#because Oak is just like - are you fr right now???
honeysulani · 8 months
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Faerûn's runways are calling
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the-kr8tor · 7 months
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In Pursuit of Blood: A trip down goblin lane.
Pairing: Vampire! Hobie Brown x fem! Vampire hunter! Reader
Word count: 5.6k
Synopsis: You, an amateur vampire hunter, find it really hard to kill the one vampire you were tasked to kill.
Tags: Use of Y/N sparingly, no specific physical description of the reader (except for her clothing), same universe as the WWDITS series, CW blood, TW violence, CW suggestive, Mockumentary AU, established relationship, Fluff.
A/N: Special thanks to @al1x00 (ly fr) for the idea! Happy 1k! 🫶 (Enjoy my attempt at humor lol)
Hobie's Masterlist
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The camera focuses on a leather clad man sitting on a patchwork armrest. His long leg is crossed over the other, metal clinking against each other when he moves. He places his elbow on the armrest, hand under his chin, ringed fingers tapping on his cheek—bored and clearly disinterested. Red eyes lined with dark eyeliner, piercings glimmering under the camera lights, sharp nails painted, he makes the crew suck in a breath.
He's the perfect picture of a rockstar.
The dimly lit gothic home provides the perfect backdrop to the ‘confession booth’, various books, knick knacks from far flung places are littered all over the living room. A grand piano stands proudly to his left, dark oak polished and well taken care off. Tapestries from the sixteenth century are tacked on the walls next to seventies and eighties band posters. His coat rack is full of jackets that look like they come from different times in history.
The producer nods at him, asking for the man's name, his voice just above a whisper so that the microphones don't catch the sound.
He sighs, jaws tighten for a second. “Name's Hobie, Hobie Brown.” His voice shakes the crew's bones. The blond haired producer clears his throat and Hobie rolls his eyes like a spoiled celebrity. “And I'm a vampire.” he says flatly.
The blond gestures for him to continue, asking him how old he is. “Fuckin' hell.” Hobie says under his breath. “Were you not taught manners? Come off it, you don't ask a vampire their age.”
The clipboard holding man, who pretends to be important, asks him why he agreed to the interview if he's so disinterested.
“Fine,” He smiles, showing his sharp fangs, the simple act makes the documentary team's heart skip a beat. “Before you say ‘m following a trend of vampires givin' interviews and a ‘peak behind the cape’ like the wankers in staten island or the lovebirds in dubai. ‘m not, ‘m only doin' this because,” he points dramatically at the clipboard holding man. “Your director told me all proceeds from this goes to charity. And it better be—”
Something thumps outside. The camera sharply turns to the closed floor length curtains.
“Oi, eyes back ‘ere.” Hobie exclaims, the camera whizzes back to his figure. “Again, vampire, been alive for…” he inhales, “a long bloody time. Been a pirate, a cowboy, hell even a rockstar. But always an anarchist.” He says proudly. “I've been rebelling against the one who bit me for centuries,” the camera zooms in on his scowl. “Hate that knobhead.”
Something falls right outside his windows, a groan and a curse sounding out, voice muffled by the walls.
The crew expects Hobie to hiss or even deal with the intruder but he smiles, posture loosening up.
“That,” he points at the source of the ruckus. “That’s a vampire hunter.” Smiling, the crew could hear a muffled ‘fuck you’ behind the walls. “She's been hunting me for a few years now. She—eh, hasn't been close.”
The cursing was louder, camera swishing towards the source, your angry face peeking out from the curtains. The boom mic captures your annoyed growl clearly as you place your face as close as possible on the glass.
“Fuck you, Hobart!”
He chuckles as the crew's face grows with concern. “Don't worry, she's—I guess bad at her job. She's interestin’ though. Y’know what, let me just show you.” He stands up, the cameras and the entire crew follows him through the hallways of his home.
The cameraman almost trips on a stray guitar on the floor. “Careful now, that was a present from some rockstar in the seventies. That's why I leave it on the floor, it works best as a boot scraper.”
Hobie stops in front of double doors, scenes of a love story are carved on the wood.
“It was a gift.” He addresses the doors, “not my first choice but where else would I put the bloody thing?” With a small push, hands braced on both doors, he reveals the expansive room lined with hundreds of paintings and photographs.
He sucks in his teeth. “The entire house is a gift, I'd rather live in a boathouse honestly but this works fine I guess.” Shrugging, he points at the oldest looking wood carving hanging on the wall. A man kneels in front of a woman, rose in his hand as she looks down at him with glee.
“Yes, that's me courting. The wood carver fucked up the scene though, it was more like me ravaging– uh” he clears his throat “…this won't show in pbs right?”
The people behind the cameras shrug as Hobie looks to them for an answer.
“I'll tone it down then, for the children, just in case.” He continues down the lineup of pictures.
Stopping by a large painting of what looks like Hobie in medieval clothing. The painted version of him is surrounded by flowers and trees. His antlers protruding from his head, webs clings to his arms.
“This was when people thought I was fae.” He makes a face, “everyone was tripping on shrooms back then.” walking towards the middle of the room, passing by a few more paintings and tapestries, He pauses on a yellowed painting of a woman who looks similar to you, only less angry.
“Look at her,” sighing, the vampire has heart eyes while looking at the painting. “this was before she was cursed by that bitcharse jealous witch. Now every descendant of hers is cursed to never harm me or any of my spawns, which is bad because they all think I killed their ancestor, and all they want is to kill me. A consequence of dating a vampire hunter during the fifteenth century, I guess.”
“The curse is a two way street, they can't kill me, I can't hypnotize them. It's not that I want to anyway.” he continues.
Another ruckus echoes throughout the house. Hobie smiles again. “I believe she doesn't know about it, so hush, yeah?” He does a double take. “Wait, can you cut that part out?”
The second crew runs towards you as you climb the tresses of the house. The camera lens zooms in on your clumsy climbing. Looking down, hearing leaves crunch underfoot, you yelp in surprise.
“What—?!” Losing your hold, you fall on a bush, landing directly at his wild flowers. “Ow! Who the fuck—?!”
Now sitting down on a lawn chair, leaves stuck in your hair, face and clothes covered in dirt, you scowl at the producer behind the camera.
Sighing, clicking your tongue, you answer their questions with another question. “Who the fuck are you guys?”
You raise an eyebrow at the words ‘documentary crew’ uttered by the producer.
“Seriously? Who would want to interview Hobart? Scratch that, is it because of those fuckers in staten island?”
A cameraman answers, ‘for charity.’
You blink in surprise, “charity? You fuckin' kidding me? Well if it's for the kids then.” sighing, you resign, looking directly at the camera with disdain, you say your first name. “And I'm a vampire hunter, I mean obviously I am just looking at all the stakes and holy water strapped to me. I look like I'm very fun at parties.” You say jokingly, “and church, probably. Dunno never been.”
The camera cuts back to Hobie still in the large room full of paintings and memorabilia.
“— I didn't do anythin’ wrong. They're absolutely mad at me for no reason—” he stops, thinking. “But I guess I was the reason their family was cursed innit?”
He changes subjects, showing the camera a painting near the end of the room.
“Oh this? This is when her great great great great grandfather almost got me, memories huh? He was mighty fit.” The crew zooms in on a gorgeous painting of a man trying to put a stake through Hobie's heart while he smiles up at him like he's smitten.
“Good times.” He chuckles.
“Fuck this.” You say, standing up from the chair, grabbing the mic off from your shirt abruptly. The camera follows you as you grab the lawn chair that you were just sitting on. You then proceed to throw it at a stained glass window. Giving you entry to his abode.
“It was gaudy anyway.” Entering the house, your shoes crunch the broken glass.
“Huh, she's inside. That's a record.” Hobie says almost excitedly. “I'll show you the rest of the room after this—.”
The double doors burst open, the camera swivels to you and the camera crew behind you. Holding a stake, you scowl at Hobie.
“Hello, darling, how was your commute?” He genuinely smiles.
“I have a car now, fuck you!” You lunge at him.
Lightning fast, he grabs your wrist right before the stake kisses his chest. The camera crews film on the sides, avoiding getting hit themselves.
“Good for you, finally saved up then?”
Lifting your legs, you kick his chest, you tumble, landing on your feet, staring at him menacingly. “Yes! It's a kia!” you scream before you run full speed at him.
“You got a good deal on it? Automatic or manual?”
“No!” You swing at him, he dodges. “I think I got swindled!” Kick “And it's a manual!” Punch “I’m not a pussy!”
Hobie clicks his tongue, avoiding the pointed edge of the stake. “Point ‘em to me, love, maybe I can get you your money back.”
Stepping back further away, you pause while he stands at the end of the room. Changing your hold on the sharp wood, you throw it at him, he leans slightly, dodging the projectile. it hits the wall right next to your ancestor’s portrait.
“You'll just drink him dry like the last guy!”
He shrugs, making a face that makes you want to punch him harder. “Not my fault he was a knobhead.”
You bounce on your feet, pouncing at him. “He was my dentist!”
He moves to the side, seeing you running towards one of the paintings, in danger of getting smashed by you. In his panic, he raises his arm to stop you, accidentally clothes lining you. His wall-like arm hits you right on your face.
Falling harshly on the floor, you're completely unconscious.
Hobie looks at the cameras with concern. “Shit.”
You wake up on an ancient looking couch, it's soft despite its appearance. Lifting your head with a groan, headache punching through the back of your head, you grimace loudly at the camera crew still filming in the corner.
Falling back on the couch, you hide your flustered face with your arm, pulling the blanket further up your chest.
“I promise I'm not that bad at fighting.” You murmur, still hiding your face from the cameras. “You just caught me at a bad time.”
Hobie suddenly appears with a whoosh, he holds a metal tray with tea and a hot compress placed on it.
“Who's giving you a bad time?”
You audibly groan. “No one.”
He places the tray on the coffee table, sparing a quick glance at the camera. “I caught you lackin’ you're not always that bad. Tea?”
Wordlessly reaching up, you flip him the bird. Hobie smiles softly, tapping your legs to give him space on the settee. The documentary crew is surprised that you actually move to give way to him.
He sits by your legs, preparing your tea just like how you always take it. Two sugars and a dash of milk. The entire production staff is perplexed to say the least.
With a clink of the tea spoon against the cup, you sit up, wincing slightly. “Can I get another sugar cube?”
Hobie raises a brow, “it's that kind of day huh? What's bothering you, love?”
You scoff, taking a cube for yourself then plopping it in your tea cup. “Nothing.”
He flicks his eyes at the camera with a knowing glance. Resting his elbow atop his thigh, chin placed on his hand, he pokes at your leg using his foot. Wordlessly having a conversation. With a sigh and a frown, you sip at your tea.
“Ex kicked me out. Now I'm living with the family again.”
Hobie's nonchalance drops, hand instinctively reaching out to you until he realizes what he's doing, he retracts his hand back.
“Shit, ‘m sorry. Their loss.”
“Mm-hmm, consequences of living with someone you've only dated for three months.” You finish your drink in one gulp. “‘sides, I don't have to pay rent anymore.”
“You've got shitty taste in partners.” You snort, half agreeing with him. “But you have to live with your psycho family so there's that.”
You laugh, the camera zooms in on Hobie's pleased expression.
“They're tolerable now, mellowed out after they took out count Belois.” You look at Hobie, copying his position like a mirror.
“He was an arse, did all of us a favour.” he stares at your eyes while the camera continues to film, yet you two don't seem to notice them anymore.
“Yeah, wish I was there though.” You say in a small voice. “They never invite me to those hunts. Always left watching outside.”
Hobie reaches towards you again, this time he actually holds you. Long fingers curling around your wrist, his thumb rubbing gently. “If only they know how hard you could kick.”
“You barely moved when I kicked you.” Chuckling, your eyes sparkle under the dim lights.
“Well it's me,” he inches closer to you in the seat, knee brushing against yours. “But if it was any other vampire out there they would have flown.”
You scrunch your face. Laying your hand down to your thigh, Hobie intertwined his fingers around yours properly this time. The camera captures the confusing scene.
“Because they turned into a bat?”
He grins, showing you his teeth, you don't even flinch. “Nah, because you kicked ‘em too hard. Did you hit your head that hard?” Knocking his knuckles against your temple softly, you move back like lightning has struck you.
“No, I'm actually okay, thanks.” You take your hand away, eyes flitting nervously at the camera then to Hobie. “I gotta go, dinner with the psycho family.” Standing up, you take your belongings from the floor. “You know how it is.”
He looks up at you with an unreadable expression, “yeah, I know how it is.” He says forlornly.
Patting his shoulder awkwardly, your hand lingers for a half second. “Bye,” you stare at the crew in the corner, “bye to all of you, I guess. Don't get eaten.”
The camera pans towards Hobie who just shrugs, fangs poking out of his lips.
Hobie eats alone in his empty dining room. The table is long, made of strong narra, designed to sit a dozen or so people. He sits in the head of the table, utensils scraping against the bloodied plate. His goblet is full, untouched.
He looks up at the camera on the other side of the table, observing his every move.
“The table's a gift too.” He says before continuing to eat silently.
The camera follows Hobie throughout his day. Roaming aimlessly around the house, he floats above the ground, hand and feet sticking on the wall while he dusts pictures that's placed on the highest shelf.
In the afternoon, he writes music on his piano while he flashes back and forth towards the drums and guitar, testing the music he wrote.
The crew captures Hobie burying something in the backyard. Jacket off, tank top and bare arms in full display. Moonlight illuminating his skin. His necklaces clink together as he shovels in dirt, packing the hole in tightly. The producer asks something about familiars and Hobie scowls at the word.
“No, just no. ‘m fully against havin’ familiars, it's fuckin' wrong.” He sticks the shovel harshly on the soil when the producer questions him again. “Ask me again and you'll be the one ‘m burying next.”
The camera shuts off abruptly.
The small supermarket's repetitive jingle from the nineties irks Hobie as he shops for some meat. But what irks him more is the documentary crew finding him especially after he went out of his way to hide from them.
He tosses a box of your favourite tea in the basket, annoyed at the team behind the cameras and boom mics. “Do the lot of you have a tracker on me or somethin’?” Shaking his head, he stomps down the aisle, heavy boots thudding loudly on the floor.
With his leather jacket plus all the metal and spikes on him, Hobie looks like a regular punk shopping for groceries. But if you looked closer, stayed too long in his presence, your flight or fight response kicks in, rendering anyone frozen on the spot.
His ruby eyes scan around the soap display, trying to ignore the cameras and people trailing after him, he gets a whiff of a familiar scent: strawberries and cream, it's you.
Hobie's feet move on its own, carrying him towards your direction. He spots you standing in the fruit section, weighing a watermelon in your hands, knocking on it then listening to the sound closely like you're trying to eavesdrop.
“What's the watermelon saying?”
“Christ!” You jump, dropping the watermelon.
Thankfully he catches it before the fruit splatters on the linoleum. “Just me, love.”
Clutching your chest, you take deep breaths. “I thought I smelled something rotten.” He raises a brow at your comment. “What are you doing here? This is far from your place.”
“First of all, I smell like sandalwood and fresh linen, fuck you.” You snort, rolling your eyes. “And ‘m tryin' to avoid them.” He points behind him, towards the cameras.
“Augh, they're still following you?”
“Apparently I signed a contract, it's not a one time thing.” He places the watermelon back to the crate, taking one that is riper and sweeter just for you. He then gently drops it in your cart, you nod a thanks.
“I told you before don't sign anything when you're drunk off of alcohol filled blood.”
“You're right, lovie, should've listened to you. Can't blame me when I only hear music whenever you open your pretty mouth.” He leans on your cart nonchalantly, giving you his signature smirk that has people falling over themselves for centuries.
“That's not much of a compliment.” You grimace, unaffected by his charm. “Listen, since we're in a public place I'm not gonna try to kill you so please get off my cart, I've got some shopping to do.” Shaking the trolley, he leans away, dismayed. “Also, the owner seems to like me, which is rare enough, so I don't want to ruin my relationship with the old lady. Shoo, Hobart, I'm off the clock.”
“You've got two people who like you now. One more than the other, I suppose.”
You narrow your eyes towards the vampire. “Who's the second one.”
Hobie walks backwards, arm wrapped around his basket, smile blinding everyone in its vicinity. “Me, darling, isn't it obvious?”
The bright fluorescent lights shouldn't do him any favours but by god, he looks amazing under it.
You don't answer, the camera zooms into your hands gripping the handles of the shopping cart, chest heaving, swallowing thickly.
He leaves, going towards the cashier to pay for his groceries. And you spot a sign that's labeled ‘50% off on garlic!’ you glare at the camera, pushing the cart towards the display.
Hobie sits on his work table, pieces of a TV are jumbled out on the table as he tinkers with them. His hands shake slightly, he should really feed.
“—‘m pretty good with technology, not like the other vampires. I've adapted well with—” he sniffs, “wait, what's that smell?”
He opens the door to find thousands of garlic circling around his house, “what—?”
“Tada!” You pop out from the side, hands carrying bushels of garlic, no doubt smelling like it too. “Wait, no, not tada, that's in poor taste because you hate them.”
Hobie gags at the smell, eyes watery and irritated. “This is a bad idea!” He rubs at his eyes, tears fully streaming on his cheeks.
“Why? Because it's working?!” You cackle, throwing the vegetable like confetti, one lands right on top of your head.
“Because it attracts—!”
You screech when you feel a sharp tug at your coat. A little green creature shrieks at you, the sound rings your eardrums, almost breaking the boom mic. Its eyes are dark and glassy, ears pointed, teeth sharp.
“A Goblin?!” Falling on your ass, you crawl backwards, watching as more and more of them appear from the bushes.
“I'm a goblin.” The one with a worn out party hat says, voice cracking like foil.
“What are you a Pokémon?!”
Hobie runs after you as fast as he can with the garlic hindering him. “Get inside!” He yells, dragging you towards the door. His hands sizzle atop your arms, the garlic searing his skin.
The creatures skidaddles towards you, towards the smell of garlic. Waves upon waves of green skitter and crawl on all limbs, eyes hungry, mouths agape.
“Hobie!” You hold on to his wrists as the ground scratches your back. Kicking an incoming goblin, you yelp as the door closes at the nick of time.
Claws scratch at the windows and walls. One of them even bangs its head hard on the glass just to get to you.
Hobie hides you behind him, eyes still stinging and skin aflame. “Get to the basement!” He screams when one breaches the house with glass shattering. “Go!”
Running down, Hobie lets you and the crew go first. He grabs a cutlass from the wall, chopping one that comes a little too close to your leg.
You look back at him with worry. “Hobie!”
“I'll be there! Just go!” He grabs one by the neck, throwing it away haphazardly.
It yells a faint ‘whee’ as it sails through the house.
Reaching the large basement, you search for the light switch, a cameraman beats you to it and you yelp at the sudden brightness.
The basement is full of things from different centuries. An iron maiden lays discarded on the corner, its steel rusted and brown. A sculpture of a woman sits on a shelf, it looks like it's a long lost work of Rodin. There's a large tapestry depicting a vampire war that is now collecting dust on the wall.
But the thing that catches your eyes is the massive metal cage that sits in the middle of the room. You would gawk but the swarm of goblins are nearing the basement. The familiar thumping of boots shakes you with relief.
“Cage!” Hobie grabs you effortlessly, you have no time to react as he carries you like a duffel bag by your waist.
The crew follows frantically, closing the metal doors shut behind them just as the swarm gets close. They shriek and bang on the bars, little arms trying to reach towards you.
He lays you back to your feet, dropping the drenched sword on the ground, palms still healing. He cups your face, searching for any injuries.
“You alright?” He heaves, out of breath, legs covered in goblin bites and palms searing but he looks at you like you're the one who's bleeding.
Staring at him with your irises blown out, mouth slightly parted, you embrace him to his surprise and the crew's.
“I'm okay,” you lean away before he could hug back. Hands placed on his shoulders, nails digging into him like he's about to be yanked away from you. “Are you?”
Hobie forgets about the other people inside the cage and the goblins trying to nibble at him. It's only you in his hands, even though the pungent smell of garlic makes his nose itch. Eyes tender, touch gentle, he could only nod.
“Yeah, I'm good now.” His voice lacks the usual charm.
You can finally breathe. “I thought…I'm the only one that's allowed to kill you.”
Chuckling, he traces your jaw with his thumb. “I know. You're first in line, darling.”
The crew stands near the sides awkwardly.
The goblins are trashing Hobie's basement, and based on the sounds from upstairs, they're also wreaking havoc in the entire house.
You sit back to back with Hobie in the middle of the cage, away from the bars, hands braced to your sides, his own are mere inches away from yours. He's glad that the garlic smell has wafted away from you, but not enough to get rid of the goblins still hankering for your flesh.
The crew stays away from the openings of the cage whilst a handful of the creatures try to grab at their equipment. It's been hours since the initial attack and everyone's getting hungry and thirsty, including Hobie.
“Why do you even have a dungeon in your basement—? Wait, scratch that, don't answer.” You try to pass the time.
“It was for your great great uncle—”
“Get your head out of the gutter.” He says flatly, hands shaking from hunger. “I got it so he has a safe place to transform every full moon.”
“What? Huh, so that's why that branch of the family is so hairy.”
He changes the subject. “What were you thinkin’ with the garlic?” Hobie lays his head right on your shoulder, craning his neck to face you, he uses the closeness to memorize your face. His crimson eyes are dimmer than you're used to.
“I dunno, I thought it was a genius idea back then. Y’know, trap you inside, starve you then when you're weak enough I'd put a stake through your heart.”
“It's a good thing you're bloody fit.” He murmurs, chuckling quietly. “You almost got me though.” Your ears pick up the fatigue in his voice.
“And here I thought you fancy me for my amazing personality.”
“That too.” He smiles weakly, feeling the ache in his bones. “We need to get out of here.” His jaw visibly tightens, wanting to get away from you and your scent. Unfortunately it's not so easy when you're trapped.
“I know,” You sigh, Hobie sits up, covering his ears with the heels of his palms. “You okay?”
“I can hear your blood rushing through your veins.” He bites the inside of his cheeks. “Fuck, we really need to get out of here.” Standing up on wobbly feet, you help him up while the crew stands as far as they can without getting slashed by goblin claws.
“You're hungry.” You state the obvious.
“Starvin’” his red eyes flick down to your neck, already feeling guilty from the simple look.
You swallow thickly. “When was the last time you drank?”
“A couple days ago.” His vision blurs.
“Why are you starving yourself?” Scolding him, you guide him back down on the cold granite. “Hobart.”
“Why do you keep callin' me that?” Cold hands against your own, his eyes zeroes in on your face, avoiding the veins in your neck. “You sound like her when you call me that.”
Your eyes soften, warming him with your palms atop his cheeks, you worry. “You haven't answered my question.”
He groans, head lolling backwards. “Got busy, forgot what day it was.”
“Busy with what?” You click your tongue, lifting his head back up with your hands under his head. You search his hungry eyes, making a decision you could regret in the long run.
“If I let you feed, will you be able to get rid of the goblins?”
That has him picking his head back up, waking him up from his hungry stupor. “What—?”
You reiterate, voice determined. “If I let you drink from me can you get your strength back and get rid of the little fuckers?”
“Y/N, I can't let you do that.”
“I know what happens if you don't feed and judging by how the goblins are devouring your entire house like some frat, they aren't leaving soon enough.” You ball his shirt in your hands for emphasis. “I'm letting you drink, just this one time so we could all go home.”
“Are you really sure?”
“Just don't turn me into your spawn, deal?”
Hobie cracks a smile, fangs glinting off the basement lights. You suddenly feel your nerves kicking in.
“I promise I won't. Just tell me if it gets too much, yeah?”
“Okay,” you inhale deeply, tugging down the collar of your shirt, showing him what he needs. “Don't drink me dry.”
“That depends, for all I know you taste brilliantly.” His joke alleviates your fear a little. You're both unaware of the cameras watching, recording everything. Even forgetting that they were there in the first place.
His hand is on the back of your neck, the other is gripping on to your arm like his life depends on it. Eyeing your skin, lips brushing along it, fangs barely piercing, he gives you enough time to lean away.
“Hurry on with it, I need to pee.”
With a deep chuckle, he sinks his teeth in you.
Gasping, you bite down on your bottom lip, stifling any sounds. But Hobie can hear them from your chest, feel how your body quivers with every suck and nip from his teeth.
You whimper and he holds on to you tighter.
He wants to devour you whole, his instincts tell him to ravage you until you're dry and limp in his arms— to rip you apart with his bare teeth. But he doesn't, he's careful and gentle like he's drinking nectar straight from a flower.
“F-fuck…” you let out, hands shaking, sliding down to the back of his neck, pressing him closer.
He turns warmer with your crimson flowing through him, not letting a single drop of the precious liquid dribble from his mouth.
Hobie feels like his dead heart beats once again after centuries.
Eyes closed, you feel like you're on cloud nine. You look like it too, eyes hazy, lips parted, hand holding on to him weakly.
Before he could drown in you, Hobie carefully eases his teeth out from your pierced skin, maw covered in your blood, thumb pressing down to your wounds to stop the bleeding.
It will scar, but you're alright with that thought.
He feels anew. His eyes are sharper, adrenaline coursing through him like your blood in his system. His ears perked at every breath you let out. Eyes blown up like the size of dinner plates, his warm breath fans your cheeks.
Half of him regrets doing it, now that he has gotten a taste, he can't go back to biting random rich assholes. His other half delights in your after taste, so sweet and nectarine that makes him crave more.
You crane your neck slowly like molasses to look at him sweetly through your half lidded eyes, and a soft yet tired smile on your lips. Still clinging into euphoria, vision swirling and heart beating a thousand times per second. You feel like you've ascended and you'll never go down from it.
Licking his teeth, Hobie resists the urge to dive back in. But he's more than that, you're more than a blood bag.
“You alright?” He whispers, he smells like you.
You hum, smiling giddily like a child who just got what she wanted.
“‘m gonna go and kill some goblins now. Stay here for me?”
You hum a tune that sounds like a rendition of ‘happy birthday.’ Giggling, you pat his cheek.
“Yeah, you'll be alright. I'll get you some orange juice after this.”
“Orange sounds nice… such a pretty color. And cookies, yum.” You chortle like you just heard the best joke. “Oh handsome, so handsome. I'm gonna bite you back one day.” Staring up at him, your eyes roll back, falling unconscious.
“Lookin' forward to it.”
Hobie gently lays you down on the floor, standing up, ears listening to your fast heart beat, but it's not enough proof for him. Eyes observing your chest, watching it go up and down, making sure he didn't go too far. Satisfied, he points at the crew cowering in the corner, their cameras still rolling. The documentary won't air anywhere at this rate.
“Watch her.” He says sternly, eyes glaring.
They all nod frantically.
With a swift kick to the metal door, he strikes down every goblin he sees.
You sit on the same patchwork armchair, sipping on a warm cup of tea, comfortable and content in your seat. The two pin prick scars on your neck peeks under your collar. The camera has you in the spotlight, zoomed in on your freshly washed face.
“Do you know about the curse?” The man behind the camera asks, his voice wavering with every word like it's taboo to mention it.
“What curse?” You watch as their faces morph into panic. “I'm fucking with you,” you laugh at their expense.
“Of course I know about it. Why do you think I hunt him down? For fun? Well, partly because of it but we broke that curse like five generations ago when my ancestor figured it all out and made friends with the witch.”
Smiling fondly, you continue. “She's my godmother now. Don't tell him.” You warn. “Hunting him down is an initiation for us really, a tradition to try and kill him, just really doing our best to cause damage. He's pretty powerful.”
Laying your elbows on your knees, you look directly at the camera.
“I mean you've seen the room right? He's fucking obsessed, someone has to off him or just—I honestly think he should just move on.” shrugging you sip your tea that he made for you.
“Is that why you're living with him?” They ask unabashedly. The camera zooms out, showing you still in your pajamas, complete with fluffy slippers.
Hobie appears in the corner, leaning on the doorway casually, a similar pajama pants hanging low on his hips.
“Darling, have you seen my good jumper—?”
You take your crossbow from under the chair, twisting in your seat, you aim it at his head, shooting, the arrow whizzes past him, he ducks down as the arrow imbeds into the oak.
Hobie laughs on the floor, lifting up a black and red jumper. “Found it!”
“Goddamnit.” The word is laced with endearment. You turn back towards the crew, eyes narrowed at them. “Wait, why are you guys here so early?”
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Support banner by @/cafekitsune
A/N: Thank you for reading! And happy 1k! 🎉
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m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s · 2 months
Requests, yay!! Thank you for blessing tumblr with your bright presence! ✨️
So, I was thinking... I'd like to request something with our handsome and beloved Crosshair and a female reader perhaps involving a cozy rainy evening in a coffee shop? I'm in a very big coffee and cozy mood and some fluff with Crosshair would maybe really hit the spot. One shot or headcanons would be alright, just wirte whatever you wish. I know it'll be lovely! And thank you again for doing this ✨️🩷
i had to ponder on it forever, but once i thought of the idea, the spring sprung fr.
hope you enjoy!! :)
Crosshair x F!Reader
Word Count: 1,169 words
Warnings: talking of the war, army, battles, being away (only mentioned once or twice)
Description: A day out with Crosshair takes a sweet, and rainy turn.
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Rainy Days & Mochas
“You know it’s going to rain soon, right?”
Extending arms of oak trees hung above your head, crisp air nipping your nose as you looked above. Cinnamon, ochres, pecans, and crimsons fluttered above on the branches in the shape of leaves. Just beyond, through the autumnal rainbow, distant rain clouds could be spotted. 
You also spotted him.
“I’m ignoring the rain.”
Fortunately, the Batch had gotten a week of shore leave after months of being on the go. A never ending war in sight, always something to tend to, and also some droid army to take down. 
In the here and now though, there was a handsome sniper in your sights. One that was holding your hand and walking with you in this quiet autumn world. 
That in itself could demolish any thought of how quickly the week felt like it was drifting by.
“How can you ignore the rain if it’s getting ready to rain?” You questioned, smiling to yourself at the repetitive asks.
Crosshair’s warm chuckle rang out into the autumn touched park the pair of you were walking in. 
He had wanted to take you out today, spend time with you. Just be with you.
Despite how cold it was from the autumn air, your heart failed to be chilled. 
“I’m ignoring it because I’m focusing on you,” Crosshair said, turning to you. The softness dulled those hard edges you had seen on occasion. Late nights where he came to your apartment, seeking the comfort he would never have out on the battlefield. 
He was out of his gear for once as well, donning a ebony turtleneck, blue jeans, and that damned jacket that still sent butterflies through your stomach. It was tawny corduroy, fluffy white lining poking out of the collar. It smelt like him, warm oceanic musk, pine, and that hint of his polish he used on his beloved sniper. 
That jacket stayed with you, a token to remember him while he was away. For now though, you didn’t have to remember. He was here, and that’s what mattered.
“What’s got your mind in a twist, darlin’?” Crosshair asked, hands coming to cradle your face.
You looked to Crosshair, thoughts dwindling away. 
“Nothing. Just you.” You leaned into his touch, craving it. He smiled, coming close to pepper your nose with kisses.
Little pitter patters of water began to sprinkle on your shoulders, sending a chill through your spine.
It had begun to rain.
“I told you it was going to rain,” you stated, the simplicity of it amusing you. The weather began to pick up, the rain coming down faster, pouring from the sky.
“Crosshair!” You exclaimed, drops beginning to splash on your head.
“Let’s run!” He yelled, a smile tugging on his face.
He was already grabbing your hand, pulling you along as you ran through the park you had been enjoying. Giggles spilled from both of you, darting among rain and falling leaves. It wasn’t long before you came back to the streets of the city, making your way quickly across the road to a random business. 
Coffee beans?
Crosshair had pulled you two into a quaint little coffee shop, the smell of hot drinks and warm pastries tingling your nose as you both entered. 
You shook in laughter, cold splatters of leftover rain water hitting you as he had bent over to shake his hair of water. He stood back up, another warm smile greeting your eyes. 
“Sorry, darlin’. I suppose I’ll just have to buy you a drink to warm you up.”
He didn’t wait for your answer, already making his way towards the counter to order. You moseyed your way to a back corner table, taking off your jacket and settling into the worn booth seats. It was cozy, almost nostalgic in how warm and inviting it was.
“I love when you wear that sweater.”
Crosshair had returned, carrying a pastry bag, two coffees, and that lovey dovey look he always seemed to wear around you. 
He was referencing what you were wearing, an amaranth sleeved sweater, chunky and warm in the best way for the fall weather. You gave him a smile, giggling as he came to cozy up next to you. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, pulling you into his side. Despite the rain pounding against the windows of the little shop, the cold didn’t reach you in Cross’s warmth.
“So… you come here often, darlin’?”
You laughed, the sound bouncing in the carefree atmosphere. 
“It’s my first time. How about you?”
You hadn’t missed how Crosshair had pulled the two of you into the cute cafe, knowing it was a hobby of his to taste different beverages from the beloved coffee beans. Iced, warmed, cream, no cream, he loved it all. He thought he was being sneaky, but you knew his antics.
“Ah, it’s my first time with my girl. Though I know for a fact this place has the best mochas this side of town.”
“This side of town?”
“What? I had to explore the other cafes and coffee houses.”
That made you both laugh. 
Crosshair reached forward across the table, bringing two russet orange mugs closer to you. When the mugs reached your eyes, foamy sweetness with little chocolate chunks decorating the snowy top of the drink appeared. Beneath, you had a feeling a hot caffeinated drink was hidden. You also noticed a warm chocolate croissant being taken out of the little paper bag it was in. 
You looked up, meeting expectant eyes. Crosshair always shared everything with you about his little hobby, describing the drinks in detail. It was like poetry, how the flavor swirled in his mouth, or how the sugar had almost been a touch too much. 
He was waiting for you to try it, and you could do with some more warmth. 
Not that you needed it, not with him.
You raised the cup to your lips, taking a sip of the hot drink. 
Decadent, sweet, but bitter. Somehow, it all worked together, creating a drink you actually loved.
“Okay, that is so good,” You mumbled, taking another sip, hand already reaching for the croissant. 
“I knew you would like it,” Crosshair murmured, arm squeezing you closer than you already were. He pressed another peck to your forehead, smiling against your skin. 
Your gaze turned to the window, noting how the autumn day had turned quite rainy and chilled. Thoughts of running home in the rain with Crosshair sprung to your mind, knowing you both would be soaked by the time you made it to your apartment. 
“Your mind’s in a twist again, darlin’,” Crosshair spoke, his warm smile making your heart stutter.
It was your turn to greet him with your smile, arms wrapping around him.
“Just thinking of you and the rain.”
His laugh rang out again.
How you could never tire of the musical sound.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll keep you warm.”
And you knew he would make good on that promise.
tagging the fabulous @moonstrider9904, as well as a few others! @nahoney22 @hellothere-generalangsty @eyecandyeoz @baddest-batchers @leenabb104104 @dalu-grantkylo @ladysaturnsdust
If any of those tagged, or anyone else is interested in being on my taglist, here is the form to fill it out, or leave your interest in the comments. You can also find my taglist form on my pinned post!
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the-somwthing · 5 months
I gotta talk to people so bad so I’m just gonna spout something that’s been on my mind for a while
I see a lot of people always describing Joel and Scott’s rivalry as one sided. Like, Joel just hates Scott and Scott doesn’t care? And while I feel like that statement is technically true, it doesn’t really describe the situation very well.
It sort of implies that Scott’s never out to get Joel, and Joel is just coming after Scott for no reason. I won’t deny that Joel does like to come after Scott without provocation sometimes, but like… we are ignoring the fact that 3/5 Joel final deaths have been at Scott’s hand?
In two seasons, those kills were a result of a deliberate hunt to get rid of Joel specifically. In Last Life, I’ll give him a bit of a pass, since Joel did kind of start the fight with a big explosion and had been the “villain” for the entire season, it makes enough sense to try to end him like that.
But in LIMITED LIFE?? As a Joel viewer I am NEVER getting over the feeling of watching his final episode (not negative, just baffling in a way I find pretty fun lol). Scott randomly says “Joel needs to die” and everyone just agrees I guess? And then Joel is being witch hunted. “Oh but it’s because he was getting so many kills! Duh!” Grian had more. Grian LITERALLY got a quad kill (ON SCOTT FOR THAT MATTER) and Scott’s like “JOEL is the problem, the murderous evil of the server”. LIKE HELLO?? They’re literally allies, Scott could’ve said “we need to get rid of the bad boys” but he was COOL with Grian. He was letting Grian LIVE. Like HELLO??? WHAT DID JOEL DO FR 😭 Joel was literally just trying to survive btw, his fighting back was very defensive rather than offensive, and would back off when not being actively attacked. With the exception of trying to get kills cuz he was on less than ten minutes, of course. But Scott had been hunting him before then.
And then I guess I have to mention Secret Life’s Scott-Killing-Joel. I don’t think that final kill was especially targeted on either of their sides, the battle just turned out that way. I could rewatch to see if there’s more to it but for now this is how I see it.
Okay, I’m turning this into a full analysis of their rivalry, idc, I’m literally obsessed with their dynamic. I’m adding a cut here.
ALRIGHT WHERE WAS I. RIGHT. Finished explaining the final deaths, but there’s stuff before that! Let’s take a look at their rivalry 🥰
Let’s go in order, shall we? 3rd Life!! I am obsessed with them in this season ahahahhaga anyways. Joel comes after Scott unprovoked. Simple, this is how everyone sees their rivalry. HOWEVER. Joel is FULLY WILLING to work with him anyways. Maybe you could excuse the dark oak thing as it was early on and they were just trying to take down a monopoly. But in the finale they reconcile and spend much of the session together. They established early on that Joel had been trying to kill Scott, but they’re both perfectly happy to team up instead (which btw they did because they both happened to be allied with Scar).
Then Last Life. Joel does hate Scott in it, but I’m not sure I would say it’s without reason. Joel being boogey in ep2 was majorly important, and he killed Scott. But that wasn’t targeted. He had attempted multiple times to kill other people. Scott was one of the only (and closest) people who didn’t already know he was boogeyman. Then of course Scott tells Pearl they can fight back and has her kill Joel, sending him to red. Perfectly reasonable for all parties imo, and a good enough reason for Joel to target Scott seeing as being red early on had a huge impact on him.
Of course LL is also where Joel says Scott just looked at him funny one day and that’s why he hates him, which is a great line. I do believe he would bother Scott just for the rivalry, but unlike in 3rd Life, Scott had done things to make Joel never consider stopping.
Then Double Life. Erm. Literally nothing, except that I believe the only reason Scott and Pearl were the last pair is because Joel wasn’t there to kill them, since apparently he’s the only one who can make them lose lives. Wild. They were guaranteed to win ever since the lava portal trap. (obviously I’m joking but like how is he the only outside force to kill that pair). I will clarify for analysis sake that Joel’s first kill on them had nothing to do with Scott, and the second kill was to Scott but it was because of the life colors, not really anything about their rivalry. It was technically targeted at Scott specifically but not cuz he hated him, instead because Pearl had a weird “alliance” with the reds.
Then Limited Life!!! What the heeelll was happening lmao. I already talked about the final moment so before that. Erm. I’m blanking out I’m listening to bad romance it’s distracting me. You know what let’s move on I can’t remember what they did, the final death I explained previously is enough data for now.
Secret Life. Oh boy. I’ll say it again, I was secretly hoping for more Scott/Joel dynamic when it started but I doubted it would happen but we got FED!!! I was so excited when I saw the assassin task (as was Joel). Anyways. Throughout the season Joel was doing the whole hating Scott thing, Scott caught onto the bit and played into it somewhat by talking more about how Joel always hates him for no reason. We SHOULD be able to disregard Joel targeting Scott for the assassin task as it was a task, but to be fair after reading it Joel said “oh my gosh is this my dream?” He was super happy to be assigned to assassinate Scott LMAO. That has to count for something.
I feel like the rivalry was fairly obvious, so I need to point out the outlier moments in SL. While Joel goes on about how Scott should die, he happily trades with him and swapped gifted hearts with zero hesitation. In the final session, he and Scott ended up on the same side. I believe Joel may have been slightly annoyed at being on a team with him but accepts it nonetheless. The only reason Scott ends up killing Joel is because their team won, so they had to turn on each other. As previously stated it wasn’t especially targeted, it was a 2v2.
And then if you noticed from me saying 3/5 games, I’m not counting Real Life, but I’ll bring it up here. Scott literally says “since it’s real life we can be friends now since we’re friends in real life” (one of the many reasons I consider RL noncanon tbh, Scott literally mentions in-universe that this season is different so they can act differently, also what is the in-universe explanation for “friends in real life”). Aside from a reminder that Joel doesn’t actually hate Scott irl and this is just fun game rp stuff, this shows that Scott really did catch onto the rivalry bit, and really does just bring it up more. Joel had just arrived when Scott brought it up. Joel agrees to being friends in Real Life. This holds little relevance to my analysis since I don’t view RL as canon but you can keep it in mind.
Now that I’ve laid out their rivalry in a simplified summary, let me ACTUALLY analyze it! What did I mean all the way back at the start of the post when I said “Scott and Joel’s rivalry being one sided is somewhat accurate but I feel it misrepresents their relationship”?
Well, I believe it’s true that (at least up until Secret Life), Scott didn’t care about the rivalry while Joel did. But that doesn’t mean Scott never targeted Joel, as I said he’s witch-hunted him twice. It’s just it was never personal to Scott. I once saw a post(s) I really enjoyed, an analysis on Scott. Saying that he doesn’t actually value being loyal, he values being fair. Then there was the addition that it’s based on what he thinks is fair. I feel like this is 100% true for his thing with Joel. Scott views Joel as a force that has to be stopped, he’s gone too far, he needs to be stopped, it’s only fair for all the suffering he’s caused. He doesn’t stop to think about how killing is the whole point of this game, how other people are doing the same things, how many times he has killed Joel. Joel hasn’t killed Scott permanently before, he has killed him though, but not as much as Scott has killed Joel. To Scott, that doesn’t matter, Scott kills Joel for a reason, for justice, while Joel kills just for the sake of it. Whether or not that idea is true is up to you to interpret for yourself, but to Scott it’s true. Joel is more of a wildfire that needs to be put out than a rival.
Let’s look at Joel’s side of things. He does hate Scott and target him for no reason. The rivalry is one sided, where Joel sees a rival Scott sees some random danger that needs to be dealt with. I can’t tell you why Joel hates Scott. It’s not really the point of my analysis. I’ve seen ppl say it’s because of previous series they’ve had together (they’ve been rivals for ages!) but for my headcanons they don’t remember those, tho very few feelings from their past lives may linger, so perhaps that does explain it. For the sake of my analysis though we won’t be looking deep into why Joel likes to poke at Scott. It’s cuz he looked at him funny one day remember?
So we establish that Joel needlessly attacks Scott. But if you’ll notice from my summaries, he is fully willing to put aside that hatred. It’s conditional (yes it is the default, but still). If Scott treats Joel kindly, Joel will attempt to reciprocate it. Let’s look at this again:
3L: Joel targets Scott, Scott kind of just gives him a disapproving look every time and doesn’t fight back. Joel ends up feeling somewhat guilty, and in the end has no problems teaming up with Scott.
LL: Scott was the main cause of Joel turning red, Joel targets him constantly. Scott ends up permanently killing Joel to put an end to his madness.
DL: erm. Well it’s worth mentioning Joel never specifically targeted Scott for no reason. ALSO WORTH MENTIONING SCOTT BURNED THE RELATION??? This season was a bit of a switch-up. I need to rewatch to see if Scott had any good reason to do that lmao I don’t really remember, I hardly remembered he was responsible.
LimL: Scott deems Joel to be a server menace who needs to die, Joel (who doesn’t really understand why he needs to die) tries negotiating many times but Scott insists. He kills Joel.
SL: Joel gets task to target Scott, is thrilled. He fails miserably, losing people he cares about in the process. Vows to kill Scott, it’s like his main goal now. Still accepts every peace offering from Scott with little to no hesitation, to the point of eventually teaming with him until they’re forced to go against each other and Scott kills Joel again.
So basically you can see, every time Scott does something to wrong Joel, Joel goes hard on the rivalry, while if he doesn’t and offers peace, Joel will lay off. Secret Life was a weird middle ground, where Scott had done things to wrong Joel, however those things weren’t entirely his fault so when he offered peace to Joel, Joel would still accept. A confusing time for Joel I’m sure.
I will say a disclaimer here, I’m not saying Scott shouldn’t ever fight back against Joel. If he’s targeting you for no reason, it’s your decision if you’ll try to befriend him to make him stop or fight back. I support fighting back. I’m just saying that befriending him is a proven method to work, but I don’t think Scott has exactly noticed that and instead just assumes that Joel will stop at nothing to end him.
Another thing I wanted to talk about but forgot what the natural and intuitive transition into it was gonna be. Scott has permakilled Joel 3 times. Joel has permakilled Scott 0 times.
Joel had started the series off picking on Scott for no reason, and has never succeeded. Scott has won this battle three times. At this point, it’s honestly finally somewhat justified for Joel to come after Scott. That guy has specifically targeted and hunted him out of 2 seasons, and took him out of a 3rd as well. Joel has taken Scott out of 0. At this point, I feel like Joel needs that closure, to finally kill Scott, and who knows if he’ll ever get it. If you look at the fandom, even fans are hoping Joel will kill Scott because of this. So imagine how Joel feels! But obviously Scott wouldn’t just let him (okay. Well. Actually. It’s Scott. He kind of lets people do that all the time. But only allies…). Scott will be waiting for Joel to target him once more, and deal with it the way he always does. But who knows if it’ll turn out different?
Which reminds me that I pinpoint SL as the season Scott finally notices this “one sided rivalry”. We all know Scott loves drama, so when he finally noticed Joel had been hating him the whole time, he kept bringing it up. And it wasn’t just for SL only, he brought it up the moment he saw Joel in RL. I don’t count RL as canon but it does prove that Scott hasn’t let go of the rivalry now that he’s finally realized it. I don’t know if there will be a 6th season, but if so I wouldn’t be surprised if Scott brings up the rivalry. Idk if he would make it a big deal, but he would surely at least mention it.
Anyways, if you think I’m done with my little analysis, you’re wrong!!! I’m done with the things I see as pretty factual, but now we’re gonna get into more fanon headcanony type of territory!!!
…but, maybe I’ll make that its own post. Stay tuned and thanks for reading!
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eerna · 3 months
I think the big problem witht the fan service in TPT was that it was to throw in your face.Fan service is good when you fell natural but simultaneously you could tell that is fan service.I rolled my eyes at taryn divine punishment it felt like she gave the fans what they wanted since qon(the whole taryn didnt got a punishment was always funny to me they were acting like having locke as a husband wasnt one)
I understand why HB tried to please as much people she could with it since from what i saw even people who enjoyed her other faerie books weren't big fans of TSH.I agree with J and C don't make good mcs anymore thei arcs endet and most of their problems were solved in a good note.
TPT tried to be a lot of things at once:
1.Fan service
2.the conclusion of the story
3.a bridge for her undersea book
4.Romantasy( marketed like this)
And fails at being a good structured story.(for a book marketed like a romantasy the romance was so little and rushed at the end)
From what i saw a lot of people started hating wren after TPT wich i understand in a measure since she was so little and most of her scene were not in a favorable light.(shes still my fav Tsh character and i love her but her arc was practically non-existent)
I enjoyed oak a lot maybe bc im a sucker for his type of character but i think it could have been done more with his character.
I don't know how a undersea book in jurdan pov will be but i dont think it would be a good one since what they will narate especially in the undersea!
Yeah, you laid it out very well. I am NOT above fanservice. I friggin love the stuff. Case in point: the way I was SO INSANELY HYPED for TPT because they promoted it with Madoc household content which are words to my heart. But the issue is when the fanservice overshadows everything else. Case in point: Wren becoming a side character in her own duology so that Oak's main storyline can happen with Jude. I legit can't blame anyone who hates her after TPT because oh my god her writing was SO BAD in that second book. You can't just have your character do the vilest cruelest thing in the world to her love interest and then remove her from page and later say that she was just manipulated and blackmailed into being mean and is ready for love now. Imagine if the everapple scene happened and then Balekin convinced Cardan to give him an oath of allegiance that kept Cardan on Madoc's side for the rest of the plot except for romance scenes and then in the end he and Jude still got together. BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED TO WREN. Well not exactly because she had a POV book first BUT YOU GET WHAT I MEAN.
Even the Oak-Jude storyline was not all it could have been. HB tried to give them a similar dynamic that Madoc and Jude had, where Oak isn't sure if Jude truly loves him and if she would sacrifice him if she suspected he worked against her. But there is no real tension because we KNOW Jude would never do that because like. That's the entire point of TFotA. I think that Oak slowly growing to resent his family was a fantastic concept, but the book barely gave it any screentime before it was solved. It's like HB didn't want to do anything too uncomfortable because this time around she would have to make Jude and Cardan his problematic parental figures, and that goes against every single rule of fanservice. So we get the worst of both worlds: Oak is a messed up kid doing very self destructive things that Jude is responsible for, but we can't explore them or treat them as very bad because that would make Jude look bad, and who wants to read a book about their fave girlboss accidentally ruining her baby brother's life? (Me I do oh my god I was looking forward to it so much I am still heartbroken)
There's still hope that the Undersea book won't be Jurdan POV, and I am manifesting it so much, because you're so right I have 0 confidence that I would like it.
(Marrying Locke was all the punishment Taryn needed fr. Rest in pepperoni loser)
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justablah56 · 9 months
Ring Off by Beyoncé is I think a song for Autumn Oak. obviously the original context of the song is a daughter singing this for her mother, but I don't think it's Henry singing it, I think it's Mercedes. after Autumn comes back to earth with them and Mercedes hears her story. mostly because I don't see Henry talking about his mom that way but I can easily Mercedes having this kind of relationship with her mother-in-law
gonna be so real with you rn I have never heard that song and I had to go listen to it sbndnsndnd BUT ! I have now listened to it and !!!!! you are so right !!!!!!!!!! it's late and my brain is too tired to like . pull out specific parts to just circle in a messy red crayon like yeah yeah yeah this part . but know that you are fr so correct about this , that's so real
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cyberexo · 1 year
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Keep it Down! | Park Chanyeol x Fem Reader
“Your head is going to end up on a stick if you don’t shut up!”
word count: 1K
≪•◦ 0.1 🎧 0.1 ◦•≫
You sighed for the umpteenth time that day, already missing the lonely feeling of having no neighbour for the past couple of months, you'd do anything to go back, but you can't because now you're stuck with a tall empty headed doofus that doesn't know how to keep quiet.
He better thank god we don't share an apartment, I would've killed him a long time ago.
Park Chanyeol, he shared the 5th floor with in your apartment complex, and even though they were two separate apartments, that didn't stop him from making it feel like he was right there, screaming in your ear, making your eardrums feel like they were about to erupt. At first he seemed so sweet and kept to himself, the perfect type of neighbour to accompany yourself with, you were working full time as a nurse and worked long shifts with no mercy from your higher ups, during the day & night- sometimes you would just sleep at the hospital because you had absolutely no time to get home, by the time you would, you'd be lucky to sneak in an hours nap before you'd have to get up again.
The only reason you’re letting him get away with such disturbing buffoonery was because of how nice he was towards you at the start, he knew you were a nurse, always tried his best to keep quiet when he was alone or had friends over whenever you were home, letting them know that a hard working woman was next door trying sleep. And most times they’d be very understanding and stay quiet, they were only loud when you weren’t home, you had a sign up on your door saying you weren’t home in case anyone came knocking.
Of course because you were away too much you could give that idiot the benefit of the doubt that he just got used to you being away. But you should’ve known better, this was just a slick way for him to get you to be fond of him and his ruckus when the time was right, or maybe this was you letting off some steam? either way, you were home now and the no sign on the door was a clear indicator of such.
You sighed, again. Kicking your legs off your bed and sliding on your slippers, not caring to take a look in the mirror before you stomped your way to the door, unlocking it slowly whilst trying to get your thoughts in order. Stepping out into the cold landing that was between your apartments you got closer to his door, listening in to see how many voices you could pick up.
Sounds like it's only him.
You lazily lifted your hand up to knock on his door, but it swung open before you could even make contact with the cold oak wood.
Chanyeol lurched himself back into his apartment, startled by your sudden presence. With his hand on his heart and eyes squeezed shut as he tried to get back up on his feet. "Are you crazy? you almost gave me a heart attack!" he half screamed at you, finally on his feet and standing tall.
“Good! maybe then I wouldn’t have to suffer with this insufferable loudness of you and those speakers that I’m going to break over your big head!” you countered, folding your arms over your chest trying to look intimidating, of course him being the scaredy-cat he was, it worked- at least you think it did.
“I didn’t know you were home-“ “There’s no sign on my door doofus, I AM home. Now please for the last time, keep. It. Down!” and with that you spun back around and zoomed back into your apartment, slamming your door shut and locking it, leaving Chanyeol standing outside looking dumbfounded.
"Wow, she really needs a firework up her ass,"
≪•◦ 🎧 ◦•≫
Chanyeol made sure to check your door for any sign of you not being in every morning when he'd get up, trying to be considerate of your situation, when he moved into the complex he wasn't all that interested in the residents living in the same building as him, he just wanted more studio space, space for himself and also to be closer to friends & family so it was all convenient for him.
The day he moved in, for once you were home. Helping him move his boxes inside and even made him cookies to make him feel more welcomed, that gesture alone made Chanyeol grow fond of you overnight. It was nice being reminded that there was still hope in humanity and it just so happened to be his neighbour as well. He told you about his plans and why he was moving in here, you reciprocated by telling him where you work and that you may not be home often- making him appreciate your friendly gestures towards him even more.
Sooner or later he'd gotten accustomed to his new home and surroundings, and he'd check for the sign on your door and let his friends know when to keep it quiet. But now you were barely home, and he'd only check the door if he remembers to, 90% you weren't which is why the volumes emitting from his home had gotten nothing but louder. The walls in the complex were far from thin, but they weren't soundproof either.
He thought back on your little outburst just minutes ago, recalling your outfit of the day, clearly you had planned to stay in bed since you rocked up to his door in nothing but your black satin sleep dress and fluffy slippers to match, the way it adorned your curves perfectly. Not to mention that black, was his favourite colour. Chanyeol gulped at the vivid image in his mind, it being a while since he’s seen a woman with so much on display for him, leaving little to the imagination- wait.. you weren’t dressed for him, this was just what you wore around your apartment.
Now that he’s seen you like this, he won’t be able to unsee it. Sorry not sorry that’s just how men are, you were now his interest. He let a mischievous grin paint his pretty face, already thinking of a couple of ideas that wouldn’t appease to no one but himself.
“This is going to be so much fun!”
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ethereal-forest-furry · 6 months
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highbush blueberries covered in flowers.. i love them theyre so funky and silly looking and it makes me rlly happy. theyre like little bells
tip for growing blueberries!!! everyone says they need like super duper acidic soil to grow, which they do like, but it's not 100% necessary. what they rlly need is chelated iron (plus some other nutrients but iron is the most important here) which most plants can get by breaking down the iron in the soil through their roots. blueberries are rlly well adapted to acidic soil - and as part of that adaptation theyve lost the ability to break down iron because they rely on acids in the soil to do it for them. There is another way they can get it tho!!! remember when i said other plants break down iron?? if the blueberries can form a mycorrhizal relationship (plant equivalent of mutual aid networks. using fungi. literally my fav thing) then the surrounding plants can give their iron to the blueberries :3 grasses are the best at doing this, especially if you cut the grass occasionally bc it makes the roots die back a bit and release all their nutrients into the soil around the blueberries. im sure it helps that mine are next to a lot of old oaks and poplars that probably have loads of nutrients and connections to the whole forest by now
some ppl try to use various chemicals to grow blueberries, which i get but its harmful to the soil and just rlly expensive and unnecessary... all u need is grass/trees and fungi :3 just take care of the soil!!!
theres a bunch of these scattered around the garden and every year when they bloom you can hear the bees from a few feet away - so many different kinds of bumblebees, honeybees, mason bees, and all the others that idk bc im not a bee expert :P they LOVE blueberries fr if you like bees and yummy snacks (especially if ur in their native range) these are like the best thing to plant
last year the berries all got infected with some kinda fungus right before they turned ripe 3:< hoping that doesnt happen again. if anyone knows how to keep them safe pls lmk :3
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 8 months
because i am sad, don't have my nina meds and have the personality of tissue paper rn, will you take pity on me, pretty girl, and pray tell what the locations look like in ur fics? like how you imagine south park looks, maybe stan and kyle's old bed rooms, the sp survivor haus? starks pond, the vibes and stuff -- you can be as hyper specific as you want i really like detail and visualizing things <3 also you
Melda Tâe I sincerely hope this is a bright spot in the Sadsack!!! This is such a great ask too like what does the HWB elven palace look like? The train station in WGSIES? The Broken Bottle Quartet apt complex? Heidi’s coffee shop in ATLCTS? The bistro where ojv Craig and Kyle have Nerd Boy Time? The TWITR bunkhouse?
And I’ve said on multiple occasions that I suck an unfathomable amount of ass at actually putting setting descriptions into my fics. Not because I’m picturing scenes playing out in a blank void, or bc I’m not picturing things clearly, but 1) I fully convince myself that no one wants to read my boring drawn out descriptions, which is stupid and I’m aware of that bc I LOVEEEEE vivid imagery when I’m reading 2) I often forget that no one is envisioning what I am without visual explanations lmfao it’s just so There to me I forget my readers don’t live in my cursed brain 3) I have such a habit of getting too into Witty Banter™️ and I’ll write so much dialogue with the occasional action and realize I haven’t said shit about what the setting looks like
But boy oh boy do I have specific pictures in mind! Especially regarding settings. (God I need to make a fuckin Pinterest omg the OJV board alone would go stupid)
I’m gonna be so fuckin fr right now, I have way too many AU’s and I will be unhinged abt a lot of them, so, below the cut!
So, as a surprise to absolutely no one, I’m starting with the OrangeJuiceVerse!
That bizarre town our kids grew up in is very typical suburbia, with neatly arranged near identical houses and blacktop roads that the snow plow goes through the same time every morning. Downtown holds the major businesses and across the tracks, not even a block over from the main neighborhoods, is the handful of “ghetto” houses, right by the woods. And through those woods, with a small single lane street that is far too narrow and winding to be safe? Stark’s Pond. The clearing in the tree canopy that the parking lot provides is the best stargazing spot, far enough away from the minimal light pollution that a tiny mountain town emits. It’s not just a pond, more of a park, with a field next to the water that’s a well traversed snowball fight battleground and a single bench under an ancient oak tree. The pond freezes and that’s how you know winter is truly underway. Kids slipping and sliding on the ice with no adult supervision is the standard here. In the summer, the water is still so cold, fed by mountain runoff. The surrounding shore is rocky and the m5 regularly compete to see who can find the coolest stone in the gravel.
There’s an elementary school, middle school, and high school, all in the same block and sharing a parking lot. Makes it easy for bus drivers and parents dropping off their kids. The high school is WAY bigger than is warranted for how small the town is, and there’s a separate building for band and av club. The football “stadium” isn’t much, the bleachers are only a few rows high and the field house is little more than a locker room, the concession stand is tiny and only run by student council members, and the cow painted into the turf over the 50 yrd line is lopsided. The gym where pep rallies and volleyball and basketball games are held has better seating, but football is a big damn deal in sp and the whole town is crowded around the track fence if they don’t get a seat, cheering on the hometown boys on cold October nights with nothing but fireball and ridiculous amounts of school spirit in their systems.
Stan and Kyle practically live at each others houses growing up. They each have a “Super Best Sleepover Drawer” in the others rooms and when they were younger and still the same size? No one could tell who actually owned what clothing. Like, y’all dear god you are more intertwined than your fingers holding hands. Stan’s room is a messsssss! Especially when he’s not doing well mentally. And he holds on to every stray item so his dusty shelves are cluttered as hell. His pillows are flat as shit. Nothing in his closet has been folded properly in years. The only organized thing in that room is the record collection, the sheet music folder, and the dnd character breakdown. Kyle has stress cleaned Stan’s room before. And (think You Belong With Me music video) THEIR WINDOWS FACE EACH OTHER!!! Kyle’s room has so much of the same kind of decor as Stan’s, with the posters and the figurines and the wall of nostalgic Polaroids, but he’s so much more organized. Both the boys have Kenny Paintings, (Stan is the one mentioned in this and Kyle’s is one of him as the elf king when they’d play as youngsters) and Kyle’s is hung level on the wall and Stan has his propped on his desk.
Ohhhh man the SP Survivor Safehouse, I described it some here and it really is such a College Kid House!!! They found the cheapest place to rent close to campus that would fit the 5, and it’s a SHITHOLE! It’s old as fuck and falling apart, the foundation is crooked, the blueprint must’ve been drawn by someone with severe distraction problems because for a place that’s not all that big, it’s labyrinthine in its random layout and the out of place way too high to reach ledges and the fireplace but no chimney and the ridiculousness of the narrow backyard, doing laundry in that house is a NIGHTMARE like the washer is downstairs and the dryer is in a separate room upstairs that logistically should be a bathroom. The kitchen tile is so old and cracked, and there’s this weird half wall facing the living room with a window? Also the walls are thin as hell and that staircase? Good god. Steep as fuck, tilted to the left, no railing, everyone has fallen on the Widowmakers multiple times. The garage door doesn’t work. The water heater is older than god. But this is their house, and they make it work.
I also want to describe the waterfall from How We Began, as specific and random as that is lmao. Think Multinoma Falls in Oregon, with a long trail to the top and no man made bridge over it. And it freezes like that one waterfall in narnia. Completely solid, snow and frosted trees on both sides at the summit, just the perfect place to meditate and reflect, because the reflection off the ice is like a rippled mirror. (Actually and so fr I need art of chapter 12 so bad rip) that place is BEAUTIFUL with the mountains in the background, the icicles refracting light, pine trees with needles dusted with snow, large rocks overlooking the edge of the cliff and the forest surrounding it!!!
Oh damn also the Big House in The Webs In The Rafters is the most eerie looking house of all time. At the end of that twisting gravel drive, to the left of the western pasture, sits this giant black mansion. It looks wayyyy too gothic to be on a ranch. And most of the rooms are unused, that place feels cold and dark even when the farmhands are in for dinner at that huge table in the dining room. The upstairs office has all these strange carvings in the wooden walls, Craig’s massive granite desk is right in front of the window that sees the whole front part of the land. And both that house and the bunkhouse are ancient as the “haven” itself. The walls have crawlspaces big enough for a full grown person to fit in. Like there’s a maze in the walls. The upper pasture isn’t visible from the master bedroom at the back of the top floor, and there’s a tree by the pond that Butters’ ducks live in that’s the first thing the morning light touches. That spot, where Ken and butters had their first kiss in chapter 16, is the only place that doesn’t feel stifling on the entire land.
Dude the haunted house in In The Truly Gruesome! It is legit the most cheesy haunted house of all time, set up in what is essentially a double wide trailer, no bathroom, no kitchen, barely a tiny breakroom at the back, the decor is the cheapest spirit Halloween shit imaginable and just lame shit like a bowl of peeled grapes that are supposed to feel like eyeballs in the mad scientist area. That front office with its plywood walls and plastic door is the most unromantic setting for a love confession, but Stan and Kyle made it work. The breakroom “furniture” is a random hodgepodge of booths from a closed McDonald’s and tables someone found on the side of the street. The mini fridge has nothing in there but a moldy jar of pizza sauce and a single half drank mellow yellow. This place is absurd. I love it.
AND I loved this ask! You always send me such great things my beloved omg never stop! <3
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evansencezz · 2 years
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ヘ(^_^ヘ)—ROMANTICITIZE ME, DIONYSUS—ヘ(^_^ヘ) —Every Ishito x Various—)♡
Notes: yes, baised off of the BTS song, i cant stop listening to them help me, various is greek gods, dionysus, apollo, they are my ocs though or interprataions, very ‘out of character’ greek mythology, loosely based on greek mythology, hints of modern/ 200’s AU, shes a journalist, she works for hades, mortal every, non-royal every, i love her, she doesn’t put up with anyones shit, multi-lengual every ofc, theres some greek, latin, and koeran in here, you rlly thought, drinking, smooking, smooking tabbaco, very rustic hints in here, dancing, ballrooms, i love her so much, they also have touches of BTS members in here, mainly more fluff, in my fluff era, comedy, hades is suposed to have the apperance of jin, all of apollos and artiemis’s are in koeran, hints of sad background, abadonment issues, greek lore, old termoniology, old beliefs, beliefs that woman should please men and only men, no homophobia though, believes that woman are weaker then men, sad love, star-gazing, there’s a kiss at the end, morally grey ending, she spends 7 weeks, one week with each of the gods, Aethena has the looks of Jimin, holy shit, fuckfest, smut everywhere, she fucks all the gods what tje fuck, litterally everything you could think of, insanity, std’s everywhere, jealousy, oh my god, happy valentines day post, give my girl a break holy shit, bow down bitches fr.
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Every held her clipboard tighter to her as she walked down the long spiral staircase. By all logical reasons, she shouldn’t even be here right now. But hey, everything else had failed, so why not?!
“Ah..” She mummbled as she finally got off the final step.
She was in a bleak room and there was a small table sitting in the middle. A man was already sitting down, head held in his hand.
He perked up and his dark, honey eyes clased with her bright orange/amber ones. He placed a somewhat polite grin on his face.
“Ah hello, you must be Every Ishto, correct?” He asked.
His voice was deep, surpursingly deep. It had a slight comforting tone to it too..now for apprence, the male was ceritanely intimadating. Compared to Every, he could probably kill her in seconds.
He had dark, striaght and form fitting hair it also stopped right belpw his earlobe. It also stopped his bangs, shaddowing right above his eyebrows. He had a strong jaw-line and again, dark golden eyes.
His overall physic was toned, tannish. He was wearing a red and black suit with rings and a red pendant necklace. It reminded her of something.
“Miss Ishto??” He snapped his fingers.
The red haired girl jolted before grimnacing in embrassment. She held the clipboard tighter before making a slight bow gesture.
“Yes, that would be me..Mr.Hades..” She answered.
She was about to refer to him by his last name, but then relized, Greek goods didn’t have last names. They just weren’t a thing back then..
He only flashed a breif smile before gesturing towards the seat across from him.
“Please do take a seat.” He said.
The girl only nodded firmly and scampered over and sat down. She still held onto her clipboard though. Now that they were closer, she noticed he was BIG.
He basically had a looming presence even though hs was sat properly. Even from here, she could tell he smelled like oak and embers.
“It’s good to see that you don’t seem that afraid of me..” He breathed, looking away.
She wasn’t afraid of him, despite all common sense. Most mortals would probably freak out if they saw face to face with the god of death and underworld.
“I don’t see a reason to, you don’t look scary.” She blurted.
The girl immeditally grimnaced and slapped a hand over her mouth. He did look scary, frame wise. The books just got the looks part wrong.
He faced her again and eyed her, with a simper expression.
“Really? Why do you say that, now?” He questioned, seeming curious.
The girl only removed her mouth and hestaintely replied.
“Because..uhm..in our books your described as some revengeful spirt..and terrifying..but..you look..human enough to me..” She tried to clarify.
He, thankfully seemed satisfied with this as he smiled again. She never expected someone like this would smile so much.
“So, I’m assuming you know what I’m asking you to do for the job?” He visbly straightened a little.
Every smallely grinned and finally let go of her clipboard. She slid the clipboard closer and let him glance at it.
“Yes, this was the list of gods I was sent to interview? Double check it if you wish.” She shrugged.
Internally, she grimnaced and faceplamed. Was she seriously talking like this to the god of death?!
“Yep, besides me you have six to interview. Want me to give you a quick pitch on their personalities??” He offered.
The red haired girl immeditally nodded, eager. She wanted to know who she was going to be talking to..
“Ah okay well, the first one on your list is Aethena..just a quick warning, he’s not a girl. He prefers to be called Aethen, since he dislikes being refered to as a girl.” He explained.
The girl blinked a few times, that was surprsing..were all of them guys or something??
“As for personality, it’s very dual supported..he can be very agressive. But most of the time, he is very hospitol, just watch your mouth around him.” He warned.
At least that was simaliar to what she had read in books. Yeah, she was a avid reader of greek mythology. She also liked folklore, really anything mythological.
“Alright?” He tried to get her to react.
She only grunted and and watched as he lookex at the second person. Visbly grimnacing, he sighed.
“Ah, Dioynysus..” He breathed, laughing slightly.
Dioynsus, the god of wine and parties. From what Eve had read, he was a very..intresting character. He was said to have a sort of sleazy, yet fancy presence.
He was very casual and flirty for a god because of how much acohol and parties he hosted. Hades looked at her again.
“Dionysus is very..attention seeking. Odds are, he’ll take a intrest in you. All of them probably will, not much I can do about that.” He sighed.
She made a slight confused face and he laughed softly.
“It’s funny, your name is Eve. Or Every..y’know, like Eve from Adam and Eve??” He raised an eyebrow with a smile on his face while gazing at her.
She blinked a few times before making a ‘oh’ expression.
“I’m no godess.” Was all she replied with.
Hades paused for a second before bursting out in laughter. She tried not to flinch before sweat-dropping. Had she had something?
“Hahaha! Ah-your amusing for a mortal!” He said before laughing a little more.
She only smiled her nervously, one of her eyes shrinking slightly. What, by not saying she was the bibcal Eve?
“Anywaysss’, don’t mind him if he offers you a drink, I don’t care. Just try and get him to at least answer a few questions.” He slumped slightly.
She blinked before nodding, there wasn’t much she could say. He glanced at the next name and slumped further. He seemed pretty tired and relaxed.
“Posiedon. Ugh..” He groaned.
“He’s not the best person, right?” She boldly asked.
He perked up at this before staring at her for a few beats, making her nervous. Then, he burst out into laughter again.
“Yeah! He acts like he’s mensturating half of the time..Anyways, he has very bad mood swings. As said, I’m the oldest of us so..” He shrugged.
“He also threatens alot of people, on reflex. So if he does with you, just kind of brush it off, ok?” He grumbled.
She merly bit her lip and nodded. Could she stop noticing how attractive he was?! God, the neckace on his suit glinted and winked at her, so she decided to focus her eyes on that.
Unfourtnately, he seemed to notice as he hummed and grinned.
“Oh, this seems to have caughten your eye. Do you like it?”
“Uhm-Yes it’s very pretty.” She hestiated before answering.
He only hummed and looked down at the clipboard again. He only looked back up at her with a curious glint.
“Hm, Hephestaus, but before we talk about him..I must ask something..” He trailed off.
Every only leaned a tiny bit forward before straightening her posture.
“Yes?” She polteily inquired, edging him on.
“How exactly do you seem to know so much? I know that we have books written on us and stuff like I said before but you seem to know more then the average person.” He explained.
The female only leaned back with a knowing look on her face.
“I was always into greek mythology. But I guess I can’t really call it mythology anymore cause one of the main gods is in front of me.” She grunted.
The male only nodded along with what she was saying.
“Ah, well it’s good to see we’ve still somewhat influenced you guys..” He said.
Silence covered the two of them before he laughed slightly.
“Your not very talktative, are you?” He snickered.
The orange eyed girl only tensed slightly and raised an eyebrow.
“What has this got to do with hepheastus?” She questioned
The god infront of her only snickered before studying her a little more. She had formal fitting clothes, not expensive though. She had said she relized a lot of people wanted the job in her email, and wasn’t overly eager to get it.
She was also very curious, seeming to gravitate towards the listening type.
“Enough about them, you’ll do fine.” He brushed the clipboard back towards her.
She made a horrifed face. He wasn’t going to give her any more information?! But there were like four other gods!!
“Tell me about you..you didn’t say much in your application:” He spoke.
She didn’t mind how eager he was to get to know her.
“Well..I’m 22 and uhm..My full name is Every Ishto..I’m italian and Koeran..and..I grew up in New order.” She explained a little.
He hummed and squinted his eyes. He could defentily hear the tones of Koeran in her voice.
“You have a very..Koeran accent..?” He said.
The girl only flashed a nervous smile and looked down at her lap for a second.
“I actually learned most of my english while learning Italian aswell.” She answered.
Her eye seemed to twitch but Hades was none the wiser. He only raised an eyebrow and nudged his face in question.
“Oh? Well that’s good, Apollo and Atremis are koeran and talk in that language aswell.” He simply said.
She blinksd slowly a few times, now that was also surprisng. She wasn’t expecting apollo or ATREMIS of all people to only speak english.
He sighed and leaned back into his chair, fixing the cuff of his sleeve. She merly watched him.
“I can see your soul..all gods can, obviously. Your soul is really pretty.” He vaguely said, gazing at her upper chest.
She could’ve sworn her heart was speed up and imiedtaited a orange glow. There was a medium speick of black though.
“Of course, it has some corruption. Every person has corruption.” He said.
The female only flustered slightly and looked away. She knew it wasn’t met to be perverted, but still. A male shamelessy looking at her soul, wasn’t that ment to be intamieaite.
“Ah sorry! I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” He apologized.
She only tensed at this and grimnaced.
“No it’s alright, I get it.”
A akward silence covered the two of them before he cleared his throat.
“Your hired, just so you know.” He said.
Every bounced her leg up and down in comfort to hype herself up. She couldn’t just get up and run around while squeeling which is what she wanted to do. A somewhat giddy smile covered her face.
“Thank you so much, sir-!” She started but was cut off.
“Please, just Hades is okay.” He smiled, standing up.
She nodded before clearing her throat and standing up aswell.
“Thank you, Hades. I’m assuming that I’ll get a start date?” She tilted her head while grabbing her clipboard and holding it close to her chest.
The man only chuckled slightly before sticking his hands in his pockets.
“Yes, I will send one of my escorts in a week to take you to the person your interviewings abode…” He answered before moving away from the table.
She smiled and also moved away from it. But she tensed when he reached to grab her hand and shake it. He was extremely warm, strange.
“만나서 반가웠어요, 예쁜 아가씨.” He said before letting go and walking away.
Every was stunned for a good minute or two.
“What the actual fuck.”
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The girl, needless to say was nervous. It was her first day on the job and she was meeting Aethena-sorry Aethen.
“Miss Ishto??” A unfamilar voice knocked on her door.
She peaked through the crack and saw a majestic looking being. They didn’t have a mouth and their skin was entirely white. They also had their eyes closed.
“Yes..? Are you here to be my escort..?” She slowly asked.
The person seemed to smile, even though they didn’t have a mouth. Their eyes raised and squinted.
“Yep, please come..” They softly said.
She opened her door and blinked. A fancy looking brown car was parked on the side of the road.
She gawked when the white colored person simply closed their eyes like they were happy and walked across the busy street.
“Mortals-Besides you cannot see me..” They clarrifed.
She simply nodded stiffly before adjusting the bag she had on her hip. She quickly looked from side to side before having an opening to cross the street. She held a hand up as thanks towards the car who had stopped to let her stop.
Only for the car behind that car to agressivly honk..
She skipped onto the sidewalk and walked over to the side of the car.
“Assholes..” She muttered under her breath.
The escort only smiled again with their eyes and both of them entered the car. She glanced around, nothing seemed special.
“How are we going to get to Aethen??” She questioned.
The person only hummed before pressing a button. All of the sudden, a flash of white flashed before her eyes, blinding her.
“Ack-!” She felt insane turbalance as her body was guled to the back of her seat.
Silence greeted her until..she opened her eyes..
“Miss Ishto?? We have arrived.” The escort said.
She made a sound of confusion before looking around. She was still inside the car, but now she was on a different street.
There was a extremely large looking white palace infront of her. There were gold accents and horse statues right infront of the doors. And a tone of steps leading up to the door.
The girl flinched slightly when ladies in white, silk and dress attire laughed and walked together.
“There’s no need to worry..they don’t bite.” The white colored person waved their hand and the door unlocked and unbuckled Every on its own.
She yelped when her body was gently levitated and placed on the first step of the many leading to the palace. She made a face and glanced behind her, hands clutching onto her thick bag strap, only to see no car or person behind her.
She flinched when some girls and people passing by a gave her an odd glance. Well, she wasn’t wearing simaliar clothes. Or atleast, simaliar clothes to them.
She was wearing a simple form fitting red blouse shirt that had lace around the drop that showed her collar bones. Two buttons were also below that in the middle. The sleeves started right below her shoulders and flared out polietly.
She was also wearing a red, long skirt. Not extremely long, mid-calf. Finally, she had a peral necklace on and black and brown flats.
She made a grimnace before slowly walking up the stairs. It was kind of daunting-to be seeing a god. Of course, Hades was extremely nice to her.
A girl in a group, out of the corner of her eye she could see point at her. Eve only looked down and went quicker.
There was a line of people outside the doors, pretty long. The girl who had pointed at her was now ahead of her.
“Hey, you.” The girl, who had now turned around gave her a quick once over.
“Hello, may I help you?” She tried to poletiely said.
The taller girl scowled and glowered at her further. She was geniuley confused, what? Did she not like humans or anything?
“Why are you, as a mortal, here? I mean, out of all the places and you pick Aethen??” She tried to stress.
Every only glanced at the emptyiness on stage. It was bassicly like a menu.
“I work for hades.” She blurted.
The female seemed to blink a few times before gawking. She completly stopped, making the other halt aswell.
“YOU-A MORTAL WORKS FOR HADES?!” She leaned closer.
Unfourtnately, her outburst caused multiple to look over. They all gasped and a few other females crowded around.
“Hades?! Isn’t he scary?!” One asked.
Every only leaned away and sweat-dropped.
“Uh-? No not uhm..really?” She said.
She flinched when someone ran their hands through her hair. It was a taller girl with brunette and golden eyes.
“Your hair is so pretty! How did you get it this color, mortal?” She adimired.
“Oooo! And look at her eyes!!-~” Another leaned surprisingly close to her face and stared at her orange hues.
She had enough and quickly tore herself away and fit through the crowd. Smiling nervously, she made a waving gesture and said something before running away.
“Thanks! And uhm..my Name’s Every Ishto..!” She said before scampering away.
She sighed as she finally looked at the large door infront of her. She grunted and pushed it open with a good amount of effort in it.
She blinked a few times as she took a few steps inside. There was a garden, past the door, odd layout. She noticed there was a heart shaped bush and multiple more white statues throughout the garden.
She grunted again when someone bumped into her.
“Excuse me.” It was a male.
He had fancy clothes on, and a otherwordly apperance. Sure, everyone here looked angeliec but this guy..
He noticed she was staring at him and he gave her a quick tilt of the head and up and down. He blinked a few times when he relized something..
“Hold on a second- Your a mortal.” He blurted.
Was this suposed to be Aethena-Aethen?? He could’ve fit the bill.
“Are you..?”
He only spared her a somewhat amused look. He came a little closer and she moved further back, to move away from him and the door.
“The greek god, Aethen? Yes, that’s me.” He smiled.
She squinted, wasn’t this a little odd?? She ment, Aethena was suposed to be a woman and almost a femanist. She was the god of justice.
He only squinted back at her and she noticed something..
‘Are those fucking dimples..?’ She gaped, how cute!
“So, how can I help you? It’s very rare a mortal chooses to meet with me, they usually pick eros or aphordite..” He curiously questioned.
Every glanced down towards her bag before tensing. Right! The interview!
“Right, uhm- I’m here for an interview..uhm-with you..I’m with Hades- as in..I work..for him..” She tried her best to explain.
Aethen blinked a few times before gawking slightly.
“Hades?! You work for that old man?” He questioned.
She only laughed nervously and glanced around, not many people were here. Most of them cut straight through the garden and towards the door that was on the opposite side.
“Ahaha..yeah..hey..uhm do you have somewhere we could sit down for the interview.?” She nervously asked.
The male only grinned again and nodded.
“Of course, come!” He said.
He lead her to the middle of the garden where there was a small gazebo. Both of them entered it and flowers surrounded the area. There was a small table and multiple chairs around it.
He quickly took a seat down and she followed, taking one across from him.
She took a good look at him before getting her question notes. He had dark brunette hair, straight. Sort of styled simaliar to Hades.
But his eyes were a dark blue, understanding. But if annoyed, they could quickly turn to ice.
“So..uhm I must ask..how old are you in god years?” She inquired.
He only smiled and raised an eyebrow.
“Ah, well..I would say around maybe..uhhhhh..20 centuries??” He didn’t seem completly sure.
She shot him a look but didn’t say anything else.
“Right, so..not many mortals vist you?” She went slightly off the script.
The male only sighed and leaned back on the bench. His arms wrapped around the back of it and she tried not to gawk.
‘Holy shit.’ Her mind freaked out.
“Yes, not many mortals vist. And if they do, it’s usually on accident. They’re always looking for some other god..not you, though!” He mummbled before beaming at her.
She couldn’t help but feel a little weak at that saying. She really wasn’t that special, did he already forget this was suposed to be bussiness related??
“Right..and uhm..do you know anything about the modern world?” She scribbled something down before asking.
Aethen only grunted and looked away for a second. God he was ho-!
‘STOP IT.’ She breathed in and out.
“A little bit, I prefer to be social with people, you know? Plus we can’t really get our hands on that stuff.”. He said.
“But I can get my hands on you, can’t I?” He said.
She gawked at him, eyes wide. Excuse you?! She blinked a few times in surprise, making him snicker.
“Sorry, sorry. I just wanted to see how you would react.” He apologized.
She only scowled slightly before leaning back in her chair. She lifted her clipboard with the notes again close to her face and squinted.
When she grunted and lowered it, he was closer then she would of liked. But not wanting to give him a reaction, she only cringed for a second.
“Right. Who would you say your closetest to among the gods?” She inquired, shifting slightly.
Aethen only raised an eyebrow at her indifference but looked away. It looked like he was pondering the question actually.
“Uhhhh..maybe Eros? He’s a little shit though.” He huffed.
The red-nette tried not to gawk again. Cursing?! She wasn’t heavily religous but she certianely didn’t expect that.
But it did make sense, if he did favor Eros. It would make sense because he was so flirty towards her.
“Honestly, Hades barely tells us anything anymore! Or I’m out of the loop, one or the other!” The brunette whined.
She glanced down at her notes again, some of them were filled out. She had a place for extras and she decided to write down something.
‘Way too flirty and actually childish.’ Was what it said.
Every looked up again when he started speaking again;
“Either way, it’s odd he hired a mortal. Speaking of, I never did get your name.” He looked away before finally snapping his eyes back to her.
The female only nodded before answering.
“It’s Every, just call me Eve though.” She said.
The man only smiled, his dimples everso present. He also seemed amused.
“Like, garden of Eve? You look the part to be a godess.” He smoothly said.
Her orange eye twitched twice. Honestly, why did everyone compare her name to that?! Was it really that intresting?
“Funny, your older said that too.” She hissed with a sharp smile on her face.
The blue eyed male only made a fast smirk expression, one she almost didn’t catch. What a little shit.
“Anyways, I’ve heard that Greek gods don’t have much luck in the love area of things..care to forward me?” She settled for a more bold question.
He seemed slightly surprised at this, making her grin for a second.
“Are you asking or telling?” His expression went netural.
It was sort of scary, seeing him drop his smile and beaming personality. His eyes were dark now, no light in them. This is what a greek god looked like when you ticked them off.
“Asking..?” She trailed off, seeming hestiant.
“Yes, it’s true that we don’t have alot of luck with love. Hell, just ask Apollo. His lovers turned into fucking plants or something.” He snickered slightly.
She furrowed her eyebrows slightly at this. Was he seriously laughing at someones misery??
“Don’t you feel bad for him..?” She leaned forward a little.
He glanced into her eyes before looking away and scoffing. He treated the question like it was a stupid one.
“Of course I don’t. It’s his fault for falling in love with a mortal anyways.” He huffed.
Her expression shifted into something bitter for a second. He didn’t seem to notice though.
She wasn’t a romantic, but she didn’t blame people for falling in love. Wait a second-
“Didn’t your buddy Eros fall in love with a mortal too??” She raised an eyebrow.
Aethen only scowled slightly and scoffed again.
“Your asking these questions like your intrested in me or something.” He placed a sarcastic smile on his face.
Every only hummed and made a ‘woah’ expression.
“Nope! I’m gonna’ ask everyone these questions.” She smiled with her eyes closed.
The god only ran a hand through his hair while her eyes were closed. Well, here goes nothing.
The girl flinched and yelped when a hand grabbed her rather roughly. She tumbled onto his lap and immeditally stiffened, almost as hard as a rock. His hands moved to her hips and she scowled.
“What are you doing?!” She veomonsly asked.
He only had a shit-eating grin on his face with his fingers practically digging into her hips.
“Don’t you wanna’ see a god up close and personal?” He tilted his head slightly.
Her hands were on his shoulders, and digging into them aswell. Sparks went off in between them; irratated ones.
“No.” She bluntly answered.
He would’ve adimitted, it was a good front. She didn’t look flustered at all, almost bored.
But you couldn’t fool the god of justice and wisdom, nice try Ishto. She was practically crystal clear to him. Every mortal was.
“Are you stupid or something?” He blurted out.
The red haired girl blinked a few times before her eyes returned to their hodded nature.
“Huh.” It wasn’t really a sound of confusion, more of a breathy scoff.
“I mean, lying to a god of justice? Do you relize that your in for it now?” He mockingly said, grin coming back.
She looked actually confused this time before making a face when he grabbed her face with one hand. His right kept her stable on him.
“But don’t worry, pretty girl. I’ll help you..” He cooed.
She tensed stiffly when his one hand teasingly crawled up higher to her ribcage.
“Unless you don’t want me?” He tilted his head.
The red-nette couldn’t help it, her stomach was turning. But not with dread, but with anxiety.
The orange eyed girl only scowled before leaning closer to him. In a swift motion, she connected their lips.
“Mm!..” He seemed somewhat surprised and she only dug her hands further into his clothes.
The male quickly softened and tugged her closer, making them press aganist each other. His hands carefully slid up to her collar bones and rubbed the skin.
His hands were cold, and practically froze her own burning skin. It was like she had just downed a shot of vodka, that’s how knocked up she was.
“Closer..” He accritvely mummbled aganist her lips and did exactly that.
There was no way she could come any closer. They breathed the same air.
His hand that had placed itself on her hip moved to her jaw. It basically held it in place so she couldn’t move away.
“Ack!-!” She flinched when he bit harshly down on her lip.
The girl hissed when he slid his tongue into her mouth. He was gentle at first, but now he was back to being harsh.
Both of them grunted when they switched positions.
Aethen was ontop of her when they were still on the bench. He somehow fitted onto the medium sized surface.
She was practically fitted together, her shoulders being forced together. Not actually together mind you, just so close to her frame that it shrunk.
Of course, the position wasn’t overly comfortable but she was too focused. She was only focused on everything and any movememt he did.
He leaned into her and his hands trailed away again, one of them moving extremely low and one at a medium area on her stomach.
He pulled away for a second to let her breath. Oddly enough, the sky was darker now. Considering she could see shades of almost black looking at her.
“Odd, right? I don’t control it..” He laughed softly as his lower had crept closer and brushed aganist her thighs.
Every loved the stars, and was somewhat happy her first was happening under them.
“Aw, I don’t want the stars to steal your attention away form me..” He complained softly.
Every grunted when his hand brushed aganist her clothed clit. His fingers were long and bony and pressed harder. Out of the corner of her vision, she could see him grin slightly.
“Am I your first, Eve?” He teasingly whispered.
She only grunted but hissed when he moved his left hand to pinch her hip. She grunted as he moved her underwear aside and kissed her roughly.
In all honesty, she should’ve probably expected something like this. Wait-should she have?! Where did that thought even come from?!
“Ngh!..” She was muffled when his hand gently touched her own bare private.
It was embrassing, how senstive she was. She only touched by someone before-herself. And she had never gone too far.
Aethen broke her train of thought by pressing impossibly closer. He had already smoothly entricted his fingers and hadn’t moved them yet.
Like said before, his fingers were impossibly large. Yet they weren’t hard to fit around, because they were light.
“Your so cute..” He whispered.
Every whined slightly at that, was he teasing? You see, whenever Every blushed or turned the slighest bit hot, her face would burn.
Just like now, her face was burning. It burned with heat and almost stung. And Aethen’s face barely even looked red.
“I’m not even touching you that much, baby..~” He snickered, very lightly.
It was strange, she thought the greek gods would talk alot more proper. Or maybe it was just this guy..
“Ack!-!” She moaned when he started moving his fingers at a medium pace inside and out of her.
Looking despreate to try and cover up the noise, she grabbed him closer and kissed him again. Of course, she was much more softer then him.
It was stupid, in his mind. Sleeping around with mortals, Eros did it all the time. He cracked an eye open to get a good look at her face.
She was shaking, poor thing..it was like she had never even been touched, sexually or not.
He went faster with his fingers, as his other hand trailed up to her jaw again. It really didn’t make sense as to why exactly he would do this..he was suposed to be the god of justice!
But there was a certian allure about her..something otherworldly.
No way she was mortal, he almost scoffed. His hand on her jaw tightened, making her almost flinch back and whine.
No mortal would be acting like this..no mortal would work for hades.
His fingers pumped in and out of her, almost at a thinking pace. Sometimes, they would go agonzingly slow, or harsher when something seemed to annoy him. It was like he wasn’t fully there, with the way his eyes clouded over.
The female was actually that loud, only soft grunts and babbling was heard. The occasnily call of his name made him snap out of it and harshly kiss her, how mean.
Could Aethena be so sadistic, so cruel? Sure. Did she ever expect it?? Hell fucking no! She also didn’t expect the cord in her stomach to already tighten and sit there uncomfortablly.
No one else could hear them, propely something he did. After all, he probably made it night aswell.
“Will you do with this all the other gods, hm?” He skeptically questioned, moving slightly to her neck.
She only muffled a moan in response, her one hand covering her mouth. The male only tsked in response and moved one of his hands so that it held her wrist, while his fingers fit into her mouth.
She made a yelping sound around them and almost bit them but didn’t. His blue eyes narrowed.
“Don’t bite.” He simply hissed out.
The girl only peeked an eye open and nodded. The chrod in her stomach was building and she could feel him slow down slightly.
“Ngh! Please..please..” She begged around his fingers.
This seemed to peak his intrest as he made an amused expression.
“Please? Please what?” He mockingly said.
“Release..please..” She begged.
Ah, she was so cute. He really ment it. Her face was all red and he wanted so badly to be rougher with her. But was midly concerned if he was too rough she would litterally die?!
“Fine, pretty..” He softly agreed before speeding up his fingers again and working softly on her neck.
He was being slightly gentler now, atleast compared to his fingers. The nickname was also nice.
“Ngh!” She moaned when the chord in her stomach came back.
In all honesty, Aethen could probably dick-her down right now, but her body seemed exhausted from all the edging. It earned this atleast.
“Come on, baby.” He hissed.
She got louder as he bit down on a part of her neck. Her skin was sweet, odd for a mortal. Not that he was complaning though.
“Hngh!..” She panted when her body seized up and she finally released.
Oddly enough, it didn’t come out as rushed as she thought it would. Every had every climaxed before in her life. It just came in stronger to mild waves.
Aethen smiled and pulled away from her neck, also carefully removing his fingers. Her body peived in exhaustion.
“I think this interview is over, don’t you?” He added on, jokingly.
The red-nette only frowned and tiredly peeked an eye open.
“Fuck you..” She breathed before closing them again.
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The next week was easy going, each week the mortal girl spent time with each of the gods. Of course, he still teased her but didn’t fuck her again..he seemed satisfied enough. He also didn’t seem intrested in keeping connections towards her.
Maybe he did that with all mortals, and the thought distruped her a little.
“Did you have a good interview week with him, Miss Ishto?” A random cocubine asked the girl as she was packing her things.
She had dark skin and black hair. She also had pitch black eyes but a small smile on her face.
“Yep. Thanks for the help.” She blandly replied.
What was she suposed to say?! Thanks for not pestering me about my bussiness like all your friends did?!
Which is exactly what they did, actually. People flocked around her everytime she exited the area with Aethen and pestered her. Apprently not many peopld got one on one time with him.
“Most would think your lucky, you know. Not alot of people get to meet Aethen face to face.” She reminded.
The girl placed a sharp, thin lipped smile on her face. How many people were gonna’ say that?!
“Oh yeah? Thanks.” She blandly replied.
The concubine only laughed slightly and shook her head. She must have relized she took it the wrong way.
“No, I ment it in a postive way!” She quickly said.
Every only lifted the filled up bag and adjusted her clothes.
“Oh, alright then..” She replied.
Honestly, it was kind of akward. Everyone who had tried to talk to her was so formal, and offputting.
“Well, I hope the rest of your interviews go well!” She said, before leaving the other.
lol i scraped this
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A very happy WBW to you! What is your favorite aspect of each region's design in your story? What part of it can you not wait to share with others because you're proud you came up with it?
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday back to you too!!!
These questions are very interesting and complicated. I will try to answer to the best of my abilities, and talk a bit about each of the main regions of my WIP! Man am I excited about this, let's go:
What is your favorite aspect of each region's design in your story?
ADRELLIOS - The Golden City:
Imagining a pristine city, gold plated in every sense of the word, where wondrous advancements in the name of comfort have been made. The mystery of the richest city the world has ever known, glistens in the sun amidst its colorful webs of luxury, secrecy, lies, and enchantment. A paradise one could get lost in forever.
The Masquerades. Nights shock full of mystery, luxury, and excitement, in intricate marble ballrooms with only the rarest jewels as decorations, and everyone - including yourself - is wearing different and unique masks, tailored to the best possible quality for this very occasion. Each year the Masquerades host a different theme, and there is always a surprise at the end if you're willing or able to keep your secrets.
The silk markets and the Golden Desert. A city surrounded by the mysterious sands of an age-old desert, which glows like gold when the sunlight hits it just the right way at just the right hour of the day. A trade route of expert merchants that dare cross the unyielding desert to reach the city of dreams.
Egyptian and Mediterranean influences. Mighty buildings of white stone with colorful inscriptions and sprawling cities below.
MIDTAREN - The Forest Haven:
It is a forest kingdom, built to be accommodated amidst the ancient trees - which are hundreds of feet tall by now. Imagine the beauty of a distant kingdom, with unique houses and palaces nestled between centuries-old oak trees that hide it from the sight of the outside world. Giant statues carved out of mountain stone blend into the surroundings, and you feel like you've just been transported through time.
Due to its location at the very heart of the Midtaren Forest, its capital, hidden from the world, is almost untouched by time and war. They are also said to be the home of the best non-elven archers on the continent.
Midtaren is known for its intricate enchanted craftsmanship and is the safe haven to quite possibly the largest free elven population safely outside of the Hidden Elven Cities, with just as many mages there as well. It has been the ancient homeland of House Ashiren since the Ancient War, though Raelen and Julyan have not been there for years now.
VELLAMERE - The Sea Jewel:
The beauties of a seafaring town, the point of connection between multiple cultures, with sprawling markets filled to the brim with all the merchandise you could ever dream of, and landing ports just as filled with beautiful galleys, boats, and many kinds of ships with colorful sails of all Agrannorian nations and more.
The Middle Eastern, Phoenician, and Greek influences in this city's culture and aesthetic. Just, the beautiful scarfs and rare colorful jewelry on flowy silk clothes made for strolls on the beach or manning the sails of a merchant galley. The symbolic value of some things, the mighty buildings, and ships, the importance of family ties... The music too!!!
The beautiful sandy-colored castles nestled at the tops of rocky shores, with mighty pilasters of stone opening to wondrous balconies that give a perfect view of the sea and sunsets below.
THE SEA CREATURES!!! Terrifying sea monsters screeching from the darkness below your ship on a night travel to the isolated Storm Archipelago. The beautiful grouper-like giant fishes seamlessly swim between the bridges where the rivers go to meet the sea. The multicolored sea corals where merfolk and sirens are said to hide during high tide, on the rare occasions that they stray from their safe havens on distant rocky bays and the abyss below.
KESTRALL - The Dragon's Nest:
A stone-carved kingdom set on the heights of the most distant mountain tops, snow-covered and surrounded by ancient, petrified forests, where the strange mist of corrupted magic of the Shroud swirls throughout. Mighty fortresses carved directly into the mountain stone, looking over the valleys below, giant dragon-fire forges lighting the night in an ember orange glow, awaiting the Dragon Riders that fly through the night and the day.
Viking, Nordic, and Ancient European influences.
A city of warriors and dragon riders that are willing to brave the coldest weather on the continent, where the best runic weapons and metal jewelry are forged by Forgebearer mages with the help of Dragonfire. Fur cloaks rustling in the harsh wind, and buildings swirling around the mountainside.
DRAGONS!!! MANY DRAGONS!!!! A culture based on might, forged by the cold wind and the fire of their dragons.
A female High General who is undyingly loyal to the Queen she swore liege to over twenty winters ago, while also keeping her promise to her dead best friend in protecting his children.
ERGYRE - The Iron Thorn:
A proud iron-forged kingdom, neutral in the borders between the Morosyn Empire and the Free Realms. Its double-sided nature contrasts with the high morality of other neighboring kingdoms. After all, to them, what matters is that the businesses are flourishing, and the ends justify the means. That kind of Machiavellian mentality is very compelling to write about, even though it is cruel.
The SECRECY. The strangeness of a sprawling black market in the hearts of the many cities of one of the most important kingdoms of the continent. A city of perpetual smoke and colorfully artificial lights blaring all around, cramped shady marketplaces where anything can be found for the right price or right twist of a word.
The dangerous nature of this kingdom, which makes itself known to anyone who dares to walk unaccompanied through the heart of its cities, where the utopianly vivid nightlife is only rivaled by its dubious secrets, moral bankruptcy, and more.
The Carnival of Thorns and all the celebrations within it. A time of peace where the ruthless nature of the kingdom can cease in the name of fun, and royalty and common folk can enjoy a common ground with roots in their past.
THE STORM ISLES - The Lost Archipelago:
The aesthetic of a rocky archipelago that is hidden by sea fog and distant tides, where the most deadly sea monsters lurk in the night.
The unique culture of the city, with a colorful twist to all that they do, and an exquisite traditional cuisine based on a sea monster diet - which was brought back with a force after continent-based food sources were discovered to be contaminated by the Blood Curse plague in poorly sanitized galleys.
Giant sea shells being used as the basis for carved knickknacks and weaponry. A traveling culture based on the trade of knowledge and resources. The colorfully bright lights of the undersea caves.
MERFOLK AS A PART OF SOCIETY!!!! The cities having adaptions so that merfolk can walk amongst them safely, especially after the latter's vital aid on helping heal the humans from the Blood Curse plague epidemic, as merfolk are immune to it. They have been fully embraced as friends and Storm Islanders.
Colorful wood and stone houses connected by stray lines above head, from where beautiful lanterns hang and swing on the wind like chimes. A love for popular plays and musical shows. The best taverns in the world, owned by former pirates.
THE BEST, FASTEST, AND MOST DEADLY NAVY OF THE AGGRANORIAN WORLD. They specialize in ship-making, and nearly half of the royal Vellamerian navy was made by them, but their knowledge of the tides and seas make them the deadliest and most expert seafarers.
THE MOROSYN EMPIRE - The Reign of the Mighty:
An Empire built on an iron fist and a clear hierarchy, founded by an ancient warrior and scholar who sought to unify her lands in the face of a dire threat. Now, however, under the rule of the egotistical new Dynasty, things have started to change for the worse as honor gave way to oppression.
Mighty palaces carved out of grey stone and metal, marble halls and built on sharp, exquisite lines. The royal colors have unfortunately been shifted to accommodate the new Imperial symbol, under the decree of Emperor Aerich's grandfather before the Agrannorian Civil Wars even began.
A thirst for knowledge, ambition, and power fueling the strongest force that ever ruled over the northern side of the Continent, but it led to their corruption as well.
Writing a place so merciless, where efficiency and protocol replace a lot in their worldview, with an Emperor who rules as unexpectedly as a scorpion's strike is very challenging to write (but in a way that lets me test my skills), and their cruelty is something that is strange to write about - to show that they have corrupted themselves and strayed from the path of their former rulers in the name of controlling the world.
The SHEER TERROR it generates on the world around it, the power its name carries, and the horrible acts they do in the name of their reign, are something horrifying. It contrasts the heroic warmth and the welcoming feel of the Free Realms with cold deadliness, and ruthless pragmatism with its deadly and highly trained armies.
How they fail to realize that ruling by fear will force them to rule over the ashes of anyone in their path, and that the cheers that their people give them are ones of fear, not adoration. It is so obliviously smug and I hate that Emperor so much, but it is so interesting to write about tho.
LIRANTHIS - The Scholar's Archive:
The majestic and proud Archive is set in the kingdom's capital and within the incredibly important Liranthian Academies - which accept people FROM ALL WALKS OF LIFE, as long as their talents are worth investing in. The delicate buildings are made out of pure iridescent light stone.
A kingdom where knowledge and its collection are more important than wars, where delicate beauty is cultivated and inventions are encouraged.
The Alchemists and Inventors of Liranthis, my guys... They're something else. They have invented ways to create machinery that embodies the necessities of their city. The city filled with the gentle whirring sounds of giant iron gears below.
Tourneys and Competitions that are meant to showcase the intelligence and bright wit of their people, as well as the strength of their resolve.
Thank you so much for the Ask, @lassiesandiego!!!! I loved every second of it. 💕
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So S/O is in the army right? Well after four years of dating, S/O is called away from the skelies to go to another country with no exact date of when they'd be coming back. S/O sends a postcard every month to let them know they're okay.
How would the skelies, MT sans and MF sans react to coming home from work and opening the door, only to have S/O give them a hug and say "Guess who's back?"
Undertale Sans - He's barely awake and honestly think he is still dreaming, so he's not reacting much when you're taking him in your arms. It's only when he realises you are really touching him that he gasps in shock and hugs back. He is so happy.
Undertale Papyrus - "NYEEEEEEEEEEEEEH????" You get the googly eyes of bewilderment. Papyrus drops a huge box he was holding which crashes on the ground in a broken glass sound and he's running to hug you. He's already telling everything that happened while you were not here, all in one breath, and it's just feel nice to hear him again.
Underswap Sans - You're surprising him at work. He's doing a night shift at the police station for Christmas, since everyone has someone except him, since his brother has a partner now, and he is quite sad, looking at the emptiness filling some paperwork. When you enter the room, he suddenly throws all the papers in the air and jumps in your arms, shrieking with excitement. He's not letting you go. Also, his boss gives him authorisation to leave because he knew S/O was coming and S/O had prepared Christmas on their own just for him. Blue is almost crying now.
Underswap Papyrus - Once he's done being in shock, he straight up cries like a baby. Knowing you are far away and might potentially never come back is a big thing to bear for a skeleton which is usually very close from his S/O and he is just relieved and happy everytime he gets to see you again. He won't let you go for the rest of the week.
Underfell Sans - "Ya're shitting me" His grins widens as he jumps into your arms to kiss you. Red is so relieved you're finally back. He's not really good on his own. His only regret is that he didn't have time to clean the house and it's pretty much a warfield of trash. Woops.
Underfell Papyrus - He knows something is not right. There's light in the house, and he lives alone, and it can't be Doomfanger. He growls menacingly. Does one of his idiot rival try to sneak on him again? He takes a bone and enters the house on his gards. When you jump from the living room entry, he shrieks, lots of red bones flying all around him ready to pin you to the wall. Then he recognises you and everything disappear as he's trying to get his composure back. "OBVIOUSLY I KNEW YOU WERE THERE. THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS WOULD NEVER BE SURPRISED BY SUCH CHILDISH JAPPERY." Of course. There's a moment of silence. "SO ARE YOU GOING TO HUG ME OR ARE YOU JUST PLANNING STANDING THERE?" His cheeks are so red. You can't stop teasing him all week about this. He hates it.
Horrortale Sans - When you're not here, Oak adopts the lone wolf style, half in the house, half in the woods. So before coming, you told Willow to lock him up in the house. You can hear him argue with his brother about this in the kitchen, but it stops right away when you enters the room. Oak's red eye do this :
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oAnd then he starts to purr so loudly the entire house is vibrating. It's not powerful enough to be an earthquake, but god, it's the loudest you never heard him do that. As you are expecting, Oak is locking you straight into his hoodie and he will be clingy for at least several days. He's never letting you go again (for at least several days).
Horrortale Papyrus - He thought Oak was just doing something bad in the kitchen and stomps angrily, but then he saw you and... "NYOO HOO HOO HOO HOO HOOOOOOOOO". Oh boy. Willow is overwhelmed and collapses in your arms in tears. You're not sure how many time he said he is happy to see you, you lost the count after thirty times.
Swapfell Sans - "I SWEAR TO ASGORE, RUS IF YOU FORGOT TO FRICKING SWITCH OFF THE FRICKING LIGHTS AGAIN I'M GOING TO BREAK ALL OF YOUR BO-" He stops in the living-room, speechless. He takes a few moments to acknowledge you're here again, then he quickly comes to hug you, then stands back and goes back to his usual cold self. You can't stop smiling. You never thought he would loose his cool like that.
Swapfell Papyrus - You find him very focus on something. When you knock of the door, he jumps out of his bones and quickly closes his hoodie, then turns towards you. Rus looks trapped and very uncomfortable. You're looking at him, wary. "Rus, what were you doing?" "n-nothing?" "Ruuuuus...?" He gulps. Then he opens his hoodie and a dozen rubber chickens falls down on the ground. He looks like a guilty child. You're still confused about what he was planning, but fine.
Mafiatale Sans - So... Since you were not home, he kinda brought a guy here to interview him, and when you're entering the room, your boyfriend is facing a naked human, tied in what you think is a very erotic pose and you're in shock. Demon is in shock too. "b-babe i swear it's not what it looks like. we're... uh... repeating a theater scene." You lift an eyebrow. Demon is sweating. Well, that's not how you were expecting this to go.
Mafiafell Sans - You froze in the corridor when your hear this : "yeah, ya're the only gi'l of my life. i could burn th'world for ya. here ya can have some of my bacon. you're the light of m'life ya know." You stomps in the room, angry... and finds Fangs sitting in the couch, facing his dog wearing a bib on the other side of the sofa table, while they are sharing a romantic candle McDonalds meal. You're speechless, he's speechless, only the dog is happy to see you. Fangs won't even cross your eyes. He's so embarrassed omg.
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aquariusshadow · 3 years
Live!Blogging Legacies s4x6
aight lets see what this week's ep has in store
lesssss go
5 seconds in and i already fell back in love with hope mikaelson
ooooooooo cleope scene
nevermind everyone's there
daaang thats some video game levels of shockwaves
this isnt real right
this is some sort of mind dive thing?
cuz there's no way all o
yea ok this isn't real
i was right i was right i was right
are we in class now
what class is this???
ethan: *turns invisible for the billionth time*
MG: yep that's my boy...
"The secrets of Alaric Saltzman" okay
omfg i forgot about landon/malilandon? and ted in limbo
ooooooooo finch and cleo scene
this is a cute scene i like it
omfg the smiley face
that thing's creepy
two weeks
sorry my mind just kinda
went blank at this
also her hair oh my god
i love hope's facial expressions in that scene
hey hey hey it's not his fault he can't have dairy
doesn't mean his stomach is "fragile"
i related way to hard to that im sorry hahaha
uh who tf is that
ok ig we aren't finding out yet
oh my gooooooooood "ryan...baby...come back to bed..."
hope you're killing me
"wade. you're dead. walk it off"
ok so who is this british sir
cmon yall i need a name
there we go
a name
i...honestly really don't care
daaaaaaaaang lizzie okay
if lizzie does become a heretic she's gonna be so powerful
im getting strong gay vibes with tedxoscar and now im vibing
caaaaaaaaaaaan you feeeeeeeeeeel the looooooooooove tonight
so help me
i really can't help but feel so bad for lizzie
like obviously she shouldnt be doing this
idk empathy man :(
daaaaang cleo
good job
so was that the white oak stake or something brand new?
didn't tvd say that the first emotion that comes back is anger? and legit last episode hope showed serious signs of being genuinely angry?
im just sayin
clarke has a point
hmmmm im gonna assume trudy was just showing normal signs of excessive curiousity on this particular topic
cuz who could blame her for wanting to know everything...right?.......
"when your sister's around there's no room for you to be messed up" *sideeyes dark josie*
like ok to a point i agree with finch
we literally spent a whole season with dark josie because of dark josie not because of lizzie
idk maybe my memory is scuffy here
well hi alaric
No thoughts head empty just Tribrid!Hope. 
Fr tho...I don’t have a lot to say either? I’m just feeling particularly empathetic to Lizzie and I ended up really enjoying Hope’s dynamic with Clarke.
I wonder when things are gonna hit that peak again ahaha
Oh also....TedxOscar rights.
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Burning Up [1/4]
Summary: When she applied to be the secretary for managing partner Rosé McCorkell, Denali hadn't expected to end up working for the biggest pain in her ass, nor did she expect anything beyond a professional relationship.
Word Count: 4,365
Note: Originally titled "Work Wives".
Prefer reading it on AO3?
Denali stood in front of the familiar panelled wooden door, a brown leather folio clutched to her chest and a fresh cup of coffee in her right hand. She was dressed in a cream sleeveless blouse and a black pencil skirt finished off with nude heels. She stared hard at the frosted glass with a name embossed in gold lettering across it.
Rosé McCorkell, one of the three managing partners in S. Child, a top law firm in New York City. She was also a major pain in Denali’s ass for all of the six months that she had been here as her secretary.
Steeling herself for her usual morning meeting with her, Denali took a deep breath, knocked on the door and waited. Seconds later, she heard the usual clicking of stiletto heels on hardwood floor before the door opened to reveal the woman that was her boss.
As much as she was a pain in the ass, Rosé McCorkell was undoubtedly a stunning woman. Standing tall in her black heels, she wore her auburn hair in perfect curls, dressed in a form fitting navy power suit with the blouse unbuttoned just low enough that Denali could see the deep curve of her cleavage. Catching herself before she stared for too long, she snapped her gaze back up to Rosé’s face and plastered on a smile, hoping that the other woman hadn’t noticed her staring.
“Good morning, Miss McCorkell, I’m here to go over your schedule for the day.”
Rosé stared back at Denali for a moment, causing the younger woman to squirm a little under her gaze, before deep red lips stretched into her trademark smirk.
The same smirk that drove Denali absolutely crazy for reasons she didn’t want to think too deeply into.
“Of course you are, come in.”
7 months ago.
Denali sat outside the interview room, waiting for her turn to go in. She was surrounded by other young candidates, each of them looking well groomed, neat and manicured. Most of them were in blazers, suits, the whole shebang and here Denali was dressed in a simple white blouse and black dress pants, her blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail with black pumps on her feet.
She hadn’t really thought too much about it when she had come across the ad and applied for the position. She just needed a job after graduating from college, but now she wasn’t too sure on whether she had made a mistake applying to be the secretary of a managing partner at S. Child. Denali had thought it would be an easy job. After all, a secretary just needed to be organised and have a good head on their shoulders, right? She hadn’t thought it would be a challenge, but looking around her now, with so many tense faces and how the place screamed money, she felt like she was out of her depth.
Maybe it wasn’t too late to duck out…
“Miss Denali Foxx.”
Denali cursed under her breath for not noticing that the previous interviewee had already left the room. She stood and walked to the door, feeling the eyes of the other candidates eyeing her outfit in disdain. Bracing herself, she knocked on the door and waited for a second before entering, coming face to face with three women seated behind a lacquered wooden conference table. Denali took note of each one as she sat in the lone chair before them.
From the website she had briefly scrolled through, she could recognise the three managing partners - Jan Sport was on the left, followed by Lagoona Bloo in the middle and Rosé McCorkell, the managing partner that she was applying to be the secretary of, on the right. From what she had gathered, all three of them were charismatic, intelligent and ruthless in their own rights when in the courtroom.
Lagoona opened a manila folder, cleared her throat and smiled warmly at the blonde in front of her. “Good afternoon Miss Foxx, thank you for taking the time to come down for this interview.” Denali smiled back at her, feeling a little more at ease at how friendly Lagoona seemed.
“Good afternoon, and thank you for having me.”
Lagoona nodded and introduced the three of them, then began the interview by asking her questions, with Jan interjecting a few herself. Denali had managed to answer most of them confidently, only ever stumbling once. All the while Rosé, the one who would decide whether she would be hired or not, had remained silent, simply choosing to flip through the thin file that held Denali’s details, barely even sparing her a glance.
After about ten minutes of back and forth, Lagoona asked her final question, then turned to look at Rosé.
“I think that’s about it from us. Do you have any questions for her, Rosé?”
Denali gulped, trying not to let her nerves get the best of her as the other woman finally looked up at her, folding her hands and resting her chin on them. After a few excruciating seconds, Rosé leaned back in her seat, eyes still trained on the blonde woman before finally speaking.
“Yes, why should I hire you out of everyone out there? From what I’ve read in your file, you seem to be the most inexperienced out of all the candidates. Were you hoping to somehow find a sugar daddy here? I mean you clearly have the looks for it.”
There was pin drop silence at her question. Lagoona had her face buried in her hands and Jan was struggling between wanting to laugh and wanting to strangle Rosé. Denali however sat stone still as Rosé stared down at her, her expression bored as she waited for the blonde to reply.
Denali’s mind was blank for a second before rage filled her veins.
What. The. Actual. Fuck.
Resisting the urge to slap the woman in front of her, Denali reigned it in and instead plastered on the sweetest smile she could muster.
“Well as inexperienced as I am, I can guarantee that if you hire me, you wouldn’t be hiring a cookie cutter suck up that wouldn’t be able to look past designer labels or waste their time trying to be someone they’re not. I can also guarantee that you wouldn’t be hiring a pushover who would go crying to their mother when the job gets tough, and knows that their worth is much more than just a few flimsy pieces of paper that won’t tell you the things that really matter.”
Denali stood, smoothing the wrinkles in her skirt before looking Rosé in the eye.
“And the statement about me wanting a sugar daddy? I’d rather a sugar mommy than a sugar daddy, though from what I see, there aren’t any worth my time here anyways.”
Figuring that the interview was a lost cause, Denali nodded her thanks to a stunned Lagoona and laughing Jan, completely ignoring Rosé, and turned on her heel to leave when she was stopped by two words.
“You’re hired.”
Present day.
Grinding her teeth as she glared at the desk in front of her, Denali had to tell herself to calm down as the source of her irritation smirked in her direction. If there was one thing that Denali could not stand, it was Rosé’s way of constantly pushing her buttons. Oh, there was no denying that the woman was good at her job, but the way she seemed to ooze confidence and acted as if she owned the damn place? God, that just made Denali’s blood boil.
“Is something the matter, Nali?”
Denali clenched her fist at the sound of Rosé's nick name for her. It was as if the older woman knew that it riled her up whenever she called her that. Looking up at Rosé, Denali bit back an insult and instead forced herself to smile at her. “No, Miss McCorkell, nothing’s the matter at all. Everything is perfectly fine.”
Staring down at the defiant younger woman for a moment from across her desk, Rosé winked at her. “If you say so, baby.”
Denali gripped the pen in her hand tightly. She breathed through her nose, mentally counting down the seconds till their meeting was over and done with as she wrote down every point that Rosé had said. Quickly going over her notes one last time, she looked back up at Rosé. “Is there anything else, Miss McCorkell?”
Denali blinked.
“My name. I’ve told you to call me that from the beginning.” Denali rolled her eyes internally as she shuffled the loose sheets of paper into a neater pile. “And as I’ve said before, I’m much more comfortable calling you Miss McCorkell.” She heard Rosé’s low chuckle and the sound of fabric shifting. Denali looked up and immediately dropped her pen.
Rosé was suddenly much closer to her than before, leaning against the solid oak desk between them, an almost predatory look in her eye as she watched the younger girl seated in front of her.
“I wonder why.”
“So have you and Miss McCorkell fucked yet?”
Denali glared at Kandy as she walked back to her desk. She threw her pen at the girl and missed as it clattered to the floor, leaving the other girl cackling. “No bitch, and that’s never going to happen. What the fuck even makes you think that?” Kandy sat on the edge of Denali’s desk, a shit eating grin on her face. “Besides the fact that every time you leave her office, your face is always so flustered-“
“Because she always pisses me off-“
“-it’s also the way she stares at your ass, like she can’t wait to get her hands on it.” Denali rolled her eyes and retrieved her pen from the floor. “No, she doesn’t. I’ve never seen her look at my ass before.” And Denali was pretty sure that she would have noticed that, seeing as she’d been Rosé’s secretary for a while now. Plopping herself in her office chair, she opened her folio and started to go through her notes, pulling out a stack of colourful post-it’s from her drawer to help with her organisation. Not to be ignored, Kandy carried on as if the other girl wasn’t trying to ignore her.
“Girl, you don’t exactly have eyes on the back of your head, do you? Trust me, she wants to tap that.”
Denali resisted the urge to strangle the Latina sitting on her desk. Sure, there was always some tension in the room when they were together, but that was more from the fact that Rosé loved riling her up. It had been that way since day one, and sometimes Denali questioned her decision to have accepted the job offer, but the money and benefits were too good to pass up for a fresh grad. She shook her head as she replied dismissively.
“Even if she does, I’m not interested.”
Kandy looked at her in disbelief, one brow cocked. “Are you sure? She’s got a great pair of tits.” Well, she couldn’t argue with that. Denali had noticed Rosé’s ample breasts seeing as the managing partner loved to wear outfits that featured them in a daring, yet tasteful, fashion. If she had met Rosé in a bar, she would definitely have approached her.
Of course, she wasn’t going to tell Kandy that.
“Look, no matter how great her tits are, it’ll never make up for the mouth that she has on her.”
Kandy tutted, picking at her nails. “I’m pretty sure her mouth would be preoccupied when the two of you-“
“I’m just saying.”
Denali sighed, rubbing her forehead. God, this conversation was giving her a headache and digging at thoughts she had been trying to avoid herself.
“Listen Kandy, if there is one thing that I would never ever do, it is to sleep with my boss-“
“I don’t care if she’s staring at my ass, I don’t care what she thinks of it-“
“Me fucking Rosé McCorkell is never going to happen.”
“Well, as enlightening as this conversation is, it might be a little inappropriate to discuss my preferences in the office, don’t you think?”
She froze at the familiar voice behind her as Kandy quietly excused herself.
“Cat got your tongue, Miss Foxx?”
Fucking shit.
Denali slowly stood and turned to look at her boss, who had an amused expression on her face and a file in hand.
“I believe that you left this document behind in my office.”
Swallowing the lump in her throat, Denali moved to retrieve the file from Rosé, trying her best to regain her composure.
“Right, yes- Let me photocopy this for you right away, Miss McCorkell.”
Rosé smirked and leaned in, her lips almost brushing against Denali’s ear.
“Strictly off the record, I do think you have a very nice ass.”
Face flushing a bright red and rendered speechless for a moment as Rosé pulled away, Denali stammered out an excuse before speeding off to the copy room, leaving behind a chuckling Rosé in her wake.
Denali was waiting alone for the lift at the end of the day, tapping her foot on the floor as she watched the numbers on the screen climb higher and higher.
It had been a long day, and she was still trying to recover from the embarrassing situation that had happened in the morning. She had spent the whole day actively avoiding her boss, something that wasn’t too difficult to do since she had a long list of tasks from her. Every time she had to drop something off at the older woman’s office, she made it a point to do so when she knew she was out for a meeting or when she was engaged in a call so that Rosé wouldn’t be able to say a word to her.
If she had the opportunity, Denali knew that the managing partner would say something to further humiliate or incite her.
Also, the statement that Rosé had made about her ass was still fresh and in the forefront of her mind, and something Denali had completely not expected. She knew that the two of them butted heads all the time, and that Rosé loved to challenge her secretary and pass along little comments and nicknames just to get a rise out of her. She had suspected that was the main reason that Rosé had hired her, because she was someone who fought back, but that comment about her ass? That had blindsided her.
She didn’t want to admit it, but everything Rosé did and said had an effect on her, and had been for some time now, but that was something that was entirely inappropriate.
Denali shifted her weight, watching the numbers get closer to the floor she was on when she heard the faint clicking of stilettos behind her and shut her eyes, praying to whoever was listening that the person approaching wasn’t who she thought it was, or that the elevator would arrive just before she did. Thankfully, the latter happened as the lift doors opened and Denali quickly stepped into the empty cab, immediately pressing the close button while pointedly making sure not to look up. She let out the breath that she had been unknowingly holding in as the doors slid closed, but her relief was short lived when the doors slid opened again, revealing the very same woman that she had been hoping not to see.
Nodding in greeting, she stepped to the side to give Rosé space, and also to put as much space as possible between the two of them. Rosé nodded back, and stood next to Denali, facing the doors as they closed and the lift slowly descended.
“So where has my little secretary been hiding the whole day?”
Denali’s hand twitched at her side. “I’ve been at my desk the entire day, Miss McCorkell, completing the tasks that you assigned me to do.”
“Is that so? So the little mouse that was scurrying in and out of my office wasn’t you?”
Swallowing a retort, Denali replied with as steady a voice as she could. “I don’t know what you mean, Miss McCorkell.”
Rosé turned her head, an eyebrow raised as she looked down at the squirming girl. Before she could say anything, the lift dinged and a group of people entered, forcing the two of them to take a step back. Denali breathed through her nose, then noticed how close Rosé was to her now in the confined space, so close she could smell the expensive Chanel No. 5 perfume that she loved to wear. Her heart was racing, and she wasn’t quite sure why. Maybe it was the fact that Rosé was now standing close to her, or the fact that her words were replaying over and over in her mind.
Denali stilled when she felt a finger touching the back of hand. She looked down to see a perfectly manicured finger lazily tracing her knuckles before looking up at the owner of the hand, and felt all the air in her lungs escape.
Rosé was staring down at her, eyes a molten hazel and lips curved into that same infuriating smirk that drove Denali insane. She felt the other woman’s fingers slowly slip to the palm of her hand, the light touch causing heat to pool in Denali’s middle and her breath to shorten, and all the while Rosé never took her eyes off her. The younger girl swallowed and bit her lip, noting how the older woman’s heated gaze fell to her throat and then her lips, her palm tingling as Rosé continued to trace patterns on the sensitive skin of her palm.
Seconds later, their little bubble was broken when the lift dinged and people started to shuffle out. Rosé withdrew her hand, and made to leave too, but not before whispering in Denali’s ear.
“Never say never.”
Winking at the frozen girl, Rosé exited the lift, her hips swaying with each step as she left the building.
Denali was fucked.
The dynamics of their relationship had changed since that day. Rosé didn’t try as hard as before to get a rise out of Denali anymore. Before it seemed like she was aiming to piss her secretary off, but now it was the opposite. It was as if she was repeatedly trying to fluster her, dropping little teasing comments, purposely brushing their fingers together when passing Denali things, constantly staring intently at her with a knowing smirk on her face. It was slowly driving Denali insane.
She could handle it when Rosé was trying to piss her off, but this? This was completely different and she didn’t know how to handle this kind of attention from her. Denali always found herself blushing to her roots and stammering in response to these new interactions, which seemed to further amuse and encourage the redhead. With each interaction, Denali also found herself questioning everything.
Why was Rosé acting the way that she did?
Was she bored and simply wanted to find something to entertain her?
Was she just toying around with Denali and her emotions?
Sighing as she filled the cup of tea for Rosé’s potential new client, she shook the thoughts out of her head and walked back to the meeting room where he was waiting. Pasting on a polite smile, she pushed the glass door open and set the cup of tea on the table before a greasy looking man that looked as if he was in his late forties.
“Here’s your tea, Mister Tate.” The man smiled back at Denali, taking the cup of tea and sipping from it, all the while giving Denali a once over, much to her discomfort. Putting the cup down, he made a face. “Oh dear, there’s no sugar in this at all, is there?”
Denali blinked. He hadn’t mentioned any sugar earlier, and she had assumed that he wouldn’t need any. “My apologies, Mister Tate, let me get a fresh cup for you.” Reaching over to take back the cup, she was stopped when he grabbed onto her wrist, a sly smile on his face. “There’s no need to bother, it’s fine. After all, I have a sweet, pretty girl like you to entertain me while we wait for Miss McCorkell to arrive.”
Not another one of these men again. Forcing herself not to drop her smile, Denali replied in a tight voice. “Thank you for the compliment, Mr Tate.” She tried to politely tug her hand back to disengage his grip on her wrist, but before she knew it, he was on his feet, an arm slung over her shoulders.
“Mister Tate? No need for formalities, just call me Jim. After all, I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around more often now.” Her stomach rolled at the pointed look he had in his eye, the widening smile on his face making him look even greasier. She knew his type and the implications behind his words, and had to force herself to hold in her disgust. As much as she wanted to knee him in the balls, she couldn’t do that here in the office, especially since he was a potential client of Rosé’s.
Swallowing the bile that was rising in her throat, Denali struggled to maintain being civil as she attempted to step out of his grip.
“Mister Tate, if you would kindly please let go of me, I-”
“Come now, Miss Foxx was it? Where’s your sense of hospitality? You forgot the sugar for my tea, but you look like you’ll make up for it-“
“What is going on here?”
The blonde felt a sheer sense of relief flood her when she saw the managing partner standing in the doorway of the meeting room, though the furious look in her eye was something unexpected.
Denali had never seen her this angry before.
The man however seemed completely oblivious to the rising anger of the other woman, and instead smiled at her. “Miss McCorkell! I was just getting acquainted with your lovely secretary here.”
Rosé glared at the man. “Mister Tate, I believe that my secretary doesn’t like your arm around her, and unless you’d like to lose that arm, I suggest that you take it off her.” Looking surprised, the man listened and took his arm off Denali, and she moved away, not wanting to get caught in the crossfire. Her eyes darted between the two as he stammered. “Miss McCorkell, we’re all adults here. I’m just having a bit of fun. Isn’t that why you keep her around? She sure is a stunner-”
Big mistake.
Rosé took a threatening step towards him, fists clenched and eyes glinting with unbridled rage at what he was implying.
“Get out.”
He gaped. “I- I beg your pardon?”
Rosé sneered, looking down at the now pale and shaking man.
“You heard me, you daft man, get out! I don’t need scum like you in my office, and I certainly don’t need your money. Now get out before I call security!”
Gaping like a fish out of water and scrambling to leave, the greasy man grabbed his bag and hurriedly left the office without looking back as Rosé kept her eyes pinned on his retreating back before turning back to face to her secretary. Denali gulped, and instinctively made to apologise, but was stopped when the older woman moved towards her and gently took her by the shoulders, examining her. “Denali, are you alright?” She asked, sliding her hands down and stopping to hold her wrists, rubbing soothing circles into her skin.
Denali hadn’t noticed, but she was shaking, and Rosé’s motions were slowly calming her down. Taking a shaky breath, Denali smiled weakly at her. “I’m fine, Miss McCorkell. Thank you for stepping in when you did.”
Rosé nodded. “Of course, how could I not? But are you sure you’re alright? Do you want to take the rest of the afternoon off?” Denali laughed drily, waving off the offer. “It’s alright, I’m fine now. It’s nothing that I’m not used to.” Rosé’s thumbs stopped moving and she frowned at Denali.
“What do you mean?” Denali blinked. Maybe she shouldn’t have said that.
“I mean I’ve had my fair share of creeps before-“ She explained with a fake laugh, trying to lighten the mood when she saw Rosé’s face darkening.
That wasn’t good.
“You mean here? In my office?”
“Well, er-“ Rosé stepped closer into Denali’s space, raising a hand to cup her face as she stared into the younger’s eyes, voice low as she demanded. “The truth please.” Denali swallowed, feeling the slightly murderous intent that the other woman was exuding, which contradicted the gentle hold that she had on Denali. Hesitantly, Denali nodded.
Rosé clenched her jaw, taking a second to process what Denali had confirmed, before stepping back and letting go of her secretary. Denali could see that her hands were clenched into fists that Rosé quickly stuffed into the pockets of her suit when she noticed Denali looking at them, as if wanting to hide how she was trying to not lose her temper.
“I want their names.”
Denali frowned, confused. “Wha- Why?”
“So I can tear up their contracts. Anyone who touches you is not worth my time.” Denali’s eyes widened. This sounded like a rash decision, and she didn’t want to cost Rosé or the company money. Breaking contracts meant loss of income, which wasn’t worth it. Not when it was just a simple matter of harassment that she should be able to handle herself. “But Miss McCorkell, it’s not worth it, I can-“
Rosé shot Denali a sharp look at that, cutting her off. “No buts. I want their names on my desk by the end of the day.” Denali swallowed and nodded stiffly as Rosé held her gaze, eyes hardened before softening as she sighed. The managing partner turned to leave, but stopped at the doorway to give her one last meaningful look.
“Denali, don’t ever think that you’re not worth it.”
And she left, leaving behind a wide eyed and blushing Denali staring after her.
I have been hung up on the idea of writing a fic with a flirty boss Rosé and feisty secretary Denali. The sexual tension just writes itself.
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. (:
xoxo Vera
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stargazer-balladeer · 4 years
Aye!!! Pokemon manga Green oak's and Red wishlist, please? [and yes, Manga Gold was the one I wanted, thank you.*winks*]
Thank you!
Character(s): Green Oak & Red (Pokemon RGB, FR&LG)
Notes: I LIKE U-! U HAVE GOOD TASTES- 🤧 also, yay- and yes, I’m pairing them up with the ladies bc i ship them but this is an x reader so imma just do them as platonic bc i still love them- 🤧
Tumblr media
Green Oak
With Blue
“Tsk. Why should I stay with a pesky woman?”
“*pouts* heyy that wasn’t nice.”
“What’re you even doing here? I thought this kind of things doesn’t suit your interest?”
“Well, it wouldn’t hurt for a change of pace now.”
“.. I’ve notice something.”
“Wow. Congrats.”
“Tsk- your sarcasm isn’t needed.”
“When was it ever needed?”
“*sigh* you’re acting more grumpy than usual. What’s got your panties twisted?”
“I’m not grumpy. And I don’t wear panties-“
“It’s a figure of speech, relax. But I beg to differ. Any deeper with your brows and you’ll be looking like the Grinch.”
“Tsk-! Pesky woman.”
“What’s gotten into you— ohhh.”
“... why’re you looking at me like that?”
“I see I see.”
“You’re promoting to annoying woman.”
“That doesn’t sound any better than pesky woman.”
“Just be glad that I won’t be calling you pesky woman, annoying woman.”
“*sigh* anyways. I now know why you’re in a sour mood lately~!”
“Hm? Do tell.”
“It’s because of [Y/N], isn’t it?”
“You aren’t denying it~”
“Annoying woman.”
“Professor Oak~”
“That’s gramps.”
“But you’re going to become a Professor like him, right~?”
“Aww~ how romantic~! Missing your partner while they’re away~ I wish I have a romance like you and [Y/N] have-“
“I’m leaving.”
“E-Eh?! C’mon, Green! You can’t handle my teasing? Oohh~ I think you’re just embarrassed.”
“Green Oak is embarrassed that he’s missing his s/o~!!!”
“Shut up, pesky woman!”
“Anndd I was demoted.”
“Hehe~ I’ll stop my teasing, just for tonight. Merry Christmas, Green.”
“... Merry Christmas. I guess.”
“*chuckles* you’re so mean to me.”
“You’re just annoying.”
“Alright alright. I concede.”
“Hey [Y/N], it’s been a while since I last saw you. I’m with pesky woman right now, and it’s giving me a headache just by being near her.”
“Woah.. is it me or did it become chilly all of a sudden?”
“Anyways, enough about her. How have you been doing? Busy filling up the Pokédex, I suppose. Or slacking off, as usual. Merry Christmas, mon amour. It feels lonely without you here. So you better come back, okay? I promise I’ll shower you with kisses and hugs and cuddles when you return. Better hurry or it’ll expire. Smell ya later.”
With Yellow
“Ah, Red. So you’re here.”
“Hm? Oh Yellow. What’re you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be inside with the others?”
“That’s actually what I want to ask you. Isn’t it cold outside?”
“Hmm.. maybe. But I guess it’s relaxing for me.”
“Ah, ok..”
“But why’re you here, Yellow? There’s still a party inside. You should enjoy.”
“Y-You should too! With us!”
“Nah. I’ll stay out here.”
“... oh. I see..”
“Hm? What’s up?”
“You’re missing [Y/N]..”
“Ah- you saw right through me. Hehe..”
“*chuckles* It isn’t that hard.”
“Hehe. I’m just wondering where they are right now. And if they’re also missing me.”
“I’m sure they miss you too, Red.”
“Thanks, Yellow. You’re a good friend. Merry Christmas.”
“.. Merry Christmas, Red.”
“You should probably go inside. You’ll get hyperthermia out here.”
“Promise me you’ll also head in.”
“Alright. Better keep that promise, Red!”
“Yeah yeah!”
“Merry Christmas, [Y/N]! How are you? Hope you’re doing okay! Did you dress properly in this snowy season? I better not find you dead with hyperthermia! The party is going smooth as planned. Every dex-users are inside, having fun. Though there is some that aren’t that.. lively. Anyways-! Where exactly are you right now? I wish I know so that I can follow you after the party. Say, after you come back, are you willing to go on another adventure? With me this time. We can travel the Kanto again, or explore somewhere new! It’ll be a blast! And we can discover more Pokémon! I’m getting excited by thinking of it- anyways, have you seen a new Pokémon? I want to hear your journey, all of the details, so you better tell me—“
“Senior Red! It’s time for gift giving!” - Gold
“Hm? Oh. Coming!”
“I should go now. See you, [Y/N]!”
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piceuscelus · 4 years
loved your ovi fic!! I'd love to see another. Maybe Geralt is sick of Jaskier trying to follow him on hunts so he tries to scare him off by using him as bait for a monster with an ovipositor who pumps him full of eggs. The eggs have to stay inside a host for 24 hrs, so Geralt plugs Jas up and watches gleefully as the grotesquely swollen, sobbing bard has to painfully waddle around after him for a whole day, too big to fit into his fancy clothes. He might just let Jas come on more hunts after all
hi i want to do So Many Things with this and not the least of which is write like 10k of jaskier being stuffed and then paraded around, but i’m supposed to be keeping this short(ish) SO
bless you and your cow, have your dub-con oviposition and geralt being questionable and horny
Geralt expects that the threat will make Jaskier back off, maybe finally make him feel afraid.
Apparently, it’s as fruitless as expecting Jaskier to stop following him.
“If I let you come on this hunt, I’ll be using you as bait.”
Jaskier blinks. “...well,” he says. “I suppose. What do you mean, exactly, by bait?”
Geralt sighs and rubs at his temples. “Exactly what I said, bard, I don’t speak in metaphors and half-truths like you. You’ll be bait. Tied up in the forest to lure the creature in.”
Among other things, he thinks, but doesn’t say.
Jaskier hums. “Well, that seems easy enough. Is this a particularly violent monster?”
“...no.” Geralt shakes his head. “It’s not malevolent at all.”
“So you’re not killing it?”
“No. I’m helping it. Sort of. More helping myself and a mage willing to pay a whole lot of gold for something that’s rather hard to obtain.”
“...alright,” Jaskier says. “I trust you.”
Geralt frowns. You shouldn’t. “Leave your lute and the doublet. It’s not likely to be kind to your clothes or anything else in its way.”
Jaskier nods. Of course, now is when he decides to be obedient.
– – – – –
“So what kind of monster is it? I’ve seen those bestiaries of yours.”
“Elementa,” Geralt answers. “Came with the Convergence. It’s made mostly of slime and tentacles.”
“Disgusting!” Jaskier says brightly. “Should make for a good drinking song.”
Geralt bites back on a snort. “Yeah, sure,” he murmurs.
– – – – – 
Geralt isn’t quite sure which is the worst part of this: the fact that when he tells him to, Jaskier strips naked as if he has no qualms about being entirely bare in a monster-infested forest with Geralt staring at him, or that when he ties Jaskier up, the bard’s cock starts to fill.
His does, too, but he knew that would happen. After a century of life, shame is kind of hard to come by. 
Jaskier is humming quietly to himself while Geralt finishes with the ropes. The bard is standing a few feet in front of a large oak, legs spread shoulder-width apart and arms stretched above his head. There’s rope around his ankles that’s anchored to stakes on either side of him, pulled taut so he can’t close his legs, and the rope around his wrists is secured to a thick branch above his head. 
He’s vulnerable. He’s looking around the clearing as if he doesn’t have a care in the world.
Geralt wants to fucking ruin him, but he knows that the monster will do that for him, so he holds back.
“Is there anything particular I should do to lure the creature out?” Jaskier asks as Geralt begins to pack up. He’ll be close enough to watch, but the monster isn’t likely to come around if it can sense too much silver. 
“No,” he shakes his head. “The smell of you will be enough.”
“The smell of me?” Jaskier asks, and Geralt gives a pointed nod to his half-hard cock.
The bard at least has the decency to flush. “You have very nice hands,” he says, as if that’s any kind of explanation or excuse. “So the monster is, uh...interested, I suppose.”
“Yes.” More than, Geralt thinks. It’ll think you’re the perfect host to lay its eggs. “I’ll be watching.”
He makes no more promises. After all, he’s not withholding the true intent of the monster – or this hunt – for shits and giggles. He’s trying to teach Jaskier a lesson.
“Alright,” Jaskier agrees. “I’ll be here.”
Geralt rolls his eyes, and makes off for the tree he’d scouted before beginning to tie Jaskier up.
– – – – –
It takes barely ten minutes after Geralt’s scent has faded away for the monster to show up. It’s a brilliant blue, looking like the water of a lake at high noon in the summer, and moves a lot like a river might, if water were thicker than it is. At first, it looks like a mobile puddle, really, but then, as it gets to the center of the clearing – finally catching Jaskier’s attention – the tentacles appear. They’re darker in color, more solid, but no less slick and viscous, Geralt knows from experience.
He’s far enough away to not alert the monster, but he’s close enough to see the microexpressions cross Jaskier’s face, to hear his sharp intake of breath. To smell him, just faintly, on the wind. He’s more turned on than before. Go figure.
The monster investigates for a moment, tentacles leaving sticky trails over the ropes first, and then Jaskier’s feet and calves, his wrists and forearms. Jaskier makes an odd, choked sound, then giggles and squirms – ticklish.
Slowly but surely, the monster’s explorations move toward Jaskier’s center, until there’s one sliding curiously over his cock, and – judging by the short, sharp noise Jaskier makes as he rocks onto his tiptoes – his ass.
“Fr...friendly, aren’t you,” Jaskier pants. “That’s – oh.”
Geralt almost wishes he’d tied Jaskier differently, so he could watch the process of the monster slowly working a tentacle into his ass, but he’d only had so much rope and limited options for how to get Jaskier tied properly. It’s an unfortunate loss, but he does get the next best thing, getting to watch Jaskier’s face as the reality of what’s happening starts to dawn on him.
He squirms, feet wriggling in the damp soil, hips twisting. “Geralt, Geralt,” he calls. “This is – are you – ”
Geralt doesn’t reply. He doesn’t need to, not really. He’d said he'd be watching; he didn’t tell Jaskier he would be listening, or that he’d come to the rescue. 
Again, he’s teaching the bard a lesson.
He can see the moment the tentacle breaches Jaskier’s body from the way the bard’s eyes go wide as his mouth drops open. Seemingly against his own will, his hips rock back and then forward again, and he moans, loud and clear.
Well. That’s interesting.
He’d expected Jaskier might, but….
The tentacle sinks deeper, then pulls back and thrusts again; once more, Geralt wishes he could see it properly, watch Jaskier’s hole stretch around the slimy girth of it, but he can’t move now. It will have to suffice to see the movement of the tentacle and Jaskier’s face.
It doesn’t take long to work up to the right point, the tentacle brutally efficient in its job of stretching Jaskier’s ass wide and slicking him up. Jaskier is moaning throughout the process, eyes crossed when they’re not closed, body shaking where the ropes are suspending his weight. His cock is much more than half-hard by now, and as Geralt watches, it throbs and drips a string of precum to the forest floor.
“Geralt,” Jaskier mumbles weakly. “Geralt, you….”
He doesn’t finish. Geralt doesn’t wonder what he was going to say, watching with anticipation as the preparing tentacle slips away and a new one replaces it. Jaskier whines when the first leaves, and then whines again, louder, when the second appears.
“Oh, what,” he mutters, wriggling his hips again. Two tentacles appear at his sides, wrapping tight around him like the rope, functionally immobilizing him. He gasps sharply, eyes flying open wide, and then he’s doing it again as they slam shut again when the new tentacle behind him starts to push inside. 
“Big,” Jaskier whimpers, lashes fluttering. Geralt allows himself a small, nearly-silent chuckle. Big, indeed, he thinks. It’ll get worse.
This tentacle sinks inside with a slow, steady pace, no thrusts at all. Jaskier is panting and whining at the stretch of it, at the fullness, his cock bobbing and drooling as he shifts as much as he can with how captive he’s become. Geralt can tell the moment that the second tentacle reaches the right depth, because he can just barely see the way Jaskier’s belly bulges around it. 
“Geralt,” Jaskier whines again. “What is it – what’s – ”
His eyes go wide again and he properly tries to struggle this time, no more wriggling but instead trying to thrash. He doesn’t get anywhere, held tight with Geralt’s rope and the tentacles still around his waist. Geralt’s eyes flick to the part of the tentacle still resting on the ground, behind Jaskier’s calf, where he can still see it. There’s a slightly darker shape moving through it, up toward Jaskier’s body.
He bites his lip and watches intently, wanting to capture the exact moment that Jaskier feels the new stretch, as well as when the egg is deposited in his guts. 
He catches both. Jaskier’s eyes widen even further somehow, and he chokes out an alarmed noise; once the egg is past his rim, he just squirms fruitlessly some more, and then he’s choking around a deep, startled grunt when the egg slips into his belly. Geralt can see the bulge of it, and his cock throbs in his breeches.
Jaskier is panting. “Geralt, this is – what is happening, this isn’t…. Fuck.”
Another egg makes the journey, and Geralt watches everything repeat, sees the way Jaskier’s cock jerks and pulses as it settles into his belly, too. Another, and then another – half a dozen, a dozen, two dozen. 
Finally, Geralt watches the twenty-fifth egg pump into Jaskier, where his belly is already swollen, lumpy with the eggs and probably aching. Jaskier’s cock is, impossibly, still hard, purpling at the tip and shiny with the wealth of precum smeared over the head. 
There’s a moment where the tentacle pulls out slightly, then pulses one last time before it drops to the ground, and the monster begins its slow crawl away. Geralt watches it go out of the corner of his eye, most of his focus on Jaskier where he dangles from the ropes, exhausted and clearly in pain and still wanting, somehow.
Jaskier whines when Geralt re-enters the clearing. “Hurts,” he rasps. “I – Geralt. They won’t...come out.”
“It’s plugged you,” Geralt explains. “The eggs have to stay in a host for 24 hours. The plug it made will dissolve in about half an hour, but I’ve got another to make sure they stay.
Jaskier’s eyes go wide. “Tw – twenty four hours?” he asks breathlessly. “Geralt, I can’t – this is – ”
“You wanted to come on a hunt,” Geralt shrugs. “I needed bait and an incubator.”
Jaskier whines. “What – what if I hadn’t come along.”
“I’d have done it.”
“...you say that like you’ve done this before.”
“I have. Not very often, but it’s lucrative. I’m going to untie you. Lean on my if you need to, but don’t press your stomach against anything too hard.”
Slowly, Geralt unties Jaskier – feet first, and then arms, letting the bard lean on him and then lowering him slowly to the ground while he gathers the rope and stores it away. Once everything is packed, he grabs the plug he’d brought and walks back over to Jaskier.
“Legs open,” he orders, and Jaskier squeaks, but does it. His cock has softened, but only just, and Geralt feels his own throb again. He gets the plug into Jaskier’s ass with as much professionalism as he can, then stands and offers a hand out.
Jaskier gapes. “You’re – we’re not going, are we?”
Geralt raises a brow. “Yes,” he says. “We need to get to the next town before sundown. Find an inn.”
“Geralt,” Jaskier says, voice rising in panic. “I’m – my clothes won’t fit like this. I can’t just – we have to camp.”
“No,” Geralt shakes his head. “If I had done this, we’d be moving on – so we’ll move on. Come on, up.”
He reaches out and grabs Jaskier’s wrist to pull him up. Jaskier shouts and stumbles to his feet, groaning loudly as the eggs shift. Geralt watches in fascination as his cock starts to harden again.
He’s clearly in pain, and upset, and a myriad of things that Geralt would think would squash his arousal.
And yet.
“Maybe if you’re good and walk along until we get to the next town, I’ll let you come,” Geralt offers.
Jaskier sucks in a breath, then whimpers when that clearly hurts him. “Geralt,” he pleads, but Geralt just shakes his head, and the bard sighs. He settles a hand over his bulging belly and grunts.
“...okay,” he says. “Help me get my boots back on, and okay.”
Geralt does just that, carefully not letting himself grin.
– – – – –
Jaskier is whimpering three minutes in. Ten minutes in, he’s crying. Fifteen, and he’s sobbing, shoulders shaking as he holds his belly. 
All the while, his cock never flags all the way.
Geralt watches him, pleased, as he sobs and gasps and stumbles, naked as the day he was born aside from the boots. His belly is starting to bruise, mottled from the inside because of the pressure, and his knees are shaking with each step he takes. 
By the time they can see the town on the horizon, the sun casting a gold-orange glow as it sets, Jaskier is gasping, heart rate almost dangerously elevated, and his eyes are hazy. Obviously, they can’t enter the town like this – no matter how much Geralt wants to, wants to see the looks they’d get, a Witcher on his horse with a swollen, bruised bard stumbling along behind him looking well-fucked and ruined, a plug settled in his ass.
So just outside, in a dark patch of trees, he stops, and pulls Jaskier into the shelter.
“Geralt,” Jaskier gasps. “Geralt, please, this is – too much, too much.”
“Nearly a whole day to go, bard,” Geralt says, not unsympathetically. “But I did say I would give you a reward, no? And we need to get you somewhat decent to go into town, anyway. Come here.”
Jaskier lists into Geralt’s arms immediately, whimpering, and Geralt carefully situates him so there’s no weight on his lumpy belly, but he doesn’t have to hold himself up at all. 
It only takes two strokes and a soft murmur of, “Very good, Jaskier,” to make the bard come with a cracked scream.
When he’s done convulsing through the pleasure – likely jostling the eggs around his insides, which either hurts or feels incredible, Geralt knows from personal experience – he goes back to sobbing.
“Geralt, Geralt,” he whimpers. “I, I can’t.”
“Yes you can, bard,” Geralt says. “Just a little more.”
Jaskier sucks in a sharp, ragged breath, and Geralt feels the way the cramp rocks through his body. His own cock throbs heavily in his breeches, but he continues to ignore it. He can deal with it later – maybe even have Jaskier deal with it….
But later, all the same.
“Come on, Jaskier.”
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