#bean replies
puddingcatbeans · 1 year
I see you've been reading Murderbot Diaries, one my favorite series of all time! Would love to hear you scream about it (and maybe scream back) because it is just the best thing, I love Murderbot and all of its humans and ART so fucking much, they all made the past year livable for me
heLLO yeah i would love to scream and be screamed at about this series (╯✧∇✧)╯
i came here for the funky space sci-fi adventures and stayed for the narrative arc on healing from trauma, building support networks, and "fuck capitalism" attitude.
i think one of the neat thing about murderbot is that because it's not human, its commentary on human behaviours and compassion is just on the other side of familiar that it makes me want to shake the people around me like. why do we do this. but also like. we DO do this and i don't know why but i'm glad we do. and the thing about murderbot being all "ugh humans" yet consistently trying to hard for its humans and often just humans in general... mayhaps i have tears in my eyes.
ALSO constantly thinking about murderbot being overwhelmed by humans and giving up on interactions by just walking over to the corner and facing the wall. biggest mood ever
do u have a favourite meta or scene u wanna share !!!!!
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distant--shadow · 1 month
highlights of a simp
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b-o-e · 1 year
paint me like one of your french girls
Wally Darling x Reader
Warnings: you aren’t very good at painting lol
although it is not necessary, I highly suggest reading my fics in their recommended order for the best experience! here is the link to all my silly lil wally fics in order. this is #2 :)
You weren’t the best painter, nor were you the best at picking up hints…
“... this is atrocious.”
You were not a painter. You were finding that much out right now.
“Well, don’t say that. It has me in it, so it can't be that bad, ha ha.” Wally jested.
“Are you almost finished with it, neighbour?”
“I wouldn’t say I’m finished, but I’m almost ready to give up, yes,” you grumbled, the bristles of your brush carefully swiping some more paint onto the canvas. Yikes! Not carefully enough, it seems.
Wally noticed your grimace, laughing lightly. “It’s going to look good, I know it,” he claimed.
“You’re easily pleased, though,” you huffed, eyes flickering to him in a half-hearted glare. He giggled, shaking his head.
“I am honest,” he grinned, raising his right hand to swear on it. “Cross my heart, always and forever,” he promised, drawing the ‘x’ over his chest with a happy smile.
“At least I think I did Home some justice,” you snickered with a shrug. “You, not so much, Wally. I think you can still tell it’s you, though?”
“I’m sure I look amazing. Handsome!”
“I wouldn’t use that word for it, but the real you is?” You offered.
“Why, you’ll make me blush.”
You laughed lightly as you continued to paint, Wally remaining as still as a statue in his chosen position in front of home. His eyes never left you.
He loved the expressions you made. He just adored the twitch of your brow when you don’t quite approve of a detail, the silly grimace you wear when you’ve made a ‘mistake’, the way your tongue poked out a little when you were extra focussed... You were so entrancing!
“... going to start being a bit less uptight now,”
Wally hadn’t caught the first part, but figured out what you were saying.
“I guess I should probably give myself a little more credit than I am.” A little smile tugged at the corner of your lips. Oh! He enjoyed that expression most!
“I’m happy you say that,” Wally said, “I do mean it when I say I believe I will like it. Everyone has their own unique style. It’s nothing less than that,” he added, “plus, it’s made by you. That gives it extra special points!”
“Special, alright,” you joked quietly to yourself. It was definitely a unique piece, your painting.
“I just need to remind myself I don’t have much experience with this,” you sighed, “I need to cut myself some slack. I know practice is necessary to be as good as someone like you at this, and I haven’t put much of that in,”
“And if you were ever interested in such, I would always be around to offer my help if you so desire,” Wally assured.
“Thanks, Wally,” you tore your eyes away from your work, looking over at him. “I appreciate you. Always so sweet to me,” you sighed out dramatically. Unfortunately, your gaze didn't stick on him long enough to notice the redness growing on his cheeks from your compliments.
“Alas, I think I’m all done now,” you giggled, stepping back from your work. Now that you look it over, it really wasn’t too shabby, especially with your limited skill!
Wally stood up from his spot, starting his way over, as you turned the easel around so that he and Home could both see it. When Wally was close enough, he leaned forward a little, examining the painted canvas. Despite the knowledge that Wally would never judge you, your nerves twisted a little in your stomach as you watched his eyes study it with such intensity.
It was silent. He’s observed it for at least a minute now, not a word said.
“I know it’s-”
“It’s wonderful,” Wally cut you off, straightening his posture, his smile growing. “The absolute most, as is its creator,” he added as he looked at you. “Can I have it?” he asked, head tipping to the side.
“You… Want it?” you giggled sheepishly, peering over at your goofy little creation. Was it really nice enough for him to want to keep it?
“I love it, so of course I would like to have it. If you allow me to, of course,”
Your painting wasn’t much. To you, at least. To Wally on the other hand, it truly was extravagant.
It was cute. He and Home were nicely depicted together, Home painted quite well, and in his opinion, he himself had not looked nearly as bad as you’d been letting on.
His face had a cute, simple little smiley on it, as did the sun in the sky, two silly little features among others that you had added when you decided not to care so much anymore. It made him giggle. Overall, it was just yours, and that’s what really sealed the deal on his love for it.
“Hmm… where should I hang it, though? Maybe by the couch?” He wondered aloud, tapping his chin. “What do you think, Home?” He turned to face it, receiving quick excited waves and squeaks from the door. “Ha ha. I think that, too.”
“You actually want it?” You questioned,
“Of course,” Wally nodded. “Oh no! How impolite of me. I should be offering some sort of payment,” he realized.
“For this?” You laughed, looking back at the artwork. “I dont think it’s worth a whole lo–”
You gaped at Wally, hand on your flushed cheek, right where his lips had been moments prior.
“Will that do?” He smiled.
You could only stare in disbelief, mind working overtime to process what had just happened.
You laughed. You laughed, and you shook your head, hands covering your face. Oh, those silly little thoughts of yours!
“Oh my goodness, Wally,” you snickered. “Be careful with that! Someone might take it the wrong way,” you warned, a little giggle following.
“What do you mean, neighbour?” Wally questioned, brows furrowed. “Is kissing not a good thing?”
“I mean, it is, but there's two ways it can be perceived: platonically, or romantically,” you explained, rubbing at your face in an attempt to get rid of your blush with a cheeky smile.
“Think of it like this. Eddie and Frank kiss as a way to show their romantic love for each other. That's because they’re a couple,” you continued. “Are they who you learned it from?”
Wally stared at you for a moment, trying to comprehend all that you’ve said. Finally, his shoulders slumped slightly as he answered.
“... Yes,” he admitted, a bashful smile on his features.
“I figured,” you sniggered. “I mean, I’m not saying I didn’t like it or anything, but just keep what I said in mind,” you joked lightly with a playful wink, “but, we should find a place for this painting, shouldn’t we?” You placed your hands on your hips, looking between him and the piece.
“That sounds like a good idea, neighbour,” he agreed, carefully picking up the dried painting, grabbing the easel in his other hand.
“Let’s do that, then,”
“So, how did it go?” Eddie asked, placing a toasty mug of hot cocoa in front of a sulking Wally. “Not that great, I presume..?” He smiled sympathetically.
“They said to ‘be careful’ because ‘someone might get the wrong idea’...” he gave a gloomy smile. “But they also said they ‘didn’t dislike’ it?” He offered.
“So they thought the right idea, but brushed it off as being wrong,” Frank snickered, shaking his head at the ridiculousness of the situation while he sipped on a mug of his own.
Eddie sighed, rubbing at the back of his neck with a chuckle. This was harder than the couple originally anticipated…
You two would be the death of this neighbourhood if you didn’t perceive your feelings for each other soon.
yyyello!! I hope you enjoyed reading this!
here is a link to my silly lil wally fics in their recommended order if you would like :) these can also be found on my ao3 B) I also have a ko-fi if you'd like to support me! likes and reblogs are very much so appreciated B) (again, gimme dopamine boost, RAHHHHH) until next time <3
Posted Tuesday, April 25, 2023 at 11:29 AM
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lilbeanz · 5 months
Hi! So firstly I want to be a little direct (I hope I'm not being rude 😓) and ask if you're religious and if you practice witchcraft? When I started reading jodt I was pleasantly surprised to see the real life wicca holidays and traditional way of decorating for Yule. You even put in the candle language!!! 🕯️🕯️ (Even if a bit sneaky) It made me, a modern witch, feel seen in a work of fan made, free, easy consuming content. So I wanted to ask if it was a classic writer-researched-a-bit-too-much or you practiced it yourself. Sorry if the question made you uncomfortable .
Secondly I have say you're doing very well with everything and I admire the way you always interact on here and post something almost every day! Just make sure you can rest and have time for your offline life ❤️🔮 Blessed be
Ahhh!!! Merry meet! You are not being rude at all, and tysm for noticing🥺🫶 (it was a bit cheeky of me, wasn't it?😈)
Would I say I'm a witch? ....Sort of? I'd call myself a novice to the craft at best. I'm not explicitly religious, I don’t have an altar or worship any deities.
I dabble! I'm fascinated by witchcraft and wicca, and my family's always been quite witchy at heart.
I've done a couple of spells here and there, nothing huge. Like I said, I dabble... and RESEARCH THE HECK OUT IT🔮✨️
And Joanne really fucked up by having her magic world celebrate Christmas and Easter etc... I get that the Muggle world has blended alot with it when HP takes place -- and it is all from Harry’s pov -- but why would pureblooded witches and wizards celebrate Muggle Christian holidays? Especially families like the Malfoys.
As a witchy person, it just made no sense to me. The eight sabbats predate the christian holidays... Good thing the canon story is all from Harry’s perspective, huh? I saw my opportunity and I took it! 🤣
Also tysm, you're so sweet 🥺💕
Blessed be!🫶
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
the narcoleptic x insomniac acesan post got me thinking
i can just imagine ace wanting to be comforting and saying something like "it's okay sweetcheeks! i'll sleep enough for the both of us!" and just straight up passing out right after.
and sanji is just left standing there like. that's not. how it works... but he also finds himself really flustured because who allowed this guy to be this cute!?
This is sooo cute 😭💖 Ace would so do that and- And actually do it with good intentions. He is a sweetie to Sanji and Sanji can't get mad at him when he does stuff like this. I also like to think he actually does try to stay up with Sanji sometimes, though, and Sanji appreciates it anyway. Also!!!! We know Ace often falls asleep while eating and I just know Sanji manages to know when he's about to pass out to move him so he doesn't ruin the food and, well, doesn't hit his head against the table 😭
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thekenobee · 1 month
Sharpe Crack 1
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omniandco · 1 year
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"So... Zeus, I will need some of your fur, this time, to see if you possess the Immortality Gene. Should you have it, I can fix Mnemosyne's gene, should that be what you want."
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theysangastheyslew · 10 months
Hiiiii I just wanted to say I love your Hange lives AU so much and look forward to each time you post about it 😍 Will their baby and the goats make another appearance soon?
Awww thank you nonny 🥺🥺🥺
I'm so happy you've been enjoying it. It's been therapeutic for me to work on, and I'm glad it's brought a little happiness to you as well ❤️
Lately I've been trying to go in somewhat chronological order (I wasn't before so I reallly need to go back and number the works so the timeline makes more sense 🫠) so yes, the goats and little bby Bean will be appearing, but there's still a couple more things I want to show first. I've always been slow at drawing so I appreciate the patience!
But as a treat here's a lil peek at an idea I'm tossing around for a little further down the line :3
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crossbackpoke-check · 4 months
the deweys photos are from this video: https://youtu.be/5xTwJho44ao?si=bPw8MZZ327lCogVZ aren’t they just everything
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kissing you and the minnesota wild official media team (with consent) full on the mouth, THANK YOU THIS VIDEO IS EVERYTHING 🥰🥰 i have seen pieces of it before i think (connor petting a shark 🥹) but the entire video start to finish is such a delight, 10/10 would recommend
#i’m so glad i saw this now and not when i was deranged at 2AM last night (i say as if i am not currently deranged)#like i had to physically pause. stop watching the video. to take notes to tell you guys about it i hope you know#holyjost thank u i love u i appreciate u & how u always have the sources 😭#i send out a prayer to the universe (put shit in the tags) & u provide#liv in the replies#holyjost#i love this reaction image btw it is one of my FAVORITES#anyway i was just chilling and then lost it at the ‘brandon just says shit’ part and had to start writing down notes (as follows)#there is SO much. the lore. the fact that brandon lasts two seconds before his shirt comes off everyone else is so bundled#dewey2 immediate “sharks” girl help the two of them on the bean bag together#the boat competition BOLDY’S CONTRACT??? yeah i AM thinking about that in a weird way what kind of contract brandon#also boldy motion sickness girlie he’s so real for that one 😭😭#and brandon talking a big game and then like fuckin. curled into a ball on the beanbag passed out bro i cannot.#LD BONITA? LD BONITA FISH??? So excitedly???? my GOD.#LEAVE THAT POOR FISH ALONE!!!!#oh the shark lore 🥺 dewey baby let me take you to this fantastic thing called an aquarium.#you can pet sharks there!!! i can’t even. i know i’ve seen it and had a breakdown about it before but connor’s hand when he pets the shark#the absolute joy oh my god. connor PLEASE ik u want to touch all the fish… we have sturgeon & sting rays & jellies#brandon praising connor’s attitude 🫡 he is so goal oriented they said the goal is a vibe check and connor studied.#also. save me hot brothers save me#what the fuck is this yeti cup ritual give me a cult au NOW wkdndiwkdi they’re such freaks. i love it. also just drink it bro#VLADDY MENTION THAT’S MY BOY HI BEAUTIFULLLLL#OH THIS WAS THE MIDDSY FIGHT???#awww Freddy (who i never think is a forward??)#connor dewar#brandon duhaime#minnesota wild#for reference!
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puddingcatbeans · 10 months
4 & 14 for the end of year asks!
4. Movie of the year?
i answered this previously~ suddenly blanking on every other movie i've seen this year, lmao. the new spideyverse one way back in summer is probably a close second!
14. Favourite book you read this year?
the murderbot diaries entire series, tbh! i finally renewed my library card this year and discovered i could check out e-books and binge-read it. 10/10 recommend, made me believe in kindness again
end of year asks :D
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midnightfire830 · 6 months
I wanna see a meeting between Kobie and Nix
(And also I miss seeing Kobie I feel bad about asking about his old job 😥)
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They’d be pretty chill, both being super introverted. They’d enjoy sipping some coffee in silence.
And yeah. I’ve been neglecting Kobie huh?
Thanks for the ask!
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rhinocio · 5 months
Hi!! I'm the person who sent you the ask a while ago with the promise of Tomoe fanart.....it took my foreverrrrr oops but here it is! Tomoe fanart! I hope it's accurate to what you had in mind <333
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Serviiiiiiiiiii she's so PRETTYYYYYYYYYYY this is BETTER than what I had in mind!!!! her big fluffy tail!!!!! you totally nailed down that shaggy cat fur look and she's like?? equal parts unkempt and elegant oh my GOSH the white highlights are so sharp!!! THE LITTLE MON PATTERN ON HER KIMONO and the PAW BEANS I'm running to the tallest hill I can find to show this off to everyone in the vicinity are y'all seEING THIS SHIT?!?!?! damn dude I didn't realize you were doing a wholeass render!! I feel like her expression in the front-facing drawing is SO conveying comic Tomoe she's PERFECT
bowingbowing grovelling at your feet could I embed / link to this drawing in the fic???? I want to like. blast it at as many eyeballs as possible oh my GOSH thank you so much!!!! ;;;;;;w;;;;;; crying sobbing inconsolable look at my DAUGHT E R
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lilbeanz · 5 months
Teehee ~🙈🩷
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beanghostprincess · 1 month
Don't know if you've ever read about this ship but: Portgas D. Rouge x Sora.
Garp helps Rouge run away to the East Blue and lives in Dawn Island and Ace is born here. She lives on a small house on the jungle, between Foosha and Dadan's house and Garp sends money (Rouge doesn't like to depend on him but until her boy is a little older it will have to be this way). Sora kills Judge poisoning him and runs away, stoping at Dawn Island while still pregnant. She has some money to live until she's able to get a work.
Both women meet at some months after Sora gives birth to the quadruplets. They discover they houses are near and, well, they have kids and maybe they can meet each other and play, even. Rouge and Sora get really along. At time pass they start to go together buy things for their houses, talk a lot, falling in love. Rouge think the only one she would be in love with was Roger, but oh well, she was wrong. Sora never was in love with Judge and this was a arranged marriage, so she's discovering just now she is a lesbian and in love with this beautiful woman.
When Ace is 3, the quadruplets 2 and Reiju 5, Garp arrives asking Rouge to raise Luffy. It's... chaotic. But at the end Rouge stays with baby Luffy, because PLEASE, she knows better than let a baby in the man's hands. Garp leaves sure Rouge is having "something" with Sora.
Ace and Luffy grow up together as brothers since the beggining, with Reiju + 1234ji as friends. They don't start dating until Ace is 8 yo, Luffy 5 yo, the quadruplets 7 yo and Reiju 10 yo. Since Ace and Sabo meet at the age of 5 or 6 (if I am right), I can see Ace taking Sabo to meet his 2/3 years old baby brother and his friends. Rouge asks were his parents are to Sabo and he says he doesn't have none. Rouge adopts him after less than a month.
ASL love their mother and they like Sora a lot! She is kind and likes them all very much! Reiju, Ichiji, Niji, Sanji and Yonji also love Rouge, their mommy is happier around her! The 8 kids have a a strong friendship and they all get along a lot. Sabo and Sanji get close and along quick. (Can't let the chance to put childhood friend to lovers Sabosan in this)
(I am really thinking about if Sabo stays with them and Dragon take him to Rouge and if Ace lives on Marineford but- things will stop before the angst, 'kay?)
I HAVE HEARD ABOUT IT AND I LOVE IT SO SO SO SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! (I have a weak spot for sapphic rareships/crackships they're my favorite thing ever)
I'm loving the whole thing about them raising the kids on their own (even if Rouge has some help) because I genuinely think they would've done such an amazing job as moms if they had the chance :(( Also, Sora finally being able to take care of her kids the way she wants to (with real love) and Rouge showing Ace that he deserves to live and be happy.
The headcanon of Sora being a lesbian has always been one of my favorite things because I adore stories about queens/princesses being forced to marry men and then realizing they didn't want that at all in the first place and their real happiness isn't with a man... Sora and Rouge falling in love and Sora realizing that she can be so much more than just a wife and being appreciated by someone who will treat her right and make her feel both loved and valued. While Rouge, even if still obviously loving Roger, has the power to move on and love again.
So this story about the kids being raised with love by these two sweet and powerful women is just beautiful to me. They would've been so happy... Rouge would've taken care of ASL so well and they would've been able to grow up without the need to survive on their own (I mean, I believe they would do the exact same things they do in canon. Ace and Luffy are the typical "we need to be strong to protect mom too", but this time they have a cozier place to call home and Ace has his mom with him). In this world, Ace would still resent his father a bit, honestly, because the comments about him wouldn't cease, but Rouge would tell him stories about Roger anyway and would try to make him see that he is loved despite the rest of the world hating the idea of him. Sabo's fate is basically the same even if he's being taken care of by Rouge, but in the meantime, being so loved by a mom and having more friends would have helped him in so many ways. Same thing with Luffy, honestly, his abandonment issues would still be there even if there's just a bit more of a peaceful environment around him. I need to mention that I'd like Dadan to be here too helping Rouge more than Garp does and being also kind of like a caretaker for ASL because I believe that she deserves that too. She loves them so much that I don't want to take that away from her even in this world.
On the other hand, Sora raising the kids and them turning out... Normal (as normal as these kids can be) is just so sweet to me. They'd be so loved. And even if they were born with these abilities, there wouldn't be more experiments after that, so perhaps Sora can help them deal with it. Sanji would have a decent dynamic with his siblings... Imagine the Vinsmokes actually being sweet to him. Going insane with this one. And Sora would probably hide that they're royalty, honestly, I don't think she would want them to know. But they would be raised with so much care and love... If you wanna add some angst you can always say they find out about Judge, but I'm focusing on fluff mostly here.
And please please please!!!!!! Childhood best friends to lovers Sabosan mentioned??!!?!?!?!??!? It's one of my favorite things ever. I just know they'd be the ones to get along the most. I have talked about this before but there is no way ASL isn't fighting for Sanji's attention since he probably learns to cook at a very young age and the three of them adore his cooking. Although Sabo is actually down bad for him for other reasons that aren't just that-- I would talk about this more, but I think I have mentioned this AU too many times already to come up with something new that isn't "They fall in love and Sabo dies and then they reunite etc etc".
What you say in the end makes sense. I mean- Perhaps this is just a good timeline where nobody actually dies and there's no Marineford and no Whole Cake Island, buuut I love angst and I believe Ace's death to be one of those things you cannot change no matter the plot. So there would be angst, but let's not talk about it (mentioning the Vinsmokes going to help Ace too tho. That'd be great). And as per WCI...... Idk how this could even happen but I swear that you just need imagination and you can come up with something. No amount of love can fix Sanji's mental stability imo he's always a bit messed up and I love him for that.
Anyway!!!!!!!! This is a wonderful concept. I just love the idea of these two women taking care of the kids on their own and giving them the love they deserve despite the world constantly going against them. Perhaps what these kids actually needed were two sapphic moms and a bit of a better childhood to be less depressed and fucked in the head... I would love to see this, honestly. Sora and Rouge also deserve the world and I hope they're happy in this timeline (when the kids grow up and go in their own separate ways, they stay living together in their house and grow old together as cottage-core sapphics) (maybe Rouge takes Sora and they go sailing together for a little while) (pirate x ex-queen my beloved).
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unu-nunu-art · 1 year
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silvermoon424 · 1 year
Cynical Reviews just dropped a video on an anti-choice propaganda film called "Unplanned" and I cannot believe the balls they had to blatantly lie like this. Actually, I can, because pro-lifers will eat up any anti-abortion propaganda you put in front of them.
I love how this movie deifies the protestors who stand outside of Planned Parenthood and scream "WHORE!!! MURDERER!!!" at teenage girls who are just there for a pap smear or whatever. All while making PP staff look like heartless monsters who laugh about dead babies and force abortions on unwilling girls. I honestly have nothing but disgust for propaganda like this.
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