and he cups your face as though you’ll slip away if he’s not careful enough. “So don’t ask me to hurt you...and don’t go where I can’t follow you.”
“I’m sorry,” you finish pathetically, and he kisses you. He kisses your eyes, all of your tears, your cheeks, your nose, everywhere he can reach. It’s come to an impasse. You can shout your lungs out all night but in the end a false promise is all you can give him. And all he can do is accept. Between every sorry, you receive another kiss, and you remain at war with each other, to do all you can to ensure the other lives. it’s a truce, albeit an unwilling one. All that’s left to do now is to enjoy each other’s company while it still lasts.
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