#beautiful egg
vannpz · 3 months
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𝙱𝚞𝚝 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚐𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚜, 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐!
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beybuniki · 9 months
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alternative universe where there are TWO epic fail sons in the todoroki familiy
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eggsploded · 8 months
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i never posted this lol
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seraphemmes · 10 months
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woah they weren’t lying that picnic is on the otherside
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wilderflcwers · 6 months
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4 minutes later:
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technovillain · 6 days
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apologies & realizations (?)
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animeglitch · 1 month
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biologist4ever · 6 months
Level of commitment and dedication of two eagles for each other and their offspring
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grubbin22 · 1 month
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elesa in outfits i saw in nyc
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ovulation being a hell of a drug that ends up getting steddie together like
eddie and queen bee stevie harrington who have a weird kind of friendship where they share like. Everything. not a single secret between them. like eddie's got stevie's cycle pretty much memorised and she knows about every inappropriately timed boner he's ever had. and they're talking one day, smoking, shooting the shit, and there's a second of silence before stevie's like. oh my god. im so horny im gonna die. and eddie's like huh what. and stevie goes like there's a stain on your wall that's kind of shaped like a sperm and that made me think about cum and now im all bricked up. my vaginas haunted. fucking sperm shaped stain.
and eddie's like. wait girls- ok you know what im saying this in my head and im realising this sounds dumb but like. i thought girls didn't like. Get Like That. like i thought random horniness at a stiff breeze was a guy thing
and stevie snorts like nope girls get it too we just get to hide it bc we don't get boners. swear to god there's like a week of every month where i get fucking possessed or some shit. robin says it's like a period thing
but you're not on your period?
and stevie's like no it's like. the opposite of a period. like your period is your uterus being like hey you fucked up you're not pregnant but Horny Week is your uterus being like okay im ready let's get a baby in there time to get pregnant you know what to do. it's called like. oval. something. oval something. im all fertile and my body's trying to trick me, the fuckn prick.
and eddie just kinda goes huh and then there's another second of silence where he tries very hard not to think about stevie being pregnant. and then stevie throws her arms up with a frustrated sigh like god DAMN it now im thinking about being pregnant and eddie's internally like well at least it's not just me
and anyway another joint later this obviously devolves into stevie shoving eddie's hand down her pants and telling him please it'll be so quick he doesn't even have to do anything and she just ruts against his hand while he stares at her bc he's so high and the girl he's basically in love with just told him how fertile she was and then started rubbing her incredibly wet pussy against his hand and he feels like he might pass out
they do this and more about once a month for like a year until stevie does actually get pregnant. her stupid uterus successfully tricked her 😔✊
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vestaignis · 3 months
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Медуза Яичница (Котилориза) Cotylorhiza tuberculata.
У медузы котилоризы есть веселое название «жареное яйцо» или «медуза яичница». Эта медуза в первую очередь примечательна своей внешностью — ее купол имеет выпуклость, чем-то напоминающую желток яичницы. Она может достигать приличных размеров, до 35-40 см в диаметре,а периметр их диска разделен на 16 равных долей, которые в свою очередь разделены еще на более чем сотню более мелких долей. В условиях домашнего содержания эта медуза вырастает до 5-8 см в диаметре купола.
«Медуза яичница» является одним из самых распространенных видов средиземноморских медуз. Ее также можно встретить в Адриатическом и Эгейском морях, а так же в Атлантическом и Тихом океане, на небольших глубинах теплой океанской воды до 165 футов (50,2 м).
 Медузы Котилоризы могут передвигаться автономно, используя силу подводных течений. У Котилоризы есть стрекательные клетки, в которых содержится токсическое вещество, а также очень небольшое жало, к счастью, для людей такие медузы безопасны. Надумаете погладить медузу-яичницу, гладьте сверху — где нет стрекательных клеток. Обратите внимание, у ряда дайверов после контакта с этим животным наблюдают сенсибилизацию — приобретение организмом повышенной чувствительности к чужеродным веществам. Например, аллергия на морепродукты. Иногда мелкие рыбки находят защиту от хищников в щупальцах этой медузы.
Jellyfish cotylorhiza has the fun name of "fried egg" or "fried egg jellyfish." This jellyfish is primarily notable for its appearance - its dome has a bulge that is somewhat reminiscent of the yolk of a fried egg.It can reach decent sizes, up to 35-40 cm in diameter, and the perimeter of their disk is divided into 16 equal lobes, which in turn are divided into more than a hundred smaller lobes. When kept at home, this jellyfish grows to 5-8 cm in dome diameter.
The "fried egg jellyfish" is one of the most common types of Mediterranean jellyfish. It can also be found in the Adriatic and Aegean seas, as well as in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, in shallow depths of warm ocean water up to 165 feet (50.2 m).
Cotylorhiza jellyfish can move autonomously using the power of underwater currents. Cotylorhiza has stinging cells that contain a toxic substance, as well as a very small sting; fortunately, such jellyfish are safe for humans. If you decide to stroke a fried egg jellyfish, stroke it from above - where there are no stinging cells. Please note that a number of divers, after contact with this animal, experience sensitization - the body acquires increased sensitivity to foreign substances. For example, an allergy to seafood. Sometimes small fish find protection from predators in the tentacles of this jellyfish.
Источник://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_w8Ffw3aXM&ab _channel =Psyche%26Wilczykurcgalopkiemprzez%C5%9Bwiat,/pikabu.ru/story/kotiloriza_cotylorhiza_tuberculata_v_mire_morskikh_chudes_11036095,/gagaru.club/29547-kotiloriza-meduza.html,
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pallanophblargh · 1 year
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I was recently extremely blessed in being able to finally see one of my “bucket list bugs” as I’ve started calling them. (Not a real list, as I’m never one to be organized…)
But a friend alerted me to the presence of this big beauty and J gave me a leg up to take a closer photo with my measly phone camera and subpar photography skills. I found some eggs she had laid on the wall and I scooped them up in hopes I can look after them. She hung around with her admirers for a good half hour before deciding she’d lingered long enough and flew off into the literal sunset.
Cecropia moth, Hyalophora cecropia, largest moth species in North America. Bug haters, don’t interact!
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eggsploded · 9 months
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sakamoto days moment
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y2kgyarubarbie · 4 months
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🌺 雑誌egg オールスターズ 2000年 6月号 vol.10 🌺 Egg All Stars June 2000 vol.10
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gentle giants and their lil squires
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Acrylic ink and colored pencil on paper. 2024
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