todays-xkcd · 5 hours
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Under quantum tax law, photons sent through a beamsplitter don't actually choose which path they took, or incur a tax burden, until their wavefunction collapses when the power is sold.
Beamsplitters [Explained]
[Cross section of a telescope with some parts of the image darkened to represent the path of light, with portions where the light would be more concentrated being darker]
[Labels with arrows as they appear left to right, top to bottom:] Incoming Light Primary Mirror Secondary Mirror Beamsplitter Sensor Secret Solar Panel Power Sold To Grid
[Caption below the panel:] Astronomy News: The International Astronomical Union has finally banned beamsplitters, optical devices used by scientists to embezzle light from their instruments.
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safestsephiroth · 20 days
FFXIVWrite 2024 #4: Reticent (Kavatch Beamsplitter)
What was easy was often not what was right. This was one of many lessons his mentor had provided, all those years ago.
The Beamsplitter, as they had taken to calling him, had not achieved his strength - so considerable, and yet nowhere near enough - by speaking openly about his feelings and thoughts. He had not crushed boulders with his bare fist because he had talked about his deepest fears with others. He had not defeated so many monsters and would-be assassins so handily because he discussed his feelings with anyone. Let alone himself.
He would not live forever.
He would not be strong forever.
The window to leave the impact he so feverishly desired was always inching closer to being forever closed.
What was he supposed to do? What could anyone do? 'Clear your mind', his mentor would have said. Master, he called himself, but the Beamsplitter knew no master. Teacher, yes. Mentor, yes. But he held no subservience in his heart, and never had.
He needed knowledge. He needed strength. He needed more power. And to get them, he needed to find a way more effective than training unfocused pupils and smashing trees apart.
There had to be something out there - some method. Some secret. He had heard rumblings of hidden texts, of ancient techniques buried with time. Of power sealed away for being 'too great'.
There was no such thing as a power too great to possess, he was certain - only a person too weak to control it.
And he was not weak.
But where to find such information? The Yakuza, perhaps? Doubtful. The one he was tutoring was about as disciplined as a seagull. Perhaps they knew someone who knew, though?
One thing was becoming abundantly clear: answers would only come if he was willing to speak the questions.
He clenched his jaw, and smashed another tree in half.
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taperwolf · 6 months
Edmund Scientific was a company that got its start in the 1940s selling surplus optics — lenses, and then microscopes and telescopes — and expanded into a big mail-order catalog that sold science educational stuff to the public. It also branched out into selling top-shelf scientific lens, camera, and laser systems to industry and research labs. Early in the 2000s, they decided they were just going to focus on the latter and flogged off the consumer end of the business.
But somehow I stayed on their mailing list, which is why I've gotten a glossy catalog full of aspherical lenses, optical stages, beamsplitters, neutral density filters, and helium-neon lasers delivered to me every couple of months for the past two decades.
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danco110 · 10 months
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“…Yes, you do, Kliment. You love replicating results.”
“Well, we don’t exactly love to, per se. But we are good at it.”
The vedalken engineer shrugged their shoulders at the Dimir reporter tailing through the air behind them. They took a deep breath, already mentally preparing themself for the next round of questions from the barely-disguised faerie.
“But, if you don’t want to, then why do it? Why is your whole job just to…copy your coworkers?”
“Because, Daza,” smirked the vedalken, as they glanced over their shoulder, “I know you forget this, and in fact eighty-nine percent of the city forgets this as well, but at the end of the day, we are engineers.”
“Civil engineers. As in, infrastructure. Which definitely needs replicated results.”
Daza bit back a sarcastic laugh. “Please. The Gruul build better roads through the Rubblebelt than anything you mad scientists make.”
“But no one else would volunteer to do the work here in the city!”
Daza turned to confront the new voice, coming face to face with a human guildmage standing behind her. The new arrival adjusted the gauntlet on her arm with exaggerated motions as she continued to address the Dimir’s claims.
“No one else stepped up when the Guildpact was first signed, and no one else has since. And besides, who exactly would fill that role? You spies?”
Daza scoffed defensively. “Ah, well, for your information, Runa! We Dimir already perform several valuable public services! We’re librarians, historians-”
“Black ops.”
“-Exactly! What’s one more duty, right? How hard could it be?”
Runa shrugged. “It depends. What mix design would you use for concrete?”
“Er…well…” Daza trailed off. “Okay, fine, maybe we’re not the best fit.”
Runa nodded, while Kliment gave a boisterous laugh. The guildmage smugly charged her gauntlet, a web of blue lightning arcing across its surface.
“Yeah, you’re not.”
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[Inspiration: both Beamsplitter and Guildmage can copy spells!
Also, I like to think that Gruul trails through the Rubblebelt are actually pretty solid, especially since they still need to accommodate giants and cyclopes and the like, but don’t suffer from near as much use or congestion as the city proper!]
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ankitas · 15 days
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davanssion · 2 months
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bhoyarankita1510 · 3 months
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opto-line · 5 months
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Opto-Line’s Polka-Dot Beamsplitters are ideal for use with broadband, extended sources, such as tungsten, halogen, deuterium, and xenon lamps, and for use in monochromators, spectrophotometers, and other optical systems. https://opto-line.com/custom-optical-patterns/opto-lines-polka-dot-beamsplitters-are-ideal-for-use-with-broadband-extended-sources-such-as-tungsten-halogen-deuterium-and-xenon-lamps-and-for-use-in-monochromators-spectrophotometers-and-o/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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rjshitalbakch · 7 months
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taperwolf · 5 months
I picked up a sheet of acrylic — sizable, and still in the protective masking paper, at a great price — at a thrift store a couple of weeks ago, and I've been wondering for a while what to make from it. And I decided tonight that the coolest thing would be a Pepper's Ghost rig for my old tube TV, of the sort that Joshua Ellingson does.
The basic effect is that a sheet of glass or acrylic or whatever is placed over a bright video source at a 45° angle, which makes it act as a beamsplitter: you can see through it to whatever is behind it, but you can also see the reflection of the video. So an object filmed on a black background will seem to float in midair.
(The technique descends from stage effects, where a brightly lit actor under the stage would apparently be projected, ghostlike, onto the stage among the ones on stage. It was invented by Henry Dircks, but John Henry Pepper was the showman who improved and marketed it, and his is the name that stuck.)
Anyway, while I was looking for some details on making the thing, I hit a different demo video Ellingson had made, showing how you can demo the effect with a cassette or CD case positioned over a phone screen.
And I tried that out with my phone and a simple goldfish video, and it worked great! But my phone is also my only good camera, so I can't prove it. So my demo will have to wait until I get some acrylic cut.
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imirmarketresearch · 1 year
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marketwatchpune · 1 year
Japan Commenting Systems Market 2023 Top IndJapantry Trend and Segments Analysis upto 2030
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coecrystaloptics · 2 years
Best Fused Silica Window
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High quality fused silica windows are produced using a deep optical polishing technique. Each and every one of these specialized fused silica windows is constructed from UV- or IR-grade synthetic fused silica. These fused silica windows can also be covered with a high-quality, laser-damage-resistant anti-reflection coating. As laser head protection windows, coated fused silica windows are frequently utilized in high power laser systems.
There are manufacturers engaged in carrying a complete inventory of circular commercial quality windows of S1-UV Grade Fused Silica.
These manufacturers specialize in providing you UV/ IR/ Low OH serious fused silica substrates, and material can be from Corning, Heraeus, Ohala, GE124/214 or JGS1, JGS2 and JGS3.
When you buy them from well-known manufacturers, there precision UV Fused Silica Windows feature laser-grade surface quality and parallelism.
They are used for varied purposes such as Commercial windows are used for sight glasses, instrument windows, beamsplitter substrates, vacuum windows and welding window substrates. Most manufacturers provide these windows in many uncoated stock configurations but you can also order for the optical windows customized and coated to your unique requirements.
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morethanmoodmaking · 2 years
Monday, 13 March 2023
Beamsplitters by Felisha Ledesma, via Claire Rousay
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businessinfinity · 2 years
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