#because given the fact that as a wyvern-- Meir is a v large boi-- at around the same height as a 3-story house--
rain-filled-garden · 10 months
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✨} Although love in the sense of a deep emotional connection is something he's wary of following... That doesn't mean any and all forms of 'love' are something that Meir is against pursuing. Given that, like many dragons, the wyvern isn't immune to the pull that comes along with mating season. He is, however, quite used to making it through these seasons on his own by now.
✨} Despite the above fact, though, that doesn't mean that Meir would be fully against providing companionship to another dragon (or some other being) going through a similar struggle of desire. True, he'd likely be reluctant to fully couple with them, but... Perhaps not in offering other outlets for relief.
✨} Or, to put it far more simply-- While chances are slim that he'd fully commit to sex with someone in those situations, Meir wouldn't be against offering himself as a companion to cuddle with. Or even to 'service' his partner in ways that don't include actually entering them himself.
✨} And as a final note, while he's steadily become aware that there could be some partners who may find the idea of sex with him in wyvern form to be an appealing idea-- That's certainly something he'd heavily advise many of them against. Due to the fact that he's aware, unless they happen to also be a dragon of somewhat similar size to himself-- then realistically, it just simply isn't something that could really be pulled off.
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