#because she can see straight away that no this isn't just about public safety. it's personal.
hegodamask · 8 months
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"I believe that we have laws for a reason."
ANDOR - S01E07 Announcement X S01E08 Narkina 5
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bil-daddy · 9 months
Heard that we could spill the tea abt our love life, so here’s mine:
There’s this girl who I sit next to in maths, and she used to have a crush on me, like she was ABSOLUTELY WHIPPED. Everyone around us was teasing her for having a crush and I was still oblivious.
So it turns out I’m lesbian and have a crush on her too! But she’s been out of school for a while, and when she comes back, she says she’s straight. Rumours are that she was sent to conversion therapy. So I confess to her one day, and she tells me that I’m being “sinful” and all that stuff. So she tells everyone and now I’ve been outed. Her friends constantly harass me about it and she goes along. I don’t think we’re friends anymore, but I still really like her. so yeah
Hi, anon. Sorry that this is happening. To you, and to your crush.
Conversion therapy is abusive and traumatic, and even if she wasn't actually sent there and that was just a rumour, it sounds like her family isn't accepting of her sexuality and is forcing her to deny it. You confessing your feelings to her made her feelings for you more difficult to deny, and so now she's taking it out on you.
It's not right, it's not fair, and it's not your job to tolerate it just because you like her and she likes you. This isn't a healthy situation for either of you, and whatever she's going through--and it seems like she's going through a lot--it doesn't give her an excuse to out you or to start a harassment campaign against you with her friends.
It has to stop.
Now, I'm not going to suggest you tell the bullies to stop or to just ignore them. That never works. Some kind of action will have to be taken to get them to stop.
You know your school and the region you live in better than I do. Would going to the school administration help end the bullying without getting your friend in any more trouble with her parents? Or will going to the adults just make it worse?
Do you have a friend group of your own that can stand up to the harassers? They might back off if it's not all of them against one of you, but rather all of them versus you and all your friends.
How big is the school? Is it big enough to just avoid your crush and her friends? Are they seeking you out deliberately? Or does it just occur when they happen to see you around?
If you have access to your phone, try to get a recording of what they are doing. They might stop just to avoid being the next homophobic karens going viral. Not to mention future employers and universities probably don't want the bad publicity of hiring or admitting people like that. Plus, you'll want to have the evidence in case you do need to go to the school authorities.
At this point, though, I'd advise against trying to talk to your crush directly, online or in person, and avoid being alone with her.
There's nothing you can do to help her right now. As long as she's living with her parents, she will have to deny her sexuality. It's sad, cruel even, but it's the reality. For her own safety, she will have to hide who she is until she can get out.
And for your own safety, you will have to stay away from her.
Years from now, she might reach out to you and apologize for everything that happened. And then you can decide if you want to forgive her, be friends again, maybe even more. But right now, you can't be with her. I'm sorry.
Your crush won't instantly go away. It'll take some time to get over. But focus on getting the harassment to stop, so you can then focus on living your life without this hanging over your head. It won't be easy, but I know you can do it.
Take this ox rib (platonic) for strength. Good luck, kid (human)
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And if anyone who's gone through something similar wants to chime in with their own advice and experience, please do (platonic)
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targaryenimagines · 5 years
Daenerys Targaryen x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3,022
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Warnings: None
A/N: This is Dany's side of the story.
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"Khaleesi it isn't safe," Tyrion pleads, his desperate voice bouncing off the stone walls of the hall. 
"I never believed that it was," Daenerys says, coolly, her voice coming out with perfect disinterest. "But, I need allies and the Island of Videvik is the most powerful army we could have by our side."
Tyrion sighs despondent at the words that ring softly down the hall. "They're the most powerful, Daenerys, but they're also the most dangerous. There is a reason that they've been left alone for so long. They don't want any outsiders coming in, and they make sure to keep it that way." 
"I know you think me a fool Tyrion, but please believe me when I say that I'm not going there blindly or without protection. My children will be by my side throughout it all, and you know how Drogon gets when he perceives any danger that could be a potential threat to me," Daenerys says as she stops in front of the council rooms door. Turning towards her dear friend and advisor who was still nervously fidgeting. She could tell that he was clearly displeased by her lack of caution when it came to her safety. Offering a slight smile she rests her hand on his shoulder. Trying to show him without words that there was nothing to be afraid of. Her faith in her children and the men she was taken was unwavering, and she hopes Tyrion will see that. 
Bowing his head Tyrion speaks with resignation laced within his tone. “Of course, Khaleesi, I will trust your judgement and try not to interfere too much.” Daenerys allows a warm smile to spread across her lips at his acceptance, but as she moves to step into the council room Tyrion grabs her arm. His hold gentle but an underlying tone of urgency made it like iron. His words only showing what his grip was trying to keep hidden. The fear that he had for her and the worry that came with it. “Please be careful, Dany.”
The wind is like a siren song against her ears. The sound only being able to come to fruition when on dragon back. When a person was high enough in the heavens to feel like they were apart of it. The sweet whistling tone was melodic in its embrace. It was like a fine wine that only got better with time. The sound was the sound of home and it filled her with a sense of belonging. A feeling that she hadn’t had for a very long time. 
A small smile curls her lips when Drogon gives a soft hum. The sound seamlessly joining the beautiful song that wrapped around her. Rhaegal and Viserion soon joining their brother in the music only they could hear. The air was starting to come alive with dragon song, and it was a beautiful thing to behold. For so long the world had been deprived of it and now it was getting to hear it once more. Something that fills her heart with a sense of warmth and happiness. A feeling that only her children could ever invoke in her. 
Turning her head she looks down at the ground below her. The sparkling water of the Narrow Sea shining underneath the sun. Causing the blues and greys to glow with an ethereal light. It was a sight that took her breath away for she had never seen such a sight before. A thought that causes a fond feeling to wash over her body as it reminds her of Tyrion. The man who had teased her about getting lost in her observations of the world. Saying that she was in her head more than any scholar and that she had to be careful about it. Stating that she should never be distracted in public because the moment her guard was down someone would strike. That no matter what she should always be somewhat wary of people that she is not familiar with. 
It was advice that he kept reminding her of as she was getting ready for this trip. His worry and overall fear for her driving him to nag her, and if he was anyone else she would have snapped at him. However, he was not anyone else he was her Hand and one of her most trusted advisers. She could tell that he was nagging her because he was worried. A fact that warms her heart because Viserys never worried about her in the sense of her actual wellbeing. He cared what she was doing because she was an integral part in his plan to get back the throne. It had nothing to do with his brotherly bond to her or his fear for her safety. So having Tyrion actually worry about her filled her with warmth, which is why she didn’t care that he was nagging her. He was doing it because he cares for her and that is all she could ever ask for. Not that Missandei was any better when she learned about the planned trip, but she was much more soft-spoken about it. A thought that causes her smile to have a softer edge. 
She wishes that her best friend was able to make the trip with her, but Daenerys knows how dangerous it is. She had no other preconceived notion than that. There was a reason why no one ever returned from Videvik. She knows that many believe her impaired by wanting to go there, but she needs the allies. She needs to have people that she can trust, and she knows that the inhabitants of Videvik are strong and hardy people. However they were, more importantly, loyal to anyone that gained their trust. Something that Daenerys wants nothing more than to earn. 
She had to earn it because if she didn't… she has no idea what will happen to her and her men. 
There could be no other alternative. If not for her for the people she brought along. She refuses to let them die for her like this. Against their will and without any idea that it was about to befall them. She had a duty as their leader to protect them.
By the Seven Hells she was going to, or die trying. 
Daenerys paces the length of the hall she had been told to wait in. Her nerves causing her hands to fidget by her side. Something she tries to rectify by clenching them, but soon her fists started bouncing on her thighs. Finally, with a sigh, Daenerys sits down on one of the chairs against the wall. Her eyes trained on the window opposite her. Trying desperately to not think about the potential executioner that could be heading her way. 
She isn't always old fashioned, but Daenerys does prefer her head when it's attached to her body. A thought that brings amusement rushing through her body. Tyrion would be proud of her cynicism in the face of this danger. Though he would probably be angry at her for getting herself in this situation to begin with. 
A feeling that comes to a screeching halt as the door swings open. A woman stepping through in a floor length dress that reminds her of Valyrian fashion. Daenerys meets the woman's intense gaze and tries not to fidget.
Instead Daenerys stands with her back straight and a charming smile on her lips. Trying to show that while she is trying to be cordial she was also there on business. Meaning that although she didn't want to be disrespectful towards the woman before her she couldn't allow herself to appear weak. 
To appear complacent in the face of adversity. 
No, that was something she had to be with Viserys. She refuses to be so again and she will try her best to never be again. Daenerys believes that she can be polite and courteous without bending over backwards for them. If she had to do that she would let herself be killed. 
A Khaleesi doesn't beg or plead, but she does make allies and that's exactly what she was going to do. 
"So you're the Breaker of Chains?" the woman asks, her voice bouncing off the walls. Her gaze still leveled with Daenerys's own. As if she was assessing her and Daenerys had to fight the urge to once again fidget. Instead she opts to respond to the question that was given to her. 
"I am."
At her confirmation Daenerys watches as something relaxes in the woman. Her eyes turning soft and a small smile curling at her lips. With a few graceful strides the woman is suddenly in front of Daenerys. Her scent washing over her in an intoxicating cloud. Daenerys has to fight herself from inhaling too deeply at the scent. 
However, despite being relaxed by the woman's scent, Daenerys still tenses when her soft hand touches her bare shoulder. Not used to being touched in such a manner without proper warning or foresight. Something that the woman seems to be aware of by the way her smile grows. 
With a warm squeeze the woman speaks. Her eyes sparkling with warmth and happiness. Both of which exude into her tone causing Daenerys to liken it to honey. "Then, your grace, welcome to Videvik. How can we help you?"
The question only causes Daenerys's own smile to appear. Her shoulders sagging in relief at the words. Thanking the gods that this didn't end in disaster. 
Daenerys opens her eyes and stares at the throne with a soft smile. Her eyes sparkling with happiness at the sight. She couldn't believe that was in front of her. After so long of fighting and surviving she was finally here. She was standing in front of the throne her family had built. 
A founder smile pulls at her lips as she thinks of the reason. It was all because of her love and her army. Once Videvik had joined her ranks none of her enemies stood a chance. The alliance between the queen of Videvik and Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen was a sight to behold. Not that many lived to tell the tale of it. 
However, her army wasn't the only thing she earned from the alliance. She found her true love in every way in the queen. Her love, her mate was everything to her. For she was kind and caring to those she protected and cared for, but fierce and cold to those she didn't. She was compassionate and loving without being too overbearing. She was everything and more to Daenerys, and the Khaleesi felt so lucky to have her in her life. Daenerys couldn't think of a better person to rule by her side.
She just wishes that the start of her reign started better. The thought of it brings a pit of despair back into fruition. Daenerys wishes that she had realized what was happening before it was too late, but she hadn't and because of her mistake hundreds of innocent people were killed. Daenerys closes her eyes and wishes that she would have noticed the barrels. The barrels that contained something more volatile than dragon fire. 
Daenerys can still see the green flames tearing through King's Landing. She can still hear the screams of her people as they were engulfed by it. She can still feel the heat of the flames on her skin as she tried to rescue people. She can still smell the ash that clogs the air. She can still feel the despair and anguish that permeated the air. All because she hadn't noticed the barrels. 
With a sigh Daenerys opens her eyes once more and tries to control her grief. She was going to honor all of the people that died, and make sure their families were taken care of. It was the least she could do for what she did. 
Approaching footsteps pulls Daenerys out of her thoughts. Turning she can see the burly figure of Jon Snow approaching her. Allowing a small smile to appear on her lips Daenerys approaches the man. Her eyes sparkling with warmth at the sight of the man. 
"Jon I'm glad to see that you weren't hurt," she says as she stops in front of him. Her eyes assessing him, despite her words, for any injuries however small. 
She watches as a small grimace makes its way onto his face, and couldn't help the frown that flashes across her own. She watches as his eyes flash conflicting emotions. As if he was trying to decide something, and Daenerys watches with horror beginning to spread across her body as his hand drop to his side. 
Backing up Daenerys stares at Jon with an aghast expression. Her eyes not believing what she was seeing. The man she considered a close friend was planning to kill her, and she knows that she doesn't have a chance. She's unarmed and alone in the throne room. Drogon was resting after the day's event, and she knows he won't be able to get to her in time. 
She meets Jon's gaze and can see the pain that's starting to grow in them. She can see the way his hand trembles slightly with the weight of his emotions. It was a sight that gave Daenerys hope that he may not do it. That he may talk to her instead of killing her. That they would be able to get through this without bloodshed. 
Taking another step back, towards the throne, Daenerys raises her hands. Trying to show Jon that she wasn't a threat. While desperately trying to figure out what to do. In the back of her mind she can feel Drogon's shifting emotions. She can tell that he was waking up and was becoming aware of what was happening. She could feel the fear he had for her. The worry that was festering inside of him, and she knows she has to stay breathing for just a little longer. Drogon would be by her and she would be protected. She knows that her son would never let anything harm her. 
Focusing her gaze back on Jon she knows what she has to do. She has to keep him occupied at least until Drogon arrived. Daenerys begins to speak her words coming out in a soft whisper. 
"Jon you don't have to do this. Please think about the repercussions that this will cause," she says, her voice taking a begging lilt despite herself. Though she couldn't bring herself to care. All she could think about was the fact that she would be leaving her son and love. That the man she entrusted her life with was going to kill her. 
"I'm sorry, Dany, but there is no other way," Jon responds, his own words softer than Daenerys ever thought possible. They hit her in the chest all the same. The weight of them crushing her. Daenerys could feel tears starting to prick her eyes. Assassin's have been around her for her entire life. She had been fearful for her life for as long as she could remember, but she's never reacted like this before. She's never felt as crushed as she does now, because Jon Snow wasn't some hired mercenary. He was her friend, she trusted him and this was how he repaid her. With a knife figuratively in her back and literally in her heart. 
Taking another step back Daenerys tries to find her words, but none come to her. Everything leaving her in the moment she needs them the most. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Blood rushing in her ears at a deafening rate. She could feel the soft touch of the wind against her skin. Can feel the way the stone of the dais underneath her shift. She can feel the moment her heart breaks as Jon begins to move towards her. His eyes showing his remorse but his movements fluid as he pulls out his dagger. The metal shining in the dying light of the day. 
Daenerys feels her heart stutter as Jon stops in front of her. His brown eyes leveled with her violet and she wishes that it was someone else. That Jon wasn't the one doing this. She wishes that her love was with her. That she could hold her one last time. Daenerys wishes that she was able to say goodbye to Drogon. That she was able to hold him one last time because she wasn't able to do that with either Viserion or Rhaegal. 
She wishes that she had more time. 
Staring in brown orbs Daenerys allows her eyes to slip shut. Not wanting to look at the executioner standing in front of her. She doesn't want to see the face of her friend as he killed her. With a deep breath Daenerys prepares herself for the pain. The burning hot feeling as the knife goes into her, but nothing happens. 
Instead the heavy presence in front of her is replaced by a much lighter one. Feeling a soft hand against her cheek causes Daenerys to open her eyes. Her gaze taking in the most beautiful sight she's ever seen. Her love was standing before her with ash covering her body, but a smile on her face. Daenerys could see the worry in her gaze but she doesn't do anything as Daenerys launches herself into a warm embrace. 
Both women holding onto each other as tightly as they could. Knowing that they very nearly lost one another, and Daenerys drops her gaze to the floor. Seeing the still form of Jon Snow laying before her fills her with grief, but she can't help but be happy that she was still breathing. That she was able to be in her loves arms once more. 
That her mistake didn't kill her. That everything was righting itself in the world, and that would be able to begin her reign with the woman she loved. 
For Fire and Blood may have come to Westeros. Peace and mercy was staying, and the reign of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen was just beginning. 
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missallycat · 7 years
Rory’s commitment issues and Logan’s proposal
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I’ve been wondering around when we fans over analyze the proposal back in the end of season 7. Some of us wish she had said yes, some of us know she had to say no. So I thought I’d give it a shot and write it long to give my opinion on why Rory is still (even in the revival) a commitmentphobe and really wasn’t ready then to marry him. 
Warning: this is going to be long! ;)
I think the proposal shouldn’t have happened because the Logan Huntzberger we know and love from all the previous seasons of the show wouldn’t have proposed without discussing marriage first the two of them, he wouldn’t have proposed in front of a bunch of strange ladies from the DAR on the graduation party thrown by the grandparents, he would have made a grand gesture yes but just for them. maybe using the help of the guys of the LDB but nothing as public as it was. I think it was rushed as a way to break them up and make the focus (forcibly IMO) lay only on the girls. I think that the Logan we know and love would have asked her to go with him yes, but he’d have probably proposed later down the road because he wanted to show her the world, he wanted her to have the world and share it all with her. No matter what, he loved her more than anyone, simple as that.
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I’m going to try to break down the main arguments around the proposal and the refusal of it so if you wish, keep on, it’s about to get interesting!
He said he’d go wherever she went how dare he turn the tables on her when he said he’d join her! How dare he take the job in California!
Actually they agreed they would factor each other in but in reality, as Paris pointed out, Rory wasn't willing or really ready to factor him in (”carry that thought out, would you go with him?”). Yes he said (very clearly) for this one you make your decision based on what you want. That was when she was debating between the projo or waiting for the Reston fellowship. He said clearly “if you go to New York maybe I'll go live in New York if you go to Providence maybe I'll go live in Providence”. She got neither, she was up in the air she had NO job and no nothing, no idea what to do next except apply for whatever job that would take her. She initially considered interviewing for San Francisco papers, when they were shopping for her suit with Lorelai, Rory said so, and this was before her interview with the ProJo, having the possibility of applying to the fellowship and having already scheduled the interview with the Providence Journal she was still looking so she wanted whatever paper would have her. Thing is, after she turned down the ProJo and the fellowship didn’t come through, she had nothing, she was up in the air and he got this fantastic offer. If things had been the other way around he WOULD have gone with her, but she didn't have anything! And is not like he wanted her to come and twiddle her thumbs daily until he got home from work. He wanted her with him so they could find a life together so they could work and live together in the same place. Was it so outrageous that him having a good thing and her having nothing yet, he wanted her to go and try out luck for work there in the same city, with him? Why was it only ok if Logan was the one to do that and not Rory?
He had her life already mapped and planned out for her, without even consulting her! The house, the avocado tree, the papers, he wouldn’t even consult her
He was throwing ideas up in the air, he wanted to tell her when his job was a sure thing after all her false starts he probably didn’t want her to be sad about him not getting something as she had, All those “plans” were just ideas, yes enthusiastic, impulsive ideas that perhaps he could have discussed with her first but they weren’t plans set in stone, the house wasn’t rented, the living arrangements hadn’t been decided he was throwing ideas and she had considered before wanting the fellowship in the Times, she had considered going to interviews in San Francisco, something they must have discussed, why is it such horrible thing to suggest potential jobs when she didn’t have any? She could have agreed to go to him and if the Obama thing happened he would have supported her going, who’s to say he wouldn’t? He introduced her to Hugo, he praised constantly her work, he encouraged her to write for Hugo, considering those why would he be against her getting a writing job? The Logan we knew of previous episodes even in that same season would have gone to her, would have done anything to make it work during the campaign.
He didn’t love her enough that’s why he gave her the ultimatum. Ultimatums aren’t love
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I've seen these episodes more times than I can count. He loved her enough to follow her if she found her passion but she wasn't willing to follow him? I think that's what hurt him the most and drove the ultimatum, because she could have gone anywhere, she had the freedom and the possibilities yet she was so selfish because she wanted everything her own way. I love Rory, I identify with her a lot and I love that she seems more human with her flaws but fact is she is very selfish. Everyone piles this on Logan, like he's the one who should have followed her, but follow her to what? To Stars Hollow? To wait and pass on a wonderful opportunity for him just to see until she got something if she got anything and then follow her? Or be long distance with someone who wasn't willing to really even take one little step to really be committed with him? That's what prompted the ultimatum, the fact that she could have gone to him (she didn't yet have the Obama campaign) and be with him but she wasn't willing. When someone really isn't willing to commit, to take a step with you, then why continue the relationship that will probably end in resentment? She had every right to not want to marry him, and he had every right to not want to go back to a limbo to just be in a relationship that apparently had no future(she turned down marrying him she didn’t even say lets do this but lets have a long engagement, and that showed she wasn’t really thinking in a future in the practice that wasn't on her terms, she wasn't willing to commit to him as in building a life unless it was in the exact way she wanted, she wouldn't even propose an alternative because she felt, once again, lost, so she couldn't think further ahead, she said so herself, she loved him. But when Rory gets confused she loses focus and can't think things straight, and instead of reaching out to him like they usually did, she didn't say anything as an alternative. The ultimatum even though she didn't voice it, she gave it too, she had to have things her way or no way. They both loved each other, they just weren't really ready to take the long full on commitment to the practice. Yes it was kind of out of character for both but living together when you are both in the same place is easy, arranging your life to fit it with someone else's, Rory had never learned to do that. She in fact had learned to do things the other way around. Her mom was always her way or the highway, she was in many ways, her mother's daughter
She had recently withnessed her own parents marriage imploding, of course she wouldn’t think herself ready for marriage
Is not about Lorelai’s marriage, she wasn’t really in agreement with her parents even starting a relationship but she was never too vocal about it because she knew her mom was hurting because of Luke and thought she had to decide for her own happiness. Is not about Lorelai divorcing Chris because Rory was never that much “in” into her parents getting married, that’s how easily she got on Lorelai’s side. It was about Lorelai but not about Lorelai’s recent break ups. It was more about how they have always been a bit codependent with each other, they’ve always been together even when they were apart they had to know of the other, they needed to have that connection, they really don’t know how to be far from each other and still keep their relationship, Rory isn’t ready to leave Lorelai or stars hollow completely to build a life elsewhere because she can remain in her own coccoon she can remain in her own childhood where she’s the best, can do no wrong and will get whatever she wants to get. She could never handle failure too well, as she could never handle being apart from Lorelai too well... they needed each other close in order to remain “close” that’s what neither of them really learned, how to be apart and still have each other, I say this as someone who loves deeply this show and specially these two girls but Lorelai matured because of Rory, she was her guidance system because she needed to bring her up and bring her up correctly and she couldn’t have interference from anyone (that’s why Chris’ part in Rory’s bringing up ended being null) She needed Rory to be her own person, as a sort of talisman, but because she loved her child deeply she needed to feel like everything was about that child, and she also used Rory as a shield sometimes (I can’t go changing everything on Rory (even when Rory was 16 and not 6). It was Lorelai’s choice to keep Rory as her reason to be grown up but still in some aspects remain a child. Rory too needed Lorelai because she didn’t know how to be an adult on her own, how to survive without Lorelai’s constant pushing and prodding and constant even intervention. Rory saw herself already as a staffer in the NY Times, when she didn’t get the fellowship her world just caved and what would she do if not go back to her safety net? That’s stars hollow, that’s Lorelai. Rory never really grew up away from her own “neverland”, she didn’t have to and she didn’t want to.
He should have agreed to long distance or a long engagement if he really loved her he would have!
I think they needed to break up, they needed time apart, not because they didn't love each other but because that wasn't enough on her side at the time. A long engagement wouldn't have sufficed either because he didn't say let's get married today, he would have agreed to anything, a long engagement, her traveling for work, if she had been willing to make that commitment to go live and be with him. She wasn't. In the end it all comes down to the fact that they were in different points in life at that moment and love wasn't enough. They needed to break up in order to find each other again. I think they wouldn’t have lasted apart, they would have crossed paths intentionally sooner rather than later and gotten back to each other (even with the ending of the revival being what it is)
She had to think of her own career!
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She rejected him. But her reason wasn’t really her career. She had no job at this point. It wasn't her career that was stopping her. It was something else. They already spent time long distance and it was hard on them both. I think him wanting her to go with him to California was the right decision for them right then at the time, considering she had nothing planned and he had a great opportunity. She couldn't even make the request of just stay together and take some time to figure things out together before being engaged but IN California. She needed to figure out what was stopping her. They needed time apart. That is what this should have been and if the show would have come back for a season 8, I think that is what would have happened. There would have been clarity and they would have found their way back together. (Despite the fact ASP wanted Rory pregnant and alone in the ending, I think perhaps we would have gotten a clearer message that they could find their way back to each other even if they were broken up in the end as planned I think we would have seen more of their love for each other as enough proof that they would come back to each other)
Rory should have said YES! She had nothing going on and the writers messed them up
Actually writers really got Rory's issues.
Going back since season 1, Rory was always afraid of deeply getting involved with someone. Lorelai said it best:
 "I'm talking about my own personal lack of commitment skills. I mean, look, I love that you have my eyes, and my coffee addiction, and my taste in music and movies, but when it comes to love and relationships. I don't necessarily want you to be like me."  
Fact is, Rory really wasn't ready to be that far away from Lorelai. She needed to communicate in that aspect with Logan. She needed to understand it herself but she always denied her own flaws because she thought she had to be perfect all the time and couldn’t accept it or bounce back easily when she came crashing with the reality that she wasn’t perfect and she wasn’t always going to get what she wanted how she wanted in the moment she wanted it. Rory is kind of emotionally dependent on Lorelai, and making Lorelai happy is how she spent her whole life. Except for when she ran and hid at her grandparents' in early season 6 when she had to sacrifice Lorelai as she made that choice. (Which I honestly think it was positive for them both, even when the circumstances weren’t the best, they needed to grow up being away from each other a bit they just couldn’t accept it)
Lorelai is this character that, love her as I do, has to have it always her way or nothing. She afterwards makes attempts to compromise, to understand, to agree, but it has to be tiring to the people in Lorelai's life (Luke waiting and leaving it all to Lorelai when he really did want to marry her, Rory just going on with whatever Lorelai wanted). And it's made Rory, emotionally, a mess.
Bottom line, to me is, Rory was right in rejecting the proposal (yes, to me she was right, as much as I love Logan) because she wasn’t ready but she was also all or nothing, she provoked Logan’s all or nothing, because for Rory, like Lorelai it had to be her way or no way, if she had told Logan a different alternative showing she was willing to commit, I think Logan would have agreed to not get engaged yet. They loved each other and they still did during the revival but they can’t really spell it out because they’re hoping the other will say their piece, but is not lack of love what separates these two. For me the revival proved that even while being in forced relationships trying to be apart from each other they just can’t, they love each other deeply but they can’t say it because he knows she is afraid of commiting to him and wants it to come from her and she knows she hurt him and is so lost she can’t yet go to him as much as she wants to.
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I love this girl. She make me laugh. She make me smile
And I know she's suffering and I know she's being honest.
But I feel and I understand her frustration and that is what makes me smile.
Y'all gotta watch she goes off on Corona and COVID -19 calling it a her and a she.
Saying she didn't do no wrong and she don't deserve house arrest.
I believe her and I love her for her pure honesty and raw anger and hate for the situation.
I felt that same so many times in my life for aliens and for situations beyond the means of the Earth.
People like her i been worried for. People trying their best But just one day its too much.
I worry because I'm like that myself.
While she seem like... A volcano... Realize she took herself outside. Yelled loud enough so the kids were warned to not approach her she needed her own anger time out.
And she yelled her heart and mind out. She yelled it so strong and powerful.
And for that i am proud of her.
I'm sure she went inside and gave them kids all the love they deserve and juice without making a pool.
You can send your kids in the backyard and play. I see there's a garage open... Let them draw with chalk and get out your pretty hair.
They're bored as you auntie. Idk if you're baby sitting or live in... But it seems like you got someone essential working, or someone other than you that isn't pulling "at home weight" as much as you.
Being in front of the open garage... Laughing a bit at yourself when you said you wanted to make lil girl a pool... Drinking.. Feeling trapped ... Just seems like Some one else is leaving every day and you can't. And if you ask me to look real good you was waiting the last few minutes outside for them to come driving up.
So you may wanna go pick up a Wal-Mart pick up order of grocery. It sometimes is a long line. I looked this morning and its all booked to Monday for my local one. But doing that will keep you in less contact with others thus ideally healthier. Then spin through the drive thru and take the long way home.
There's no law saying the stay at home personnel must stay home at all times. Just limited.
You wouldn't necessarily wanna go in the stores seeing as yoh are the number one to care for the children, auntie. As the germs are more likely to be there. But to do a pick up. Idk who else is doing pick up. We just have Wal-Mart here... But may be others,in your local area. Well pick up you Just verify its your order. Through your car window so it's very limited contact with one person and they load up your groceries and you sit and wait in the car.
At the same time there's no law you and the kids can't go in the store. Its just limited.
It's clear you're not going anywhere. You can go places. Just limited. I do believe you can get in the car and just go for a drive. Just get out in the car and drive wherever. Idk where you live and if they have a ban but here in New Mexico we can drive anywhere in the state. And hotels are still operating. So drive to the next city and get a hotel for a night.
Its okay in many areas to do so. Even in NYC you can book a room.
But if we have to social distance. And we are in our cars following traffic laws and just driving without getting out of our cars. Then we are obeying the rules.
Loop hole baby.
Many of us feel like our cars are as personal as our homes. So #stayhome would be same as #stayinthecar on a nice drive.
And she has a 3 year old. Its a perfect time to show her the neighborhood and let her get familiar with it and how to get to the store. Test the little one
So, then it falls under education.
Loop hole baby.
How a cop gonna be all "you can't"???
Now as long as you remember to say "we're doing this in case you get lost (or kidnapped) or get a ride from your friend's parent that i said you could and you can make sure you can tell them how to get home and/or make sure they're going the right ways to get home"
Then for sure a cop can't tell you you can't.
Just in case neighborhood watch don't recognize your car... And calls you in. And you have the little one repeat the lessons to you because you explain it So in case you do get stopped then they know what they are doing in the car with you. And the SMS if the cop check it will also notify "safe distance patrol" which means all you need is verification you live there. Car registration or ID is preferred. That is for a worried cop. What it does actually signal is "having fun let's join in, too" So, when or if you see the cop you can pull over and they can give you tips on being safe if the cop wants interaction currently they probably will not pull over because of social distancing. But all they're doing is saying "SMS notified action in the area. We want you to know if this happens you're safe"
Because home invasions will often use the victims car, if a a person inside is moving around or the cop senses something not,right they will pull over the car to double check. So an ID is the most preferred method and they will visually check all ID of all adult passengers if they choose but it is recommended.
So make sure you're following laws. Kids are buckled and you're going the posted speed limit.
If you're going to your house then back out and over and over.
This case im speaking would look suspicious. So you drive down to the 711 four times so they can memorize and no one gets out and yoh just keep driving that circle
Its how you need to teach the kids but it would look suspiciously to the SMS computer system and for our safety I don't want to override it.
I'd rather a nice cop check and speak to the kids and thank the adults for looking out for the children's safety and for helping them do their jobs.
Usually a cop isn't in protocol to pull over unless its a wreckless danger. So like if I'm a kidnapper I'm a trip out. And either gonna try to get away from the cop or drive super cautious.
So cops may do some Dick moves around you to check you.
So y'all teaching your kids how to get home safe realize the cop is trying to protect you and realize they are in practice mode they may not think so but you know they are. So they may pull you over and so you have already explained to the car what y'all doing. So everyone should be able to explain it back to anyone.
So otherwise just take a nice long drive to the next town and then turn around and just have a nice drive.
Take time to see sights you don't normally see. Or like say you been wanting to go to the zoo but you're unsure of the drive. Well there's no traffic so you can practice driving there so you learn that way to get there easy.
But #StayInTheCar.
I love this girl in the video so much i made a movement after her.
Remember #DriveSober
So staying in the car does mean drive through!
Get you and your babies a treat. So them Quarentine Loop Hole fries are all jacked up and down under the seat until for eternity.
So y'all Just let your family out. Don't keep your beauties locked in because it's safest. Get a little creative.
So babies with some chalk. Or in the backyard playing ...pick up some balls online... Like Oriental Trading company is cheap and i know that you can get a dozen of a variety of different balls. And jump ropes and all kinds of things delivered straight to your house. Chalk, too.
Now you could stay in your little square in the front yard but i would imagine the back yard is more contained. Something with a fence and that is just for safety and not so much about social distancing But just to "stay in the yard" and not deal with nothing bull shit someone bored can come up with.
So I know
.i been waiting... I been i know people are losing their shit.m. I need to see it so I know what to say or do.
So thank you, ma'am for being so public and raw and straight from the soul and heart.
Letting your frustration out so the dark grainy images of my imagination have a voice and a way to be visible to the needs of the world.
Because I'm not realizing what all is going on every where so i need my Soul Warriors letting it out to be known.
My life i go out and my daughter has been trapped in and she don't mind so much but last night finally i could take her to the gas station just for a minute late late night... We both had to wear masks... She was all "I don't want you getting sick" and so i told her "you need to wear one too"
Which i was glad we did because the car we borrowed is leaking antifreeze into the car and it stinks like Hell and a smoker it makes me cough like Hell so the mask actually helped a lot. So i didn't cough with it on. So after this is all over if i borrow his car youre gonna see me wearing a mask just so i came breathe unless i fix my car... And Idk...
So y'all if you're tripping or tense or even if you're not because you're just trying to chill and cope and Don't realize you're building up a bubble of lava
Switch it up a little bit!!! Y'all are all up in there together you know your schedules. Who does what and who dont do what.
Who don't ever leave.
At least open windows. Something. Switch it up.
Y'all essiential workers coming home to dinner made and a clean house... Y'all gonna come to a volcano one day and don't know why
Then you gonna make it worse all what the Hell? What i do?! You wanna go to work?! I'm doing all i can to keep this home together and you act like that?!
And mother fucker honey. You're gonna get stabbed in the throat.
The shit just builds. This is why I didn't like this plan.
It builds on both sides. Believe it or not the ones going out are worried about the ones at home getting sick. And actually about them being cooped in... Some are.
But i know without a doubt they're loving home cooked meals and the family all home and safe and the house all clean
Hello were in the 1950s
So yo let the adults trapped at home drive the car if they are licensed. Let them capture that freedom..sit in the passenger seat and be the host. Sit side way and make sure the back seat is being good. Talk to them. Give them love and attention
Let that adult box herself in to a space filled with love for the family and her have that freedom at the wheel
Because that is what it is. She/he running that home. You need to give her a break stop them kids from going on about auntie and momma and so on and give them the strong love and attention they deserve. "How was your day?" "You looking how to get to the store?" "What is that street name?"
Just let her be quiet and enjoy the ride.
As women that's all we want.
Control. Lol. And love. Attention. Help. Strength. Patience.
And I know men want the same exact thing.
But we need to switch it up. Add some spice to the bland. Or its gonna taste like lava and not lots of lova.
Y'all know i am the Queen of Lava.
And y'all going out. Make sure you're on time!
But take them stuck in the house out.
I prescribe no less than a 30 minute outing. I saw gas here was $1.58 on the interstate for regular. I know places like California and New York are lots more and i know some places are even cheaper. But point. DNA4U says y'all should be able to afford it. Every where it must be less than $3 per gallon for even premium. Right?
So #StayInTheCar and check out some low cost online shopping. They are essiential employees.
And love yourselves even if you turn into a tornado spewing lava hurricane
And if someone around does. Love them
Help them. Add something they need to your routine.
Its not too late to save a life.
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