#because I would think it would (generally) be defined as self-assuredness and not needing those things
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daydreamerdrew · 29 days ago
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Captain Marvel (1968) #17
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mtcaz · 6 years ago
Reflections from Ahran Lee
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Ahran Lee was the artist-in-residence at Mt Caz during March of 2019. She was drawn to Mt Caz for the spaciousness and slowness it could offer her as she pondered questions about what sustainability looks like for an artist in today’s culture of go-go-go. The rainy wintery days of March were much needed for all of us. We are grateful that Ahran trusted us to hold space for her residency, and we are excited for the alchemy that occurred during our time together.
Here are some reflections in her own words, after the jump:
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I came to Mt. Caz to reflect on my relationship to my process. Specifically, I wanted to examine how rest affects my creative spirit. Rest and reflection are vital elements to any creative process but sorely lacked in my own. What was it about rest that seemed elusive in my practice?
Since last May I’ve been struggling with a block. I wanted to make art but the muscle memory of how I used to work wouldn’t shake, and consequently, squashed my desire to make. I was so used to making art at the expense of my mental and physical health that it was more like an addiction than an art practice. Being hyper productive at all costs was my modus operandi. I would sit at my desk for hours, back hunched over, taking little to no breaks. What drove this pattern of behavior? On an ego level, I craved a self defined identity (detached from roles of daughter, wife, and other monikers I didn’t choose but were given to me) and being an artist felt the most freeing and an accessible entry point into self-assuredness. I also wanted to belong to a community of other artists. And it seemed like nonstop production was the currency to gain access into these communities. So I worked obsessively to put my artwork on social media platforms. It promised opportunities and exposure so it seemed like a natural place to grow my artist legs. I quickly learned that social media never stops. So I didn’t want to either. It didn’t seem like my artist peers were hindered by it or let alone questioning social media’s toxic affects on art. Resting felt wrong, even detrimental to my harder-better-faster-stronger practice I was cultivating. Unsurprisingly, I became reliant on social media. The likes and hashtags became cat nip for my insecure artist self. I let social media dictate how much to produce, when to produce, and what strategic messages to inject into my work to drive traffic to my tiny virtual corners on the internet. My practice was entirely governed by social media. My work no longer felt true to me and I started to lose the joy of creating. The dread of making art was so alarming that I couldn’t confront it initially. Art making became so precious to me that I relied on the rigid ways of thinking, making, and sharing my art. No rest, just make. No quiet, constant uploading. My body was screaming for rest yet my mind registered that as “that’s weakness talking, just push through the pain.” It felt like I was on a high speed train that wouldn’t stop unless it crashed into something. And, indeed, the metaphor became reality and I suffered a back injury from sitting too much at my desk. I was forced out of commission by my own body. This down time became open season for my demons to wreak havoc. Self critical judgments took residence in my art heart, art brain.
I used to wonder what other artists meant when they’d say things like, “every piece I make has a little piece of me in it.” I believe your process and work reflects back to you exactly where you are mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Your process has a way of showing you what your demons are, and if you’re not observant of how those demons affect you, it affects the quality of your work and the relationship to your creativity. When I look at the work I made during my hyper productivity period, I see obsession, perfectionism, and desperation. I initially blamed social media as the main villain who robbed me of creative joy. With hindsight, I know now that was a scared me trying to deny the real work that was ahead of me. I had to dive into my inner world and have tea with my shadows to seek answers. When the mind is allowed to run amok, all it does is generate noise. No spaciousness, only anxiety. What exactly about social media is harming my relationship to creating and my process? How do I unlearn these habits?
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When the demons got too loud, it became clear to me that I needed an escape from my familiar environment. So I came to Mt. Caz to seek quiet and rest. If my mind couldn’t figure it out, why not let my tired body lead the way? The initial reintroduction to quiet and rest was comical and awkward at times during my stay at Mt Caz. I celebrated seemingly trivial joys of the mundane such as jumping on my bed for shits and giggles and taking a nap. These felt like huge victories because it meant that my body was acclimating to the healing medicine of rest. In between these moments of celebrating, however, I also experienced guilt around needing and engaging in rest. I felt like I didn’t deserve it, my imposter syndrome was at a level 10, and I had trouble sleeping the first couple of nights in Terra Incognita. I even started to force myself into making art when it wasn’t satisfying. I thought I was wasting my time not making art at an artist residency. Even with Christina and Albert’s blessings that I didn’t need to justify my residency by creating something, I felt insecure about doing nothing. Am I still an artist when I’m not making anything? Where do I get my motivation to make if social media isn’t a dominant part of my practice? I gave up on the grandiose ideas of making new work at Mt Caz and forced myself to rest and sit with whatever demon came up to chat with me. The more I resisted the rest, the more anxious my mind got, and the self critical voice got louder.
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Maybe it was the actual lack of noise pollution in Corvallis. Maybe it was the forces of the winter cold that made me more present minded and aware of the natural space I was occupying. Maybe it was the consistency of Albert’s work schedule and morning routines that grounded me in an otherwise structureless time-space. Maybe it was the sounds of Christina’s shuffling house slippers that felt soothing. Maybe it was the nightly dinner conversations between the three of us that invigorated my mind in a different way. Maybe it was learning how to play an ukulele and feeling musically vulnerable with Christina and Albert. Maybe it was just being in an unfamiliar space. Maybe it was meeting other creatives and talking about their creative struggles. Maybe it was the aimless walks I took in the Mt Caz neighborhood. Maybe it was Christina and Albert’s permission to not make that finally sunk in.  Maybe it was playing to just play. It was the totality of the aforementioned that led me to just be. Doing anything and nothing, whenever, wherever, without judgement. The anxiety noise around not making subsided once I surrendered to rest. Eventually, my body started to guide my decision making, not my mind.
I dropped into my body and I could finally hear myself again. The message was loud and clear: when you surrender to rest, spaciousness manifests. And when the body experiences nourishing rest, the quality of your work and process gets revitalized. I jokingly called my AIR as rehab or a detoxing experience. It really did feel that way. The withdrawal, emotional and psychological angst, the frustration and impatience, the resistance to stillness and quiet, the self hating, and then the unexpected peace and clarity. I remembered what it was like to know what I want, separate from the illusory shoulds I create to justify aimless productivity.
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The biggest takeaway from my Mt Caz AIR experience was that I returned to myself. I could hear myself without distractions. I cultivated a body conscious knowing. I read the introduction to Pema Chödrön’s “When Things Fall Apart” before coming to Mt Caz and wished so desperately that I too could surrender to rest. And I think I got a glimpse of what Pema was talking about:
“It was the most spiritually inspiring time of my life. Pretty much all I did was relax. I read and hiked and slept. I cooked and ate, meditated and wrote. I had no schedule, no agenda, and no ‘shoulds.’ A lot got digested during this completely open and uncharted time.”
~Ahran Lee
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If you would like to hear more from Ahran, catch her on Episode 4 (”Don’t Forget the Joy”) and Episode 6 (”Finding Inspiration is a Practice”) of our podcast Dispatches from Mt Caz.
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justanothercinemaniac · 8 years ago
Epic Movie (Re)Watch #163 - The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
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Spoilers Below
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: It’s a guilty pleasure.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: No.
Format: Blu-ray
1) This is (or was, not so sure after this viewing) a quintessential guilty pleasure movie for me. I’m a sucker for crossovers and old monsters, so even though this team isn’t EXCLUSIVELY monsters the presence of Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, a why-is-she-a-vampire? Mina Harker, a not-Griffin Invisible Man, and Dorian Grey make the film as much of a guilty pleasure as Van Helsing for me. That’d make for a good guilty pleasure double feature.
2) I get this dude has never seen a tank before, but how stupid can he be?
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3) I have a feeling Germany would not actually say this verbatim in a situation like this.
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4) So I absolutely love the idea of taking The Phantom of the Opera and making him into the big bad technical war-mongering genius the League has to fight in this film. I love the idea, but I feel the execution is a little sloppy. Combining The Phantom’s with James Moriarty utterly takes away any sympathy we have for the character. In Gaston Leorux’s original novel, The Phantom was a figure of tragedy and heartache. I would’ve loved to see more of that side of him, to understand why The Phantom wants to start a World War and what that pain means for him. But instead we get sort of the cliché, “bad guy wants to start war to get rich,” scheme which may be very much in the vein of Moriarty but not in the vein of the Phantom of the Opera.
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5) Sean Connery as...
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According to IMDb:
Sean Connery was offered roles in The Matrix (1999) and The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), but said he didn't understand the scripts. So when offered another screenplay he didn't quite get, (LEG) he took it.
Connery hated working on this film. Absolutely hated it. There were constant production delays and he clashed frequently with director Stephen Norrington (who also hated working on the film, mainly from studio pressures). Connery has retired from acting pretty much because of this film. It was this film which convinced him that he’d fallen out of love with modern filmmaking. In the 14 years since LXG’s release Connery has only had two other acting roles: voicing James Bond in a video game version of From Russia with Love and as the titular character in the poorly received animated film Sir Billi.
Among the many liberties the film takes with the source material, it removes a lot of Quatermaine’s flaws. Yes the pain of losing his son is a nice source of conflict for the character, but this dude was messed up in the original story. His primary character flaw being his addiction to opium, but Connery refused to play an opium addict. The decision to remove this sort of defining flaw makes Connery’s portrayal of the character sort of a generic action hero, at least that’s how I feel. He’s pretty much playing Sean Connery, for better or worse. He never does anything totally unexpected or unique (again, in my opinion) and that hurts the film I think. Connery’s fine in the part. Again, he’s pretty much playing himself. It’s not worthy of a Razzie or anything. But it’s just...fine.
6) There are some really awful bits of dialogue in this film, not helped by exceptionally wooden delivery on some occasion.
Sanderson Reed [as a shootout begins]: “They’re indestructible!”
Allan: “No, just armor plated.”
7) One of the most interesting aspects of Quatermaine is his skills as a hunter and later his sharing of those skills with Tom Sawyer (more on that later). It is a side to him I wish we could’ve seen more of. Patient, steady, able to get off one good shot instead of a dozen fine ones.
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(GIFs originally posted by @mercisnm)
8) There are so many random name drops and references in this film which are just done to remind you you’re in a world of fictional characters. Some of them work, but some of them feel REALLY awkward.
Allan [after Reed says he made good time to London]: “Not as good as Phileas Fogg. Around the world in 80 days? Ha!”
So basically you referenced something and then thought the audience was too stupid to get the reference and just said the name of the book. Great.
9) Richard Roxburgh as M/The Phantom/Moriarty
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This film is FILLED with talented character actors and Roxburgh is one of them. In fact, he’s one of the finest character actors around. With notable roles in Van Helsing, Moulin Rouge, and the lead role in “Rake” (Australian TV show), Roxburgh is able to play a wide array of interesting characters. While this film may lack in some plot and structure, there are a number of performances which I find extraordinary (no pun intended). Roxburgh is able to play the calm and collected gentlemen M, the mad warlord The Phantom, and the conniving scoundrel James Moriarty all in the same character. Three different opportunities shown in one character, all of which done totally and excellently. If only the script would support these opportunities and differences better.
10) In continuing the theme of fine (fine as in exquisite, not fine as in “it’s just fine”) character actors in the movie: Naseeruddin Shah as...
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(GIF originally posted by @barbara-stanwyck)
Hey would you look at that: an actual Indian actor playing a character who was originally written as Indian in a major Hollywood film from 14 years ago! What a concept!
Shah is another actor who is pretty damn great in the role he plays, if only the script would have supported it more. He is able to portray Nemo’s authority and skill in presence alone. When Captain Nemo enters the room you KNOW he’s someone you don’t want to mess with. He is powerful, reserved, but also able to convey Nemo’s pain when necessary. Honestly for all this films problems there are some members of the cast who I just truly love, and Shah as Nemo is one of them.
11) Another member of the cast I think just freaking nails it is Tony Curran as Rodney Skinner/An Invisible Man (not THE Invisible Man, but more on that later).
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According to IMDb:
20th Century Fox was unable to get the rights for the literary character of The Invisible Man, created by H.G. Wells. Not only did this necessitate the character in the film have his name changed from the book's "Griffin", but that he could never be referred to as "the" Invisible Man, only "an" invisible man.
Honestly the change works much better than you might think as Skinner is one of the most likable characters in the film. Curran is able to make his charismatic, devilish, witty, and entertaining for someone who is typically never seen. Unfortunately he sorta disappears around the middle (and the film is worse for it), but Curran is another talented character actor who does an excellent job in the film.
12) Peta Wilson as Mina Harker.
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So...Mina...I don’t really know where to start with Mina. She’s the leader of the League in the original graphic novel, not Alan Quartermaine. She also is NOT a vampire, is dealing with trauma over her encounter with Dracula, and is seen to be a bisexual suffragist (or at least, Alan Moore’s understanding of what that is). A lot of that is lost in the film, and while her vampirism does lead to some badass moments Mina’s motivations are...I’m not sure, actually. I would assume she wants to stop the spread of evil throughout the world to prevent another Dracula, but she has some weird past romance with Dorian Gray and gets sassy with Allan when he acts sexist and...that’s it? Wilson is another strong character actor in the film, but I feel the script supports her even less than it supports say Captain Nemo and Skinner. I’m actually not sure what else to say about Mina.
13) Why does Sean Connery play so many sexist characters?
Connery [to Mina]: “I’ve had women along on past exploits and found them at best a distraction.
Maybe if you didn’t objectify them and trusted their competence you wouldn’t be so distracted.
14) So if you pay attention, right before The League visits Dorian Gray there are newspapers plastered up on the wall of a building talking about Mars (pretty much the words “Mars” is really big). This is in reference to the second volume of the comic book which dealt with The League fighting off HG Welles’ aliens from War of the Worlds. I like that volume more than the first personally, but like a lot (if not all) of Alan Moore’s work it can be problematic. Anyway, moving on.
15) Dorian Gray.
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Unfortunately I feel like Stuart Townsend is one of the weakest actors in the film as Dorian, but that could also be attributed to Stephen Norrington’s direction (theoretically, it’s not like I was on set or anything). He’s kind of overact-y, portraying Dorian’s self assuredness and vanity in a way which kind of makes him a prick. Another character not originally in the novel, I don’t think the film necessarily needed Dorian Gray. Although he does have one of my favorite lines in the film.
Bad guy [after he shoots up Dorian to no effect]]: “What are you?”
Dorian: “I’m complicated.”
16) Tom Sawyer.
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Tom Sawyer is pretty much Tom Sawyer in name alone. He has little-to-nothing in common with Mark Twain’s original character, being a secret service agent instead of a devious little trickster who’s always getting out of work. The studio asked for him to be included as they felt the movie needed an American character to be interesting to stateside audiences. Since he’s not in the original work and he’s not really Tom Sawyer, he ends up being kind of another generic action trope. A shoot-em-up rookie who learns from the more experienced Quatermaine and that’s it. They cut a line which explains that Tom is so desperate to get The Phantom/M/Moriarty because he killed his partner (one Huck Finn) but that’s literally his only unique motivating character factor. And it got cut. It’s done and gone. So we’re just left with...this. Shane West is OK in the film, but the script doesn’t give him much to do in the first place.
17) I’m disappointed with the design of the Nautilus.
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Nemo calls it, “The sword of the ocean,” and I’m just wondering if they couldn’t have let that be a bit more metaphorical instead of looking like a giant sword.
18) At one point Mina does an impression of Allan/Sean Connery. According to IMDb:
According to Wilson, this was a last-minute addition to the scene, and she felt nervous doing it, since Connery impersonations were considered a no-no on the set. Before the shoot she called Connery and offered not to do the accent, but he insisted she should. Afterwards, she asked him what he thought. He replied, "You were great!" She was taken aback and asked if he really meant it. He said, "Yeah, it's terrible! It's the worst impersonation I have ever heard, and it's perfect."
19) Jason Flemyng as Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde.
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Jason Flemyng is another one of my favorite character actors - having notable post-LXG roles in X-Men First Class and 2010′s Clash of the Titans - and may tie with Tony Curran as my favorite actor in this film. Flemyng is able to capture both Jekyll and Hyde very well, making them unique in and of themselves. I have to remind myself that they’re the same actor considering the heavy amount of makeup Flemyng is put into for Hyde. But he brings a wonderful physicality to the part which I think is just spectacular. Unfortunately - again - the script does very little to support his performance and the actor gets a little lost in the middle. A great performance even if I wish it were better written.
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20) Gathering the League feels totally inorganic, unfortunately. Literally the first half of the film is, “let’s get him and let’s get him and let’s get him,” without actually contributing to the overall plot with The Phantom and the impending World War. It is very telling of the film’s biggest problem and that is the one it has with structure and pacing. Everything feels very messy, with not much thought put into why some scenes exist or play out the way they do. Which is unfortunate again because you have a mostly-stellar cast who are already pretty damn good with a crummy script. Imagine what they could do with a better one.
21) Allan teaching Tom how to shoot maybe my favorite part of the film. It not only connects to Allan’s own internal conflict with the loss of his son but it also taught me - at 13 years old - how important patience can be. Just breathe and take your time. It’s better to get off one perfect shot than a dozen shitty ones.
22) So in the course of about ten minutes it is established that both Tom and Jekyll are into Mina even though nothing from before gives them reason to be and they never once revisit it after. Remember how I said this film had some structural issues? Well it has some developmental issues too.
23) This film is an hour and fifty minutes. It takes them fifty-five minutes to get to Venice - where they’ve been trying to get to the whole time - and then the bomb goes off right away (literally) and they have to stop it. The plot is literally: assemble the league, go to Venice, get to Venice and stop the disaster. Nothing in between. Again: this film has some major structural issues.
Jekyll [after he’s asked to bring Hyde out]: “No! Hyde will never use me again.”
Dorian: “Then what good are you?”
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(GIF originally posted by @marshmallow-the-vampire-slayer)
Seriously, why did they bring Jekyll around? Did they only need Hyde? And if so, for what? I know M wants the serum for Hyde but what about the rest of them? What convinced them to bring Hyde along and then be okay with him not doing anything on their big mission?
25) Another example of an extremely wooden delivery. This line hurts my soul every time, although in fairness Dorian himself is supposed to be faking it.
Dorian: “Damn Skinner! He must’ve told them we were coming!”
It hurts my ears, that line. I hate it. So much.
26) I have so many questions about the car chase through Venice. How does Tom know to drive a car? Why is the car designed like it’s American with the wheel on the left? How can Nemo track the car’s “frequency”? Who does the car have a frequency, it is never seen using the radio? I’m so confused.
27) This is the weirdest James Bond movie ever.
Allan: “Vampire lady has us covered.”
28) The scene where Alan faces off with The Phantom in the Venice graveyard is close to interesting. If The Phantom were more developed as an individual and it took its time to peek into Alan’s internal conflict, it could’ve been an excellent character moment.
M [revealing his entire plan via a record]: “It was a ruse to get me closer to my goal.”
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(GIF source unknown [if this is your GIF please let me know].)
So M wanted the technology to the Nautilus, Hyde’s serum, Mina’s vampirism, and Griffin’s invisibility. And here’s how that plan worked: rob an English bank disguised as Germans, kidnap German scientists disguised as the English, try to convince Quatermaine to join a fake League I made up, try to kill Quatermaine to show him the danger is real, send the League I have already to get Dorian who is a traitor in their midst, try to kill them all with Dorian to convince them the danger is real, have Dorian steal what I need from everyone, blow up Venice, have Dorian escape.
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(GIF originally posted by @dailydctv)
If you already had Dorian and an army of minions at your service, couldn’t you have sent them to get what you need from everyone? Wouldn’t that have been easier and less expensive? I’m just...I think I need to move on.
30) The best part of the sinking Nautilus is Jason Flemyng really gets to shine as Hyde. Except it makes no sense that Hyde suddenly doesn’t want to betray and murder everyone for his own personal gain but actually wants to work with the team. There was absolutely nothing to change that character motivation. At all.
Quatermaine [after the Nautilus is trashed, about pursuing Dorian]: “We were the faster, but now we’re the tortoise to his hare.”
Except the tortoise won that race. Did you not understand the point of the story?
32) And then a random white tiger shows up, stares at Quatermaine, and leaves.
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(GIF source unknown [if this is your GIF please let me know].)
I know it’s supposed to tie into how Allan feels his an old tiger sensing the end but it’s also just totally random. And like, did you need an actual tiger? There’s no subtly to that. At all. You’re just taking the metaphor literally and not trusting the intelligence of the audience. I just...gah.
Skinner [after slapping Mina’s as while invisible]: “I’ve been waiting all week to do that.”
To sexually harass her? Well, you’re still not as awful as how Alan Moore wrote The Invisible Man in the story.
34) Like all the set pieces in this film, the climax is poorly paced and sort of dull. You keep cutting between Hyde and Nemo fighting a weird Hyde clone (which, btw, is not how the serum works in the original novel; it’s not Hulk juice), Mina fighting Dorian in a bedroom because she claims, “You broke my heart once,” (really?) Allan and Sawyer chasing down M who is revealed to be Sherlock Holmes’ Moriarty, and Skinner just being somewhere and then getting burned. It’s just...meh.
35) Also should looking at the painting kill Dorian? Is that how it worked in the original novel? I thought if you stabbed the painting it killed him or something.
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36) In an actually somewhat developed part of the film, Sawyer shoots Moriarty remembering Allan’s teachings about patience.
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37) And then Alan dies, but not really because they wanted to do a sequel and totally set up him coming back from the dead. Too bad this killed the potential of a franchise.
This film was a lot less enjoyable as an adult than it was when I was in high school, but I’m also analyzing it for the (Re)Watch. Yes the story is a muddled mess with underdeveloped characters and concepts which just really don’t make any sense. Yes Sean Connery is sort of just showing up. BUT it’s largely well acted and come one! It’s a film where Tom Sawyer shoots James Moriarty in the back after being taught by Allan Quatermaine how to do it. I’m a sucker for crossovers so this is still a total guilty pleasure. Don’t watch it if you’re not interested, because it’s pretty crummy. But it might be enjoyable for the individual who’s interested in these kind of stories.
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networkingdefinition · 5 years ago
Making Money Quotes
Official Website: Making Money Quotes
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• A boxer should quit at the top, as they say. But that’s complicated. There are plenty of people in boxing who make money out off you. And they tell you that you’ve still got it, that it’s still getting better. – Lennox Lewis • A good trader loves an active market, you don’t make money when the market is static. – Kevin Kinsella • A job is how you make money. A career is how you make your mark. A calling is how you acknowledge a higher vision, whatever it may be. – Deepak Chopra • A lot of artists just put on the people they can make money off of. – Donnis • A lot of people now make a living off of YouTube. It’s the world’s most popular video site by far, it’s a subsidiary by Google. Increasingly, Google seems to be letting politics dictate who is allowed to make money from the platform. – Tucker Carlson • a man can radically change his life and attain to a deeper meaning, a more perfect integration, a more complete fulfillment, a more total liberty of spirit than are possible in the routines of a purely active existence centered on money-making. – Thomas Merton • After the first one [Twilight Saga movie], as soon as people start referring to something as a franchise. A franchise is a Burger King or a Subway. It’s not a movie. The people who start to say it are generally the people who are making money off of it. That’s how they refer to it. They love it when something has become a franchise. But, as an actor, I think it’s scary. – Robert Pattinson • Album sales have collapsed, with few artists making money from albums; touring is more lucrative. But I’m 53 now and won’t be able to tour forever, so a logical step is to get into writing film scores. Trouble is, you need to be somewhere which has a big film industry – another reason why I’m thinking about living in California. – Gary Numan • All I wanted to do was write – at the time, poems, and prose, too. I guess my ambition was simply to make money however I could to keep myself going in some modest way, and I didn’t need much, I was unmarried at the time, no children. – Paul Auster • All the interesting films are now being made by their subsidiaries for very low budgets. But the studios are not making money. They’re making these big, very expensive pictures that take a lot of money but don’t really pay for their costs. So they’re having a very difficult time. I can see the system breaking down. I think the American studios are a reflection or a metaphor for American industry altogether, which is failing in the world. Its economic domination is being broken down and I think the same thing is happening to the studios. – John Boorman • American authors or scientists are prone to consider the wealthy businessman as a barbarian, as a man exclusively intent upon making money. – Ludwig von Mises • Americans don’t like any form of art, man. All they like to do is make money. They don’t like me, Sammy Davis, or anybody else. They don’t like nothing. They just like Sammy because he can make ’em a lot of money. – Miles Davis • Americans like to make money, Canadians like to count it. – Northrop Frye • Americans like to make money; Canadians like to audit it. I don’t know of any other country where the accountant enjoys a higher social and moral status. – Northrop Frye • An enlightened person or business is not concerned primarily with making money, because when you are concerned with making money you want the future more than the present. Whenever you want the future more than you want the present, true intelligence cannot flow into what you do, because it can do so only when you are totally aligned with the present moment. – Eckhart Tolle • Any skills that I have, I couldn’t really make money with them. I would like to think that maybe I would be doing something in psychology or something of that nature because I love that vein of medicine – the getting down and getting nitty – gritty. – Ian Harding • Anybody who’s putting out records is probably not making money at it. – Alan Sparhawk • As for money and prestige, if one has an opportunity to make money and/or advance their position or place in life there can be a lot to weigh and consider, such as responsibilities, goals and objectives etc. We all make choices, deal with our sense of priorities, principles, ethics, morals, balancing, juggling, making compromises… or not! Ha! – Axl Rose • As for movies, what’s great about comedy is that if your movie gets laughs and makes money, you have freedom. – Adam McKay • As long as you have a system that is based on the rational that if you are making money you are thereby making a contribution to society, these financial rogue practices will continue. – David Korten • At 15 [my father] revolted against his father like any teenager, and said, “I’m out of here! What are you doing to me?” He thought he wouldn’t be involved in that kind of stuff for the rest of his life. He just wanted to make money. He was one of those people who took over the family responsibility. His own father was pretty irresponsible with money and borrowed from people all the time. – Paul Laffoley • At one point, for example, [Donald Trump] argued that he knew much more than military leaders about the pursuit and defeat of ISIS. His assuredness of his own correctness seems also rooted in arrogance reflecting his fundamental insecurity. This insecurity and his belief in his own rightness, when combined with his success at making money, leads him to be self-reliant in his decision-making, which could result in his taking risks with threatening or using nuclear weapons. – David Krieger • At the core of an analytical edge is an ability to systematically distinguish between fundamentals and expectations. Fundamentals are a well thought out distribution of outcomes, and expectations are what’s priced into an asset. A power metaphor is the [pari-mutuel] racetrack. The fundamentals are how fast a given horse will run and the expectations are the odds on the tote board. As any serious handicapper knows, you make money only by finding a mispricing between the performance of the horse and the odds. There are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ horses, just correctly or incorrectly priced ones. – Michael Mauboussin
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Money', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_money').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_money img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Be curious, learn and read as much as you can about food. Don’t worry about making money. Focus on learning at various venues before you settle down for a steady position. – Rocco DiSpirito • Being creative and making money in the theater is very challenging. – Val Kilmer • Being frugal, conscious of making money, is not a negative thing. That sensibility of creating value and finding value and reinvesting in those customers is what separates great restaurants from the average ones. – Joe Bastianich • Both Donald Trump and the Democrats have said terrible things about the healthcare companies. If healthcare companies think they can make money in the US, the rest of the world will go along for the ride. At the end of the day, we may not like the cost of healthcare, but it’s going to be pretty dang hard to contain it. – John Manley • Both of my parents were incredibly supportive of me being in any arts, because they were both in the arts. They weren’t the typical story of, “Oh, get a real job. You need to make money.” They basically said, “Yup, be an artist. You’ll be broke your whole life but you’ll be happy.” – Aya Cash • Boxing is a business. I have been in the professional game for five years now – I’m not doing it for nothing. I am doing it so I can provide for my future family, so I can have a future. I am here to make money. And at the same time I’m the most exciting fighter in Britain, if not the world, in my opinion. I don’t know anybody else in the game that does the things I do in the ring. – Chris Eubank, Jr. • Boxing is a business. I’m not going to say I would never work with people again because we have had disagreements in the past. So if it makes money it makes sense. That doesn’t mean we won’t agree again in the future. – Chris Eubank, Jr. • Business skills, when well applied, can do more than just make money. They can potentially make money and do some real good, which is immensely satisfying. To do that, it’s important to think outside the box, take risks, and be an entrepreneur. – Jeffrey Skoll • But if I didn’t have to make money, I would still play my horn. – Sonny Rollins • But it’s a blessing to be so successful within a year; it’s the greatest feeling in the world, making money and doing the things that I’m doing, and I definitely trying to continue doing what I’m doing. – Ludacris
• Children are the ultimate investment of all of those that want to make money, to sell, to dominate. So there are two meanings. They are our ultimate investment for anyone who is honest and ethical and loving, but also for all the commerce. – Laura Huxley • Common stock investors can make money by predicting the outcomes of practice evolution. You can’t derive this by fundamental analysis – you must think biologically. – Charlie Munger • Concentrate on your money. Try to hold your paper. It takes money to make money, so save your money, opportunites come. – Curtis Jackson • Corporations are not in business to be social-welfare organizations; they are there to make money. – Benjamin Carson • Define your own success: If you’re going after a million bucks with your own startup, you’ve already failed yourself. Instead, do something because it’s interesting, challenging, it offers you the chance to learn something new or gives you the chance to work with really interesting people. Most startups that are designed to make money, especially in this environment, don’t. – Tara Hunt • Disneyland is a work of love. We didn’t go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money. – Walt Disney • Do business managers have a commitment to anything more than the success of their company and to making money? It would be hard to say that they do. Indeed, many business leaders deny that there is any conflict between self-interest and the interests of all. – Peter Singer • Do something you like that you feel is important. Don’t worry about making money at it right away. If you try hard and long enough you will figure out a way to do it. Better to die happy than die rich. – Peter Menzel • Don’t get too caught up in making money or having a job, get excited about the fact that you can design your life. – Darren Johnson • Don’t go to work to make money; go to work to spread joy. – Marianne Williamson • Don’t just make money, make a difference. – Grant Cardone • Don’t stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed. – George Burns • Even in junior high, I always knew I had a talent for music and I knew I could make money that way. – Bob Seger • Every person has a talent, but not the same one. Every person has to discover his personal talent and go with his talent. And then you are you, and what you do, you do because you love what you do, not because you want to be famous or because you’re making money. You do the work because you love it. – Alejandro Jodorowsky • Everybody raps. We rap to make money. We do business. Ain’t no other record company out there that sold as many records as we did. – Tupac Shakur • Everybody who’s making the movies needs to work hard to make sure they’re good. And if you don’t show up and see the movies and support them financially, no one is going to make them. It’s going to change unless it makes money. That’s the long and short of it. You have to give in to the fact that it’s a business. – Paul Feig • Everyday I wake up I’m fulfilling my dream. Every day my manager calls I’m fulfilling my dream. I know if my manager doesn’t call I’m not making money so when he does call I know I’m making money. – Yung Joc • Facebook has been around for seven years. It has 500 million users. If you can’t figure out how to make money off half a billion people in seven years, I’m going to go out on a limb and say you’re unlikely to ever do. – David Heinemeier Hansson • FACT: You CAN make money doing what you love! Even in a down economy! – Walt F. J. Goodridge • Film and TV is a very hard profession to enter into if you don’t have the ability to take a long period of time without making money so you can write, direct or raise financing, or work your way up, often with unpaid internships. It’s hard to get into without a lot of connections. You end up with a lot of white people from privilege making films. So we’re seeing a lot of the same kinds of stories. – Sarah Polley • First and foremost I am a drummer. After that, I’m other things… But I didn’t play drums to make money. – Ringo Starr • Folk music isn’t owned by anybody. It is owned by everybody, like the national parks, the postal system, and the school system. It’s our common property. There is nobody’s name on it. Nobody can make money on it. It’s not copywritten. – Utah Phillips • For a ridiculous analogy, let’s take Purple Rain. If you were to put Purple Rain and The Sound of Music on the desk of a producer, he or she would know that the majority of moviegoers would rather listen to Prince. Since they are in the business of making money, no one can blame them. But if it ever came to the decision of making a film like that I’d say, “No.” They are very easy films to make, though. In Purple Rain there is nothing complex about the way that they dance. Or sing. It would be a bit boring for an adult to make that film. It just wouldn’t test their métier. – Gene Kelly • For me the greatest source of income is still movies. Nothing – stocks, financial speculation, real estate speculation or businesses – makes more money for me than making movies. – Jackie Chan • For me, film has been good because I’m able to work at top crack, working at something I love to do, in the only literary form in which you can still make money. There are no famous novelists, not as novelists used to be famous. – William Monahan • For people whose job it is to make sure we make money, there’s a lot of pressure. – Anna Kendrick • For those interested in learning more about corporations and private individuals profiting from the caging of human beings, I highly recommend the book “Prison Profiteers: Who Makes Money From Mass Incarceration.” – Michelle Alexander • Go have fun and make money – James Victore • Going shopping all the time. Just making money, and competing with the niggas in other neighborhoods. And the whole competition with the girls – who had the prettiest girlfriend – and going partying. It was just on. It was fun! – The Notorious B.I.G. • Good money management alone isn’t going to increase your edge at all. If your system isn’t any good, you’re still going to lose money, no matter how effective your money management rules are. But if you have an approach that makes money, then money management can make the difference between success and failure. – Monroe Trout • Google AdWords help with targeting people. Social media makes it easy to find people. A lot of people write blogs as a hobby. Others do it to make money. Instead of advertising on a blog, do a revenue share where you give them a 10-percent share for the business you receive. – Cameron Johnson • High premiums are being paid today not particularly for quality service or long-term building of a business but rather for making money quickly, getting rich, and getting out. And that’s wrong. – Willard C. Butcher • Hollywood expects you to experiment but on a film that makes money and if you don’t make money, you’re to blame. Your job is to make money. – Orson Welles • Hollywood is a business and movie studios are only going to do what’s going to make money. It’s not an altruistic thing. They are blatant grabs for money. Responsible studios want to make quality pictures, but at the same time nobody is going to make quality pictures they know aren’t going to make any money. – Paul Feig • How can those who possess all knowledge, which must include knowledge of life that is worth living, be interested in using knowledge only for the insignificant aim of making money? – Rebecca Goldstein • I actually thought that it would be a little confusing during the same period of your life to be in one meeting when you’re trying to make money, and then go to another meeting where you’re giving it away. I mean is it gonna erode your ability, you know, to make money? Are you gonna somehow get confused about what you’re trying to do? – Bill Gates • I always knew I’d go back to school. Modeling was a means to an end, making money for graduate school. – Rachel Nichols • I always remember my dad saying, “No one makes a remake unless they are trying to make money; there is no reason for it.” It was not an honorable thing to do. – Sofia Coppola • I always tell students that the first question to ask about any historical action is this: who makes money out of the deal? – Carl R Trueman • I believe God, Jesus, died that we not just go to Heaven but that we excel in this life. I never think you make money your goal… God wants you to excel. Just keep Him in first place, and God will open up doors you never dreamed of. – Joel Osteen • I can walk through the front door of any factory and out the back and tell you if it’s making money or not. I can just tell by the way it’s being run and by the spirit of the workers. – Harvey S. Firestone • I cannot afford to waste my time making money – Louis Agassiz • I can’t draw a stick person. I can’t play a musical instrument. But I’ve always had a knack for making money. – Tilman J Fertitta • I come from a family of traders; my grandmother and my mother were very good at making money. – Anne Robinson • I come from a generation in England that considered making money or trying to promote yourself to be morally suspect. – Stanley Donwood • I come from making money in the streets. The streets all I know. All my family is still in the streets. So, it’s going to be hard to pull me right back into that. When I ain’t doing no shows four days out of the week, I may be in my hood or at my grandma’s house in the hood. But yes, I got a kid. I got to get more serious about the music so he don’t get dragged into that life. – Shy Glizzy • I could be an alternative comic. I could be that really dark – I was – I was a very dark comic to begin with. I could be that guy, and the only reason I didn’t is that I wanted to make money. I wanted to be popular. I wanted to be liked more than I wanted to be admired. – Louie Anderson • I decided that the whole idea of what it means to be an artist was that somehow you are ontologically oriented toward poverty : “As an artist, you don’t make money.” I had to figure out some kind of way to guarantee that I’d be able to continue doing the work that I wanted to do, whether I made money from the work I was doing or not. – Kerry James Marshall • I didn’t think that a career in theater was very realistic so I thought the only thing I could make money doing and still be somewhat artistic was, god help me, advertising. – Liev Schreiber • I don’t buy these rag magazines that feed off of stolen, you know, press. They’re basically stealing someone’s image in order to make money for themselves… They wait at the end of my street in their cars. Every time I exit my home, I have company. – Ashton Kutcher • I don’t have any ego about it, but I find there’s not a great work ethic in show business. A lot of people are in it to make money, and coming from stand-up, you have to work so hard because almost nothing works, and if you lose the audience for three minutes, you’re dead. – Norm MacDonald • I don’t have any great ambition to go out and make money. But I am still fascinated in starting up businesses and starting it in a way and running in a way that I want to do it. – Michael Birch • I don’t hold it against Dizzy [Gillespie], you know, but if a guy wants to play a certain way, you work towards that. If he stops – he’s full of crap, you know. I mean, I wouldn’t do it, for no money, or for no place in the white man’s world. Not just to make money, because then you don’t have anything. You don’t have as much money as whoever you’re trying to ape; that’s making money by being commercial. Then you don’t have anything to give the world; so you’re not important. You might as well be dead. – Miles Davis • I don’t like people telling other people what to do. Sex work for a lot of women is really important, especially in countries where women don’t have a lot of power. Here we can have at least some form … of making money. – Margaret Cho • I don’t make music to make money. I make music because that’s what I like to do. You would think, “Yeah, of course, that’s what an artist does,” but there ain’t too many artists around anymore. I see a lot of people who, if they thought they wouldn’t profit, would find an easier hustle. It’s a racket now, like everything else, but we’re in a capitalistic country – everything’s a racket. Take what you can. I think the difference between that line of thinking and me is obvious. – Del tha Funkee Homosapien • I don’t need to make money destroying my environment. Why don’t I just love it and figure out a way to be more sustainable? – Ian Somerhalder • I don’t need to publish anything to make a living, so to speak, and I think it is much more important to spread information about our European religion than it is to make money from doing so. – Varg Vikernes • I don’t think I have ever learnt a difficult lesson. Probably sports betting, which I have lost money on. I did lose money on Apple. You’d have thought you could only make money on Apple but I was one of the people who managed to lose. – Giles Coren • I don’t understand blogs. People used to write to make money, no? You didn’t give it away. I have nothing against blogs. I don’t have a problem with them. But it’s like, ‘What are you doing? Why aren’t you working? – Frank Deford • I don’t want to make money; I want to make a difference. – Lady Gaga • I don’t worry about alienating fans. I don’t think most people these days think of artists as sellouts if they license their music for a commercial or a movie trailer. If anything, fans get psyched when they hear Sleigh Bells on TV or at the movies. As a band who doesn’t make money off of record sales it’s a great way for us to pay the bills! – Alexis Krauss • I feel like my perception has changed a little because when I was posting stuff online it was an extension of my studio and then it started getting some of the attention. Now it’s like, “Oh, this is actually a place where you can make money,” but I’m not interested in competing in that space. It seems like too much to deal with. – Kalup Linzy • I first started playing in piano bars for three reasons – to make money, to be in the company of my friends – and also to hook up with young girls. I always knew, even before I played in piano bars, about the effect of my voice. – Andrea Bocelli • I got a reputation for being sort of nuts and difficult, because I was at that point, so I wasn’t much in demand. And also, on the basic level, I’d made a lot of movies that didn’t make money. And if you make movies that don’t make money – I mean, it is a business, after all – you are not in demand. – Margot Kidder • I have resigned from the professional undertaking of coin flipping. I am not here to tell you where gold’s going to be. I have no idea. That’s my existentialism. I am a student of uncertainty, I have no idea where the stock market is going to be. So when I am creating trades in my portfolio for my clients, I am agnostic. I just want to enhance the probability that I make money come what may. – Hugh Hendry • I have ways of making money that you know nothing of. – John D. Rockefeller • I invested in many companies, and I’m happy this one worked. This is capitalism. You invest in stock, it goes up, it goes down. You know, if you don’t like capitalism, you don’t like making money with stock, move to Cuba or China. – Terry McAuliffe • I just came back from – with Trump when I endorsed him in Iowa, in Marshalltown, a little town – 27,000 – have a lot of Hispanics working there from Mexico in a private business, so they’re still here. I’m not saying they’re here illegally but they still come and they work, make money for their families, send the money back to Mexico or whatever, so it’s a big problem. – Joe Arpaio • I knew I could make money from songwriting, so how much and when was not really the question. – Ryan Tedder • I like making money like anybody else, and I’m paid well, but I think there is a point at which you can out-price your audience or your base. – Tom Petty • I live by ‘Earnin’ and burnin’.’ Meaning, I like to make money and spend it before I even have it. That’s the way I live my life. – Will Ferrell • I love making money, but you can’t live your life waiting to get rich in a job that no longer feeds you artistically. – Julianna Margulies • I make money from touring and selling merchandise, and I honestly believe if you put effort into something and you execute properly, you don’t necessarily have to go through the traditional ways. – Chance the Rapper • I met some people who showed me a path in music where they were like hey, look, while yes, it can have to do with being popular and making money, it DOESN’T have to be. – Chuck Ragan • I never ask if the market is going to go up or down because I don’t know, and besides it doesn’t matter. I search nation after nation for stocks, asking: ‘Where is the one that is lowest-priced in relation to what I believe it’s worth?’ Forty years of experience have taught me you can make money without ever knowing which way the market is going. – John Templeton • I never attempt to make money on the stock market. I buy on the assumption that they could close the market the next day and not reopen it for five years. – Warren Buffett • I read a lot, and I think it’s important to stay current on the new health kicks. Some are out there just to make money, but some are really worth investigating and incorporating into our diets. – Jennifer Aniston • I realized you can always make money; you just do a lot of things. – Mary Harron • I realized you might make money at writing, and you might even make a living at it. So after that I didn’t write stories just for the class but wrote them for the purpose of submitting them somewhere, and at some point in the process, I began writing them just to please myself and that’s where you begin to see the real value of a life of writing. – Dean Koontz • I reluctantly signed up for a journalism major, thinking I needed a fall-back way to make money should my career as a novelist fail to take off. As I started to try on journalism, including doing internships and working at the campus paper, I found I actually liked it. So I started to want to be a journalist. – Kevin Maney • I spent my twenties not really participating in the work force in any real way. I acted a tiny bit, but that was just because it was the only way I knew how to make money, and I sublet my apartment and lived in the woods and just tried to figure out who I was and what I wanted, what my real desire was and not just what I was used to doing, and it was a really confusing and painful, but really rich and amazing time. – Gaby Hoffmann • I talked to people that I’d done theater with, older actors and stuff. There’s a lot of people who go into the business, and they must think they’re good, or they wouldn’t be in it. Why do you think that you’re good enough to go into the business and make money at it? So I really wanted to ask myself that question a lot. Because it was an important kind of thing that I was going to do. I really wanted to do it, I loved it, and I thought that I was good enough that I could make money at it. And that’s really what it came down to. – Dean Norris • I think at the end of the day you can do both: make money and stay true to yourself. But a lot of young people look for that fame that some of these huge artists that they see on TV have, not knowing they can do what some of these underground artist are doing which is not selling their souls for a buck. – Rahki • I think cyber security, cyber warfare will be one of the biggest challenges facing the next president, because clearly we’re facing at this point two different kinds of adversaries. There are the independent hacking groups that do it mostly for commercial reasons to try to steal information that they can use to make money. – Hillary Clinton • I think every filmmaker in Europe would be lying if they didn’t say one day they just wanted to make a movie here in Hollywood or at least try it. It’s very different from European filmmaking, because here it’s like a real industry. It’s very much about money and making money, which I think is fine, because it’s very expensive to make movies. – Baran Odar • I think in a way nobody doesn’t work anymore. Even moms who say, ‘I am out of the workforce.’ They may be writing mommy blogs with no expectation of making money, but they are building an onramp for when they do go back. – Suzy Welch • I think in a way the great irony or paradox about America is that it makes it so hard for the sensitive person, the artist, the impressionable person, the person whose raison d’etre is to incarnate the creative will, rather than to just make money, and yet that extreme difficulty that the culture poses for us has created some of the best artists in the last hundred years. – Hubert Selby, Jr. • I think Naomi Klein was very astute with her book ‘Shock Doctrine.’ We make money on disaster. – Henry Rollins • I think our party and particularly our movement, the conservative movement, does have more of a problem with con men and charlatans than the Democratic Party. I mean, the incentives seem to be set up to allow people – as long as you have a band of a few million fanatical followers, you can make money. The Democrats have managed to figure out how not to do that. – Ann Coulter • I think that it depends what you mean by successful. If you mean ‘make money’ you need to be part of the machine unless you’re one of those superhuman people who can do everything by yourself, and have workaholic tendencies and really good advisers and a good investor. – Sia Furler • I think that’s really really important, you can’t get in the industry, because you want to make money because number one, I don’t think money should be motivation for anything because I don’t believe that it has any value. – Jhene Aiko • I think you think that phone sex is about getting the caller off, but it’s about keeping the caller on. It’s about leading with your personality and making sure that they’re still listening to you and that they’re still interested in you because you cannot make money when they hang up. – Gabourey Sidibe • I thought, you know, I can sit at home in my La-Z-Boy, on Facebook, and reach more people than I can on a tour. Because I reach 30,000 to 40,000 people for every Facebook post, some even reach 50,000 to 60,000. And I thought, if it’s about reaching people, and not about making money, why bother touring? – Mark Lowry • I try to build on our management philosophy. I try to understand what the threats and opportunities are for us. Uh, I try to make sure that we’re driving innovation and creative destruction hard enough so we’re not blindsided, and that our attitude is to, in starting any initiative, any business, is to focus on how we can create value for others, rather than how we maximize profit, because you can make money focusing on, “How do I maximize profit?” – Charles Koch • I turn down invitations to do things for money. I have almost no interest in making money. Actually, I’ve acquired a fair amount of money that I will never live to spend. So earning money, in a way, depresses me, because I feel it’s just piling up. – Joyce Carol Oates • I understand what rappers are talking about. I think rap is less about educating people about the black community and more about making money. – Dennis Rodman • I want the pleasures of the real exploitation movie, and exploitation has changed so much in 40 years. Plenty of people grow up with this fantasy of, “We’re going to do it like Roger Corman did it,” as that sounds so fun. If you make something small, goofy and exploitative, it’s nowhere near the guaranteed moneymaker it might have been 40 years ago. If you look at the way the world works now and money is made, it doesn’t seem that fun. Maybe that’s just a mental block I have and I need to get over that and find that corner where you can make money and still have a good movie. – Andrew Bujalski • I want to be successful and I want people to hear the music and I want to make money at it, but if it isn’t what you do, eventually it seems like that will cause you to not be able to do what you do. If you did that for a couple years, you would just become someone else, which is fine, I guess…but I don’t want to become someone else. I want to do what I enjoy and what feels right. – Will Oldham • I was just shitty, shitty, shitty with money and I finally, when I really started making money, I had to get somebody to sit down with me and learn how to manage my money. – Miriam Shor • I went to the University of Georgia for a year before I left, and then I went to live with Eileen Ford in New York for the modeling agency. I thank god I could do that because all the other kids were getting jobs doing other things, and when I got to New York, I was very blessed. I didn’t have to stop and be a waitress. I started making money at a very young age and was just very lucky. – Kim Basinger • I will bring our energy companies back. They’ll be able to compete. They’ll make money. They’ll pay off our national debt. They’ll pay off our tremendous budget deficits, which are tremendous. – Donald Trump • I’d much rather see a world where, when you make some quirky comment on a blog or news story or you upload a video clip, instead of just a moment of fame for your pseudonym, you’ll get 50 bucks. The first time that happens, you’ll realise that you’re a full-class citizen. You have the potential to make money from the system. – Jaron Lanier • Ideas don’t make money, effort does. – Mike Michalowicz • If 5000 people bought my record, I would appreciate those 5000 people. I make music for them because music isn’t supposed to be so money driven. I didn’t get into the music game because I wanted to make money. I sing because that’s a God given talent of mine and it’s something I love to do. If it’s 10,000 or a million people, I’m going to give people the music they like from me. That’s what being an artist is. Whoever likes your work, that’s who you do it for. – Marcus Ramone Cooper • If a lot of money goes into the stock market, it’ll push up prices, making money for stock speculators. Then the insiders can decide that it’s time to sell out, and the market will plunge. – Michael Hudson • If a man goes into business with only the idea of making money, the chances are he won’t. – Joyce Hall • If a movie makes money, then it’s a success. – Wade Eastwood • If I wanted to make money I would have written another novel. – James Ellroy • If it’s all win-loss, then you do whatever you can to win and to make money and to beat the deal. – David Brooks • If organizations are focused on a purpose, something that will make the world a better place and leave a big impact, people can rally behind that mission. If a company is only about making money, it’s hard to unleash passion. If there’s a big WHY that the company is working to solve, passion will flow like the amazon. – Josh Linkner • If people are highly successful in their professions they lose their sense. Sight goes. They have no time to look at pictures. Sound goes. They have no time to listen to music. Speech goes. They have no time for conversation. Humanity goes. Money making becomes so important that they must work by night as well as by day. Health goes. And so competitive do they become that they will not share their work with others though they have more themselves. What then remains of a human being who has lost sight, sound, and sense of proportion? Only a cripple in a cave. – Virginia Woolf • If private-equity firms are as good at remaking companies as they claim, they don’t need tax loopholes to make money. – James Surowiecki • If somebody had told me my method would not work I nevertheless would have tried it out to make sure for myself, for when I am wrong only one thing convinces me of it, and that is, to lose money. And I am only right when I make money. That is speculating. – Jesse Lauriston Livermore • If the only thing that you want to do is make money – if that’s your whole motivation – I think you’re lying to yourself. If the only motivation you have is to make money and make it, what’s making it? Oh, you get a yacht or an island. Well, you’re going to need someone to be on that island. You’re going to need people, one way or another. – Willis Earl Beal • If there’s no deals being made rappers, what happens to the lawyers. They’ve got to close their firms, they can’t make no money. How can they make money from the client now? Litigation! – RZA • If you become famous and you start making money, then people want to give you things. It’s the exact opposite of how it’s supposed to be. – Joel McHale • If you can’t figure out how to make money on three billion in revenue, when exactly will the profit magic be found? Ten billion? Fifty billion? – David Heinemeier Hansson • If you go into acting to make money then you’re an idiot. It’s my hobby and the fact that I’m doing my hobby for a job is mental. – Jeremy Irvine • If you make money back from your record, you’re doing it smart. It’s an expensive hobby. I’m lucky enough to still make a living as a musician through live work and odd bits of royalties. – Robyn Hitchcock • If you only have the mind of, “We have to sell this music and I have to make money on this music,” then it’s not really about the music anymore; it’s about the money. I’m not saying I don’t want to make money, but I’m thinking a little more long-term than just making a buck today. – Anoop Desai • If you’re not familiar with it, a college degree is a thing that we tell our kids to buy with money they don’t have, in hopes that it will help them make money they might earn, which will give them the ability to pay back the money they spent in order to make the money they’re paying it back with. – Matt Walsh • If your goal is to make money, becoming an entrepreneur is a sucker’s bet. Sure, some entrepreneurs make a lot of money, but if you calculate the amount of stress-inducing work and time it takes and multiply that by the low likelihood of success and eventual payoff, it is not a great way to get rich. – Eric Ries • If you’re good at the art and you wanna make money, then it’s fine. But if you’re just doing it because you know you’re gonna make money, then I don’t know. Some people do it just because they need the money, but it depends on a lot of things. – Bishop Nehru • If you’re the kind of kid who thinks that all that’s important in life is making money, Wall Street is probably still the place to go, especially now that Trump’s elected. – Michael Lewis • If you’ve got the money, you need people to make money with your money. And if you have the talent, you can always merchandise your talent to someone who’s got the money and make money. There’s two pieces to it: talent and money. – Barbara Corcoran • I’m always dissing Ray and making fun of him, talking about his money. – Patricia Heaton • I’m fascinated with the attitude of younger rock bands, even ones that are making money at it. I don’t ever hear them talk about it as a “career.” It almost makes me think there isn’t even a music industry anymore, like an atom bomb fell and it was just eradicated forever. – Travis Morrison • I’m free of stress and worries now because if I don’t like something I’m doing, I just find the fun in it instead of being miserable. Let me have fun with the people I work with, let me have fun making money – when I grew up so poor, ya know? – Jenny McCarthy • I’m not interested in making money. It’s just that with my talent, I’m cursed with it. – Noel Gallagher • I’m not into fame. I’m not into making money, outside of financing my books. I’m not into status. My thing is basically about time – not wasting it. – Henry Rollins • I’m not really interested in making money. – Steven Spielberg • I’m not trying to make friends, I’m trying to make money. – Kevin O’Leary • I’m very focused on the world and my career and my Porsche turbo and making money and Stevie B. Inc. I’m just living according to the standards of the world. – Stephen Baldwin • In Europe, where we have all these different forms of financing and cultural funds and systems like that, it’s a good mixture of supporting artists to make movies. But, on the other side, everyone still wants to make money making movies. Again, even in the European film business, it’s expensive to make movies. – Baran Odar • In my early 20s I was so miserable doing construction, I wanted something that paid money. I liked nice stuff. I liked cars and architecture, and things that cost money. I wanted to not swing a hammer, and make money… and not do stuff that was dirty. I attempted to get into comedy. I started to do stand-up, but I wasn’t very good at it. – Adam Carolla • In my opinion, the greatest misconception about the market is the idea that if you buy and hold stocks for long periods of time, you’ll always make money. Let me give you some specific examples. Anyone who bought the stock market at any time between the 1896 low and the 1932 low would have lost money. In other words, there’s a 36 year period in which a buy-and-hold strategy would have lost money. As a more modern example, anyone who bought the market at any time between the 1962 low and the 1974 low would have lost money. – Victor Sperandeo • In setting up a business under the name and meaning of the Golden Rule, I was publicly binding myself, in my business relations, to a principle which had been a real and intimate part of my family upbringing. Our idea was to make money and build business through serving the community with fair dealing and honest value. – James Cash Penney • In some industry markets, high quality can be tied to making more money, but I am sure by now all of us know the computer industry is not like that. – Theo de Raadt • In the beginning, me and my bandmates just did stuff on our own – we had smoke bombs, we’d dress as crazy and as weird as we possibly could, just to give ourselves a different ambience. But when we started making money, of course, the ideas started getting bigger. We were big fans of Broadway; we were like, “Man, when you go see a Broadway show, you just get pulled right out of reality; you’re into their world for a two-hour period. It would be nice if we could do that onstage with a music concert”. – Philip Bailey • In the middle of the last century there was a reason to go to war. This time around the war was a really bad idea and I think the only people that benefited from it were Halliburton and people that made money from it, but that’s not an excuse to have a war. Killing American kids so Halliburton can make money is not a righteous reason to go to war. – Anthony Kiedis • In the whole course of our work at the theatre we have been, I may say, drenched with advice by friendly people who for years gave us the reasons why we did not succeed… All their advice, or at least some of it, might have been good if we had wanted to make money, to make a common place of amusement. – Lady Gregory • It always annoys me when stars grumble about fans coming up to them in the street. I love it. These young stars today with all their airs and graces, they need to remember it is an honour and a privilege to make money from acting. How hard is it? – Larry Hagman • It is a fact that around the world the elites of every country are making money. – Hillary Clinton • It is a fearful environment where no one can trust to pick up a stranger, or a stranger cannot trust to get in a car. That search I find lacking. That openness. Right now, we have got ourselves stuck in one thing, which is make money as fast as we can, because it is hard to live in this world without it. Let us face it. – Chris Noth • It is a sad fact about our culture that a poet can earn much more money writing or talking about his art than he can by practicing it. – W. H. Auden • It is difficult to retain your standards with the pressure of trying to make money, which always has its rules…It’s hard to walk the tightrope of doing what you think is your best and making money at it. – Nina Simone • It is said that anyone who does commercial cinema is not acting, and anyone who does an art film is acting. I don’t believe it. I feel whenever you are doing a film, you are acting. So you need to be applauded for that. I won’t do art house cinemas. I want to make commercial films. I want my films to make money. – Bipasha Basu • It is shameful and inhuman to treat men like chattels to make money by, or to regard them merely as so much muscle or physical power. – Pope Leo XIII • It makes it [work] a lot easier when you like what you do. It’s easy when you’re working and making money doing it. It’s hard when you’re not. That’s when that gets challenged. – Marc Blucas • It would be easier to make money in other sectors, but since I was a kid, I liked cars. – Carlos Ghosn • It would be great to make a movie that had the style of a great ’30s film or a movie of David’s Lynch or some other director I love that could also make money, because that would say to the corporation, “Yes, you can make money and still do art.” But it’s tricky. – Laura Dern • It’s not that Monsanto is making money out of the blue. It’s making money by coercing and literally forcing people to pay for what was free. Take water, for instance. Water has always been free. We’ve never paid for drinking water. The World Bank says the reason water has been misused is because it was never commercially priced. But the reason it’s been misused is because it was wasted by the big users—industry, which polluted it. – Vandana Shiva • It’s a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money. – Albert Camus • It’s brutal. I see friends when their shows don’t work. Everything’s riding on making money and all the pressure and how people scatter when fortunes turn downward. – David Spade • It’s obviously a lot more of a political undertaking making a movie in Hollywood and it’s a business there. In Australia, they don’t expect films to make money; whereas in America they’re counting on it. – Andrew Dominik • It’s OK, by the way, that it takes 10 years for you to make “money.” Since when was it that being in your mid-30s to make a few hundred thousand dollars or a million dollars was like egregiously unfair? I think we have to have a sense of perspective here. We’re all going to live into our 80s or 90s. So what is everybody in such a rush for? – Chamath Palihapitiya • It’s one thing to be struggling and not really making money in your early 20s and figuring out your life. Early 30s, you start to wonder, is this ever going to happen? – Billy Eichner • It’s the formulaic studio movies the make money, and when they do, the actors in them are automatically movie stars. – Mickey Rourke • I’ve always thought anyone can make money. Making a life worth living, that’s the real test. – Robert Fulghum • I’ve figured out that I don’t want to spend all of my spare time trying to make money. But, with things like fame or internet presence – things you cannot cash in at the bank – there is still a sense that more is better and that your career should be following a certain trajectory. – Erika M. Anderson • I’ve had movies bomb with terrible reviews, I’ve had movies make a lot of money with terrible reviews, I’ve had movies get good reviews and make money. And I like it best when the movies do well and the reviewers like them. – Judd Apatow • I’ve realized that although Valentine’s Day can be a cheesy money making stint to most people, it’s a day of expressing love across the world. It doesn’t have to only be between lovers, but by telling a friend that you care, or even an old person that they are still appreciated. – Reeva Steenkamp • Just being able to make exactly what I want with my brother and a lot of my best friend and to have a place like HBO that not only lets you do that, but supports you and puts up billboards in support of it, and really puts it out there for you. That’s not something I get a lot in the independent film world where everybody’s pinching pennies and nervous about whether it’s going to make money or not. – Mark Duplass • Just selling through a movie theater is not ever going to be a viable way to make money back on a movie anymore. – Lucy Fisher • Long hair, short skirts, the girls like this image and try to make money with it. What they wear, how they behave, it’s all part of the business. Television and advertising have changed a great many things. In the old days, we used to make our money on the course. Now your market value is decided elsewhere. – Laura Davies • Love is cheap. You can buy it anywhere. Lives are cheap. It’s money that’s dear. You have to work days and sit up nights thinking how to make money. – John Dos Passos • Luckily when you drive a cab there are two things: You don’t have a boss in the cab with you, and you are not facing the people that you are making money from. – Fran Lebowitz • Make money your god, and it will plague you like the devil. – Henry Fielding • Making a movie requires 20 to 500 people to make and a lot of money and the stakes are a lot higher. – Alanis Morissette • Making money from enforcing patents is no more wrong than investing in preferred stock. – Nathan Myhrvold • Making money is awesome and fun as hell, but they’re saying, “Well, you’re offered a whole lot of money to do this,” and it’s like, well, I do want the money, but I don’t really do that – like headline a big festival or something like that. I could go there and do that, but it isn’t really what I do. It feels weird to me. – Will Oldham • Making money isn’t hard in itself… What’s hard is to earn it doing something worth devoting one’s life to. – Carlos Ruiz Zafon • Making money isn’t the backbone of our guiding purpose; it is the by-product of our guiding purpose. – Warren Buffett • Man sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. – Dalai Lama • Man surprised me most about humanity.Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived. – Dalai Lama • Managers will work for a salary. Entrepreneurs create new businesses. Many people have capital, but instead of making money for business they build houses for rent. It’s easy money to collect rental. – John Gokongwei • Many chefs of a certain caliber do not see me as a chef. I don’t have a restaurant. They see me as a TV food personality, not a chef. I’ve gotten respect, trust me, they respect me, but I think that I can’t hit that particular level of respect from them until I have a successful Vegas restaurant that not only makes money but creates unbelievable food and a fabulous experience. I don’t think people think I can cook, and they don’t think I know what the hell I’m doing. – Giada De Laurentiis • Millionaires are marrying their secretaries because they are so busy making money they haven’t time to see other girls. – Doris Lilly • Modeling was never anything that was a career choice. I did catalog work in Toronto to make money so that I could go to school. – Malin Akerman • Money follows art. Money wants what it can’t buy. Class and talent. And remember while there’s a talent for making money, it takes real talent to know how to spend it. – Candace Bushnell • Money is the measure of morality, and the success or failure of slavery as a money-making system, determines with many whether…it should be maintained or abolished. – Frederick Douglass • Money makes money. And the money that makes money makes more money. – Benjamin Franklin • Most banks – with Deutsche Bank at the top of the spectrum here – have decided that they can’t make money lending to barrowers anymore, so they’re going to the second business plan: They lend money to casino capitalists. That is, to people who want to gamble on derivatives. – Michael Hudson • Most of this innovative new music doesn’t make money so it’s regarded as uninteresting for the business people and considered as “underground”. – Eddy de Clercq • Most people have no idea what cops really do. They think cops give you a speeding ticket. They don’t see the cops associating with professional criminals and making money in the process. They believe that when a guy puts on a uniform, he or she becomes virtuous. But people who go into law enforcement do so for the trill of wielding power over other people, and in this sense, they relate more to the crooks they associate with than the citizens they’re supposed to protect and serve. They’re looking to bully someone and they’re corrupt. That’s law enforcement. – Douglas Valentine • Movie is a near art form. It’s showbiz and people want to make money. And generally people are financing things because they think it will make money whether it’s a cable news show, a cable show, or a feature film, or whatever it is. So that’s the part of it that drives it, I think, is really the dollar. – Annette Bening • Music is a hobby, because I’m not making any money out of it, but I put just as much conviction into that as I do into my acting. – River Phoenix • Mutual funds charge 2% per year and then brokers switch people between funds, costing another 3-4 percentage points. The poor guy in the general public is getting a terrible product from the professionals. I think it’s disgusting. It’s much better to be part of a system that delivers value to the people who buy the product. But if it makes money, we tend to do it in this country. – Charlie Munger • My body can’t put anyone in jeopardy of not making money anymore – my body is just not on the table that way anymore. – Christina Aguilera • My father thought sport was something fun – he didn’t know it was a way to make money. Then I won a Mercedes at the world championships and I gave it to him. From the moment it arrived my father said: ‘Good, you can support not just yourself but me too’. – Haile Gebrselassie • My goal isn’t to make money, it’s to try and survive and make a point. – Marilyn Manson • My grandparents back in Kentucky owned a tobacco farm. So to make money in the summer we could cut and chop and top and house and strip the tobacco. – George Clooney • My job is making money, helping other people make money. I am spending money, trying to make sure more people get rich, because you cannot spend a lot of money, right? So my job is spending money, helping others. This is a headache. – Jack Ma • My parents didn’t want us on the streets or in trouble, so they thought the best thing was to have us work. I saw how we had to, during bad times, stretch the dollar. And during good times, we couldn’t spend it, because you never knew when the bad times were going to happen again. It gave me a great respect for how hard it is to make money. – Nikki Haley • Napster is essentially using the music to make money for themselves and that’s the part that’s both morally and legally wrong. That I think is more relevant than whether or not I’m losing money. – Hilary Rosen • Ninety nine per cent of the time, for anyone who wins or makes money, it makes them happy. – Brian Blessed • No financial man will ever understand business because financial people think a company makes money. A company makes shoes, and no financial man understands that. They think money is real. Shoes are real. – Peter Drucker • Nobody heeds danger when they’re making money. – James Cook • Not to say people shouldn’t get rich from art. I adore the alchemy wherein artists who cast a complex spell make rich people give them their money. (Just writing it makes me cackle.) But too many artists have been making money without magic. – Jerry Saltz • Obviously businesses do not operate like an artists’ commune. Business involves deploying finite resources to achieve goals in a competitive environment to make money. That is something creative people understand. – John Kao • Of course we live in a world where we have to make money to eat so that’s always nice to be able to sing and make money but to do something I love and to be able to eat from…it’s great. – Jhene Aiko • Of what use is the universe? What is the practical application of a million galaxies? Yet just because it has no use, it has a use – which may sound like a paradox, but is not. What, for instance, is the use of playing music? If you play to make money, to outdo some other artist, to be a person of culture, or to improve your mind, you are not really playing – for your mind is not on the music. You don’t swing. When you come to think of it, playing or listening to music is a pure luxury, an addiction, a waste of valuable time and money for nothing more than making elaborate patterns of sound. – Alan Watts • Oftentimes, misunderstandings and antagonism surfaces most strongly when economic times are tough. And that’s not surprising. If everybody is working and feeling good and making money and buying a new house and a big screen TV, you’re less worried about what other folks are doing. – Barack Obama • Once you start making money you have to put things into perspective. – Rakim • Once you start making money, you can be an ass. But I am not an ass. I’m too lazy, that takes a lot of energy. – Wanda Sykes • One of the big things right now is the DJ is a spectacle, isn’t it? You have the enormous light show, smoke, explosions, and fire. There’s a dude with a USB stick playing somewhere in there, but the spectacle is created out of lights and lasers and whatever. The original idea of DJing – being a shadowy figure in the corner while people were having a party – is not the one that makes money and is massively popular internationally. – Joe Goddard • Patience is a part of boxing. After I had missed out on the Olympic gold medal in 1984, a lot of people tried to talk me into turning professional quickly to make money. They told me that the next Olympics in Seoul would be boycotted again, that I was wasting my life, blah blah. But I still had unfinished business. I wanted the gold medal, and I got it in ‘88. Only then was I ready to turn professional. – Lennox Lewis • People can take your name and write a book about you and they make money off of it. How is the public supposed to know you’re not authorizing that book? As soon as you make a big stink about it it only makes the book sell more. – Diana Ross • People have to be able to make money off their brains and their hearts. Or else we’re all going to starve, and it’s the machines that’ll get good. – Jaron Lanier • People showed me this way of dealing with music, writing songs, thinking about music and shows and our community and the fact that it doesn’t have to be about being popular or fashion or making money. – Chuck Ragan • People will download the music for free and they’ll pay for it if they want to give you a compliment. They don’t have to pay for it. And the only way the artist can make money was by touring ’cause the record label didn’t take that money. Unfortunately now, cause the record company’s not making money from the downloads, now they want to take money away from everything. – Joss Stone • Pretty much, Apple and Dell are the only ones in this industry making money. They make it by being Wal-Mart. We make it by innovation. – Steve Jobs • Quoting Demosthenes, ‘For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true.’ I would rather make money playing a piano in a whorehouse than arguing that no cost is incurred when employees are paid in stock options instead of cash. I am not kidding. – Charlie Munger • Rush Limbaugh makes money getting simpleminded people to feel good about their intellectually undernourished brain spasms. He’s very good at it, and I scarcely believe a fraction of what he says. – Henry Rollins • Shareholders are sort of like cats; they get herded around, and they follow the leader. With the exception of a few activist shareholders, there are a very rare number of big, important, influential shareholders that like to step up and say there’s a problem here, especially when they’re making money. – Andrew Ross Sorkin • So many people of wealth understand much more about making and saving money than about using and enjoying it. They fail to live because they are always preparing to live. – Alan Watts • So some guy may know how to make money in cocoa beans, but I don’t so I just let him have that. But it’s got to be something I understand. It’s got to be a business with fundamentally good economics. It’s got to be a management that I like and trust and admire. And it’s got to be a price that makes sense. – Warren Buffett • So when you do board, the first class people, they’re sitting there. A lot of them are working as your boarding. They have computers out and calculators. They’re looking up at you like, Hey, we’re making money right now! – Brian Regan • Some of the bigger companies seem to be copying only to make money, which creatively is very bad. I sometimes wonder if they have any respect. – Hiroshi Fujiwara • Some people say I’m saying what they wanna say. Some people don’t agree. Some people are outraged. Some people want to see what the album is about. To me, hip-hop’s been dead for years. We all should know that, come on. With that being said, then, the object of the game now is to make money off of exploiting it. That’s what it’s all about – get this money. That’s basically what I’m saying. – Nas • Some people start modeling because they want to be models and they want the parties and the recognition, and then there are people like me. I come from a simple family, and for me getting into modeling was a chance to make money and create a business. – Gisele Bundchen • Speaking personally, I want my films to make money, but money is just fuel for the rocket. What I really want to do is to go somewhere. I don’t want to just collect more fuel. – Brad Bird • Speculation is only a word covering the making of money out of the manipulation of prices, instead of supplying goods and services. – Henry Ford • Studios are attracted by making money, and they’re also trying to simplify things, going with the genre thing. The gambling instincts of a few years ago where you might make some thousands or a few hundred, it’s nothing now. – Peter Weir • Successful people make money. It’s not that people who make money become successful, but that successful people attract money. They bring success to what they do. – Wayne Dyer • That one person that says “I heard your stuff and I really like this.” It really touches my heart because it’s what I love to do. I’d rather do it for the people than do it for a machine, a company that just wants to make money. – Tiffany Villarreal • That’s the thing with independent cinema: They all get good reviews, and they don’t make money. Some of them are good. Some are great. And some are terrible. – Robert Englund • The best thing about where comedy is now is if you have a little bit of talent and a strong work ethic, and strong social skills, you can make a name for yourself and you can make money. – Donnell Rawlings • The best thing is to motivate people to do their own work. I’m not opposed to making money. But I started to play rock ‘n’ roll to motivate others, to shake things up, wake people up and to let other skinny, pimply marginalized weirdos know they’re not alone. – Patti Smith • The best way to make money is not to have money as your primary goal. I’ve seen great people come into the business world primarily motivated to make money. Almost without exception they failed. – Ross Perot • The book ‘Do You!’ is about your inner voice. And when you connect to that voice then you – then the freedom comes. And we’re only here to be happy. So happy makes money. Money doesn’t make happy. – Russell Simmons • The bureaucratic nature of both capitalism and our government assures us that there are no checks and balances when it comes to justifying any and all behavior that either makes money and secures the supposed peace of the nation-state. – Tripp York • The corruption will come back to haunt the Trump administration. But mostly, it’ll come back to haunt the American economy, as companies decide they can make money by rent-seeking, by getting money from government rather than earning it the old-fashioned way. – David Brooks • The difference between capitalism and feudalism is that under capitalism, they make money directly through wages, manufacturing, and commerce and under feudalism, it’s directly through juro-political means. – David Graeber • The film is not a success until it makes money. It’s only good when there’s a dollar figure attached to the box office. – John Cusack • The function of the press in society is to inform, but its role in society is to make money. – A. J. Liebling • The gallery closed its doors in 1971. I could no longer psychologically handle the needs of 12 artists. I cared about all of them, and what was happening with their careers. I’m just not a person who can do that indefinitely. And tax-wise I was concerned because they gallery wasn’t making money; it was losing money. – Virginia Dwan • The goal of Apple is not to make money but to make really nice products, really great products. – Jonathan Ive • The goal should not be to make money or acquire things, but to achieve the consciousness through which the substance will flow forth when and as you need it. • The greatest pleasure when I started making money was not buying cars or yachts but finding myself able to have as many freshly typed drafts as possible.- Gore Vidal • The health insurance industry does not like to pay out claims, because they don’t make money. The only way they can make a profit is if they don’t pay for your operation. If they pay for your operation and your doctor’s appointment and your pharmaceuticals, they don’t make any money. – Michael Moore • The highest use of capital is not to make more money, but to make money do more for the betterment of life. – Henry Ford • The impresario function is about intervening with the company’s more administrative management structure. It is about trying to establish a sense of boundaries and budgets and milestones and so forth on a project that does not necessarily lend itself to milestones. It is about translating between the intimate interior environment of the creative work team and the company’s need to make money. And finally, it is about positioning the fruits of the creative process in the marketplace and selling them. – John Kao • The key to investment success is emotional discipline. Making money has nothing to do with intelligence. To be a successful investor, you have to be able to admit mistakes. I trained a guy to trade who had a 188 IQ. He was on “Jeopardy” once and answered every question correctly. That same person never made a dime in trading during 5 years! – Victor Sperandeo • The level of musicianship in New York is the highest in the world. It’s tough to get into. You start gigging making 50 dollars a night, or playing for nothing to get to something. It’s insane. It’s like being a modern dancer, or something – the hardest thing to make money from. – Jose James • The major labels, they roll with whatever is making money. I don’t know if R&B turned into making banjo music and it sounded like blue grass, they’ll buy it if it’s selling. – Warryn Campbell • The man whose only pleasure in life is making money, weighs less on the moral scale than an angleworm. – Josh Billings • The most important thing for workers to understand is that you have to make yourself indispensable. You must make money for your employer or make his life easier, preferably both. Also, you have to learn as much as you can about your chosen endeavor. – Bill O’Reilly • The music business is suffering because fewer artists are being invested in. Labels are putting in less money, taking fewer risks and signing half as many artists as they did 10 years ago. Everything is risk averse right now and there are two ways to deal with a business situation like this: either reduce your risk or increase your return. They’re reducing their risk to the bone and looking for ways with their 360 deals to increase their return. They’re still not making money. Artists are suffering. Labels, or music investors, are suffering. – Tom Silverman • The music industry has completely restructured itself in the last couple of years because it hasn’t been making money. Labels are signing bands they trust as artistic entities, instead of cash cows. They’re signing bands because they believe that the bands have tastes beyond anything they could concoct themselves. – Caroline Polachek • The old model of the industry was founded largely upon business folk trying to make money off artists. At EMP, we let the music make the money, not the other way around. We have flipped the model to make the artistry be at the forefront of everything we do. Music makes the business and that’s what makes it work. – David Ellefson • The only reason to do business is to make money; that’s the only reason for doing business. – Kevin O’Leary • The only reason to go into business is to make money. You have to work hard at it. If you’re not passionate about it, you’ll burn out so fast that it is incredible. – Dave Ramsey • The people who are making money are the ones who are writing and singing their own songs. – Jimmy Webb • The point has always been to make music, it’s not like I’ve always been running a giant money making scheme. – Girl Talk • The real key to making money in stocks is not to get scared out of them. – Peter Lynch • The reason I do Shark Tank isn’t to try take make more money of the deals, even though every deal I want to make money off of and even more so I want the entrepreneurs to be very successful and make money, but Shark Tank sends a message to everybody that the American Dream is alive and well. – Mark Cuban • The reason laziness is rarely pushed as a lifestyle option is down to one simple reason: money. There are fortunes to be made out of active lifestyles. Gyms charge fees. But no one is going to make money out of sleep. It is free. – Tom Hodgkinson • The reason or motivation you have for making money or creating success is vital. – T. Harv Eker • The Roman Catholic Church is an institution for whose gains the phrase “ill-gotten” might have been specially invented. And of all its money-making rip-offs, the selling of indulgences must surely rank among the greatest con tricks in history, the medieval equivalent of the Nigerian Internet scam but far more successful. – Richard Dawkins • The studios don’t seem to foster good writing. They’re not so interested in that, but they’re more interested in what worked most recently. They’re definitely very serious about making money, and that’s not a wrong thing, but you don’t have to make money the same way all the time. – Bill Murray • The U.S. Treasury can borrow basically unlimited amounts. They can stay there for years and years. These assets will be worth more money over time. So when Merrill Lynch sells a bunch of mortgage-related assets at 22 cents on the dollar like they did a month or so ago, the buyer goes – is going to make money, and he’s going to make a lot more money if it happens to be an institution like the U.S. government which has very, very cheap borrowing costs. – Warren Buffett • The war on drugs causes other supplemental crimes to take place because of the original illegality of it. But then again, that’s the other reason that they’re fighting it is the corporate prisons they have now. Because they’ve privatized all our prisons, corporations have to make money, and the only way they can make money is, I believe, the prisons have to be at least 80-90 percent full. That’s why the United States – which is home of the brave, land of the free – we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. – Jesse Ventura • The way the Europeans work, most girls get paid by their federation; their country pays them. Essentially the federations say go represent our country, race on whatever trade team you want, and here’s your money. So you don’t really make you’re money on trade teams. Europeans make money through their country’s federation. There’s not a lot of money for women in cycling in Europe either. – Kristin Armstrong • The way we make money as a group is that we don’t pay a lot for anything, and most of the stocks we buy have low expectations. – Joel Greenblatt • The whole year I was in LA I got into telemarketing and learned how to make money. Five years later that skill helped me make my first film. – Vin Diesel • The worst thing that ever happened to writing is that it became a business, The purpose of business is to make money, and to achieve that end it is necessary to please as many people as possible, to amuse them, to entertain them – in short, to do everything that will help increase the volume of sales. – Dagobert D. Runes • The writer must earn money in order to be able to live and to write, but he must by no means live and write for the purpose of making money. – Karl Marx • Then there was communism’s weak-tea sister, socialism. Socialists maintained that we shouldn’t take all the money away from all the people since all the people don’t have money. We should take all the money away from only the people who make money. Then, when we run out of that, we could take more money from the people who…hey, wait! Where’d you people go? What do you mean you’re “tax exiles in Monaco?” – P. J. O’Rourke • There are a lot of true culturalists who respect where they’re from, but you have some who are just all about the benjamins, like, “I wanna get my money, I wanna get mine, you get yours, more power to you,” and they don’t care. That deals with the whole thing of life, whether you’re agreeable or disagreeable, the yin and the yang, the evil versus good. That’s how it is in the music industry. There are people who care for the whole culture and what they’re doing, and have love for it, and are not into just making money. – Afrika Bambaataa • There is a terrible thing that’s been happening probably for the last 20 years or so and it’s called the music business. And music isn’t really business; it’s work and you got to pay and you’ve got to buy your guitar or go into the studio. So there is a business side but when people say, “I’m going into the music business,” it’s not. It’s about expression. It’s about creativity. You don’t join music, in my mind, to make money. You join it because it’s in you; it’s in your blood stream. – Gavin Friday • There is a time to make money and a time to not lose money. – David Tepper • There is an incredible love in creating art unless somebody is saying, ‘Hey, let’s just make money,’ because it doesn’t work when you do it that way. If you are aiming for that, forget it. – Yoko Ono • There isn’t any question that Hollywood is profit driven. Anybody that thinks it isn’t is a fool. It’s a business. Hollywood was never philanthropy. The only purpose it had was making money; the only purpose it still has is to make money. – Sydney Pollack • There were a lot of video store owners and managers out of work, once pornography became more about streaming and downloads. But the other thing is that there are a lot of people who make money by finding a place to stand and add almost nothing. It’s particularly ironic if your job title is pimp. On some level, in a healthier world where sex work could be rationalized and the risk reduced, your whole job title would be extraneous anyway. It’s not exactly a point of great grievance if you’re a pimp that suddenly your prostitutes don’t require the same level of reliance.- David Simon • There’re the causes where people are like, “What can you do for us? You guys have success and stature; you can make money for us and at the same time present yourselves to the public as altruistic and civic-minded.” So it’s an exchange. I don’t mind looking altruistic and civic-minded if we’re actually being that way. – Kim Thayil • There’s all of the DVD extra material and all these other pieces of information that don’t fit into a 90-minute experience, but it’s still content and people still want to see it. It’s being open to [the fact that] the business is changing and being open to how you can make money to afford you to stay in business to keep making new things. I think you just have to have an open mind and be really smart about stuff and not be so locked into the conventional way of how the process used to go. – Alex Stapleton • There’s more empathetic representations than we’re used to seeing. I honestly feel like in the early days of Hollywood, women did have those. Women had very traditional roles in society of wife and mother, but when they went to the movies, they got to see women be, like, really cool, amazing characters and femme fatales and all of this. And then there was just this systemic reaction where it was all about, “How do we make money?” And everybody wants to sell things to boys. And then women’s entertainment became devalued in a way that I think is disrespectful and hurtful. – Elizabeth Banks • There’s so much great TV and I always thought it would be such a fun little sideway to make money and then not have to worry about my films making a lot of money. – Lynn Shelton • There’s such an emphasis on making money that we’ve really taken the humanity out of business. – Paul Tudor Jones • There’s the complex categorization of low warmth/high competence. This is the hostile stereotype of Asian Americans by white America, of Jews in Europe, of Indo-Pakistanis in East Africa, of Lebanese in West Africa, of ethnic Chinese in Indonesia, and of the rich by the poor most everywhere. It’s the same low-high derogation: They’re cold, greedy, clannish – -but, dang, they’re sure good at making money and you should go to one who is a doctor if you’re seriously sick. – Robert M. Sapolsky • There’s very few people who want to just make beautiful films that make money when they can make films that make huge money. – Henry Selick • These were in the days before anybody thought to criticize Congressmen, let alone first ladies, for making money on speeches. So Eleanor raked in quite a bit of cash that she may have put, for all I know, to good uses, or maybe not. I just don’t know. But I don’t think she was any great literary breakthrough. – William A. Rusher • Times change; Hollywood is not the same as it was when I first entered the business. It felt to me like it was starting to narrow down and centralize itself around what would… make money. – Robert Redford • Times of economic crises can change what the competitive landscape looks like, because when, for example, you have boom times, capital is easy to come by, growth is easy, sometimes what you focus on is, you know, how to accelerate in the boom. During economic crises, the question is, the companies that come out of, you know, that are sailing through that with the best liquidity, both assets on the balance sheet, making money, ability to grow their businesses, get a disproportionate competitive advantage. – Reid Hoffman • To get rich, you have to be making money while you’re asleep. – David Bailey • To most observers, innovation is a solitary process that requires creativity and genius, perhaps even greatness. It can’t, in their view, be managed or predicted, just hoped for and, perhaps, facilitated. But for me innovation was and still is more than that. It was a battle in the marketplace between innovators or attackers trying to make money by changing the order of things, and defenders protecting their cash flow. – Richard J. Foster • Today, making money is very simple. But making sustainable money while being responsible to the society and improving the world is very difficult. – Jack Ma • Tom Jones is funny to me, man. I mean, he really tries to ape Ray Charles and Sammy Davis, you know. He’s nice-looking; he looks good doing it. I mean, if I was him, I’d do the same thing. If I was only thinking about making money. – Miles Davis • True divine guidance asks you to focus on service. False guidance is more ego-oriented, more about what’s in it for you – for example, more focused on making money for its own sake. True guidance may help you make money, but it won’t focus on that. – Doreen Virtue • Typically, we make money when we buy things. We count the profits later, but we know we have captured them when we buy the bargain. – Seth Klarman • We don’t make movies to make money, we make money to make more movies. – Walt Disney • We lost our way a long time ago with technology. Just because something is an advancement by going digital – that was a huge (expletive) mistake. It was a way for people to make money, but it sure didn’t improve sound or quality of record making. It made it faster, cheaper, but it isn’t as durable. – John Mellencamp • We need to graduate from the ridiculous notion that greed is some kind of elixir for capitalism – it’s the downfall of capitalism. Self-interest, maybe, but self-interest run amok does not serve anyone. The core value of conscious capitalism is enlightened self-interest. As Jim Cramer on CNBC says, “Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered.” – Patricia Aburdene • We need to throw the resources at this that are necessary. But like I say, we are not spending money. I mean, if we buy these assets intelligently, the United States Treasury will make money. I mean, it’s borrowing money. It’s just a few percent a year. – Warren Buffett • We pay a subsidy. Money coming over the border, they’re – there are so many ways that Mexico makes money with us, Bob. There are so many different ways, five in particular, that we will take it out of there. – Donald Trump • We reward people for making money off money, and moving money around and dividing up mortgages a thousand times over, selling it to China… and it becomes this shell game. – Michael Moore • We should note it is not illegal for the campaign to pay [Doanld] Trump owned businesses as long as they`re charging fair market rates. And while the optics are pretty stunning, we shouldn`t be surprised. Afterall, this is the guy that told Fortune magazine in 2000 it`s very possible I could be the first presidential candidate to run and make money on it. – Chris Hayes • Wealth is not in making money, but in making the man while he is making money. – Roger Wicker • Well, I thought the deal was, when you went to work for the government you weren’t supposed to make money! – Joe Biden • Well, TV does a better job. In film, the justification has been that movies focused on stories or featuring people of color don’t make money. – Joe Robert Cole • We’re not ignored by The Guinness Book Of Records, but we’ve been largely ignored by the media during our lifetime. If you read any article, no mention is ever made of Pink Floyd. We’re never included in the same sentences as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and The Who. I wrote ‘The Wall’ as an attack on stadium rock – and there’s Pink Floyd making money out of it by playing it in stadiums! Pathetic. They spoiled my creations. – Roger Waters • What I think people should realize is that programs like Social Security, programs like Medicare, programs like the Veterans Administration, programs like your local park and your local library – those are, if you like, socialist programs; they’re run by [and] for the public, not to make money. I think in many ways we should expand that concept so that the American people can enjoy the same benefits that people all over the world are currently enjoying. – Bernie Sanders • What I want to do is make films that astonish people, that astound people, and I hope you want to do that too. It’s easy to make money. It’s easy to make films like everybody else. But to make films that explode like grenades in people’s heads and leave shrapnel for the rest of their lives is a very important thing. That’s what the great filmmakers did for me. I’ve got images from Fellini, from Bergman, from Kurowsawa, from Bunuel, all stuck in my brain. – Terry Gilliam • What I want to try to prove is that artistic games, when done properly, can still be a commercial success. By doing that, I will be able to essentially shift the industry and create more opportunity for people to create artistic games. In a way, making money is important for us right now. Not because we need it, but because the industry needs it. – Jenova Chen • What I’m angry about, and I’ve gone on record saying this, is I think that financiers get away with murder. They realize they can get something for nothing and they won’t settle for anything else. There’s something called a Schedule F. If I work for a Schedule F contract that basically means I’m doing the movie for free because by the time I pay all my commissions and taxes there’s barely anything left for me to live on. This whole notion that you do work that you love for very little money and then you go out and do something you hate to make money. – Michael Shannon • What most interests me is human connection, whether it’s on the street, in community, through music, storytelling, and shared experience. People tell me to be a rock cellist, make money, and give up on the activism so I can make more money. – Ben Sollee • What’s so great is that we’re making money for AIDS in Africa. There’s a lot of love and spontaneity, we’re doing something creative. That’s what I love about Red. It’s not just a charity, “Give us money, give us money.” It’s being innovative. Like here’s a show that you won’t see anywhere else and you can come and whatever you pay for your ticket it’s going somewhere. You can go and buy a pair of Armani shades, like Bono, but the money goes to Africa. It’s quite cool. – Gavin Friday • What’s wrong with hip-hop [is that] it became so one-dimensional; it became like a businessman thing. It’s run out of creativity. It went so far off about making money that now everyone can do it. – M.I.A. • When China sends over their people to negotiate, they pick their meanest, smartest, most vicious guy; and these guys, they don’t play games. They don’t laugh, they don’t cry, they have no emotion. They just want to make money, and they just want to rip our country to shreds. – Donald Trump • When culture is created in boardrooms with a panel of six or seven strategists for the masses to follow, to me that is no different than an aristocracy. It’s not created from the people in the middle of the streets, so to speak. It is created from a petri dish for the sake of making money, and it is undermining the longevity of the culture. – Chuck D • When currying favor with Washington is seen as a much easier way to make money, businesses inevitably begin to compete with rivals in securing government largess, rather than in winning customers. – Charles Koch • When father was younger than me he came to New York to be in musicals and was in a number of them. But he, at that time in his life, didn’t feel he could fully commit to a creative life – he had this voice in the back of his head that said, “I need to make money.” So that propelled him to open up an ice cream parlor, which then spawned into a number of different food businesses and took over his life for 20 years. – Peter Vack • When I first starting making money, when I first made my first six-digits, I was – my big thing was I went to put super unleaded in my truck for the first time. – Matthew McConaughey • When I went out to shoot for the first time, I thought this was going to be about the prison industrial complex, purely about prison for profit and the ways in which there’s an industry making money and profiting off punishment. – Ava DuVernay • When it comes to the Federal Reserve, there’s an awful lot of books out there; in my library, I bet I’ve got 200 books if I’ve got any on the Federal Reserve. And we don’t need any more books, we need action, and that’s what the Liberty Dollar did, it gave people a way to take action. Our catch phrase was you want to “make money, do good, and have fun,” and people really responded to that. – Bernard von NotHaus • When we save, everybody in the household is just suffering. By having the coin in a visible way, when you scratch, you can say the person that is in charge of the making money for the family is doing the right thing. – Dan Ariely • When you first get opportunities, suddenly you get surrounded by a lot of people who want to make money off you but also are there to help. But they start telling you so much what you need to be and what you need to do to maintain some idea of career maintenance. – Brad Pitt • When you never leave the literary biosphere, you forget how few people actually read books, and that in turn makes you start overestimating both your ability to make money and your relative renown, which has dangerous consequences: the first means you may end up in debt; the second means you may end up a horrid bore. – Hanya Yanagihara • When you tell filthy jokes as if they were all really serious, and happening all in the life of one family, it becomes a farcical situation. Imagine if you had a script that was imposed on your life – we all do in a certain way, from society, or family, the need to make money, biology, death. But you will have a certain latitude, or freedom, to read the script in your own way. – Momus • When you’re dealing with people in an industry that’s all about making money, they push you farther than you really wanna go. – Lil’ Kim • Whenever you have consolidation, you do that for more economies of scale and leverage in making deals. But when you start losing control, like with the web, you lose some of the benefits. You can’t hold films or records back anymore because the internet has made everything available as soon as it’s available. Record labels have to learn to make money, and that’s moved from a control model to a collaborative world. When I talk about hobbyists, those are consumers wanting to be creators. But maybe one or two of them could become the next superstar, but I can’t wait for that. – Tom Silverman • Why do some people act as if making money offended their delicate minds? I am out for a legitimate profit, and not ashamed of it; the fact that people will pay money for my goods and services shows that my work is useful. – Robert A. Heinlein • Windows isn’t supposed to make sense, it’s supposed to make money. – Paul Lutus • With the money I’m making, I should be playing two positions. – Pete Rose • Without market prices for capital goods, accounting is not possible. You don’t know if you are making money or losing money, saving resources or wasting them, doing the right thing or not doing the right thing. – Llewellyn Rockwell • Women spend 80 cents of every dollar in the marketplace. We could be the most powerful force for economic and environmental change in the 21st century if we focused our money where it could make the biggest difference. If a million people did that, it would have a $1 billion impact. – Diane MacEachern • Wrapping rubber bands around a watermelon is not journalism. It is entertainment. But the key to success in media has always been a broad mix of serious reporting and entertainment. The New York Times does not make its money on reports about Iraq and Syria. It makes money on its gardening section, food and, yes, stories about cats. “The Today Show” is a very successful program because it is a mix of the celebrity chef and the crazy pet who does the rolls and serious news and interviews. – Henry Blodget • Yeah, we shot ourselves in the foot right out of the gate. The guy who ran it at first misled pretty much everybody about how much capital we had. He said we had enough to go three years without making money, and we had enough to go three weeks. – Al Franken • You can get rich making fun of me. I know. I’ve made lots of money making fun of me. – Glenn Beck • You can make money without doing evil. – Sergey Brin • You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you. – Maya Angelou • You can’t make money with a consensus accurate prediction. – Bill Gurley • You can’t make money without selling something real. You can’t make something real without first imagination manifesting itself in your head. You can’t have imagination without surrendering yourself to an idea that you want to create something of value to other human beings. – James Altucher • You know that first of all your films have to make money no matter who you are. – Spike Lee • You know, Steve Jobs came to the music industry and pitched them the idea and they kept shootin’ him down and shootin’ him down, and now he makes money off the whole music industry regardless. Which is a minor part of his empire, ’cause obviously it’s gadgets that make him all of his money. But regardless, he has basically monopolized the music game. – Pitbull • You make a living from 8 to 5, but you make money from 5 to 8. – Bill Kraus • You make money when you get visitors to go through the entrance at capacity. – Michael J. Silverstein • Young black men had an opportunity to make money that they had never made before, so why not be flashy? I’m not mad at the flash. It just needed to be balanced. – Styles P • You’re always hoping you can attract a bigger audience, but at the same time, I’d hate to give up what I write. If I could write Chick Lit or something like that and make money off it, that’d be great. But I just can’t do it. – Donald Ray Pollock • You’re either making money or you’re not. If you’re not making money get out of the business. – Meredith Whitney • You’re Mexican until you make money and then you’re Spanish. – Lee Trevino
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• A boxer should quit at the top, as they say. But that’s complicated. There are plenty of people in boxing who make money out off you. And they tell you that you’ve still got it, that it’s still getting better. – Lennox Lewis • A good trader loves an active market, you don’t make money when the market is static. – Kevin Kinsella • A job is how you make money. A career is how you make your mark. A calling is how you acknowledge a higher vision, whatever it may be. – Deepak Chopra • A lot of artists just put on the people they can make money off of. – Donnis • A lot of people now make a living off of YouTube. It’s the world’s most popular video site by far, it’s a subsidiary by Google. Increasingly, Google seems to be letting politics dictate who is allowed to make money from the platform. – Tucker Carlson • a man can radically change his life and attain to a deeper meaning, a more perfect integration, a more complete fulfillment, a more total liberty of spirit than are possible in the routines of a purely active existence centered on money-making. – Thomas Merton • After the first one [Twilight Saga movie], as soon as people start referring to something as a franchise. A franchise is a Burger King or a Subway. It’s not a movie. The people who start to say it are generally the people who are making money off of it. That’s how they refer to it. They love it when something has become a franchise. But, as an actor, I think it’s scary. – Robert Pattinson • Album sales have collapsed, with few artists making money from albums; touring is more lucrative. But I’m 53 now and won’t be able to tour forever, so a logical step is to get into writing film scores. Trouble is, you need to be somewhere which has a big film industry – another reason why I’m thinking about living in California. – Gary Numan • All I wanted to do was write – at the time, poems, and prose, too. I guess my ambition was simply to make money however I could to keep myself going in some modest way, and I didn’t need much, I was unmarried at the time, no children. – Paul Auster • All the interesting films are now being made by their subsidiaries for very low budgets. But the studios are not making money. They’re making these big, very expensive pictures that take a lot of money but don’t really pay for their costs. So they’re having a very difficult time. I can see the system breaking down. I think the American studios are a reflection or a metaphor for American industry altogether, which is failing in the world. Its economic domination is being broken down and I think the same thing is happening to the studios. – John Boorman • American authors or scientists are prone to consider the wealthy businessman as a barbarian, as a man exclusively intent upon making money. – Ludwig von Mises • Americans don’t like any form of art, man. All they like to do is make money. They don’t like me, Sammy Davis, or anybody else. They don’t like nothing. They just like Sammy because he can make ’em a lot of money. – Miles Davis • Americans like to make money, Canadians like to count it. – Northrop Frye • Americans like to make money; Canadians like to audit it. I don’t know of any other country where the accountant enjoys a higher social and moral status. – Northrop Frye • An enlightened person or business is not concerned primarily with making money, because when you are concerned with making money you want the future more than the present. Whenever you want the future more than you want the present, true intelligence cannot flow into what you do, because it can do so only when you are totally aligned with the present moment. – Eckhart Tolle • Any skills that I have, I couldn’t really make money with them. I would like to think that maybe I would be doing something in psychology or something of that nature because I love that vein of medicine – the getting down and getting nitty – gritty. – Ian Harding • Anybody who’s putting out records is probably not making money at it. – Alan Sparhawk • As for money and prestige, if one has an opportunity to make money and/or advance their position or place in life there can be a lot to weigh and consider, such as responsibilities, goals and objectives etc. We all make choices, deal with our sense of priorities, principles, ethics, morals, balancing, juggling, making compromises… or not! Ha! – Axl Rose • As for movies, what’s great about comedy is that if your movie gets laughs and makes money, you have freedom. – Adam McKay • As long as you have a system that is based on the rational that if you are making money you are thereby making a contribution to society, these financial rogue practices will continue. – David Korten • At 15 [my father] revolted against his father like any teenager, and said, “I’m out of here! What are you doing to me?” He thought he wouldn’t be involved in that kind of stuff for the rest of his life. He just wanted to make money. He was one of those people who took over the family responsibility. His own father was pretty irresponsible with money and borrowed from people all the time. – Paul Laffoley • At one point, for example, [Donald Trump] argued that he knew much more than military leaders about the pursuit and defeat of ISIS. His assuredness of his own correctness seems also rooted in arrogance reflecting his fundamental insecurity. This insecurity and his belief in his own rightness, when combined with his success at making money, leads him to be self-reliant in his decision-making, which could result in his taking risks with threatening or using nuclear weapons. – David Krieger • At the core of an analytical edge is an ability to systematically distinguish between fundamentals and expectations. Fundamentals are a well thought out distribution of outcomes, and expectations are what’s priced into an asset. A power metaphor is the [pari-mutuel] racetrack. The fundamentals are how fast a given horse will run and the expectations are the odds on the tote board. As any serious handicapper knows, you make money only by finding a mispricing between the performance of the horse and the odds. There are no ‘good’ or ‘bad’ horses, just correctly or incorrectly priced ones. – Michael Mauboussin
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Money', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_money').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_money img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Be curious, learn and read as much as you can about food. Don’t worry about making money. Focus on learning at various venues before you settle down for a steady position. – Rocco DiSpirito • Being creative and making money in the theater is very challenging. – Val Kilmer • Being frugal, conscious of making money, is not a negative thing. That sensibility of creating value and finding value and reinvesting in those customers is what separates great restaurants from the average ones. – Joe Bastianich • Both Donald Trump and the Democrats have said terrible things about the healthcare companies. If healthcare companies think they can make money in the US, the rest of the world will go along for the ride. At the end of the day, we may not like the cost of healthcare, but it’s going to be pretty dang hard to contain it. – John Manley • Both of my parents were incredibly supportive of me being in any arts, because they were both in the arts. They weren’t the typical story of, “Oh, get a real job. You need to make money.” They basically said, “Yup, be an artist. You’ll be broke your whole life but you’ll be happy.” – Aya Cash • Boxing is a business. I have been in the professional game for five years now – I’m not doing it for nothing. I am doing it so I can provide for my future family, so I can have a future. I am here to make money. And at the same time I’m the most exciting fighter in Britain, if not the world, in my opinion. I don’t know anybody else in the game that does the things I do in the ring. – Chris Eubank, Jr. • Boxing is a business. I’m not going to say I would never work with people again because we have had disagreements in the past. So if it makes money it makes sense. That doesn’t mean we won’t agree again in the future. – Chris Eubank, Jr. • Business skills, when well applied, can do more than just make money. They can potentially make money and do some real good, which is immensely satisfying. To do that, it’s important to think outside the box, take risks, and be an entrepreneur. – Jeffrey Skoll • But if I didn’t have to make money, I would still play my horn. – Sonny Rollins • But it’s a blessing to be so successful within a year; it’s the greatest feeling in the world, making money and doing the things that I’m doing, and I definitely trying to continue doing what I’m doing. – Ludacris
• Children are the ultimate investment of all of those that want to make money, to sell, to dominate. So there are two meanings. They are our ultimate investment for anyone who is honest and ethical and loving, but also for all the commerce. – Laura Huxley • Common stock investors can make money by predicting the outcomes of practice evolution. You can’t derive this by fundamental analysis – you must think biologically. – Charlie Munger • Concentrate on your money. Try to hold your paper. It takes money to make money, so save your money, opportunites come. – Curtis Jackson • Corporations are not in business to be social-welfare organizations; they are there to make money. – Benjamin Carson • Define your own success: If you’re going after a million bucks with your own startup, you’ve already failed yourself. Instead, do something because it’s interesting, challenging, it offers you the chance to learn something new or gives you the chance to work with really interesting people. Most startups that are designed to make money, especially in this environment, don’t. – Tara Hunt • Disneyland is a work of love. We didn’t go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money. – Walt Disney • Do business managers have a commitment to anything more than the success of their company and to making money? It would be hard to say that they do. Indeed, many business leaders deny that there is any conflict between self-interest and the interests of all. – Peter Singer • Do something you like that you feel is important. Don’t worry about making money at it right away. If you try hard and long enough you will figure out a way to do it. Better to die happy than die rich. – Peter Menzel • Don’t get too caught up in making money or having a job, get excited about the fact that you can design your life. – Darren Johnson • Don’t go to work to make money; go to work to spread joy. – Marianne Williamson • Don’t just make money, make a difference. – Grant Cardone • Don’t stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed. – George Burns • Even in junior high, I always knew I had a talent for music and I knew I could make money that way. – Bob Seger • Every person has a talent, but not the same one. Every person has to discover his personal talent and go with his talent. And then you are you, and what you do, you do because you love what you do, not because you want to be famous or because you’re making money. You do the work because you love it. – Alejandro Jodorowsky • Everybody raps. We rap to make money. We do business. Ain’t no other record company out there that sold as many records as we did. – Tupac Shakur • Everybody who’s making the movies needs to work hard to make sure they’re good. And if you don’t show up and see the movies and support them financially, no one is going to make them. It’s going to change unless it makes money. That’s the long and short of it. You have to give in to the fact that it’s a business. – Paul Feig • Everyday I wake up I’m fulfilling my dream. Every day my manager calls I’m fulfilling my dream. I know if my manager doesn’t call I’m not making money so when he does call I know I’m making money. – Yung Joc • Facebook has been around for seven years. It has 500 million users. If you can’t figure out how to make money off half a billion people in seven years, I’m going to go out on a limb and say you’re unlikely to ever do. – David Heinemeier Hansson • FACT: You CAN make money doing what you love! Even in a down economy! – Walt F. J. Goodridge • Film and TV is a very hard profession to enter into if you don’t have the ability to take a long period of time without making money so you can write, direct or raise financing, or work your way up, often with unpaid internships. It’s hard to get into without a lot of connections. You end up with a lot of white people from privilege making films. So we’re seeing a lot of the same kinds of stories. – Sarah Polley • First and foremost I am a drummer. After that, I’m other things… But I didn’t play drums to make money. – Ringo Starr • Folk music isn’t owned by anybody. It is owned by everybody, like the national parks, the postal system, and the school system. It’s our common property. There is nobody’s name on it. Nobody can make money on it. It’s not copywritten. – Utah Phillips • For a ridiculous analogy, let’s take Purple Rain. If you were to put Purple Rain and The Sound of Music on the desk of a producer, he or she would know that the majority of moviegoers would rather listen to Prince. Since they are in the business of making money, no one can blame them. But if it ever came to the decision of making a film like that I’d say, “No.” They are very easy films to make, though. In Purple Rain there is nothing complex about the way that they dance. Or sing. It would be a bit boring for an adult to make that film. It just wouldn’t test their métier. – Gene Kelly • For me the greatest source of income is still movies. Nothing – stocks, financial speculation, real estate speculation or businesses – makes more money for me than making movies. – Jackie Chan • For me, film has been good because I’m able to work at top crack, working at something I love to do, in the only literary form in which you can still make money. There are no famous novelists, not as novelists used to be famous. – William Monahan • For people whose job it is to make sure we make money, there’s a lot of pressure. – Anna Kendrick • For those interested in learning more about corporations and private individuals profiting from the caging of human beings, I highly recommend the book “Prison Profiteers: Who Makes Money From Mass Incarceration.” – Michelle Alexander • Go have fun and make money – James Victore • Going shopping all the time. Just making money, and competing with the niggas in other neighborhoods. And the whole competition with the girls – who had the prettiest girlfriend – and going partying. It was just on. It was fun! – The Notorious B.I.G. • Good money management alone isn’t going to increase your edge at all. If your system isn’t any good, you’re still going to lose money, no matter how effective your money management rules are. But if you have an approach that makes money, then money management can make the difference between success and failure. – Monroe Trout • Google AdWords help with targeting people. Social media makes it easy to find people. A lot of people write blogs as a hobby. Others do it to make money. Instead of advertising on a blog, do a revenue share where you give them a 10-percent share for the business you receive. – Cameron Johnson • High premiums are being paid today not particularly for quality service or long-term building of a business but rather for making money quickly, getting rich, and getting out. And that’s wrong. – Willard C. Butcher • Hollywood expects you to experiment but on a film that makes money and if you don’t make money, you’re to blame. Your job is to make money. – Orson Welles • Hollywood is a business and movie studios are only going to do what’s going to make money. It’s not an altruistic thing. They are blatant grabs for money. Responsible studios want to make quality pictures, but at the same time nobody is going to make quality pictures they know aren’t going to make any money. – Paul Feig • How can those who possess all knowledge, which must include knowledge of life that is worth living, be interested in using knowledge only for the insignificant aim of making money? – Rebecca Goldstein • I actually thought that it would be a little confusing during the same period of your life to be in one meeting when you’re trying to make money, and then go to another meeting where you’re giving it away. I mean is it gonna erode your ability, you know, to make money? Are you gonna somehow get confused about what you’re trying to do? – Bill Gates • I always knew I’d go back to school. Modeling was a means to an end, making money for graduate school. – Rachel Nichols • I always remember my dad saying, “No one makes a remake unless they are trying to make money; there is no reason for it.” It was not an honorable thing to do. – Sofia Coppola • I always tell students that the first question to ask about any historical action is this: who makes money out of the deal? – Carl R Trueman • I believe God, Jesus, died that we not just go to Heaven but that we excel in this life. I never think you make money your goal… God wants you to excel. Just keep Him in first place, and God will open up doors you never dreamed of. – Joel Osteen • I can walk through the front door of any factory and out the back and tell you if it’s making money or not. I can just tell by the way it’s being run and by the spirit of the workers. – Harvey S. Firestone • I cannot afford to waste my time making money – Louis Agassiz • I can’t draw a stick person. I can’t play a musical instrument. But I’ve always had a knack for making money. – Tilman J Fertitta • I come from a family of traders; my grandmother and my mother were very good at making money. – Anne Robinson • I come from a generation in England that considered making money or trying to promote yourself to be morally suspect. – Stanley Donwood • I come from making money in the streets. The streets all I know. All my family is still in the streets. So, it’s going to be hard to pull me right back into that. When I ain’t doing no shows four days out of the week, I may be in my hood or at my grandma’s house in the hood. But yes, I got a kid. I got to get more serious about the music so he don’t get dragged into that life. – Shy Glizzy • I could be an alternative comic. I could be that really dark – I was – I was a very dark comic to begin with. I could be that guy, and the only reason I didn’t is that I wanted to make money. I wanted to be popular. I wanted to be liked more than I wanted to be admired. – Louie Anderson • I decided that the whole idea of what it means to be an artist was that somehow you are ontologically oriented toward poverty : “As an artist, you don’t make money.” I had to figure out some kind of way to guarantee that I’d be able to continue doing the work that I wanted to do, whether I made money from the work I was doing or not. – Kerry James Marshall • I didn’t think that a career in theater was very realistic so I thought the only thing I could make money doing and still be somewhat artistic was, god help me, advertising. – Liev Schreiber • I don’t buy these rag magazines that feed off of stolen, you know, press. They’re basically stealing someone’s image in order to make money for themselves… They wait at the end of my street in their cars. Every time I exit my home, I have company. – Ashton Kutcher • I don’t have any ego about it, but I find there’s not a great work ethic in show business. A lot of people are in it to make money, and coming from stand-up, you have to work so hard because almost nothing works, and if you lose the audience for three minutes, you’re dead. – Norm MacDonald • I don’t have any great ambition to go out and make money. But I am still fascinated in starting up businesses and starting it in a way and running in a way that I want to do it. – Michael Birch • I don’t hold it against Dizzy [Gillespie], you know, but if a guy wants to play a certain way, you work towards that. If he stops – he’s full of crap, you know. I mean, I wouldn’t do it, for no money, or for no place in the white man’s world. Not just to make money, because then you don’t have anything. You don’t have as much money as whoever you’re trying to ape; that’s making money by being commercial. Then you don’t have anything to give the world; so you’re not important. You might as well be dead. – Miles Davis • I don’t like people telling other people what to do. Sex work for a lot of women is really important, especially in countries where women don’t have a lot of power. Here we can have at least some form … of making money. – Margaret Cho • I don’t make music to make money. I make music because that’s what I like to do. You would think, “Yeah, of course, that’s what an artist does,” but there ain’t too many artists around anymore. I see a lot of people who, if they thought they wouldn’t profit, would find an easier hustle. It’s a racket now, like everything else, but we’re in a capitalistic country – everything’s a racket. Take what you can. I think the difference between that line of thinking and me is obvious. – Del tha Funkee Homosapien • I don’t need to make money destroying my environment. Why don’t I just love it and figure out a way to be more sustainable? – Ian Somerhalder • I don’t need to publish anything to make a living, so to speak, and I think it is much more important to spread information about our European religion than it is to make money from doing so. – Varg Vikernes • I don’t think I have ever learnt a difficult lesson. Probably sports betting, which I have lost money on. I did lose money on Apple. You’d have thought you could only make money on Apple but I was one of the people who managed to lose. – Giles Coren • I don’t understand blogs. People used to write to make money, no? You didn’t give it away. I have nothing against blogs. I don’t have a problem with them. But it’s like, ‘What are you doing? Why aren’t you working? – Frank Deford • I don’t want to make money; I want to make a difference. – Lady Gaga • I don’t worry about alienating fans. I don’t think most people these days think of artists as sellouts if they license their music for a commercial or a movie trailer. If anything, fans get psyched when they hear Sleigh Bells on TV or at the movies. As a band who doesn’t make money off of record sales it’s a great way for us to pay the bills! – Alexis Krauss • I feel like my perception has changed a little because when I was posting stuff online it was an extension of my studio and then it started getting some of the attention. Now it’s like, “Oh, this is actually a place where you can make money,” but I’m not interested in competing in that space. It seems like too much to deal with. – Kalup Linzy • I first started playing in piano bars for three reasons – to make money, to be in the company of my friends – and also to hook up with young girls. I always knew, even before I played in piano bars, about the effect of my voice. – Andrea Bocelli • I got a reputation for being sort of nuts and difficult, because I was at that point, so I wasn’t much in demand. And also, on the basic level, I’d made a lot of movies that didn’t make money. And if you make movies that don’t make money – I mean, it is a business, after all – you are not in demand. – Margot Kidder • I have resigned from the professional undertaking of coin flipping. I am not here to tell you where gold’s going to be. I have no idea. That’s my existentialism. I am a student of uncertainty, I have no idea where the stock market is going to be. So when I am creating trades in my portfolio for my clients, I am agnostic. I just want to enhance the probability that I make money come what may. – Hugh Hendry • I have ways of making money that you know nothing of. – John D. Rockefeller • I invested in many companies, and I’m happy this one worked. This is capitalism. You invest in stock, it goes up, it goes down. You know, if you don’t like capitalism, you don’t like making money with stock, move to Cuba or China. – Terry McAuliffe • I just came back from – with Trump when I endorsed him in Iowa, in Marshalltown, a little town – 27,000 – have a lot of Hispanics working there from Mexico in a private business, so they’re still here. I’m not saying they’re here illegally but they still come and they work, make money for their families, send the money back to Mexico or whatever, so it’s a big problem. – Joe Arpaio • I knew I could make money from songwriting, so how much and when was not really the question. – Ryan Tedder • I like making money like anybody else, and I’m paid well, but I think there is a point at which you can out-price your audience or your base. – Tom Petty • I live by ‘Earnin’ and burnin’.’ Meaning, I like to make money and spend it before I even have it. That’s the way I live my life. – Will Ferrell • I love making money, but you can’t live your life waiting to get rich in a job that no longer feeds you artistically. – Julianna Margulies • I make money from touring and selling merchandise, and I honestly believe if you put effort into something and you execute properly, you don’t necessarily have to go through the traditional ways. – Chance the Rapper • I met some people who showed me a path in music where they were like hey, look, while yes, it can have to do with being popular and making money, it DOESN’T have to be. – Chuck Ragan • I never ask if the market is going to go up or down because I don’t know, and besides it doesn’t matter. I search nation after nation for stocks, asking: ‘Where is the one that is lowest-priced in relation to what I believe it’s worth?’ Forty years of experience have taught me you can make money without ever knowing which way the market is going. – John Templeton • I never attempt to make money on the stock market. I buy on the assumption that they could close the market the next day and not reopen it for five years. – Warren Buffett • I read a lot, and I think it’s important to stay current on the new health kicks. Some are out there just to make money, but some are really worth investigating and incorporating into our diets. – Jennifer Aniston • I realized you can always make money; you just do a lot of things. – Mary Harron • I realized you might make money at writing, and you might even make a living at it. So after that I didn’t write stories just for the class but wrote them for the purpose of submitting them somewhere, and at some point in the process, I began writing them just to please myself and that’s where you begin to see the real value of a life of writing. – Dean Koontz • I reluctantly signed up for a journalism major, thinking I needed a fall-back way to make money should my career as a novelist fail to take off. As I started to try on journalism, including doing internships and working at the campus paper, I found I actually liked it. So I started to want to be a journalist. – Kevin Maney • I spent my twenties not really participating in the work force in any real way. I acted a tiny bit, but that was just because it was the only way I knew how to make money, and I sublet my apartment and lived in the woods and just tried to figure out who I was and what I wanted, what my real desire was and not just what I was used to doing, and it was a really confusing and painful, but really rich and amazing time. – Gaby Hoffmann • I talked to people that I’d done theater with, older actors and stuff. There’s a lot of people who go into the business, and they must think they’re good, or they wouldn’t be in it. Why do you think that you’re good enough to go into the business and make money at it? So I really wanted to ask myself that question a lot. Because it was an important kind of thing that I was going to do. I really wanted to do it, I loved it, and I thought that I was good enough that I could make money at it. And that’s really what it came down to. – Dean Norris • I think at the end of the day you can do both: make money and stay true to yourself. But a lot of young people look for that fame that some of these huge artists that they see on TV have, not knowing they can do what some of these underground artist are doing which is not selling their souls for a buck. – Rahki • I think cyber security, cyber warfare will be one of the biggest challenges facing the next president, because clearly we’re facing at this point two different kinds of adversaries. There are the independent hacking groups that do it mostly for commercial reasons to try to steal information that they can use to make money. – Hillary Clinton • I think every filmmaker in Europe would be lying if they didn’t say one day they just wanted to make a movie here in Hollywood or at least try it. It’s very different from European filmmaking, because here it’s like a real industry. It’s very much about money and making money, which I think is fine, because it’s very expensive to make movies. – Baran Odar • I think in a way nobody doesn’t work anymore. Even moms who say, ‘I am out of the workforce.’ They may be writing mommy blogs with no expectation of making money, but they are building an onramp for when they do go back. – Suzy Welch • I think in a way the great irony or paradox about America is that it makes it so hard for the sensitive person, the artist, the impressionable person, the person whose raison d’etre is to incarnate the creative will, rather than to just make money, and yet that extreme difficulty that the culture poses for us has created some of the best artists in the last hundred years. – Hubert Selby, Jr. • I think Naomi Klein was very astute with her book ‘Shock Doctrine.’ We make money on disaster. – Henry Rollins • I think our party and particularly our movement, the conservative movement, does have more of a problem with con men and charlatans than the Democratic Party. I mean, the incentives seem to be set up to allow people – as long as you have a band of a few million fanatical followers, you can make money. The Democrats have managed to figure out how not to do that. – Ann Coulter • I think that it depends what you mean by successful. If you mean ‘make money’ you need to be part of the machine unless you’re one of those superhuman people who can do everything by yourself, and have workaholic tendencies and really good advisers and a good investor. – Sia Furler • I think that’s really really important, you can’t get in the industry, because you want to make money because number one, I don’t think money should be motivation for anything because I don’t believe that it has any value. – Jhene Aiko • I think you think that phone sex is about getting the caller off, but it’s about keeping the caller on. It’s about leading with your personality and making sure that they’re still listening to you and that they’re still interested in you because you cannot make money when they hang up. – Gabourey Sidibe • I thought, you know, I can sit at home in my La-Z-Boy, on Facebook, and reach more people than I can on a tour. Because I reach 30,000 to 40,000 people for every Facebook post, some even reach 50,000 to 60,000. And I thought, if it’s about reaching people, and not about making money, why bother touring? – Mark Lowry • I try to build on our management philosophy. I try to understand what the threats and opportunities are for us. Uh, I try to make sure that we’re driving innovation and creative destruction hard enough so we’re not blindsided, and that our attitude is to, in starting any initiative, any business, is to focus on how we can create value for others, rather than how we maximize profit, because you can make money focusing on, “How do I maximize profit?” – Charles Koch • I turn down invitations to do things for money. I have almost no interest in making money. Actually, I’ve acquired a fair amount of money that I will never live to spend. So earning money, in a way, depresses me, because I feel it’s just piling up. – Joyce Carol Oates • I understand what rappers are talking about. I think rap is less about educating people about the black community and more about making money. – Dennis Rodman • I want the pleasures of the real exploitation movie, and exploitation has changed so much in 40 years. Plenty of people grow up with this fantasy of, “We’re going to do it like Roger Corman did it,” as that sounds so fun. If you make something small, goofy and exploitative, it’s nowhere near the guaranteed moneymaker it might have been 40 years ago. If you look at the way the world works now and money is made, it doesn’t seem that fun. Maybe that’s just a mental block I have and I need to get over that and find that corner where you can make money and still have a good movie. – Andrew Bujalski • I want to be successful and I want people to hear the music and I want to make money at it, but if it isn’t what you do, eventually it seems like that will cause you to not be able to do what you do. If you did that for a couple years, you would just become someone else, which is fine, I guess…but I don’t want to become someone else. I want to do what I enjoy and what feels right. – Will Oldham • I was just shitty, shitty, shitty with money and I finally, when I really started making money, I had to get somebody to sit down with me and learn how to manage my money. – Miriam Shor • I went to the University of Georgia for a year before I left, and then I went to live with Eileen Ford in New York for the modeling agency. I thank god I could do that because all the other kids were getting jobs doing other things, and when I got to New York, I was very blessed. I didn’t have to stop and be a waitress. I started making money at a very young age and was just very lucky. – Kim Basinger • I will bring our energy companies back. They’ll be able to compete. They’ll make money. They’ll pay off our national debt. They’ll pay off our tremendous budget deficits, which are tremendous. – Donald Trump • I’d much rather see a world where, when you make some quirky comment on a blog or news story or you upload a video clip, instead of just a moment of fame for your pseudonym, you’ll get 50 bucks. The first time that happens, you’ll realise that you’re a full-class citizen. You have the potential to make money from the system. – Jaron Lanier • Ideas don’t make money, effort does. – Mike Michalowicz • If 5000 people bought my record, I would appreciate those 5000 people. I make music for them because music isn’t supposed to be so money driven. I didn’t get into the music game because I wanted to make money. I sing because that’s a God given talent of mine and it’s something I love to do. If it’s 10,000 or a million people, I’m going to give people the music they like from me. That’s what being an artist is. Whoever likes your work, that’s who you do it for. – Marcus Ramone Cooper • If a lot of money goes into the stock market, it’ll push up prices, making money for stock speculators. Then the insiders can decide that it’s time to sell out, and the market will plunge. – Michael Hudson • If a man goes into business with only the idea of making money, the chances are he won’t. – Joyce Hall • If a movie makes money, then it’s a success. – Wade Eastwood • If I wanted to make money I would have written another novel. – James Ellroy • If it’s all win-loss, then you do whatever you can to win and to make money and to beat the deal. – David Brooks • If organizations are focused on a purpose, something that will make the world a better place and leave a big impact, people can rally behind that mission. If a company is only about making money, it’s hard to unleash passion. If there’s a big WHY that the company is working to solve, passion will flow like the amazon. – Josh Linkner • If people are highly successful in their professions they lose their sense. Sight goes. They have no time to look at pictures. Sound goes. They have no time to listen to music. Speech goes. They have no time for conversation. Humanity goes. Money making becomes so important that they must work by night as well as by day. Health goes. And so competitive do they become that they will not share their work with others though they have more themselves. What then remains of a human being who has lost sight, sound, and sense of proportion? Only a cripple in a cave. – Virginia Woolf • If private-equity firms are as good at remaking companies as they claim, they don’t need tax loopholes to make money. – James Surowiecki • If somebody had told me my method would not work I nevertheless would have tried it out to make sure for myself, for when I am wrong only one thing convinces me of it, and that is, to lose money. And I am only right when I make money. That is speculating. – Jesse Lauriston Livermore • If the only thing that you want to do is make money – if that’s your whole motivation – I think you’re lying to yourself. If the only motivation you have is to make money and make it, what’s making it? Oh, you get a yacht or an island. Well, you’re going to need someone to be on that island. You’re going to need people, one way or another. – Willis Earl Beal • If there’s no deals being made rappers, what happens to the lawyers. They’ve got to close their firms, they can’t make no money. How can they make money from the client now? Litigation! – RZA • If you become famous and you start making money, then people want to give you things. It’s the exact opposite of how it’s supposed to be. – Joel McHale • If you can’t figure out how to make money on three billion in revenue, when exactly will the profit magic be found? Ten billion? Fifty billion? – David Heinemeier Hansson • If you go into acting to make money then you’re an idiot. It’s my hobby and the fact that I’m doing my hobby for a job is mental. – Jeremy Irvine • If you make money back from your record, you’re doing it smart. It’s an expensive hobby. I’m lucky enough to still make a living as a musician through live work and odd bits of royalties. – Robyn Hitchcock • If you only have the mind of, “We have to sell this music and I have to make money on this music,” then it’s not really about the music anymore; it’s about the money. I’m not saying I don’t want to make money, but I’m thinking a little more long-term than just making a buck today. – Anoop Desai • If you’re not familiar with it, a college degree is a thing that we tell our kids to buy with money they don’t have, in hopes that it will help them make money they might earn, which will give them the ability to pay back the money they spent in order to make the money they’re paying it back with. – Matt Walsh • If your goal is to make money, becoming an entrepreneur is a sucker’s bet. Sure, some entrepreneurs make a lot of money, but if you calculate the amount of stress-inducing work and time it takes and multiply that by the low likelihood of success and eventual payoff, it is not a great way to get rich. – Eric Ries • If you’re good at the art and you wanna make money, then it’s fine. But if you’re just doing it because you know you’re gonna make money, then I don’t know. Some people do it just because they need the money, but it depends on a lot of things. – Bishop Nehru • If you’re the kind of kid who thinks that all that’s important in life is making money, Wall Street is probably still the place to go, especially now that Trump’s elected. – Michael Lewis • If you’ve got the money, you need people to make money with your money. And if you have the talent, you can always merchandise your talent to someone who’s got the money and make money. There’s two pieces to it: talent and money. – Barbara Corcoran • I’m always dissing Ray and making fun of him, talking about his money. – Patricia Heaton • I’m fascinated with the attitude of younger rock bands, even ones that are making money at it. I don’t ever hear them talk about it as a “career.” It almost makes me think there isn’t even a music industry anymore, like an atom bomb fell and it was just eradicated forever. – Travis Morrison • I’m free of stress and worries now because if I don’t like something I’m doing, I just find the fun in it instead of being miserable. Let me have fun with the people I work with, let me have fun making money – when I grew up so poor, ya know? – Jenny McCarthy • I’m not interested in making money. It’s just that with my talent, I’m cursed with it. – Noel Gallagher • I’m not into fame. I’m not into making money, outside of financing my books. I’m not into status. My thing is basically about time – not wasting it. – Henry Rollins • I’m not really interested in making money. – Steven Spielberg • I’m not trying to make friends, I’m trying to make money. – Kevin O’Leary • I’m very focused on the world and my career and my Porsche turbo and making money and Stevie B. Inc. I’m just living according to the standards of the world. – Stephen Baldwin • In Europe, where we have all these different forms of financing and cultural funds and systems like that, it’s a good mixture of supporting artists to make movies. But, on the other side, everyone still wants to make money making movies. Again, even in the European film business, it’s expensive to make movies. – Baran Odar • In my early 20s I was so miserable doing construction, I wanted something that paid money. I liked nice stuff. I liked cars and architecture, and things that cost money. I wanted to not swing a hammer, and make money… and not do stuff that was dirty. I attempted to get into comedy. I started to do stand-up, but I wasn’t very good at it. – Adam Carolla • In my opinion, the greatest misconception about the market is the idea that if you buy and hold stocks for long periods of time, you’ll always make money. Let me give you some specific examples. Anyone who bought the stock market at any time between the 1896 low and the 1932 low would have lost money. In other words, there’s a 36 year period in which a buy-and-hold strategy would have lost money. As a more modern example, anyone who bought the market at any time between the 1962 low and the 1974 low would have lost money. – Victor Sperandeo • In setting up a business under the name and meaning of the Golden Rule, I was publicly binding myself, in my business relations, to a principle which had been a real and intimate part of my family upbringing. Our idea was to make money and build business through serving the community with fair dealing and honest value. – James Cash Penney • In some industry markets, high quality can be tied to making more money, but I am sure by now all of us know the computer industry is not like that. – Theo de Raadt • In the beginning, me and my bandmates just did stuff on our own – we had smoke bombs, we’d dress as crazy and as weird as we possibly could, just to give ourselves a different ambience. But when we started making money, of course, the ideas started getting bigger. We were big fans of Broadway; we were like, “Man, when you go see a Broadway show, you just get pulled right out of reality; you’re into their world for a two-hour period. It would be nice if we could do that onstage with a music concert”. – Philip Bailey • In the middle of the last century there was a reason to go to war. This time around the war was a really bad idea and I think the only people that benefited from it were Halliburton and people that made money from it, but that’s not an excuse to have a war. Killing American kids so Halliburton can make money is not a righteous reason to go to war. – Anthony Kiedis • In the whole course of our work at the theatre we have been, I may say, drenched with advice by friendly people who for years gave us the reasons why we did not succeed… All their advice, or at least some of it, might have been good if we had wanted to make money, to make a common place of amusement. – Lady Gregory • It always annoys me when stars grumble about fans coming up to them in the street. I love it. These young stars today with all their airs and graces, they need to remember it is an honour and a privilege to make money from acting. How hard is it? – Larry Hagman • It is a fact that around the world the elites of every country are making money. – Hillary Clinton • It is a fearful environment where no one can trust to pick up a stranger, or a stranger cannot trust to get in a car. That search I find lacking. That openness. Right now, we have got ourselves stuck in one thing, which is make money as fast as we can, because it is hard to live in this world without it. Let us face it. – Chris Noth • It is a sad fact about our culture that a poet can earn much more money writing or talking about his art than he can by practicing it. – W. H. Auden • It is difficult to retain your standards with the pressure of trying to make money, which always has its rules…It’s hard to walk the tightrope of doing what you think is your best and making money at it. – Nina Simone • It is said that anyone who does commercial cinema is not acting, and anyone who does an art film is acting. I don’t believe it. I feel whenever you are doing a film, you are acting. So you need to be applauded for that. I won’t do art house cinemas. I want to make commercial films. I want my films to make money. – Bipasha Basu • It is shameful and inhuman to treat men like chattels to make money by, or to regard them merely as so much muscle or physical power. – Pope Leo XIII • It makes it [work] a lot easier when you like what you do. It’s easy when you’re working and making money doing it. It’s hard when you’re not. That’s when that gets challenged. – Marc Blucas • It would be easier to make money in other sectors, but since I was a kid, I liked cars. – Carlos Ghosn • It would be great to make a movie that had the style of a great ’30s film or a movie of David’s Lynch or some other director I love that could also make money, because that would say to the corporation, “Yes, you can make money and still do art.” But it’s tricky. – Laura Dern • It’s not that Monsanto is making money out of the blue. It’s making money by coercing and literally forcing people to pay for what was free. Take water, for instance. Water has always been free. We’ve never paid for drinking water. The World Bank says the reason water has been misused is because it was never commercially priced. But the reason it’s been misused is because it was wasted by the big users—industry, which polluted it. – Vandana Shiva • It’s a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money. – Albert Camus • It’s brutal. I see friends when their shows don’t work. Everything’s riding on making money and all the pressure and how people scatter when fortunes turn downward. – David Spade • It’s obviously a lot more of a political undertaking making a movie in Hollywood and it’s a business there. In Australia, they don’t expect films to make money; whereas in America they’re counting on it. – Andrew Dominik • It’s OK, by the way, that it takes 10 years for you to make “money.” Since when was it that being in your mid-30s to make a few hundred thousand dollars or a million dollars was like egregiously unfair? I think we have to have a sense of perspective here. We’re all going to live into our 80s or 90s. So what is everybody in such a rush for? – Chamath Palihapitiya • It’s one thing to be struggling and not really making money in your early 20s and figuring out your life. Early 30s, you start to wonder, is this ever going to happen? – Billy Eichner • It’s the formulaic studio movies the make money, and when they do, the actors in them are automatically movie stars. – Mickey Rourke • I’ve always thought anyone can make money. Making a life worth living, that’s the real test. – Robert Fulghum • I’ve figured out that I don’t want to spend all of my spare time trying to make money. But, with things like fame or internet presence – things you cannot cash in at the bank – there is still a sense that more is better and that your career should be following a certain trajectory. – Erika M. Anderson • I’ve had movies bomb with terrible reviews, I’ve had movies make a lot of money with terrible reviews, I’ve had movies get good reviews and make money. And I like it best when the movies do well and the reviewers like them. – Judd Apatow • I’ve realized that although Valentine’s Day can be a cheesy money making stint to most people, it’s a day of expressing love across the world. It doesn’t have to only be between lovers, but by telling a friend that you care, or even an old person that they are still appreciated. – Reeva Steenkamp • Just being able to make exactly what I want with my brother and a lot of my best friend and to have a place like HBO that not only lets you do that, but supports you and puts up billboards in support of it, and really puts it out there for you. That’s not something I get a lot in the independent film world where everybody’s pinching pennies and nervous about whether it’s going to make money or not. – Mark Duplass • Just selling through a movie theater is not ever going to be a viable way to make money back on a movie anymore. – Lucy Fisher • Long hair, short skirts, the girls like this image and try to make money with it. What they wear, how they behave, it’s all part of the business. Television and advertising have changed a great many things. In the old days, we used to make our money on the course. Now your market value is decided elsewhere. – Laura Davies • Love is cheap. You can buy it anywhere. Lives are cheap. It’s money that’s dear. You have to work days and sit up nights thinking how to make money. – John Dos Passos • Luckily when you drive a cab there are two things: You don’t have a boss in the cab with you, and you are not facing the people that you are making money from. – Fran Lebowitz • Make money your god, and it will plague you like the devil. – Henry Fielding • Making a movie requires 20 to 500 people to make and a lot of money and the stakes are a lot higher. – Alanis Morissette • Making money from enforcing patents is no more wrong than investing in preferred stock. – Nathan Myhrvold • Making money is awesome and fun as hell, but they’re saying, “Well, you’re offered a whole lot of money to do this,” and it’s like, well, I do want the money, but I don’t really do that – like headline a big festival or something like that. I could go there and do that, but it isn’t really what I do. It feels weird to me. – Will Oldham • Making money isn’t hard in itself… What’s hard is to earn it doing something worth devoting one’s life to. – Carlos Ruiz Zafon • Making money isn’t the backbone of our guiding purpose; it is the by-product of our guiding purpose. – Warren Buffett • Man sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. – Dalai Lama • Man surprised me most about humanity.Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived. – Dalai Lama • Managers will work for a salary. Entrepreneurs create new businesses. Many people have capital, but instead of making money for business they build houses for rent. It’s easy money to collect rental. – John Gokongwei • Many chefs of a certain caliber do not see me as a chef. I don’t have a restaurant. They see me as a TV food personality, not a chef. I’ve gotten respect, trust me, they respect me, but I think that I can’t hit that particular level of respect from them until I have a successful Vegas restaurant that not only makes money but creates unbelievable food and a fabulous experience. I don’t think people think I can cook, and they don’t think I know what the hell I’m doing. – Giada De Laurentiis • Millionaires are marrying their secretaries because they are so busy making money they haven’t time to see other girls. – Doris Lilly • Modeling was never anything that was a career choice. I did catalog work in Toronto to make money so that I could go to school. – Malin Akerman • Money follows art. Money wants what it can’t buy. Class and talent. And remember while there’s a talent for making money, it takes real talent to know how to spend it. – Candace Bushnell • Money is the measure of morality, and the success or failure of slavery as a money-making system, determines with many whether…it should be maintained or abolished. – Frederick Douglass • Money makes money. And the money that makes money makes more money. – Benjamin Franklin • Most banks – with Deutsche Bank at the top of the spectrum here – have decided that they can’t make money lending to barrowers anymore, so they’re going to the second business plan: They lend money to casino capitalists. That is, to people who want to gamble on derivatives. – Michael Hudson • Most of this innovative new music doesn’t make money so it’s regarded as uninteresting for the business people and considered as “underground”. – Eddy de Clercq • Most people have no idea what cops really do. They think cops give you a speeding ticket. They don’t see the cops associating with professional criminals and making money in the process. They believe that when a guy puts on a uniform, he or she becomes virtuous. But people who go into law enforcement do so for the trill of wielding power over other people, and in this sense, they relate more to the crooks they associate with than the citizens they’re supposed to protect and serve. They’re looking to bully someone and they’re corrupt. That’s law enforcement. – Douglas Valentine • Movie is a near art form. It’s showbiz and people want to make money. And generally people are financing things because they think it will make money whether it’s a cable news show, a cable show, or a feature film, or whatever it is. So that’s the part of it that drives it, I think, is really the dollar. – Annette Bening • Music is a hobby, because I’m not making any money out of it, but I put just as much conviction into that as I do into my acting. – River Phoenix • Mutual funds charge 2% per year and then brokers switch people between funds, costing another 3-4 percentage points. The poor guy in the general public is getting a terrible product from the professionals. I think it’s disgusting. It’s much better to be part of a system that delivers value to the people who buy the product. But if it makes money, we tend to do it in this country. – Charlie Munger • My body can’t put anyone in jeopardy of not making money anymore – my body is just not on the table that way anymore. – Christina Aguilera • My father thought sport was something fun – he didn’t know it was a way to make money. Then I won a Mercedes at the world championships and I gave it to him. From the moment it arrived my father said: ‘Good, you can support not just yourself but me too’. – Haile Gebrselassie • My goal isn’t to make money, it’s to try and survive and make a point. – Marilyn Manson • My grandparents back in Kentucky owned a tobacco farm. So to make money in the summer we could cut and chop and top and house and strip the tobacco. – George Clooney • My job is making money, helping other people make money. I am spending money, trying to make sure more people get rich, because you cannot spend a lot of money, right? So my job is spending money, helping others. This is a headache. – Jack Ma • My parents didn’t want us on the streets or in trouble, so they thought the best thing was to have us work. I saw how we had to, during bad times, stretch the dollar. And during good times, we couldn’t spend it, because you never knew when the bad times were going to happen again. It gave me a great respect for how hard it is to make money. – Nikki Haley • Napster is essentially using the music to make money for themselves and that’s the part that’s both morally and legally wrong. That I think is more relevant than whether or not I’m losing money. – Hilary Rosen • Ninety nine per cent of the time, for anyone who wins or makes money, it makes them happy. – Brian Blessed • No financial man will ever understand business because financial people think a company makes money. A company makes shoes, and no financial man understands that. They think money is real. Shoes are real. – Peter Drucker • Nobody heeds danger when they’re making money. – James Cook • Not to say people shouldn’t get rich from art. I adore the alchemy wherein artists who cast a complex spell make rich people give them their money. (Just writing it makes me cackle.) But too many artists have been making money without magic. – Jerry Saltz • Obviously businesses do not operate like an artists’ commune. Business involves deploying finite resources to achieve goals in a competitive environment to make money. That is something creative people understand. – John Kao • Of course we live in a world where we have to make money to eat so that’s always nice to be able to sing and make money but to do something I love and to be able to eat from…it’s great. – Jhene Aiko • Of what use is the universe? What is the practical application of a million galaxies? Yet just because it has no use, it has a use – which may sound like a paradox, but is not. What, for instance, is the use of playing music? If you play to make money, to outdo some other artist, to be a person of culture, or to improve your mind, you are not really playing – for your mind is not on the music. You don’t swing. When you come to think of it, playing or listening to music is a pure luxury, an addiction, a waste of valuable time and money for nothing more than making elaborate patterns of sound. – Alan Watts • Oftentimes, misunderstandings and antagonism surfaces most strongly when economic times are tough. And that’s not surprising. If everybody is working and feeling good and making money and buying a new house and a big screen TV, you’re less worried about what other folks are doing. – Barack Obama • Once you start making money you have to put things into perspective. – Rakim • Once you start making money, you can be an ass. But I am not an ass. I’m too lazy, that takes a lot of energy. – Wanda Sykes • One of the big things right now is the DJ is a spectacle, isn’t it? You have the enormous light show, smoke, explosions, and fire. There’s a dude with a USB stick playing somewhere in there, but the spectacle is created out of lights and lasers and whatever. The original idea of DJing – being a shadowy figure in the corner while people were having a party – is not the one that makes money and is massively popular internationally. – Joe Goddard • Patience is a part of boxing. After I had missed out on the Olympic gold medal in 1984, a lot of people tried to talk me into turning professional quickly to make money. They told me that the next Olympics in Seoul would be boycotted again, that I was wasting my life, blah blah. But I still had unfinished business. I wanted the gold medal, and I got it in ‘88. Only then was I ready to turn professional. – Lennox Lewis • People can take your name and write a book about you and they make money off of it. How is the public supposed to know you’re not authorizing that book? As soon as you make a big stink about it it only makes the book sell more. – Diana Ross • People have to be able to make money off their brains and their hearts. Or else we’re all going to starve, and it’s the machines that’ll get good. – Jaron Lanier • People showed me this way of dealing with music, writing songs, thinking about music and shows and our community and the fact that it doesn’t have to be about being popular or fashion or making money. – Chuck Ragan • People will download the music for free and they’ll pay for it if they want to give you a compliment. They don’t have to pay for it. And the only way the artist can make money was by touring ’cause the record label didn’t take that money. Unfortunately now, cause the record company’s not making money from the downloads, now they want to take money away from everything. – Joss Stone • Pretty much, Apple and Dell are the only ones in this industry making money. They make it by being Wal-Mart. We make it by innovation. – Steve Jobs • Quoting Demosthenes, ‘For what each man wishes, that he also believes to be true.’ I would rather make money playing a piano in a whorehouse than arguing that no cost is incurred when employees are paid in stock options instead of cash. I am not kidding. – Charlie Munger • Rush Limbaugh makes money getting simpleminded people to feel good about their intellectually undernourished brain spasms. He’s very good at it, and I scarcely believe a fraction of what he says. – Henry Rollins • Shareholders are sort of like cats; they get herded around, and they follow the leader. With the exception of a few activist shareholders, there are a very rare number of big, important, influential shareholders that like to step up and say there’s a problem here, especially when they’re making money. – Andrew Ross Sorkin • So many people of wealth understand much more about making and saving money than about using and enjoying it. They fail to live because they are always preparing to live. – Alan Watts • So some guy may know how to make money in cocoa beans, but I don’t so I just let him have that. But it’s got to be something I understand. It’s got to be a business with fundamentally good economics. It’s got to be a management that I like and trust and admire. And it’s got to be a price that makes sense. – Warren Buffett • So when you do board, the first class people, they’re sitting there. A lot of them are working as your boarding. They have computers out and calculators. They’re looking up at you like, Hey, we’re making money right now! – Brian Regan • Some of the bigger companies seem to be copying only to make money, which creatively is very bad. I sometimes wonder if they have any respect. – Hiroshi Fujiwara • Some people say I’m saying what they wanna say. Some people don’t agree. Some people are outraged. Some people want to see what the album is about. To me, hip-hop’s been dead for years. We all should know that, come on. With that being said, then, the object of the game now is to make money off of exploiting it. That’s what it’s all about – get this money. That’s basically what I’m saying. – Nas • Some people start modeling because they want to be models and they want the parties and the recognition, and then there are people like me. I come from a simple family, and for me getting into modeling was a chance to make money and create a business. – Gisele Bundchen • Speaking personally, I want my films to make money, but money is just fuel for the rocket. What I really want to do is to go somewhere. I don’t want to just collect more fuel. – Brad Bird • Speculation is only a word covering the making of money out of the manipulation of prices, instead of supplying goods and services. – Henry Ford • Studios are attracted by making money, and they’re also trying to simplify things, going with the genre thing. The gambling instincts of a few years ago where you might make some thousands or a few hundred, it’s nothing now. – Peter Weir • Successful people make money. It’s not that people who make money become successful, but that successful people attract money. They bring success to what they do. – Wayne Dyer • That one person that says “I heard your stuff and I really like this.” It really touches my heart because it’s what I love to do. I’d rather do it for the people than do it for a machine, a company that just wants to make money. – Tiffany Villarreal • That’s the thing with independent cinema: They all get good reviews, and they don’t make money. Some of them are good. Some are great. And some are terrible. – Robert Englund • The best thing about where comedy is now is if you have a little bit of talent and a strong work ethic, and strong social skills, you can make a name for yourself and you can make money. – Donnell Rawlings • The best thing is to motivate people to do their own work. I’m not opposed to making money. But I started to play rock ‘n’ roll to motivate others, to shake things up, wake people up and to let other skinny, pimply marginalized weirdos know they’re not alone. – Patti Smith • The best way to make money is not to have money as your primary goal. I’ve seen great people come into the business world primarily motivated to make money. Almost without exception they failed. – Ross Perot • The book ‘Do You!’ is about your inner voice. And when you connect to that voice then you – then the freedom comes. And we’re only here to be happy. So happy makes money. Money doesn’t make happy. – Russell Simmons • The bureaucratic nature of both capitalism and our government assures us that there are no checks and balances when it comes to justifying any and all behavior that either makes money and secures the supposed peace of the nation-state. – Tripp York • The corruption will come back to haunt the Trump administration. But mostly, it’ll come back to haunt the American economy, as companies decide they can make money by rent-seeking, by getting money from government rather than earning it the old-fashioned way. – David Brooks • The difference between capitalism and feudalism is that under capitalism, they make money directly through wages, manufacturing, and commerce and under feudalism, it’s directly through juro-political means. – David Graeber • The film is not a success until it makes money. It’s only good when there’s a dollar figure attached to the box office. – John Cusack • The function of the press in society is to inform, but its role in society is to make money. – A. J. Liebling • The gallery closed its doors in 1971. I could no longer psychologically handle the needs of 12 artists. I cared about all of them, and what was happening with their careers. I’m just not a person who can do that indefinitely. And tax-wise I was concerned because they gallery wasn’t making money; it was losing money. – Virginia Dwan • The goal of Apple is not to make money but to make really nice products, really great products. – Jonathan Ive • The goal should not be to make money or acquire things, but to achieve the consciousness through which the substance will flow forth when and as you need it. • The greatest pleasure when I started making money was not buying cars or yachts but finding myself able to have as many freshly typed drafts as possible.- Gore Vidal • The health insurance industry does not like to pay out claims, because they don’t make money. The only way they can make a profit is if they don’t pay for your operation. If they pay for your operation and your doctor’s appointment and your pharmaceuticals, they don’t make any money. – Michael Moore • The highest use of capital is not to make more money, but to make money do more for the betterment of life. – Henry Ford • The impresario function is about intervening with the company’s more administrative management structure. It is about trying to establish a sense of boundaries and budgets and milestones and so forth on a project that does not necessarily lend itself to milestones. It is about translating between the intimate interior environment of the creative work team and the company’s need to make money. And finally, it is about positioning the fruits of the creative process in the marketplace and selling them. – John Kao • The key to investment success is emotional discipline. Making money has nothing to do with intelligence. To be a successful investor, you have to be able to admit mistakes. I trained a guy to trade who had a 188 IQ. He was on “Jeopardy” once and answered every question correctly. That same person never made a dime in trading during 5 years! – Victor Sperandeo • The level of musicianship in New York is the highest in the world. It’s tough to get into. You start gigging making 50 dollars a night, or playing for nothing to get to something. It’s insane. It’s like being a modern dancer, or something – the hardest thing to make money from. – Jose James • The major labels, they roll with whatever is making money. I don’t know if R&B turned into making banjo music and it sounded like blue grass, they’ll buy it if it’s selling. – Warryn Campbell • The man whose only pleasure in life is making money, weighs less on the moral scale than an angleworm. – Josh Billings • The most important thing for workers to understand is that you have to make yourself indispensable. You must make money for your employer or make his life easier, preferably both. Also, you have to learn as much as you can about your chosen endeavor. – Bill O’Reilly • The music business is suffering because fewer artists are being invested in. Labels are putting in less money, taking fewer risks and signing half as many artists as they did 10 years ago. Everything is risk averse right now and there are two ways to deal with a business situation like this: either reduce your risk or increase your return. They’re reducing their risk to the bone and looking for ways with their 360 deals to increase their return. They’re still not making money. Artists are suffering. Labels, or music investors, are suffering. – Tom Silverman • The music industry has completely restructured itself in the last couple of years because it hasn’t been making money. Labels are signing bands they trust as artistic entities, instead of cash cows. They’re signing bands because they believe that the bands have tastes beyond anything they could concoct themselves. – Caroline Polachek • The old model of the industry was founded largely upon business folk trying to make money off artists. At EMP, we let the music make the money, not the other way around. We have flipped the model to make the artistry be at the forefront of everything we do. Music makes the business and that’s what makes it work. – David Ellefson • The only reason to do business is to make money; that’s the only reason for doing business. – Kevin O’Leary • The only reason to go into business is to make money. You have to work hard at it. If you’re not passionate about it, you’ll burn out so fast that it is incredible. – Dave Ramsey • The people who are making money are the ones who are writing and singing their own songs. – Jimmy Webb • The point has always been to make music, it’s not like I’ve always been running a giant money making scheme. – Girl Talk • The real key to making money in stocks is not to get scared out of them. – Peter Lynch • The reason I do Shark Tank isn’t to try take make more money of the deals, even though every deal I want to make money off of and even more so I want the entrepreneurs to be very successful and make money, but Shark Tank sends a message to everybody that the American Dream is alive and well. – Mark Cuban • The reason laziness is rarely pushed as a lifestyle option is down to one simple reason: money. There are fortunes to be made out of active lifestyles. Gyms charge fees. But no one is going to make money out of sleep. It is free. – Tom Hodgkinson • The reason or motivation you have for making money or creating success is vital. – T. Harv Eker • The Roman Catholic Church is an institution for whose gains the phrase “ill-gotten” might have been specially invented. And of all its money-making rip-offs, the selling of indulgences must surely rank among the greatest con tricks in history, the medieval equivalent of the Nigerian Internet scam but far more successful. – Richard Dawkins • The studios don’t seem to foster good writing. They’re not so interested in that, but they’re more interested in what worked most recently. They’re definitely very serious about making money, and that’s not a wrong thing, but you don’t have to make money the same way all the time. – Bill Murray • The U.S. Treasury can borrow basically unlimited amounts. They can stay there for years and years. These assets will be worth more money over time. So when Merrill Lynch sells a bunch of mortgage-related assets at 22 cents on the dollar like they did a month or so ago, the buyer goes – is going to make money, and he’s going to make a lot more money if it happens to be an institution like the U.S. government which has very, very cheap borrowing costs. – Warren Buffett • The war on drugs causes other supplemental crimes to take place because of the original illegality of it. But then again, that’s the other reason that they’re fighting it is the corporate prisons they have now. Because they’ve privatized all our prisons, corporations have to make money, and the only way they can make money is, I believe, the prisons have to be at least 80-90 percent full. That’s why the United States – which is home of the brave, land of the free – we have more people in prison than any other country in the world. – Jesse Ventura • The way the Europeans work, most girls get paid by their federation; their country pays them. Essentially the federations say go represent our country, race on whatever trade team you want, and here’s your money. So you don’t really make you’re money on trade teams. Europeans make money through their country’s federation. There’s not a lot of money for women in cycling in Europe either. – Kristin Armstrong • The way we make money as a group is that we don’t pay a lot for anything, and most of the stocks we buy have low expectations. – Joel Greenblatt • The whole year I was in LA I got into telemarketing and learned how to make money. Five years later that skill helped me make my first film. – Vin Diesel • The worst thing that ever happened to writing is that it became a business, The purpose of business is to make money, and to achieve that end it is necessary to please as many people as possible, to amuse them, to entertain them – in short, to do everything that will help increase the volume of sales. – Dagobert D. Runes • The writer must earn money in order to be able to live and to write, but he must by no means live and write for the purpose of making money. – Karl Marx • Then there was communism’s weak-tea sister, socialism. Socialists maintained that we shouldn’t take all the money away from all the people since all the people don’t have money. We should take all the money away from only the people who make money. Then, when we run out of that, we could take more money from the people who…hey, wait! Where’d you people go? What do you mean you’re “tax exiles in Monaco?” – P. J. O’Rourke • There are a lot of true culturalists who respect where they’re from, but you have some who are just all about the benjamins, like, “I wanna get my money, I wanna get mine, you get yours, more power to you,” and they don’t care. That deals with the whole thing of life, whether you’re agreeable or disagreeable, the yin and the yang, the evil versus good. That’s how it is in the music industry. There are people who care for the whole culture and what they’re doing, and have love for it, and are not into just making money. – Afrika Bambaataa • There is a terrible thing that’s been happening probably for the last 20 years or so and it’s called the music business. And music isn’t really business; it’s work and you got to pay and you’ve got to buy your guitar or go into the studio. So there is a business side but when people say, “I’m going into the music business,” it’s not. It’s about expression. It’s about creativity. You don’t join music, in my mind, to make money. You join it because it’s in you; it’s in your blood stream. – Gavin Friday • There is a time to make money and a time to not lose money. – David Tepper • There is an incredible love in creating art unless somebody is saying, ‘Hey, let’s just make money,’ because it doesn’t work when you do it that way. If you are aiming for that, forget it. – Yoko Ono • There isn’t any question that Hollywood is profit driven. Anybody that thinks it isn’t is a fool. It’s a business. Hollywood was never philanthropy. The only purpose it had was making money; the only purpose it still has is to make money. – Sydney Pollack • There were a lot of video store owners and managers out of work, once pornography became more about streaming and downloads. But the other thing is that there are a lot of people who make money by finding a place to stand and add almost nothing. It’s particularly ironic if your job title is pimp. On some level, in a healthier world where sex work could be rationalized and the risk reduced, your whole job title would be extraneous anyway. It’s not exactly a point of great grievance if you’re a pimp that suddenly your prostitutes don’t require the same level of reliance.- David Simon • There’re the causes where people are like, “What can you do for us? You guys have success and stature; you can make money for us and at the same time present yourselves to the public as altruistic and civic-minded.” So it’s an exchange. I don’t mind looking altruistic and civic-minded if we’re actually being that way. – Kim Thayil • There’s all of the DVD extra material and all these other pieces of information that don’t fit into a 90-minute experience, but it’s still content and people still want to see it. It’s being open to [the fact that] the business is changing and being open to how you can make money to afford you to stay in business to keep making new things. I think you just have to have an open mind and be really smart about stuff and not be so locked into the conventional way of how the process used to go. – Alex Stapleton • There’s more empathetic representations than we’re used to seeing. I honestly feel like in the early days of Hollywood, women did have those. Women had very traditional roles in society of wife and mother, but when they went to the movies, they got to see women be, like, really cool, amazing characters and femme fatales and all of this. And then there was just this systemic reaction where it was all about, “How do we make money?” And everybody wants to sell things to boys. And then women’s entertainment became devalued in a way that I think is disrespectful and hurtful. – Elizabeth Banks • There’s so much great TV and I always thought it would be such a fun little sideway to make money and then not have to worry about my films making a lot of money. – Lynn Shelton • There’s such an emphasis on making money that we’ve really taken the humanity out of business. – Paul Tudor Jones • There’s the complex categorization of low warmth/high competence. This is the hostile stereotype of Asian Americans by white America, of Jews in Europe, of Indo-Pakistanis in East Africa, of Lebanese in West Africa, of ethnic Chinese in Indonesia, and of the rich by the poor most everywhere. It’s the same low-high derogation: They’re cold, greedy, clannish – -but, dang, they’re sure good at making money and you should go to one who is a doctor if you’re seriously sick. – Robert M. Sapolsky • There’s very few people who want to just make beautiful films that make money when they can make films that make huge money. – Henry Selick • These were in the days before anybody thought to criticize Congressmen, let alone first ladies, for making money on speeches. So Eleanor raked in quite a bit of cash that she may have put, for all I know, to good uses, or maybe not. I just don’t know. But I don’t think she was any great literary breakthrough. – William A. Rusher • Times change; Hollywood is not the same as it was when I first entered the business. It felt to me like it was starting to narrow down and centralize itself around what would… make money. – Robert Redford • Times of economic crises can change what the competitive landscape looks like, because when, for example, you have boom times, capital is easy to come by, growth is easy, sometimes what you focus on is, you know, how to accelerate in the boom. During economic crises, the question is, the companies that come out of, you know, that are sailing through that with the best liquidity, both assets on the balance sheet, making money, ability to grow their businesses, get a disproportionate competitive advantage. – Reid Hoffman • To get rich, you have to be making money while you’re asleep. – David Bailey • To most observers, innovation is a solitary process that requires creativity and genius, perhaps even greatness. It can’t, in their view, be managed or predicted, just hoped for and, perhaps, facilitated. But for me innovation was and still is more than that. It was a battle in the marketplace between innovators or attackers trying to make money by changing the order of things, and defenders protecting their cash flow. – Richard J. Foster • Today, making money is very simple. But making sustainable money while being responsible to the society and improving the world is very difficult. – Jack Ma • Tom Jones is funny to me, man. I mean, he really tries to ape Ray Charles and Sammy Davis, you know. He’s nice-looking; he looks good doing it. I mean, if I was him, I’d do the same thing. If I was only thinking about making money. – Miles Davis • True divine guidance asks you to focus on service. False guidance is more ego-oriented, more about what’s in it for you – for example, more focused on making money for its own sake. True guidance may help you make money, but it won’t focus on that. – Doreen Virtue • Typically, we make money when we buy things. We count the profits later, but we know we have captured them when we buy the bargain. – Seth Klarman • We don’t make movies to make money, we make money to make more movies. – Walt Disney • We lost our way a long time ago with technology. Just because something is an advancement by going digital – that was a huge (expletive) mistake. It was a way for people to make money, but it sure didn’t improve sound or quality of record making. It made it faster, cheaper, but it isn’t as durable. – John Mellencamp • We need to graduate from the ridiculous notion that greed is some kind of elixir for capitalism – it’s the downfall of capitalism. Self-interest, maybe, but self-interest run amok does not serve anyone. The core value of conscious capitalism is enlightened self-interest. As Jim Cramer on CNBC says, “Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered.” – Patricia Aburdene • We need to throw the resources at this that are necessary. But like I say, we are not spending money. I mean, if we buy these assets intelligently, the United States Treasury will make money. I mean, it’s borrowing money. It’s just a few percent a year. – Warren Buffett • We pay a subsidy. Money coming over the border, they’re – there are so many ways that Mexico makes money with us, Bob. There are so many different ways, five in particular, that we will take it out of there. – Donald Trump • We reward people for making money off money, and moving money around and dividing up mortgages a thousand times over, selling it to China… and it becomes this shell game. – Michael Moore • We should note it is not illegal for the campaign to pay [Doanld] Trump owned businesses as long as they`re charging fair market rates. And while the optics are pretty stunning, we shouldn`t be surprised. Afterall, this is the guy that told Fortune magazine in 2000 it`s very possible I could be the first presidential candidate to run and make money on it. – Chris Hayes • Wealth is not in making money, but in making the man while he is making money. – Roger Wicker • Well, I thought the deal was, when you went to work for the government you weren’t supposed to make money! – Joe Biden • Well, TV does a better job. In film, the justification has been that movies focused on stories or featuring people of color don’t make money. – Joe Robert Cole • We’re not ignored by The Guinness Book Of Records, but we’ve been largely ignored by the media during our lifetime. If you read any article, no mention is ever made of Pink Floyd. We’re never included in the same sentences as The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and The Who. I wrote ‘The Wall’ as an attack on stadium rock – and there’s Pink Floyd making money out of it by playing it in stadiums! Pathetic. They spoiled my creations. – Roger Waters • What I think people should realize is that programs like Social Security, programs like Medicare, programs like the Veterans Administration, programs like your local park and your local library – those are, if you like, socialist programs; they’re run by [and] for the public, not to make money. I think in many ways we should expand that concept so that the American people can enjoy the same benefits that people all over the world are currently enjoying. – Bernie Sanders • What I want to do is make films that astonish people, that astound people, and I hope you want to do that too. It’s easy to make money. It’s easy to make films like everybody else. But to make films that explode like grenades in people’s heads and leave shrapnel for the rest of their lives is a very important thing. That’s what the great filmmakers did for me. I’ve got images from Fellini, from Bergman, from Kurowsawa, from Bunuel, all stuck in my brain. – Terry Gilliam • What I want to try to prove is that artistic games, when done properly, can still be a commercial success. By doing that, I will be able to essentially shift the industry and create more opportunity for people to create artistic games. In a way, making money is important for us right now. Not because we need it, but because the industry needs it. – Jenova Chen • What I’m angry about, and I’ve gone on record saying this, is I think that financiers get away with murder. They realize they can get something for nothing and they won’t settle for anything else. There’s something called a Schedule F. If I work for a Schedule F contract that basically means I’m doing the movie for free because by the time I pay all my commissions and taxes there’s barely anything left for me to live on. This whole notion that you do work that you love for very little money and then you go out and do something you hate to make money. – Michael Shannon • What most interests me is human connection, whether it’s on the street, in community, through music, storytelling, and shared experience. People tell me to be a rock cellist, make money, and give up on the activism so I can make more money. – Ben Sollee • What’s so great is that we’re making money for AIDS in Africa. There’s a lot of love and spontaneity, we’re doing something creative. That’s what I love about Red. It’s not just a charity, “Give us money, give us money.” It’s being innovative. Like here’s a show that you won’t see anywhere else and you can come and whatever you pay for your ticket it’s going somewhere. You can go and buy a pair of Armani shades, like Bono, but the money goes to Africa. It’s quite cool. – Gavin Friday • What’s wrong with hip-hop [is that] it became so one-dimensional; it became like a businessman thing. It’s run out of creativity. It went so far off about making money that now everyone can do it. – M.I.A. • When China sends over their people to negotiate, they pick their meanest, smartest, most vicious guy; and these guys, they don’t play games. They don’t laugh, they don’t cry, they have no emotion. They just want to make money, and they just want to rip our country to shreds. – Donald Trump • When culture is created in boardrooms with a panel of six or seven strategists for the masses to follow, to me that is no different than an aristocracy. It’s not created from the people in the middle of the streets, so to speak. It is created from a petri dish for the sake of making money, and it is undermining the longevity of the culture. – Chuck D • When currying favor with Washington is seen as a much easier way to make money, businesses inevitably begin to compete with rivals in securing government largess, rather than in winning customers. – Charles Koch • When father was younger than me he came to New York to be in musicals and was in a number of them. But he, at that time in his life, didn’t feel he could fully commit to a creative life – he had this voice in the back of his head that said, “I need to make money.” So that propelled him to open up an ice cream parlor, which then spawned into a number of different food businesses and took over his life for 20 years. – Peter Vack • When I first starting making money, when I first made my first six-digits, I was – my big thing was I went to put super unleaded in my truck for the first time. – Matthew McConaughey • When I went out to shoot for the first time, I thought this was going to be about the prison industrial complex, purely about prison for profit and the ways in which there’s an industry making money and profiting off punishment. – Ava DuVernay • When it comes to the Federal Reserve, there’s an awful lot of books out there; in my library, I bet I’ve got 200 books if I’ve got any on the Federal Reserve. And we don’t need any more books, we need action, and that’s what the Liberty Dollar did, it gave people a way to take action. Our catch phrase was you want to “make money, do good, and have fun,” and people really responded to that. – Bernard von NotHaus • When we save, everybody in the household is just suffering. By having the coin in a visible way, when you scratch, you can say the person that is in charge of the making money for the family is doing the right thing. – Dan Ariely • When you first get opportunities, suddenly you get surrounded by a lot of people who want to make money off you but also are there to help. But they start telling you so much what you need to be and what you need to do to maintain some idea of career maintenance. – Brad Pitt • When you never leave the literary biosphere, you forget how few people actually read books, and that in turn makes you start overestimating both your ability to make money and your relative renown, which has dangerous consequences: the first means you may end up in debt; the second means you may end up a horrid bore. – Hanya Yanagihara • When you tell filthy jokes as if they were all really serious, and happening all in the life of one family, it becomes a farcical situation. Imagine if you had a script that was imposed on your life – we all do in a certain way, from society, or family, the need to make money, biology, death. But you will have a certain latitude, or freedom, to read the script in your own way. – Momus • When you’re dealing with people in an industry that’s all about making money, they push you farther than you really wanna go. – Lil’ Kim • Whenever you have consolidation, you do that for more economies of scale and leverage in making deals. But when you start losing control, like with the web, you lose some of the benefits. You can’t hold films or records back anymore because the internet has made everything available as soon as it’s available. Record labels have to learn to make money, and that’s moved from a control model to a collaborative world. When I talk about hobbyists, those are consumers wanting to be creators. But maybe one or two of them could become the next superstar, but I can’t wait for that. – Tom Silverman • Why do some people act as if making money offended their delicate minds? I am out for a legitimate profit, and not ashamed of it; the fact that people will pay money for my goods and services shows that my work is useful. – Robert A. Heinlein • Windows isn’t supposed to make sense, it’s supposed to make money. – Paul Lutus • With the money I’m making, I should be playing two positions. – Pete Rose • Without market prices for capital goods, accounting is not possible. You don’t know if you are making money or losing money, saving resources or wasting them, doing the right thing or not doing the right thing. – Llewellyn Rockwell • Women spend 80 cents of every dollar in the marketplace. We could be the most powerful force for economic and environmental change in the 21st century if we focused our money where it could make the biggest difference. If a million people did that, it would have a $1 billion impact. – Diane MacEachern • Wrapping rubber bands around a watermelon is not journalism. It is entertainment. But the key to success in media has always been a broad mix of serious reporting and entertainment. The New York Times does not make its money on reports about Iraq and Syria. It makes money on its gardening section, food and, yes, stories about cats. “The Today Show” is a very successful program because it is a mix of the celebrity chef and the crazy pet who does the rolls and serious news and interviews. – Henry Blodget • Yeah, we shot ourselves in the foot right out of the gate. The guy who ran it at first misled pretty much everybody about how much capital we had. He said we had enough to go three years without making money, and we had enough to go three weeks. – Al Franken • You can get rich making fun of me. I know. I’ve made lots of money making fun of me. – Glenn Beck • You can make money without doing evil. – Sergey Brin • You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you. – Maya Angelou • You can’t make money with a consensus accurate prediction. – Bill Gurley • You can’t make money without selling something real. You can’t make something real without first imagination manifesting itself in your head. You can’t have imagination without surrendering yourself to an idea that you want to create something of value to other human beings. – James Altucher • You know that first of all your films have to make money no matter who you are. – Spike Lee • You know, Steve Jobs came to the music industry and pitched them the idea and they kept shootin’ him down and shootin’ him down, and now he makes money off the whole music industry regardless. Which is a minor part of his empire, ’cause obviously it’s gadgets that make him all of his money. But regardless, he has basically monopolized the music game. – Pitbull • You make a living from 8 to 5, but you make money from 5 to 8. – Bill Kraus • You make money when you get visitors to go through the entrance at capacity. – Michael J. Silverstein • Young black men had an opportunity to make money that they had never made before, so why not be flashy? I’m not mad at the flash. It just needed to be balanced. – Styles P • You’re always hoping you can attract a bigger audience, but at the same time, I’d hate to give up what I write. If I could write Chick Lit or something like that and make money off it, that’d be great. But I just can’t do it. – Donald Ray Pollock • You’re either making money or you’re not. If you’re not making money get out of the business. – Meredith Whitney • You’re Mexican until you make money and then you’re Spanish. – Lee Trevino
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