#beacon of hope for scaramouche maybe
koiir · 1 year
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Drabbles based on lyrics from twices “talk that talk”
𓈒࣪ 𐐪𐑂 ─ Pairings; Scaramouche, heizou, Alhaitham x gn!reader
𓈒࣪ 𐐪𐑂 ─ Genre/content; fluff, angst + comfort on Alhaithams, not proofread
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“A to Z, you are quite sweet But I wanna skip the more important thing”
He hates this, Scaramouche hates it so much how you can’t seem to take a hint as he has tried to get you to notice these small things. You say you aren’t oblivious, but he begs to differ. How do you not notice it? Notice the way he treats you unlike he does with others?
He feels like his head is about to explode as he watches you chat away with another classmate. Stupid. You’re so stupid for not noticing the glances your classmate is giving you…you really are oblivious.
He’s trying to not make it obvious, yet he friends notice the way he eyes daggers at the classmate. They can only snicker seeing Scaramouche so worked up after only calling you a “friend” and nothing more. But they all know his true feelings, they just wonder if he will do anything.
They believe the indigo haired will just watch, yet his next movements leave them to raise an eyebrow.
He can’t deal with this, Scaramouche thinks to himself. He can’t let that classmate of yours who clearly is into you take what he has been longing for. The male makes his way up to you, completely dismissing the classmate.
“Scara?” He feels his heart beating and wants to smirk at the classmate at how easily he has gotten your attention, your eyes now glued on Scaramouche.
“Cmon, i gotta show you something.” He doesn’t even bother to wait for your response before grabbing your wrist. This is new, Scaramouche has never dared to make physical contact like this before. Maybe it’s a part of him that is possessive and wants to make it obvious. Especially to that classmate.
Here’s his chance, Scaramouche can finally get to the finish line of this. To the important part. With you two out of the classroom, the halls are empty as he stands in front of you. He keeps quiet but he knows you have your questions, he blushed looking away from you.
“I like you.”
He sees the way your eyes widen as your mouth is now agape, clearly not having this in mind. You didn’t expect a confession, much less for Scaramouche. He liked you?
“W-what?” You seem to be in a trance as you stare at him, but it’s anything but that as your mind races with thoughts. How? Why? You start to think back about your time being friends with Scaramouche and seeing if you could find any evidence of these feelings.
“Gosh [name] you’re so…stupid. You seriously didn’t know that I liked you?” “No! Absolutely not!”
He sighs out, but he grins as he sees you getting so worked up about not knowing this…and how he keeps insulting you for not realizing it.
“You actually like me?” He knows you have slight doubts, not expecting someone like him to have these types of feelings since he’s also so…. Himself.
“I’m not gonna say it twice, I actually like you idiot.” He wishes you could have been smarter…but it doesn’t change the fact that his heart beats for you and only you. Scaramouche doesn’t know why but he’s feeling rather bold, he pulls you in for a hug. You didn’t expect this….you didn’t even think he would have done something like this.
Baby, you know the answer, yes or yes / Don’t wanna waste time with the push-and-pull
It’s not exactly push and pull, most likely one sided with how heizou try’s to woo you. How long has it been since he’s…been like this for you? Ah, doesn’t really matter—cause it’s clear as day that heizou will never give up.
It feels like a lifetime with him working by your side, he almost views you as a beacon of hope whenever he has you on the same case as him. Yet he can’t deny that you are definitely the better the detective, yet maybe not with this…cause it seems you don’t bat an eye at his tactics as you wave him goodbye. Your grin making his face light up as he only wants more of this.
“Man alive… won’t you ever let that attitude go [name]?” You have your back turned away from heizou, as you roll your eyes. He actually asked you out…yet he played it off as a “catch up day” since you two have been so caught up in work. But with the way he wrapped an arm around you, it was obvious heizou wanted a date. From you.
“No, I probably won’t ever…” you want to say more, but you can’t voice out what you’re thinking in this moment. You don’t exactly know what to feel as you want to shut him down, but you know that isn’t what you truly want. You’re never doubt your thoughts or feelings, so why now?
“Won’t you say anything [name]? Don’t leave me hanging!” Heizou seems to resemble a lost puppy as he looks at you wishing for you to turn around. You know you should, maybe that would help give you your answer. You turn to see him and see the glint in his eyes, you feel your heart pound seeing him like this.
“I… i don’t know.” “What do you mean you don’t know?!”
He’s a little surprised at your answer, since he thought you would give an actual answer instead of an “I don’t know.” He feels a new idea pop into his mind, one that is bound to make you say yes.
“Well….” Heizou backs away from you, at teasing grin making a way onto his face. “You have two choices…” why is he making this so suspenseful? You feel yourself start to become more nervous, but not in that bad way—almost as if you’re awaiting for his next words as you become more giddy. But of course you don’t show it.
“Yes…or yes?” Huh? Oh. He’s asking about the date…you have two choices…yes or yes….
It was such a cliché thing for him to say, not giving you a choice to say “no.” Maybe that’s what you needed, cause you felt like you had the answer you needed. Definitely not because you didn’t want to admit you wanted to go on a date with him…
“So that’s your move heizou?” You now share a grin as you let your facade wash away as you start to feel true to yourself.
“Well to answer your question….yes.” You see the way his grin grows larger yet more pure as he feels himself filled with joy by your answer. It seems his tactic worked as you gave him the choice he had been wanting for so long.
Talk that talk, just one word / Talk that talk, l-o-v-e
He doesn’t know what to do, Alhaitham try’s to think of what to with this situation. It started with you two enjoying the company of the other, it felt almost perfect. To good to be true. And when those three words fell out of your lips, he felt himself become blank. Everything stopping as he took in what you had told him.
“I love you.”
Now as he sits with the emptiness of the library, Alhaitham wonders why the hell he kept quiet. How he had a battle of doubt with his feelings, he just needed the time to think about this. It’s not because it was early to say those words, but he thought if he should say it back. Is he capable of your love?
He feels stupid, so stupid for not talking it out with you. Cause now he has left you to avoid him and he knows he only has himself to blame. Alhaitham knows the answer, he wishes he could have known this earlier. When you spilled your heart to him.
It feels like time has gone slower, he doesn’t bat an eye at anyone as he thinks of the way back to you. And thankfully he is able to find you, your back facing him as alhaitham watches the way your gaze is fixated on the clear view of flowers.
He feels his stiff body now become more relaxed seeing you so peaceful, but h his heart breaks as he watches you notice his presence. It’s evident your hurt as you see him, and Alhaitham wants nothing but to fix that.
You stay still as he walks closer, he just hopes you don’t shut him down.
“Why are you here? Aren’t you busy?” He would expect you to be irritated, but your tone is soft. It’s almost as if you’re nervous to see him especially after what happened.
“I love you [name] and I’m sorry I couldn’t say it when you told me.” He feels like he should say more, he had almost all day to figure out the right words, yet love is difficult. Especially when trying to find the right words.
He knows you find peace whenever he holds you, so he hopes it can help you understand how he truly feels. As he pulls you in for the hug he hears you mumble. You mumble about how you’re sorry, and how you should have waited.
“Don’t say that, you should never hide how you feel. I was stupid for not telling you that I felt the same, I…I just was shocked that you loved me.”
Alhaitham almost felt doubt when he heard you tell him those words, why would you love him? But he should have know that you were honest, you always had done everything for him. Yet he didn’t believe you in that moment, and that is what hurts him most.
You don’t say anything as you feel his heartbeat against you, you have a natural instinct to hold him closer. You know how Alhaitham would get, and you knew he would do anything in his power to replace your pain with joy.
“…i love you okay?” You want to make sure he knows this, because you never want him to doubt your love for him.
“Please remember that.”
And he will. Alhaitham makes that promise to you and himself to always trust your word, because he knows you wouldn’t ever lie to him about.
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A/n; wish I added more characters but I wanted to get something done so might do a part two…
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whalesandstars · 1 year
Tomorrow - Scaramouche - Prompt fic
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Prompt: Tomorrow
[Introspection of Kabukimono, Scaramouche, and Wanderer]
Tomorrow always served as a beacon of hope to people, like a lighthouse that guided lost souls at sea, like a moon illuminating the way in a dark and cold night.
Kabukimono viewed tomorrow as such. For him, it was a promise; a ray of light that shone from the small gap in the ceiling of Shakkei Pavilion. Whenever the sunlight came pouring down from that hole was snuffed out by the darkness of the night like a small candle flame blown out, whenever he was alone in the void, wrapped by the embrace of isolation in this lonely cradle he was abandoned in, he always believed that when morning came, as tomorrow promised, his mother would be back to take him into her loving arms and welcome him back home.
But it was a promise never fulfilled.
At the very least, tomorrow gave him something else in return.
It gave him a home, a family in Tatarasuna, whose warmth filled the cold void inside his chest and put a smile on his fair but blank face.
It gave him a friend and a brother who loved him in a way his mother could not.
It gave him people to cherish, a place to belong to,
Only to take them all away.
Scaramouche never believed in tomorrow.
It was nothing but a childish notion filled with lies and broken promises; wishful thinking to the naive ones who were too weak to grasp superiority with their own hands.
He was different. He believed in the present, where he could crush anyone who got in his path to godhood beneath his feet like worthless insects. Things would not be better tomorrow. He would make it better. He would seize the gnosis which was his by birthright and show those laughable gods and feeble humans alike how he was above them all. He would stomp on their foolish views and ludicrous ideals of perfect harmony; burning away this rotten world, this tapestry of lies, into ashes that would serve as foundation for a new era which would celebrate his birth as its new god.
Tomorrow was inconsequential.
Sometimes, when the rage inside him diminished from a roaring blaze to whimpering embers. When he was in the company of fake stars, he indulged in the sweet whispers that tomorrow brought.
That maybe tomorrow,
He would no longer have to endure the torment of experiments,
No longer have to face death everyday in the abyss,
No longer have to wear a hat to hide his weak, small, and ugly self,
No longer have to feel the ache of abandonment and betrayal in his chest.
He hoped that tomorrow would be better.
Hah, such useless thoughts.
He knew.
Of course he knew that tomorrow would work with fate to play with him, to mock him, to laugh at his misery as the God of Wisdom reclaimed the dendro gnosis, as she ripped away his heart, stripped him of his ambitions and chance at being a god, at being something he could be proud of, by taking the electro gnosis as well.
What a joke.
As he was pushed away by the rightful king from the throne,
As he was falling from the Shouki no Kami,
He laughed at tomorrow.
It had nothing in store for him,
Nothing but the cold embrace of the void waiting for him to hit the ground.
Good riddance.
He laughed.
He did not need a tomorrow.
To disappear from existence like a dead star crumbling to dust in a bleak and dark space,
That would be his victory over the farce of tomorrow.
Tomorrow was nothing. It was just another day of drifting by like a leaf with no destination and kept being blown from one place to another by the wind as seasons passed by.
Wanderer regarded tomorrow as such. It was a state of emptiness. It held no promise of grandeur or direction towards a purpose. It simply existed. Just like him. Like him who wandered to nowhere ever since he awoke, drifting like a boat on the sea of vast blue, letting the waves take him to wherever the water led.
Tomorrow was just another moment of watching the inky black sky fade with the strokes of orange on the sleepy colors on the canvas above his head and greeting the vibrant yellow of the sun and the pure white of clouds. It was a matter of seeing people pass by with spring in their steps as they chased after a purpose, to the trail that led to the fulfillment of a dream, while he stood still in the middle of the street with hands empty of aspirations and a hollow chest devoid of passion for life.
Yes, tomorrow was just another day painted in monochrome,
Empty and valueless.
Tomorrow was a beacon of hope for an abandoned innocent soul.
Tomorrow was nothing but a collection of broken promises and mockery for a false god who lost everything.
Tomorrow was emptiness and being lost for someone drifting without a purpose.
For a man who had no name, who had been given the truth, a chance to change his future and end his wandering, tomorrow was something to grasp with his own hands the same way he reached out into the light and grabbed the glowing anemo vision that now hung on his chest, above the non existent heart that no longer yearn for destruction or ideals of glory. For him, tomorrow was not a beacon of hope but a spark that he himself should ignite. It did not mean surrendering to the void but another chance to rebuild what had already been shattered, to plant a seed from the soil that had been covered by ashes of razed promises and yesterdays. It was not emptiness and settling on having no purpose but creating a new path and trudging on even without a properly working compass; taking control of the direction as one flew through trees and mountains instead of being a mere leaf blown by the wind as it pleased.
For a man who had no name,
Who had grieved and accepted his past,
Who had lost himself but had been found,
Tomorrow was a door to the future,
Whose knob would be grabbed by his own hand,
And would be swung open by a determination to seize a simple life he would be happy with.
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1-scara-a-day · 3 years
Thoughts on Ayato?
HE'S REAL !!!!!! HE'S !!! HERE !!! :DD
(fr I quadruple-checked the genshin account to make sure it was the Official one) I think his design is elegant! The suit/kimono is kinda cool and I like his droopy eyes + eyeliner + mole. I like that his colour palette is lighter in comparison to ayaka. Next to thoma, I think the white/blue and black/red would also be fun.
If he works well in a team composition with ayaka, I think that'd be cute :) super excited overall !!!!
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asyliah · 3 years
heard u wanted some ideas for genshin fluff :3c im not sure if youre willing to write anything based off of this but i love scaramouche and i have the headcanon that he was much gentler before joining the fatui. i like the idea of him having a lover during that time or maybe just someone he was very fond of, and just being open to any kind of affection from them, while maybe teasing them a bit during their cuddle sessions ✨
A/N: Aiyaa Finally a Soft! Scaramouche appreciator (≧▽≦) I love you for this ask 💓💓 I'm bad at making this along ff but I hope you enjoy it <3
Soft!Scaramouche x Gender!NeutralReader
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Before Scaramouche joined the Fatui: He was just a boy that wanders every depth of Inazuma, before he was known as the ' Scaramouche' that people fear he was called Kunikuzushi. When you two meet always you always exchanged smile each other. You always wonder if he doesnt have any emotions also ( Coz he always nod everytime, and just practice swordsmanship every day)
But as time passes you two become close and you were the beacon in his life, Scaramouche always makes you smile every day and stick to each other in bad times. He is also a supportive person and gives you many praises even the littlest things. Scaramouche feels comfortable hanging out with you and he started to become a trickster and a huge tease.
You two become a lover after realising the feelings both share. He shows more side of him, just like being sensitive in his abdomen every time you tickle him and touch starved. Scaramouche is open to you and never lie! Call him "Kuni" and he will go red in an instant please call him that he loves it ;)
Scaramouche tried to go hunting outside to hunt a fox to tame and for you to keep, but instead, he came home with a white cat and a big scratch on his hand. You scolded him for being reckless but he just softly smile. He was really sad that day because he didn't get a fox, Scaramouche thinks it's cute to have a fox poor man he just wanted to make you happy
" I'm sorry, my love. I didn't intend to get this injury," he apologised while you try to put herbs in his wounds, your tears fall in his hands. " Who even told you to hunt a fox? What if you--" your words cut out when he kissed you dearly. And your tears were wiped from his gentle fingers.
" I am sorry, okay?" Scaramouche looks at you with puppy eyes and you accept defeat. This also ended up you raising the little cat and naming it Fuku.
I also hc Scaramouche and his s/o are the elderly's favourite in the village they lived in. Elders always love the youthful atmosphere so does love. Even they tried to tease Scaramouche when he will ask you for the marriage and he would go red.
When you two have the alone time, expect him to just cuddle you from the back and bury his head into your neck. He finds comfort from your touch. He is always open about any topics so don't be shy to tell him what you thinking. You two always laugh at each other about those fun events and tease a lot.
To Scaramouche, you were a person he must protect. And he will do anything for you to be happy even if he joins the fatui.
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Thank you for reading this mwah mwah, if you want more content please give me some asks so I can write them 😽
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cynettic · 3 years
ok, i have a fucked up insomnia and i have class at 7:30 in the morning, but i'm here listening to music on the computer because my cell phone broke and thinking, hmm what if in a scenario that scaramouche wasn't a yandere and possible brother of Kitsune reader what would the relationship between the two be like? and by the way how are you? hydrate yourself;3
Oh no ;-; I'd say I hope you get some rest, but if you really cant until class I just hope you manage to get some rest afterwards!! I'm doing well, really like getting these ideas from you for the Kitsune Reader and Scaramouche :3 I'll be sure to drink water so same goes for you!! Even if you cant get some sleep make sure to take care of yourself before class <3
Hmmm- so if Scaramouche was the readers brother and unyanderish? (correct me if im wrong). anyways, between the two of them in that case reader would probably take better care of Scaramouche to begin with (maybe yell at the kids who refuse to play temari with him). But since reader was born a while back, if Scaramouche was born way back then (to where the Kitsune Saiguu was still alive and well), reader would either be raised or help raise him. Depending on who was born first, but in the story the reader is responsible in general so I could see them being more of the helpful figure while Scaramouche just goes around and unleashes havoc.
Kitsune reader would still be a beacon of support though, all the way. Scaramouche who's still cruel to the world and never shows vulnerability to anyone but them doesnt change, but yknow, in a more sibling type way. Reader will also have to smack him down if he ends up doing anything super bad, and since they have a vision and are powerful in general, Scaramouche never really worries about their safety. He trusts them, even if they dont really trust him with taking care of himself or staying composed with others- (which is fair, really). The two of them get along just fine.
Bonus - If growing up with him somehow changes your perspective and you both end up being heartless beasts, Teyvat better be prepared ;-;
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