allthe-queens-men · 1 year
Are you still up for the Queen asks thing? If not,sorry.But if so:
13,17,5, and 1
Thanks 😊
1. Who’s your favourite?
It's worth saying I don't have a say in who my fave is, my brain will just latch on and refuse to let go, but also worth saying I'm way less bitter about it than I used to be.
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5. Roger or Freddie?
They're a bonded pair, do not separate.
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13. Beardy Bri?
I'm trying not to comment critically on their appearances but I will say I much prefer Beardy Bri to Mustache Bri. And I think Beardy Bri can be very handsome :)
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17. Is there a Queen song you just really don’t like?
Oh there are a few lmao. My go-to is always "Don't Try Suicide" but another one I've been just really hating lately has been "My Baby Does Me."
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aroacebaker · 9 months
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1. Who's your favourite?
2. Who would you have sex with?
3. What would you do on a weekend alone with all of them?
4. Brian or John?
5. Roger or Freddie?
6. Is John underrated?
7. Deaky or Deacy?
8. Is Freddie's overbite cute?
9. Would you rather babysit for Brian or pet-sit for Freddie's cats?
10. Who would you tell your problems to?
11. 70s or 80s Roger?
12. Freddie with or without the moustache?
13. Beardy Bri?
14. Favourite album?
15. Is Hot Space a good album?
16. Whose voice is your favourite?
17. Is there a Queen song you just really don't like?
18. Do you think Freddie is the only gay one?
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theprophetsaid · 1 year
How about 9, 10, and 13?
9. Would you rather babysit for Brian or pet-sit for Freddie’s cats?
Already answered.
10. Who would you tell your problems to?
Already answered.
13. Beardy Bri?
I know this may be controversial, but I personally don't see the appeal. I think it takes away from his beautiful bone structure and I don't like the connotations of depression behind it, either.
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found in IG (kellyharoldbrianmay)
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shels-kpop-main · 6 years
Under the Table, Part Two
Jealous, bearded Brian May x Reader
Word Count: 2642
Warnings: Smut lmao, 18+ only pls
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“You two get home safe, okay?” Your mom leaned in for a hug as your dad shook Brian’s hand. The same hand that had just fingered the hell out of you under their dining table. You looked at Brian over your mother’s shoulder, in awe at his shamelessness. He was smiling pleasantly, paying no mind to you. “Good to see you again, Keith. You two take care.” “Of course. Same goes for both of you, Brian.” “Okay, Mom, you can let go now,” you chuckled, in your mom’s tight embrace. But she hugged you tighter. “Well, I don’t know when I’ll be able to see you again! You’re so busy with work and all,” Mom fussed. Brian gave you a genuinely sweet smile as he brought you your coat. When your mom finally released you, she turned and latched onto your boyfriend instead. Which was funny, considering Brian was about a foot taller than her. “Brian, honey, I’m going to miss you, too! You take care of Y/N!” “Don’t worry, miss, I certainly will,” Brian reassured her, returning the hug. But he looked at you when he said it, and something dangerous moved beneath his expression. He’d take care of you, all right.
“I could go for a drink,” Brian said with a long exhale. You looked over at him, frowning from the passenger seat. “Really? You don’t want to…” You trailed off, disappointed that Brian wasn’t taking you straight home. “Oh, I want to,” Brian chuckled, “but I’d like to take the edge off, first. If you don’t mind, love.” “I…okay,” you relented, swallowing your annoyance. “There’s a decent pub just five minutes from here.” “Lovely,” Brian replied dryly, and put the car in drive.
Mulligan’s was in full swing by the time you and Brian pulled up a few minutes later. You got out of the car, growing more irritable by the minute. Why couldn’t Brian just take you home and fuck you already?
But Brian was easy, putting an arm around you and smiling pleasantly at the bouncer. The two of you found a small table off to the side of the pool tables, adjacent to the bar. “Have a seat, love. I’ll get us some drinks, yeah?” “Sounds good.” You threw your coat over the back of the chair and sat down with a sigh. You watched as Brian’s head bobbed through the crowd towards the bar. The music was playing at a decent volume, but not loud enough to drown out the thoughts in your head. You squirmed in your seat, thinking of Brian’s hand under your skirt. “Fancy running into you here.” The voice made you uncomfortable before you even consciously registered who it belonged to. But you’d know Dan’s familiar drawl anywhere. The sound of it made your stomach churn. Running into him alone would be one thing. But with Brian here? After what had just happened at your parents’ house? Fuck. “How can I help you, Dan?” You sighed, turning your face to him slightly. There was a drink in his hand, which you guessed wasn’t going to make him any less obnoxious (or any more modest). You guessed correctly. “Get rid of your boyfriend,” was his not-so-subtle answer. You rolled your eyes, huffing out another sigh. “I won’t be doing that. Sorry.” Your voice was hard, but that did little to deter him. “Come on, baby. He’s so stuffy. Why don’t you come have some fun?” Dan had a hand on the back of your chair, cornering you against the wall. You sucked in a breath, looking behind him nervously. How long does it take to make two whiskeys, neat? “Brian is anything but stuffy,” you snapped, balling up a fist beneath the table. “Whatever you say, sweetheart,” Dan replied, and downed the rest of his drink. “Fuck off, Dan. For the love of God.” “You know, I meant what I said about your face belonging on the cover of magazines. God, why did I ever let you leave?” Dan reached up to touch your face, but you smacked his hand, hard. He held his hands up in defense, conceding defeat. For now. “Alright, alright. But if you change your mind, bring that pretty little face over to me.” Dan smirked, turning on his heels. You watched in disgust as he walked off to join a group of equally douchey-looking guys at a table across the bar. You didn’t realize how quickly your heart was pounding until Brian slid into the seat across from you. He set down the two whiskeys and gave you an easy smile—one that faded quickly. “What’s wrong, love? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” You toyed with the idea of not telling him. It would only escalate the situation. But you remembered your one and only policy with Brian: honesty. You took a deep breath and jerked your chin in Dan’s direction. “Guess who’s here?” The look of confusion on Brian’s face was quickly replaced with one of recognition as his gaze landed on his blond predecessor. Then, the dark and dangerous glint returned to Brian’s eyes. It thrilled you a little, but it was mostly just terrifying. “Did he say something to you?” Brian’s voice was flat, and sounded more like a statement than a question. “It’s nothing, Brian. He’s drunk and being a dick. Nothing I haven’t seen him do before,” you responded, rolling your eyes in disdain. But Brian wasn’t soothed in the slightest. “If he comes back over here—” “We’ll just leave. Brian? Brian, hey,” you urged, snapping your fingers in front of Brian’s face to get his attention. He looked at you and his glare softened a bit. “I don’t want a scene here. Everyone in this town knows each other, and it’ll get back to my parents.” Brian sighed, but nodded, and that was all you needed to feel a tiny bit better. You might have been able to salvage the evening. But Dan, of course, had other plans. … You and Brian sat talking, sipping your drinks. Even slipping each other a few dirty looks since it was clear neither of you had forgotten what happened earlier in the day. You were about to suggest that you and Brian go home to be alone when Dan interrupted you. You couldn’t see him walking up behind you, but you didn’t have to. The mood change on Brian’s face was enough to tell you he was approaching. Your stomach did a somersault as you turned to face Dan. Once again, he leaned heavily on your chair, cornering you. It made you angry and nervous at the same time. Brian saw this and moved his foot under the table, hooking an ankle around your calf. It was a small gesture, but it reassured you. “Still with the poodle-boy, huh?” Dan was slurring a little. He’d clearly downed more beer since you last saw him. “Can you not do this, Dan? We’re grown adults,” you chastised him, leaning as far away from him as you could. “Yeah, grown adults who should go upstairs and remember why we were together in the first place,” he argued. You scoffed, unable to come up with the right words to properly rebuff him. Brian looked about ready to beat the other man to a pulp. “Remember the good old days? After school, before your parents got home from work?” “Dan, I swear to God—” you began, but Dan reached out a pushed a finger against your lips, shushing you. Before you could react, or even process the audacity of his action, Brian was standing. He shoved Dan’s hand away from your face, teeth bared. “Do not touch her,” Brian growled. Dan looked a little intimidated, and rightfully so. Brian towered over him, angry and threatening. He stepped away from you, leaving you space to get up, which you did quickly. “Do you understand me?” Brian’s voice was low, almost guttural. He wasn’t making a scene, as per your request, but it was scary enough to make Dan take several more steps back. You put your hand on the crook of Brian’s elbow, pulling him back toward you. “Bri, let’s get out of here.” “Yes,” Brian agreed, still glaring at Dan, who was thirty feet away by then. “Out of here.” And Brian was pulling you by the hand through the packed bar. After a couple seconds of ducking through the crowd, you noticed you were headed in the wrong direction. “Brian, the exit’s that way,” you panted, struggling to keep up with Brian’s long strides. “I know that,” was Brian’s response through gritted teeth. But he didn’t change direction, and you only came to a stop once he had pulled you into the men’s bathroom. You heard the lock click behind you, and you whirled around to face Brian. “What the hell are you—” Brian cut you off, kissing you hard on the mouth, stubble scraping your chin. Your body instantly remembered his touch, and everything that happened under the dining table. You moaned softly into his mouth as his arms wrapped around your waist. But, as he gripped the back of your skirt, you remembered where you were. “Brian,” you mumbled against his mouth. “We can’t do this here.” “If you don’t want to…” Brian trailed off, pressing kisses down your neck, to your collarbone. You ran your hands through his hair, fiddling with the curls at the nape of his neck. You couldn’t bring yourself to push him away. So, you pulled him back to you, parting his lips with no hesitation. Brian lifted you off your feet a little, just enough to quickly scoot you backwards into the counter. Your feet hit the ground, but only for a second. Brian readjusted his grip on you, and lifted you up onto the fake marble. It was cold on the back of your legs, and you shivered a little. Brian wasn’t shy about running his hands up the tops of your thighs, well past the hem of your skirt. The movement drove you crazy, and you gripped his shoulders tightly. He took the flexing of your hands for what it was—an encouragement, and rubbed at the front of your underwear. “Brian,” you breathed. “Yes?” But you couldn’t find the words to respond, as his fingers slipped beneath the fabric to find your entrance once again. You were already keening for him, with one hand on his wrist. “You belong to me,” Brian told you, pushing a finger into you. Your breath hitched in your throat as the cold metal of his ring moved in and out of you on his finger. “Say it,” he commanded you softly. “Tell them who’s doing this to you.” “You, Brian,” you gasped, hooking your legs around his waist. “Tell me, love. Loud and clear.” “I belong—oh, god—I belong to you, Bri,” you panted, unable to think straight as you neared the event horizon. Brian added another finger, rubbing his palm up and down against your clit. “Just my name, love. Say my name.” You moaned his name, once for every thrust of his fingers into you, until you were nearly in tears from sheer pleasure. After you had bucked your hips into his hand, clawing at his arms, Brian pulled his hand from under your skirt. It was wet, and he took his time in licking each finger. You just stared at him, panting and wanting more. “What do you want now?” Brian asked you, even as someone knocked on the bathroom door. You couldn’t have cared less. You widened your legs for Brian and pulled up your skirt so he could pull your underwear off. You grappled with his belt and zipper to shove his jeans down. Slipped a hand between your legs to guide him to your entrance, aching for him. When Brian finally buried himself inside you, your hips jerked instinctively at the feeling. It was a feeling you had been craving all day, ever since Brian put his hand between your legs under the table. Once you had taken Brian to the hilt, you squeezed lightly around him. This made him shudder, and he bit your shoulder in a wonderful retribution. “He will never touch you again,” Brian groaned into your skin as he slowly backed out of you. Then— “Because he could never touch you like I do.” And Brian thrust into you, hard, making your legs go weak. Your eyes rolled back as he fucked you there, on the bathroom counter, as someone grew increasingly impatient outside. The knocks on the door were becoming more frequent. After a few minutes of mind-blowing sex, a voice interrupted you and Brian. “Oi! Hurry up, mate!” You froze, looking like a deer in the headlights. Brian recognized the voice, too. “Is that--?” He whispered. You nodded, stifling a laugh. “Other people have to piss, too, you know!” Dan shouted again from the other side of the door. “Oh, that’s definitely Dan,” you giggled into Brian’s shoulder. But Brian wasn’t having any laughs. He turned his face to glance at the door, then back at you. And started moving into you again. You could only hold his gaze as Brian continued to thrust, bracing himself with one hand on your ass and the other on the counter. “What are you doing?” You asked, breathless. But you pulled at Brian, with no intention of stopping. “Fucking my girlfriend,” Brian answered calmly, “while her ex-boyfriend waits outside.” That was enough to drive you crazy. You dug your nails into Brian’s back as he brought you to the completion you so desperately needed. Your ankles crossed behind his back, locking you onto him even as his thrusts became sloppier. You came, for the second time that night, crying out Brian’s name into the empty bathroom. There was no doubt in your mind that anyone standing outside would be able to hear your moans echoing off the tiles. Brian came inside you, pressing his face to the side of your neck. His beard was scratchy against your skin, but you didn’t care. You just held him until your breathing returned to normal. Brian reached over and picked up your underwear off the counter. You reached out for them, but he stuffed them into his pocket instead. You shook your head as he grinned mischievously. Once you both looked presentable once again, Brian opened the bathroom door to find a horrified Dan outside. “Sorry, mate, did you need in here?” Brian didn’t wait around for a response as you put your arm around his waist and grinned at Dan. He just threw an arm over your shoulders and smirked as the two of you left the bar, sweaty and beyond satisfied.
Taglist: @adonais @thelondondreamer5 @bubblypenguin123 @strangeandwonderfulconcepts @queens-n-roses @sweet-ladyy @kenzie-belle @attatchment-issues @bowiequeen @alexfayer 
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ylly22 · 4 years
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credit: @ramified
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Anyone else??
(Taken from my own twitter)
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daddydeakydeacon · 5 years
my heart hurts for beardy bri
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allthe-queens-men · 6 months
11 and 13?
11. 70s or 80s Roger?
80s Roger reacting to 70s Roger.
13. Beardy Bri?
Cursed but not as deeply cursed as Mustache Bri.
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hey so why the fuck does brian may with a beard look like jesus
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thebomb-diggity · 6 years
beardy bri?
answer to beardy bri is always yes
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shels-kpop-main · 6 years
Under the Table (Brian May smut)
Request from @sweet-ladyy: Okay fic reQUEST: something smutty with possessive!Brian fingering reader under the table in public ughhhhh
Word Count: 1686
Warnings: Smut (fingering mostly). 18+
Summary: You and a bearded Brian visit your parents for a family dinner. But your mom thinks it’s a great idea to invite your ex-boyfriend along. Brian gets jealous, and fingering happens.
“You did what?” You leaned into the phone, frowning in apprehension. Brian looked up at you in concern. “Well, I ran into him at the grocery store, and he was just so sweet! So I invited him to dinner!” You groaned in exasperation and looked Brian in the eye. He could tell you were annoyed, but not in any real distress, so he waited for you to finish talking to your mom. “Mom, I’m bringing Brian, you know that. It’s going to be incredibly awkward for him. And me,” you added. Your mother couldn’t be convinced to cancel her invitation, however, and you hung up the phone a moment later. Brian didn’t have to ask the question. The look in his eyes spoke enough for him. “She invited Dan,” you sighed, rubbing your eyes. Brian set his tea on the counter. “Dan, as in the Dan?” His voice was gentle but his expression was on edge. “Yes, the Dan. Ugh.” You pinched the bridge of your nose, crossing the kitchen to join him. Brian welcomed you into his arms as you sat in his lap. “That’s not going to be fun,” he mumbled, leaning back to look at up at you. You brushed hair out of his eyes, setting your other arm around his shoulders. They were tense beneath your touch. “No, it won’t. God, I’m so sorry.” You pressed your forehead to his and winced. Your fingertips brushed across his chin, over the short hairs that grew there. Your mom had invited your ex-boyfriend to the family dinner. And it was not going to be pleasant.
Later that night, you were sitting across from Dan. Everything was quiet as you and your family ate. Brian was sitting next to you, with a neutral expression. You ate your food in silence, actively avoiding Dan’s gaze. He wasn’t shy about staring at you. In fact, he did it quite openly. This wasn’t lost on Brian, but he fought to maintain a pleasant look. “So, Dan, what brings you back to town?” Your father asked, genuinely curious. Your mother looked relieved that someone was attempting friendly conversation. “Oh, just visiting my parents for the holiday,” Dan replied easily, running a hand through his blond hair. You looked at him, taking in the sight of him again. He really was the antithesis of Brian—just barely taller than you, blond hair, dark eyes. When you were dating, you had thought he was pretty fit. But after being with Brian, you looked at him now with a note of disgust. You looked back on how you thought he had ‘pleased’ you. And it paled in comparison to what Brian did to you. And Brian knew that. Right? “Yes, I ran into Dan at the grocery store,” your mom added enthusiastically. She had no idea what kind of storm was brewing in her dining room. Dan smiled at you, a little too friendly. The faintest flicker of a glare moved across Brian’s face. But you kept your gaze fixed on your roast pork. “Yeah, I’m glad I did, too,” Dan responded. “It’s so good to see you again, Y/N,” he added, leaning forward. Your eyebrows raised in surprise, and you swallowed hard. Brian wasn’t gonna like that. And neither did you, for that matter. You gave him a cold smile, and didn’t answer. “So what have you been up to? Still doing photography?” Dan asked you, leaning forward. Brian’s face was tense, but you patted his knee under the table. It was a small gesture, but one that reassured him. He relaxed slightly, leaning back into his chair. “Um, yeah. I do photography professionally now. But I also do some writing on the side.” “I always thought you should’ve pursued a career in modeling,” Dan suggested. You heard your father’s spoon hit his plate with a clink. Dan’s statement was too bold, and everyone at the table knew it. You could tell Brian was bristling without even having to look at him. “Well, I much prefer to be behind the camera,” you insisted politely. Dan shook his head, grinning. “That’s a shame. Your face deserves to be on the cover of magazines.” Your jaw dropped. Brian inhaled sharply, a muscle twitching in his jaw. You could tell your mother was regretting her decision to invite Dan, and it showed on her face. She struggled to continue the conversation. “So, Dan, how are your parents?” As Dan answered her, you glanced over at Brian. He was staring straight ahead—and he was pissed. His hands were wrapped tightly around his fork and knife, knuckles straining white from tension. You watched those hands as he released his knife, and pulled his hand beneath the table. You had begun to focus your attention on the conversation at hand, listening to the careful and polite words exchanged between your ex and your parents. You had almost managed to forget what had just happened, quietly munching on the home-cooked meal, when Brian quite literally took you by the front of your skirt. You almost choked on your food as Brian’s fingers bunched your skirt up at the apex of your thighs. You looked over at him, almost glaring, but his face was completely placid. The calmness of his expression was betrayed by what his hands were doing under the tablecloth. You cut your pork roast into pieces, trying not to go red in the face. Brian’s had gotten his hand under your skirt in no time, and started to rub at your underwear. You were always wet for him, and today was no different. His fingers moved deftly, pushing aside the thin layer of fabric to get to you. “So, honey, are you still thinking about moving into a bigger apartment?” Your mom looked at you cheerily over her mashed potatoes. You nodded, struggling to maintain a straight face. “Yes, I’ve actually found a nice flat a little closer to work,” you answered. Brian’s fingers were rubbing at you slowly, but with a firm pressure that almost made you buck your hips. Your eyelids flickered as your mom responded, unaware of what was happening under the table. “Oh, how wonderful!” Your parents then struck a conversation with Dan, who was more than happy to oblige. You turned your face ever so slightly to glare at Brian, but he was persistent in his work, massaging your clit in circles. You felt yourself growing even wetter at his touch, staring unintentionally at the stubble on his face. Imagining what that stubble would feel like between your legs. Brian continued eating with his left hand, as his right hand did things to you that made your head spin. You picked up your fork with one hand and kept eating. You had to maintain the façade of innocence. Brian expected you to pull away from his touch. But, to his surprise and satisfaction, you just sat there and took it. And, just as you reached up to keep eating, he felt your free hand rest on top of his between your legs. And you guided his hand in its motions, fingers on top of his. Brian looked at you for the first time after beginning his handsy endeavor, shocked by your returned boldness. But you had decided two could play the game he had started. So you kept eating with a straight face, rubbing yourself with his hand. His fingers curled into you, dragging along the folds of your sensitive skin with deliberation and care. “Y/N, I was actually telling your mom earlier how much fun we had in high school,” Dan spoke across the table. His tone was sickly sweet, and it was enough to send Brian over the edge. He slid a finger into you, pressing his palm to the front of you as he did so. You bit the end of your fork to keep from moaning, but you could feel a blush creeping up your cheeks. You pressed yourself into his hand, rolling your hips forward. “Really? I much preferred college,” you retorted. Brian smirked, and quickened his pace a little. College was where you had met him, right after you broke things off with Dan. There was a smug glint in Brian’s eyes as you started to tighten around his finger. He slid in another digit, the one with his ring on it. The cold metal pressed to the inside of you was almost enough to ruin you right there at the table. But you focused on breathing and finishing your meal. You were close to orgasm by the time you cleared your plate. The white hot pressure had built to a breaking point between your hips, and your hands twitched as you patted the corners of your mouth with a napkin. Brian pulled his hand from you as you stood up and your skirt fell back to your knees. You politely showed Dan to the door as your parents cleared off the table. Brian offered to do the dishes, but your mom shooed him away from the sink. So he returned to you just as you pushed the door shut behind Dan. You raised your eyebrows at him, questioning him wordlessly. What was that? He looked at you hungrily, and you could tell he was ready to finish what he started. His mouth was on yours in a split second, capturing you for himself. You responded in kind, grabbing the front of his shirt and pulling him closer to you. Brian was absolutely ravenous, but you were so worked up from his fingers that you didn’t mind. Dan must really have rubbed him the wrong way; Brian wasn’t the jealous type. But as his stubble scratched your chin, you found yourself wanting possess him, and be possessed by him. His tongue worked against yours, making your head spin. You only pulled away from him when your mom called you into the kitchen for dessert. Brian followed you in, swearing to himself that he’d have your clothes on the floor the moment he got you alone again. And he most certainly did.
(to be continued)
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ylly22 · 5 years
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
You’re The Boss At Home
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Summary: Brian’s frustrated and Y/N decides to let him take it out on her ;)
Word Count: 3.2k
Tag List: @psychosupernatural​ @someone-get-a-medic​ @bensrhapsody​ @deakyclicks​ @crazylittlethingcalledobsession​ @minigranger​ @crazyweirdocalledfriday​ @anincurablefangirl​ @assembledherethevolunteers​ @rose-writes-prose​
A/N: Taking a short break from Soft in Love for some good ol’ beardy Bri smut. For Liza. I love you so much, bby, I hope this cheers you up <3
Warning(s): Smut! This is pure smut, y’all. All the usual stuff. Oral (both M and F receiving), dom!Brian, beard kink (is that a thing?)etc...
Brian was late. Again.
You reminded yourself that his job was important to him, and his talent was one of the things you found most attractive about him. But nights like this, when you were alone and wide awake and needy...it became difficult to be understanding about his long hours in the studio.
With an annoyed sigh you reached for your book - The Hobbit - which you were reading for probably the one hundredth time. Something about the tale of Bilbo and Thorin and the rest just captivated you. From the time you were a child, you adored that story. It was a comforting thing when you were feeling upset.
Your annoyance on this particular night was not unfounded. It had been four whole days since you had even seen your boyfriend. Between studio time, your own job, and sleep, you kept missing each other. You felt him crawl into bed in the wee hours of the morning, but you didn’t even get to speak. Your eyes would flutter open to say hello, but he’d be out, completely wiped from his long day. 
And you wanted him. Wanted him, wanted him.
Your thoughts of Brian were driving you wild. Unable to focus on your book, you set it back on the coffee table, rubbing your thighs together for some much needed friction. You glanced at the clock. It was half past midnight. Brian usually got home around one in the morning. You wondered if you had time to get yourself off before he did.
You also toyed with the idea of teasing yourself so he might walk in while you were laid out and messy. Would it arouse him? Or would he only find it a nuisance? That would depend entirely on his mood when he came through the door.
You didn’t have much time to contemplate. Just as you were reaching to unbutton your pants to just take care of yourself and go to bed, the front door opened harshly. You heard Brian cursing as he crossed the threshold, shaking his head so his curls moved gently around him. Then he slammed the door closed and stormed into the living room.
Your jaw nearly dropped when you took him in. Because you hadn't seen him, you didn’t realize that he had not shaved in days. The stubble on his face framed it so perfectly. It made him look so manly and strong. You felt your panties get damp just looking at him. Especially since he was clearly frustrated and angry, like he was ready to throw something.
Throw me, you thought to yourself.
Brian was rarely - if ever - very rough with you, and you loved that about him. But seeing him now, you wanted him to manhandle you so badly you almost whined.
“Hey,” you managed to say as he shrugged his jacket off and tossed it away. “You alright?”
“No!” he snapped.
Why was that tone turning you on?
“What happened?” you asked gently.
He began pacing back and forth, irritation coming off of him in waves.
“Fucking Roger thinks his fucking music is the best fucking thing in the universe!” he began. “And because Freddie agreed with him on one thing - one! - he thought he was suddenly the boss or something!”
Your eyes followed him like a jungle cat ready to pounce. You sat up on your knees and watched his body as he spoke. His arms moving created a delicious ripple over his back. His hands running through his hair made you think of his fingers in your mouth. That beard...fuck that beard looked so good and you ached to feel it scratch up your thighs.
“I’m sorry it was such a hard day,” you said. 
You got up from the couch and approached him, wondering if he could see how hungry you were for him. He couldn’t, unfortunately, since he was still too caught up in his anger at Roger.
An idea came to you
You slid your arms around Brian’s waist and pulled him close to you, pushing your breasts into his chest. He settled against you, wrapping you up in his arms, and sighing. You felt him smell your hair.
“Brian,” you said softly.
“Hm?” he returned.
“You wanna be the boss?” you asked huskily.
He pulled half away and looked down at you, brow furrowing. You held his gaze, but your eyes flickered down to his lips, surrounded by that fucking beard…
“Do you want to be the boss?” you repeated, running a finger down his chest.
“I’m not following,” he said.
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
“You said Roger was acting like the boss of everything at the studio,” you reminded him. “So, I’m offering you your chance. You can be the boss at home, baby. I’ll do whatever to tell me to.”
You slid your hand further down and cupped him through his trousers. He gasped softly and you held him closer. You moved your hand back and forth, feeling him harden. You pressed your lips to his chest.
“Take your day out on your girl, Bri,” you whispered. “Fuck m-”
He cut you off with a deep, searing kiss. The stubble felt incredible against your lips, making you moan into his mouth. He smacked your hand away from his crotch as he kissed you, so you wrapped your arms around his neck, standing on your tiptoes to do so. He lifted you off the ground an inch or so before setting you down.
He pulled his lips away and you whined in protest, but he gave you a hard look.
“Get upstairs,” he said firmly. “Bedroom.”
You nodded, biting your lip with excitement. You looked him over once more before turning and running up the stairs. You heard him following close behind. You swallowed a giggle, desperate to maintain the mood. Just the idea of Brian becoming dominant had your mind reeling.
When you reached the bedroom, Brian closed the door. You turned and faced him, chest heaving, ready for your next instructions. His eyes roved over your body. They gleamed with desire.
“Take off your clothes,” he ordered.
You sprang into action. Forgoing the buttons of your sweater, you tugged it over your head instead. The tank top underneath came with it. With rushed hands, you unclasped your bra and threw it away.
“You’re very eager,” he remarked with a smirk.
You whined.
“I want to please you,” you returned. “I wanna do a good job for you.”
You saw a flicker of shock in his eyes. He was a bit taken aback by how much you wanted to submit to him. He wondered if you had been wanting this for a while and never said anything. But he couldn’t think about that now. Especially with your gorgeous breasts out for him, looking entirely too wonderful to not have his mouth on them.
“Stop,” he said as you began to unbutton your jeans.
You immediately froze and waited for him. He stalked over and stood in front of you. Your cheeks were already flushed as you gazed up at him, chest rising and falling with your deep breaths. His fingers brushed the sides of your breasts and you sighed.
“God, your tits are beautiful,” he said, looking adoringly at them.
He tweaked your left nipple between his thumb and forefinger and you squeaked with surprise before letting out a moan. He leaned down and took the right one in his mouth, sucking lightly and flicking his tongue across the hardened tip.
“Shit,” you hissed, hands flying to his hair.
Your hips bucked toward him and he chuckled. You felt the sound against your skin and whined, pushing him closer to you. The beard felt so good on your tits. The delightful little pricks on your skin made you shiver. When he switched sides you moaned loudly.
“Yes, dove?” he returned.
“Please,” you whimpered.
He rose to his full height.
“You’re forgetting I’m the one in charge tonight,” he said, and the darkness of his tone almost made your knees buckle. “We’re doing what I want, whenever I want.”
“I-I’m sorry,” you stammered.
“It’s alright, baby girl,” he said, stroking your cheek with his thumb. “I’ll just teach you a quick lesson.”
You nodded eagerly.
“That’s a good girl,” he said. “Now, jeans off. Panties off.”
You obeyed, shimmying them quickly down your legs and stepping out of them. Your whole body was flushed with heat and arousal. Brian examined you. Then, he dragged the fingers of his right hand from your throat, down your chest, between your breasts, and down your tummy. He stopped just above your center.
He brought his lips to your ear. “I’m gonna touch you. You’ll be wet for me, won’t you?”
“Oh, God, yes,” you sighed.
You could already feel how soaked you were. You were dripping onto your thighs. He dipped his finger between your legs, teasing your entrance. You took your bottom lip between your teeth to hold yourself back from begging again.
“Oh, you are a good girl,” he said.
His hot breath on your neck sent another shiver up your spine.
“You’ve still got a punishment, though,” he went one. “Get on the bed. Hands and knees.”
You scrambled up over the comforter and took the position. You felt cold without his body so close to you. And you waited. It felt like hours instead of seconds that passed as you anticipated what he might do. You started to open your mouth to ask when - SMACK. His palm landed a swift spank onto your ass.
A guttural moan escaped you. The sting sent the heat in your belly all through your veins. Your whole body was on fire for Brian. 
He spanked you again and your arms almost went out from under you. You cried out his name. When you heard a rumble in his chest in response, you nearly came undone.
His hands came to your hips, gripping them firmly. He shoved you roughly to the side. You welcomed it, since your limbs were so weak with desire. 
He’s throwing me around, you thought with delight. He’s so fucking hot right now.
The look in his eyes made you squirm.
“Open your legs,” he ordered. “I want to taste your little cunt.”
You whined again and obeyed him. He dragged you toward the end of the bed. Excitement coursed through you. Finally you were getting that beard where you wanted it. He wrapped his long arms around your thighs to keep them open. Your hips automatically rocked toward his face. 
He locked eyes with you, smirked, and then dove in. 
He didn’t ease into it like he normally did. No, not tonight. He was absolutely devouring you, taking exactly what he wanted, how he wanted it. In seconds, you were a writhing, moaning mess. Your brain went fuzzy as the pleasure overwhelmed you. One hand slipped into Brian’s mane of curls. The other grasped at the comforter, balling it into your fist as you held on for dear life. His tongue and lips were fixed on your clit, stimulating it relentlessly.
That coil inside you was wound so tight it was almost painful. But you held back your release. You wanted his permission.
“Cum for me,” he demanded, as if he read your mind.
“BRIAN!” you screamed as the coil exploded.
Your hips still rocked against him as you rode out your orgasm against his mouth. You felt how much you gushed as he lapped it up. Your clit twitched in response, more sensitive than you could ever remember.
You panted and finally took in all the sensations. Your skin burned from where his beard pressed into it and it was heavenly. Your legs trembled as Brian ran his hands over your thighs, standing between them and hovering over you.
“You’re so fucking beautiful when you cum,” he said gently. “So good for me...doing exactly as I say.”
He bent down and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
“Lie there a moment, catch you breath,” he told you. “I’ve got to get undressed.”
“Can I help you?” you offered.
He chuckled. “No, darling girl. Save your energy.”
You didn’t question him, despite how badly you wanted to. What did he want you to save energy for? You were excited to find out.
You closed your eyes as you relaxed a moment, getting warm all over again as you recalled the last few minutes. Brian had never gone down on you with such vigor, and you were already feeling some soreness. You weren’t the least bit sorry about it either. The sting from his beard, the ache from the pressure...it was all a reminder of a primal desire you and Brian felt for each other. You hoped going forward, you could have more sex like this.
You heard his belt hit the floor and cracked an eye open to look. Brian stood in front of the bed, naked and rock hard. Your mouth watered at the sight of his long cock, and you wondered if he would have you blow him. To your surprise, he walked over to his side of the bed and sat back against the pillows.
He beckoned you closer with his fingers. You rolled back onto your knees and crawled over. He watched you hungrily.
“Suck my cock,” he ordered.
You threw one leg over his and slowly lowered your head toward his tip. You kitten licked it, tasting some pre-cum and moaning. You swirled your tongue around his tip as you opened your mouth. Then, he grabbed your hair roughly and made you look at him.
“No teasing,” he said.
You nodded and he released you. You took his cock into your mouth as far as it could go. He was long, so you wrapped your hand around the remainder. You began a slow, even rhythm. Brian groaned and his hips moved toward you. You placed your free hand on his hip bone, gently circling it with your thumb.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he sighed, his head falling back.
You picked up speed and he whined, making your stomach churn with need. He laced his fingers through your hair again and guided you to precisely the pace he wanted. He also pushed himself just a little deeper, so his tip brushed the back of your throat. You didn’t dare gag.
“G-good girl,” he choked out when his cock twitched in your mouth. “But you need to stop.”
You halted, coming off his shaft with a soft pop. His cock was fully leaking now, and you were aching to have it inside you. There was nothing sexier to you than Brian looking as needy for you as you were for him.
“Ride me,” he growled.
He tugged you toward him, capturing your lips in a sloppy kiss. Your pussy hovered above him, his tip brushing through your slick folds. You whimpered into his mouth.
“I know, baby,” he sighed. “Fuck, me too.”
He grabbed your hip in one hand and his cock with the other. He lined up with your entrance.
“Down,” he demanded.
You lowered yourself onto his cock, holding his shoulders for balance. You both groaned as he filled you up slowly. He always stretched you a little, and his shape was perfect. Once he was sheathed entirely inside you, you shuddered at the feeling.
“Ride me,” he said again, more in control this time.
You didn’t hesitate. You began rocking your hips against his, moaning as you felt him hit your g-spot. His hands cupped your ass and squeezed.
“Faster,” he instructed.
Again, you complied, picking up your pace. High, breathy moans fell from your lips as you bounced on his perfect cock. He felt so fucking good. Then he held you close and latched his lips onto your neck, his beard scratching up more of your tender skin.
“Ooooohhhh, fuck,” you cried.
“Feel so fucking good, baby girl,” he whispered in your ear. “Take my cock so well. And your pussy is so fucking tight - fuck!”
He thrusted up into you and you let out a scream.
He was matching your thrusts steadily now and you felt yourself coming to the edge.
“Reaching your limit, gorgeous?” he teased. “Gonna cum again for me?”
You nodded, mouth hanging open and little whimpers coming from your throat.
“Do it,” he told you. “Cum on my cock.”
You took him down and held yourself there as your walls clamped hard around him. You held him tightly as your body shook with your release. He groaned at your tightness and the feeling of your juices dripping onto him.
“That’s it,” he cooed. “That’s it, dove.”
You couldn’t hold yourself up. Your legs trembled. You fell against his chest but he shook his head. Taking your shoulders, he flipped you onto your back. Then, he began pounding into you. Brutally, harshly, rapidly fucking you until you could see only stars.
“Brian,” you mewled. 
You weren’t sure how much more you could take. He took your face in his hand and made you look at him.
“Beg,” he spat. “Beg for me to cum inside you.”
Your whole body quivered. Just when you didn’t think he could get any hotter, he ordered you to beg for him. You might have cum again if you weren’t already so exhausted.
“Please, Bri, please,” you begged. “Fill me up, baby. Want you to fill me, use me, claim me - Jesus, fuck!”
It felt so good your head fell back again.
“Brian!” you sobbed. “Please, please - oh, God - pleasepleaseplease…”
You could say nothing else, you were so fucked out. Brian felt you clench again and he buried himself inside you, finishing with a groan. White exploded behind your eyes as you came again, milking him for everything he had. He thrusted into you a few more times and you rocked your hips as you both came down, riding it out together.
“Holy...holy shit, Brian,” you panted.
He pulled out gently, and you whimpered at the empty feeling. Then he rolled onto his back to gather you up in his arms. He pressed his lips to your forehead and stroked your hair.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Better than okay,” you assured him. “Fuck, baby, you were...you were incredible.”
He chuckled and kissed you again. You looked up at him.
“Feel better?” you wondered.
“Much,” he replied. “What made you want to do something like this?”
You blushed and hid your face in his chest.
“Don’t be shy now, dove, what was it?” he pressed. “You’ve seen me angry about work before and it’s never led to that.”
“It’s embarrassing,” you muttered.
“I’m sure it isn’t.”
You shook your head and he sighed.
“Darling, just tell me,” he insisted.
“Your beard!” you admitted, refusing to look at him. “You look so hot with facial hair, and I wanted you to just take me.”
He cupped your cheek in his palm and nudged you meet his eyes.
“Well,” he said. “Mission accomplished.”
“And you’re not upset any more,” you reminded him.
He gave you a warm squeeze and you hummed.
“Bri?” you said bashfully.
His eyes had fallen closed but he wasn’t yet asleep.
“Yes, dove?”
“Can we do this again sometime?” 
He opened one eye as he grinned at you.
“Sure,” he said. “I’ll tell Roger to piss me off more often. Shouldn’t be difficult for him.”
You giggled, pecked him on the lips, and turned the light out before cuddling into him for the night.
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Okay here’s what I need; jealous beardy dom!Bri 😁💕 (I’m too predictable aren’t I)
I got you, C. I got you.
You didn’t want to go to the dinner to begin with.
But he insisted.
And now? Well, now there’s an argument.
“You’re the one who told me to wear the damn dress, Brian!” He did. He loved that short blue dress on you. He loved the way it fit you just perfectly and how it accentuated your cleavage.
He didn’t love how it made all eyes focus on you, though.
Or how close Roger would get to you when he was talking to you, like he was trying to get the perfect eye shot.
He really wasn’t, but that’s not how Brian saw it go down.
He didn’t like how the waiter smiled at you. Or how the maître d’ complemented your smile. Or how the man who bumped into your arm called you “doll” when he was apologizing.
… but most of all, Roger. He was still seething about that. Doesn’t matter that Roger was there with his stunning new girlfriend.
He mistook your laughter to mean that you wanted Roger to bend you over the table and have you for dessert.
So jealous, your Brian is.
“I told you to wear it for me, not for him.”
He sounds so ridiculous right now. Like you were going to wear the dress and no one else would notice. You walk to the bedroom to change, and he follows you, still fussing.
“Do you enjoy having other men looking at you?”
“Yes, Brian. My sole purpose in life is to have every man on the planet look at me.” The sarcasm is immense, and you’re starting to get annoyed.
… but you like to egg him on. Because when you egg him on, and when he gets mad? That’s when the sex is best.
You start to take off the dress, but he grabs your hand before it even reaches the zipper.
“Absolutely not,” he growls as he grabs your wrist.
You turn yourself around at him, ready for a fight, but fuck… That beard he decided to grow? Jesus, it does things to you.
“One day you’re going to learn to not flaunt yourself around like that.”
You start to smirk. “Or what?”
He’s really had enough of your mouth. Like, really had enough. And that smirk? Not helping.
And you? You’ve had enough of waiting for him to get his face between your legs so you can find out how that beard feels.
You try to pull your arm away, but he’s holding it too hard. He raises a finger and raises his brow. “No, no, Y/N,” he whispers. “Be a good girl, now.”
Of course you’re going to be a good girl. If you aren’t, you won’t be rewarded.
“Do you think about him often?” he asks you. You know who the “him” is he’s referring to.
“No, only you.” He doesn’t believe you. His brow raises again. “I promise. Only you.”
He lets go of your wrist and takes off his jacket, then unties his tie. “No one else?” He unbuttons his shirt. “Don’t let me find out otherwise.”
“Only you, baby.” You smile as you walk up to him and rub a hand up his exposed chest. Your eyes gaze up to his eyes.
He smiles at you and pulls his tie from his collar.
… which he uses to blindfold you.
This is new…
He takes your hand and guides you to the bed, but instead of letting you lay down, he tells you to kneel in front of him.
… and you obey, just like the good girl you are.
And when he tells you to open your mouth, you do as you’re told.
Just like you do when he tells you to stick out your tongue so he can get his cock wet enough to easily slide in your mouth.
And you don’t complain when he grabs hold of your hair when his cock is in your mouth and dictates the speed.
You don’t complain when you can’t breathe as freely as you want to, because he’s enjoying the sensation your gasping for air brings to him.
But he’s not cruel. He lets you breathe. But not for long.
Because, as he says, “your mouth is fucking magic.”
He doesn’t want to waste is load in your mouth. Not tonight.
He pulls you up and you can feel his beard on your neck as he kisses you. God, the prickly tingle it gives you is fucking amazing.
You want to tell him, but he doesn’t like you to speak unless he speaks to you first.
“Where do you want me?” he asks.
… and you give him the correct answer. “Wherever you want to be.”
“Good girl,” he whispers before lifting the hem of your dress up to your waist.
And now your breathing gets heavy with nerves. Will he like that you’re already soaking wet? Sometimes he doesn’t.
He pulls down the only barrier between him and your essence.
“Who made you wet, baby girl?”
“You did, Brian. You always do.”
The silence and lack of movement worries you. The last time he didn’t like that you were already wet.
… but he likes it this time.
… because his tongue is lapping you up. His breathing heavy on your wet snatch. The stubble of his beard gently scratching on your inner thighs as he grunts into you.
He pushes you back on the bed. You can’t see anything. But you trust him, so that’s okay.
“Who does this belong to?” he groans in your ear as he shoves two of his long fingers deep inside of you.
“You, baby. Only you,” you moan.
He takes his fingers out and moves them to your mouth and shoves them in. You know exactly what you’re supposed to do.
… and he knows what he’s supposed to do now.
He doesn’t even make sure you’re ready. He pushes himself deep inside, quiet impatiently.
“Such a good girl, taking my whole cock inside, not even fighting it.”
He pulses hard in and out of you. You want to moan, scream, gasp - anything. But you can’t. You’re not allowed to. You know how this goes.
“So fucking tight. So fucking tight.” He keeps repeating over and over.
You bite your lip, keeping any noises inside.
“Can… can I touch you?” you ask. “Please, can I touch you?”
… he doesn’t let you, though.
Instead, he scolds you for speaking.
Lifting your legs up over his shoulders as he pounds harder into you…
… spanking you.
“You can’t cum until I’m ready,” he growls.
… which is hard, because fuck, you’re ready.
He leans down and nibbles on your neck, the scruff on his face tickling you.
And he takes off the makeshift blindfold, and he grabs your chin with his hand.
“Look at me,” he demands. His voice forceful.
He wants you to look in his eyes as he cums.
And he wants to look in yours as you cum.
He nods and gives you permission.
And he doesn’t stop pounding into you until you can’t keep your screams inside anymore.
And he doesn’t stop pounding into you until every last drop is gone from his cock.
And he collapses on top of you.
And you can finally touch him.
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@briansfatbottomgirl @culturefiendtrashqueen @jennyggggrrr @shutup-sorry @dontstopmemeow @letmelivetaylor @tommyleeownsme
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jessahmewren · 5 years
Ooh could we get some Breaky smut based on that pic of John and Bearded Bri from ages ago that u tagged "a Breaky fic waiting to happen" maybe they're roleplaying as strangers??
I’m so sorry it took me so long to answer this love!  It turned out as part of a series I’m doing on AO3 and a full-fledged fic! Here it is and it can also be found here!  
“Meet somewhere unfamiliar,” John read to him over morning coffee.  “Pretend you two have never met.  Proceed to have an exciting rendezvous.”  John waggled his eyebrows at that, setting down the little book that he carried with him nearly everywhere now, reading it to Brian at nearly every opportunity.  
Brian sniffed.  “So we’re to play strangers then.”  
John smiled.  “Exactly babe.  But I want us to really play it up.”  He was using his hands now, picturing the entire thing in his head. “I want us to look different, act different.  I want us to feel different.”  
Suddenly, a flash of inspiration hit him.  
“Grow your beard out Bri.”
“No, John.  I hate the way I look with facial hair.”  
John scoffed.  “And I think it’s dead sexy.  Grow it out.  For me? For the book?”  
Brian laughed.  I’ll do it for you.”  
It took him weeks to grow it out to John’s liking, but the day finally arrived that Bri had what John described as a “sexy stranger” beard that would be perfect for their next role play. John chose a bar they’d never been too, some newly opened nightclub in a trendy section of London…perfect for a clandestine encounter.  He kissed Bri goodbye and told him he’d text him the location.  His clothes were in the car since he’d have to change at work.  
“Can’t I come home first, love?  I mean, we can pretend when we get there. We can at least ride together,” Brian argued.  
John shook his head.  “No, Beardy Bri, we cannot.  This has to feel authentic.  So change at work.  Meet me there.”  
Brian scowled.  “For God’s sakes stop calling me that,” he said as he rubbed his chin with his hand.  
John caressed his face. “I love it, you know.”  
Brian sighed.  “I’m shaving it tomorrow.”  
John took nearly an hour to pick out what to wear.  He tried to get in the mindset of a single man going out for a night of fun, so he picked out a pair of tight fitting jeans, a sharp looking button down and coordinating jacket.  He checked himself out in the mirror.  Very good…very gay…very doable.  He wondered if he might catch a Brian tonight.  A sly smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.  The Uber he’d called suddenly texted him, reminding him he was downstairs.  He would have to text Brian the location on the way.  
Inside the club it was dark and noisy, with pink and blue neon lighting lining the walls and ceiling. It wasn’t exactly the most aesthetic club he’d ever been in, but John had never been one for clubs really. Only he wasn’t himself tonight.  He was still forgetting that.  He leaned over the bar and ordered a White Russian, something he would ordinarily never drink, and just waited.  
Did club things. Looked good in his clothes. Scouted the room.  What the hell did you do in places like this?  He began to panic without Brian, but he kept his cool.  Then, someone brushed shoulders with him, and he sighed in relief.  “Brian, where have you be—“
But when he turned around, the words stuck in his throat.  A stunning blond wearing shades and a toothy grin was staring back at him, his arms crossed on the bar.  “White Russian eh?  My old man used to drink those.” The man called for two beers, while John just stared.
“Who are you,” he finally got out.  
“Roger,” the man said, never removing the shades, only it came out “Roggahh,” and John’s eyes never left the man’s mouth.
“You’re Brian’s hubby aren’t you?”
“Y-yeah,” John finally managed, a bit flustered, “but how do you know that?”
The beers arrived, and Roger handed John one.  “Brian’s my mate…we work together.  Me and my boyfriend Freddie.  See, he’s right over there.”  
Roger pointed to an equally beautiful and exotic man at a corner table who gave a smile and a little wave in their direction, probably used to being introduced that way.
John took a swig of his beer at about the same time Brian arrived, a confused look on his face.  
“Roger?  Fancy meeting you here.”  His eyes traveled between the two men.  “You met my John then.  John, this is Roger, we work together.”  
John swallowed thickly. “I gathered that.”  
Roger slapped John heartily on the back.  “Well chaps I’ll leave you to it then.  Perhaps we’ll meet up some time, yeah?  Freddie and me and you and John.”  
Brian nodded.  “That would be nice.”  
John smiled.  “Very nice.”  
Roger disappeared onto the dancefloor, weaving his way back to his and Freddie’s table.
Brian never said a word to John.  He just sat down at the bar and ordered himself a drink.  He gave John a cursory glance, and smiled.  
“I’m Brian, by the way.  I’d buy you one, but I see you’re already covered,” he said shyly, easily slipping into the role play.
John nodded in Roger’s direction. “John.  And that gentleman kindly offered.”
Brian smiled.  “Lucky him, John.”  
John could feel his cheeks heat.  “It doesn’t mean we can’t have our drinks together.”  He cleared his throat.  “What is it that you do?”  
“Social media marketing for a PR firm,” Brian rattled off easily.  “It’s fun work…can be stressful at times.  Like any job I suppose.”  
John cocked an eyebrow. “So you get to post on Instagram for a living?”  
Brian laughed, low and throaty, and inched casually placed hand on the younger man’s arm.  
“No, no, don’t be silly. It’s more…involved than that.  But I wish.”  
“So tell me, John, what do you do?”  
John took a few more swigs of his beer.  He was feeling flushed, the high of the role play and the buzz of the alcohol racing through his veins.  “I work in IT,” he said.  “I’m just a computer geek.”  
“Ooh,” Brian cooed softly, his lips making a perfect circle.  “Geeks rule the world.”  
John’s fingers played with the sleeve of Brian’s jacket where his arm lay on the bar.  “You think?”  
Brian blushed deeply and took another drink.  His bottle was empty, and they ordered another round.  The White Russian lay sweating and forgotten.  “I know it.”
John felt bolder by his third beer, and he was leaning in on his elbows to practically swim in Brian’s hazel eyes.  
“Tell me why someone hasn’t already snapped you up Brian.”  
Brian smiled, slow and easy. “I’m difficult to live with,” he said with a frown.  “I’m cantankerous and frustrating and never compromise,” he said with a huff.
“That’s not true,” John whispered.  “I mean I’m sure that’s not true,” he said he’s hand going out to stroke Brian’s face.  John smiled.  “You can’t be all that bad.”  
Brian leaned into his touch. “It’s true,” he sighed.  “I’m all that bad sometimes.”  
John stroked his thumb across his lips.  “We’re all that bad sometimes.”  
A few moments went by as they just drunkenly swayed into each other, nearly tipping off the bar stools. “Would you like to dance?” John asked suddenly.
Brian nodded, and John led him to the dance floor, wrapping his arms around his lithe figure, slotting his leg between his hips so he could softly grind against him to the thrumming beat. He could feel the firm jut of his erection pressing into him, and it pulled at something nostalgic within him, like the first time they’d ever made love.  
John ran his hands of his endless chest, so lean and beautiful, and up to cradle his face.  “May I kiss you Brian?” He asked sweetly. Brian didn’t answer him, he just fell into his mouth, slotting his lips against his in an agonizingly slow and lingering kiss that left John starved for more.  
“I’m so glad I met you,” murmured Brian against his lips.  
John sighed, his breath uneven.  “Me too.”
They danced, swaying and undulating to the rhythmic beat until both of them were slick with sweat. John leaned over to Brian, nipping at his ear.  
“I hope you appreciate honesty,” John began.
Brian looked at him seriously, his eyes traveling to his lips.  “Of course.”  
“Honestly I just want you to take me somewhere and fuck me.”  
Brian captured his lips, taking the lower between is teeth tugging.  ��I can do that,” Brian said breathlessly.  
They called a Uber, given them directions to the nearest hotel.  Adrenaline was coursing through John’s veins as they approached a scowling receptionist, giggling, hand in hand.  She gave them the key and they just made it to the seedy motel room and they were stripping off clothes, their mouths fused together.  
“I want your cock so bad Bri,” John panted, “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life. Fuck me right now.”
“Gotta get you ready sweetheart.  Jesus we don’t even have any lube.”  
John whined, stroking his cock.  “Use the little bottle of complimentary lotion.”  He was already on the bed, his bum in the air.  “Come on, Bri!”
Brian started with two just to satisfy him, and John moaned, immediately rutting on his fingers.  He wasn’t going to last, neither of them were. The walls were paper thin…people were probably dialing the front office right now.  Brian didn’t care.  He was stroking himself in time with his hand on John’s sweetspot.  John took a third finger like a leaf settling onto a clear pond.
“You read for me baby? Ready for me to fuck this pretty ass of yours?”  
John whined, twisting beneath him.  “Been ready. Fuck me Bri. Fuck me hard.  Make me scream.”
Brian pushed into him, causing John to gasp out his name.  He didn’t wait long before he was moving inside of him, hard, jerky thrusts that moved John up the bed and knocked the headboard against the wall.  
“We’re gonna wake the neighbors my love,” Brian stuttered out between thrusts.  
John just mumbled out a weak “Fuck” as he caught his breath between being pounded into the mattress.
John was touching himself as Brian came, slamming into him so hard he lost his grip on his cock. He helped him finish, stroking him until he was coming and calling out his name in pleasure.  
“You’re so good for me,” Brian said as he soothed into his hair, gathering the younger man up to his chest as he came down from his high.  “So perfect for me.”  
John smiled.  “Even though we just met?”  
Brian wrapped his arms around him.  “Haven’t you ever heard of love at first sight?”
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