#because all my hinny is always inspired by blvnk art
littlerose13writes · 7 years
Updating later today!
Extract from chapter 2:
“How do I look?” Harry asked uncharacteristically, nervously straightening the collar of his dress robes and turning from the mirror to seek approval from his girlfriend.
Ginny appraised Harry from where she sat cross-legged on her bed, taking in his nervous posture. She cocked her head to one side, her brow furrowed slightly. “You look a bit like Sirius actually.”
“Sirius?” Harry looked surprised at her answer.
“Yeah, I think it’s the hair.” Harry scrutinised her for more of a response but when it was clear she wasn’t going to give him one, turned back to the mirror.
He ran a hand nervously through the long, dark waves, staring at his own reflection. “Maybe I should have let your mum cut it before tonight.” Ginny’s eyebrows shot up as Harry turned to one side, eyes still fixed on the mirror. “But, honestly, this is probably the tidiest it’s ever been.”
Ginny scrambled off the bed as he spoke and removed Harry’s hand from where it was still playing anxiously with the dark strands. “No! I love it like that.”
Harry smiled and pressed a kiss to the corner of Ginny’s mouth. “You need to put some proper clothes on.”
“You mean Harry, you don’t want me meeting all of your ministry colleagues wearing just this?” She gestured down at her oversized Harpies sweater with feigned, innocent shock.
“Not on this occasion.” He smirked and continued looking at her.
“I suppose I’ll have to take it off then.” She winked at him and went to pull the garment over her head.
“Gin.” Harry groaned. “I just got dressed.” But he sounded pleased as he half-heartedly checked his golden wristwatch.
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blvnk-art · 3 years
q&a - it’s about time to update it
Finally some questions answered in a single post! Under “keep reading” if you are interested:
How old are you? Is your name Blvnk? Where are you from?
No, my name is Bianca :) 28 here. I am from Brazil, my native language is Brazilian Portuguese.
How does “blvnk” is pronounced? and why is it "blvnk"?
It’s a visual name; it comes from blank - as in blank canvas, since we artist usually have fear of a blank canvas and I proudly overcame this! - but you are free to say out loud however you want to.
What softwares do you use to paint?
How do you paint in digital media?
With a device such as Wacom tablet.
Can I use your art as wallpaper for my desktop - cell phone, pc?
Can I repost your art here on tumblr?
Can I repost your art in my facebook page, pinterest, instagram?
Do you take request?
I don’t take requests and I don't take commissions nor I am paid to share my art (not doing it for money). But I always read headcanons and I feel genuinely interested in them, so feel free to share them whenever you want to. Be aware that my focus will always be hinny and jily, from my fanart series #potterbyblvnk. I don't venture much about other characters, even though I have tried before and I know that I will try again - I just can’t tell when, inspiration is a tricky thing.
Do you only draw fanarts?
No, I breath art in other forms too, if you want to reach out about my original art handle, just come into my inbox and I'll share it whenever I feel like it (it's more like a personal place for my art, no fandom involved whatsoever, so that’s why I won’t shout about it).
How's your feelings torwards JK Rowling?
Short answer: I do not support her views and I do not follow/support her and the Harry Potter world financially. In fact, I do not stan idols/public figures in general, out of principles. Just like you won't see me talking about it actively, too. I chose to make my art space in fandom a general positive one for myself as a long-time HP fan. even though drawing constantly about it, I do not engange actively in discussions, controversies, and more, but you can read more here and here, if you are interested!
How can I reach out to you to talk?
In general, I like to talk about lots of things and I have been really opened about how I am eager to learn and improve, it only depends on how you interact with me! Ask me something in my inbox whenever you want to. I have tons of asked answered since I was younger in the fandom, some of them tagged as #askblvnk. Because of my personal reasons and experience in fandoms, I don’t interact in a personal level and I appreciate everyone that respect that.
How can I see all your sketches in chronological order?
I have no idea! It’s all a mess here, like a single breath. some sketches were made in 30 minutes x)
Thank you so much for the support & respect!
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sweeethinny · 3 years
Abstinence (M)
Summary: ''I told you, I don't know how to live without you anymore, it's like you're my drug and I'm an addict.”
"What a bad comparison." They laughed, Harry hugging her tighter. Ginny rested her head close to his collarbone, feeling entirely happy. She was so happy he was home.
"I know." Harry kissed her head. "But that's how I feel."
Harry and Ginny haven't had much time alone, until after being gone for three days, Harry comes back feeling abstinent from his favorite drug.
Notes: I wrote this for @blvnk-art's Smut Hinny Sundays, and hope you all like it I wasn't inspired by a specific art of hers, but by several I was also inspired by the song All The Time - Jeremih
Ginny sighed as she got home, taking off her cloak and shoes, her feet tired after all those hours of practice, her arms sore too. Gwenog seemed to want to kill her now that she was back.
It was great to be back, Ginny was glad she had made that decision six months ago, but her body still wasn't used to all that burden of being a mother and playing Quidditch, and strength training was always the worst, leaving her more tired than usual and with even more pain in her arms.
At least, Ginny thought, Harry was staying at home more, which helped her not to spend all the hours she was away worrying about James and whether he was okay. The boy was staying part-time in day care - in the afternoon - and so far they hadn't had a problem with anything, James even seemed happier now that he was with other kids.
"Babe?" Ginny called, walking past their house which was silent, which was weird since James didn't seem to be a big fan of silence. But Harry didn't show up anywhere, all the lights in there were off, which Ginny assumed was because he'd already put James to sleep and was upstairs.
She was happy, thinking that maybe she could get a massage that night—or even something more.
Walking slowly up the stairs, afraid to make a noise, she arrived in front of James' room, smiling when she saw that Harry was sleeping sitting in the rocking chair, the little one lying on his arm, sleeping clutching his shirt. It was such a cute scene that Ginny thought her heart might melt, still unaccustomed, even after almost two years, to how Harry was such a lovely father.
He had become another man now that they had James, Harry was much more careful at work, and much more affectionate. Not that he hadn't gone before, but it looked like James had freed him from the fear of showing. Harry cried more easily, wasn't afraid to play and do childish things with Teddy and James, and let them teach him everything he didn't know. Like last week James had made Harry realize he needed to eat more slowly— "Swow, Daddy," James had said, and now he seemed a lot less anxious and rushed into eating.
Even more careful now not to wake her son, Ginny approached the chair, kissing Harry's forehead and shaking him slowly, just so he woke up and put James in his crib so they could go to bed together.
"Hi," Harry whispered, a faint smile on his lips. His face was a little scrunched up from the pillows, his cheeks red with heat, probably because he had lit the fireplace in the living room.
"Hi." Ginny gave him a quick peck. “Shall we go to bed?” She ran a hand over his face, pushing his hair out of his eyes and straightening his crooked glasses. He nodded, taking a deep breath and stretching his legs, looking at James who didn't move in his arms.
"He didn't want to leave me today." Harry stood up, looking worried as he laid his son on his own bed, but as always after he fell asleep, James made no sign that he was going to wake up. Little hands ran to grab the yellow blanket Hermione had given him, and Ginny covered him with the other blanket, not wanting him to be cold at night. She kissed his forehead and lifted the crib enclosure, thinking that soon that wouldn't be enough to stop James from getting out of bed.
'You were gone for three days, he missed you' Ginny reminded him, hugging Harry and resting her head on his chest, letting him drag her towards their bedroom, feeling finally at home now that he was there.
Harry had gone away to a conference in Spain, and it had been a long three lonely days where she had the bed all to herself - sometimes James would cry to stay with her through the night, seeming to realize that things weren't the same without his daddy there.
"I missed you guys too." Harry kissed her head. 'I need to take a shower.'
"Me too, Gwenog today seemed to want to kill us in practice, I even thought maybe she was punishing us for something... You know, she's crazy sometimes."
'I know. Robards was about to lose his hair at the conference, telling everyone he would go crazy if he heard one more lecture.” Harry went into their bathroom, turning on the shower and starting to undress. Ginny had missed that routine and intimacy.
She took off her clothes too, tossing them in the laundry hamper, their cold room making her skin crawl. "We have a party to go to on Saturday."
"A party?" Harry grimaced, stepping under the shower.
‘Yes, I promised we would. Sorry, there was no other way out.' She followed, re-embracing Harry and resting her head on his now bare chest, the water splashing between them, relaxing her muscles. "It's a fundraiser for an orphaned children's charity… It'll be quick, we'll stay for an hour or two, then we'll go back." She promised, giving him what she hoped was her best look. Harry sighed and nodded, tightening his arms around her, pulling their bodies closer together.
‘Okay, we will. But two hours at most.” Ginny nodded, standing up on her tiptoes to kiss him.
"I missed you so much," she whispered, lifting her hands to cup his face, pulling him into a deeper kiss, never wanting to let go. Harry squeezed her hips, letting her feel his cock that was beginning to show signs of life.
The kiss started to get hotter faster than she expected, soon Harry had picked her up and pushed her against the cold wall, squeezing her waist tighter and thrusting his tongue deeper into her mouth, as if suddenly a key had turned inside him and Harry had been as hungry as she was.
Ginny pulled at his hair, moaning into his mouth and scratching at his scalp trying to make him as crazy as he was leaving her, his teeth playing with her lip and his hands going down to her ass and squeezing.
“Fuck, I missed this.” Harry moaned as she tightened her legs around him, her wet intimacy touching his already hard cock.
They hadn't had a lot of time to get laid now that James was older, the boy seemed to have the right timing to want his parents whenever they were too close to each other, either to pee or because he was bored and hunger. Ginny had already accepted that by the weekend they would be too tired to do anything but sleep, and that getting laid would have to be for weekdays, during the morning shower, a quickie before James woke up.
"Me too." Ginny thought she might lose her mind at any moment, almost screaming when his trained fingers touched her swollen clit, throwing her head back and biting her lip to keep the noises back.
"The last few days I felt like a fucking teenager thinking about you." Harry whispered in her ear, his thick voice making her moan. “Thinking of you on top of me, below, on the side, on all fours…” He continued, biting the sensitive skin of her neck. "As much as I love getting laid in the shower, I miss a bed."
"Yes, shit, Harry yes." Ginny would agree to flee this planet right now if he continued to touch her like that.
She didn't pay much attention to the next few minutes between him turning off the shower, applying a basic dry spell on their bodies, and walking into their bedroom, waking up only when Harry threw her onto the bed, looking like a hungry animal climbing on top of her, his mouth traveling all over her body, sucking and biting the inside of her thighs until it reached the top and licked her clit. All the tension from practice, the daily worries, everything, was gone when his mouth touched her there and did all those wonders to her.
Ginny still remembered the first time Harry had done that to her, that hot, muggy summer after the war, one sunny afternoon when Harry had taken her to her room, all nervous and anxious, saying he wanted to try something new. It was good, confusing, but good. But now, Merlin, now it was perfect. There were no toys that came close to what he did, all that erotic dance with his tongue, taking her to the peak and making her enjoy the delicious fall more and more.
Her throat went dry, her scream scratching as Harry sucked on her clit, his arms holding Ginny firmly in place, preventing her from moving any further.
She saw stars, can't wait any longer, thighs trembling as she began to come, trying not to scream too loudly so that nothing could stand in the way of them both.
"I feel like a new man," Harry said, wiping his beard and moving up to be level with her face, a naughty grin plastered across his face. "Making you come is the best thing in the world." He kissed her, but Ginny was still too much in the clouds to reciprocate in a very excited way, her body looking like jelly on the bed.
"I wish I could suck you back babe, but I miss you inside of me." Ginny muttered, biting his lower lip and moving down to kiss his jaw and neck.
'I don't care too much about it, I want to be inside you too soon' Harry moaned as she spun them around, taking advantage of the fact that he was too focused on her mouth on his neck, and Ginny snuggled into his lap, jerking him a little to buy time for herr body to be ready again. “Fuck, you're going to kill me.” His green eyes darkened, rolling in their sockets.
"Don't die before you fuck me." Ginny chuckled as he moaned once more, her hand tightening a little more at the base of his dick as Harry liked, already sensing she was almost ready.
"No, not in a million years." He arched his back, biting his lip and seeming to try hard not to get carried away before they even started. "I feel like an abstinence junkie."
"I'm glad my pussy has that effect on you." She blinked at him who admired her as if Ginny were a Goddess. She felt so desired when he looked at her like that.
She couldn't take it anymore, she lifted her hips, adjusting to take him inside her, moaning in satisfaction at the feel of Harry opening her, needing to lean against his chest so she wouldn't fall once she was fully seated. That was one of her favorite positions, he touched her in that delicious spot that made Ginny lose consciousness and be taken by fire.
"Fuck." Harry squeezed her hips to keep her from moving, closing his eyes as if in pain, his back arching on the bed. 'Fuck, you feel so good.' Ginny tensed her muscles as she'd learned in that magazine she read in her gynecologist's office, and Harry seemed to lose whatever sanity was left in him, moaning loudly and still clenching his hands, almost to the point of hurting her.
"Like it?" she asked, a satisfied smirk on her face, even though it had taken her out of her orbit as well. Harry nodded, finally letting her move.
"So good," he muttered, finally opening his eyes and staring at her, the green iris making her blush. His hands moved from her hips to her breasts, pinching and massaging her sensitive nipples, and Ginny nearly lost her rhythm and fell on top of Harry with the teasing.
Neither of them could say much more, Ginny quickened her movement, interspersed with the contractions that made her and Harry moan and lose their minds more and more, each time feeling closer to coming again. His trained hands roamed her body, to her nipples, and then to her sensitive clit, playing just enough to make her feel pleasure and not pain.
Ginny thought she would go crazy if she didn't come soon.
Harry looked the same, because suddenly he couldn't wait any longer, squeezing her hips and lifting his, rushing his thrusts and fucking her as if it made him come alive. She didn't care too much, because she felt the same way.
It wasn't long before they both came, Ginny bent down and captured Harry's lips before he made too much noise and woke James, kissing him to keep himself sane, her nails firmly on his shoulders as that electric shock took over her body, the ripples making her lose control.
"I love you," she whispered, feeling Harry pull out of her and his cum trickle out. They would deal with that mess in a little while, Ginny needed to breathe first.
"Me too." Harry looked the same mess as her, body sweaty and arms trembling, he smiled at her. ‘I'm glad to be home again, not having you to sleep at night is unbearable.’
"Just to sleep?" Ginny joked, looking at him like he was still that 16 year old boy she was madly in love with, feeling a lot of new things and not being able to go to sleep without smiling.
'For everything. I told you, I don't know how to live without you anymore, it's like you're my drug and I'm an addict.”
"What a bad comparison." They laughed, Harry hugging her tighter. Ginny rested her head close to his collarbone, feeling entirely happy. She was so happy he was home.
"I know." Harry kissed her head. "But that's how I feel."
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annerbhp · 5 years
So, like, there are a ton of blogs I love that I sometimes feel like I don’t reblog from a lot because then I would reblog their every post and I assume y’all are already following them, but people are always asking me for recs, so here is the stuff I love, just in case! And please, let me know if there is one missing from the list you think I should add! I feel like I did this too quickly and m forgetting obvious things.
HP Art
@blvnk-art is the queen of Harry, Hinny, next gen, Jily, all that great stuff. Wonderful art and a kind and thoughtful person. @blissfulblvnk for the AMAZING explicit art.
I also love the art of @hp-art-by-nanse who has a fun and sassy Ginny and an endearingly domestic Harry.
@stilesstays has such amazing Harry (and others) art. I love their style. It’s a bit  melancholic and almost...grittier and realistic edge that I adore. Such amazing line work and coloring.
@prongsiedraws is just...agh. So great. Full of color and expression and patterns and so much LIFE. I love this art so freaking much.
@hillyminne has lovely, lovely art, covering a wide range of characters with a smooth, flowing style.
and fleamontpotter, of course, the greatest of all shitposting art who seems to have rebranded as @perhapsarat ??
HP Fic I feel like there aren’t that many fic blogs being regularly updated with fic, but these are some of my go-tos. (and @read-a-hinny-fic is always helpful with finding new fic.)
@floreatcastellumposts is on a tear lately writing tons of ficlets and they are all great and I feel like I could just set up an auto-feed to reblog them all.
@glisseowrites is a treasure as always, not just the currently still updating Blackboards & Broomsticks, but also some little ficlet here and there. Always so well characterized and written.
@gryffindormischief of course, is the empress of ‘hey! here’s a random idea’ and then just flawlessly executing at alarming speed. (no, I’m not a little jealous, I’m A LOT jealous.)
HP Content
Best headcanons award goes to @lytefoot. I swear, I want to live in their brain for a while. Such great, well-thought out and explained. I love reading them and being inspired by them.
Best just general aesthetics and hp content goes to @huffelpuffarchive, who unfortunately has moved on to a new blog/topics, but the archived blog is still AMAZING and full of great stuff.
These are just a few of the blogs that are currently bringing me HP joy.
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littlerose13writes · 7 years
Read the whole thing on AO3.
Ginny knew. Knew why her mother had insisted on exchanging their quiet tradition for this noisy, busy affair. It’s hard to stop and think when there are glasses to be filled and food to hand round. It’s almost impossible to notice the people who aren’t here when the kitchen is full to bursting, people spilling out into the freezing garden already. It might not have felt like any New Year’s Eve Ginny had experienced before, but then again, this year wouldn’t be like any Ginny had experienced before.
Ginny watched a particularly giddy pair stumble over the threshold, drawing her eyes to a tall, brooding figure outside, stood slightly away from the rest of the party-goers. She recognised that stance.
He jumped as she lightly touched his shoulder, turning his blank stare in her direction, immediately replacing it with a warm smile as he recognised who it was. Ginny didn’t think she would ever get over how it made her feel to see him smile.
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littlerose13writes · 7 years
Hello for the fanfiction questions can you do 28 30 34 43 love your stories
Thankyou for asking and always being so sweet!28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of? Halloween Costumes :) http://archiveofourown.org/works/12466060 If I could draw even at all, I would attempt to draw a picture of the kids in their costumes (Lily painted blue to be a pixie, Albus is a little dragon, James dressed up as Teddy) and then definitely little Scorpius dressed up as Harry with a bemused Draco! 30. What inspires you to write? My job! I work with kids and have done for years, hence why Potter kid fluff is my main genre😇 I use things which happen with the kids I take care of and think 'what would happen if this character did that?' People tell me I write children realistically so it seems to work? There are also several instances in my fics where I've used something that happened in my own childhood and added to it to make a scene for a fic! 34. What’s the word count on your longest fic? My Scorbus fifth-year fic currently stands at 48k. My longest published fic is Career Advice http://archiveofourown.org/works/12210279/chapters/27730446 which is currently 28k and will probably end up being around 40k when it's finished. 43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?@blvnk-art basically got me back into writing fanfiction and is the reason I wrote The First Five Years :) @beks21 makes me want to be a better writer because her stuff is always so good! I am inspired by the way she writes Hinny (especially in her upcoming sequel, The Ear Thing😝)@per-mare-ad-astra is my number one when it comes to thinking about the little details about Scorbus or anything Malfoy family! She inspires me to really think about the backstory of my characters :) (and one day she's gonna bless us all with the best Drastoria stuff ever written, no pressure Marina😉)
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