#because he doesn't have an identity outside peggy in this 'verse!
bedlamsbard · 9 months
bad sign about CCverse Steve that I, a known Steve girl, have literally no thoughts on him as a character. like...none.
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stevetonyweekly · 6 months
SteveTony Weekly - March 31 - Week 13
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Here’s what I read this week!! Check it out and be sure to comment and kudos as you’re reading! 
Never is a Promise by manic_intent
Steve had to admit that he had some reservations about how the New Century handled the social balance between alphas and omegas.
arei’s thoughts: I love this and the way that it twists A/B/O dynamics. The relationship builds so nicely.
Citation Needed by elwenyere, FestiveFerret
Historian Tony Stark has one year to get his book about WWII weapons technology under contract before he goes up for Full Professor at Stanley College. There's only one chapter left to finish, which is supposed to explain Peggy Carter's involvement with something called "Project Rebirth," but there are two problems: his trail of evidence goes cold every time he encounters references to an enigmatic soldier named Steven Rogers, and his stress levels shoot through the roof every time he runs into the endlessly frustrating new hire in Fine Arts, Dr. Grant.
arei’s thoughts: this is so lovely because the identity porn and Tony being so very--Tony. And the way  it all came out, I just love it so much. 
Counterpart by sara_holmes
coun•ter•part [koun-ter-pahrt] [noun] 1. a person or thing closely resembling another, especially in function. 2. a copy; duplicate. 3. one of two parts that fit, complete, or complement one another.
Just because Hydra used the DNA of a Captain America from another dimension to create a lab-grown, six-year-old super-soldier, it doesn't mean that said six-year old super-soldier is biologically Steve's, right?
(Where Steve wants to ban Clint from bringing things home from alternative dimensions, until he doesn't.)
arei’s thoughts: i’m a big fan of this fic and a lot of it is down to Steve’s characterization and how much he struggles with having a child thrust upon him. It’s so very in line with the headcanon I have of Steve that it was nice seeing it here. 
Wish List by scifigrl47
It's Valentine's Day, and that's a busy day when you run a high end restaurant. Or a food truck parked outside of a high end restaurant. Some things fall through the cracks, and your friends might just start to worry things are falling apart.
arei’s thoughts: I really love scifigrl47 and this verse in particular is a favorite--this is utterly gorgeous and super sweet. 
play it back slow by meidui
“I’ve finally got you right here. I don’t wanna go full steam ahead and crash this thing before I figure out how to drive it.”
“I thought you liked running risks,” Steve says, only very distantly aware that he might look like a disheveled mess right now and doesn’t have a lot of authority.
“Not on you,” Tony says firmly, and Steve knows that’s final because Tony doesn’t often use that tone.
arei’s thoughts: this was so soft and lovely. Tony’s determination to take things slow and Steve’s desperation to…not…it was just so lovely. 
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
📝Peter Parker
| Send Me A 📝/[Memo] 
Okay so I mostly use the Peter / Spiderman from the 2017 cartoon aka Marvel's Spider-Man. Because this would be the same one in the same verse for the Avengers we write for.
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Peter attends Horizon High but before he transferred schools he went to the same one as Nina. (Nina and Brook in the start tots au)
Tony knew Peter's identity first because of the time they meant and interacted it wasn't hard for him to connect the webs (ha!) between the spider hero kid and the awkward teen kid that both fanned over him in the same manners.
As Spidey Peter accidentally lost Cap's shield in a villain's home, HE DID GO TO THE DOOR TO ASK FOR IT BACK! but yeah that turned into a mess.
In star tots au he would for sure notice that Brook was getting bullied because...he also got bullied before he got to transfer schools. He joins Nina on the revenge for Brook quest though.
When it comes to Nina and Brook they are basically his sisters. Nina and he share interests in heros and science gadgets. Not to mention you never want to be thier target when it comes to a sassing marathon. They are both bad on thier own but when they can bounce off each other?
Peter loves getting to be a nerd in another sense with Brook. They like a lot of similar book series and have a sort of book club. They watch the movie adaptions and annoy Nina because they don't shut up about everything that was done wrong.
Not from this show but other things that I think fit well, Petes birth parents were in SHEILD as agents. But of course, died he doesn't know about the connection but a few members of the team have found out. So Peter having a spot with the team now is kind of a nice way to have something he lost. I don't plan him, ever finding out. Just a fun connection for him.
Peter often dose do a lot of solo work getting work outside of the whole avengers stuff but if he in need of help he's asking Nina and Brooke to come with him
Tony's the one who brought Spider-man in to the tower, he went around in full costume for about six months.
Nina and Brook were the first he told his identity to, likely holds more weight in the star tots au, but it was still a big moment for him. he still keeps the whole secret identity for a bit longer before feeling full comfortable with sharing it with the rest of the team
Really really really needs and wants Steve to like him to but he feels like he aint doing enough there. He feel the same towards Tony as well but least with Tony the being smart thing helps.
Pete actually has helped Nina study a lot for school. And she dose the same they are study buddies.
Peter walks on eggs shells the most around Peggy, he was raised by his Aunt May so he's good about manners. But he gets a bit nervous on how to properly be respectful to the Peggy Carter.
Brook has someone to share cursed food with because Peter is one a growing boy and already eats trash and apparently likes gross food combos u-u yes im disappointment but hey someone on Brooks side at last.
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