#because one for all and urf and arurf are all summoners rift game modes
notoriouslydevious · 3 years
Man... just watched that new preseason video that Riot put out and to say I’m extremely disappointed is an understatement.  They talked about game modes for about a minute and how they hear how we want Invasion Onslaught and Odyssey and Hexakill and Doombots back but because they aren’t, “popular” (aka, Riot can’t milk them for all their worth”) and that Riot is too lazy to update them, that they just wont bring them back.  That they’ll bring more summoners rift-esque gamemodes instead! :D  I hate summoners rift. I NEVER play summoners rift. I hate urf. I don’t like One for All either. To hear that Riot is looking at players like me and basically saying, “fuck you, play summoners rift” is so fucking upsetting. 
I feel in love with this game BECAUSE of the different unique game mode events that were always happening. To hear that Riot is too lazy to update them and bring them back and will just replace them with more summoners rift game modes breaks my heart.  I want to keep playing league, I want to be excited for new things but fuck... I HATE summoners rift and I DONT want to play it. I dont want to feel forced to play it. I wouldn’t be surprised in the next 3 or 4 years if Riot gives aram the twisted treeline treatment, where they eventually push it into a corner, not update it and delete it. Tell the playerbase, “well no one was playing it (because we werent updating it or giving it any love) so its not popular and not worth bringing back.”  so fucking upset dudes... so upset. I wanted Invasion Onslaught or Odyssey or Hunt of the Blood Moon or Doombots or Ascension to come back so badly. To finally be able to try Hexakill and Dominion, but now its basically confirmed that Riot doesnt want to update these modes because “they’re not popular enough” so they’ll probably never come back.  Just fuck man.  Also Riot does believe their new champions have overloaded kits. (even though Ashkan’s e ability description has more words in it than Nasus’s entire kit. Totally not overloaded)
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