#because i love ya leliana but damn we kinda have circles for a reason
drunken-drengr · 3 years
How bout cole 1, vivienne 5, varric 5, dorian 2, cass 4?
Ah yes the companions I really don't talk about enough!!
1. Before Cole’s personal mission, how did your Inquisitor feel about him? Were they comfortable or uncomfortable around him?
"Awh hell naw bro I don't fuck with demon shit man" - Inquisitor Herald Karrie 'Bjornsdottir' Cadash, right before proceeding to fuck with demon shit.
Yeah uh Karrie didn't like him at all. In truth she was about to slam the Haven gates in his face then she looked behind him and saw a fucking 10 foot tall magister and his army of templars and she was like 'o shit nvm bro u right my bad my bad' and said fuck it come inside lost puppy dog. She only kept him around after that because 1. he wanted to stay and he did kinda come in clutch at Haven so she owed that to him and 2. Solas said so and Karrie DOES NOT want to make Solas upset. If Solas trusts Cole, how bad can he be....? Horrible he's awful horrendous gross demon boy. Karrie DOES NOT appreciate him touching her brain thoughts those are HER juices. Eventually she gets used to him though, because despite not having any real personality the kid really grows on a person. Their whole relationship before his personal quest is basically 'Why do you push away everyone you love?' 'idk' 'Everyone in the inner circle wants to fuck you in one way or another' 'Damn dude fr? Tell me everyone's social security numbers'
5. How did your Inquisitor feel about Vivienne? Friends? Allies? Rivals?
Their relationship is back and forth. For the most part, Karrie dislikes her and how she uses the Inquisition for her own advantage. But she can respect how she carries herself as an independent woman, how she plays the Game with such cunningness, how she managed to rise above the odds and make the best out of being in the Circles, dominating her environment like an apex predator. A true shark behind a veil of elegance. They share some moments where they share their insights on matters, exchange advice and knowledge. Karrie can't say she isn't grateful for the advice Vivienne gives her, at least on the Game and how to deal with nobility. But they can't exactly call each other friends. They have a mutual respect, and a mutual understanding of not to get in each other's ways. They're always watching each other's every move and action like a hawk. Just two Queens on the grindset, y'know, gatekeep-gaslight-girlboss-ing, fighting, the norm.
5. Did your Inquisitor leave Hawke in the fade or save Hawke? How did that affect their relationship with Varric?
Honestly, Arrow didn't give Karrie much of a choice. She pretty much stepped up to the plate and took one for the team. Hawke understood that the world needed someone to lead the Wardens more than it needed her. She played her part, the world took everything from her, and the world would take her as well. In the end, Karrie did agree with Arrow, though it was saddening to see the hero to her end. Understandably, Varric was very heart broken, but he believed Karrie when she said it was Hawke's own choice, what she wanted in the end. "Figures, Hawke would do something stupid like that," Varric chuckled sadly as Karrie gently embraced the fellow dwarf.
2. How did your Inquisitor feel about the Necromancy specialization? Were they intrigued? Disgusted?
It was definitely interesting to say the least. Karrie isn't a big fan of corpses, you see.... She wasn't too thrilled to see him reanimate them, even if they were just spirits. But it was intriguing, more so than plain magic she saw everyday mages using. Necromancy had its perks, though, Karrie just thought of all the amazing pranks it could pull off....
4. Did your Inquisitor agree with Cassandra’s vision for the Chantry? Did they choose her as Divine?
Yes, for the most part. Karrie did agree that the Chantry needed reforming, and she admired Cassandra's incredible faith and determination. But, despite that, Karrie made Leliana Divine Victoria in the end. Cassandra's goals were admirable, but the changes she wanted were minor in comparison to Leliana's visions, and could be undone by the next divine, no doubt. Also, choosing Leliana as Divine just felt... right. If she didn't have that gut feeling to support Leliana, she would have chosen Cassandra, but something just spoke to her. The one thing she disapproved of with Leliana was her abolition of the Circles, but besides that, she saw her changes for the Chantry as better than Cassandras, more radical.
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