#because people just send that shit willy nilly
birlwrites · 1 year
reading comprehension😔
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
Can you please elaborate on the 4-hour conversation about Palpatine screwing himself over bc I would genuinely LOVE to hear it
OH HELL YEAH, I'D LOVE TO!!! and tagging @shootingstarpilot because they also wanted to hear me shit on Palpatine.
I'm gonna do my best to summarize our discussion, but it's probably gonna be long as hell, and for everyone reading please keep this in mind:
My friend and I were obviously not discussing the ethics of Palpatine's way of ruling or our own suggestions--this was just us talking about how he was stupid and could've probably ruled longer if he did the following things.
Number One - The Death Star Was a Stupid Idea
Ok, we both agreed that the Death Star was the fucking stupidest thing ever because it 1. was a huge expense that could've gone to other things that would've worked better and 2. odds are, it would've just led to an uprising in Imperial ranks and wouldn't have worked as the "intimidation tactic" he thought it would.
We're just gonna be focusing on 2 since 1 is discussed in the other parts.
Basically the gist was that obviously Imperials come from the same planets as everyone else, right? They're recruited, not created (something we'll come back to later).
That means that if the Emperor and high ranking Imperial Officers just destroyed planets willy-nilly every time a rebel from that planet didn't listen (like Leia and Alderaan) or had a rebel presence, then they'd be 1. destroying other Imperials' home planets as well 2. destroying those same Imperials' friends and families and 3. destroying the Imperial forces on said planets, which wouldn't send a good message to the Imperials working for them.
That obviously wouldn't go over well with Imperials whose planets were destroyed or probably any other Imperial, because Palpatine would be sending the message that "it happened to this officer, why wouldn't it happen to you?" which would then probably lead to a lot of Imperials defecting to the Rebellion, spying for the Rebellion, or just plain quitting.
And you can't really threaten planetary destruction if they quit because 1. again, there are other Imperials from that planet and 2. that's literally already a possibility, even if they work for the Empire. And if they don't destroy planets willy-nilly because of a rebel or rebel presence, then the Death Star isn't even a very convincing intimidation tactic and ultimately useless.
So either way it's just a very stupid, expensive show pony.
Number Two - They Should've Stuck With the Clones
Choosing to recruit random people from across the galaxy instead of just sticking with the Kaminoans and the clones was just fucking stupid.
Firstly, the clones could be controlled by the chips in their heads. Yes, newer material is showing them start to question the Empire as their chips degrade, but that's because Palpatine's plan was specifically to use them to kill the Jedi and then toss them away--not because he planned on using them as soldiers in the long term.
If that was his plan, I guarantee you that the Kaminoans could have found ways to make the chips permanent or, at the very least, last a lot longer--and, honestly, they probably could've made the effects a lot stronger to the point where it suppressed all personality traits. They also could've made ways to stop the faster aging process after a certain point so that the clones could stay "viable" longer. They just didn't because that wasn't really the plan, it wasn't meant to be a permanent thing.
Second, the Kaminoans were obviously willing to stay loyal to the Empire as long as they kept buying clones--and for an Empire that's constantly fighting and conquering and expanding, I'd say they'd never really have a reason to stop buying clones. Plus, with how much Palpatine shelled out for 2 Death Stars, which were ultimately useless, he obviously has the money to keep buying clones--and obviously the clones aren't being paid. So the fact that he wouldn't be paying the millions of Imperials that work for the Empire would probably pay for the clones themselves.
So Kamino would always be loyal, since it's obvious they don't really give a shit about the moral quandary of things from what we're shown, only really their personal connections/gains. The few surviving Kaminoans only became willing to turn on the Empire (and, even still, it takes a lot to convince them) after Kamino was destroyed.
Third, let's just be honest here, the clones are a whole hell of a lot more skilled and efficient than stormtroopers. Stormtroopers literally miss most of the shots they take, meanwhile clones are shown to be very skilled and capable and also shown to overcome the odds a lot of times and succeed where they should've failed. Yes, sometimes that's because of the Jedi, but a lot of times they're able to just do it themselves (like Rishi and Umbara, for example).
I can't remember the last time I've seen the Stormtroopers actually be successful in a show or movie, unless there was a Darksider helping them or some really high ranking Imperial with them (like Moff Gideon).
So basically, Palpatine threw away a force of skilled, capable soldiers that he could've made be unquestionably loyal to him--a force of soldiers that honestly would've been far more intimidating than the Death Star--in order to recruit a bunch of untrained soldiers that would have to be trained later and could turn on him at any point.
Again, stupid.
Number Three - The Shitty Training and Supplies
I'll admit, my friend was the one who outlined this part for me because he knows a lot more about weapon types and such than I do--but basically his ramble boiled down to this:
Palpatine basically gave Imperials shittier armor, weapons, and ships than the Republic did because he was cheap and that's probably why everything didn't work very well and/or was easily destroyed. I can try to elaborate on this in another post, but he honestly was the brains behind this part of the discussion.
We also talked about how, since Imperials were recruits and their training was done later in life (even if that "later in life" was just like 15), their training was probably a lot more rushed than the training the clones went through, and it probably didn't stick as well. Plus, just because of the nature of recruitment, their standards probably had to be lowered some in order to fill their ranks and also because you can't really threaten them with the same shit the Kaminoans did with the clones.
So, in conclusion, Palpatine made stupid ass decisions.
In other news, water is wet.
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randomthefox · 1 month
So, I agree with your logic that Silver comes from a good future. It’s not like the future can be good but suddenly become bad without the interference of another time traveller. That’s not how time travel works.
But I do have to wonder. If the future was good and no other time travellers were involved, then why do you think Silver showed up in Sonic Forces? I can’t think of a reason other than him trying to make the future better than it already was. Like, maybe the resistance won maybe a lot more people died. So he went back to make sure more people made it out okay. But that’s just headcanon.
Given we have absolutely no information to go off of whatsoever, I can imagine a handful of different scenarios.
Possibility the first: Silver read in a history book about that time Eggman took over 99% of the planet and everyone thought he killed Sonic, went "OH HECK NO >=o " and went back in time to help out, without actually bothering to finish reading the book.
Possibility the second: Silver was just still back in Sonic's time after being at his birthday party in Generations, and hadn't actually gone back home yet by the time Forces happened
Possibility the third: the chaos emeralds andor the master emerald gave him a vision that some shit was about to go down so he went back in time to go deal with it based on the information he had.
Possibility the fourth: they have some kind of timeline monitoring detection system in the future, like the timeline police in Star Trek, and he got dispatched to the past when the world started getting Marty McFly'ed out of existence by Eggman conquering the planet in their distant past.
Possibility the fifth: it was a coincidence and Silver just decided to go visit Sonic's time on a lark and he happened to come around right when the six months war was taking place.
Pick your poison. It's not ever explained in the game so the answer is whatever you want it to be lol.
I completely disregard the webcomics made before the release of the game because they're stupid and paratextual. The only reason I would ever reference their existence is if someone tried to insist that the IDW Sonic comics are canon, because the Forces prequel comics actively contradict them =P
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In the Forces prequel comic, Silver chose to send himself back in time to deliver a warning, based on sparse historical records.
In the IDW Sonic comic
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Silver gets flung back in time willy nilly without having any notion as to why, and he just puts together what the reason is based on context clues! He is "sent" back in time.
Which is ACTIVELY CONTRADICTORY to what Silver says in the Forces prequel comic.
So which is it? x3 either the prequel comic isn't canon, or the IDW Sonic comic isn't canon. They are MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE. They cannot BOTH be canon. Silver describes two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT time travel mechanics. In Flynn's comic, Silver has agency and decision making over his time travel. In Stanley's comic, Silver gets magiced back in time for no reason. This discrepancy cannot be compromised.
The Forces Prequel comic was produced and posted officially BY SEGA on their social media and the sonic channel website. So while I discount them for being paratext, they are still MORE canon than the IDW Sonic comic. Which is another notch in the IDW Sonic isn't canon board. sssssssuckkkk ittttttt.
anyway. tangent. Silver's in Sonic Forces because he's a cooooooooooooool guyyyyyyyyy.
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pinktasticplastixx · 1 month
do i think id survive the hunger games? no, of course not, i’m literally the least athletic, least talented (in any way that matters), least survival oriented person i know.
however‼️ if I were reaped in the hunger games, I would NOT kill myself on the spot. it seems like a good idea since itll just happen later anyways but once i fall dead from the knife i stick in my own throat then theyre just going to send some other girl to her death and it looks like i did all that for selfish reasons instead of boldly protesting the brutaity of the capitol. so what happens instead?
i go in. i go through all the capitol stuff (i love dressing up anyways even if its for my own death) and then when it comes time to meet all the other people in the games, i befriend the guy/gal who knows all about the berries in nature and shit. why? because they’re going to find the berries the capitol put in the arena to try and kill us by stupidity, and that’s what I’m going to use to kill myself. but i’m not gonna do it immediately.
i’m gonna make it all the way to the cornucopia part and then, instead of running to grab supplies, I RUN off imto the arena and i get the hell to cover. why? because some numbskull with a bow and arrow is going to start firing willy nilly🙄 but then what? i find the poison berries.
i’m not resourceful enough to find food out in the wild, are you kidding me? but i can find these berries, because i trained with my resident poison berries enthusiast. and whats my next move? save a handful of these poison berries (way more than enough to kill me) until i think i’ll die of starvation (maybe a week? idk i’m a fatass) and then chow down. therefore i’m not the first death, but i dont win either and i manage to be an uneventful death and all the capitol is mad at me for not dying in bloody victory and instead dying of violent diarrhea caused by poison berries
bonus points if the guy i was reaped with wins and all the capitol interviewers are like “isnt it SOOO embarrassing that that girl died of shitting herself to death ON PURPOSE??!!🤣🤣” and he’s just like please stop laughing about my friends suicide oh my god
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boqvistsbabe · 7 months
Hey Y’all!!
Here is the start of hopefully monthly updates. I know in my last update I said I was going to be more consistently here and active. Obviously, that didn’t happen lol. Trying to hold myself to that rn. So this is probably going to be the format for all of my update posts, just so they are easier to follow.
So I am almost completely done with the blog refresh. I think all that is left is updating links and getting some other posts (ex: theme days) made/redone. Most of that got put on the back burner due to how long they were going to take lol. But hopefully, over Spring Break, I’ll be able to get those done (no promises, another thing I’m trying to do, is be more realistic about what I want to get done by when so). 
Writing/Other Content:
Ik I said I’d write more. Once again didn’t really happen. Well, I have written a decent bit, but never finished anything. There is one fic that I am going to try and work on after this week (midterms lol) and have someone look over it (the first time I’ve had a beta reader, look at me go lol). Like the blog as a whole, I am trying to organize my writing, like requests and my ideas and what is going out when etc. (@ any of the other writers if you have any suggestions of what to/where to organize my stuff so it doesn’t get all confusing and mixed up you should def let me know). Speaking of requests, I am going to try and do at least two requests a month. That doesn’t sound like a lot but for me, that feels like something I can realistically do. I will be doing old requests first because even though they are years old at this point, I liked the ideas so I genuinely want to write them. I am still going to be accepting new requests (esp because sometimes that helps spark creativity/help with writer’s block so feel free to send in any ideas!!) but I will try to get those older ones done first. As for any other content (playlists, moodboards, IG edits, drawings, etc.) I am also taking requests for those so feel free to send in any of those requests too. 
Another Blog?!
As of rn the second hockey blog has not been “released”. I want to catch up on things for this blog before I throw that into the mix and try to grow that as well. I am hoping to add that sometime this summer. Also, I do technically have a sideblog already (@samistheman) which is normally where I reblog random things, and I don’t really have tags for that blog I just kinda willy-nilly reblog there (it used to be mostly PJO stuff but now that’s kind of here because of how much of it there is lol).
Life Update:
College is a lot rn. I’m doing 17 credit hours and tbh do not know what possessed me to do that. At first, I was doing pretty good, but now not so much. Like I said earlier I have midterms this week. If y’all didn’t know this, I’m shit at taking tests so not doing great rn. Thankfully one of my classes ends on Sunday so at least I don’t have to worry about that. I’ve had a lot going on in my personal life recently that is impacting a lot so trying to navigate that as well. I am moving out in May, which is yes months from now but there is still a lot that I need to do beforehand. Anyway, I’m going to a college hockey game on Thursday and I am super excited. I haven’t been able to go to a game since October. Also little fun update, I’m going on a weekend (work) trip to Boston. Super excited for that. I’ll be getting to go to a Celtics game and a Red Sox game (I’m a Royals girlie tho). I’ve never been to an NBA game so that’s for sure gonna be really cool. I’ve been to many MLB games before but this will be my first at a different stadium. Anyway, I think that is it for this update. Hope y’all are doing well!!
As usual, if y’all ever want to talk dms/inbox are open <3
I am going to tag some moots, I am totally forgetting some people so I am sorry for that (if y'all could reblog that would be amazing)
@2manytabsopen @krugstrash @jimmystrudel @andreburakozy @sidneycrosbyhoe @fallinallincurls @timstuetzle @typical-simplelove @ilyasorokinn @drei-mrssvechii
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cool-kink-sis · 10 months
Asshole Inky
Got your attention with that title. I love the idea of an asshole Inky just fucking everything up, not accidentally. On purpose.
The Inky we see in the concept art that has Leilana in tears.
I want Sera reduced to swearing and crying, I want Solas losing his temper for the first time in since the veil went up, Cassandra becoming an alcoholic, Varric watching people get dragged down and held under the water to drown (no way he'd bring Hawke back if Inky was straight up full dictator), Vivienne pushed and her mask slipping into a snarl that she cannot pull back in time, Blackwall falling into depression cos now he's apart of something even worse than what he did before, Dorian gets ambushed by his dad and basically sent packing back to Tevinter, Cole just utterly outraged by all of this and making Inky forget him so he can try to fix things invisibly and Bull? I find it a lot more awful to imagine him trying to navigate keeping his men out of the suicidal missions the boss keeps sending them on.
Religious fanatics whipped into a frenzy, Inky is charming when he wants to be and terrifying when he's not.
I want Solas to loath him entirely but still be stuck because misery loves company and he and the others are stuck together for all of this a lot. So he still learns and grows but is it enough?
Also no way in rl would the Herald be allowed to run off constantly willy-nilly to race horses and shit so it would just be the main crew, all juggling their own shit and trapped with an asshole Inquisitor.
And what then?
Does Solas leave them to, not just the fate of the veil falling, but to the whims of a dictator?
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rifter-pride · 10 months
how to make aurboborbo lore actually good:
aurboborbos live in a separate chronopunk society atop the behemoth. bc the behemoth is canonically too damn tall, no flighted dragon has ever seen their society from the air and all risks can be mitigated by the aurboborbo's possession of the loop, which they can just pocket sand at people in a pinch.
(however pocket looping people is something frowned upon in aurboborbo society so it's only for emergencies and not all willy nilly whenever)
aurboborbos derive some kind of macguffin thing from the behemoth, or else cannot travel far from the behemoth's canopy bc ancient magic reasons. maybe both.
our story POV should be an aurboborbo and not a modern dragon, because fish out of water stories are inherently better than some crusty nigel thornberry knockoff. sorry juniper but zzz.
so our POV should be like idk bobbi the aurboborbo who dreams of the ground below and they build a chronosuit or whatever to help them leave the canopy to expand aurboborbo society/knowledge and/or the canopy macguffin has stopped working (remember when the ancients and tidelord and everything were all down to the bounty of the elements lore 100 years ago? why not bring that back for a change) and bobbi volunteers to leave aurboborbo society to figure out a solution.
the story should be chiefly about bobbi pretending to be a coatl while stuffed into a trenchcoat and loathing the feeling of apparel, bc i think it would be funny to have this kind of nod to on-site mechanics. bobbi also keeps a log of all the weird shit they learn about modern dragon societies and a list of questions they plan to someday ask a modern dragon whenever this whole isolationist society gig blows over, which bobbi is increasingly sure/hopeful it will, because modern dragons have french fries or w/e and bobbi thinks those are just great.
there should be 1 modern dragon who has some knowledge or ability relevant to bobbi's situation who is able to detect when some time magic fuckery is about and they get interested in trying to figure out why their "coatl" neighbour weighs 126 tons and speaks fluent draconic (2 things none of their OTHER coatl neighbours have ever done). there should be at least some tense journal entries from bobbi about their cat-and-mouse relationship to this friendly modern neighbour involving casserole. (bobbi loves this casserole. yet another reason to dissolve the wall between the two societies.)
anyway bobbi gets into hijinks and tries pocket looping people to resolve the hijinks, which either a) gets them in trouble with the time guardians (guardians of time) in the greater aurboborbo society or b) just happens to coincide with a great report bobbi sends back to HQ which results in a small delegation of aurboborbos showing up while bobbi is in the penultimate hijink. either way, the penultimate hijink should end with modern breeds and aurboborbos doing this but with various kinds of magics
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because this is funny.
anyway this is just some shit that got blasted into my brain pan after reading this lackluster lore and contemplating how to do a "2 separate societies meeting for the first time" story in a way that is fun and inverts some expectations and was not already tired all the way back in 1995.
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steviewashere · 6 months
Let's have a quick little conversation, Stranger Things fandom. This is a conversation for everybody, including those who create the amazing things we pass around our table of stories like bowls of mashed potatoes.
A lot of you guys are fucking mean. And I'm not talking regular mean. I'm talking a rotting, moldy, dilapidating, squelching sort of mean. I should know, I've given way too many speeches about this kind of shit. So, you're gonna listen good.
The new trend I'm seeing is bullying the bodacious babes within our community, and I won't fucking stand for it. I've had my fair share of bullying, both as the victim and as a bystander, and it's exhausting to have it spread into such a tight-knit space like this.
Let me reintroduce you to some wonderful technology on here, you hateful pieces of shit (no, I'm not talking about the people who are actually nice, but please continue to read this). (And, I'm not gonna be nice to people who are blowing up babe's Tumblr inboxes and anon messages and Twitter replies and AO3 comments. Or people sending death threats and threats of sexual violence. Because you don't deserve kindness. Not anymore.)
There's a "close tab" button located conveniently below your address bar. There's also a little bar on the side of your screen that lets you scroll all willy-nilly away from things you don't like. AND there's a "block" button! Oh, let's not forget the "mute tag" button! (Explosion sound effects here.) Isn't that crazy?! You can block anybody you want. You can scroll away. You can close out of a fic you're reading or a fanart you're viewing.
Isn't that wonderful? Because then, you don't ever have to see it again.
Fandom is a space for everybody, no matter what someone enjoys. Even if it's dead dove fics or unconventional kinks or relationship dynamics that may come off as "abusive" or "toxic".
If topics that are considered unsightly to you really bother the fuck outta your soul, then just ignore 'em. Ignore them. Leave them alone. Art, no matter the form, has always been made to make a statement; art is meant to be uncomfortable sometimes; art comforts those who may have gone through the same or similar experience.
Not everything is for you. That's what's so wonderful about tag filtering and muting tags and blocking users and content. That's what's so wonderful about the internet. You can get away from things that would otherwise be triggering for you.
You don't have to read everything. Or view everything. Or like everything.
Somebody else will like that piece of art, guaranteed.
And to artists, whether you're a writer or a painter or a scrapbooker or whatever you do that pleases your senses, continue to create. Continue to create because you do enjoy it, even if sometimes it seems that nobody does. Take breaks as needed. Walk away if you have to. That's alright. Taking care of yourself is so important and nobody is allowed to tell you otherwise. But at the end of the day, you are the poet and the artist and the muser. You are the creator.
The first person you should create for, because all fan work is self-indulgent on some level, is yourself. Always create for you. Create because it's something primal. Because it's an instinct.
Not everything is beautiful. But art can be beautiful. You make it beautiful. Your minds are beautiful. Everybody is gorgeous.
Fandom is like a museum, babes. Sometimes, the creator is going to be walking the same room as you, viewing their paintings sidelong. Keep your voices down, move on if you don't like the painting they made, and find something you do like. You're allowed to do that.
But by the gods, be thoughtful, be kind, and remember that the creator is always standing behind you in the art hall. And they're sharing their craft with you. And they don't have to. And sometimes they don't want to. But they do it anyway. Because it's important to create and tell their story and reflect on what is otherwise something shitty.
Telling stories is part of human nature. We've been doing it for centuries. It's in our blood. Don't be the reason somebody's blood turns cold or their pens fall dried or their mouths clink shut. Art is an objectively subjective form of culture, it changes from where you're going to where you've been and it's always changing and not every aspect is for you.
You do it for you, though. At the end of the day, your art should matter because it's an appendage of you. You're wonderful, you're beautiful, you're talented, and you're worthy of what you do. Because you're doing it. At the end of the day, you're doing it. That's something that matters.
But what matters most?
You do. You're the heart of everything you do. You're part of the thousands of arteries in the community we've built, you are the vessel carrying life in this community. And damnit, what a good job you do. You matter. At the end of the day, you will always matter.
Always. You will always matter.
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
Okay I am going to say it. I get asks about it and it fucking annoys me. I don't care about lesbian SNS, I don't care about fem Sasuke or fem Naruto. I actually think it cheapens this ship, because I shouldn't need to change their identities for my ship. I ship my boys and I love them so much, I love their bond so much. And I absolutely detest what SNS shippers do with them to make themselves feel good, the way they twist their characters for self gratification. I don't care about - to each to their own. Fuck that shit. You use that as a license to do whatever pleases you, and you just willy nilly change who they are just to fit your headcanons. And then have the audacity to argue about it too? With people who actually appreciate their canon identities? Call me arrogant, call me conceited, but I like them because of how they were written, how their stories were told, ensconced in a narrative that brought out their cores, centred in their realities that make them who they are. Who they are informs what they do and how they deal with their realities, how they make their decisions, how they respond to the world around them. SNS fans cheapen their relationship by reducing them to stupid fucking top bottom dialectic, or omegaverse/mpreg bullshit. No, I don't need them to have babies for their relationship to be considered fulfilled, don't project your het agenda on them. They don't need to act like het couples for their relationship to be legitimized. They don't need to be normalised or their dynamic to be politically correct for them to be accepted or approved. That's not what their story is about. Their world is not your world, their lives are not your life.
God I hate shipping. It's toxic, it's fucking poisonous. Everything goes in it and it's validated because - to each to their fucking own. No. Just say it. You want them to not be who they are because you don't care/aren't happy with who they are in canon. Why even pretend? Yeah, do all that and say you get them, crack more jokes why don't you?
I feel like quitting this fandom every now and then. So fucking much. But I keep hanging on because where else do I talk about them, things that I wanna say? But conversely, I have to witness all this other bullshit that comes with shipping. That wholly functions on smut and shallow AUs and character assassination. It fucking hurts. It shouldn't because - to each to their own. But it does.
I know all shipping is like this and fans can't help being who they are. I don't expect much honesty or introspection from them. They don't feel about them the way I do. People send me asks, telling me I am doing too much, I am invested too much. Well, fuck you. You don't have the slightest idea what they mean to me, I don't ship them for the same reasons you do, you aren't even on the same page as me, not even close. You can't even fucking compare. You don't know the depth of my feelings for them. How can you? Heh. I feel for them so much, I laugh with them, I hurt for them, I rage for them, it's insane and it overwhelms me. I have a thousand things to do and yet, I am here. And it kills me to be here, to see them insulted and demeaned and trivialized because you can't fucking handle your hormones or who you are, but I am still here. Because this is my homage to them. They are my priority. Not this fucking fandom.
I despise this fandom. Naruto fandom, SNS fandom. And it's not just about SS or NH or NrSk, I hate everything and anything about this fandom that doesn't get them. Their sacrifice, their passion, their resolve, their depth, their ethos, their humanity, their flaws, their strengths and convictions despite how their world treated them.
Don't anyone fucking dare to ask me about my reasons, you don't deserve to know, you can't possibly fucking understand. Keep to your own, to each to your own, right? And be happy in whatever projections you have built for yourself. I don't give half a crap. You aren't that much better than Esaka who demeaned and cheapened their bond and characters. She did it to push SS, SJ green lit it. And you do it because you prefer them to be how you like them, not how they are in canon.
If you wanna discuss that shit, go to some other blogger who gives a fuck. I don't.
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Danny Chase is Still Dead: Why You Should Care That Death in Comics Doesn't Matter
Recent events have forced me to break my attempt at positivity for the moment to address something to a number of you. Specifically, the people who are using this line to try and soften/deride people's outrage over the leaks that have revealed the death of Ms. Marvel in a book that isn't even her own.
"It's Comic Books, she'll be back in six months to a year."
Yeah... shut up, that's exactly the fucking problem and also not the fucking point.
Death in comics being a revolving door is not a reason to calm down on one's outrage. Because it's the exact fucking problem plaguing comics. A symptom of a wider issue infecting the industry: Apathy. A lack of care. And when you use that line it's you saying "Stop caring about this, it's just a dumb disposable story." And in a world where comics struggle to sell, that's the worst message you can send. And it encourages the comic companies to keep doing this.
Death not mattering in a story is the single biggest death knell to any serious writing endeavor. Because if there are no consequences then none of this matters. If the story does not matter, there's no reason to be invested in it. The story dies because no one cares enough about it. Because the characters within become nothing more than chess pieces to move about the board and sacrifice when need be. There's no attachment, no emotion, no thought, no care, no reason. Just kill them. Kill them and do it so willy-nilly that people just shrug and don't even bother.
And when someone actually shows they care, who is outraged, who is invested, because they love comics, telling them "It will be fixed later" does NOTHING to solve the problem. It actively says you agree with the reasoning behind it, that none of these characters matter. That their stories don't matter. And that the companies in charge of both are given carte blanche to continue marching along in their abject apathetic corporate bullshit.
Death in comics is NOT a right of passage for characters, it is a desperate lazy method of trying to generate interest because you are creatively bankrupt. It has been that way for a very, very long time since Superman was killed off for no other reason than they had to delay their big marriage to Lois Lane storyline a full year because of a TV Show.
That's real! That's the truth! That's the reason "Death of Superman" exists. That's the reason we got stuck with Doomsday in the third act of BvS! Because "Lois and Clark" was on TV and they wanted to wait to do their big marriage issue to line up with the episode they got married in. They may have worked emotion into it, they may have tried to make it meaningful. Doesn't matter, it was done purely for corporate reasons.
And it's still ten times worse with Kamala Khan now. It is a bold-faced cynical attempt by a writer to boost sales in their much-maligned book. Using a character that has had 12 pages worth of appearances in 25 issues! Meaning, she probably was only put into the book to set up her death and they didn't even bother to properly utilize her.
Not to mention how clearly racist and misogynistic it is. Kill your prominent Muslim Women character of South Asian descent, at the end of AAPI Month, to forward the story of Peter Parker by giving him more fucking angst over a character he barely interacts with at all! She doesn't even get to headlight her death in her own fucking book, she gets killed in some other character's story she wasn't even involved in! At least if she died in Captain Marvel it would've fucking mattered because Carol has been on several adventures with Kamala at this point and is deeply protective of her! Even then it would still be shit, but not this level of shit!
It's degrading, to both the character and her fans. And it is such a plainly obvious attempt at creating MCU Synergy that no fan wants! No one wants her to be resurrected as a Mutant with those dumb energy powers! That is the one thing about MCU Kamala that everyone pretty much agrees is stupid. And frankly, it's kinda making me hate Krakoa more because forcing every character to become a mutant is not really helping anyone, it's only oversaturating the goddamn line that is already bloated with too many teenagers that most people can't keep track of anyway.
This is why people don't like this move, not because they think it's forever, but because it is so callously cynically meaningless! Because it is being done for lazy, creatively bankrupt reasons! Because it shows how little Marvel cares anymore! Pardon me for saying this, but this exact thing is why I have been disappointed with how Marvel has treated Gwenpool and why I've been so critical of their usage of her. And now, this apathy is infecting Ms. Marvel. Friding her without any semblance of thought for the sole purpose of corporate brand synergy and shock value collectors' sales boosts!
It's disgusting. And giving into this mentality of "She'll be back soon" does nothing but embolden this attitude. It encourages Marvel and other companies to continue being apathetic and treat characters as disposable. How long before they decide to kill off Miles Morales super casually? Or Moon Girl? Or America Chavez? Or Kate Bishop? Or, my greatest fear, Gwenpool? Fridge them for no good reason and declare retroactively that you were doing them a favor by making people miss them. An absolutely disgusting mindset that I am frankly appalled by.
And before you say anything in an attempt to placate me with the usual line "Well they'll still come back anyway, at least there's that." And that's why I decided to title this post the way I did. Echoing Lewis Lovhaug's own statement about death in comics and why he hates it when it is done so flippantly and without purpose.
Danny Chase is Still Dead.
Danny Chase was a member of the Teen Titans, he was an abrasive character that got on a lot of fans' nerves for being just what he was. A snot-nosed, arrogant little brat with superpowers who was a total asshole. The Quentin Quire of DC of his Time. He died to save Raven's home world Azarath. And despite some brief appearances as an undead zombie here and there he has remained dead. Why? Because people didn't like him alive... and no one cares enough to want to bring him back.
Not every character returns from the grave in comics. Gwen Stacey, the original one, remains dead. The original Captain Marvel remains dead. And a lot of ancillary secondary-tier characters do not get to return either. Kamala Khan has a good chance of coming back to life, but how good are your favorite hero's chances? Especially the lesser valued ones within the big two? Why? Because they don't care. And they don't care because we've stopped caring. Because they've gotten lazy and complacent and they've decided this is an easy method of doing business. It promotes sexist tropes, it promotes bad writing and it promotes a lack of creativity. Allowing to persist helps no one.
Do not buy ASM #26. Do not buy anything written by Nick Lowe or Zeb Wells. They've shown they don't care and we'd be better off telling them that we don't care for their apathy. Don't send death threats, and don't wish them ill. Don't harass or bully or dox or stalk. Be angry, be critical, tell them off for their behavior and lack of talent. But do not give them reasons to dismiss you by threatening them. And hit them where it actually hurts; their wallets. Show Marvel that you're not going to keep letting this go on. I know any compulsion I had to own any copies of the Spider-Man run where Felicia and Peter are canon has just been completely demolished. I have no interest in single or collected issues of this... thing anymore.
The fact is, Death being a revolving door is the problem with comics. We shouldn't dismiss it as just a thing, because it's bad storytelling. And Kamala Khan deserves better than this utter travesty of a situation. To be killed off so Peter Parker's man-pain can be justified. And then promptly forgotten, as he fights Doctor Octopus the very next month. To be murdered just so as to be brought back as another dime-a-dozen mutant with lame powers to promote a movie, that will probably be hurt by this story more than helped. To be fridged with the most sexist of tropes, in the most racist of ways, just for corporate brand synergy and to boost the sales of a badly written story no one even likes to begin with.
You can probably say I'm just angry because I sorta defended Zeb Wells recently and feel betrayed. Well, to be honest, I wasn't defending Wells, I was defending the ship his poor writing was damaging in the crossfire. SpiderCat wasn't worth throwing MJ under the bus and it most certainly isn't worth the death of a beloved comic book character that had no business being there.
This run will not be remembered fondly, Nick Lowe's tenure as editor of the Spider-Man books won't be remembered fondly, and Zeb Wells as its chief writer will not be remembered fondly. Their apathy and lack of care will stain their reputations forever as a result.
Anyway, hopefully, next time I'll have less negative things to say talking about something I actually like instead of hate. Bye for now.
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saltminerising · 2 years
Same system who asked about multi accounting but different guy- Someone replied to the post talking about how the devs should address it and I could not agree more (sorry for not replying on the post our main is the same username as our FR account and we would like to not get caught) Like I get not wanting people to claim that they're a system when they're not to get away with mutli accounting but if we don't send each other a bunch of shit shouldn't we be allowed to have our own accounts? I tried checking the forums for anyone asking about systems and I only saw one person asking the OPPOSITE thing. Asking if they as a system could share an account, and a moderator told them they could share an account, but what about the other way around? What about systems who cannot share for jack shit because I want to have a lore clan, the host wants a g1 lair, another alter wants to breed all willy nilly, and so forth? We have like 8 alters who want to play the game on their own accounts but we're too hesitant to make our own accounts because we don't want to be grabbed for multi accounting even though in our opinion, it isn't! I really just wish the devs would address it and give us a solid answer on it. I'd make a post about it on the forums and see if a dev were to answer, but I'm too afraid of getting our account banned and then NONE of us get to play... We're mostly worried about having so many accounts under one ip getting us flagged, like I'm sure if only like one other alter wanted their own account it would be fine, but if there's almost 10 accounts all on one ip on one laptop isn't that like definitely suspicious?
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gvftea · 1 year
There’s a girl in a friends GC, who is close with a friend/aquatinted with Jita, and the girls in this GC knew about Josh being gay/ love life a month ago because the girl she’s friends with is getting this information and spreading it to these multiple GCs. Apparently this is where we got the info about Sam cheating. (I’m just the messenger). This is private information that she’s spreading Willy nilly like it means nothing. Anyway :) I do not know her personally however my friends have told me and I think it’s incredibly unfair that this girl is just going around with a loud mouth telling their personal business to fans. I have her name and @ but I don’t want people to go send her threats and shit but I do think she needs to be outed for being a shit person.
I know who you’re talking about and I also have had several people come to me about how she’s telling people about her “connections” with the Kiszkas and how she knew the twins in high school. She writes those stepdad fics and her @ is @/asparrowofthedawn . But her story changed and gets tweaked every time and it’s very gross that even if she does “know” things, she’s spilling personal secrets like this in group chats and DMs.
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ragecndybars · 1 year
for the writers game - 11, 18, and/or 55 ! love your fics :p !!
aaaah thank you!!!! i love yours toooo so that means a lot 😭😭😭
11. Link your three favorite fics right now
AGH PUT ME ON THE SPOT WHY DON'T YOU... there are so so so many good fics in the world and i've been reading fics for so long, so this list was hard to compile, but here they are, My Big Three Fics Of All Time:
Put My Guns in the Ground by saltsanford. I've mentioned it before. This is a Red vs Blue fic and even if I do have any Red vs Blue fans among my followers, if they're enough of a fan to consider reading this fic, I am SURE they have already read it, but regardless I have to mention it. It, uh, permanently altered not only my brain chemistry but my very identity as a creative. Tbh.
Phantom Pains by applepie. A Naruto time travel fix-it (ish) AU that just stuck its hands into my brain and rearranged shit in there. Goddd its so good. Help me. Just thinking about it is making me want to get back into Naruto PLEASE SEND HELP.
Dust in the Air Suspended by Stealth_Noodle. This is a Persona 2 fic full of massive spoilers for both games, which is a shame because if not for the fact that I want to scam more people into playing the P2 duology, I would just be linking this fic willy nilly to literally everyone. A+++++ changed me as a person
18. Do you title your fics before, during, or after the writing process? How do you come up with titles?
AFTER. WAY, WAY AFTER. As in, I'll be 110% done with the fic, have it all formatted right in AO3, tagged and everything, and then I'll just sit there frozen staring at the empty "Title" field because I yet again forgot 😭 Then I'll start messaging my friends going aughghghg I don't have a title again what do i doooooo and sometimes I'll just straight up steal whatever they suggest 👍
55. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
Ooh, I think my favorite characters to write from the perspective of are probably the two with the strongest and most distinct voices: so, for me, that Shinjiro and Aigis P3!!! And my favorite to write interacting with others are the ones who are a little mysterious and conceal their true emotions, so Minato, Kotone, and Mitsuru :3 And yeah, I used to be a little less fond of writing Aigis just because I felt uncertain of my Aigis voice, but readers were so nice about it on my first Aigis-centric fic that now I love writing her even more :'3
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Wow. You clearly have no idea how to talk to someone nicely or treat people with respect. Maybe pay attention to other people’s feelings before you shit on them for no reason. I don’t look and research your blog, I just search Timothée Chalamet smut tag and your fics come up so I thought I would request something. Jeez. you didn’t have to go crazy on me like that. Seriously get off your high horse please. And you cant block anon you have no idea who I am. Another reason why you shouldn’t just come for people like that, you have no idea what I’m dealing with or what’s going on in my life. Notice how nobody liked that response, cuz it was down right aggressive. Blocking people for sending in a request?? I literally did nothing wrong. Holy crap. Unfollowed you. What a shame. Treat people with kindness. 🫶🏼
#timotheechalametsmut #tpwk
Jfc, the entitlement.
It’s possible to block people on anon, btw. That is a thing you can do.
No, you shouldn’t be sending requests willy nilly, anon. People work hard on their writing. They put their heart and soul into their writing. You didn’t need to search my blog. You could’ve just looked at any one of my fics and known that my blog wasn’t the one to send this request to. Maybe I should put something up on my masterlist that says I don’t take requests or write x reader fics, but from my perspective, you didn’t come in treating me with kindness. On the contrary, you a) sent a request to someone who doesn’t take them, thereby disregarding the rules of their blog, and b) sent a copypasta. Both of these things are very disrespectful to both me as a person and the work I put into my fics.
Did I overreact? Probably. But saying you didn’t do anything wrong is inaccurate. Copy and pasting a request into a bunch of random blogs isn’t cool. I think I was fairly kind about it, to be honest. I didn’t insult you or anything or the sort. I simply said that I don’t take requests or write x reader fics, and because I’ve gotten this format of requests before, I figured chances were good this wasn’t a first offense, and if I got another, I think it would be reasonable to block the person (and yes, you can block someone, even when they’re on anon). As a writer, I find it very insulting to just disregard what I write like that. I can only speak for myself, but it hurt my feelings to have what I work hard on disregarded that way.
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Monstrous Secrets Chapter 6
Eris Vanserra x reader
Word Count: 1970
Summary: The High Lord’s meeting.
It was by sheer bad luck that you were sitting next to your cousin when Beron and family strode into the gathering of High Lords. It was by even worse luck that Eris had his sleeves rolled up, inadvertently revealing the bargain marks that so perfectly matched yours. You could see realization dawn on each of your friends’ faces even as his family remained perfectly oblivious. You hoped with every fiber of your being that they didn’t think you’d struck a deal with him willy-nilly, even more so that you didn’t make a deal about Mor.
Rhys, if you can hear me, let me explain before you jump to conclusions.
Judging from the almost simultaneous crinkle of their noses, Rhysand and Feyre seemed to notice the scent of your bond with Eris. 
Well, at least they won’t think something worse I guess.
Nesta just raised an eyebrow.
Doesn’t matter. We don’t get along anyway.
Mor’s eyes just flitted between you and your mate, growing wider and wider in horror.
Please don’t hate me.
Cassian and Azriel, though, were the worst with their twin expressions of disgust that they didn’t even attempt to hide. 
And there goes life as I knew it . . .
Then your eyes strayed to Eris himself. The first time seeing your mate in over fifty years, and it’s like this, under these circumstances. You would not cry in front of these people, you swore to yourself. You wouldn’t. Though Cassian’s accusing scoff of, “Just tattoos, huh?” What’d you sell to him, your soul?” damn near made the tears fall despite yourself.
You studied Eris instead of acknowledging your (former?) friend, noticing the struggle etched into his face that made it look as if he wanted nothing more than to hold you.
Rhysand’s voice flitted through your mind, “So that explains why I thought I smelled you in that meeting with Keir . . .” Nothing more. Such a neutral statement that gave you no hints as to what he was thinking.
It was Feyre that reached over, across Rhys, to touch the hand you had clenching the arm of your chair. Her eyes spoke of someone who knew what it was like to have a mate that was hated and to be forced away from them. If anyone in the world would understand what you were currently suffering through, it was her. “Go to him,” she ordered softly. “We’ll sort out the rest later.”
As soon as you were on your feet, Eris was moving--family be damned, apparently--towards you. You met in that undefined no man’s land between the people of the Autumn Court and the rest of the High Lords. In an instant, you were hauled up into a desperate kiss--audience be damned this time. His hair was cut short, you noticed when you went to grab a fistful. You wondered when, exactly, he’d done it and why.
“What is the meaning of this?” Beron demanded.
When Eris pulled away slightly, you opened your eyes to see that his were still squeezed closed and his jaw was clenched.
Eris’s jaw twitched again, to the point you were worried about his teeth cracking under the strain. You leaned up on your toes, cupping his face in your hands, and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips while sending soothing feelings across your bond.
“They seem to be mate,” Rhys announced as your returned your weight to your heels, and you could just hear the cocky smirk on his face like he’d known the entire time.
“Be that as it may,” Helion spoke up, reminding the group that there were, in fact, others present beyond the Night and Autumn Courts, “we have more important matters to discuss today.”
Eris reached up to grasp one of your hands so he could kiss your knuckles before parting.
The meeting continued relatively smoothly after that, despite how tense the situation with Tamlin was or the curious/awkward/angry glances people were shooting at you and Eris. It wasn’t until you were in the suite provided for the Night Court that anyone even brought up the topic that left such a stain on the atmosphere. When they did, you couldn’t help but think about how Eris was probably going through the same and worse at the hands of his father wherever he and his family had disappeared to. The sharp pings of anxiety and pain that were slipping through the bond only made you worry more, fingers tracing over the black bands instinctively.
“How long?” Cassian demanded as Azriel vanished with Mor, neither sparing you so much as a parting glance.
You shifted your wings nervously, and your hand fell away from the tattoo, not wanting to draw even more attention to them. “Remember that first ball I went to in Spring when you all wanted me to play spy?”
He snarled as he turned and punched a nearby column, thankfully not doing much damage to the thing.
“Now, now, don’t destroy this place,” Rhys teased though you could still hear the strain in his voice and see it in the way his mouth was pinched at the corners. To you, he asked, “Why did you never tell anyone?” Tell me? he added in your head, clearly hurt.
You scoffed, arms moving to curl around your middle. Your wings were starting to cramp with how hard you had them squeezed against your back. “Can you imagine how his father would have taken that?”
“Doesn’t explain why you never told us!” Cassian shouted.
Wow, having your closest friend turn on you hurt more than you could have imagined. Still, you snapped at him, not wanting to back down. You’d earned your place, Cauldron damn it, and it wasn’t by being cowed every time a male raised his voice. “Don’t you think I wanted to?!” Now, you were toe-to-toe with the feared general. “At first I kept quiet because I was a fucking slave and an Illyrian and he was a fucking heir to one of the courts! And he was betrothed to my friend and I didn’t even know if it would go anywhere! And then--”
“And then Mor happened,” Feyre realized, “and you couldn’t because how could you tell your family that you loved a monster?”
On some level, you knew that she could relate because Rhys had a similar reputation; she had to, in order to put it into words that succinctly. Against your better judgment, you argued, “He’s not a monster.”
Cassian scoffed.
“He’s not!” Your head whirled back to his, hand whipping out to shove him back even just a step. “So only Rhys is allowed to have that sort of façade?! Eris was trying!” You knew you were broadcasting your anger in a way that was likely overwhelming to Feyre and Rhysand, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to care. “You heard it from his own lips; breaking off that engagement was all he could do for her. There wasn’t time for a better plan. Not when the one he’d been working on before got blown to smithereens!”
“So you’re going to blame her?!” Cassian’s fist clenched in a way that made your stomach do the same. 
“No!” you shrieked. “Cauldron, no.” The mere thought of it brought tears to your eyes yet again. “Do I wish we’d both been more open and talked about this shit before that happened? Yes. Do I wish Eris and I had come up with a plan sooner? Absolutely. Would I ever blame her for the shit she went through? Never.” You looked at the ceiling in an attempt to blink back your tears. “She was my best friend, and I have barely been able to look her in the eye for five hundred years because of something that could have been solved easily if not for the backwards beliefs of others. You cannot imagine what it’s been like all this time. You just can’t.”
Fere seemed to notice something based on the gasp that slipped past her lips and the worried look she leveled you with. “When was the last time you saw him before today?”
Your wings shifted nervously, a tell you’d been trying to rid yourself of ever since Rhysand pointed out in your youth. Again, your hand moved to touch one of the black bands; however, that was a consions, self-calming action. “We said our vows while Amarantha was stealing the High Lords’ powers,” you admitted aloud for the first time. It felt even more horrible than any time you’d thought those words to yourself. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Rhysand’s fists clench. Even Cassian seemed taken aback by the admission. “It was too dangerous to meet after that.”
“So tonight . . .” Cassian’s voice was much calmer now, as if he was starting to understand your side. He was, after all, your closest friend even if he was pissed at you.
“Was the first time I’ve spoken to or even laid eyes on my husband in over fifty years.”
Feyre and Rhysand exchanged a look that told you everything you needed to know about whatever mental conversation they were having. No doubt, they were discussing how horrible that sort of separation from a mate would be, especially after the taste they’d gotten when she was recently undercover in Spring.
“Don’t mistake what I say next for forgiveness or finality,” Rhys said after they looked away from each other once more, “because there’s clearly a lot we need to discuss as a group and as a family.” The spark of anger in his eye, something so rarely directed towards you, made you shrink in on yourself a little. His voice slithered into your mind through the little passageway in the mental wall you kept open just for him, Especially the fact that you think of yourself as less than him because of what you are. “But he will be allowed here tonight without any harm coming to him. Just stay in your room to spare Mor and Az.”
“His father won’t let him out of his sight, Rhys. Not after this.” He’ll be lucky to make it out without blood being spilled.
He lifted a brow as if to say, “Oh, really?” as he strode over to open the door to dramatically reveal Eris Vanserra posed on the other side as if to knock. His violet eyes turned icy as he gave your mate a once-over. “From the sound of it, I’m about five hundred years to late, but if you ever hurt her--”
“You’ll let your dog finish what he started,” Eris interrupted. “I’m aware.” His gaze was locked onto yours as he spoke, and you could feel the shared urge to have your arms wrapped around the other. You could read the tension in his stance, the way he was holding himself revealing that he was in pain as well as worried about you. He was wearing a different shirt, this one with the sleeves fully covering his tattoos. None of this boded well for what he’d been enduring while you were fighting with your friends and family.
Rhys made a noise somewhere between a snort and a scoff, oblivious to the observations you’d been making. “Traded one of my cousins for the other. Just destined to be part of the family aren’t you, Vanserra?” He waved off whatever Eris was about to argue, ignored the golden flames that shone in his eyes. “Just go. Enjoy the time you have together before the world goes to shit. Again.”
Immediately, you stepped away from Cassian, who you were still close enough to feel the heat off his body because of the arguing mere minutes (had it been only minutes?) before, so you could grasp Eris’s hand and lead him to your room.
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holycafe · 4 years
We all know they aren’t leaving Cas in the Empty, right? Like, there’s no way they’d let that happen. There’s no way that the writers would give everyone their happy ending and then just abandon Cas in a void. Not only would it be OOC for Sam and Dean, but it just wouldn’t be a cathartic ending for the fans.
So, what’s going to happen next?
Obviously, I’m rooting for a full revival, but that is not the only possibility here that would still end with Destiel as endgame. Let me explain.
As we know, the Empty is a powerful cosmic entity, not quite as powerful as Jack now is, but still not someone who you want to get on the wrong side of. Like Chuck did…
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Chuck broke the rules by jumping into the Empty willy-nilly, and for that, it wanted him dead. And considering how quickly it took its revenge out on Billie in 15x18, Jack probably shouldn’t just swoop in and revive Cas whenever he feels like it. He’s going to need to work with the Empty, not against it. He needs the Empty’s permission.
But how would Jack strike a deal for Castiel’s life? What incentive does he have to offer?
Well, remember this scene:
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I think most of us are in agreement here that Jack’s explosion in the Empty woke up a shit-tonne of angels and demons from their eternal slumber. And that is not good news for the Empty…
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Now, why can we believe this is true? That the angels are awake in there? For one, because Lucifer said this in the last episode:
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If everyone were asleep, then the Empty would be sleeping too, like it so desperately wants to be. So, why is it still awake even after it took Cas?
And if you want a little more proof, how about the fact that the Empty has literally described the sensation of Cas being awake in that void as a noise before?
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The Empty wants to be asleep again more than anything (which... mood), so if Jack ever wanted to make a deal to bring Cas back, now would be the time. After all, he’s been shown to be able to wake angels up in void before – and that was before he was God – so I see no reason why he wouldn’t be able to make them sleep again, too. I’m 100% certain that the Empty would jump at any deal Jack offered here, even if it meant letting him revive Cas.
But where does that leave us? If this deal is a one-time thing, then that would mean that, sure, Cas would come back to life now, but what about the next time that he dies? They’d just end up right back at square one again, but maybe next time, the Empty won’t be so willing to make a deal. It’s not like it would feel that it owed Jack for putting everyone back to sleep, considering he was the one to wake them in the first place.
But there is somewhere that Jack could send Cas to keep him out of the Empty for good: heaven.
We’ve known for a while now that there is nothing physically preventing angels from going to heaven when they die because that is where Jack went in Season 14, and where he would have stayed if he hadn’t been brought back to life. Stayed, because the Empty allowed it; because there is nothing more than a verbal agreement sending angels to the Empty when they die.
In Heaven, Cas would still be dead, so he’d never end back up in the Empty ever again. However, he’d be powerless now, and he’d also never be able to return to earth…
But that doesn’t mean he would never see Dean again.
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This is just a reminder that shared heavens are a thing, that some people the angels just can’t keep apart; they belong together, always, even long after death.
People with a profound bond, like Cas and Dean
Now, I’m not saying that it wouldn’t be a difficult journey for the two of them, with Cas being aware that he was dead and in heaven, unable to return to earth to help his family, unable to watch over them. And with Dean grieving the loss of the man he loved and the words he never got to say.
But then one day they’d meet again, and they’d find happiness and peace inside heaven. Their heaven. Together for eternity.
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