#because spending so much time with plumeria has made him grow to appreciate poison types
zz-chikorita · 2 years
If your version of Guzma was forced to come up with a serious answer to the question of 'what type of Pokemon would you specialize in if it weren't bugs?', what would it be?
"Dark types."
After he said it out loud, Guzma turned his head looking a little embarrassed.
"If you tell 'Cop Cat Daddy', I'll kick your ass, ya hear me?!" he growled, obviously a bit flustered that he'd let his embarrassment show on his face.
"I mean...they get a bad rap, ya feel me? They're a lot like Bug types that way. I...uh...I actually had a murkrow on my original party. Ya know...back when I was still in the trials an' shit... Back before all" -he gestures vaguely to all of himself- "this happened...
"A bunch of high school kids were roughing him up 'cuz there's this superstition that murkrow are bad luck. As far as I saw it, it was just a lame-ass excuse for them to beat down something weaker than them."
The man stares off into the distance for a while, his hand pensively cupping his lower jaw as he became lost in thought. Eventually, he broke the silence with a quiet chuckle.
"Over the years...it just so happens that I befriended more dark types. Liepard, Bisharp... They weren't in the best of situations when I found them neither... but those are stories fo' anuddah day."
Leaning back, he stretched and cracked his neck and shoulders before casually resting the back of his head against his hands.
"I guess the 'moral of story', or whatever the fuck this is, is that it's easy to make connections with others if ya relate to 'em. Same thing goes for pokémon."
With that thought, the boss yawned and then placed his thumb and forefinger under his tongue, whistling loudly into the night sky.
Only a minute or so had passed before there was the sound of powerful wing beats and a regal-looking Honchkrow landed in front of the Team Skull boss. The pokémon bowed it's head as his trainer rose. Guzma patted his head and stroked his chest. A large, white feather came off in Guzma's hand.
He jumped up onto the Dark Type's back and said, "Ya know, I guess instead of sayin' all dat long winded shit all I had to say was that me, bugs, dark types" -he tucked the feather behind his ear where it nearly melded with his snow-white hair- "we all birds of a feathah."
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