#because that aint healthy baby!!! I draw my OCs healthy and... well... mostly healthy and happy. some of them are depressed.
elecman108 · 3 years
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It’s been almost a whole month that I’ve been working on this, so I may as well finish it and upload it. Happy Summer everyone! I hope the weather’s been great and maybe sometime soon we can all go out to the beach and hang out with our friends.
But until then, keep wearing your masks, social distancing, and getting vaccinated.
Am I going to name all my OCs? Yes. And give them pronouns? Hell yeah. From left-most to right-most, based on approximate head placement, up to down if there’s two that more or less line up.
Theo (he/they), Seven (he/him), Tempest (he/him), Ender-Sona (any pronouns), Akira (he/they), Katlynn (she/her), Marina (she/her), Warlock (he/him), Blaze (he/him), Lailah (she/her), Mask (presently she/her, but it changes), Myuut (he/him), Stella (she/her), Alren (he/him), Vic (she/her), Virgo (she/her), Hunter (he/him), Mona (she/her), Alpha (he/him), Lana (she/her), Ender (she/her), Wendy (she/her), Cecillia (she/her), Axel (he/him), Assassin (she/her). Ender-Sona is me, while Ender is my OC of the same name.
...Hoo that’s a lot! And I was thinking of adding some more up in the sky flying about (such as Kress, Roko, and Lilith to name a few) but I decided this was too many already and I had to cut it off before too many idiots got together and made an idiot-singularity.
Some of my personal favourite sections of this:
-Axel’s clearly bragging about some of the beasts he’s killed to Assassin and Cecillia. Is Assassin impressed? No. Is Cecillia impressed? Also no. But are they enjoying hearing Axel talk about things? Of course. They get to make fun of him for not knowing words and he learns things. It’s a win-win.
-Tempest. Just Tempest. Look at this guy. He’s acting like a lifeguard for all these idiots. What a wonderful man. Also I am directly next to him yelling and causing trouble and he’s just there smiling away and making sure no one gets hurt.
-Blaze is in an inner tube. This man is going to wash out to sea if he’s not careful. Also Marina behind him has a white/green/red beach ball that I kept deciding was the “italian beach ball”. There are other nations with that colour scheme. My brain decided italian. Meatball. Yes.
-Mona clearly debating burying Alpha in sand while poor Alpha contends with having overheated in the sun. Lana is there with her medical bag in case anything happens and Hunter is debating helping Mona bury the robot in the sand.
-Warlock may look like he’s everyone’s grandfather, but he’s just a few years older than Alren. And Mr. Grandpa-lookin-ass has gotten Lailah some Boba Tea and is going to join her and the wine-drinking Mask on the beach towel and chat. What a blessed man.
-Alren is being a dad-friend and bringing people watermelon. The angle makes it look like he’s looking at either Vic or Myuut, so you can decide if it’s dad energy (aimed at Vic) or friend energy (aimed at Myuut) lmao.
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