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breezybirdfarms · 1 year ago
Hmong Chickens Spotlight: Why you should get to know the Hmong
Hmong chickens are a unique and captivating breed that has gained popularity among poultry enthusiasts worldwide. With their distinct characteristics and rich history, these chickens are not only beautiful but also known for their exceptional egg laying abilities and weather hardiness. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of Hmong chickens, including their personality, weight, egg laying abilities, weather hardiness, history, beauty, and their potential as pets and for dual purposes.
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Personality Hmong chickens are known for their friendly and curious nature. They are sociable birds that can form strong bonds with their owners and other flock members. Their amiable personalities make them a joy to have in any backyard or farm setting. They are generally calm and docile, which makes them suitable for families with children or other pets.
Weight Hmong chickens are considered medium-sized chickens, with roosters weighing between 5 to 7 pounds (2.3 to 3.2 kg), and hens weighing around 4 to 6 pounds (1.8 to 2.7 kg). These weight ranges may vary slightly depending on the strain and individual genetics.
Egg Laying Abilities One of the standout features of Hmong chickens is their excellent egg laying abilities. Hens are known to be consistent layers, producing medium sized brown eggs. On average, a healthy Hmong hen can lay around 180 to 240 eggs per year. Their reliable egg production makes them a popular choice for backyard chicken keepers and small-scale farmers.
Weather Hardiness Hmong chickens have developed a remarkable ability to withstand various climates and weather conditions. Originating from the mountainous regions of Southeast Asia, they have adapted to survive in harsh environments. Whether it's hot summers or cold winters, these chickens are known for their resilience and ability to thrive in challenging weather conditions.
History The history of Hmong chickens is deeply rooted in the Hmong culture, an ethnic group from Southeast Asia. These chickens have been an integral part of Hmong traditions and rituals for centuries. Hmong chickens were primarily bred for their meat and eggs, and they played a significant role in providing sustenance for the Hmong people. Today, they continue to hold cultural significance and are cherished for their beauty and utility.
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Beauty Hmong chickens are renowned for their stunning appearance. They have a unique combination of striking features, including a vibrant and varied plumage, diverse feather patterns, and distinct comb styles. Their captivating beauty adds an aesthetic appeal to any flock or poultry display.
Pets and Dual Purposes Hmong chickens are not only admired for their beauty and friendly personalities but also for their dual-purpose capabilities. While they are excellent egg layers, they also have decent meat qualities. This makes them a desirable choice for those looking to raise chickens for both eggs and meat. Additionally, their gentle disposition and sociable nature make them suitable as pets, especially for families or individuals seeking companionship from their feathered friends.
Hmong chickens are a fascinating and versatile breed that offers a myriad of qualities for poultry enthusiasts. From their friendly personalities and excellent egg laying abilities to their weather hardiness and cultural significance, these chickens have much to offer. Whether you're looking to add beauty to your flock, enjoy a reliable egg supply, or simply want a delightful pet, Hmong chickens are an excellent choice. Embrace the charm and allure of these remarkable birds, and you'll discover the joy they bring to your home or farm.
Candace Breezy Bird Farms
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blackberrycreekblog · 4 years ago
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Stunning Onyx was found wandering the streets of a busy #sacramento area neighborhood and was taken in by a kind woman who thought she might be a rooster (her former name was Mr. Cluckers)! She brought her to @blackberrycreek in the summer of 2020 where she is safe and loved by her human and non-human family and will never be exploited for meat or eggs. #friendnotfood #safeandloved #gorgeousgirl #chickensofinstagram #henfriend #chickensrule #veganforher #petstagram #chickenoftheday #veganfortheanimals #bekind #beautifulchickens #onyx #stunning #sanctuary #rescuedandloved #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #chickensofig #chickenlife #chickensareawesome #chickensarefriendsnotfood #eggsarecruel #govegan (at Blackberry Creek Farm Animal Sanctuary) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKcaacpsDct/?igshid=vno67zfkamvj
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rhinestonefarmgirls · 4 years ago
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As I sneak around the coop I am able to capture the beast in its natural environment! It seems she and friends went on a walkabout! It's Scarlet! #GetUpCloseAndPersonal 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 #RhinestoneRobinsonFamily #RhinestoneRobinsonFarm #FarmLivinIsTheLifeWeLead #FarmLivinInTheCity #HomeIntoHomestead #FamilyFarm #OurPets #WeLoveThem #BackyardFlock #BeautifulChickens #💎RhinestoneFarmGirls💎 (at Great Bridge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBnZbueAh7Y/?igshid=1ql3g6n2tzyii
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moderndinosaur · 7 years ago
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Day 126: "black beauty"
Nightshade is the chicken equivalent of all of us who believe we're not photogenic. It's funny and ironic because I don't like having my picture taken, but love taking pictures of others and proving to them that they are quite photogenic after all. Nightshade is tricky to get a nice pic of. First, she's lower on the chicken totem pole of power. That means she's generally not at the head of the snack line and is perfectly happy standing behind everyone else until the crowd clears. Ahh, a hen after my own heart. I think I finally got her. A pic that really captures her spirit; engaged in snacks, watching, thinking, but quietly. There isn't an evil bone in this birds body. She might not be the beauty queen, but in all the important ways that matter that is exactly what she is. <3 #blackstar #nightshade #blackbeauty
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theganjadigest · 7 years ago
/r/trees FAQ!
Hello fellow ents, I've been on this sub for quite a while now and it's about time we have a solid FAQ addressing questions I see asked just about every day, sometimes more than once. My goal is to give in-depth, researched answers to many of these.
Of course, I am but human, so if you think Im wrong or have made a mistake, send me a pm and lets hash it out. If you all like it and it sticks around I want to continue updating it!
Cleaning a glass piece is way easier than you might think. Unless you have a very complicated piece, this method will work every time.
Soak your piece in 91% isopropyl alcohol for 10-15 minutes, up to 30 if it's really gunked up.
-For pipes the easiest way is to put it in a baggie -For bongs, rigs, large pipes, etc, find a way to either submerse the piece or fill it up all way in every spot you can.
Put some water through a coffee pot or boil it in a pan. You want it as hot as possible.
Pour the hot water through the piece and you'll see the dissolving resin melt right off the glass and get whisked away. Pour all of the water through to ensure the iso smell/taste doesnt longer, and tada.
This method also works for pieces made of most other materials.
For dab rigs that want to harvest reclaim:
Soak your piece in isopropyl alcohol for up to 2 hours, occasionally stirring it or giving it a gentle shake.
Empty the reclaim-laden iso onto a large plate and set it in a breezy area (or use a small fan) for 24 hours or until all of the alcohol has evaporated. Scrape and enjoy.
Run boiling water through the piece to finish cleaning it and remove any remaining alcohol.
An alternative method is heating up the piece just enough to turn the reclaim into liquid and let it collect in a harvestable location.
Age old question with a million different answers. After thorough research, here is what I have come up with:
Can you get high off resin? Yes, but it turns out the potency depends on many factors. Strains naturally vary in THC content for one, and not every toker tokes the same way; lighting habits, how often the bowl is cleaned, and how old the resin is has a lot to do with the potency.
On average resin has roughly half of the THC content your average bud. However, if the resin has been overheated or is old and subsequently been exposed to more bowls, it is likely to have a much lower THC content.
Why does it give me such a headrush if there is less THC?
This is likely due to asphyxiation. All that tar prevents your lungs from absorbing the oxygen they need, leading to a lightheaded feeling similar to holding your breath for a long time or standing up too quick. Smoking resin also often leads to headaches, likely for this same reason.
When you smoke resin you're literally smoking the byproducts of combustion. It is way more carcinogenic, it gunks up your lungs, and it tastes like garbage. I dont advise it.
Since there is no blanket response to this question, I'll instead cover the general information. If your question is too specific for this guide, ask away ent!
To begin, lets make some labels.
• Rarely: Once a month or less • Occasionally: Once every other week or so, about a few times a month. • Often: At least once a week • Regularly: At least once a day • Heavy: Multiple times throughout the day
How long does THC stay in the system?
In the average clean person, THC is metabolized and expelled completely within about 3 days. If you smoke occasionally, it could take up to a week, but likely not any more. Smoking often it could take 2-3 weeks and regularly up to a month. Heavy users can expect to remain dirty for up to 2 months. These are generalizations of course, but it's an accurate baseline to figure out about how long until you're clean again. Remember to expect slight variations depending on your weight, level of activity, and diet.
How to get clean faster?
There is no sure-fire way to piss clean if you have smoked within the last couple days.
But what about those detox drinks? Well, they have extremely mixed results and often end up showing an unreadable test. This is because they basically just want to flush your system, and since they're technically dietary suppliments, they aren't regulated by the FDA and can literally be bullshit in a bottle.
The only proven way to speed up the process is to accelerate your endocrine system (you need to pee it all out). This can be done by exercising to burn fat that has the metabolites stored in it, sweating copiously (saunas work well), and drinking a lot of water. Cranberry or pickle juice is also common because they make you pee more.
What about saliva tests?
Dont smoke the day of the test and use Listerine before the test and you'll pass. If you have smoked the day of the test there is no guarantee that you'll pass. There are kits on the market made to clean your mouth so that you can pass, but I have no experience with them personally.
What about hair tests?
Hair stores THC metabolites in it indefinitely, as far as I know. Because hair takes so long to grow, most testing is done on the area closer to your scalp, with the size of the testing area depending on the timeframe they want you to have been clean for. There are shampoos but they seem to have mixed results at best. If you have smoked within the last week it likely wont show up yet, though.
What is a T-Break?
A tolerance break is when a regular smoker stops smoking for a while to allow their accumulated tolerance to drop.
Should I take a T-Break?
If you're starting to feel like you're getting less of a high or if it is taking more and more to get you to the level you want to be, a tolerance break may be in order.
Your body's immune system reacts when you smoke weed. It releases special cells to attack the intruding molecules and metabolize them, and just like when exposed to other foreign bodies, it learns how to fight it. The result is a shorter, less intense high. When you take a tolerance break you're letting your immune system "forget" about it for a little while so when you come back it cant respond as efficiently as it used to.
How long should a tolerance break last?
Well, that's up to you. If you take a break for a week, you'll get higher again for a little while, but it's pretty temporary. 2-3 weeks is generally considered a good amount of time away for the average smoker. The longer you wait, the more of a resistance your immune system will have to rebuild, and the longer your t-break will be effective.
Dont worry, this is super common! And most of the time it's just because you're a newbie at smoking.
Many first timers dont know how to properly hit a bowl, or they dont hit it hard enough so they dont ingest enough to actually get high. The second time is almost always successful.
Another possibility is that since the cannabinoid receptors in your brain have never experienced a cannabinoid other than the ones they create, they may simply block them. I find this unlikely though because I have personally experienced many people getting too stoned their first time.
NOOOO. Trust me, it isnt worth it. Smoking (and using straws) creates a suction that can, and will, rip your bloodclots out. This means that the hole where your tooth was is just that: a hole with a bunch of exposed bone. And it is painful.
I suggest using it as an opportunity to take a tolerance break, but if you insist on getting high while recovering, edibles are your only safe option. You see around about how you can bite on gauze, or use a gravity bong, etc., but none of those methods are foolproof. If you arent careful or if you even cough too hard, you can very easily ruin your next 3 weeks.
I've been through a double dry socket because I smoked when I shouldnt have, and it was one of the most painful experiences of my life. You have been warned.
Submitted August 02, 2017 at 01:59PM by BeautifulChickens via reddit http://ift.tt/2uWXCAK
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divinedizaster1984 · 8 years ago
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#jamestownsettlement #virginia #1607 #beautifulchicken #feathers #chicken
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