#because if she had stayed in russia she would have never met the minister's son
ruby-red-inky-blue · 5 years
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2x10 “Yousaf” (2/2)
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wolffin1 · 4 years
Raymond Reddington theory part 2 Intelligence gathering is often a family business.
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People play off the "Scott" connection but it's probably significant and I would think it ties Sam to Scotty.
  I've often believed the complete lack of family history in the show for RR is for a reason, and I think it is something we haven't seen because it would give to much away. It makes no sense that Liz, a person longing for answers her whole life about her biological family, and after she finds out RR is her biological father she doesn't at the very least start working up a family tree? Doesn't make any sense at all.
  In the original pilot script," Raymond “Red” Reddington grew up the son of an army brat " Back to the point historically American Intelligence in its beginnings, a good portion of its founding can be found tied to a family. There is an Easter egg nod to this when the Major tells Tom he was the only failure from the "St. Regis" project. Some might remember it as a hotel from James Bond movies and novels etc, but it has historical significance to American history and Intelligence gathering. You can read this article for more information. https://www.6sqft.com/highly-elegant-and-highly-classified-the-history-of-espionage-at-the-st-regis/
Oleander was in the states to be a spy and do spy things. Katerina had to at least be partially raised in the states. When Dom fled Russia I highly doubt he was able to package up family mementos etc. to bring back to the US with him they were already here. The board game was American in Katarina's childhood belongings. Where would Dom want to live in the US and do some spying? He would pick a place he could rub elbows with military and or agency connections. It's my belief that Scotty, Sam, RR, Katarina, and Ilya all grew up knowing another. That's why I think Dom sent Katarina to turn RR, they had a history and he knew RR loved her.
  I'll go a step further. How do you think Red knows that Tom is Scottie's son? How do you think he knew to grab the "older" gentleman that was an ambassador who was under deep cover assignment for the Major and knew he would have a number to contact the Major? Put this into perspective the Hargraves who own a fantastical private contract Intelligence gathering company have no idea about their son. It doesn't take a lot of imagination to see the Hargraves were targeted for their son to be taken due to their family profession it was a given their child would most likely have innate skill suited to the profession. The Major probably stole their son threw him into the system of foster care to make him hard and have no family ties and later recruit him. Red and Scottie are familiar with each and their conversations point to them having a history. Red says he never liked her. Scottie has a picture of Carla Reddington. 
It would seem obvious by now that RR has a connection to the Major, close enough to go to the Major for someone to watch Elizabeth and the Major would obviously have trust in RR for RR to know that Tom is the Hargraves missing son, add that to knowing about the ambassador, etc. RR has intimate first-hand knowledge of the Major's organization. Why do you think RR gave Liz the scar and it matches the symbol on the boxes and was Branded in Minister D's face, it was Liz that implied it was Katarina that gave him that scar Minister D never confirmed it. I think it was most likely RR that gave him that scar because he is tied to the Major and his organization in some way. 
Was RR ever a boring pencil pusher? You mean the guy who acquired the information to bring down the Cabal, and who was shadowing Russians gathering intelligence and was captured by a Spetsnaz team? Anton Velov a spetsnaz group leader said during RR's time in American Intelligence he was the KGB's Greatest Threat. Boring? He sounds like James Bond. Maybe they met at the St. Regis(all puns intended).
It wouldn't surprise me if it turned out he used Katarina in some way to gain Russian secrets. Forget interviews they aren't going to drop anything useful and after you read enough of them the responses from people like JB are always from the point of view of an audience member that's seeing what they are steered to see. The most honest thing he has ever said is “I think it’s best to let the show and its characters answer that. Anything that’s meaningful is in the scripts and on the screen. EVERYTHING ELSE IS NOISE.” -Jon Bokenkamp. In other words don't be distracted by the noise. This show is all about the art of misdirection.
 It's strange Cooper didn't seem to notice any difference in personality in Raymond when he first saw him after he turned himself in, the only thing he said was it's really him, and having known him it seems it would be significant if his personality was different. Red was being his normal charismatic self with Cooper. Wouldn't cooper have noticed the difference?
When Naomi/Carla tells Elizabeth that he isn't who she thinks he is, isn't meant in the way everyone takes it and is part of the misdirection that is happening in the show. Think back to the Psychologist Red saw when he was on trial and she said. “while most people see you as a, uh, ICONIC BAD GUY, YOU’RE REALLY JUST AN IMPOSTER.” I believe what Naomi/Carla said is in the same vein. She was trying to tell Liz that he isn't the person he "portrays" himself to be not that he isn't Raymond Reddington, he is portraying himself differently than he truly is or at the very least as he once was. I think that's why Dembe is determined to save his soul, he is an anchor for Red to not get completely lost in the persona he portrays himself as.. If this true then Naomi/Carla was speaking of RR that she married when she spoke about RR and women's heads and her revulsion to him working with Elizabeth and their familiarity with one another after they haven't seen each other in decades and his sincere display of feelings for a former lover when she was departing all make sense.
  In season six they scanned Red's hands as he was incarcerated, they took the time to show the screen with the scanned prints matching the paper copy prints from season one which is from 1989, and before Raymond Reddington went missing. Did he ever really die? The bones could have been implanted with DNA we have seen this in the show, part of a backup plan to disappear? He did tell Elizabeth that he could disappear at a moment's notice, that he sells that particular package.
  Why did Kaplan tell Katarina she was sorry, because in her mind she failed to protect Elizabeth. Why give the bones to Elizabeth if they aren't RR's? To set Liz on the path for answers because she knew once Liz started she would never stop. 
People bring up Jennifer and he treated her very differently than Liz. A lot of difference between a grown woman in her 30's that he hadn't seen since she was a child from over two decades in the past and had been safe in obscurity, she was estranged from him, and he didn't look at her the same as he did Liz, whom he had watched her whole life and needed to be watched and protected and was more or less orphaned and still in danger. The more he stays out of Jennifer's life the safer Jennifer is. His indifference is just appearance by keeping her away from him he is actually keeping her safe where he feels he has to be involved in Liz’s to keep her safe.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
“The ultimate beneficiary of all this story is Russia,” said Daria Kaleniuk, the executive director of the Anti-Corruption Action Center, a clean-governance organization in Kiev.
Already, some Ukrainians worry that Zelensky may have offered too much to Trump’s team.
Ukrainian leaders feel trapped between warring Washington factions 
By Michael Birnbaum and David L. Stern | Published September 21, 2019 9:32 PM ET | Washington Post | Posted September 22, 2019 10:40 AM ET |
KIEV, Ukraine — Ukrainian leaders are trapped in the middle of a very Washington firefight, facing mounting pressure from President Trump and his allies to investigate the son of political rival Joe Biden, and are searching for a way to escape.
They could give in to Trump’s demand to open an inquiry into the Ukrainian business dealings of Hunter Biden and risk the anger of Democrats and others for engaging in what those interests would see as interference in the 2020 elections. Or the Ukrainians could defy Trump and face the wrath of a president who had frozen $250 million of crucial military assistance for mysterious reasons before releasing it earlier this month.
Either way, they risk cracking the bipartisan consensus that has firmly supported Ukraine against Russia since 2014, when the Kremlin annexed Ukraine’s Crimea region and stoked war in Ukraine’s east. If Ukraine becomes associated with one U.S. political party or the other, it could jeopardize ties with its most important security backer.
“It’s a diplomatic disaster for our relations with the United States,” said Alyona Getmanchuk, the director of the New Europe Center, a Kiev-based foreign policy think tank. “I don’t know what could be the way out of this story.”
The predicament could come to a head Wednesday, when Trump is to sit down, for the first time, with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
Zelensky has sought the meeting for months, seeing it as a way to demonstrate U.S. support for a country that is still fighting a war in its east and enduring Russia’s annexation of Crimea. Trump has been reluctant, and he pressed Zelensky about Biden in a July phone conversation that is the subject of an extraordinary intelligence community whistleblower complaint.
In an interview with Ukrainian television station Hromadske that aired on Saturday, Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko denied that Trump had pressured Zelensky during the phone call.
“I know what the conversation was about, and I think there was no pressure,” he said. “There was talk, conversations are different, leaders have the right to discuss any problems that exist. This conversation was long, friendly, and it touched on a lot of questions, including those requiring serious answers.”
Diplomats, politicians and analysts inside and outside Ukraine said Saturday that Ukraine was in a precarious position.
“Really couldn’t get worse” for Kiev, said a senior European diplomat, speaking on the condition of anonymity to avoid aggravating the situation.
Zelensky — who until recently was a comedian with no political experience — will have to tread carefully. A misstep could further inflame the situation in Washington, costing Ukraine its ties either to Republican or Democratic lawmakers.
Since Trump has embraced Russian President Vladimir Putin and questioned both NATO and the reasons to support Ukraine, the bipartisan backing for the country in Congress has come to represent the main U.S. security guarantee for Kiev. If that were eroded, Ukraine could be in an especially dangerous position.
“Our vital interest is to ensure and to protect and to strengthen the bipartisan support for Ukraine,” said Danylo Lubkivsky, a former Ukrainian deputy foreign minister. “This is not all about Ukraine. Don’t impose some domestic issues, problems on Ukraine, while Ukraine fights against Russia’s aggression and struggles for its independence and freedom.”
Trump’s freeze on Ukraine aid draws new scrutiny amid push for Biden investigation
Zelensky is also talking about meeting with Putin as well as with the leaders of France and Germany in the coming weeks to try to hammer out a settlement to the conflict that is in its fifth year. That makes the uproar in Washington especially unsettling, because it weakens Ukraine’s negotiating position.
Zelensky has been more open to Russia than his predecessor, negotiating a major prisoner swap with the Kremlin in addition to suggesting discussions with Putin.
“The ultimate beneficiary of all this story is Russia,” said Daria Kaleniuk, the executive director of the Anti-Corruption Action Center, a clean-governance organization in Kiev.
Already, some Ukrainians worry that Zelensky may have offered too much to Trump’s team.
“Just stay away from it. It is not our story. There is nothing to gain, there is lots to lose,” said Victoria Voytsitska, a former Ukrainian lawmaker who was swept into office in 2014 in a wave of Western-oriented activists who entered politics after the political upheavals that year.
Using an investigation “as a tool to say we’re reopening this to provide a benefit, leverage to a particular candidate, would be a mistake,” she said.
Days after the July phone conversation between Trump and Zelensky, Trump’s personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani followed up with an in-person meeting with Andriy Yermak, a top Zelensky aide, in Madrid, Giuliani said. Giuliani said that he met with Yermak to suggest two matters for investigation and that Yermak indicated the Ukrainians were open to pursuing the investigations. Yermak did not respond to a request for comment.
How Trump and Giuliani pressured Ukraine to investigate the president’s rivals
The first matter concerned allegations that Ukraine’s government colluded with Democrats in 2016 to try to derail Trump’s presidential bid.
During the 2016 presidential campaign, the release of a ledger documenting millions of dollars of off-books payments from the former Ukrainian government to Paul Manafort helped lead to Manafort’s ouster as Trump’s campaign chairman. Manafort had been a consultant to Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, the Russia-friendly leader who was forced to resign in 2014.
Giuliani said that the release of that information was part of a coordinated campaign by the Ukrainian government to help Democrats. He offered no evidence.
Serhiy Leshchenko, the Ukrainian lawmaker who revealed the ledger, says he released the information to try to fight corruption in Ukraine, not intervene in U.S. politics.
The second matter raised by Giuliani involved a probe of the Ukrainian gas tycoon who put Hunter Biden on the board of his company Burisma.
In 2016, then-Vice President Biden demanded the ouster of Ukraine’s top law enforcement official, Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.
Trump and Giuliani have accused the elder Biden of pushing for Shokin’s dismissal to protect Hunter Biden from an investigation into Burisma.
But it is unclear how seriously Shokin was pursuing Burisma at the time he was forced out. Diplomats said at the time that Shokin’s ouster was tied to Western worries about corruption in Ukraine’s justice system. Washington’s concerns were widely shared by Ukraine’s European partners, and they embraced Shokin’s departure.
“The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, want to stay as far away as possible from the Joe Biden demand that the Ukrainian Government fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son,” Trump wrote Saturday on Twitter.
Biden said Saturday that he had never spoken with his son about his business in Ukraine and accused Trump of “doing this because he knows I will beat him like a drum.”
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minnesotadruids · 6 years
Remembering my Ancestors
Entry date: November 29, 2018: 99 Years Since the Massacre (Trigger Warning: True Accounts of Murder, Rape, and Terror) If you manage to read to the end, send love.
The purpose of this entry is to create awareness of the brutal attacks and massacres my ancestors experienced 99 years ago. They were citizens of Imperial Russia, In terms of religion they were called Russian Mennonites, though they were only of German descent.
At the time they lived in "South Russia," a region of Imperial Russia which today is known as the country of Ukraine. What made them unique is that they were Mennonites: pacifist Christians who led lives very similar to the Amish, believing in hard work, strong faith, and dedicated to freedom and nonviolence. They lived in tight communities: clusters of villages referred to as colonies. In these colonies, they would not intermarry with Russians, only other Mennonites of German descent. It goes without saying that citizens in each colony were closely related, and many Mennonites were related to members of other colonies as well.
Ninety nine years ago, for three days from November 29th through December 3rd, 1919, a cluster of farming villages called the Sagradowka Colony (a low German spelling of the current Ukrainian town named Zahradivka) were brutally attacked by a militant anarchist named Nestor Makhno. The death toll would reach 199. Russia was extremely unstable, the Imperial White Army was fighting a civil war against the Soviet Red Army. The White Army had pushed the Red Army into Ukraine, where many soldiers defected to Makhno’s Anarchist throng.
The Mennonites were mostly unaffected until now because they lived relatively isolated lives, were exempt from compulsory military service, and kept out of politics. Heritage is another strong value of the Mennonites. They believe it is important to know your lineage and many of them preserved their family histories in memoirs and journals. I have the journals of several of my Mennonite ancestors as well as journals of their relatives.
I am going to share the journal of Elizabeth Bargen, who was an aunt of one of my ancestors. Her native language was Low German. Her second language was Russian or Ukrainian, and her third language would eventually have been English after the survivors fled to Canada and America. The village names described in the journal are mostly Mennonite villages inside the Sagradowka Colony. Most of the former Mennonite villages still exist today, but were repopulated by Russians or Ukrainians and renamed after the Stalinist Purges a dozen years after these events take place.
Here is Elizabeth’s account:
On the 28th of November, 1919, we had butchered two pigs. There was plenty of every kind of meat. Both my parents and my husband's parents, as well as our neighbor, Johann Martens, came to help us butcher. There had been much talk of murder and violence that I began to feel sick and weak.
My parents, K. Regehr, went home for the night. My husband's parents, Peter Bargen, stayed night at our place. They thought it would be safer here in Tiege than in Altonau. In Altonau, many strange riders had already been seen during the day.
The night was peaceful, but the next day which was November 29th was the most dreadful day of our lives. In the morning, I took a liver sausage and some spare ribs to our neighbor, the Martens. He had ordered some meat. Mrs. Martens met me and seemed very scared. She told me that she had not slept all night. Mr. Martens hadn't even undressed for the night. When I entered the room, Mr. Martens began to cry and said, "Today is my birthday, but I'm going to be murdered today. They'll come and kill me!" I begged him to call Minister Frank Klassen who could comfort him and would pray with him. Rev. Klassen was at the Martens's home that afternoon. As I walked home, a great number of our neighbors were standing in our street, old and young, and were exchanging their fears with each other. Soon after that, Mr. Bargen left for home and his wife stayed with us. My husband Frank dressed in his worst clothes in order that the robbers would think of him as a poor man and not rich. On his feet, he wore some wooden slippers which he hadn't worn for years. Mother and I cleared away the meat while the 15 year old nursemaid Rosa played with the children and our housemaid Pauline cooked us some coffee. Frank, my husband, came into the house and told us that they were already murdering and robbing in Gnadenfeld. Towards evening I undressed the children and put them to bed. Frankie, our little son, was only two years old, and Lizie, our daughter, was nine months. The housemaid went out to milk the cows, and the nursemaid was going to set the table for the evening meal when a man entered our house. He came in running and his face was deathly white as he said, "Now they are here! They came from Orloff. It is burning!" He had barely uttered the words when our yard and house were full of the bandits. There were so many that they stood and walked close to each other. They were covered with filth and blood. Many carried their bare swords in their hands that were still dripping with blood! On some we saw icicles of frozen clotted blood. David Wiens of Steinfeld lived in our summer kitchen. Wiens, who was seeking his wife, pressed through the band of robbers into the kitchen. They yelled at him thinking he was head of this house. In his anxiety, Wiens said, "I am not the head, he is," pointing to my husband who was standing next to me. These men pulled my husband from my side and two men began wielding their blood splattered swords at him. One who was quite drunk, yelled time and again, "I'll knock your head off!" He would wield his sword again, but never hit him. All he did was chop big holes into the wall. Frank didn't say a word. I had my baby, already in her night clothes, in my arms and our son by the hand. I stood there and witnessed this terrible scene which I will never forget. Our son walked up to one of the murderers and tried to take his gun. He said, "Give that here, that's my dad's!" The men put his sword to the boy's back and said to his companion, "Kill the little one. He will only grow up to be our enemy," but the man stroked Frankie's head and answered, "Let the little boy live." While all this was going on, my husband had left the room. Because he was dressed so poorly, they thought him to be a worker and let him walk out. One man even told him to go and hide, for they were going to murder everyone. Frank took off his slippers and walked into the garden on stocking feet and escaped in the direction of Nikolaifeld.
From me the robbers demanded money and gold. They took me from room to room by poking their bloody swords at me. All at once, one of the men grabbed my baby out of my arms and hurled her across the room. She gave one cry and then lay still. I thought she was dead. In the meantime, I had lost track of my son and couldn't see him anywhere.
Then with much cursing and pushing me around with their swords, they wanted me to fulfill their desires. If I wouldn't, they would chop me to pieces. I told them they could kill me but first they should kill my children. Then my mother-in-law, Maria Bargen [nee Martens] stepped in and begged the men to leave me alone because I was sick. They turned their attention to mother and began beating her.
They forgot me, so I went and picked up my baby. She was blue and limp. One of the bandits handed me my son and nodded towards the door, letting me escape.
I took my children and pressed through the cursing troop and came out into the open. While these men had been harassing me in the house, I saw how they slashed Mr. Martens across the chest as I looked out of our window. After a few more strokes with the sword, the robber pulled a short gun from his pocket and shot him. Later I heard he was shot with an explosive shell. 
As I emerged into the open, the two maids called me from the pig pen which was built onto the shed. Here is where they had been hiding. There among the pigs and mire which almost reached our knees, my baby regained consciousness and began to cry pitifully. There was one window towards the shed in which a great number of bandits were milling around. They would have seen us had they only looked through the hole, but God kept his protecting hand over us.
It was very cold in this pig pen so that the mud around us got quite stiff during the night. I took off my dress and petticoat and wrapped my crying baby in them. By now, both children and both maids were crying. Inside the shed was such noise from the animals that they didn't hear us. Oh, how we prayed to God there, among all this dirt. The children fell asleep but we three sat there shaking and fainthearted.
Soon we heard some loud cursing and moaning in the shed. I was afraid it was my husband they were molesting, so I dared myself and looked through the hole into the shed. I saw a girl being raped by a shed full of robbers. All at once from out in the yard, someone yelled that he had grabbed another girl. The bandits in the shed all ran out into the yard leaving the girl on the straw. I called her and told her to come quickly to the hole. She was barely on our side of the wall when her tormentors returned. They looked everywhere for the girl, but seemingly never saw the hole in the wall.
We heard one bandit suggest that they burn the shed, then they would get even with those hiding in it, so we left our hiding place. We actually got away! As we were running and turned around to look at our village, we saw many yards in flames. We could hear the cattle screaming in the burning barns. When we sat down to rest ourselves, the girl told me she thinks they had killed my husband. How that hurt! I couldn't say a word nor shed a tear. On the next morning when others told her that her own father had been killed, she cried bitterly.
We fled all night and were running on stocking feet since we had lost our shoes. Over plowed and frozen fields, we fled. From time to time, we heard people passing not far from us, but since we didn't know if they were friend or foe, we remained very quiet.
When we arrived in Blumenort, we couldn't find anyone in the village. How lonesome a deserted village appears! We ran to Alexanderkrone. The girls changed off carrying my son. I carried my baby the entire time for that was the only way we could keep her quiet.
Before we reached the village we came upon some ice through which I broke. I sank into the freezing water til under my arms. My baby also got wet. I couldn't move any further. The girls dragged me to the first house.
The people, Peter Friesen, were just ready to flee. They gave me and the children dry clothing, loaded me on their wagon, as sick as I was, and took me to Neu Schoensee and put me into the house of Jacob Janzen.
Mrs. Janzen put me into a warm bed and nursed me as well as she could. I thought I would die, for I was in urgent need of a doctor. I wanted to die, and therefore welcomed it, for then I would see my husband again. In the afternoon, we got word that the bandits were approaching. Everybody fled; only Mrs. Janzen stayed with me, but those approaching were not bandits. They were people who were fleeing, and with them was my husband! What a meeting we had! Now I could cry. Until now, neither of us had been able to shed any tears. Too much had happened to us.
Soon after that, we had to flee Neu Schoensee, as an attack was feared. They loaded me on another wagon and drove me to Neu Halbstadt, where I was again put to bed at the home of Minister Janzen. Mrs. Janzen here cared for me as a mother looking after her child.
After about five days, when all the bandits had left, we were able to move back into our house, but oh my! Our house looked a mess. There wasn't a trace of clothes nor bedding. Neither was there anything to eat. The dresser drawers lay in front of the door, covered with human waste. On the table lay a pile of broken glass jars of fruit and jam. They even used the top and underneath the table as their bathroom!
No one could feel secure any more. Not rich or poor, German, Russian, or Jew. No woman, young or old, pretty or homely, well or sick, was sure of her honor. No man was sure of his belongings. It became more dangerous for those of us who had rifles. [A few Mennonites had found rifles as this was near the Eastern Front of the Great War. This was frowned upon as Mennonites shun the possession of weapons on moral and religious grounds.]   Robbing, raping, and murdering still occasionally continued whenever it suited the bandits. This was the atmosphere in which we lived until we were able to flee to Canada.
Each year around this time, I take a few days to read the accounts of what happened to my ancestors. Some lived, some died, but so many suffered. Sometimes I can’t read two paragraphs without breaking down. I can’t begin to comprehend what they went through. My great great grandfather Peter Bargen made 30 fake rifles out of cornstalks and formed a defense cavalry to trick the bandits into not attacking. Nestor Makhno put a bounty on his head when he discovered the ruse. Peter somehow escaped to Canada after many close calls. He lived into the 1960s always fearing they were still after him. Whether it was by PTSD or dementia, his last words when being taken to the hospital by ambulance were “They finally got me.” One of my great grandmothers was 11 years old in 1919 when she saw her grandfather murdered. She was spared. Most survivors who stayed in the Soviet Union later vanished into Siberian Gulags. How lucky am I to even exist?
In lieu of this mournful anniversary, I cannot help but think of the migrant caravan at the United States & Mexico border. They are fleeing areas of militant drug lords and gang wars much like my Mennonite ancestors fled from anarchists and the Russian Civil War. My ancestors escaped on foot, by carriage, by train, and their caravan was a steam ship. They came fragmented and en-masse to provinces in Canada and to Galveston, Texas. Let us continue to let in refugees. They deserve some human decency.
If you’ve read this far, the Like button doesn’t mean you got enjoyment from this. The button is a heart; this time it’s for sending love. If you dare to share the story of my ancestors, there’s also the reblog button.
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wrthcorp · 4 years
TIMELINE RECAPS: Things You May Have Missed on WRTH
Previously, on WRTH.
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In 2020, the WRTH Academy (read more), owned by WRTH private family organisation opened another submission for a new batch of talented individuals as students; which then became the last group ever accepted. Its establishment in Washington D.C. attracted people from all around the world to try although the limited slot was open only for 30 students. The Headmaster, Mr. B, ran the Academy together with 4 Tutors in charge: Dantalion, Eligor, Florence, and Valterion (read more) whose personification stood for demons, the Dukes and Duchess of Hell—said Academy was a systematic, modern satanic cult shrine—under Baphomet’s reign (read more).
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During their stay, the students were guided through 9 stages of hell based on Dante’s Inferno (read more). In mind, they were convinced that the only way out was to go deeper, further into the ruination but little did they know, there was never an option. All of the Tutors were demonic entities stuck in Purgatory stage, where they needed human sacrifices to fill their places instead. The virtuous, clueless students decided to help the Tutors by walking straight into hell yet ended up being trapped as replacements for the demons in Purgatory. Their damned souls were free to roam the earth’s surface outside Academy, taking a short while before they went their separate ways. Eligor, one of the Tutors, married a female human named Eleanor Dupont in which they bore a child, later to be called Godfrey Wickham. The sacrifices made during the existence of WRTH Academy led the organisation to grow bigger, embedding the WRTH name and Wickham family as massively influential within the world’s governmental scope. The orchestrated political effort also led the way of New Wrathens’ independence, a country established by Eligor Wickham (read more).
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Everybody who’s anybody must have ever heard of the name Godfrey Wickham. The man had grown to be a prodigy of his own; a tech inventor, outstanding businessman, and at last an accomplished politician. He continued the legacy, focusing the family business and organisation on humanity development. Learning how New Wrathens was ruled under the hands of his father, Godfrey initiated a broader vision of what he wanted the country to become, once he got the authority in his very hands. He brought New Wrathens to prosperity in a considerably short time, placing it in the first world country index with large income coming from various sectors. His marriage with Julie Rosche gave him 2 sons, Stanislaus and Adam. Unfortunately, his wife died 13 years into their relationship. Soon after the departure of the mother, living under Godfrey’s care hadn’t been the best for the brothers. However, they were always being taught about their lives as a Wickham, their designated future, and how it shaped them to be competitive towards each other as eventually, only one would be throned as the ruler of New Wrathens after Godfrey who was elected as the Prime Minister in 2091 (read more).
The brothers began their step into politics as Chancellor candidates along with one household name in New Wrathens, the captivating Evangeline Eckermann (read more). That time was where things went down for the menacing battle. It was crystal clear that Godfrey had always had favouritism towards his oldest, Stanislaus. He supported Stantriarchy in a lot of different things but Adam as the other son had to face many given difficulties such as the Act of Dissolution targeted at his party, WRP. It was also revealed that the Prime Minister allegedly had an affair with the only female candidate, Evangeline, contained in the most scandalous record the country had up to recent date, Recording 025.
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With the chaos that ensued, protesters rose on demand of a new Chancellor to be elected sooner. Increasing crime rate and declining harmony of the country led New Wrathens to its grim future when Godfrey sanctioned a massive, nation-wide purge where things never came to what he wanted it to become. The last purge was where no exception was given, even the Prime Minister and all Chancellor candidates were allowed to be hunted. However, it didn’t take a stranger to know someone’s vice. Godfrey’s own son, Stan, the one he favoured most; took his father’s life with his own hands. Stanislaus was then chosen as the new Prime Minister, proposing Evangeline along as his Chancellor and the turn of events paved Adam’s escapade from the loathed country.
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The life of New Wrathens under their young leader was prosperous again. Everything was a man’s dream but no dream was ever limited. Human’s mind is always bound to want more, and more the Prime Minister tried for the development of his country. In 2125, New Wrathens rapidly went down to shambles after the distribution of Fronsamine (read more for history and drug information). Part of the history began with Angeline Hoffman, one of the surviving humans left during the apocalypse who arrived in the Fairwest shelter as the last bit of her hope after years of searching for her lost brother, Evan. In the Shelter, she met Maximilian, the leader; Elizabeth, an 9 years old girl; Alexander, a former UK navy, and Alben, the guy who turned out to be her past lover (read more). It was alright for a while until the shelter got ambushed by the infected, rendering it unfit for living. Through consideration, they decided to move to Battleheim, a shelter found by Ben through a faint radio signal one evening.
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On their way, unfortunate events were bound to happen. They lost Maximilian, Elizabeth and Alexander along the way. It was Ben, Angie, and the rest of the survivors who made the journey to a house which belonged to Adam Wickham, and it was revealed then that she’s the daughter of Adam who left New Wrathens to start a new life in St. Petersburg, Russia. As they arrived in Battleheim, another surprise came to trap them. The shelter was made by the Wickhams, and the struggle they had gone through for the past days prior to coming there was planned through and through by none other than Evan Wickham, the long-lost brother who had been adopted by Stanislaus Wickham to be the successor of WRTH Corporation and New Wrathens following the death of his son, Elijah. Their resistance to be cooperative resulted in a misfortune ending for their faith; Angie was taken for vaccine research because of her newly-found immunity, while Ben and other survivors were gassed to unconsciousness, locked up to became Evan’s personal lab rats for vaccination trial and other research purposes.
And, that’s what you miss on WRTH.
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