#because last time i checked reptiles dont have gills
do scauldrons have gills? no scratch that do most sea dragons have gills? because it would make sense right we see quite a few deep sea dwelling dragons but do they breathe water? can they hold their breath for very long spans of time? take the scauldrons they are sea dragons but they tend to hang close to the surface, if they had gills they wouldnt do that. therefor they would need to be able to breathe air however this feels a bit counter productive for them. and other sea dragons such as in rtte when the shellshock and the submaripper fight, why would they fight close to the surface? yes they disperse but why take the risk above water in the first place it doesnt help them. i guess it makes sense for the shellshock but the submaripper? do they just hold their breaths? do they have both lungs and gills? do any breeds of dragon have gills? am i looking too much into this and there is probably a good explanation? yes
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