#because Spencer would be hunting for THE PERFECT RING
Maeve singing along to Paper Rings by Taylor Swift and Spencer proposing the next day. 😭
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Amethyst you so much
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Summary: Spencer has had a crush on Y/N since she started working at the bau. She only ever works the night shift after a case, handling all the aftermath gracefully. one night, Spencer stays back and they strike up a conversation about rocks, causing their feelings to dig a little deeper.
Warnings: pure fluff, weed mention, hurt/comfort, grief and mourning
Word Count: 6.4K
Read on Ao3
Late nights at the office had become his thing since Gideon left.
He couldn’t bring himself to go home some nights without a game of chess, a cup of coffee, and the ambiance of the post case staff working. He would’ve had no idea about what goes on after they close a case if he didn’t stay behind most nights.
The phone rings almost every 10 minutes, and it’s always answered by the sweetest voice. The fax machine never turns off, and the most beautiful girl in the world is always running around placing papers in different places.
He’s been smitten with her since she started here, 2 years ago. Never seeing much of her since she was switched to the night shift, always wanting to just watch her from afar, never speaking to her unless he needed to.
“Yes, again we are so sorry for the door,” he can hear her voice from the back corner of the room. “Agent Morgan will be paying for that out of his paycheck, don’t worry, Mr. Kennings. We’ll be sure to remember your hotel when we’re in the area again. The FBI has a very generous budget for overnight cases. Of course, you have a good night too.”
She hung the phone up harshly and let out a deep sigh. He turned around to see her face in her arms, resting against the desk. She looked done, completely fed up. He would be too.
She looked up then, noticing that he was making eye contact with her. She awkwardly smiled and waved at him, “sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry,” Spencer replied. “We asked for the key, I should have stopped him from kicking it in.”
She laughed then, walking over to his desk so she didn’t have to yell across the room. She sat on the corner of his desk lightly, “why do you stay every night?”
“Oh, um,” he wasn’t prepared for this. She had never talked to him before. She was barely able to even look at him when she used to place papers on his desk 2 years ago, now she was on his desk.
“I don’t like to bring the work home with me, it’s better to destress here before I go to my apartment,” he answered, half honestly.
She nodded slightly, “I get it. Luckily I go home in the mornings so the sun helps me feel better.”
“Going home in the dark isn’t fun,” she lightly smiled up at her.
“Do you want a coffee or anything?” She asked softly, “seeing as I am still your assistant as long as you’re here?”
He laughed lightly, “I would, but I’d like to join you in the staff room for it?”
“Okay,” she stood, straightening out her shirt as he stood as well.
He held the doors open for her, letting her walk out first, still smiling as she waited in the hall for him. Never being anything less than 1 foot from him for some reason, and he didn’t mind in the slightest.
“Do you like your job?” He asked lightly.
“Oh yeah,” she laughed. “It’s like customer service on crack. Have you ever had to explain to someone why you can’t pay for the cracked foundation after Agent Morgan’s ransacked a place?”
“I honestly never thought of who has to deal with the aftermath,” he awkwardly admitted to her. “I’m so sorry.”
She couldn’t stop laughing as they entered the kitchen, “it’s fine. I never have to apologize on your behalf, it’s everyone else who seems to be reckless. Sometimes I feel like it would be better if I came along to babysit.”
“That would be helpful,” he smiled softly as she entered the staff room.
He watched as she took a new coffee filter out of the cupboard. Emptying the coffee pot with ease, rinsing everything before adding the water and scooping in the grounds. He was mesmerized by how fast she was able to do it, then again it was sort of her job.
“What mug would you like?” She turned to him with a smile that made his heart skip a beat.
“Um, the purple one, if it’s there?”
“You really like purple, huh?” She teased him, standing on her tippy-toes to reach the mug for him.
She placed it on the counter before grabbing a white mug, it had a bumblebee on it, “bee happy” written along the top. It was perfect for her.
“Purple is a stress-reducing colour,” she explained. “When I was a kid my parents painted my room purple so that I’d sleep better.”
“I’ve always been drawn to it.”
She leaned against the counter while the coffee pot started to percolate, “Probably because of your anxiety, coffee doesn’t help that.”
“It’s in my DNA to be like this,” he tried to joke, knowing he succeeded when her smile crept back onto her face.
He was on a mission to keep seeing it.
“For someone who spends a lot of time with dead bodies, creepy places and bad people, you sure are a mousy little thing aren’t you?” She teased him.
“I also love Halloween, go figure.” He’s not sure where the confidence came from, being able to make light-hearted jokes like this was only easy with the team.
Which she technically was a part of. He’s seen her almost every single day for 3 years, slowly being able to get comfortable enough for this very moment.
“What else are you into, outside of here?” She asked honestly, making his heart swell as no one else had ever asked him before.
“Lots of things,” he sighed. “I love to read, I’ll read anything. But mostly I enjoy far-off worlds. Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Doctor Who, Sherlock mostly.”
“No supernatural?” She gasped. “Sacrilege, honestly. What kind of nerd are you if you don't support supperwholock?”
“That's the show with the monster hunting brothers right?” He tried to recall it to his mind.
She nodded with a pressed-lipped smile, “it’s bad but in a way where I can’t stop watching every Thursday, they just introduced an angel who is pretty gay. Star Trek is cool too, I guess, I was raised by Trekkies.”
“My mom was into Doctor Who.”
“Mamma’s boy,” she teased him slightly, returning her focus to the coffee as she poured the now finished brew into their mugs. “She was nice when she came in that one time, I made her a very sweet coffee just like yours.”
He reached for the sugar then, poring a generous amount into his mug with a grin, “how much do you like?”
“the same amount,” she couldn’t help but laugh. “I hate the taste of coffee, but it keeps me awake.”
He poured the sugar into her mug as she places a spoon in each. Allowing him to stir his own before picking it up finally. Holding the warm ceramic in his hands, it was almost as warm as the feeling in his chest when he looked at her.
He’s felt it for a long time. He’s been caught staring at her by Derek, JJ even tried to get him to give her his number. Which she already had for when she calls him into work in the middle of the night. They knew he had a crush, he did too. He just didn’t know what to do about it.
“Come to my desk, I want to show you something?” She asked softly, avoiding eye contact as she walked towards the door.
He followed, like a lost puppy, all the way back to her desk. It was always neat, he always looked at it when he made his way up the stairs to the briefing room. He could even see it from where he sat at the table sometimes. Always wanting to see her leave in the mornings.
She had a collection of rocks that always changed, he loved the blue one the most but it wasn’t there currently. She had all new ones since the last time he looked.
“Here,” she hands him one. It’s brown and gold, the colours moving and shifting as he turns it with his fingers. The gold running through it like a beautiful wave.
“what’s this for?”
“It’s a Tiger’s eye, for good luck and happiness,” she smiled. “Keep it at your desk and maybe it’ll be easier for you to relax when you come back?”
The butterflies in his chest were swirling then as she looked up at him with pleading eyes. Wanting him to take it, wanting him to feel better. Caring for him.
“Thank you,” he barely whispers, clearing his throat softly. “It’s very nice of you.”
“You’re always nice to me, so,” she shrugged.
They sat down then, he dragged his chair from his desk over to hers. Sitting in close as she explained all the meanings to her rocks. He listened carefully, getting to examine each one as she spoke.
“This one is Jade, it’s for balancing emotions and allowing compassion so I don’t scream at everyone on the phone,” she laughed as she placed one in his hands. Her fingers brushing his palm softly.
It was a beautiful green stone with a thin white line running through it, separating into 3 directions as he flipped it over, “it’s beautiful.”
“I know some people don’t believe in this stuff,” she started to get embarrassed as she placed them all back on the shelf. “But I’ve always thought; if the moon, which is just a rock, can control the water, and humans are 70% water, then who’s to tell me the moon cycles don’t control my emotions and these smaller rocks can’t help problem areas?”
“You’re not wrong,” he shook his head softly as he thought her words over. “People depended on the stars and planets for guidance originally, as well as rocks and herbs for healing, just because it’s outdated doesn’t mean it doesn’t work?”
“Thank you,” she smiled. “No one has ever agreed with me that easily.”
“Anytime you want to talk, I’ll just be over there,” he pointed at his desk. “And I’m a phone call away?” He swallowed sharply at his boldness, trying to stay calm as he awaited her answer.
“I do have your number,” she smiled, reaching out to place her hand on his. “But you should go home, I’m sure you’re chilled out now.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, staring at her hand as they touched. He lightly wrapped his hand around hers, holding it slightly, running his thumb over her knuckles. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“And every day after,” she whispered, tilting her head as she smiled at him.
This was going to be interesting.
Penelope was always dragging him out. She would take him shopping, to dinner, to the movies. She was like his big sister, dedicated to making sure he wasn’t always cooped up or trying to retreat into a fantasy life.
She kept him busy.
She had 4 bags in her hands as they walked down the street, peering into the store windows to see what else she could possibly be interested in taking home for someone. That’s when they passed the natural health store.
He stopped in his tracks, seeing all the different rocks on the wall accompanies by little cards that described how they could help. He opened the door and rushed inside before Penelope even noticed he stopped following her.
“Good afternoon!” The shop owner called out to him. “How can I assist you today?”
“Um, the girl I like has a rock collection,” he says softly, knowing Penelope is behind him listening. “Crystals more specifically, I’d like to get her some?”
“Well, you came to the right place,” the man beams, escorting him to the wall of rocks. “What is she like?”
“Wonderful,” the words are carried out of his mouth on a sigh as he thinks about her. “She’s confident and nice, and caring. She’s always positive and just so lovely.”
“I’ve got you,” the man starts picking rocks off the wall and placing them in his hands.
Spencer follows him to the desk where he lays down a handful of rocks, Penelope is shockingly quiet as she stands beside him, staring at the collection. She’ll be full of questions later, all of which he is terrified of.
“This is a rose quartz, pretty basic love, beauty, anti-depression stone,” he pushes the pink and a green rock towards him. “Serpentine is for new adventures, observation and insight. I have a feeling you’re up for an adventure with her?”
Spencer nodded enthusiastically, “I like that one. It would be better to get her some rare ones, some that have to do with friendship, new beginnings, or opportunities?” He tried to explain his feelings as best as he could. Not knowing if he sounded dumb for a change.
The man smiled wide, “here,” he dipped below the counter and dug out a box. “Chrysocolla is literally for new beginnings, love and opportunity.”
He hands Spencer a vitreous, raw blue stone with small green marks running all through it, it’s beautiful like her. “This is perfect.”
“I’ll throw in a Kiwi Jasper as well, it’s for being by someone's side, support and trust. As well as a Ruby in Zoisite it symbolizes finding the joy in life with someone,” he hands Spencer two equally beautiful stones, prepping a bag and wrappings for all of them.
Spencer lays out the 5 stones he picked out, watching him wrap them with care before placing them in a bag. He rings everything up, Spencer pays and before he’s even out the door Penelope is pouncing on him for answers.
He can't help but blush and stutter, trying to brush past her and continue walking down the street. “You can’t hide forever Spencer, who is she?”
“How do you know it’s a she?”
“You literally said so?” She looks at him like he’s an idiot. “Come on? I won't tell anyone!”
The gears are turning in Penelope's head as she tries to place a face to the name, knowing she’s seen her somewhere, “From the office?”
He nods softly, “the one Derek bullies me for staring at?” He clues her in more as they walk.
“He also bullies her for staring at you,” she adds with a smile. “She’s going to love those, when are you going to give them to her?”
“I was thinking about just leaving one on her desk every day? Maybe with a note for why I picked it?” He really wants to woo her, she’s too special to just flirt with.
“She’s going to love that.”
Sure enough, he walked into work every day for the next week, placing a rock on a sticky note on her desk. He was never around when she was able to see it, only knowing she got it when he'd arrive at work the next morning with a note reading 'thank you ♥︎ ' on top of his files.
He thinks about her all weekend, planning how he'll give her the last rock as he takes the elevator up that morning. Only to see her sitting at her desk, phone pressed to her ear as she tried to talk someone out of suing the FBI, she looked absolutely miserable. Just a casual Monday morning for her, almost at the end of her shift.
He rushed over to his desk, putting all his stuff down to dig one of the rocks from his satchel. Picking the Kiwi Jasper for today, he grabbed a pen and a sticky note and wrote her a little note.
“Always here if you need to talk, -Spencer ♥︎”
He walked over to her desk, she was still talking so she didn’t notice him until he was right there, she looked up at him with a thankful smile.
“Yes sir,” she answered the person talking to her. “Can I call you back after I speak to the chief? thanks.” She hung up on him, turning all her attention to Spencer.
“I know you know it's been me leaving these, but I brought you in another one,” he says softly, placing the rock in her hand and sticking the note to the shelf where it would end up.
“oh my gosh, Spencer?” She placed her free hand on her heart as she looked at the rock.
“You looked upset?”
She stands and pulls him into a hug, he can feel all the eyes on him as he holds her back, letting his chin rest on her shoulder as she squeezes him.
“Thank you,” she whispered as she pulled back, awkwardly smiling at him as she also noticed everyone staring.
“Always,” he smiled back, hand still resting on her arm. “Um, I have a case I need to get to.”
“Of course, good luck,” she smiled.
He pulls the tiger's eye out of his shirt pocket, showing her that he still had it, “kinda hard not to have good luck with this.”
She bit back a smile, her eyes gleaming as she took a deep breath through her nose. Releasing the same feelings he was keeping inside, allowing both their butterflies to swarm out together.
He loved when they had cases in Virginia. Being able to stay in the bullpen and work was relaxing, it was easier to think where he felt safe.
He was working on the geo profile all alone, a huge map stretched across a clear case board as he laid a yardstick across it. Drawing a thick red line with marker over it, in his own little world as he worked away.
He doesn’t realize she’s standing there too until she’s lightly pressing her hand on his back.
“Hey,” she whispers softly. “It’s 10 pm, thought you’d like a coffee?” She places the purple mug on his desk with her purse, turning her attention back to what he’s doing.
“Thank you, I’m almost done here,” he says softly, finishing the red triangle he was making on the map.
“I’ve always found it fascinating how you do this,” she complimented him. “You’re so careful.”
“Like baking, it’s an exact science,” he smiled softly.
It made her giggle slightly, placing her hand back on his back as she moved in closer to look. He wanted her to stay there forever, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to focus. He tried his best to steady his hand as he finished the line.
Putting the yardstick back down and turning to her, she doesn’t move her hand, instead, softly moving to rest on his arm as she stands close to him. “How are you?”
He feels nervous for some reason, it’s not like she hasn’t been this close to him before. It’s just that she’s close and she smells wonderful and he wonders if her lips would be a better wake-up call than the coffee she brought.
He realizes he’s staring at her lips when he licks his own, “I’m good,” he furrows his brow and clears his throat with a nod.
She smirks at him, “how come you’re the only one still here? Hotch said it could wait till tomorrow?”
“I was waiting for you,” he admits, “but I got carried away setting this up, I never heard you come in?”
“Cause I didn’t,” she scrunches her nose slightly as she straightens her stance. “I saw you working hard and went right to get you a coffee.”
“You’re wonderful,” he blushes as the words slip out, trying his best to keep eye contact when all he wants to do is kiss her.
She pats his arm slightly as she backs up a little, grabbing her bag from where she set it on his desk. “I’m going to set up for the night, come talk to me before you leave?”
“Of course,” he says as she walks away, letting out a small sigh as he realizes just how badly he wants her.
He never gets to talk to her before he leaves, she’s on the phone when hotch comes storming in. Saying something about another body and making Reid leave with him. He’s busy for 3 days straight, thinking about her with every free thought he’s able to squeeze in.
He carries the rock from her in his pocket everywhere he goes; in his pants beside his keys, in his bag with his books, in his breast pocket, over his heart, behind a bulletproof vest. Feeling it press against his chest, a part of her keeping him safe where ever he went.
They finish the case with minimal damage, Spencer specifically making sure that Derek leaves all the doors on the hinges for Y/N’s sake, cleaning up any messes they make so she won’t have to hear about it over the phone. They all notice that he’s doing it for her, quietly appreciating the fact that Spencer is happy for a change, that there’s a glimmer of hope in his eyes again.
He arrives back at Quantico 30 minutes before her shift starts. Everyone else is packing up for the day while he sits at his desk, reading to occupy the time before she comes in.
Only she doesn’t.
30 minutes pass and she’s nowhere to be seen, it’s only 9:02 by the time he starts to panic. Wondering if she’s okay, hoping she’s just in the elevator or grabbing a coffee that’s actually good, somewhere outside of the office.
“Reid,” he hears Hotch calling him from his office door. “She just called in, her grandmother passed away last night so she won't be in.”
“Oh,” he furrows his brow, looking at him with confusion. “How did you know?”
“Penelope,” he smiles. “She’s still here too, and she knows where Y/N lives.”
“It wouldn’t be weird to go see if she’s okay?”
Hotch just smiles at him again, “go see her, Reid.”
Getting her address from Penelope felt a little weird, but she writes it on a sticky note for him and he’s out the door before she can even pry into what he’s going to say. Which is good, because he doesn’t know yet.
It’s late, but he stops by the little rock store on his way to her house. Seeing the lights still on and the same man from before behind the counter.
“Welcome back,” he’s overly cheerful for it being so late. “How did she like them?”
“She likes the ones I’ve given her so far,” he smiles, looking over the wall himself this time for the right one.
Scanning past every emotion and affirmation known to man as he looked around, picking out a beautiful pink Rhodonite for healing grief, supposedly acting as a hug from emotional troubles. And a Rainbow Moonstone for inner peace, harmony and strength.
“She’s lost someone recently?” He asks as Spencer places them on the counter.
“Her grandmother,” he says softly. “These are good, right?”
“They’ll be perfect, we also have amethyst bracelets, they’re good for healing and drawing in positive energy,” he points towards the small display of bracelets. Small purple stones separated with small gold beads.
He picks up 2 of them, placing them on the counter as well.
“Is she still just a crush?”
Spencer laughs lightly, “unfortunately.”
“She might be more after this,” he smirks, ringing him up. “I’ll give you a 2 for one deal on everything, I have a feeling you’ll be in a lot.”
Spencer thanks him as he pays, picking out a small purple bag for the rocks and bracelet. Placing one on his own wrist before leaving. Also picking up some cookie dough ice cream and a card at the corner store just beside her apartment. Remembering all the times Penelope, JJ or Emily has mentioned it being the best ice cream for crying.
He takes a very deep breath before knocking on her door, hoping to every god out there that she doesn’t find this incredibly inappropriate and weird.
“Spencer?” He hears her voice before she even opens the door, looking out the peephole at him.
She whips the door open, eyes puffy and swollen as she looks at him in shock. She’s in a big sweater and shorts, tears dripping down her cheeks as she shakes her head at him.
“I thought you could use some cheering up?” He awkwardly smiles, holding the ice cream up for her to see.
She wraps her arms around his middle, burying her face against his coat. Still crying as she holds him, he holds her with his free hand, shushing her as he presses his cheek to her head.
She pulls back with a sniffle, “come in,” she offers with an arm out, ushering him inside the small room as she closes the door.
He takes his shoes off, handing her the ice cream so he can take off his coat and satchel too. “This isn’t weird right?”
“Not at all,” she laughs slightly through the awkwardness. “You don’t know how much it means to me that you care this much.”
“I brought something for you,” he says as he struggles to dig everything out of his pocket.
He hands her the card and the little purple bag, seeing the overwhelming glance grow on her face. Her eyes grew wide as he mouth opened, speechless.
She opened the card first, reading the passage about grief that was already provided. Dealing with grief was something Spencer knew too well, adding something a little special to the bottom of the card.
“To live in hearts we left behind is not to die,” -Thomas Campbell. As long as you remember her, with a smile on your face and love in your heart, she will always be with you ♥︎ Spencer
She wipes her tears with her forearm, placing the card on the counter beside the ice cream before she opens the bag. She pulls out the bracelet first, absolute shock on her face.
“Spencer?” Is all she can say, in a high squeak as she shakes her head at him.
“I didn’t want you to be sad,” he says softly, stepping into her space and placing a hand on her arm. “I love seeing you smile, and I thought this could help.
He takes the bracelet from her grasp and places it over her hand. Resting it on her wrist softly, straightening it out against her sweater as she notices the matching on over his shirt sleeve.
“Oh this is so cute,” she swoons. “thank you, really Spencer.”
“And there are some rocks for grief healing in there too, one is supposedly like an emotional hug which should heal the grief and sorrow, and the other is more for inner peace and harmony,” he rambles away, not wanting her to miss anything.
She pours the rocks from the bag, into her hand, looking them over silently with a smile, “they’ll look great on my desk.”
“The purple looks nice on you too,” he compliments her, watching her eyes drift up to him.
She places the rocks on the counter before wrapping her arms around him once more. This time he’s able to actually hold her back, tight as possible as he rubs his hand over her back.
She smells like home, clean laundry and happiness. She’s soft and warm, he holds her perfectly against his chest, like she was a missing puzzle piece that someone finally found under the table, she fits into his life like she was supposed to be there.
She kisses his cheek softly before she pulls back, causing him to pull her into a real kiss on impulse. Connecting their lips as she sighs into the contact, melting into his grasp as she kisses him back.
Her lips are soft, fitting between his own gently as she breathes him in. Her hands reach up to grip his cheeks, kissing him again and again, placing pecks to his lips and cheeks with her eyes closed as he giggles.
“Thank you,” she whispers against his lips, “for everything.”
“I’d do anything for you,” he whispers back, kissing her one last time before she pulls away.
“I was actually about to smoke some weed on the fire escape and probably cry some more,” she laughs lightly. “would you like to join me?”
“I’ll stick with a bowl of ice cream,” he smiled awkwardly.
“Nice one,” she laughs as she opens the ice cream.
“Oh, you didn’t even get the reference you made,” she laughs lightly, “to get high you smoke a bowl, so…”
It makes him smile, “I'm a comedian part-time.”
He makes her laugh again, loving the sound of her giggle replacing the tears. “Why aren’t you this funny at work?”
He thinks about it for a little, watching her scoop the ice cream into two bowls, “it’s a little hard to make jokes when people's lives are on the line, I know everyone else does but I get too focused.”
“They probably wouldn’t appreciate your jokes even if you did make them,” she says as she handed him a bowl with a spoon. “They’re kind of mean to you, in a family way but it still sucks sometimes to overhear.”
She walks into the living area then, grabbing a few blankets and opening the window to the fire escape. Crawling out to sit on the ledge, waiting for him.
“I don’t mind it,” he says as he finally sits down beside her.
She places the blanket over their laps, both of them sitting criss-cross applesauce as they ate.
“Do you like your job?” She asks him, just like he once asked her.
“Most of the time,” he nodded as he got brain freeze. The cold air, the cold ice cream, everything that was catching up to him as he scrunched his face up at the feeling.
She laughs at him only a bit before she’s also attacked by the brain freeze, holding the vein in her neck as she chokes out another laugh, trying to warm up the blood going to her head so the pain would stop.
They’re both just a mess of giggles together, unable to say any words as they let it all out. She leans her head on his shoulder lightly as they calm down to just soft chuckles. He presses his cheek against her head.
“Thank you, Spencer,” it sounds like she’s crying a bit. “My grandma was a lovely woman, she’d be glad I’m laughing right now.”
He reached out a hand for her to hold over the blanket. She interlocked their fingers softly, both cold from holding their ice cream bowls.
“If she was anything like you, I’m sure she was the most wonderful woman,” he says softly, not intending to make her cry but having a feeling he might.
“Would you be interested in holding me on the couch while I cry?” She asked softly, tears in her eyes as she looked up at him.
“Whatever you need, I’m here for you.”
He’s late for work the next morning.
Waking up to the smell of coffee, opening his eyes to a strange view. He’s on a couch he doesn’t recognize in a room he doesn’t know too well.
Then he remembers, they ended up cuddled up on the couch. He wakes up to the memory of her on his chest, crying softly as they listened to some music, he ran his hand over her back while she went through it all, blessed to have his support.
He fell asleep under her at some point, waking up alone with a blanket laid over him. He sat up to see her in the kitchen, pouring coffee into a travel mug.
“Good, you’re awake,” she smiles at him. “Coffee is ready, I uh, I have this button-up shirt from a guy friend, if you wanted to wear that to work today? So they don’t think you stayed here?”
“That’s smart,” he replies as he rubs the sleep out of his eyes.
Getting up, he uses the bathroom, changes and takes that coffee from her. He’s not expecting her to kiss him on the lips at the door, but she sends him off to work like an old housewife.
He doesn’t want to pull away from her, keeping her pressed against him as he leans in for 4 more kisses before she finally pushes him out into the hallway with a laugh, “get to work!”
“Fine,” he sighs, “are you going to be in tonight?”
“Yeah,” she smiles, “funeral is in West Virginia next week, so I’ll be in until then.”
“I’ll see you later?”
She nods slightly with a soft smile, “you’ll be seeing a lot of me soon, Spencer.”
“Good,” he winks at her before heading down the hallway and towards the street entrance.
He sighs as he walks outside, resting his back against the apartment complex door, taking a moment to think about everything that just happened, the night of company and the wonderful send-off.
It was something he could get used to.
He rushes into the briefing room when he arrives at Quantico, sitting down with his coffee and pretending he wasn’t late. Listening carefully to JJ’s presentation of the case as he flips through everything he missed already.
“Wheels up in 30,” he heard Hotch say as he zoned back in. “Nice of you to join us, Reid.”
“I know that travel mug from somewhere,” Derek said as he stared at Spencer, who was taking a sip to avoid the awkwardness.
“Hmm?” He played dumb.
“That’s Y/N’s. She washes it every morning when she leaves to go home, I see her do it every morning,” his eyes open wide. “Holy shit.”
“Isn’t that the same tie and slacks from yesterday?” Emily teased him as well.
“Her grandma died, I brought her ice cream and slept on the couch okay?” He all but yelled, flailing his arms slightly so they’d all back off.
Derek reached his fist out for him to pound it, “good man.”
Then Penelope noticed the bracelet, “did she get you that?”
He sunk his hand into his pocket then, “no.”
“What?” Emily and JJ asked in unison, straining their necks to try and get a good look at what she was talking about.
He nervously held his arm out for them, showing them the purple bracelet resting over the sleeve of his shirt. “I got one for her too, it’s for healing and peace. It’s what she needs right now.”
“Oh, so you love her,” Derek smiles as he teases him. Making everyone else in the room swoon slightly.
“Okay and?”
“Oh my god!” Most of them shout at him, embarrassing him to no end. He was so glad she wasn’t at work this morning or else she would be able to hear this from her desk.
“Did you kiss her?” Rossi pries, asking what everyone else was thinking.
He scrunches his face, pushing his glasses up slightly as he clears his throat, “a few times.”
“Is she your girlfriend?” JJ kept the questions coming.
“Not yet,” he said softly. “Kinda weird to walk into her apartment while she cries to say ‘hey sorry about the death in your family, want to date me?’”
“Yeah,” Emily agrees, shrugging lightly. “At least she knows you like her now, it’s been what? 2 years?”
“2 years, 3 months, 17 days and 43 minutes,” he confirms with a small nod and pressed lips.
“Gross,” Derek teases him.
“The plane is leaving in 10 minutes,” Hotch cut into their fun.
Making them all gather their things and continue the interrogation in the elevator, and eventually on the plane, and in the police precinct. Even Penelope called him in the middle of everything to bug him about her.
The questions were never-ending, everyone wanted to know how they even started talking, who made the first move, how he plans to ask her out. They were relentless, he almost regretted admitting to anything.
They bug him all throughout the day, all the way until they’re arriving back at the BAU late that same night. He almost doesn’t want to go back to the bullpen and see her with all of them, knowing they were going to follow and say something.
She’s waiting in the hall when the elevator doors open, a pressed-lipped smile on her face, “bad news.”
“Another one?” Hotch sighs, “have Garcia send us the info. Be at the table in 10.” He pushes his way out of the elevator, passed them all as they stare at Y/N.
“Hi?” She awkwardly waves at them all, showing off the bracelet on her wrist.
“See ya, Spence,” JJ and Emily say as they matt his shoulder, dragging Derek and Rossi towards the bullpen doors.
“Sorry,” he apologizes for them softly, stepping into her space.
She wraps him up in a quick hug, keeping one arm around his waist as she guides him towards the bullpen, “it’s fine, they’re going to have to get used to us being together.”
“Together?” He repeats her words.
“I only cry on my boyfriend's shoulders, if you're up for the title?” She teases him softly, pinching his side as they walk towards the doors.
“Can I frame “Dr. Spencer Reid, Y/N’s boyfriend” beside my Ph.D.’s?” He keeps his hand on her shoulder, holding each other slightly as they walk towards her desk. He felt like one of those kids who wouldn’t let go of their girlfriend's hand in the school hallway, attached to her at the hip.
“I’ll make one for you while you’re gone,” she laughs lightly.
They stop at her desk where he sees all rocks he got her collecting on the shelf, as well as a cup of coffee and his favourite kind of donut.
“Thought you deserved something nice too,” she says as she nudges his side.
He kisses her on the cheek as a thank you, “you’re welcome,” she smiles to herself. A feeling of pride growing in both their chests.
“See you later?” He asks as he picks up the coffee and donut, walking away slowly as she smiles at him.
“Come home to me safely, Doctor Reid,” her voice is just loud enough for everyone in the briefing room, where everyone is waiting at the window, watching them, deciding to put on a show in return.
He stops on the steps to look at her softly, “I’d fight a thousand unsubs to come home to you.”
“I’ll leave the light on,” she blows a kiss at him, making him blush a deep red.
He waves, making his way up the steps and into the briefing room. A smile on his face, heart thumping in his chest, all the support in the world swarming around him as everyone patted him on the back.
That tiger’s eye really did bring him good luck and happiness, and her name was Y/N.
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babymetaldoll · 4 years
Birthday wishes (Spencer Reid/ Reader)
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Requested: Nope
Summary: Spencer overthinks Reader’s birthday present ‘cos he doesn't know if they are dating or not
Warnings: No… maybe a few sexual references but nothing too explicit. 
Category: Pure sweet, delicious fluff 
Word count: 3,2K
Part II
What makes a relationship official? Are you just "going out" o "just seeing each other" after five dates? Five incredible, unique, perfect dates? or do you have to ask: "Would you be my girlfriend?"
Spencer rolled in bed and kept asking himself questions he couldn't answer. Were he and (Y/N) a couple? So far, he hadn't asked, ‘cos he was scared, which made no sense, ‘cos he had already asked her out and they had already kissed. Besides, they had already met for five years, which meant, well, it felt like they were already a little ahead on the "getting to know each other" part.
So, after five dates, were they already dating? Were they exclusive? Could he tell her he loved her? No, probably no. Who could he ask about it? No one in the team knew what was going on between them. They didn't want to tell them. It was too soon. Besides, Spencer didn't even know if they were an actual couple.
Reid kept rolling in bed. It was already three in the morning. He was overthinking everything, and he knew it. But it was (Y/N)'s birthday, and the present he had for her was hunting him. He couldn't shake the thought he had gone a little too far with it. He wanted to give her that present ever since he saw it, months ago. He bought it and kept it hidden in his closet. He had no idea why he was hiding it if no one was ever in his house. No one but (Y/N), but she never went through his things. If so, she would have found the picture of her he also had hidden in his drawer.
It was a picture of the two of them sitting together at the round table in the BAU conference room. They were eating a cupcake, and their lips were covered in frosting. They were laughing. They were happy. It was Penelope's birthday, and they had thrown her a surprise breakfast celebration. JJ had taken that picture, and secretly, Spencer asked her for a copy.
When they were just friends, he didn't overthink that present, he just got it for her. But now everything was different. And he was scared of every movement he did around her, terrified he could frighten her away.
- "Stop!"- he commanded himself and closed his eyes. He had to sleep at least an hour, or the rings under his eyes were going to scare (Y/N) away. Not like she hadn't seen him looking like he hadn't slept before.
Penelope had baked a gigantic Halloween themed birthday cake, ‘cos he knew (Y/N) was a sucker for horror movies. It had pumpkins, a Jason mask, and a knife stabbing the cake. It was perfect. JJ and Emily brought presents and more food. Everyone had helped to make sure her day was special. Derek decorated her desk with balloons and confetti, got her a funny birthday paper crown, and wrote "pretty girl" with his terrible handwriting. It was adorable. She was like a little sister to him, and he just wanted to make her smile.
And Reid, well, he… he was all over the place. Hanging more balloons all over the bullpen and making sure all the food was ready. He actually got there an hour and a half earlier than everybody, just to make sure everything was set.
No one got how he could think he was fooling them about his feelings for (Y/N). To be fair, he wasn't trying at this point. He was now too concerned not to scare her away by accidentally saying "I love you" or saying they were in a relationship, ‘cos he didn't know if they were. All those things Spencer could quickly fix asking, but he was too scared to ask.
- "Happy birthday!!!"- Penelope yelled as soon as (Y/N) set foot outside the elevator. She was greeted by her friend's tight hug, and along came the rest of the team.
- "Thank you so much!! Thank you!"- she was moved by all the love they gave her, they were her family far from home, and they meant the world to her.
- "Hey! happy birthday"- Spencer was the last one to hug her; he waited until everybody had walked back to the conference room. She smiled and bit her lips as he moved a step closer and wrapped his arms around her.
Those arms made her feel safe and loved, and it was an addictive sensation; she didn't want to quit. She was a self-declared addict to Spencer Reid, and the latest weeks had been the best of her life. But she still felt she was walking on eggshells around Reid. She loved him so much, and she was scared, 'cos she thought she might say it too soon. Was it too soon considering they had known each other for the last five years? she had been in love with him for the last four and a half years. But yes, it was too soon.
They hadn't even had sex yet.
Sex with Reid. That was a thought that had kept her awake many nights. It kept coming to her mind, especially when he held her the way he was doing now. She could feel herself melting to his touch, and the idea of feeling his skin against hers, the idea of being naked with him. The thought of having him inside of her was too much to process. If kissing him was breathtaking, having sex with him had to be heaven.
- "So, happy birthday"- he repeated and smiled at her, still holding her tight but now staring at her blushed cheeks.
- "Thank you"- she giggled nervously and looked down
- "I hope you are hungry, ‘cos we've got a whole breakfast party ready for you"- she nodded, but neither of them moved- "Garcia really went overboard with everything she brought…"
Why would Reid hide the fact he had gotten half the things on that table? Something inside him kept forcing him to hide his true feelings for (Y/N) 'cos he was still sure she would reject him. Again, they had been into five dates, held hands, kissed, looked at each other with puppy eyes for hours over dinner. Why did he feel he needed to hide his feelings?
- "And maybe we could go out tonight…"- he whispered as they walked to the conference room- "I would love to take you out for dinner on your birthday"- (Y/N) turned to him with the brightest smile and nodded.
- “Sounds like an excellent plan”
- "And where's your present, pretty boy?"- Derek asked Reid frowning after (Y/N) finished opening all the presents the team had gotten her.
- "I…"- he had an awful excuse- "I left it at home, I'm sorry."
No one was ever going to believe that. He knew it
- "I was…. well, I had a lot of things to bring, and I left it on my table, but I'll bring it over later, ok?"- (Y/N) just nodded and smiled, thinking they had a date later. But the rest of the team was confused. Reid would never forget something. Never, eidetic memory, he was doomed.
- "Are you ok?"- JJ walked to him as they cleaned the table after breakfast and looked at him, worried.
- "Yeah, why?"
- "You look nervous"- Spencer even stuttered to answer
- "I, I, I'm not nervous, JJ, I don't know what you are talking about"
- "Spence, come on… tell me, what is it? What happened with (Y/N)? why didn't you bring the present you had for her?"
Reid sighed. He knew he could trust JJ. He was just… ashamed of sharing his feelings with someone.
- "I didn't forget it"- he whispered- "I want to give it to her later."
- "Later? when?"- he stayed quiet for a few seconds and then took a deep breath
- "Wehaveadatetonight"- Spencer slurred and closed his eyes, ‘cos he didn't want to look at JJ's face
- "What? Sorry, I couldn't understand that"- he sighed, frustrated
- "I said, we are goingoutonadatetonight"- it took her a second to understand it, but when she did, JJ wide opened her eyes and looked at her friend in shock- "Don't say a word"
- "But oh my god!! Spencer!"
- "Shh!! please don't say a word!"
- "Spence! It's huge! It's your first date!! When did it happen? when did you finally ask her?"
… And Spencer actually thought no one knew about his feelings.
- "It's not… our first date"- he whispered and looked at his shoes. JJ stood next to him in shock and hit his arm as her mouth fell open.
- "JJ, please, I'm just telling you ‘cos I trust you I don't want anyone else to know?"- he begged
- "How many dates so far?"
- "Six, including tonight."
- "Oh my god! are you two together??"- JJ was making her best not to yell, but she was in shock. However, she realized it was a sensitive subject for Spencer. She wanted to make her best not to make him feel uncomfortable.
- "We've been going out for a few weeks now, but…"- Spencer made a pause and sighed- "How do you know when you are in a relationship with someone?"
- "Usually, you talk about it… you haven't?"- his silence was too long, enough sign for JJ to get he hadn't had that conversation.
- "Ok, you should ask her, Spence. If you've been out on several dates already, it means she likes you the same way you like her."
- "But I love her…"- Reid looked at her friend with puppy eyes. He was honestly anxious about the whole situation and couldn't say another word.
- "She is crazy for you; you have to believe me"
- "I know she likes me, but it's nerve-wracking to feel you love someone who just likes you"
- "Believe me, Spence, she doesn't just like you"- he just sighed and nodded, not because he believed her, but because he didn't want to persuade that conversation. However, JJ wasn't going to let it go so quickly.
- "So… what did you get her?"
- "It's nothing, just something I thought she might like"- he tried to make it sound like it wasn't a big deal.... like he wasn't freaking out. But he was dying inside.
- "What is it?"
- "A necklace…"- JJ nodded, surprised- "And a ring"- surprise was not enough to describe her face. Shock might have been closer. Yes, JJ was in shock.
- "Are you going to…"
- "No! no, no, I'm not, I mean, it's too soon to…. I just don't want her to feel pushed, I bought her the present months ago, and I never thought we were going to be … well, whatever it is that we are now… that's why I need to know where we are now… I don't want to blow it."
Spencer bit his inner lip and pouted. He was upset, he was having a hard time explaining his feelings and his mind, and most of all, a hard time sharing what he was feeling. JJ smiled at him and simply shook her head, with an honest, proud look in her eyes.
- "I know it sounds scary, but the only way to know is asking her"- he just nodded and let out a deep breath. That wasn't the answer he was waiting for.
(Y/N) looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She was glad no psycho killer had decided to start attacking innocent that night, ‘cos it meant she could actually go out on a date with Reid. Their sixth date. Usually, the sixth date meant sex for her. But she had no idea what it meant for Spencer, and she wasn't going to push him. She just couldn't shake the thought off her mind, but she had to. Thinking about sex with Reid was too much.
- "Wow"- that was all Spencer managed to say as soon as (Y/N) opened the door for him. He looked at her up and down. His eyes couldn't stop running through every inch of her skin. It was like the dress was hugging her body, wrapping her and following every curve of it. He couldn't believe someone so beautiful wanted to go out with him.
- "You look very handsome"- (Y/N) smiled and chuckled. Reid just shook his head and stared.
- "Come in, just let me get my purse and put on some shoes, and I'll be ready to go."
Spencer couldn't speak. He just nodded and watched her walking to her room. He couldn't even be subtle at that point. He couldn't and wouldn't stop staring. Not if she was going to look so hot.
The thought of having sex with his best friend was hunting his mind since they were on their third date. That was the very first time they made out on her couch. They hadn't even passed second base, but for Spencer, that had been enough to start fantasizing about how it would be, how it would felt, and… when it would be.
- "Buttercup?"- he asked and couldn't see (Y/N)'s wide smile as soon as she heard that word. She loved it when he called her cute names. It made her feel special and closer. She had always called him "honey" even before they started going out. After their second date, Spencer had finally seemed comfortable calling her that.
- "What is it, honey?"- she asked, walking out of her room, wearing her favorite shoes and carrying a tiny purse.
- "I just wanted to… give you your birthday present before we leave"- Spencer smiled at her, and she could tell he was nervous.
- "Sure… thank you, by the way."
- "I still haven't given you the present. Why are you thanking me for?"
- "‘Cos you organized the best breakfast celebration the BAU had ever seen"- she simply answered, and her smile stopped his heart for a second.
- "You deserve it"- he simply replied, standing right in front of her. He could only think about leaning in and kissing her, but he was so nervous, he just stared at her, feeling his hands sweating.
- "Are you ok?"
- "Yeah, it's just that… sorry, you look stunning, and I can't stop looking at you"- (Y/N) felt her cheeks burning red in a second. Spencer Reid had just told her she was beautiful. That wasn't something she was used to, but she would gladly live the rest of her days hearing him saying it.
Slowly, (Y/N) wrapped her arms around Spencer's neck and moved closer, not taking her eyes from his.
- "Can I ask for a birthday kiss?"- the way she whispered those words did things to Reid. Things he didn't know how to handle just yet. All he managed to do was to smile and reach her lips. It started like a sweet, loving kiss, but soon it changed. It was getting harder and harder for the two of them to hide their true feelings.
That kiss was screaming: "I love you." It was hungry and also filled with the deepest desire. It wasn't plain lust. It was the eagerness to feel the one you love as close as possible, for as long as possible.
- "Are these "birthday kisses" a limited edition, or can I keep asking for them for as long as I want?"- she murmured, rubbing her lips against his.
- "All the kisses you want, as long as you want them"- Spencer whispered and deepened the kiss as a soft moan left (Y/N)'s lips. That was music for him, the music he wanted to listen to all day long, if possible.
They had saved way too many kisses during those years. They could kiss forever, just to catch up. But there were dinner reservations and a present in between. So the kisses had to wait a little bit.
- "I got you this"- Spencer whispered and moved his lips from hers, smiling at the soft whine that came from her as soon as he did.
- "I thought about you when I saw them a few months ago ‘cos I knew you would love them, and I've been saving them for today"- he opened his satchel and handed her a small box.
- "Thank you, honey"- (Y/N) was blushing, trying not to show she was so nervous. It wasn't just because of all the kisses. It was because now she knew he had thought about her months ago, and got her a present. That was melting her.
(Y/N) was speechless when she opened the box. She looked at him. He was blushed and excited at the same time.
- "Spencer… you shouldn't have"
- "You deserve to have these; do you like them?"
- "Of course I do, you were right, I love them… would you?"- (Y/N) handed Spencer the necklace, and he clasped it around her neck. She looked at the ring and smiled, sliding it in her finger.
- "I didn't want you to feel I'm pushing you to…"
- "No, honey, it's ok. I know you didn't mean anything like that"- she was blushing as well, but loving the gesture- "It's beautiful, Spencer."
- "No, you are beautiful"- (Y/N) giggled at his words and sighed
- "No, you are beautiful"- she repeated and hugged him again.
Spencer looked at her in adoration and ran his fingers sweet and carefully down her rosy cheeks. 
- "I... wanted to ask you something"
- "What is it?"- that was it. It was now or never for Spencer.
- "Do you… want… do you want to be…"- Spencer was trying to say it without stuttering- "Would you be my girlfriend?"- her smile made him sigh relieved, as she leaned in and kissed him softly.
- "Of course I would…"- he held her closer and pecked her lips once, twice, three, four times, before cupping her face with both hands, deepening the kiss.
- "Do you want to know something funny?"- she whispered when Spencer rested his forehead on hers and looked at her in adoration
- "What?"
- "That was my birthday wish."
- "What?"
- "I wished you'd ask me to be your girlfriend."
Reid smiled and sighed. He held her hand and kissed it, speechless, thinking he had been a fool for holding that question for so long.
- "Do you want to know what I wish for right now?"- she whispered and smiled- "I'm wishing we were having dinner 'cos I'm starving."
Spencer chuckled and shook his head.
- "Come on, Buttercup, let's get you the best birthday dinner"- he walked with her to the door but stopped when he felt her pulling his arm. 
- "And do you think we could come back here after dinner?"
- "Sure, what do you have in mind? Wanna watch a movie?"- but she shook her head.
- "I wanna kiss you until I can't move my lips anymore"- she confessed- "Now that you are my boyfriend, I think I can say those kinds of things, right?
Reid was in shock, his mouth hanging open, his red cheeks burning. And his girlfriend - he loved the idea of calling her that - smiling in front of him.
- "Would you like to do that, doctor?"
 - "What if we ask for take-outs and stay on that couch all night long?"- he simply answered, finally not overthinking every word.
- "I thought you would never ask."
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The Love They Shared
[All Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer Masterlists] [Red Carpet Diaries]
Characters: Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer (OC) Book: Red Carpet Diaries Word Count/Rating: ~400 ; General/Fluff Prompts: ​@choicesnovchallenge2021 : memory
Synopsis: Alex and Thomas reflect on their wedding.
A/N: just a quick, pointless drabble because I miss my otp
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A bright ray of sun peeked in from between the curtains, catching on the diamonds in her ring. Alex blinked her still sleepy eyes, smiling at the symbol of their love shimmering in the morning light. "Do you ever think about our wedding?"
"Occasionally." Thomas pressed a kiss to the back of her shoulders, breathing in her familiar scent. "Why?"
"It was perfect, wasn't it?" She hummed dreamily, turning slowly into him.
He nodded his agreement, his lip twitching upward in the corners as the memory of the day that forever united them filled his vision. "It was."
She sighed softly, "I wish we could do it over again."
"Why's that?" He swept a strand of hair away from her face.
"To marry you again." She answered, her gaze settling on his warm brown eyes, welcoming her home. "I would spend every day for the rest of my life marrying you over and over again, Thomas Hunt. Until my last breath."
Thomas exhaled a soft chuckle through his nose, his head shifting side to side in disbelief. It wouldn't matter how many days or years passed; he would always marvel that she chose him. "I could be convinced of such a daily plan."
"Oh, could you now?" She teased, wagging her brow, propping herself up on her elbows.
"Mmhmm." His lips pressed together in a simpering smirk. "You make a very compelling argument."
Alex chewed the corner of her lip, "I haven't even made one yet."
"I know," he leaned forward, his lips hovering over hers. The heat of their breath tangled together. "You don't need one." His lips brushed ever so tenderly over hers. "All that I require is you."
"Thomas." Heat rose in her cheeks and spread through her body. Her eyes closed as he reached to cradle her face.
"You make me happier than you'll ever know." His thumb grazed gingerly over her cheek.
"You make me happy too." The skin around her eyes wrinkled as a grin grew across her features. She turned her face and pressed a kiss to his palm. "I love you more than I could ever express in a lifetime."
"As do I, my love—my Alex." His strong arms swept around her, drawing her against him. Their lips met in a soft, unhurried kiss, the kind that lingers on but never is enough, leaving you breathless and dizzy but also needing more. The world around them could wait; the only thing that mattered was this moment: them and the love they shared.
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Thank you so much for reading! I appreciate it! I literally wrote this at 3 am so I hope it's good. 💖
Tags in a reblog, let me know if you'd like to be added or removed.
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not-museing-around · 2 years
Link was used to getting wrapped up in missions and even more used to the danger at this point. It was natural for him. It was part of the job. Bu every day he made time to call his girl, even from the nest. Being so good at what he did for a living meant that there were no shortage of people who wanted to hurt him. He’d toppled dictators, he’d racked up a higher kill count than any other sniper on the planet. And with every kill he got more and more dangerous to his enemies. For some time he’d worried Diana would fear him if she knew the extent of what he did, he worried someone with a Hippocratic oath to do no harm would never be able to get past it. But Diana knew he was a sniper and she loved him anyway. She’d seen him shot, she’d saved his life, and some day she was going to marry him, he just had to ask. He’d actually gone so far as to collect the ring from Frankie and had it fitted with a new Diamond so that Frankie could make a necklace out of the original and keep a part of their mother for when she got married. 
That ring stayed tucked away in his pack and every time he spoke to Diana he’d look at that ring. Every day he called her at least once. It was at about the same time, and every time he’d look at that ring and think about the next leave he was set to take he was supposed to take to ask her father for his permission. It was approaching that hour now as he checked the watch on the inside of his wrist. He called her number on the sat phone and oddly enough.. she didn’t answer. Another call.. No answer. With their long standing date for this hour every day, it was odd. The next time he called, she picked up but the smile dropped off his face in an instant. “Ah.. Spencer is it? The man causing so much trouble for my operation.. You took something of mine.. I’ve taken something of yours.” It was a sinister voice, a low deep voice. He hit a button to start the trace on it and another on his pager on his hip to alert his team. “Where is she..” Link asked but a shot fired into a ceiling told him everything he needed to know because in the background he heard the sound of her scream. “I swear to fuck If you hurt her.. I will hunt you down and kill every last one of you myself.. And you’ll never see it coming.” Link had never sounded so dark. 
The call went dead and he immediately was calling for extraction. He took what shot he needed to from his nest to accomplish his mission, no matter how risky it had been and he was up in a chopper with the intel he had presented to the guys. “You guys are going to wait. I’m going to be up on this ridge here.. I’ll cause a distraction with a call and start picking off the guards.. And then you guys are going in. I’ll give the signal.. And whatever you do.. You make sure Diana gets out of there alive. That is the mission. And failure is not an option.” Link did a squirrel suit dive with his weapon on his back to a building a mile away and posted up. Never had he been so serious, never had he been so angry. If he went in head first, he would be too emotional to get his girl home. Once his nest was set, Link peered through his scope and that was when he saw her. Chained to a chair, there sat his Diana. It ached his chest, but still the man called the number again and watched her attacker answer. “You know.. That’s a really pretty tie.” Link moved quickly, dropping a man on the outside of the building. The first of many guards. “I wonder how it’s going to look when I kill you.” Another man dropped from the balcony with another perfect shot. Reloading the weapon, he took aim at the next man. “Give the phone to the girl. Now.” 
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Losing you pt II: Dressed to kill
Introductory part
Pairing: Spencer x fem!reader
Category: angst.
Resume: Reader goes undercover to trick an unsub and help the team catch him but things go dramatically down hill. She regrets not listening to Reid’s advice, he helps her cope. Basically, this is what would happen if Linda Barnes was the leader of the team and you joined.
Trigger warnings: Linda Barnes slander, death, blood, injuries, trauma, weapons; a gun and a knife, medication. (please let me know if i forgot something <3)
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You checked yourself in the bathroom mirror. You wore a little black dress with glimmers that suited your morphology better than anything you’ve worn before. You ran your hands on your silhouette anxious at the thought of being so close to a serial killer. The worst part is that you had to pretend you liked him so he could trap you. You felt slightly dehumanised like you ridiculously were the cheese on a mouse trap.
“Are you done, Y/n ? I’d like to see how the dress looks on you.” JJ asked knocking on the door. You unlocked the door seeing Tara and JJ stand right in front. JJ slightly gasped and Tara’s mouth formed an ‘oh’ in reaction to your sultry beauty.
“Well, Tara, if you were ever considering an alternative career stylist might be just for you.” said JJ complimenting Tara’s choice.
“Are you okay, Y/n ? You look horrified.” Tara asked concerned putting a hand on your shoulder. “Oh, I’m fine. Let’s go see the guys,” you answered stepping out between them your heels clicking on the floor. They glanced at each other shrugging exchanging a contentment frown.
Spencer was rambling without catching a breath to Luke until he slapped his shoulder when he noticed you were out and ready. Luke made his way towards you. “Well, will you look at that ? Looks like I’ve got competition on the team’s most attractive member.”
“Shut up.” you answered playfully to which he laughed putting his hands up in defeat.
Spencer stood behind but not as far as he was before when he was chatting with Morgan. He licked his lips, hands in his pockets looking at you and only as if everyone around him disappeared. He saw you before and the fact that you wore a tight dress did not change that. His stare was more of the analytical type. As you walked down the few steps you almost tripped catching yourself thanks to the rampart. You closed your eyes with a hand on your chest to calm your heart throbbing at your ribcage. Before anyone had the time to say anything you laughed it off; “Stupid heels, pretty but could kill you in a flash.”
 The team went along and laughed with you except Spencer who only furrowed his eyebrows. You did not trip because of your shoes but because you were dizzy. You hardly slept or took care of yourself before this; you were too anxious. Spencer giving you the cold shoulder did not help either. You did not understand that very well, you thought things were good between you two. It’s not like you could guess every single that ra through his head when your own was spinning already.
Once you were all in the elevator Spencer whispered in your ear “You know, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to ?” You felt his warm breath on your neck, this closeness along with his voice made you feel fizzy inside.
“This is the only way.” you whispered back nodding your head now looking into his eyes.
You were going to meet the unsub at his favorite hunting spot; the dive bar. You were sitting aside Tara at the back of the SUV while Penelope was at your right violently typing at her laptop. At the front was Luke at the steering wheel. He pulled up by a secluded spot a few blocks away from the bar. Penelope was rarely on the field but you were glad she was. She was not only an anchor for you since the beginning, but your first true friend within the FBI. She liked to call you “kitten” or her “little protégée.” Plus she was taking care of your spying devices such as your ear piece and the mic she would hide in your dress including your GPS tracker.
Luke’s phone started ringing, he answered. After a very brief conversation he debriefed it to you three. “It was Barnes, they’re ready. Once you get out of the car, Y/n, the rest of the team is going to join us in this car to listen to your conversation enhance the unsub’s confession. Except JJ is going to be on the field undercover to update us on your every move.” You nodded to let him know you understand the instructions. “Then we’ll follow you to the location the unsub takes you to and arrest him. Tara and I will be out there in hiding in case anything happens. Got it?”
“Got it.” You said gesturing toward the door at your right. Penelope got out with you, before you left she said “Just know, we’ll be right here listening to everything but please be safe. I don’t want to lose my best friend.”
“Penelope, you’re not going to lose me.” You hugged her tight, “Plus you know if I died I’d haunt all of you.” You chuckled as you detached yourself squishing her hand before walking away for good.
Everything went according to plan, you gave the eye to the unsub, you perfectly fit his idea of the perfect victim. You acted naive and what if you were ? Because even though the whole time you had the worst gut feeling you still went thinking that was going to grant you validation from the leader of the team, Linda Barnes. The cold hearted one that can not trust a woman yet you trusted her, how pathetic.
The unsub took you to a dark alley but before Tara and Luke could get out of the SUV, Barnes told them to stand their ground.
“Why ?” Tara asked.
“Because I can’t risk the unsub seeing you and lose his confession or evidence.” he answered.
You started panicking, going from anxiety to a state of agony as the unsub pointed a knife at you.
“Well, can we go now ?!” asked Luke.
“We can’t take this risk just yet.”
“You know what ? I can’t risk Y/n being dead!” Spencer said rising from his seat but getting slammed back down by Linda.
“It’s okay, we’re not going to let anything happe-“ A gunshot interrupted this back and forth conversation. Everyone ran to you seeing you on the floor, blood slipping through the cracks of tar. Your shaky hands dropped the small gun right next to your boy bag purse. You tried to stand up but you couldn’t, you wished you could cry but you were too shocked, too numb to even let a whimper out. Spencer took off his windbreaker before running to you helping you up and slinging it over your shoulders with an arm around them. 
As he guided you towards the medics he bit back at Barnes, “Not going to let anything happen, right, Linda ?” He did not respond instead he looked down at the floor which would now let him forget the repercussion for his actions since it was tinted crimson. What the team was doing in your tear stained glory you were unaware nor did you care. You sat on the edge of the ambulance as Reid made sure you were taking care of properly like a polite version of a scientific Karen. He leaned in towards you, his head titled looking at your face.
“She has a scratch on her cheek, you might want to check for a concussion.” advised the genius doctor. He straightened his index finger a few inches from your face asking you to follow it with your eyes. As you did the exercise, he noticed your eyes fluttering to hold back tears. When the medic was done with cleaning and sanitizing your bloody hands and went back inside the ambulance to gather anything needed to heal your wounds and medication, Spencer sat down next to you in silence as you stared in the distance. His eyes landed on your face when saw you put your hand down drying a tear. You felt him looking at you.
“Suit yourself, you can say you told me so” you said breaking silence.
“You know, Y/n…” he started taking your hand in his, you looked back at him, “I’m really glad you’re alive.” This made you immediately sink into his side taking him by surprise, unable to hold back the tears. He leaned into your touch, shutting his eyes feeling your pain and mentally sending you his energy in hope it might heal you.
The medic walking towards the two of you, when she looked up from the container in her hands full of medical products she stopped in her tracks; “Alright, I’ll come back, uh, in a minute.”
“You should hydrate yourself,” he advised handing you a water bottle as you put your arms in the sleeve of his jacket. As you took it, he rose from his feet a hand on your shoulder as he said; “I’m going to go check in with the others, you’re in good hands.” You nodded looking up at the medic smiling at you, you managed a weakened smile back.
When Reid was back with the team, he noticed they were arguing. Linda took Reid’s presence as his opportunity to shut the other members down; “Ah Reid, how is she ?”
“She’s injured but she’s holding up,” he answered fidgeting with his hands. The team was concerned about you but did not want to circle around you, make you talk to too many people at once since that would overwhelm you. Your injuries were quite superficial, you were scarred, you were bruised but you were going to be okay…physically.
Once back at the police department, you took off Reid’s windbreaker folding it on his desk with a post it note that said “Thanks :)” You went back to your desk changing into some more comfortable shoes than the heels you wore all night. You tried to channel your thought but as you were about to get lost in the turmoil, a low male voice made you breakout of your trans.
“Y/n, may I see you in the sheriff’s office ?” You nodded hurtfully knowing things were about to heat up for you, fearing you were in trouble.
You’ve been in Barnes’ office for quite a bit of time or at least longer than usual.
“How long ?” Luke asked.
“Oh at least 10 minutes.” Garcia answered, “and he isn’t the very chatty type.” The entire team was in front of the steps that led to offices, some leaned on desks, some fidgeted in place in impatience.
“He was going to kill me, Barnes!” You screamed.
“We would’ve protected you!”
“But you didn’t!” You felt your heart sink, “you didn’t.” There was a beat too long for your own taste. As you were about to leave Linda stopped you in your tracks; “Maybe you should take the rest of the week off, take some time for yourself.” You looked back at her in disgust, shocked she had the audacity to blame it all on you. “Sure, my pleasure.” you responded almost slamming the door behind you. However, you weren’t as pleased as your pride made you claim you were.
Once you were doing your walk of shame, Garcia hugged you and handed you her favorite cat squishy toy knowing you were in distress. They all encircled around your desk as you gathered your things.
“She is making me take the week off.” you informed them.
“Yeah, we heard so.” JJ said nodding sympathetically.
“We’re with you, Y/n.” Tara said.
“If you need anything, don’t hesitate to let us know.” Garcia told you moving her hands. “Snacks, blankets, a shoulder to cry on.”
“If I do I will, thank you Garcia but I think I’ll be fine.” When you were ready to leave, Spencer offered to drive you back which you decline. They all stood there watching you leave confused at how ‘fine’ you looked despite experiencing a near death experience.
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faorism · 3 years
#leverage redemption s1b summary spoilers & episode speculation: the amount of wildly discordant whining im doing over @lookatallthefandoms pointing out eliot with wet curly hair in the hurricane job is obscene like!!!!! just think: you have parker and eliot trapped with a bunch of crooked cops and the marshal. hunted and squeezed in by a chaos no amount of strong arming eliot can manage can get parker (and yeah sure, himself) out of this situation. after years of just managing the crews, its near a shock to be reminded how little the world can give a shit about providing comfort; its cold and wet and plaid sticking every joint; its every once cracked now healed rib aching with every breath; its running around hypervigilant of every sound instead of sinking under a starchy blanket at parker's side. its the soaked heaviness of his knit beanie that he hasnt even folded the bottom hem of because he wants as much covered as possible. that little bit of fabric is a shield against the inevitability of the mess of his curls, the mess of the life he left behind when he left moreau (who loved his curls, who slipped fingers into spirals and laughed that the coil was the perfect size of his ring finger, isn't that funny, spencer, my pet?). its been over fifteen years and still he burns his hair straight day in, day out, each swipe over his hair a step forward running away from all of what he once was.
because thing is, he got so much of his soul back under nate's watch, with sophie's care, and alongside hardison and parker's love. but that's a part he never is gonna get back; the comfort of letting his hair go natural (but nothing natural about the way it was cared for, once, by that man that man who treasured them curls like his gold bars that man who asked/told/ordered eliot to grow his hair long just to see eliot figure out how to bend away from attackers' grubby paws). luckily he's got hardison's bleeding heart specially ordered organic line of strengthening and heat protective hair products, but his special conditioner aint gonna do shit against a goddamn hurricane's moisture, wont it?
so he keeps his wet beanie down down down covering his eyebrows and he wont let maria shipp see his vulnerable curls; she's so like him, huh? even up to the hair twisting waves too, huh? (there's a dreamy regretful part of him that looks to her and wonders... is that me without the haunt of moreau? is that me if i went cop instead of soldier? he wants to know her just to know the himself he would never get to meet, not without a foil a mirror a peek into an alternate life he also would never want because without it, without the way he's been twisted up inside, he wouldn't have what he has now... a family, a life, the love of the smartest man he will ever know in any timeline and the love of a thief who so carefully broke into his heart with the gentlest hands and the silliest laugh). eliots got his fucking wet beanie on and hes got his curls and hes gonna figure this shit out and he'll get parker out of this mess and maybe he'll walk away with a friend, too.
and the second they can manage, he's going to hand over his flat iron to parker and have her flatten his hair again because his hands tremble too much from the pain of the wet damp and the memories of who/what they once touched/held/choked/bled.
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juniorgman187 · 4 years
Home Alone (Reid Fic)
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Summary: For the first time since living with Spencer, Reader is home alone and left to brave the figurative and literal storm on her own.  Pairing: Platonic Fem!Reader x Spencer Reid Category: Fluff, One-shot Content Warning: Storm, fear and paranoia, use of a deadly weapon Word Count: 2.8k
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
It was a dark and stormy night. 
Too cliche? Let me start over. 
It was the time of the year when the wind was so strong, even the sturdiest tree would blow over. Meanwhile, the rain relentlessly pelted the windowpane, cascading down the glass at a record speed. In the distance, you could hear thunder’s deafening clap and see lightning’s blinding flash preceding it. The only thing that could make this storm worse?
Being home alone in it. 
Spencer, my roommate, was never gone for more than two days at a time. He always arrived at the exact hour when he texted he would be, and he never ever left me home alone before his arrival. Without fail, he would call over a friend to stay with me or if he knew he’d only be gone a few hours, he’d drop me off in a public space, where he knew people would see me. To put it simply, if I was in the apartment, I wasn’t alone, and I had to think it was because of something he would never tell me about. 
Without explicit reasoning for his unwillingness to leave me by my lonesome, I could only conjure up theories and inferences that were never confirmed. My best guess was an accumulated paranoia caused by all of those cases he worked on. I’m betting there’s been more than one instance where a woman was home alone and ended up dead one way or another, and after all that he’d seen, he couldn’t let the same thing happen to me. If for no other reason than he just didn’t want to slave over another case like this and have me be the victim in it. He’d seen it too many times to not learn his lesson. And trust me - Spencer Reid is not a person who needed to be taught something twice. 
But before I lived with him, I was never scared of being home alone. In fact, I might’ve actually preferred to be alone as opposed to being in the company of someone else, but I think my compliance with his precautionary procedures made me weaker. After years of living with Spencer’s routine, I relied on it for my safety. I’d gotten so used to the luxury of having somebody around when he was away that this loneliness was so unfamiliar that it left me uneasy. By now, I’ve associated the presence of another person with the feeling of being safe, and conversely, I now associate being alone with being in danger. 
So if you asked me to sum up how I was currently feeling alone in this storm in one word, I’d choose ‘uncomfortable’, but if you asked me to sum it up in two, my answer would be ‘in danger.’
It wasn’t until the situation presented itself that I realized I’d never been forced to deal with it, so I never knew what to do when it happened. Never before had I needed to call Spencer while he was at work because prior arrangements had always been made in advance, but I hadn’t heard from him since noon when he told me that he was boarding the jet and he’d be home before I came home from work. Was it inappropriate to call him while he was working? I wouldn’t know - I never had to do this before. 
But then again, he called me when he said he was about to board the jet, so if I called him, maybe he was still on the jet and it wouldn’t be bothering him. Unless, they got another case as soon as they landed and it required his immediate attention and the thought of calling to let me know he wouldn’t be home yet completely slipped his mind. I could see that being a possibility too because even if I was totally oblivious about when to call him, I wasn’t blind to the mayhem his job involved. 
With no good reason to pester him with a phone call, I decided against it. After all, I was a big girl. I could be home alone. 
In fact, this was the perfect opportunity to do all the things I couldn’t do while someone was around. Plus, distracting myself was the only way I could ensure that I wouldn’t slip into the same downward spiral of paranoia that led Spencer to enforce this very system.
After my steamy shower, I wandered aimlessly around the apartment in just my towel and nothing else. This was something I hadn’t done since the days when I lived alone. Mainly because I didn’t want to leave so little to the imagination. Honestly, as much as I love Spencer platonically - I’m not blind. He’s obviously a very gorgeous, very single man for God’s sake, so the thought of prancing around in nothing but a rectangle of terry cloth had certainly crossed my mind once or twice, but if anything, wearing more clothing would attract his attention more than wearing less would. That’s just the way he is.
Second on my list of luxuries that came with alone-time was blasting music. This is something I hadn’t done in forever. Out of courtesy, whenever I played music, it would only be through my headphones, so Spencer wouldn’t be bothered by it. Even then, I think sometimes he could hear it faintly in the background while he read or studied his paperwork, but if he noticed, he never said anything. So to relish in my newfound freedom of aloneness, I turned my phone’s volume all the way up and danced ridiculously to it, too. Of course, the music wasn’t loud enough to disturb our neighbors - I wasn’t that insensitive - but it reached new volumes tonight. Louder than it ever had been in this apartment before. 
Somewhere in the middle of my impromptu concert, I heard something like knocking. It was a distinct enough sound to make me pause my music, but not so distinct that I could recognize where it came from. I wondered if it was a noise coming from my song, like when you’re playing music and you think someone called your name, but when you pause your music you realize no one actually did. But this … this was different. It was too real of a sound for me to be imagining it. I could hear it from exactly where I would normally hear knocking, but now that I was alone, and quite frankly - naked - hearing knocking made my stomach churn. 
“Hello?” I dumbly called out from my bedroom doorway into the living room.
This was a horror movie-esque choice, I’m aware, and it was usually made by the docile female only seconds before a murderer appeared and chased her up a flight of stairs that she’d somehow forgotten to properly ascend. But my thinking was if there really was someone knocking outside, they’d answer me, and I’d be able to detect the danger if necessary, but in true horror movie fashion, no one responded. Leaving me to hunt further to access the situation. I didn’t want to jump to any conclusions, but my mind did exactly that. 
You’re about to be murdered. My conscience concluded. Or kidnapped. Or assaulted. Or violated. Or -
Knock! Knock!
My heart accelerated at a pace my lungs couldn’t support, not without heavy breathing. It was here where all my logic and rationality flew out the window because for some reason, I started tip-toeing to the door as if not making any sounds on the floorboards would somehow ensure my safety.
I didn’t know what I was trying to prove by finally grasping the doorknob with the intentions of turning it open, but it certainly didn’t prove I was a “big girl” or that I was any less scared because as quickly as I had touched the knob, I just as quickly recoiled my hand away from it and ran to my purse to find my phone. 
Matching the speed of lightning, I dialed Spencer and sighed a quick sigh of relief when I heard the line ringing. That was a good sign. 
“Please pick up, please pick up, please pick up,” I pleaded to myself as if God would hear it and grant me my prayer. “Please pick up, please pick up.” 
“The number you are trying to reach (702) -“
That’s never happened before either. He never sent me to voicemail, not even when he was away and asleep. He’d always answer my call. This wasn’t a good sign. 
The knocking went away minutes ago, but my fear hadn’t. I couldn’t tell you what exactly was so scary to me, but all I knew is that I would feel a whole lot better, and honestly - a whole lot safer - when Spencer came home. 
“Come on, Spencer. Where are you?” I tried his cell phone probably three more times after the first call, my hope decreasing with each dial tone.
There was nothing I could do but wait. After all those missed calls, he’d have to call me back sometime, but I just hoped he’d be home before it’d get to that. 
My trepidation clearly clouded my judgement because rather than putting on clothes first and having my priorities in order, I was already reaching for the spare gun I knew Spencer kept in his bedside drawer. He didn’t know I knew it was there, but I did. And I planned to use it tonight if it came down to it. 
One hand held the top of my towel up from falling while the other shakily clenched a gun. 
Before this, I’d never actually held one before, but then again, there’s a lot of ‘firsts’ I was experiencing tonight. 
I didn’t expect it to be so heavy - and I don’t mean the actual size, but the weight of the object itself. This thing could take so many people’s lives, and I was holding it. It was a nauseating feeling, but my rapt fascination wouldn’t let me put it down. I had never noticed how intricate the contraption was. There were so many little details, so many little parts that needed to work harmoniously in order for it to carry out its function. I was only made more aware of just how many parts there were inside the gun because of my shaky hand unconsciously rattling the magazine inside. 
The clip sounded nearly empty. Jesus, Spencer, how many times have you had to use this thing?
My thoughts were cut short when the sound at the door returned. It didn’t sound like knocking, but something much worse. 
Someone was coming in. 
I wasn’t yet prepared for the worst so rather than confronting it outside, I stayed hidden within Spencer’s room ready to shoot when they finally came into my line of sight. 
If you were an intruder, I don’t think you’d be very intimidated at the sight of me, but for some reason, I still felt rather powerful. My hair was like strings draping over my shoulders since it was still damp, and the one hand I was using to hold the gun (the other being used as a towel holder) was shaking violently. I could barely carry this thing with one hand, and yet I still couldn’t put it down. 
I needed protection. 
I needed Spencer. 
I could hear footsteps slowly trailing in, and it seemed like the slower they walked, the faster my heart beat. 
“Who’s there?” My voice was loud, but it wasn’t nearly as threatening as it should’ve been to scare somebody. The dominance in my tone was clearly stolen by my fear. 
I saw a figure loom into the space between Spencer’s bedroom door frame and the living room, which was adequate distance for shooting, so with only partial hesitation, I nearly pulled the trigger.
“Shit!” The figure ducked their head while their hands raised into the air to suggest harmlessness - something a suspect would do to surrender. 
“(Y/n), put down the gun! Put down the gun! It’s me! It’s Spencer!” 
I could recognize his voice, but the storm’s darkness hid his face from me so I was still skeptical. It wasn’t until he swiftly came into the light to take the gun out of my hands that the small flicker of city lights illuminated his face. 
As soon as I could make out his perfect nose and his amber eyes, I melted into his already open embrace. I entered his arms wordlessly and shut my eyes so solidly with such relief that a tear escaped. 
“Hey, hey … you’re okay. I’m here. You’re okay, my dear.” He took my face in his hands to read me, and I think he must’ve seen my tears because his voice never travelled above a whisper. Maybe he thought if he spoke even a decibel louder, I’d shatter. He let my head travel back to his sternum, the warmest spot on his body, and again, he embraced me in a hug. His hands hovered in the air for a moment while he tried to find an appropriate place to put them - like I said before, he’d never seen me in just a towel, but he didn’t mention it. Instead, he threw his good manners out the window and hugged me just as tightly as he would’ve had there been more covering me than just terry cloth. 
“There’s nothing to be afraid of, I’m right here.”
He held me for longer than normal, but he knew the circumstances were different here. Maybe that’s why he kept a single arm around me even when he travelled to his dresser where he collected an old t-shirt that he would go on to slide over me. I let the towel drop when the t-shirt was fully on, creating a sort of magic trick, where he never saw my naked body. But that wasn’t exactly true. 
I didn’t need to be without clothes to be naked. I was naked right now, even in his shirt - completely and totally vulnerable. He could see the plain fear that held me prisoner tonight, and so he made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. 
“Do you wanna sleep in my room tonight?” 
I nodded into his chest without a spoken word. He knew I would still be scared, and in some way, I think his doting treatment was how he believed he could make it up to me. He even helped me into his sheets, taking the time to tuck me in like a child. I realized later though, he might’ve only tucked me in so the movement of the bedsheets would mask the sound of him carefully sliding his gun back into its rightful spot in his drawer. 
“Where were you?” I finally croaked, neglecting to add, ‘I needed you.’ It would’ve been redundant. He knew I needed him.
“The storm knocked over a telephone pole just a mile away. I was almost home when it happened.” 
Somehow hearing that he was so close only made me more frustrated. Here I was, thinking I was on the verge of death when Spencer was literally just a few blocks down the street. 
“You scared me when you didn’t answer my calls.” 
“I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t see them until I was at the front door. I was too busy focusing on getting home to you as soon as possible while still driving safely through the storm.” 
With my eyes already shut, I could imagine him, his hands at ten and two on the wheel, his eyes straightward with nothing else in sight but the road ahead of him, his motivation to get home to the person who needed him most being what propelled that car forward - not even the gas. 
“I love you, you know that?” He whispered into my hair, where his fingers were already laced. 
“I know. And I love you, too.” I honestly replied. That’s why I need you here with me. It’s the only way I feel safe. 
I would’ve gone to sleep right then and there, but I was stuck on the fact that he was just a mile away this entire time. Maybe that was the point, though. 
He was never too far away. He was always right there, in one way or another. 
“In the morning, I have to leave at 7, so I’ll drop you off at the library.” What’d I tell you? He always made arrangements for me so I’d never ever be left alone. “So in the car ride there, you can tell me why you were about to shoot me.” 
After his statement was the first time I laughed that night. I nudged him to show my playful disapproval of his jest. 
“I thought you were an intruder!” My voice finally regained its volume. “You scared the shit out of me when you walked in.” 
Our laughter faded to silence and it seemed like that would conclude the night’s conversations, but I could still hear the gears in Spencer’s brain turning. 
“Hey, wait a minute - how did you even know I had a spare gun in my drawer?” 
To his question, I pretended to be asleep so I wouldn’t have to answer, exaggerating my snores to emphasize my blatant sarcasm. 
“Answer me!” He persisted; I could hear him smiling.
But I only smirked against his chest and coquettishly cooed, “Goodnight, Spencer.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
taglist: @calm-and-doctor @inkstainedwritergirl @rexorangecouny
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imaginesandinserts · 4 years
Irreverent Pt. 10 - Father Dearest
Title: Irreverent Pt. 10 - Father Dearest Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader Rating: R  Words: 2841
Content Warnings: Mentions of suicide
Irreverent Series Masterlist
"That's your dad?"
You were still reeling in shock as you watched Strauss and your father climb up the stairs towards the offices. Spencer, Emily, and Derek were all watching you. You think the question had come from Spencer but with the ringing in your ears, you couldn't be positive.
What was he doing here? Why was he with Strauss? This was supposed to be your place. Away from them. Away from him. So how on earth was he there, chatting with Strauss as if they were old friends. You must not have schooled your face too well, because Emily was asking you if you were okay. Her voice was lost in the din as you watched Strauss knock on Hotch's door and then draw both him and Rossi into the room with your father.
"Hey, hey, Y/N, look at me!" It was Emily again, trying to get your attention. You blinked and tried to focus on her - her voice - hoping it would ground you. She was holding you by your shoulders and she looked really worried. Both Derek and Spencer were right beside her looking equally bewildered by your reaction.
You had to get in there. You had to know why he was here. If he was here it was for nothing good, of that you were absolutely certain. You tried to give Emily a reassuring smile but it might've just been a grimace at best, because she didn't look reassured in the least. It's okay. You'd explain later. Right now you had to get to Hotch's office before he…before he did or said something that was...something. You weren't sure what. But you knew you had to stop him.
Before you knew it, your legs had carried you up the stairs, leaving your team to look at you worriedly. They'd had no choice but to let you go or risk causing a scene.
You knocked quickly but didn't wait for an answer as you normally would, but simply entered Hotch's office. You were being rude. You'd apologize later for your behavior. But not now. Show no weakness. This was your home, your office, your team.
"Agent L/N, may we help you?" Strauss asked, looking annoyed by your sudden interruption. It was against protocol and in her eyes it was insubordination - the worst of the deadly sins as far as she was concerned. Hotch and Rossi both looked at you curiously. It seemed you'd interrupted them in the middle of introductions though of course Rossi recognized your father. Maybe Hotch did too, who knew.
"I'm sorry, Chief Strauss. Please excuse me, I know I've overstepped. Why are you here?" The last part was directed at your father whose schooled poker face revealed nothing. No surprise at your intrusion. He looked at you with the same look he used to give you when you'd asked a particularly stupid question at the dinner table. The look designed to make you feel small and guilty.
"Agent L/N." It was Strauss again. Your father had chosen to ignore your question it seemed. "This is highly irregular, for you to interrupt a closed door meeting that you were not invited to."
"it's alright Erin. My daughter and I haven't seen one another in some time. Curiosity was a skill I ingrained in all my children. She took to it a little too well it seems," he laughed a bit disingenuously, gesturing to the surroundings. He was trying to defuse the situation but you couldn't be sure why yet.
"Actually Erin," he continued, "since you've assured me that this team is the right team for the job, maybe it would be alright if Y/N joined us?" He was asking, but he wasn't really. He had a way of doing that. "Please everyone, sit. Let's not all be so stiff. Darling, come sit by Papa." He motioned you over to him as he made himself comfortable on Hotch's couch. For some reason unknown to you, you followed and sat down on the cushion next to his, leaning just slightly away from him. You tried to revert your face back to neutral but there was no way Hotch and Rossi couldn't sense your complete unease.
Hotch's guard had already been up when Strauss had strolled into his office with the man, whom he now knew to be your father. Now, watching how you held yourself around him and seemed so electrifyingly confrontational, had every single one of his senses on red alert. He met Rossi's eye and knew that the older agent had caught on to the same - not that it was too hard to do, as you had barged in and demanded to know what the man was doing, daring to step foot in Quantico.
"As we were about to say," Strauss continued, looking thoroughly perturbed by your interruption. "Mr. L/N was contacted recently in his capacity as liaison between us and the Eastern Europeans, with some very disturbing news which he felt it imperative to share with us. The Director has already spoken with me about this, but Mr. L/N was contacted by a concerned citizen who has identified the presence of a serial killer who seems to be hunting American citizens up and down the East Coast for the past several decades."
"What about his role makes him the best contact regarding a tip about serial killers." You could've kissed Hotch for seeing through the bullshit. That's what it was. Complete and utter bullshit. Bureaucratic bullshit that you had been trained to see your entire life. Your father leaned closer and put his arm nearest you at the back of the couch, and then moved it down to be around your shoulders. You just wanted to fling yourself across the room and stand next to Hotch. Behind Hotch. Anywhere but seated near this man.
"I am a trusted figure in these communities. Often these people do not trust law enforcement to be on their side." He was trying to explain his job, his duty as he called it. The entire thing was revolting.
"So what do you have for us, then?" It was Rossi who asked this time, fixing your father with a firm look.
"Oh David, it has been such a long time since we last saw one another. Your directness. Always something I've admired." Ugh. He was trying to be charming. Rossi had to see through it.
Strauss chose to be the one to take Rossi's question. "Mr. L/N has compiled a lot of information on this case. I have already passed it along to both Agents Garcia and Jareau and the BAU will be prioritizing this over any other case." Her tone left little room for argument and you knew you were already on thin ice due to your earlier interruption.
Hotch was fuming on the inside. Strauss was dictating which cases his team did for some political agenda. And your father was at the middle of it for some bizarre reason. You seemed frightened. That was a sobering thought for him. He made sure his face revealed nothing as he simply nodded, knowing he would rant to Rossi about this as soon as Strauss was out of earshot.
The wheels in your head were spinning trying to make sense of it. Strauss wanted the team to take a case to hunt down a serial killer that your father had identified. Why? Who was this man? Why was your father trying to get him caught?
"Darling, why don't we let Agents Hotchner and David here get started and you can join me for dinner?" He was asking you to share a meal with him. Un-fucking-believable.
"Oh Papa, you know I would love to. But as you and Chief Strauss have emphasized, this case is of the utmost importance. I'm sure the whole team will be brought in and we will probably have to fly out tonight." You looked to Hotch for confirmation and he nodded.
"Yes, sir. Agent L/N is correct. We'll be bringing in the whole team and starting right away." Oh that perfect, smart, beautiful man. He was about to get free babysitting for Jack for life.
"Well, in that case, I suppose I'll leave you to it. Chief Strauss, thank you. Agents. Y/N, escort your Papa back to the elevators at the very least and perhaps the two of us can plan something for when you've wrapped up this little nuisance." You wanted to refuse but of course you couldn't. You faked a smile, and as he shook everyone's hands and exited the room, he pulled you in closer, tucking your hand into the crook of his elbow as you walked out together, with Strauss at your heels.
"So, that was Y/N's dad," Hotch found himself feeling a mixture of revulsion and pity as he watched the man force you to walk him to the elevators. Your posture was stiff the entire way.
"Yes, however I've never seen him with Y/N before," Rossi confided as the two of them started to dig into the files that Strauss had left on Hotch's desk.
"Did she seem-"
Hotch nodded grimly.
As the elevator doors closed, hiding his face from view, you knew you had to face the team again. They were bound to have questions. You just weren't sure how honest you were prepared to be with them quite yet.
As you turned to walk back, you saw Rossi summoning everyone to the conference room. He was waiting for you outside, after having ushered everyone else in.
"You okay kiddo?" Rossi actually looked really worried, and you reminded yourself that this was a man who might actually have some idea of who your father truly was.
"Not even in the slightest." You let out a breath that you had likely been holding since you'd heard his voice again.
"Alright, come on in then. We might as well all talk it out," he said, urging you in to join the rest of the team. They all look so worried. Emily made eye contact and you could physically feel her suppressing a what-the-fuck-was-that-y/n? You couldn't look at her too long - any of them. You turned to look at Hotch standing at the head of the table. He still looked calm. A little worried, but he was maintaining the calm overlay and that helped. Hotch was here. Hotch could handle anything.
You knew they were all waiting for you to go first. It seemed Garcia and JJ had filled everyone else in while you'd been in Hotch's office, as they all had a copy of the case file in front of them. You took a deep breath, bracing yourself, not quite knowing what was about to come out of your mouth.
"So…that was my father." You looked around, trying in vain to maybe just laugh it off, but they all looked so concerned still. This was mortifying.
Steeling yourself, you decided to just go for it. "Look, Hotch, whatever he says, whatever he does, don't trust him. This case, there's no way he just came across someone who handed him a file on a serial killer we knew nothing about. Isn't that suspicious to anyone? How did he possibly convince Strauss and the Director!" You had blurted out more than you'd actually meant to. You must look crazy.
They were all suspiciously quiet. It appeared they were deferring to Hotch and Rossi.
"Y/N," Hotch's voice was soft and cajoling, your name always sounded so nice in his mouth. "Why are you afraid of your father?"
Of course he'd pick up on that. You released another deep breath. You could hear the wall clock ticking as they all looked at you still. "My father is not a good man," you began, stifling the part of you screaming at you to trust no one. "Rossi, you know him. You know his reputation. He's not like your mom, Em. He's not an ambassador like her. He makes shady backroom deals and he's a liaison which is really just code for government-approved mob bosses. If he wants something from us, it's part of a larger plan and we won't know what it is until we're in too deep."
You hadn't realized you were shaking as badly as you were, but JJ had come around the table to sit next to you and her warm hand was truly the only thing keeping you mentally in the room instead of in a dark room inside your mind, screaming your head off.
"Okay, but Y/N, that doesn't answer my question. Why are you afraid of him?"
You had to just get it out. They would believe you, even if no one else would.
"I don't know if you guys know this, but I have two older brothers," you started to disclose.
"Yes, older one is Dominic - he works under your father. Your younger brother, the middle child, Julian, is deceased - mugging victim." Reid's recall from your background file sure came in handy.
"Yeah," you gave Spencer a shaky smile for filling in some of the details. You weren't sure how you were going to get this out entirely. JJ's hand was still clasped in yours and Hotch's brow was furrowed in worry, his lips a thin line. "I can't prove this," you said, shaking your head a bit, "but I'm confident that my father had Julian killed."
Penelope gasped, barely audibly.
"Y/N, sweetheart," JJ's voice broke out into the silence. "Why would you think that?"
"Julian was - he was not who my father expected a son of his to be. My father is a traditional man, and he cannot stand anyone contradicting him. Going against what he's ordered them to do. In my last year at Harvard, Julian was seeing someone. He had told me around the holidays and was going to introduce us at graduation. He died the month before. At graduation, a close friend - someone who has been around for me and my family since before I was born - confided in me that he suspected that Julian's death was not a suicide. You see, my father had a business deal he wanted to seal and he was pressuring Julian to date this girl while Julian was in his other relationship."
"Your brother was gay," Rossi asked but it wasn't a question. They all knew by the way you'd described your father.
"Yes. But I didn't know. Like I said, old school, traditional family with a reputation to hold. I only found out afterwards because my friend had Julian's journal from his final days. In it he was going to go public with his relationship and wrote about an argument he had had with my father when he refused to date that girl to seal the deal. My father knew then that Julian was gay."
"But, you really think he would kill his own son?" Derek was standing now, the incredulity evident on his face.
"I know he did. In his final days Julian was scared. My father has a lot of contacts that are seedy at best. Hiring a hit to avoid the embarrassment to the family of having a gay son - that is something that he would do. I grew up with the man, and there isn't a doubt in my mind that he's capable of it."
"Y/N," Emily had finally spoken. She looked at you and you knew that she wanted to believe you but her inner investigator needed more. "Is it possible that Julian committed suicide?"
"Yeah, it is," you admitted. "In which case my father drove him to it and then made it seem like a mugging to avoid the embarrassment of a gay son who committed suicide."
JJ's touch was reminding you too much of how good of a person she was and the crap family that you were associated with. You withdrew your hand from hers and stood to go lean against the wall as they all processed everything you'd revealed. Penelope brought over a glass of water for you and made sure you drank it, petting your hair to help calm you down. You hadn't realized you were still trembling.
After a few minutes, it appeared Rossi and Hotch had come to some sort of nonverbal decision, because Hotch had walked over to stand in front of you. You looked up to meet his eyes - his warm brown eyes which seemed lit with fire - rage and anger on your behalf. "Okay, then we'll work the case. But there's two cases. One is the case we've been handed. The other is figuring out why."
His declaration was directed just at you but it was obviously meant for the whole team. As you looked around the room, you could tell there were people in here who believed you with no proof at all. They'd simply accepted that he was evil and there was a larger plot afoot, just because you'd said so. All they'd needed was your word.
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hotchley · 4 years
and he will come back home
because these people are his family. and this place is his home. 
or, six times out of many aaron hotchner realised that other things may change us but we do indeed, start and end with our family because they are the people that love us, without any conditions, and not in spite of, but because of, our flaws.
this is literally pure fluff because someone *ahem* @whump-town *ahem* has been posting sad things which made me want to write something sweet.
nobody asked for this. literally nobody. however, it made me happy, so now everyone else has to put up with it. 
trigger warnings: references to child abuse (physical and sexual) as both hotch and morgan’s pasts are mentioned very briefly
read on ao3!
1. Jennifer
Hotch looked up from his paperwork in surprise. JJ was stood in front of his desk, hands on her hips, somehow managing to intently stare both at him and the plate she’d put down in front of his name plate.
He hadn’t even heard her come in. But the door had been open, and the unspoken rule was that, unless his door was closed, nobody in the team needed to announce themselves. JJ and Dave were the only ones to actually follow that rule, everyone else knocking first. He used to think it was because he was unapproachable, but now he knew better. It was just what they preferred to do, just in case they were intruding.
Instead of taking the plate, he looked down at his watch. Time had gotten away from him, and he hadn’t eaten in about five hours, or however long it had been since him and Jack had eaten breakfast. In fact, Jack was probably the only reason he remembered. Because children copied their parents, and he couldn’t exactly tell Jack to eat his cereal if all he was doing was sipping some coffee.
In his defence, skipping lunch had not been the plan. There was just so much paperwork, and Strauss had needed to meet with him, and then there was the budget reports- and okay, maybe he had been intending to work through lunch. Sue him. He’d been feeling nauseous for days now, and he had no idea why. What he did know, was that eating made it worse. So did not eating, but still.
It was worse when he ate.
“JJ, I have all this paperwork,” he said.
“I know. Which is why you need to eat.”
He stared at her. She simply smiled and pushed the plate towards him. He actually looked at it now.
“That is-”
“A peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Yes. One of the few things you can stomach when you’re feeling sick.”
“How did you even?”
“I love you.” And it was the way that she said the words, so easily, without any hesitation or expectation attached that made him pick up the sandwich. He thought she would stay, at least until he’d taken the first few bites, but instead she stood, smiled and left.
He tried not to let it sting. She had a job to do as well.
But she came back, holding her own sandwich. “I know you hate eating alone. I just wasn’t about to come in here with my own lunch, or else you’d just watch me eat.”
She sat down in the chair opposite him and immediately took the pile of files that needed to be completed from him. As she bit into her sandwich, crumbs dropping onto her skirt, she started flicking through them. Hotch made a faint noise of protest. JJ just gave him the same look she gave her son when he wouldn’t go to sleep.
Aaron ate his sandwich.
“Let’s see. Morgan’s. Emily’s. Morgan again. And again. That’s Dave’s. Me and Garcia told Strauss the system crashed so technically, you don’t have the figures for that, which means I can just,” she throw that folder in the bin.
The next few minutes passed in a similar way. By the time she was done sorting, his pile was reduced to two files, both of which would be done by two. Which meant he could go pick up Jack.
“Thanks JJ,” he said. Not just for the sandwich, or for the files. For everything.
She smiled. “It’s not a problem.”
For once, he believed her.
2. Spencer
It had been a while since Hotch had done a custodial interview with Reid. After the whole Chester Hardwick incident, he tended to send Reid with Morgan. Or Prentiss. Or anyone that wasn’t him. One time, to give Anderson some more experience, the two of them had gone together.
He had no idea what had happened, but he never got the reports from either of them. And when he logged onto the database to see if they had gone to Rossi, or even Garcia for convenience, there was no evidence of the trip ever occurring. And that was when he decided that he didn’t want to know.
But that was irrelevant to their current situation. His ear was hurting. Reid had offered to drive them back because Hotch had done the drive there. Under normal circumstances, Hotch would have rather sat in a car with Morgan during the hunt for an unsub than let Reid drive. However, if anyone was going to cause an accident right now, it was him.
The ringing in his ears had only gotten worse as their prisoner had refused to talk. The lack of noise had made it the only thing he could focus on. And now, in the car, they were sat in silence. Reid was narrowing his eyes at other cars, being ever so cautious with the gas, focusing intently. And Hotch was glad that he wasn’t getting distracted, but he really needed to hear something.
He could also feel himself drifting off, Reid’s speed and the movement of the car soothing, especially given that normally it was him that needed to pay attention to the road. But every time he thought he was about to fall asleep, the piercing sound would get worse. And he would jolt, now fully awake.
Until he just didn’t.
When he woke up, he was confused. The surroundings had completely changed. And the radio was on. Some classical music he didn’t know the name of, but he had memories of dancing with Penelope at one of the FBI functions with that playing in the background. The thought made him smile.
He blinked the sleep out of his eyes and turned to face Reid. “Where are we?”
“I took a slight detour because you finally looked peaceful. Also, is the music okay? Lots of studies show that for people with hearing problems, having something soft play in the background helps them sleep. I don’t know what you think about classical music, but something called WAP, maybe? just did not seem like your thing.”
Hotch smiled. “Spencer, it’s fine. It’s perfect actually.”
Reid grinned back at him. “Good. Also when I took us on a detour, I got a bit lost so we’re now an hour away from Quantico.”
Hotch shook his head, fondly, but rested his head against the window once more, letting the soft piano and violin soothe him to sleep again, feeling completely and utterly safe.
3. Emily
“I can do it,” Emily said, poking her head through the door.
Hotch jumped in his chair, rolling his eyes when he realised it was just her, almost giving him a heart attack. Again. Probably for the thirtieth time that week. Dave, who was sat opposite him, just smirked, head resting on his cheek and Aaron silently cursed him. He must have known.
“Emily. How long have you been standing there?” he asked.
She smiled. “Long enough to know that you have a meeting with Strauss but Jack needs picking up from school because at four he’s going to the dentist. Which is why I’m saying that I can do it.”
Dave stood. “I’m going to take this as my cue to leave.”
Hotch watched as he left and Emily took his seat.
“Emily,” he said with a sigh.
“Aaron,” she responded, mocking his tone.
“It’s unfair to ask you to do that,” he said. What he meant was that he didn’t want to inconvenience her or her plans because he couldn’t get his dates straight, and that he should just cancel his meeting because fuck Strauss.
“These things happen. And Strauss will behead you if you miss this meeting. Jack and I will be fine. And besides, would you really deprive him of time with his favourite aunt?”
Damn Emily Prentiss and her ability to always know what he was thinking. “Em, I know you love Jack. And he loves you, but I still can’t ask that of you.”
“You’re not asking. I’m offering. And even if you say no, I’ll still turn up. I’m on the list of approved people, they won’t stop me.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Try me.”
And four hours later, Jack walked through the steps of the BAU, with an unusually wide grin for somebody that had just gone to the dentist. Emily was smirking.
“You didn’t,” were the first words out of Hotch’s mouth. Jack ran towards his dad and Hotch crouched down to high-five him. He winced when he realised he now had sticky hands.
“He deserved a treat for his perfect teeth,” Emily said.
“Yeah! Auntie Emmy said that you would understand and she got you a surprise because she knew that would make you more happy,” Jack said, grinning.
Hotch looked up at Emily, who sheepishly held out a cupcake. He smiled at her. She relaxed.
Uncle Spencer was showing Jack a magic trick when he went over to her.
“You’re amazing with him,” he whispered.
She shrugged. “I just do the things that feel right.”
“That’s all any of us can do. But I do enjoy it when the two of you spend time together. It makes you smile.”
“It’s funny, because I think the same thing about you. You look happier with him.”
“You make me smile as well. You all do. I just- I never know how to say it.”
“But you don’t need to. We know you love us. It shows in everything you do. And we love you too.”
Hotch turned to watch his son laugh and smile with the rest of his aunts and uncles. They all looked so innocent. So happy. So beautiful.
“Yeah. I know that.”
4. Derek
“Is everyone else asleep?” Morgan asked as he sat opposite Hotch.
The case had been a long one, and they had only departed a half-hour ago, meaning they wouldn’t be landing till the early hours of the morning. Reid had, like with most cases, taken the couch. JJ and Emily were sharing a blanket, JJ resting her head on Emily’s shoulder and Dave was sat opposite them. Everyone’s eyes were closed. But with profilers, there were no guarantees.
“I think so. Why?”
“Because I’m about to ask you something that I don’t want everyone else hearing,” Derek said. Hotch closed the file and stared intently.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but have you decorated the apartment yet?”
Hotch closed his eyes. He hadn’t, but he kept meaning to. Jack’s room at the house had been completely to his taste, with superheroes plastered over every available service and stars stuck on the ceiling to help him sleep at night.
The whole house had been more homely than the apartment currently was. And Hotch had been planning to decorate ever since Haley passed away because that was Jack’s home now, it needed to look like one. But life had gotten in the way.
And every time he looked at a magazine, or went shopping, he just got completely overwhelmed. When him and Haley had moved into the house, he’d let her take over the decorating. And when he bought his apartment, the concern had been having it be equidistance from there and work. Not how it looked.
Obviously, that had now all changed.
“I don’t want to offend you, I just wanted to know,” Derek said, taking the silence as offence.
“You’re not offending me. And no I haven’t.” Hotch sighed. Morgan leant back, giving him the space to either speak or change the subject. “I do want to,” he continued. “I just- I get overwhelmed. And I don’t know how much choice Jack should have, you know?”
“I get it. What are you doing tomorrow?”
If it was Dave, Aaron would have lied. But it wasn’t.
“Nothing, if I’m being completely honest. I may take Jack to the library and the park but aside from that…”
“Let me take you shopping. I’ve seen your apartment, I know the layout. I’ll tell you what would work best in the area and you can say yes, no or maybe. If you don’t find anything, that’s fine, but at least you can get some ideas.”
Hotch smiled. “You’d really do that for me?”
Morgan nodded. “Course. I know what I said when Strauss suspended you, but I do like you.”
“Well I would hope so after all the times I’ve saved your ass,” Hotch joked, setting the paperwork aside. The unsub was going to prison for a long time, it could wait.
Morgan’s taste was impeccable, and by the end of their shopping trip, they had purchased more decorative items than Hotch could carry. Luckily, Jack was okay with carrying the bag of wall stickers up, and he was content to babble on about everything he was going to do. Hotch had asked Morgan to stay for dinner, Jack making it impossible for him to leave.
When it got to Jack’s bedtime, he asked Morgan for a hug. Morgan bent down and embraced the kid, making eye contact with Hotch. Aaron knew what he was trying to say: neither of them would ever be capable of harming a child the way they had been.
“See you in the morning Hotch,” Morgan said, holding his hand out.
Hotch thought screw it and hugged him.
“Oh!” Morgan said with a laugh. “This is nice.”
Hotch pulled back with a smile. “Yeah. It is.”
5. Dave
When Hotch had first joined the unit, Dave learnt several things about him. One was that he wore the same suits pretty much all the time, the only difference being his tie. Two being that he hated lemon flavoured desserts with a passion, and if you injected enough morphine into him, he would tell you his literal court case for banning it.
The third, and arguably most important, was that every April, without fail, something would happen, and he would end up sick. One year it was learning he was allergic to shellfish. Another year it was chicken pox- which had been great. The year before he retired, Hotch had slipped down a hill and landed in poison ivy.
It had not been pleasant for anyone involved, even if secretly it had been hilarious to watch Hotch be forced to stay in the hotel because they didn’t know if he would pass it onto someone else.
This year, it seemed like it was the flu. When Dave answered the phone, Aaron had not sounded great. Now they were sharing a hotel room, and every few minutes, he would start coughing. It wouldn’t be a coughing fit, nor was it really enough to class him as ill, but Dave knew it was just the start.
He’d never been so glad that he had remembered to pack coughs syrup and various other medications. However, if he tried to help now, Aaron would probably do something stupid, like claim he would be fine because he did this every year, and every year he ended up not being fine.
The next day, it was clear he was unwell. He kept pressing one hand to his ear, his eyes were watery and there was a rather mortifying moment where his voice just went in the middle of his bad cop routine. Luckily, Emily was able to keep a straight face, but everyone else started giggling.
As soon as Hotch was out of the interrogation, Dave held up the cough syrup and car keys.
“You’re going to take this, and then I’m going to drive you back to the hotel. Then you’re going to get that jumper you technically stole from me, put it on and sleep. You’re not to come back till this flu passes.”
“Dave,” Hotch protested. That was the thing about him. He would be completely fine most of the time, but the moment he showed even the slightest symptom of sickness, it was only a matter of twenty-four hours before he completely shut down.
“Don’t make me phone Jessica,” Dave warned.
Hotch rolled his eyes, too tired to properly argue. A nap did sound good.
“Open up,” Dave said.
“I can give myself cough syrup,” Hotch said. However, that required him opening his mouth, so Dave just shoved the spoon in with a smirk.
It ended up knocking him out. Cough syrup always did. Dave smirked, took a quick picture and sent it to Garcia. It would be a cute surprise when Christmas came around.
Hotch was conscious enough to change into the jumper Dave had let him wear once- Hotch had been an idiot and not packed a single item of knitwear, which had led to Dave just sighing and passing his own jumper on, and then never getting it back- and the pyjama bottoms that were so worn, he wouldn’t be surprised if he’d had them since he joined.
“You’re really nice to me Dave,” Hotch mumbled, voice muffled by the hotel pillows.
Dave brushed his hair off his forehead and kissed him softly. He felt far too warm already. But it was fine. Hotch would complain, JJ would stare and he would obey the orders he’d been given.
“Get some rest kiddo,” Dave said, switching the lamp on and closing the curtains.
By the time they were flying back to Quantico, Aaron was fine. Dave was more than a little smug about that- not that he would ever take credit for his recovery, or anything like that. Nope. That was not who he was.
6. Penelope
Hotch loved all of his team. How could he not? They were his family. No, more than that. They were his chosen family.
But there was something about Penelope Garcia that he just loved even more. It wasn’t that she was his favourite, that was a bad way of wording it, but he was in awe of her entire being. The confidence with which she wore the clothes that made her feel beautiful, because screw the FBI clothing regulations, never failed to make him smile.
Her flirty comments- whether they were aimed at him or someone else- always made the colour rise in his cheeks. He had been raised in the south, where holding hands without a marriage proposal was seen as scandalous- and okay that was an exaggeration, but the point still stood. It kept them all of their toes.
But more than all of that, it was her complete and utter faith in humanity that made him love her in a different way to the rest of the team. She was always so good, and so kind and so loving. They had all seen what the world did to the people that saw beauty. Hell, she’d been on the receiving end of it all. And yet somehow, she never wavered. Even when she was upset, she managed to find the joy.
Garcia loved her boss as well. Not in a weird, forbidden romance way. Just as a best friend. He was always so sweet to her. And everyone else. He did everything he could to get her systems upgraded, always apologising when he couldn’t. Sometimes, when she needed a break from the screens and her bunker, she would just sit in his office, admiring various things.
She still couldn’t understand how he didn’t even know what half the certificates he had were for.
Garcia had spent a decent amount of time in Hotch’s office. And it just always seemed a bit boring. He kept a photo of the team in his desk drawer, alongside a bottle of wine that Rossi had told him to hide- if Strauss ever asked, nobody had even heard of alcohol- but it wasn’t very welcoming.
Hotch was welcoming. She never had any trouble going into the office when he was there. But aside from the heavy books to do with the law on the bookshelf behind him- you could take him out of the prosecutor’s office, but you could never truly get rid of the prosecutor within him- and the photo of Jack on his desk, it wasn’t him.
She hated having to grab things when he wasn’t there.
It became her mission to find a way to get it decorated. But she just never knew what to do, and she wasn’t about to tell the team. This was her special mission.
The team were coming back from a difficult case. JJ had warned her that Hotch had taken it particularly hard, so to maybe tone down whatever surprises she had planned. Garcia had put the brownies she’d made into the fridge. Damn profilers and their stupid abilities that meant they always knew when something was going on.
She was sat in Hotch’s office, just waiting for him to enter.
When he did, she stood up.
He jumped. “Garcia.”
“I have something for you. It’s for your office.”
He raised an eyebrow, and suddenly, it felt like a terrible idea. She glanced round the office, at it’s neutral walls, the desk, devoid of anything put his pen pot and nameplate, the chairs that didn’t even have patterned cushions. Even the spare blanket he kept in there was plain.
“Well, it doesn’t have to be for your office, you could always put it in your bedroom. Actually, that’d probably be weird too. If you hate it, just say and I can always return it or you could give to Jack. I bet Jack would like it. If you don’t. If you do-”
“Penelope, I’m sure it’s beautiful,” he said, with the broad smile he only ever used with her.
“Right. Well, here you go.”
She held out the bag. He opened it.
“It’s a plushie.”
“Not just any plushie. It’s a beanie baby. And it’s called Bandito. I picked it because it’s got the same birthday of you. See look at the tag. Also it’s a raccoon. I don’t know if you realised that. I get now that it may be a bit weird. It’s just I was thinking about how impersonal your office is- not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I just thought that maybe, it would be nice.”
When he looked at her, she could’ve sworn there were tears in his eyes.
“Penelope, I love it. I- nobody has ever put that much thought into buying me a plushie before. I mean, nobody ever really bought me soft toys. Thank you.”
She grinned. “Don’t thank me, you deserve it. So can I hug you? This feels like a huggy moment.”
He nodded, a little hesitant. She hugged him, pretending to not notice when she felt the sleeve of her cardigan dampen slightly.
When he pulled away, she held onto his hand for a few more seconds before letting go. He put the raccoon next to his pen pot, where anyone walking past or in would see it.
“It looks perfect,” he said.
Strauss tried to make a snide comment about it the next time they had a meeting. Hotch retaliated by buying one that had the same birthday as Garcia. And by the end of the year his office had one matching up with Jack, Sean, Jessica and Haley- all in various places.
He kept the ones corresponding with the team on his desk. Because they were his family. And every time he sat down at his desk, he would be reminded that he was home.
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openheart12 · 4 years
Hi, yes, hello beautiful! Can you write a fic where MC accidentally sends Ethan her entire fanfic folder by mistake 😂🤣
How To Get Away With Fanfiction
I’m reliving my embarrassment 😭 but it is done and idk wtf happened with this lmao. This is also to make up for earlier kmjhygfd
Only tagging @ao719 @oofchoices @loveellamae @burnsoslow because no one else should have to read this unless they click on the read more and if they do... god bless. And thank you to Maroe for helping me come up with some of these ideas!
Tumblr media
It had been a long day at work when Dr. Gertrude-Sue Claws made her way home to do the one thing that relaxed her; writing fanfiction.
She had thought of the perfect idea for Spirit and Rainbow Dash and her fingers flew across the keyboard.
There was something about the multi colors in his mane and tail that drew him to her. He lived by the phrase, “hump ‘em and dump ‘em,” which he planned on doing with Rainbow Dash, but not without consent because horse jail wasn’t fun. He had heard the horror stories from his human friends, Kurns and Bryce.
“Rainbow Dash,” he neighed.
“Spirit…” She neighed back in response, she knew all about his...extracurricular activities. He was the biggest fuck horse out of the herd. Ever since Rain had died from drowning, god bless, he hadn’t been the same. It was also why he paid more attention to Rainbow Dash because she had Rain in the first part of her name.
“Let’s do this,” he smirked with his horse mouth.
“Fine…” She turned her back to him as he reared on his hind legs and mounted her, letting out a series of neighs.
She laughed silently to herself before moving on her Owen Hunt fic and she knew how much she was going to enjoy this one especially.
Owen was walking through the halls when he saw five women stalking towards him like cats, one even had whiskers drawn on her face. “Anitah with the h, get him!” He heard one of them command and watched as she came up to him, kicking him in no man's land. He felt them drag him into an empty exam room.
“MAROE! You got the chainsaw?”
“Nah bruh, Bears and Rams were in charge of that,” she explained.
Anything but Krista, cocked her half shaved eyebrow at Burns and Ella. “Y’all got the chainsaw?”
“No, but I have the cream for the burn I’m about to inflict,” Burns snickered to herself at her own joke, the others joining in before getting back to business.
“Burns, Ella, go scope out the cafeteria for some good food because I can’t kill in good faith on an empty stomach and as me and Ella say, we always get food first,” Anything but Krista said, turning her attention to the two people left, throwing them both a knife. Then proceeded to stab Owen numerous times, but making sure not to hit any major organs yet.
“We need a blender,” Anitah with the h announced.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Anything but Krista and MAROE said at the same time, looking at each other and bursting into laughter at the jinx.
“If that was making a human smoothie, then yes. We’ll show him that no one messes with Derek Christopher Shepherd,” Anitah with the h said smugly, pulling a blender out from behind her back and plugging it into the wall.
“You...you pulled that out of your jacket?” MAROE asked in a surprising tone.
“Y’all don’t keep blenders in yours?” Anitah with the h asked as if that wasn’t common, but it was good to know that she was always prepared.
Suddenly, the walkie talkie came to life, “Team Bears/Rams to Team CA, what y’all want from here? Over and out.”
“Team CA to Team Bears/Rams, we want CookOut. Over and out.” Anything but Krista responded. “It’s about time y’all tried a little piece of heaven,” she looked at Anitah with the h and MAROE.
“That’s a negative ghost rider, the closest CookOut is on the other side of the country. Over and out.”
“Well you better get on your way because you two also need to try a little piece of heaven, we’ll save the good stuff for when you get back. Over and out.” The trio resumed their slice and dice game, taking a short break to play Choices because the latest chapter of The Nanny Affair had just been released and even Owen wasn’t going to keep them away from Sam Dalton.
A couple hours later, Burns and Ella arrived with the food, handing out their respective trays to their respective orderers, they were able to keep the milkshakes from melting by their cold hearts.
“Ahhh gimme my milkshake,” Anything but Krista snatched it from Burns’ hand, earning a slap on her hand from her adoptive mother and a threat of taking away her pony...again.
“Yooo this shake hits different,” Ella exclaimed.
“You could even say that it slaps,” MAROE added making her squeak.
“It’s the one good thing North Carolina has to offer for me,” Anything but Krista chimed in, fist bumping Anitah with the h because the struggle was real. The cows really did outnumber the people, they just hoped that there wouldn’t be a cow revolution because that would be awful except the yeehaw folk would probably survive since they did have a song called “A Country Boy Can Survive.” 
“Burns, we left you the honor of picking the perfect weather for us to dispose of the body which is more like liquid at this point. We need rain, thunder, and lightning to erase all of the evidence. Watching “Forensic Files” has finally come in handy. And Ella, we need you to pretend to be a nurse or something to help us get out of here. I’ll be honest, I haven’t thought that far ahead…” Anything but Krista admitted, but they expected that from her so they already had a plan in place.
“If anyone happens to see Derek Shepherd, I ask that you tell me,” MAROE added.
“Not if I find him first,” Anything but Krista said.
“He’s like fifty four years old…” Burns said being ever the good adoptive mother.
“Then I call Spencer Reid!” Anything but Krista exclaimed.
“I have Lucifer then,” MAROE challenged knowing that would get under her skin. 
“Children, calm yourselves.” Burns shook her head.
“Hey, I’ll be eighteen in like a number amount of months,” Anything but Krista said.
“I’ll be eighteen before you,” MAROE said, sticking out her tongue.
“I’Ll Be EiGhTeEn BeFoRe YoU,” she repeated, placing her hands on her hips and doing that Spongebob meme. After thinking of a better comeback, she grabbed her knife she used on Owen earlier and plunged it into MAROE’s back.
“Et tu, Brute?” MAROE said with shock in her voice before her body crumpled on the ground.
“Yes, bye bitch.”
The other three just stared as the blood drained from her body before turning their attention to Anything but Krista. They were the epitome of 👁👄👁.
“What? She wanted to “due” anyway. And at her funeral we can play “To Be So Lonely” because well she will be lol.”
“Anywaysss, we gonna get food or what?” Ella asked as she covered Owen’s body with a sheet.
“Wings?” Burns suggested and they all agreed. After arriving at the restaurant, they were very shocked to see MAROE sitting at a table waiting for them.
“It’s the trying to kill me for me,” she said upon taking their seats, glaring at Anything But Krista specifically.
“It’s the stealing my fictional husbands for me,” she retaliated.
“It’s the acting like children for me,” Burns' authoritative voice came.
“Sorry,” they both murmured as they looked over the menus to order their food. The rest of their lunch going smoothly, their victims already forgotten about. Don’t mess with hangry chicks who hate Owent Cunt.
“So who’s next?” Anitah with the h asked.
“Ahh you’ve gotten the first taste of blood and now you’re addicted,” Burns observed. She would make for a good profiler for the FBI at Quantico. She would have a cool nickname; Cunt Punter.
“Why not just kill everyone we hate?” Ella questioned.
“That’s a great idea! I say we kill Guy and Vanessa,” Anything but Krista suggested.
“And Landrat!” MAROE added, the whole group agreeing, finishing their lunch before getting to their killing spree.
Gertrude-Sue was laughing at her made up characters and story when she received an email from Ethonk Remy to send him a folder that she had. Goggle Drive was acting stupid so she didn’t realize that she had shared her fanfiction folder with her boss before it was too late. She saw a little giraffe pop up in the right hand corner telling her that he was already viewing what was inside the folder.
“Holy donkey claws,” she cried out loud, smacking her hands against her face.
Meanwhile, Ethonk was going through her folder when he came across a document and his eyes went wide. “What are they doing with the dog?” He said to himself.
Wonder pets, wonder pets
We're on our way
To help a friend and save the day
We're not too big
And we're not too tough
But when we work together, we've got the right stuff
Gooo wonder pets yaaaaay!
The phone
The phone is ringing
The phone
We'll be right there
The phone
The phone is ringing
There's an animal in trouble
There's an animal in trouble
There's an animal in trouble somewhere
“What the hell are Wonder Pets?” He continued inspecting the different documents ranging from murder of one Owen Cunt, horses having sexual intercourse, Wonder Pets stuff, four kids and a dog where they did questionable things with each other, a sponge and a starfish were high on marijuana, a game where Gertrude-Sue had made him and her a family that looked way too realistic for his liking, two bunnies who kept hopping around with one of their little brothers, and multiple documents about Matthew Gray Gubler, Tom Holland, Tom Ellis, Patrick Dempsey, and Harry Styles which were all quite disturbing.
He took out his phone to call her. “Hey uh, Gert, what is this?”
“Oh well you see, the funny thing is that I accidentally sent you the wrong folder so if you could just pretend like this never happened, that would be fantastic. Okay thanks bye. I’m sending you the right one this time.” And she hung up, ready to throw herself off a cliff at her stupidity.
One thing was for sure, she would never make this mistake again.
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heavenlyrosegenius · 4 years
Cat and Mouses
A/N: Set during Entropy
Abigail had everything she could have dreamed, a wonderful but stressful job, a wonderful father, an impressive intelligence, but the most perfect thing of her life was waking up to her genius husband and brainiac girlfriend.
Abigail stirred as light poured through the black curtains in the bedroom. She sighed quietly as she rolled over, opening her green eyes meeting blue-green eyes. She let out a quiet sleepy sigh, “Good morning Maeve.”
Maeve let out a smile looking down at her raven-haired girlfriend, “Good morning, Abbie.” Maeve ran a hand through her hair. Abigail only had allowed Maeve and Spencer to call Abbie, it was special between them. Abigail remained on her side, wanting to remain in the warm bed when she felt Maeve’s delicate fingers trace down her stomach.
“Abigail, the faster you wake up and get ready, you will see Spence, he was supposed to get home last night.” 
“You are right, I forgot.” Abigail stood from the bed, making a gesture at Maeve to follow her.
After a streamy shower, Abigail stood in front of their vanity applying black eyeliner as Maeve’s arms wrapped her middle.
“You are so beautiful, how did Spencer and I get so lucky getting to be with you?” she breathed.
“My genius brain landed me in places where you two happened to be working.” Maeve let out a little chuckle in her ear. Abigail put the eyeliner down and turned giving Maeve a little peck before applying her dark lip gloss. She adjusted her choker in the mirror, it had been a gift from Spencer. Maeve took her hand into hers, walking down the stairs when Abigail caught the scent of pancakes in the air.
“Pancakes?” Maeve looked at her, realizing what that meant.
“Spencer is back.” Without a second word, Abigail and Maeve walked into the kitchen to see three plates of pancakes on the dining room table, and Spencer pouring two cups of coffee and a cup of tea sat on the table. Spencer heard the soft footsteps, causing him to turn. He let out a huge smile to see his two favorite girls in front of him.
“Good morning, sleepyheads.” he teased, opening his arms, Abigail ran into them quickly, he had been gone almost a month to visit his mother to help with her condition. Spencer’s strong arms picked up the small girl, holding her for a bit, placing a kiss on her head, as Maeve walked over, getting a kiss from the genius as well. 
“Abbie really missed you,” she said with a light smile. Spencer placed Abigail down, keeping his arms around her as Maeve hugged her as well.
“I missed you both too so much.” Spencer pulled away, taking both of their hands leading them over to the breakfast he had prepared. He handed a cup of warm coffee to Maeve and a warm cup of earl tea to Abigail.
“Two warm beverages for two beautiful women.” Abigail out a small giggle, she had missed Spencer’s sweet compliments, they still made her blush to this day even if there had been together for five years and married for half a year. As they were finishing up breakfast, Spencer’s phone pinged.
“New case?” Abigail asked as he pulled it out.
“No, Morgan wants to see him since he heard I was back, and he wants you to come with me since he referred to you as small fry.” Abigail let out a small smile. Maeve took Abigail’s hand.
“You two, go. I can clean up before heading to the lab.” Abigail gave her a kiss.
“I love you,” she said and got down from the table grabbing her keys and her bag as Spencer was grabbing his satchel and their guns out of their safe. She felt him sliding it into her holster. “Thank you.” She blew a kiss to Maeve.
“Be careful saving lives. I will be saving them as well. Abigail drove them over to Morgan’s where Savannah let them inside. Abigail stood as Savannah and Spencer hugged, he looked so uncomfortable, he always had a thing about germs. Morgan and Spencer talked for a bit before Spencer got a text. A text that got Abigail sitting at a bar sipping a glass of water with lemon.
“Hi. Table for two for Spencer.” Abigail looked up from she was sitting, she had been texting Maeve for a little bit, letting her know they were okay and would be home safely tonight. Abigail watched as Spencer sat at the table, pulling a red rose out of his suit placing it into the table. A woman with short black hair approached him.
“Spencer?” she asked.
“Cat? Hi!” 
“Hi. Hi. 
“Hello. Hi. Hi. Nice to finally-- “ Cat tried to hug him.
“Oh--sorry, I have a-- a germ thing. Oh. I'm kind of weird with hu-hugs. Sorry.” Spencer stuttered out, he was truly awkward. 
“Can I sit down?” 
“Yes, please. Oh, yeah. Of course. Sit down. 
“First time doing this?” Cat asked, sitting down.
“Yeah. I mean, yeah.”
“Yeah, I--I still get nervous, too. Really, it wasn't until an hour ago that I was like, wait, we've been trading emails back and forth, but I still have no idea what this guy looks like. Hence the... I know. And then I was like, wait, he's going to bring a red rose, so we need to go to a nicer place, which is why I switched the restaurant last-minute-- “
“Not a problem at all.
“And now I need to change and put something nice on for this place, 'cause I was totally underdressed, and my whole wardrobe makes me look like a Kardashian. You know who that is, do you?” Cat sighed.
“No, oh, yeah, Robert Kardashian. He got O.J. Simpson off. You--you don't look like his daughters.” Spencer said. Abigail out a quiet laugh at Spencer’s cluelessness, with him being married to a profiler and dating a geneticist, the three of them preferred enjoying a night at the opera instead.
“Yeah, no, I was making a joke about them,” Cat said plainly. 
“No, it was good. It was a good joke.”
“No, it wasn't.”
“It was funny.” They both chuckled.  “
“Can we start over? Hi, I'm Cat.”
“Hi--hi, I'm” Spencer let out a laugh -- I'm Spencer. It really is nice to meet you, in person, finally. It's nice to meet you.”
“Tell me a little bit about yourself. Do you really have 3 Ph.D.s?” Cat looked fascinated by the fact of it.
“Yes. Um, I--yeah, I do, I have 3 Ph.D.s.”
“What was your favorite book that you read last year?” Cat asked.
“Um, honestly, I've never read a book I didn't love,” Spencer admitted.
Cat switched the subject. “Tell me about your wife.”
“If you don't mind, I'd, uh, I'd rather not talk about her.”
Cat sighed, “Might as well get it out in the open, right? That's why we're here. How long have you been married? 4 years. When is she due to give birth?”
Spencer cleared his throat.“Uh...A couple of-- a couple of months. Should we talk about price now, or...”
Cat stopped him “Slow down, tiger. What exactly are we negotiating here? You know. I want to hear you say it.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “To have her killed.” Cat pointed at the ring on his finger. 
“Let me see your ring. You know what that is? A noose. Only it doesn't kill you all at once. It kills you slowly, day by day. You ever feel that way? I feel that way all the time. Take it off.” Cat explained.
Spencer raised his eyebrow.“Why?”
“As a sign of your commitment. To me.” Abigail watched as Spencer slowly slid the ring off, the same one she had slid on his finger half a year ago, giving it to Cat.
“24-karat? 24k times... 4 years means this ring should be dinged and nicked. But the sucker is brand-new. You're not married.” Cat said. Abigail heard a click. 
Hotch spoke into her ear. “Everyone hold, but Abigail. You need to help Reid outsmart her.” Abigail placed some money on the table for the water before walking over to Spencer.
“It is true, he is married,” she said, holding her hand to show her silver wedding ring.
“Who are you?” Cat demanded. Abigail slid in next to Spencer.
“Dr. Abigail Reid, hello Catherine.”
Cat sneered at her. “No, you are Abigail Smith, I have heard of you.”
Abigail chucked. “I was until I married a few months ago. Cat smirked at her.
“Why are we here, Spencer?”
“We're here because you belong to a network of 4 hitmen who've been operating in the shadows of the Internet. You're known as Miss .45. My team and I have been hunting for months, and I knew that if I boxed you in, I could arrest you with as little resistance as possible.” Spencer explained.
“Your team being the behavioral analysis unit of the FBI? You guys are good. You're the only ones that got close to us. But we got kind of close to you, too, didn't we?” Cat taunted. “Hi, Penelope. Do you know why I'm so good at my job? 
“Because you kill without compunction or remorse.” 
“That only gets a girl so far in life. No, it's because I think through every potential outcome and then I plan accordingly. You see, I didn't walk into your trap. You walked into mine.” 
“Where's your head, Spencer?” Cat slid over to him. What are you thinking about?”
“I was thinking about entropy.” Cat hummed at him. “It's the thermodynamic measure of the degradation of matter and energy in the universe.” 
Cat slid over to him, taking his gun out of his holster as well as Abigail’s. “ To put it another way. There's your gun.” 
A waiter came over. “Good evening.” 
Hi, uh, you know what? We've been having so much fun getting to know one another, we'll let you know when we're ready, ok? Thank you.” Cat said with a sickenly sweet smile. “Now that we got that out of the way, will you do me a favor and tell Blondie McBlonderson over there at the bar to disappear.”
“JJ, stand down.” J.J got up pulling her fur jacket over her chest as she glared at Cat. “Thanks for playing, sweetie.”
“All right, you're in charge. Tell me what you want and I'll see if I can get it here for you.”
“Anything I want?” Cat questioned.
 Abigail nodded her head. “Anything you want.”
“Like a million dollars in unmarked bills, maybe a plane to Aruba?” 
“Is that what you want?”
Cat crossed her arms.  “And you'll say you'll bring it here, but the real plan is to distract me from what is, I'm sure, an impressive law enforcement response just outside that door. Is that the plan?”
“That's the plan.”
“Ok, let's talk, but let's talk about something interesting, at least. Tell me about me.”
Abigail smirked at her as Spencer as he profiled Cat. “You? You're a black widow hitwoman. You specialize in seduction and you're patient. You learn everything you can about the men you're hired to kill, physically, psychologically, and emotionally, because you want them in as compromised a position as possible so they don't see it coming when you pull the trigger.”
“And when I do it really well, they pull the trigger themselves.” Cat held out her hand. “Give me your phone.”
“Because I know what I want now. I want to play a game with you two. You like games?”
“I do,” Spencer said.
“Do you win?”
Abigail let out a little chuckle. “He always wins. 
“Give it to me.” Spencer handed it to her, the timer was set for 30 minutes.
“Ok, here's my game. You have 30 minutes to answer every question I ask. And if you lie, I'll know. Because I've spent the past 10 years of my life studying men and their lies before I kill them. Do you believe me? 
“I do.”
That was true. You're getting this. Now, here's how we'll know who wins at the end of 30 minutes. If you win, you'll drag me out of here in handcuffs. But if I win, you will escort me out like a gentleman, to make sure I exit safely. What do you say, Spencer? Think you can win this one?” Spencer gestured for Cat to lean forward, Abigail felt a blush on her cheeks. 
“Considering everything you've put Garcia and so many people through, you're going to have to shoot me in the face before you walk out of here.”
“Game on.”
“What do you want to ask me?” Spencer asked.
“How you found me, of course. A professional learns from her mistakes. 
“We got our big break in the case at the end of last year. I didn't learn how big until I came back from some time off.”
“Why'd you take time off?” Cat questioned. Abigail gulped, even she did not know why Spencer had taken time off besides going to see his mom at her hospital.
Morgan came into the room. “Hey, get your greasy hands off my girl. Nice to have you home, kid.”
Spencer laughed.”Good to be back. 
“Let me get my stuff.”
Savannah handed Spencer a file. “That thing you called about, here's some updated stats.”
“Stats? Stats from what” Morgan questioned.
“Medical research. Shop talk. Things you wouldn't be interested in.” Savannah explained. Morgan took Savannah in her arms. “Well, I can tell you what I am interested in, and that is you. You gonna love me forever?” Abigail looked away, their attraction for each other was romantic, but she preferred to keep it in private. Spencer’s phone pinged.
“Guys. Garcia and Hotch need us ASAP. for a briefing on the 4 hitmen.” Cat held a finger up.
“You didn't tell me why you took time off.”
“It's not relevant,” Spencer said.
 “That's not the game. The game is you answer every question I ask.” Cat explained.
“Is it a secret?” she asked.
 Spencer shook her head.“No.”
“Is it dirty?”
Abigail sighed. No. I was not with him, and he would never cheat on me.”
“Then tell me,” Cat demanded.
“It's not important to your story. “
“Out of curiosity, is it me you don't want to tell or the people listening in or your sweet Abigail? 
Abigail rolled her eyes, this girl was good, but she was better. “Is this really how you want to spend your 30 minutes? 
“Yes. No. Ok, so you were saying you showed up for work that morning and... 
“We learned that someone unexpected decided to talk.”
And who would that be?” Cat asked.
Hotch pulled a man onto the board. “Brian Cochran from the NSA. I've placed him on 24/7 lockdown at USP Terre Haute. The network has proven that they can kill anyone, anywhere, anytime, and now that they've targeted Garcia, we can't afford to lose another lead. Cochran used one of the hitmen to target DEA supervisor Graff. 
“But we can press him on that to get him to cooperate,” Morgan said. 
“Well, fortunately, that won't be necessary. He had a breakdown in solitary confinement and he was already willing to make a deal.” 
“We need to go talk to him.” Rossi stated.
“Garcia and I already did.”
“This is, we video-conferenced with him. He was limited in what he could tell us about the hit people. He didn't know their names, but he did know all of their areas of expertise.” Garcia explained.
“How specific do they get? Most successful hitmen are basically just Swiss army knives of murder. Spencer asked.
Well, take the O.G. hit guy who got us into this mess, Giuseppe Montolo. Remember him? He was a genius at making hits look like an accident. The others, depends what you're looking for. Take the guy that's still out there who's responsible for shooting poor Mr. Graff. He's known simply as the sniper. He can make a T-zone shot from over 2,000 meters. 
Morgan looked at “Which means he's ex-military. Not necessarily ours, but he's definitely trained. 
“So who's number two?” Tara asked. 
That would be the chemist. He works with poison.  He specializes in hits that don't leave a trace.”
“He sounds delightful,” Rossi said with sarcastic. What about number 3? 
“Well, that would be the bomber.” Garcia pulled a picture on the screen According to Cochran, he's responsible for this. It's a chemical fire in Tianjin, China. Apparently, a bureaucrat didn't pay his bribe on time. 
“You know that's conspiracy theory garbage.” J.J said.
“But what is credible is Cochran's insistence that he was trained by Mossad. Jack Garrett's following up on leads.” Hotch said.
“That leaves us with number 4, the one with the highest body count of them all. 
Spencer peered his eyes. “And who's that?”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Me.”:
“Yes.” Spencer nodded
“Wow, that was really impressive. Yeah, the way you just made all those brilliant deductions with all that information that was just handed to you on a silver platter. “
“Quick question--are you guys really profilers or are you just lucky? Because this, what I'm about to say--” Cat cleared her throat is profiling. 
“The reason you took time off from work was to deal with the same girl who broke your heart.”
“No, Spencer and I are still happy together, very happy.”
“Then why do you wear two rings, both of them on your ring fingers,” Cat questioned, taking one of Abigail’s hands.
“It is none of your business.” 
“The death of a parent, then.
“Ah, hello, I'm getting close. It's mom or dad in the billiard room with the candlestick.” Spencer remained silent. “Oh, you're mad at me, aren't you? 
“Not even a little bit.”
“Yes, you are, I can tell,” Cat said with a smirk.
“No offense, but you're not really worth getting angry at.”
“So you figured out what the 4 of us did, and then what? 
“We profiled that you operated as spokes on a wheel. Somehow it had to be centralized, how you got jobs, who paid you. Somebody did all that for you. 
“You found the Snowman, didn't you?” Cat questioned.
Spencer explained how they found the Snowman, their technical analyst.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm confused. What just happened there? 
“When we arrested Cochran, we found a flash drive, one that gave us access to a specific shadow of the Darknet, one we didn't even know existed.”
“Well, well, well, you took the chemist and the sniper out of commission, huh?” Cat taunted.
“Did you know?” Abigail asked.
“ I knew something was off. They didn't bid on some contracts. And this isn't the kind of job where you get to take time off to be with your... Mother? she asked. Is it your mom? It's gotta be your mom. Why'd you take time off from the FBI?” 
“I'm not gonna tell you.”
“Abigail, why did he take time off from the FBI?”
“You can ask us as many times as you want, and you can continue to waste your time, but he is still not gonna tell you. 
“Then you're cheating, and I don't like cheaters. “
You don't get everything you want just because you're pointing a gun at me under a table. You're not the first killer to point a gun at me. You're not even the first woman to point a gun at me. Sorry.” He apologized, Cat wished she was the first woman to point a gun at him, but that belonged to the woman who they saved Maeve
“You're really gonna take this all the way, aren't you?”
“So am I. Look at my face. Does it look like I'm bluffing? 
“I know you're not bluffing.” Cat moved back over, grabbing at his tie. “I'm gonna ask you one more time. Before you say no, I want you to consider something.” She pulled his tie back pushing on the microphone.
“I'll kill the fed walking toward me first. A stationary target's easier to hit. After that, it's a free-fire zone. 
“Fine, I'll tell you.” 
“Sorry, what was that?” Cat teased.
“I'll tell you. Rossi, stand down.” He looked over his shoulder. “Please.” Spencer fixed his tie before continuing. 
“My mom has schizophrenia, and the doctor has changed her medication, which seemed to agitate her, and so I went to the treatment center to help her.” He explained. Abigail looked a little surprised, she had not known she was getting bad, all she knew her medication was not working.
 That's it? That's it. 
“You just risked your life over mommy's pills? 
“It's the truth.”
 “It's part of the truth. You're holding something back. Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna penalize you by adding 10 minutes. And keep in mind that the only reason you're not dead right now is because I did learn something important. 
“Oh, really? What's that?” Abigail asked.
“Your backup. I flushed them out. It's just you, Abigail and me now.”
“So when we left off, the score was you had two of our guys and the Snowman. You must have thought you were home free.”
“No, if anything the case was harder.” 
Soon Spencer had been able to figure out how to lure out Cat. Abigail walked into the room as he was explaining his plan.
“I'm going to pretend to be a husband who wants his pregnant wife dead.”
Abigail placed her cup of water down. “Well, I'd want to kill you if you told me that.”
“Exactly. Then all we have to do is set the right meeting spot. A bar or a restaurant we control so the odds are better of us taking her alive. That's our best strategy.”
“But there is one flaw. You. You're the flaw. You're might be married but you don't have children.” Abigail let out a chuckle and placed a hand on her stomach.
“Wrong again, Catherine,” she said. Spencer looked at her in surprise, “Abigail you are not pregnant..” he put two and two together, “You were going to tell me after I got back.”
“Yes, Spencer, I found out shortly after you left, now keeping taunting her.
“I'm the person on my team who's the closest to your age, and I knew that if I lost control of the situation, you'd be more likely to negotiate with a peer. 
“You have zero control here. None. I outflanked you from the beginning. “
“Some of your moves were pretty obvious. Spencer pointed out.”
“Such as?”
Such as showing up armed. Such as changing the venue at the last moment. 
I needed a restaurant full of innocents in case this was a trap.
 If you really suspected this was a trap, then why show up at all? Even when you first laid eyes on me, from the bar, from outside, from wherever you were, you should have seen through me and kept on moving, but you didn't. You couldn't. Because you can't get to the man you really want to hurt, so you need to hurt any man who reminds you of him. “
“That's kind of boilerplate psychology, isn't it? I'm just another girl with daddy issues.” Cat sighed.
“You'd be surprised how many killers do what they do because of their parents, but some of them use their skills to help others.
“Like me.” Abigail said. 
“If it's so boilerplate, why don't we test that theory? How hard did you look for him? 
“Very hard. “
“And how disappointed were you when you realized that you will never find him? You needed some other outlet for your rage, and for a while this worked, but it also tripped you up. Can I tell you a little secret? Everything eventually falls apart. The trick is accepting when it's over.” The stopwatch rang.
“Except it ain't over, is it?”
“Do you really think I'm just gonna let you walk out of here? 
“You profiled so much about me, except you forgot to ask the most important question. Why would I make you sit here for 30 minutes?”
“Because you're stalling.”
Then you don't know me at all. Did you guys show up here without an escape plan? Or is that what just another girl with daddy issues do? Maybe if you hadn't fallen victim to your own gender bias, and, yes, all men have gender bias, even you, Dr. Reid, you would have recognized that your entire strategy was based on one faulty detail. Can you see it?” Cat taunted again.
“You're not here alone,” Abigail said. 
And my partner? Less paranoid than you think. 
You planted a bomb in the building. We're on the move. 
“I didn't. My job was to keep your entire team focused on us, so he could do what he does best.” Cat said.
“There are innocent people here. 
Yes, there are. So let me remind you what we're playing for. Not only will I walk out of here, but you will make sure I leave safely. And from where I'm sitting... It looks like I've won. 
“You need to pay attention to this part. I'm going to tell you the terms of my victory. I want you to move all of your backup away from this building. If I walk out of here and I see one cop, I will incinerate us all. 
“We can't do that.”
Cat started to say his name. “Spencer--
“It's not me. What you're asking takes time.” 
“This is to whoever's in charge. Unless you guys want to be responsible for the biggest FBI disaster since Waco, you will back off now. Watch this. 
“There they go. All we want to do-- Minimize the collateral damage. I get it. I'm not mad. It'll give me the cover I need to slip out. I just need to know it's clear, so do me a favor and tell your boss that nobody leaves until it's safe for me to. Spencer remained quiet.
“You can leave.” Cat stood up, grabbing her jacket and bag, but for Abigail this was not over.
“But you won't.” Abigail said,
“I'm sorry?” 
Double or nothing. You need to sit back down. 
“Wow, now you're stalling.” Cat pursed.
“You played your trump card, but we have one, too.” Abigail explained. Cat was not buying it. “Thanks for dinner. I had fun.
“ I found your father. 
“No, you didn't. 
Look at my face. Am I bluffing? I'll tell you where he is. But you need to sit back down and listen to the rest of my story. No. Tell me now. Or I'll-- detonate the bomb? 
“You're not gonna do that, Cat, because then you won't learn anything. You said you were good at your job because you think through every outcome. Well, guess what-- so do I.” Cat sat back down.
 “All right. Finish the story.”
“ To prepare for this dinner, I had to learn everything about you, starting with your real name.”
Abigail was going undercover for this case, she had changed into a black lace dress with fishnet tights and black heeled boots. Meave had called her when she had finished getting ready.
“Hi, sweet girl.” she breathed.
“Hi, Abbie. I wanted to see how much longer my favorite boy and girl will be working on the case.” Maeve’s soft voice said on the line.
“We will be home tonight, I get to be a little sneaky tonight.”
“Oh, define sneaky.”
“Let’s just say I’m wearing your favorite dress on me.” 
“The lace one?” Maeve asked.
“Yes, You will see it tonight when Spence and I are home, I have to go. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Catherine Adams. Daughter of Daniel Adams, who did in fact leave the country in 1987 but returned in 2012. Based on confidential records in rehabs and sober living houses, which in turned pointed us to flophouses and soup kitchens. He couldn't put 24 hours together sober. And you can probably imagine my surprise when I discovered that he actually lives right here in D.C. 
“Where?” Abigail could sense they had a hit a nerve.
“It's not that simple. He was in bad shape when I found him.
 “He didn't remember me?”
“ The alcoholism shredded his brain. I'm sorry. 
“You're not sorry. Sorry is what people say when they don't understand. Cat had tears in her eyes. “Wait. Your mother--tell me.
“ Is--is this part of the game?”
“No. The game's over.”
“When I looked at her medical chart, it--it didn't make any sense. The medication that they gave her should have been helping, but I couldn't figure out what was making her so angry. So, I, uh, I went to see her. The moment I walked in her room, I saw it. Spencer had some tears in his eyes. “For 3 seconds... She didn't know who I was. I, um, I had her tested that morning, and I found out that night... That she had early onset of dementia. Most likely Alzheimer's.” Spencer explained. Abigail took his hand under the table, he had not told her this information. 
“Did you test yourself? Spencer looked down, he bit his lip. No, you didn't. You were too scared.”
“I thought I dodged a bullet when I turned 30 and didn't have a schizophrenic break like her, but, uh, this is somehow bigger and scarier because I can actually see it happening. All the memories that we used to share are just dying. I can't stop it. I can't help her. All I can do is find people that I can help. 
“Is that really why you showed up tonight? To help me? Do you know how many men have told me that they wanted to help me? How do you think that worked out for them?” Cat taunted with her questions.
“You're right. You don't need my help. You don't need anyone's help. You are completely in control.” Morgan grabbed a girl in a blue dress. Abigail suddenly felt a hard grab and a gun was pointed at her head.
“Oh, Cat, you aren’t the first woman to hold me hostage and I’m not the first woman in Spencer’s life to be held hostage either.
“Don't!” Cat yelled. 
“FBI. Everybody stay calm, please. “
Tara had the bomber in her tight grip .“We're gonna be smart about this and talk it out. Aren't we, Cat? 
“That's up to you. 
“Get everyone out of here,” Spencer said. “Morgan, you, too. I'm not going anywhere. “
“Guess we're right back where we started. You and me with a gun.” Cat said.
“Reid, it's time,” Morgan said. 
“No. “
We don't have a choice. We have to do it. “
“Do what?” Cat asked, holding the gun closer to Abigail’s head.
“ Morgan, shut up.”
“There's one thing he hasn't told you yet. “
“That's not true. He's lying. Don't listen to him.” Spencer protested
“What haven't you told me?”
“Nothing. I told you--nothing! Nothing!” Spencer said.
“What don't I know?” We brought your father here. 
Spencer sighed “Here? He's here? 
“He's right outside. Reid thought he needed every bargaining chip he could get. 
“Morgan, I'm begging you, don't. Don't.” Spencer pleaded.
“Every bargaining chip he could get to convince you to do the right thing. “
“How is this the right thing?” Cat asked.
“Your father killed your mother. And there's no statute of limitations on murder, so you really need to think about your options right now. You shoot her, I will kill you. Or if you surrender, you will live to testify against your father.” Morgan explained. 
“That's not good enough.”
“We can arrange it for the two of you to drive into custody together, and then you can remind him of who you are.”
Spencer sighed. “If you give her this, she wins. Don't do it.”
“Kid, I am trying to save Abigail’s life. Now let me do that. They're bringing him in right now.”
“You're really upset about this, aren't you? 
“This is what you wanted, isn't it, a chance to finally hurt the man who deserves it? 
“They all deserve it. 
“He deserves it the most.” Morgan said.
“Only if Spencer and Abigail escort me out. 
“Wait. Ok, I'm ready.” SWAT opened the back of the truck, revealing the empty back.
“You lied to me,” Cat said, as Spencer handcuffed her onto the chair.
“If it makes you feel any better, I really-- I did look for him. But...I couldn't find him, so, yeah, I did make it all up.” Spencer admitted.
“Not all of it. You don't pull a story about a parent losing her memory out of nowhere. Your mother and the Alzheimer's, that's true. And Abigail, you wouldn’t lie being pregnant especially everything you have gone through I won.”
“How so?”
 Because I will get out of here. 
Abigail laughed. “Yeah, in 20 years, maybe, if you're lucky.”
“Yeah, that's fine. You know why? Because in 20 years... I'll remember your name, but you won't remember mine.” Cat taunted. Spencer got out of the truck, leaving Abigail.
“He will remember your name thanks to me and well Maeve.”
“Maeve, who is Maeve?” Cat demanded, trying to grab at Abigail.
“She is the reason I wear the second ring, and like Spencer said, people like you do what they do because of their parents, and he is right, I am one of those cases, my stepmother is the reason why I became a profiler,” Abigail said and started to walk out of the truck.
“That is why, I know you, Abigail, but one day you will cross a line and never return.” Cat screamed. Abigail walked over to Spencer, they had gone back to Morgan’s to celebrate. She was texting them that they would be home soon.
“Abigail, are you really pregnant?” Spencer asked when they were alone, walking outside of a local park.
“Yes, Maeve noticed the signs so I got tested,” she said, feeling the soft lips of Spencer on hers. The familiar ones that were always chapped from him constantly licking him when focusing on a case or reading.
“Let’s go home.” He said softly.
Abigail laid on the bed, a blanket pulled over her, her hair flowing around, she felt a small hand rest on her stomach.
“Are you okay?” Maeve asked, looking at her.
“Yes, Maeve, I am, I am just blissful in everything, especially taking down Cat Adams.” she breathed then laughed feeling arms wrapped around as the bed dipped next to her.
“We both did, little one, but you were clever.” Spencer chuckled.
Abigail giggled, looking in Spencer’s hazel eyes. 
“She learned not to play a cat and mouse game with Dr. Abigail Reid,” she said with a laugh.
“Yes, Spencer and I have learned you are a brilliant young woman.” Maeve breathed and kissed the top of her head. Abigail sighed, she really did have a perfect life, well until Cat Adams came back.
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aperrywilliams · 4 years
Hot Genius (Spencer Reid x Maxine Brenner)
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(Not my gif!)
Masterlist - Requests
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Maxine Brenner.
Request: I'm anon cause I'm shy but a quick fic where Prentiss asks Spencer and Max to act as bait for a serial killer that attacks newlyweds or married couples however you write it will be perfect.
Summary: Spencer is not very happy at Emily's suggestion that Max help them catch a serial killer. But despite his apprehensions, he has no choice.
Word Count: 3040.
Warnings: Some curses. Suggestive sex talk. Fluff.
A/N: This is my first formal request. Thank you Anon for suggest a Spencer-Max fic. I hope you’ll like it. I’ll take the boldness to tag @andiebeaword​  and @dreatine​ since it’s a maxcer fic.
"Thanks for bringing me today. With the failure in the subway it would have taken me a long time to arrive,” I said when we had reached our destination.
"Let's say you were lucky that today was my day off," Max replied as I opened the car door in the FBI parking lot.
"I know. Don't you want to go up for a while? Penelope will surely be happy to see you considering that you have not seen each other in several weeks.” Max thought for a few seconds about my proposal.
"Yes. It's not a bad idea. You could offer me a good coffee too. The one in this morning was a disappoint, I must say,” she replied, looking at me with disapproving eyes.
“Hey! The online order has taken longer than I expected. It was the only type of coffee in home this morning." I tried to defend myself, but without much success.
"I'm amazed at how imprudent are you Dr. Reid with such important thing.” Max shook her head, continuing in her disapproving tone.
"I'm sure you're going to torture me all week for this, am I right?". I answered before giving a defeated sigh.
"Of course I’ll do," she said, laughing.
"Okay. I deserve it"
When we crossed the glass doors of the BAU the first person who saw us arrive was Penelope. She couldn’t hide her happiness from seeing Max. Since we started dating, the two became quite close, even Max had joined more than one of the BAU girls' nights. I must confess it made me nervous at first, but the girls adore Max so I relax easy with that.
"Is not the great Max who deigns to appear in these places?". Penelope exclaimed from the other side of the bullpen .
"Hey Penelope. I think you are overstating a little…” Max replied to Garcia's questioning.
"Of course I’m not overstating. We have not heard from you in centuries! Besides, Boy Wonder is not one of those who talks a lot, so every time we ask him about you he only answers 'She is fine…’” Garcia complained.
"I have a very chatty boyfriend as you can see ..." Max replied laughing and winking at me.
"Ok, ok. Let's take advantage of the fact that you are here and we go to my Batcave to talk for a while”. Garcia was unable to finish speaking and was already pulling my girlfriend down the hall to her office. Max looked me muttering a 'sorry'. I just shrugged with a farewell wave.
I hadn't noticed Prentiss was outside her office staring at the scene that had just occurred.
"I see Penelope kidnapped your girlfriend." I turned to look at her and with a grimace drawn on my face I replied.
"Yep . So it seems"
"Well. Since you're here, shall we meet in the conference room? I need to discuss a case with you."
Luke, Rossi, Matt, Prentiss and I were in the conference room. Emily started talking about one of the cases that was torturing the DC police in recent days. We had worked on the profile just the day before, but apparently the police's efforts to locate the unsub were not being very effective.
“Given this context, we agreed with the police that in order to attract the unsub we need a newly-married couple in the club. It is the only way to get him out of his hiding place,” said Prentiss.
"Okay. But... ¿are we sure the unsub hunt there?" Rossi asked.
“When reviewing victimology yesterday the only crossing point was that club," said Luke.
"Wouldn't it be enough to stand guard and wait?" I asked hoping that the profile delivered the day before was enough to locate him.
"I think we would be making a mistake if we let the local police try to do that on their own . We know that the unsub is very methodical. You have to be subtle with him and the local police is anything but that from what we have seen” Prentiss replied.
"Well. So, will we have to do it? Who?” Luke asked.
“Until half an hour ago I had no idea about that. But now I know. Spencer and Max will do it” . Prentiss spoke as if she was talking about what she had for breakfast in the morning.
"Wait… what? Max?, me?... No. No way. Forget it!"
Prentiss was crazy if she thought I was going to accept something like that. Already this covert operation seemed like a bad idea to me, worse if I had to involve my girlfriend, who was not an FBI agent by the way.
"Spencer, please. We don't have many options and we have to act quickly.” Prentiss pleaded.
No options?, there is a whole building full of agents ...
“But Emily, it's dangerous. We all saw the photos of what this guy does to his victims. There has to be another way." I tried to reason with her.
“That is why you’ll be there with her and us monitoring the situation all the time. It’s the only chance to do this quickly and prevent more victims."
Great. The argument of the victims. Don't get me wrong, I’m fully aware of the importance of this work. But the risk was doubled if we added a civilian - my girlfriend by the way - to the equation.
"Why can't it be another couple? Luke with Tara, or Matt with JJ?”
“JJ is sick from Henry's flu. Tara is conducting interviews for the Georgia case.” Prentiss replied.
I could see the disapproving look of Luke, Matt and David on me. Sure, the antihero in the story was me now, refusing Emily's brilliant idea.
"What about you?" I asked as a last resort.
“Are you kidding?, I'm not for that kind of mission anymore. Also I’m not the target type of the unsub and someone has to supervise the operation,” Prentiss defended herself.
"Max won’t to do it...". That was more a thought to me than something I wanted to say out loud.
"We haven't asked her," said Emily.
At that precise moment, Max entered the conference room, accompanying Penelope.
"What is it I won’t want to do?" Max asked curiously.
"Great ..." was the only thing I could say under my breath. Knowing Max during this time I already knew what will be her response. Independent my opinion or all the protests I might have.
"Max. We have to talk about something…” Prentiss said inviting her to sit in one of the chairs in the room.
That was how that night with Max we were outside the club where we hoped to locate the unsub. Our cover was to pretend to be a newly married couple having a good time in that busy place.
I was reluctant to enter yet. Max could feel my hesitancy and took my hand squeezing it to look at her.
"Spencer... I know very well I’m not an FBI agent and I have neither the training nor the experience for this. But I'm just trying to help."
"I know. I know. I'm not mad at you for that. I'm rather... concerned. What if I can't protect you? What if I fail?”. It was a fear more than founded. There were so many things that could go wrong.
"Don’t think about that. You are good at your job and there is also a team behind supporting you right now. I promise not to do anything stupid that could put us at risk.” I let out a sigh.
"Yes, okay, okay. Let’s go to catch this bastard". I said , trying rather encourage me to myself. Max smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck.
“Furthermore, it’s not necessary that we should pretend much. Although these rings are fake, the kisses and embraces that we can give ourselves in there do not have to be," she said playfully. So she rose to his feet and caught my lips with hers. God, how I love those kisses!. I didn't want to be in that club at the time. I would have preferred to be in her place!.
"This will make it difficult to concentrate me..." . She started to laugh without letting me go. I caught her lips with mine again. When we parted, we hold hands and entered to the club. Just then, the audio in our headphones started working. Prentiss will be the one giving the instructions this night.
"Alright guys. Go ahead. Let's do this and let's do it fast. The first thing you have to do is go to the bar and order a drink. From there start a conversation and try to scan the place discretely"
The first obstacle was precisely finding a place in the bar. The club was crowded with people. How is it possible that so many people enjoy places like this? it was very hot, people sweating and the floor was a combination of germs and residues of perhaps what other things. Max did a good job finding a spot to access to the bar. Once there, I gestured to the barman to give us two drinks. We leaned against the bar counter and began to 'talk' as we slowly sip our drinks.
"What do we have to look at?" Max asked. I leaned down to speak into her ear so I wouldn't have to scream. The music was very loud.
“If our profile is correct, it is a white man between 30 and 40, with strong features. Tall. Semi-formal dress. He should be alone, but he should be confident. Hardly nervous. Very observant. He would have to be looking all over the place looking for his new victims. You have to look at those who watch couples either on the dance floor or here at the bar.” Max gave a loud laugh that at first shocked me, then she came over to speak in my ear.
"So I guess we should attract his attention, right?... I didn't laugh out loud because I found it funny, by the way..." she told me.
"Clever girl!" Prentiss chirped over our headphones. "Well lovebirds, while you look at your surroundings, take advantage of playing around a bit.”
The statement made me blush. Max gave a nervous laugh. I leaned closer and hugged Max around the waist as I rested my head on her shoulder. She raised her head a little to kiss me. Besides pressing her against my body, I didn't know much to do. I mean, I could think of millions of things to do... but not in a public place, if you know what I mean...
"Spencer, it wouldn't be a bad idea for you to kiss my neck so we can have a better view of the opposite side..." Max suggested.
"Are you sure ... ?"
"Yes... why not? ... not that we haven't done this before..." Max replied.
"I know, I’m sorry. I'm a little nervous."
It was true. I was nervous. I was with my girlfriend in a club and I need to pretend something I would love to be doing in private. How the hell is something like that controlled? Anyway, I took Max's suggestion and started kissing her neck slowly while my eyes scanned the place. She let out some giggles because of the tickle while she also was looking around.
"Spencer, near the bathrooms I see a suspicious man looking at us, red shirt, black tie and black jeans..." Max whispered in my ear.
"I see another one looking at us from behind the dance floor, black dress pants, white shirt and black jacket...". I replied.
“We have to clear doubts before any movement. Raise your bet guys,” Prentiss instructed. What the hell did that mean?...
Without warning, Max tugged at my hair so I had to look at her and then tugged at my tie and pulled me into one of the most passionate kisses I got in a long time. Just to make it even more believable - I thought – she raised slightly one of her legs and began stroking one of mine. I couldn't help but freeze for a few seconds. Max noticed my nervousness at her bold move.
"Hey hot genius, just think like we're on the couch of your place..." Max said as she started to kiss my jaw. The moment those words came out of her mouth we heard chuckles from the earpiece. I could only to dig my head into Max's neck trying to hide my embarrassment.
"Sorry, I forgot they can hear us..." Max apologized, also blushing.
"Don’t worry about us... you continue to do your own thing... at least what can be done in public... remember our mission." Prentiss replied trying to maintain her composure.
“Ok… the man who was on the other side of the dance floor came closer to us, now he is leaning against one of the walls that gives the back exit. The one who was near the toilets, in a red shirt, went with a woman to dance,” I said after identifying the unsubs.
"What do you think Reid, is he our unsub?" Prentiss asked.
"I'm almost sure. He is looking very eagerly at our hands and rings… and he fits the profile”.
"Perfect. We started phase 2 now,” instructed Emily. I took Max's hand and we walked to the back exit, making sure to stop for a few minutes near the unsub so he could get a closer look of us and hear us. With my hands I took Max's cheeks and after giving her a burning kiss I began to speak.
“Baby, I’m so happy I had married you. Now you are mine and nobody else, always remember that... only mine, understood?". Saying that was part of the character. The unsub hunted couples where the man showed possessive traits in the relationship and was what he sought to annul by killing them first in front of their partners.
"I know baby. I’m yours and nobody else's. Show me right now that I belong to you and only you”. Max replied as she put her arms around my neck and we kissed again. Convinced that the unsub had heard us, we began to move towards the back door without break our embrace.
As we stepped outside, the cold in the alley hit us. It was true that the club was burning inside and not only because of the large number of people on it.
I cornered Max to one of the walls, allowing her to have a view of the door so she could to notify me when the unsub left the club. Only two minutes passed and the unsub went out into the alley. Max's warning signal to me was a sultry "Oh, Spencer... baby." I took her by the waist again, pretending a fiery make out session in that dark alley.
"Is it time for the arrest?" I asked without detaching myself from Max.
"Not yet Reid. We have to wait for him to try to attack you before we can do something,” Prentiss replied.
"Great..." I muttered under my breath .
"Spencer... he is approaching very fast..." Max said quickly.
"Is he armed?..." I asked.
"He has a kni…". Max couldn't finish the sentence when I felt an arm pull me to turn violently.
"Leave her alone!" the unsub yelled waving a knife to threaten me.
“Hey! Hey! ... what's going on ?, what's your problem man...?” I said faking confusion.
“She is not yours! You don't deserve her. You are like all the bastards inside this fucking club. You don't really love her,” he shouted frantically. I had my eyes fixed on the knife while trying to get Max out of his sight with my body and arms.
"Take it easy man... nobody has to get hurt..." I tried to reason with him.
"Of course it is, and you will be the first!". My eyes and mind were so focused on the knife he was waving with one of his hands that I didn't notice his other hand that struck my face with a punch that knocked me to the floor.
Stunned I tried to get up quickly when I saw the unsub begin to approach Max. But I was dizzy, I couldn't find stability. Fortunately before he could touch her, Luke appeared out of nowhere and leaped him, knocking him to the floor. Matt appeared behind Luke to help him in the arrest and lead him to the police car. Prentiss approached Max to see how she was doing. I was still on the floor.
"If anyone cares, the bastard punched me in the face..." I complained as I put one of the palms of my hands on my now more sore face.
Max quickly approached to see how I was doing. Prentiss held out a hand to help me up.
"Let me see that face..." Max said as she saw what would be a big bruise in a few hours.
"Don't complain Reid, you will survive," Prentiss joked.
"This was not in the script," I protested. Emily nodded.
"Yes I know. The two of you did a good job, by the way. Max, you keep me surprising. Congratulations" Prentiss said smiling.
"Thank you Emily…" Max replied and then turned her eyes to me, examining if she found any other wound on my face.
"Spencer, like a reward for you good job in this case, tomorrow you have the day off..."
"How generous Emily…" I replied ironically.
"That's how I am. You know that. Well maybe that gives you enough time to finish what you started in there… right hot genius?” Prentiss sentenced, laughing and patting me on the back before leaving the place. With Max we both flushed like tomatoes.
"Sorry..." Max muttered.
"It's okay. Although you can be sure that even the director of the FBI will know about this tomorrow"
"So... what if let's put it into practice so they can speak with reason?, don´t you think?..." Max suggested winking at me and intertwining our hands to start our way home.
“Yeah, you’re right. I have no reason to protest for such excellent suggestion” I said with a eager smirk.
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dontshootmespence · 5 years
That’s Why
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Summary: During the investigation into William Lee, Spencer goes to Elle’s hotel room to try getting through to his friend, which leads to something neither expected.
Words: 1,085
Warnings: Angst, talk about violation in both a physical and sexual sense.
A/N: My next entry for @cmbingo​ 2020! This fulfills my reassignment square and takes place during and after the episode The Aftermath. I needed some Reidaway in my life.
As he walked down the hallway, he could feel something eating away at the bottom of his stomach, like an expanding black hole. He fumbled with the buttons on his blue sweater, debating whether or not to take it off, tighten it or some other third option he couldn’t think of right now.
Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door, silently hoping Elle would answer. “What’s up, genius?”
“Are you okay?”
“Don’t profile me,” she spat, guard up almost instantly. Force of habit.
Without thinking, Spencer walked into her hotel room and sat down at the table. She bristled at his entrance, but he couldn’t just walk away knowing what he knew.  “I’m not,” he countered. “It doesn’t take a profiler to see that you’re in pain. It’s psych 101. This case has to be hitting home for you, Elle. You came back to the Bureau after four months and acted like nothing happened.”
“What was I supposed to do?” She asked, voice rising in pitch before she could catch herself. “Come back and cry to everyone.”
“Not necessarily,” Spencer said softly. “Look, Elle, I can’t imagine how you’re feeling, but keeping all of this to yourself…you’ll implode.”
Her lip began to quiver, nearly six months worth of pain and anguish bubbling just below the surface of her skin. Before he knew it, Spencer was reaching across the table to place his hand on hers. She glanced upward, her eyes meeting his for a brief moment before she looked away. Spencer saw a tear fall down her cheek. “Right after Garner shot me, he reached inside my wound to use blood and write on the wall. It’s a violation you can’t ever imagine. Like claws through cloth or-“ She shook with a violent fear. “It happened in my own home. It’s unimaginable, Reid. And now these women, they’re being violated where they should feel safe, and I-“ She choked on a sob, tears flowing freely for what felt like the first time since that day.
Before she knew what was happening, she and Reid were on the floor and she was cradled in his arms. He supported the back of her head against his shoulder and whispered words of comfort though he knew them to be hollow in the scheme of things. “It’s okay to cry, Elle.”
That only made her cry harder. And although she hated it, feeling so vulnerable, she knew she could trust Spencer.
He hated seeing her cry. Seeing anyone cry just brought those feelings of helplessness flooding back. But she needed to get it out or she’d implode – one way or another.
After what felt like hours, she fell asleep on the floor in his arms while he combed his fingers through her hair. His foot was falling asleep and he wasn’t going to be getting any sleep of his own tonight, but he couldn’t bear to move. For the first time since she’d returned to work, she seemed at peace and for all his discomfort, he wasn’t about to disturb her.
Something changed between them that night. Whenever she felt overwhelmed or scared or angry, she’d visit Spencer, whether at his desk at work or at home in his apartment. She felt at ease speaking her mind in front of him, knowing he wouldn’t judge no matter how fucked up the thought might seem. “I just…I know we can’t take the law into our own hands, but…”
Spencer popped the cap off two bottles of beer and walked back over the couch, sitting down beside her. He could sense her hesitation. “It’s okay, Elle.”
“Whenever I see someone like Lee, I can’t help but want to kill them. Don’t give the justice system a chance to fail, you know? So they can’t hurt anyone ever again.”
Reaching between her back and the supple leather of his couch, he pulled her toward him, her head resting on his shoulder. “I get it, Elle. Anyone in law enforcement who says they haven’t had those thoughts is a liar.” He leaned his cheek against her head, silence passing between them as she snuggled up closer.
“We keep getting these cases, Spencer…Just one after the other. When I first joined the BAU, a phone call would get my blood racing. There was nothing better than the hunt. But now every time the phone rings I feel like I’m being punched. I can’t breathe…like a two-ton weight is sitting on my chest.” She spoke faster and faster, her breaths jagged and desperate. Spencer squeezed her shoulder reassuringly. “I thought it would get better, but it hasn’t…”
Everything in him wanted her to remain in the BAU, she was a great agent and better friend. He was so used to people leaving he was scared to lose her too, but the logical part of his mind knew what he had to suggest. “Elle, I realize you’re amazing at your job, but sometimes people can’t heal while they’re still neck deep in the thing that’s hurting them, you know? Maybe being reassigned to another department in the Bureau would allow you to heal.”
Honestly, the thought hadn’t even occurred to her. She figured she’d either get over it or it would consume her. “You think I should leave?”
“Not because I want you too,” he said honestly, “but because I think you might need to. That’s why. This could destroy you, Elle, and…I don’t want to lose you.”
A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips as she lifted her head from his shoulder. “I don’t want to lose you either, but asking for reassignment makes sense. Me being reassigned could be beneficial for me in more ways than one.”
Spencer quirked his eyebrow up, wanting to believe that what she said mirrored how he was feeling. “How so?”
“You’re a genius, Dr. Reid,” she said softly. She rested her chin on his shoulder, eyes holding the words he wanted to hear. “I think you know.”
The moon shone on her hair like a halo, a little crooked but perfect all the same. Even months ago, he wouldn’t have had the courage to make his next move, but she’d changed him. That night had changed them. 
Reaching out, he tangled his hand in her hair and pulled her close, their lips just barely touching before he finally kissed her. She sighed into his mouth and relaxed into his hold. “Is that why?” He asked, laughing quietly as he pulled away.
“That’s why.”
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
My 2019 Roleplay Request
hello I'm Jessica Now a little information about me about me I'm 29 dyslexic but I do my I'm still looking for a band roleplay The Band list of groups my oc would have love interests for but if you don't see any you like tell me some you do and I will gladly put in the work to give you the band you want but please if you message me to stick to it because I have had a few people start talking with me about plot and ideas then just disappear so if that’s what your going to do please don’t message me.
Rules & Information  
Grammar and style;  
Grammar and spelling isn't an issue as long as I know that your trying to say we should be fine but I will not accept one liners I RP in third person and paragraph form only I can't deal with one liners any more but I will not accept novel style ether I just can't match that I can do 100 to 500 ors per side but if you write more that's fine just understand I may not match your length but I will do my very best to try and get as close to it as i can also know that with dyslexic so if your looking for perfect grammar i’m not your girl I do have discord if you want to talk there just let me know otherwise I mainly rp over email or discord.
Love interests and Other Character;  
I don't mind having outside characters and or multiple love interests cause I love drama and all the fun things that come with it so feel free to add any twist and turn you want and I'll help you come up with ideas as well if you want to run things by me if we have the same love interests that's fine we can do a split universes so we can both have the same guy or odds are i can find another love interest.
Smuts and other things;  
I’m more than willing to smut and other adult themes like violence, gore, death, etc as well and really I have almost no limits but I WILL NOT do any Pedophilia bestiality necrophilia insets or extreme age gaps and scat other then that I have no other limits but if you have any kinks or other controversial mature things such as rape or abuse we can talk about it not much makes me uncomfortable all pairings are fine myself I to mostly MxF pairings but I'm fine doing MxM or FxF for others 
messages and Replies;  
please take your time there is no need to send rushed replies I will not bother you about it I'm on all the time I know most others have busy lives so I will give you a week before asking about replies all I ask is that you give me the same treatment I have a one year old daughter and a part time job but I will try to reply at least once a day if not more but I do have busy days. 
Attitude and Fairness;  
Keep things fair make sure that both sides and if I'm doing something on your side of the rp that you don't think works for the idea you have in mind for the plot on your end tell me I will be happy to talk and adjust things to something you find is more of what you had in mind I do this for fun and I want my partner to have fun as well.  
Terminating an RP;  
If you no longer wish to roleplay with me then please tell me don't just ignore me I find it rather rude cause if I have to stop the rp I will let you know.   
Everything Else;  
I don’t mind doing more than one roleplay at a time I don’t mind if you just want to talk on the side lines or in another message in fact I encourage outside talks and getting to know my partners making new friends and expanding my horizons in the rp world if you see anything you like contact me fandoms and love interests below Discord
Discord Jess#1964
T.V. shows and movies
True Blood 
Game of Thrones
Robb Stark
The Avengers
The Walking Dead
Sons of anarchy
Victor Creed
Law & order
Elliot Stabler 
Chester Lake
criminal minds
Spencer Reid
Suicide Squad
Captain Boomerang
Rick Flag 
Dragonball z
Yu Yu Hakusho
Laughing Jack
The Band List
Asking Alexandria
Bring me the horizon
Oil Skys
Escape the fate
Tokio Hotel
Bullet For My Valentine
Matt tuck
ville valo
Framing Hanley
Kenith Nixon
Other fandoms i know but not interested in roleplaying for my side but will for others
American Horror Stories FreakShow 
Boondock Saints 
Ghost Adventures
Dog and Beth on the hunt/Dog the bounty Hunter
Lord of the Rings
Pirates of the Caribbean
Wolf’s Rain
Teen Titans
Rurouni Kenshin
Akame ga kill
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maealbert · 6 years
Hello, Again // P2
AU Characters: Team x Grey’s x OC (Hannah Scott) A/N: We’re back with the doctors and the agents...been a minute! Master List Previous Parts
tag list: @idkbutspencer @tenaciousarcadeexpert @literallyprentissstwin @cynbx @rawritsmolly @drspencerreider @dontshootmespence @ultrarebelheart @remember-me-forever-silent-angel @tippy06
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Hannah steps away from the table. She gritted her teeth as she pulled off her gloves. Amelia turned to look at her. “Why are you mad?” She asks pulling off her glasses. “He lived. You saved his life.”
“I saved a murderer’s life.” Hannah said as she walked away from Amelia.
JJ and Matt catch up with Hannah in the trauma room. “Hey, how’d the surgery go?” JJ asks as she reaches out to Hannah.
“Fine.” Hannah says as she closes a binder.
“Everything okay?” Matt asks.
“Everything’s just fine. Your unsub is alive so you can get your answers.” Hannah says as she steps around the two agents. She stops in her tracks and turns back to face them. “But he won’t be awake for at least six hours, so you might want to make yourself comfortable.” Turning on her heels, she starts to head back when she gets a page to Emily’s room.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Hannah asks as she steps into the room.
“She beeped and when I came in she was complaining of something burning.”
“Okay, let’s have a look.” Hannah says as she slips on a pair of gloves. “How long has then happening, Em?” She asks as she lifts up Emily’s hospital gown.
“About ten minutes... I thought maybe it’d go away soon so I was hoping I could get pain meds, but then it just kept getting worse.”
“Yeah, we’ll just need to take you back to the OR, get this wound cleaned out and repatched. Looks like it got infected. After we’re finished I’ll put you on antibiotics and you’ll be good as new.” Hannah follows the nurse out of the room. “Book OR 3 and page Dr. Hunt.” The nurse nods her head as she heads back to the nurse’s station.
JJ paced back and forth in Emily’s room as she waited for Hannah to bring her back from surgery. She heard voices coming down the hall, one of them she recognized as Hannah’s. Stepping out of the hall, she sees Hannah and Hunt wheeling an unconscious Emily down the hall. “Hey, how is she doing?” JJ asks Hannah as she quickly follows beside Hannah.
“We were able to clear everything up without damaging the wound any further.” Hannah says as the nurse locks Emily’s bed into place. “She’ll be awake by morning.” Hannah leaves the room and walks over to the nurses’ station. “I want 10mg of these antibiotics given to Agent Prentiss every three hours to help keep the antibiotics at bay. I will keep my beeper on pager on in case the agent needs anything or the teen wakes up, but my shift ended hours ago and I’d like to get some sleep in my own bed.”
“I thought you were staying overnight at the hospital?” Meredith asks as she clears the table of dirty dishes.
“I planned to, but everything seems fine right now. I mean what could go wrong with a group of FBI agents inside the hospital?” Hannah says as she sits down at the table.
“Have you eaten any dinner? There’s leftover steak and potatoes in the fridge. I saved some in case you did come home.”
“Thanks.” Hannah says nodding her head.
“Everything okay?” Meredith says as she walked back over to the table and sits down across from Hannah. “You look off, besides being tired and all.”
“It’s hard saving people when you used to be in law enforcement.” Hannah sighs as she leans on the table. “I saved a teen’s life after he murdered four girls. It’s hard saving someone’s life when they took someone else’s.”
“I know.” Meredith says. “But you did a good thing because that means you helped your friends bring justice to the victims families and that’s all that matters right now.”
“I didn’t like it.”
“I can believe that. I wouldn’t have either if I were in your shoes.” Meredith stands up from the table. “I highly recommend that you eat before you go to bed.” She adds patting Hannah’s back before heading out of the kitchen. Getting up from the table, Hannah walks over to the fridge and pulls out the foiled covered dish. Placing it in the microwave she puts it going when the doorbell rings.
“I got it!” She calls out before walking to the door. Pulling open the door she finds JJ standing on the porch. “Emily okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, she’s fine. Still asleep but good. I, uh, I was able to get your information from Hunt. I wanted to talk to you about today.”
“Of course, come in.” Hannah says stepping aside to let JJ into the house. She hears the microwave beeping. “Follow me.” She says going back into the kitchen. “What did you want to talk about?”
JJ sits down at the table. “I noticed how cold you reacted when I asked you about the unsub. I uh.. I didn’t mean to make you upset.”
“It’s not you.” Hannah says as she sets the hot plate on the kitchen counter. “I save lives, I’ve been doing that for years in the medical field and the law enforcement field..but this time..it was different. I didn’t want to save his life, especially when he took four. Why does he deserve to live when others suffered at his hands?”
“I know that it wasn’t fair.” JJ says as she stands up from the table. She stands up from the table and walks over to the counter. “But I’m glad you did it, because now we can bring peace to the families affected.” JJ says resting her hand on Hannah’s arm. “But I will let you eat and get some rest. I only wanted to stop by to talk for a quick minute.”
“Hey uh, would you guys want to crash here for the night? I know those couches and chairs can get uncomfortable and the staff rooms are usually occupied..”
“I’ll let the others know.”
“I’ll keep the front door unlocked. Just make sure it gets locked when you all get in.”
“Will do.” JJ says as she exits the room.
Hannah’s pager vibrates on the nightstand. Peeling her eyes open she rolls over in bed and looks at the clock. Six o’clock in the morning. A knock comes on the door and Amelia opens the door. She looked just as bad as Hannah. “Our teen is awake.” She grumbles rubbing her eyes. “Do you need the shower?”
Hannah shakes her head. “I’ll take one at the hospital.” Hannah says as she slides slowly out of bed. She changes into clean clothes and pulls her hair back into a french braid. She slips into the bathroom while Amelia showers and works on her makeup. She had to something to cover up her tired looks. Once she was finished getting ready, she tiptoed down the stairs and to the kitchen. Making herself and Amelia bagels to eat on the way to work, she writes a note on the sticky pad. Tearing it off she tiptoes into the living room and quietly places it on Spencer’s nose. Only way he’ll find it when he wakes up. Or someone will. Going back to the kitchen she tosses a sleepy Amelia one of the warm bagels and grabs her bags off the kitchen table.
“So you invited your friends to sleepover.” Amelia says as she munches on her bagel.
“The pull couches are much better than the hospital beds,” Hannah responds. “Plus with Karev living with Joe now, we have a spare room so some of them crashed in there.” Hannah pulled the car in a parking spot and turned the engine off. “Prepare yourself when we go into that room. Just because he’ll be sedated doesn’t mean that shit won’t happen.”
Both women climbed out of the van when they greeted by Wilson and Karev. “Someone’s here early.” Joe speaks as she hugs Hannah.
“I can say the same thing.” Hannah responds.
“So what’s got you two up at this hour?” Karev asks as the group of four head up the steps to the hospital.
“Murderer is awake.” Hannah blunts responds as she rolls her eyes. Amelia nudges her side. “Well I’m not going to nice about it. He murdered four girls. I used to put guys like him behind bars for a living.”
“And now your a doctor,” Joe says. “What a major change.”
“Do you miss it?” Amelia asks. “Have you ever thought of going back?”
“As much as I miss my friends, I would never go back to that job. It required hours upon hours of paperwork and therapy. I like where I’m at now.” Hannah says as she hits the elevator. “Floor?” She asks.
“Four.” Joe and Alex both respond simultaneously.
Pushing open the sliding glass door, Hannah steps into Ronald’s room with Amelia walking right behind her. “Good morning, Ronald.” Hannah says as she begins doing the routine check up. “How are we feeling?”
“Fine.. I guess.. When I get out of here?”
“Once we determine how well you’re healing, we will call in the corrections facility to escort you and they’ll handle you from there.” Amelia explains. “How are his brain waves?’ She asks Hannah.
“Everything looks normal. Graphs are coming out perfect and his body responding just the way it should be.” Hannah says as she finishes up the routine checkup. “Looks like you’ll be out of here today.” She adds looking at Ronald.
“I’ll go make the call.” Amelia says as she leaves the room. As Hannah throws her gloves way and sanitizes her hands, she begins to leave the room when Ronald speaks up.
“I guess I’m not your favorite person in the world.” He says. Hannah stops in the doorway. She sees JJ and Matt coming down the hall from the elevator. “I can understand why. You saved one life while I took four....”
Hannah turns on her heels to face Ronald. “I saved two lives,” She says walking over to the bed. “First my friend that you shot and than you. As much as I hated it, I had to do my job.”
“You were one of them, weren’t you?” Ronald says.
“How would you know that?”
“You have the FBI’s seal pin on your name tag. So either you were one of them or related to one.” Ronald says.
“Both.” You say before leaving the room.
“Hey, how is he doing?” JJ asks.
“Uh, good.” You say giving her a small smile. “Amelia just went to call the facility to come pick him up and then he’s all theirs.”
“Good, good.” JJ responds as she returns the smile before following Matt into the room.
“Excuse me, Dr. Scott.” A nurse says as she covers the phone with her hand. “I just a call from upstairs. Your friend is awake. She’s asking for you.”
“I’m on my way.” Hannah says as she closes the clipboard and heads for the elevators. The short ride to the floor above, the doors opened and she stepped out making her way down the hall to Emily’s room. She knocked on the door before slipping between the open crack. “Good morning. How are we feeling right now?” Hannah says as she checks her vitals and the stitches.
“Just a little groggy.” Emily grumbles as she rubs her eyes. “Am I good to go home today?”
“Yes, but I do have orders for you.”
“Should’ve expected that.” Emily says making Hannah smile.
“I want you to take it easy. No heavy lifting so your stitches stay in tack and your body isn’t being strained and plenty of rest. Both I encourage for the next few months until your primary doctor gives the okay to remove the stitches. I will write you a note for the Bureau to allow early from work days to rest some. I want you to take care of yourself, I won’t be there every day to watch you.”
“You got it Doctor.” Emily smirks.
“And the next time you come to Seattle, hit me up for drinks and not surgery.”
Emily softly laughs careful as to not reopen her stitches. “I’ll be sure to call. But you need to come visit. We’ve missed having you around. It’s been too long.”
“I’m one step ahead of you.” Hannah says. “Are you hungry? I want to get something in your system before you take off. I bet the jet still doesn’t have good food.”
Emily shakes her head. “Not really. Just alcohol and JJ’s Cheetos.”
“Oh! That reminds me. No alcohol for a while. At least until your doctor-”
“Gives the okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Guess I’ll be hooked on coffee for a while.”
“Like you aren’t already.” Hannah giggles. “JJ and Matt are here speaking with Ronald and I believe the others are somewhere in the hospital or still home sleeping. I’ll let them all you’re awake so they can come visit. When do you all leave?”
“I’m hoping JJ can schedule a flight out of here by tomorrow morning. While I’ve been laying in here for the past couple days, I figured we could spend a litle while here in the city to visit you.”
“Sounds good. I’m getting overtime until you and Ronald are discharged and then I’ll be off afterwards. Maybe we can all hang out at the bar. And don’t worry, you won’t be the only one drinking a non-alcoholic drink. I will be chugging water.”
“Cutting back on alcohol?” Emily asks.
“Not really.” Hannah shrugs her shoulders. “Water is just healthier.” Hannah pager vibrates on her lab coat. “Well.. I’ll let you know if I have raincheck. Pit call.”
“Good luck.” Emily calls as she watches Hannah rush out of the room and down the hallway to the elevators.
Bad ending..oops sorry. I wasn’t how to end it. Yes they go out for drinks and Hannah will go back to D.C. for a visit.
But this is the final part of Hello Again. I didn’t want to go too far into because I have other fics to catch up on. I’ve been neglecting them for far too long.
If you liked this one than please be sure to leave it some love!
Thank you! :)
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