#beach ghoul
makkuromurasaki · 2 months
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hot ghoul summer ☀️🫠 6/???
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kabukiaku · 4 months
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my boys enjoying some beach time while I am COOKING over here. It’s so hot. Please- all I ask is to go to the coast. You can take summer back I don’t want her anymore 😵‍💫
at least my boys will have a good time 🖤
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delulluart · 5 months
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Copia and his Ghouls enjoying a day at the beach
(pic taken about 4 seconds before a volleyball accident)
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Click here for more satanic beach fun
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horrendousmustard · 20 days
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Kaneki drawing page
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zitrovee · 2 years
. ° ✦  Bunch of monster high fandesigns!!
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all-my-ocs-are-evil · 3 months
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i feel like i've lost the ability to draw so here are some doodles/ 1st draft designs I made for some of the monster high girlies bc I've still got the urge to draw despite that. they all need some work but I feel like I've gotten to a good starting point.
ive got quite a few ideas for the rest but we'll see if I ever get to them lol
beware the tags! (i never shut up)
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ballpit-bakery · 1 month
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wow what a cute beaver hope nothing bad happens to him wait Bucky watch out there’s a storm BUCKY-
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coffeeghoulie · 4 months
Mushy May Day 28: Collecting Objects
The pack has a beach day, and Mountain and Rain spend it looking for a keepsake to take home.
Thank you so much to @forlorn-crows for putting Mushy May together, and to @ghuleh-recs for making us the dividers <3
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"Will this do, tadpole?" Mountain asks, holding up something small between big fingers, covered in their human glamour.
Rain chirps curiously, straightening up from where he's been combing through the sand. Behind them, the lake laps at the shores, water stretching off to the horizon, sky and water the same bright blue.
The band's on an off day, Papa deciding that a lake day would be good for all of his ghouls. Mountain's grateful for it, eager to take off his shoes and sink his toes in the sand, connect to his element. Rain, Dew and Aurora had happily dove into the water the moment the bus had pulled to a stop, even though Rain is a saltwater ghoul. Any water is good enough for their magick.
Cumulus and Cirrus wade through the waves, up to their knees, talking to each other in quiet tones, while Aeon and Swiss playfight and tussle in the water. Swiss keeps saying something about planting palm trees, and Aeon rolls their eyes, splashing water at him every time.
Papa's on the shore, under an umbrella, eyes shut behind sunglasses. Should they approach him, Mountain knows the old man will insist that he isn't sleeping, just resting his eyes. His face is slathered in sunscreen that smells strongly of artificial coconut and zinc.
Rain trots over, squinting in the summer sun at what Mountain's holding. It's cobalt blue and about the size of a fifty cent gumball, just slightly translucent and glowing where the afternoon sun hits it. "Shit, sunflower, it's perfect," Rain gushes, holding his palm out.
Mountain gives him a crooked grin, depositing the bit of sea glass into his outstretched hand. He watches as Rain rubs his thumb over the wave-smoothed edges, a bit of glass buffered and polished into a pretty little gemstone. It'll get tucked into one of the nooks in Rain's bunk, along with all of the other stones the two of them have collected together, until they get back to the Abbey.
The collection gets split evenly between two places. Half of the rocks will line the shelf above the desk in Rain's room, organized by color. There's a pile for each tour Rain's been on, can name every body of water he took them from.
The other half will go to the greenhouse, to the bed of flowers that Mountain keeps, one plant for each of his packmates, former and current. They line the edges of the raised bed, curling around the snapdragons and jasmine, the baby's breath and catchfly and daffodils. The stones circle the morning glories climbing their trellis, tucked around the petunias.
It's theirs, the same way Cirrus and Cumulus buy magnets from every rest area and truck stop the band stops at.
"Did you find one for me?" Mountain asks, watching as Rain inspects the sea glass.
"Mhm," Rain hums, reaching wordlessly into the front pocket of his shorts and pulling out a stone. It's flat and almost perfectly round, and if the lake were calmer, water glassy and still, it would make an excellent skipping stone. It's a slightly marbled grey, basalt, if Mountain had to take a guess, but he's more than willing to bet that Rain selected it for its shape rather than any unique coloration.
"This is perfect, Rain," Mountain beams, auburn hair glinting copper in the light. Rain gives him a grin back, and even through his human glamour, his teeth are just a little too sharp.
"How about I put these with our stuff, and we actually get in the water?" Rain offers, shifting on his feet.
Mountain's brow furrows for a moment, poker face nonexistent when it comes to his water ghoul. "Shit, didn't mean to keep you from the wa-"
Rain reaches up, pulling Mountain down by the shoulders to press a quick little kiss to his lips, effectively shutting him up. "Don't apologize. I needed to get a rock for you."
Mountain smiles again, unsure if the warmth on his face is just the sun or a blush. He waits until Rain's back is turned, depositing their stones in one of the pouches of his backpack over by Copia, before calling out. "Last one in is on dishes duty when we get back to the Abbey!"
Rain splutters, scrambling through the sand, and Mountain just laughs.
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kawoid · 2 months
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Mutuals!!! Beasties!!!
We went to an antique mall today for my birthday and look at what I found!!
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The whole top floor was full of vintage toys and dolls/Barbie’s, I wanted to buy everything 😭
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p1nkcanoe · 1 year
Some of the Ghouls’ Favorite Topside Things ✿
Aether: Clash of Clans
Dewdrop: car crash compilations on YouTube
Cirrus: birds
Cumulus: hair rollers and adult coloring books
Mountain: the entire LEGO botanical collection
Rain: Hot Wheels
Sunshine: The Hunger Games franchise
Swiss: Wii Sports
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makkuromurasaki · 3 months
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get yer hot ghoul summer 2/???
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dewedup · 1 year
dew messing with the security guard sitting below him
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ghcstcd · 2 years
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Consider...For Dewdrop....
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horrendousmustard · 14 days
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“Beach Date Kaneki When?” - today!
@winterbl0ss0m @just-another-tokyo-ghoul-fan new Neki >v<
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Ghoulette Appreciation Week 12
Week 12: Beach day & Playful one-upping
It's the Beach Episode y'all 🏖️
Rating: G Content: Beach day, competitive ghouls Words: 1378
Read below, or on AO3!
It was a rare day off from touring, and the ghouls were at the beach. In a show of compassion for his cabin-fever-ridden ghouls, Copia had asked the bus driver to drop them at the coast for the day. If they were being sceptical, the ghouls could have realised the empty and quiet bus was more for his benefit than theirs.  
They had arrived early, the long stretch of beach almost entirely empty as it was a weekday. The few humans in sight were all too preoccupied by the dogs they were walking to pay much attention to the noisy gaggle that were setting up camp near the ocean, one looking distinctly less human than the others as they sprinted towards the waves. 
“Keep your damn trunks on!” Mountain hollered after Rain, who was shedding clothes as he ran. There was no response besides the splash of him diving into the water. 
“Dibs on not getting him out later” muttered Dew as he flopped onto his back in the hot sand to begin soaking it up like a lizard. It was a good thing ghouls couldn't get sunburned, Cirrus thought as she helped Mountain set up a drinks cooler in the shade of an umbrella.  
Aurora looked like she was itching to follow Rain and get her feet wet, so Cumulus tied her hair up in a scarf to protect it from the salt and sand and grabbed Rory's hand, running with her down to the water's edge.  
Cirrus joined Mountain – who had seemingly produced a paperback from thin air – on a blanket, content to simply watch her packmates enjoy the beach. Swiss and Phantom seemed to have already started digging a big hole, thankfully downwind as they flung sand behind them. 
Cirrus sat there for a while, enjoying the cool breeze on her skin as she watched her fellow ghoulettes splashing in the shallows. Catching her eye, they beckoned her to join them. Keen to cool off a bit, she jogged lightly down to the water’s edge. 
“You were staring, Riri,” Cumulus teased, “like what you see? Two hot babes all soaking wet?” 
Cirrus flicked water at her, laughing, and Cumulus retaliated by tackling her. Cirrus gasped at the sudden cold and wiped seawater from her face. Even sat down, the water here only reached her chest. Cumulus smirked smugly down from her perch on her lap, her hair and face remaining miraculously dry, protected by a shield of air. 
“I do, actually.” Cirrus grinned up at her. Cumulus leaned in for a quick kiss, before pulling back and dragging Cirrus to her feet.  
“Come swim with us for a bit!” 
A while later, the three ghoulettes returned to the sand to dry off in the warmth of the sun. Dew didn’t seem to have moved, his ears twitching slightly in the breeze the only sign that he was still alive. Phantom and Swiss were now waist deep in their hole. Cirrus passed out sodas from the cooler before plopping down onto her towel. 
“We should build sandcastles!” suggested Aurora, “We could make it a competition?” 
“Ooo good idea,” enthused Cumulus, before turning to yell at Phantom and Swiss. 
“Yo ho me hearties, stop digging for pirate treasure and come build sandcastles!”  
Phantom’s head reappeared from inside the hole excitedly, before scrambling out and over to the ghoulettes. 
"Dew, do you want to join?” the sleepy mutterings Cirrus got in return sounded like a no. 
“Alright, the rules.” Cirrus sat up straighter, “You have thirty minutes, Mountain and I will judge, and no cheating or I’ll sic Rain on you.” As if on cue, Rain popped his head up out of the water and flashed a mouthful of fangs at the ghouls assembled on the beach. 
Cumulus and Aurora ran back to the ocean to get water while Swiss and Phantom both started reshaping the pile of damp sand they had clawed out of their hole. Cirrus sat back to watch them get to work, enjoying the feeling of her element ruffling her hair. 
When Cirrus eventually called time on the sandcastle building, it was far longer than half an hour later. Her packmates had clearly been having so much fun, who was she to stop them? Swiss and Phantom were stood proudly behind a large and messy sandcastle, that looked like a small breeze could knock it down. Cumulus and Aurora were still fussing over their much smaller, but incredibly intricate creation. 
"Wow guys, don't they look great!” Cirrus cooed, getting to her feet. 
“Who won then, it's us right? Look, we recreated the Abbey! There's our wing!” Cumulus asked excitedly. 
"No way, we're gonna win, ours is like five times bigger!” Phantom yelled indignantly. 
“Nuh uh, yours barely looks like a castle!” 
Uh oh. Cirrus knew that if she let this dissolve any nearer to an argument, it would only end in tears and destroyed sandcastles.  
“So, Mount and I are going to judge two categories...” Behind Cirrus, Mountain snickered at her attempt to diffuse their competitive packmates. 
After Mountain had declared Swiss and Phantom the winners of Hardest Castle to Invade (“it has no discernible window or doors, it's a completely impenetrable fortress” he had nodded, feigning seriousness), and Cirrus has awarded Cumulus and Aurora Most Likely to Win an Architecture Prize, Dew had woken up energized to join in the pack activities. 
"Let's play volleyball!” Cumulus suggested, jumping to her feet. A chorus of good-natured groans erupted from the ghouls who knew too well what Cirrus and Cumulus were like playing sports. Cirrus smirked at Cumulus,  
"Oh, you're going down!" 
“Pound sand, loser!” 
“Okay, you two as team captains then?” Swiss interrupted their playful spat, before turning to yell at the ocean, “RAIN!" 
Eventually, the ghouls managed to organise themselves into teams and erect a volleyball net. The advantage of Mountain's height and Rain's thick tail for Cirrus's team was balanced out by the presence of Aurora. Cumulus meanwhile claimed Phantom, Swiss and Dew for her team. 
Cirrus bounced on her toes like she was stood behind her deck of keyboards as she waited for Cumulus to serve the ball. She returned it easily, heckling as she did. Rain returned the next ball, narrowly saving it with a whack of his tail. 
After several rounds of reasonably civilised play, albeit with a near-constant stream of trash talk from the air ghoulettes, it was Aurora's turn to serve. The small ghoulette lobbed the ball as hard as she could, straight into the net. 
“Aww, next time you'll get it Rory!” Cirrus encouraged. Next round, Swiss carefully hit the ball in her direction, lining up an easy return. Aurora lunged for it, missed, and landed on her bottom with a giggle in a spray of sand.  
“I think my fingers touched it, maybe!” she laughed excitedly, scrambling back to her feet. 
The next time she was up, the ball still hit the net, but almost made it over. The ghouls around her cheered, "That was the furthest so far!” 
Eventually, the sun began to graze the horizon, and their shadows lengthened. Copia and the bus would be back to collect them soon, and the two teams were tied for score.  
"Final point!” Cumulus called.  
The volley was one of their longest all game. Finally, the ball glanced off Mountain's fingertips. As it threatened to hit the sand near Aurora, she swiped at it with all her strength. The ball soared through the air, making it over the net with millimetres to spare, and crashing into the sand in front of Phantom. 
"You did it!!” Cirrus squealed, throwing her arms around Aurora and spinning her in a circle. Competitiveness forgotten for a moment, Cumulus ran over to join in the ghoulette hug. 
"That was such a good save Ror!”  
As they continued celebrating, a loud honk sounded from the road along the beach; the bus had returned for them. As they trudged back up the beach with their sandy towels and sports equipment, Cirrus piped up, 
“I said you were going down, didn't I!” 
Cumulus stuck her tongue out at her and skipped on ahead with a smirk. With that, Cirrus found herself tripping over the air in front of her, landing face-first into the sand. 
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