#because i know someone might crawl into my askbox and claim im saying hes a predator in canon. he is not. he just reps one in tocks lore ๐Ÿ‘
abimee ยท 1 year
i talk about csa and predation in this post jsyk
ive mentioned before as well that in tock tutti's lore things get shifted around for the fact that she is a child, and one thing specific to my interpretation through tock is that mr ballsack prince is a metaphor for a predator, since this is my wol and i get to choose what childhood experiences og mine i get to present
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and what this usually presents itself as is tock seeing zenos as a literal sort of amalgamation of animals/apex predators (seen above ^), since when i was younger me and the other predation victims i met often dealt with their experiences before even fully knowing what happened/how to articulate themselves by drawing representations of these events As something inhuman coming after them, I remember this was something i bonded over with a friend on deviantart with as we were both incredibly young (had to be around 10-13 years old)
this also sets up conflict with the ocs surrounding tock like her mother tatala, who finds out that this man is chasing after her daughter and she can do nothing about it due to his strength and it being a situation out of her control, which goes into something personal about how often a child comes to resent a parent for not doing anything in a situation where the parent wasnt aware or didnt have the power, and the confliction of emotions of understanding yet still regretting/despising.
this also makes some scenes read entirely differently for tock, like for instance the fact that the scions let mr ballsack prince chase after tock to the edge of the world --- again, in canon a very different situastion, but in the pure reading of tock's lore i use this for how common it is for people to ''let'' predators through ignore the plight of the child for the benefit of what the predator brings. This is also a specific example of similar to when parents let older people hit on their young children in public in front of them and continue to ignore/let the situation happen, and the child has no understanding of why theyre letting this happen (me thumbsupemoji)
anyway this is an overview of whats up with tocks lore irt the ballsack prince because i dont really talk about it since its one of the more, not ''personal'' in that i dont wanna talk about personal experiences but personal in that its a bit on the heavier side than what i usually talk about and i dont wanna bombard complete strangers who arent used to my usual serious content with Suddenly Dark Post. but if you didnt know my feelings on this man you do now
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