#beaker nci
newcountyinvestigator · 3 months
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We are out here again, this time with my frequency scanner thing!! With this, i can listen to anything that is transmitted via radio, cellphone, and tv satellite signal.
You are a very tall person.
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Sythesis of deet mechanism Synthesis of DDT (DichloroDiphenylTrichloroethane)
Canonical SMILES. Preparation of DDT. To a three-neck round-bottom flask fitted with a mechanical stirrer and a thermometer 350 g of 95 % sulfuric acid, 50 g of oleum (20 % of free sulfur trioxide), 45 g monochlorobenzene, and 34 g chloral hy­drate were added. The mixture is stirred rapidly and at the end of an hour the DDT separates as a fine granular solid. During the reaction the temperature rises to 45°C. For the completion of the reaction the stirring is continued for an additional half hour. The reaction mixture is poured with stirring into two liters of a 1:1 mixture of ice and water and the solid product which separates is collected on a funnel with suction and washed with cold water. To remove an excess of inorganic acid, the crude DDT is transferred to a beaker containing 500 ml. The mixture is stirred well and allowed to cool, whereupon the washed reaction product solidifies. This process is repeated few times and finally order to completely remove the last traces of acid a little sodium bicarbonate is added to the last wash water. The crystals of DDT is filtered and dried yielding 50 g of crude DDT, which corresponds to over 70 % of the theoretical with melting point 90°C. DDT could be purified by crystallizing from ethyl or propyl alcohol yield product with melting point 108°C. The pure product separates as fine colorless needles that have a slight odor of fresh apples. J. Chem. Educ., 1945, 22 (4), 170. DDT, 4,4′ Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, 4,4′-DDT, 4,4′-Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, Benzochloryl, chlorophenothane, DDT, p’,p’-DDT, TbisC ethane, TbisC-ethane. Depositor-Supplied Synonyms. Chlorophenothane, Clofenotane, p,p’-DDT, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, Chlorphenothan, Chlorphenotoxum, Parachlorocidum, Dicophane, Pentachlorin, 4,4′-DDT, Benzochloryl, Bovidermol, Agritan, Arkotine, Detoxan, Didigam, Didimac, Estonate, Genitox, Gesafid, Gesarol, Guesarol, Pentech, Rukseam, Santobane, Zerdane, Anofex, Citox, Deoval, Detox, Dykol, Gyron, Ivoran, Ixodex, Kopsol, Neocid, Chlorophenotoxum, Bosan Supra, 50-29-3, DDT, Chlorophenothan, Penticidum, Ppzeidan, Azotox, Dibovin, Hildit, Mutoxan, Tafidex, Zeidane, Dodat, Aavero-extra, p,p’-Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, PEB1, 4,4′-Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, Clofenotan, Dibovan, Gesapon, Gesarex, Geusapon, Guesapon, Mutoxin, 1,1,1-Trichloro-2,2-bis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane, Dedelo, Havero-extra, Trichlorobis(4-chlorophenyl)ethane, Chlorophenothanum, Clofenotane technique, Chlofenotan, Chlorphenotane, Clofenotanum, OMS 16, Penticide, 1,1-Bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2,2,2-trichloroethane, Neocidol, solid, Tech ddt, Rcra waste number U061, Chlorophenothanum technicum, NCI-C00464, Neocidol (solid), Detox (pesticide), para,para’-DDT, D.D.T. DDT and metabolites, Micro ddt 75, 1,1,1-Trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane, Neocid (VAN), Azotox M 33, Azotox M-33, Caswell No.... View more ...
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newcountyinvestigator · 3 months
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Here I am, In front of the inconspicuous HQ of the Glass Pyramid Organization. Allegedly, their mission statement is "find solutions to the impossible" But, I think It's a bunch of Malarkey!! So far, I've seen a grenade person and a pointy sword dude outside tending to the topiary. I'll keep you all posted on what I find! Stay Curious Detectives!!!
-Mollie Alto
Mollie can we go home? I want to sleep its 1 AM.
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newcountyinvestigator · 3 months
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Okay Detectives!!! I got a photo of the sword dude before getting kicked out of the premises!!!
My mom is gonna ground me for this :(
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newcountyinvestigator · 3 months
Recorder. I must have a word with you.
I promise not to yell at you, nor threaten you.
I merely wish to inform you of the consecuences of your actions.
Revealing our secret project to the world may seem like a good idea, but, have you considered the bad that could come from it?
If the wrong people find out about our invention, what will they do to get their hands on it?
I know you want to benefit the world, but some things are best kept secret. Perhaps if you wont spill any more information, I could give you a personal tour of the facility, and even talk to the head inventor.
Phillipe Von Lendrakken II
Glass Pyramid Solutions Custodian
did you even read the letter?
(she takes a solid 7 minutes to read it.)
She's thinking.
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molly are you mollie of denali be honest no lies accepted
That girl pisses me off...
She's a bit tired, that whole beaming thing has her really tired.
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unserstandable!!! can i headpat you LIGHTLY tho
okay :(
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why are you speaking all fancy now? is this a sign i should, too?
Perhaps. Anywho, please refrain from doing anything with that…(referring to the. the thO THE RHING!!!!!! THE THING.)
She just started acting this way all of a sudden! The fancy words! The empty look in her eyes!
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Guys, something isn't right with her.
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I found something weird at work.
Well, internship, whatever! I was snooping around the lab when I came across this weird red-jellyfish novelty lamp. I thought It looked cool so i snapped a picture, and it wound up like this
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Worst part is that the image scaled like that! I didn't even like edit my phone camera settings!
So, anyways, I went to ask Prism, and he told me to not worry about it, and that I should probably stay away from that thing.
yet, it beckons me to come closer, to ask it questions...
I'll Update the blog about this thing later! looks like NCI has a new mystery to solve!
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Beaker's Comment: That thing looks dangerous! please don't touch it molly!
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newcountyinvestigator · 3 months
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Morning Detectives!!! We gotta find out what this guy's deal is.
Can't we relax today?
No time for that! we got mysteries to solve!!
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newcountyinvestigator · 3 months
(last one was sent from my main uuhhh ignoreee that im currently multitasking)
Ohhh, cmooooon! Don’t be like that! Be glad you’re not being skinned alive right now! (hypocrite.)
I'm just here.
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newcountyinvestigator · 3 months
Can you maybe tell us about yourself? If you’re fine with that?
I like not going to jail. I'm allergic to onions. I don't really have much to say at the moment, I'm tired too.
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newcountyinvestigator · 3 months
+1 anon
oh. can i give her a gift? she probably wouldnt really like it, or me coming back here at all, but you kno…
I can give it to her on your behalf, grenade.
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newcountyinvestigator · 3 months
+1 ask
hey. i feel like the answer is pretty obvious, but why are to so persistent? …did the glass pyramid organization ever do something to you? or?
They are hiding something that could benefit society as a whole!!
Or destroy it
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newcountyinvestigator · 3 months
So you’d kill me? You couldn’t possibly! :C
They seem almost a bit hurt by that. Actually hurt. Authentic feelings
(get the reference that is barely a reference plzplzzpzpz)
I was pulling your leg. Anyways, don't mess with my stuff, or I'm going to test my theory on you! >:)
Chillax Recorder.
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