#because she said she just knocked on his door?
mywritersmind · 2 days
hey girl! are you writing for franco atm??? if so I wanted to see if you could write smth like fluff or reader and franco get in a fight maybe bcs of the time zones and races and he surprises her one night before race weekend like he catches a flight to see her but she still won’t budge on talking to him xxx
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listen up : just arguing but ending in comfort. thanks for the request this lowk almost made me cry
word count : 877
I can hear him pacing, the sounds of drilling and tires in the background, “I’m just tired, Franco.” We’ve been like this for an hour, I keep hearing him swear in spanish and making sure everyone leaves him alone.
“You don’t think I am?” he groans as someone tries to speak to him again, “Fuck, obviously I’m tired! You’re not the one working every weekend.”
I scoff and sit up in my bed, the sun not even up yet, “That's unfair and you know it, Franco! I work! I work even more when you’re away!” I say sarcastically, “But I'm sorry that you have to do the job you chose and you love!”
I shake my head as he responds, “I didn’t mean that, love.”
“Yes you did. And that’s fine but don’t push your anger onto me. You always do shit like this.”
“Like what?” His voice raises.
I run my hand into my hair, “You don’t think I support you.”
“Well it’s hard to think that when you’re not here supporting me.” I want to hit him, then myself. How could he think that? After I said I wanted to be there but couldn’t because I was fucking working. He takes it back quickly, “I’m sorry i’m just overwhelmed-”
“Franco. I’m tired.” Tired of this. Tired of waking up so early and staying up late for a ten minute call where we just fight, “we should talk about this later.”
He still sounds angry, “I’m busy all day.”
I stay silent. What am I supposed to say? Cry and tell him to not be? I have no choice but to nod.
“Good luck.”
He sighs, I hear the ruffling of his hair, “I’m sorry. I wish you were here.”
“Me too.” He’s mad at me and I’m mad at him. I’ve been with Franco long before his F1 debut, but us yelling over the phone every weekend isn’t something I expected with the job.
I watched his race, texted him, and logged off social media for the day. He’s off to Mexico but I just can’t leave right now. I’m sitting in the kitchen, eating my cereal and leaning over the counter while listening to Taylor Swift.
There’s a knock at the door, I groan. I’m in the same pajamas as two days ago and my hair is in the messiest bun I've seen in a while.
When I open the door, my jaw actually drops.
“Franco?” I poke him as if I think he’s some figment of my imagination. Have I really gone that crazy that I'm imagining my boyfriend at my door?
“Hi, love.” He’s real. He walks in, shutting the door softly. I want to cry as he slips his arms around me, “I’m so sorry.”
His voice washes over me and I hug him tighter, breathing him in and realizing how much I missed how he smells.
“I’m mad at you.” It comes out as a whisper, my voice broken and sad.
“You can be.” I pull back a bit, his hands in my hair, “I’m so fucking sorry.”
“Why are you here?” I cross my arms, stepping back.
Franco looks nervous, a bag by his side, “I wanted to see you. I thought you wanted that too…”
“Of course I did!” I sigh dramatically.
He smiles at my anger, “So, I'm here for you.”
I shake my head, going to the kitchen and cleaning up my breakfast. I don’t know how to feel. I’m so happy he’s here. But then what? He’ll just leave again and I’ll watch two second clips of him on the TV?
He follows me into the kitchen, “Love… Let me do it.” I let him because I hate the dishes.
I sit on the counter, watching him gently washing the bowl with his sleeves rolled up. He drys his hands, then looks up at me.
“I’m sorry for being mad.” I look at the floor but he steps in between my legs so I look at him, “It’s just hard.”
“It’s hard for me too. I want you there all the time but I'm so proud of you!” he puts his hands on my outer thighs, “Time Zones suck.”
I laugh, wiping my eyes from the tears that spill down my face, “I’m proud of you too. Shit, you’re so amazing. I hate working.”
“Quit.” He says it so fast.
“Franco!” I swat at his arm, letting out a sort of sob laugh.
“Okay, you can quit when I get a full time seat.” I laugh as he smiles softly up at me, “I know it’s rough right now.”
“We can work through it. We’re us.” His thumbs smooth over my cheeks.
He nods, “We’re us.”
“How long are you here for?”
He frowns, “I leave tomorrow night.” I frown with him, “But I'm here now.”
I sigh, knowing he’s right. I look up at my boyfriend, his hands on me. I know I need to live in the moment now.
I kiss him softly and he pulls me into another hug, his arms around my waist, “I love you.”
I run my hands through his hair, “I love you too. We can do this.”
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yutarot · 3 days
RIDE OR DIE: l.jn smau
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008: foolishly wc: 1.1k
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this wedding is far more formal than anything you were expecting. jaemins dad is rich rich.
about an hour ago you were infront of your bedroom mirror, struggling on what the hell you were supposed to wear. mark and winter weren’t of any help at all. you’d facetimed them to get advice and all they had to say to you was that the ‘green sombrero in marks attic was perfect.’ you hung up shortly afterwards.
deciding against all your favourite options, you went for a dark emerald silk dress, your favourite colour, but slightly more expensive looking than you were hoping for. you weren’t expecting anyone to be dressed as formally as you look in this dress.
but that was until you saw jeno get out of the taxi to pick you up.
he was clad in an all black suit, hair neatly brushed behind his ears and shoulders spanning broad under his blazer as he walked to meet you on your driveway.
he looked…. good..?
“hey.” he said, his deep voice almost breathless as he scanned your body with his eyes for a fraction of a moment, barely noticing how his jaw tensed as you approached him.
“hi.” you reply back.
he opens the taxi door for you, slipping in next to you once you’d crawled your way to the other side.
you were extremely aware of him beside you, looking out the window as the taxi moved off.
the air was silent, thick, and laced between you was nothing but the guilt you were feeling.
you had told chenle the one thing jeno had trusted you with. who knows where the secret has found itself, who knows how many ppl know by now.
you have to tell him.
so when you made it to the wedding venue, sitting down at one of the many round dinner tables, situated between your fake boyfriend, jeno and his bestfriend, jaemin, you could only feel discomfort.
the entire night, you ate in silence. occasionally, you would nod at jokes that jenos family had made, or speak up to answer questions about yours and jeno’s relationship from his prying distant relatives.
“so, jeno, how did you meet this beautiful girl.” said this one woman, who you’d assumed to be one of jeno’s aunts. he did little to hide his annoyance of her.
“we met through college, she’s in my class.”
“awww, how sweet!” the women replied, “have you.. you know…” the woman winked, before giggling to herself.
jeno looked at you, face stern but eyes directly on yours.
“yes.” jeno lifted his drink to take a sip, “every night.”
the woman’s face twisted with shock and disgust before she turned away and left jeno alone.
“that’s one way to do it.” you laughed and jeno shrugged.
the rest of the night continued, and you remained quiet.
one thing ached in the back of your mind.
because not only was the guilt eating you alive, but so was jeno’s gaze.
he saw how quiet you were being, he saw how you distanced yourself from him. and he wanted to know why.
and so that leads you to now, jeno’s eyes piercing your skin as you attempt to eat with little notice of him beside you.
clearing his throat, jeno leans towards you to whisper in your ear and you nearly jump at the close proximity.
“meet me outside. now.”
he got up from his chair, excusing himself as he walks away, eyes falling back to yours with a knowing glance.
after a few minutes, you do the same.
as you get up to go meet jeno, jaemin looks up at you.
“where are you going?” he asks, eyes squinting in question, flashing a smirk that you don’t understand.
“he’s been a while, im gonna check up on him.”
jaemin nods, and you continue on your way.
hmm. that was weird.
making your way into the corridor just outside of the dinner hall, you take a deep breath, rubbing the material of your dress between your thumb and forefinger.
you have to tell him. he’s going to ask you what’s wrong, and you’re going to have to tell him.
you’re pulled out of your thoughts. literally, pulled, as jeno takes a hold of your wrist, dragging you to the side of the corridor, facing you as your back gently knocks the wall.
“took your time.” he says. “you gonna explain what’s going on in there?” you look down at your feet. “look at me.”
looking up, you blink slowly, letting a sigh escape you.
“it’s about the deal.” you say, and his head tilts in question.
“what about it, yn.” his voice is stern, pressing you to the limit of emotion. you’re scared. “tell me.”
“i broke it.”
this time, his jaw clenches in a more obvious way, hand reaching out to the wall next to you as he leans on it, head falling down before rising back up to speak to you.
“what?” he squints.
“i broke my side of the deal. i told chenle.”
“chenle? the guy i told you to switch out as your project partner? are you serious?”
you nod and jeno steps backwards.
“get out.” he says.
“what? but-“
“there’s no reason for you to be here now. i trusted you and you broke that. now, leave.”
he didn’t give you time to respond before turning away and walking down the hall.
the deal you had, was now over. and not only that, but so is the small amount of trust he once had for you.
it’s all your fault.
jeno’s life was about to change. and it will all be because of you.
after a few minutes of collecting yourself, you make your way to the venues exit. jeno had probably made an excuse for your absence.
as you press the door to open it, a familiar voice calls out after you.
“yn.” you turn around, facing jaemin as he stands before you. “you’re leaving?”
you nod. “i, uh, have places to be.”
“you don’t have to lie to me, yn. i heard the conversation.”
“he shouldn’t have spoken to you like that.” jaemin says, walking slowly towards you.
“no, i deserved it.”
“did you though?”
you exchange a glance as you wonder why he’s sticking up for you.
he continues. “he’s just a hard person to please, yn, and this whole samo thing, it means alot to him. so believe me when i say it’s not you he’s mad at.”
your brows furrow, upset lining your features.
jaemin questions you, “you’re upset aren’t you.”
you look up at him.
“come here.” he says, holding his arms out to hug you.
and you accept it. foolishly.
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notes; hi😅😅😅😅😅 was off sick today so was able to finally get this one out! spent all day rewatching destined with you cus that drama is sosososoosososooo good 🙏🙏 this chapter was supa fun to write i love brooding angsty jeno helloooo
taglist — open! @jenohyun @jirsungs @do-you-remember-summer-127 @ddolbyong @stqrgr7 @thatsatricky1 @sunghoonsgfreal @nattan127 @ssweetreveries @flamingi @lesuneczka @chenlesfavorite @peterm4rker @snoopyjimin @akunoeyebrows @junviadinho @slayhaechan @f6llsun @multifandomania @cookiehaos @catecita @mrsjohnnysuh @luv4jeno @hyuckies18 @dreamiestay @tangerinelovelees @jjaegyeom @https-yeonjun @nanaxwi @yukisroom97 @nosungluv @mrkleelvr @neocrashed @jaedgemental @apolloxxivmin @kyubing @catdonut657 @dudekiss3r @juyeonshour @hamjwis @antifrggile @mmjhh1998 @ldh0000 @thegracerammy @jenocity23 @honeynanamin @bluedbliss @lampcults @yyangj3lly
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brainddeadd · 1 day
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The Interview
warnings: sexism
Jack Hughes x fem!reader, Nico Hischier x fem!reader, Luke Hughes x fem!reader, Trevor Zegras x fem!reader, Matt Rempe x fem!reader, Quinn Hughes x fem!reader
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The bright lights of the interview room felt almost blinding as Y/N sat between Jack Hughes and Nico Hischier, with Luke Hughes beside them. They were fresh off a big win, and the excitement in the air was palpable. Jack was animated, cracking jokes and making faces to keep Y/N laughing, but the moment the interviewer walked in, the tone shifted.
“Alright, everyone,” the interviewer said with a confident smile. “Let’s talk to the young star here. Y/N, how does it feel to be the youngest player on a team full of experienced guys? Must be tough keeping up, huh?”
Y/N forced a smile, her heart racing. “I just focus on my game and work hard like everyone else.”
The interviewer smirked, leaning forward as if he had a juicy tidbit to uncover. “Sure, but let’s be honest. Do you think you’d be here without some... connections? There are rumors you might have, well, charmed your way onto the team.”
The air in the room thickened. Jack’s expression darkened immediately, and Nico's jaw clenched. Luke’s protective instincts flared as he shot a glance at Y/N, who remained composed. “I’ve earned my spot through hard work and dedication,” she said firmly, though she felt the sting of the insinuation.
The interviewer continued, undeterred. “Come on, it’s a competitive sport. Some might say a pretty face can go a long way in the locker room.”
Jack’s eyes flared with anger. “That’s not how it works. Y/N is here because she deserves to be, not because of anything else,” he snapped, his voice rising.
“Yeah, let’s keep it professional,” Nico added, glaring at the interviewer. “Y/N has shown more talent and determination than many on this team.”
But the interviewer only laughed dismissively. “Right, right. But it’s an interesting angle, don’t you think? I’m just trying to get the real story.”
The tension hung heavy as Y/N forced herself to smile, even as her heart sank. “I’m just grateful to be part of the team,” she said, her voice steady despite the tumult of emotions within her.
The interview wrapped up, and Y/N felt the weight of their protectiveness beside her. Yet, as soon as she stepped away, the façade began to crumble. In the safety of her room, the tears she had held back flooded out, muffling her cries with a pillow.
A knock sounded through the room and Y/N wiped her tears hastily before opening the door, revealing Luke, Jack, and Nico standing there with concern etched across their faces.
“Hey, Y/N,” Luke said softly, stepping inside. “We wanted to see how you’re holding up.”
Jack and Nico followed closely, and the moment they were in, the tension in the room shifted. Jack leaned against the wall, arms crossed, while Nico took a seat at the edge of her bed, his expression serious.
“That guy had no right to say what he did,” Nico said, his voice steady. “I don’t care how big the network is; no one gets to treat you like that.”
Y/N felt warmth in her chest at their concern, but the hurt lingered. “I tried to stay strong during the interview. I didn’t want to show that it affected me.”
“You shouldn’t have to pretend with us,” Jack said, his tone softening. “You’re part of this family, and we’re here to support you.”
Before Y/N could respond, her phone buzzed with messages from Matt, Trevor, and Quinn checking in.
Matt: Hey, just heard about the interview. You good?
Trevor: That interviewer was out of line. You’re way too talented to let anyone bring you down like that.
Quinn: Just wanted to check in. You can always talk to us, ok?
Feeling a rush of emotion, Y/N responded quickly, trying to reassure them. Y/N: Thanks, guys! I’m okay, really. Just a bit tired.
Just then, there was a knock at the door. Y/N opened it to find Matt standing there, a concerned expression on his face, holding a bag of snacks.
“Hey, I came as soon as I heard,” he said, stepping inside. “I thought you might want some company.”
“Matt, you didn’t have to—” she started, but he waved her off.
“Of course I did. You’re one of us, and I couldn’t just sit back and let you deal with this alone.” He looked at her, his eyes warm and reassuring. “How are you really feeling?”
Y/N sighed, rubbing her eyes. “I just didn’t expect to be affected by that interview. I thought I was tougher than that.”
“You are tough,” Matt insisted, his voice steady. “But it’s okay to feel hurt. What that guy said was completely out of line. You work hard and deserve to be treated with respect.”
“Yeah, but I tried to act like it didn’t bother me,” she admitted. “I didn’t want to show weakness in front of anyone, especially the boys.”
“Showing emotion isn’t weakness,” Jack chimed in, stepping closer. “We’re all here for you, no matter what. You don’t have to hide anything from us.”
“You know we’ve got your back,” Luke added, leaning against the desk. “You’re family, Y/N.”
As if on cue, Y/N felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes. “I just feel like I have to prove myself all the time.”
“You don’t have to prove anything to anyone,” Matt said firmly. “You’re already proving it on the ice. We all see how hard you work, and you’ve earned your spot. Don’t let someone’s ignorance change how you see yourself.”
Y/N took a deep breath, letting his words sink in. “Thanks, Matt. It really helps to hear that.”
Matt grinned and reached into the bag. “Let’s do something fun to take your mind off it. I brought snacks, and we can watch a movie or play a game—whatever you want.”
“Movie sounds good,” Y/N said, feeling grateful for the distraction.
As they settled in, Jack pulled out his phone, scrolling through social media. “I can’t believe people would say things like that. It’s ridiculous.”
“Seriously,” Nico said, shaking his head. “We know how hard you work. Don’t let some clueless interviewer make you doubt yourself.”
Matt, who was setting up the snacks, added, “Exactly. We’re all proud of you. If that guy thinks he can take you down, he’s got another thing coming.”
Y/N felt a swell of gratitude for her friends. “I really appreciate this. I didn’t expect to feel so… hurt after it all.”
“You should never feel alone in this,” Luke said softly. “We’re always here for you.”
As they started the movie, Y/N felt the overwhelming love from her teammates lift some of the weight off her shoulders. Surrounded by their laughter and camaraderie, she realized that no matter the challenges she faced, she had a family who would always stand by her side.
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rootedinrevisions · 2 days
Friends (with Benefits) Don't: Part 8
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is the final part of this story that I have written (as of right now). I'm going to try to get some of my other WIPs finished and posted but definitely may revisit Jake & Halo down the road because these two were fun to write about!
SUMMARY: After recovering from this mission Jake decides it's time to take Halo on their first date. But it has to be special. Dinner and a movie just won't do.
Jake had been thinking about this date for weeks. It wasn’t just any night out; this was their first real date—one where there weren’t any distractions, hospital beds, or work keeping them apart. He wanted it to be special, but not over the top. Simple, thoughtful, something that showed her how much she meant to him.
He wasn’t exactly known for being the romantic type, but with her, things were different. She made him want to try, to push past his comfort zone and show her how deeply he cared.
Jake sat at the small table in his apartment, a notepad in front of him, scribbling ideas. He knew the usual fancy dinners and upscale restaurants wouldn’t feel like them—too impersonal. He wanted this to be something she’d remember, something with meaning. His eyes flicked to his phone, the picture of her smiling after their impromptu boat ride last week was still his lock screen.
That’s when the idea hit him.
He dialed Penny’s number before he could second-guess it.
“Hey, Penny, I need a favor,” he said, leaning back in his chair. “How would you feel about letting me borrow the boat for the night?”
The conversation with Penny went smoother than expected, and before he knew it, the pieces were falling into place. A sunset sail, a quiet dinner at her favorite beachside spot, and, if he could manage it, a moonlit walk on the beach afterward. It was simple, but it was them.
He made a mental note to keep things low-key with the planning, wanting to surprise her. Jake smiled to himself, imagining her reaction when she saw the boat. He knew she’d be impressed. And if there was one thing Jake liked to do, it was impressing her.
Satisfied with his plan, he sent her a quick message: “Hey, beautiful. Wear something nice tonight. Be ready by 7. And trust me.”
Later that night, Jake could feel his heart pounding a little harder than usual. It wasn’t nerves—he was a fighter pilot, after all—but something about this night made him feel more grounded, more present than usual. This wasn’t just about impressing her; this was about showing her that he was serious, that their relationship wasn’t just about convenience or casual fun. This was real.
By the time 6:45 rolled around, Jake was standing in front of the mirror, straightening his shirt and adjusting his collar for the third time. He smirked at his own reflection, shaking his head. When had he become the guy who fussed over his appearance before a date? Normally a quick glance was all he did and then he was on his way. But with her, it felt important. He wanted to look his best for her, to show her he’d put thought into tonight.
He grabbed the bouquet of flowers from the counter—bright, colorful, and full of life, just like her—and gave himself a quick once-over in the mirror before heading out the door.
The drive to her place was quick, but it gave him time to think, to go over the plan again in his head. He wanted everything to be perfect, and he hoped she’d love the little surprises he had in store. He arrived five minutes early, because showing up late wasn’t an option tonight.
When he pulled up to her apartment, Jake’s heart did an extra flip in his chest. He spotted her silhouette through the window, moving around as she got ready. His stomach fluttered with anticipation as he parked the car and grabbed the flowers.
He took a deep breath and knocked on her door, his fingers tapping nervously against the bouquet. When the door opened, all the jitters melted away. There she stood, looking stunning, her smile lighting up the doorway.
“Hey, darlin’,” Jake said, flashing her a grin. “You look... wow.”
He held out the flowers, watching as her eyes lit up at the sight of them. They weren’t anything too fancy, just a simple bouquet from the supermarket, but the way her face softened when she took them told him everything he needed to know.
“These are beautiful,” she said, taking the flowers from him and inhaling their sweet scent. “Thank you.”
“Not as beautiful as you,” he teased, leaning against the doorframe as she turned to put them in a vase. He watched her for a moment, feeling that familiar warmth in his chest whenever she was near. She moved around the room with a grace that mesmerized him, and he couldn’t help but think how lucky he was to have her in his life.
“Ready to go?” he asked once she had the flowers arranged.
She nodded, grabbing her small bag and stepping out of the apartment. Jake offered her his arm, feeling her fingers loop through his with a sense of ease and comfort that he never wanted to take for granted.
“So,” she started as they headed toward his car, “you’re not going to tell me where we’re going?”
He shook his head, a playful smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Nope. You’re just gonna have to trust me.”
She raised an eyebrow but smiled, knowing that whatever he had planned, it would be worth the mystery.
As they pulled up to the marina, the sight of the boat waiting for them caught her eye, and a flicker of surprise crossed her face. Jake grinned at her reaction, parking the car and coming around to open her door.
“You ready?” he asked, offering his hand to help her out.
Her eyes darted from the boat back to him, a mixture of excitement and skepticism playing on her features. “Wait�� you’re taking me on a boat?” she asked, biting her lip. “I didn’t even know you could sail.”
He chuckled, brushing off her concern with a wave of his hand. “I had some help,” he admitted, a hint of pride creeping into his voice. “Mav and Penny gave me a few lessons the last couple of weeks. Figured I should learn a thing or two.”
She raised an eyebrow, glancing back at the boat with a slight grin. “And you're sure you’re not just winging it?” she teased, trying to suppress her nerves as he led her down the dock.
“Trust me,” Jake said with a wink, squeezing her hand reassuringly. “I got this.”
When they reached the boat, Jake stepped onto the deck first, offering his hand to her once again. She hesitated for just a second, her eyes scanning the water below them before taking a deep breath and grasping his hand. With a gentle tug, he helped her onto the boat, steadying her as she found her footing.
“There you go, darlin’. Piece of cake,” he said, flashing her that signature confident grin.
She looked around the boat, impressed by how prepared he seemed. It was a calm evening, the sky above streaked with soft hues of orange and pink as the sun began its descent. The water was tranquil, barely a ripple as the boat gently swayed in the marina. Jake moved with ease, untying the ropes and readying the sails like he’d been doing it for years.
The boat began to glide smoothly away from the dock, and as they drifted farther from the shore, the tension she felt about his sailing skills began to melt away. The wind caught the sails, and Jake guided them through the water with confident hands on the helm, his focused expression softening as he glanced over at her.
“You’re really good at this,” she said, her voice full of genuine admiration. “I didn’t know you were hiding this talent.”
Jake laughed, shaking his head. “Guess I’m full of surprises.”
She leaned against the railing, watching the shoreline fade into the distance as the boat cruised farther out. The city’s lights grew faint, leaving only the sound of the water lapping against the boat and the breeze rustling the sails. It was peaceful—an entirely different world from the chaos and noise of everyday life. For the first time in a while, she felt truly relaxed.
Once Jake had guided them to a secluded spot far enough from the shore, he dropped the anchor, letting the boat gently float in place. He turned to her, the soft light from the setting sun casting a warm glow over them. Without a word, he moved toward her, his arm slipping around her waist as he led her to a cushioned spot on the deck. He sat down first, pulling her close until she was nestled against him, her back resting against his chest.
His arms wrapped securely around her, and she felt herself melting into his embrace, her body instinctively relaxing. She let out a quiet sigh of contentment, closing her eyes as the warmth of his body and the gentle rocking of the boat lulled her into a state of calm.
Jake pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head, his lips lingering there for a moment. She smiled at the gesture, her heart swelling with affection. Everything about this moment—the boat, the water, the fading sun—felt perfect. But most of all, it was him. It was the way he made her feel safe, cherished, and utterly content.
“You good?” he asked quietly, his voice low and soothing.
“Mhm,” she murmured, tilting her head back slightly so she could meet his eyes. “I’m really good.”
He smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear before leaning down to place another kiss on her forehead.
“I’m glad,” he whispered, his voice carrying a rare tenderness that she’d come to love.
For a long while, they sat there in comfortable silence, just listening to the sound of the water around them. Her eyes fluttered shut again, and she felt the gentle rise and fall of Jake’s chest beneath her. His arms tightened slightly around her, and she couldn’t help but think that this—being in his arms, away from everything else—was exactly where she wanted to be.
As the sky darkened, the stars beginning to peek out one by one, Jake spoke again, his voice rumbling in her ear.
“You know,” he said, his tone playful yet sincere, “I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed anything as much as this.”
She smiled, opening her eyes to look up at him. “I have to admit, I wasn’t sure what to expect when you told me to trust you to plan the date.”
“And now?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Now… I’m really glad I did.”
His smile widened, and he gave her a soft, lingering kiss. When he pulled back, he rested his forehead against hers, their noses brushing as they stayed close, neither of them wanting to break the moment.
“Good,” he said softly. “Because I plan on doing a lot more of this.”
They both laughed quietly, the sound mingling with the gentle splash of the water around them. As the boat rocked them in its gentle rhythm, she closed her eyes once again, allowing herself to fully sink into the warmth of Jake’s embrace. Wrapped in his arms, the world seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them and the infinite possibilities ahead.
After their peaceful time on the boat, Jake helped her back onto the dock with the same care and confidence he’d shown before. The sun had dipped below the horizon, leaving the sky awash in purples and deep blues as they made their way along the beach to her favorite restaurant. Nestled right by the water, the restaurant had an outdoor patio with string lights casting a soft, romantic glow over the tables. It was the perfect spot—casual yet intimate, just like the evening had been so far.
As they approached the entrance, Jake glanced over at her, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Still trust me to make the right calls?" he teased lightly.
She grinned, giving his hand a playful squeeze. "So far, you're doing great, Seresin. Don't get too cocky, though."
He chuckled, guiding her inside, where a hostess greeted them with a friendly smile and led them to a table near the edge of the patio. The sound of the waves was a constant backdrop, soothing and rhythmic, as they sat down and settled in. Jake pulled out her chair, and she couldn’t help but smile at the small chivalrous gesture.
Once they were seated, she looked out at the view, the beach just beyond, with the moon starting to reflect off the water. “You really went all out tonight,” she said, a hint of admiration in her voice.
Jake leaned back in his chair, looking entirely at ease as he smiled at her. “Nothing but the best for you.”
Her cheeks warmed slightly, and she reached for the menu, trying to hide the flutter of butterflies that his simple words caused. As they browsed the menu, Jake snuck glances at her, admiring the way her eyes lit up when she looked over the options. The flickering candlelight between them added a romantic glow to the moment, and it wasn’t long before their waitress came to take their orders.
Once the waitress left, Jake leaned forward slightly, resting his arms on the table as he looked at her. “You know,” he began, his tone casual yet sincere, “I was thinking earlier... I’m pretty lucky.”
She raised an eyebrow, setting her menu aside. “Oh? How’s that?”
Jake’s gaze softened, and he reached across the table, his fingers lightly brushing hers. “I get to do this with you. I mean, I know I’m a handful sometimes,” he said with a playful smirk, “but you still put up with me.”
Her heart swelled at his words. “You’re not a handful,” she said, smiling warmly. “Well, okay, maybe sometimes.” She laughed softly. “But tonight... this has been perfect, Jake.”
He grinned, obviously pleased with himself. “Good.”
They continued talking, their conversation flowing effortlessly as they discussed everything from their favorite childhood memories to places they wanted to travel. Jake kept the mood light, cracking jokes and teasing her with that signature charm, but every so often, his compliments would slip through, genuine and heartfelt.
“You look amazing tonight, by the way,” he said at one point, his eyes sweeping over her with unmistakable appreciation. “I think I forgot to mention that.”
She blushed, ducking her head slightly. “You didn't, but I’ll let you say it again,” she teased, glancing back up at him. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
“Not so bad?” he echoed, feigning offense as he placed a hand over his heart. “Darlin’, I’m crushed.”
She laughed, reaching out to nudge his hand playfully. “Okay, fine. You look great, Jake.”
“That’s more like it,” he said with a wink, his grin widening as he took another sip of his drink.
Their food arrived not long after, and as they started to eat, the conversation became more thoughtful. Jake asked her about her week, genuinely interested in the small details of her day-to-day life. She found herself opening up more than she expected, telling him about work, her friends, and even the things that had been stressing her out. And the entire time, Jake listened attentively, nodding along and offering reassurances whenever she expressed a worry or frustration.
“You’ve got a lot on your plate,” he remarked after she finished talking about a particularly hectic project. “I don’t know how you manage it all.”
She shrugged, smiling softly. “I guess I just take it one day at a time.”
Jake reached across the table again, his hand resting on top of hers. “Well, if you ever need someone to help take your mind off it... I’m here.”
There was something in the way he said it—sincere and steady—that made her heart skip a beat. She squeezed his hand in response, grateful for his support. “I know. And I really appreciate that, Jake.”
They lingered over dinner, savoring both the food and the company. The beachside restaurant had become more lively as the night progressed, but for the two of them, it felt like they were in their own little world. Jake continued to sprinkle in compliments throughout the meal, each one making her blush or smile. And the way he looked at her—like she was the only person in the room—made her feel more special than she ever had before.
As they finished their meals, Jake leaned back in his chair, gazing out at the ocean for a moment before turning his attention back to her. “There’s one more thing we need to do tonight,” he said, his voice low and soft.
She tilted her head curiously. “What’s that?”
He stood up, offering his hand. “Come take a walk with me.”
She smiled, slipping her hand into his as she stood up. Together, they made their way down to the beach, the soft sand beneath their feet as the gentle sound of the waves filled the air. The moon had risen fully by now, casting a silvery light over the water, and the breeze carried the salty scent of the ocean.
They walked in comfortable silence for a while, her hand still in his as they strolled along the shoreline. Jake squeezed her hand occasionally, glancing over at her with a content smile. She couldn’t help but marvel at how thoughtful he’d been tonight—everything from the boat ride to the dinner to this peaceful walk had been perfectly planned.
“This is nice,” she murmured, breaking the silence. “I’ve always wanted to do this.”
Jake smiled, his eyes soft as he looked at her. “I remember you saying that,” he said, his voice warm. “Figured it was time to make that wish come true.”
She beamed at him, touched by his thoughtfulness. “You’re full of surprises tonight, aren’t you?”
“Maybe I’m just getting started,” he teased, nudging her playfully with his shoulder.
They continued walking until they reached a quieter part of the beach, where Jake suddenly stopped, turning to face her. There was a seriousness in his expression now, though the warmth and affection in his eyes remained.
“I’ve been meaning to tell you something,” he said, his tone shifting.
Her heart skipped a beat, sensing the weight of whatever he was about to say. “What is it?”
Jake took a deep breath, rubbing the back of his neck for a moment before meeting her gaze. “I got my next deployment,” he said, his voice steady. “I’m staying at North Island for at least the next year.”
Her eyes widened in surprise, a rush of emotions flooding her at once—relief, happiness, and excitement all mingling together. “Jake... that’s amazing,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
He smiled, taking a step closer to her. “It means we’ve got time, darlin’. Time to figure this out... you and me. No more rules or boundaries. Just us.”
She felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes, overwhelmed by the sincerity in his words. Without thinking, she threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly. Jake wrapped his arms around her in return, holding her close as they stood there, enveloped in each other’s warmth.
As they pulled back slightly, Jake pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, then her nose, before finally capturing her lips in a gentle, lingering kiss. When they broke apart, their foreheads rested together, and the world around them seemed to disappear.
“I’m all in,” Jake whispered, his voice filled with quiet determination.
“So am I,” she whispered back, her heart full.
And in that moment, with the ocean stretching out before them and the stars above, everything felt right. It was just the two of them—together.
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bitchesuntitled · 2 days
Pairing: 90sXerox!Pedro(Jamie Diaz) x f!reader
Summary: Jamie is a shy young man who doesn’t know what he’s in for.
Warnings/Tags: MDNI(18+ only), nervous Jamie, he really isn’t sure what he’s doing, flirting, fingering(f!receiving), unprotected PinV(be smart don’t do this), cumshots, copier shenanigans, if I missed anything that should be added let me know!
A/N: Thank you much to @beefrobeefcal and @strang3lov3 for their eyes and enthusiastic encouragement on this, without them this would not be a thing. Thank you @jay-zzle as always for the moodboard cause I was gonna cry not knowing how to add the GIF thing because I am canva dumb. Thank you to @merz-8 and Bug again for helping me come up with a name
@saradika-graphics for the dividers
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It was just another day for Jamie. Get up, work at the copy shop, help people with their stacks of papers, and continue on like any other boring day. He was standing at the copier in the back, keeping track of the amount of papers coming out. He had been pinching pennies as best as he could to ensure he had enough for his books this coming semester. The last thing he needed was his boss, Kent, taking out copy fees from his paycheck like the last time he didn’t pay attention.
“Jamie!” Kent hollered, pulling his jacket on as he exited his office, “I’m heading out to lunch. Watch out!” He cackled, “Looks like the pretty lady’s on her way back here. Must want a piece of you, boy!” he added with a wink.
“Oh, I uh- I doubt that,” Jamie said, his cheeks and neck turning a bright red, “She just comes here 'cause it’s cheap.”
“Well, whatever it is,” Kent huffs a laugh, knocking his fist against the door frame, pointing a finger at Jamie, “Keep doing it.”
“Sure thing,” Jamie mutters, watching Kent leave the back office, “Sure thing.”
The bell above the door jingles as Kent makes his way outside with a morning ma’am as he holds the door open for you. The woman who has been inside this store more times than Jamie can count on his fingers and toes combined. You just started showing up, needing copies of the most random things. Fliers for a barbeque you were hosting, a missing cat flier for your dear friend, your boss demanding copies of a flier for half off on his wife's cheap crafts that she’s had a hard time selling, the list goes on and on. 
You’re gorgeous but Jamie can’t tell if you like him or not. Surely a woman like you wouldn’t want anything to do with a guy like him. You’re older than him. He knows because you asked him his age once, then let out a boisterous laugh when he responded with a shy ‘twenty-four’ - commenting how you wouldn’t have pegged yourself as the type, whatever that was supposed to mean. Jamie always prays to whatever higher power there may be that he doesn’t pop a boner the moment you walk through the door, your clothes leave little to the imagination every single time you visit and the way you push your tits together makes him want to lean over the counter and place his head between them and never come up for air.
“How can I help you?” Jamie asks, approaching the front desk, trying not to stare at how much cleavage the simple sundress you're wearing shows off.
“Hello Jamie,” you purr, smiling at him and tapping your nails against the wooden countertop. “Today, I’m here for something a little more… personal.”
“Uh, okay,” he squeaks, eyes bouncing from your tits up to your face, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as he swallows nervously, “What uh- what that might be?”
You let out a sly smile, humming as you tilt your head, your eyes tracing over his features. His hair looks so soft- you bet it would feel like satin through your fingers, the cute dimple on his face when he lets a shy smile grace his lips, and the way his chest puffs out as he stands taller, trying to gain some confidence.
“Well,” you start, his eyes widening as you slink around the counter, heels clicking with every step, “I was thinking - and really, it’s just a thought - but maybe I could see how the copies are made?”
“Uhm,” Jamie hesitates, thick fingers scratching his head, “I don’t kn- I-I mean- m-my boss would probably get pretty mad about that.” He stutters out, as you inch closer to him.
“Is he here?”
Jamie shakes his head back and forth, flinching as your hands skate up his arms, looping your arms around his neck.
“Well then,” you grin, slipping your fingers between the curls at the nape of his neck, batting your lashes at him, “What could the harm be in showing me some behind the scenes?”
Jamie nods dumbly, his arms staying limp at his sides, “O-okay,” he stutters out, “J-just this once.”
“Well,” Jamie murmurs, flicking on the light of the backroom, “This is it.”
“Hmm… So this is where the magic happens, huh?” you ask, letting a faint giggle escape your lips as you walk towards the copy machine at the back of the room.
“Y-y-yeah,” Jamie laughs nervously, letting out a harsh snort that sounds eerily like a pig. He coughs roughly trying to cover up the sound of the piggy snort he’d just let out as his cheeks flamed like a tomato in the sun. You turn, looking him up and down with a grin. Oh, he’s cute.
“You gonna show me how to make a copy, Jamie?” You ask innocently, thrumming your fingers against the top of the white machine.
“Uhm,” Jamie swallows, stepping towards you like a scared animal, “S-sure.”
He grabs a manilla folder from the tray beside the copier, taking out a small stack of papers.
“So you just, uh, slide them in this tray,” Jamie says, carefully placing the papers into the top tray, “And then you press this button that says start,” he continues, pressing the button ever so gently as the machine hums to life, sucking the papers in, “And that’s it. Then you just stand here and wait for it to be done.”
“Fascinating!” You exclaim, bending over to watch as the papers shoot out below.
“Then you pull the originals out and place them back in their folder,” he explains, grabbing the folder again, keeping his eyes trained in front so he doesn’t look at you, “And then you grab the copies and place them in with the original. Usually, the copies are really warm.”
You reach your hand over, placing your palm against the warmth of the fresh paper, and let out a satisfied hum.
“Toasty!” you giggle, “So do you only make copies of the stuff you’re supposed to?”
“Yeah,” Jamie sighs, “My boss has some pretty strict rules.”
You pout, looking into Jamie’s big brown eyes. “Well that’s no fun.” You frown, “I bet you could make some interesting copies.”
“Interesting copies?” Jamie asks, tilting his head in confusion.
“Sure,” you say with a nonchalant shrug of your shoulders, “Don’t most copiers have a flat part on them? Not just this shoot thingy?”
“Oh, yeah,” Jamie says, gripping the thick plastic edge pushing it up with a small grunt, “Right here.”
“Perfect!” You clap, before inching the skirt of your dress up. Jamie’s eyes widen like a deer caught in the headlights of a semi-truck as he sees the trimmed curls covering your mound.
“Uh…” Jamie hesitates, unable to tear his eyes away from the glorious site before him, jaw slack and eyebrows near the top of his skull, pointing to your crotch with a single finger, “I- uh- uhm- you.”
You let out a laugh, gripping his shoulder with one hand while the other holds the copier to hoist yourself up onto the flat surface, making sure to spread your thighs to give him a good look at your glistening pussy.
“Brrrr,” you let out a breath squirming, skin rippling with goosebumps as the cool glass hits your naked ass and thighs, “Little chilly.”
Jamie nervously steps back, unsure of what to do. His jeans growing tighter against his groin the longer he stares.
“Now where is that start button?” you huff, moving your legs to find it, “Ah-ha!” You announce, punching the button with your finger to start. The copier hums to life, a bright line of light scanning your ass and thighs, and swooshes out a perfect copy of your bottom half. You smile, admiring the copy of yourself, looking up at Jamie standing like a horny scared rabbit caught in a trap.
“Come here, cutie.” You curl your finger beckoning him closer. Jamie hesitantly moves forward. You smile as you flip the picture around for him to see. “Does it look good?”
Jamie lets out a pathetic, “Oh d-d-dear,” sounding almost identical to Piglet from Winnie the Pooh, and audibly gulps while furiously nodding his head.
“You ever fucked someone?”
“Uh- uhm-“ he starts, before you shush him, laying your hand gently on his forearm. “It’s okay if you haven’t,” you assure him.
“I have!” Jamie protests, wide panicked eyes bouncing back and forth between your own, “J-j-just not with s-someone like you.”
“No worries, sweetheart,” you smile, letting out a soft sigh and looping your fingers through his belt loops, pulling him closer to cage him in between your thighs, “I’ll help.”
His breath mingled with your own as those brown eyes glanced down at your lips, leaning in to brush his pouty lips against yours with a deep sigh. You smile into the kiss, nipping his bottom lip with your teeth causing him to gasp, allowing your tongue to glide into his warm mouth, easily taking the lead. Your hands slide up his torso to his shoulders, gripping the back of his neck deepening the kiss. Your lips trail down his jaw to the pulse point of his neck while he lets out a small whimper.
“You can touch,” you comment, sucking lightly against his neck, reaching for his hands that are still dangling at his sides unsure, leading them to your center. He lets out a harsh sigh when his fingers brush against your slick folds. You moan, guiding his fingers to that sensitive bundle of nerves, showing him the perfect amount of pressure to use that causes your toes to curl. “Oh fuck,” you sigh, as he slips two of his fingers into your wet hole. His breath becomes ragged, watching as your eyes gloss over from the pleasure he’s giving you.
“Feel good?” He asks with an awkward huskiness.
“Mhmm,” you nod, feeling the warmth spreading through your body, hands reaching to undo the button of his jeans, “Fuck,” you groan, feeling that band tightening in your core as his fingers begin to move faster, “Don’t forget the clit, baby,” you remind as his hand fumbles between your legs.
“Sorry,” he murmurs, swirling circles around your clit with his thumb. He helps you push his jeans and boxers down with his free hand, hard cock standing at attention, leaking from the flushed tip. You let out a frustrated whine when he removes his fingers, gripping his cock to swipe it along your entrance.
“Fuck,” you moan, growing impatient, “Just put it in already.”
Jamie nods dumbly, punching his length in like a straw going into a caprisun.
“Fuck!” he yelps, tightly wrapping his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder, breathing heavily. Gently, you wrap your arms around his shoulders, running your fingers through the curls at the nape of his neck, trying to soothe him as his cock twitches bumping against your walls.
“Move, baby,” you whisper, softly kissing his cheek. Jamie takes a deep breath pulling out, letting out a sharp whine as he sinks back into you. “Just like that,” you hum, sliding one of your hands to where you’re both connected, swirling your fingers in steady circles around your clit, your walls tightening around his cock. “Oh god! Don’t stop,” you moan, your grip on the back of his neck getting tighter.
“Fuck,” Jamie hisses, his body trembling, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he repeats over and over, thrusting his hips against you three more times before he pulls out. Ropes of his come shooting out onto the flat surface of the copier and your sex. You sigh sadly, looking at the streaky white mess he made covering your inner thighs and core. His hard length jutting out above the glass surface.
You giggle, pressing the start button, watching Jamie’s eyes trace the flash of light under you, hearing the swoosh of paper coming out. You grab it excitedly with a shimmy of your shoulders, pushing Jamie back a little to hop off the copier, come sliding down your inner thighs, leaning up you give him a kiss on the cheek.
“Thanks for the keepsake, sugar,” you wink, walking out of the backroom.
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Tagging some who seemed interested when I shared the WIP Wednesday of this 😅 @almostempty @ace-turned-confused @whocaresstillthelouvre @pedroswife69 @94namkooksworld
Thank you for reading! Let me know what y’all think! ❤️
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maxillness · 13 hours
╰┈➤Day 25: Snowballing || LS18 x teammate!reader
Warnings: 18+, blowjob, snowballing, sub!lance, hate sex, mention of violence, cum play (ish), praise kink (if you squint), (slight) mean!reader Wordcount: 0.8k Snowballing or snowdropping is the sexual practice in which one person takes someone's semen into their mouth and then passes it to the mouth of the person who ejaculated the semen, usually through kissing
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She and Lance had never been the best of friends, but they kept it outside of the track, never on it
He changed that at quali
They had a fight during the morning, about something neither of them could remember. She had thought he got over it, but damn she was wrong
He had purposely crashed into her, giving them both a DNF, starting at the bottom of the grid in tomorrows race
She was furious to say the least. She wanted to beat that pretty face into the ground. Wanting to see him bleed out on the track
"You have a serious problem, Stroll" She said, barging into his drivers room, closing the door after her
"You're the one barging into a room without knocking" He replied, standing up from the small couch, towering over her
"You drove into me purposely, crashing us both out" Her voice was a little bit raised, hurting her throat slightly "People can easily have a rivalry and keep it off the track, so why the fuck can't you?"
"I don't even know what you have against me" She took a step forward "I only ever wanted to be your friend, wanting this to work out, but no no, daddy's good little boy can't handle a woman as his teammate" She panted slightly "What is it you have against me?"
He didn't answer, words stuck in his throat, and slight flustered from the 'good little boy' "I don't have anything against you" He said low, drawing a confused expression on her face "I just- i think… I needed a way to deal with my feelings towards you" He said barely as a whisper, she almost didn't hear him
"And you thought it was a good idea to start i rivalry? That really isn't the best choice, Lance" Her expression and voice became soft, almost as if she had forgiven him
He blushed at the way she said his name. She never said his name. It sounded 10 times better from her lips than anybody else's
They had both changed into some more comfortable clothes than their suits, so it was easy to notice the growing boner in his pants
"You're really getting off on this, Lance?" He swallowed the lump in his throat and looked into the ground "You want some help with it?" She asked, taking yet another step closer to him
"Mhm" He nodded, raising his head to look in her eyes
She held his waist as she tiptoed up to kiss his lips. Her lips were soft against his. So much softer than he had imagined
She pushed him down on the couch before going to her knees, hands going to the waist band of his sweats. He bucked his hips, allowing her to pull down his sweats and boxers at the same time
She wasted no time, her tongue immediately drawing out to lick the pre cum off of him, earning her a moan he wasted no time to try and hide
She looked up at him shortly; his head was thrown back against the back of the couch, eyes screwed shut, mouth slightly open
She swirled her tongue around him, drawing out a string of moans and cursing, sounds that were music to her ears
She smiled slightly before she went down on him, tongue dragging along his skin, his thighs already shaking slightly
He bucked his hips, trying to get her to move faster. She took the hint and sped up, her jaw starting to hurt slightly, but she didn't mind
She looked up at him as good as she could. She saw the way sweat was starting to form on his skin, hair sticking to his forehead
"Mm- please… So good" He mumbled, almost unable to get words out because of his moans and whimpers
She smiled around him, clenching him slightly, giving him more pleasure, pulling him closer to the edge
"Fuck- yes- just like that. 'M close" She felt him starting to twitch inside her as his thighs shook rapidly, almost trapping her body "Fuck- I'm gonna-" He didn't get to finish his warning before he came in her mouth
She pooped off of him, standing up on sore knees. She kissed him roughly, forcing his lips apart, spitting his load into his mouth
"Swallow your own bullshit" She said, pulling away, wiping away the cum in the corner of his mouth that had slipped "Good boy" She said as he had opened his mouth, showing her he had swallowed
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otomiyaa · 2 days
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Day 23: Money
Jinshi x Maomao | Nim's Lovely Tickletober 
Word Count: 1.4K
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Jinshi was shaking. No, no, no. Calm down. Don't panic. Too late, he was totally panicking and breathing heavily.
The knocks on his door startled him.
"C-c-come in."
As requested, Maomao entered and she bowed politely. "You called for me?"
Jinshi stared at her. She looked so casual after, after.... Jinshi shuddered as his mind went back to that moment earlier in the day. He was wondering what Maomao was up to in her free time lately so yes, he kind of followed her.
Staying behind, Jinshi ended up losing track, but he did go in the same direction as she did and looked around for her. That was when, from an abandoned shed, he could hear voices. Groans, and moans, mostly....
"Does it feel good?" That was Maomao's voice!!! More groans.
That was a man and he sounded so happy. Jinshi was already losing it. It didn't take long before the door opened and first the man came out: Lihaku. Jinshi stared in disgust as he walked away. Then Maomao came out. She looked all smug and proud while she admired the money in her hand. She then merrily pranced away.
Jinshi couldn't believe what he witnessed. Maomao was earning extra money doing things.... things like that? In places like that? WITH MEN LIKE THAT?
Not sure what to do with this new information, Jinshi had decided to summon her to his room to try and subtly discuss the matter. If Maomao was having money problems, she should come to him. Not do some nasty business with other men. He knew she was raised in such an environment, but this was still really shocking for a person like Maomao.
"I j-just wanted to talk. Are you doing well?" Jinshi asked, trying not to sound as if he was dying inside.
Maomao nodded. "I am doing well."
"H-how about financially? Is there anything... you need?"
Maomao made a face. "I need a lot of things. But not particularly." Another painful arrow through Jinshi's heart. Yes, loving poison and experimenting with all sort of things wasn't the cheapest hobby and she was drooling over any valuable ingredient at the market, he knew that.
But if she didn't need anything in particular, was she even just randomly doing this side hustle for like, no important reason at all?
Jinshi had no choice but to cut to the chase, especially when Maomao asked first: "Why do you ask? Are you raising my salary?"
That smug little girl. Jinshi glared at her and finally said the truth. "Because I saw you this afternoon."
Her expression changed. She looked surprised. "Oh." She then looked smug again!
"It can't be helped. My skills are so good, people want to buy a session all the time. And I can use the extra money."
Noooooooooooooooo!!!!! Jinshi almost stumbled as he rushed forward and he grabbed her shoulders.
"Y-you can't do things like that!!!" he screamed. Maomao looked unfazed.
"Why not?"
"B-b-b-because......! It's....!" Jinshi was almost fainting. Maomao looked like nothing was wrong at all.
"I don't see the problem. If I compare my work to any doctor's, I have the right to get paid for my services."
"You...!!! Eh? D-doctor?" Jinshi asked when he realized what she was saying.
"My massages really improve the physical health." Maomao nodded proudly. Massages. Jinshi sank through his knees and breathed out. They were just massages. He clenched Maomao's robes to not fall over completely and he sighed.
"M-massages. So... You're that good at them, hm?" he asked tiredly. Maomao nodded again.
"Do you want to try it?"
Jinshi blinked and slowly looked up. Was she offering him a massage now? He tried hard not to appear too perverted when thinking that thought. He then slapped his own cheeks. No, no, it's not like that! Maomao has been selling these massages to other men. Surely he could get one too.
"I'll give it to you for free," Maomao said. Jinshi almost gasped. Special treatment!!! He nodded his head profusely.
"Yes," he said stiffly. Within the next moment, Jinshi sat down and Maomao stood behind him. Her small hands were working on his shoulders, and Jinshi started to question this whole massage thing again. It did feel kind of erotic... Then again, maybe that was just his own silly and problematic mind.
"Does it feel good?" she asked. Oh yes definitely. Jinshi couldn't even answer. Maomao's fingers traveled more to the side, her thumbs rubbing him firmly in circles and making his muscles tingle. But then...
"Yah!" Jinshi jolted, and Maomao paused.
"Does it hurt? Your muscles sure are delicate," she commented.
"No! No it doesn't," Jinshi said. It didn't hurt, but worse. It tickled.
"Alright then." Maomao continued and Jinshi started to try and control his breathing. As if it wasn't already bad enough (in a good way) that Maomao was voluntarily touching him, her massage started to tickle, and the more Jinshi tried to convince himself it didn't, the more ticklish it became.
"H-hehehe.... mhmhmhm....." To his horror, Jinshi realized giggles were escaping his lips, and he quickly covered his mouth.
He hoped she didn't hear that embarrassing noise.
Maomao hummed. "Oh... If you're the sensitive kind of person, my massage can indeed tickle," she said. SHE TOTALLY HEARD IT.
Jinshi started to shake a little, holding back his laughter. "It d-doesn't t-ti-tihihickle."
The ticklish sensations only worsened though and he started to think she was doing it on purpose now.
"It doesn't?"
Jinshi continued to giggle and he squirmed, especially when her fingers lowered to his lower back, and he arched his back suddenly and gasped.
"W-wahahait!" he laughed. Maomao giggled as well.
"I'm amazed. I never had such a ticklish client before." Jinshi couldn't help but see it as both an insult and compliment. He was embarrassed that he seemed to be the only man giggling like a child because of her massage. But Maomao also took her precious time to make Jinshi laugh. It tickled a lot, but he also kind of didn't want her to stop...
"Y-y-you're dohohoing it ohohon purpohose ehehe!" Jinshi had fallen on his side now and giggled while Maomao continued to tickle him.
"I have no idea what you're talking about. You are the one who is too ticklish for my massage."
She kneaded his lower sides and back, and Jinshi had never felt such a pleasant and ticklish sensation before. "Wahahah!"
"Do you want me to stop?"
Jinshi shook his head. "I cahahan tahahake it!"
Maomao laughed playfully. "We will see about that." The moment she aimed for his ribs, Jinshi's suspicions were confirmed that this girl had the actual nerve to tickle him on purpose.
"Nohoho! Not thahahat!" Jinshi howled.
"It's all part of the massage," Maomao lied. She made him laugh more than Jinshi had in the past... years. In his whole lifetime maybe. Those who would bathe and care for him knew how sensitive he could be and would avoid it whenever Jinshi's ticklishness threatened to make him laugh.
But Maomao here, she didn't hold back and exploited it. Surely it was rude and shameless, but Jinshi couldn't help but enjoy it. The feeling, the attention, and the uncontrollable laughter.
When Maomao finally stopped, he was breathing heavily and looking up at her smug face.
"Did that feel good?" she asked. Jinshi was still catching his breath. He knew she was teasing him, but... He wondered how he could get her to do this again to him without appearing like a crazy pervert.
"Y-yes. I admit it tickles, but it's a good massage," he sighed. He then added: "If I pay you money next time... Would you do that again?"
Maomao looked suprised to hear this answer. "Are you sure?"
Jinshi blushed and nodded. "It d-does improve my phyiscal health, as you said..." Jinshi said shyly. He wasn't going to say this out loud, but he was convinced that laughter was definitely a good medicine too, especially after a bad day.
"I'll pay you extra..." he said.
Maomao first gaped at him. She then smiled radiantly. "Hehe! Well, of course!"
Jinshi knew it would be weird to give her money for extra 'services' like that. But at least it was less weird to treat it like a paid massage service, rather than just ask her to tickle him again and again.
And besides, if this would keep Maomao off the streets and her precious hands off any other man's body... yes, Jinshi would pay her the double amount and would take her tickle attacks as a well-earned bonus.
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sadisticpussies · 24 hours
It’s your fault for thinking he would be different. Sofia inwardly reprimands herself as she laid in her bed with puffy red eyes and a barred throat from crying. She’s heard the rumors about Rafe all over the island; about the things he and his family’s done, about the people that they’ve hurt—but she simply deduced it as speculation.
Because he Rafe that she’s gotten to know the past year and a half seemed incapable of hurting anyone especially when he was too busy mourning the death of his father. Sofia saw a side of Rafe that others didn’t—an emotionally vulnerable one, who often sought her out when the memory of his father became too much for him and he’d cry against her chest as his arms wrapped around her body like an anchor, or that she’d sometimes catch him solemnly looking at family pictures, especially the ones with Sarah and could tell that he carried the loneliness of their broken family on his shoulders.
That was the Rafe she knew. Her Rafe.
The one she overheard today, that demeaned her with such disgust and vitriol and practically laughed at the thought of being in a relationship with her—a pogue—was a stranger. She always assumed that Rafe’s disdain for pogues was solely due to his disliking for Sarah’s friends. She didn’t know he categorized her as someone he felt superior to, too good to be in an actual relationship with.
Maybe it was her fault for being naive and believing in the fairytale that classism didn’t matter especially to the richest kook on the island.
wanna come over? i miss u.
7:45 PM
She’s been ignoring his calls and texts all day, too frustrated and humiliated to talk to him. He deceived, mocked, and ridiculed her like she was nothing of importance to him. Like their months of conversations, kissing, and getting to know each other was redundant.
are u okay? i’ve been calling and texting all day but u aren’t responding.
8:00 PM
Sofia laughs sardonically as she read his text, at how easy he feeds into his own lies as if his care about her was sincere. She realizes now that she was nothing to him other than a warm body to fill the void of his loneliness, an easy fuck to offer him a distraction. Her wry laughter quickly subsides and she’s feeling tears fogging her vision again.
Why did she have to fall in love with him?
It’s only a few minutes later that she hears a knock against her door. Sofia groans, assuming that it was her father trying to pry her out of her room so that she could eat dinner. But food was the farthest thing on her mind right now. She didn’t want to eat nor did she want to be bothered. She just wanted to be left alone to sulk in her depressive misery.
“I’m not hungry, papí!”
But the knocking persisted, ignoring her pleads. “Papí!” She laments, wiping her tear stained face with the back of her hand as she clambers to her feet. She grabs at the knob and tugs it open, sighing softly in exasperation. “I said I wasn’t—” Sofia pauses when she realizes that it wasn’t her father standing there.
It was Rafe.
He smiled softly at her, like everything between them was copasetic, like he didn’t hurt her. And it pisses her off; seeing him standing athwart from her with his dimpled smile like they were okay.
“Hey, baby,” He greets, taking a step towards her in attempts to embrace her in a hug. But Sofia quickly retracts, bridging the distance further between them. His face furrows in a confused expression at this realization.
“What are you doing here, Rafe?” She questions, unmoored by his maimed expression. She keeps her stance firm, halfway blocking his view of seeing the inside of her bedroom.
(That would only be another thing he’d laugh about.)
Rafe’s countenance deepened in a furrow, realizing that Sofia looked almost annoyed by his presence. He blanched and recoiled at her callous tone, rubbing a hand against the back of his neck. “I uh, I wanted to come see you. I tried texting you but you weren’t answering so—”
“Yeah, when someone does that it means that they don’t want to talk!” She beseeched, rolling her eyes as she slammed the door in his face, causing the room and a few things on her dresser to reverberate in its wake.
Behind the door, Rafe stood there completely confused and bewildered by Sofia’s behavior. Had he inadvertently done or said something to offend her? Was it his impromptu visit to her house that annoyed her? Bringing his hand up to the door, he knocks again waiting for an answer.
“Go away, Rafe!” She avers, her voice stern and adamant. But he couldn’t not when the unanswered question of why she was upset and didn’t want to see him remained present.
“Sof,” He pleads, “Can you please open the door so we can talk?”
Sofia shook her head, still surprised at how good he was at pretending like he cared—the tone of his voice almost deceived her again into thinking that there was sincerity behind his words and plead—but she knew it was just another facade. He’d gotten what he wanted out of her and now the masquerade of his true character was showing.
(She just wishes she saw it sooner before.)
Running a hand wearily over her face, Sofia sniffled as she stared at the door. “There’s nothing to talk about. You said what you said—”
“I don’t know—what did I say?” Rafe asks, his eyebrows furrowed deeper as he hurriedly scrambled his brain for an answer.
But his efforts were futile because he genuinely doesn’t remember any conversation that they had that would warrant this type of behavior from her. Things have been good between them and for the first time in a long time, Rafe’s finally found some semblance of happiness. Though he still grieved the loss of his father every day, Sofia’s company made the days (and nights) less cumbersome.
She was someone that he felt he could confide in about anything and she didn’t judge him like everyone else on the island. Sofia was his peace in the chaos that disrupted his daily life, giving him something to look forward to every day.
Sofia wiped at her face again, swallowing down the thick lump of emotions that barred in her throat. “I heard you,” She says, though in a near whisper because her voice is so scratched and dry from all the crying that it descended into a hoarse rasp.
“At the country club. I heard you,” She repeats, exhaling a trembling breath. “I heard how you, Topper and Ruthie all stood around talking about me like I was nothing. How you said you’d never be with a pogue,” She abhors, reciting his words with the same vitriolic disgust that he’d used.
Her breath catches in her throat and she chokes on a sob. She felt so weak crying like this, especially with Rafe on the other side of the door only inches away. She covers her mouth with her hand, attempting to stifle the noise.
But Rafe does hear it; every sniffle and sob falls audibly to his ears and it breaks his heart as he listened. He leans his forehead against her bedroom door and closes his eyes with a heavy sigh, inwardly cursing himself out for making such a stupid remark.
When he said that it was solely out of him wanting to change the subject. He didn’t like Ruthie or Topper in his business and he certainly didn’t like them talking about Sofia in any way. He spoke impulsively without thinking, not knowing that his words would come back to haunt him.
But the truth is, he didn’t see Sofia as a pogue. At least, not in the same sense as his sister or her friends, and he certainly didn’t perceive her as less than compared to him in any way. Sofia had everything that Rafe wished he had; a stable, loving family that genuinely cared about her, friends and a life that wasn’t dysfunctional.
He was envious of her, that she had people to come back home to or that would call to check up on her to ask where she was if she stayed out too late. He never had that in his life, even when his father was alive.
So, yeah, his relationship with Sofia was sacred to him. It meant something to him. It meant everything to him. And he wanted to protect that from Topper, Ruthie, or any other kook that had an opinion on who he slept with.
“Sof,” Rafe begs, his voice wrecked with remorse. “I didn’t mean—”
She didn’t need to hear any apologies, the damage was already done and now she finally knows the truth of how he sees her. “Just go away and leave me alone.”
“Baby, please, I—”
“Leave, Rafe. I don’t ever want to see you again,” She says with a finality that has him sighing heavily in defeat as he nodded and pushed himself off of the door. He didn’t want to leave, but he knew that he had to respect her wishes.
He glanced solemnly at her door before eventually turning around and walking away.
Leave it to him to ruin the best thing that’s ever happen to him.
She’s done crying.
(At least that’s what she tells herself after she cries another twenty minutes after she leaves.) But when she drains her body dry of tears, she comes to the conclusion that she’s done with Rafe Cameron. He didn’t deserve her tears or her; he’d done nothing but prove himself to be the asshole that everyone warned her about that she was too foolish to see for herself but her vision’s clear now.
She won’t lie and say that all of her feelings had suddenly dissipated, because it wasn’t that easy to fall out of love with someone, but she knew that with time she could adjust to a life without him just as she did before.
She’s at work, bustling around between tables and prepping drinks when she sees him. Thankfully, he wasn’t in her section but he was still seated close enough to be in her view. Almost as if he felt her gaze, Rafe’s eyes look up and met hers across the room. Sofia’s heart flutters (annoyingly much to her dismay) when she looks at him. She bites on her lip and hurriedly pried her eyes away from his, shaking her head as she reminded herself of Rafe’s hurtful words.
It’s only been a few days since she ended things with him, but admittedly it was harder than she imagined. She missed Rafe. They’d gotten so much closer over the past year and a half that there wasn’t a day that she could remember where they weren’t together.
But she couldn’t fawn back into old habits. Because as much as she missed him, the way he’d degraded her was a solemn reminder for her to stay away from him.
And she has every intention of doing so.
Turning away from Rafe and facing the bar again, she wipes down the countertop with her cloth making sure the smooth surface was clean. “Sof?” Her body tenses at the way her name falls softly from his lips.
There’d been so many times before that he’d said it just like this; majority of those times were in the seclusion of his bed as they laid there naked beneath the sheets with her head tucked on his chest and his fingers caressing her skin.
He always murmured her name like a litany, always soft and sweet to her ears like a term of endearment that was meant solely for him.
Sofia keeps her back turned towards him, busying herself as she worked. She refused to acknowledge him.
Rafe felt depleted at Sofia’s avoidance and ignoring of him. All week he’s tried to amend for his mistake through attempted calls and text messages, but the efforts were futile because none of them had gone through.
All he wanted was a chance to explain himself. But she wouldn’t look at him let alone talk to him so he was reduced to showing up at her job to force her acknowledgement.
It’s only been a few days since she broke up with him but he’s been miserable ever since; practically a prisoner to his insomnia as he laid awake in bed staring vacantly at the ceiling with the emptiness of where Sofia usually slept tormenting him. He knew that she said she didn’t want to see him again, but he couldn’t stay away.
How did she expect him to do that?
This probably wasn’t the most appropriate setting to try to get her attention, but it was the only thing that he could think of.
He was desperate.
“Sof, look, I know that what you heard—”
Before he has the chance to continue his explanation, Sofia’s turning around to look at him. Her face is devoid of any mirthful emotion. “I’m sorry, Mr. Cameron but I have to work. There are other customers who I need to tend to so unless you’re ordering another drink I don’t think there’s anything left for us to discuss,” She says, raising a brow and folding her arms across her chest as she waited for his response.
Mr. Cameron. He knows that she’s supposed to acknowledge all the customers with such formalities, but hearing her say it to him in such a displeased way admittedly sombered him. Looking around, he sees only a few people sat at the bar. They were all too busy to overhear their conversation. But truthfully, he didn’t care who was there to witness him begging for her forgiveness.
Rafe licks his lips as he nervously writhed his hands. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say all of that. I was being stupid.”
“Something that we both agree on,” She remarks, turning away from him to continue working.
“I just want you to know—”
“Look,” Sofia exasperates as she turns around to face him again. “I’m working, okay? I can’t afford to have you talking to me and distracting me. Some of us actually need jobs to live,”
Rafe nods in a sombered understanding, “Right. Sorry,” he says before walking off, conceding to her pleads.
She drives down to the beach for a quiet day to herself; bringing a book and a packed lunch with her. It’d been a long work week and all she desired was a day of peace and relaxation. Grabbing her book, Sofia spreads her beach towel across the sand then makes her perch atop of it.
She grabs her book, Little Women and opens up the first page as she begins to read.
She’s about midway through the first few chapters when she hears a loud noise interrupting her solitude. Looking up, Sofia notices a flock of cars suddenly parked along the shoreline. Shielding her hand over her eyes, she recognizes Topper’s truck—seeing him, Ruthie, Kelce and another car full of kooks all gathered around pulling their gear from the trunks.
So much for a relaxing morning, she resigns.
Looking over, she sees Rafe clamber into her view. Unlike the rest of them who anticipated riding the high swell of the water, he lingered behind, idly sipping on his bottle of beer.
Sofia only keeps her gaze on him for a brief moment before she’s hurriedly looking away. Her eyes look farther right; where she notices Sarah and her friends who stood a few feet away from Topper and the kooks. She knew with their shared history that this would be an evening far from relaxing.
Sofia decided to not let the interrupting ruin her day. So, she reverted her attention back on her book and kept reading, getting lost in the chemistry between Jo and Teddy.
All she hears is the loud purr of an engine roaring. Looking up from her book, she sees Topper’s truck speeding down the beach approaching the other side where Sarah and her friends were. Furrowing her brows in confusion, Sofia stands to her feet to get a better view.
She didn’t know exactly what was going on but she could tell by Kiara’s frantic pleads and her hands waving in the air and the fact that Topper’s truck did not stop as it got closer that whoever was driving had intended plans of hitting her.
Petrified by this realization, Sofia absentmindedly set her book aside so that she’s able to run down to the beach where the kooks were. “What the hell is Topper doing?” She asks, coming to a stop as she stood beside Rafe.
He looks visibly surprised by her presence and the fact that she was actually talking to him. “It’s not him driving. It’s Ruthie,” He explains and Sofia resists the urge to roll her eyes because of course it’s her that’s behind this chaos. She hasn’t known Ruthie for that long, but based off of the limited amount of time that she has Sofia’s judgment of her wasn’t held in high regard.
She sees the truck nearly avoid hitting the pogues, coming to an abrupt stop before circling back around. “Someone needs to stop her. She’s going to hit them.”
Behind her, she hears Kelce kiss his tongue against his teeth in a reproachful manner. “Relax, Ruthie’s not going to do anything. But if she did, a few less pogues running around on our island wouldn’t be such a bad thing,”
And it disgusts Sofia hearing him talk with such disregard about them because she knows that if it weren’t for her previous affiliation with Rafe, they’d have the same feelings about her. She looks over at Rafe who says nothing, only keeps his gaze narrowed in on his sister who falls to her knees beside Kiara in the sand.
“There’s a hatch!” She hears Kiara bellow for the fifth time and Sofia’s heart drops when she sees the tires of the truck run through the pathway over the hatch of turtles.
She didn’t know how someone could be so evil and apathetic but Ruthie seemed to revel in her hateful behavior, laughing when she climbed out of the truck and engaging in the gossiping conversation with the rest of her friends.
There was something seriously wrong with these people. She couldn’t believe that these were people that she envied; for so long she wished she had their luxurious lives but now she realized that when people like that have a lot of money and power they become completely desensitized to humanity.
She wanted them to like her, she wanted to fit into their lives even if it was just by proxy.
But now? Sofia’s disgusted by them. And she didn’t want to be affiliated with them in any way.
“Wait. Wait, hey, Sof,” She ignored Rafe’s beckon as she continued back to the spot where she was previously sitting at. She gathered her things together, shoving everything back inside of her tote bag.
She snatches her arm out of his reach when he grabs her wrist. He raises his hand in the air defensively, giving her an apologetic look. “Sorry, I just wanted to talk to you.”
“There’s nothing to talk about.” Rafe careens, frowning despondently at her dismissal.
“Yo, Rafe!” They both turn their heads at the sound of Topper’s voice. He leans out the window of the passengers side, looking stupidly smug as ever. “We’re going back to my house for a party. You comin’?” He offers, his eyes briefly wander over Sofia like he’s hoping that if Rafe does accept the invitation that he doesn’t bring her along.
He didn’t have to worry about that. Sofia didn’t want to be near him or any of those kooks ever again.
Rafe pauses, shifting his gaze between the two of them before eventually responding, “Nah. You guys go ahead,” that admittedly surprises Sofia.
Ruthie scoffs from the driver’s seat, rolling her eyes as she shrugged. “Whatever. Your loss!” She pulls the truck out of the sand and back into the leveled road, speeding away.
When he turns back to Sofia, he gives her a sheepish expression. “I know that you probably hate me, but you have to believe me when I say I didn’t mean anything that I said that day, Sof.”
Sofia rolls her eyes before stepping around him. She didn’t feel like listening to another meaningless apology.
“So that’s it? You’re just never going to speak to me again? I try to apologize and you can’t even look at me?” She hears the pain weighing heavily in his voice at her rejection. She would be lying if she said that it didn’t affect her.
But she doesn’t respond. Doesn’t turn around to look at him. She only hefts the strap of her bag further over her shoulder and continues walking towards her car.
“She hates me,” Rafe murmurs, his words are halfway slurred as he brings the bottle of beer up to his mouth and chugs down another swallow. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand before sluggishly clambering to his feet. “She fucking hates me,” He laughs wryly, feeling his throat click as tears gathered in the back of his pupils. “And I can’t even blame her. I fucking hate myself too,” He groans, wearily running his hand over his face.
He knows that Sofia’s too good for him. Someone like him didn’t deserve happiness, not after everything that he’s done. But he still held on to the belief that maybe he could have it. Being with Sofia gave him that hope.
He felt different with her. She was changing him for the better. He’d even started envisioning an actual life together with her; of them being together and having something to call their own.
Sofia was the girl that he always dreamed of. She became everything to him over this past year, making him want to change the error of his old ways and be good not only for himself but for her. He knows that it probably wasn’t healthy, his need and dependency on her, but he couldn’t help it. He was in love. And all he wanted was for her to look at him the way that she used to.
Now? Now she can’t even look at him and when she does, it’s in disgust. And it breaks Rafe’s heart knowing that he hurt the one person that he cared about most in this world.
You’re alone again. His mind mocks him torturously, reminding him of his loss. He curls his hands in fists and hold them against his head, trying to block out the noise. She left you. She was too good for you. You didn’t deserve her.
“I know!” He exclaims, yelling into the void of his quiet house.
read more on ao3!(x) it’s like 17k 😭💀
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idk6123 · 1 day
Karen's Brother (Lip Gallagher X Male Reader)
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Lip visits the Jackson household once again. After knocking on the door, he hears a voice allowing him to come in. As he enters the house, he sees Sheila in the kitchen, baking a cake.
“Hey, Lip. Karen is still out, but you can wait,” Sheila says kindly. “I made some cookies.”
“No, thanks.” Lip glances toward the stairs and around the living room. “How about Y/N?”
“Thanks.” Lip takes the stairs to the next floor.
He peeks into Y/N’s room, only to find it empty. That’s when the blonde continues looking around the floor. He hears the sound of the shower behind the bathroom door. After a few seconds, Lip opens the door, noticing the shower curtain is drawn. Looking intrigued, he walks over to the shower and pulls the curtain open, revealing Karen’s younger brother showering.
Y/N turns around, spotting the fully dressed man. “Want to join?”
“Do you even need to ask?” Lip replies, beginning to take off his clothes.
Lip and Y/N are sitting downstairs, watching TV while enjoying some drinks. From the kitchen, Sheila frequently glances toward them, finding it wholesome that they enjoy each other’s company. The Jackson family has had quite a bit of drama over the last year, with the death of the father, Sheila’s struggle with her fear of the outside world, Karen’s cheating, and her pregnancy. Sheila is glad her youngest child is staying out of the drama and hopes it stays that way. As she continues baking her cake, the home phone rings. Y/N stands up to answer it.
“Y/N Jackson.”
“Hey, I’ll be staying at Mark’s house tonight,” Karen says over the phone.
Y/N looks at his sister’s boyfriend. “What about Lip?”
“Just say I’m busy. Later.”
Y/N frowns as he realizes Karen has already hung up. He turns back to Sheila. “Karen is staying with one of her friends again.”
“Okay. That’s one less person for dinner.” she mutters to herself.
“How about take-out, Mom?” Y/N suggests. “We should save your cooking skills for when we’re all here.”
“Good idea!” Sheila smiles widely. “Let’s get something from McDonald’s. Lip, do you want to stay for dinner?”
Lip looks at both of them, but his focus is only on Y/N’s eyes. With a smirk on his face, Lip knows this is going to be a fun night if he stays. “I’ll stay.”
“Great. I’ll get some fries and burgers.” Sheila walks over to the table to grab her keys. Then, she heads to the coat rack for her coat. “Make sure the cake doesn’t burn, sweetie.”
“Will do, Mom.”
With a look of glee on her face, Sheila leaves the house, leaving the two boys alone. Y/N takes a moment to watch her leave through the window. Once she’s gone, Y/N returns to the couch, where Lip is clearly anticipating something.
“You want to fuck again?”
“Nah.” Y/N sits down next to him, putting his arm around him. “Can we just snuggle?”
“I didn’t know we were getting to that.” Lip can feel Y/N’s head resting on his left shoulder.
“So fucking is fine, but snuggling is too much?”
“I never said that.” With a smirk, Lip puts his arm around Y/N.
A comfortable silence settles between them as they continue watching TV. They can feel each other’s warmth. It’s rare for them to be together without sex, something Y/N wants more of.
“Karen is with Mark again.” Lip stays quiet as he takes a sip from his drink. “Does it upset you that she keeps cheating on you?”
“No.” Y/N isn’t sure whether Lip is being truthful or not. “It’s not like I’m any better.”
“At least you don’t intend to sell an unborn child,” Y/N points out. Lip stays quiet, still watching the TV. “I know you want to keep it.”
“How would you know?” Lip asks, turning his face to look at the man leaning against him.
“I can read it on your face,” Y/N answers. “Even if it’s not your child, there’s something in you that wants to take care of someone.” Lip remains quiet, looking back at the TV. “You deserve better than her.”
“And you’re saying that because you want the best for me, or because you want to be more than just fuck buddies?”
Lip turns back to face him, unsure of how to respond. While the thought of being with Y/N often lingers in his mind, something is holding him back. Maybe it’s Karen and their child. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s getting involved with the brother of the girl he’s spent so much time with. Maybe it’s because it’s with another man. He’s not sure.
Y/N can tell Lip is deep in thought. “...I didn’t upset you, did I?”
“Hm?” Lip snaps back to reality. “Uh—no. Just thinking. ...It’s not that I don’t want to be with you. It’s just...” He lets out a sigh. “I can’t really explain it.”
Y/N hums in understanding. He scoots a bit closer and holds Lip tighter. “How about we just enjoy things as they are? You don’t have to worry about labels or anything. Just... enjoy what we’ve got.”
Lip rests his head against Y/N’s. Even though he doesn’t know what to make of his situation with Y/N, he knows he enjoys his time with him.
After dinner and a few hours later, everyone heads to bed. Y/N offers Lip to stay the night, which he accepts. Lip initially says he’ll use Karen’s room, but he ends up sharing a bed with Y/N. As the night goes on, both guys enjoy each other’s company.
They’re shirtless, lying on the bed as they recover after their fun time. Y/N looks over at Lip, who’s once again deep in thought. The blonde looks a bit startled when he’s embraced by his partner.
“You’re still thinking about us?”
“Just life in general.” Lip admits. “College, Karen, the future...” He quickly searches for his cigarettes. When he finds them, he puts one in his mouth and lights it up. “God, I sound so depressed...”
“Are you?”
“Fuck no.” Lip takes a deep drag from the cigarette and exhales some smoke.
Y/N chuckles. “Well, if you want to talk, I’m all ears.”
Lip knows that. He continues to smoke in Y/N’s arms, thinking about the offer. He’s not really one to talk about his feelings, but he feels safe with Y/N.
“I just feel stressed out. It’s like everything is happening all at once. And the worst part is, I feel like I’m the last one to choose what’s going to happen. Fiona keeps egging me on about college. Karen keeps complaining about baby money. Frank is being Frank. And then there’s you...” He looks back at Y/N. “And I don’t know how to handle it.”
Y/N hums. “Makes you want to run away, huh?”
“It sure does.” Lip agrees. He takes another deep drag. “And the funny thing is, you and me... we’re the least of my problems. That’s probably why we hang out so much.”
Lip feels a peck on his cheek. “Well, whenever you feel stressed, you can come to me. We can talk, hang out... or...” Lip clenches his fists as he suddenly feels Y/N’s hand move down. “Just some simple stress relief.”
“I’m always open for stress relief.” Lip says between breaths as he puts out his cigarette on Y/N’s nightstand. With that gone, he’s ready for another round of fun.
Months have passed, and things haven’t gotten better. Karen is hellbent on selling her son, leaving Lip with little choice but to go along with it. In the background, his secret affair with Y/N continues to thrive.
One day, it’s time for the baby to arrive. The Jacksons and Gallaghers all go to the hospital to witness the birth of Karen and Lip’s child. But they soon discover that the baby isn’t Lip’s. To make matters worse, the child is born with Down syndrome, meaning adoption is no longer an option. Lip is quick to leave the hospital after the revelation. Some of the others try to go after him, but they fail.
There’s only one person who manages to find him. Out of nowhere, Y/N finds Lip sitting on the hood of a car, smoking heavily. Along with the cigarette, he’s drinking beer straight from the bottle. His face is wet and red, though the tears are still falling. When Y/N approaches him, Lip notices but says nothing, his expression lost and defeated.
Y/N moves closer and wraps his arms around Lip. Lip buries his head in the other man’s chest and starts crying again, desperately clutching him. Seconds turn into minutes as Y/N continues to hold and console him. He isn’t sure how long it takes for Lip to quiet down, but when he looks down, he sees Lip looking up at him. Gently, Y/N sits beside him, putting an arm around the man he loves.
“I’m sorry, Lip...” Lip moves closer, resting his head on Y/N’s shoulder. Y/N notices he’s still not saying anything. “Do you want to get a motel room or something?” He can’t imagine Lip going back home after everything that’s happened. The only response he gets is a simple nod.
Lip spent the last couple of days with Y/N, processing everything that had happened. They stayed in a motel, where Y/N made sure to comfort Lip whenever he felt down.
A week passed, and Y/N decided it might be time for them to head back. On a sunny day, the couple sat on a bench in the park. That’s when Y/N decided to share some news.
“Karen left…” Y/N began, with Lip merely listening. “Mom wants to take care of the baby, but Karen doesn’t. She threatened to leave if Mom didn’t disown the baby... and then she left.” Y/N looked back at the park, enjoying the calm atmosphere, the sound of birds chirping, and the sight of leaves swaying in the gentle breeze. “Mom wanted to know what I was going to do. I told her I’m nothing like my sister, and that I’ll help where I can.”
Lip remained quiet.
“I told Fiona you needed time to think. She was cool with that. A week has passed, and I’m wondering if you’re ready to go back. If you’re not, that’s fine.”
“I’ll go back.” Lip answered. “I’ve moped around enough.”
“You sure?”
“Yes.” Lip said calmly. “I want to go back.”
Y/N hummed. “Let’s head back to pack.”
“Wait.” Lip spoke up, causing Y/N to look back at him. “There’s something I need to say.” The taller man could tell Lip was looking a bit nervous. “Thank you for staying with me. It feels like, when everything is going wrong, you’re the only one who stands by my side.”
“Of course. I won’t abandon you. I’ll stay by your side.”
Lip couldn’t help but smile. “You’re so kind to me, even though I’ve been an asshole to you.” He took a deep breath. “I wish I could’ve told you sooner, but... I love you.”
Y/N looked surprised but soon smiled. “I love you too.”
Lip smiled even wider. “At least with you, I don’t have to worry about you getting pregnant.”
Y/N laughed. “Even if I could, I sure wouldn’t cheat on you.”
Hearing that reassurance, Lip felt safer than he ever had before. “Can we stay here just a little while longer?” He grabbed Y/N’s hand, causing his new boyfriend to smile even more.
“We can stay as long as you want.”
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meep-moops-stuff · 1 day
Safe and Sound - Sidney Crosby x Reader
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Y/n was swarmed with class work. Papers scattered her apartment floor, notebooks open to random pages and a textbook in her lap. She could not fail this exam.
Her phone had been silenced since the morning, not receiving any messages or calls.
She tends to do this when she needs to focus, by shutting out the world around her.
Even Sidney Crosby.
Her glasses were sitting on the bridge of her nose, strands of hair falling out of her claw clip as she continued highlighting her textbook.
Her phone buzzed, breaking her out of her thoughts.
I have to focus. If I fail then he wins and was right all along
She dropped her highlighter in her lap, sighing as she picks up her phone.
Her heart dropped.
5 text messages from Sidney, 2 messages from her best friend and even a missed phone call from Sidney.
Before she could think about what to do, there was a quiet knock at her door.
She stared at the door, confused as to who could be there. Her apartment is a mess, coffee cups everywhere and notebooks laying around and-
She froze. It was Sidney. Why was he here? Why did he show up unannounced?
Y/n set the textbook next to her on the floor and got up to answer it.
She opened the door a little, revealing Sidney standing there, his phone in his hand.
His eyes went soft as he stared at her, looking past her shoulder to see the sea of textbooks and notebooks on her floor.
“Hi” she said softly.
Sidney smiled, “can I come in? You weren’t answering your phone and I … I got worried” he said shyly.
Y/n stepped away and let him in, shutting the door behind him.
“Woah you’ve been doing this all day?” Sidney asked, turning to y/n.
She nodded, pulling her sleeves over her hands.
“I really should get back to work. I can’t fail this exam” y/n said as she tried going back to the spot she was before.
Sidney gently stands in her way, placing a hand on her arm.
“I think you should take a break. You look-“
“I look what? Tried? Awful?” Y/n spat out, pushing past Sidney and sitting back in her spot.
Sidney stood there for a moment, trying to gauge if y/n was really mad at him or just overwhelmed.
As he turned around to face her, her hands were trembling as she was writing In her notebook.
Yeah, she was overwhelmed.
Sidney gently crouched down beside her, watching her hand trembling as she continued to write.
Sidney moved a piece of hair out of her face and behind her ear, his hand lingering for a moment.
“Y/n. Look at me”
She looked up at him, her glasses on the bridge of her nose, her eyes glossy and ready to spill.
Sidney grabbed the pen from her hand and put it down, followed by taking her glasses off and setting them aside.
“Let’s take a break, ok?”
Y/n stared at the notebook, then at her trembling hands
“I can’t take a break” she mumbled, biting her lip.
“Why not sweetheart?” Sidney asked, barely above a whisper. The gentleness in his voice made y/n want to run away to her bedroom, and shut him out. She wasn’t used to someone caring for her and her mental health.
“Because if I take a break…then they all win. They-“ she sat up straight and took a deep breath, wiping her eyes with the back of her hands.
“Then all the people who have wronged me win and were right; that I am nothing”
Sidney grabbed her wrists and took her hands away from her eyes, seeing the tears start to fall.
He kept her wrists in his hands, rubbing circles on them with his thumb.
“Y/n. Look at me”
She looked up at him, eyes watering with tears falling off her face and onto her shirt.
“They were never right. You are something. You have made a life for yourself, despite the things they told you or called you. But you need to take a break” he said softly, continuing to rub circles on her wrist.
Y/n closed her eyes and shook her head. She hated asking for help; hated taking a break.
“Let me help you take a break, ok?”
Sidney stood up, extending his hands for her to take. She stands up and stares at Sidney.
He smiles sadly as he wipes tears from her cheek with his thumb.
“I’ll order you some takeout, ok? We can catch up on the show you’ve been watching”
Her head shot up at him, confused.
“You remembered the show I always blabber about?”
Sidney giggled as he let go of her hands and took out his phone.
“Yeah how couldn’t I? Your face always lights up when you talk about the characters.” He said as he started his order on his phone.
This is getting too much. Why does he care? This is too emotional I need to switch it up
“I didn’t think you knew how to use DoorDash” she mumbled, a smiling creeping on her face.
Sidney chuckles and smirks down at her. He knows she does this when things get too much, when someone shows care. She makes a sarcastic comment or joke. It’s a defense mechanism for sure, but Sidney goes along with it.
“Oh because I’m so old?” He asked.
Y/n giggled and nodded.
“Yeah. 37 you’re getting up there”
Sidney rolled his eyes and out his phone back in his pocket as he grabbed the remote from the coffee table, ushering y/n to sit on the couch.
He grabbed a blanket from the chair and wrapped it around her shoulders, handing her the remote.
“Now put on the show. I’ll make some tea, ok?”
He headed off into her small kitchen as y/n navigated her Netflix.
She smiled to herself as she heard the kettle ring.
You do need a break. And he does care.
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purplesannnieee · 1 day
Hi! Mine if I request? Can you do Reader who lost a bet and had to dress up as a dog? She has a cute and but flimsy maid outfit with the doggy ears and tail. I want this to be NSFW if you can, or you can make it where Jin likes it and he ends up demanding her to do a bunch of chores in his room. I choose a dog maid for her because dogs are known to be loyal and listens easily to their masters/owners.
Good luck with college though! I’m sure you’ll do great ❤️
Wolf Girl and Black Prince
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A/n: yk what's crazy? the fact that someone I'm friends with literally is doing art of Jin with a dog leash, so I'm so on board with writing this 😭 (ALSO THANK YOU, I'LL BE NEEDING IT :D), also, if ya'll get the title reference, ifykyk ;), as it turns out, I think I just struggle with writing smut (considering that this is my first time writing one), 2.3k words, I gave up on why tumblr is formatting the images weird
summary: who the fuck told you this was going to be a good idea? it didn't help the fact that jin called you a servant. and yet, you had way too much confidence into making a bet with him, where if he didn't had to intervene in the next mission, he would no longer call you a servant. unfortunately, you lost, leading you to being a dog maid, while the tension between you and jin has rather...increased higher than usual warnings: this isn't in order, despite of the title, I promise you this isn't toxic (aka no angst!!), erm, a bit of bdsm? jin's a kinky mfer, i'm not going to make jin command reader to bark lol (it's funny tho), that mf's the type to do orgasm deny, and then fucking make you cum multiple times, creampie (please make sure to wrap it and use contraception :D, safe sex ya'll), idk why, he seems like the spanking type, that shithead degrades you, he'll call you names like, "my queen" (how romantic while you get fucked), aftercare king, I feel like this is going to be a bit messy, OH, mf's definitely a pussy sucker, mf's so fucking rough, oh yeah, that mf has a dick piercing too (it's canon), jin asks reader to light his cigarette in a rather intimate way (ifykyk), reverse prince albert(?) and standard ampallang(?), your writer was in fact sleepy asf when she asked this to her friend when asking what type of piercings Jin has 😭, I'm gonna be silly and let's just say Jin's revoking reader's v card, ig in this vers, reader's mc, but with ✨personality✨, SIZE KINK
Stupid fucking Jin. If you weren't walking around eggshells by now, you sure fucking failed at it. The two of you had recently made a bet, that if you were to succeed in your current mission without any intervention from him, then he would no longer call you a servant. Compared to if he did intervene, he would win, and you would have to do whatever he asked for a week without the intervention of Tohma. God, you were way too naive, as you were close to finishing, before fucking Jin intervened. While you did catch the anomaly…, that motherfucker gave you a smirk for only you to see, before walking away. What made it worse was that Tohma wouldn't be able to help you at all; so really, you were screwed.
Before you knew it, you were at your room for a moment, before hearing it rang. Picking it up, you groaned at the name, realizing that Jin was calling you. Not wanting to make a fuss about it, you sighed, before answering. "Good, you answered," he said, as you swore you could see him smirking, even despite not being in the same room. "In five minutes, meet me in my room, and make sure to knock five times," he added, before hanging up. You moved your phone away, baffled, before flopping onto your pillow, screaming into it. What the genuine fuck? You sighed, as you frowned, before walking out of your room and going to Jin's room. Arriving there, you knocked on the door five times, before hearing him say "Come in."
"You're fucking early," he gruffed from the same fucking couch he normally laid on. You could smell the hint of that rich classy ass cigarette he smoked on a basis. "Well, might as well get this over," you said, looking at his figure. You watched his arm move, and before you knew it, you could see him throw something at you, gasping, as you had to move forward to grab it. Looking at it, you noticed that it was a box, perhaps with something in there. "You have a minute to change into it," Jin said, as your eye twitched, being more annoyed. "You've got to be--," "Bianerus." Seriously? What the fuck Jin? "Change, now."
Almost immediately, your body reacted, as you started to take off your uniform. You frowned, as you would've preferred having your uniform on. Regardless, after leaving you to just your garments, you opened the box, only to turn red. It was…a fucking maid outfit? And dog ears too? Normally, you would've yelled at Jin, however, because he had to use his stigma, instead-- you changed into the rather flimsy maid uniform, along with putting the dog ear headband on. This almost reminded you of that anonymous dress you were sent (though you were sure it was Jin who sent it). The measurements were too accurate, granted, the uniform was a bit tighter around your curves.
"Wake me up when the paperwork's been organized," Jin said (practically ordered) before returning to sleep. You couldn't help but want to curse him out. However, instead, you looked towards the amount of paperwork, as you frowned, before sighing. You truly were going to regret this. What made it worse was that you probably wouldn't get any new missions, so this was a bad situation for you. You couldn't help but groan, as you started organizing the papers. You truly wondered how Tohma managed to deal with him sometimes. And yet, regardless, you continued.
Well, despite being mostly done with it. You were tired, way more than you would've preferred. "Fuck me," you muttered to yourself, at this point, annoyed. And well, despite how pissed off you were in the situation you were currently dealing with, part of you did care about Jin. Even with whatever potential weird fetish of his, sure, you might've complained a few times, but you were willing for him. Just him only. Unfortunately for you, while you were in deep thinking, you hadn't noticed Jin wake up and walk behind you, before hugging you.
"Jin!?" You became surprised, as you could feel his body being…surprisingly a bit warm compared to the dorms. However, that didn't help the fact that your face became flustered. Slowly, you could feel his hand tangle with your hand. While you weren't sure of what to make of this, this was rather--
"Bianerus." Jin used his stigma, as your body jolted against his. What did he want now? "Do you really want me to fuck you?" He whispered in your ear, his mouth close to yours. You couldn't help but shiver, your pussy clenching against nothing, before you said it. "Yes." Okay yeah no, you really were fucked. The two of you stood for a few minutes before you could feel him suddenly pick you up, as you were now carried again. Just like the last mission, he was holding you like his bride out of all things.
"W-Wait!" You yelled, flustered, and before you knew it, you were placed on the bed, before hearing another command of his. "On your knees," he said, without using his stigma. And yet, you still listened to him, getting on your knees and elbows, before he hummed. You could hear his steps farther away from you, as he seemed to grab something. Before long, you gasped, as you were immediately flipped onto your back, as Jin tied your wrists with one of your ties. You couldn't help but stay quiet, unsure what he would do now. You watched Jin disappear for a moment, before feeling your legs split apart. "What are you doing--," "Shut up," Jin said, as before you knew it, you gasped, as you could feel something warm and wet on your underwear. Before you could say anything, you let out a moan, as you could feel Jin sucking through your underwear, as his hands gripped your thighs tightly.
You tried to close your legs, as a mix of embarrassment and pleasure rose. However, Jin was firm with you keeping them open. "Don't you dare," he muttered between his laps, as you could feel your pussy clenching over nothing. "Jin….! You fucker…!" You whined, your hands writhed against the tie. He stopped momentarily, only to look up at you, smirking. "That's what I intend on doing," he teased, before moving your underwear onto the side. "I'm going to make you fucking beg me to fuck you until you cry," he said, before letting out a chuckle, noticing how you were reacting. "Such a pretty cunt…" Jin mumbled to himself, as he gave it a kiss, before lapping it. You couldn't help but moan, as you wanted to move, yet you knew if you did, he would probably command you to stop doing so.
You were too embarrassed to moan, the pleasure that coursed your body was too much. Your legs still trembled regardless, as you bit down your lip, though not enough to leave any blood. And yet, Jin stopped momentarily, as he moved up, holding your hand with his. "My room's fuckin' soundproof, so stop holding those pretty moans of yours back. Be loud as you can, my queen," he said, before looking at the uniform (that he totally forgot he told you to put on), his hands instantly ripping it. "I'll make sure to find a tailor later...," he muttered, though too quiet for you to catch what he said.
You couldn't help but cry out in pleasure as Jin ended up going back to sucking on your pussy. "Fuck fuck fuck— please...!" You let out a whine, throwing your head back against the pillow (funny enough, your headband fell off), as you desperately moved your body closer to his face. And yet, Jin suddenly stopped when you were getting close to your high, as you panted. "Why the fuck did you—," "Now I have to punish you," Jin let out a tsk, as he pulled your body toward his, while he sat up. To your realization, he placed you on his lap, your ass out. Goddamnit.
"Count," he said, and before you knew it, you gasped, as he slapped your ass. "One," you muttered, before receiving another. "Louder," he muttered, slapping it again before he gave you another chance. "Fuck—ONE!" You yelled as Jin smoothed over your lower cheeks, before slapping it again. "TWO!" You screamed as he continued until he reached ten. By then, your ass was red, your eyes tearing up, and yet, you enjoyed it? "So fuckin' wet..., are you into being spanked?" Jin teased, as two of his fingers spread your folds, as you were too stimulated to try and close your legs. "Jin...," you whined, as he hummed. "Wanna get fucked, please...!" That was probably the last thing you consciously remembered before you overdid yourself.
Next thing you knew, your back was back on the bed, as your binded wrists were above your head. You watched as Jin pulled his necktie off, stripping the rest of whatever clothes he had on the top off. His hands trailed down to the edge of his pants, unzipping them, as you noticed how hard he already was from his boxers. You could feel yourself clenching again, as he smirked at you. "Seems like my dear queen can't take her eyes off me," he teased, his hands slowly taking off his boxers, his cock sprung to his stomach. The only thought to yourself was, 'Oh my God, that's a big fucking dick with piercings!'
Of course, you were too focused on Jin's cock to notice your legs being moved onto his shoulders, only for the sudden surge of embarrassment to rise. "Wait! Please...be gentle?" You asked, though while you weren't planning on telling him, he would become your first. Jin looked at you for a moment, before he started rubbing the tip of his cock against your folds. "Only because you asked," he agreed, as the both of you could hear the lewd sounds your wet folds and his tip were making. "As long as you keep your eyes on me," he said, as he didn't give you a chance to respond, slowly thrusting his cock in, splitting you whole.
Your body tensed, trying to comprehend the fact that you were being penetrated right now. While you didn't feel much pain, you felt rather...stuffed. "Ya, tryin' to keep me inside of you forever...?" Jin groaned as he could feel your gummy walls clinging to his cock. "It's...not my fuckin' fault you're so big!" You whined, your hands desperate to at least hold on to something. You could feel how warm his hands were, as they caressed your body, before undoing the tie, your hands being free. Your hands immediately grasped his, as they intertwined. Thankfully, despite Jin struggling, he was patiently waiting for you. It took a few minutes, as while you hadn't noticed, he was only partially inside of you, and while he did want to ruin you; Jin would never forgive himself if you ever got hurt.
A few minutes passed by, as you slowly adjusted to his size. Jin did his best to stay still for your own sake, only to let out a groan, feeling yourself moving slowly. "Jin~!" You let out a whine, as his gaze softened. "Kiss me, please?" Without a second to waste, his lips immediately pressed against yours, as he gently bit your lip, asking your permission. You let your mouth open, granting him access to it, his tongue exploring yours. You could still taste a hint of your own juices, as you let out a moan. The way he was kissing you was surprisingly sweet, and definitely hungry (not like he wasn't sucking your pussy like a starved man just a few minutes ago).
Slowly, Jin started to thrust into you, experimenting with where your sweet spots were. Granted, the position you were in definitely helped him. Your moans sounded so sweet to him, he almost wanted to keep you like this for a while. But for now? He would make you a pretty mess— all for him. "Fuck! Jin…please…!" How your wanton moans sounded like music, and Jin would be the only one who would be able to listen to such beautiful sounds. It felt better, as you were feeling so good, and he knew you were feeling perhaps more pleasure than he was having now.
"Fuck it," Jin muttered to himself, as you were too dumbed to understand what he said. All you knew was that he slowly pulled out until the only thing that was in was the tip, before thrusting sharply. You let out a gasp, as Jin soon enough started to thrust at a fastened pace, your walls clenching from the sudden movement, and your hand's grip tightened around his hands. Before you knew it, you could feel a knot forming, as you broke the kiss, panting. "Fuck fuck fuck— I feel something weird…!" You whined as Jin chuckled. "Go on, cum my pretty slut," he groaned, as before you knew it, you felt yourself climaxing, your body trembling from orgasming.
The thing was? Jin quite wasn't done. "Don't hold it back, my queen," he said, slowing down a bit to let you recover before fastening his pace again. You let out a mix of moans and whines, as Jin's cock began hitting your cervix; which led to you orgasming more. Before you knew it, Jin's pace became irrational, as he was trying to thrust as possible as he could. "Fuck— gonna cum in ya and let you have my kids," he groaned, as you teared up from how overstimulated you were. It didn't take long before you came one last time, as Jin filled you up; you felt so warm and full, as Jin let go of your legs, before hugging you. "I love you," he muttered, as you simply hummed in response, before kissing him back. "Love ya too," you muttered, before poking him. "I'm never going to wear whatever the fuck that was that you told me to put on though." After that, Jin did not accept any advice about you from Tohma.
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lyubovsdiary · 2 days
Hi, can u do Armando x Vampire Reader(Lucy). Where, Armando, Mike, and Marcus were on a mission and they got captured and held hostage. Around 30 minutes, Mike and Marcus were trying to figure out a plan while Armando was listening till they heard screaming outside and then more screaming inside. The shots fired down and then the door was busted with great strength. Few men were guarding Marcus, Mike, and Armando. Then Lucy killed the first two by biting and breaking till the last one got his heart ripped out. Marcus and Mike were screaming but Armando was smiling little bit till it revealed Lucy. She said hey guys. Her mouth was all bloody and she got them out. In the end, Armando kissed her like crazy.
yeah ofc!!
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a.aretas x vampire!reader
summary: due to a mission gone wrong, armando’s girlfriend has to come rescue her lover, his father and his father’s partner. what better time to meet his family?
warnings: violence, blood, graphic killing
a/n: i hope i could do your request justice!! i had some issues capturing mike and marcus’ humour and the way they talk, so i hope it resembles them at least somewhat. the smell problem marcus has with dead bodies is actually canon!! it’s mentioned in the first movie. also it’s my first time writing a supernatural reader, but i tried my best. the 5 eps i watched of the vampire diaries really paid off
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“I thought when I joined las fuerzas del orden, shit like this wouldn’t happen no more,” Armando said while looking pointedly at Mike.
Said man just looked at him incredulously. “That’s too damn bad then. I’m gon’ call the guys over real quick and tell them to let us go because my bitchass son didn’t think policemen ever got kidnapped. Don’t piss me off,” Mike replied. This wasn’t how the day was supposed to go and Armando knew that damn well. He didn’t need to rub it in.
“Nah Mike, you can’t talk to yo son like that. What kinda role model are you gon’ be for him?” Marcus decided to pitch in.
“Now I know you ain’t tryna give me tips on raising my son, Marcus. Besides, what bullshit advice is that? He’s a grown ass man now, he has no role models,” Mike complained.
While the two continued to argue, Armando inspected his surroundings. The chair he was tied to was made of metal, so he couldn’t break it and have his hands and feet free. The room they were in was dimly lit and the walls were bare, if not for the grime and dirt sticking to them and the floor. In the nearest angle there seemed to be badly cleaned up blood and a fingernail. This really wasn’t what Armando expected would happen.
When he was briefed earlier today about the mission’s details together with the rest of the AMMO team, it had seemed simple enough. Infiltrate this new gang’s base, collect as much information as possible and then knock out and arrest everyone they could find. They were supposed to be quiet and sneaky to not alarm the gang’s members and make them run.
But things had not gone to plan. As soon as Armando, Mike and Marcus entered the bulding, they had been drugged with some kind of substance which made them pass out. Next thing Armando knew, he was tied to a chair next to the two idiots who were still talking next to him. He knew that every connection he had to the AMMO team had been ripped out and taken by their captors. But they hadn’t accounted for one thing: You.
Now it was just a matter of time before you got him out of here. Armando would just have to be patient and trust you.
In this moment he decided to listen in on the conversation currently held between the other two men in the room.
“I’m telling you Mike, if you make yourself sweat enough, you’ll be out of these ropes in no time,” Marcus insisted.
“Let’s see it then. C’mon, show me how the hell that’s supposed to work. And even if you did somehow succeed, what would you do after that? You ain’t got weapons, or a plan of what the building looks like. How many people are even in here?” Mike ridiculed. He knew damn well Marcus had no idea, ‘cause he never listened when team meetings were had. 25 years with his partner had given him enough experience to be sure of that.
“We can figure that out later, man. The first step is to get out of these ropes. See how my hand is moving already? I’m almost free Mike, you just wait and see how my genius gets us out of this place,” Marcus assured, wrists barely moving an inch.
Armando then decided to stop listening to them to protect his common sense and his peace. Their plan certainly wasn’t the best he’d ever heard of, but he had done much stupider and more reckless things, so he didn’t judge too much.
Suddenly the conversation between the two men was interrupted by loud screaming far away. Though that was cut off by a sickening ‘crack’. Someone started to yell something about “Shoot her! Shoot her now, you idiot!” but more screaming picked up and even more nauseating sounds of bones breaking, flesh tearing and knives meeting flesh could be heard.
Soon one couldn’t distinguish between the different sounds and they were combined to a vile symphony of chaos.
“What the fuck is happening out there?” Mike questioned, looking at the door like it might explode at any given moment. Marcus wasn’t looking too well either, fearing this may be the day a mission proved too much for him and his partner to handle.
Meanwhile, a small smile had formed on Armando’s lips. His saviour was coming.
You didn’t often kill people, moreover choosing to steal blood bags from the hospital you worked at and rarely harming a human. When Armando was in danger though, it was a completely different story. No one who dared lay a finger on him stayed alive long enough to regret ever touching the one person you loved more than anything.
Armando rarely used that to his advantage, usually using his own skills to defend himself if needed, but in situations like these, it was very useful to have a girlfriend who could hear your heartbeat a hundred miles away. You also tended to stay in the area of their mission, just as an extra precaution.
The sounds of destruction were coming closer and closer and Mike was slowly starting to panick too. Whatever was coming wasn’t anything good, and it seemed like it was coming for them next. He didn’t want to die here. He also didn’t want Marcus and his son to die here next to him due to some kind of psychopath targeting the wrong gang at the wrong time.
But he guessed wishes didn’t always come true.
The door was busted down, revealing a person biting into the neck of what seemed to be a gangster guarding the three men. Another gangster tried to punch the figure in the face, but his shoulder was quickly dislocated and his neck was bitten into as well. Dropping to the floor next to his companion shortly after, the men’s attention now focused solely on the figure they couldn’t see properly before.
You lifted your head and gave them perfect view of your fangs glistening with blood in the light streaming in from the outside. The red liquid was dripping down your chin, staining your clothes and the ground beneath you. Your pupils were dilated, high off the rush fresh blood granted you. A knife was sitting in your hand, stained in the crimson colour you loved so much. You looked like the monsters mothers warned their young children about and fathers looked under beds and in closets for.
Marcus couldn’t contain a terrified shriek, when out of nowhere another gangster threw herself at you, trying to stab you with a dagger she had hidden in her shoe. Deciding you had had enough, your hand reached inside her chest, and returned with her still beating heart sitting perfectly on it.
The girl looked at her heart and the hole in her chest with big, terror-filled eyes. She couldn’t even whimper before slumping down the nearest wall and losing her life.
Throwing her heart next to her lifeless body, you stepped over her, turning to look at the three men held captive.
“Hey guys. Need some help?” you asked evenly, scanning the faces until you found who you were looking for. Crouching down next to him, you inspected his face, arms, and any visible part of him to see if you could make out any injuries.
“Are you okay? Did those bastards hurt you? I swear I’ll find a way to bring them back to life just to kill them more painfully this time around,” you muttered with a tight voice while undoing the ropes wrapped around Armando’s wrists and ankles.
“No, mama, estoy bien. They didn’t get a chance to, because mi hermosa novia was too quick for them to even think about it,” the smooth man praised you, knowing it always made you feel better. Praise was something you loved to hear, especially coming from him.
While the two of you were having your sweet moment, Marcus and Mike were having trouble comprehending what exactly had just happened. In all the years they had worked together they had never been quiet for as long as they were now. Their speechlessnes was partly due to the fact that Armando seemed to know you very well and partly due to the mess you had left behind.
The brutality of the deaths of the gangsters shocked the two detectives. They had seen a lot in their careers, but this was a whole new level of freak that they didn’t know how to deal with. Especially Marcus had to breathe through his mouth, because the stench was deadly. The smell of corpses wasn’t something that ever got easier to smell, even after more than 25 years on the force.
After finally freeing Armando, the two of you went over to his two teammates to free them from their ropes too. Armando went to his father and you went to Marcus.
“Nah, don’t you touch me! I have a wife and kids! If you drink my blood or whatever you and your father Dracula do, she’s gonna kill you, I swear!” Marcus shouted, trying to lean away as far as possible from you.
“Relax, I won’t hurt you,” you promised, having to suppress your laughter at his comment. You had to admit it wasn’t as bad as what others have said when they found out what you were. Granted, they usually didn’t have time to say anything much, because the next thing they saw after your fangs was either heaven or hell, but still.
Freeing the detectives as well, the four of you started to make your way out of the bulding, with Mike leading the way, Marcus watching his six and Armando and you following behind them.
Before stepping into the hallway though, Armando grabbed your arm and spun you around to face him. After looking in your eyes for one magnetic moment, he leaned down and kissed you passionately. Borderline making out with you next to the people you had killed for him. The two of you were certainly meant to find each other, since neither of you minded.
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las fuerzas del orden - the law enforcement
estoy bien - I’m fine
mi hermosa novia - my beautiful girlfriend
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shuaboo · 2 days
🍓🍰 Kitten Heel ♡
🧺 a ricky x reader one-shot fic // cw: mild jealousy, fluff, green flag ricky, someone gets reality checked, someone wants your man… get up. // wc: 1.1k oop // not proofread
💋 a/n: MY FIRST FULL LENGTH FIC I THINK!!!!! since ricky looked so pretty in his live tonight, and i missed him so much so i wanna write for him 💞🫶🏻. im very sorry if this format is messy?? im still trying to get the hang of writing lol
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there is no doubt that your boyfriend ricky is handsome. sometimes you question if he’s real because there’s just no way that someone this handsome really exists. but lo and behold, he does and he’s your boyfriend. ricky is such a sweet boyfriend, he takes care of you so well and he loves you right. ricky can get busy at times which is fine, you can get around that. can’t blame these companies for wanting him to be the face of their band. when he’s free, he always takes you out on dates. going out on dates means going out in public, with your extremely handsome boyfriend. others just can’t help but stare at ricky, fully in awe of his beauty. they realize; hey, i want a guy like that— or even better, i want to have THAT man.
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this brings us to today wherein…
ricky had just finished a schedule with a brand that recruited him as their model, leaving him free. he immediately called you and told you to get dressed, because he’s going to take you out shopping. missing him, you excitedly said yes to his offer and got ready.
[2:30 PM]
ricky knocks on your door, and you open it as soon as you see it’s him through the peep hole of your door. you engulf him in a tight hug, and he laughs as he hugs you back. “hey, pretty girl. did you miss me?” he asks. you mumble a yeah as you continue to bury your face into his chest. “let’s go to my car so we can get going.” he says as he kisses your forehead before letting you out of his embrace. you nod and follow him as he holds your hand and leads the way to his parked car.
[3:05 PM]
you and ricky finally made it to the mall, and you are now looking around for stores that piqued your interest. while looking around you see a beautiful dress that catches your attention. ricky follows the direction of where your eyes are looking, and sees that you have taken a liking to the dress in the boutique. “you want to go try that dress on? it’ll look beautiful on you,” he compliments. “if it’s alright…” you sheepishly respond to him. he smiles softly and gently takes your hand to lead you into the store.
“hello, we’d like to see that dress in (your size) please.” ricky says to the lady working in the store. she blushes and says sure, clearly charmed by your boyfriends looks and walks to get your size. you silently observe the lady— from how her hair is done in a slicked back bun, to the black kitten heels that she wears. you can’t help but feel a bit jealous, knowing that the woman is probably captivated by the allure of your boyfriend. but, you trust your boyfriend. ricky never fails to make sure that you know he only loves you— and he will only want you. the woman returns with the dress and hands it over to you, without failing to sneak a glance at ricky. you see this and roll your eyes before heading to the dressing room to try on the dress.
while you try on the dress, ricky sits down on the provided seats and waits for you to come out. he can already imagine just how beautiful you’ll look in the dress, he can’t wait to see you in it and rip it off y— okay calm down 😟. ricky’s thoughts are interrupted by the saleslady, “so, do you visit this mall often?” she asks. ricky nods, “yes. i usually go shopping in this mall with my girlfriend, she’s the one trying on the dress.” he says, putting emphasis on the “girlfriend” part. the sales lady’s face cringes at the mention of you, but is quick to shrug it off. “oh, i see. you should visit this boutique more often, y’know? maybe alone… preferably.” she whispers the last part, but ricky hears her and his mind cringes at the weak attempt to flirt with him. “okay,” ricky responds curtly, just wanting the conversation to end. the sales lady grins at his response. “great! i can’t look forward to see you again. maybe next time you can get a piece from here. i could even help you put it on, if you’d like. just give me a call.” she flirts and winks at him, clearly not taking the hint that he’s not interested. at this point, ricky is just not happy. he wants to say something back that will make the girl, hopefully, shut up. but before he does, you already beat him to it. “i’ve been done trying on this dress, and i hope you know that i heard nearly everything that you were saying. listen, i don’t know if you’re dense but let me set things straight: one, am his girlfriend not you. two, you’re a sales lady, so act like it. don’t go around hitting on your customers boyfriends, babe. you’ll definitely lose a sale. lastly, your outfit is way too bright for you to be wearing a black kitten heel.” you finish as you shove the dress back into her hands, grab ricky’s hand, and walk out of the store with him.
as you walk out of the store, ricky looks at you with an amused expression. “i didn’t think my sweet girl could say such things, hm?” he teases. you grin at him and say “don’t want her to get her hopes up, she needed that reality check.” he laughs and agrees with you as you continue to walk around the mall looking for some place else to shop.
[5:12 PM]
ricky is humming to the song on the radio as he drives you both home, as you both finished up shopping. you ordered some food for to go so you can eat it at home, wanting nothing more than to watch a show and eat comfortably with your boyfriend in the comfort of your apartment. ricky stops humming and breaks the silence with a question, “was it really necessary to point out the fact that her shoes didn’t match the rest of her outfit?” you look at him surprised, taken aback by the sudden question. you quickly grin and say “definitely. she was wearing a beautiful and colorful dress, and the choice to wear black heels— KITTEN HEELS was not the right one.” ricky only laughs at your response, as a calm and comforting silence fills the car.
[5:57 PM]
you and ricky are now enjoying your meal, while watching tv. ricky faces away from the tv, and brings you to an embrace. “i love you so much, you’re the best person in the world. you are the only person i can see myself growing old with. i can’t wait to marry you.” he says, and kisses your forehead, cheeks, and lips. you hug him back smiling, and nod at him which tells him that you too, want to spend forever with him.
aurgh i love ricky!! 😍
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local-crying-boy · 2 days
Since you asked for Pietro requests (love him too 😍) and I have a cold that’s really kicking my ass 🤧, how about something where Pietro takes care of the reader when she’s sick? It can be a fic or headcanons, whichever you think works. Take care. 👋
𝕊𝕠𝕦𝕡 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕒 𝕔𝕠𝕝𝕕?
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𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐: 𝙿𝚒𝚎𝚝𝚛𝚘 𝙼𝚊𝚡𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚏𝚏 𝚇 𝙵𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝙾𝚗𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝, 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚎
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: 𝙳𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚐, 𝚎𝚡𝚑𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚌𝚘𝚕𝚍, 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍, 𝙿𝚒𝚎𝚝𝚛𝚘 𝙼𝚊𝚡𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚏𝚏, 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚠𝚜 𝚞𝚙 𝚒𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚖 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝚋𝚘𝚠𝚕 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚘𝚞𝚙 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝.
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 635
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You were an, insanely, good agent. You were one of the top ranking agents in S.H.I.E.L.D. and you had been the best during your training. However, what turned out to be your one weakness?
A cold.
A simply thing such as a cold was enough to take you out of commission: no training, no missions. Instead, you were confined to your bed with a blocked nose and stinging eyes.
Your body was aching in places that you didn’t even know you used, sickness often overcame you when you moved too, eyes burning when you opened them. It felt like you were dying, or something.
“Dragâ…?” You heard from the other side of your bedroom door, a gentle knock against the wood of the door. “Can I come in?”
You let out a faint groan, it wasn’t necessarily a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’, just a simple sign to show that you were awake. Shortly after, you heard the faint click of the door as it opened, footsteps nearing your bed You would turn around, but you didn’t want to hurt all over again, so you remain in your spot.
“I brought you some soup.” Pietro said with a small smile, though you couldn’t see it, you could’ve sworn you heard it in his voice.
In a groggy, hoarse voice, you replied, “isn’t that stereotypical?”
The speedster let out a laugh, shaking his head as you heard the bowl being set onto your bedside table, then as you felt the mattress grow heavier on the side when Pietro sat down. “It does help.”
You let out a little scoff, shaking your head. “It’s a myth.”
“Dragâ, it’s really not.” He chuckled out, rolling his eyes at you. “My mother used to do it for me and Wanda when we were small.”
You huffed quietly, rolling around to face Pietro with a groan. “Fine, fine.”
Now that you were face to face with Pietro, he could see how bad you actually did look. Despite the lights being turned off and your curtains being drawn, with the little light coming from the hallway, he could see how pale your face looked and the deep bags under your eyes.
His colder hand cupped the side of your face for a moment, thumb brushing against your cheek. "Haven't been sleeping well?"
You shook your head, sighing quietly. "I keep having to get up to get tissues, then every time I get comfortable, I can't get tired because I can't breathe properly."
"Haven't you been taking tablets though?" He questioned, his face contorting into a confused one. "Aren't they meant to help reduce the symptoms."
"I need to be sedated." You grumbled under your breath, huffing afterwards.
Your statement only caused Pietro to let out a laugh, rolling his eyes at your as he shook his head. "Well, I can't give you that, but you can make the soup that I've lovingly made for you."
He helped you sit up, a hand on your back. Though, you would’ve easily been able to sit up, Pietro just didn’t acknowledge it. He reached for the bowl of soup once you were sat up against the headboard, placing it on your lap so you could hold it.
“Do you need me to grab some more cold and flu tablets?” He asked, noticing that you didn’t have any on your bedside table. “Or paracetamol?”
You shook your head before taking a sip of the soup, it tasted nice and you were kind of grateful he made it for you. “Can you just stay for a bit?”
"Of course." He said without a moment's hesitation, as if he didn't even care about the possibility of getting sick, he just wanted to make sure you were okay.
He climbed into bed with you, sitting up with his back against the headboard, ready to wrap his arms around you when you finished your soup so that he could cuddle you.
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gojo-enthusiast · 3 days
The King & His Curses — Chapter Eight: First Fight (Past)
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You were not one to get upset often, you were pretty calm for the most part, and you were more of the level headed partner in the marriage. Sukuna on the other hand, even though he adores you, and would NEVER raise his voice at you, it did not mean other people were saved from his ruthless wrath. 
“Baby we need carrots, asparagus and jalapeños, can you go grab that for me please?” You tasked Sukuna. He nodded, walking away to the vegetable area, as you continued your shopping in the little market. Sukuna being the darling husband that he is, his goal was to get the best, and that he does. Walking away from the vegetables feeling victorious, some asshole pushes past him, making sukuna drop his vegetables, and the man walks right on the best pieces he found. 
“Fuck! Motherfucker!” Sukuna hissed. “Hey!” Sukuna shouts in the middle of this little quiet market. The raven haired man turns, looking at the veggies and at Sukuna. “Should have not been taking the whole damn aisle.” He shrugs, turning back around. That was a fire this man just lit under your husband, and as your humming in the store, walking back to the veggies to see if your husband was done, you catch him holding this man by the collar, with his fist balled. 
“Sukuna!” You shouted, running over. “Oh so this is your little lady, pretty thing isn’t she? I might have to sweep her up for myself?” The raven haired man chuckles, smirking with a scar across his lip. And boom, your husband knocks this man right in his mouth, making the man drop to the ground. 
“Sir! You need to leave… now!” One of the store associates says to both of the men. 
“I’m so sorry. Sukuna go in the car right now.” You said, embarrassed as hell. You finished up what you needed, checking out and taking your ass out of the market, walking to your car, you felt your blood boiling. When you get to the car, you see Sukuna standing at the trunk, with a cigarette between his teeth, a habit you used to not favor, but grew to like, more of because he looked fucking sexy while doing so. But at this moment, you were not finding him sexy at all. You snatched the cigarette out of his mouth, throwing it down and stomping on it. “Hey!” He groaned. “Move.” You pushed him away from the trunk, opening it, putting the groceries away.
“Baby—“ “don’t… I don’t even… I don’t even want to talk to you right now.” You hissed. You were livid, you were infuriated. He huffed, going to the drivers side. “Don’t even think about driving.” You added before he opened the car door. You were so angry at him, that him doing absolutely anything, made you angrier. 
You got in the car, not saying anything, starting the car and driving home. 
“Doll please just listen-“ he tried to say. “What is wrong with you Sukuna. Tell me… what the heck is wrong with you? What makes you think that was okay? You think that just because you’re all big and tough, you can go and snap at people? All you do is yell and scream at people, and never know how to just let… let shit go!” You shouted, that… was the first time you had cussed at Sukuna. He was amused at your anger, a little turned on to be honest. 
“I’m sorry baby.” He cooed. “Oh don’t you baby me, you keep your hands to yourself and… no sex for a week!” You spit out. His eyes widen, flabbergasted that you could even say something like that, since you two got married, you both went at it like dogs in heat. I mean… just 2 hours ago, right before leaving the grocery store, he bent you over the kitchen counter.
“Baby! Come on… that guy was an asshole! I got you your stupid vegetables, and this punk pushed me and stepped on them! I was doing what you asked!” He groaned, already feeling his cock hard, and now he’s mad that you won’t give him what he wants. “So you choose violence? What in the world Sukuna… I swear… don’t talk to me, I don’t want to hear anything from you.” You snapped. 
You both got home, and there was nothing he could say to make you less upset. Truly, you were livid, and embarrassed at the fact that your 21 year old husband was so foolish. “Baby I’m sorry.” He groaned as he walked in the kitchen and you were heating up a pizza in the oven. You stayed silent, not responding to him. “Baby… please, I promise I won’t let it happen again, I’ll be less violent.” He cooed, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Leave me alone.” You said, pulling his arms off of you, pulling your pizza out of the oven. 
It went on like this for 2 days, and quite frankly you weren’t even mad anymore. But he needed to understand his actions had consequences, and you weren’t going to break. You were sitting on the couch, eating an ice cream sandwich, watching some k-drama, when your husband comes in front of you, with the towel around his waist, and he was blocking the TV. 
“Move.” You said plainly. “No.” He said. You rolled your eyes and standing up. “No, you aren’t going anywhere, I said I’m sorry, why are you still punishing me?” He questioned, his hands holding one of your arms, so you couldn’t walk away from him. “I accept your apology but my statement still applies, no sex for a week.” You said, trying to walk away. “Bullshit. I can tell you need me, your nipples are hard, I could smell your arousal as we got in bed last night, don’t be so hard on me, I made a mistake, don’t be like that baby.” He groaned as he placed kisses on your neck. You were weak to his kisses, that’s why you had been trying so hard not to fall into his little trap. 
“I’m fine, if you are so horny, then go jerk yourself, I’m going to go take a shower.” You huffed, walking away from him. 
“Tsk— damn woman.” He groaned, feeling his manhood swollen and dripping in precum.  Then *ding* a huge evil grin appears on his face. 
He walked into the bedroom, hearing you hum as you washed your body, he watched as when you got to your breast, your humming halted, you began to run your soapy hands on your breast, lightly tugging at your nipples, a small moan leaving your lips. Sukuna hid himself behind the door so you didn’t see him. You looked around, making sure he wasn’t there, then gliding your hands down, into your throbbing cunt, you were craving him so bad, the way he had his towel around his waist, hanging low. Fuck… you needed him, would it be sooooo bad if you called for him?
You wanted to so badly, and at this point, your fingers were not cutting it, you were aching. “S-Sukuna…” you called out. He halted, realizing he had been watching you, and you couldn’t know. He waited a few seconds, then finally walking in. 
“Yes baby?” He asked, his dick jumping in excitement. “I’m still mad at you.” You said, your cheeks red… “I know baby.” He cooed, walking closer to the shower. “B-but, I know a way you can make it up to me.” You said nervously, trying to appear confident and the alpha, and what was Sukuna gonna do, he was going to fulfill any wish you commanded. “What is that baby?” He said as his breath hitched in his throat. “Eat me out.” You said confidently, standing there with water droplets dripping down your breast. Turning the water off, you just stood there wet and needy. 
“Anything else?” He questioned. “You will please me until I am satisfied, and when I am, I will let you feel good too.” You said in a sensual tone. He was astounded that he did not just bust right then and there. 
“I can do that.” He smirked, opening the shower door, the cold air whooshed in, making your nipples harden. “Oh…” he groaned. 
Sukuna got on his knees, looking up at you. “You know why I made this little ledge where you can sit?” He questioned, his mouth so close to your cunt. “W-why?” You asked. “Put one of your legs on it, and you’ll see why.” He smirked. 
You had your legs wide open, one of them on the ledge, and he was eating you out like a starved man. “Fuck I missed you so much baby…. Thank you… thank you for letting me please you, taste you…” he practically made out with your clit, as his fingers thrusted ruthlessly in you, curling to the sweet spot. “Oh— S-suku…” you moaned, tugging at his hair. “R-right there.” You said as you pulled his head to be deeper. “Yes yes yes!” You chanted, your 3rd orgasm approaching. “I love this…” you moaned. “More more more, fuck me baby.” You moaned, lifting his head to look at you. “You want me to fuck you baby?” He questioned, his dick painfully hard. “Yes yes yes!” You quivered. 
And just like that, here you are, your cheek pressed against the shower wall, and you’re being fucked beautifully from behind. Sukuna’s hands gripping your waist as he slams into you. 
“Don’t ever take this pussy away… away from… from me… it’s so so good… did you miss me baby? You missed how I ruin you?” He groaned in your ear, smacking your ass. “You like how I fuck you?” He added, landing another harsh slap on your ass, a slap that you loved. “Yes, yes baby.” You moaned, feeling that coil ready to snap, and it did, so painfully good too. You both came together, panting while he pulled out of you. 
He turned you around, kissing your lips. “I’m sorry baby.” He kissed your forehead. “It’s okay Suku… I just don’t like when you get angry, please try to work on it. Okay?” You smiled, kissing his cheek. He nodded, turning the shower back on. “Let’s get cleaned up and watch a movie.” He smiled, as he helped you wash yourself. 
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Not the Lost Bass Project taking undeserved credit for finding the bass
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