#because if he moves akanes hands are gonna brush his neck
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ranana12 · 2 months ago
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lovinkiri · 4 years ago
Your families with Kirishima, Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki
Eijirou Kirishima x Reader
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Izuku Midoriya x Reader
Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Katsuki Bakugou
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You and Katsuki have a daughter and are trying for another!
Your daughter, Akari, is just as rambunctious as her father!
Just a bit less angry. Just a bit 🤏🏾
But she definitely has his attitude!
And his red eyes ❤❤❤
Unlike Katsuki, she openly adores her mother tho and looks up to you
"Mama! I wanna be just like you!"
"What about me?!"
"I said Mama, not Daddy 😒"
Can't even glare at her because he can't find it in his heart.
Oh, and she's just as excited for having another addition to the family as you are!
"Daddy, give Mommy a baby already."
Of course she has no idea what giving mommy a baby really means 😏
"Oi, I'm tryin' my best here, kid."
"Try harder."
"... Alright."
Oh you're in for it.
But no matter how much she goes back and forth with him, she really loves him.
And he loves her back.
They practically do everything together.
Brush their teeth, eat, clean.
He even helps train her quirk.
And at night, he holds her and mumbles the sweetest things to her.
"You make Daddy's life so much brighter, you know that?"
Overall, he loves you guys and can't wait to knock you up again 😈
Izuku Midoriyau
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You and Izuku have a son and are actually expecting!
Your son, Hiro, is the most adorable thing!
He has Izuku's freckles 🥺
And he's extremely shy, usually stays by you guys.
When you go out, he's holding both of your hands.
When he meets new people, he hides behind you.
Has a tendency to hide his face in your necks 😂
"Hiro, c'mon, say hi to the nice woman."
"No thank you Mommy, I'm okay."
You can't help but laugh as Izuku apologizes.
Hiro's actually a very curious child tho, especially about the bump in mommy's tummy.
"How did that happen, Mommy?"
"Well.. Me and Daddy decided to give you a baby sister remember? So she's resting in there until she's ready to come out. She's shy like you."
He gives your stomach a very serious stare before hugging it.
Both you and Izuku just melt and he gets a picture.
"M' gonna protect you, okay baby sis?"
You damn near fainted from the cuteness.
Izuku definitely tells him made up hero stories at night.
You've got him writing some stories in his book.
"Oh, yeah! I wanted to read them to Hiro!"
Izuku is excited for the new baby and loves all of you very much.
"Daddy will always love you guys, okay Hiro?"
"Mkay! And I can protect Mommy and baby sis, just you someday!"
Shoto Todoroki
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You and Shoto have twins, a boy and a girl.
Yuki, your daughter, and Natsuhiko, your son.
Yuki has white hair and Natsuhiko has red.
Those two are troublemakers when you two aren't looking.
"Who put a frog on your teacher's desk?"
Yuki pouts her lips. "It wasn't us, Mommy."
Natsuhiko nods and grabs your hand.
Shoto doesn't even need to give a stern look, he just raises an eyebrow and they're confessing.
Of course, under your instruction, they apologize to their teacher.
You and Shoto also apologize.
Thankfully, the teacher actually thought it was funny.
You and Shoto definitely talk to them at home.
But they're such good children at home 🥰
They do their chores, they're very polite.
Little Angels 😇
Yuki is definitely the more mischief one, her brother being the quieter one who goes along for the ride.
But despite the trouble they get in, Sho loves them dearly.
He definitely plays games with them.
"I think I'm finally starting to understand, Candy Land. The objective is to be the first to reach the castle, yes?"
"Daddy, we've been playing for an hour and you won almost every time."
He simply moves his piece forward.
But they love you guys too!
They're always trying to make you proud!
"Look, Mommy! Daddy! We made you necklaces! They protect you from getting hurt by bad guys!"
Macaroni necklace has been added to Shoto's hero costume.
Lord help the fool who tries either breaking or taking it off.
They won't get to, just know that.
Eijirou Kirishima
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Three kids and one on the way!
This is a family man!
Two daughters named Akane (older) and Kimmi (middle), and a son Akio (youngest for now).
They love you both, but you can tell Eijirou is their favorite.
When he comes home, they run to him and he scoops them up into a bear hug.
"Hey! What are the baby boulders up to?" 🥺
They all laugh, relishing in their father's embrace and you take pictures.
Don't get me wrong, like I said they love you too!
Akio will walk over while you sit on the couch and cuddle you.
Now Akane wants to cuddle.
Now Kimmi wants to cuddle.
And now Eijirou wants to cuddle.
They love cooking with you, grinning with their shark-like teeth as you let them assist you.
They obsess over your tummy!
And once they know their baby bro is in there?
Best believe they get territorial when strangers touch your stomach!
Akane bared her sharp ass teeth once and the old lady backed off 😭🤚🏾
The girls drag him and Akio to play dress up.
Akio goes "This is girly though"
And Eijirou gave him a fatherly talk about how tough being a woman can be
Its still not Akio's cup of tea but his respect for girls go up 📈📈📈
Both Kimmi and Akane are mischievous and love teasing Akio.
Not in a bad way, in a "Our baby bro is so cute!" way
And he always finds himself blushing, trying to run away!
All in all, this is a family that protects each other to the end!
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fanfiction-abyss · 5 years ago
Hey there! I absolutely love your works so I decided to request ✨ can you please make a fanfic of Amane and Nene going on that date to the movies in the PP arc? They never went on it and I was kind of disappointed because I was actually looking forward to it :( Anyway, sorry if this is a bother. Feel free to ignore this but either way thank you for bringing your outstanding writing to the public for people like me who thrive for ships to read 😤🌸
Bro, when I read this request I was so excited, thank you!!! 🥺👉👈
Amane Yugi (Hanako-kun) x Nene Yashiro
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The ticking of the clock on the wall was all Nene heard as she bubbled in her last final question. Sweat dripped down her cheek as she passed it to the teacher and she plopped herself on her desk.
"It's finally over...!"
She sighed as she rummaged through her bag, successfully locating her pencil case. She picked it up, showing two familiar movies tickets. With her other hand, she picked them up and examined them.
This was back then... when Hanako-kun asked me on a... d-date!
Instantly, her already pink cheeks darkened with red, as she lowered her head.
With everything that happened and with finals, it totally slipped my mind! ... but, now that I think about it... a movie date with Hanako-kun... I wonder how that could've gone...
Thanks to the many romance novels Nene tended to read, many scenarios were meticulously built in her head. That is until, Nene Yashiro asked herself a very hard hitting question.
Why am I thinking like this, it's not like I like Hanako-kun! ... Do I like Hanako-kun?
Memories of the harsh teasing Amane put her through popped into her head.
No, no way!
Butt Nene couldn’t help the flutter of her heart as she remembered the valuable moments where Amane was vulnerable and attractive in front of her.
Do I like him?!
She groaned as her head was greatly bowed in defeat. Aoi, noticing the sudden moodiness from her friend, decided to approach her.
"Nene-chan, is something bothering you?" Nene picked her head up with a comical tear stuck in the corner of her eyes.
"You know, you can trust me with anything, Nene-chan! I'm your best friend for a reason, right?" Aoi enveloped Nene's carried hands, and sweetly smiled at the girl.
"Ao-chan... I think that I like somebody..." Said friend immediately perked up at this new information, sparkles coming out of her.
"But before you get too excited... this person... isn't even my type!" The tears were finally let go and ran down Nene's cheeks. Aoi watched with mild amusement as Nene clenched the stuff in her hands tightly.
"Were you going to ask this person on a movie date?" Nene stopped crying and blinked at Aoi, who pointed at the movie tickets.
"O-Oh! No! It's... um... really hard to explain... but! I don't know what to do! This guy isn't my type, so what if I get to excited and something bad happens...?" Aoi hummed and tilted her head in thought.
"Well, I think you should give him a chance! This is the guy you keep talking about, right? Well, to me it seems like he really cares about you too! For now, why not ask him on a date-" Aoi took a quick glance at the tickets "- and then you'll see how it goes! Plus, why wait, when in the end, you'll get one result!" Nene clutched the tickets near her chest, a slight melancholy brushed her.
That's right... why wait, after all...
Shaking the thoughts out of her head, Nene looked at Aoi with furrowed eyes.
"I'll try that, Ao-chan-"
"Ao-chan! Let me walk you home!" Akane popped into the conversation, looking at Aoi with a hopeful smile.
"Well, Nene-chan, I wish the best of luck! Bye-bye!" Aoi walked out of the classroom, Akane trailing closely behind her. Nene packed her stuff, putting away the tickets as well, and marched out of the classroom. People moved out of her way, wary of the aura she was emitting. Nene stopped as soon as she reached the door to the girl's bathroom, a drop of sweat dripped down her neck.
Now that I'm here... I don't know how to ask...
She squatted down, stuffed her face in her hands and groaned.
I should've asked Kou-kun to come with me... but then, it wouldn't count as a date... argh! I don't know what to do! Should I just straight out ask him? Will that be alright...?
With a squeal, Nene covered her ear, backing away from the person behind her. She stumbled inside the restroom and glanced at the doorway, seeing a smirking Amane.
"W-what was that for, Hanako-kun?!" Nene cried out, pouting at the playful ghost, who floated near her.
"Well, I noticed you, but it seemed that you didn't notice me, so I waited for a bit, but then I got bored and here we are!"
"Man, you're mean, Hanako-kun! I can't believe I was going to ask you-" Nene quickly put her hands over her mouth, her eyes wide. Amane blinked.
"Ask the wholesome Hanako what?" Nene turned away from him, causing him to become more curious.
"Come on, tell me, Yashiro!" He began poking her cheek, until she sighed and held Amane's hands, stopping his antics.
"W-well... I was thinking, maybe you and I, could maybe have... some sort of movie night?" His eyes began to sparkle at her suggestion.
"Woah! Sounds like fun!"
"Yep! Have you asked the boy?"
"No, not yet- w-wait, Kou-kun?!"
"Yeah... it is a movie night, so we should ask him what types of movies so we can pitch in what we like." Nene fiddled with her fingers, looking down at the ground.
"T-that's true, but..." Amane smirked and flicked Nene's forehead, causing the girl to pout once more.
"Or were you thinking of asking me on a date, you perverted radish?" Nene's eyes widen, her cheeks becoming red again.
"Y-Yes!" Amane stood still for a few seconds before steam came out of his ears, his gaze avoiding Nene.
"Please don't... joke around like that..." Nene somehow felt relieved by the boys shy response, confidence growing. Her hands enveloped his, which made him look at her in the eyes, honey yellow clashing with rosy pink.
"It's not a joke, Hanako-kun! Let's have a date!"
"W-What?!" A new voice came from the entry, gaining the attention of the two in the room. Kou stood there, his face a mixture of shock and confusing.
"Ah." Both Nene and Amane didn't know a better way to react. Nene was the first one to form some sort of reply, she let go of Amane and began waving her hands around.
"K-Kou-kun! W-Well you see-"
"Senpai, you want to go on a date with this pervert?! He's done nothing, but tease you and cause problems! He's not even your type!" Nene face visibly gloomed, Kou didn't finish.
"Plus, he's a perverted ghost!"
“Oi, you already said that!”
"...when you put it like that..." Amane pouted and slung his arm around Nene, pushing her closer.
"Well, you're too late, boy! Yashiro and I are going to have a date and there's nothing you could do about it!" Amane stuck out his tongue, which caused a vein to pop out on Kou's temple. He looked at Nene with despair.
"Are you really going to go on a date with that guy?" Nene nodded.
"I know what you mean about all the stuff you've said about Hanako-kun being a pervert..." This made Amane choke on his spit. "...but, if I'm being honest, having a date with a guy I like would make me really happy..." Kou and Amane looked at Nene in surprise. The apparition leaned on the stall doors, shrugging his shoulders.
"Well, you heard her, boy. We got to respect her wishes." Kou sighed, running his hand through his hair.
"Alright, I'll respect your wishes, senpai." With glistening eyes, Nene tilted her head.
"You will?!" Kou nodded as he put his hands on his hips.
"I will stay nearby just in case anything suspicious happens!" He glared at Amane who began to protest.
"Although I won't like it, if that's what it takes then, okay!" Nene nodded firmly, her mind made up.
"Oh, when's it gonna happen?" Sharing a single glance, Amane and Nene came to a unspoken agreement.
“Tomorrow, since it’s Friday and we won’t have finals!” Kou hummed in thought, putting a finger on his chin.
“Alright, that sounds good!” Not being able to hide her bright smile, Nene gripped the straps of her bag and walked out of the restroom, looking over her shoulder to wave at the boys.
“I’ll ask Tsuchigomori-sensei if we could use a classroom and it’s projector to watch a movie! See ya!” With a skip to her step, her cream colored bouncing behind her. After she left, Kou and Amane shared glares, with Kou pointing towards the ghost.
“Just a warning, don’t try anything funny with senpai!” Kou stomped out, fuming and not sparing a glance to the pouting ghost.
“You guys were supposed clean the bathroom today...”
Tomorrow came for Nene Yashiro, who had a bag filled with blankets, snacks and several DVDs (most of them included hamster related movies or ones she thought Amane would like). She arrived at school earlier than usual, went to the classroom Tsuchigomori allowed her to use, dropped the stuff off, then waited in her homeroom classroom, watching her classmates slowly pour in. The day was a blur for Nene Yashiro, who’s smile never faltered throughout the day. This concerned Aoi, but she has happy seeing her friend happy. When the end of the day bell rang, the blue haired best friend made her way to Nene, who slung her backpack on, waved at her fervently and dashed out of the classroom. Nene stormed past many classrooms and startled students, before skidding to a halt in front of the girls bathroom. Slightly panting, Nene walked into the bathroom and began looking around rather meekly. 
“Hanako-kun...?” The said ghost wasn’t in sight. Nene’s eyebrows furrowed and she called out again, only to be met by silence. 
“Don’t tell me he forgot...”
“Did you really think I would forget?” Amane appeared in front, of her, causing the girl to step back in surprise. He was floating backwards, his hand on his hat to make sure it stayed in place. The ghost had a small frown.
“I’m hurt by that accusation, Yashiro... I don’t think I’m up for this now...” His looked away from Nene disheartening.
“E-Eh?! Sorry Hanako-kun!” His expression quickly turned into a mischievous one.
“Just kidding!” A cold wind blew past the couple, as Nene turned away from him.
“You know what, just forget it...” 
“Geh! I’m sorry, Yashiro! I’m sorry!” Puffing out her cheeks, Nene glared at the black haired ghost.
“Don’t play around like that, then!” Amane shrugged.
“Can’t make promises!” He looked away from Nene’s ferocious glare.
Well, I could make an exception today...
“Anyways, lets go!” He linked hands with Nene and began walking to the designated classroom. 
“Wait, do you even know where to go?”
“Yeah, Tsuchigomori-sensei told me!”
“Oh, I see! But what about Kou-kun?”
“Who knows, anyways, lets go enjoy ourselves! Give me a ‘Yeah!’” Nene cheered with Amane who totally didn’t ask a certain spider to give a certain exorcist some made up detention. 
“We’re here! Lets see what you’ve prepared Yashiro!” Entering the unoccupied class, Nene immediately went to her bag and bought out all the stuff. 
“Pick a movie and set it up, Hanako-kun! I’ll set up the fort!”
“Fort?” Nene showed him the many blankets she bought.
“Fort!” Humming pleasantly, Hanako nodded, looking through the many of the DVDs his companion had bought. One stuck out to him the most.
Hamster Galactic War? Wasn’t this the movie... 
The scene replayed in his mind, back then when it was him who asked her on a date.
Well, she does like hamsters, right?
He chose it and looked at the laptop and projector on the desk, blankly.
“Hey, Yashiro, what’s this?” Looking up, Nene stifled a laugh.
“You don’t know how to set that up?” Shaking his head in shame, Amane scratched his red cheek.
“D-Don’t laugh...” Nene’s eyes slightly widened at the scene.
There’s another vulnerable Hanako-kun...
“Well, no matter, lets switch places!” Amane agreed and Nene quickly set up the movie. After she was satisfied with the size of the projected screen, she let out a cheer.
“Done!” The duo looked at each other and smiled. Amane looked at the screen with amazement while Nene clapped her hands at the fort. 
“Alright, ready, Hanako-kun?” The boy nodded and as the movie began playing, Nene bought out the snacks and sat besides Amane, who was already reaching for a bag of chips. The movie didn’t really interest Amane and he diverged his attention to the girl next to him, who was reacting to the movie quite well. A small smile appeared on his face.
I’m glad that she’s enjoying herself even after everything she’s found out...
He felt a peaceful calm wash over his body, watching as Nene laughed at the hamsters tripping over their feet. He reach for her hand, which caught her attention.
“What’s wrong, Hanako-kun?”
“Nothing... is it okay if I hold your hand?” Nene eyed their intertwined hands, a flurry of warmth spread on her cheeks.
“Y-yeah!” Amane relaxed even more, caressing her soft hands with his thumb.
“Okay great! You enjoying yourself?’
“Yeah, lots! Thank you, Hanako-kun!” Nene bought out a toothy grin, which made her seem like an actual teenager enjoying a normal date. Amane had forgotten that feeling of enjoying his short youth. He’d forgotten how it felt being a normal teenager, hanging out with people after class had ended. Many years had past without these feelings, yet here Nene, someone who’s situation was beyond normal, bought them out. Amane couldn’t stop the words slipping out of his mouth.
“No, thank you, Yashiro...” As Nene gazed his expression, she couldn’t help but understand what his solemn expression meant. 
Maybe we can watch a movie about space after...
She wanted nothing, but to enjoy and share her happiness with the apparition next to her.
Kou sprinted down the halls with exasperation written on his face.
That damned spider-face made me stay really late...!
He reached the classroom, slamming the door aside. 
“Sorry senpai! Oi, Hanako, you better- Eh?!” The classroom was empty with no sign of either teen.
“I was too late!” 
Sorry for the wait :(!! I hope this was up to your expectations and thank you for the support! Also sorry if it seems a little rushed!
Tags : @classicalsylph @amandarin-orangesss @chuluuwu 
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