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featherystims · 1 year ago
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Beanky, my baby blanket from real life stimboard !!
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(that's actually them in the photo !! ^^)
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potato-is-best · 2 years ago
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thekencept · 7 years ago
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Photos by beankie
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redqueenmusings · 6 years ago
The Three Kings arrived into the municipal football stadium by helicopter.
Their Majesties, the Three Kings, Melchior, Gaspar and Balthazar, arrived in Adeje by helicopter from the Orient, where they were greeted by the mayor of Adeje, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga.
He handed them the magic key to the town, which allows them to enter houses and leave presents for all the children of the borough. Prior to their arrival the audience were treated to entertainment provided by Ballet Beanky, and the Adeje school of rhythmic gymnastics.
Following time with the children who attended their arrival, their majesties had a short rest before the parade which left from the Adeje health centre,  travelling up the Calle Grande to the Plaza de España where they also talked to the many children who were waiting to see them. This year, during the parade, over 600 kilos of sugar-free sweets were shared with the public.
The parade, titled Fantasia, had a steel band, dancers, acrobats, television and film children’s personalities, as well as the Adeje fire-fighters, and some representatives of the Spanish postal system for last minute letters to the kings.
Joining those who had danced in the municipal stadium earlier were the Comparsa Ángeles del Sur and the Adeje municipal band. A live nativity scene was featured, with St Joseph, the Virgin Mary and the baby Jesus.
For more info on Tenerife read the Red Queen Musings everyone’s favourite Tenerife Blog
Huge reception in Adeje for their Majesties, Melchior, Gaspar and Balthazar The Three Kings arrived into the municipal football stadium by helicopter. Their Majesties, the Three Kings, Melchior, Gaspar and Balthazar, arrived in Adeje by helicopter from the Orient, where they were greeted by the mayor of Adeje, José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga.
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arona2 · 7 years ago
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arona2 · 8 years ago
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arona2 · 8 years ago
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arona2 · 8 years ago
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arona2 · 8 years ago
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arona2 · 8 years ago
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redqueenmusings · 8 years ago
Thousands of spectators were in Adeje today to view ‘La Pasión’, the annual presentation of the last days and crucifixion of Jesus, with over 300 amateur actors involved in the production which takes place along the town’s Calle Grande.  It was broadcast regionally on TV Canaria and nationally on 13 TV and on local radio, Radio Sur, as well as online on the Adeje council webpage.
Representacion de la Pasion, Calle grande, Adeje.14 Abril 2017 ©Phil Crean
Adeje mayor José Miguel Rodríguez Fraga congratulated all those who took part as well as the team behind the performance, without whom it would not be possible. He said “What is important is that even though this has huge tourist interest, and we are delighted to share the event with all who attend, this is something that has evolved from our culture, from our way of life here, involving the whole town. The level of participation among the people of Adeje, not all of them born here, many from other parts of Spain and far beyond, is immense and helps build us as a community”.  He added that this event “tells a timeless story and shows human beings moved by friendship, love, cruelty, treason, abandonment …. elements that are part of the human history with cultural and traditional ramifications”.
‘La Pasión’ has been performed in Adeje for 23 years and began as a local community initiative, a small theatrical presentation outside the Santa Úrsula church.  Over the years it has grown and incorporated different stages, enriched by local historical additions, costumes and music. Today it starts at the Plaza Cruz del Llano with the Last Supper and ends with the crucifixion in the Plaza de España. The part of Jesus and Mary are played by José Antonio López, and Ana Oneida Borges Medina, both from  Adeje, along with hundreds of other local amateur actors.  Rehearsals last over a month and the performance is directed by Laura Marrero.
According to the councillor with responsibility for culture, Adolfo Alonso Ferrera, “we also have to acknowledge the participation of groups including: la Librea de Valle Guerra, the Adeje School of Music and Dance, Ballet Beanky, as well as those professional actors who also offer their services to the performance, namely Baltasar Isla, Nacho Almenar and Juancho Aguiar.”
The staging of this event in Adeje has become a regional reference point at Easter and marks Adeje as a borough of cultural values.   The council congratulates all those who work to make this such an important event as well as those involved in other parallel events, such as the Cooking at Lent establishments, all working to make Adeje a very special place to visit and live in.
Below are just a small number of images taken by the official photographer Phil Crean and I am sure if you check his webpage in a short while, you will be able to see them all.
Representacion de la Pasion, Calle grande, Adeje.14 Abril 2017 ©Phil Crean
Representacion de la Pasion, Calle grande, Adeje.14 Abril 2017 ©Phil Crean
Representacion de la Pasion, Calle grande, Adeje.14 Abril 2017 ©Phil Crean
Representacion de la Pasion, Calle grande, Adeje.14 Abril 2017 ©Phil Crean
For more info on Tenerife read the Red Queen Musings everyone’s favourite Tenerife Blog
Thousands attend the Good Friday ‘La Pasión’ in Adeje Thousands of spectators were in Adeje today to view ‘La Pasión’, the annual presentation of the last days and crucifixion of Jesus, with over 300 amateur actors involved in the production which takes place along the town’s Calle Grande. 
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redqueenmusings · 8 years ago
The Adeje Council, under the direction of the cultural department and councillor Adolfo Alonso Ferrera, presents  ‘La Pasíon’, the last days and death of Jesus Christ, from 12 midday on Good Friday, April 14th.
“This event is eagerly awaited throughout the year and is one of the cultural events that is most linked with the borough”, remarked Adolfo Alonso Ferrera.  “It is an event that is only made possible through the commitment of the residents of the borough”, he added, referring to the 300+ people who take part in the two-hour long street theatre event, which recreates Jerusalem in the time of Jesus Christ.
“Over the last few weeks, we have been holding rehearsals, setting up the various stages, making costumes, etc. None of this would be possible without the commitment of the council team of workers who ensure, down to the tiniest details, that everything is in readiness for this important theatrical presentation”, the councillor said.   He added that an event of this magnitude could only happen with the full support and backing of all departments of the council working together.
This is the 5th year that the final scene, the crucifixion, takes place in the Plaza de España.  The change in the location of this most emotive scene has added to the dramatic weight of the final moments of the presentation, with the incredible natural backdrop of the Barranco del Infierno flanked by the Convento and the Parish church,, and much more space for the public in attendance. It has also meant a general increase in safety.
“’La Pasión’ is a hugely important event from a cultural and tourist point of view and the people of Adeje feel very much that it is ‘their’ contribution.  This year, yet again, we have more than 300 people taking part in what is a unique event”, the councillor commented.  There will also be performances from professional actors Balthazar Isla, Nacho Almenar, Juancho Aguiar, and Ballet Beanky, the Adeje School of Music and Dance and the Librea de Valle Guerra.
This year the opening will feature a video in the form of a ‘flashforward’ of a meeting of the main disciples in the catacombs, with John telling the story and linking to the live opening scene as Jesus enters Jerusalem.
There are other changes which include new costumes and stage upgrades and some changes to the music for Ballet Beanky composed by the professor of the Adeje School of Music and Dance, Juan Carlos Coronado.
The entirety of the Calle Grande, from the Plaza del Cruz del Llano to the Plaza de España will be transformed for the morning with a marketplace, various stages, and even animals including goats, donkeys, falcons, horses, snakes, etc.  The whole event will be broadcast live on Television Canaria, can be viewed online on TvCanariaNet, nationally on 13TV and live on local radio, Radio Sur, 107.9fm.  If you are there and want to post photographs online the trending hashtags will be #pasionadeje2017, #AdejeSemanaSanta2017 and #apasionados.
Representacion de la Pasion. Adeje. 25 Marzo 2016. ©Phil Crean.
Representacion de la Pasion. Adeje. 25 Marzo 2016. ©Phil Crean.
Representacion de la Pasion. Adeje. 25 Marzo 2016. ©Phil Crean.
Representacion de la Pasion. Adeje. 25 Marzo 2016. ©Phil Crean.
Representacion de la Pasion. Adeje. 25 Marzo 2016. ©Phil Crean.
The Adeje council asks that those who are planning to attend the event observe the following recommendations:
Wear appropriate clothing and shoes – comfort is important
Apply high factor sun creams and make sure you have sufficient water
Make sure you have personal identification on you including information regarding your blood group and any allergies to medicines.
Arrive in plenty of time to avoid delays
Don’t push while in the crowd
Respect the security signals and barriers in place as well as following any instructions of the security and council personnel
Don’t climb up on walls, railings, flower pots, stages, etc.
In the event of an accident find the nearest health assistant and ask them to help you find a family member or companion.  In the case of an emergency remain calm and respect those who are nearby.  Leave the danger zone and follow the directions of the security personnel. Don’t run or scream.
When the event is over wait a few minutes for the crowds to diminish before leaving the centre of town.
For more info on Tenerife read the Red Queen Musings everyone’s favourite Tenerife Blog
The greatest story ever told… The Adeje Council, under the direction of the cultural department and councillor Adolfo Alonso Ferrera, presents  ‘La Pasíon’, the last days and death of Jesus Christ, from 12 midday on Good Friday, April 14th.
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