#because ego speech didnt do anything to him
choki-the-rich-cactus · 4 months
When the only crimes you committed to end your career before it even started were you being a team player who genuinely loved your teammates and being a good guy and ran after a flight risk ,who dove headfirst into what normal people would assumed was a trap straight out of a horror movie, to make sure he was okay.
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ar1mas · 2 months
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- a rant
no because ive watched this stupid show 5 years ago, and i only noticed this now?? how???
ok. some context first. this is about fox' gotham, a prequel series to batman. or at least a potential one with slight changes. one of those changes is the relationship between oswald cobblepot and edward nygma (spelled with a 'y' for mayhap legal reasons? idfk its silly). whats their relationship like in the show? well...
theyre gay af. idk what to tell you.
okay so oswalds gay as fuck. edwards... ambiguous. totally ambiguous. he had a girlfriend or 2 and a half (kristen kringle, the-woman-who-shall-not-be-named (aka kristen but... blonde? this show is weird), and lee. not comfy counting lee, but technically shes one, hence the 'and a half')! very straight, much hetero (on another side note how tf is oswald the gay one, like i know he wears make-up and shit but eddies all about theatrics and showmanship and flair and hOW IS OSWALD THE GAY ONE NEXT TO HIM?? ok anyway).
so oswald was (is. be real.) canonically in love with ed, ed was.........., and 'penguin in love' is a piece of music composed by david russo for season three in which the whole "im in love with my best friend" thing took place.
that song has been used all over season three, as far as i can tell not once in season four, and once in season five.
.....or so i thought.
because yesterday, while in another obsession phase (of which i get one a few times a year. ive only ever watched the show once, in 2019, when it ended. still dream about nygmobblepot though. i dont dream about media, like ever, but with them, its different), i saw 5x8 to satiate my never satisfied craving of nygmob scenes, obviously skipping the main story bc i dont care about that straight shit. i got to the scene where oswald kills mr. scarface and frees arthur penn from said mr. scarface, after which ed shoots him in the head because thats what one does in such a situation, thought "aw how cute", again, as one does, and then realised.
what was that background music just now? rewinds.... oh. oh haha, its 'penguin in love'. how fun.
correction. it wouldve made sense to have it here. they used it in 5x5 for the speech about not backstabbing each other (wedding vows for murderers fr fr), so using it again after their relationship has solidified wouldve made sense.
note how im saying 'would have'.
because it would have made sense, if they used it when ed said "i accept you for the person that you are, just as you accept me for the cold logician that i am. thats why this friendship is great." they didnt, though. they used another equally heartfelt song for that. dunno what its called, it sounds a bit like 'penguin in love' but isnt, not sure if that one has a specific meaning like 'penguin in love' does.
so when was the song used? at 36:08 – 36:17. barely ten seconds, right before eds lines, right before ed kills penn.
...right when penn was sitting in oswalds lap because theyd been fighting for the gun and os fell on the ground.
now. the most obvious answer to "why in the fucking hell" would be because ooh this dudes on his lap so sexy, but no. no. 'penguin in love' is about one specific thing: love. the pure kind. the kind that makes you giddy with butterflies in your stomach, kicking your legs, while youre on your bed, writing in your diary about this guy you have a crush on. and oswald and penn do have history, oswald was more or less fond of penn, but not in love (i mean where would he have found the room in his heart if it was already filled with EDWARD EDWARD EDWARD martin my sweet boy EDWARD EDWARD EDWA-). im also definitely not thinking that penn was so happy about being free from mr. scarfaces influence and not having to kill oswald (oh yeah, the horror. who would wanna kill oswald, the guy with the big ego, who never does anything for anyone without some kind of endgoal- well, unless your name is edward of course) that he instantly fell in love with the guy. i can deal with the homicidal kind of crazy, but that? no. thats where i draw the line.
the next most obvious answer is that it was about oswalds love for ed. more believable, since its what the song was made for, but more believable doesnt mean believable. or likely. because even if i 100% believe that hes been loving this dude for so long its not something he has to think about anymore for it to be true, im pretty sure that itd be very random to suddenly focus on that when oswald was just about to die. so no, even if its what the song is intrinsically about.
so next most obvious answer is- wait. thats it. huh? theres no obvious answer anymore? everything else is brainrot? oh. oh well. its been five years, im sure its too late to worry about it now. what the hell.
im sure you know where im going with this. or maybe not. honestly idk what the fuck im talking about-
youre smart. you know what im about to say. if it wasnt about what oswald was feeling because he was otherwise preoccupied, and it wasnt about penn because that makes no fucking sense, then who was this song used for? who else was in the room?
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inhale, exhale. no. don’ get mad, you know he cant help it. you know hes totally helpless when it comes to emotions. just breathe. ok.
i hate him. i hate him so much.
if the song wasnt for oswalds sake, it was for his. because i know hes in love with oswald, but does ed? does the producers??
'penguin in love' is about oswalds love. its about his love for edward. its about their love, their relationship. its about edward just as much as it is about oswald.
(why am i like this? what is my life? i will never be normal.)
ed has always been the obsessive one. first kristen (and the woman who shall not be named is just an extention of that ofc), then oswald, then lee. and as weve seen with kristen, when hes obsessed with someone, he can become possessive. absolutely not on the scale oswald is on, but still. theres a wee bit of jelly there. oh you have a boyfriend? better get rid of him! oh you wanna run away from me bc i murdered your boyfriend? better keep you right in place and- oh shit did i kill you? ono D:
this is a huge oversimplification, but you get the point. its there. or at least it has to be there because why else do you get so angy that someone is sitting in the lap of your just friend because they were fighting and they ended up in that position totally accidentally? like thats not normal behaviour, for anyone, unless you have possessive tendencies.
i mean its not like penn was a threat in any way. "he wasnt the threat, the dummy was the-" like i understand ed told penn about the submarine which was supposed to be a secret, but come on, like they couldnt make sure penn wouldnt say anything. so why would ed shoot him? its not even like penn was a random dude where that type of thing would be very inconsequential, oswald knew him. hed worked for oswald, and like i said, oswald was more or less fond of the guy. penns just a poor little meow meow, y u kil him eddie? 🥺
unless this fondness was part of the problem. unless ed saw how happy oswald was to see him, got annoyed but let it slide, then used penn attacking os and knowing about the sub as an excuse to kill him. and why would oswald being happy to see penn be a problem to ed? it wouldnt be. it wouldnt be, unless ed thinks oswald is his.
which makes sense. i know im calling him names and calling him out, but like. oswald told him he loved him like 5 times 2 years prior, i dont blame him for believing that maybe theres something to it (especially since that was the point of 3x14, oswald really being in love with him and surprising himself with it). but i thought ed didnt feel the same way? because hes very hetero? because he had a full-on girlfriend before, twice, technically? because-
"the truth is oswald, you would sacrifice anyone to save your own neck. even me."
"like i said! you will always fail, because youll never change."
hm. i know this is a bit off topic, but i just got a war-flashback and... why did ed sound so hurt when he said that? "youll never change." "you would sacrifice anyone. even me." why does he care? they were friends, best friends, yes, but why does he sound like a heartbroken wife who just found out her husband cheated on her again? why does-
"honestly you deserve this. you are opportunistic, your loyalty is.. shaking, at best, and you will hurt anyone, anyone, to get what you want."
"and yes, i was not a good friend. to you or anyone. its why im alone. but i saw you for what you are and i valued that!"
...why would edward nygma, the man who literally said "i dont love you" to oswald, be jealous of even the idea that maybe penn could have something going on with oswald? and why would he act on it if hes usually so careful to not reveal his feelings (unless its about kristen. the original obsession, the american dream, the just be normal, show them you are normal, and people will accept you)? he wouldnt.
unless oswald just told him that he knows he messed up. that hes sorry for it.
and unless that made him think that maybe theres a chance.
"love is about sacrifice. its about putting someone elses needs and happiness before your own."
"you gave up your revenge for me?"
a chance... for what?
"life begins anew."
"shall we get to work?"
and if theres a chance, hes not about to risk losing it. not this time.
so maybe 'penguin in love' is about more than just oswalds feelings. maybe they were trying to tell us that, yes, we see you traumatised gay kid, were sorry this is all we can give you, but here you go, eds in love with him too, but don’t tell the channel. subtlely. just for barely ten seconds. and maybe it can be enough.
nope, it wont be. im gonna sit here crying about the injustice of not having them kiss on screen in the finale as was originally intended for the rest of my life. seriously though, what is this, nbc's hannibal, where im noticing something new details every single time i watch the show, causing me to spiral? no, i was already spiralling. the spiralling was the reason i rewatched the scene. the scene simply made it worse.
so yeah, im done freaking out about a mediocre show that was cancelled 5 years ago and is honestly not worth anyones time (like, its ok. it might even be better than i remember since its been so long. i doubt it. but its ok).
tl;dr: ive only now realised that a specific gay song plays in a specific episode of a show i watched 5 years ago and the only reason theyd include it in the episode is if the dude that was not canonically in love with the other dude was in fact gay, they just werent allowed to make it canon, so they added the gay song to subtlely tell us about it.
have a wonderful day, hellsite. dont do what i did and go crazy about fictional gay people. i know you will though, that’s why im here too. i hate gay people. these two make me homophobic so bad, i wanna gauge my eyes out and skin myself-
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Am I the only one who believes Blue Exorcist Lucifer is incredibly mechanical in his actions and especially his speech? Or do you think I'm overthrowing the ball a bit?
He's very stony-faced about a lot of it, that's for sure.
But also, I think he does it on purpose. It's much harder, after all, to take anything he says in any context besides what he says it is if there's very little inflection or expression to read into.
On the surface he seems like Amaimon, unable to really be emotive. But we DO see him emote when he thinks it's valuable to do so
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It might be minimal, but he is definitely expressing himself here. I don't know how you could read that whole interaction any other way than sultry and inviting. (With a dash of intimidation for good measure).
I'd say he is plenty capable of expressing himself when he wants to. He just prefers to play a cool hand, because then it becomes nigh impossible to "misinterpret" him specifically because you have no clue what he means.
He can say one thing with a perfectly straight face, and mean the complete opposite, and you might never know. You can never know, insofar as he is concerned, because if you know the truth you'll "out" him, and that can never happen unless he specifically wants it that way.
Look. Lucifer is canonically the oldest demon on earth by chronological age (Samael is older by the collective). He's no dummy. A coward, through and through, but not stupid. Ignorant and delusional, oh yes, but he's not stupid - Samael would not consider him a worthwhile adversary otherwise.
What he is, is Narcissistic. Painfully so. He lives a life filled with lies and delusions of grandeur (not all of which is actually delusional in his specific case, but only because he is literally God). He lives behind a mask, one painstakingly crafted to make everyone else want to prop up his ego. That means he has to appear like whatever ideal whoever he is fixated on or needs something from wants to see. An honest man. A respectable person. A cool headed, logical being.
He is none of these of course and he knows it. He might not believe it, but he knows he's a liar, and therefore anyone who tells the truth, his truth, is a threat to him. (Ahem, Samael being public enemy number one in that regard). So, to safeguard his false identity, he makes himself deliberately hard to read (unless he wants to be read) so that, in the event you should disagree or see through him, he can very easily flip the script and claim he wasn't saying what you said he did, and any witness couldn't disagree, because his face didnt give any clues otherwise.
So yes, he's a bit mechanical and stony faced by default, but when he needs or wants to be he can definitely express himself in the name of manipulation.
Hope that helps. :)
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lesbianralzarek · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons about ral zarek?
oh boy, do i!
im 100% sure that he built the thaumatic compass, but i think it would be funny if he had been approached by tez about it, assumed that tez would be the one to use it, and then made it kinda finicky and awkward on purpose so that tez would try to fix it and end up breaking it and being stuck on ixalan (and out of ral's hair) forever. he would probably be a lil sorry if he learned that vraska was the one who had to use it, but only a lil
he naturally has a more olive skin tone but he never goes outside so hes just sickly pale all the time
he goes to see hekara whenever shes performing a big role but he doesnt really care about anyone else so he does paperwork until one of his assistants points out when shes on stage so he can pay attention for a minute
didnt know that blue raspberries arent real because he consumes a lot more energy drinks than fresh produce
for a long time he only hired women so that he could put his bed and shit in the men's restroom that came with his lab. this meant that he only ever saw men at, like, gay bars and kinda became a bit of a misandrist sdfghhgfds. diversity win
in our world he would say that his favorite movie is the martian, which he does like, but its really fast and furious tokyo drift
"would you fuck your clone?" is not at all a hypothetical. the izzet league has cloning. ral has absolutely already fucked his clone
understands the threat that phyrexia poses. still really wants to know what he would look like as a phyrexian
the other planeswalkers who hadnt met him before wots think that hes really nice but hes actually just nice to them because hes a planeswalker supremacist
edited this one out because it directly contradicted canon (tho that canon makes no sense but w/e)
cannibal. not in the passive "well, im not gonna ask whats in this mystery food vendor meat" way that basically every ravnican is, but in the "actively seeks out human meat when available" way
cut off his own foot during an argument about how great izzet prosthetics are. he has built-in heelies now
hates pets but tomik has a lil thrull made from the skin of his dead parents, so ral cant convince him to get rid of him. his name is mosce and he wears a lil suit and sleeps at the foot of their bed during thunderstorms. he can understand speech but cant speak, just make weird whale noises. pets arent allowed in their apartment so tomik has him registered as his accountant
that is a kamigawa tattoo but because their magic tied to the land, it doesnt really do anything on ravnica besides look cool. while he was talking to the wanderer about planeswalking he excitedly explained all about kamigawa and the whole time she was just... staring at the tattoo that clearly telegraphs how he was part of the criminal underground there
likes theros in small doses, but doesnt like having to shit outside. the entire time he was there he batted his eyelashes real pretty at the abundance of queer men there so that he didnt have to buy anything. at one point everyone started calling him a son of keranos, so given how gods on theros only work on the basis of people believing in them, he was momentarily a demigod. his inflated ego still wasnt enough to make him stay
went full crazy ex on a guy by starting a fight because he was bored, driving his car-equivalent off a cliff, planeswalking away at the last minute leaving only an item of his clothing behind so that it becomes a "wheres the rest of the body?" cold case, and then planeswalking back a decade later wearing all white so that its unclear if hes a ghost or not and the guy never knows closure
"how does someone as kind and well-behaved as tomik end up with someone like ral?" tomik is the stand-in boss for the catholic mafia. he is also a lil fucked up
ral is, like, genuinely actually nice to the people he likes. this one is canon but i just felt like reiterating. theres no weird scheme going on with him and all of his high-ranking friends (+ husband) in other guilds. sometimes bitches just have besties
he knows that vraska is dating jace. he knows that vraska fucks. for some reason he is unable to conceive of the idea that jace fucks
one time he bit off emmara's index finger and spit it back out at her. emmara says that shes willing to overlook it (lying) but ral doesnt feel like he was in the wrong there (he was) so he just gets mad every time she suggests burying the hatchet. "oh, how noble of you to demand that i forgive you for all youve done to me!" etc etc. homophobia doesnt exist on ravnica except for emmara, who invents new slurs every time she sees that man
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Rank the peaky men from who you'd want to sleep with the most to least 😬
So difficult for me near the top of the list because i can't pick between favourites really.
1. Bonnie would be the all round sweetest to sleep with i think, physically i find him most attractive (i am a sucker for that classic irish blue eyes black hair combo) Bonnie would definitely look after you, you know he'd be gentle with you your first time and hold back from going to hard unless you begged him... He'd be worried about hurting you. He'd be super cute afterwards as well, you know hed lie there with you, smothering you with kisses, lots of praise. He'd definitely accidentally fall asleep afterwards though and his snores would be v cute.
2. Alfie... Besties I've had such a silly wee daddy issues crush on Aflie since i was like 16 years old and i have not grown out of it. Now I'm the kind of girl who gets incredibly self concious and shy when i go on top and i tend to avoid it unless someone can make me feel comfortable enough with them... But i swear to god Alfie would just have to give me half of one of his little Alfie style speeches and tell me to come sit in his lap and id be all his.
Maybe he can't go on top or really go hard with you because of his injury but you know that doesnt mean hes gonna give up control of you. He'd be talking you through everything with one hand on your neck completely in control of you and hed be full of praise for you too.
3. This is where it gets kind of hard to choose but... Isaiah is 3rd because i am such a little bitch for arrogant and cocky classic bad boy stereotypes. Hes also just really. Fucking. Hot. If this man addressed me i would melt, id blush id trip over my tongue... Id be totally flustered and it would boost his ego and he'd be all the harder and faster in bed for it. Definitely going to treat u like a little whore and then sing your praises after.
4. Tommy - daddy issues again sorry guys. I want to misbehave, get myself into all kinds of trouble and then have him really calmly, sternly put me in my place. I read a fic on here once where he took y/n up against a wall, held her neck in his hand and forced her to look up at him. He points his finger between him and her and all he says is "respect the boundaries" and yh... Want Tommy Shelby to tell me to respect the boundaries.
5. John - I'm not gonna lie to you i always used to find john to be too sulky and childish for me, but there is something quite attractive about the thought of bringing him out of that sulk if you know what i mean? I also think hes the type to have a complex and need to tell you "youre mine" over and over whilst he's fucking you. As if him fucking you doesnt make that quite clear already.
6. Arthur - the same with the "you're mine" thing hes definitely growling/spitting that into your ear whilst hes taking you from behind. Also imagine being all snowed up in the bath with him and fucking, having a cigarette and then fucking again. His temper would scare me though, i get scared when someone's genuinely angry with me and arthurs angry sex would probably make me cryyyyy lolllllllll like if he shouted id just die.
But i do also think hes got a sweet side and would be devoted to you in a sense and that would be hot.
7. Freddie Thorne - sexy sexy communism mmmmm (see also, Ada Thorne)
8. Aberama - lowkey have a thing for an attractive but slightly sleazy older man and i would probably let him do anything to me)
9. Michael - would you believe this boy was once at the top of my list, my list used to go Michael, Alfie, Tommy... And then Bonnie, Michael, Alfie... And then one day i just stopped famcying blonde men 😭 (B says thats called becoming an adult haha) i also hate how he became so spoilt and entitled. I liked him when he still had some of the innocent in him. Being bad didnt suit him the way it suits Tommy and the others and i think it's because deep down the others actually do care about their families and their principles. In order to be a Blinder Michael has to lose all the principles he was raised on and take up a new set... He literally has to sacrifice his backbone to fit in with Tommy and i think if you can change urself that easy u have tiny dick energy and ur not to be trusted in or out of bed. He probably takes more than he gives.
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ughsimpp · 3 years
THE FUCKING FANWAR WENT ON FOR TWO-THREE DAYS?!?!?!? I literally thought it just happened yesterday but NO it started on FUCKING WEDNESDAY?!?!? Who What Where and Why?!?!
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First off....ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY!?!? Seonghwa literally opened up, told us how he feels and how much he appreciates us for everything, BUT THEN YOU PEOPLE ON THE OTHER HAND decided to attack him for it. 🙄 and for what? just bc he said smth along the lines of ‘loving yourself’ or ‘self love’ during his ending speech? like bro..the fucking audacity you have to attack someone for just saying that he found to love himself.
2) ITS UPSETTING that he knew what was happening 😢 i’m pretty sure ALL the members knew what was happening. he literally changed his ending speech during the Dallas show bc of what these antis started. He doesn’t deserve to get attacked, no actually, NONE OF THEM deserves to be attacked like just bc of some people getting ass hurt
3) SEONGHWA SHOULDN’T HAVE CHANGED HIS ENDING SPEECH!!! I understand that he probably changed it bc he saw what was going on and though that it was for the best to not use “love yourself” or “self love” in his speech but like WHY change it? Fuck them because it’s literally THEIR fault for getting mad not his. He honestly didn’t do anything wrong.
3) I will never forgive them on what happened. I am a fan of that group but shit in that fandom gets a little too much that it’s just makes me think to myself like “why and what the fuck happened to this fandom?” it literally hurts my brain that the “military” got upset bc ateez did or said something similar that their faves did. That fandom used to be good but now its TOXIC bc their EGO is way up in their asses that all they think about is themselves and their faves.
4) YOUR FAVES DIDNT PAVE THE WAY!!! I’m sorry but it’s true. They are 3rd gen so THAT MEANS THERE WERE 2 generations before your faves ever existed!!! “they pave the way for kpop” no babes, they didn’t...1st and 2nd generation kpop stars did. it’s giving me “i only stan one group” or “i’m a new kpop fan” type of vibe. did you just forget that 1st and 2nd gen idols existed first? or you just that blind and stupid?
5) I like the group, I like their music, I appreciate them on what they are doing and how far they made it BUT I don’t like THAT fandom. If this makes sense to you, good. If it didn’t, sorry but I said what I said.
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I was supposed to post this up earlier but forgot 🙃
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give-grian-rights · 3 years
fifteen hermits worth of liveblogging. i am losing my mind. LONG POST AHEAD.
JOE HILLS (First HC8 Video)
Mumbo did the speech. he forgot everything he was supposed to say <3
Pearl and Gemini were just .in a pit . having stuff thrown onto them
Every Hermit is staying on the same continent !!
FIRST DEATHS VERY QUICKLY, Iron Golems took out Tango and Etho (maybe more?)
Joe seems to be the only one looting the chests
Evil Jevin !!
Evil Xisuma appearance on Jevin’s 60 second video!
Pearl has something planned for an “archeticual wonder” for a resupply area upon death?
Stress, Xisuma and Joe are capturing villagers and starting up a resupply debut.
Bdubs is killed by Cleo and is now OUT FOR BLOOD
First death counts- Etho, Tango, Bdubs, Cleo?
Cleo was killed by Keralis
Joe has now supplied Cleo with weapons and food . She left but not before saying “Time to kill BDubs again!”
Gemini was killed by Bdubs! They both died and are now at spawn.
Pearl was killed by Cleo
Pearl is planning a respawn inn !!
Cleo was killed by Iskall
Cleo was killed by Pearl
False, Stress, and Gemini team up??? AA!!! they brought a delivery of supplies to Joe <3
i wish i knew what was happening on that end .
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Iskall is the first with Diamonds??
Breathe in that ash !
the big eyed trio are now off to shake down Gemini
Joe fell in Lava in the Nether
Joe Death To Lava Two: Electric Boogaloo
Joe drowned trying to kill a glowsquid
Zedaph Episode Recap
Zed gave us a recap of the continent every Hermit will be living on !!
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Wouldn’t recommend Zedaph as the first video for the season, he skips the intro/speech but it’s Zedaph and hes making it fun!! Lots of nice editing :)
Zedaph.. why is your starter base made out of concrete ?
There are no sheeps whatsoever on his mountain
Hes calling his lab an icecream sandwich..yeah i see it
Zed tried to make a portal underater...f
Scar died to a creeper </3
Zedaphs base is gonna be tracking how long hes there/someones loading the chunk!
A cool cinema scene of him becoming an axolotl!! <3
XIsuma’s baseplans need over 45 THOUSAND BLOCKS TO BE PLACED
He’s also planning on making a shulkershell farm!!
i’m not gonna lie ! talking axolotl X is horrifying ! thanks !
Day one Villager Breeder... chaos.
Xisuma Derp! looked straight at a buncha wool and said how badly he needed beds and then walked away
day one and Xisuma has got his axolotl!!
Very pretty starterbase!!
..I’m not gonna lie theres not much to say!! He’s very calm :) he says hes going into it without a plan, and htat last season was the only time he had any thought of what he was gonna do.
He made a real nice starter house and thats about it!
Bdubs: “She ain’t gonna hurt me!! i’m invincible, babey!”
Cleo learnt that BDubs will never hurt her even if she deserves it . I am starting to realize why she kills him
“Alright I found my mission for the season! Murder.”
Cleo, Mumbo, Grian, and Scar are all holed up in a cave together!
..Scar died from a skeleton !
Cleo has now split from Grian and Mumbo! Scar is missing in action
she got a HORSE <3 and Joe gave her a saddle! I think her name is..Widget?
She LOVES the candles for shamboo n waterbottles and bits n bobs for her armorstands!!
Got her Armorstand stickgod book <3
Geminitay POV
She has a LOVELY voice!!
The pov of her in a hole . being surrrounded . is kinda hilarious
It might’ve been Etho who was first death?? I GENUIENLY CANNOT TELL BECAUSE OF EDITING
All the murder was just for heads!
Seriously her voice is. wow
False, Gemini, and Stress are on the great journey for MOSS !
Gem just blew their minds with the moss.
TANGO KERALIS AND BDUBS ARE BACK Keralis: “Show the diamonds show the diamonds show the diamonds!” Gem: “Keralis. This is not how you make friends.”
The boys suecessfully recieved a diamond each
Etho n Iskall are travelling together!! You dont see those two together often
Etho got a glowsquid head!!
Gem: “Etho doesn’t share, is what i’m learning..?”
Etho hooked her with a fishing rod and said she has to do what he said .
In order to get the diamonds, Tango, Keralis, and BDubs placed down a sign saying “Gem is Great!” and Gem used a glow inksack on it.
Etho: “So..What is this? Do you have an ego, or this a motivational thing, or..?” He said, while laughing
Iskall: “I think its really funny that you have set your base up in the middle of a birch forest.” Gem: “I love birch forests! Do you not like my birch forest? Iskall: “I love it, yeah.” Gem: “This is the best biome in the game, Iskall.” Iskall: “Mmmm..” Etho: “I’m pretty sure I heard Iskall talking earlier that like, of all the biomes in the game, there was one he hated more than anything. Gem: “Oh really? And what was that one?” Iskall: “..Taiga.” Gem: “Taiga.. That’s true, thats a good one, thats a good one.” Iskall: “Don’t like Taiga.” Gem: “Mhm.” Etho: “Which one do you hate more than anyone?” Iskall: “..Diorite fields. Thats a bad one.” Etho: “Yeah thats a bad one.” Gem: “Didn’t know about that one. Well make sure to avoid’em. Birch forests are really good.” Iskall: “I’m a big fan of birch forests.” Gem: “Yeah, me too, me too. I’m glad we’re on the same page :) This is so beautiful! All the white and- and the like zebra stripes! is fantastic.” Iskall: “I..Um.. Yes.”
She accidentally found an enchanted golden apple in a mineshaft!! she thinks its the first she ever found in survival!!
She has a cow, sheep, and a few crop farms set up!! Her starter house has INTERRIOR!
shes doing a cottage core inspired base!
BDUBS IS HERE and he is so so so impressed by the tree ?!
also hes carrying a clock.. :(
He’s here with a present!
she thinks its so funny that he stops conversations to sleep AOIDHFEAUI\
WE GOT A TRANSITION SCENE!! the canonical reason for the bed in his old village always being occupied is because underneath it, was his wizard portal!
Bdubs: “It’s a new season! You’re the little guy now!”
They are all very amused by that ^
they’re rubbing the fleece of bdubs jacket .
His starter base is gonna be a wagon and he wants the end game to be a bioshock esque skyscraper!
he confused a horse for a player . flashback to iskall thinking mumbo was a mob
Scar, Mumbo, and Grian.. have NO braincells. at all. THey just placed a crafting table with a boat on top with a bed on top with a boat on top .
this is what BROS FOR LIFE looks like.
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it seems like Grian, Mumbo, and Scar are working together !!!! HOLY SHIT !!
he died several times trying to catch a skeleton with a sword
its a giant ass house boat wagon . its pulled by a llama . that killed him . so now its trapped, pulling hte agon, forever
Grian: “..Thats a very big house, for a very little hat.”
they really came out here . and killed the egg already.
Scar: “..I touched the thing”
We see the three big eyed boys forming <3 they interrupted Tangos intro
they found an axolotl and Bdubs was TERRIFIED just screaming “WHAT IS THAT YELLOW THING?!”
okay nope Bdubs caught one and Tango lost it
Bdubs is naming his axolotl Idiot
Impulse POV
so it looks like those four are hteo nes who grouped up together
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So its gonna be about five people in the same area!!
YOO!! Fantasy build for Impulse!!
G gave Impulse a spyglass, they had a fun moment of zooming in on eachothers face and complimenting eachother IHAUDIHAW
Grian and Impulse worked on an xp farm!
a pillager stole his boat . not just any pillager . the one with a banner. </3
he has to live with Mumbo tuning a song .. </3 haha
Mumbo POV
it took fifteen seconds until Grian ran in during Mumbos intro
Grian: “Can you..Briefly explain why you’re just wearing a hawaiian shirt?” Mumbo: “Uh- what do you mean ‘just wearing a hawaiin shirt? I have shorts on as-well, dude”
Mumbo: “Can you explain why you’re wearing a red jumper?” Grian: “You know- you know i was born with this!”
Grian: “Is that Scar?” Mumbo: “I can’t see past your giant waffle!”
DSFSDFJIOA they did an edit where they placed down a boat, both Mumbo and Grian got in, they made noises and then bopped up on top of the ravine they were in <3
..Mumbo is trying to be a pacifist this season!
Grian’s taunting him with beheaded things
And obviously part of being pacifist means he’s gonna be vegetarian in minecraft!
..he cannot use monster farms because pacifisim..
Mumbo was in the middle of reading the magical Timmy shack that Tango made (did i remember to mention that? who knows) and IN THE MIDDLE OF GETTING TO THE PART ABOUT IF YOU REMOVE STUFF FROM THE CHEST, NOTHING WILL BE ADDED IN IT AGAIN. Grian opened the chest . Mumbo SHOUTED HIAUDHUW Grian jumped man
They renamed it “Cave of Do Not Enter” HIAUEDUH
Mumbo and Scar BOTH did not know- at least Mumbo didn’t, Scar forgot,  that podzol spawns from two-by-two spruce..
him and his guitar song to be played underneath his house.. it goes with the aesthetic i suppose
Mumbo: “What.. On Earth.. Scar, it’s meant to be a starterbase, buddy! What is this? This is many things, many many things, a starterbase is NOT one of them!”
nothing special we havent seen yet!! just him screaming about axolotls.
He was working in the Mesa in his intro, skipping the “speech” from Mumbo
He released Idiot the Axolotl and lost it .
While Gemini gave away those three diamonds, Keralis got so excited he won a bet with Tango and Bdubs, that he gave back . two of the diamonds . and none of htem released until well after they left
Bdubs: “That’s why i have my mwoss skin!” PLEASE I LOVE THE WAY HE SAYS IT.. make the moss hood.. REAL..
it took me a while to figure out what his base is but i LOVE IT so so much!!!
Nothing much new to add !!
Stress pov
please i love her . very good !! False seems to have joined her sheerly because Stress sounded like she knew what she was doing. she does not.
False felt peerpressured and asked Stress for permission to fight her because everyone was killing eachother .
It ended up with Stress following False. they found a village!
ISKALL only saw him one other time today!!
Ren: “Ya look goregous, Stress!” Stress: “Thanks! Don’t murder my dog!”
She’s so proud of herself for caving!! (with False n Gem
Iskall blew up!
..Iskall fell from a high place
Stress has a LOVELY ravine base!!
False wants to become pirates with Stress <3
gatekeep gaslight girlboss
it looks like a mushroom church and i LOVE IT.
Nothing new we didn’t see from Gem. She does want to come up with a banner design for her base, though!
..Mumbo just thought Grian had a purpose so decided to follow him <3
Grian is SO PROUD of the fact taht they got good loot from a treasure map. Ren and Doc are NOT IMPRESSED
Grian: “Lets go, potato boy!”
Mumbo: “I don’t have to replace everything I break! Peace Love and Plants- are these plants..?” He says, mining amethyst
he who controls the egg, controls the server... Grian.. you’re doing great sir
...He decided.. his goal.. is to make his OWN..caves and cliffs update... HELLO..?
Grian was the first one to kill the enderdragon, MAN. Speedrunning career WHEN? /j
Grian: “And now [Mumbo] is flexing on my bed!”
he might not have a base. but he has an egg.
It is now 2am. i cannot do this anymore. This will be continued.. tomorrow!
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shotokimchi · 4 years
What If?
Summary: Everyone can fall in love, falling for Bakugo gave you a hard time but when you learned that he felt the same, it was too late. Because you were already married.
WARNINGS: +18 SMUT SMUT SMUTTTT! and a lot of Angst.
Note: Kiri called you pebble, did ya’ll see what i did there, nah? ok... (Yagami Yato stans where u at *cough cough*)
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“Y/n L/n, will you marry me?” Tears started to well up in your eyes the love of your life, Eijiro Kirishima was on his right knee with a black box in his hand, asking you to be his partner for the rest of his life. Eijiro was the kind of man that every woman would want in her life and you felt so lucky for that. It was your birthday, so Eijiro promised to take you out to dinner and when you got to the restaurant you noticed that bakusquad was there too, waiting for the both of you. After having dinner with your friends and your boyfriend, everyone gave you their presents and Eijiro suddenly stood up and read you his speech it was sweet but he started to get sentimental and it made you emotional as well. He held you by the hand and started to tell how he was so in love with you then in an instant he was on his right knee... “Y-y/n?...” Eijiro's voice woke you up from your thoughts, and you realized you still haven't given him a straight answer. He was starting to panic and you quickly smiled. “S-sorry, i...i’m just so happy Eiji.” he gave a sigh of relief and looked at you with those beautiful ruby eyes. “Yes, a million times yes...”  Eijiro jumped to his feet and hugged you with his strong arms “Wohoo!” Mina popped a bottle of champagne. Sero and Kaminari screamed with joy, but there was someone who kept quiet all night and his name was Katsuki Bakugou. When it came to Katsuki, you'd rather shut up. He was the kid you liked in high school. Even after you finished high school, you continued to love him, and your whole college life was about trying to forget about him.
You were sure Katsuki didn't have anything to do with you, he was very strong and had goals, love wasn't his area of interest so you gave up on your one-sided love and decided to see Katsuki as a friend. After Katsuki, things were getting better. You realized how thoughtful and wonderful Eijiro was, and after a long time, you started believing in love again. 
“Come on Y/n! This is gonna be our first time attending to a college party!” Mina was trying to persuade you to go to a party hosted by an upperclassmen and after 20 minutes of trying, she was successful. Jirou had bought you a sexy dress and Mina was ready to do your hair. You were so lucky to have Mina and Jiro. They were the only ones who knew about your feelings towards Katsuki and they always supported you. They also knew about your new feelings towards Eijiro and they were giving their all to help. You weren’t in love with Eijiro, at least not yet. Everything was happening so fast, after finishing high school and trying to forget everything about Katsuki you were only focusing on your training and your grades. Your new blossoming relationship with Eijiro was exciting, it was just a little crush nothing big.
“This place is on fire, lets dance!” Mina started swaying her hips and Jiro joined her on the dance floor, after complaining for fifteen minutes, you started dancing with your friends and for a short while you forgot everything that bothered you.  Mina found you a cup of beer and the three of you started drinking. “I think i saw Kaminari and Sero!” Jirou shouted bc of the loud music and Mina wiggled her eyebrows “That means Kirishima is here too! Lets go show him your dress Y/n, you look sexy and im sure he is gonna fall for you!” You covered your face with your hands and Mina laughed then you started to feel dizzy, you werent a heavy drinker after all but the feeling of the beat and the alcohol in your veins was urging you to dance some more, then your back collided with a toned one and the smell of caramel flooded your senses, your heartbeat quickened. You knew that smell very well but you didnt wanted to turn around and confirm it. Then you felt his hands on your hips “Katsuki...?” He rested his chin on your shoulder and the both of you started to move with a slow pace. “...Short dress.” It was obvious, he was drunk. But it wasnt impossible to form a conversation so you asked “My dress?” He nodded. “Why are you here Katsuki? I didnt knew that you were a party person.” He scoffed “Dunce face forced me to come here.” You smiled at the nickname that he used for Kaminari, he was the same Katsuki, it didnt matter if he was in high school or college. He was the same... So forgetting your feelings for him was the best desicion you have ever made. “Where is Kirishima?” He raised his head and you turned to meet his eyes but your nose touched his and a slight tinge of pink dusted your cheeks, you didnt knew if it was bc of the alcohol or not “He’s not here.” He answered but started to lean closer and closer... Then his lips were on yours, it was slow but hot then his tounge licked your bottom lip and your mouth opened, welcoming his tounge. “Lets get out of here...” He sighed into your mouth and you nodded. You didnt care about anything else, everything around you was about Bakugou. The smell of caramel, the warmth of his hands, you always wanted to feel him, always wanted to touch him. The house was big so Bakugou dragged you towards the stairs and both of you clumsily reached the 2nd floor, he opened one of the doors and when the both of you got in, he immediately locked it. There was a clean bed, it was untouched. He yanked off his black dress shirt and pushed you onto the bed, his lips crashed with yours and he earned a moan from you, that excited him even more, his hands found the hem of your dress and rough scarred hands slowly made their way towards your thighs. “Do you want this?” His crimson eyes took your breath away, his gaze was so intense and you only managed to nod. You wrapped your arms around his neck and inhaled his scent “I wanted you for so long...” That took him by surprise but he didnt took it seriously bc you were drunk. He really wanted to believe your words, he liked you for so long but didnt said anything bc of his goals and all he just didnt wanted to got distracted. On top of that, he was terrible when it came to expressing his feelings to someone else, especially to you since he was crazy about you but everything was going to be okay bc he was going to confess to you tonight. “Same here.” Your breath hitched in your throat, he wanted you too? No, this couldnt be true, he was saying this stuff bc he was drunk, just like you. “Katsu... come on.” The nickname made his heart pound, he started to leave open mouthed kisses on your jawline and he nipped at your neck, when you mewled into his ear he bit down, hard. “A-ah, Katsu...” Then he licked the abused spot and found the zipper on your back, when his eyes met with your matched lingerie set, he smirked “Naughty girl~” Licking your collarbone, he threw the dress onto the floor and unbuckled his belt. His grey boxer felt tight around his crotch, his long fingers found the wet spot that formed on your panties “Someone’s getting excited~” You averted your gaze and he grabbed your chin “Keep your eyes on me Y/n.” He slowly took of your panties and slid his index finger into your core, you gave a pleasant sigh and started to buck your hips he was relieved, even though he looked confident the last thing he wanted you to feel was pain, his thumb found your clit and you cried out. “F-faster, Katsuki!” His smirk widened and he added his middle finger and quickened the pace. “You are holding onto my fingers for dear life, sexy~” Your thighs started to shake then it came crashing down on you, with a loud moan you came around his fingers. You were panting and trying to get yourself together then you saw his fingers, he was playing with your juices “See this Y/n?” He shoved them into his mouth and sucked them clean, your body was on fire. “Get on all fours baby.” He ordered and you placed yourself on your elbows and knees, he pushed your waist onto the mattress. For a moment there was silence so you opened your mouth wanting more from him but a harsh smack landed on your ass. “Ah!” You shouted and buried your face into the pillow “Thats it baby, let me hear you!” Then he activated his quirk and landed a smack onto the other one. “K-katsuki!” Then he checked the drawers of the nightstand and luckily managed to find a condom package. Then you felt it, his tip was pressing into your entrance “Y/n, are you ready?” His breath was erratic and the both of you were so excited “Yeesh~” You moaned out and he chuckled, then with a swift move, he pushed every inch of him into your tight cunt. You screamed and he started to thrust with a stable pace “Feels good...” He managed to breath out and started to quicken his pace. The both of you were moaning like horny animals and the sound of slapping skin was filling the room “K-katsu please, faster!” Your moans and pleas only boosted his ego and he let out a pleased growl “Scream for me!” Then he thrusted into you with full force and it made you shove your face into the pillow, your moans got louder and louder, then your fingers found your clit and drew messy circles. Then he yanked you towards him and pressed your back to his chest, he squeezed your mounds and nipped at your neck “Katsuki, oh god!” Then you came around him and his thrusts turned messy “Fuck Y/n, fuck fuck FUCK-” with the last thrust, he came and both of you panted. He layed onto his back and pulled you to his chest, after gaining his composure he started to talk “Y/n i- damn it, i like you for years now and fuck- even if you tell me to fuck off i just wanted you to know.” He closed his eyes and prepared hisself for rejection but the only thing he heard was your light snoring so he sighed with dissapointment. “When the morning comes, i’ll tell you.”
But he couldnt, bc when he woke up, you were gone. After that night, the energy between you and Katsuki was very strange, you were always avoiding him, and Katsuki chose to leave you alone. After two weeks of avoiding Katsuki and getting advice from Jirou and Mina, you decided to give him a call and talk things out. You felt disgusting, leaving and avoiding him, doing things like this while starting to feel some things for Eijiro... But you and Eiji weren’t a thing so it was not a crime is it? Yes, it was a crime but for you. Loyalty was so important to you and here you were, gettin drunk and having sex with your old crush.
Katsuki was in the living room while Kirishima was making some protein shake, Kaminari and Sero were out meeting with some of their old friends. Kirishima noticed the weird atmosphere between you and Katsuki but didnt wanted to talk about it since you avoided the topic several times and Katsuki just told him to ‘fuck off’ he wasn’t offended, this was Katsuki’s way of expressing his emotions and they were best friends, so Kirishima decided to give him some space. When he finished preparing his protein shake aka ‘KIRISHAKE’ he walked towards the living room and saw Katsuki, looking out of the window with a thoughtful look on his face. “Whats up bro?” Katsuki turned and looked at his best friend and immediately felt bad, he was still smiling and doing everything he could to make Katsuki feel better even if he was acting like a jerk for two weeks. “Tch, you blind? Im sitting.” Kirishima laughed and a soft smile appeared on Katsuki’s face, he was so lucky to have Kirishima by his side, he hated himself for laying with the crush of his best buddy but he couldnt help it, he loved you too, no matter how many times he told himself to forget about you, it wasnt working. The guilt felt heavy on his shoulders bc today, Eijiro was supposed to took you on a date but you called him and postponed it and told him that you were supposed to see your relatives. “So Bakubro, lets play Mortal Combat!” Kiri’s voice woke him up from his thoughts and he nodded, but just when he was about to grab the console, his phone buzzed in his pocket. There was a message, from you. His eyes popped out of their sockets and he got up from his seat. “Bro?” Kirishima was looking at him with a confused expression “Wait here.” Katsuki dashed towards his shared room with Kirishima and slammed the door shut, he immediately unlocked his phone and read your message.
Y/n: Katsuki, can we talk? Im gonna send you a location of where i am, please come.
After wearing his grey sweatpants, he checked his appereance and immediately grabbed the keys of his car, just when he was about to open the door of the shared apartment Eijirou’s voice stopped him in his tracks “Bakugou, where are you going?” Kiri had a worried expression on his face and Bakugou’s stomach twisted with anxiety. “The old hag just messaged me, uh... I should leave.” Kiri grabbed his arm and Katsuki tensed “Bro, if something is wrong let me help.” At this point, Katsuki wanted to punch himself in the face, instead of gettin suspicious, Kirishima was still concerned about his wellbeing. Katsuki sighed and shook his head “I’ll tell you later, Kirishima.” Then he left.
You were sitting on a bench, playing with your fingers, waiting for Katsuki to come. For these two weeks you couldn't look Kirishima in the eye, you were disgusted with yourself, and you hated yourself for ignoring Katsuki. You’ve had enough so figuring things out with Katsuki was going to be your first attempt to fix things. Then you spotted a black car and immediately recognized it, it belonged to Katsuki. Then the front door of the car opened and you eyed his muscular figure, he was flawless. He spotted you and hesitated, then you gave a small smile, he relaxed and slowly approached you. “Hey.” you breathed out and he sat at the opposite side of the bench, then he gave a small nod. After some minutes of silence, he decided to break it “You said you wanted to talk?” You slightly jumped and turned towards him, he was already looking towards your direction so your e/c eyes met with his crimson ones. “Katsuki, i....i’m sorry.” When he didnt give a response, you took that as a sign to continue “I didnt wanted to ignore you but... i felt disgusting.” Then you saw something flash in his eyes, was that hurt? “D-dont get me wrong! I was disgusted with myself, it doesnt have anything to do with you...” His eyes softened and eyed your tired form, all he wanted to do was confess his feelings but just when he was about to open his mouth, your voice started to shake “You know that Eijirou and i are growing closer and... I felt disgusting because, i-i love him.” His heart stopped beating and after all these years, Katsuki Bakugou felt like crying. “You love him?” He asked and you hesitated, you were feeling some things towards Eijiro but... Was it love? It should be, right? “Y-yeah.” Then he remembered the thing you said at the party, when you were alone in one of the rooms. *I wanted you for so long...* So you told him that just bc you were drunk... “I see.” His voice cracked and he quickly stood up. “Lets forget about it.” Your eyes started to fill with tears and you only managed to nod. Your heart felt heavy and you felt like the same Y/n in high school, the one who was in love with Katsuki Bakugou. You forced a fake smile and nodded “Yeah, lets forget about it.”
After your conversation with Bakugou, he distanced himself. You wanted to talk with him, you wanted to be friends but you didnt wanted to force him. On the other hand, Eijiro took you out on several dates and you were falling in love with him but this time, it was real. Shortly after, Eijiro asked you to be his girlfriend and you happily agreed. You and Eijiro were so happy and everything seemed fine, but your best friend Mina was trying to make sense of Bakugo's strange attitude. As much as you didn't wanted to believe it, she claimed several times that Bakugou could have a crush on you. Mina wasnt satisfied so she decided to talk with Bakugo, she talked with Jirou and after getting her support, she dialed Katsuki’s number. Luckily, he answered.
Katsuki: “What do you want, Pinky?”
Mina: “Hey Bakugou! Its nice to hear your voice. Can we talk?”
Katsuki: “Hurry up Pinky, i need to go for a run.”
Mina: “No i mean, face to face.”
Bakugou sighed, he was running out of patience but judging from Mina’s serious tone, he knew it was important.
Katsuki: “Whatever.”
Mina: “Great! Let’s meet at the cafe that we used to go when we were in high school. I’m already on my way, see ya.”
“Bakugou, right here!” Mina waved, she was sitting at the corner with a cup of coffe in her hands. Bakugou scoffed but walked towards her and sat down. He was fiddling with the hem of his shirt, he was nervous. Mina immediately sensed his anxiety “Dont be nervous Bakugo, im your friend.” Bakugou’s eyes slightly widened but he quickly recovered. “What do you want Pinky?” Mina sighed and nodded “Listen, you are acting strange Bakugou whenever we are hanging out, you’re less talktive end energetic than usual.” Bakugou tched “You are making zero sense.” Mina raised a brow and smirked “You are my friend, i know you well enough. Everyone noticed the changes in your behaviour, Kaminari and Sero are worried especially Eijiro.” Bakugou kept silent and Mina decided to ask the main question “Bakugou, whenever you saw Y/n you always make an excuse to leave or keep quiet. Did you guys had a fight?” Bakugou panicked and his eyes met Mina’s worried ones. He shook his head “Nothing happened, idiot.” Mina’s suspicion was growing “Bakugou do you have a... um, i dont know how to say this. Do you have feelings for Y/n?” Bakugou jumped in his seat and knocked the coffe cup that was sitting on the table. “What the hell Racoon Eyes?!” His heart was pounding like crazy, was it too obvious? Mina’s eyes softened, he was in love. “Bakugou, its ok. Everyone can fall in love, even you.” Bakugou growled “What’s that supposed to mean?!” Mina giggled and her expression turned serious “Bakugou, Eijiro is my friend but you are too. But... to be honest, im so mad at you, arent you supposed to be an observer?” Bakugou was confused, so he continued to listen “Y/n... She was in love with you for 4 years.” Bakugou’s breath hitched in his throat, every bone in his body were shaking. You were feeling the same? No. It was in the past... But was there hope? Mina’s expression changed to a pained one, she was readin him like an open book “Bakugou no, you are too late. She is already in love with Eijiro, so dont ruin their relationship, Eijiro loves her.” And with that, she stood up and gave him a small smile, Katsuki’s mind was racing, he didnt wanted to believe the fact that you were over him. He immediately stood up, get into his car and started to drive towards the agency you were working at. When he arrived, he confessed everything to you and made things worse, your heart was screaming for Eiji but it was aching, what if you confessed at high school? Would things be the same? You cried and before you knew it, his arms were around you. Silent tears fell from his eyes, everything came crashing down on him. Pain, guilt, longing... “Katsuki, we’re too late...” It was like a whisper but he managed to hear it and his arms tightened their hold around you “Y/n...”
*End of flashback*
Eijiro was driving the car while singing happily to one of his favourite songs, his one hand was on the steering wheel while the other one was resting on your thigh. “Thanks for tonight, baby.” You leaned and planted a kiss on his cheek, he laughed “You missed my lips babe!” You started to laugh and grabbed his hand. “I’m so lucky to have you, Eiji.” 
“Eiji, i cant find the keys.” You were looking for the keys of your shared apartment then Eiji chuckled and you turned to look at him. “Are you looking for these?~” You pouted and tried to reach for the keys “Thats sneaky!” He laughed and his other hand grabbed you by the waist, your chest collided with his and a lustful look clouded his face. Your breathing was starting to get heavier, he leaned towards you and closed the distance, the kiss was sweet at first but it turned to something steamy and rough. “Ei~” You moaned into his mouth and he opened the door “Jump, pebble~” you hopped and wrapped your legs around his waist. He was nipping at you earlobe while walking towards the bedroom. He gently placed you onto the bed and just when he was about to take of his black dress shirt, you stopped him. “Take a seat, Red Riot. Let me take care of you~” He sat onto the bed and separated his legs. You massaged his thighs and started to unbuckle his belt, when your hand brushed against his crotch, he hissed and it made you smirk. When you got rid off his pants, his erection was poking through his underwear. “Dont tease me pebble come on~” He moaned out and you started to stroke him with a slow pace, just when he was about to tell you to go faster, you took him into your mouth. His precum left a salty taste in your mouth, after circling the tip with your tounge, you started to bob your head with a steady pace. “Oh, Y/n...” He gave a pleased sigh then started to move his hips. His right hand started to massage your scalp and slowly gripped your h/c locks. “You are amazing, pebble~” Then his hips started to move faster and it made you gag around him. “Just like that, oh- Y/n, look at me.” Your teary eyes met his lustful ones and he growled “Beautiful, so beautiful...” It only got rougher, he was  fucking your face in a merciless way. “I’m c-coming Y/n!” Your moans vibrated around his cock and with a powerful thrust he spilled everything in your mouth. You swallowed and opened your mouth to show him what you did, waiting for his praise. He chuckled, his thumb started to stroke your puffy lips. “You did such a great job, baby girl~” Then he layed onto his back and you crawled towards him, You sat onto his semi-hard member and started to grind your hips. Your panties were soaked, after throwing your dress onto the floor you unhooked your bra and Eiji’s hands immediately found their way to your breasts. “You are so wet, pebble~” Your load moans were like music to his ears. “Ei~ please...” He pushed your panties to the side and started to draw some firm circles around your clit. “Ei, i want you...” He smirked and the tip of his member started to push into you “Ride me, baby girl.” You sinked down onto his member and his hips started to buck. You placed your hands onto his firm chest and started to bounce with a fast pace. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck-” Your eyes were closed shut, the only words that leaving your mouth were some curses. “You’re clenching down on me Y/n, fuck-” Eijiro started to thrust from below and your movements got faster and faster, it was unbearable you wanted to cum so bad. Eijiro’s fingers were drawing messy circles around your swollen bud. A weird feeling enveloped you but you paid no mind and continued to bounce on your lover. “S-something’s coming, Ei!” Eiji interwined his fingers with yours and moaned encouragin words “Its okay baby, c-come on~” Then everything turned white and you screamed “E-eijiro!”, your juices coated his member “H-holy fuck, you just squirted! So sexy~” Then he gave some sloppy thrusts and came inside of you, painting your walls with white strings of cum. Both of you panted and you collapsed on top of him, his arms wrapped around you and Eijiro kissed your temple. “I love you, pebble.” A soft smile crept its way onto your face and you replied “I love you too.”
“I dont wanna do it, im so scared!” You werent feeling so well and decided to call your friends, Mina and Jirou. You were having terrible stomach aches and you were always getting dizzy, you just thought that it wasnt important but Mina and Jirou said something that made your heart stop. “No, what is you’re pregnant?!” Mina replied. Even though you said you didn't need to take the pregnancy test, they were not convinced. “Y/n, we are concerned about your well being” Jirou took your hands in hers and gave you a soft smile, sighing you grabbed the test and walked towards the bathroom. Your hands were shaking, what if you were really pregnant? Well, you always wanted to build a family with Eijiro but you guys werent even married, he was already busy with hero work and working on wedding preparations only made things harder for him. You didnt wanted to him to get stressed over the baby, what if he didnt wanted to have kids? What if he leaves you? Tears started to well up in your eyes and you took a look at the pregnancy test and when you did, your heart stoppped beating. There were two pink lines, it was positive. Your legs gave up on you and loud sobs were bouncing on the walls, your friends heard you and rushed in. “Y/n are you okay?!” Mina shouted and they saw your shaking form. Jirou quickly embraced you and tried to whisper calming things “It’s okay Y/n, everything is gonna be okay...” Your nails started to dig into her shirt and tears soaked her shoulder. Mina crouched down and started to draw calming circles on your back, “It’s okay just cry and try to relax.” Your paranoia scared you even more, you didnt wanted Eiji to leave you, he was the love of your life, your tears continued to fall like little raindrops. “Wh-what if he leaves me, i love him s-so much...” Both of the girls stopped their movements and shared a sad look, Eijiro was a good guy, he would never leave someone behind, especially the love of his life... Jirou took a deep breath and patted your had “No, im sure he’s gonna get surprised but Eijiro is not a cruel guy, its the exact opposite.” Mina nodded and tried to cheer you up “Yeah! He loves you as much as you love him, dont stress yourself with these kind of thoughts, its not healthy for the baby!” Your sobs turned into quiet whimpers and sniffles. “Lets choose a movie and have some ice cream!” Mina suggested and Jirou nodded, a small smile appeared on your face and the girls sighed with relief “Y-yeah, lets do that.”
When the night came, the anxiety made its way to your stomach. Eijiro was still working and you were trying to think about a way tell him that you got pregnant. Then you heard the front door and started to take deep breaths. “Baby, im home!” Eijiro’s tired but happy voice broke your heart, he was working too hard. Then you felt muscular arms around your waist and a muscular chest pressed itself to your back. “I got a call from your agency, why didnt you go to work?” When you kept silent, Eijiro started to get worried and tightened his hold on you “Y/n?” Your body started to shake, you couldnt wait any longer, it was eating you up inside. “Ei-eijiro” He started to pepper your neck with kisses “Tell me what happened baby, you can tell me anything.” You took a shaky breath and managed to croak out a “I’m pregnant.” When he didnt give you an answer, panic started to well up inside of you and you squeezed your eyes shut, preparing yourself for the worst. “W-what, are you serious?” You nodded and waited, it was over. But instead, his arms squeezed you tighter and he buried his face into the crook of your neck. “I... love you so much Eijiro. If you want to leave, then-” He cut you off “No! We did this together and im staying with you until the end, i know that its too early for a kid, we are about to get married but that doesnt mean that im gonna give up on our child!” His words squeezed your heart and you hated yourself for questioning his love and loyalty. You turned around and faced him, when he eyed your shaking form his eyes softened and he pulled you in a sweet meaningful kiss. “I love you Y/n and only you.” Your arms wrapped around his neck and you took a whiff of his scent “Thank you for always being with me, Eijiro.” This was your fiancé, Kirishima Eijiro. The sweetest man on earth.
When the weekend came, Eijiro left the house to meet with the boys of the ‘bakusquad’. He was going to share with his friends that Y/n was pregnant, he was very excited but nervous at the same time. He knew that his friends would never judge him but this was something different, he was going to be a father. When he got to the bar, he saw his friends sitting at the usual table, drinking and chatting. “Hey guys, having fun without me?” Denki and Sero welcomed him with a wide grin while Bakugou acknowledged his best friend with a nod. Kirishima sat down and after having a glass of beer, he decided to bring the ‘important topic’ to the table. “So, uh... You guys know that Y/n and i are getting married soon.” Denki dramatically sighed “Man, dont rub it on our face like that, we know that we are lonely as hell~” Sero laughed and Bakugou rolled his eyes. Kirishima chuckled and started to scratch his neck “The thing is, uh...” Bakugou raised a brow and started to observe his best friend, why was he nervous? “Just spit it out, shitty hair.” Sero raised a brow and eyed his redheaded friend “You okay man? You guys didnt get in a fight, right?” Kirishima shook his head and sighed “No, its just... Y/n uh she-” With the mention of your name, Bakugou gave all of his attention to Kirishima. “Y/n is pregnant.” Kaminari choked on his drink and Sero’s brain was having a hard time with processing his friends words. Bakugou’s heart shattered to pieces, he knew that he had lost you completely when you said yes to Kirishima but hearing the fact that you were pregnant was wrecking him. Before he could even think, his mouth opened by itself and let out a “What the fuck?” Kirishima looked hurt and Kaminari interfered “Wow wow okay, we know that you are surprised bro we all are but that was kinda rude.” Sero patted Kirishima on the shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look “How are you guys handling the situation?” Kirishima licked his lips and sighed “Well we didnt expect something like this to happen but im gonna be there for her.” There was gentleness in his words and Sero smiled “She is lucky to have you, Kirishima.” Bakugou clenched his teeth, Sero was right. Kirishima had something that he didnt, gentleness. Denki smirked and tried to lighten up the mood “You guys are pretty active huh~?” With that, Kirishima’s face turned red just like his hair “K-kaminari!” Bakugou didnt wanted to think the things that you and Kiri were doing, he didnt wanted to imagine you laying in Eijiro’s arms. “A-aren’t you gonna say something, Bakubro?” Kirishima’s question caught him off guard and he saw the pleading look in Kiri’s eyes. He wanted to hear his opinion, Kiri always came to Bakugou for advice and this time it wasnt any different. “Didnt mean to sound rude. Congrats, weird hair.” Kirishima gave him a soft smile “Thanks bro.” Katsuki’s eyes softened, he couldnt stay mad at you or Kirishima, you guys were in love after all and it was going to happen sooner or later.
After that, you and Kirishima quickly got married, all of your friends attended to the wedding even Mr.Aizawa was there, you were so happy and Katsuki slowly accepted the fact that you were now his best friends wife.You were in the 4th month of your pregnancy and Eijiro forced you to take a break from hero work. The bump in your tummy was visible but you were still going on walks to stay healthy, Katsuki was visiting you and bringin you some stuff for the baby, you didnt asked for it and seeing him regularly was weird but you two managed to grow closer and closer. It was just like in high school, joking and laughing together... Even he was so busy with hero stuff, he was trying to pay you a visit. Kirishima was so happy that the love of his life and his best friend was getting along well just like it was used to be. It was a regular day for you as usual, waking up, going for a run then taking a quick shower, reading your favourite book and baking some delicious cookies for your husband and friends. After baking some delicious chocolate chip cookies, you devorated them on a plate and left them on the kitchen island for later. It was already 3:00 pm so you decided to watch a movie but the knock on your door stopped you. “Coming!” Eijirou, Bakugou and the girls were still at work so you wondered who decided to visit you this early, when you opened the door, you saw the hotheaded blond with grocery bags in his hands “Katsu?!” The nickname you used always had an effect on him. “What are you doing here, arent you supposed to be at work?!” He rolled his eyes and smirked “What, you arent gonna let me in?” He was always teasing you and you were always falling for it, he loved the expressions that you made. “N-no, ofc not Bakugou, i love your company!” You moved to the side and he took off his shoes, just when you were about to take the bags from his hands, he scoffed “Dont lift heavy things.” You smiled and nodded, “I made chocolate chip cookies, want some?” He rolled his eyes “Geez Y/n, you are consuming too much sugar.” You chuckled and ushered him to the kitchen. You made some tea and handed him a mug, the both of you sat with comfortable silence. “So Ground Zero, mind telling me why you wanted to pay a visit this early?” Hearing his hero name from you, made his heart flutter. “Just finished some paperwork and wanted to see how you’re doing.” Your cheeks grew warmer and you gave him a goofy smile “Awww, thank you Katsu!” He averted his eyes and tried to blush on his cheeks, these four months were so hard for him, you were right in front of him but it felt so far away. He wanted to tell how he felt and he was going to do it. “Y/n, we need to talk.” You took a sip from your mug and nodded “Sure Katsu, you can tell me anything.” He took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose, “Listen Y/n, this isnt something easy to talk about, do you remember the night we had, while we’re in college?” Your eyes widened and memories from your past started to cloud your mind “W-what are you trying to say, Katsuki?” He sighed and looked at you with sad eyes. “Y/n im in love with you. It’s been fuck- like what 11 years?” Your hands started to shake and your breath hitched in your throat, what were you hearing? Was it true, if it was that meant the feelings you had in high school was mutual. Tears started to well up in your eyes, why was he telling you this, you were carrying his best friend’s baby, you were in love with Eijiro. But what if you were carrying his child instead, what would happen then, would you be happy? “K-katsuki...” He shook his head and sighed “No, Y/n. You dont need to tell me anything, if i knew you had a crush on me sooner, things could have been different, i had goals and i didnt thought that you were feeling the same.” His voice cracked and his crimson eyes shined with tears. Your eyes met with his and you slowly stood up. Even if you were in love with Eijiro, Katsuki was your first love and there was a part of you that still loved him. Your shaky hands grabbed his and his eyes widened “I’m sorry for being a coward, Katsuki.” He clenched his teeth “No! If i told you how i felt-” You cut him off by wrapping your arms around his torso and the both of you quietly cried for the loss of the years. “Y/n, let me...” He tightened his hold on you and rested his forehead on yours, you nodded and closed your eyes. He slowly lovered his face and his soft lips met with yours. Katsuki Bakugou was your first love and this was his way of saying goodbye, he didnt wanted to suffer anymore, he didnt wanted to feel the pain in his heart whenever he saw you with Eijiro...
The last five months of your pregnancy flowed like water and in the end, you gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her name was Kaori and she looked just like you but her red ruby eyes was just like his fathers. After Kaori’s 1st birthday, you started working again and your mother was looking after your daughter. Kirishima was the sweetest dad ever, he was doing everything he could to help you and Katsuki was protective when it came to the little girl. Mina was always buying her a new Red Riot onesie and Jirou was always singing her the best lullabies.
After dropping Kaori at your mothers place, you started driving towards your agency and texted Eijiro that you were going to be busy. When you got to the agency they immediately called you for backup. There were a chaotic villain group and you left with some of the pros. The buildings were on fire and some of the pro’s were badly injured, you even saw some of your old friends. Then you heard a scream, it belonged to a little girl. Her sobs were so loud and it was coming from a burning building, before you could think of anything, your legs started to move towards the building. Your quirk was called ‘Telekinesis’ and it made you control objects and sometimes humans. “Help me, mommy!” Your heart shattered to pieces and you quickly activated your quirk, after moving the rubbles to the side you managed to spot the girl but she was at the 4th floor. You ran into the building and started to call for her “Hey, little girl where are you!” you continued to shout and run, then you heard it “Im here, please help!” You kicked the door open and saw the girl, sitting on the floor. Tears were flowing from her eyes and you crouched down “Im gonna take you out of here!” Then just when you were about to carry her, she started to laugh and it turned to a scary one. “Ahahahaha!” Your eyes widened and the girl transformed into a scary man, “W-what is this?!” it was a trap, he was a villain. “Bye bye, hero.” Everything happened so fast, you felt something sharp in your chest and tried to look at it. Then your legs started to tremble and you fell to the floor, blood was everywhere, it was yours. The villain managed to shot you in the chest. A warm feeling surrounded you and the people you love came into your mind. Kaori; your little girl, Katsuki your first love and friend, Mina, Jirou then Eijiro, the love of your life, the best husband ever, the reason of your happiness. “E-eiji...” Tears fell from your eyes and everything turned dark.
Eijiro was trying to reach you for hours, the last thing he got from you was a text message, saying you’ll be busy bc of work. He was getting worried because there was a dangerous case going on and he knew you went there for help. Just when he was about to ask for permission to leave, his phone started buzzing and he quickly answered “Hello?” a woman started to speak “Hello, is this Mr. Kirishima?” His heart started to beat faster, there was an uneasy feeling in his gut. “I’m calling you from the hospital, we wanted to inform you about Mrs.Kirishima’s condition.” With the mention of your name the world stopped spinning “W-what happened to my wife?!” The woman sighed and there was a long pause “Mr.Kirishima can you please come to the hospital?” He quickly hung up, he didnt know what to do. What if something happened to you, what was he supposed to do? The only person he could call was Bakugou, so he did that. Katsuki tried his best to calm Kirishima down and both males started to drive towards the hospital.
“Bakugou!” Katsuki turned towards the voice, it was Kirishima. His teeth were clenched and he was running towards the reception. Bakugou came to the hospital before Kirishima and tried to gather some information about you but the nurses were so stubborn they were waiting for Eijiro to come. “Where’s my wife, where is Y/n?!” He started to shout and Bakugou grabbed his arm. “Bakugou, where is Y/n?!” Bakugou shook his head “Calm down, Kirishima. I know that you are worried but you are not helping.” Katsuki tried to sound calm but his voice was shaking, he knew something was wrong. The nurses werent saying a thing, he wanted to see you, he wanted to wrap his arms around you and never let you go. Then the doctor arrived, he had a melancholic look on his face. “Mr.Kirishima?” Kirishima and Bakugou turned towards the voice and Kirishima shouted “I want to see my wife!” When the doctor kept silent Katsuki’s blood started to boil “Say something, damn it!” They both wanted to see you, they both wanted to kiss you, protect you. “Mrs,Kirishima got shot by a villain and lost a lot of blood.” Eijiro’s heart started to ache and the air left his lungs, Katsuki was in shock he didnt know what to think, his eyes were wide, trembling. “We tried everything we could, im sorry...” And with that Kirishima collapsed to the ground, his painful sobs were echoing throught the corridors “Y/n!” His body was trembling, the love of his life were gone... Katsuki’s hands found his hair and started to tug at the blond locks. Tears were falling from his eyes, he let out a painful scream and hated himself for not being there to protect you...
When the funeral come to and end, Katsuki wanted to see her grave for one more time, there were flowers in his hand. “Y/n...” It was like a whisper, after crying for so long, he couldnt find the energy to speak. His heart was shattered to pieces, everything felt empty, the world wasnt colorful anymore, everything felt either black or white. “I thought you'd be here.” When he heard his best friend’s voice, he turned to see a broken Eijiro. He tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace, both men stood in silence then Eijiro started to speak “I knew that you were in love with her.” Katsuki’s eyes widened and he couldnt meet Eijiro’s gaze. “How?” He managed to croak out. “You are my best friend, i know you more than anyone else.” Katsuki felt like dying, these three days were horrible, he lost the love of his life and now he was going to lose Eijiro’s friendship too but just when he was preparing himself for Eijiro’s harsh words, Eijiro pulled him into a hug. “I cant blame you for falling in love with her, she was amazing.” Katsuki started to tremble and hugged him back, he was harshly nodding. “She left us a piece of her, i cant love anyone else but im not gonna let Kaori suffer because she doesnt have a mother.” Katsuki squeezed his eyes shut and continued to nod. Both men cried together for the loss of their love, for the woman they fell for. After calming down a little Katsuki opened his mouth “We’re gonna take care of Kaori, we gonna make her the happiest girl in the world for Y/n.” Kirishima smiled at his friend’s promise and nodded “For Y/n.”
“Hey Y/n, i cant believe twelve years had passed. It’s like you were here yesterday, our daughter is a beautiful lady now, she is so energetic and full of positivity, just like us. Everyone misses you so much, especially me. When i wake up, i want to feel your warmth beside me, i want to see your beautiful face after a long day at work. Your clothes are still in our closet, i dont want your scent to go away, our pictures are still on the walls of our house. Kaori always looks at them and tells me how beautiful you are. She is right, you are the most beautiful woman in this whole existence. Kaori loves chocolate chip cookies, when i told her that they were your favourite she wanted to make them and now we are always baking cookies with uncle Katsuki and aunt Mina. Jirou also visits us regularly and sings her the most beautiful melodies. Kaminari and Sero always make stupid faces to make her laugh, Midoriya and Shoto bought her some presents, you should’ve seen her face! She loves all of our friends but she loves Katsuki the most, she always calls him ‘Uncle Suki’. Katsuki and i promised each other to pay you a visit regularly. We missed you Y/n, we missed you so much. God, i wasnt going to cry but i cant help it baby, without you there is always something empty but i promise you that no matter what happens, im going to make our daughter the happiest in the world, you are her hero and she wants to be strong, just like you.”
-From, Eijiro
After putting the letter at the side of your grave Kirishima smiled softly and looked at his right, Katsuki was standing with a small smile on his face, then Kaori broke the silence “See you soon mom, i love you!” They both ruffled her hair and Kaori linked his arms with his father’s “Dad, uncle! Lets make some chocolate chips cookies.” Katsuki smirked “Dont eat too much sugar, brat.” Kaori pouted but laughed. Your absence was painful but they were going to make good memories, for you...
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blxxdyvalentine19xx · 3 years
Trouble Caused At Award Shows - Mod Sun x Machine Gun Kelly
Word count: 1470
Smut or fluff: smut
Song: Pornstar - Mod Sun
Derek had given in and worn a suit for an award show, as per Danielle's request. He was only really going for his boyfriend' Colson, or rather the rappers moniker and alter ego, 'Machine Gun Kelly.' "Bad enough you want me to go, but you make me wear a suit too" Derek rolled his eyes; styling his faux neon green hair into a somewhat decent 'quif'
Being tapped on the shoulder by Slim; Colson turned around, his eyes settled on his boyfriend, Derek, the man was in a rather fine looking black and white suit decked out with a tie. "Well shit, now I feel under dressed." He grinned when he and Derek locked eyes. "Hey, sunshine" colson coined the pet name from the singers moniker being 'Mod Sun.' "You look fucking handsome" he wasn't easy with compliments at times.
"It was Danielle, she made me do it" Derek shrugged it off and smiled as Colson seemed lost on him. "You don't do under dressed, Kells" He didn't necessarily like that the fit was thrown a little with a baseball cap but it wasn't the worst. "That's what your calling me is it?" 
Sometime into the evening Colson's eyes gravitated back Derek and the suit, checking his boyfriend out; Colson bit his lip, humming. "Damn you really do look beautiful ." He mumbled the words under his breath, cracking a happy smile when Deetek caught him staring. "Der-" Colson hesitated "I know I shouldn't ask here but could we maybe...." his eyes drifted towards the bathrooms.
Derek half shook his head when he caught Colson staring at him. "You're always calling me beautiful" he caught wind of what Colson was suggesting and hummed, biting his lip. "You're sure that's a good idea?" Dereek knew there would be articles and questions to come if they did anything.
"Because you fuckin' are" Colson wasn't having the denial of how beautiful Derek really was. "Don't care if it's a good idea or not, I'm horny as shit" He bit his lip, not currently caring about the possible backlash he could receive. "And I really want you right now" Colson voice was a near whine as Derek's Adam's apple bobbed.
Looking at his boyfriend again; Derek suppressed an un suprised laugh at his boyfriend's current lack of fear. "I've done weirder shit than this." He gave in against best judgement and let Colson have his way. "Meet me in five?" Derek figured it would take him at lead that long to find an isolated enough bathroom.
Derek shot Colson a text, grinning as it hadn't taken his boyfriend long from when the text was sent, recieved, read and replied to, to find him. "Needy are you? Couldn't wait?" He put a hand out to Colson, pulling the blonde into a soft kiss.
"Something like that" Colson nudged a leg in between Derek's bringing them apart. "Something about you in suits" he moaned out the words and returned the kiss. "You look damn good in them" Colson whined into the kiss, it was unlike him but he was needy and only wanted one thing. Derek.
Pressing a kiss to Colson's cheek, Derek was pulled towards Colson by his tie as the rapper skillfully un did it. "Mm all yours baby do what you want."
Colson un did Derek's tie and attached his lips to his boyfriend's neck. Nipping and suckkng at it as he undid Derek's belt. "Mine" he whined out the word, gasping when Derek's hand snuck under his (colson's) shirt. "Fuck I love you Derek"
Derek grinned and moaned when Colson took to his neck with a certain dangerous hunger. "Some might say it's me who's being fucked like a pornstar" He let go of a soft moan when Colson's hand dipped under his boxers.
"Everyone knows it, sunshine" Colson whispered, sucking at Derek's Adams apple. He winced when his head was pulled backwards by Derek's hand. "Mm, fuck, p-lease" he whined.
"Please what, baby?" He often toyed with his boyfriend when the blonde was in a needy headspace. "You think you're going to get it this easy?" Derek looked at Colson and drug a thumb across the younger man's lips. "You'll get your chance to fuck me, but not without a little begging."
His hand gripped at Derek's hip as Colson thrust into his boyfriend, he let go of a whiny moan when Derek needed up taking him in a reverse cowgirl. "F-uck, so fuckin' tight baby" Colson's breath shook when he arched his hips and paced his thrusts into Derek.
Derek stuttered out a moan as Colson's thrusts were calculated and just deep enough that every time the blonde's hips went forward he was thrusting into Derek's prostate. "Shit, don't st-op Kells" His back arched when Colson's hand dug into his shoulder. "God, I love you fuckin' much."
A high pitched and whiny moan slipped from Colson when Derek tightened around his dick, making Colson feel like he was close. "Fuck I always need you" He kissed at the back of Derek's neck, picking up his thrusts so they were consistent and rough. "Hate not being able to be around and being able to fuck you  when I need it" Colson felt like he was addicted to his boyfriend. The hand that was on Derek's waist moved to his dick.
The hand around his dick sent a shiver up Derek's spine. "You're always  a needy fucker" it wasn't news to Derek that his boyfriend struggled to go without him. "oh fuck Cols" Derek gripped the back of Colson's neck when he was pulled backwards. The rappers angle changed and had him on a natural high. 
Wrapping his hand around Derek's dick, Colson pumped his boyfriend running his thumb across the tip as he kissed at Derek's neck and shoulders. "Fuckin' beautiful, Derek" His moans picked up as Derek practically fucked into his (Colson's) hand. "Mm, c-lose baby" Colson whined out and moaned into his boyfriend's neck.
The two of them came and Derek bit back a loud moan as Colson's fingers dug into his hips. "Maybe I should wear suits more often if it gets you to do that" He mumbled and let his eyes settle on Colson's baby blues in the mirror.
Colson fought against a blush and brought two fingers up to Derek's lips. "As hot as you look in suits maybe you should"
Derek go the clue and wih ease took Colson's fingers into his mouth, sucking them clean and swirling his tongue around them. Coming off them with a pop he was pulled into a kiss and signed into it as Colson sucked at his bottom lip.
Derek had gone to do up his tie when his hand was slapped away. The intention being to hide the hickeys that bloomed across his neck and shoulders.
"Leave it" Colson was doing his pants back up when he looked at his boyfriend. "Let them see that you're mine." He was no stranger to marking and loved leaving Derek covered in hickeys and love bites. "As far as your hair goes..." Colson though for a second.
"They already know I'm yours Colson" Derek spoke as Colson trailed a hand up his (Derek's) chest. "Give me your snap back." He took it adjusting it to fit and slipped it on. "They know I dont normally wear hats so they'll put two and two together."
Slipping back into their table Colson cracked a grin when Slim gave him and a clearly wrecked Mod Sun a look.
"You fucked him in a public bathroom" Slim couldn't say he was suprised but did think it was a new high for even Colson. "You're insane!"
"Maybe I am, but he is a good fuck" Colson laughed when Derek's hand slapped at Colson's thigh.
"I'm more than a 'good fuck' now shut up about it" Derek was suprised to hear the words leave Colson's lips so easily. "I dont have to let you do half the stuff you do to me." He mumbled, Derek wasn't fond of their sex life being on display.
Hearing his name be announced as the winner of the award he was up for, Colson's eyes winded and he stole a kiss from Derek before going to accept the award. "I really don't have a speech ready because I didnt think I'd have a chance let alone actually win" Colson wasn't much for speeches and was at a bkt of a loss for words. "The real winner here tonight though is my boyfriend, Mod Sun" he wore a shit eating grin and winked to Derek.
He groaned and shook his head when he heard Colson call him out. "I'm gonna kill that blonde brat" Derek mumbled and fought back a blush when their friends erupted in cheers and toasted one another.
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pynkhues · 4 years
I really hate Dean's high and mighty speech toward Gayle (I mean she def squicks me out but god why is this a DEAN storyline, he's seemingly not learning anything about his own previous behavior, and the plot just keeps rewarding him???like yay have a "go me" moment standing up to your boss) as if he didnt sleep with his secretary and grant her benefits b/c of their relationship. Also why is the show pretending he's a good salesman? We had 2 seasons telling us he wasn't.
Oof, yeah, anon, I have a lot of capital-T Thoughts on that scene with Dean and Gayle that I’m still processing to be honest. I didn’t like it though, and unless all of this culminates in Dean and Gayle just like - - taking each other out, both personally and professionally, I don’t see myself ever being particularly on board with that storyline unfortunately.
This’ll be a very controversial statement, I’m sure, haha, but I do kind of contest that Dean isn’t a good salesman? I think what s1 and s2 showed us was that where Dean failed was as a businessman, not as a salesman. With the right product (and the right customer), he could move it - we saw that in a few episodes across s1, but particularly with Dean at the other dealership in 2.12. Dean can sell budget cars, because he’s a budget sort of guy, and he sells cars best when somebody else is telling him exactly which car he’s selling and who he’s selling it to (hell, he can even jack up the price, like he did in that episode).
The issue with the corvette in s2 for instance wasn’t necessarilly with Dean as a salesman - after all, Rio told us explicitly - nobody would buy that car - the issue was with Dean as a businessman. In other words, Dean made a terrible business decision by choosing to stock it in the first place, made another bad one by refusing to ditch it when the business hit it’s eight-billionth rough patch, and by refusing to listen to advice that contradicted his own ideas.
Even beyond the ‘vette, Dean’s issues and incompetencies are mostly as a businessman, not as a salesman. He used his power to exploit his female employees, he spent money on enormous, blow-up gorillas and embarrassing ads, and he chose to stock inventory that didn’t match his client base (in that - not only the corvette, but the minivans, which are designed for people like his wife, who, errrrr, Dean’s more than a little out of touch with to say the least, and doesn’t respect enough to court as a business demographic). 
Give Dean a product, targets, but a lack of bottomline accountability, I actually think he’d probably be a pretty good salesman. He’s affable, can certainly relate on the fly to other men, researches the product he’s selling (just look at all the research he’s done on the hot tubs this season!) and was, at some point, as Judith told us ‘considered management material’. 
He’s just - - not management material though, so I guess the product Dean’s best at selling is Dean which - - honestly, kind of checks out.
But hey, that product’s a faulty one, because Dean doesn’t understand business, and he’s too self-centred to serve anything that isn’t himself. Which is probably in no small part because he was privileged enough to have his father’s business given to him, and that he’s worn that entitlement like a bedazzled cape for three seasons now. 
Which is why I think that conversation with Gayle has me pausing.
I guess I’m going to have to completely contradict myself in this post, because I think I have processed some of my thoughts on all of this, haha. 
In this episode, Dean’s issue, as established from the first conversation with Eric is that Gayle’s just helped Jeff get promoted to regional manager in Vegas - a position actually later seemingly affirmed to be above Gayle’s role at their store.
Which - - makes sense to me, actually, for reasons I’ll come to shortly, but Dean’s argument with her later in the episode very quickly veers from understandable frustration over Gayle not letting him actually do his job and sell hot tubs, to quickly aligning himself as deserving of Jeff’s promotion. He says it in the fight with Gayle - he’ll become regional management and give Eric her job (despite the fact that Eric is infinitely more entitled to the regional position than Dean), and then reiterates it at the tail end of the episode by saying to Beth they should move to Vegas, further projecting himself onto Jeff’s advancement, instead of focusing on his own.
Dean is rapidly lost again into his own ego - a creative choice I think is entirely valid and actually really interesting and in-character! - except that’s not how it’s framed tonally - which is where the bulk of the issue is. Like you said pretty perfectly - it’s framed as a ‘go me, standing up to the boss’ moment, when it’s actually Dean once again rejecting opportunity for growth, regressing into his own sense of entitlement, and delusions of grandeur. If the show wanted us to root for Dean, the stakes should’ve been about him getting out from under Gayle’s thumb to be able to do the job he was hired for, and making that  indicative of his humbling and his genuine desire to start again professionally - not project instant advancement in a way that ‘put Gayle in her place’.
And look. I actually do think the show is trying to say something about how the patriarchy / fact that we live in a society that inherently undervalues and mistrusts women means that it’s easier for someone like Dean - a straight, white, middle-class family man - to push back on these sorts of exploitations, particularly against someone like Gayle, who’s using her middle management position to engage as a predator and abuse her power. She both gains power because people don’t typically see women as predators, while some absolutely are, while also trapping herself in this lie of ‘progress’. She’s an award-winning salesperson, and she can get the men she exploits beneath her promoted, but not rise the ranks herself. 
It’s a compelling storyline, and I love Good Girls! As you all know, haha, but I ….don’t think it’s a storyline they’re doing justice unfortunately. 
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gaygwenpool · 5 years
*slams fists on table* MYSTELEON
I knew you wouldnt disappoint! :D  tho you already know most of these lmaoo  lotsa credit to @herbofoo anyway, i dont remember which of these you came up with but Patchwork wouldnt be the same without your Good Good Content! (And of course thanks for all your patience as i cry about comics lmao)
I’ve lost all shame long since ive started shipping them so brace yourself for the self-indulgent cheese that is Chameleon/Mysterio in my Patchwork verse. (its reallly. really Melodramatic. i gave up all pretense.. also under the cut cuz its long..)
ask meme
Who cooks:
Mysterio! Although Chameleon is objectively The Superior Cook thanks to the long years of being a servant to picky russian nobility BUT exactly because of that, he really doesnt enjoy it, even less when cooking for others and not just himself. So it is usually Beck who prepares meals (that are not bad either, they are just simpler) but as often as they can, they eat out. That said, Cham is very well aware Quentin loves his cooking so sometimes, he makes them something. (Being sick isnt so bad when it means Chammy bringin you a big bowl of hot borscht :)
On the other hand, Cham has quite a sweet tooth which Q notices Fast and decides to learn how to bake. It took more effort and failed tries than it could have, mostly because he got cocky, how hard could this be and just. kept forgetting he put stuff in the oven.. But now he makes quite delicious cookies n cakes which make Dmitri almost tear up because tasty + Quentin baked something Specifically for him?? 
Who does the laundry and other chores:
Mysterio’s laundry is usually booby trapped so he has to clean it himself and he doesnt even let Cham near it. And he keeps forgetting gadgets in his civvies. Not to mention that again, for the same servant reason, Cham really doesnt enjoy house chores in general, so he usually just gets his own clothes cleaned somewhere else (especially since his fancy suits and even fancier gowns are the highest quality and delicate materials, he doesnt even Know how to clean them..) 
As for the rest of the chores, its pretty balanced, although Cham has more of an eye for things that needs to be cleaned up (and Beck already has cooking duties) so he does a tad more. 
How many children do they have + Any pets:
In my Patchwork universe there’s a whole Thing about Leon, the Chameleon of the Ultimate universe but I’ve tried to type up a short summary and failed, it’s a long story lmao ^^;; and anyway he isnt exactly their kid, he is just much younger than them and they ended up sorta mentoring him. 
However, they have Celavi, the escaped ex-spy beluga.(Yes, it started as a joke based on this post that accidentally grew more and more serious until @herbofoo and me were too attached to let it go) She counts pretty much as their adopted daughter that they both spoil to hell and back, I mean no surprise, she saved Cham’s life once and sometimes, she helps out with heists. (Mostly for the show, you should have SEEN the look on Spider’s face when a beluga splashed him. He is used to humanoid sharks, to Hydroman.. not like. real life beluga that LAUGHS at him) Beck’s voice: “Dont you dare to insult her, SHE IS PERFECT AND FLAWLESS and A GOODNESS INCARNATE!! -she is literally a deserted russian spy that was trained to gather everything that could be used to harm USA-yea, i have a soft spot for those ;)“
She was always surprisingly clever so she never really counted as a “pet” and at one point, she even bonds with a symbiote (together they are Vague, again long story ah ha). They dont talk but have quite some range of vocalisations so communication isnt a problem. 
Who’s more dominant: 
They both have pretty dominant strong personalities (ok chameleon’s a bit more complicated with that but like.) with big egos who dont like others questioning their superiority. (Of course not at the level of like Doc Ock etc, they are surprisingly flexible and good team players that can be willing to let someone else take the spotlight if they are Nice) But the whole point of their relationship is that neither of them is dominant over the other, they get enough of that literally everywhere else. It’s very reassuring to be so sure that they are on equal footing, cooperating, no hidden nooses around their neck. Especially in their line of work of course! 
(Also, for the other interpretation of this question: anythin remotely sexual happens Pretty Late in the story and both of them are somewhere on the ace spectrum so it doesnt happen that often but they are both verses tho Beck bottoms more)
Favorite nonsexual activity:
MOVIES!! Sprawled on the giant comfy couch, closer than technically needed, cuddling and watching old movies with great special effects and/or great actors! Listening to Beck excitedly rant through the most dramatic speech of the story as he explains how the next cliffhanger is done with hydraulics! Focusing so hard on the stars in his eyes and his excited tone and gestures and just the tone of his voice you forgot to listen to the words themselves! Watching Cham’s face flawlessly mimic the faces on the screen in a blink of an eye and secretly guessing which one will he pick next. Feeling his head slowly fall on your shoulder, eyes closed, his mask smooth but not tense, instead just.. peaceful. Slight ping of annoyance, after all, this is A Classic movie dammit, but it’s gone in a second because Mitya hasnt slept since thursday and you are just relieved he is finally getting his rest. Feeling his warmth under your hand on his shoulders and suddenly never ever wanting to get up again.. EHM. anyway
PLANING HEISTS TOGETHER!! and more or less successfully executing them but planning is actually even more fun aside from the Big Reveals and Entrances which are actually harder to coordinate than one would think! 
Lots of shobiz/job talk actually, they really enjoy what they do! Lots of people already mentioned that in their hc compilations but i agree, they love goin to see all kinds of movies and plays and performances as well as acting various scenes with one another!  
Their favorite place to be together:
NEW YORK CITY BABEYY. Sure they love to travel and see other countries (and cause mayhem there) but.. they love their mess of a city, it’s never the same without the webhead around as well as the bazillion of other heroes n villains bashin each other’s heads. 
Any traditions:
Oh so many pop culture references and inside jokes, oh my god. One time, they spent the entire heist (and its planning period) speaking strictly in famous movie lines and titles, Max and other sixers tried to join but didnt last too long :’D 
Beck also has a habit of taking pictures of people with Interesting faces or styles he sees and sends them to Cham. Also another fanon classic: together they have a running game, disguising themselves as moderately famous people and the other guessing who..
Their “song”:
‘This is me’ from the Greatest Showman, i just live for the two of them singin it in Cham’s car,off key but fully immersed and living it. 
What they do for each other on holidays:
Neither of them are religious but that doesnt stop Beck from going ALL OUT at any opportunity, Sin Six doesn’t do any heists around holidays because you Know he’d make them dress for the occasion or worse, write them themed lines…  They still meet for Christmas and Hanukkah and sometimes other holidays too because this is my AU and you can pry festivities-related shenanigans from my cold, cold hands. It’s always at Beck’s place tho because he can turn his hideout into the tackiest holiday-themed showcase but he aint roping them into it.  
On the other hand, Cham despises American commercialized holidays in general and Christmas time especially, since it’s not a big thing in Russia and  also once again, he has family issues for days. (Although relatively speaking, he is pretty over these, he is not gonna like mope around or anything) 
Anyway, what they do for each other is that they try to compromise, Dmitri doesnt sneer at stupid kitsch decorations every 5 minutes and Quentin ..chills a little. :’D To be fair, Beck makes everything fun and having Cham there makes Beck appreciate the details more instead of just goin into BETTER!BIGGER! frenzy.
Where did they go for their honeymoon:
After the fuckin Ages of pinning, when they finally end up together for realsies, they wanted somethin Big and Flashy! (Well Beck wanted and Cham kinda too but also with the option to merge with the crowd unnoticed and take some chill time) Anyway they went on a whole world wide tour! Starting with a luxury cruise, they took their time, lots of crime sprees to plan and execute, lots of local shows to see, lots of dumb heroes to fool, they’re gonna have it all! 
Where did they first meet:
Around the time when Cham and Hammerhead had their criminal empire running Fisk to the ground, Otto decided the Sin Six should team up with them for their ressources needed on one heist or something. They agreed but Cham insisted on actually going in the field, it’s been a while since he really stretched his face legs like this and the mafia life was starting to bore him. Doc made him team up with Mysterio much to the fishbowl’s dismay because why do they need another disguise artist?? He is the Master Of Illusions dammit, he can run circles around this guy, what the fuck Otto?? So at the start, he pouts and fumes under his helmet and in general he is his v unpleasant self but… He can’t help but notice that the new guy is a real professional, he even uses Traditional masks, he likes the same movies… And most importantly, he is actually interested in Mysti’s craft, asking questions and even LISTENING to his long winded answers… At one point he even wondered if that X thing was meant as a HOMMAGE to the Y movie, the Six never did that!! (Usually the rest of the sixers dont know the reference, heathens, and when they do, they mock him for it, that he’s copying ideas and mixin them ridiculously.  BUT THIS GUY GETS IT!!) So it doesn’t take long for them to hit it off, of course at this point without any real Trust behind it but it’s a start. 
(Though Beck does pay a visit to Otto like, buddy pal i know you’ve been planning on manipulating these crimelords to your end somehow and honestly, any other day i’d be down, i actually had a robot prepared for my own backstab but i was thinking they werent that bad and maybe we Could hold our end of the bargain this time and just. leave each other on good terms? Mabye? Obviously it’s purely out of respect for our teammate Kraven since him and Chameleon seem to have some history, nothing more, definitely nothing to do with how bright Cham’s eyes were when i was showing him the back of my stage… ) 
What do they fight over:
this whole post has been a mountain of cheese but im bringing more! Honestly, goin through my notes on Patchwork, their biggest arguments have always been about.. the other one not taking proper care of himself :’D Or them lashing out because they were scared and worried about the other and they cant stand being so vulnerable while the other pretends it’s not a big deal because they dont know how to handle genuine concern directed at them. 
Do they go on vacations, if so where:
GIVE!!! BECK!!!! HIS!!!! ISLAND!!!!!!They actually do have one, it’s where Celavi spends most of the time and they visit her often. But never for too long, neither of them can actually spend too long doing nothing.. 
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Few questions to help both us n you get to know the passengers on this cruise to hell better! 1,upon first glance what something someone would immediately notice abt your ocs appearance? 2,does your ocs Like their talent? This says a lot about them as people and feel free to go into detail why or why not they do. 3,do any of the cast have any character quirks? Be it in speech or otherwise
hey this looks fun :0
Yuuki: i think its safe to say the many assortments of flowers she wears in her hair. while she isnt a gardener or anything, one of her siblings is, and they often send flowers to her. yuuki, in turn, usually mends them all into a flower crown, or even plain just puts a single flower into her hair.
Emica: when it comes to it, i suppose her traditional japanese arm band, symbolising her stance on the student council. her many different necklaces is a close competitor.
Arata: he dresses like he just walked out of a time loop from england 1930s. i think thats pretty noticeable-
Mitsuo: the unhealthily dark bags under his eyes, and the very pale skin which does not go well with his very bright, red hair.
Asuka: her very rich, haughty aura. and even though anyone would hate to admit it, shes borderline very attractive.
Manabu: he looks like he came from a very formal ball, not to mention it would be hard to miss the variety of shiny crystals he wears as bracelets.
Seiichi: at first glance, people might say he looks like he just had a ruffle with someone- but if you pay attention, he actually really is neat and tidy- aside from his tie.
Tamotsu: at first glance, people would probably compare him to indiana jones when it comes to his outfit choice. he doesnt deny these comparsions.
Kamiko: her sunhat, for sure. theyre usually wide brimmed, though fashionable. the second thing is probably the many ‘luck charms’ she wears as accesories.
Kenta: how he looks much stronger than he actually is. also his sneakers. everyone notices the sneakers. even if you arent a fan of footwear, you WILL notice his sneakers.
Chieko: chieko is very… ordinary looking. in fact, her normalness compared to any other ultimate is probably the first thing youll ever notice. it actually makes her stand out.
Masa: the first youll notice about masa is her sheer size of accesories. bracelets, rings, hair pins, and necklaces galore. if you pay enough attention, youll actually notice she and tamotsu have matching necklaces.
Fumiko: a notable thing about fumikos appearance is how… scandalous her outfit is. fumiko isnt shameful at all about how much skin shes exposing; though it never gets too crazy. usually. hopefully.
Kohaku: there is nothing really abnormal about kohaku, other then their very bright mint color scheme. the reading glasses hanging from a small chain on the front of their suit is also something noteworthy.
Aika: the first thing youll notice about aika is the fact that her coat is almost completely made out of buttons- each one she sewed onto it herself. for someone who youd expect look to have come out of the 1990s, she has a reasonable modern feel to her clothes.
Satoru: at first glance, you could see satoru as, to be frank, a vsco boy. his casual outfit, sunglasses, and jacket with many pins relating to saving the ocean can give off that feel. however, he resents the stereotypes of ‘vsco’. also, its hard to tell if his murky hair is either white or grey.
Usagi: the first thing youll notice about usagi is the fact she always looks like shes prepared for a hike. her backpack, casual but warm outfit wear, and always pulled up hair can give that impression.
Yuuki: yuuki has a soft spot for her talent, considering how it dates back to her grandmother, and its always been something shes been experienced with. its fair to say yuuki likes her talent.
Emica: emica really doesnt consider herself worthy of her talent. the only reason she got it, afterall, is because of her dad, not to mention this fact has caused her a fair amount of nasty envy with her fellow classmates. still, she tries to honor her responsibility of being student council president. emica doesnt particularly like her talent.
Arata: if theres one thing arata is proud of, its his talent. hes been into history since he was a small child- and to have his research celebrated is his dream come true. he can, however, be a little cocky about it. he really does consider himself the best historian in history. arata likes, and is very proud of, his talent.
Mitsuo: he wont even tell anyone what his talent is. i wonder why…
Asuka: whether or not asuka enjoys her talent is left to debate. it is, however, for sure something she uses to her advantage. shes part of the main student council! of course everyone has to respect her, right? she also considers being the treasurer ‘finally’ a way to use her social skills and knowledge with mathematics to use. asuka likes her talent.
Manabu: manabu was always expected to be helpful in the study of outer space. his whole family line consisted of astronomers, astronauts, astrophysicists, and more. manabu had to choose his career at a young age, and he decided on astrogeology. this didnt mean manabu was stuck in the career. or, at least, he was, until an opportunity arrived. yet even when he got it, he decided not to take it. manabu always had a soft spot for astrogeology, though perhaps if he didnt have his current family line, he would have become the ultimate of a different talent. manabu likes his talent, though that may only be because of his history.
Seiichi: seiichis history of slam poetry goes all the way back to elementary. its his form of venting, if you will, as even though he comes across as nervous, his head is filled with anger at the world. but also hope, of making a new one. a better one. he considers being invited to attend sailing integrity was just a plus to his journey. seiichi likes his talent.
Tamotsu: tamotsu has been interested in tombs and the history of egypt for a long time. the closest thing he could find to fulfilling his interests was becoming a tour guide to show people around said tombs, and he found himself having fun, rehearsing facts and making the otherwise gloomy places bright. making tourists days a little more fun was good enough for him. tamotsu quite likes his talent.
Kamiko: kamikos talent was always something that she did as a fun hobby. sewing tapestries that told fascinating tales was always something she was invested in. and the many tales she sewed was really the only things that kept her company while she kept herself locked in her room. however, even if she likes her talent, she was not a fan of being recognized for it, and being coaxed by her parents to attend the academy. kamiko likes her talent, but isnt a fan of being the ‘ultimate’ of it.
Kenta: if we were being real here, kenta is very… neutral on his talent, which is weird for him. the way he learnt it is connected with bad memories, but doing it has always been refreshing to him. a way to run around, blow off steam. he supposes being called deemed the ‘ultimate’ of it isnt that bad. kenta likes his talent, for the majority.
Chieko: being the ultimate chemist wasnt chiekos first choice, but she takes it with dignity. chieko is neutral on her talent.
Masa: masas talent was born out of curiosity, and it grew from it. masas history of interpreting dreams is affiliated with many different emotions and memories. but for the most part, its been positive. she is very into the persona of it, and considers it a chance for her to act all mythical and wise. but, shes just really happy that she got to be a ultimate along with tamotsu. masa likes her talent, especially the attention she gets from it.
Fumiko: fumiko, probably, resents her talent the most out of the cast. its a very constant, confusing, love-hate relationship. she dislikes the title of ultimate lucky student, as she finds it cheesy, which is the whole reason why she calls herself a blackjack player. after talking to her for a bit, it becomes clear she doesnt want her talent to define her, and that she honestly couldnt care less about ultimates and the academies. her whole reason for applying to the lottery seems to stem from family reasons. while she dislikes the academy, she also takes any chance she can to pump her ego around her talent. its confusing, honestly. fumiko is not a fan of her talent.
Kohaku: kohakus murder mystery career started out as a coping method. however, they get very attached to every story and characters they make, putting love into every book, which is the whole reason they got recognized as the ultimate murder mystery novelist. kohaku has pride in becoming the ultimate murder mystery novelist, though they dont consider it a big deal. whether or not they became an ultimate wouldnt have any effect on the future of their career. theyll always write murder mysteries. kohaku likes their talent.
Aika: aika considers her becoming an ultimate a complete ‘accident’. aika isnt especially invested in vintage collecting- she just had a lot of old stuff she posted online, not even realising how old and valuable they really were, and the next thing she knew, the email and letter came. actually, the invitation to sailing integrity is what really made her consider making collecting old items a hobby. secretly, aika is a little insecure of her talent, finding it boring compared to others talents. aika likes her talent, but only to a certain point.
Satoru: satorus want to study the oceans animals has been active for a long time, especially since he was always close to water, considering his parents were fishermen. he finds the thought of the ocean being 95% explored to be highly interesting, and his goal is to crack down another 5% before he dies. becoming the ultimate of what he loved to do was very much a welcomed moment, especially with the promise that the academy would supply him with items that would help reinforce his talent. satoru has always been especially passionate about marine biology. satoru likes his talent.
Usagi: usagi is also very neutral when considering her talent. in fact, her talent is always at the back of her mind when introducing herself. usagi, truthfully, isnt a fan of most of the school referring to her as the ‘ultimate runaway’, considering how many of them paint it as a form of rebelling and thus delinquency. shes just a girl who likes taking sharing nature with the world whilst traveling, and wants others to see that as well. usagi is iffy on her talent.
(hmmm im not sure what your definition of ‘quirks’ are, but here, have this:)
Yuuki: taps her foot an awful lot.
Emica: none visible.
Arate: can you consider writing almost everything down a quirk?
Mitsuo: taps surfaces whenever hes thinking.
Asuka: none visible.
Manabu: none visible.
Seiichi: as noted before, he tugs on his tie when hes nervous. also has a habit of rising his voice when he doesnt mean to.
Tamotsu: has more of an american dialect.
Kamiko: has the iconic danganronpa stutter, hides her face behind her hat.
Kenta: none visible.
Chieko: also has an american dialect, though hers is less apparent then tamotsus.
Masa: has a very cryptic way of speaking, except when she lets normal sentences slip through.
Fumiko: has a bit of a drawl to her voice.
Kohaku: none visible, surprisingly.
Aika: almost always moving, cannot stand completely still.
Satoru: rarely uses h’s if they are at the front of the word.
Usagi: has an unidentifiable accent.
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Of my closest friends , who I have known for decades, had taken a vacation and drove into town for a some personal business , invited me to brunch.
I realised that the two of us hadn't truly talked or exchanged ideas for a long. Long, long time. Nothing truly personal since beforev2016.
She was quiet.
Kept her head down.
Stuck to her pancakes.
I slowly slowly realized we had talked about tv shows and some music... but... no discussion of movies. Or actual current events.
Then it hit me.
She was steering away from politics.
I stopped eating.
No eye contact.
" who did you vote for in 2016?"
No noise.
" who did you vote for."
She turns her eyes to me... sheepishly.
" you voted for drumpf."
Her face twisted up.
Her lips folded on each other.
A light dimmed in her eyes.
Eventually a very tiny yep.
Came out.
I was fucking stunned.
Somehow , I got out a : " why."
It was more like a guttural noise of air escaping.
" why. " I begged.
She starts a speech. A long winding speech about how she only has one true issue that she voted on ( that she votes on ) and that is if the candidate is pro life.
She finally says ... that... it came down to voting for the lesser of two evils.
I have heard this over and over and over again.
That the reason that they voted for drumpf was ( somehow ) they felt out of two evil people , he was less evil. That he would do less harm than her.
I ve heard from some people that the only decision factor was their suits.
" I can't handle looking at her gaudy tacky suits for four years. "
I can't handle listening to her tacky grandma jokes.
She s a warhawk. She'll get us into another war.
Her husband cheated on her.
Other people are more about
How he s gonna drain that swamp.
Or that " he s a good business man."
Going through my mind I can see that any single reason a person who allowed drumpf to get into office ( some voted for him , some didnt vote at all and that was as good as a vote for him.) Or combination of reasons ...
Showed a serious lack of cognitive abilities on the part of the person or persons who chose drumpf by choice or by default.
To the those of you who chose him I say :
Fuck you.
You fucked us ( who did not vote for him ) but you also fucked yourselves.
He was he is more of a warhawk than the last 4 or 5 presidents. His administration has done more drone strikes than the last 4 administrations combined.
He s corrupt.
He's morally bankrupt.
As well as possibly actually banckrupt.
He s literally never accomplished anything in his entire life.
And the few times he looks like he might have actually done something that could be considered an acceptable accomplishment...
It was mostly the results of other peoples actions.
He's an idiot.
A moronic moron.
A fool.
A git.
An imbecile.
He's vulgar.
He lacks intelligence.
He's an ass.
There is not one single thing about him that is desirable nor attractive.
He has shitty hair.
His hands are small.
His tastes are tacky and devoid of any taste.
He doesn't understand things.
He doesnt know how stuff works.
Nor does he care.
He feels no positive emotions for other people.
He loves nothing and no one and this included himself.
He might be and he probably is insane or is detached from reality.
He either doesnt care about situations and events or doesnt comprehend cause and effect.
He s a jingoistic slob.
A racist that makes other racists look like normal everyday people.
A white supremist.
A nazis and or neo nazi.
A cruel childman who thinks he is royalty and because of his enormous fucked up ego thinks he deserving of all the shit that has literally handed to him on a tacky silver plate.
These thoughts went through my mind.
As I stood up. Dropped enough money for both brunches.
And walked the fuck out the door.
If you voted for trump , you not only played yourself but you allowed this nightmare to happen.
The shit that he and his sycophantic administration ( and the repubz ) have done is going to haunt ALL of us for decades.
We may never be able to recover from the damage to our country, our society, and our planet he and they have caused.
If you voted for tea rump you betrayed us. You fucked us and yourself.
And you betrayed this country.
If you continue to support his bullshit...
You should burn in hell.
And if you voted for him cause you thought he was the lesser of two evils... check yourself into a mental hospital... because you have something wrong with your brain and you cannot trust your own judgement.
If you voted for drumpf... you are a traitor to the usa.
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ok so i have a friend who reminds me SO MUCH of yoongi which gives me great ideas of headcannons based on her:
will invite you over 'to do x/ help them with y' as an excuse to hang out with you but theres a 70/30 chance they will actually do that thing and youll just sit there and watch and they will enjoy it because youre there. i can imagine yoongi saying 'hey wanna come over and help me write lyrics?' you get there and he writes them you just sit there like he didnt even need you (but your probably his inspiration lets be real 😉)
of course is h e l l a grumpy in the morning but! only verbally. dont say anything and it will be ok lol. probably communicates through affection and touch, back hugs and light touches are a good idea. just give him a while to reboot his mind to speech haha. NSFW i feel like he likes slow morning sex but you gotta be receptive to what he wants because hes volatile when hes just woken up haha. because of this you know he WANTS it. will dom basically. just dont expect him to get less grumpy after he cums
gets stressed and worried easily. but doesnt take much for him to get ok again you just gotta give him little pep talks. needs his ego boosted. tell him hes great and can get through anything because hes myg and he'll be fine lmao
if there is a piano HE WILL PLAY THAT PIANO doesnt matter the situation he will play it. without fail. he can so he will.
when he gets mad you cant give him space for too long. needs reasurring. gets hurt relatively easily, can take teasing but if its about something personal nahh abort mission. and RIP if its about his passions (production, rapping...) super sensitive about those and can lose confidence quickly
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penguinbois · 8 years
an exhaustive list of all the funniest parts of omgcp
currently rereading the whole fucken comic so here we go
year 1
“shit son, :3 is like, guaranteed pussy”
“…or get into fetal position at center ice. thats also an option”
“holy hell, bitty’s like those fainting goats”
when bitty first opens the cabinets in the haus kitchen and all they have is 30+ bottles of sriracha
when shitty fuckin THANKS THE OTHER TEAMS GOALIE after a game for letting them score (trust me when i say im sobbing over this)
“gentlemen! less chit chat more alcohol abuse!”
“but actually theres a youth hockey tournament today so we have to get out of here by 7″ (what a fuckin classic yall)
“ransypoo is right”
mister jacks dad
“my butt is whack and busted!”
“your butt can be anything it wantes to be.” “even secretary of state?” “e-SPECIALLY secretary of state!”
a closeup of bittys face in like an action shot but hes saying “and i brought yall goodie bags”
“he just shook my hand and said ‘you got my dibs bro.’ what does that mean? um… oh gosh… im sorry- i know this is samwell but i have no idea how that couldve been offensive”
“where are we? was that… did i just hear a theme song?”
year 2
the pin board in the haus, specifically the speech bubble taped to it that just says “jizz!”
just… the whole bitty-sings-halo-and-jack-has-had-enough situation
bittys’ “literally ever?” while talking to nursey about dex. hes so tired.
“you were in town, zimmermann- DWEEB TOWN” (another classic)
chowder aleady being mad tipsy after one (1) natty light
“there are no pies in hazing”
“3000 words. coffee shop verse. imcomplete since 2010.”
“cockadoodle motherfucking doo! rise and shine and get out of my haus.”
when the frogs are talking abt lardos boob drawing and nursey wont stop chirping chowder about him seeing farmers
every single part of the “shoe check” panel
when everyone has their playoff beards going and it all just like lil scruff, then holster has a full fledged fucken beard
“mens hockey team streak derailed by stupidest roadie convo ever”
“et tu, lardo?”
“jack, surprise me and DONT join the nhl. surprise me and do like, competitive fucking horticulture.”
“bits! wanna look at the ice and get all sad with us?”
the fact that lardo beat parse at beer pong then immediately gave him an “honor belch”
“excel says we owe him, like, 3 ovens.”
the nonchalantness with which bad bob says that jacks “uncle” is WAYNE FUCKING GRETZKY
year 3
“… im sure youre wonderful at curling.”
“i have like,,, so many questions”
bylaw numer 13: FFFFUCK THE LAX TEAM
tango thinking bitty means parse is nice by saying “bless his heart.” i just… bless his heart, tango.
“the next five dudes youre going to ask about? were probably all shitty”
holsters jockstrap, aka the “dead goalie’s 7th horcrux”
“its another place to call home. (but with more dongs)”
“yeah okay, thirdy. no one reading your poems.”
“wow, mr. shitty, you must know… a hundred laws”
jack asking bitty to be his bf by giving him a lego of himself. this boy.
holster yelling “gobsmacked” at least twice because ransom didnt know about jerrys brunch
jack “rock lord” zimmermann
the wild look in ransom and holsters eyes when they tell jack and bitty how much theyre gonna fine them
“dicky, im married but im not dead!”
the pure judgment in the sentence “wow sin bin already”
jack “im dating one of my teammates” zimmermann and his alter ego, jack “one of my teammates from college!” zimmermann
when marty starts ranting and jack gets so anxious that he accidentally turns on the tool hes holding
this will be continued as comics are released but for now… here it is
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zhaoly · 7 years
i FINALLY finished dead money... ugh there were too many unfun mechanics like the bomb collar and toxic clouds... and no inventory...
i kept dying over and over in one part of the end vault because i didn’t know there was this teeny tiny safe spot in a corner
dean is a pos and i still dont really understand his whole reason for wanting to rob the sierra madres besides... pride? ego? idk hes such an annoying character and apparently my previous dialogue choices ended up with me having no choice but to kill him at the end lmao. like i think the only way to keep him alive at the end is if you picked all the suck-up dialogue options which is like... why would anyone do that he’s annoying as HELL
dog/god is weird idk i dont feel strongly about him either way
i liked christine but that was probably personal bias cause it’s implied that she’s bi... lol. but also she had the most compelling backstory imo and it was more interesting since there were traces of her and father elijah in owb. but i wish she had an ending besides “warden of the sierra madre” cause im just like what??? warden of what?? there’s nothing there! there is nobody. there. it’s just some shitty creepy abandoned old casino... i wish she came back to the mojave... it’d be really cool if she could actually go back to the mojave and be a recruitable companion or have special interactions with veronica/rest of the brotherhood... the warden ending is so freaking unsatisfying
father elijah was whatever he was just an annoying old guy
it was just kind of tedious and the plot was kinda weak and i’m glad i’m finished with it. i started lonesome road and it honestly just seems way better already
first of all the setting is way better cause i hated the villa in dm. hated the piss poor lighting and the constant “smoky” look which i know is the entire point but i just didn’t like it from a gameplay perspective
the plot is more interesting probably because it apparently involves my past and i kind of have no idea what’s going on right now but it’s still interesting
i think ulysses talks too much like he says something in 10 words that could be said with just 1 like that sort of thing but i mean i guess that’s just his way of talking which seems pretty unique to his character
he just has this kinda flowery way of speech which i only kinda skimmed because it was so long lmao. hes said all this stuff about the bear and the bull and the ncr and legionnaries and im just like man i can’t keep up im just gonna move on
yeah so i’m not sure if i’m supposed to be understanding more than i currently do but i think i’ve gotten the gist of it so far. still not really sure what the “divide” is besides this big ole destroyed area (that i was apparently responsible for destroying)
i just drg his whole agenda... he’s so vague and i’m kinda confused and wasnt really paying attention so hopefully it’ll make sense later. i guess eventually i’m supposed to kill him at the end? :/ just based on context clues i’ve picked up so far and im like well i sure hope i get some other option because he’s by far the most interesting character this game has put out so far. maybe have him like.. reform or some shit cause i can’t tell if he still is loyal to caesar or what...
and i think he might’ve had some slightly different dialogue with me since i have a lot of ncr fame.. which is kinda lame cause i dont really want to be aligned with ncr but i wanted to do all the quests and stuff for plot and completionist purposes and between ncr and legion i’d def pick ncr
also this game made me realize that their pronunciation of caesar isn’t just some joke pronunciation it’s actually the legit latin pronunciation. i honestly thought it was just supposed to make the legion look ridiculous but turns out the joke was on me cause that’s actually the way it’s pronounced
oh one thing too i LOVE ed-e.... he’s so cute.... his beeps are so cute. i wish the original one in the base game had this much personality. anyway yeah this honestly shaping up to be way better than dead money imo. like honestly i can’t imagine going into dm without the levels and stuff that i had... i feel like it would’ve been wayyyy harder and thus even more unfun. another thing is that it didnt really give me anything.. useful? although i didn’t really like owb, i did like the implants and stuff... and hh at least gave me joshua graham’s armor lol. i can’t think of anything particularly interesting that i got from dm... i dont think there were even any unique weapons or anything? at least not any that were particularly good
ok wait i just realized that the dlcs have reviews on steam and dm is the only one that’s mixed lol... i guess a lot of people didn’t particularly enjoy it. sheesh like i didn’t touch fonv for a while because i just kept remembering that i was in dm and couldn’t leave and i finally just forced myself to play it the past couple of days and finish it
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