#because she couldnt make things right ! but she could start over !
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quillkiller · 4 months ago
Hi, I love your blog, and please I would love to see you talk more about Walburga, I always found her a very interesting character, but there's almost nothing about her
hi!! thank you!! 💞
i love walburga so much, i think she’s so interesting. i think people forget that she was a woman in the 70s, and a girl in the 60s. to be clear, i don’t think she’s a redeemable character, especially not as an adult, but i do still think she’s a victim. <- two things can be true and everything isn’t as simple as black and white.
she’s painted as the main villain of the noble and most ancient house of black, but people forget she’s a woman. in the seventies!!! realistically, walburga held no power what so ever, was married off to orion against her will, and under orions control. she gave orion sons and an heir and did her duties as a wife. she’s a victim turned abuser. <- she simply didn’t break the cycle of abuse, tale old as time, etc. she’s been powerless her entire life, so she takes it out on her children.
me and kara talked about walburga a bit when we started talking about the bellareg marriage, and like, in the grand scheme of things, walburga isn’t really anything. she’s such a small pawn in such a large game, a game ruled by powerful pureblood men. she was born a daughter, something to be dealt with and bartered with, and ends up at the hands of a husband like her father. <- i wrote a bit about this in my bellareg oneshot. me and kara said that we think bellatrix grew up idolizing walburga, because despite being small in the grand scheme of things, she can appear so scary and violent. but as bellatrix gets older she loses more and more respect for walburga. she realises that she really is just a submissive and obedient wife, on a tight leash held by her husband. walburga doesn’t have ambitions that stray outiside being a wife and producing an heir. like, at the end of the day, walburga really is just a wife and a mother.
walburga’s abuse is allowerd because orion is the one to allow it. he’s the puppet master, the only one with an actual say-so in his family and with his sons. i’ve said it before when i’ve talked about how walburga is treated like the Main Villain, but a silent man (of the house) will always scare me more than a wife ’acting out’. orion is a man, and it’s bonkers to me that people don’t recognize that he’s the main villain and main abuser in the black household. he’s literally a massively powerful pureblood man in the seventies and people want to act like he’s somehow scared of walburga ??? (<- a take ive seen multiple times lmao). like genuinely, WHAT is walburga going to do to him. she’s powerless in her own marriage. even a disowned sirius is more powerful than she’ll ever be. even regulus, the spare, is more powerful than she’ll ever be. because they’re men.
to sirius, she’s a monster. he’s simply not able to humanize her (to me), and nor should he have to. she quite genuinely is his abuser and his own devil, and i don’t think he necessarily recognizes that the main villain of his upbringing is his father. <- not that he doesn’t hate his father too and thinks of him as his abuser. but to me, walburga is his actual devil. his monster under the bed, more frequent im his nightmares than his father. and like, yeah. that’s so understandable, and i don’t think that’s like the wrong opinion of him to have lmao. it’s never up to the abused to forgive and/or understand his abuser. like i said at the very top, walburga is irredeemable. when she becomes an adult the abuse becomes a choice, and she didn’t break the cycle. <- i wrote a bit about this, and how shocked sirius is to see walburga as a person with feelings, in my grief microfic.
reg, however, is able to humanize his mother. me and kara talked briefly about the spare & wife parallells and how that’s why he’s able to see her as a person. laurie @/itsjaywalkers reblogged a post a million years ago that said something like ’i wish they would invent a mother who wants to be saved’ <- and that’s how regulus sees his mother, i think. regulus knows what it’s like to be powerless, to be a shadow, to be less. but his mother doesn’t want to be saved, and so regulus doesn’t want to be saved. i’ve always thought that sirius is more like orion and regulus is more like walburga. <- and that’s also why walburga loves sirius more, and why she can’t stand regulus. it’s also part of a lot of conflict between the black brothers, the fact that sirius can’t humanize walburga and regulus can’t help but humanize her.
anyway! yeah, walburga is irredeemable & and abuser but at the same time she’s also a victim. people can be, and often are, both. it doesn’t mean she should be forgiven. i’ve talked lots here on quillkiller dot tumblr dot com how much it infuriates me when abusers are painted as evil heartless monsters that simply can’t help it because its ’in their nature’ or because they were ’born evil’ <- that’s simply just not how people and/or abuse works. abusers are people who chose to do that to you, who have feelings and lives and relationships and a past. it’s never as simple as black or white ! there’s nuance everywhere, babey
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thelov3lybookworm · 2 months ago
Journals (part 2)
Part 1
Summary: new realisations and hauntingly beautiful words
Word Count: 2059
Warnings: heavyyyy angst, mental health issues, depression, feeling unworthy of love, panic attack, self harm (alluded to), self hate. thats all i can think of right now, but let me know if i need to add anything
A/n: based on old poetry by @garden-of-runar 🤭i had reblogged them to my drafts on a side blog that i dont use at all, so i couldnt reblog them on my main, but i have put them in the fic, so ig that works🤷🏻‍♀️ also, if i ever write a part 3 (which i might based on feedback) azzie would be the love interest <3
(im also tagging people who asked for a part two hope u dont mind <3)
anyways, enjoyyyy!!
Lying on the ground, despite how it hurt her joints sometimes, was one of Y/n’s favourite pastimes. Maybe because sometimes she did not have the energy to crawl into her bed, but that was not the point.
They hate you.
The hardness of the wood panels was oddly comforting, the way the grains sometimes raised enough for her to feel them with her fingers, the soft creaking when she stepped on them. It reminded her that she was here, that she was alive. That she was getting what she deserved for being so pathetic.
The soft mattress did not give her the same level of comfort. Sure, it was warm and cozy, but did she deserve it?
You deserve this.
You deserve the worst.
Y/n sniffled, lying on her side as she lifted her hand higher next to her, dragging her nails down the planks, the feeling overwhelming in itself but better than not feeling anything. She watched her fingers jerk with the motion, pale and bloodless.
She could feel her tears collecting in a pool and seeping under her cheek. She glanced at the foot of the bed in front of her.
It looks so majestic from down here.
Do people who are worse off think the same way about me?
I don’t want them to. Because I am not worth being thought of like that.
I am nothing. I am pathetic.
It became harder and harder to take in a breath from her nose, as it continued to grow clogged from all her sobbing.
It was one of her least favourite things about crying.
Stop it!
You’re pathetic. Crying over nothing.
You don’t deserve anything good.
The thoughts kept echoing in her head, louder and louder. She couldn’t breathe any longer.
And it was not because of anything physical.
Her chest began to constrict, forcing her lungs to let out precious air. She tried to breathe it back in, desperately wishing to cling to any remnants of oxygen like a child clinging to its mothers skirts.
Please. Just one inhale.
Her throat tightened.
Just one.
She gasped, futilely trying to breathe one last time to breathe before she knew she would collapse, faint because of the lack of air in her body. It gave her some reprieve, and her eyes focused back to the bed.
The longer she stared at it, the more drowsy she became. Her eyelids were drooping, and she finally, finally decided that maybe letting herself submit to her body’s needs wouldn’t be too bad, if it meant that the thoughts would stop. Maybe if she gave in to the tiredness in her bones after hours of sobbing, her mind would stop being so cruel.
Maybe it would take pity on her.
"We should go out tomorrow!"
Y/n smiled a little. A rare smile that only recently had begun showing on her face.
It wouldn’t be considered a real smile. But it was still there on her face. The tilt of her lips.
We. Not me. We.
They wanted her to be present too.
Cassian jumped up, looking at Y/n with a grin. "I always wanted to take Y/n out to Rita’s."
Her smile grew.
The other members talked, making plans for tomorrow. Slowly, the conversation spiralled, as it always did between them all.
Azriel leaned close to Y/n, whispering jokes in her ear that made her giggle. Rhysand sat on the same couch as Cassian, fighting like children. Mor sat next to Amren, amusement shining in her eyes as she added fuel to the fire, while Amren looked like she’d rather be anywhere but here.
They talked well into the night, politics, food, court gossip bleeding into one another as the time trickled by.
But the moment the conversations wandered into their future, Y/n’s smile faded. She wondered, would they want her to stay in their life?
She didn’t have to wonder long, as the words they uttered were enough to give her peace.
They talked of vacations, of parties and new traditions. Of getting married, of being with their partners. Of celebrating lives and years and months, of celebrating ends and new beginnings.
They talked, and included her.
They talked in ‘we’s’. Not in ‘me’s’.
And that was enough for her little heart to be happy.
For it to heal, for the blood to return to her face.
For her to smile, free and unbidden.
But then, time passed. And just like the sand in an hourglass trickles away, so do all good things.
As she watched, the scene changed from only housing six people in the living room, to adding three more members. And slowly, she was pushed out.
And they began talking in ‘me’s’.
Some ‘we’s’, but it never meant Y/n.
No, it meant them. Them and their partners.
It meant Feyre and Rhysand. Their new lives and baby.
It meant Cassian and Nesta. Their new mating bond and blooming love.
It meant Azriel and Elain. Their growing infatuation.
Y/n doubted the infatuation had ended, as Azriel no longer sat next to Elain at dinners. Lucien’s visits to Velaris had increased too.
But everyone’s visits to Y/n and their thoughts about her had decreased. No one seemed to remember her existence.
And she deserved it.
They chatted among themselves, and the armchair she sat on vanished from under her, leaving her standing knee deep in the freezing snow. Watching from the outside as the warm interior that had seemed so welcoming just a moment ago turned into a nightmare.
Her worst nightmare.
It left her whimpering, leaving her to curl on the cold ground.
All alone, just like she deserved.
It was almost sunset, and finally, Rhysand had built up the determination to read the damned journal.
He walked downstairs, peering into the living room before stepping in front of it.
Mor had departed after Y/n had left, tears in her eyes. Azriel and Cassian had been sitting in the living room for the whole two hours since then, staring into space, looking haunted and horrified at the way they hadn’t realised what was going on with their friend. Amren too, sat in an armchair in the corner, looking as unbothered as ever. But Rhys saw the cracks. The shifting eyes, the too hard hold on the book she held in her lap, the downward tilt of her lips more pronounced.
"I think it’s time we read the journal."
Four sets of eyes shot up to his figure.
"Are you sure, Rhys?" Cassian mumbled, standing up uncertainly.
Rhys nodded. "It is the only option we have."
Azriel sighed, mirroring Cassian’s movements and moving closer to Rhysand.
Feyre perked up. "What is going on Rhys?"
He clenched his jaw, guilt and regret festering in his gut. He had been so busy in his newfound happiness, so wound up in enjoying every moment with his mate that he had forgotten family. He had forgotten her to the extent his mate didn’t even know what the slight tang of copper in the air meant.
"Nothing, Feyre." He mumbled, turning away.
"Elain was asking-"
"Tell her to stop asking, then." Rhysand froze at the coldness in Azriel’s voice, his eyes going wide. Azriel never used that tone of voice with anyone outside of work, let alone Feyre.
Feyre stepped back, her calves hitting the couch as she stared at her friend in shock. "Az?"
Azriel pushed past Rhysand, making his way towards his study where the journal sat, looking as frustrated and unapologetic as ever.
After a shared glance, Rhysand and Cassian followed, Amren hot on their heels.
Azriel was already seated in one of the chairs at Rhysand’s mahogany desk, his eyes fixed on the journal that lay in the middle, his jaw clenched. He seemed to be the most affected, and Rhys only had the faintest idea why.
The four of them sat in waiting until Mor finally arrived, shutting the door behind her. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she sniffled lightly as she came to stand next to Cassian.
"Rhys, do we really have to read it? It will be an invasion of privacy."
Rhys swallowed. Thought it over. "We don’t really have a choice, do we? We need to figure out the root of this. She won’t tell us if we ask, we know that. Plus, she might already be way down the path of another breakdown after what happened today."
"That is why I think that instead of sitting around on our arses," Azriel ground out, "we should go and check up on her."
Rhys raised a brow, though concern festered in his gut. "Azriel, we’ve been through this before. She will feel worse about herself, thinking she inconvenienced us."
A muscle feathered in Azriel’s jaw, but he said nothing.
And so they began reading.
Rhysand opened a random page, his breath catching at the sudden tang of copper, and began reading. As he stared at the words before speaking them aloud, he remembered seeing the exact poem in a book he recommended to Y/n over fifty years ago.
Forgotten.That is my nameThat is the path I walkIt has been so longI don’t remember what it is like to be seenAnd I spill, my tears lining the path to the woods where my body lies,Forgotten.- from GardenofRunar
Instantly, Rhysand’s blood ran cold. He leaned back, exhaling. The pages were decorated in flowers and hearts, tiny little clouds and doodles in the margins so at odds with the thoughts spilled onto them like a hauntingly beautiful scenery.
At this point, Cassian and the others had moved to peer over Rhys’s shoulder. Rhys watched as Cassan reached over to turn the page with a shaky hand, pulling it back almost instantly as if the page had burned him. There, just above the words was a small handful of doodles, and he knew the small figures resembled the inner circle before Rhys had been taken under the mountain.
The poem was more a letter than anything, except it contained so few letters but thy hit everyone with a guilt so hard it was almost like a mountain fell onto them.
So like Y/n, to say so less yet still make an impact.
I didn’t forget about you.Can you say the same for me?Don’t bother.I know the answer.-GardenOfRunar
Under the poem, were a few words.
The poet is so talented. Every poem of them I read, it makes me want to sob.Maybe because I relate to these. Maybe that’s why.
Quiet sniffles came from Mor, but Rhys turned another page. It was the first page where blood began dotting the corners, a few drops on the center of the page veining out towards the edges, as if trying to exit but being unable to.
The almost poeticness of the sight was not lost on them. The blood droplets were almost like Y/n, trying to escape a cruel mind but unable to.
My friends are living lives, and I’m trudging through a million little days,Wasting away.- GardenofRunar
A hand snaked towards the book, slamming it shut. Rhysand jumped, his eyes flying to the owner of the scarred hand that appeared.
"Enough." His voice was still, quiet, but so cold it could freeze even the summer court over. And Rhysand knew. He was blaming himself for not paying attention to Y/n.
Rhys nodded, feeling guiltier by the second.
Everyone went back to their places, sitting in silence. Contemplating.
Wondering how they had become so oblivious to the point that they couldn’t see what was right in front of them the entire time.
The regret, the sadness was heavy in the air. It was getting hard to breathe it in.
Finally, Azriel stood, grabbing the book.
Then he turned, and walked out the door without a word, his wings pulled tight against his back.
And Rhysand wondered again.
Was this just some friendly concern, some self blame, or something else entirely?
Needless to say, suspicion took root. But guilt and hate overwhelmed it once more, and the family was left to sit and roil in it.
To wonder, how could they have been so busy that they ignored such an important part of them?
(ps. the first part in the memories/dreams Y/n has is based off this poem
You talk in ‘we’s’ Not ‘me’s’ And it heals my heart, just a little. Puts a smile on my face, just a little. You talk about a future One with me in it And I feel the color Return to my face. Just a little. - Runar
@velarisnightsky444 @fasoaurore @anainkandpaper @urfunnyvalentin3 @gabbiskylar01
Permanent Taglist: @berryzxx @sarawritestories @milswrites @throneofsmut
@daycourtofficial @sweetorangeblossom @serenescureforboredom @cassie6392 @harrystylesfan2686
@olives-main @hijabi-desi-bookworm @dnfhascorruptedme
Acotar Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686
@cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1
@hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21
@mybestfriendmademe @saltedcoffeescotch @lady-of-tearshed @starsinyourseyes
@starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @byyalady
@lilah-asteria @girlswithimagination @garden-of-runar @girlswithimagination
@sunnyspycat @artists-ally @milswrites @kingdomofstarrynights
@berryzxx @buttermilktea11 @loving-and-dreaming @yucanbmylxdy
@mellowmusings @dnfhascorruptedme @fuckingsimp4azriel
Azriel Taglist: @darthdumbasss @foreverrandomwritings @azrielsmate3 @celestialend
@stqrgirlies-blog @tele86 @bakananya @xyzmeh
@st4r-girl-official @caraaaaugh @nacho-nat @allllium
@fandomarchiveilyd @nickishadow139 @angel-graces-world-of-chaos @okaytrashpanda
@celestialgilb @donnadiddadog
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rasb7rry · 4 months ago
hey assholes it's your girl himi and im gonna prove to you that the new leaks are FAKE (credits to Sammy and fawx on twt for alot of evidence) some evidence (mostly in the end) is just my own speculation!
1) FIRST OF ALL THE CHANGE IN ARTSTYLE like sure horis artstyle has evolved and improved but the artstyle is easily distinguishable, the leaks just don't look right
2) the missing scars -- in the new leaks both izuku and shoto are missing their new scars
3) ochako holding things with her pinky is odd because everywhere else she doesn't use her pinky to make sure she doesn't make them float HORI CAN'T FORGET A DETAIL LIKE THAT
4) the official leaks are supposed to come out on the 4th of december
5) theres too many pages – every other time there were 3-4 pages max, why the hell would the leaks have these many times this time ONLY
6) the english translations took time, why did they come out this early this time..
7) we have no clue where leakers are finding these leaks
8) none of the leaks picture a book and theyre all digitized unlike every other time..
9) a japanese speaker went on the official website and the extra chapter is NOT official
10) in the previous leaks other credits are tagged
11) izuocha being canon would be forced and rushed – like it doesn’t add up to me, ochako putting away her feelings about izuku is the start of her character development.. It doesn’t make sense if she goes back to those feelings she put aside BEFORE THE WAR this late into adulthood
12) the fact that there’s barely any mention of the suit in general is throwing me off too – like in the last chapter there isnt enough info about it either so id expect the extra chapter to have atleast A LITTLE MORE INFO
13) himiko and katsuki just being izuochas wingmen makes zero sense to me like this feels like fanfiction its OUT OF CHARACTER FOR THEM ALL
14) hori HINTS romance rather than stating it – like bkdk his hinted in the japanese manga and togachako isnt as subtle but its HINTED so him randomly deciding to make izuocha obviously canon just feels wrong
17) okay so its said that izuku joins KATSUKI’S AGENCY first of all its wonder DUO, ITS SUPPOSED TO BE THEIR AGENCY – putting that aside no way in hell would katsuki open an agency that fast.. like since izukus still a teacher here, we know he went to get a teachers degree after highschool so its confirmed that hes in his early 20s, and katsukis the same age, its unlikely that he could open an agency that quickly
18) adding to my last point, in the last chapter, katsuki kept his hero ranks low on purpose until izukus suit is over so its way more likely that he probably working for an agency and also the fact that he probably started working after most of his classmates because of his heart issues SO NO WAY DID HE SET UP AN AGENCY ON HIS OWN WITHOUT IZUKU THAT FAST
20) text bubbles from the leaks look like theyre from some shoujo more than horikoshis
21) if a handhold is soooooooo romantic then what the hell was bkdks handholds…. handholds plural btw BKDKS HANDHOLDS ARE ALSO WAY MORE INTIMATE.. LIKE?
22) how are you still dreaming about toga after like a decade and then u decide u want some guy who u liked for like half a year and who you GOT OVER
anyways in the actual last chapter bakudeku kiss and himiko comes back to life for ochako and everybody lives happily ever after ❤️
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gurugirl · 2 years ago
hi can u write something about step dad harry and yn going for a trip on a boat with her mom together and he secretly takes her to a room downstairs while her mom is upstairs and she rides his face and like his facial is covered with his arousal… u can add something more too& make it spicy?? theres just something about this photo, i couldnt resist
Tumblr media
stepdad!harry x stepdaughter!reader
I started writing something else for stepdad!Harry but this just made my mind go blank for anything else because I can’t resist these photos and it’s summertime so we’ve already got the vibes going. Thank you for the request, babe!
Note: As a reminder Y/n is 22 and Harry is 28. Both are adults and met as adults. xoxo
Word Count: 2371
Warning: 18+ only, smut, the tiniest lit bit of degradation, cheating, inappropriate relationship between a stepdad and stepdaughter. Don't read if you don't like!!! xoxo
stepdad!harry masterlist
Your mom had rented a boat for a day over the weekend. She hadn’t had many days off but she wanted to have a day out in the sun with her two favorite people while summer was still in swing.
She even encouraged you to invite a friend to come along. So you did.
Harry could tell right away that you were being a little bit cheeky. He’d taken care of you the night before and told you to behave on the boat but you rarely did as he asked these days.
Your girlfriend Lei came along. She was focused on her cell phone most of the time which Harry found annoying too. He expected that you’d wear a cute little bathing suit that barely hid a thing but he didn’t expect it to expose nearly your entire backside. It looked closer to cheeky panties that were almost thongs than a bathing suit bottom. He’d never seen you wear this one. Cheeky bottoms, cheeky attitude.
The cooler was full of drinks, music was playing, the sun was high in the sky, and everything smelled like sunscreen and tanning oil.
Harry anchored the boat in a deep area away from other boaters as Lei (finally putting her phone down) and your mom dove into the water to swim. You were lying on the bed at the front and sunning yourself with a beer next to you, sunglasses over your eyes, and a smirk on your face.
“What’s so funny?” Harry stood over you and blocked your sun. The bit of sweat that began to form on your skin and between your breasts was making it difficult for him to avert his eyes. He was glad your mom jumped into the water so he could look without fear of your mom seeing.
You pulled your sunglasses up and frowned at Harry, the grin falling from your face, “You're blocking my sun. Move…” You waved your arm at him in a shooing gesture.
Harry caught your wrist and you gasped, “Don’t talk to me like that.” He spoke lowly, still hovering over you and looking down at your body.
“I’m just sunning myself. What do you want?” Harry knew you were trying to push it with him. Figured you thought you could get away with it a bit since your mom and friend were in tow.
“Asked you a question. You’ve been a brat all day. What’s with you?” He knew what was “with you”. You liked to tease and your attitude always got him worked up. You liked the back and forth. But so did, Harry, even if he’d never admit it.
You let out an annoyed sigh, “I’m not a brat. I’ve been really good. I’m just having fun today. What’s with you?”
Harry really wanted to yank you up by your ponytail and teach you a lesson but when he looked over his shoulder he could still see your mom and Lei in the water not far off.
You tugged your wrist out of his grip and flipped over to your tummy to sun your backside.
Harry watched as you shifted and settled your head into the crook of your arm and close your eyes. The spread of your thighs and your bottom looked irresistible. If he knew he wouldn’t get caught he’d have stuffed his face into your soft cheeks and bitten down and made you squeal right then and there. He loved making you squeal.
A new song came on as Harry reached for a beer for himself and looked out over the water. Trying to ignore you. Trying to think of anything but your skin slowly tanning and exposed to him. Didn’t want to imagine the way you’d taste as he saw sweat forming along your inner thighs. It was hot out and you were sweating just enough that he could see the glisten. Imagined that sweat was forming under your bikini bottoms and how delicious you’d taste. One of his favorite and depraved cravings was the taste of you after you worked out and all your bits were sweaty and salty.
“Harry!” He turned to see your mom waving to get his attention. He stood up to walk toward the edge so he could see what she wanted.
“Throw over both of the inflatable mattresses. We’re going to lay out in the water for a bit.”
Harry picked up both the pink inflatable water mattresses and tossed them into the water for your mom and your friend. The pair were laughing and chatting like old friends. That was the nice thing about your mom. She got along with everyone.
But now Harry realized there’d be a little time for him to do just as he wished with you in the cabin below the boat.
He sat down next to you on the cushion and put his hand over your ankle, “You need to get out of the sun for a bit. You’re gonna get burnt.”
You scoffed and shook your head, “No I’m not.”
Harry huffed a breath through his nose as he looked back to the water and then back down at your and your smooth thighs. The sweat he’d noticed between your thighs was now forming under your butt cheeks and he was going to go mad if he didn’t get a lick in. But he knew he’d want more than just a lick.
Instead of waiting for your attitude to clear up, because he knew it wouldn’t, he swatted your bottom quickly and then leaned over your back to speak into your ear, “We’re going into the cabin below right now.” He pulled your arm and you gasped dramatically before looking toward where your mom and Lei were floating in the water. You pouted at Harry as he pulled you to the door and down into the cabin before you could protest further.
And Harry normally liked to be begged. Liked it when you wanted him and you were asking to be punished or you were all squirmy for him but he couldn’t stop his mouth from watering. He wanted you to sit on his face and smother him with your pussy and your sweat. It was a bit out of character but he had no time to waste. He’d punish you another time for your attitude.
When he dragged you the small built-in couch at the side of the room you figured he’d spank you or push you down to your knees and make you suck him off or something. But instead, Harry laid on his back and pulled you with him, “Sit on my face,” his words were panted and breathy.
You scrunched your brows at him and looked at him in question as he pulled at you to climb up, “What are you doing?”
Harry sat up and kept his hand around your forearm, “I fucking said sit on my face. I won’t ask you again. I’m doing you a favor.” He was about to lose control and start begging you. Which was not what he wanted at all but he needed it. Needed to have your pussy on his mouth and nose. God he didn’t know what had gotten into him. But he’d forego a blowjob to eat you out in this instance. It was like he was desperate for nourishment.
You squinted as your frown turned into a small teasing grin, “Yeah? Daddy needs to eat?”
Harry rolled his eyes and laid flat as he dragged you up and grasped your thighs, pulling you down, over his face. You still had your bikini bottoms on and Harry moaned into the fabric the moment you settled onto his face.
You smelled so concentrated. You hadn’t showered that morning since you knew you’d be on the boat sunning and swimming. And the sweat that had formed made your natural fragrance even more mouthwatering.
Harry smacked your ass and then pulled at the fabric swiftly, bringing the tiny bikini bottom to the side so your bare pussy was pressed over his mouth. He kept his hands at your ass, fingers on his right hand looped into the material pulling the crotch away for his access.
He sucked and licked as he kept you pressed down hard over his mouth. You steadied yourself by holding onto the edge of the arm of the couch.
His cock thickened fast when he finally got a taste. He wanted to make you come and get his face all nasty with your arousal and sweat before your mom and your friend came back into the boat.
You gasped at how ravenous he was. “Hhharry…” you breathed when your clit was nipped at. But when he began to guide you up and down on his face, over his nose, and down to his chin your breathy pants grew into small little squeaks. Just like he loved.
You began to wet his face when your clit was being nudged and poked into. Looking down at him and the naughty, dirty deed that was being committed only 100 feet from your mother and friend out in the water drove you to your peek quickly.
Harry was grunting in muffled noises into your pussy as he smeared you up and down over himself. He could barely breathe but he was in heaven.
And when he felt your thighs begin to quiver he knew you were close. He pushed you over his chin to catch his breath, “Such a nasty slut. Needed to have your pussy cleaned with my tongue,” Harry figured a little bit of degradation might make him feel like he was still in charge. Still calling the shots but when he dragged you back up and you began griding yourself down on his face and you pulled your tits of your little bikini top out and moaned your words, “Mmm… Daddy needed to clean my pussy so bad. So good at it too,” she rolled her hips and Harry pressed his digits harder into your soft skin as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.
It was too late. He’d shown how weak he was for you by doing this in the first place. He needed your pussy on his face and he was getting exactly what he wanted and even though you’d been a brat and he should be denying you an orgasm and making you give him one, there was just something about the way you looked, and how he was so desperate to put his tongue in between your crack and your folds and get your taste and slick coated on his tongue and face that made him push down his need to dominate you like he normally did.
Your hips began to jerk faster and you looked down at Harry with only his eyes peeking up at you and his dark curls a mess under your thighs. It was explicit. Your pussy lips were spread over his nose and your soft, wet entrance was right over his lips. He couldn’t breathe but he seemed to love it as he was only egging you on to move faster and holding you tightly to his face.
The heat of your orgasm began to unfold as you pinched your nipples and rode his face hard. You loved this position. Loved giving him a small taste of his own medicine, so to speak. He was rough with you so many times, always making it hurt a bit. He often choked you and made it so you couldn’t breathe when he had his huge cock lodged down your throat. This felt like a bit of payback, even though he wanted it.
“Ffuck!” You yelped when you felt the snap of your release unfurl, “Daddy… yes!”
Harry closed his eyes and took a small breath through his wet nostrils before you ground yourself back up and over his nose. He could feel his cock throbbing in his green shorts as you gushed on his face and came with a loud groan. He doubted anyone could hear you from the cabin under the boat but it was loud. He couldn’t care, though. He needed to get you off. Needed it.
You whined and rocked on his face until you were satisfied and your orgasm waned. The moment he felt you still he pushed you down off of himself and yanked his big cock from his swim trunks and stroked it right over your face as you were flat on your back, releasing his own hot come all over your face and your neck as he gasped and held himself up with his palm on the inside wall above the couch. He thought he could be okay to go without an orgasm but he was so close to coming without even having touched himself that the moment he wrapped his fist around his shaft his balls tightened up and his dick began to pulse and leak and then he was coming in ropes all over you.
It was a much bigger mess than he intended. You had globs of his sticky come on your face as you smiled and licked your lips when he tucked himself back in.
Normally he’d have done something nasty and depraved at that moment. Would have had you wipe your face up with your palm and lick it all off while he lapped away your messy arousal to clean you up. But there was no time for it.
He pulled you to standing and brought you to the small sink with paper towels and soap.
You smiled proudly as you wiped yourself up and Harry washed his face, hating to remove the scent of you from his nose and cheeks and overgrown scruff. But he couldn’t have your mom kissing him and smelling your pussy all over his face. Which was unfortunate. He’d have loved to have pulled that off but as oblivious as your mom could be, she wasn’t dumb. She’d recognize the scent of pussy. And she’d know it wasn’t hers.
Harry tossed the paper towel and swatted your bottom again, leaning his chest into your back as you started to wipe your sticky crease, “Don’t think this means you’re off the hook. You’re in for it later, little girl.”
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seattlesellie · 2 years ago
PLS PLS PLS loser!ellie sucking tits and nipples and going HAM on it and also thigh or arm riding 😭😭 I LOVE UR WRITING SM IT MADE ME INSANE
omg anon love u <3 i know that loser!ellie could almost cum from sucking on ur tits :( shes been thinking about them 4 so looooong
i can imagine this as like, being yours and ellies first time together <3 its a sweltering afternoon, and youre sitting on ellies lap, after heavily making out for half an hour, her face flushed and cheeks so so warm. shes panting, bucking her hips slowly and deeply, forcing you down so you can grind on her, and shes so so nervous about it but so pent up, because fucking finally; her hand down her boxers and your instagram feed open on her phone never made her feel this fucking good. every night, she would grind on her hand, push two fingers in, and whisper your name while imagining what your tits must look like beneath those clothes. it was her dirty, little daily habit. shed stare when you werent looking, and then go take a breather in the bathroom because her palms started getting sweaty and her clit started pumping like a second heartbeat. she just couldnt face you :( she truly wanted to focus, wanted to act like a normal human being, but couldnt. act cool, shed whisper to herself after rubbing cold tapwater on her face. it never fucking worked, because thinking about your nipples poking through your shirt just clouded her mind hazy. she could never just “act cool”
and now youre here, and fuck, she wants to take your shirt off so, so bad. her trembling hands start crawling up your waist, tracing small circles with her thumb, coming dangerously close to where she wants them the most. she looks at you with this questioning look, so starved and perverted. do you know? ellie thought to herself. do you know how long shes been wanting to do this?
when she sees you smile softly, and notices how flustered you look as well, because shes not alone in this, she asks you a simple “can i?” with a husky, doubtful tone. she’s desperate, how could you ever say no?
you guide her hand, slowly but surely, to cup your breast, just above your bra… and fuck, she grunts. her hand, almost as if it was the most natural thing in the world, squeezes your tit forcefully. you cant help but whimper, so she looks up at you, mouth parted, shes fucking soaked. that was the most beautiful thing shes ever heard in the world.
“d…- you” she stutters, her breaths short and uneven, chest rising up and down. shes speechless. she wants to slap herself, tell herself to get a fucking grip… but its ellie were talking about. so she just bucks her hips forward, grazing her cunt over yours. she finally manages to grow some balls and says - “do you know how long ive wanted to see you like this?”
a full sentence. no stuttering. she wants to pat her own back.
that ends you. you quickly take your shirt off, and then un-clasp your bra, your tits completely spilling out in front of her. ellie swore she drooled all over her shirt. but she wasnt that much of a loser. she just froze.
“touch them” you say, theyre all hers. you need this just as bad as she does.
“fffuck” she grunts, and then she just, fucking latches on to them. her hand catches your left tit, kneading it between her fingers, and her hot, wet, sleazy mouth starts forcefully sucking your right tit, in and out, and in and out again. she doesnt think shes breathing, because she’s practically suffocating on your tits. the noises that leave her mouths are obscene, her mouth latching off, and then latching on again with loud pop sounds. she looks like an animal, almost. she thrusts her hips forward, she doesnt even know shes doing it, because the only thing on her mind is your fucking tits, and how pretty and puffy your nipples look, how good they taste, how bad she wants to shove your face into a pillow while grinding her cunt on your sensitive nipples and squeeze her sleek cum all over them. shes pretty sure she might cum just from the undone zipper of her stupid jeans hitting her clit, and fuck, when did she even unzip them?
it feels so fucking good, and it tickles, and then hurts a little, shes squeezing and sucking, and then she just growls while panting harshly :( “fucking” suck tits suck gonna make me fucking cum
jeez, ellie… maybe ur not that big of a loser
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bloodflw · 10 months ago
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﹒syp ꒰ how they are when they have a crush on you . . ! ꒱
﹒ft ꒰ Xiao , Scaramouche , Tartaglia , Lyney ꒱
﹒tw ꒰ super fluffy , slightly stalkerish behavior (?) , xiao ‘n’ scara are in denial , childe spoils you (basically tries to bribe 💀) , OOC !! , reader is an implied female , Lyney also tries to impress reader ꒱
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★ . . 𝐗𝐢𝐚𝐨
﹒﹒The first time Xiao met you , your attitude intrigued him , the fact he couldnt feel his karmic debts which were constantly bothering him confused him , but he couldnt complain . ﹒﹒The more time Xiao spent with you , the more time he wanted to spend with you; but it was ‘ just ’ because you made his karmic debt more bearable. . , ﹒﹒Xiao ‘ subconsciously ’ started to pick up on your behaviors ‘n’ even started to remember your fav things ! but it was just bcs he’s returning the favor ﹒﹒but , just to make sure , Xiao asked Zhongli l Zhongli chuckled at Xiao’s uninsurance “Well, I have an itching feeling, that it’s l just a crush,” - Xiao , who thought the concept was ridiculous , shook his head , l but kept quiet as to not disrespect his beloved archon (and father figure) . . , ﹒﹒after spending some more time with you. . , maybe , crushes aren’t so ridiculous. . ,
★ . . 𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐞
﹒﹒Scaramouche would usually snap ‘n’ yell at his new recruits , telling them how incompetent they are - but , when he saw you , on the verge of tears; for some reason he stopped yelling so much. . , but it’s NOT related to you at all ! (it is) ﹒﹒Scaramouche found your presence not too bothersome , even if you were a huge cry baby - but he wouldn’t try to comfort you - no way !! ﹒﹒Scaramouche would start to have you put in the jobs that r closest to him - he just prefers you over the other imbeciles is all . . ! ﹒﹒Scaramouche , who Tartaglia teased about liking you - it was a ridiculous idea ! He’s a god , after all ! ﹒﹒well , maybe , it’s not so ridiculous. . ,
★ . . 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐚
﹒﹒Tartaglia , who knew he liked you since the moment he saw you - well , not in a ‘ im inlove with her !! ’ way ; in a ‘ she’s a cute chick I wanna impress ’ way ﹒﹒Tartaglia , who felt even more determined to impress you , when he saw how innocent you were to his ( basically ) bribing ! ﹒﹒Tartaglia , who you ran into a lot . . , but , oh well , it’s not like he remembered all your favorite spots or sent his fatui agents to spy on you ‘n’ inform him of your every activity
﹒﹒Tartaglia , who is reaally happy whenever you’re impressed by him - ‘n’ he basically died of happiness when he saw how well you got along with his siblings !!
★ . . 𝐋𝐲𝐧𝐞𝐲
﹒﹒Lyney , who instantly noticed you , a simple fontanian girl at one of his shows - he couldn’t help but be allured by your attractive features . . ! ﹒﹒Lyney , who had called you to the stage to be the audience member that’ll get to participate in a little trick of his ! ( just to get a better look at your cute face. . , ) ﹒﹒Lyney , who gave you a rainbow rose after the show , ‘ just ’ as a simple ‘ thank you ! ’ ﹒﹒Lyney , who runs into you more often - just to spend time with you . . <3 ﹒﹒Lyney, who swears , whenever he sees you being impressed by his magic tricks , he could die happy right at that moment !
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©bloodflw do not steal or feed into ai . . . 𝜗𝜚 !
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nyx-is-missing · 1 year ago
Graceland too
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Clarisse la rue x fem!reader (Athena's kid)
Sumarry: When a certain daughter of Athena felt unappreciated her whole life, someone was there to see her.
Warnings: Sad girl hours, shitty parenthood, hurt/comfort because im no monster and probably other things wich i forgot.
a/n: look who is back!
Half blood.
Half a goddess.
Half a human (?).
And yet, fully a disappointment.
When Athena sent me to my Dad's house, in a golden crib, dressed in pure white dress, glowing, how the myths would expect a demigod to be, then, and only right then i was a gift.
A piece o divine love, something to prove to him, till the end of his life, that at some point, he was good enough for a Goddess.
But days after, immediately, i was just a crying baby, hungry, with a busy father, without a mother, and that only made him remember that, that was it.
He wasnt good enough for her, she wasnt staying, she never even actually even considered, he would never have that kind of honour, only a crying baby he never expected.
I wasnt a gift anymore, it actually felt like i was a insult, everything about me started to enrage him.
And oh, how did he reminded me of that every single day of my existence.
When i got diagnosed with dyslexia all i've heard whas that Athena gave me up to him because i was defective, when i couldnt sit still during classes, and exploded with all the repression i suffered everyday, suddently i was a clock bomb, when my grades where great, i was never rewarded, it was "the least i could do, to make up for the shame that i was".
I was never loved, never wanted, never encouraged, at least not by him.
The very little love i've known in my life, i own to the people who felt pitty of me.
The teachers, the neighbours who have heard the insults, the stray animals who could sense sadness, the very old grandparents who never actually saw me more than twice a year, and the people who worked at a nerby library, who let me stay past closing time, leaving only with the cleaners.
I was 12 when he had enough and sent me to camp, literally the very day school was over.
I came home to my clothes packed and him waiting by the car keys.
Being in camp for the first time, was also the very first time in my life i have ever felt....normal.
Not good, not bad, not great, not terrible, i was one, and that was enough.
I spend that summer being quiet, i sat in the corner, i didnt spoke, i didnt interrupted, i didnt had any ideas, i wasnt good enough to do that, thats what i've been told my whole life, thats my true.
It took a whole new summer for Athena to claim me.
I have always wondered if she was fighting with herself, if she had any problems having to admit that she made a mistake, with me, or with him.
It didn't matter, for the first time i had brothers and sisters, who wanted me, who understood when i wasnt the best, who asked for my graded tests, to put up in the wall.
They understood when i was hard to crack, when i insisted in being quiet, when i wouldnt share my ideas, they understood it all.
I didn't.
Each and every new summer i spent there, all i could ask myself was:
Why could i not be great like all of them?
Why im still afraid?
Why i was still useless?
Im now sixteen and the same questions still were unanswered.
And today i felt worse than ever.
It was my birthday, and i havent got a single letter from him, nothing, nothing.
It felt like he was saying i wasnt worth anything again.
Earlier, i tried to pretend nothing was happening, smiling with my siblings, finally making plans for capture the flag, finally belonging like i promissed i would try to do that year.
My plan was used, it wasnt perfect, but it was used, and surprising myself and the other team, we won.
I could see the other team confused, and Clarisse cussing us to death.
Still i was so happy, for the first time in my life i showed myself, and i worked....partially.
The happiness of victory didnt last much in me, because i saw a new brother of mine almost bursting to tears, he was young and just got claimed a few days ago, he wasnt used to that, and he wasnt supose to get hurt, but the red that painted his arms said otherwise.
I couldnt stare at him without feeling like i failed again.
Why couldnt i be perfect for once?
I took him to infirmary and held his hand while he was getting his stiches, saying sorry all the time.
I tried thinking it was okay, people get hurt, move on.
I had diner, i took a bath, i tried to sleep, i couldnt.
The tears were falling down and i knew i wouldn't be quiet.
So i got up and walked to the cabin's porch, sitting on the last step and letting my head fall to my knees.
Why couldnt i be great?
Why couldnt i be in peace with myself?
Why couldnt my mom bless me?
Why couldnt my dad love me?
Why did he had to be so mean?
I was a kid for fucks sake.
"Are you okay?" I heard someone saying, that made me freeze, that voice was not from any of my sisters, was i crying so hard i woke up someone from other cabin?
"I- yes, sorry i didn't knew i was crying so hard to wake people from other cabins, im sorry"
"You didn't, i was sneaking out to train some more, and saw you, our cabins face each other"
That was...Clarisse?
I wiped my tears and look up, she was staring at me with a almost worried look
"Yes, why are you crying?"
She sat down by my side, dropping a sword in the grass.
"Its nothing really, im fine, you dont need to bothe-"
"No, cut the crap" she stopped me mid sentence "no one ever weeps in the middle of the night out of happiness, you are not fine and im not letting you lie OR leave until you tell me what it is"
We stare at each other, and ill need to thank the night light being bad because i probably look like crap right now, im sure my eyes are red, my nose too, im probably with a very swollen face and id bet all the dracmas i own that my hair its no better than a nest of birds.
"Go on...tell me"
I layed myself in the stairs, looking at the sky, trying to think of a way to tell everything, without sounding crazy
"I dont deserve to be here, Clarisse."
"This cabin, i dont deserve to be called daughter of the goddess of wisdom, i dont deserve being here with them, my siblings they are great, more than good, great, they will do great things with themselfs, amazing writers, architects, brilliant musicians, historians, why am i here? Im not even good, why im with the great?"
"Wait wait wait" she made me sit down again and look at her "not even good? What are you talking about? Wasnt the strategy in the last capture the flag yours? Yall won, and if somebody asks me later i've never said this but that was good, some really good strategy, i was almost thinking of asking chiron to switch you teams, you were great, more than that, and now you're here telling me you are not egen good? Are you on drugs?"
"Clarisse you dont need to pretend you care that much, and my plan wasnt all that, my brother got hurt, that wasnt supose to happen, i failed him, if i was good enough he wouldnt even be there"
She had a very confused look on her face, like she really did not knew what i was talking about.
"You're not talking about the little boy you took to the infirmary and that small cut in his forearm are you? Cause that boy was far from almost dying like you are making it sound like-" she looked at my eyes, i didnt needed a mirror to have sure how i was, i've seen myself like that too much to count, everytime my dad said i wasnt good enough, sad, lifeless.
"I failed again Clarisse, im not good enough to be here, im useless, worthless"
She looked at me and did the last thing i tought she would, Clarisse hugged me.
"Dont say that, c'mon, worthless? I've seen you fight, i've seen your plans, you dont talk much but i've heard your ideas, you are far from being useless or worthless, who the fuck told you that?"
"My f- you heard me?" I looked at her, only to see a look i couldnt distinguish "what do you mean?"
She looked at her own feet, then at her sword, reflecting the moonlight.
"You really dont know?" She looks at me "i- well, i've heard you, the same way i see you everyday, thats how i know you like morning walks, sweet green grapes, baked goods...how i know you are probably the only child of Athena who has never read "the art of war", that you walk without looking at peoples faces....its weird, i've seen you so much throughout this years and it feels like this is the first time you are actually seeing me"
"But i've saw you before-"
"Thats not what i was saying, you looked at me many times, but did you ever saw me until today?"
I looked at her blinking, and after a moment of silent i said "you like dark chocolate, and lemon flavoured soda, and sneaking out to train when the harpies take their breaks, by the way you missed that, and you always ask for double the quantity of food you eat, so when you burn it you still can eat enough, by the way i stole that idea-"
She is smilling, big, really big, i think i am too.
Of course i saw Clarisse, who wouldnt, she was strong, brave, beautiful, to me was a wonder she didnt had people running to get her attention.
She got closer to me "does that mean i can-" i stopped her mid sentence again
"Im going to make you forget that "im not good enough" nonsense, belive me"
She is smilling while kissing me, and i am too.
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zephyrzgambit · 18 days ago
yandere ! sonic the hedgehog x fem ! y/n.
This contains lovesick obsession, stalking, unhealthy thoughts, murder, and blood.
Sonic had always been known as the charming, carefree hero. The one with the dazzling smile which could make girls go crazy over, the one who could make hearts race with just a wink. he was charming, carefree, he was the blue blur.
That was who he was supposed to be.
So.. why was he acting like this now?
it had all started with the moment that he laid eyes on her.
A female named Y/n l/n.
the first time he saw her, he felt something in his chest snap. The world seemed to have shrunk, his pupils dilating, and his mouth turning dry.
Everything else in the backround blurred--No sound, no movement, with his eyes unmoving, stuck on y/n.
his heart felt as though it was going to be burst.
Instantly, he didnt waste any time on making a move--going up to her, asking for her name, and making a few flirty remarks-- and his fingers twitched when he saw how at one of his stupid jokes, she let out a soft, breathy giggle.
oh, he was so fucked.
It wasn’t just attraction. It wasn’t a simple crush. No—this was something much worse. Something he couldn’t control, something that consumed him like wildfire.
Sonic had fought countless battles. He had faced gods, monsters, and threats that could shatter reality. But never—not once—had he like this.
Fear of not having this girl nearby.
It was ridiculous, insane even. But none of that mattered because Sonic had already fallen. Hard.
And he swore, from the very first second, that he’d never let her go.
and ever since that day, he promised to 'protect' y/n from the cruel world.
At first, he tried to be normal about it. Really, he did.
He told himself that it was just admiration. That he just liked her more than most. That there was nothing wrong with wanting to be around her.
But then, he started following her.
It wasn’t stalking—not at first. He just wanted to make sure she was okay, that no one bothered her. She was fragile, delicate—what if she needed him and he wasn’t there?
So he watched.
From the rooftops, from the shadows, or from the darkest corners where no one would ever notice him.
She was breathtaking. she was a angel. His angel.
Every little thing she did made his heart ache. The way she tucked her hair behind her ear, the way she hummed to herself when she thought no one was listening, the way her lips curled into the softest smile.
She’s perfect.
He wanted to talk to her. Wanted to sweep her off her feet, to make her see him the way he saw her. But every time he got close, something held him back.
What if she thought he was weird? What if she somehow found out about the way he acted over her?
Sonic wasn’t stupid. He knew that people would call this obsession. That if anyone found out, they’d say he had lost it.
And maybe… maybe they’d be right.
But the thought of stopping? Of walking away and pretending like she wasn’t the most important thing in his world?
that was practically Impossible.
His room used to be simple. Tidy, functional, nothing too flashy.
Now? it was a shrine.
Photos of her covered the walls. Some were innocent—pictures he had taken from a distance, capturing her in the middle of a laugh or lost in thought. Others…? well, maybe not so much.
Some were photos of her changing, pictures of her all pretty and naked, illuminated by the moonlight. he couldnt help himself from drooling over these types of photos, his tail wagging wildly at the sight, and his pupils shaped as hearts.
He had even stolen little things she had used.
A hairpin she had dropped while taking a stroll, a napkin she used at a café, and even a worn-out hoodie she left in her living room.
He kept them all, tucked away like treasures, because they really were.
He would hold the hoodie close at night, inhaling the faint scent of her. It was comforting. It made him feel like she was his.
it became a daily thing, for him to silently watch her from a distance. and the others, slowly started to notice the change in his behaviour.
how he had become more silent.
how he always looked lost in thought.
And whenever they fought eggman, he wasted no time, no longer saying any of his stupid jokes, as if he had something far mar important to do. He didnt act like himself anymore, and everyone was worried--even shadow the hedgehog, felt as though sonic wasn't in his right mind.
And amy, was the first to ask, wanting to try comforting sonic. To see if he was feeling alright, if something happened.
but when she went to his apartment, knocking on his door, but there was no response. And when amy noticed that his door was.. left slightly open.
And so, amy, not thinking much of it, decided to walk in.
but what happened next, wasnt something she wanted to see.
photos, all over his room, of the same person, as well as a large shrine, with candles lit in the dark room.
and the next thing she knew?
Amy gasped, her breath hitching as suddenly, a sharp, searing pain bloomed in her back, and through her stomach. The dimly lit room flickered with the glow of candlelight, casting eerie shadows against the walls—walls covered in pictures.
Pictures of her.
Of a female that she didnt recognise.
Amy's trembling hands reached forward, barely brushing against the shrine before her legs buckled. She felt warmth pooling beneath her, her vision blurring as the overwhelming scent of melted wax and something metallic filled her nose.
and as she turned around with her remaining strength to see who had stabbed her, her eyes went wide.
Her lips parted. "Sonic..?" She weakly called out, her eyes filled with tears.
infront of her, Sonic stood in silence. No quips, no charm, no explanation. Just quiet, suffocating stillness, as the only sound in the room was Amys cries.
Amy’s mind reeled. This wasn’t him. This wasn’t the Sonic she knew, the Sonic she--
Another sharp jolt of pain ripped through her body as the blade twisted slightly. Her knees finally gave out, her body collapsing onto the cold, unforgiving floor, as she held her stomach, desperately trying to stop the blood from flowing out.
Sonic still said nothing.
He simply watched.
And as Amy’s world faded to black, the last thing she saw, was sonics expressionless face, uncaring, as he rolled his eyes.
And as amy closed her eyes, sonic had suddenly dropped to his knees. He didnt know why, since he felt nothing. he didnt he didnt feel any sorrow, any pain. he felt nothing.
How would the group react? Knowing he just killed amy?
He didnt want to know. No, he wouldnt let them know.
A lovesick mess. that's what he was. A man sick with obsession.
Y/n, had changed his whole life in mere seconds. And now, she was the only thing throughout this entire universe which mattered most to him.
"Great! now there’s a stain.." He sighed, staring at amys motionless body, as he kicked at it, staring at the blood splattered on his carpet.
Shit. he knew how fucked up this was, and just what everybody would do once they found out, yet thoughts of y/n just wouldnt leave his mind, Even in a moment like this.
He was head over heels for y/n. he knew that for sure.
Oh, how he hated how his hands shook when he wasn’t near y/n, and how his heart pounded at the mere thought of her.
He was supposed to be confident, free-spirited. respected by all.
and yet, here he was. A lovesick, obssessed stalker.
He stared at Amy’s lifeless body, but his eyes widened when he noticed a smudge of blood staining one of his precious photos of Y/N. Instinctively, he wiped it away with his thumb, his breath hitching before sighing in relief when no trace was left behind.
"Guess I’ll just have to clean up this mess."
Guys I can not write Sonic 😭😭🙏 ( Lowk spent so long fixing all my mistakes while proofreading )
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akascow · 4 months ago
okay so
i think the viktor and mel hallucinations during jayce's whole Moment in 2x07, their eyes are just completely black. and its VERY faint but u can KIND OF see the outline of their irises if u look REALLY close (irl)
to show u what i mean:
first ones are just normal settings (tho my computer brightness is all the way up), i only messed with the exposure n highlights of the pictures and stuff in the middle ones, and outlined the eyes in the third ones
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​which could make sense in terms of his mental state i think ? he maybe feels like he let them down, or betrayed them or couldnt help them in a way ??
they dont feel human to him anymore. or maybe hes created these images so theyre judging him as he can only reminisce on what happened and how he left things
mel’s vision looks maybe like either angry, stubborn, strong willed or annoyed lol... her chin is kinda turned down, with downturned eyebrows, and her lower lids are halfway closed implying that shes like glaring or narrowing her eyes at him, her lips almost look pursed together and i think ? her nostrils are flared but its so hard to tell lmao we only get like three frames of over exposure HAAH take these with a grain of salt lmfao
viktor (even tho i cannot for the life of me read his expression HAHA) to the best of my ability i think kinda looks hurt or confused, maybe innocent for lack of a better term or scared. ((which given how he left jayce it would kinda fit lmao)) BUT his brows are ever so slightly scrunched together, one is higher than the other which usually implies confusion or thinking or admiring. eyes are wide open, mouth is agape a teenie bit, these are usually seen with softer, positive or more admirable expressions, and his chin is tilted upward. im not trying to turn this into a jayvik thing i swear im just comparing to my facial recognition knowledge HAHA
and as he loses himself deeper in the hexcore, the more he starts losing and/or fearing the two ppl he loved most ? ... and worries how he’d get back to them (if at all) and how he would imagine they would react.
the two ppl who not only made and brought him to who he is today, but uplifted and supported and stood by him for ~10 years despite everything
anyway this theory would all pair nicely with the voices that start playing in the background during his lil Montage lmao it kind of culminates into a massive guilty conscious, that then outwardly presents itself in their hallucinations:
“i never asked for this” - jayce to viktor, after their conversation about him breaking their promise about destroying the hexcore, resulting in vik leaving him lmao. also jayce literally turned viktor into this metal husk so hes gotta have that sitting on his shoulders too lmfao
“[heimer] was my mentor, and i betrayed him” - jayce (to mel) abt voting heimer off the council despite heimer ending up being completely right about magic in the first place
“it corrupts” “you must destroy it” “ive seen nations destroyed” - heimer about the hexcore, jayce screams over this as those lines play, anguishing over the fact that he literally did this to himself and hes the reason Piltover is (or will be) no more bc he ignored the warnings
“its your time now jayce” “perhaps its time for the era of magic” - mel to jayce, context is in the quotes HAHA. jayce is screaming no! no! and please! during these lines, i think its just to hammer (pun intended) home on the fact that it all ties back to him for ‘creating’ magic. its on HIM (at least in his own mind) for the destruction of Piltover and all of its people
not to mention the reason hes stuck down there for so long is because his own invention (hextech hammer) disabled him enough to make him unable to climb out for (as far as we know) weeks or even months... more outward projection of self guilt, but like far more literal than symbolic i guess
and as other people mentioned already, it put him in the same position of viktor (down in the depths of zaun having to pull himself up to piltover with the challenges of a disabled leg and illness and no one to support or help him) which allowed him to relate to viktor in a way he never could have before
maybe im just thinking too hard about it idk (im not). or unless this was extremely obvious to the average viewer HAHA. in my defense i spent this whole montage pausing every .6 seconds to take a picture of seggsy and broken and whimpering jayce so i wasnt really paying that much attention to it all AHAHA
anyway do u think this was a hallucination or was it actually the mage standing here with him for a flash lmao
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okay sorry for that long ass post i would add a page break sooner but it would interrupt my flow of thoughts that i need u all to experience like i do HA
also shameless self promos but u should check out my jayvik butterfly effect and viktors humanity symbolism analysis posts if u liked this one >:)
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bangchansgirlsblog · 1 year ago
Can I please request Skz x 9th member with s3lfh4rm like…the boys trying to help and all those things (you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to)
The stages of healing.
warning: eating disorder and mentions of self harm.
Pairing: Skz x 9th member
Summary: the stages are healing are hard but Chan and the boys are here for you.
!not proofread!
Hope you enjoy this bby!
"Baby you have to eat something" Chan says while pushing the plate back to my side of the table.
We were currently sat in the dining room and everyone had finished eating their breakfast leaving me and chan (who had also finished eating his breakfast) alone.
"Chan I don't want too, I'm full" I complain while looking at the full plate infront of me. It was obviously untouched but i could'nt bring myself to eat it. It was taunting me.
"You only had two bites and we have training all day today, I don't want you passing out my love. You need to eat something," He says while rubbing my back. He was being gentle i cant lie there but the worryb and frustration in his voice caused me to feel more guilthy at the fact that my brain was a constant maze and battle zone when it came to eating
"Look you can atleast just eat the mashed potatoes and peas so you can give you energy. Trust me it wont be bad," He tries to reason with me but I shake my head no. I was so full and food gave me so much anxiety.
I didn't want to grow fat, I wouldn't allow it.
"Channie I don't want too, please don't make me." I beg him while fiddling with my fingers.
"Baby, I'm starting to get worried. You only have one meal a day and when you do, you barely eat. Please don't make me forcefully feed you." his voice was soft and his touch was so warm. i knew he meant well bu the contant voices in my head wouldnt allow me to do anything.
I look at him terrified, mortified because would he really? I knew Chan was stronger than me but he wouldn't pin me down just to make me eat...right?
"Okay Mashed potatoes only." I sigh looking at the plate. Trying not to cry.
"There we go Babygirl" he smiles and kisses my temple. His eyes twinkle and i couldnt help but also smile at how pretty he was.
"what?" he asks chuckling
"your just so pretty"
"ugh stop changing the subject and eat" his cheeks were now a ligh pink and his ears turned a dark red. he rolls his eyes playfully and runs his hand through his hair.
"Yo Chan," Han says coming into the room and looking over at me and Chan. He gives him "the look".
"Is she having trouble eating again?" Han asks worried and Chan nods his head.
"But it's fine she's eating her potatoes today.”
Han smiles at that and comes over to ruffle my hair.
“I’m proud of you kid.” He beams and I poke out my tongue causing him to laugh.
"Chan can you help me look for the flash drive before we leave?" Han asks,
"Yeah sure, babe eat up. I'll be back." He tells me and leaves the room with Han. I let out a sigh of relief and quickly stand up and dunk all the food into the trash can. My heart was beating because I prayed that Chan would take long looking for the Flash drive but luck wasn't on my side because he came right back into the kitchen.
"Hey-" he stops and looks up from his phone. "are you done?"
"I finished them." I said smiling, well whatever you call a plastic smile. A guilty smile.
"You finished all the mashed potatoes?" He says coming close to me. I nod trying to avoid his eye contact.
"Okay then." He simply says before walking to the trash can.
"N-no don't look in there-" I try to stop him but it's too late. He had already opened it and looked inside. He turned to look at me and he was so mad I could tell.
"Your a liar." He growls. i gulp knowing the concequences of my actions.
"i ate half of them?" i sigh and look up at him. He just shakes his head and lets out a frustrated sigh.
"i dont get it! why dont you want to eat anymore? We were doing so well,"
"is everything okay in here?" Felix's head pops up at the corner of the door.
"she just threw out all her food-"
"again? thats the 4th time this week." he frowns and makes his way into the the room.
"exactly my point,"
"i did eat chan, i ate half the potatoes-" i tug on my long sleeves sweaters and look at the both of them.
He frowns and looks down then back up, searching for my eyes.
“Can I see your wrists?” He asks looking back down at my fingers. His eyes were furrowed. Almost in like a confused way?
My eyes go wide at his request but I quickly shove them away.
“Chan they’re ugly, I don’t want you to see them.” I frown. My voice quivers. The tears that had disappeared were now reappearing.
“Chan I haven’t been cutting I promise-“
“Then let me see, I know you too well my love. Let me see.” His eyes are soft now and were reaching out for both my hands that were covered with my hoodies sleeves.
I sigh and give in. His hands are soft against mine but he pulls up the sleeves. He examines the scars that were now slowly healing. His lips in a soft smile.
“See I told you, I promised you I stopped.”
“Hey hey hey and I’m so proud of you. I just wanted to make sure because I care and love you. You’re doing a good job healing.” his hands wrap around my waist and pull me against his body.
“Ew gross get a room.” Felix says killing our moments. Chan chuckles and pushes him away.
"The cars are here everbody!" Hyunjins voice echoes through the house.
"okay this conversation isnt over yet, here take the banana and we'll talk about it after practice yeah?" he kisses my forhead and hands me the banana before we grab our bags and make our way to the car.
"go ahead eat it, im watching you." chan raises one eyebrow while staring at me. "She still isnt eating?" Leeknow asks after listening to our conversation.
"i am! chans just being a overprotective," i sigh and peel the banana.
"i am not!" he defends himself and i let out a giggle while slowly starting to chew the banana and finishing it. "see i told you," i poke my tongue out at him and he let out a little laugh.
"okay whatever but your still having lunch with me." i mentally sigh dreading the feeling of the banana sitting in my stomach.
i play with chans's silver braclet as we wait to arrive at the jyp building. It didnt take long. It was just a 15 minute ride once we arrived. we all make our way up the building to our normal dance room and set everything up.
"lets start with stretching and then get to God's menu, yeah?" we all groan as we get to our places and minho plays the song.
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jyoongim · 11 months ago
Rip ur inbox tbh 💔 (it’s late while im doing this bc i can’t sleep and my brain is absolutely COOKIG UP some ideas based on these prompts)
i spun the wheel and it was RIGHT between saucy and flavor… soooooo do with that what you will lol
prompt 3
Alastor x reader
Romantic 💞
# 11
# 12
^ with those maybe He took reader out on a stroll around hell? (tooootally platonically.. he doesn’t like them whattttt pft…
and it started to rain?
# 18 (i’m a sloucher im guilty of it lol but i alway try to adjust it with people i like. Sooo maybe reader adjusts their posture whenever he’s in the room because he usually moves his hand to her lower back and gently pushes it forward so she could fix her posture,so whenever she sees him it’s just an automatic thing? i think that’s would be cute lol. this could be a hint that she likes him as a “obviously pinning” thing)
Prompt 3, # 11 & 12 FLUFF! Jacket/puddle
You had accompanied Alastor out for a scroll around Hell. He had some business to attend to and you were more than happy to get away from the hotel for a bit.
It was such a lovely day, though a bit chilly than you expected. You walked close to Alastor to obtain some warmth.
You really didn’t think your outfit out.
Alastor seemed to notice your shivering and placed his jacket on your shoulders. “Can't have you catch a cold now can we?” He had said, fastening the jacket.
You thanked him and continued on your walk.
It had been a while and you notice the weather start to change.
A wet drop on your nose had you reeling as the sky suddenly bursted with acidic rain. The two of you quickly huddled under a nearby shop covering.
You offered the demon his coat back, feeling bad that he would get wet form the rain, but he declined.
You were just too cute to be soaked like a dog.
“The hotel isn’t far Ithink we can make a run for it” you suggested and the two of you were off.
You giggled as the two of you ran, the rain drenching your feet and Alastor as you ran through the rain.
Alastor blocked you as a big puddle rippled in front of you. He hopped over the puddle and gracefully had his shadow lift you over the puddle.
You blushed and thanked him. 
You couldnt help but stare at him as the rain fell around the two of you.
His red hair was dripping, shirt soaked but he looked so handsome.
The rain wasn’t so bad and you had reached the hotel.
”Are you alright my dear?” Alastor asked as you leaned against a pillar.
You smiled “quite alright”
The two of you stood there and watched the rain.
“The rain is quite lovely” you said mindlessly, holding your hand out to catch the drops.
A warm body slithered behind you, arms outlining yours to hold your palms.
”Not as lovely as you my dear” he drawled in your ear.
Your eyes widened and you turned slightly to see the red demon looking at you with such affection in his eyes.
”Al?” He leaned down and pressed his lips to your burning cheek.
”more lovelier than Hell’s rainstorm”
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eurydicees · 3 months ago
oh dont apologise i loved your essay 😭 and i 100% agree with everything. Theres such a innate theme of choices and consequences in wicked the musical and its so fascinating to me how choices made by all the characters have such profound consequences at the end. And fiyero’s choices are no different in the way they alter the trajectory of multiple characters.
He is really the only one i can think of who sacrifices everything for elphaba and does it all willingly. How do you like elphaba and then dislike the one character who was ready to give up his whole life and everything that came with it for her 😭
Twitter is very binary in that regard honestly, and its such a shame that they miss out on some pretty interesting character analysis about their favourite characters bc they decide to be so rigid and weird about other characters who had an impact on their faves. Couldnt be me lol, making multiple threads about a character you hate. I also think something else is at play here but dont wanna say it publicly lol but given your other responses i think you’d probably agree.
And yes totally agree about dividing the film in two parts - i can only hope the film watchers stick around for part 2 and see fiyero’s whole arc
thanks for the ask! also i wrote another fiyero ted talk. if i were like charles dickens or whoever and i was getting paid by the word to write about fiyero, i could be so goddamn rich btw.
anyways, choices and consequences!!!!! like that's the whole thing!!!!!!! and the way our choices affect and change other people!!!! fiyero isn't an exception to any of that!!!!
you're so right that fiyero is truly the one who makes the ultimate sacrifices for elphaba. like glinda loves elphaba, she absolutely does. but she isn't able to take on the work and life that elphaba chooses in defying gravity.
when it comes to the things that are most important to her, glinda prioritizes comfort and reputation over, like, morality and principle. and the thing about glinda is that she actively makes this choice. she chooses not to go with elphaba. she wants elphaba to succeed, but she's not brave enough to join her. in order for glinda to find the bravery to take up the work elphaba starts, she has to lose everything that actually matters. and she has to be complicit in her own losing of those things.
fiyero loves elphaba to the point of sacrificing all of those things that glinda can't resist. the day with the lion cub, and elphaba's general influence on him, changes fiyero profoundly in a similar way that she affects glinda, but fiyero finds the bravery to act on all of that. the difference is that he doesn't get the choice to go with her until mid-act 2 after wonderful.
in thank goodness, there's that one exchange between fiyero and glinda where they say smth like "you just can't resist all of this" "well who could?" "you know who could, and who has." and he's talking about elphaba, he's talking about how she had all the love she ever wanted at the tip of her fingers when she met the wizard, and she chose to let it go because she saw the ugly parts of the wizard's world. and this exchange is so clearly boiling it down to "elphaba resisted the temptation of being universally/publically loved and glinda did not." which tbh is something so in character for a person who has never had that, and a person who has always had that and thus doesn't want to leave it behind.
ok i was going somewhere with this but i don't remember where. just. fiyero isn't a perfect character. and for SURE the choice to erase gelphie's romantic subtext from the book when adapting it for broadway was an act of homophobia. but if we're just looking at musical canon, fiyero is brave enough to give up everything first to save elphaba, then to go with her, and then to protect her. and so-called elphaba stans don't think that's good enough. which is CRAZY to me.
also like. he's literally not the comphet love interest. sorry you didn't mention that but i keep seeing people throw those words around and like that's not what's happening here guys. elphaba loves him. she sings a whole song about it. multiple, even.
comphet implies that she mistakenly thinks she loves him because society has molded her into believing that's how she should be (fyi if anyone's experiencing that, it's glinda but i digress). elphaba, who notably has never been able to comply to the mold society makes for women, because she's never been pretty white woman enough to be afforded a place in that society? you mean that elphaba?
guys elphaba just...loves him. that's all there is to it. she loves him when she realizes he's more than he thinks he is, more than the airs he puts off. she loves him when she feared he might have changed, she loves him when he proves he did change--for the better. she loves him when he sticks by her, when he chooses her. she loves him when he's a fucking SCARECROW. ("go ahead, touch, i don't mind" "you're still beautiful" lives in my head rent fucking free).
when she has her breakthrough "okay. fuck this world that has never been good to me, if you want me to be wicked, i'll be wicked" moment, it's because she loses fiyero. she gets betrayed by nessa, and she fails dillamond, and she loses fiyero--and it's then that she loses sight of what good she had begun fighting for. it's a love for fiyero that drives most of no good deed (broadway songs of all time btw). like sorry but you dont sing someone's name like that if you don't love them. that's just musical theatre rules. trust me i was a theatre major.
anyways. sorry for that detour. back to the point. twitter treats everything as so black and white which is crazy because this is a revisionist musical about how evil isn't black and white. like?????? whatever. imagine being so bitter about a character you dislike that you want to change fundamental pieces of your favorite character so that he isn't relevant.
look. gelphie is great doomed yuri and i support that so hard. but dont try to tell me fiyero isn't deeply important to elphaba and to understanding elphaba's character. tbh the love triangle here isn't fiyero choosing between glinda and elphaba. it's more like elphaba choosing between glinda and fiyero and what either of them represent to her (glinda and working within the system, or fiyero, and abandoning it).
and hot take maybe but like ultimately--as someone who has never been conventionally accepted, as someone who has been hunted down to be murdered, as someone who has been the victim of a smear campaign and propaganda against her character/intentions, all of which was in part driven by glinda--she was always going to choose fiyero.
i respect gelphie shippers, i do. in another world, maybe one without the wizard, they could've been so happy together. i'm with y'all. but given canon, even if all others fall, i will be the last fiyero defender standing. god i hope movie-only fans watch part 2 and at least learn to RESPECT him. at the bare minimum. please. please. please.
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bridgyrose · 6 months ago
Weiss assumes everyone has ridden a horse/pony before... only to find that the only person who doesn't fall off in the first five minutes is Jaune.
“Oh come on, it’ll be fun,” Weiss said as she walked her friends over to the corral with a smile on her face. “This is going to be a nice and relaxing day to take our minds off finals.” 
“And how, exactly, is horseback riding relaxing?” Yang asked. 
Weiss stopped at the gate and looked back at her friends. “Why wouldnt it be relaxing?” 
“Because its an animal that can potentially break our necks?” Jaune asked more than he said. “I dont know if this is a good idea.” 
“You have nothing to worry about.” Weiss opened the gate and took the reins of one of the horses. “Its easy enough to ride them and these horses have been trained to let people on them. Plus, there’s ranch hands at the ready in case anything spooks the horses. Everything about this today is going to be safe.” 
Nora walked over to one of the horses. “If Weiss says its easy, how hard could it be?” 
Weiss nodded and watched as Nora got up onto the horse… and then slipped off when she couldnt get her footing in the stirrups. With a heavy sigh, she walked over and helped Nora get steady before taking a few steps to let Nora try to get the horse moving. Then, she watched as the others tried their hands. Blake seemed to get up the easiest, but couldnt seem to stay steady once the horse started moving. Ren and Pyrrha struggled with getting up onto it, Pyrrha worried about hurting it and Ren unable to keep his balance. Even Ruby and Yang, the two she would’ve expected to ride a horse easily, struggled to get onto their horses correctly or even to stay on while the horses were moving. 
She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Okay, this is going to be harder than I thought…” 
“Not our faults that we’ve never ridden a horse before,” Ruby said as she held her horse by the neck to keep stable. “Some of us have only watched it in shows or movies.” 
“It shouldnt be *that* hard to ride a horse.” 
“Its not, but sometimes it takes a bit for people to really learn how to do it,” Jaune said. 
Weiss looked over at him, expecting for him to be falling off, only to be surprised to see that he seemed to be the only one of her friends that was capable of riding a horse. Even as he brought the horse to a quick trot, he seemed to hold on fine and almost professionally as he kept himself up right and gentle with the horse. “Where… where did you learn to ride like that?” 
Jaune brought the horse to a stop next to Pyrrha and got off to help her up. “My parents had a friend who owned horses and would ask us to help take care of them. Riding lessons were put up as payment, so my sisters and I all learned how to ride a horse.” 
“I guess that makes sense.” Weiss watched her team continue to struggle with their own horses and started to make her way towards them. “You want to help your team while I help mine?” 
Jaune nodded. “Sure thing.” 
Weiss paused for a moment as she watched Jaune make his horse trot over to Nora. It was almost too easy to envision him as a knight from the romance novels she read, a blush crossing her cheeks when she thought about it. If he were to bulk up and get a set of armor that fit him-
“W-Weiss!” Ruby called out from hanging under her horse. “A-a little help?” 
Weiss shook her head as she was pulled out of her own thoughts and started to make her way over. “How did you do that?” 
“I tried to get on and I dont think I set the saddle on quite right.” 
“Its not that hard. Just drop to the ground and we’ll set it right.” 
“I dont think I-” Ruby winced as she dropped on the ground. “Nevermind!” 
Weiss pinched the bridge of her and took a deep breath. “This will be a relaxing day… as soon as I teach them how to stay on their horses correctly.”
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b1mbodoll · 2 years ago
Any thoughts with Enhypen hyungline and omorashi?
pairings: en- hyungline x f! reader
warnings: omorashi + degradation + oral + praise + dacryphilia + dumbification + daddy kink + pet names + filming
💌: was gna post dis tmr but i couldnt wait also thank u for this question bcus i have many thoughts on the subject!!!! class is in session so listen up
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♡ heeseung is definitely into making you wet yourself. he lives for the sweet sounds you make when you make a mess on his cock. his eyes are glued to your pussy, loving the slick sounds of him fucking your wet cunt and the sight of your piss making a mess of his cock and pelvis. praises you nonstop while you ride him, large hands gripping your hips to push and pull you over his cock, “such a good girl f’me, pretty. my good girl, yeah?”
♡ he’s always saying the filthiest things in bed but in such a sweet way, calls you his pretty angelgirl while telling you he’s gonna stuff ur sloppy pussy with his cum til he physically can’t anymore :(
♡ he’s so in love with eating your pussy too it’s literally an addiction. quite literally makes out with your cunt, nose pressing against your clit every now and then as he tries to push you over the limit with just his mouth. heeseung thinks its the hottest thing ever when his mouth fucks you so good it causes you to pee <3 cums in his fucking pants as your release drips down his chin cus he just loves it sm. makes him proud that he’s the only one that’s able to make you do that n likes that you’re kinda claiming him in a way ??
♡ jay’s into omorashi both ways. he likes to take care of you and refill your drink frequently so when you guys are making out he can tease you til ur crying n shaking, piss soaking yours and his clothes as you slump against him from the relief
♡ also enjoys pissing on and inside of you, whether it be your mouth or ur cunt <3 his favorite has to be the latter though, nothing strokes his ego more than when he’s fucking you and you’re begging for him to fill you up, doesn’t matter if it’s his cum or his piss you’re so desperate to reach your climax you just sigh and thank him over n over when he finally empties himself inside, pussy clenching ‘round him n taking everything he has to offer
♡ like heeseung, jay is also a sweet talker however, he can’t help but to degrade you every now and then. likes when you get teary eyed and try to deny the fact that ur his nasty little whore even though you both know he’s right because if you weren’t, you wouldnt be begging for his piss
♡ sweet, sweet jake <3 he’s the perfect blend of sweet n rough. he personally likes to piss on you (he wouldnt mind the other way around if its something u wanted tho he’s whipped) he just thinks it’s so arousing yet romantic that you’re willing to let him do something like this. big fan of praising you as well, he has to let his girl know she’s doin’ such a good job for him
♡ “y’look so cute like this, honey. fuck, wish i could keep you at my feet forever. you’d like that wouldn’t you? wouldn’t ever hafta lift a finger, i’d take care of you, doll. would do anything for you if you’d jus’ let me do this whenever i wanted.” he’s spewing nonsense now but his brain isn’t working and you’re no better, tongue lolling out as the warm stream of his piss splashes against your cheeks ‘nd down onto your tits.
♡ afterwards he bathes with you ‘nd takes care of you as you try to get ur brain back to normal after getting fucked dumb :( dresses you n pulls you close, pressing soft kisses all over ur face while whispering how much you mean to him <3
♡ sunghoon’s def into pissing on you as well, however he has a meaner approach. it starts with him releasing on your chest ‘nd neck but it always ends with his wet cock in your mouth. he takes videos every time he does this ‘nd has plenty of polaroids where you’re looking up at him innocently as if you didn’t just let him fuck his piss down your throat
♡ don’t get me wrong, he’s a great bf !!! hoonie spoils you ‘nd does his best to keep you happy all the time <3 he’s usually such a sweetheart with you but the way he’s able to fuck you like he hates you makes your head spin every time
♡ “you’re such a fucking perv, you know that right? so nasty too. nice little girls wouldn’t be swallowin’ their boyfriend’s piss, fuck!” he curses through clenched teeth, fingers weaving through your hair as he shoves his cock deeper, if that were even possible. you don’t think you’ve ever felt this full in your life and you don’t want it to end, gulping down everything he gives you. too focused on sucking him dry you don’t even realize he’s started snapping photos of how fucked out you look, who knows? maybe he’ll show them to jake, jay ‘nd heeseung if they’re lucky
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savannahsdeath · 2 years ago
Hi <33 I love love love your writing and I really want your take on what fucking santa barbara!Ellie would be like if your up to it 🫶🫶
first of all THANK YOU💗💗 and yes ofc i tried my best !!
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! smut
writers note: its not like my typical hcs because this ones more like umm with plot?? idk how to say this but i hope ykwim😓ENJOY!!
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🌿 she's definitely rough like im sure 100%
🌿 she would degrade you but she also praises you from time to time
🌿 now, hear me out, she doesnt have her usual smirk. like someeetimessss but mostly she looks so stern and focused youre literally scared to make a sound
🌿 she definitely doesnt care about making a mess. shed be sooo sloppy istg!!!!
🌿 she also doesnt care about whatever youre saying. she barely listens. everytime you hit her with a 'stop/too fast' she either completely ignores you or replies with some 'huh? what did you say?' and shed go even faster..
🌿 she def uses strap but also loves just using her fingers. she just wants to feel it ykwimmm
heres an example story(lets skip the plot)
its not really what i meant but whatever😓
You couldn't stop yourself from moaning, what seemed like an invitation for Ellie to shush you by pressing her lips to yours. It silenced you, but not stopped, as your inaudible groans were now caught in Ellie's throat.
You were unable to move, pressed against the wall, so she didnt need to hold you. With her free hands she started undressing you both, knowing you wont be able to do so by yourself. She didn't break the kiss though, only stopping for a second when she had to pull your shirt over your head and didn't have access to your face. She continued right after.
You're not sure when did you moved to the bed, but here you were, laying down beneath her.
She kissed your neck, leaving wet spots on it. She was moving down your body, as you played with her hair, shutting your eyes closed.
Not long after that, a few more of your body parts were red from her nibbling - inner thighs mostly.
Even though she took her time, it didn't take too long. She knew youre impatient and wasn't in mood to mess with you, not yet, not like that.
Soon after, she buried her face between your legs, planting the same messy kisses all over there.
Her hands were holding onto your thighs, preventing them from clenching. You knew her grip will leave bruises, painful ones too, but you didnt care.
Ellie's tongue was definitely doing a good job, playing with your clit, slidding in and out of your entrance.
Her fingers didn't loose up but her thumbs started gently tracing circles on your skin, which definitely made it seem less aggressive.
When she was finished with her mouth, one of her hands took the initiative. She was rubbing two of her fingers for a few short moments, before pushing them in.
You were finally able to see her face - her expression. She looked at you firmly, like one bad move could get you killed.
You were whining and whimpering, desperately begging her to slow down.
"Sh, shhh... Just take what youre given, will you?" The corners of her mouth moved slightly upwards, creating a little smile.
You nodded but continued squirming, your thighs trembling, breath shaking...
"Oh, dont be so dramatic. Youre doing good, you'll handle it, trust me." She reassuringly patted your side. "People survived worse things."
Did that help? Well...
But you knew its the best she can do when it comes to being nice. You couldnt blame her, not after you found out about her past. She killed more people than you ever talked with, after all..
Your mind went blank and you couldnt think of anything to say, so you kept mumbling the two words you always do - 'Ellie' and 'please'. At this point, it seems your mouth remembered how to say these. Your tongue knew exactly what to do to make them come out of your mouth, while it was struggling with any other word.
But it was enough for her to know what you want to say.
When youre finally done (she can tell youre close by the way you scream her name, so she knows when to go faster), she cleans you up with her toned expression.
"See? You'll live, atta fucking girl."
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seattlesellie · 2 years ago
this is a request by: @sadeyedsugar !! i posted but deleted bc i wasn’t satisfied w it so i re-wrote it <333
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warnings: smut, dom!abby, sub!reader, size kink, abbys kind of a perv, reader is described as small but it only means smaller than abby in height n weaker than her <3 not proofread!
authors note: why the fuck do i constantly find myself writing about the wlf gym. its like i live there.
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you and abby started dating exactly 3 weeks ago. 3 weeks ago, abby decided to finally ask you out. she was practically pining over you since the moment she met you. your innocent smiles made her heart melt, and every time she saw you look at her it made her physically ache. she couldnt handle it anymore, which is how she found herself banging on your bedroom door at 11pm with a random bouquet of flowers to ask if maybe, possibly, youd agree to go out with her.
since that day, you practically followed abby around everywhere. this is exactly why you found yourself here, in the wlf gym, watching your now girlfriend, lifting an impossibly heavy amount of weights. for some reason, every harsh groan, every moan that escaped her throat, made your heart beat faster. abby and you kissed, sure.
shed kissed you on your second date, while you were cuddled up in her bed after watching a movie, facing her. you were having a conversation about her past. shed told you all about her father, about the void it left in her. your genuine intrigue killed her, made her heart so soft for you. she pushed a hair strand away from you face, and just asked; “can i… kiss you?” that question made you flush so hard you could feel the heat burning in your ears. all you could respond with was a small “mmhm”, and next thing, her sweet mouth was on yours. it was sweet, and warm, like a butterfly landing on your lips. so tender and so innocent, until it wasnt. without even being aware of it, you brought your hand to lightly tug at abbys shirt. just a small tug. that tug, resulted in abby letting out a shaky breath, deepening the kiss for just a moment and then abruptly stopping. you slowly opened your eyes, and noticed how her pupils were dilated, her strong chest rising up and down. “whyd you stop?” you asked in your sweet voice, the voice that made abby’s heart flutter and fist tighten.
“because…” she responded, followed by a deep sigh. “lets just sleep, ok?” she commanded, and you did.
from then on, that was your routine. slow, innocent sweet kiss on the bridge of turning into something more, and abby shutting it off. you didnt understand why. what was she so afraid of? it was just kissing, wasnt it? sure, sometimes youd push your chest into hers, making her breathing get heavier, but that was it, right? what would be so bad about a little kiss turning into a longer one? its not like youd hurt her, not like shed hurt you, right?
“good job, abs” you cheered at your girlfriend, watching her lift.
“mmph- thanks” she breathed deeply, flashing you a triumphant smile.
“how heavy is it?” you asked, curiously examining the weights.
“why? wanna try?” she responded, satisfied with herself, obviously giddy about impressing her girlfriend.
you hesitantly walked over to face the giant weight, examining it with a panicked look that made abby huff a giggle.
you slowly bent down, put your delicate hands on the weight, and tried lifting it up. the thing is, it didnt even move. not even a flinch. “mhhhhp” you groaned, with furrowed brows. how the fuck did she manage to do that? abby was eyeing you up and down, hands crossed over her chest with a cocky smile on her face, as she watched your failed attempts. “let me help you, okay?” she commanded, and you nodded while wiping a small drop of sweat from your forehead. abby stood behind you, her light breaths caressing your neck. “that is not how you dress for the gym, by the way” she snickered. “whats wrong with how im dressed?” you were wearing a jean skirt, and a bright pink sports bra. is that not gym attire? its a sports bra, you thought.
“c’mon” she sighed, “hands on the weight” she demanded. you quickly bent down again, and abby followed you, bending down with you, putting her hands above yours, wrapping them completely up. having your hands practically fully covered by hers, sent a shiver down her spine. fuck, would that be how youd look like with her above you, deep inside, big hands holding onto yours, forcing them onto the bed? would you squeeze your hand into hers while begging her for more? focus, abby, she thought to herself. shes not ready, not yet. youd ruin her.
with the strength of abbys arms, she lifted up the weight, your hands wrapped around it. you thought the weight lifting distribution was about 20%/80%. you were wrong. it was probably around 1%/99%.
“oh my god!” you giggled with excitement. “look at me!” abby laughed in your ear “thats my strong girl” she said proudly, grunting into you, making you squeal.
her strong girl. those words made you tingle and your stomach feel like its getting swarmed by actual butterflies.
“now, bend over again slowly for me okay?” she said in your ear. you slowly pulled the weights down, following her instructions. “thats it, good girl” she said gently, her voice so soft and assuring. what if she saw your breath hitch? what if she noticed how your pupils grow every time she mutters those words? what if she’d know, exactly what she was doing to you. “you good?” she asked, making you snap out of your trance.
“yeah!” you assured her. “totally fine”. “okay…” she snickered, and got back to lifting yet another weight. you shifted from one leg to the other while watching her, leaving her to lock her gaze onto you. “think im gonna do some yoga” you exclaimed.
“you do yoga?” she smirked slightly, sharp short breaths escaping her mouth as she lifts the weight up and down, up and down.
“nope” you responded, popping the p. “but i can try, right? i mean- maybe id get as strong as you?” those words made her smile, and respond “wouldnt want to hurt yourself though, yeah? go easy” in her commanding voice. if abby told you to jump off of a roof, you probably would. especially when she talked to you like that. like you were her delicate little thing.
you grabbed the beat down yoga mat from a pile of gym equipment, and laid it gently on the floor. the mat was hot pink, complimenting your bra, making it almost seem as if you matched with it on purpose. as abby lifted her weights, she couldnt stop examining you. looking at you. noticing how your short skirt hiked up slightly as you bent down, how your white underwear teased her just a little, “look at what you want abby- never gonna get it” she felt as if your body was talking to her, mocking her. every curve of your figure inviting her in, and her brain, pushing her away. she wanted to give in - wanted to give in so bad. but you were so sweet, so kind. she was terrified of what shed do to you if she snapped. terrified of the bruises shed leave, the marks shed burn into you. what if you couldn’t handle it? what if she was too rough? what if she just couldnt go slow with you? she wanted to break you, wanted to keep you whole, wanted to make you scream and cry and pant and beg, and then she wanted you to tell her you loved her, that shes your everything, that youre hers. what if once she touched you, corrupted you, youd hate her? she couldnt handle that.
her body was sweating, and it wasnt the weights that made her react way. it wasnt the rushes of endorphins running through her veins, it was you.
she was full on gawking now, like a fucking pervert. her weights were dropped a long ago, as soon as she noticed your body bending down in front of her, hitting the ground with a thud. “fuck” she mumbled to herself. her jaw was hanging open slightly, hands curled in fists, heart pumping in and out of her chest.
you spread your legs open, following the instructions of an sports old magazine you had found laying around outside the base one day. you were whimpering, desperately trying to put your legs in the right place, hands were they supposed to. were you meant to curl your head this way? shit- was your left leg supposed to be entangled with the right one or were you completely off - looking like a disheveled barbie doll.
“ughhh” you let out a sigh of frustration. “cant get it right!” you scoffed, and shoved the magazine away.
abby was gone. did you speak? she had no idea. all she could think of was the way your thigh jiggled and how your chest heaved up and down, nipples perked up through the beat down old sports bra.
“abby” you moaned, “abby help” you sighed and begged.
she snapped, quickly adverting her gaze away to look at the wall. if you werent so distracted, she thought maybe you would have called her a perv, you would have been disgusted by how her eyes didnt meet yours even once - gaze just glued on to your body.
“yeah?” she responded, wiping her sweat from her hand on her top.
“need help” you drawled.
she walked towards you hesitantly. do i get close? she though. what would happen then?
“look at this” you badgered, picking up the magazine, pointing at a picture of a lady with her head underneath her leg.
“how the hell am i supposed to do that?” you questioned, looking at abbys puzzled face.
you bent down to a form a triangle shape, abby by your side.
“can you stand behind me?” you begged.
her eyebrows raised slightly, questioning you.
she walked slowly, and stood directly behind you. it was killing her. she clenched her fist, short nails scratching her palms, leaving sharp marks.
“how am i supposed to put my arm over there?” you said, and accidentally backed up against abby, your ass slightly bumping her crotch. abbys breath hitched.
“j- just…”
her face was hot. she felt like she couldnt breathe, couldnt even swallow properly, all choked up.
she couldnt control herself anymore. it was like something overcame her, possessed her. she firmly put her hands on your waist, and jerked your body to slam her crotch, for just a second. she wanted to feel you, just like that, just for a monent. god, she needed that release so so bad. she was so good with you, so strict, stern. she managed herself. she was nice, respectful, she tried not to stare if your top was cut too low. always kept her composure, even when you whined her name in a way that made her see the devil, even when you were sleeping, and the urge to pull your pants down, for just a second, just a little bit, was so strong it made her hands grow clammy, she didnt. she was good. until she wasnt.
“abby? what are you doing?” you asked, feeling your own heartbeat speeding up.
“just… stay like that… yeah?” she panted, pulled and pushed your waist to make your ass meet her crotch deeper, harder this time.
“abs…” you gaped. you were in shock - what was she doing? why did your heart beat faster and why did your cunt start tickling? you let out a shaky breath, one that abby heard. one that signaled to her that this time - there was no controlling. not anymore.
“oh god…” she murmured, massaging your ass slowly while bumping her crotch into it.
“you know what you fucking do to me?” she grunted, her voice an octave higher than her usual, desparate. did you even know?
the scene was borderline obscene - you on your knees with your head hanging from your neck like a rag doll, abby behind you with her crotch buried in your cheeks, begging to be swallowed.
“abs- it feels- ah” you moaned. you couldnt control your body anymore, which is why you dropped quickly down to your knees, collapsing on the mat.
abby followed quickly, laying on top of you, crushing you with her weight, practically covering you whole.
she was panting over you, grinding down on your ass, begging herself for mercy.
“didnt fucking wanna do it like this” she whimpered between short breaths.
“fucking wanted to take it fucking slow with you” she grunts, when she feels you slightly arch your back for her. did you want this as much as her? is she fucking stupid?
“abby-“ you squealed, moans muffled by the mattress on the floor.
she grinded herself more harshly now, almost entirely losing herself on top of you.
“feels-“ you whimpered against the floor.
“tell me” she demanded.
“feels g- feels good, a a abby” the way her crotch was grinding into you made your clit bump into the mat, separated only by the thin material of your panties, skirt hitched up burning your stomach.
“fuuuck” she muttered, feeling herself clench at your words. she couldnt believe this was happening. the amount of times she pictured you like this, pictured you a panting mess, your pussy glistening- begging for her strap, her fingers, her tongue. she would lay awake at night with her fingers buried deep inside, fists clenched, just imagining you bouncing up and down screaming her name. after shed come, shed curse herself for it. punish herself for being so fucking unhinged.
“abby- need to see you” you cried out from beneath her. she softened for a second, breaking out of her grunts.
she lifted herself off, and carefully backed away, positioning herself to sit, hands supporting her from behind. as soon as she saw your face, your glistening eyes, the realization hit her. she was about to fuck you like an animal on the floor - you, her girlfriend, her sweet, innocent girlfriend. the same one she brought those flowers for, same one shed kill for, she was gonna ruin you.
“oh shit” she breathed, and her eyes became frantic, almost begging you for forgiveness with just her look. she couldnt hurt you.
you tried steadying your breaths, eyes glued on to the floor. you felt ashamed. ashamed of how much you liked it, ashamed of the wet spot that formed on your panties.
“im so fucking sorry” she pleaded, quickly placing her hand on your cheek, barely even grazing it, barely caressing, almost afraid to touch you again.
“for what?” you questioned, holding her palm. why was she the one apologizing to you?
“i couldnt control myself” she retreated, placing her forehead on yours.
“dont” you simply stated.
“dont control yourself”
as it it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“what?” she scoffed. she looked baffled. what were you saying? was she hallucinating?
“im saying you dont have to… im saying- i want to.” you couldnt quite put it in a sentence, a normal, coherent one. but you knew, you absolutely knew you needed to feel it again. needed her closer, needed her inside.
“c’mere” she almost moaned, and your body was hers.
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