beseojun · 2 years
Needing to get out of his apartment as well as buy cat food, Seojun quickly got dressed in comfortable clothing since he didn’t feel the need to dress up when he wasn’t going anywhere special and left his home. He double checked the door to make sure it was locked before he headed to the lobby and out the door. The closest place to shop was in walking distance so he ditched the idea of taking his car. He didn’t need it and didn’t plan to buy too much. Looking around at the other people walking around, he smiled some. Somehow this reminded him of back home only caused him to feel homesick which had been happening a lot lately.
Sighing with a small pout on his lips, he walked into the store, automatically going to the isle where he was sure cat food was. Grabbing the item, he could already picture the meows of happiness coming from Gom. He knew the cat would appreciate getting some fresh food even if he still had plenty in his bowl. Going off to another isle, Seojun thought it would be fine to get a few snacks. He was in the mood for something sweet at the moment and hoped he could find something here that would please his sweet tooth. With a happy sound of excitement leaving his lips after he grabbed a few different treats, he accidentally bumped into someone who happened to be nearby. “I-I’m so sorry! I wasn’t paying attention at all. I hope you didn’t get hurt from my carelessness.” A flustered expression plastered across his face as he tried not to panic too much about the situation. He wanted to meet new people but not like this. He was already berating himself in his mind and hoped the other didn’t get mad at him.
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bexalice · 2 years
It had been a rather nice celebration. Sure, Alice had been a little jealous of all the cool things trainees had gotten to do, from putting together the haunted house the murder mystery event, and of course the performances. Her time was coming, though, her mother kept telling her. She was ready when it did.
Turning to the person beside her, she watched as the fireworks lit up their features. It was good lighting, she thought to herself, so she might as well ask.
"Can you please get a picture of me with fireworks in the background? I think it'll look really cool!" She explained, holding out her phone, the camera app already open.
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nickybe · 9 months
christmas rush.
open starter !
nicky, despite the external image that remains so frozen in place, is quite the thoughtful, sensitive person. he's a romantic at heart, a softness inside of him that has yet to be stomped out by the troubles the world has already put him through. he wants to believe in magic, in fairies, and in santa claus... even though he knew far too young that such things don't exist. while his face and demeanor remains rather cold and standoffish, he still stops to admire the snow as it falls, wondering at each flake and the knowledge that despite the sheer quantity of them, no two are exactly the same.
but staring at the snowfall is not the reason nicky ventured out to the market on his lonesome. no, he has last minute christmas shopping and is pathetically drawing a blank on what to get for his father.
kian was easy, he likes everything. siwoo didn't really matter, because nicky knows he probably doesn't really understand the significance of receiving gifts anyway (that guy has way too much money). even the kim family were delighted when nicky brought them a nice bottle of wine to share in to his last shift at the store. but his father? he won't want anything extravagant, he doesn't need anything that he doesn't already have. he's not the type to put on frills or spend too much money on himself, and nicky has no idea what he might appreciate. so he's stuck, staring in a storefront window, wondering if dad would at all be interested in the knick knacks in side.
he sighs, and swallows his pride. it's not like he has anything to lose by doing this anyway. "excuse me," he stops the first friendly face he sees, hoping not to bother too much. "do you have any idea what to buy a guy who has everything? i'm trying to get a gift for my dad."
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beminjae · 2 years
— an ordinary life(?)
  why did he always feel so empty? was it normal for an individual to be as pathetic as he felt? minjae figured that such questions were better suited for a therapist rather than just floating around inside his head. but who actually went to therapy? not people who lead normal lives. and nobody was as normal as minjae. at least, that’s what he liked to tell himself. it always made him feel better when he started to question if other people his age faced the same daily situations. yeah, it was probably perfectly ordinary to hate everything about your life.
  maybe that was why minjae found himself sitting at a table by himself in a small and unpopular café with his laptop in front of him. as much as he loved staying holed up in his dim room, away from the outside world, it didn’t actually provide him with the level of seclusion that he was looking for. there was always a risk of his mom bursting through the door and demanding that he head down the stairs in order to help with whatever restaurant duties she didn’t feel like completing herself. should he have more sympathy for his hardworking mother? it depended on who you asked. minjae just wanted to get as far away from kwon’s chicken as possible.  
  so being huddled in the corner of the café was no coincidence. it was all part of his master plan to leave his extra ordinary life behind. you see, if he were to keep his eyes glued to the screen and study every possible idol video that the internet had, then there was a chance that he’d be able to mirror their behaviors and mannerisms. if he were a famous idol, then he’d never have to be a busboy ever again. not to mention that he’d never have to set eyes on any of his family members for the foreseeable future. minjae couldn’t help but chuckle under his breath as he imagined it all. 
  maybe then life would be worth living.
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jindallaebe · 2 years
[  🥀  ]  𝖍𝖔𝖜 𝖈𝖆𝖕𝖎𝖙𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖒 𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖑𝖊 𝖈𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖒𝖆𝖘...
if there’s one rotten thing about having a relatively large family during the holiday season, it’s trying to buy all of them gifts. what makes this even more difficult — for jindallae, anyway — is that he’s not exactly close with many of his relatives. sure, he has their backs and he has a lot of love for them, and realizes that a relation of blood is the most important bond that someone can have to a degree, but that doesn’t exactly mean that he knows their personalities or what any of them are interested in. his older sister, molan, does well by herself and keeps extremely busy, so he hasn’t had a chance to pick her brain about items she needs or wants. it’s similar with his big brother, beodeul. he lives in the states, has a fiancé, and makes a good bit o’ money in his job. what on earth would he possibly need from jindallae ?? the only clear ideas he has are for his father, and for his twin, but they’ve always been easy to shop for. the pair of them make their interests known, and he talks to both of them more consistently out of the rest of the lot. then, when it comes to his mother, he doesn’t even want to think about it. they’re not on great terms, but he knows he’d be the worst son in the world if he didn’t at least try to gift her something. it’s all so complicated, and as he browses through the vendors at the xmas market, he sighs.
nothing really screams at him, and while the options are seemingly endless, it’s painstakingly hard to figure out what’s right for everyone. at this point, he’s really considering throwing in the towel and making everyone their favorite foods — give them a giant pot of their chosen dinner that they can freeze and have for however long they need. no one is unhappy with food, right ?? though, it’s only been a couple of minutes since he arrived, and he wants to at least attempt to browse, even if he’s already feeling over it and exhausted. pointing towards an item presented, he turns to the person beside him. “ do you think getting a botanist a necklace with flowers on it is too obvious and lame ?? ” he queries, then laughs. “ i thought about setting up an herb garden in my window or somethin’ and givin’ her fresh herbs, spices, ‘n shit that she can use, but i didn’t really have the time to get that together. ” a shrug rises and falls from the breadth of his shoulders, his eyes roll at the same time. “ gift-giving is kinda bullshit, right ?? or am i just a shitty person who hates capitalism ?? ”
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bexeunwoo · 2 years
It was a local coffee shop the boy had found that had become his new favorite spot. It had the right ambiance and even the coffee itself was good quality. He wasn’t quite used to this new way of life yet, as he came from a very small town, which was much different than that of Seoul. Perhaps it was a good thing though, new scenery, new frame of mind. It was the beginning of his plan to get the attention of a local Idol company, wanting desperately to live a life far different than the one that was predicted of him. 
Sipping at the coffee, he looked up when he noticed a friendly face that was approaching. Smiling softly, the boy did his best to maintain eye contact. It was quite hard given how introverted Eunwoo truly was. Though he would fake it for now, at least until he could truly get into a good mindset and think of things in a much fonder light. “I’m Eunwoo, or well, most people call me Woo. I’m kind of new in town, though I will say I love this shop. The people are super nice and the coffee is perfect.” Taking a deep breath, he realized that he was rambling more than allowing the other to answer. “Sorry, that was too much.”
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bexstevie · 1 year
spear of justice.
 < open starter !! >
he’s got so much free time-- more than stevie needs, really. a couple of days in the week he spends catching up on course work is the busiest parts of the week. everything else he just spends doing menial tasks, skating, hanging out with friends or filming something for the internet. his head’s been a little bit of a mess lately, and he’s been desperate for something to spend his time with.
before next gen, he had been looking for a job prior. perhaps not as seriously as he probably should have been taking it-- so this time, he actually tries. stevie dresses up himself not overly dressed, but certainly with a little more style and concept of put together. his hair is brushed and pulled back a bit, and he feels a little weird without a beanie on, but he’ll get through it. 
idly fixing a strand of his hair, he reaches out with his free hand to pull open the door, slipping in carefully as his eyes flicker around curiously. idly looks around and studies his surroundings as he makes his way over to the first employee he finds. a slightly nervous smile tugs on his mouth, as he greets. “hi! how are you doing?” he asks pleasantly, eyes crinkling at the corners. “sorry to bother you, but i was uh-- wondering, are you hiring?”
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bemaria · 2 years
open starter !
 as soon as she had shown up late to her literature class that morning, yubin should’ve known that it was going to be a painful day. it wasn’t as though she had been publicly called out and reprimanded by her professor, but she might as well have been. having to walk into the classroom while all of the other students were already seated and attentively listening to their instructor and all of their eyes slowly moving onto her— she wanted to die right then and there. but with god seemingly having other plans, she was forced to awkwardly make her way to an empty seat as quickly as she could manage. 
  such a simple mistake, one that everyone else in the class had probably already forgotten about, was still haunting her hours later. she had managed to make it through her own class without yelling at any children, at least. she only had to fake a dozen smiles before all of the elementary school kids were leaving for the day. she hastily packed up her belongings and walked with a sense of urgency towards the exit. she didn’t have any big plans to get home to. it wasn’t as though someone was waiting for her there. all she wanted to do was sulk alone in the comfort of her room.
  but that would be too easy, wouldn’t it? such a day that started on a sour note had to go out with a bang. in other words, another minor inconvenience that yubin would turn into a big deal. as she walked down the crowded sidewalk, it was somewhat difficult to navigate through the swarms of people. she suddenly thought back to the bible story of moses, and how he was able to part the red sea. yubin wished that she had the same powers. then maybe she’d be able to create a path in this mess of people. perhaps too caught up in her own fantasies, she ends up slightly bumping shoulders with an individual walking the opposite direction. whose fault had it been? they were probably both to blame, but she hadn’t appreciated the premature reminder of the real world. pausing in place, she glances over her shoulder at the stranger before scrunching up her nose. “i guess that nobody says excuse me anymore?” 
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