#because my partner's parents are extremely traditional
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0vergrowngraveyard · 3 months
daily internal debate of “am i aromatic or just terrified of relationships”
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littlestpersimmon · 2 months
Am caught in a death spiral my lieges. I don't feel entitled to anyone's time, effort or resources but I feel so beat down. I am disabled, I am working so much I genuinely developed a hunched back. I am alone responsible for my autistic sister, her parentified sibling, and my two parents who are disabled with extremely limited movement. I have three jobs. I can't ask for help on twitter because people I work for follow me there. My work requires me to draw every day, without a day off, ever. I have a "morality clause" which means if I or the author I work with are deemed to be acting in any way the company thinks inappropriate, we are immediately fired and would have to return every single cent we have made. I feel at my wits end. My employers are american- but I am not. I live in the global south- government assistance in the Philippines is *nonexistent*
Last week I asked for help to pay for electricity. The other week I asked for help with my sister who had to be rushed to the ER.
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I doxxed myself and posted medical info to this blog, so many strangers know my address, my legal name, everything just for me to be able to seek mutual aid- Wallah I do not want to be this person, but if anyone could please, pick up a print from my inprnt, or subscribe to my patreon, I already have 300+ drawings up there and I upload thrice to four times a month, or if you could send direct tips it would make a world's difference. I will try to open commissions next week but as the world is being plunged into wherever it is we are headed, it's getting harder and harder to get clients.
Currently myself dealing with housing insecurity- we only have a year or two to fix our traditional filipino house as it is falling apart due to the philippine storms and termites- *please* help me and my disabled family of three. I feel I am rambling now bc there's so much on my mind, on my plate, I've asked friends and my partner for help, my sister and my cousins and my friends are all I have. My mom's side of the family cannot help as they are all extremely poor themselves, and my paternal side of the family have emotionally abused me and have members that committed routine csa on me. I do not take any of the help I receive here for granted, and I'm sorry. Reblogs are off as I am asking for help from followers as I feel very ashamed / embarrassed/ humiliated to still be stuck in this dark place . Sorry and thank you again
Inprnt is having a sale rn, everything is like at 40% off!
And my tipping jars:
Sorry and thank you again. If you can't donate or purchase its OK, just please please please include me in your prayers, make mi shebeirach for my health so I csn continue to work, or any prayers at all for me. Thank you
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our-aroace-experience · 8 months
My mom is approaching 70 and is in what I can only describe as a Queer Platonic Relationship. My whole life my mom has been ambivalent about romance, and I suspect that if she were young today she’d describe herself as aro. She and my dad were happily married before he passed away, but even so, I don’t really have memories of them being over romantic. Their friends and and family didn’t believe them at first when they announced their marriage (when she was 36!) bc they “didn’t act like a couple”. They worked well as partners and both wanted kids, but there was always something different about their relationship compared to the relationships of my friends’ parents. Since my dad’s death she has shown zero interest in getting remarried and has been happily single for more than a decade.
My mom has an incredibly full life. She’s got lots of friends of all ages, fulfilling hobbies, and a shitty little dog that she loves to pieces. I never worry about her being bored and lonely.
She has this neighbor in her apartment building. They help each other out the way couples do with tasks like grocery shopping, attending family events together, and they co parent the shitty little dog, but she swears up and down that there’s nothing romantic between them. They help each other with medication, hospital visits, and navigating the scary changes of getting old together. She and my grandpa used to argue about her getting remarried to this neighbor bc he didn’t want her to be “lonely”. My mom insisted that she’s not lonely and the relationship was not romantic. There’s love and companionship, but it’s “not like that”.
Back when I started to show interest in dating as a teen my mom was so confused. “You actually want to go on dates? My mom used to force me to date and I hated it.” When I came out as gay as an adult she was like “That’s cool. I still don’t get why you wanna date people.”
My dad once told me a story about how early in their marriage, my mom once accidentally “dated” a different man without realizing that he was taking her out on dates. From her perspective she just was having fun outings with a friend. When the guy “came clean” and told my dad “I’m dating your wife” he just laughed because my mom had been excitedly telling him all about their “dates”. She missed every single clue that this guy had been laying down for her that he was interested. “He invited me to have breakfast on his boat! I’m so excited for the birdwatching that time of day!” (My mom also might be a little autistic but that’s neither here nor there). She just is not a romantically inclined thinker.
I love my mom very much and I’m so lucky to have her as a role model. She’s taught me that happiness is extremely versatile. You don’t have to follow a traditional set route for a complete life with meaningful relationships. Romance is a social construct as much as anything, and you are free to engage with it on your own terms. Don’t be afraid to live and love the way you want to. Your life will be fuller and happier for it.
I’m so happy you’ve had a positive experience, and your mum sounds lovely!
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valley-of-headcanons · 3 months
hii! could you do a headcannon for Alex's emotions and how he would react when his first child is born ?( sorry for the bad grammar, English isn't my 1st language )
alex's first child || headcanons
when faced with the birth of his first child, alex is determined to rewrite the wrong-doings of his father.
warnings: abusive dad mentions, self deprecating on alex's part, female bodied farmer with gender neutral pronouns
requested by: anon! hii, tysm for the request! this is a really cute one that i enjoyed writing a ton! alex is so underrated and his storyline breaks my heart. i love redemption arcs more than anything. anyway! hope you enjoy <3
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• Alex has always wanted to have children, but he's always been extremely nervous. He knew that he was not raised in a traditional household, despite his grandparents' rather traditional views. His father was a monster, and he realized this more and more as he grew. When he got to his father's age, more and more he thought to himself: “How could you treat a child like that?”
• When he first found out that you were pregnant, he was over the moon. He was so excited to be a dad! He was going to do all the cool stuff that he never got to do as a child. He was going to play sports with this kid, take them on father-son/father-daughter dates, and love them unconditionally! All the lovely feeling of being a parent swarmed him immediately. Everything was good ... until he got in his head.
• Late night thoughts are never good. When his partner is asleep beside him, about half way through their pregnancy, Alex didn't think the bad thoughts could get to him. But they certainly can. Y'know, aren't mental issues genetic? What if having this kid uncovers some mental issues that he never knew he had? What if he fucks up, making this kid feel as worthless as he felt as a kid? What if he turns into his father?
• That man made Alex feel like a completely different person than what he actually was. The confidence, the light, the joy behind his eyes ... every single time that man popped into his mind, it seemed to be snatched away from him. What if his child feels like that about him? His father is just ... that man. That man who makes them feel like shit and laughs about it. The kind of man that leaves after the damage is done.
• His anxieties were quiet, reserved for nights when you were getting your well deserved rest. He didn't open up to you about it until a bit closer to the date, when his nerves were at an all time high. You noticed there was an uneasiness about him, which was highly unusual. His dam just ... broke. It didn't take too much of a push, and you could tell he hadn't had much sleep. He tried his best not to cry, but he couldn't help it. When it came to his father, he was a defenseless little boy.
• You took him into your arms and held him, consoling his worries. Alex knew the damage of his father, and in knowing that, he would be able to prevent those actions. He cried until he felt a bit safer, resting his head on your stomach and closing his eyes. Maybe the child in your stomach understood Alex's cries, because he felt something softly graze his cheek.
• Soon, the time came to deliver the baby. Alex rushed you to the hospital, at your side consistently. He was there for your every need. He was more focused on you and your health than his own anxiety-ridden thoughts. There was a scratch at the back of his mind, putting him a bit on edge, but that didn't matter right now. His partner was going through a terrifying major life event right now. That may be a bit more important.
• After everything was all said and done, Alex was tired. He certainly wasn't as tired as you were, but he was exhausted. He sat with you, holding your hand as the child was brought into your room for the first time. It finally hit. That's it, he's a father now. You were the first to hold them, you did all the labor after all. After you were done for a moment, you handed them off to Alex.
• That baby could fit in the palm of Alex's hand, but it was his whole world. A cute little bundle of joy, eyes barely open enough to see the world it had just been brought into. Alex then felt his own eyes begin to pour. His little buddy. He held the child close to his chest, pressing the most gentle kisses on their forehead.
• “Hey, little buddy ... I'm your dad, and I'm gonna make sure nothing's gonna happen to you ... you're so tiny! ... how could anyone wanna hurt somethin' so small ...? ... I'm gonna make sure you're taken care of, as much as I can ... I love you so much, little buddy. I promise you'll have the best life ...”
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vampirae · 8 months
Astrology knowledge + personal notes
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Disclaimer! Some paragraphs are pure astrological knowledge, others are just mine personal opinions and experiences. Experiences aren't universal, it may apply to some and not to others.
You don't feel like the 4th house is accurately describing your family dynamics or traumas? Nice, then look at your 2nd house. The 4th house talks about your family, but mostly about your roots, generational trauma, your country, your literal home etc. Meanwhile the infamous 2nd house associated always exclusively with money, in reality is linked directly to your childhood, your family dynamics/setting, values or traumas they gave you, also your literal future family etc. E.g. Venus in the 2nd house is associated with being spoiled or likely to be giving gifts or favours, but why? Probably because in their childhood caregivers tried to "buy their love" so they associate gifts to being loved. Look at the planets in your 2nd house, its ruler, and the aspects etc.
Cancer sun men, usually tend to be cheap or stingy, literally, never met a Cancer sun man in my life who isn't so, if they behave differently it's usually because it suits their own personal agenda, or try to manipulate you.
Aries moon women tend to post absolutely gorgeous photos, they're so artistic, and know how to take or edit photos or videos.
Cancer rising is so funny, relatable or friendly, they naturally attract people or masses, they're charismatic in their own way, but they tend to be private and dislike when people invade too much of their personal space without permission; some will cut you immediately off, others will be waiting patiently for you to finally understand you're being inappropriate, literally no in between.
Moon in the 12th house, from my own personal experiences, terrible friends. Likely to be great companions if you want to get high or drink or talk about whatever without being judged, but literally avoid them in "no chill time". Extremely manipulative, always victim of the circumstances, helpless and problematic. Briefly, if you don't want to find yourself being a free therapist for hours, a free ATM or parenting a whole ass adult, just avoid getting closer to them. On the other hand, great and sacrificial lovers, but vampiric succubus as friends. (To the people asking me which 12th house moon hurt me, well too many my darling, this is why they're on my blacklist).
When it comes to raw sexual libido mars in fall and detriment are the ones most usually labelled with low libido, which is true, but still in my opinion and experiences they're not on the same level. Mars is Cancer is the one with the highest libido between the three, then Libra and last Taurus. Furthermore men with this mars (the aforementioned) are more prone to have issues with their, ahem, "friend". But, gladly, they also have wild fantasies and are more prone to compromise or satisfy their partner's desires. E.g. if you want them to be dominant, they'll try their best to be your Master/Daddy etc. Last but not least, despite being "shy" and at first look traditional, they're more open to use toys or try new sex positions if it's your will, but won't share you (so threesome or orges literally it's a big NO if they truly love you).
Sagittarius and Cancer placements are competitive AF, but the last one will give up if they're gonna lose or act uninterested, or just whine in the corner about how life is unjust with them. Sagittarius placements, will look chill and playful, but they're extremely competitive, not only because of the prize, but it's a great opportunity to learn something new, or master some of their skills, or just an adrenaline shot. Literally, they're second to Aries when it comes to competing, yet people are unaware of this nature because of their nonchalant and sometimes dumbass vibes/behaviour.
Talking about Sagittarius placements again, when they're labeled as funny, don't think they're master at telling jokes or giving clever clapbacks, in fact, earth signs are masters of this type of humour. Sagittarius placements are funny because of their spontaneous nature: like saying some weird or shocking things with a serious face, or doing some WTF stuff, literally they're funny in original ways and something you never expected. With time they'll acquire a more "normal" sense of humour, but usually they're memorable for their unexpected humour.
Virgo really needs some structure or specific goals or tasks. They could have a hard time with unspecific projects, games or work, they'll literally stay there like a NPC waiting for your interaction or order, analysing the situations, outcomes and necessities.
Libra placements are charming and a good company, their indecisiveness is forgivable most of the time, until you have to work with them. It can be so stressful sometimes to work with or under a Libra (sun, rising or mars), you never know when they'll change their idea again or return to an old project, or what you have to do. I'm sorry to say it, but they're problematic bosses and owners. To lift yourself from this curse, there are few options, like changing job or aggressive yet polite confrontation, just to make it clear, next time you won't forgive and neither make you lose your time again, because it's the only resource you can't buy or restore.
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Resubmitting because I think this got eaten by the inbox. Apologies if it was passed over intentionally!
🐝🐝🐝🐝 <- Bees of recognition!
WIBTA for moving out of my parents’ house?
I’ve [22NB] always had issues with my parents, and at this point in my life I am getting old enough (and exposed enough to outside ideas) that I think they may have been or are still somewhat mentally abusive. Regardless, I know and believe that they truly do love me and care about me very, very deeply. I know the way they treat me is flawed, but at their roots they genuinely care about me and believe they have good intentions.
Most recently, we’ve been talking about me wanting to move out. I will be graduating with my bachelor’s degree this semester and starting a one-year master’s degree program this fall. My parents have paid for my school expenses throughout my undergraduate degree. Regardless of whether I move out or stay with them, my parents will not be paying for my graduate degree. My partner [22M] of three and a half years is planning to propose to me soon and we are planning for me to move in with him this summer. I’ve done the math and extensively planned my budget to model my financial outlook. I am well within the range to safely give up my parents’ financial support and still have a significant “cushion” of savings built up. The model’s annual totals could be off by a few thousand dollars and still be safe and healthy for me to move out.
My parents are extremely opposed to this idea. I have talked about moving out before (as in over the past few years) and their main argument has always been that I wasn’t financially ready (they were correct at the time). This most recent discussion is different. They are incessant in telling me that if I do this, because my partner and I are not yet married, we will be “living in sin” and I should “consider the weight on your soul of throwing yourself away.” Dad especially argued it is his job to “use whatever I can to get you to make the right decision.” He said he will be looking into taking me off of their health insurance policy and that I would not be allowed to take any of my furniture that was previously promised to me for when I inevitably move out someday, and even insinuated I may not be able to take my clothes (essentially, any item they paid for). I did not tell them this, but even if he follows through on that, I am still financially able to move out. It would be significantly more difficult of course, but I could still do it safely. My mom seemed shocked and upset at him suggesting this so she may “talk him down” at some point, but it is unlikely to have an effect on the outcome. My parents follow a very traditional approach to the “family hierarchy,” in that Dad gets the final definitive vote on all family matters. His explanation he has repeated for years is he. “takes everyone’s thoughts and feelings into consideration, but [he gets] 51% of the vote.” Despite this, I highly suspect Dad was speaking before considering the impact of his “ideas” and it is unlikely he will follow through on them. Mom has mentioned that she and Dad want to meet with the local priest to discuss the situation. She says she hopes he can help Dad understand the balance between healthy guidance and severely damaging his relationship with me as parent and child.
I have tried to gently and calmly (but firmly) explain that I simply disagree that it is a morally incorrect decision to live together before marriage and that I don’t fully believe in the Catholic church. Dad almost completely ignored the statement saying, “Right, you can’t just throw your soul away. What if you move in and you’re living in sin, and something happens and you die? What then?” Mom just started crying. She was inconsolable until I walked my statement back to a matter of just “questioning” my faith rather than not aligning with Catholicism.
They offered to allow me to spend the night at my partner’s place once a week if I were to remain living with them through my graduate degree and/or until my partner and I are married, whichever comes latest. I asked if they were sure they would be comfortable with that situation. We have had arrangements similar to it before. Every time we have, it ended with them having grown resentful and that feeling festering until it exploded in a massive argument between all of us. They insisted it would be fine and that it was vastly preferable over me “fully committing to a life of sin.”
I still want to move out. For a whole host of other reasons too long for this already long submission, I feel it is not healthy for me to continue to stay with them longer than I already have. If I am financially unable to move out or it would otherwise be a bad idea logistically, I could handle another year. Staying longer would almost certainly affect my mental and emotional health but I understand you have to do what you have to do. I feel deeply, horribly guilty for wanting to do this despite their beliefs and advice. I feel like I would be hurting them so much and I don’t want to destroy our relationship.
So, WIBTA if I went against my parents’ wishes and moved out of their house to live with my partner?
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mostlyghostlyy · 1 month
What do you think Dale's views on marriage and kids would be? He doesn't come across as traditional but is there an underlying desire for it? Would he even view himself as worthy of having a family? I wonder if the murders stem from jealousy of wanting something he can't have or if it's all just Satan's choice.
I have only vibes to go off of pretty much.
I think he would be extremely jealous of happy couples. Not even because they have a family, but because they look so damn happy together. I think all he really craves is a place where he belongs and feels wanted. Seems to me like Mr. Downstairs did that for him at first, but by the end of the movie, Dale just looked so tired. I think he would hold a special hatred for family units. Wanting what they have and deep down knowing it may never be possible. I think it would fill him with a sense of vitriol seeing children running around playing happily while their parents laugh together. Gritting his teeth while his chest aches in an angry fiery want.
For the murders I had the same question pretty much. Does Dale personally want to destroy the family dynamic? Is the Devil letting him have full reign of who he kills, because either way he gets the sacrifice? Or is the devil giving him no say, and making him infiltrate and corrupt the traditional nuclear family? I honestly don't know the answer to the question, but I would like to lean towards Dale choosing the families. I would love to have a little more background on Longlegs as a whole, a prequel would be so nice to have. I would like to know his dynamic with his family growing up. I think that would answer a lot of these questions.
Marriage is one of those "wants but could never obtain" type deals. The idea of Marriage is enough to turn him onto desiring for it, but I don't think he'd like the traditional values it would hold. Society pressures people to start families, buy a house and a dog and settle down in a quiet suburban neighborhood. Fathers hosting neighborhood bbq's and mothers pushing baby carriages around the town. There Is just no way Dale can complete those tasks, either from lack of wanting to or complete inability. I think he would have lost the desire for a normal life a long time ago.
Dale wants to have someone with him to "love and cherish". Someone who is willing to spend their life with him, staying of their own accord. Someone who he could come home to and kiss and make love to and still have them stay. So I think he'd mostly hold Marriage (at least the concept of it) up on a pedestal, something he desires but assumes he would never obtain. The traditional aspect of it will go out the window though. He would not consent to a church wedding, or any ceremony (unless there's one that's for Satanism but I'm not looking that shit up it scares me). I think he'd skip straight to the honeymoon phase.
I'm not even sure if he would take steps to officiate it even, maybe he'll just propose and be like "Okay you're my wife now." It's the companionship vibe he wants. If you've stayed with him for long enough he assumes you'd consider him as a Marriage partner too. He'd love introducing you as his wife or partner, it would give him a warm and fuzzy feeling in his chest. If he overheard you mention "husband" in conversation he's nearly crying tears of joy.
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extasiswings · 2 years
Extremely in my feelings over Buck going to Hen’s in Animal Instincts, especially if we’re right about him trying to work through whether to be a donor. Because yes, it absolutely makes sense for Buck to want to seek advice from Hen about nontraditional paths to parenthood, between Denny and Hen and Karen’s fostering and their struggles with IVF. But it’s also…so blatantly queer? Buck not only being in, but seeking out a queer space with wonderful married lesbians who have their own beautiful queer family built through nontraditional means. Buck wanting to be in/taking comfort in that space, in Hen and Karen and the life they’ve built together, all while trying to grapple with the idea of family and love and parenthood and if he should do this thing that might let him almost be a parent…and the whole time he already has his own little queer family unit, he has a partner, he has a son, he’s already a father, and no it wasn’t “traditional” but it’s his and it works…
Anyway, queer Buck/Hen bestieism is something that can be so personal 😭
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hapan-in-exile · 3 months
Reader Response
Question about the use of Mando lore in my fic Hapan in Exile
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@bbyanarchist asked the question:
I’m really curious - so in this fic, Mando wouldn’t take a riduur bc it’s against his creed? I’m not sure I’ve seen it like this before where he wouldn’t take a mate. My understanding from Mando culture is that partners and children (foundling or blood) are very important and integral to the creed
Thanks so much for asking me about this! I spent so much time working on the smut in A Loving Feeling that I didn’t make it clear anywhere that I’m deviating from the show (in as much as the show explains anything about “The Creed” 🫠). I hope the depth of my discussion below doesn’t exceed the scope of your curiosity. 
The short answer is that it's tied to *my interpretation* of Mando’s role in the Tribe. 
This interpretation is entirely mine. It's not based on any "official" SW canon. It's motivated by my desire to explore the Mando we meet in Season 1—the period when my fic Hapan in Exile is set. I’m interested in why, prior to the final episode, he doesn’t seem to have any clan affiliation and has never taken on a youngling/foundling apprentice before now. 
In my fic, I am interpreting that this is tied to his role as a member of the Fighting Core. So it's not that Mando couldn’t take a mate or have children in the future (and I’m definitely not asserting that Mandalorians do not take mates or have children). However, the role Mando occupies within the Tribe when we meet him in Season 1 prohibits these roles of formalized kinship. It's not until the Armorer confers the status of clan leader on him (Clan Din) that he earns this right. Without that, he’s just Mando. 
I haven’t tackled my Mando’s background in great detail yet, so I’m glad you asked this question. I hope this will give you some insight into what’s coming in the series. I’m really excited to delve into his adolescence as a foundling and envision the parental figures that influenced him. I hope readers enjoy that I weave the past and present narratives together.     
I’m deriving my understanding of Mandalorian culture from SWTOR lore because I find the show’s exploration of the Death Watch/Children of the Watch to be deeply unsatisfying.
I prefer SWTOR lore to Filoni lore!
SO much of the tension in this show is invested in the religious tenet that Din Djarin cannot remove his helmet, and yet we’re never given a compelling explanation as to why? Adherents to this Creed are characterized as religious zealots. Okay, that sounds fascinating. What are their unique doctrines or texts? Within this small fundamentalist group, we also have a distinct sub-group, the “Fighting Core.” Tell me more! Do they have unique roles, practices, and/or tenets within this social order?  
None of this gets worked out in the show. There is no internal logic. It's all very inconsistent and contradictory. I want to answer some of those questions with my Mando!
An example of something I struggled with (which I swear is relevant) is the revelation of Din Djarin’s name. When I started watching Season 1, I assumed the helmets were part of this broader subsumed identity—like no names, no familial ties, no hierarchies. In episodes 1-3, the Covert doesn’t use names, not even amongst each other. Just Mandalorians. I thought that was very cool! Radical collectivism! And it made sense to me as an extreme reading of the first “action” in the Resol’nare. 
I’ll pause to clarify that Mandalorian lore is represented across a variety of formats in the Star Wars franchise. I honestly have no idea what is considred canon at this point, but my introduction to Mandalorian traditions was playing SWTOR: Star Wars the Old Republic. For any readers not familiar with that game, a very dreamy Mandalorian named Torian Cadera breaks down the Resol’nare (Six Actions) for you:
Wearing armor.
Speaking the language.
Defending yourself and your family.
Raising your children as Mandalorians.
Contributing to the clan’s welfare.
When called upon by the Mand’alor, rallying to their cause.
To be clear, as far as I know, the Resol’nare is never referred to in SWTOR as “The Creed” or “The Way,” so I’m not claiming it’s referenced in the show. The fact that none of the characters EVER speaks a word of Mando’a is probably evidence that it's not canon. (The principle of fundamentalism as a religious practice is to adopt originalist belief systems, so I honestly don’t understand how the writers constructed a sect of “religious zealots” who don’t incorporate the ancient language of their people. I personally love that the fandom leans so heavily into the Mando’a as a corrective to this!)
I watched most of Season 1, thinking “The Way” was based on the Resol’nare, especially since adherence to the Six Actions is how you become a Mandalorian in the SWTOR game. I thought the tenet of “wearing armor” had been taken to an extreme interpretation by this sect of Mandalorians portrayed in the show. No names, no clans, no individuals—I have become the armor; I am Mandalorian. I thought that was brilliant!     
Okay, so obviously I was wrong. In the last episode of the season, Mof Gideon reveals that our Mando is Din Djarin. (Makes absolutely no sense that a nomadic cult would register their adopted children with the government they are in open revolt against…but I’ve ranted enough). I expected the type of reaction from Cara/Greef that we later get from Mayfeld, that because his anonymity had been violated, they would assure Mando they’d never tell anyone about his true identity. Instead, when he reconnects with the Armorer, she immediately starts referring to him as Din Djarin, using his name in front of outsiders despite the fact that this revelation did not happen in her presence. That's super inconsistent from a writing/plot perspective, but I wanted to give the revelation deeper meaning.
My lore theory
I interpret her use of Din Djarin’s name to be tied to Mando’s shift in status since this happens in the same scene where the Armorer confers his clan affiliation and signet. Prior to this moment, Din Djarin has no clan and no name. In his first interaction with the Armorer back in Episode 1 she asks about the signet—a sort of “are you ready to take on more seniority/begin to craft your legacy” question. Not yet, he says. Soon, is her response. In the final episode, after seeing Mando take on the role of protector for the Child, she deems him ready and makes him clan leader—a clan of two—and uses his name, Din Djarin. 
My fic takes place before these events in Episodes 7 and 8, so my Mando has no name, clan, or status beyond his role in the Fighting Core. I envision them as paladins or Fianna, like the Mandalorian Crusaders.  
Again, this is entirely my interpretation.  
But I honestly don’t think Clone Wars or Dave Filoni know what the Mandalorians who joined the Death Watch/Children of the Watch believe, either. That’s probably why “The Creed” and “The Way” are never recited or explained in the show. And that’s obviously intentional. We get this build-up in the Season 3 premiere when we get see the initiation ritual. It’s like, yes we are going to watch someone swear the Creed, finally! 
“And the words of the Creed shall forever be forged in my heart…” 
Bitch! What are the words?! Someone fucking tell me already!! Also, this is the only religious ritual we see, and not one word of Mando’a is spoken?!
I get why its left vague. Its much easier for the writer’s future plot/character development to be able to have the Armorer say some shit like, “According to Creed...” and then, whatever follows that pronouncement, the audience cannot say fuck all about it since we have no idea what “The Creed” actually entails. Like being baptized (born again!) in the Living Waters. Okay, sure! Why not? 
What I want to explore through my own lore
But, hey! This means I, as a writer, can also make “The Creed” and “The Way” into whatever I want. It’s rooted in the SWTOR Resol’nare but I’m also taking some liberties.
However, I do want to strive for internal logic and make it impactful to my characters and their relationship development. Here are some of the dynamics I want to explore that framed my interpretation of Mando’s orthodoxy. 
An understandably popular trope in Mandolorian X Reader fic is Mando getting the reader to convert so they can marry and raise Mandalorian babies. (Torian also wants to convert you!). But I want to make this a little more complicated beyond the reader making the choice to convert. I want Mando to work through some challenges first. What emotional and social order issues does he have to sort out before he can make that offer to you? What does it take to earn his change in status from "Mando" to "Din Djarin"? 
What does it mean that Mando is clanless? Why wasn’t he formally adopted into a clan? How do clan affiliations work within the Tribe? This is something my Mando has to sort out before he can take a mate/children. 
Mando is a member of the Fighting Core; does that mean there are other “cores” within the Tribe? We have an Aromorer, so I think the answer is yes. Or at least there seems to be some division of labor based on skills. I want to explore how my ofc/reader’s role of “Healer” fits into this Covert's system. Does Mando hope to find a place for you in the Tribe?
My ofc/reader also lost their family at a young age to be raised/trained in service. I want to explore how these shared experiences connect them despite their circumstances being so different. How does your background help you better understand Mando in a way others can't?     
Thanks so much for your question, @bbyanarchist! As I said, I hope this will give you some insight into where I'm going with the series.
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jojotichakorn · 3 months
I gotta ask peem now yk
of course, i did phum first - we can't have one without the other 😌
choose a character and ask about my headcanons here, if you like
🏳️‍🌈 a sexuality headcanon
🏳️‍⚧️ a gender headcanon
a cis boy.
🧸 a headcanon about their childhood
he always spent a lot of time with his aunt pui, and whenever she came over, he dragged her to his room and just talked her ear off about anything and everything that comes to mind.
👻 a headcanon about what scares them
he doesn't really have any traditional phobias i don't think. psychologically, he is definitely afraid of getting hurt, which is something that prevents him from doing certain things he really wants to on occasion.
🎶 a headcanon about music
he listens to music a lot, and his playlist is mostly indie rock and indie pop.
💤 a headcanon about their sleep
he is usually a night owl and spends a lot of time scrolling oh his phone before finally going to sleep.
💝 a headcanon about their love language
physical touch all the way. there might be a lot of things he says or does with phum that he doesn't really mean, but the one thing that always oozes honesty is how close he wants to be to him in a literal sense. and they like literally cannot stop kissing. at this point i think the same way sharks can't stop moving or they'll die, peem can't stop kissing phum or he'll die.
🫂 a friendship headcanon
he is insanely extroverted. he is the type of person to just randomly start talking to people in a long queue. he has way too many people on his instagram close friends list, because he is just the kind of person to add you there after you hung out once. he pretty much always "knows a guy".
💔 an angsty headcanon
my man is extremely insecure and that specifically stems from him comparing himself to others. whether it be him comparing his art to q's, or comparing his own lack of romantic experience with his friends' already long list of partners. all this often makes him feel inadequate, untalented, undesirable, unlikeable.
🪢 a headcanon about their family
i think he has a pretty neutral relationship with his parents. they aren't particularly close, but there's also not anything necessarily horrific that they've done. he lives with aunt pui because, like i mentioned, i headcanon them as having been very close his whole life, and he wants to help her around the cafe as well.
📓 a headcanon about their hobbies
i think he is really into art history specifically. just in his free time, he researches artists' biographies, watches documentaries, etc.
👗 a headcanon about their clothes
truly does not care about fashion.
🔪 a headcanon relating to fighting/violence
he's the type of person to kick you in the balls, if you've done something wrong, but then he doesn't really fight. i don't imagine him caught up with someone, fists swinging.
🌟 a headcanon about their desires/wishes
i think a big part of why he wants his painting in the gallery is because the self-worth that he does have all comes from external validation. like, a lot of people initially think he is really confident, but that's because we keep seeing him around friends. being a good friend is something he is confident about, because he has so many friends and this wonderful tight-knit group of close friends as well, so - through external validation - he gets the confirmation of being "good at friendship" (something both normal to want and possible to achieve). he needs the same thing in other areas of life, or he just isn't confident in them. so, coming back to his wish to be hung up in the gallery, it's not really about recognition or more people seeing his work, it's mostly just about that confirmation that he is good enough for it.
🥇 a headcanon about what they’re best at
funnily enough, it is friendship. his social skills are through the fucking roof.
🍫 a headcanon about food
the reason why he's bad at cooking is because his parents never taught him how to, and aunt pui always wants to cook for him, so he's never really needed to learn with her there.
🎭 a headcanon about what they lie about
a lot of skirting around the truth with his feelings towards phum for sure. not so much that we (or at this point even phum) aren't confident in what those feelings are, but still.
❤️‍🔥 a romantic headcanon
he secretly wants to be romantic, but it kinda feels like learning to ride a bike or swim for the first time as an adult. a bit weird and awkward and it feels like everyone's watching you and you're about to do the wrong thing. the longer phumpeem date, the more comfortable peem will get with making romantic gestures though.
💄 an appearance headcanon
he's gonna get a piercing in one ear in a couple of years.
🖕 a headcanon relating to anger
he is really quick to anger and can occasionally blow up.
😺 an animal related headcanon
he loves cats and dogs equally, and is very confused at the cat person / dog person debate.
😭 a headcanon about the worst thing that happened to them
i guess you could say no one confessing to having a crush on him at school. to be honest, that on its own isn't a bad thing at all, but the way he sees himself as a result of it really sucks and fucks a lot of things up for him and his romantic relationship.
😶 a random headcanon!
i'm gonna indulge myself and say his favourite painter is van gogh.
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bengiyo · 1 year
La Pluie: Thoughts on the Queer Subtext and More Patts Reflections
It feels a bit weird to begin this post talking about the queer subtext in a show full of men kissing each other, and implied sapphic love. Still, I have thoughts about Warun and Yad, and how their relationship represents a break with traditionalism as well. There are many articles and historical analyses about the “surge” in divorce in America once it became legal for women, and especially for women to have their own bank accounts. I personally don’t think traditions are useful at the point where they continue to harm people asked to uphold them. Yad and Warun also seem to be reconciling that reality for themselves.
Warun and Yad
I posited in Episode 5 that Warun might be queer based on my read of his mannerisms. I think that read holds even through Episode 11, but I think it’s good for the show not to confirm his queerness in any way. Because this show has not had any form of overt homophobia, it would confuse any of the previous messaging to make his queerness text. However, his line, “I can’t change myself,” reads so loudly as queer to me that I can’t let it go.
With Yad and Warun, we had two people come together and form a soulmate marriage and successfully raise four children together. However, they ran into the kinds of problems many couples do, principally over work and family time. What fascinates me is that Yad is the primary breadwinner for their family. She is becoming a powerful tech executive and doesn’t want to forego her career because of the goals she has for her family. Is she not supposed to provide the best financial outcomes for her children?
Warun has become the primary caregiver, and he worries that the boys are not getting the connection with their mom that both she and they need. As I watched their fight, I thought about Nagisa in his (2020) and his fight with his wife, who was also the primary breadwinner of their couple as well. Eventually, they realized they couldn’t be the partners they wanted to be to each other and separated. I think, because Warun was the caregiver, he didn’t want to feel like he let his boys down and ended up giving Tai a huge complex.
I think it’s extremely lovely of this show to show that Warun and Yad were better once they separated from each other and let go of the idea that they’re supposed to be married forever because of their rain connection. (@liyazaki) I love that they still find meaning and connection in their rain connection and hold it significantly between them. I love that Nu is completely unbothered by their connection, and only wants to find his place in this family.
Oh, Tai. This was not a great week for him. Despite showing some wisdom with Lomfon, and reconciling with his brother, he continues to hold onto this false notion of love.
I will say this plainly. I think Tai has been an asshole for the last two episodes, and it was time for the narrative to gently, but firmly, pull his head out of his ass. He has punished everyone in his life because he’s mad at his parents, refusing to form any meaningful relationships with many people because he’s not allowing himself the complexities of human connection.
I am glad that he was forced to confront the chip he carries around on his shoulder and recognize that his parents faced a terrible internal struggle. He needed to see that it was unfair of him to punish them for dealing with something that difficult. I also think it’s useful for him, with all of the mess he’s created, to have the support of his closest brother.
Now, he’s got to make things right with Patts, but he doesn’t have the benefits of the rain connection to find him. I’m eager to see that boy run around and do the goddamn work required to be in a long-term relationship with someone next week.
Tai is learning the hardest lesson we learn as queer people: the rules and traditional expectations of relationships don’t fit for us. We have to figure out our relationships ourselves and do the work.
You know I was going to defend my boy!
I think it was excellent of the show to have Patts go to Tai and see him being chummy with Longfon. Though I think Patts’s friends were wrong about him needing to go reconcile with Saengtai, Patts isn’t the kind of person to just let his problems fester. It’s not in his nature. He must go to him. He has to see Tai talking to Lomfon and misunderstanding it so that he makes the only reasonable choice and attempt to move on. I love Patts. He will always try to do the right thing even if it hurts.
My man ugly cried next to a window as his friends held him because he’s done everything he possibly could and it still wasn’t enough. He asked last week and I’m still asking, “Why is it so hard to choose me?”
Reading Patts as bisexual, I like the choice for him to walk away at this point because it’s exactly what he told Saengtai. Tai said he wanted Patts to see his actions over any words he won’t speak. I don’t care that Tai was clearly trying to fix things for Tien. If he was going to fix any relationships, he needed to go to Patts first.
On to the Finale!
I may be limited in my commentary next week since I’ll be busy, but I am genuinely excited about this finale. Tai is finally being forced to grow up and stop waiting for love to fall into his lap. I’m ready to see that boy Japanese BL Run for his love.
Tagging @lurkingshan, @neuroticbookworm, and @wen-kexing-apologist for chatting with me while I got these thoughts out.
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neonscandal · 9 months
This ask about ships was a lot of fun to do so I figured I'd round it out with two more of my favorite ships: MatchaBlossom & SatoSugu. 👇🏾
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Explain this. Heterosexually.
Gives nose/forehead kisses - Joe and Kaoru is swift to bat him away but, in actuality, he eats up the attention.
Gets jealous the most - Kaoru, demonstrably, is always annoyed at the bitches, bros and non-binary hoes making heart eyes at Joe and hanging off his biceps. Joe might pretend not to notice but he, too, has a hawk eye for any attention shown toward Kaoru and is especially off kilter any time Adam is around or mentioned.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive - Cherry, quite begrudgingly, and with a slew of mean little nicknames much to Joe's dismay. Joe is absolutely handsy and needy when drunk but also incredibly heavy. So, even though Kaoru acts like he's in a huff about it, he's also a little delighted. Inversely, Kaoru trusts Carla to get him home after a night at the bar. Home, of course, being wherever Joe is (even if that's Sia La Luce during normal business hours) and always shows up out of the blue, unannounced and very demanding until he passes out. Joe tends to his every whim even if he knows Kaoru won't be awake by the time whatever complex dish he requested is finally ready.
Takes care of on sick days - Since Kaoru is usually too weak to be mean when he's sick, Joe revels in the opportunity to baby and tease him. When Joe's sick, it's a bit of a different story. Regimented medicine disbursal clocked by Carla and tailored to Joe's physical condition and, even if he's making a stink about the ordeal ("all those muscles and you still can't take care of yourself" 🙄), Kaoru's hiding a little smile.
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day - Joe and he pays dearly for it.
Gives unprompted massages - Joe because Kaoru always gets princess treatment. Also, Kaoru would never want to give Joe a big head about his body so he only indulges if asked.
Drives/rides shotgun - For all his bluster, Joe is the passenger princess to Kaoru's anal retentive driving. He likes reclining, hands behind his head, open shirt fluttering against his skin with the windows down. He also loves hanging out of the passenger side when pulling up beside the kids skateboarding. Just really heavy golden retriever vibes.
Brings the other lunch at work - Joe would if he could but Kaoru makes excuses about him being too "undignified" for his place of work (he literally doesn't want any prying eyes on his handsome partner). Plus Kaoru makes it a point to drop into Sia La Luce on the daily, anyway.
Has the better parental relationship - Both. Kaoru is polite and successful and, even during his rebellious youth was still tactful and studious. Joe's parents are non-traditional and extremely supportive, they pushed him to go to Italy to study cuisine, after all. Kaoru is welcomed enthusiastically with open arms in the Nanjo homestead. Joe is similarly received but, since the Sakurayashiki's are a lot more reserved, their displays of acceptance are a lot more conservative. He subsequently feels like he has to walk on eggshells. Kaoru knows he doesn't have to but doesn't correct him since he finds the situation entertaining.
Tries to start role-playing in bed - Joe and it does not go well. Kaoru gets flustered at the mention and he spends a significant time in the dog house. After a much extended breather, Kaoru initiates it, still flustered, and, though Joe appreciates the effort, realizes he wasn't missing out on anything.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer - Kaoru. You cannot tell me someone that uptight is not incredibly embarrassing once alcohol is introduced into the equation. Kaoru gives very strong Yuuri Katsuki from "Yuri on Ice" vibes (if you know, you know).
Still cries watching Titanic - Kaoru and Joe takes the opportunity to cuddle and coo over him. Such comforts are not needed, of course, but Kaoru isn't going to correct him. It's a rare moment he lets himself be vulnerable so he laps up the softness.
Firmly believes in couples costumes - Joe and Kaoru hates it. To the point where he makes serious efforts to thwart the execution. Not a perfect example, since Kaoru wouldn't be caught dead in this, but one year Joe would pitch something like Red Hot Chili Peppers so he could effectively be shirtless for Halloween and Kaoru shows up in a Chili Pepper 🌶️ costume. (RHCP are problematic so, sorry for the mention but I was spacing on another double entendre).
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas - Kaoru and quite smugly, might I add. But Joe doesn't have the same discerning tastes as Kaoru so he's none the wiser. He's just like "Wow, Kaoru, thanks for the shirt/cologne/shoes!" without realizing how expensive they are. Kaoru knows this but still loves seeing Joe in expensive things. It's his little secret.
Makes the other eat breakfast - Joe. Kaoru doesn't need forcing by any means but Joe's always going to be the one in the kitchen, it's one of his many love languages. Kaoru might deign to roll his eyes, even while eating the best thing he's ever had, but Joe knows he's done a good job when Cherry is quiet (which he always is) while eating. Though he puts on quite the show at Sia La Luce.
Remembers anniversaries - Kaoru but he waits for Joe to mention them. He'll never be caught being the more vulnerable or affectionate one but he is, undoubtedly, both. It's why Joe lays on the princess treatment so thick, he knows Kaoru wouldn't ask. Demand in some cases, sure, but when it really matters he wouldn't let himself.
Brings up having kids - Neither. Kaoru has such rich auntie vibes and they're both really happy with the riffraff they pick up along the way. Why change a good thing?
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Gives nose/forehead kisses - Gojo and usually just to be a little shit. It doesn't mean neither enjoy it but Gojo definitely punctuates it with a little "heh".
Gets jealous the most - Geto but barely. Gojo isn't completely oblivious to the attention he gets but he's so down bad for Geto it doesn't matter. He'll entertain the attention for convenience (like making a smooth exit from Riko's school without people asking questions) but otherwise goes on about his day. As such, Geto's jealousy is usually more of an annoyance. He's a good looking dude, fawn over him, too, monkeys!
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive - Gojo is an insufferable lightweight so, fortunately, he doesn't drink often. Instead, he's pontificating aloud the wonders of the world *ahem* Digimon *ahem* or the philosophies of ancient shogun era historical figures while Geto and Shoko are drinking like fish. Then he delivers all participating parties home safely. Note, I did not say drive. He is either abusing his authority with Ijichi to come get them or, provided they don't seem like they'll puke, abusing his teleportation technique. Either way, Shoko crashes with them, obviously.
Takes care of on sick days - Gojo is insufferable on the rare occasions he gets sick and Geto absolutely spoils him. Inversely, when Geto is sick, Gojo does the same but is just... totally clueless. Medicine? Why not candy! Chills? I will warm you up with my body! Both are idiots and refrain from seeking professional advice (reversed curse technique treatment or actual medical assistance from Shoko).
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day - Gojo. And Geto lets him. Gojo spent a long time not able to give into childish whims and Geto creates a safe space for him to be silly and over the top and petulant when needed. But he can only laugh at so many sea cucumber jokes (jk, the limit does not exist, he's just as bad a simp for Gojo).
Gives unprompted massages - Gojo. Gojo is so incredibly touchy feely though its all reserved for Geto. Before they were a thing, he wasn't even aware of how frequently he'd be draped over Geto's shoulders or leaning on him while engrossed in conversation. It should have been alarming to the Limitless user but Geto's space was always his and vice versa.
Drives/rides shotgun - Geto. Gojo cannot be trusted behind the wheel of a car. Some days, Geto wonders how Yaga trusts him with the future of jujutsu society (even though he knows Gojo takes the responsibility seriously... as seriously as he can).
Brings the other lunch at work - Geto. Gojo would be on an Elf diet of chocolate, puddings, parfaits and candy if Geto didn't. Gojo gives Geto candy every time he eats a curse, though, so it's kind of the same... It is not the same.
Has the better parental relationship - Neither. Gojo's parents didn't parent him and Geto's parents were obligatory but not affectionate. They both seek family elsewhere and were lucky to find it with one another (and Shoko, damnit!).
Tries to start role-playing in bed - Gojo but nothing sexy. Literally, mans spends so much time thinking about historical figures and Jump series' that its more of a "What if" situation that Geto rolls his eyes at everytime. It's not role play, it's more like supposing what kind of person X was in intimate environments that will just pop into Gojo's head as they themselves are engaging in something intimate. Geto knows, at that point, that the moment has turned into a conversation and just indulges in Gojo's outlandish hypotheses with a silly little smile.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer - Gojo. The man is unhinged and an incredible lightweight. It's larger than life limbs everywhere and he sings.
Still cries watching Titanic - Neither but it sparks a lot of surprising convos.
Firmly believes in couples costumes - Gojo which Geto always indulges. The ideas don't even have to be good but, if Gojo lights up when he says it, he's locked in.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas - Gojo. Be so for real right now. Geto is always bashful about accepting. He has no concept of the cost just knows Gojo is absurdly rich and knows no limits when it comes to him so he imagines its an egregious amount. He is correct.
Makes the other eat breakfast - Gojo is not one to sleep much so, surprisingly, he's the one pressing Geto for breakfast. Nevermind that it's something decadently sweet but it's the fact that he wakes up to big, glowing blue eyes and waffles topped with ice cream and syrups Gojo waited in line for while he languished in bed. Nutrition aside, Geto follows up with a more balanced lunch for both of them (see above).
Remembers anniversaries - Geto. He's the romantic. It's not that Gojo doesn't remember or appreciate anniversaries. He's just got so many programs running in that head of his that he's always too early or too late. Geto keeps him grounded in time, for which he is grateful, and Gojo spoils him accordingly.
Brings up having kids - Neither. Haven't they kidnapped enough?
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eternalglitch · 2 years
Right okay so slightly different from my usual programming but after three years of Rise brainrot the turtles have been finally vacated and I must discuss my new blorbos with great fondness at least a little. (Do not worry about my ongoing fic. That is almost my own personal blorbos at this point and I must see them off to a happy ending.)
So I've always had terrible auditory processing skills, to the point where I have made it through one (1) podcast despite my many attempts otherwise and thought this meant I was locked out of the fun dnd content.
And then one of my favorite fanfic authors from a few years back started reblogging Dimension 20's Neverafter art.
Now I had at a problem because if they endorsed this and then I spotted a character that literally seemed to be crafted to fit my interests, I had to at least poke my head into the show. So I sat down and watched episode one.
That was about two weeks ago. Almost immediately I dragged more friends into watch parties to catch up to the campaign and have gotten a SOLID chunk of my close friends into it already. This campaign is something else, the way it just grabs you in a way that I thought would never happen for me for a dnd campaign.
So (and some Neverafter spoilers ahead) Neverafter is a story about fairytale characters fighting against their "destiny" or "roles." As the world changes and their tales progressively darken, they start learning about the concept of authors, and how bad things happen to them just because an impartial outside force finds it the most interesting. The horror of being the wrong version of the story, of knowing your story should have been happy and is not. Or knowing that your story is destined to be tragic and you have no say in the matter.
And honestly every single character is compelling in their own way!
Pinocchio is the one that lured me into the story. A puppet that was given life and, after completing the traditional narrative to his story, breaks his promise to the fairy and lies to save his father's life. His lie transforms him back into a puppet, where he becomes entangled into lying more and more and more and backed into a corner by a cruel warlock patron that is essentially holding his father hostage. He's snapped his own nose off because although his own rules (his nose growing) are still in place, the world has changed. His back is against the wall and this is a scared child trying to save his dad. (He's also hilarious and swears like he just learned what the word fuck is.)
Sleeping Beauty is a victim to her story being events that happen TO her but at no point does she get allowed any initiative. When she wakes up to find no prince waiting for her, she has to learn that maybe waiting for her happily ever after isn't what would make her happy and she has to take matters back into her own hands.
Puss in Boots (Pib) is seemingly (there's more to it) a normal cat that happens to have also tricked an entire kingdom before fleeing and abandoning the kingdom to a dark fate. He lies for fun and is a great partner in crime to Pinocchio.
Red Riding Hood is a child that killed her own family when the big bad wolf gave her lycanthropy before begging her to kill him. She's a girl that is seeking parental love and guidance, and she views herself as a monster unworthy of the very love she seeks.
The Frog Prince is what I consider the dark horse favorite; Gerard got his happily ever after and his standard story happened, but after marrying his true love and time passed, he started to turn back into a frog. As his wife and him argued and started seeing each other's perspectives less and less, he became more and more froglike. Now that she's gone missing after heading off to war, Gerard has to face his own cowardice and come to terms with what really was the thing that drove a wedge in between them. (I love him. So much. He's extremely flawed and such a three-dimensional character.)
Mother Timothy Goose is a man that lost his child to an evil goose called the Gander, and is currently being hunted down by the same creature. He accidentally entered a contractual three wishes deal with it, his own wish being to find a way to save his dead son. This has granted him a magical book that has much deeper abilities than merely bringing his own son back from the dead, and he's one of the people that can help right the wrongs going on in the land of Neverafter even as he is hunted by the Gander as it tries to make him use his final wish.
So, yeah. I recommend trying it if you like horror and fairytales. It's fun. (I am not normal about it.)
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yakuzacanons · 9 months
hi !! could i request some general dating hcs for tachibana ? thank uuu (≧∇≦)/
Anything for our best boy in real estate. Thanks for ur patience, hope you had a happy new year celebration and all that jazz! Mild NSFW down there btw, gang.
Extremely shy and introverted. Doesn't put himself out there a lot, primarily because he's preoccupied with work. He's more likely to meet a significant other via work than anything, if he's being honest.
It likely wouldn't be an immediate click between the two of you. Chances are you two met via some work event or other, maybe you're even his coworker or secretary. Tachibana isn't actually above mixing work with pleasure, although many people think he would be.
Tachibana absolutely plays his cards super close to his chest so he'll hold off confessing for as long as humanly possible. Extremely skilled at gauging situations and is quite calculated in his interactions to see if this could actually turn into something. Type of guy to make you wonder "Was he looking at me?" or "Did he mean to touch my hand or was it just an accident".
Quite a traditional man when it comes to dates. Very much a pick-you-up-take-you-to-dinner type of guy. A good dresser and always polite. Holds off on being physical on the first date. You'll likely get a kiss out of him on the second date though.
It's important that he has a partner who understands what's he's going through and what he's been through. It will take him time to open up to you about the details, but he'll be upfront about the fact that he's by no means a man with a clean slate of a past. If you can accept that as a baseline, then he'll feel much more comfortable about you.
Unlike Majima who will likely not divulge much about his past unless asked, Tachibana will make a point to eventually lay it all out in front of you. In a serious relationship, he feels he can trust you with this knowledge and that in love there's no need for him to keep anything from you.
He's similar to Daigo in that his work is an overpowering force in his life and he's exhausted a lot of the time. He'll make a regular effort to call you from the office on late nights, or if you work in the same place as him he'll regularly check up on you throughout the day.
Out of all the boys, he's the most likely to ask to meet your family someday, especially your parents. Blame it on his difficult past regarding his own family; he's by no means using you and your family as a replacement though. The lack of his own family makes him value the idea of it more.
Despite his outwardly shy demeanor and calm voice, Tachibana is kind of a freak in bed. Certainly not shy when it comes to kinks and can actually top with the best of them.
If you work in the same place as him, office sex WILL happen. It is inevitable. He's kind of always wondered what that would be like as a general fantasy but once he gets a taste, he can't get enough.
Not super physically affectionate in public, mostly a kiss on the hand or cheek kind of guy. At home, he's not much a cuddler but you can absolutely just lean on him whenever. Lean your head on his shoulder, lay your head in his lap, lay your entire body on top of him, he will not mind at all.
One final note: don't make fun of his bedhead in the mornings. It takes effort to get that clean, slickback look, you know. He can't help if he tosses and turns in his sleep!
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feralkat · 1 year
Elven Pregnancy & Birth Headcanons
Note: This is just some world-building for my fantasy universe that y'all will see in a lot of my fics. It's not supposed to apply to any sort of popular media elf or fae characters but if you want to adopt any of these points as headcanons for one then go ahead.
Elves - particularly demi-fae elves - tend to have very low fertility rates due to their near immortal lifespans
Like it is a huge surprise when two elves give birth within a 100-year span
The only exception to this are dusk elves that tend to have one birth per year but they also have a much shorter lifespan than most other elven races as well
Focusing back on demi-fae elves, though, their gestation time is 27 months because of how slowly they develop and grow
So each trimester is the length of a full human pregnancy essentially
Labor and birth works a little differently, too, due to their narrow bone structure
There's four stages rather than three - the first being as their body finishes accommodating to even allow the baby to drop down into place and pass through the parent's pelvis
It's pretty much twoish weeks of discomfort, during which some signs of early labor also start happening
Active labor typically begins at the end of the first stage
Everything still progresses relatively slowly, though, and it is not uncommon for an elf to be in active labor for several days before they are fully dilated and able to begin pushing
It's not quite like how humans experience active labor, though
Contractions are further apart but also last longer and are more discomfort than pain
By the time they're fully dilated, though, the contractions will be only a few minutes apart
The third stage - pushing and actually giving birth - can vary drastically in length just like it does with humans
Some elves will be able to push through like two contractions and have their baby in their arms while others will spend hours at this stage as the baby works its way down much more slowly
Either way, usually the placenta is delivered within a half hour after the baby is born and it is tradition to leave the umbilical cord intact until after the placenta is delivered.
Elf babies tend to weigh about 5 to 6lbs but there are records of some being up to 8lbs with the largest elf baby recorded weighing in at 9lb10oz at birth
Multiples are extremely rare with only two sets of twins and one set of triplets recorded
Since pretty much all of that was about demi-fae elves, let's switch the focus to dusk elves!
Dusk elves typically live about 200 years which is a very short lifespan as far as elven races go
As said before, there is usually one birth per year - though there have been several years in which no dusk elves were born and others in which there have been up to 10 pregnancies and births in a single year so it does vary pretty wildly.
Dusk elves tend to be pretty small - some of the tallest ones coming in at 5' - and have a bit of a stockier and/or curvier build as far as bone structure goes which aides immensely in childbirth
Speaking of, they typically give birth after around 14 months of gestation
For them, labor is quite a bit shorter - the average time being 9hrs for a first time parent and around 5hrs for subsequent pregnancies
The vast majority of dusk elves have water births - usually in some sort of natural spring
Normally, only the birthing parent's partner(s) attend the birth and it tends to be a rather intimate and sometimes erotic experience because of all the hormones released during labor and birth
On average newborns are around 3-5lbs with the largest recorded being 8lbs15oz
Twins are relatively rare but happen every once in a while, though there haven't been any reports of triplets happening
If you have any questions about my elves or my ideas about any other fantasy beings please feel free to send an ask!
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