#because jesus christ the outfit took forever to draw
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Ford please, this isn't you! Stop letting Bill pick your outfits!
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crue-sixx · 5 years
Forever and Always
Title: Forever and Always
Author: tiddly-winx
Summary: Based on @crue-sixx's vampire head canon, the reader is a vampire who has completely captivated Nikki Sixx.
Warnings: mild smut, swearing.
The night you met your future love, you were just looking for your next meal.  The young folk nowadays seemed really into the vampire legends as a gimmick, but that suited you just fine, you were just trying to blend in with your surroundings.  That was one of the first lessons your master had taught you, before casting himself into a bonfire to end his unnatural long life.  You had also learned the essentials from him, like never drink after the heart had stopped beating, no prolonged exposure to the sun and most importantly how to choose prey-only feed on whoever you could, but kill the wicked the wicked.  In the years that followed his abandonment, you had grown bitter at the world and did as you pleased.  Over the span of 100 years, you understood why your master had cautioned discretion-you had seen many a fine vampire meeting their untimely end at the hands of ignorant villagers.  You eventually taught yourself how to keep cool as a cucumber in social situations, more importantly controlling yourself when you smelled blood. 
However, you soon grew tired of being sociable and did what many other vampires did when they didn’t want to be bothered-you found yourself an empty crypt and fed on the stupid teenagers who wandered inside in search of whatever hauntings local lore dictated plagued the cemetery.  You didn’t kill them of course, but you made sure to make your mark on inconspicuous places of the body.     
It was early in 1981 right in the heart of Los Angeles that you eased up from the depths of your long sleep to listen to the most invigorating music you had ever heard.  It was loud and aggressive, making the very earth rumble as if its sole purpose was to wake the dead.  You strolled into the lane of graves from your mausoleum and began walking towards the sounds of the nightlife.  You took in what the young people were wearing, then looked down at yourself in dismay.  The ankle length modesty dress was sorely out of fashion but a grin came across your face as you spied a young lady wearing a black leather corset with matching leather pants and boots.  “Child” you called out to her, so softly it was like a whisper on the wind.  She turned around and locked eyes with you, a deep breath later she was mesmerized by what she was seeing and spoke briefly with her companions about going onto the Whisky a Go Go, that she would catch up in a minute. 
When she was directly in front of you, she asked what you wanted and you replied “Where can I aquire such articles of clothing, Child?” 
In her trance like state, she pointed to a clothing store right across the street.  You thanked her and kissed her hand, then turned it over to expose her wrist.  You bought your fangs down on it and drank a small amount-the ‘little drink’ as you called it.  She didn’t feel a thing as you drank from her, but when you were finished you dismissed her and she rejoined her group.  You sauntered into the shop where the clerk stared at your garments.  You picked out a wine colored leather outfit similar to what the young lady was wearing and enchanted the salesperson with “I’ll just be taking these, it’s no trouble right?” 
The clerk put up no argument as you changed into the more updated outfit.  It looked fitting on you and from the girls blood, you obtained some knowledge of current events and lingo.  You walked out of the shop, picking up some gothic themed necklaces on your way out.  The music was so loud you didn’t even need to use your enhanced senses to feel it-it shook your bones to the very core.  You finally got in and stood in the front row, the young man playing a rather peculiar instrument (which you later learned was a bass) locked eyes with you and he kept his gaze on you for the entire song.  You smirked and winked at him as the song was winding down, leaving to go wait in the alley for the next ‘little drink’ to come by. 
A few moments later the same young man that coudln’t stop staring at you while playing his song opened the door and peeked outside to see you.  You looked up at him and asked “You following me, rockstar?” 
“Just...” he shifted uneasily, like he was unaccustomed to talking with the ladies “Wondering why you left so quick” he seemed to have gotten over his temporary shyness and added “There’s a party over at our place.  You should hang out with us” 
“Sweetheart, I don’t know if you can handle me, but alright” this human was intriguing to you so you accepted his invitation.  Soon you grew fond of your newfound friends, even like a little family if you dared say so.  It felt like something worth coming back to see every night.  Seeing them party like they were going to die the next day was interesting to say the least.  They were always doing stupid things, knowing full well the possible outcomes and consequences, but they didn’t care.  It was the first time you genuinely laughed in centuries. 
It was when you finally had a moment alone with Nikki on the couch with your head in his lap that your eyes locked intimately, just as they had the night you two met.  He breathed a ragged breath out, and from his blood you could smell the rush of hormones swim in his veins.   You knew what he wanted and were more than happy to oblige.  A silent heat came over the both of you as you got up and straddled him, his hands coming down gently on your hips.  You had to know that this was more than just lust, so right before things started to get too heated, you broke the kiss and asked “You sure you want to do this, Nikki?” 
“Only if you want to” he answered; his eyes glazed over with desire.  That didn’t answer your question, so you did the next best thing.  You gently scraped the skin on his neck to draw the smallest amount of blood possible and licked it up to see his truth.  He was completely and utterly yours if you wanted him, and by God you did. 
“Then take me to bed, Rockstar” was all the confirmation he needed, easily lifting you up and carrying you to his room bridal style.  His touch was unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before-even when you were human.  He was so gentle with you, making sure he explored every inch of your nude body and you doing the same for him.  Your orgasm was so intense that when the ultimate wave of pleasure initially hit you, your fangs popped out and it took all of your will power to resist biting him and draining him dry.  He finished soon after you did, feeling your heat erupt on his cock sent him over the edge.  A low, stuttering curse from his mouth as a final, giant thrust reached into your hot core.  You felt his seed enter you, then drip onto his sheets when he pulled out. 
“Jesus Fucking Christ” he panted, using his remaining strength to keep himself propped up over you.  “That was awesome...” he then lowered down and off of you, cuddling into your frame.   
You too were more than satisfied and only offered an unintelligible “Mmm” in response, not being able to say much else.    
Nikki ran his fingers through your hair and asked “How about you be my girl?”  You nodded an affirmative reply, to which he just grinned and kissed you tenderly.  The next time you both came out of his room, Vince and Tommy were in the living room with open beers in their hands.  They stared in smug amusement. 
“It's about time Sixx!  We were wondering when you were gonna do her!”  Tommy got up and offered a high five, but it was not returned. 
“Y/N’s my girlfriend.  I’d appreciate it if you’d stop making such jokes at her expense if you don’t mind” he said playfully. 
Vince took a swig of his beer and added “No shit, Sherlock.  You haven’t even LOOKED at another girl much less fucked one since you met her!”  You were very much surprised by this revelation, but you kept your cool. 
“Gotta get back to my place, Babe” you nuzzled into him “They’ll try to rent it out again” you had indeed gotten a job and an apartment of your own since you woke up, and you used that place as a hiding spot for when you fed.    He walked you to your apartment, then at your door he turned you around kissed you softly. 
“Last night was amazing, baby” he sighed into your neck. 
“How about we do an encore at my place soon?” you held up a key to your apartment and gave it to him.  “You’re always welcome here if you need a place to crash” he took the key without hesitation and one more quick kiss before going back to his place. 
It was a few days later that Nikki and the boys came knocking at your door, only because they hadn’t seen or heard from you in a few days.  On the way over, they discussed things they thought seemed off about you.  Like you skin being pale and cold to the touch, the way your eyes changed colors and were even red sometimes.  Most importantly that you almost never came out in the daytime, unless it was a cloudy day when clouds covered the sun.  Mick in his usual sarcastic tone suggested “Maybe she’s a fuckin’ vampire” to which the other laughed nervously. 
Your senses were going wild, not being able to feed for the past few days was taking its toll on you.  Your skin was sunken in, your eyes like a wild animal’s ready to pounce at the first sight of a wandering human.  You looked like a living corpse, to put it mildly.  When you heard the door to the apartment open and heard them calling you, you stopped dead and stared at the bedroom door.  “I’m fine...just been feeling sick the past few days...” you called out. 
“If you’re just sick then why the fuck won’t you answer the fuckin’ phone?” the door to your room opened and the light clicked on.  The false lighting was too bright for you in this weakened state and you hissed, getting under the covers. 
“Just go away...you four aren’t safe here...” you groaned. 
“Not until we see you” Tommy insisted and pulled off the blanket, all of them completely shocked to see you in such a state. 
“Y/N you need a fuckin’ hospital!” Nikki tried to lift and carry you out the door but you grabbed the door frame and roared, accidentally baring your fangs to them all.  Your eyes so red they glowed like a stop   light at midnight.  Nikki put you down and stared in shocked amazement, after a moment he said “What are you?” 
“I’m a vampire, guys” you sheepishly scolded yourself for such an unsightly display “I get like this when I can’t feed for a few nights...” 
Without hesitation Nikki offered up his wrist for you to bite “Drink from me, Baby...if it’ll help you get better...”  his blood was calling to you, but you refused.  He laid you on the bed next to him and bought it up to your lips. 
“I don’t wanna hurt you, Nikki” you told him. 
“And we don’t want to see you starving yourself like this.  Shut up and drink my fuckin’ blood, woman” you kissed his wrist before biting down into it.  The small popping sound of your fangs puncturing his flesh was followed by a rush of pleasure.  He only gasped a little bit and winced, letting out a small moan of carnal desire.  All you needed was a few swallows, a transformation back into your old self, plus a little more color to your cheeks. 
Mick was in awe most of all, saying “Holy shit, you really are a vampire” he reached up to touch your face to make sure he was really seeing this.  Nikki tried to walk but stumbled, you caught him and put him on the bed. 
“Sleep now, Nikki” you cooed in his ear “the first time feeding from a person leaves them tired” he obeyed and slipped into a deep sleep.  Soon, you explained everything about being a vampire “I was forced into a marriage I didn’t want, and on my wedding night, I jumped from the tower.  A vampire saw me and turned me without even asking if I wanted to be one.  The bastard then left me to find out what it meant to be a vampire” you recalled what you could remember from your human life. 
Soon they all agreed that they’d take turns letting you feed from them.  You were pleasantly surprised to find that not only were they willing, but they liked it even.  Things had been going like this for a few years, but then Nikki came to you asking to do something you thought you’d never have to do.  “Y/N...I want you to turn me into a vampire...like you...”The band was rising in popularity in the clubs and even a record company offered them a deal. 
“Please, Nikki” you looked down shyly “Wait a few years...you’d have to leave the band because people would see that while the others aged, you’d stay the same.  If you can live with leaving the band, faking your death and going through the excruciating transformation into a vampire then you can ask me again...” he accepted these terms, and three years later he asked again. 
"Are you absolutely sure you want this?” you asked him, reiterating all of your previous points in the last discussion. 
“Yes, Y/N” he answered “Baby, I don’t care. I love you so much and I want to be with you…forever. Please, just let me be able to do that.” he pleaded, taking your hand in his. 
“Alright...the transformation is very painful.  I have to drink from your neck until almost the point of death, then have you drink from my neck.  It feels like pure lava coursing through your veins, the heart quickens to pump the vampire blood faster” you could smell he was afraid, but he knew it was worth it if it meant he would spend eternity with you. 
He walked closer to you, his lips crashing into yours and his tongue invading your mouth.  He broke the kiss breathlessly.  “Do it, Babe...” you started kissing down his neck, the artery pounding beneath the skin.  You sink your fangs into him, he let out an audible gasp and he soon slackened.  You laid him down on the ground and listened to his heart, being careful not to take too much.  When you knew the time was right, you stopped and sliced your neck and bought him up to your body.  You first felt his tongue then he pulled you in closer to him to get as much blood from you as possible. 
You trembled, gently pushing him away “That’s enough darling...” he was thrashing about, screaming and cursing to high heaven.  You cradled him in your lap, reassuring him that it only hurts for a few minutes.  He stopped moving and for a moment you were worried that you had killed him.  He opened his new, blood red eyes and sat up to look around. 
“Everything seems so vivid” he remarked, taking in familiar surroundings with his new senses.  “I can see, hear and smell things I couldn’t before...” he dragged his fingers across the wound on your neck “even touch is more sensitive for me...” 
“I will teach you the ways of being a vampire, Nikki” you said to him “first lesson starts now-we must feed to heal our wounds...” you showed him how to use his sex appeal to get prey, but to never take the life of an innocent.  “Kill the evildoer whenever you come across one, Nikki” you told him “make them suffer, but take no pleasure in your duty” he nodded in agreement. 
“As long and I can have you by my side while doing it, anything is possible” he kissed you again, before his first of many lessons began.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 6 years
Possessed: a Jacksepticeye Fan Fiction
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Part Three: Broken Homes
(Originally, this was going to be the last part, but it got much too long, so there should be one more)
Summary: The boys deal with the aftermath of Halloween night, and make a plan for the next day.
Warning, things get kinda upsetting in the first paragraph. Graphic description of stabbing and death. Skip if you’re sensitive.
The blood splattered on the floor, soaking easily into the rug. The victim choked, arms flailing weakly, trying to somehow staunch the flow from the wound on his neck. He’d only live a few moments more, but that was plenty of time to be in unimaginable pain. The killer dragged his knife along the victim’s stomach, splitting it open. The victim couldn’t scream, and only made a few small noises.The killer laughed hoarsely. He raised the knife and drove it into the victim’s chest. Then again. And again. Seven times he stabbed, the victim unable to stop him. But the killer was just as helpless. In his mind, he screamed over and over, silently begging the thing controlling him to stop, to put down the knife. But the thing only laughed, mocking him for being so weak, so powerless. He could do something, but instead he’s just watching it happen. If you want to stop it so badly, then do something. Cry out, call for help, scream in despair, say something, say anything, but you can’t, you can only watch...
Jameson jerked awake, breathing heavy. A nightmare. It was only a nightmare. But also a memory.
Sitting up, JJ tried to remember where he was. Sun was streaming through open windows. Everything was...clear. Much clearer than it had been for a long, long time. The events of the previous night suddenly came crashing down, bringing mixed emotions flooding with them. On the one hand, Jameson was free. Free from Anti’s influence, forever. On the other hand, decades had passed. Everyone he’d known and loved was probably dead. Friends, family, coworkers...
Jameson shook his head. He couldn’t bother these lovely people with all his troubles. What kind of repayment would that be, dumping all his trauma on the ones who’d rescued him? Actually...where were they?
JJ stood up. The screen from the night before—the TV—was turned off. A messy pile of blankets on the floor showed where Marvin had slept. The sound of friendly voices came from a nearby room. JJ wandered over and poked his head through the doorway.
It appeared to be the kitchen/dining room, though more advanced than the ones Jameson knew. The counter was covered in messy bowls and plates, jugs of milk and bottles of orange juice. A sliding glass door led outside to the backyard. Chase, Jackie, and Marvin—wearing the same outfits from the night before—were all present, Chase and Jackie arguing while Marvin sat at the dining table staring at a small black rectangle in his hand.
“I refuse to eat anything with blueberries in it,” Jackie said, folding his arms. “They’re fucking disgusting.”
“But you can’t take the chocolate chips!” Chase gasped. “The kids love them, and I’m almost out!”
“Alright, no chocolate, but keep those filthy little berries out of the batter. I’d rather eat the pancakes plain.”
“Or you could, you know, make two batches,” Marvin jumped in without looking up from the device in his hand.
“We didn’t make enough batter,” Chase explained. “And we don’t have ingredients for more.”
“Jesus Christ, Chase, what does it take to get you to go grocery shopping?” Jackie said, exasperated. “Any longer, and I’ll have to drag you to the shop by your toes.”
Jameson coughed, drawing the attention of everyone else. “Oh, you’re awake!” Jackie said, smiling cheerfully. “Great! Are you hungry? We made pancakes.”
JJ paused, taking in the mess on the kitchen counter. He raised an eyebrow.
“Well, we made the batter, at least,” Jackie amended. “Now we’re trying to decide if we want anything in it? D’you have any preferences?”
“Wait, wait, wait.” Chase rushed across the room, grabbed a notepad and pencil that was sitting on the table, and threw it to Jameson, who fumbled before catching it.
“Oh. Right. Sorry,” Jackie muttered, embarassed.
Jameson quickly wrote, No, it’s perfectly alright. We met each other just last night, after all.
“Don’t worry, I’ll remember,” Jackie assured him. “Now, d’you want anything with your pancakes?”
I’ll stick with the plain Jane variety, if you don’t mind.
“Got it.” Jackie turned to Chase and said triumphantly, “That’s two votes for no blueberries! That means we win!”
“I vote for blueberries,” Marvin said, waving his hand.
Jackie turned to him. “Oh, come on! We just reached a decision! Why do you always have to do this?”
“I like to fuck things up,” Marvin shrugged.
“Okay, you know what, we’re making both, we’ll figure it out,” Chase stepped in.
As Jackie and Chase set about making the pancakes, Jameson crossed the room and sat at the dining table, across from Marvin. “Hey, you ever seen a cell phone?” Marvin asked, waving the rectangular device he was holding. JJ shook his head. “It’s cool. Phones can do almost anything nowadays. And you can touch the screen. Check it out.”
Marvin handed the phone over, and watched as Jameson’s expression changed from puzzlement to wonder. “You can tap on the little icons to open shit,” Marvin said. “Not literally, of course. I dunno if that’s what you thought.” JJ tapped the screen a couple times, a small smile crossing his face. It lit up his face, and Marvin couldn’t help but smile back. When he wasn’t scared and traumatized, JJ was a right little ray of sunshine.
But in a split second, everything changed. Jameson’s smile fell, his face went white, and he dropped the phone on the table. “Whoa, what happened?” Marvin picked up the phone. He frowned. “It’s just glitching out a bit. My phone is kinda shitty like that. Are...are you okay?”
Jameson nodded, though he was still pale. Marvin wasn’t fooled at all, but he dropped it, changing the subject. “So, d’you have any idea where you want to stay?” he asked. “I mean, I guess you could crash with Chase for a couple days, but his kids come to visit on the weekends and I dunno if you want to meet them, or whatever. And Jackie’s apartment is pretty small. Have any ideas?”
A confused expression crossed JJ’s face. You didn’t suggest your own home in that list. Is it unavailable?
“No, ah, not exactly.” Marvin laughed nervously. “I guess if you wanna you could stay in my hotel room for a bit, but that’s not a, um, stable location. ‘Cause, you know, I don’t own it.”
If it’s not too rude to ask, why are you staying in a hotel and not your own home?
Before Marvin could answer—or think of a way to dodge the question—the other two provided a distraction. “Flip them now, Chase!” “I know how to make pancakes, discount Spider-Man!” “Not good pancakes! Flip ‘em!”
“Fucking hell, you two, why is cooking the thing that destroys your friendship?” Marvin said, exasperated.
“Who would’ve thought it came down to breakfast?” Chase sighed dramatically. Meanwhile, Jackie took advantage of his distraction to reach over and hurriedly flip the pancakes. “Hey! Don’t think I didn’t see that!” The two of them proceeded to wrestle over the spatula while standing next to a hot griddle.
“None of us are adults,” Marvin shook his head. “JJ, you better have some common sense, ‘cause this group really fucking needs it.”
I suppose that depends on your definition of ‘common sense.’
“Well, you can’t be any worse than the rest of us. Anyway, back to the question. Where d’you want to stay?”
Jameson hesitated, pencil frozen on paper. Then, slowly, This may sound absurd, but I would prefer to go home. My house, that is. I believe you know the place I am talking about.
Marvin frowned. “That...doesn’t sound like a good idea. Actually, it sounds like a terrible idea. A no-good, fucking horrible shitwreck of an idea, for so many reasons I’m gonna have to take a moment to process that you actually said it.”
“Pancakes are ready!” Chase said cheerfully, setting plates on the dining table. The buttery smell filled the room.
“And we got drinks, too,” Jackie added, carefully balancing a stack of glasses while holding a jug of milk and a bottle of orange juice.
“Be careful, Jackie,” Chase said, keeping an eye on the stack. “I don’t want to have broken glass on the floor when the kids come over.”
“Oh yeah, because you’re gonna leave any glass just on the floor for anyone to step on, for two whole days,” Jackie retorted. “Or, you know, like I’m gonna just not clean up my own mess. Anyway, there’s no need to worry, see?” He’d successfully set all four glasses on the table without dropping any.
“Oh hey, Jackie, can you explain to our new friend why it’s a fucking awful idea to go back and live in the old house where the evil creature is probably still lurking?” Marvin asked, overly polite.
Jackie looked at Jameson, puzzled. “Is that really true?”
JJ thought about it, then wrote, I don’t know where else I would go.
“Well, any of us would be happy to take you in,” Jackie assured him. “But if you really want to, I don’t think we can stop you.”
“Wha-what?” Marvin spluttered. “Okay, never mind the malicious, homicidal, supernatural entity. How about the fact that the place is a shithole that’s falling apart with holes in the floor? And there’s no food or place to sleep anywhere?”
“We can make it work,” Jackie said positively. “It can’t be too hard to fix up. And besides, it’s not like we can force Jameson to stay here, can we?”
Marvin looked like he very much wanted to do exactly that. Luckily, Chase saw the warning signs and jumped in with a solution, “Hey, how ‘bout we all go there together and check it out? Then we can see if there’s anything evil there, and how much of a fixer-upper it is.”
Recognizing the line Chase was throwing him, and not wanting to fight with Marvin, Jackie agreed, “That’s a great idea, Chase. And if anything goes wrong, we’ll have each others’ backs. You know, like a team. Eh, Marvin?”
The magician sighed. “Alright, I guess it can’t hurt. But let’s go after breakfast, okay?”
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Get To Know Me Uncomfortably Well
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Tagging: If you want to do it, consider yourself tagged.
1. What is you middle name? Jeanne
2. How old are you? 22 3. When is your birthday? July 10 4. What is your zodiac sign? Not into Zodiacs 5. What is your favorite color? Pink, blue and purple 6. What’s your lucky number? N/A 7. Do you have any pets? A husky mix named Olivia NJ after the singer and a budgie named Azul 8. Where are you from? Originally: Concord, California 9. How tall are you? 5′2.5” 10. What shoe size are you? 8 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Um... six I think? Probably another pair or two hidden somewhere in my closet. 12. What was your last dream about? My mom and I escaping some weird lady who was chasing us. At one point I was riding behind her on a motorcycle and she popped a wheelie. 13. What talents do you have? I've been told that I'm good at singing, art (painting, drawing, sculpting etc.) and writing (prose/poetry) 14. Are you psychic in any way? No, but I have had prophetic dreams of God just making me aware of what's currently going on in my life 15. Favorite song? A million songs is all it's gonna take, a million songs for the playlist I'm gonna make! 16. Favorite movie? Prince of Egypt, Coco 17. Who would be your ideal partner? The video is pretty cheesy but A Man of God like the one described in this one song 18. Do you want children? Yeah, someday 19. Do you want a church wedding? And I was my pastor to officiate it 20. Are you religious? Let me put it this way, Jesus died for me. How could I do anything less than live for Him? 21. Have you ever been to the hospital? On a field trip 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Not to my memory, no 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? Define 'met' then define 'celebrity'. I've MET people who are well-known but not exactly celebrity status and asked a question at a Q&A with someone who I guess could be considered a minor celebrity? 24. Baths or showers? Showers and long ones 25. What color socks are you wearing? N/A 26. Have you ever been famous? Voted 'Most Artistic' freshman year at High School, does that count? 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? HAHAHAHAHAHA no 28. What type of music do you like? Most kinds as long as it's not screamo or too folky and even then I may have an exception or two 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Maybe when I was a little kid? 30. How many pillows do you sleep with? Lots 31. What position do you usually sleep in? On my stomach or curled up 32. How big is your house? My mom called it a 'cracker box' house 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Muffins, crepes or waffles 34. Have you ever fired a gun? I'm probably the only person in my family and the whole state who hasn't 35. Have you ever tried archery? In High School P.E. yeah 36. Favorite clean word? Shoot! 37. Favorite swear word? I generally don't swear. I could probably count the number of times on my hands. If you ever hear me swear... run 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 24-48 hours? I don't remember 39. Do you have any scars? Everywhere 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Define 'secret' 41. Are you a good liar? I don't think so, I try to avoid lying as much as I can 42. Are you a good judge of character? I think so? Not if I have a crush on them though unfortunately 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? A few, I'm not sure how many 44. Do you have a strong accent? I guess? I tend to pronounce my Ts as Ds like people in the area do 45. What is your favorite accent? Scottish and French, maybe British as well 46. What is your personality type? ISFP last I checked 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? An outfit that my grandmother bought for my last Easter with a black boat-neck top and a poofy black and white skirt 48. Can you curl your tongue? Yup 49. Are you an innie or an outie? Innie 50. Left or right handed? Right 51. Are you scared of spiders? I used to be very arachnophobic but I think I'm getting a little better. I think it would be a lot easier if they didn't bite or move so fast. I'm gonna have to get used to them because my mom now lives in a rural house and they have orb-weaver spiders EVERYWHERE 52. Favorite food? Honey-walnut shrimp, rotisserie hot dogs and pizza 53. Favorite foreign food? Ethiopian stew and call me weird, I like calamari and kim nori 54. Are you a clean or messy person? It fluctuates 55. Most used phrase? “LORD help me.” 56. Most used word? Cool 57. How long does it take for you to get ready? I am slow so it takes forever 58. Do you have much of an ego? I try not to? 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? When I'm not just letting it sit in my mouth, I gnaw like an animal chewing on a bone 60. Do you talk to yourself? Of course I do. I have a lot to say and few people willing to hear me ramble 61. Do you sing to yourself? When I'm home alone 62. Are you a good singer? I got a four out of five score in my High School's solo and ensemble competition and I believe I have improved since then 63. Biggest Fear? Very venomous things 64. Are you a gossip? I really try not to but sometimes some nameless gossip slips out of me 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? Besides Prince of Egypt, The Case for Christ actually had me crying through most of it 66. Do you like long or short hair? Both have pros and cons. Short hair doesn't get knotted or tangled but you can't do the braids you want and if you go to sleep with wet hair you will wake up to a monster on your head that you can't get rid of 67. Can you name all 50 states of America? Here we go... California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Colorado, Texas, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Illinois, New York, Massachusetts, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Alabama, Hawaii, Alaska, Maine, Maryland, Rhode Island, Nebraska, Virginia, West Virginia, Arkansas, Wyoming, Mississippi, Louisiana, Utah, Michigan, and here are the rest that I got from the Animaniac's song: Indiana, New Jersey, Delaware, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Kansas, Iowa, 68. Favorite school subject? Art and Creative Writing 69. Extrovert or Introvert? Usually an introvert but I have extroverted moments 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? Nope 71. What makes you nervous? Public speaking 72. Are you scared of the dark? I was when I was a kid 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? ...I have a habit 74. Are you ticklish? Don't touch me 75. Have you ever started a rumor? If I have it was unintentional and I was unaware of it 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Does backstage security count? 77. Have you ever drank underage? Depends. Does that include church communion? 78. Have you ever done drugs? I drink a lot of caffeine 79. Who was your first real crush? Hunter from Kindergarten, he had curly hair and dimples and to this day that remains a weakness of mine 80. How many piercings do you have? I don't even have my ears pierced, not that I have anything against it, it just never happened 81. Can you roll your Rs? The ability comes and goes 82. How fast can you type? I took a whole class on typing and I have no clue 83. How fast can you run? I ran a mile in 12 minutes and I think that was me at my fastest 84. What color is your hair? Brown 85. What color are your eyes? Dark brown 86. What are you allergic to? I may have a slight allergy to the adhesive in band-aids depending on where I put them 87. Do you keep a journal? I've tried repeatedly but it always gets neglected 88. What do your parents do? My mom is a caretaker for the elderly and my dad is a retired under sheriff/paramedic who now drives the city bus and teaches driving 89. Do you like your age? I'm in the prime of life yo 90. What makes you angry? My brother taking a whole box of food, eating half of it and throwing the rest away without touching it... 91. Do you like your own name? Yeah 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? Not the most unique but I like Luke and Matthew for boys and maybe Akina for a girl? 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? See above 94. What are you strengths? Spirit. 95. What are your weaknesses? *Opens book* *Ahem* chapter one... 96. How did you get your name? My name means hillside/slope and I was named after where my dad proposed to my mom... also a perfume company 97. Were your ancestors royalty? Not that I'm aware of 98. Do you have any scars? Didn't I already answer this one? 99. Color of your bedspread? Cream with gold stars 100. Color of your room? Way too light to be beige and dull? I'm not sure...
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