#I thought it was very summery and would fit him going to the beach well even if he might not wear that in the manga
horrendousmustard · 14 days
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“Beach Date Kaneki When?” - today!
@winterbl0ss0m @just-another-tokyo-ghoul-fan new Neki >v<
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fmdjoosungarchive · 5 years
yes, i’m late. at the bottom, there are pictures of the asks i got for this meme back then, so you know i’m not cheating
what is your favorite single you’ve released?
“if it’s just about what single i like best as a song, i think it’s hola hola. i’m quite partial to more upbeat, summery songs. it’d probably be hola hola for what makes me happiest too, because it reminds me of officially debuting, and i was really excited back then! but i liked the concepts for you in me and bomb bomb the most. you in me has more of a story to it which i like, and bomb bomb makes us look really cool.”
what are your favorite b-sides/non-title tracks you’ve released?
“overall one of my favorite songs we’ve ever released, b-side or not, would be living good. it’s the song i’ve had the most hands on approach in creating, and i’m always wanting to give back to the fans and show them our love. if it’s strictly about sound, though, i think it would be trust me, in any which version. it’s the closest to the kind of music i’d like to make for myself some day.”
what is your least favorite song (title track or b-side) you’ve released?
“ah, i don’t think i have a least favorite? i love all of our songs! if i had to choose a song, it’d be bomb bomb. it was really nice to get to have a comeback and for it to do as well as it did, but it’s the furthest song we have from what i’d normally listen to. it’s a bit harsh for me.”
if you could do a duet with anyone in the industry, who would you choose?
“anyone? gosh, um, i’d do a duet with all of my idols if it were up to me. maybe [gold star soloist 1]? i’ve been a fan of her as long as i was into music, so about ten years now. i’d like to do a soft duet about love where i get to sing. she’d sing way better than me, of course, but i don’t mind being upstaged, especially by her.”
what do you think of your/your group’s concept?
“it’s really cool in my opinion! a lot of what we do has been very different from other groups, and in some ways, it’s worked in our favor. when the company told me i’d be representing the water element, i thought that was fun because i love swimming and the beach. and i think it fits with our fans a lot too, because they represent the world, and so do we, in a way.”
what is one thing (a concept, a genre, an outfit, etc.) you would least like your company make you do?
“i... don’t want to come off ungrateful to the company or the concepts that they come up with but, i would really not like to kiss anyone. i don’t mind romance concepts, and i think it can be fun, but there’s something different about being that intimate with someone. i’ve only shared romantic kisses with one other person in my life, and i’d like to keep it that way. i suppose i can’t choose what happens to me, though.”
what one thing (concepts, genres, styling, frequency of comebacks, etc.) would you like to change about your current career as an idol?
“only one thing? um... i don’t like the way the company leans into my looks, but i think more important than that is the frequency of comebacks. we had a very powerful debut, which gave us the momentum, but we’ve somewhat lost it, and i think part of that is because we don’t have comebacks super often. it’s not as fun listening to a group’s discography when they only have a small number of songs.”
if you could be in any idol group, which one would you choose?
“knight. ...was that too quick of an answer? i don’t hide that i’m a big fan of bc groups, and though i love decipher and charm, they’re getting up on becoming a ‘senior group’ now and still have an incredibly strong fanbase. but if gender wasn’t an issue, i’d go with wish. i don’t like playing favorites, but wish is definitely my favorite group these days. i love their concept and every song is great in my opinion!”
if you could say one thing to your ceo, what would it be?
“i’m not very confrontational, so i don’t think i’d be able to say much beyond thanks and bowing. truthfully, i knew her better as a trainee than i do now. but, if i didn’t have to say it to her face, i’d like to kindly express that i don’t think competition is the way to build a successful company, because if they put more behind groups like us, maybe we would be more successful. but i don’t like the business oriented mindset, so, i’m biased.”
if you were auditioning for your company today, what would you perform for your audition, or what would you change from your original audition?
“i’d change everything from my original audition! i had no idea what i was doing at the time because i’d never had any training in the arts. i know at the time i was passed through because i was scouted based on my looks, but if i did it today, i’d rather wow them with my dancing, probably to an impulse or origin song, since that would be what they’d be looking for from me. i’d like to say i would sing for them as well, but that’s still a few years off, i think.”
if you could do any special stage, what would it be and who would it be with?
“it would probably be performing bemyfriend with @fmdseyeon! it’s the first song i’ve officially released outside of element, and it would be a lot of fun to do with one of my best friends. we have good chemistry because of it, and i think, especially if we had some say in the stage, or the choreography, it could be a really fun stage to do together. i’m also always up for dancing more, and who better than a man who used to fall asleep in the practice room as trainees with me?”
what career opportunities would you like to pursue that you’ve yet to, or what achievements would you like to obtain that you’ve yet to?
“i’d like us to get a music show win. i don’t know if it’s in the cards for us, but maybe if the korean public start to like us more it could happen? i’m not sure... um, personally? i don’t think there’s much i haven’t pursued that i want to, as i’ve been trying to do more of that lately. i’ve liked what i’ve been doing as i create songs and choreography, though. it makes me happy.”
if you could become a model or ambassador for any brand, what would you choose?
“hmm, maybe for a cute character i like? like kkt, or hello kitty. or! a bookstore! that would be really cool. i don’t think bookstores have ambassadors, but i love books so i’d be knowledgable enough for the gig. that sort of branding stuff isn’t big on my mind, though.”
if you could be on any variety show, which one (or which type of one) would you want to be on?
“i really love kids, so if it were a current show, i’d like to be on the return of superman. stuff about kids makes me miss my nephew a lot, but i love meeting new people, especially kids! they’re all so nice and good, and the world needs more of that. but if i could choose one that isn’t on air anymore, i think hello baby would fit me better, and it’d be fun to do it with the rest of element! we’d make good parents.”
if you were offered the chance to become a ceo of an entertainment company, new or existing, would you take it? why or why not?
“that’s a bit of a difficult question. i don’t think so. i’d like to think that i could be a fair and understanding and kind ceo, but i wouldn’t like the job. i left my home for music because i didn’t want to be in a business position. i’m not very good at having the strength to win deals and be cunning in meetings, and i think when it comes to competing against all of the other entertainment companies from the ground up, you’d need a lot of that.”
what changes would you implement if you were the ceo of your company?
“again, i don’t like the thought of being a ceo much. it’s too much pressure. but, if this were a scenario where i didn’t have any holds barred, and could make decisions as i pleased, i’d let all of the artists contribute to the music as much as they wanted, so long as they were willing to be vetoed and work with experienced professionals. i’d treat everyone equally, and use idols not based on what will make the most money, but on what they are the most passionate to do.”
what do you do to relieve the stress of idol life?
“i take baths! it’s not always an option, especially when we’re out of the country and a hotel room doesn’t have a bath, but i love it! there are so many relaxing scents to waft through the room, and it’s generally relaxing to let your muscles decompress in warm water. besides from that, though, i like talking with my friends and reading.”
what tips would you give to a trainee about to debut?
“am i the best person to ask this? i’m unsure, given element’s debut was so unconventional. i have a hard time thinking of our debut being in 2017 because it feels like it was in 2016. but, um, drink well, eat well, and look after your health. no matter how much you want to push yourself, you can’t be productive if you go too far and get hurt. you’re a person at the end of the day and deserve to treat yourself kindly.”
what was the hardest part of being a trainee?
did you enjoy the lifestyle of a trainee or of a debuted idol more?
“both have their ups and downs, and i don’t know if one outweighs the other. maybe debuted idol? there was some sense of accomplishment and less worries over whether i would be kicked from the company, especially in the beginning. nowadays, i’m not sure. i think it doesn’t matter in the end, because they’re connected, and i couldn’t have been an idol if i didn’t go through the training, and similarly vice versa.”
what one song or album by another group or soloist would you have liked to release yourself?
“i think... @fmdtaeyong‘s album daydream? i’m not a very talented singer, but the sounds is something i would like for myself. that’s part of why i admire him as an artist, because i love the songs he creates. if i needed to stick to something more within my position, though, it’d be @fmdjaewon‘s biorhythm album, for a similar reason as ash sunbaenim’s. we may not have gotten along much in the past, but i have always admired him as an artist and would love to work with him in the future if that is the kind of music he enjoys.”
describe your dream sub-unit (members and concept).
“can’t i be a part of wish as a sub-unit? ...alright, um, if i really think about it, i’d want to have people that i think are very talented, and work well separately and together. [gold star soloist 1] would absolutely have to be a part of it. then, maybe @fmdxsuji. her vocal power is intense. @cindyfmd too, they both have the similar punching power that could contrast with [gold star soloist 1]’s soft vocals. and then, if we choose another rapper, probably [silhouette main rapper/lead dancer]. and that way, they make a very solid group, and i can step back more and have less lines, if any at all. i don’t think one singular concept would work for us, so maybe it could be like fuse or 7rophy where we can bounce around to whatever feels right.”
out of the following six options, would you rather be allowed to play a major hand in the lyrics, production, choreography, styling, music videos, or concepts you release?
“gosh, that’s really hard. i’d like a part in at least most of those if it were totally up to me. but if i could only have a major hand in one, i think i’d choose production, if that could mean production and composition in one. as much as i love dancing, i think a lovely part of the community of dancers is learning from one another. when it comes to the sound of a song, i think that’s the biggest point in what drive’s the rest of those things. like, in element, people think of us as summery and tropical because many of our songs use tropical beats, and a lot of our styling and concepts have followed that.”
which of the two other companies (out of bc, dimensions, and gold star) you are not currently signed under would you rather be an artist in?
“definitely it’d be bc! i have friends under the company that don’t like it, which i understand but... they make really good groups. many of them have stayed together for a really long time, some without losing members in so long, and they have a lot of money and fame to back up new groups. they get the best of everything for their comebacks. and i’d... like to be a part of a company that believes in me and my group.”
what is your least favorite part of being an idol?
“the way fans talk about me and my friends. i think they think we don’t, or can’t, see the mean things they say, but so many of them are mean for no reason. they like to do this thing where they fight each other over who is a fan of the better idol? i don’t understand it, and it never gets anywhere. they both leave with the same opinions they had, but more upset.”
what is your favorite part of being an idol?
“this may sound cliche, but it’s music. the art surrounding music is the reason i auditioned for the company, and the reason i spent eight years working as hard as i could to debut. music, and the things that come with it, like dancing, singing, composing, they’re all a part of my soul. i wouldn’t give any of them up without a fight.”
would you rather be incredibly famous with a terrible reputation and hated by most or be fairly unknown with a good reputation and adored by those who know of you? why?
“fairly unknown! that’s probably the answer more close to where i am now. i am... known, of course, but in korea, i can generally get away with going out on my own and not being recognized. and, unless i’ve missed something, i’m pretty sure i have a good reputation. some people may see me as a playboy of sorts because i have a lot of female friends, but it’s not damaging as far as i know. i don’t want people to think terribly of me, because i think if there are so many people who have that awful opinions of me, i must be doing something wrong.”
what moment in your career are you proudest of so far?
what have you learned about yourself and/or society since becoming a celebrity?
“i don’t know if i’d necessarily call myself a celebrity... but i’ve learned a lot since our pre-debut! time does that to anyone, i think. the standards i hold myself to have changed, in that, while i’m still competitive against myself, i know i can’t push myself to the point of tearing more ligaments, because it only hurts me later on. in my personal life, i’ve become a bit different. i think some of my naivety has drifted away, and as i’ve come to find love, i’ve changed there too.”
what would you like to change about how society views or treats idols?
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smelly-cassettes · 6 years
it’s back
another starchie minific
because i found a prompt and i will single-handedly keep the starchie fandom thriving
okay here we go this is called humidity new gorillaz single ahahajokes
London never had those luscious hot summery days where you could pack up your beach bags and head off for the day, enjoying the sun and tan, swim to cool off, get ice cream, and just enjoy the vitamin D. No, London was cold or rainy, usually both, about a hundred percent of the time. 
Except. Fucking. Tonight.
It was humid as hell and annoying to even exist in the weather. It was hardly sunny all day but muggy as it could ever be and making everyone sweaty and miserable. 2D never thought he would ever miss the cold weather now that it was warm and supposedly enjoyable, but no, he misses the cold.
Laying half-wrapped in the blankets 2D was sticky and miserably. Everything made him sweaty and the sheets awkwardly stuck to his back and the pillowcase clung to his face and he had to peel it off every two minutes when he needed to change into another yet uncomfortable position. 
Not to mention that the humidity made it annoying and impossible to cuddle without feeling even more awful and sweaty. 2D was forced to lay a respective distance of three feet away from Archie so there was no body heat radiating onto each other. This made it even more maddening because cuddling was the nightly routine, it was part of sleeping for 2D and Archie. 
2D rolled to lay on his back and he kicked the covers fully off, the only coverage now being his boxer briefs and the nuisance that London called warmth. 2D sighed and tried to mentally convince himself that he was cool, but to no avail. He looked over to his left to see Archie. 2D stared in awe at him, gazing over his frame that lay on his side, arms stuffed under the pillow beneath his head. Archie’s green mohawk was down and softer than ever, no gel holding it in it’s typical spiked style. Instead it was down and pulled back into a bun. Archie knew it made him look like a hipster, but he didn’t like how it got in his face in his sleep.
Archie began to roll over onto his other side but stopping mid way and pausing on his back. 2D looked away to move his stare to the ceiling, looking at nothing in particular. Archie groaned angrily.
“Can’t sleep?” 2D asked with his eyes fixed at the very interesting white surface above him. Archie groaned again. 2D chuckled.
It was silent for a minute and 2D thought Archie must have fallen back to sleep, or at least fallen asleep in general. 2D closed his eyes slowly.
“This is awful.” Archie’s voice suddenly spoke. 2D only responding with a “mhm.” 2D could feel the bed move beside him as Archie changed positions again and sighed. 2D then felt a hand on his own, a sweaty palm very gently touching his own and a thumb caressing his wrist, 2D looked over. “I can’t sleep.” Archie utters again. 
“I know. Me neither.” 2D responds somewhat sadly and very much sleep deprived. He closes his hand over Archie’s for a few seconds but reopens it due to the sweat already condensing between their palms. Archie moved his hand to 2D’s arm and dragged his fingers along it gently. 
“I want to be close to you.” Archie pouts. 2D could feel the authenticity in his voice and his heart felt like it was melting, just like the feeling on his skin at the moment. 2D smiled happily and very tiredly. 
“I wanna be close to you, too.” 2D says back. Archie plays with 2D’s warm skin, moving his nails lightly up and down his forearm. 
“What happened to the AC?” Archie asks. 
“Murdoc doesn’ wanna pay for it.” 2D answers. “Well, not more than the studio.”
Archie groans again in annoyance. 2D sighs and rolls over to face Archie, reaching his arm across to place his fingertips on Archie’s face, running over his cheekbones, jawline, lips, down to his neck, then relaxing his arm and hand down back on the bed. Archie nearly whined because he craved 2D’s touch. He wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up in his arms and to fall asleep under the covers, but it was so infuriatingly hot. 
“Wait.” Archie says. 2D looks at Archie quizically. 
“What?” 2D asks back with confusion. Archie gives 2D a look of a skeptic.
“Could we sleep in the studio?” Archie asks back. “I mean there’s air conditioning. It would be much less miserable, and we could cuddle.” Archie says that last part a bit slower, like he was trying to not make it seem like that’s all he wanted but 2D knew that cuddling was exactly what Archie wanted. 
“I fink so.” 2D answered. “There is a couch in there, if that’s not too uncomfortable.”
“Works way better than this.” Archie said blankly and lifted his head off the pillow, exposing the dark wet fabric where his head previously lay. 2D sat up after Archie, ripping his body from the sheets and planting his feet on the floor before standing up very tiredly.
“A’right. Bring the blanket, though. It’s really cold in there. Winter cold.” 2D says and walks over towards the door of his bedroom. Archie obliges and grabs the blanket in his arms and follows 2D out the door. It was late and all 2D wanted to do was sleep and Archie just wanted to cuddle. Damn weather.
After a very short walk down the hall, 2D opened the door to the studio and let Archie walk in before him. Instantly the boys were hit with cold, crisp air that made them sigh with content. It was such an abrupt change in temperature that it might as well have started a storm on their skin. 
“Much better.” Archie says happily, basking in the glory of cool air. 2D watches his boyfriend happily, glad to see the mood change while Archie throws the blanket on the couch along a wall of the room. It wasn’t a huge couch, but it was enough to fit the two of them if they cuddled close, which was definitely on the agenda. 
After the air cooled down the sweaty bodies of 2D and Archie enough to the point where they were actually getting cold, they moved to lay on the couch and get comfortable. 2D turned off the light and walked over to the couch, laying on his back and motioning for Archie to lay on top of him. Archie smiled and laid in between 2D’s legs and placed his head on his chest, pulling the covers up to warm them both. 
2D held Archie close, one palm on his back and the other reaching up to lightly move a few stray hairs that must have released from the turning in bed back towards his bun. Archie looked up at 2D and smiled, leaning up ever so slightly to place a warm kiss on 2D’s lips. 2D held the side of Archie’s face and neck with his free hand to deepen the kiss and have another reason to touch Archie, though every limb of theirs was touching in some way or another. The kiss was very lazy and tired but very much needed by the both of them.
“I love you, D.” Archie whispers and kisses 2D again. And again. Except the second time Archie felt 2D’s teeth slightly, guessing that he smiled before the second kiss. 
“I love you too, Arch.” 2D replies. Archie shares a few more kisses with 2D’s lips, then a couple to his exposed chest until he decides to lay his cheek down for good. Even then, 2D still leaned down and kissed Archie’s head, making him chuckle very tiredly. 2D held Archie close and laid his head back on the arm of the couch. The two were too tired to continue the ritual of saying goodnight.
Fuck you, London weather. 
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kultiranstrawberry · 6 years
“Set Your House In Order” Epilogue: Mi Casa es Su Casa (1/2)
Mae sat nervously awaiting Hannah Strauss’s arrival. The young priestess took after her mother in not being economically savvy. She would choose to be in a church, on a beach, or at a ball before she would willingly step into a business meeting. Unfortunately, recent events left her with little choice.
Wearing her finest robes in House Davar’s traditional colors of red and black, Mae looked to Kaladin, who was kind enough to accompany her for the meeting. Having him around did much to put her at ease. “So I do not remember much of your sister beyond rumors. Any advice?”
There were few things Kaladin dreaded. These past months he had dealt with old god cults, and political espionage, however those were rather easy to step into. A meeting with Hannah however made the others seem like minor inconveniences.  He stood behind the small refreshments table near the wall, dressed up in something nicer than his usual seaman's long coat, and wore a well-fitted blue coat, and an equally colored vest beneath.
Pouring himself a glass of wine, he turned to Mae. "Whenever she speaks most of what she's saying is disingenuous unless it's regarding business details. She'll probably pretend to be your best friend, probably compliment you in some fashion, but she does that to everybody. Sometimes she'll do it in a way that's mildly insulting." He took a short sip of wine.
"She's very cunning, and practical minded. Rennic would always try and appeal to her ego, so uhm... try that."
Maegerie did not want to seem out of her depth. Kaladin could only prepare her so much, but it was better than being caught slack-jawed. She liked to believe people were inclined to be genuine, but Kaladin knew his sister better than she did, so she would be careful.
A few moments later, shouldered by a well-groomed servant on either side of her, came the woman of the hour. Dressed in a simple, but elegant, dress made of blue gossamer that hugged her sonsy frame sparkled in the light as she walked into the sitting room. "I do apologize for keeping you both waiting," Hannah said politely, her voice silvery and polite, "I did not expect my meeting before this to take as long as it did—you know how Tiragardians are though, yes? Schedules are more of a suggestion to them," she snickered.
Hannah was, as Mae was warned, the picture of proper politeness. The priestess smiled and nodded, accepting the apology. “You’re a busy woman, Miss Strauss. I’m just glad you could find the time to meet with me.”
Her eyes turned to Maegerie and her brow creased. "Leora sent your message, though it was rather vague. I got more information from some of the soldiers who were on the way back to Boralus." Her shoulders drooped, "My dear, I am so sorry for your loss..." She said softly, her shoulder drooped down. "As someone who only lost their father not so long ago, both Kaladin and I can sympathize with you. I was absolutely heart broken when I heard that your mother had passed."
Maegerie was still reeling from the loss of her mother, but she was not going to show weakness in front of Hannah. If Kaladin was to be believed, her condolences were likely insincere. She already hated the world of business and politics where she had to assume the worst in everyone. “I appreciate the sentiment. Her loss is truly tragic, but I have to concern myself with the well-being of the living.
Gesturing to the seat across from her and taking her own seat, Mae steeled her nerves. “As a woman with her ear to the ground, I’m sure you’ve heard of House Davar’s current situation. My mother made poor choices with selecting a benefactor. I wish to do better. It was my hope that we could work out an arrangement between our two houses. A partnership of sorts.”
Kaladin wasn't at all of fan of business meetings. He had zoned out during most of his father's lectures as a child, and hardly any of his expertise rubbed off on him. He was content in remaining in the background as morale support, his nose buried in a half-empty wine glass as he watched the negotiations play out. He'd be there to help if Mae needed him, but he knew how much contempt Hannah had for him. He didn't want to ruin anything by... well, talking.
Kaladin had missed lunch for this. He was in the mood for fried haddock. Luckily, he had picked up some mainland spices before returning to Kul Tiras.
Hannah gave Maegerie a dazzling smile, "Your mother—choice of benefactors aside—has raised you well then. Not many can bring themselves to be so selfless and put their people above their own emotions. It takes a selfless, dutiful heart with a strong spirit to do that. I commend you for it, my dear." She adjusted her shawl, which shimmered as light bounced off of the diamonds and gems sewn into it, and sat down across from them both. "Politics aside, I always liked how much you and Kaladin got along. Perhaps some of your temperance and good nature could rub off on him, yes?" She threw back her head with a summery laugh, her two manservants giving a polite chuckle along with their mistress.
Mae forced a smile. She teased Kaladin plenty, but that’s because he was her… well, Kaladin. Knowing his relationship with his family, she felt a flare of defensiveness, but she held her tongue. Control. “He’s rough around the edges, but I’d still say I’ve known few men better.” She glanced at Kaladin and her smile became more genuine.
Kaladin ignored Hannah's jibe despite the venom that seemed to ooze from it. Still, it was far from her worst, and regardless of what he thought she ultimately held the fate of Mae's family in her scaly hands. Another sip from his glass, then he poured more for himself.
Then he wondered where he could get yams. That should spice things up a bit.
"It was a joke, it was a joke, I assure you," Hannah chuckled. "Kaladin is a fine young man; perhaps one who is not as combed and finely groomed for the blasé of court or business, but a fine young man." Her fingers wrapped around the stem of the glass as it was placed into her hand by her manservant. "It was never my call, personally, but I never thought of him as the sort for being a Tidesage, myself. His puckish personality, his charm and demure in the face of danger, I always thought he would've done well at sea! A sailor perhaps. Or a privateer even! Very lucrative and honourable position these days," she remarked. Her expressed was difficult to read, a pleasant smile and a genteel expression carved in steel.
Very lucrative and honorable, She says. Kaladin hid his frown behind a glass of wine. His contempt for his sister grew with every jab, but an aching voice at the back of his mind told him to hold his tongue. It was her pen that got him pardoned after Amaram branded him a deserter -- which for some reason made him dislike her even more.
"So, my own feelings about you aside," Hannah said as she looked back to the two, "I am delighted to hear that House Davar would be so willing to look for a patron. Especially from amongst the common blood such as us. Although we are not gentry ourselves, I assure you that we have the merit and prowess to support you more thoroughly and with less...baggage, than the Ashvanes." She leaned back into her chair and crossed one of her legs over the other. She snapped her manicured fingers and pointed to the bottle of wine on the table. One of the manservants gave a small dip of their head and began to pour her a glass of wine, her hand out for it expectantly as she looked over Maegerie. "What sort of partnership were you looking for, my dear? Financial backing, industrial support, or did have something else in mind?"
Hannah was open to a partnership, but they both knew the position of power she had over House Davar. Mae would gain nothing from posturing. “Financial backing, industrial control, estate management. House Davar was experiencing difficulties before Ashvane’s intervention, and it is only compounded now. House Strauss has much to gain and could very well be the only way out of this for my estate and the people who live there.”
Maegerie took a sip of her own wine to give her a few more ounces of courage. “I understand my position and I am not a foolish child. I’m prepared to offer the one thing no other partner in Kul Tiras would offer.”
Hannah's glossed lips pursed as she looked to Maegerie. "No other partner in Kul Tiras, now?" She swished the wine inside of her glass coolly before bringing it up to her lips and taking a small sip. "You honour my family and I with your kind words as well, to hold us in such high esteem is truly something cherish, my lady." She took another sip, "You already have me enthralled and beguiled. Tell me, my dear; what is this partnership you wish to propose?"
Up until that moment, Hannah was doing well to act like she saw Maegerie as a respectable potential business partner. In truth, Mae was sure Hannah was humoring her and ready to politely dismiss whatever an indebted noblewoman could muster up as her strongest offer. Mae just had to hope her plan was too enticing and unexpected not to consider.
"Well, Miss Strauss. No one would deny your family's power in Kul Tiras. Economically and politically, you hold a lot of sway. For that reason, anyone in any noble family recognizes the danger our letting your house grow too strong." Maegerie set her glass down and propped her elbows on the table, folding her hands in front of her chin. "They make sure there are tables a Strauss cannot sit at. You said it yourself; the Strausses are a common family; rich, but never quite gentry."
Maegerie took a deep breath. "Unless, perhaps, a noble house was joined with your house. I would seek out an arrangement to fold House Davar, with its lands, holdings, and more importantly, lordships, into House Strauss."
( @tides-toll-the-dead @leora-strauss )
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kpurereactions · 7 years
Falling in love: Kyungsoo
A/n: k so this was a request I got and I’ve been holding off on doing it cause I wasn’t quite sure how I wanted to tackle it, but I’ve figured it out and am now introducing a new series. If you’d like a ‘Falling in love’ request who you want😊
You would have met him somewhere simple the first week you were back from school for the summer. Coffee house, book store, somewhere like that. The two of you would have made eye contact, blushed and then continued on your way. Until you ran into each other two more times.
You’d be the one to break the silence, asking if he was following you. His smile would have made your heart flutter instantly and you’d have to bite your lip and look away hoping he couldn’t see you blushing. He’d make a slightly sarcastic comment about you being a celebrity or something making you laugh again before saying goodbye.
He’d catch you in the parking lot after having a war with himself about whether he should just let you go or not.
He’d ask you for the usual stuff, name and number before smiling again and turning around. He’d be so nervous.
He’d tell himself he was going to wait a bit before texting you, he didn’t want to seem to eager, but I’d give it a minute tops that he waited before decided he waited long enough.
You guys would text constantly for the next week or so, both of you almost to afraid to meet again since there was the possibility that the conversation wouldn’t be as good.
But luckily for Kyungsoo, Chanyeol was planning a small party with friends.
So he invited you.
Even though you were the one no one knew there he’d be the one clinging to you, afraid that if you were left alone that one of the other boys would snatch you up, but he had nothing to worry about.
He’d admire how well you got on with his members.
When you left he’d walk you to your car before saying goodnight, which might take a few minutes since the conversation the two of you stared on your way down was too good to abandon.
He’d rest his arms on your door and watch you get settled into your car before making you promise him that you’d text him the moment you got home safe.
And to let him know if you need anything.
And you did.
He’d tell you how much the boys liked you, which you were happy about, but you were more concerned about what he thought than his friends.
You would go out just the two of you shortly after that. He’d show up looking like something out of the movies dressed in his best for the required attire of the restaurant he picked out.
He’d be such a gentleman. He’d open your car door for you, he’d pull your chair out for you, serve you food and always made sure you were laughing.
You were his favorite when you laughed.
He’d take you on a walk by the river after dinner since the weather was nice, but of course he didn’t take in the fact that you were in heels.
And your feet started to hurt on the way back to the car.
He’d sit with you on a bench and chuckle at how relaxed you seemed around him as you took your heels out of your shoes and started to massage them. He’d realize then that he was already falling in love with you.
Especially as the two of you look out across the water at the reflection of the moon.
And your head slowly dipped to rest on his shoulder.
He’d be so nervous, but so excited at the same time that he’d feel like he was going to vomit.
When you suggested that it was probably time to get back to the car he’d noticed how you were planning on walking barefoot and declined that idea instantly, bending slightly in front of you and waiting for you to climb on his back, having a very good point when he said he didn’t feel like taking you to the ER of you cut your foot open on something.
So he carried you.
And that’s when you realized you were already falling in love with him.
Weeks would go by just like that.
Kyungsoo taking you out and making you laugh as you did summery things together. He’d take you to the beach where you’d play around in the water, share your popsicles with one another and lay next to one another under an umbrella, the two of you just falling into a relationship without even really having to talk about it.
You two just fit so well together.
The first time he kissed you happened so naturally that it was almost like it’s something you’ve done 100 times while still feeling brand new.
You had gone to watch him practice once and were having fun after with him and one or two of the other boys as they tried teaching you the steps. Every time you would get something right Kyungsoo would laugh and either squeeze your hand or hug you softly.
You were determined to get just one part of the choreography correct so Kyungsoo stepped up behind you, his hands intertwining with yours as his chest pressed to your back. He moved your arms while instructing your hips slowly till you got it. He’d step back and cheer, laughing as you got overly excited and jumped into his arms, excited you did it correct.
He’d tell you how proud of you he was as his arms wrapped around your neck.
And then he’d look at you and realize all he wanted to do was kiss you.
So he did.
And it caught you off guard for a second.
Since he was always so timid with pda, especially around the boys.
And even though you could hear one of them in the back call attention to Kyungsoo kissing you, you didn’t dare break that kiss.
The first time he stayed over would be the night you’ll remember forever.
You felt sick due to the late blooming of plants. Allergic. He would have come over with tissues and Ramen he had originally planned on being for the boys he lived with. You can only imagine how disappointed they were when they watched him walk out with the hot pot.
He’d pour you and himself a bowl, handing it to you as he took a seat close to you. He’d love this side of you the most with your messy hair, red nose and comfy clothing.
The day would go by slowly as the two of you sat, his arm around your shoulders and your head rested in the crook of his shoulder, your body hugging his as you curled up next to him. He’d lay soft kisses on the top of your head every once in a while, usually when your hair started to tickle his nose.
Which he’d tease you for.
By the end of the night the two of you were laying flat on the couch, your comforter taken from your bed and draped over the two of you as you laid pressed together. He’d kiss you deeply, and even though at this point kissing him wasn’t a big deal it still felt like the first time.
And half way through the kiss he’d pull back and move a small strand of hair away from your cheek.
And smile at you.
The the words would slip between his lips.
'I’m so in love with you.’
You’d bite your lip trying to contain the massive grin that wanted to break before chuckling back the tears of happiness and whispering that you were even more in love with him.
- Kitty
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hetmusic · 8 years
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A conversation with Hanging Valleys | HumanHuman
A couple of years ago emerging singer-songwriter Thom Byles appeared on our radar with a uniquely intricate and warm alternative-folk style that brought us highly re-listenable tracks such as “The Great Outdoors” and “In Your Blood”. In more recent months, the English-Mexican musician has stepped out with a new project - Hanging Valleys.
First question, are you looking forward to the showcase?
Oh definitely! Our last gig was the the start of August, so it’s quite a big gap for us. It’s really nice to have the showcase to look forward to and to put all of our efforts into it. The venue looks great as well! Intimate spaces are really what we look to perform in, because we’re not the loudest of bands, but we have a lot of intricacies so when it’s a small, intimate show the audience can pick up on all of those.
I’ll look forward to hearing that myself! So, while Hanging Valleys is technically a new project, you’ve been on HumanHuman’s radar for two years as an artist under your own name - so, why the name change?
Originally, I released a couple of songs under my own name, and they were a it too complicated for me to play by myself [laughs], so I recruited the help of a couple of friends who liked the songs and who were up for playing them. The more time we hung out together, they started having little contributions and ideas and suddenly we were co-writing some of the stuff together. It just felt like the next step to incorporate them and change the name to reflect that.
That would be with Mike Phillips and Alexis Meridol?
Yeah, that’s right. Mike’s been one of my best friends for a long while and we always go on these little adventures with each other. With Alexis as well, we climbed Ben Nevis together. We’re all really into our music as well, but I didn’t realise that they were into what I was doing, even though they’ve always supported me by coming to my shows. We just came together and all of a sudden the chemistry was really great. It’s nice to be able to play with friends as well.
I can imagine that would be a really supportive environment. Do you find it’s easier to songwrite on your own or alongside your friends?
I still find it easier to write by myself. I generally work on the base ideas by myself, where before I would see the idea through the end. Now, I get it to a point and then bring it to the guys to get their input.
And have you noticed a change in your sound since becoming a band?
I wouldn’t say there’s a change in the sound… we’ve just added a few things to it. I guess it is changing in a sense, the same feeling and vibe is definitely still there, but we’re bringing in a few extra elements. Mike’s a really great electric guitar player, so we thought it would be interesting to incorporate that and have those kinds of tones come in as well. It’s more about adding to the sound than changing it I suppose.
Yeah, that’s true, especially if you look at a track like “Endless Waves”, which has your original sound but with more elements of indie-rock. Was there an aim to do something different in that song or was it a natural outcome?
I think it was more of a natural outcome. That was the first one that I co-wrote with Mike. I had this whole idea beforehand, plus the second acoustic guitar parts, and then we started playing around with him on the electric guitar and it was sounding great, so we brought it into the song. It was never really a conscious effort to change things, it just went that way.
Understandably your music draws comparison to the likes of Bon Iver, José González, and even James Vincent McMorrow. Have any of these artists had an influence on your sound?
Wow, that’s flattering! [laughs] It’s funny, you know, because I’ve been playing for quite a while, so I’ve been writing songs before I had heard of most of those. Well, José González I had heard “Heartbeats” ages ago when I was at school and thought that was a really great track. I’m sure they must have influenced me in someway, but not consciously, like all music I think. My mum used to have Enya playing around the house, she’s the queen of vocal harmonies, so I think that must have had some contribution. Another one is Beach Boys, I just really enjoy their falsetto high harmonies. I love the music of those three you mentioned as well. I really got into there music after discovering them a little later on, but I wouldn’t say I’m completely influenced by them. I can understand the comparison though.
Is there a main influence in your music? Maybe there’s one musician you particularly love?
I couldn’t tell you… different things have come from different artists. For the epic scale and etherealness you can’t get better than Sigur Ros; I’ve definitely been influenced by the emotion that they can bring with their music. As for the acoustic guitar, I’ve listened to a lot of Michael Hedges and Andy McKee - I really like their style of playing, so I’ve probably nicked a few ideas off those guys!
We keep coming back to guitar and obviously that’s one element that leads your music, so when did you first pick up that instrument? And why not opt for something else?
Ah well, when I used to walk to school I had a little walkman with some jazz and blues tapes that my dad owned, so from that I wanted to pick up the saxophone, but I was a bit useless at it [laughs]. I borrowed the school saxophone, but the school in Mexico only had an orchestra, they didn’t have a blues band or jazz band, so I was just sitting there not really fitting in. I ditched the saxophone and moved on to the piano. I enjoyed that, but I still didn’t feel quite at home on it. Then my dad, at quite a late stage in life, decided he wanted to learn to play guitar, so I used to listen in on his lessons. Finally I asked if I could switch over, [laughing] because I was getting jealous! That’s when I felt that this was the instrument that I’d been looking for.
Do you remember what song you first learnt to play on the guitar?
Something really embarrassing! I think I was listening to the Offspring at the time [laughs] I also had some Limp Bizkit floating around and Blink-182, but I actually think it was a Nirvana song... I played it at the school talent show when I was twelve, I think it was “Come As You Are”. Yeah, let’s go with that one!
Okay! What have you been listening to recently in terms of newer music?
I just bought a couple of CDs the other day and I’m into a bit of surf rock at the moment, so I got Portamento by The Drums, which I hadn’t hear very much of before, and Surfer Blood’s second album Pythons. I’ve also been listening to RY X recently. I went to see him play at Union Chapel and bought his new album there. I thought he was amazing.
I’m incredibly jealous, I absolutely love his music!
Yeah! And Union Chapel is such a great venue for it. If you ever get a chance to see him live, I highly recommend that.
To get back to your music, a favourite song of yours is “In Your Blood”. There’s a hymnal quality, an organic progression throughout and it’s as though you’re taking the listener to the “sweet forest” of your lyrics. Would you say aspects of nature a source of inspiration for you?
Oh definitely. I don’t know what it is about going into nature and being amongst amazing scenery that’s being there evolving for thousands and thousands of years, but I really draw something from it. I think it’s the same with Alexis, we always head out into nature. The UK is a really amazing place for it as well, because you have so much variety in such a short space. It’s always nice to hang out with the guys to go camping or hiking, it’s just about being in that environment. I think the most memorable time was in Scotland where you’re able to wild camp legally. We just disappeared and you don’t see anyone else for days. It’s this beautiful, kind of untouched nature and it’s really special to be around it.
I guess that connection with nature is also brought out in your new band name, Hanging Valleys. Was there a particularly reason that you settled on that?
We were looking for a while for something that reflected the music, the mood and the feel. I think it was Mike who stumbled across that and we thought well it sounds nice, it’s a cool concept and there’s great imagery to go with it.
What can we expect to hear next from Hanging Valleys? Before the interview you said you were recording something today…
Yeah, we have one song that’s pretty close to being finished, which is more of a summery song, I suppose a bit more upbeat. We’re also in the process of recording three other songs that have more of a spectrum, some are more similar to “In Your Blood” and a few slower ones. We’re just really enjoying playing music together at the moment, so it’s coming out quite organically still. I don’t think any of the songs sound too similar, we’re just taking off from our inspirations and seeing what comes out. We should have two songs coming out in quite short succession before the end of the year.
That’s exciting! Does it feel like you’re heading towards an EP or an album?
Yeah, the plan is to release and collate those together into an EP with maybe a few unheard tracks as well. It’s all about finding the time! [laughs] Alexis works full time and so we just do it whenever we can.
Is there anything on the cards this year that you’re particularly excited about for the band?
For the first time we have a nice string of dates abroad in September. We’ve done little trips in the past, but this feels closer to a tour. It’s really exciting that it’s progressing in that direction and more people seem to be responding to the music. It’s exciting to have new shows on the horizon and to be able to play for a crowd that likes that kind of music.
And of course, it will all be starting at the HumanHuman showcase!
Exactly! That’s the number one date, the one we’ll be rehearsing for. Can’t wait!
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laureviewer · 8 years
My Year in Pictures: 2016
Having realised I posted so little last year, it’s time to get back into it with a lovely little memory post - my year in pictures, once more!
So in January we had just got back from travelling and had Christmas back in England, so really very little happened as we were very tired and broke and searching for jobs. But we saw our lovely friends who we’d missed loads over the last four months - I will always be grateful for those who stick around for us to come back to. 
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Gacy? Storge?
In February, we did what we do every year - make sure we don’t go out on Valentine’s Day because of the ridiculous prices and busy-ness, and went out for dinner for an anti-Valentine’s instead. 2 for 1 cocktails are fun when one of you has to drive ;) 
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George, Stacey, James and I (AKA Universally Challenged) lost at the pub quiz in the Comrades Club, though we really won as coming dead last means you get FOOD.
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Tash, Beth and I also met up for Beth’s birthday, when we went to Soton for the ultimate student night in Jester’s - that student club where you have to wear old shoes because God knows what crap you’re going to get from the sticky floors in there. 
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In March, I took THE PLUNGE. One I had been wanting to take for years. I got a tattoo!! My little Mantine is on my left thigh, happily swimming around like the manta rays we swim with in Fiji on our round-the-world trip (though he is a little smaller than the ones we met). It was sore but not as bad as I thought… though doing it on your ribs like I thought I wanted originally might be a different story. This is a photo of it on the day: 
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And how could George, Stacey, James and I pass up a Misugo’s and Creams? 
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God knows what we did in April, other than watching Eurovision with Alec… where a face swap meant that a celebrity turned up out of the blue!
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In fact, April (or really March 30th) saw me start my new job with the Haulfryn Group as a Marketing Executive, where I still am today. 
In May, Beth came up to see me, and we took a lovely summery walk around Virginia Water Lake. 
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Then James and I made sure we went to Comicon in London, where we finally got to meet our idols, the Yogscast & Hat Films! They really were lovely, especially their man man Lewis, who made sure to talk to us for ages despite the hours-long queue behind us! 
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In June, Stef and I showed our mutual love/obsession with sushi by having a sushi-making session (though I may have got a bit tipsy and got impatient with all the fiddly rolling!). 
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For those of you who remember (or care) the Queen turned 90 in June, so at work we had a ‘dress like a royal’ day. I won and my fellow Marketer/graphic designer Hannah (AKA Kate Middleton) came second! 
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July marks the second half of the year, and also when my year started to pick up. That always seems to be the case with me - I do so much more exciting things in the second half! Though nothing could top my 4 months travelling, I’m sure. 
James and I took advantage of my company being the owner of holiday parks throughout the UK and took a trip down to Paignton, Devon, to stay in a luxury lodge, relax, and see his lovely cousins who live down there. We even had a hot tub!! 
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We also finally met his cousins’ hairless kitties, who are actually gorgeous and not weird like so many people think about hairless cats. They were so friendly, though it is a bit weird stroking something without any fur! The female with a little bit of fur is named Lumi, and the completely bald male is Kuro (photo credit to Elise Preston for the latter). 
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Those eyes though.
James and I also took advantage of the lovely scenery around us and the hot Summery days to play Pokemon Go, as it had only just come out then! 
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I was also reunited with my uni girls again in Shoredich (2 out of 3 of them) and we had a lovely time, eating delicious street food and catching up (dat oversized bag wow)!
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My nephew also turned 1 on the 16th of July, so my sister had a birthday party for him. 
In August I saw the girls (and Freddy!) again at a Hong Kong Drinking Team gig in London; perfect location for all of us to meet up! 
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I also took time off work to spend time with my little sister Harriet at the beach…
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…had more sushi and plum wine with Stef at Mikado’s…
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…and saw the girls (all of them this time) again in London!)
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Also in August, James and I took a day trip into London to take advantage of Harriet’s Merlin pass! 
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We had crocodile and ostrich burgers at Shaka Zulu (a cocktail, burger and chips for £10 in the middle of London, whaaaat?) and then went onto Maddam Toussards - somewhere I’d never been, but had wanted to ever since seeing loads of them dotted around countries you’d never even think they’d have them on our travelling adventures. 
We met loads of celebrities there too #blessed.
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With that chaotic month over, September didn’t slow down that much, with our friends Rosie and Josh having a leaving party before they jetted off to South America to do some travelling. 
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See my Facebook timeline for an amazing video of Josh’s dancing!
My sisters and I also took my dad out for a late Father’s Day trip into London to again take advantage of Harriet’s Merlin passes - we went to the London Dungeons and the Aquarium! The Dungeons were brilliant, having not been there for ages, - of course my dad pointed out every inaccuracy, and Amelia being pregnant meant she couldn’t go on the little rides they had in there, haha!
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Beth also came down to go to one of James’ gigs…
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…and I was sad to have to move offices in September, as my commute would be slightly longer and I’d miss reading by the beautiful Thames on my lunch breaks. 
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October saw Stef turn 23, and we had a big house party over her’s, which was great fun! Sam debated heavily with her mum, we took some great photos, and I saw Laura again for the first time in nearly 2 years. ^-^ 
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We also went back down to Devon to see James’ cousins again…
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…went to MCM again and met Tomska, another of our Youtube heroes…
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…and finally I went down to Soton to go with the girls to Oceana for Halloween! We had such a good time at predrinks together in our posh little hotel rooms.  
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Sadly, James’ gran passed away at the end of September. However, she very lovingly left her home to James, and so we had spent the whole of October and November doing it up, so that we could finally live together after 7 whole years of being together. It took weeks of painting and sorting and carpets and quite a bit of our savings, but it was totally, completely worth it, just to be finally living together after so long.
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In November, our lovely neighbour, Joe, installed our shower for us and put up the beautiful splashboards that we picked in a stunning slate colour. 
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November marked our 7 year anniversary - can you believe it?! 
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So, at the end of the month we went to the Ice Bar and Winter Wonderland, both of which we’d never been to before, so it was lovely and a completely new experience, going around one of the biggest Christmas markets in the UK. 
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And what anniversary would be complete without sushi…
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Weirdly, PM Theresa May came to our work on Friday to open our new Maidenhead offices, being the constituent for Maidenhead. She had her funky shoes on and looks suitably confused. This may be when one of our managers asked “Is Brexit actually going to happen?” 
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December was SUCH a busy month. Not least because James and I FINALLY MOVED IN TOGETHER!! My cats tried to sabotage our efforts however by camping in my last pile of dirty laundry…
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We moved in on the 2nd of December, and due to our efforts of the previous couple of months, it very quickly felt homely and cosy. We bought 2 sofas from the charity shop, put up the Christmas decorations, and - most importantly - made sure both our computers fit in the living room for optimal gaming time!
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Despite being pretty ill the first week, it was great.
Our good friend Lynne even made us this lovely moving in present!
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After all that excitement, I had a very early birthday party on the 10th of December, seeing all my friends in the local pub, The Squirrels. 
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I also made sure to see the girls from uni one last time this year in London for dinner and drinks.
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In the middle of December, Haulfryn had a Christmas party, which I could take James along to. It was really fun - it was a masquerade mall in Reading, with a three-course meal and wine, as well as acrobats and other acts to keep as all entertained, and a casino for James to try his luck! Having been at Haulfryn for almost a year now, it’s nice to be able to go to a big event like this. 
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For my birthday this year, James really went all out. I had no idea what he had planned - only that we were going to London, and I had to wear my Pokemon dress! So I donned it and off we went.
First he took me to Sticks ‘n’ Sushi in Covent Garden for a late lunch - and as all I seem to eat is sushi you’ll know how incredible that must have been!
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Mmmm big decanter of sake.
Then afterwards we got on the tube to Hammersmith, where the London Philharmonic Orchestra were playing… and what were they playing? Pokemon!
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It was incredible - they played music from all of the games, telling the stories of the games throughout, and showing a lot of the game footage on their screen. It was incredibly nostalgic, amazingly well done, and even if you aren’t a fan of Pokemon, the Philharmonic are obviously incredible, and so the music was flawless. 
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I couldn’t have asked for a better (or geekier) birthday. Thank you James. 
On the 23rd, Hong Kong Drinking Team had been asked to headline the ‘best of the year’ show in the Facebar, and so I went along - and they didn’t disappoint. While most of the acts were heavy, James and his band dressed up as Christmas characters (James: Santa; Jack: Jesus; Dave: sexy Christmas pudding,#; Luke: Bongle the Bear from Rainbow (he thought it was a reindeer in the fancy dress shop); and Charlie: sexy elf). And boy, was Charlie a sexy elf. They did Santa Baby and Charlie was especially camp. My favourite gig of theirs for the whole year!
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Christmas was incredibly special this year, as for the first time James and I didn’t have to balance our days - we were just together. As cheesy as it sounds, it was magical! 
For Christmas Eve, we went to a onesie party up a the Squirrels to see in the big day.
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Christmas Day saw us opening our stockings together, and then going to the Squirrels for Christmas drinks. 
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Afterwards we had a lovely Christmas dinner with the Skinners and a chilled out evening.
On Boxing Day, after seeing my Mum and Amelia, James and I had my dad and Harriet over, as my dad hasn’t had a family Christmas in a few years. It was great - we played Cards Against Humanity (which my dad loved!), I cooked, and James’ parents came over late afternoon.
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The last few days of the year were just as exciting. On the 30th, it was the Squirrels’ landlady’s birthday, and so we had an 80s night up the pub!
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James also met Jess’ South African boyfriend Adrian, and now I’m worried about us staying together… they have a proper bromance going on!
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Seeing in the New Year was just as great, with karaoke, dancing, and lots of booze. 
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And lastly, as I put on a bit of weight travelling and got out of my fitness regime, I took up running this year rather than paying for the gym. It’s amazing how much more you want to exercise when you don’t have to travel as well! I smashed my distance goal for the year, and running has now become part of my lifestyle as well as an easy way to keep healthy. 
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Thank you 2016, it’s been an incredible year. Here’s to the next - the first one of me being a ‘proper’ adult, responsible for a home. Gulp. 
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