#because number's got a complicated relationship with his klaus
sharkneto · 1 year
Any ficlets in the works with Klaus as a primary?
Huh. I really don't have much Klaus in the pipeline. Hasn't been a lot of writing time as of late and all my random little nothings are Five (obviously) and HIT adjacent. The one Klaus thing I've got is a "deleted scene" from HIT ("deleted" in the sense that I played around with it like last month, and not at all during when HIT was written lol). I'll share it here, idk if I'll write more of it or not but it was a fun evening of writing.
"Deleted" scene from Holding It Together, in the middle of Chapter 16: This Could Be a Win, as everyone is headed to the cafe:
Klaus hangs back a moment as everyone shuffles into cars, waiting to see which one Five ends up in. He’s ninety-nine-point-seven percent sure that Five died back in the kitchen, and that’s his wheelhouse so he’s given himself the job of… what exactly he isn’t sure. Five-watching? Making sure he’s all alive properly? What would he even do if Five wasn’t alive properly? Off himself for a quick chat with the Girl On The Bike to get it straightened out? Everyone would hate that, they’re all paranoid one of these times he won’t bounce back, but he always bounces back, so really no big deal. It’s his thing.
As he is distracted looking around the garage for the least traumatic way he could temporarily-murder-himself in front of his siblings, Ben leaks a small hum of surprise. Klaus pulls his gaze from a metal rake hanging by the garage door (terrible idea, awful, messy way to go, especially when he’s never really done It on purpose; he’d have to work himself up to Death By Metal Rake) to catch Five slipping out of the garage after Number as the rest of the family sorts themselves into Rob and Sarah’s cars.
“Huh,” he agrees with Ben. He starts after them.
“Wait,” Ben hisses for no reason, forgetting no one else can hear him. Klaus slows anyway, head tilted back to show he’s at least pretending to listen to whatever ghostly advice he’s about to be given. “Do we want just me to ride with them? They’re not going to say anything if you’re there.”
So they are on the exact same page that Five needs watching, at least. Klaus turns more to give Ben a considering look, which is a mistake because it is also the moment he steps out of the garage and directly onto a small patch of ice. His foot tries to shoot out from under him and he flails an arm back to catch himself, managing to only half fall into the wall and missing the metal spikes of the rake with his head by inches.
Goddamn. He has to stop goading the universe like that. Five would lose his shit if the second he turned his back Klaus actually (temporarily) died by garden tools.
“Klaus?” Viktor asks, halfway into crawling into Rob’s sedan. “Are you alright?”
Waiting for his heart to restart as he pulls his eyes from the rake, he forces a smile and tacks on a quick laugh for good measure. “Yeah! Just a little slippy over here!”
The corner of Viktor’s mouth twitches up and he jerks his head to the car. “We’ve got room? Or are you…?” He glances at Sarah’s SUV behind him. It’s lurching a little as Luther folds himself into the passenger seat.
Klaus looks between the two cars and then out at the street where the Fives are getting into Number’s little red car. “No!” he decides. “I’m gonna catch a ride with Numerino and Five-o.”
Viktor considers that for a second before his expression pinches a little. “…are you sure?”
Everyone knows that car ride is not going to be a pleasant one. But: “Yeah! Someone’s gotta make sure they don’t metaphorically kill each other before we get to wherever we’re going.” His smile feels stale as he jokes about Five dying, but he holds it. Viktor buys it, too, his smile twitching up again in fondness for both Fives’ acerbic personalities. He nods and ducks into the car.
Klaus finally rights himself and more carefully steps out onto the driveway.
Number’s car rumbles to life and Klaus and Ben break from their stare-off at one another. Klaus dives for the car door to launch himself into the back seat before he misses his chance. Once he rights himself and scoots to the side so Ben has room to haunt, he turns his attention to his brother and not-brother in front of him. Number and Five are both twisted back so they can look at him, identically surprised and unimpressed by his sudden presence. Klaus pulls on the biggest smile he can. “Hi!”
It hangs between them for a long second, the three (four) of them all just looking at one another. Then Five says, “Klaus.” With that, he turns back to the front and crosses his arms. It wasn’t a very pleased greeting, but it also wasn’t very hostile.  A solid neutral. Klaus can work with a solid neutral. He shifts his gaze to Number, trying to make his eyes as large and sympathetic as possible, trying to communicate… something. He’s here as backup? He needs Number’s help to open Five up about what happened? He’s here as support for Five? Something.
Number remains unimpressed with him, although his gaze flicks between him and Five once before he minutely shakes his head. He also turns his focus to the front, pulling his car out of park as Rob backs out of the driveway into the street in front of them, Sarah already out.
They follow. The Fives stare out the windshield, Number’s grip too stiff on the steering wheel.
It is so quiet.
Klaus exchanges a look with Ben. Ben is giving him an I told you so look, so he aborts on that attempted camaraderie to focus back on the Fives.
It’s been a whole minute of silence and the Walters had said the coffee shop or whatever they’re going to is only a few minutes away. He doesn’t have a lot of time.
 “So,” he says, too loud for the vacuum of the car, “how’s it going?”
The Fives clench their jaws at the exact same moment in response. Klaus lets himself enjoy that for a second. They’re so weird.
“That was all a lot in the house, it’s nice to get some space,” he continues pushing. Ben lets out a judgmental little breath next to him. He ignores him.
Continued silence from the Front Seat Five Zone.
“Really intense in the kitchen. Big fight. Sushi. Rob said it was close?”
Five’s arms tighten across his chest. Klaus catches Number’s gaze in the rearview mirror as the car slows for Rob stopping at an intersection ahead of them. He waits for Number to say something, help him move this along. Number had said he thought Five keeping this secret was stupid and he’s got a big enough brain to think of a too-revealing-but-seemingly-innocent comment. Five’s unsocialized enough to probably not pick up on it being on purpose, chalk it up to his usual assumption that Number is dumb and impulsive (which is so funny, they’re the same goddamn person, what does that say about you, Number Five Senior?). Although Five is also ridiculously paranoid, so maybe he would accidentally see through it…
Rob pulls through the intersection and Number breaks their eye contact to follow him, cutting off the person whose turn it was to their right. They get a honk. Number is unbothered.
Klaus waits.
Number. Says. Nothing.
Klaus focuses really hard on the rearview mirror to try and force the kid to look at him again and feel his fucking say something vibes he’s trying to send through it. He does, only to look away again immediately and readjust his grip on the steering wheel.
What an asshole. Klaus is doing this for him, too! Kind of. Tangentially.
It counts, though.
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ughtyrell · 21 days
Five and Klaus close as kids AU
AU where Klaus and Five had a close bond as kids all the way up to Five's disappearance. It's just something everyone slowly forgot about until even Klaus silently doubts his memories of it. Especially since everyone remembers Five's close relationship with Vanya. It's a fact that Five's favorite was number seven. So his memories of being with Five all the time must be just wishful thinking his fried brain cooked up.
But it isn't.
When they were small kids, growing up in the horror house that Reginald called The Umbrella Academy, little number Five already realized that Klaus wasn't built to survive in a place like this. He was soft, vulnerable in a way none of the others were. Not weak, none of the kids could be weak in that house. He just wasn't meant to grow up in this environment. Number Four was meant for a place where he wasn't forced to learn how to disable grown men as a child, he was meant to be allowed to be vulnerable and kind, a place he could be soft without it being a striking weakness his own siblings would use against him. This place would ruin him if he wasn't protected. So Five silently took on that role, Five wasn't like Four, he was jaded and ready to fight for himself since he could remember. It wasn't hard to add Four to that. He actually felt quite proud of it and promised himself he'd be there for Four. He'd make sure he survived this house with as many pieces as possible until Five could take him away somewhere Five wouldn't need to fight for him so hard. Somewhere Four could flourish. Not that Five would drop his role even then, but he'd be able to focus on helping Four in more ways than keeping him together.
Four pulled his own weight in their relationship as well. While Five made sure Four wouldn't crumble. Four made sure Five wouldn't get lost in his own head and goals, that he could take breaks, moments where Klaus would mumble and Five would take time to listen. Moments where Klaus asked Five if he would do an activity with him that wasn't complicated math and books. Not that he didn't enjoy just hanging around Five as he was busy with all that, Five would even explain most of what he was doing if Klaus asked. Another way Four got Five to slow down sometimes. Four promised himself that he would help Five not run too far ahead of himself and remind him to slow down. His louder personality started to develop in an attempt to distract and entertain Five into having fun. It worked and Five would act like he hated it but both of them knew he didn't.
This was how it was all the way until Five ran out the door that one day. Klaus failed at stopping him and as Five read Vanya's book, he knew he failed at keeping Klaus from shattering.
This history was lost with the siblings as they grew up and talking about Five became taboo. The louder personality Klaus used to distract Five became a clutch and a coping mechanism in hopes of distracting himself but became annoying to everyone around him. Pushing them away because they hated it. So thinking of Klaus and Five wasn't something they wanted to do, never mind memories of them together. Five was the brother they lost and never got closure on, Klaus was the annoying, junkie who no one wanted to associate with Fives memory.
So what a shock it was when Five suddenly appears and seems to have a bit more tolerance for number Four than any of them ever remember having. Never mind the short tempered, always rational and better than you attitude number Five. The first immediate sign is his compliment on Four's skirt but no one pays attention because they're all still reeling with the fact that Five is back. The next few are unnoticed as well, the simple fact that they stood next to each at Reginald's memorial in the courtyard and glances shared between them. Klaus attempting to block Five when the argument between Luther and Diego started to heat up which Five swiftly stopped and switched places with him, slapping Klaus's arm away but standing in front of him instead. Though when Five says he doesn't have time for this and starts to walk away, the fact that he briefly pauses and calls Klaus's name in a silent offer, or demand?- to come along surprises everyone in the courtyard. Klaus takes it in stride though, only taking a moment to sarcastically, gleefully say "best funeral ever!" as they witness Ben's statue go down before scampering to catch up with Five.
Allison later ends up in the kitchen with them so she's the only witness when Five says he's going to get a decent cup of coffee and right as he blinks out he tells Klaus if he can get to the car within two minutes he can come. She finds it odd but doesn't get a chance to say anything because Klaus is quickly stumbling away. She's puzzled but ignores it.
At griddy's he blinks Klaus to safety right before he deals with the commission goons. Afterwards he decides it's safer if Klaus stays away from him, no time to deal with his regrets and broken promises when he has to make sure the apocalypse doesn't happen so all his siblings can survive, including Klaus. He can think and mend his relationship with Klaus after. Klaus of course ends up back at the mansion and Fives has his failed moment with Vanya in telling her about the apocalypse. Because while his close relationship with her was over exaggerated, he did have a soft spot for her, even if it isn't as much as everyone remembers or close to the protectiveness he feels for Klaus.
So scenes after this are different. More Klaus and Five moments together, like when Vanya seeks out Five, instead of being in the closet. Klaus is lounging on the bed, throwing Vanya off and it ends with Klaus laughing when Vanya tries to offer Five her therapist and making her storm out. Five is annoyed but also amused because Klaus is right that he'd never go. How this affects the apocalypse and Vanya is questionable but I'm just really focused on the idea of all the siblings reacting to Klaus and Fives bond. Putting all these moments together as they talk and piece together all that they witnessed because they're weirded out and a confrontation about it happens because of course it does. They're Hargreeve siblings.
I'd want a scene where everyone is questioning the two and demanding to know when they got so close and why. To which Five thinks and shows he thinks they're dumb for even questioning that because he never hid the fact he took the role as someone to keep Klaus together when they were younger. He took his role serious as number Four's guardian and they spent so much time together so what the hell do they mean when did he and Klaus get so close? They deny because, no, they'd remember that if it were true. And plus, wasn't he the closest to Vanya?
This confused Five more because, yes, out of all his siblings that weren't Klaus, Vanya was the least to annoy him. (And Ben but Ben preferred Klaus as well and that sort of got on Five's nerves growing up.) But he still hung out with Klaus the most growing up. In fact Klaus was usually around when Five spent time with Vanya. Hell it was Klaus's idea to spend time with Vanya a lot of the time. One of Four's requests that took Five away from getting hole'd up obsessing over equations, books and whatnot. He remembers Four asking and pleading to Five that they should go listen to Vanya play, or just join her and Ben in the library at least. A thing he was and is grateful he did because he really enjoyed having those memories with his siblings when he was alone in the apocalypse.
Soon the memories trickle in for them all. Diego makes a comment about how he does remember Five acting like a vicious chihuahua ready to bite their heads off when they made Klaus cry as a kid. Others joining in with moments they remember of the two together. Someone makes a comment about how Klaus really spiralled after Five's disappearance but no one really noticed or cared because they all were hurting during the time but now that they think of it. Klaus's life really started to go down hill after that. He changed for the worst.
And like always, I don't know where this goes. Maybe Vanya has a break down earlier because of this. Or maybe she appreciates the fact Klaus was willing and wanted to hang around her when they were younger. Maybe both of these things happen.
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badkitty3000 · 3 months
What job do you think Five would have pursued had he never time travelled (if he ever decides to leave the academy)?
This is a very interesting question and I had to think about it for a while. I love this concept that he would have a real, real-person job if his life had gone in a different direction, and it's one I have not put much thought into before. But I like it!
So, for the sake of argument, I'm going to say that if he never time traveled to the future, then maybe the team would have been a little closer and his relationship with Viktor would have healed some wounds. In which case, Viktor wouldn't have been so angry and there would be no 2019 Apocalypse.
With that little pesky problem out of the way, Five and the rest of the gang would have been left to pursue their own lives, etc. We already know Diego went into the police force, Allison became an actress, and Viktor was a professional musician. Luther was busy on the moon, Ben was busy being deceased, and Klaus...well, who the hell knows what Klaus was doing. So, that leaves Number Five.
It's weird to think of him doing something ordinary, like working in an office, or even as a professor as some have theorized before. Unfortunately, we don't ever get a chance to see what his interests or passions are, since he jumps when he's 13 and then the rest of the time is spent trying to save the world. We only know he's exceptionally smart and good at math, but it seems fair to say that if he never ran away, he'd develop some real hobbies and interests that would maybe turn into a career of some sort. What if he found he loved botany and gardening and became a biologist or opened his own plant nursery? What if he got really into cars and became a mechanic or auto engineer? Maybe he would have started to pay attention to Grace when she was tending to their wounds and decided medicine was his calling? It's kind of cool to think about the possibilities, but also sad since he never got that chance to find out, even for himself.
Which brings us back to the original question. I have only ever written Five as either being a hitman of some sort (either Commission, Mafia, or independent) or retired. Not very creative on my part for sure! But in one of my stories, I do have his grown son that has similar powers to himself run a tech company using their teleportation powers as the basis for it. I never go into detail as to what it involves, mostly because I'm not that smart to come up with something cool like that, and also because I figure most readers don't care.
However, I am going to make that my answer for Five, as well. We know (well, maybe not know but most of us assume) that Five used his knowledge of his powers as the basis for developing the briefcases for the Commission when he founded it. I would think he would still use that same knowledge to develop some sort of technology that would (hopefully) better the world, if he never had to create the Commission in the first place. Something very heavily science-based, very complicated, and very cutting-edge. Perhaps even incorporating time travel into the technology itself. Basically, he would be a much cooler, non-asshole, hot version of Elon Musk or Steve Jobs. He'd probably be famous and be on the cover of Fortune 500 or Scientific American or something, rolling his eyes at the interviewer's questions while checking his watch and sipping his coffee.
So, there you have my very convoluted answer to your very good question. If you were looking for a much more every day type job, then I would say he might open his own coffee house/bar that also offers axe throwing 😄
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pretend-writer · 4 years
Better Than Revenge (Hargreeves x sibling!reader)
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Summary: Y/N’s boyfriend broke up with her unexpectedly and the Hargreeves goes and finds out the truth. 
Pairing: Hargreeves x sibling!reader
Title Reference: Better Than Revenge x Taylor Swift
Word Count: 2.1k words
Warning: swearing, violence
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
It was all so sudden, I thought that me and him were alright. We've just got back from a trip couple of days ago, taking cute couple pictures and posting it on social media.
Every night, he told me that he loved me and he would never let me go. It took us hours to even hop out of the hotel bed because he would want to cuddle with me all morning. All the love he shared that I thought was genuine didn't mean anything to him.
Was a blind? Was I too naive? Should I have known me and him were in a fake relationship this whole time? Did I waste a year and a half of my life thinking that he loved me? I didn't know what was real anymore.
The only truth that came out of this was that my boyfriend and I were over with. Everything else was a blur.
'Y/N?' Allison tapped me on my shoulder. 'Are you coming inside?'
I've been in my head all day since I got the breakup text from my boyfriend, I totally forgot that I was outside sitting next to Ben's memorial statue.
As I continued to stare at the ground, I shook my head. 'No, thanks.'
'It's about to rain, you should come inside.' Allison still sat beside me even with the complicated weather outside, concerned as she knew something was wrong with her sister. 'What's wrong?'
'You know the best days of my life was supposed to be this trip with my boyfriend?' I slightly chuckled, feeling stupid about myself as I said those words at loud. 'Turns out I was wrong.'
'What did John do?'
I bit my lips and sighed; I couldn't even blame him really. 'It's all my fault. For believing that this was all true, for thinking that he was happy with the relationship. I'm so fucking stupid.'
'What did he say to you?'
'He said enough.'
Allison quickly stood up and left my side. 'I'll be inside, come join me soon okay?'
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
Allison POV; 
The things that Y/N said hit a nerve. I already knew something was not right with the relationship. There was always something off with John but I figured if Y/N trusted him, I should too.
I've should've trusted my guts.
It was one thing to hurt my sister's feelings but to make Y/N sad to a point where she sat in the rain made me very upset and angry.
Y/N was the cheeriest one out of the bunch, constantly making us smile when we're down. Her smile was how we all got through the day, especially during our childhood with our so-called father.
It always took a lot for her to get mad or upset about anything. This already proved that John had something to hide and I would do anything to find out what was going on with his life.
I didn't want to leave Y/N alone under the dark, gray clouds but she seemed as though she was not going anywhere at all. I gave a kiss on the top of head before I walked back into the building.
'What's wrong with her?' Diego peeked through the window, watching Y/N leaning next to Ben's statue.
'John broke up with her and I'm going to find out exactly why.' I flared my nose, infuriated about this situation between my sister and her ex-boyfriend.
Diego furrowed his eyebrows, confused about everything. 'W-wait, John and her broke up? Didn't they just come back from their cute little trip?'
'He's a fucking liar is what it is. I swe-'
'Allison, are you sure he's a prick?' Diego tried to be civil which I completely understood but something about my instincts told me otherwise. 'We have zero proof of why this man broke up with Y/N.'
'That's what I'm trying to find out. I just don't trust him. It doesn't make any sense at all.' I rolled my eyes, taking a deep breath. 'You can watch Y/N while I go do some digging.'
Diego chuckled, 'Are you kidding me? I'm coming with you. Let's expose this man.'
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
Diego POV;
Luther, Vanya and Five were left with Y/N at home to make sure she was comfortable and feeling better. We also had to be extra careful about Y/N finding out about us stalking her old boyfriend.
If Y/N even got a hint about me, Klaus and Allison's whereabouts, her emotions will get the best of her and she will not hesitate to use her ultrasonic scream to try to get to us.
Y/N was the most level headed out of all the Hargreeves but her number one pet peeve was people digging through private lives. Her finding out the truth especially in the fragile state she was in would ruin us.
And seeing her hatred towards paparazzi and the way she fought them off on her off days as Number Eight, I would never want to be Y/N's enemy.
Which was why Allison, Klaus and I, the mouthy triggering siblings had to leave the house. Klaus and I privately argued that Five should've been with us but with his smart mouth, we knew he was going to use his "genius brain" as an excuse to stay and distract Y/N.
Klaus didn't like that, given the fact that Y/N and him were tight like glue. But everyone knew that Klaus was the number one person that needed to leave the house.
'Why can't I stay with Y/N?' Klaus whined, 'You know I suck at these investigating type missions. I could be a great caregiver to our sweet sister. I would give her some warm tea-'
'We haven't even pulled over to John's house and you're already running your mouth. That's why.' I turned around toward Klaus who was laying down in the back of the car as Allison drove my car. 'You'd be the first one to tell Y/N our secret and we can't risk that, dude.'
Allison looked at our brother from the mirror, smiling. 'Don't worry Klaus, she will be fine. I promise.'
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
Klaus POV;
The car suddenly stopped moving, Allison and Diego unbuckled their seatbelts. Ben, who was squished to the side where my legs rested rolled his eyes. 'You could've saved me some space for me to sit.'
'You're a ghost, why does it matter?' I replied back to him, I didn't think that he'd cramp up while I laid down in the back. 'Besides, my legs were on your lap so you should be fine.'
'Who are you talking to?' Diego asked me as he watched me get out of the car.
Ben yelled, just like he always does whenever I claim that I talk to myself. He had to realize we were here for Y/N, Ben can have his moment to shine some other time.
Diego, Ben and I followed Allison into John's house. Y/N used to bring Allison and I here often to hang out with John, we knew where he hid his spare key.
'Let's split up and look for some clues. It's got to be in here somewhere.' Allison mumbled, walking upstairs.
'Psst, Klaus!' Diego pointed behind him, 'You want to partner up? Maybe if we do it together it'll be faster.'
'Why are you whispering? The man isn't even here.' I chuckled at my brother, 'I think working together would take more time.'
Diego hissed, 'Fine! Be that way and go with your imaginary friend.'
'Why are you so upset? You really love me, don't you Diego?'
He pulled out his knife, looking at me intensely without saying any word. I knew Diego was sensitive but I didn't think that would trigger him to throw a knife at my face.
'I'm sorr-' before I was able to finish my apology, Diego struck his knife next to my head, hearing a loud groan from behind.
'Allison! I got him!' Diego shouted as he quickly got up and ran past me. I turned around and saw John lying on the ground, holding his shoulder in pain.
'What are you crazy fuckers doing here.' John winched.
Diego pulled the knife out of him, wiping the blood off with John's shirt before he put it back on his harness. 'Given the circumstances, I do not appreciate your tone dude.'
'See, I knew you Hargreeves were crazy. I don't know how I put up with you and your sister for nearly two years.'
'Now that's when you stop talking.' Diego stuck his finger into his knife wound, making John scream louder than he was before. 'I'm telling you, shut the fuck up before we do more harm.'
'Okay, okay!' John yelled, still grabbing onto his shoulder. All I could think about was how infected his shoulder was going to be after all this mess.
As I stared at John's wound, I went back to thinking about my poor sister. 'Why did you break up with Y/N?'
✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤  ·  ✤
Y/N’s POV; 
'Rock, paper, scissors, shoot.' Luther and Vanya said in sync. They have been at it for about an hour now, I've never seen two human beings intrigued in this boring game before.
Five just stared at them with an angry face like always, all he has been doing was mumbling to himself and complaining about something I couldn't hear from here.
'What are you guys doing exactly?' I questioned my brothers and sister that has been in the living room with me for over an hour doing nothing.
At first it was odd that they were sitting with me, quiet and not saying a word but I didn't question anything. Now it was weird of them to be here as if they were keeping an eye on me.
'Just keeping you company.' Luther grinned, 'Do you need anything?'
'No, thanks.' I gave him a soft smile, asking an additional question. 'Did Allison say anything to you guys?'
I was in such an emotional state, I blurted the end of my relationship to Allison without thinking of anything. What happened between me and John was over, clearly over and if he wanted that I couldn't say no.
Knowing how overprotective Allison can get of me, I was worried what trouble she got herself into. I hoped she wasn't doing what I thought she might be doing.
'Nope, nothing.' Five, Luther and Vanya all said in the same tone.
'Y/N!' I heard Klaus screaming from the front door, rushing inside to come see me. 'He's a fucking dickhead!'
'Who?' I asked Klaus as he was trying to catch a breath, leaning into the couch to rest.
'Your fucking boyfriend, that's who.' Diego walked in right behind Klaus, anger flushed all over his face.
Allison rolled her eyes, hitting Diego's shoulder while standing next to him. 'You don't have to say it like that, geez.'
'What did you guys find at his house?' Luther asked.
'At his hou-' I looked at the three of them, confused. 'What did you guys do?'
'While Vanya, Luther and I were here distracting you Klaus, Allison and Diego went to John's house to find clues as to why he broke up with you.' Five summarized, with a big smirk on his face.
My eye shifted towards Allison, slowly shaking my head. 'You know how I feel about this.'
'Hear me out, okay? He-'
Diego cut Allison off, 'He had a ultrasound picture in his hand Y/N. John is a fucking asshole and I was so close to punchin-'
'He what?' Luther yelled, immediately standing up and towering over everybody. 'Where is he right now?'
'Laying down on his living room floor because Diego threw a knife through his shoulder.' Klaus added.
'Y/N, I'm so sorry okay? But I had to go see for myself and you being sad is the last thing I want to see.' Allison took a step closer to me. 'You we're blaming yourself about this breakup and I didn't want you to do that. That's why I went.'
There were no words left to say; I felt angry, sad, disappointed that my boyfriend of almost two years had a different girl the whole time. John was even about to have a family with some other woman.
I clenched my first as I thought about John, the more flashbacks I had of our "happy times" the angrier I got.
My siblings started to notice the change of my expressions. Klaus' eyes widened, 'Are you okay Y/N?'
'Come on guys, let's go get him.' I took my jacket from the couch, quickly putting them on as I walked towards the front door. All my siblings started to cheer as they walked next to me, Diego and Klaus hugging me from each side.
'Let's get this son of a bitch!' Diego screamed with his fist in the air.
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fanoftheimagines · 4 years
Soft and Sweet: Dating Ben and Klaus Would Include
Soft and Sweet: Dating Ben and Klaus Would Include
Pairings: Ben Hargreeves x Powered!Reader x Klaus Hargreeves (poly)
Reader Gender: Gender Neutral
TW: homelessness mentions, abuse and trauma mentions, drug mentions
Word Count: 2,515
A/N: I decided to just make this a headcanon and not a mix like the last one.
Part 2 | Part 3
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You met Klaus when you were browsing at a bookstore.  
Ben saw you looking at a favorite book of his and bugged Klaus to go talk to you about it.
You thought he was strange – He did talk to himself, after all – but he was charming and funny and something about him made you want to hang out with him.
Which was why, by the time you were ready to leave the bookstore, you had asked him if he wanted to get food with you.
Klaus’ face lit up at the offer and gladly took it without hesitation. – He hadn’t eaten in a day or so and he didn’t really have the money, so free food wasn’t something he was about to shut down – Plus, both he and Ben really liked you and would love to get to know you better.
You went to a nearby café and just talked while you ate.
While you ate, you noticed his hands were shaking, his leg was bouncing, and there was a sheen of sweat on his skin. So, naturally concerned, you asked him if he was okay and what was wrong. He blew you off, telling you it was nothing. But, you pushed him.
That’s when he told you about his drug use.
While he spoke, he pushed his jacket sleeves up, revealing his Umbrella Academy tattoo.
“Does it have to do with that?” You asked when he finished.
Klaus wouldn’t make eye contact with you as he confided in you about his powers and how the drugs factored into that.
You were really touched that he told you about it. Klaus didn’t seem like the kind of person who genuinely told people about his actual problems.
After that, you gave him your number and told him to call you whenever he needed.
You didn’t hear from Klaus again until he called you from a payphone just outside of a rehab center.
He asked you to pick him up and if you wanted to go out with him.
Of course, you said yes.
You picked him up and asked him where he wanted to go.
He turned to the empty back seat and asked whoever was there where they wanted to go. You raised an eyebrow, but let it go. Once he got an answer, he turned back to you and repeated it.
Klaus was craving eggs and Ben – his dead brother, apparently – liked waffles, so you took him to a breakfast restaurant.
Once you got to the restaurant, you asked him about what happened earlier in the car.
That’s when he told you about Ben. You immediately asked him to tell you about him.
You, in turn, told him about your powers to manipulate pain.
While you couldn’t actually talk to Ben, you instantly took a liking to him.
It was weird at first, listening to Klaus have conversations with someone you couldn’t hear or see and being able to ask someone unseen a question and then getting an actual answer, but you got used to it after a few more times hanging out with them.
After your first date, Klaus came over to your apartment almost regularly. He didn’t really have a place to stay – not that he told you that – so he liked being able to stay at your place.
Plus Ben constantly bugged him about spending time with you.
Ben had a crush on you since your first date with Klaus.
Klaus totally noticed. He’d spent every conceivable moment with Ben since his death, so of course, he noticed the heart-eyed way Ben looked at you.
He was selfish and wanted you all to himself at first, so he tried his best to ignore it at first.
After you became official, you two became a lot more physical. Lots of kissing, cuddling, and hand-holding.
Klaus had a complicated relationship with touch because of his powers.
Ghosts were always trying to touch him and crowd him. So, for the most part, he didn’t like people touching him a whole lot.
But he was also unbelievably touch-starved. None of his family ever really expressed love through physical touch and Klaus was never good at relationships, so he just really yearned for the sweet touch of another person.
But for some reason, it’s easy with you.
He loved holding your hand and kissing you and cuddling with you and leaning against you and just physically touch you as much as possible.
He absolutely adored when you ran your hands through his hair.
Most days, Klaus was the little spoon. He loved the feeling of your arms wrapped around him. It made him feel loved and reminded him you’re actually alive.
He would randomly pull you into hugs for the same reason.
When you cuddle, he’d put his head in the crook of your neck and hold you tightly. It’s like he was trying to get as close to you as possible.
Whenever you touched him, you liked to take whatever pain he was feeling – you only ever really used your powers for Klaus.  
Seeing as Klaus was so, let’s say fragile, you liked to let him dictate the pace of your relationship. You didn’t want to push him too far and have him run away.
In that same vein, he didn’t like to talk about his family and childhood much. You didn’t push him because you could only guess what kind of trauma he went through and he’d tell you on his own time.
Both Klaus and Ben really appreciated that.
Speaking of Ben, you asked about him all the time.
You always included him in your conversations, even though you had to use Klaus as an unreliable translator.
After a while, Klaus got annoyed by the whole thing and decided to give you an Ouija board so you could talk to him yourself.
You were apprehensive, but it worked.
So, when Klaus wasn’t around, you and Ben talked through the Ouija board and finally got to know each other better without Klaus’ not-so-perfect translations.
That’s how you got to know Ben so well.
He always made the best book recommendations.
You always listened to Ben when he needed to vent about his family. He loved when you listened to him because it often felt like no one did, even Klaus.
You got used to having Ben around when Klaus was. You always pulled out another chair or glass or whatever for Ben without really thinking.
You also tried to guess where Ben was so you could look in his direction when you talked to him.
Ben’s heart melted when you did that.
Despite your weird but sweet relationship with Ben, Klaus was always your priority.
Klaus loved that you treated him like a priority. It wasn’t something he was used to. His family never really did that and he never really felt taken care of or loved like that before.
You always encouraged him to get sober, but understood that it was quite the undertaking. It always hurt to watch him destroy himself in an effort to keep the ghosts at bay.
When he’s up to it, he’d let you help him get sober. He’d let you take him to support groups and rehab centers. You helped him through his withdrawal symptoms as best you could and you comforted and cleaned him up after he woke up from nightmares.
After almost 6 months, you finally asked Klaus to move in with you.
They practically lived with you anyway, so it wasn’t all that different.
He was positively beautiful in the mornings. A fact you never fail to remind him of.  
Klaus had a habit of practically sleeping on top of you to reassure himself that you’re not dead. You’d wake up most mornings to his limbs thrown over yours and his chest resting on yours.
He loved to sleep in and would force you back to bed on your days off when you tried to get up.
He loved taking showers and baths with you. If you were taking one without him, he’d jump in with you and wash your hair. Not that you were complaining. The feeling of his fingers running through your hair and massaging your head was heavenly.  
Klaus absolutely loved terms of endearment. He loved when you used them and he loved using them for you.
Klaus constantly stole your clothes, but you didn’t really mind.
After he moved in, Klaus felt guilty at how much you did. He knew how much you worked and how tired you were when you got home and he just wanted to help you.
So, he convinced Ben to help him learn how to cook as a surprise for you.
He also started doing more chores around the apartment.
While he still struggled with his addiction, he wanted to try to get sober for you. You made him want to be a better person.
Which led to him trying to expand his powers.
It turned out he could summon Ben so that you could see him. And you could actually touch him.
You were so excited to finally meet Ben in person, to finally see his face.
You’d been denying your underlying romantic feelings for Ben since you first started regularly talking to him through the Ouija board.
You always thought he was a sweetheart and actually quite funny. But seeing his face for the first time had you absolutely enamored.
It was then that you realized you needed to talk to Klaus about your obvious crush on his ghostly brother.
You expected him to take it badly because you romantically liked two different people.
But he took it surprisingly well, all things considering.
He knew you both were crushing on each other. But he also knew how much you loved him too.
Klaus was familiar with polyamorous relationships – he’d been in a few himself – but never with his own brother.
But that didn’t mean you weren’t going to try.
And so began your relationship with Klaus and Ben.
Ben was extremely jealous of Klaus’ ability to touch you after you become official.
He wanted nothing more than to hold your hand or hug you.
For obvious reasons, your relationship with Ben relied more on verbal love than physical love.
You loved showering Ben with compliments, telling him how beautiful he was, how funny he was, how sweet he was, and how much you appreciated him.
You loved reading together. When you read and knew he was there, you went slowly so he could read over your shoulder. Sometimes, you would even read aloud to him.
You bought him books you thought he’d like when you saw them.
Most times, Ben’s sarcasm amused you – mostly when it wasn’t directed toward you. Other times, it irritated you – like when you were already upset.
When you got into fights with Ben, you walked away from each other before one of you said something regretful.
Sometimes you fought through the Ouija board, other times through Klaus, but either way, one of you always had to walk away so you both could cool down.
Once you did, you both usually apologized to each other and talked things out calmer than before.
You got in fights with Klaus more often than Ben, though.
Those fights were a mix of passive aggressiveness and yelling. When Klaus fights, he fights dirty and hits hard, and you’re no exception. You’d often have to walk away because he said something hurtful. He could be so abrasive and rude sometimes.
If the fight was really bad, Ben would help you both calm down and talk out your issues. He basically acted as a neutral party, which you were eternally grateful for.
But afterward, when you both calmed down and talked it through, you made up with dozens of apologies and kisses, cuddles, and sex.
Even when you were upset with Klaus, you still helped him manage his addiction.
You were well aware Klaus was never going to be completely sober, so you did your best to help him when you could. You picked him up after meetings and occasionally went with him.
When he was tired and stressed, you’d rub his back and hold him against you. His body would start to relax and sag against you and eventually, he’d drift off to a semi-peaceful sleep.
You tried to make sure he knew that you appreciated him trying and you were proud of him either way.
When the ghosts got too much, you tried to distract him.
Ben was thankful that he didn’t have to do as much work in regards to Klaus’ sobriety.
Klaus’ fragile sobriety led to him being able to summon Ben more often.
You absolutely lit up when he was able to let you see and touch Ben.
Ben loved it too. He wouldn’t tell Klaus, but he was grateful.
Ben was touch-starved from being dead and absolutely melted when you pulled him into you for the first time.
You and Ben were practically attached to each other when he was corporeal.
Ben loved kisses. Forehead, knuckle, neck, and cheek kisses were his favorite.
You especially loved kissing up his neck and up his jawline.
You’d absolutely love to kiss his chest, but were afraid of overwhelming him.
He loved it when you ran your fingers through his hair.  
He loved holding your hand.
He absolutely sat in your lap whenever he was corporeal.
When you were first able to regularly see him, you couldn’t take your eyes off him. He’s so pretty. He’s caught you staring at him a few times when he looks especially beautiful.
His smile made you weak in the knees.
Klaus constantly interrupted your and Ben’s alone time by saying “You guys keeping it PG in here?” to which Ben would get flustered and you would laugh and throw something him.
All three of you went out on dates all the time. That way, you could talk with Ben inconspicuously.
When you met their family, they thought you were insane because you were talking to seemingly no one. They were still happy you were helping Klaus, though.
You cheered Klaus up when his family brushed him off.
He played with your fingers when he was nervous.
He loved it when you kissed his forehead, nose, and cheeks. It just made him smile.
He loved hickeys. His head thrown back, lips parted and your fingers tangled in his hair, as you left hickeys all along his jaw. He loved leaving them along your neck and thighs in return.
You adored kissing up his chest. The way he reacted to any form of pleasure was gorgeous.
You loved hearing both of their voices. They calmed you in a way nothing really could.
Klaus realized you had a thing for when he spoke other languages, so he did it all the time.
Both of them, but especially Klaus, loved to dance, both with and without you. Watching them made you fall in love with them even more.
Sure, life wasn’t perfect, but Klaus and Ben made it better.
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michals · 3 years
That post reminded me I never actually posted this and it's one of those ‘kind of embarrassing I spent so much time on it but I’m posting it because I spent so much damn time on it’ things.
Klaus and Luther similarities/parallels
So the show doesn’t give us a ton of Luther and Klaus interaction but I think just them being the characters they are they’re really similar and have interesting parallels.
Of all the siblings I think it’s actually Luther and Klaus who are the most diametrically opposed in terms of their place in the Academy and their childhood. Obviously there’s the dynamic between Reggie explicitly calling Luther his favorite and Klaus his biggest disappointment, both of them had high expectations thrust upon them and one excelled and the other failed. But then again Luther was set up to excel and Klaus to fail. For all that Reggie wanted from Klaus he went about it in entirely the wrong way which only hurt Klaus’s abilities, and comparatively Luther’s powers are very straight forward so his training had to be mental in that he became exactly what Reggie wanted him to be.
Basically: Reggie’s abuse had opposite effects on them. Luther was brainwashed and isolated, Klaus was discarded and left to fend for himself. Luther loves/trusts his dad, Klaus hates him. Luther thinks they have a purpose and what they did was worthwhile, Klaus thinks it was all a big joke and meant nothing beyond Reggie’s little experiment. Luther’s at one end of the spectrum, Klaus the other, and everyone else falls somewhere in between.
How they show the effects of their abuse however, is actually more in sync. Klaus has a habit of either ignoring or talking around problems, acting like they’re not problems, or being flippant about them. Klaus acknowledges Reggie’s abuse but it’s usually in a jokey, casual manner, he usually moves on from talking about it quickly without getting too deep. He knows Reggie did a number on them but confronting it head on is difficult. And this is from a character who’s been in multiple rehab centers that obviously include some kind of therapy sessions.
Luther of course outright denies it until he’s faced with it in the worst way, and even then he can’t really get his head around it. One of the first things he did when landing in the 60s was to go to Reggie and expect him to welcome him, even though he doesn’t even know him. And then for all his talk in s2 about having moved on it reads like lip service, it sounds like he knows that’s what he should say, what he should feel, but it’s not entirely working. It’s like he’s just trying to dismiss it to the point where he will literally run away from the conversation. I still think the moment of him telling Sparrowverse Reggie that he’s happy they’re all home and together is a huge sign that he still thinks of Reggie as his dad no matter what.
Klaus and Luther either don’t know how to talk about their trauma or aren’t willing to. Whether it’s that Luther still doesn’t want to face up to it completely or that perhaps he does have the littlest bit of hope that actually Reggie did care and there was/is a chance he might care yet, or with Klaus trying to put the trauma on the backburner so he doesn’t have to relive it or process it in a way that means he won’t be able to drink it away or perhaps be forced to confront the powers that have caused him so much pain.
I also think they are genuinely sensitive. Not in the same way the others are, but empathetic and gentle in ways they never got to explore as children. I think that emotional wounds go much deeper than they let on. They’re always on the cusp of reaching out but not only do they not like dealing with their problems, they were taught not to. If given the chance they’d probably be happy to play support for the others but that wasn’t Reggie’s goal. I can easily imagine Luther as the kind of leader who takes everyone’s plans and thoughts into account and makes sense of it from there, who’s better at dictating than just demanding. And I imagine Klaus would probably be capable of understanding and connecting to his ghosts in a way that helps both him and them if he had been given different training.
Next is how both of them have poor self esteem and what comes across as a passive view of self preservation. Klaus has a very conflicted view of his place within the Academy. Apparently he was regulated to being the ‘look out’ often and wasn’t as active as the others. Obviously this is because of his complicated relationship with his powers and how Reggie treated him within the group dynamic. If he didn’t think Klaus was important (because he wasn’t doing what he was supposed to) then he wasn’t important. Now, having embraced his place as the black sheep of the family, Klaus still doesn’t know where he fits in and often comes across as “useless” (in quotes cause obvs that’s not the whole story, just a simplification).
Just in general he sees himself as an outsider. For all that he’s flippant and casually cocky he’s not actually all that confident in what he’s capable of to the point of not even trying sometimes because he’s convinced he’ll fail. It’s a smokescreen. It goes hand in hand with him not confronting his feelings or trauma, easier to play like he’s confident than to deal with it.
Luther’s self esteem came entirely from his place in the Academy and his father’s opinion and what Reggie made him. Even then his confidence gets shaken all the time when someone doesn’t listen to him or when they argue with him. He too tries to cover this up, Klaus is glib Luther is bossy. Then there’s the whole gorilla body thing, which he is very obviously mortified by. (Side note: interesting contrast in Klaus being usually the least physically covered up sibling and Luther being the most.) He’s wildly ashamed and embarrassed by his appearance. (There’s a whole other point I could make about how Luther only willingly shows his body when he’s being exploited and pummeled – or high – but that’s another post.)
Then Luther’s whole foundation crumbles with the discovery of Reggie’s true nature. He doesn’t have much left after that and then he’s dropped into a foreign world with no one and no way of coping and then Reggie once again lets him down. What’s he do? Gets into a situation that mirrors his relationship with Reggie, lets himself be taken advantage of, does what he’s told to the point of physical harm - because he knows nothing else and the bet is he doesn’t think he deserves better. Then he spends all of season 2 saying that he messed up, he’s not a hero, he’s not a leader and that he has no place thinking highly of himself. Guy straight up doesn’t have any self esteem at this point.
(Klaus also doesn't see himself as a hero even though he was on a literal superhero team.)
And in terms of their sense of self preservation: Klaus obviously has very little regard for his own health and wellbeing. Even if he doesn’t throw himself in front of bullets he’s still drinking and doing drugs to an extreme degree, to the point where they’ve actually killed him. He knows it’s bad for him, he knows it’s dangerous but he doesn’t care. Even with Ben in his ear he continues. When he dies in s1 he’s relieved.
Speaking of throwing one’s self in front of a bullet: Luther does this 3 times that we see. This comes obviously from his protectiveness as a leader but there’s an undercurrent of other people surviving being more important than him getting hurt. And when Five comes to him to say the world’s ending again Luther says he doesn’t give a shit. The Luther from s1 was all about saving the day, s2 Luther is shrugging and saying ‘yeah well, so what?’ and when he does start to care it’s mostly because he’s looking out for Five.
(Sidenote: I realize that my headcanon that Luther is becoming an alcoholic and has an unhealthy relationship with drugs is probably me reading into things but were the show to go in that direction: that they both would find comfort or an escape through substances would be another thing to tie them together and explore how their traumas affected them and what they do to deal with/avoid dealing with them. They’ve become pessimistic about the prospect of answers or catharsis so they look for escape instead.)
(Also also pointing out that the two times Luther was the most candid about his trauma was when he was drunk/high and one of those times was with Klaus – who for the first time in probably a long time, or ever, got to be the shoulder someone cried on. And what a great thematic idea that it’d be the two of them that’d be the most honest and open with each other eventually.)
Bonus item: Luther and Klaus have both died outside of their apocalypse related deaths (pretty sure Allison never actually died in s1 but was close) and in ways that none of the others were there for. Neither of them have talked about it. Maybe it’s because they don’t want to seem weaker than they already are, maybe it’s more of that ‘let’s not talk about trauma, let’s just get drunk’ mentality, or maybe it’s because they don’t think anyone would care. None of the others have really talked to Luther about the accident or the aftermath, none of them have approached Klaus’s addictions as an actual problem. Whatever reason why it would probably do them a world of good to find out they have that in common in the same way it would be good for Luther and Five to talk about their isolation.
They really seem like they should be very different characters in all respects and they really are in a lot of ways but there’s also this laundry list of ways they mirror each other or are similar and I hope the show takes advantage of that.
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zodiyack · 4 years
Requested by anon: Okay so I had this idea where the reader is the daughter of Klaus's father (you know the werewolf) and she somehow gets caught up with the Mikaelsons and she is considered a part of the family (maybe she is a hybrid too) meanwhile there is a thing going on with Elijah (if you know what I mean). I would love if you could do anything with that idea and I can't wait to see it!! Thank you so much!!!
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Female!Reader, Niklaus Mikaelson + Female!Half-sister!reader
Warnings: Swearing, death mentions, indicated mentions of smut?, somewhat stalking, angst
Words: 1,849
Note: I hope you like it! I, again, got caught up on the idea haha
Key: Y/f/d = Your Favorite Drink
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Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace​, @darling-i-read-it​
Masterlist | The Originals Masterlist
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She watched him carefully, the trailing of her eyes hidden by the sunglasses that rested upon the bridge of her nose. After centuries of watching, waiting, timing, and searching; she’d found him.
“Excuse me, do I know you?”
But of course there had to be a catch to her luck.
“No.” She shoved past the person in a rush, not caring to see who they were... or rather, attempted to push past them, before they grabbed her.
“Not so fast, ma’am. I believe I do indeed know you. So please, answer me this; why are you always where my brother is?” Her arm was pulled back roughly, causing her sunglasses to fall off her face. “You’ve taking a liking to him too, hm?” The smirk that she loved oh so much graced his face.
“Hello to you too, my love.” His grip on her arm softened and was used to pull her in for a kiss. “I haven’t seen you in a long, long time. Why is that?”
It wasn’t as simple as she’d like to say it was.
How on earth do you tell your boyfriend of many centuries that his brother is your half brother? That you’ve been stalking him because you were too chicken to introduce yourself. That you were too chicken because you believed he would turn you away with genuine disbelief?
She shared the same dad as Niklaus, but their mothers were...different. Klaus’ being a witch, and Y/n’s being another werewolf. So her relationship was Elijah was acceptable if one were to look at the whole picture.
How she became a hybrid, wasn’t too different of a story. Esther had been talking to Ansel through a Hand Of Glory, when he brought up his daughter. He pleaded to the witch, begging that she be spared from Mikael’s rage. He wanted her to be indestructible to Mikael, or at least given a chance to live her life, a good life.
So she obliged. After the situation had been introduced to her, Y/n had agreed to be, and was, turned into a vampire in secret before Esther instructed her to run as fast as her feet could carry her, to run and never stop. Eventually, word of Mikael’s death had spread, and Y/n began to be more obvious about her search.
Esther didn’t have to tell her about her affair with Ansel, not that she had the chance to anyways, as Niklaus’ actions caused talk to begin. Even before he’d broken the curse that bound his werewolf-side.
Before Mikael was vanquished, she would subtly appear in events held by the Mikaelsons, events held by humans, events held by the supernatural community, sometimes even just lurking around in public. All of which, of course, ended with her leaving Elijah’s bed.
He was the only Mikaelson to know of her.
She didn’t intend to catch feelings for her half-brother’s brother. But it happened. Just as she didn’t intend to be the second, and the only other, Original Hybrid.
“I... I’ve been busy.”
“You stay with me for a day or two and then disappear for a random number of months or years. Is this business your affair?”
She quirked a brow, “Affair?”
Elijah chuckled, pulling her close to him, burying her head in his chest. “All I’m asking is if this business is tearing you away from me. Just as an affair would a couple.”
“Y/n, I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but everything about immortality is complicated. You can talk to me, you know?” His face contorted with concern as she pulled away from him. “Is it about us?”
“No, Elijah, it’s not...” She sighed, “Like I’ve said. It’s-”
“Complicated.” Y/n nodded, averting her eyes and chewing on her lip. Elijah’s hand lifted to cup her face, forcing her to meet his brown orbs. “That’s fine with me.”
“It’s a long story-”
“And we’re immortal. Come with me, Y/n.” His eyes flickered across her face, studying for any signs of hesitation or rejection. “We can talk about it over a cup of y/f/d.”
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As she entered the Mikaelson’s home, her breath hitched. While she would be getting both of what she wanted, she wasn’t sure she was as ready as she convinced herself she was.
Backing out was no longer part of the deal, as Klaus had already begun to approach the couple.
“Well well well! Could it be?” He was loud, announcing his surprise to the rest of the family. “Has Elijah finally removed the stick from his ass?”
“I can remove it if need be. But that’s not the reason she’s here.”
“So he hasn’t claimed you?” Klaus’ gaze shifted to Y/n, brows lifted with amusement and interest.
Her happy expression morphed into one of disgust. It wasn’t his fault, she knew that, but the thought of her half-brother hitting on her was...not enjoyable. “I’m afraid he has. However, he is correct.”
Klaus waited, expecting her to explain; the context missing from both of their dialogue. “Correct about what, love? I’m going to need a little more than that.”
“He’s correct about many things, but to be specific, I’m talking about the reason I’m here. It has no relation to our love-life.” She walked to the cushioned seats, sighing and patting the one in front of her, “You might wanna sit down.” They stayed in place. “Both of you. Sit. Now!”
Y/n started off the conversation slow and easy, explaining her place as an immortal. “I have...refrained from telling Elijah my story due to the fact that I’d like to be the one to tell you, on my own terms and timing.”
“Tell me?” Niklaus scoffed with a mocking chuckle, which slowly died down as he noticed the seriousness in her glare. “You’re serious? ...Well? Get on with it!”
“Patience, Niklaus. She said it would be told on her own timing, did she not?” Elijah’s eyes never left Y/n, narrowing with interest.
“Thank you, E. Anyways...yes. It involves you, Klaus.”
“Tell me, Y/n, how involved in this am I? Ooo, am I your soulmate or any of that annoying, not to mention make-believe, rubbish? Or am I your long lost lover that you somehow managed to make me forget about? Oh, oh! Am I-”
“You’re my brother!” Her outburst was caused by his nagging. The annoyance was far too much for her handle, but that wasn’t new with anyone who knew Nik.
Elijah’s lips pressed together tightly. His eyes, as well as his brother’s, were widened upon the new information.
“Doesn’t that...yeah, that’s gross. Huh- And you knew?” Kol chimed in, leaning against the wall with amusement, as well as a twinge of genuine disgust.
“No! It’s not like that! I’m not related to you, or Elijah, or Rebekah, or Fre-”
“How do you know about the rest of us, love?” She was starting to get annoyed with the younger Mikaelson, despite having just talked to him for the first time.
“Kol. Let her get to it on her own t-”
“Timing?” Klaus laughed. “Well look how that turned out. I’d like it if you answered my brother’s question, Y/n.” He looked deep into her eyes, as if trying to compel her. She simply laughed in response. Klaus sat back down, full of confusion.
“You can’t compel me. Like I said, I’m your sister... Well, half sister. Ansel was my father, my mother...another werewolf. He impregnated her a tiny bit after he did so with your mother, so I’m not that much younger than you. Not even close to a year.”
“How are you still alive then?” Kol made his presence known, yet again. “And how can we not compel you?” 
“Because. Esther preformed the spell on me just as she had all of you. It was,” her head turned back to Klaus, eyes beginning to drift to the floor, “our father’s idea.”
Klaus grunted, "That’s a lie, and you know it.”
“No. It’s not. And you know it.” Y/n stood up, running somewhere and returning with her vampire speed. “That prove it? I’m a hybrid too, Niklaus. Sure, Esther never told me about you-”
“Our father died not long after we were turned. There was no way he talked to my mother.”
“Ever hear of a Hand Of Glory? She spoke to him, and apparently, from what she told me, he wanted me to be spared from Mikael’s rage. So, she turned me too. Instructed me to run, and I did. I just... I couldn’t stay away from you guys.”
“She’s telling the truth...” Elijah’s eyes were focused on the stone flooring, expression revealing how deep he was in thought.
He remembered. The girl dancing next to Tatia, masked, yet still breathtaking. He just never noticed her fully until now. Then there was her random appearances over the years.
“And how would you know that?” Kol chuckled.
“She was there. Dancing with Tatia. Dancing with the princess. Talking amongst the witches. Caring for the werewolves. Think about it, brothers. We’ve seen her many times, and the only one who actually got close enough to remember was me...”
“So you were the one calling out his name during the flop of a birthday party Rebekah attempted to hold for him?”
“I heard that!” She stormed down the steps, saving Y/n from the reddening of her cheeks. “And I believe her. She’s family, whether Nik likes it or not. Whether you,” her finger jabbed Kol’s chest harshly, “like it or not.”
“So it’s not weird that I’m in love with Elijah?”
“I mean...it’s a little weird without context, but knowing the full story... Well let’s just tell people that you’re married and that’s why you call Nik your brother. The full story can be reserved for those who need to know it.” Rebekah chuckled nervously. It was a relief to have another woman in the family.
“I like that idea...but why pretend that we’re married?” Elijah’s voice held a suggestive tone, catching Y/n by it’s hook.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well...why pretend when we can make that idea a reality?” He shrugged, as if he was offering a casual proposal, not one for marriage. “I mean, unless you’d rather have people think...”
“Oh god no. Please, marry me as soon as possible. I’d rather marry the love of my life and get to live with my brother, who, by the way, I’ve been searching for for a very long time, than have to explain our...complications.”
“Yes, well, little sister, you’ll have to explain those complications to me. I’d really...um...like to hear more about you and all that...” Klaus trailed off, embarrassed of his sudden softness. She was family, but he had yet to grow used to her, to grow used to being brotherly to her.
“I’d like that.” His worry ceased, and relief greeted him. “Just you, me, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, Freya... and our complications.”
“Ah,” Klaus stood to his feet, walking to the table and pouring drinks, “yes,” he handed one to each of his siblings, aside from Freya due to her absence, “what would the Mikaelsons be without those wretched things?” 
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skiller0dani · 4 years
Heart | Five Hargreeves
M A S T E R L I S T TUA Masterlist
angst/fluff requests info
yes I know this wasn’t requested but I have so many requests I just wanted to write my own thing. Working on one of the Diego smuts, expect that tomorrow. Also if you guys have any other comments/concerns about the Five discussion we had today, feel free to send me a message here. 
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At the time, he really thought he made the right choice. Logically it made sense, he had people after him. The Handler, plus 3 very large Swedish men. It wasn’t safe, you weren’t safe. So he broke up with you, and he didn’t even explain why. He couldn’t, you weren’t from his time and you belonged here in 1963. If he were to tell you the truth about who he was, where he was from, or rather when he was from- you wouldn’t hesitate to join him. According to you, there was nothing in Dallas for you, but he didn’t think that was true. You had more here than you thought, you had a chance to have a normal life. To find someone who you could actually be with, being with him is damning yourself to a life of running. You would be damning yourself to an early death, or a life of heartbreak if someone manages to kill him. That’s only a few of the concerns he has. 
What if you get stranded somewhere in time? Without him? Anything could happen to you, and if you were to get stranded, The Commission would most definitely come after you. You would have trained assassins after you, and you would be by yourself. The thought makes him nauseous. 
What if you died? If he had to watch you die right in front of him, he’d probably lose his mind. He wouldn’t hesitate to rip another hole in time to go back and save you, which would probably cause an entire domino effect of problems to ensue afterwords. Possibly another doomsday. 
Letting you go was the logical option. It made sense, it would avoid all of the things he was worried about. It should have been a simple choice, but it wasn’t. He tormented himself for days about it, both before he broke up with you and after. Did he do the right thing? It removes so many problems, but then why does he feel so damn bad? Why does his chest tighten when he thinks about you? Why do tears push at the backs of his eyes if someone says your name? Why can’t he sleep without you laying next to him? What is happening? 
There was a lot of coffee consumption in the days after he broke both yours and his heart. The bed was too cold, too big, and too empty. He spent most of the evenings tossing and turning, and those were precious hours wasted if he wasn’t going to sleep. So he didn’t, he slammed a quadruple espresso and forged on through the day. There was work to be done, and even though the fate of everything rested on his shoulders yet again- Five couldn’t concentrate. His hand hovered over the chalkboard, his mind drawing blanks. What was he even working on again? The numbers written before him looked unfamiliar, shit. Running a nervous hand through his hair, his throat closed as he remembered you tugging at his hair on the back of his head when you wanted a kiss. You always said he was an ‘old soul’, you hit the nail on the head you just didn’t know it. 
Five wasn’t the tallest person around, but you were positively tiny. Compared to you, Five may as well have been average sized. You stood a few inches shorter than him and your small, delicate hand fit with his so perfectly. One of Five’s hands was slid in his pocket but his right hand hung loosely at his side as he read over the chalkboard once more. He didn’t know what to do with his right hand anymore, that’s the hand you always held. And squeezed whenever you noticed the stressed expression cross onto his face- which was quite often. He didn’t know then how badly he would miss your little hand squeezes. Five throws the chalk across the room before he spacial jumps to the roof, he needs air. 
This entire thing was his fault, he knew he shouldn’t involve himself with anybody. He knew how it would end, he knew it wouldn’t last, that it couldn’t last. Five knew he would have to leave, and attaching himself to somebody else was just unnecessary pain. He knew it was doomed to fail, destined to end the very second he laid eyes on you. Wiping down tables at that damn diner Klaus got thrown out of, your hair in a ponytail and a bright smile on your face. He knew he would have to do this. Five told himself to keep walking, even when he turned his head and saw some kid flirting with you. He told himself to let it go, that he couldn’t care about anybody. He had come to a halt, his palms twitching as he watched you smile at the boy sitting at the breakfast bar. Why would someone as gorgeous as you be giving that scumbag the time of day? He’s obviously staring at your cleavage. The annoyance grew when he saw you scribbling something down on a napkin. Why are you still giving him your attention? 
The second your eyes met his through the window, Five knew he was done for. 
The two of you were inseparable since that day. Five had stormed inside the diner, embarrassed the poor kid by revealing how much smarter Five was. At the same time, Five was impressing you with his intelligence and making you laugh with his witty comebacks. Maybe you thought that other kid was cute for a second, but the minute you saw Five strolling up to the bar, with a tense smile on his face, your heart belonged to him. The poor kid ended up scrambling away with heated cheeks, and the napkin you’d written your address on was slid over to Five. The next 10 minutes were spent chatting, and when you saw the way his eyes lit up when he talked about his brothers and sisters, you knew that you had to have him. The heavy remorse in his tone when he spoke of his brother Ben had you reaching across the bar to take his hand in yours. 
Five knew your relationship would be challenging, given who he was. He really tried to talk himself out of it, but eventually he found himself on your porch, in the pouring rain, with his lips pressed to yours. How cliche. He was a goner from the second he met you, and he loved it. When the days ticked away and it drew closer to the upcoming end of the world, Five knew it was time to do the thing he never wanted to do. He needed to let you go. He cared for you in a way he’d never cared for anybody, the emotions stirring in his stomach were so intense, and strong, and complicated, he almost didn’t have a word for it. He doesn’t understand it, and frankly, that scares him. 
Five had shifted from foot to foot on your porch, his heart beating like wild in his chest. He dreaded this, he really did but he needed to do this. He was doing it for you after all. When you answered the door, the sight of you took his breath away. You were just so damn beautiful, why do you have to make this so hard on him? You had leaned up to kiss him, but Five turned his head and your lips landed on his cheek. If he felt his lips against yours, he’d lose the nerve to do this. This needs to be done. “What’s wrong?” There was so much concern in your voice, you must have seen the distressed look on his face. Five couldn’t bare to look in your eyes, so he kept his gaze pointed straight ahead. He was a trained assassin for God sakes, he was trained not to give a shit about other people. So why was this so hard? “I can’t see you anymore.” Five says dismissively, trying to make it appear as though it’s not a big deal to him. You froze, all the air having been pulled from your lungs the second the words left his lips. It knocked the wind out of you. 
“Why?” Your heart was broken into tiny pieces, and you tried to be strong because clearly this didn’t bother him. Did Five ever really care about you? You thought he did, but right now you’re not so sure he ever did. If he cared about you then how could he be so casual about this? So unaffected? “You wouldn’t understand Y/N, I just can’t.” His answer is vague, but you wanted more. No, you needed more of an explanation than that. He doesn’t get to break your heart and walk away with it without giving a decent explanation first. “Tell me why Five.” Your voice is trembling as you desperately try to find somewhere on the door to hold onto. It feels like your entire world has shifted, like it’s all fallen out from under you. “Is it because of me?” Your voice is broken and hearing you immediately blame yourself nearly sends him across the porch to press his lips against yours and whisper how perfect you are. Do you not understand that Five does not deserve you? 
But Five shoves his heart back inside his chest and nods curtly, “yeah. It’s because of you.” The soft cry that escapes your mouth has Five clenching his jaw, if he doesn’t walk away right now he’ll take it all back and beg for your forgiveness. Five doesn’t even bother glancing at you as he turns and walks down your porch steps. As soon as you see him heading down the dirt path you collapse to your knees in tears. Five hears your crying get louder and nearly comes to a halt but he pushes himself forward. He’s doing this to protect you, he can’t take you with him. It’s too dangerous. He forces himself to keep walking, to leave you there crying and alone. Five never thought someone like you would ever come into his life, but now that you’re gone, he doesn’t want to live without you. 
Allison could tell something was wrong with her brother the second he came up the stairs. A forlorn expression was strewn on his face, and for the last few days he’d been gloomy. She watched him head to the back of the apartment, straight towards the bedroom. He didn’t glance at her, no snarky comment, didn’t even glance at the equations on the chalkboard. Allison’s eyebrows furrowed as she turned to face him, “what’s up with you?” She asked before he could close the door. Five pauses, he misses you so much it’s hard for him to even breathe without you next to him. How he supposed to live the rest of his life feeling this way? He wishes he could just forget you...Allison. Five turns with a solemn look on his face, “I need you to do me a favor.” 
Allison crosses her arms and raises a brow, “I need you to help me forget somebody.” Both of her eyebrows fly up at his request. Looking into his eyes, she can tell that he’s serious. “Explain.” Is the only word Allison can manage through the shock. Five groans with an eye roll but begins to explain anyway. “I met somebody, and I was seeing her for a little while. Seeing as we’re going to be leaving soon, I knew I needed to end it with her. Nothing feels the same, I’m not hungry, I can’t sleep. I can’t think about anything but her, it’s like my chest is being crushed with a cinder block every time I even hear her name. I don’t know what’s happening but I want it to stop.” Five says and Allison has a small smile spread across her face. 
“You’re in love with her Five, that’s why you feel like this.” Allison says and Five’s eyes widen. He’s in love with you. That’s why he can’t function unless you’re next to him. “You shouldn’t let that go.” Five squeezes his fists closed upon hearing her statement. As if that’s something he never considered, “you think I want to? I can’t Allison, I can’t take her with us!” He snaps and Allison rolls her eyes while placing a hand on her hip. Five tugs anxiously at his hair, turning away from Allison. “Maybe you should just tell her the truth, and let her decide. Loving someone like this doesn’t happen very often, you shouldn’t let her go.” She says with a shrug before walking past him and right out of the apartment. Five places both palms flat against the table, his heart and his head conflicted. 
After a few minutes of tormenting himself, Five stands straight up and nearly runs out the door. His heart is beating wildly in his chest as he sprints the entire way to your house. Allison is right, even if you can’t come with him he needs to tell you the truth. About who he is, about everything. You deserve the truth, and he can’t leave knowing how badly he broke you. He would never forgive himself, and he would spend the rest of his life regretting how he left you without telling you how he feels. Five is panting when he makes it to your house, his hand reaching up to slam against the door. When you swing the door open, his cheeks are red and he’s heaving for breath but he smiles upon seeing you. Your heart warms at the sight of him standing on your porch, “I love you-” are the first words out of his mouth. You freeze, does he really mean that? You stand apprehensively in the doorway, waiting for him to explain. 
“I haven’t been truthful with you, and you deserve to know the truth.” Five says, his hands in his pockets and after a minute or so you sigh before swinging the door open. The two of you sit down on the couch, but you keep your distance from him. Five looks at you with an unreadable expression on his face, and you stay silent, waiting for him to speak first. And he does, he starts at the beginning and tells you everything. 
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
Worth It- Pt 4
The Prelude- Part 1- Part 2- Part 3
Summary: The reader bumps into Marcel after their big argument
Characters: Marcel x black!reader, Sean (OMC) x black!reader
Warnings: Language but what’s new?
A/N: I’m back with our love Marcel! Finally!!!! I hope y’all enjoy.
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“Man, you fucked up.” Vincent told a pissed off Marcel.
“Big time.” Haley emphasized.
Marcel looked from his glass of whiskey to glare at Vincent and Haley. They weren’t helping him feel any better. It’s been days since he saw or talk to you since the incident with Rebekah and your mom.
“Drowning our sorrows, are we?” Klaus came up from behind and clapped Marcel’s shoulder.
“The only sorrows that are drowning are Marcel’s. We’re just reminding him of how bad he messed up.” Haley said.
“What are you even doing here?” Marcel asked her.
“Waiting on some friends,” and on cue, Cami showed up and she left the three men.
“The little wolf is right, you know?”
Marcel eyed Klaus curiously. “So, you’re ok that my girlfriend almost killed your sister?”
Klaus shrugged his shoulders and took a seat. “She’s still your girlfriend? And dear Marcellus, Rebekah knew the risks. It was fitting for her to learn that lesson. Y/N is a precious gem. If I were you, I would’ve given her the world.” Klaus paused and then leaned towards Marcel. “Maybe I’ll have the chance now.”
Right when Marcel was about to throttle Klaus, you walked in. It had been days since Marcel seen you, heard you, or smell you; your presence was a sensory overload. Especially with the outfit you had on. He guessed Rousseau’s is your first stop for a night out, because you wore a black and tan corset crop top, black ripped shorts, and thigh high boots.
You were there with your sister and friends, and y’all met up with Cami and Haley. Once you got settled, Marcel got up and was about to walk to you, but Vincent stopped him. “Bad idea, Marcel.”
Marcel snatched his hand back. “That’s my girlfriend and I’m gonna talk to her.”
All talking ceased at your table when they saw Marcel approach you. His hand touch your exposed shoulder and you were pissed at how he affected you.
“Can I speak to you alone?”
Bianca ruined any chance of you answering. “Hell no! You think she gon talk to you after how you did our momma? Over my dead body!” Bianca was standing up and you had to push her down to her seat.
“Chill, B.” Turning back to Marcel, you said, “Yeah, we can talk for a bit.”
Marcel motioned you to walk in front him and he followed you to the back patio. “You look beautiful tonight.” Marcel said trying to fill up the awkward silence.
“What do you want, Marcel?” You didn’t have time to play nice with him nor did you want to.
“I’m sorry. I should’ve never stood up for Rebekah like that. I think I let my feelings about how your parents disapprove of us cloud my judgement, but that’s not an excuse.”
Two sides of your brain were fighting. The rational side said, “That’s reasonable. You even have beef with your parents, because of how they talked about Marcel.” The petty side was saying, “Nah, fuck that nigga and the bitch he let put hands on your momma.”
“Which side is winning?” Marcel joked, knowing you always had to fight your pettiness.
“I don’t know. It seems like Petty Y/N really wants to come out. She thinks she’s hearing a lot of apologies from you lately but seeing no action behind them.”
“Y/N, I-”
“Sorry to interrupt, but Y/N you better get inside because you-know-who is here.” Haley interrupted, her eyes pointing towards Sean.
Although, Rousseau’s was open to all supernatural beings, it was known to be Marcel’s spot for him and his vampires with only a few witches allowed to come, and Sean and his witches weren’t on that list.
“Stay here. I’ll get him to leave.” You had to put your hands against his firm chest to stop Marcel from going in and causing a scene.
Lust filled Sean’s eyes as you approached him. All you felt was his gaze roaming your body and you felt a tinge of guilt for the lust running through you.
Soon as you were in arm’s reach, Sean grabbed the back of your neck and descended his lips onto yours. His kiss was different from Marcel’s, but it was enjoyable, more possessive, rougher, and nastier. His hands snaked down your bottom and he gripped your ass. “You goin’ to stop playing games and let me eat that fat pussy?” He whispered into your ear.
“Damn, I think I’m wet,” Bianca mumbled off to the side, voicing your exact thoughts.
You felt a tug on your wrist, and it was Diego. He probably thought he was helping his friend, but that only was going to cause the scene you were trying to avoid.
One of Sean’s friends pushed Diego off you and then suddenly Marcel and Sean were in a face-off. This had to end before it got ugly. “Boys let’s not do this here,” you say, getting in between the two.
Neither one paid any attention to you, so you pulled Sean out while Haley, a true godsend distracted Marcel.
“What the hell was that, Sean?” You slapped him for starting all that drama.
He gripped your wrist and pointed a finger in your face. “I ain’t Marcel, so that’s the last time you’ll put your hands on me.”
You snatched your wrist back and paced back and forth the sidewalk. If you didn’t figure out something soon, those two niggas will kill each other.
“Damn, cher. I got a way for you to get rid of all that nervous energy,” Sean gripped your hips and pulled you back towards him.
Sean kissed the side of your neck and chanted a simple spell to help you calm down. The only thing is that you weren’t sure you wanted to calm down.
It took all of your energy to pull away from him, but you did. “Sean, you can’t be kissing me. Especially in front of Marcel and in his fucking hangout spot!”
Sean couldn’t understand why you were so stuck on Marcel. He definitely didn’t treat you right. Getting pissed off at your devotion to Marcel, Sean backed you into the wall and leaned dangerously close to your face to the point you could smell his minty gum. “Really? Ain’t you single now?”
Shit, he had you there. But you couldn’t answer the question. You and Marcel never verbally said it was over, you just walked out on him.
Chewing on your bottom lip, you contemplated your answer. You couldn’t come up with an answer, so dipped into Rousseau’s to ask a waiting Marcel a quick question.
“No,” was the only word Marcel said when he saw you.
“You don’t even know what I was about to ask.” You whispered yelled at him.
“You were gonna ask if you’re single and the answer is no. We’re just going through a rough patch.” Marcel stared you down, daring you to challenge him.
Turning on your heels you walked away from him angrily. Damn vampire hearing, you thought.
Patiently waiting for you, Sean scrolled through his phone. “Well?”
“It’s complicated.” You answered.
Sean rolled his eyes at you and asked, “What’s so complicated about ending a relationship with someone who makes you a second option?”
“Who the fuck do you think you are, Sean? You’re just some random ass nigga that my parents think I should marry! Do me a favor and leave me the fuck alone!” You stomped away from him. Sean really pissed you off and if you were honest to yourself, which you didn’t want to be, Sean was telling you the truth. In the back of your mind, you were asking yourself the same question.
Catching up to you, Sean twisted your hips so you could face him. “Cher, you know I’m telling the truth. Lemme ask you something: can he give you you a family?”
Unbeknownst to you or Sean, Marcel slipped out the bar and was eavesdropping on your conversation. The talk about kids never came up, so Marcel never knew how you felt about becoming a parent.
“You know he can’t.”
“Do you want them? Because I can give you some.”
“So can a turkey baster.”
Sean chuckled to himself. “You know what I mean.”
“No, I don’t want any.” Sean’s smile dropped at your admission. When he asked you that, he just knew you were gonna say yes. What woman doesn’t want kids? “So, besides your dick, what else do you have to offer?”
The switch up was almost immediate. “That vamp got you turned out like that? Pathetic. What if you change your mind?” Sean scoffed.
Another nigga who can’t handle rejection, what a shame, you thought. “What’s pathetic is you not being able to take no for answer. And if and that’s a big if, I change my mind. There’s this thing call adoption. Now do me a favor and run along before I melt your brain.” You smiled up at him, but it was anything but genuine.
Usually that did the trick and had men running along, but Sean stood there smiling to himself. The only other person who didn’t run in fear from you was Marcel. How did you end up being the source of attraction for two stubborn niggas?
“My bad. I let my anger get the best of me. Just know that I just don’t want you because our families want us together. I like you, Y/N. I like what you do for our community, I like that you’re not afraid to break the rules, I like that pretty ass smile of yours, and so much more. Before you make a decision, I want you to know that you’ll never doubt your place in my life. You’ll always be number one, cher.”
Sean tried to give you a kiss, but you turned your head and he kissed your temple. Knowing his presence was no longer wanted Sean walked away hoping you would make the smart decision.
Coming out from his hiding spot, Marcel got into your line of vision. The two of you just stared at each other for awhile without saying anything.
Marcel’s first step towards you made you speak up. “Me turning him down has nothing to do with us. Marcellus, I love you with all my heart, but you got some shit to fix. And until that’s done, I don’t know where we stand.”
Marcel said nothing. He just took it all in. Arguing with you would get him nowhere. So, he gave you a kiss and whispered, “I’ll be better.” Then he disappeared, leaving you alone, determined to get you back before Sean could carve a spot in your heart.
Tags: @twistedcharismaaa​ @l-auteuse​ @nightgirl250​ @cocooned-butterfly​ @thickemadame​ @artsninspo​ @titty-teetee​ @crystalgoddess00​ @pananegra​ @princessshanae14​ @rbhp @brownsugerhippy​
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salvatoreschool · 4 years
Vampire Diaries Universe: The 25 Best Characters, Ranked
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For the first time since 2009, we’re entering a fall season devoid of any new offerings from the Vampire Diaries universe. And like Stefan Salvatore without his daily diet of forest friends, we’re insatiable.
Like so many longtime TVD enthusiasts (those of us to whom the word “thesmatos” really means something!), we’ve spent much of quarantine revisiting the weird, wonderful universe — from Mystic Falls to New Orleans and back again. We’re suddenly spending a lot of time with characters we haven’t seen in years. And we’re having a lot of feelings about them.
In celebration of the franchise’s 11th anniversary, TVLine has assembled another totally non-controversial ranking, this time of the 25 best characters from the Vampire Diaries universe — a category that also includes familiar faces from The Originals and Legacies. (In Legacies‘ defense, the franchise’s latest offshoot hasn’t been around as long to endear itself to us, but that didn’t stop four Salvatore School students from making their way onto our list.)
In lieu of new content from the TVD universe this fall, TVLine is looking back at our 25 favorite characters from the entire franchise, including stand-out favorites from its two spinoffs.
SPOILER ALERT: This ranking discusses major plot points from all three shows. If you haven’t finished The Vampire Diaries (Season 1-8), The Originals (Season 1-5) or Legacies (Season 1-2), proceed at your own risk. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!
Thanks to the magic of body swapping, the Mikaelson siblings have inhabited multiple physical vessels throughout the years, but none have remained in the family’s orbit quite like this Southern gentleman. Powerful, thoughtful and downright Shakespearean in his delivery (Yusuf Gatewood, ladies and gentlemen!), Vincent always has the greater good in mind. And as we learned in The Originals’ series finale, he helped Freya and Keelan pass that good along to the next generation.
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Even though we’re still getting to know him, there’s already so much to like about this pure-hearted Mystic Falls townie. Not only is he the franchise’s first-ever phoenix, but he also looks like he could pass for Damon and Elena’s offspring — and that’s never a bad thing. We could tell he had a long future in this universe the moment he danced with Hope in The Originals’ final season. (So far, so good!)
Like so many paved paradises, we didn’t fully appreciate what we had with Jenna until she was gone. Her death marked the end of Elena’s innocence — which is saying a lot, considering she was still mourning her own parents when The Vampire Diaries began. And if we’re being honest, Jenna was the ghost we were most excited to see again in the series finale. (For the record, Joseph Morgan has apologized on Klaus’ behalf for killing Jenna several times.)
The First Son of Mystic Falls was kind of a jerk when we met him in The Vampire Diaries‘ first season. He was arrogant, aggressive and reckless — so it actually made perfect sense when he was revealed to be a werewolf. Fortunately, Michael Trevino’s character developed a little more nuance from that point on, especially via his Romeo and Juliet romance with Caroline. (After everything that’s happened since 2013, can you believe that they were once in a love triangle with Klaus?)
Elena’s little brother (er, cousin?) went through a number of different, wonderful phases during his tenure in Mystic Falls. We loved him in The Vampire Diaries’ earlier seasons as the human embodiment of all things emo (he literally dated a ghost!), and we… um… appreciated his unexpected evolution into a shirt-ripping, wood-chopping vampire hunter.
The Clarice Starling to Klaus’ Hannibal Lecter, this brave bartender was able to tap into the show’s darkest, most complicated character’s psyche in ways that no one named Mikaelson (or even Forbes) ever could. She helped him conquer a number of his demons in the few short years they spent together on The Originals, and like most people who play a significant role in Klaus’ life, she suffered the consequences. (Side note: Are we the only ones who really dug Cami as a vampire? Justice for that short-lived story arc.)
Of The Vampire Diaries’ many maternal figures, none put us through the emotional ringer quite like Caroline’s mother. We weren’t her biggest fans in the show’s early seasons, given her penchant for hunting the undead (including her own daughter), but hey, what was this show if not an endless series of redemption arcs? Also, if you don’t get a little choked up when Caroline felt her mom’s presence in the series finale, you don’t have a soul.
The long-lost fifth Mikaelson sibling was a little rough around the edges when we first encountered her on The Originals, but the poor woman was in the midst of escaping a centuries-long imprisonment, so we cut her a little slack. And we’re glad we did, because Freya has since become one of the strongest, most inspiring and all-around likable characters in the Vampire Diaries canon. #FreelinForever
While it’s easy to get swept up in Marcel’s charm and swagger (we were robbed of a second karaoke number, by the way!), it’s important to remember just how far back his time with the Mikaelson family goes. When you consider that Klaus literally freed Marcel from slavery and raised him to lead New Orleans as his right-hand vampire, it adds a whole other layer of tension to their passionate power struggle on The Originals. Though he’s treated like an unofficial Mikaelson sibling, Marcel often feels like more of a Mikaelson than Kol — and definitely more than Finn.
Arguably the funniest (and most glamorous) member of the Mikaelson family, the woman Damon once referred to as “Barbie Klaus” never fai to tell it exactly like it was, beginning with her thoughts on then-lovebirds Stefan and Elena. (“Honestly, I don’t get you two as a couple.”) And Bex only became more complex as the years went on, from her desperate desire for humanity to her undeniable love for Marcel. Just don’t call her insane — she prefers “spontaneous.”
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In hindsight, Alaric’s journey from hot history teacher to hot headmaster of a supernatural school makes perfect sense. Still, it was impossible to predict back in The Vampire Diaries’ first season just how much of an impact the man formerly known as Warner Huntington III would have on this franchise. A drinking buddy to some, a father figure to others and a literal father to a lucky pair, Alaric has truly woven himself into the fabric of this universe like few others. (That said, we still wouldn’t recommend dating him if you value your life.)
Only one full-blooded human survived all eight seasons of The Vampire Diaries, and you’re looking at him. The pinnacle of mortal goodness, this blue-eyed patriot hasn’t always been on the same page as his vampire brethren, but that’s only because he didn’t want to see any more his friends and family get eaten. And we can sympathize with that!
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Asking us to choose between Jo (by way of Caroline) and Alaric’s daughters is an impossible task, which is ironic, considering the Gemini twins are literally destined for a fight to the death on their 22nd birthday. Besides, these sisters have always felt like a package deal, from the moment we witnessed their birth on The Vampire Diaries to the day we reunited with them as teenagers on Legacies. (They also popped up in The Originals’ penultimate episode, putting them in the prestigious category of characters who have appeared in all three series.) Despite their inherent connection, Lizzie and Josie really have grown into two very different people, a journey we hope will continue for years (and shows) to come.
The fact that this remorseless, pork rind-loving psychopath ranks so high on our list speaks volumes about actor Chris Wood, who brought a refreshingly sassy vibe to The Vampire Diaries’ sixth season. The guy was so likable, fans were even ‘shipping him with Bonnie… as if that poor girl hadn’t been through enough already! You also have to give Kai points for longevity — even after his head got knocked off, he managed to make two encore appearances on TVD (Season 8) and Legacies (Season 2).
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As we mentioned with Lizzie and Josie earlier, we feel like we’ve watched Hope grow up before our eyes… because we have. Given the epic circumstances surrounding her conception, birth and upbringing, an adult version of this character had a lot of hype to live up to, and Danielle Rose Russell has proven herself more than up to the challenge. Imbued with her parents’ best qualities, Hope’s power and passion make her both a formidable foe and an invaluable ally. Besides, Legacies showed us what the world would be like without Hope, and it was not a good place.
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We can’t even think about this fierce, fearless mama wolf without shedding a single tear. Hayley’s story was basically one long tragedy, from her complicated marriage with Jackson to her tumultuous relationship with Elijah. And then there was her untimely demise in The Originals’ final season, which… actually, let’s not talk about that. From the moment she gave birth, Hayley’s heart belonged to Hope, and it was in her most extreme maternal moments that Hayley’s true strength was on display. That’s how we’ll remember her.
Suits? Pressed. Hair? Immaculate. Vocabulary? Thicc. With his smooth moves and cunning intellect, Klaus’ extremely respectful brother could do it all — well, except keep the people he loved from meeting horrific ends. (Seriously, this guy’s track record for dead lovers is right up there with Alaric’s.)
Simply put, this is the witch you want in your corner when things go south. Endlessly powerful and selfless to a fault, Kat Graham’s character spent eight agonizing seasons sacrificing herself — often literally, hence her multiple deaths — in order to keep her friends and family safe. No amount of bloody noses or dead boyfriends could stop this badass from crushing her enemies.
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Getting smothered to death was honestly the best thing that could have happened to Caroline, who evolved from a basic, boy-crazy cheerleader into a bad-ass vampire overnight. And that was just the first phase of her franchise-long evolution into the empowered, globe-trotting mother of two she is today. She’s also responsible for all of The Vampire Diaries’ memorable musical moments, from her sweet song for Matt to her devastating performance at Sheriff Forbes’ funeral. (Now if only she’d pay her old pals at Legacies a visit…)
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She may not have Katherine’s chaotic flare, but Elena deserves credit for carrying much of The Vampire Diaries’ dramatic and romantic weight for six years. And for that pink hair she experimented with in Season 4. On top of that, Elena also rolled with the punches better than almost anyone. (You’re vampires? I’m a doppelgänger? Now I’m a vampire? Now I’m human again? Now I’m in a coma? Sure, let’s do this.)
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Two sides of the same brooding coin, these brothers were as proficient at breaking hearts as they were at breaking necks. And while their love triangle with Elena will remain the stuff of TV legend, their relationship as brothers was revealed to be the real heart of The Vampire Diaries in its final two seasons. Honestly, it’s too hard to choose between them, so we’re not going to.
Come on, when were you not excited to see this leather-clad lunatic on your screen? Deliciously twisted and infinitely more interesting than her human doppelgänger, Katherine was behind many of The Vampire Diaries’ most jaw-dropping twists, from her iconic encounter with John(’s bloody fingers) to her long-awaited return in the series finale. Honestly, putting Katherine on hell’s throne in Season 8 was merely a formality — she was always a queen.
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The man, the myth, the legend. To think that the monster who slaughtered poor, defenseless Aunt Jenna on The Vampire Diaries is the same person who gave it all up to save his daughter on The Originals… well, there isn’t a clap slow enough to commend that kind of growth. (Again, Joseph Morgan is very sorry about the whole Jenna thing!) By the time Klaus evaporated on the streets of New Orleans, it felt like we had explored every conceivable nook and cranny of his existence, from his traumatic childhood to his fatal romances — and we relished every second of it.
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current-mcr-news · 4 years
Behind the Scenes: The Umbrella Academy - Episode 1
BRANDON JENKINS: In 1953, a 25 year old director named Phil Tucker had $16,000 and just four days to make his first sci-fi film. The plot? A creature comes to Earth with a death ray and wipes out all of humanity, except for eight people who are immune to the creature’s weapons. He called the film Robot Monster.
Movie clip: With the swiftness of a deadly cosmic ray, the Earth is inundated by indestructible moon monsters. Their ghastly mission? Death for all humans.
B: The film was so low budget, Tucker couldn’t even afford to get alien costumes, so he had the monster in a gorilla suit with a TV for a head.
Movie clip: What astounding technical developments are being made to protect mankind?
B: The release was a disaster. It was widely panned. Its lasting legacy would’ve been that it was one of the worst movies of all time. But in the early 2000s, a kid from New Jersey with a knack for drawing comics saw a picture of the Robot Monster and it stuck with him.
Gerard Way: I’ve never even actually seen the film, but I saw pictures of this creature over the years, and they’ve got a TV set, kind of circular space looking head, and they have a gorilla body, and I was like, “I want a superhero that’s kind of inspired by this.”
B: The kid’s name was Gerard. He’d been writing comics since he was 15 and was on his way to making it as a professional comic book artist.
WAY: I went to art school and I was an illustration and cartooning major, so comics were kind of like my major, and I was like this perpetual intern. I interned at DC, I pitched a cartoon to Cartoon Network, and then I landed a job as a toy designer at this place called FunHaus in Hoboken. But that’s like right when the band took off.
B: That band, Gerard’s side hustle, would become massive alt-punk sensation, My Chemical Romance. Seemingly overnight, My Chemical Romance and Gerard were making some of the most popular music in the world, getting spins on terrestrial radio, dominating music video countdowns, they were even nominated for a Grammy. But while he traveled across the globe leading a rockstar life, Gerard kept up with his first love - drawing.
WAY: So I really missed comics and we were in Japan and we did a signing at a shop, and one of the fans gave me a little marker set and it was Copic markers. They were like the greatest markers that I’d ever used before, and so I started to create Luther.
B: Luther, a superhero with a gorilla body and space helmet who lives on the moon was the very first character Gerard drew in what would become his hit comic The Umbrella Academy. I’m Branden Jenkins and this is Behind the Scenes: The Umbrella Academy. This season, we’re going backstage and inside the making of season 2. The first season of the show, based on Gerard’s comic of the same name, launched in February of last year and quickly became one of the most beloved series on Netflix. Now it’s back for its second season with bigger effects, bigger characters, and bigger drama. We’re going to catch you up on everything that’s gone down in The Umbrella Academy universe so far, and we’ll spend the next five episodes breaking down how the team shot the multi-million dollar superhero production across two countries, and how in the midst of a global pandemic, they managed to finish it from inside their own homes. But first, we wanted to take a look back and dig into the roots of The Umbrella Academy. So today, I’m catching up with the creators of the comic and the guy tasked with making the TV series. We talk about how the graphic novel was adapted for your screens.
B: Alright, so if you haven’t watched season 1, go back and watch season 1 on Netflix. For those of you who just need a quick recap: At 12pm on October 1, 1989, a supernatural event occurred. Forty-three babies across the planet were born to mothers who were not pregnant just seconds before. The world was confused, intrigued, and one eccentric billionaire wanted to find the babies and adopt them. He ended up with seven. Each baby had a superpower, and what do you do when you’re a billionaire with a group of kids with superpowers? You train them to become a crime fighting family.
Reginald: I give you the inaugural class of The Umbrella Academy!
B: When Gerard Way started creating the members of the Academy, he started with the most fundamental material. 
WAY: I created a list of all the things that interested me. It could be anything from ouija board, fortune teller, spaceman, gorilla body, just a list of stuff.
B: Then he drew from that list and started creating these characters. All in all, he would draw seven. The first, Luther, the half-man half-gorilla, was the team’s defective leader. He was also the child closest with their father. 
Luther: Just at Dad’s favorite spot. Allison: Dad had a favorite spot? Luther: Yeah, you know, under the oak tree. We used to sit out there all the time, none of you ever did that?
B: Next, he created Klaus and Allison, the boy who talks to the dead and the girl who can make people bend to her will with just a few words.
WAY: Klaus, he has some pretty serious addiction and addiction is something that I dealt with in my life. He’s also a little bit spooky and supernatural, and my personality in My Chemical Romance was very similar to that.
Klaus: I can’t just call Dad in the afterlife and be like, “Dad, could you just stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?” Luther: Since when? That’s your thing. Klaus: I’m not in the right frame of mind! Allison: You’re high? Klaus: Yeah yeah! I mean, how are you not listening to this nonsense?
WAY: He was kind of my version of Doctor Strange. I find Allison to be the one that is easiest to write and I put the most of myself into Allison.
B: Her superpower is that she can make you do pretty much anything she tells you with a few magic words.
Allison: I heard a rumor you want to be my friend. I heard a rumor that you like Bradley. I heard a rumor that you left me alone. I heard a rumor that you stop crying.
WAY: There’s a bit of a tragic nature that comes with her power.
B: Allison, out of all of her super powered siblings, is the only one grasping for a normal life - career, husband, children. In a way, she’s the most human. The fourth character Gerard created is Diego, a guy with an uncanny ability to throw knives. He’s also stubborn as hell.
WAY: I knew early on he was gonna be the one that was gonna be really difficult with the leader. I figured that.
Diego: You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One. Luther: I am warning you. Diego: After everything he did to you, he had to ship you a million miles away. Luther: Diego, stop talking! Diego: That’s how much he couldn’t stand the sight of you!
B: The fifth character, a kid who can travel through time and space, who simply goes by Five. Despite the other character growing up into adults, he has remained a teenager, sort of.
WAY: He was a time traveler who then got stuck in his young body when he traveled back in time because time travel is complicated. 
Klaus: Where are you going? Five: To get a decent cup of coffee. Allison: Do you even know how to drive? Five: I know how to do everything.
WAY: So then came The Horror.
B: The Horror, aka Ben, aka the dead sibling who only Klaus can see.
WAY: I imagined this character that had all these monsters living under his skin that came from another dimension. And he was very tortured to me. It actually kind of hurts him and it’s scary to him.
Ben: Do I really have to do this? Klaus: Come on, Ben. There’s more guys in the vault. Ben: I didn’t sign up for this.
B: And then finally, Number Seven, Vanya, who seemingly has no powers besides playing the violin.
WAY: I was at this cafe in Manhattan when I was living in Brooklyn, and it was called The Sidewalk Cafe I believe, and on the wall they had a white violin just as decoration. And I remember looking at that and thinking to myself, “That would be a cool superhero.” And Vanya was always kind of designed to be a character who wasn’t special, that was going to transform into that.
Vanya: Look, if I was special I would’ve been in The Umbrella Academy. I’m so sorry you got stuck with the ordinary one.
B: These seven adopted siblings forced together by supernatural events formed The Umbrella Academy. Both the original comic and season 1 of the show start at the funeral for the Academy’s patriarch, the eccentric Sir Reginald Hargreeves. We learn that while the siblings ventured away from home as teenagers, after years of fighting and a toxic upbringing, they’ve returned home, back together for the first time in years, and all their dysfunctions and old conflicts come bubbling to the surface.
Diego: He was a bad person and a worse father. The world’s better off without him. Allison: Diego! Diego: My name is Number Two.
B: When he started writing the comic, Gerard was focused on his own strained relationships. He saw his band as his own dysfunctional family at the time.
WAY: When you’re a baby band, you’re in this van and it’s like a submarine but it’s smaller. It’s like a closet that you're all living in and sometimes you’re going on seventeen hour drives, and you have very strong personalities. This dynamic starts to develop between all of the members and you really do kind of become a dysfunctional family. Like, there’s times where I felt like I was the mom.
GABRIEL BA: They know each other’s weaknesses.
B: Turns out, family dynamics was a theme with everyone who joined the Umbrella team, including the illustrator and Umbrella’s co-creator, a Brazilian artist named Gabriel Ba.
BA: And sometimes they say it to hurt the other intentionally and they do that a lot in Umbrella because they’re all angry at each other all the time. And even though I have a great relationship with my brother, I have that. We have a younger sister as well, so she’s very opinionated and she’s strong. I wouldn’t say we fight a lot, but sometimes we- I just know how to hurt her if I want to say something.
B: Family is present in Gabriel’s life more than for most people. He works every day with his twin brother, fellow comic book artist, Fabio Moon. But his work made him an unconventional choice for Umbrella.
BA: In the mid 90s, we moved away from superheroes. We, my brother and I, we figured the type of story that we liked to tell and wanted to tell was more real life, day by day life relationship, this kind of stuff. 
B: Gabriel grew up in Brazil and now lives in Sao Paulo. His brother had been making experimental comics for well over a decade.
BA: But The Umbrella Academy was a superhero book with this day by day life relationship drama, and that was really interesting for me.
B: What excited Gerard about Gabriel was his style. His characters weren’t macho. They didn’t have big ripped muscles. They’re the kind of comics you could imagine being drawn in the margins of a notebook. There's nothing stereotypically super about them.
BA: It was not a straightforward American superhero artstyle. It was a mix of European and more fluid, but also could handle action and crazy stuff. And also, I can’t deny The Umbrella Academy was my first paid job in the U.S.
B: Wow.
BA: For the first ten years of our career, my brother and I were making comics for free. Just for ourselves, just getting [?], if there were any. So when I got the invitation to get involved with The Umbrella Academy it was this whole package of factors.
WAY: Gabriel climbing on board was a huge thing for us because he’s such a fantastic artist. He brought these characters to life. The interesting thing about Gabriel,  he didn’t have to make Umbrella Academy. He was doing really well on his own and making really experimental artistic comics, but he liked the idea so much that he said, “I’m gonna do superheroes.”
BA: The superhero aspect of The Umbrella Academy is really just a layer in the story. I like the development of these characters, their struggles, their relationships, there’s romance, there’s deception.
Vanya: You are unbelievable, you’re trying to dig up dirt on a guy I like? Who does that? Allison: Look, I’ve had my fair share of stalkers and creeps, I don’t trust him! Vanya: You mean you don’t trust me.
BA: And it had the fun explosions and action scenes. So that’s the good mix.
B: The first book of the comic is called Apocalypse Suite. After their father’s death, The Umbrella Academy gets a warning from their time traveling brother that the world is going to end in 10 days. They don’t know how, they just know that it will. And now, back together for the first time, they’ve got to figure out how to save the planet and learn how to look past their differences. Which sounds dope, right? But when it first published back in 2007, it wasn’t immediately clear that people would dig it.
WAY: So one of the things I was dealing with when Umbrella Academy came out was a lot of people in the press before the comic came out saying things like, “Here’s a musician and he’s writing a comic.” They didn’t really know my background, they didn’t know that I’d written at 15, they didn’t know I went to art school. All they knew was that I was the singer in this rock band that a lot of teenagers liked. So, all I really wanted was a fair shake. I didn’t write The Umbrella Academy to become a TV show or a film. I wrote it to be an amazing comic. But we knew that first issue, and we knew it was good, and we knew that if you didn't get it by the first seven pages you just weren’t gonna like it, and I was totally fine with that. But then it came out and then the response started to happen and then reviewers loved it and people loved it.
B: The comic went on to win an Eisner award, which is like the Oscar of comics, and pretty quickly, Gerard gets an offer to turn the comic into a full length movie.
WAY: I got swept up in the Hollywood thing.
B: But it doesn’t pan out.
WAY: That’s actually one of the reasons why there was such a big gap between comics, is because I was really, you know, I was trying- at the end of the day, I was trying to be helpful. If this was gonna be a movie version of what Gabriel and I had made, I wanted it to be great so I put in a lot of time and it kept me away from the comics.
B: But then Netflix hits you up and is interested in making this into a series.
WAY: Right.
B: I guess I'm curious, as someone who just initially wanted to make just a really good comic, what about turning that project into a television show was interesting?
WAY: Straight up, I want to make a great comic and that’s all I’m really interested in. If I can write great comics, you’ll have great material to make TV shows. So let me focus on that.
B: In other words, Gerard wanted to focus on the comics and let someone else adapt it.
WAY: And that’s when Steve came in and he changed things and he ran with it. 
STEVE BLACKMAN: I’m Steve Blackman, I’m the showrunner and I’m executive producer.
B: Steve is a master at adapting books, comics, and film into television. Before The Umbrella Academy, he’d worked on shows like Fargo, Legion, and Altered Carbon, all of which originated from other sources. So he knew coming in that adaptation can be tricky work.
BLACKMAN: At first, I think Gerard and Gabriel, who co-did this with him, were very protective of the work like parents of their baby. And I think I had to prove to them initially that I would love and protect this child that they had worked on for so many years, so here I am, an outsider coming in and they were very nice to me, but I could see there was like, “Is this guy gonna totally screw up our baby here?”
B: Is it something that you can come to the table with Gerard and be like, “Hey, here’s my arsenal of adaptations, this is why it will work.”
BLACKMAN: Yeah, I worked on the show Fargo for three years. Fargo was obviously based on the Joel and Ethan Coen movie from 1996. I don’t think Gerard had ever seen my shows, I don’t think he watches a lot of television, so for him, it didn’t matter what I’d done before. It’s just what I was gonna do in the here and now on this show. I wasn’t intimidated by the challenge but I really did sort of have a sense of I know which direction I’m going.
B: What was your first initial reaction? Were you sort of like, “Oh, maybe I’ve never done anything like this, or this does feel familiar to other work  that I’ve done.” Or, “I can do this, this is right up my alley.”
BLACKMAN: Well, what I liked about it from the beginning was what I saw in the subject matter and I saw a dysfunctional family. But right away, I was very inspired by Wes Anderson’s work. The Royal Tenenbaums is one of those movies that really was always something I truly loved. So, I saw that in this show.
Five: An entire square block, 42 bedrooms, 19 bathrooms, but not a single drop of coffee. Vanya: Dad hated caffeine.  Klaus: Well he hated children too and he had plenty of us.
BLACKMAN: It was a family show, it was a very relatable dysfunctional family show that I wanted to tell.
WAY: Steve’s a great collaborator. Steve Blackman, the showrunner, he had a vision. I respected him and his vision. I realized it was gonna be different from the comic, and I let him run with it because he cared deeply about it.
BLACKMAN: My first conversation with Gerard over the phone, I said to him, I told him one of the words was subversive, we wanted to subvert the expectation of what a superhero show could be because there were many other shows, either on the air or coming down the pipe to be next, and we wanted this to stand out. And that was sort of the first hurdle with me, was to say to Gerard that I could do that and I could definitely make this thing feel special. And right away he said, “Okay, yeah. You get it.”
B: You’ve adapted something like Fargo which is a unique adaptation, right? You’re adapting from a different medium, like a feature film. Does that change the way you understand adaptation?
BLACKMAN: At a story point of view, no, I don’t think they’re that different. I think adapting a story, whether it's a graphic novel or the source material comes from a movie, a book, there’s a lot of care into doing it that the tricky thing is, I need to put my creative spin on it. I had Gerard and Gabriel, who lived with this for ten years, and then I have to come in and say, “Look, I’m going to honor you. At the same time, what is the Steve Blackman part of the show? How can I add my spin to it?”
B: For fans of the comic who’ve seen season 1 of the show, you’ll recognize some of that Steve Blackman spin. For example, the group who governs the laws of time in the comics, the Temps Aeternalis, in the TV show they become the Commission, an entire bureaucratic system running and adjusting linear time. Steve made some other changes too. 
WAY: One of the things that I thought was an ingenious idea was making Ben a ghost that Klaus could communicate with. I was most impressed by that change.
Ben: You know what the worst part of being dead is? You’re stuck. Nowhere to go, nowhere to change, that’s the real torture if you gotta know. Watching your brother take for granted everything you lost, and pissing it all away.
B: Perhaps the biggest change from the comic to the show is the diversity of the characters. Diverse in race, diverse in region, diverse in sexual orientation, these characters on screen look a lot more like what the world actually looks like.
WAY: It’s built into it. They’re all from different places, they’re all from different countries, so I think that’s really the biggest improvement on the source material, is how diverse it is.
B: Steve felt the pressure of both fan expectations, and Gerard and Gabriel’s trust in him.
BLACKMAN: There’s nothing worse than having pre-existing source material and having the fans dislike it. You want to make the fans feel honored and respected, at the same time I felt it was incredibly important that Gerard and Gabriel walked out of this thinking, “He did a good job.” If they hated it, I would’ve been crushed. If the fans hated it, I think I’d also be crushed. I knew I couldn’t make everybody happy, but I wasn’t doing a page for page translation. My adaptation wasn’t gonna be that.
B: The adaption worked. Season 1 was a massive success. In the finale of the first season, the Academy thinks they’ve managed to stop the end of the world from happening, but unintentionally, they’ve actually just initiated it. The moon has been destroyed and its remnants are now heading directly for Earth.
Five: We might as well accept our fate because in less than a minute we’re gonna be vaporized.  Diego: What’s your idea then? Five: We use my ability to time travel, but this time I’ll take you with me. Luther: You can do that?
B: The family, latching onto their time traveling brother Five, manage to escape the chaos. But we’re left to wonder where and when they’ll turn up, and that’s where season 2 begins.
Five: We brought the end of the world back here with us. Klaus: Oh my god, again?
BLACKMAN: It’s a pretty crazy journey this year and I think people will be hooked. I hope they binge the hell out of it and love every second of it.
B: Coming up in this season of Behind the Scenes, we’ll be taking you on that crazy journey with the people who make it happen.
“We hired meteorologists, we knew that snow was gonna come, but we had planned it. We went away for a day, we came back, and there was four feet of snow on the ground.”
“It’s 60s Dallas. Okay, so that’s a very different story for Allison. We have to talk about this somehow. Her experience is just different from her siblings.”
EMMY LAMPMAN: And a lot of people would come up to me and apologize for doing their job and I was like, “Please stop apologizing.”
“That was a wishlist fight scene that Steve had always wanted to do.”
“So we actually had our guys throwing plates up in the air and taking photos of them to try to get these UFO imageries.”
“You know, we have a new point in our resume: Can produce and deliver a show during a pandemic.”
B: Behind the Scenes of The Umbrella Academy is a Netflix and Pineapple Street Studios Production. I’m your host, Brandon Jenkins. Make sure to subscribe, rate, and review this podcast. It really does help other people find it. Thank you all for listening. 
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sharkneto · 2 years
What would be Number’s reaction to learning Reginald is an alien?
You know, I've thought a bit about what he'd think about learning he's not totally human, but I hadn't thought about the Reggie angle.
I think it's a bit of information he legitimately wouldn't know what to do with. Like, as Klaus would point out, it makes perfect sense - how could a man like that be anything but inhuman? But Five has such a specific and complicated relationship with Reggie - he's both huge and tiny in his mind. This figure that's defined so much of his childhood and shaped who he is, that he's set himself in opposition to. It's important to him and his identity that he's classified Reggie as "just a man" and a shitty father. Now you introduce that part of why he's been so uncaring and pragmatic and cold is because he legitimately isn't human? Sure, they joked about it as kids, but this still comes from fucking left field. How the fuck do you react when your father figure and abuser turns out to be a goddamn alien? It's a messy, messy thing he'd have to process -- or not process. I think it's a thing he'd say "doesn't matter" if any of the siblings asked him - he was still shit, wasn't he? He doesn't get a pass just because he's an alien - while he spirals a little bit trying to figure out what that means for what his relationship with him is/was.
Anyway, bonus snip of the angle I've thought about this from in regards to Five finding out he's not exactly fully human himself, featuring some creative liberties with how genetics works.
Amanda looks up from her laptop with a frown as McKenzie plops into the seat next to her with a noisy sigh. The Union bustles around them, the other students oblivious to ‘Kenzie’s apparent bad mood. “You good?” she asks, turning back to her paper that refuses to write itself.
“My experiment didn’t work.”
She looks up again, eyes widening in sympathy. “The big genetics one? The one worth half your grade?”
“That would be the one!” McKenzie says, slouching in her chair and letting her head fall back dramatically.
“Oh my god, what are you going to do—”
“I mean, it mostly worked. I had enough data to do it all and present but one sample was totally fucked and my TA couldn’t figure out what was wrong so my statistical accuracy was—”
Amanda smacks her arm. “I thought you fucking failed!”
McKenzie rolls her eyes. “Who do you think I am? I got extra samples just in case one got fucked so I wouldn’t be fucked. And I’m choosing to believe it was one you got for me from someone at the physics lab. I know I swabbed right, I got good cells.”
The crisis not the crisis Amanda thought it was, she relaxes. “Maybe you fucked your reagents,” she defends, although she’s not a biologist and it is entirely possible her favor for her friend is what messed up the experiment. Cells are tiny and alive and so outside of her interests, she doesn’t know what they need to be happy or whatever. She jammed swabs into the boys’ cheeks at the lab, shoved those into the tubes ‘Kenzie gave her, and then delivered them.
“I did the same thing for each sample, boom, boom, boom, assembly line style. If I fucked that part they’d all be fucked and I would have actually failed.”
She shrugs. “Well, sounds like we’re going out tonight either way, celebrating the end of that project from hell.”
Her friend straightens with a coy grin. “You know me so well. Juan’s has fishbowls tonight.”
“I cannot do fishbowls again, I almost died the last time we went there. If I even think about that shitty margarita I’m going to hurl…”
It’s not until Amanda has returned to her paper (that still tragically hasn’t written itself) and McKenzie has left to find a snack to munch on around distracting her that she realizes there might actually be a further implication to McKenzie’s failed experiment sample.
She sampled the boys at the lab.
Which included a certain person who can do the fucking impossible and teleport.
“Paper so boring it melted your brain?” McKenzie asks as she returns and breaks Amanda from her thoughts. She drops a basket of fries between them.
“How was your sample fucked?” Amanda asks.
She frowns. “Since when do you care about bio? It’s not theoretical, so you don’t care.”
“Maybe I want to defend my honor as a sample-taker.”
McKenzie acquiesces with a shrug. “It didn’t amplify right. All the others had bands in the right spot in the gel, which makes sense because every human on Earth has the gene, but this one’s band was like six hundred base pairs bigger. The primer was scuffed for the PCR or the sample was degraded or some shit so it went weird.” She pauses. “Although then it should have been nothing or smaller, not larger, if it was falling apart…”
“What’s the gene responsible for?”
Her friend raises an eyebrow at her, a fry paused in the air on its way into her mouth. “Who are you, caring about genetics? You usually glaze over when I’m talking about this stuff, like how I nod along and think about Love Island when you and Taylor get into physics crap.”
Amanda shrugs, hoping it’s nonchalant enough. “Your experiments usually work, I’m curious.”
McKenzie sighs. “Whatever, I never get to talk about this shit, and it’s really cool. It codes for proteins involved in cell maintenance and DNA repair. So if it wasn’t user error on the sample, which it had to be because it’s a super conserved mechanism across the animal kingdom for how we’re all still up and multicellular, they’re either in big trouble and going to die soon or they’re a freak of nature and probably should get studied for cancer implications or something. A clump that big, if it’s actually functional, means they’re probably either making really shit copies of the proteins or they’re making a shitton for some insane cell maintenance.”
“What would they need all that maintenance for?”
“The point of it is to not get cancer, right? If you’re keeping all your genes in order to copy right, then you have happy healthy cells that aren’t mutating and dying to save you from how shit they are or mutating and not dying and they’re multiplying like crazy to give you a lovely tumor. I guess having an overactive system like that would be great if your constantly stressing your cells out? But if it was doing it like that like this sample implicates, you’d have to be inhuman. A real freak to have a functional gene like that.”
Like if you were ripping through space on a regular basis. That seems like it would stress the cells out. “Can I see a copy of it?”
“For real? Yeah, here, I’ll send it to you…” McKenzie shoves the fries aside to pull her laptop out. “I should have fucked my experiments earlier if it made you actually interested in genetics…”
The email appears in Amanda’s inbox a couple minutes later, after McKenzie has pointed on her screen why the image is weird and comparing it to the regular samples.
Amanda has one last question: “Did anyone else keep this?”
“Did anyone keep my fuck up? No, Amanda, you’re so weird. And I’m not either, I don’t need a bad sample taking up room on my hard drive. Project is turned in, it’s flagged as an outlier in my results, and I’m sure my TA isn’t going to hang onto it. Why would he?"
Amanda isn’t really sure what to do with this info that she is pretty sure proves Five isn’t totally human. Or at least has some weird shit going on, which makes sense when he can do what he can do.
She decides it needs to be in his court. McKenzie hadn’t thought anything of the results, and – to be fair – they could really be from an experimental error. But the fact that Five was in the sample group and that, for all her distractions and partying, McKenzie is usually meticulous when it came to her lab work makes Amanda think it’s unlikely just that.
So, she prints out the results, shoves them in a manila folder, and then deletes the email and files.
She catches Five at work the next morning. “Hey! Number!”
He pauses in his math to glance over his shoulder and nod a greeting before turning back to his whiteboard.
“Can we talk for second?” she asks as she dumps her bag in her cubicle, digging the results packet out.
“Over here.” She jerks her head to the conference room.
He frowns but follows. “Everything good?” he asks when she closes the door behind them.
“Yeah,” she says. She thrusts the manila envelope forward.
He cautiously takes it but doesn’t open it. “What is this?”
“You remember McKenzie’s big project for her genetics class?”
“Sure, when you shoved q-tips down our throats.”
“Swabbed your cheeks. Yeah, that one. Um. You had weird results, and I thought…” Amanda trails off as Five just stares at her. His expression is unreadable.
“I thought it was anonymous.”
“Yeah, it was. Like, she knows who she got samples from, but the samples themselves weren’t labeled. But…”
“She had one sample that was wonky. I don’t totally understand it, and she and the TA assume she messed up the reagents on it, so they don’t think anything of it, but…”
“I sampled you and you’re, um. You. With the Jesus birth and everything.”
Five’s expression doesn’t change. He glances down at the envelope in his hands. “You think the weird results are me because of my powers.”
“Yeah.” She shifts slightly.
“And you printed them out and gave them to me in a dramatic envelope because…?”
“I didn’t know what else to do. Felt like if it was something explaining how you’re… different, it should be yours. I deleted the files and I think McKenzie will, too, once her grade is finalized. That should be the only copy.”
He nods and turns the envelope over in his hands. He still hasn’t opened it.
“So, um. Yeah,” Amanda says as the silence stretches.
“This is the one copy?” he confirms.
She nods.
“Cool. Thanks.” He straightens and walks past her, dropping the packet in the garbage as he exits the conference room. He doesn’t look back.
Amanda looks after him as the door hangs open. She follows him a minute later, almost running into Sarah as she’s unlocking her office.
The envelope stays in the garbage, unopened and to be forgotten.
Maybe that’s for the best, Amanda decides.
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livlepretre · 4 years
Hey! I saw you mentioned that you outline your chapters for FE! Would you be willing to share an outline of one of the earlier chapters? It doesn't matter which one but I'd love to see how you structure your outlines. Mine tend to be all over the place and I struggle with condensing things down to chapter to chapter in order to tie everything together. Any outline I've tried tends to hinder and frustrate me. It's okay if you're not comfortable though! ILY :)
Hi there! Yes, I’d be happy to share! 
This might get a bit long, because my outlining is kind of a process (but I swear by it-- I literally cannot write more than about a thousand words, total, like, there would be no more story, if I didn’t have an outline to work from). 
1. The first thing I do is I write a very general outline of the whole fic. This can be either numbered, or bullet pointed, or if it’s stream of consciousness, I just say Thing A --> Thing B--> Thing C etc. Here’s part of the original outline for FE, from 2011, which I whipped out in 2016 when I decided to really give this fic a shot: 
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Obviously a lot has changed (there’s an actual plot other than the relationships, now, and certain storylines like Rebekah seducing Tyler on Klaus’s orders were dropped completely) but the broad strokes for what I wanted from the fic are there. The initial outline doesn’t have to be particularly detailed, or articulate-- it’s just to get down where you want the story to go. (I left off the last few bullet points because they’re still relevant to where FE is heading 😈) 
2. The next step is actually breaking the outline up into either chapters or arcs. FE has gotten wildly out of control size wise, so I begin by outlining the entire arc since chapter-by-chapter would be way too hard (which is why sometimes I go on hiatus for like six months... that’s me trying to figure out what happens in like 10 chapters at once). 
The first step is to divide my overall/general outline up into what goes in what arc, and then I try to think about what events would happen-- what scenes could possibly arise to make those things happen. I also like to list out any plot elements that NEED to happen, so that I don’t forget. For example, as of writing chapter 34, here was my list (color coded by what I thought might go in certain chapters): 
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I also write out a very loose version of what’s going to happen-- a lot of this is actually phrased as questions, because writing out what’s going to happen usually makes me realize that there are huge gaping holes in my plan. That’s sort of the point of this-- usually I end up answering the questions as I keep flow of consciousness writing. Here, again, is my general outline for New Orleans part 2, full of typos, inconsistencies, and the occasional dropped storyline: 
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As you can see, this is really informal and a MESS. It’s not even quite in order, but, combined with my list of plot events, it gives me the general shape I need to figure out what goes in chapter by chapter. 
3. Now I finally bullet point out whatever scenes I may have for the chapter. Here’s the outline for chapter 40, which is really what ended up being chapters 40 & 41 because I split the chapter in half during the writing process: 
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There are some details, like whether to set it at the safe house vs the manor, which got changed for logistical reasons-- too complicated. Also, obviously, Stefan did not have his humanity turned back on here-- didn’t end up making sense with the 3 year time gap, although it would have been heartbreaking. 
4. The last thing I do is I gather any scenes I may have written earlier and not published to see if they can be recycled or reworked somehow. I keep those scenes at the bottom of my word doc and whenever I’m starting a new arc, I look through them to see if any could fit-- that’s why the outline for chapter 40 is in green; I wrote the scene where Elena flees over the lawn to make Klaus chase her around the time I was writing chapter 7 and so I had that scene in green as well to match them up in my notes. I’m very color-oriented, but it’s all about finding the organization method that works for you. 
So, that’s basically how I outline. I start with the general, and I refine, refine, refine. It’s hard to come up with the scene by scene stuff at the beginning, so start generally and work your way toward the more specific is my advice. 
Happy writing!
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daylight-imagines · 5 years
Miss Me? Part 2
Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x Reader Warnings: Description of vampires hunting/feeding. A very small amount of violence. Nothing that isn’t in the show.  Word Count: 3090
Part 1     Part 3
“Miss me, darling?” Kol asked. 
You stared at him for a moment, your mouth hanging open.
“How are you standing in front of me?” 
“Magic is a wonderful thing,” he said. 
“I’m glad you’re alive.”
“Really? I assumed you’d be worried about your friends.”
You paused. “You’ve missed a lot.” 
You couldn’t believe he was really there. In the end, you had actually been friends. You could have been more. Three years had gone by, but the sight of him still made your heart race. 
“Let’s have a drink. You can tell me all about it.
“Alright,” you said. “I hope you know somewhere good because I have no clue.”
“Trust me, I know New Orleans very well.”
The night after the ball you went into the grill and found Kol sitting at the bar. You walked over and sat next to him.
“You look as miserable as me.” He turned to look at you. “Maybe a bit angrier.”
“Well, if it isn’t the beautiful Y/n.”
“Are you alright, Kol?”
“Why would you care?
“I care about my friends.”
“Is that what we are?” He asked. “Friends?”
You shrugged. “We’re getting there.”
“Alright darling, tell me, has anything interesting happened to you today because you seem rather boring?”
You hadn’t known him long enough to know his moods, but you did know your own. This was one of your common ones: acting like an ass to cover up the hurt.
“What happened?”
“I’m sure your friends have told you by know. Maybe you were in on their plan. Is there someone waiting to put a dagger in my back while I’m distracted?”
“Kol, I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
You hesitated a moment before placing your hand over his that was resting on the counter. He glanced at your hands before turning back to you with a strange look on his face.
“My mother tried to kill me today.”
You stared at him with wide eyes for a moment. That had not been what you were expecting.
“She said we’re monsters and she regrets turning us into vampires. So she tried to kill us all.”
“I’m sorry, Kol.”
“It happens,” he said. “Your friends helped by the way.”
You sighed. “I’m getting less comfortable calling them my friends as time goes by.”
Silence fell over you. You thought about what happened with Ester and realized the same thing could have happened to you.
“You know my mom is on the town council, and from one of the founding families. Every generation has been taught to hate the supernatural. When they become aware of a vampire or werewolf in town, they get rid of them. How do you think she handled the news about me and Caroline?”
“I imagine she took it poorly.” 
“Yeah, but eventually she accepted it. I know your mom probably won’t change, but I do get it.” 
He raised his glass. “Cheers to becoming our mothers’ biggest fears.”
What you said didn’t fix anything, but you did notice the small smile on his face. It was only there for a second before it was replaced with a smirk.
“So how long have you been back in the land of the living?” You asked as Kol led you into a small bar. 
“That answer is more complicated than you may think.”
“Well, I don’t have any plans for the rest of the night. How about you?”
“I do now.”
He told you about his mother resurrecting him to help with her plans. Then Finn’s hex killed him.
 “Wait, Finn is alive too?” 
“Kol, He’s your brother.”
He scoffed. “My brother who killed me.”
You nodded and looked down at your glass. Once again, the relationship between the Mikaelson siblings amazed you. 
“I heard about your mother,” he said. “I’m sorry.”
”You know, with my dad it so sudden and unexpected I didn’t have time to process it. Not to mention the heightened emotions on top of it.” You sighed and finished your drink. “With mom, we knew it was coming. It didn’t hurt any less, but I had time to prepare. And I knew I had to be there for Caroline. Of course, I even messed that up.”
“I’m sure that’s not true.”
“She turned off her humanity. How much worse could I have done?”
“Is she back to normal now?”
You laughed. “Nothing will ever be normal again.”
“Caroline’s humanity is on, and you’re both alive.”
“Technically-” You laughed at the look he gave you.
“My point is you’re going to be alright.”
“You’re right, I guess.”
You smiled, looking around the bar. You were so focused on observing the room that you didn’t notice when Kol leaned forward. When you turned around, you let out a gasp, realizing how close you were. The look on his face never failed to put you on edge.
“How are those craving you were dealing with?”
You cleared your throat, shifting in your seat. You knew exactly what he was talking about. He brought it up to see you squirm.
It’d been a few days since you saw Kol in the bar. Christmas past and you’d been so busy you’d been able to avoid the feeling that had been nagging at you. Now you were laying in bed with nothing to distract you. 
All you could hear were the heartbeats throughout the apartment building. The sounds and smells were driving you insane. It took every ounce of strength to keep yourself in control. But after almost a week, you were about to break. You took a deep breath and picked up your phone. You needed help, and you knew it. There was only one person you wanted to help you. You stared at your phone, trying to work up the courage to make the phone call. Every minute that passed, the worse the burning in your throat got and the louder the sounds got. You weren’t sure how much longer you’d last. You dialed the number and waited for an answer.
“Kol.” You hated the way your voice shook.
“Y/n? Are you alright?” 
“I need your help.”
You could hear him moving around.
“Where am I going?”
You paced as you told him your address. 
“I’m on my way.”
You were curled into the corner of your apartment, farthest from the door when Kol got there. He knocked on the door. 
“It’s open.”
When he saw you, he was by your side in an instant. You couldn’t help jumping. Vampire speed still shocked you. He kneeled next to you.
“What’s going on, darling?” He brushed the hair out of your face.
“I…I’m.” You didn’t even know how to explain it. “I’m going to hurt someone.”
“The cravings are getting a bit out of hand?”
You nodded. He started rolling up his sleeve.
“What are you doing?” 
“Feeding on me will take the edge off. I can’t take you out of here with you this high strung. It won’t end well.” 
“I’m not a normal vampire Kol. My bite is poison to you.” 
He pulled a vial from his pocket. “It wouldn’t kill me anyway, but this will fix it.”
He sat next to you and held out his arm.
“It’s alright.”
You watched his face making sure it was ok as you bit into his wrist. You couldn’t help the moan that left your lips as the blood ran down your throat. The feeling that fell over you was something you’d never felt before. A warmth spread through your entire body; it felt like you were floating. You laid your head against Kol’s chest as you drank. He ran his fingers through your hair, and you could feel his eyes on you.
You drank until you stopped shaking, even then you had to force yourself to pull away. You didn’t move from Kol’s arms- taking deeps breaths trying to regain your composure.
“Feel better?” 
You nodded, sitting up. He stood, pulling you up with him. 
“Does it always feel like that?”
“Feeding on other vampires is different from feeding on humans.” He moved the hair away from your face. 
You couldn’t help but notice how close you were, and how his eyes glanced at your lips before moving back to your eyes. You thought he was going to kiss you...and realized you wouldn’t mind if he did. That wasn’t good.
You stepped back looking down. You grabbed his wrist, seeing the effect your venom was already having. 
“Does it hurt?” 
“I’m sorry,” you said. 
“Don’t worry.” He pulled the vial of Klaus’s blood out and drank it. The wound healed instantly. “See? It’s fine.”
You looked up at him. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Now come on it’s time for you to learn how to hunt.”
“I’m fine now. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t helped me.”
“Why did you call me and not one of your friends?” 
“You are my friend.”
“But it’s different.”
You paused before answering. “They live one way, so they expected me to live that way. Caroline drinks blood bags, and that works for her. It wasn’t for me, as you know. None of them would have understood that.”
“So, you called me.”
“I didn’t need them. I had you.”
“Not for long.”
You looked away. Caroline had been the one to tell you about Kol’s death. It hurt a lot. You hadn’t realized how attached you were- how much you cared.
“I didn’t know what they were going to do.”
If you had known, you would have told him. He protected you, but you hadn’t been able to do the same.
After leaving your apartment, Kol took you into town. You were standing across from the grill. There weren’t any lights nearby, you couldn’t be seen from the other side of the street. 
“What are we doing?”
“You’re learning to feed,” Kol said. 
“On people trying to go about their day.”
“Think of it as a necessary part of life. Humans have to eat, so do vampires.”
You looked up at him and smiled. That wasn’t how he looked at it, and you knew it. But he was trying to make you feel better.
“You find someone, isolate them, compel them to be quiet, heal them, compel them to forgot and be on their way. No harm done.”
You sighed as people came out of the doors. “Ok. Who?”
“Someone alone that won’t be noticed disappearing.” He motioned towards the building. 
Behind the group that just left came a girl around your age. She went the opposite way as the rest of them.
“You’re up, darling.”
You turned to him before moving. “Promise me, you’ll stop me if I-”
“If you lose control, I’ll stop you, but I don’t think you’ll have that problem.”
You nodded, and then you were gone.
In the alleyway, you compelled the girl to be quiet. You fed quickly, not losing your senses the way you did when you fed on Kol. Once your hunger was gone, you pulled away. You fed her your blood and compelled her to forget. After she left, you turned to Kol. He was already watching you with a smirk on his face. 
“I told you you wouldn’t lose control.”
You walked closer. “Thank you. For helping me.”
“Well, I couldn’t have you killing your entire apartment building.”
You scoffed. “You can admit you like me Kol.”
“I never said I didn’t.”
“So you do?”
“There are very few people in this town I care about Y/n,” he said. “And you’re one of them.”
His hand moved up to cup your cheek. He was looking at you the same way he had in the grill. With a glint in his eye that made you feel like the breath had left your lungs. His other hand moved to your waist, pulling you closer. You couldn’t help the shiver that went down your spine when you realized how close you were. You both moved forward, eager to close the last bit of distance. But you jumped away from him when you heard the voice behind you. 
“Don’t move. Put your hands up.”
It was impossible to describe the horror you felt hearing your mom’s voice. You were relieved it was so dark. It’d be impossible to see your face from the entrance of the alley. 
 You couldn’t move even when you heard the sound of a gun firing. Kol was quick to react. He wrapped his arms around you, putting himself between you and your mom. You heard him groan as the bullets hit him then he sped you both out of the alley. Before you knew it, you were back at your apartment. 
You broke out of your trance when Kol let out a curse. “Are you ok?”
“I’ll be fine. Indestructible, remember? Just help me get this off.”
You helped his get his jacket off and then moved behind him. There were six bullet holes in his back that weren’t healing because the bullets were still inside. 
“I’m going to have to get them out,” you said. “Take off your shirt.”
“If you wanted me to take my shirt off, all you had to do was ask. I didn’t need to get shot.”
You rolled your eyes and helped him pull it off. It definitely wasn’t disappointment you felt once the shirt was off; your gaze lingered a moment too long before you went to grab one of your kitchen chairs. As you walked away, you saw Kol’s smirk widen.
“Like what you see?” He asked as you pulled the chair into the room. He sat down, and you moved behind him.
“What if I do?” 
You started digging out the bullets and any pieces of wood that broke off into the wound. 
“I’d offer to show you more.”
You couldn’t help laughing and finished the rest of the wounds in silence. Once you were done, you wiped away the dried blood and washed your hands. Turning back around, you let out a gasp seeing Kol right behind you. You looked away from him and took a breath.  
“I guess we should have thought about the town council’s mission to kill vampires.”
“It just means next time we go to the next town over.”
“Next time?”
“I can’t teach you everything in one trip. Especially when it ended with us getting shot at.”
You laughed.
“We’ll skip that part from now on.”
You smiled. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, darling. Now I need to leave.” He smirked. “Unless you want me to stay.”
“Goodnight Kol,” you said, rolling your eyes.
After he was gone, you let out a sigh and cleaned up. It wasn’t until you were laying in bed to sleep you realized you had wanted him to stay.
“You haven’t told me why you’re in New Orleans,” Kol said. “I’m surprised you left your sister in Mystic Falls.”
“Caroline is actually in Texas of all places.”
“Mystic Falls was too tiring?”
“Too dangerous. My nieces weren’t safe there.”
“Nieces? How did that happen?”
“It’s a very long and complicated story.”
“We have time.”
You told him about the Gemini coven and then about Jo’s family, Ric and Jo’s relationship, and the tragic wedding came next. Kai wasn’t a subject you liked discussing, but you didn’t have a choice. You explained the spell the coven cast, saving the twins and making Caroline their surrogate mother. 
“There isn’t a lot of information on siphoners, and the twins’ powers are growing. I’ve been going around to any witch that would talk to me trying to learn more.”
“I can help,” he said. “There are hundreds of witches who owe me favors.”
“That would be amazing.” You smiled. Then you realized what you’d left out and looked down.
“There’s something else, isn't there?”
“In the Gemini coven, twins are in line to be leaders. It’s determined by a ritual called the Merge. Their magic is merged together and absorbed by the stronger twin. The other dies,” you said. “It’s another thing I’ve been trying to figure out.”
“You’re looking for a loophole.”
You nodded and laid your head on the bar. “It doesn't happen until they’re twenty-two, but time goes by fast. We need a solution sooner rather than later."
“Take a breath, darling,” Kol said a hand running up and down your back. “You’ll figure it out. And I’ll help you.”
You sat up and looked at him. It amazed you that even though three years had passed your feelings were still just as strong. You told yourself if you had more time you could have fallen in love with him. Now you knew you would have. 
“I missed you.” You didn’t know why you said it. It was true. Over the years you’d thought about him many times.
“You have no idea, Y/n."
His hand cupped the side of your face, and he moved closer. You wrapped your arms around his neck. Your lips were about to touch when there was yelling behind you.
“Kol Mikaelson where the hell have you been?”
You laughed at the look on his face. He was ready to kill whoever interrupted you. The number of times this had happened to the two of you was frustrating. 
“What Rebekah?”
“I’ve been calling you all day.”
He stepped away from you with a sigh. “You’re not my mother. What do you want?”
“Is it so bad that I want to see my newly resurrected brother,” she said. “You weren’t answering calls. For all I knew, you could have died again.”
“Rebekah, I’m grateful you had me brought back to life, but you can’t be afraid I’m going to die anytime I’m away from you.”
“Who’s this?” She asked, looking at you.
You waved. “Y/N.”
“From Mystic Falls.” Her gaze darkened, and she moved towards you. “Here to kill my brother all over again?”
Kol stepped in front of you. “Don’t touch her Rebekah.”
“FIne. I’ll wait outside, but we need you at home.”
After she left, he turned around. “Apparently I have to leave.”
“I got that.”
“Where are you staying?”
You told him and he nodded, walking away. A thought crossed your mind, and you grabbed his arm. 
“Kol, don’t...don’t tell Klaus I’m here. Please.”
He cupped your face and pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“I won’t tell him. Even if I did, he wouldn’t touch you.”
You nodded, and he walked away. You watched with a smile on your face. Yes, you were definitely falling for him.
Part 3
Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it!
Tags: @del-rcys
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tomeandflickcorner · 4 years
Umbrella Academy Recap 2x04
1x01 1x02 1x03 1x04 1x05 1x06 1x07 1x08 1x09 1x10
2x01 2x02 2x03
Well, last episode was pretty emotionally draining.  Not only did we get Allison’s husband, Ray, learning about her powers and reacting badly (though not unrealistically), but Lila, the young woman Diego might be falling for, is also seemingly in league with The Handler.  Oh, and Luther is still a pain in the tailbone, being all mopey over Allison marrying someone else.  So what’s going to happen next?
The episode actually addresses one of our first questions at the very start of the episode, showing us exactly how Lila got involved with The Handler in the first place.  It seems that the story Lila told Diego, about her parents being killed in a home invasion, was partially true.  Turns out, they were actually killed by The Commission, possibly because they could have potentially altered some major historical event in some way and therefore had to be eliminated.  And I won’t lie, seeing the scene of them tied up on the floor while begging for their lives was rather disturbing to watch.  After the temporal assassin murders the young couple, with The Handler watching, they begin to leave.  But before leaving, The Handler notices a child’s toy lying nearby.  Which tips her off that there was a kid in the house.  Almost immediately after this discovery, The Handler hears a noise coming from a nearby vent, which leads to her locating a young Lila hiding in a secret compartment in the wall.  The Handler promptly takes Young Lila under her wing and raises her as a daughter.  Though it’s definitely not much of a loving relationship, as The Handler’s parenting style is on par with Reginald Hargeeves’.   And this is driven home when we see The Handler forcing Lila to go through some sort of obstacle course while shooting at her with a Tommy gun, drills her in learning Mandarin and even sent her on a mission to kill a man.  Of course, this does mean that Lila has more in common with Diego than either of them might realize.  They both were raised by a less-than-loving adoptive parent who treated them more like a weapon than an actual child.
Flash forward to the present.  Or at least what is the present in the show’s timeline, considering we’re still in 1963.  The Handler has instructed Lila to protect Number 5.  Lila is surprised by this, considering how much trouble Number 5 had caused for The Commission last season. Not to mention it was partially because of him that The Handler got demoted.  Still, The Handler feels that Number 5 is worth more to her alive.  As their conversation continues, Lila voices her annoyance over the three white-haired temporal assassins that shot at her and Diego as they tried to escape the mental hospital.  She is not pleased when she learns that The Handler was the one who sent them, considering they might have killed her, even though she’s working for The Commission as well.  But The Handler waves away her anger, stating that it’s all part of the act, and it’s important to not let on that Lila is with them.  And she also insists that if the white-haired trio really wanted to kill her, then she’d already be dead.  As The Handler leaves the room, she once again instructs Lila to protect Number 5, no matter what.
Elsewhere, Luther is waking up after throwing his fight and getting his butt handed to him.  To his surprise, Vanya is sitting by his bedside, offering him a pillow or some aspirin to ease his headache.  Right away, Luther realizes that Number 5 had managed to locate her.  Vanya confirms this by stating the brother in question is waiting outside in the car.  She then goes on to explain that Number 5 had filled in some of the gaps in her missing memories, but had been vague in regards to the apocalypse.  So Vanya suspects that she might have had something to do with it and she asks Luther about the matter.  Luther admits that Vanya caused it, stating she got angry, lost control and blew up the moon.  Although, to Luther’s credit, he also states that it wasn’t completely her fault.  Before they could get much further in their discussion, Mr. Ruby barges in.  He is furious that Luther threw the fight, especially since he now owes a lot of money (because people were gambling on the outcome of the fight).  Luther tries to apologize, but Mr. Ruby states that their partnership is done and walks out.  Luther, visibly crestfallen, tells Vanya to leave.  He then punches a hole through the wall, allowing him to see Number 5 looking up at him from the street below.
Vanya, taking this as her cue to leave, exits the building.  As she passes by Number 5, she announces she’s going back to the farmhouse.  Number 5 insists that’s not acceptable, as they have to stick together.  At this, Vanya begins laying into Number 5 for not telling her that she was the one who caused the April 1st 2019 apocalypse and asking him if he was ever going to tell her the truth.  Number 5 admits he wasn’t planning on mentioning it, since Vanya had a tendency to blow things up when she got mad.  After a bit of back-and-forth, Vanya announces that she can’t help him, stating that whoever she was before, it’s a new timeline.  And therefore, she can start anew.  Number 5 tries to tell her it doesn’t work that way, but Vanya drives off, leaving him alone, with Luther glaring down at him from the hole in the wall.
Over at the Chestnut household, Allison is going nuts since Ray hadn’t come home after the riot.  She starts to berate herself for rumoring that cop who had been beating him, stating that she’d promised herself that she’d never use her powers again.  Klaus attempts to reassure her, pointing out that she’d saved Ray’s life, as the cop would have killed him if she hadn’t stepped in.  He proceeds to tell her his own version of The Scorpion and The Frog fable to further cheer her up, but this goes as well as a porcupine in a balloon factory and she quickly runs off to try and find Ray.
Allison eventually heads over to Odessa's hairdressers.  She is shocked to find Ray is there, and is holding a meeting without her.  Allison voices her anger that he didn’t even bother calling her to let her know he was alright, as she had been up all night trying to call numerous hospitals and fearing he was dead.  Ray proceeds to lead Allison outside to talk.  It soon becomes clear that Ray is suspecting that Allison was a plant for the police and had been simply infiltrating their group to spy on them.  Allison insists that wasn’t the case, and that she can explain.  But when Ray tells her to do so, the words fail Allison.  Which is understandable, because how does one go about explaining everything about having supernatural powers and traveling in time?  So Ray, taking her silence as confirmation of his suspicions, goes back inside.
Saddened, Allison proceeds to walk about seemingly aimlessly.  But this leads to her reuniting with Luther, who is also feeling dejected after his falling out with Mr. Ruby and is currently stuffing his face at an outdoor barbecue restaurant.  Their reunion is reasonably sweet. They proceed to catch up with each other, though they gloss over their personal heartbreaks.  Allison asks Luther if he’s heard from the others, so Luther tells her that Vanya is living on a farm and is actually really happy there and that Diego is in a mental hospital.  (Luther doesn’t know Diego broke out at this point.)  In return, Allison tells him that Klaus has become a cult leader.  Of course, when Luther states that Number 5 turned up again, he tells her that they will somehow cause a second apocalypse, which is supposed to occur in 7 days.  Allison is clearly taken aback by this.
Back at Elliot’s apartment, Number 5 has regrouped with Diego, Lila and Elliot, stating he’s confident Vanya will come around and rejoin them eventually.  Diego asks him if he’s sure the white-haired assassins (who Number 5 refers to as The Swedes) will go after her again.  Number 5 says he can’t be sure they won’t, but right now, their priority is locating 1963 Reginald and asking him some questions about his possible involvement with the approaching Kennedy Assassination. Fortunately, Number 5 knows just where they can find him.  During their previous search of 1963 Reginald’s umbrella factory, Number 5 had located an invitation to a gala that’s being hosted by a man named Hoyt Hillenkoetter.  Immediately upon hearing that name, Elliot’s ears perk up.  It appears that Hoyt is a member of The Majestic 12 (roll credits), which is some secret governmental group that I imagine is in the same vein as the Illuminati.  Elliot proceeds to show them a photograph that had been taken of the Majestic 12.  How this photograph came to exist is not explained, but I’m sure Elliot wasn’t the only conspiracy nut in the 1960s.  Lila voices her observation that there are only 11 men in Elliot’s photograph.  In response, Elliot states that nobody has been able to identify the mysterious 12th member.  Upon hearing this, Number 5 and Diego share a look.  It’s obvious they’ve concluded that Reginald was the 12th member of this organisation. 
Meanwhile, Vanya has returned to the farmhouse.  Upon her arrival, she is immediately greeted by Sissy, who is overjoyed to see her.  She asks Vanya what happened.  Vanya admits she doesn’t know where to begin, so Sissy states they can talk over breakfast.  And so, Vanya fills Sissy in on the finer points of what happened after she left the farmhouse.  Specifically the part about The Swedes being after her.   Sissy suggests going to the police, but Vanya turns down that option, as the matter is complicated.  Instead, Vanya feels that, in order to make sure Sissy and Harlan remain safe, she has to leave.  Sissy is dead set against this, though.  She tells Vanya that they can just go away somewhere, and that she’ll do whatever it takes to protect her from The Swedes.   At that moment, they both realize that Harlan had been in earshot of their conversation.  Realizing that Vanya was considering leaving for good, he runs out of the house, clearly upset, and Sissy and Vanya race after him.  They quickly lose sight of him, though, forcing the two women to split up in order to find him.  After a frantic search, Vanya overhears the sound of water splashing.  Following the sound, she sees Harlan’s bird toy floating in a large pond.  Which clearly indicates he’d fallen in.  Vanya, in a desperate attempt at saving the boy, concentrates on tapping into her powers.  (Either she knows she has them now or this was just her instincts taking over.)  With her powers, she pushes back the water in the pond like it’s the Red Sea, enabling her to retrieve Harlan’s unconscious form.  Once they’re safely on shore, Vanya begins performing CPR on him.  At first, it looks like it’s all in vain, as Harlan remains unresponsive.  But then, small specks of light enter into Harlan’s mouth and go down his throat.  In the blink of an eye, Harlan comes back to life, much to Vanya and Sissy’s relief.
Upon returning to the farmhouse, Sissy brings Harlan up to bed.  When she rejoins Vanya downstairs, she suggests not mentioning what had happened with Harlan nearly drowning to Carl (who is away on a business trip in Waco).  As Sissy begins to drink the liqueur Vanya poured for her, the events of the day catch up to her, and she breaks down crying.  She acknowledges that Harlan would have died if Vanya hadn’t been there.  Vanya consoles her, pointing out that Harlan is going to be fine, as the doctor had already checked him over and determined that he’d pull through.  Still, Vanya feels that things might be best if she left.  Clearly, she’s still thinking of The Swedes.  Sissy then begins confiding in Vanya that she felt unfulfilled with her life, as her husband doesn’t see her and her son doesn’t talk to her.  But then Vanya came into their lives.  She then kisses Vanya, and, after a pause, Vanya reciprocates. 
Over at a diner somewhere, Klaus jumps right into his personal mission by approaching Dave and trying to convince him to not enlist in the army.  Because if he does, they’re going to send him to Vietnam, where thousands of American soldiers and millions of Vietnamese soldiers will die for nothing.  Unfortunately, Klaus’ efforts are spoiled by Dave’s uncle, Brian, who is clearly of the mindset that being a military man is the highest honor imaginable.  Uncle Brian begins throwing homophobic slurs at Klaus and orders Dave to punch Klaus.  In the end, Uncle Brian’s taunts force Dave to comply with that order, though it’s clear that Dave isn’t happy about doing so.  Klaus then leaves the diner, as Ben, who had been watching the whole scene unfold, stands by in visible shock.  
Ben later catches up to Klaus, who is trying to drown his sorrow with alcohol.  He tries to talk Klaus out of it, as Klaus has been sober for the past three years and can’t throw out that progress now, but to no avail.  And Klaus proceeds to drink from a bunch of bottles.  (And I’m a little surprised he was able to get away with drinking in the liqueur store.  Were the rules about drinking alcohol before actually paying for the bottle looser in the 60s?)  Unfortunately for Klaus, when he returns to his mansion, he finds his followers have all managed to track him down.  Horrified, Klaus turns and retreats, with his devoted followers all running after him, not picking up on the obvious indication that he wants to get away from them.  Eventually, Klaus manages to give them the slip and returns to the Chestnut household, looking for a place to crash for the night.  Allison, while it’s clear she’s exasperated with her brother’s antics (and still upset over how things went with Ray), allows him to camp out on the couch.
Elsewhere, Luther finds that he’s being kicked out of his small apartment, as he’s now on Mr. Ruby’s bad side and his landlord doesn’t want to end up crossing Mr. Ruby, either.  So Luther is forced to head over to Elliot’s place to look for Number 5.  Of course, Number 5 has already left for the gala with Diego and Lila, so only Elliot is there to let him in.  They then proceed to get high on some nitrous oxide.  As they sit around giggling and swapping man stories and what not, Luther lets slip that the world will end in 7 days.  While Elliot is shocked and confused by that statement, the laughing gas high prevents him from really reacting to this.
At the gala, Diego, Lila and Number 5 plan to infiltrate the party.  (And I have to laugh here.  While Diego and Lila managed to locate the appropriate attire to attend a fancy soiree, Number 5 is still wearing his Umbrella Academy schoolboy uniform.  What, did they not have tuxes in child sizes in 1963? Or could Number 5 not be bothered to try and blend in?)  Before they try to sneak in, however, Number 5 makes sure Lila knows that he doesn’t trust her.  (And, knowing what we know about Lila, Number 5 might be smart to be suspicious of her.)
Once inside, Number 5 slips off to search the upstairs for 1965 Reginald.  Once they’re alone, Diego pulls Lila aside to ask where she ran off to last night.  It seems he’d woken up while Lila was off meeting with The Handler and noticed she was no longer lying next to him.  Lila smoothly covers up her absence by stating she’d slipped off to a drug store to get more gauze for his stab wound.  And then, to further distract him, she pulls him onto the dance floor.  They proceed to have a pretty nicely done dancing scene.  However, their dance ends abruptly when Diego spots something that makes him freeze.  To his amazement, the Hargreeves Siblings’ robot mother, Grace, or someone who looks remarkably like her, is standing amongst the other guests.  So of course, Diego has to go and approach her.  Of course, it’s not clear if this is actually the Grace that Diego knows or not, as this Grace has a strong Texas accent.  However, Grace does state that Reginald is there as her date, but he slipped off to attend a meeting 20 minutes ago.  As Grace heads off, Diego suddenly remembers Lila and hurries off to find her again.  But we then see The Swedes are also there at the gala, posing as members of the wait staff.
Upstairs, Number 5 teleports himself into a closet.  This enables him to spy on the meeting of the Majestic 12, who are planning to organize the assassination of President Kennedy, in order to prevent him from continuing his investigation of their activities.  As Number 5 and Diego suspected, Reginald is indeed among them.  But when Number 5 accidentally makes his presence known by inadvertently making a noise, he has to teleport away before 1963 Reginald can stab him with a fireplace poker.  Number 5′s bad luck continues when he materializes right in front of one of The Swedes.  A fight immediately breaks out between Number 5 and The Swedes, with Diego joining in early on.  As the fight continues, Lila also stumbles onto the scene.  After a brief hesitation, she goes to assist Number 5, following The Handler’s orders to protect him at all costs.  As a result, they manage to seemingly kill one of The Swedes.  But amidst the confusion, the Majestic 12 decide the secrecy of their meeting has been compromised and that they should regroup later at their backup location.  When Number 5 sees them leaving though the window, he teleports off, with Lila hurrying away as well.  While this does leave Diego at the mercy of the other two Swedes, he manages to overpower them and gets away as well.
Outside the Gala, Number 5 calls out to 1963 Reginald in Ancient Greek.  1963 Reginald reacts to this briefly, but he still gets into the car with Grace, driving off.  When Grace asks him who Number 5 was, 1963 Reginald states he was nobody important.  But it’s still made clear that whatever Number 5 said struck a cord with him.
Closing thoughts/questions:
So, was that actually the Grace the robot mother from the first season?  Because I thought the implication was that Reginald had built her specifically to be a nanny for the Umbrella Academy kids that wouldn’t get killed by Young Vanya’s outbursts.  However, it’s currently looking like Reginald had purposly modeled Grace the robot after this woman.  Which does suggest that she was someone particularly memorable to Reginald.
Really hoping that Klaus can succeed in saving Dave’s life.  It’s really unlucky he’s under the psychological grip of his homophobic, military-loving uncle.
Also hoping Allison can patch things up with Ray.  I’d hate for things to end on such a sour note for them.
What exactly was up with those glowing lights that went into Harlan’s mouth, seemingly resurrecting him? Is this a more advanced stage of Vanya’s powers, or is it something else?  Because they almost looked like those glowing lights Reginald released from the glass jar in the 1x10 flashback.  Which makes me wonder if my theory of those glowing lights have a connection to the miraculous birth of the Hargreeves Siblings (and the other 36 Miracle Babies) might actually go somewhere
The fact that they’re now presenting us with Sissy and Vanya as being in love is interesting.  Of course, there’s the question of what they might face if they’re found out.  Especially since Sissy is married.  Wonder if they’ll explore that.
Really hoping Lila ends up being a good guy in the end.  I still enjoy her relationship with Diego.  Even though she does chose to save Number 5 over Diego to abide with The Handler’s orders, the fact that she’d ealier stated she didn’t want to kill Diego suggests that she does have some manner of affection for him.  But will it be enough for her to overcome her mental programming?
I also wonder what exactly Number 5 called out to 1963 Reginald.  Hope they explain that in the next episode.
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jeanvaljean24601 · 4 years
The Umbrella Academy’ Season 2 Preview: Where Are the Hargreeves Now?
When “The Umbrella Academy” drops its second season on Netflix on July 31, it won’t find the Hargreeves as a united front fighting to stop the apocalypse — at least not right away. Instead, it’ll find the siblings thrown six decades back in time, separated and, in some cases, building their own lives apart from each other.
At a recent virtual junket, the cast and creator Steve Blackman previewed the second season, which was loosely inspired by the “Dallas” limited series of Gerard Way’s comic book and picks up after Five (Aidan Gallagher) throws the Hargreeves back in time to escape the apocalypse Vanya (Ellen Page) spawned in 2019. However, Five’s attempt to save them does have its hiccups, dropping them separately in Dallas over a three-year period from 1960 to 1963. It also messes with the timeline, causing another impending doomsday and involving complications with the assassination of John F. Kennedy — all things the Hargreeves will have to worry about once they get back together.
Blackman says he wanted to make it a bit “challenging” for everyone to find everyone once again, with some building new lives for themselves in the past, forging relationships with new characters, while others drop into Dallas later.
“Klaus starts a cult, Allison gets married, Luther finds a surrogate father,” he says. “It was really important to develop those stories. They were tricky, because you know, each of those new characters had to sort of still work within our world until the family finds themselves again and sort of regroups, probably even stronger than they did in Season 1.”
Allison (Emmy Raver-Lampman) is among the first to land, falling into Dallas in 1961 at the height of the Civil Rights Movement. In addition to being separated from her daughter and siblings and having lost her voice at the hands of Vanya at the end of Season 1, she also has to deal with “the reality of having a Black woman literally fall into the ’60s in the segregated South.” Allison is, Raver-Lampman explains, initially in shock. android tv box
“She might not know exactly where in the world she is, but I think she knows exactly where she’s not supposed to be because of the color of her skin,” she said. “Coming from the 21st century, I’m sure she has faced, you know, prejudice and microaggressions, and racism on some level. But immediately being threatened because of the color of her skin, I think, and legally not being allowed to be places — it has got to be absolutely terrifying.”
“I think she’s at a low in so many ways,” Raver-Lampson adds.
Luther (Tom Hopper), too, is dealing with “a big shock to his system.” Once something of a leader for the family, Luther’s now the driver for the owner of a burlesque bar, who becomes a father figure to him. While it’s an adjustment, Hopper says it presents an opportunity for Luther “to find his own identity outside of the academy,” and to learn what it’s like to have to work to make a living.
“I think he realizes that he was a bit too power-hungry, I suppose, and a lot of the decisions he made weren’t the best ones,” Hopper says. “It’s a big come down to Earth for Luther, I think, but also it’s something that he needed.”
Vanya, meanwhile, doesn’t even have the opportunity to process her actions at the end of Season 1 — because she’s almost immediately hit by a car and suffers memory loss, which is something of a blessing and a curse. She’s taken in by a family, finds a new love interest and, while she’s confused and lost, Page says it presents the opportunity to see a “very different” Vanya.
“She’s released a lot of emotion and repressed trauma, so we find her in a space that’s much lighter. She’s much more open, able to connect to her emotions,” she says. “I think of course it’s difficult for her because she’s feeling like, does anybody care? Is anybody trying to find me? And feeling lost in that sense. But in so many ways, she’s way less lost than she was in the first season.”
Diego (David Castañeda) drops into Dallas in 1963, and is thrown into an asylum because of his seemingly delusional claims of Kennedy being assassinated. He finds a friend in a new character named Lila, which turns into a Bonnie & Clyde-esque partnership, and also has a purpose to work toward.
“We find him lost, trapped in an insane asylum and obviously with a purpose of trying to maybe change the timeline, having the capability of proving his father wrong and also maybe understanding him a little bit,” Castañeda says. “And then everything just kind of goes bonkers when Five decides to show up again.”
Five is the last to land, and in the meantime, his siblings have done “considerable damage” to the timeline, Gallagher says. He’s left with several fires to put out, trying to stop the end of the world in the ’60s, while also needing to get back to 2019 and prevent the apocalypse there.
“He just gets progressively more and more stressed and as his anxiety builds up, so does the chaos behind his eyes,” he says. “That was very fun as an actor to see that sort of bubble over and really take over Five, and him really succumb to his suppressed insanity.”
The only two Hargreeves who start off together are, for obvious reasons, Klaus (Robert Sheehan) and the late Ben (Justin H. Min). They’re the first to land in the past, giving Klaus time to, well, become a cult leader. Although it might seem like he’s thriving, being an icon has it’s drawbacks, he’s realizing.
“The novelty of being adored and worshiped by all these thousands of people has sort of very, very quickly worn off and he realizes that being number one, if you will, is a real drag,” Sheehan says. “He’s sort of back to escaping again. It’s like sobriety was his cult in the first series, you know, and drugs was his escape, whereas his escape in the second series is just running with his legs.”
And although Ben is inevitably tied to Klaus because of the latter’s ability to communicate with the dead, Min teases that Season 2 will see him come into his own a bit, especially after Klaus and Ben combined their powers at the end of Season 1 to save the day. x96 max plus
“I think through the evolution and progression of Klaus’ powers, Ben gains a lot more agency and independence in the second season and is able to really fight for what he wants,” Min says.
And will audiences finally learn about Ben’s backstory and how he died? Min says “there are some hints” to what happened — but of course, he can’t reveal much.
“If I say anything more, I will be — ” he says, before Sheehan finishes for him, “assassinated. Like John F. Kennedy.”
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