#be a boogie pete
bughuntermusic · 10 months
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I'd like to introduce tumblr to our second album: The Rough Draft. It turns FIVE YEARS OLD today but people are still discovering it every day. If you are, will be, or have been a person in your mid-20's trying to figure things out, this album is for you. If you know this album, reblog with your favorite song or lyric. We'd love for more people to hear what we're doing over here in Bug Hunter land.
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wastehound-voof · 7 months
Pete Johnson - Death Ray Boogie (1941)
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soundgrammar · 11 months
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American boogie-woogie and jazz pianist Pete Johnson. Photograph by William P. Gottlieb.
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rastronomicals · 5 months
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10:04 AM EDT May 2, 2024:
Pete Sinfield - "Wholefood Boogie" From the album Still (1973)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: Sole solos
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spilladabalia · 1 year
Saint Etienne - Absolute Beginners
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philgbtqochs · 1 year
pete seeger <33333333
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escapistblogmusic · 2 years
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33dddemimimi · 2 years
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abovetherainandroses · 7 months
patrick did a sexy as hell grunt during arms race and i died on the spot btw (feat. pete wiggles and bonus patrick boogies) (sacramento 3/3/24)
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Dear McCracken • Point to Prove (I was an ugly kid) • Piano Teacher • Go with the Flow • Disco! In the Panic Room • Baby Teeth • Be Glad I Love You (Go to Bed) • Listen to your Mom • Deserve Me • The Gulf Coast (Bonus Track) • Boogie Pete (Bonus Track)
Spotify ♪ Bandcamp ♪ YouTube
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saorlasdraft · 9 months
Rose's ringtone for Pete is the "you're my dad! Boogie woogie woogie" sound, for all the times he denied being her father
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resident-gay-bitch · 4 months
May 24; Disco
Ship; Severus x Peter (snettigrew)
Severus groans as he walks into his apartment, head thrown back and everything. He doesn't know when he got so dramatic, but he know's it's got something to do with the man wiggling around his livingroom.
On beat, Peter jumps and spins around, pointing at Severus as he does a sneaky little shake of his hips. Curling a finger, he beacons Severus closer, and he does not call himself a weak man, but for Pete...
Peter continues to boogie once they're only standing a breath apart, wiggling about and moving his arms in rather absurd patterns and Severus has found himself admiring over their time together.
"Come on, Sev, dance with me."
Severus shakes his head, "Please, I'll dance to anything but this blasted disco."
"But it's disco." Pete grins, grabbing onto his boyfriend and spinning them around, "How can you not love it?"
"You're lucky I love you."
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isopodonanescalator · 1 month
@richie-shitlips as. you guessed it! richie lipschits!
@loganschwarzy as ruth fleming!!! AND ALSO MARK CHASITY CUZ YOIRE MY DAD (boogie woogie woogie)
um guys im Grace Chasity sorry its a legal obligation suck it up
@chompisatheatrekid as Pete methinks (i don’t have any reasoning for this)
@marvelmaniac715 as max jagerman?
im actually struggling more than i thoght i would so that is as much as i can think of
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wvbaandtheboys · 1 year
ok the joke’s going way too far now but hey it’s fun and everyone’s enjoying it so… let’s enjoy it!! (expect drawings and more scenarios honestly HWJWJSH)
here’s some death scenes and death lines from the ro-boxers! (by the way, if y’all wanna give your two cents or even yeet robo ocs in the mix? completely fine by me, let’s all be silly together!!)
By the way, here’s my silly thought process for the robots: if they’re not having a cliche “tis a malfunction” moment, it’s prolly them being sentient and envying the real boxers and some openly expressing how they wanna off you through their more violent dialogue.
so obviously content warning for gore and stuff (guys it’s late and I’m tired so just b careful AJHSJS)
Little Mac:
Mac plays that distorted tune in the dark as he creeps into your office… and proceeds to kill you by pushing your head against the wall, slamming it and fracturing your skull.
“Ya weren’t paying attention, Birdie! Heheheheh!”
“HAH! Gotcha!”
“Bet you Mac couldn’t do that in a million years… heheh… Too bad, Petey…”
Glass Joe:
Well if ya don’t close the door on Joey, he comes right on in and lunges over your desk to get to you. He kills you by snapping your neck.
“Oh ho ho! La victoire est à moi!”
(“Oh ho ho! The victory is mine!”)
“I got you now! Ho ho hoh!”
“You were frozen in fear at the sight of me! Oh my, how sad!”
“Il a passé des années à se faire craquer... Mais c'est maintenant à mon tour de VOUS briser.” (Evil French laughter)
(“He spent years getting cracked… but it’s now my turn to break YOU”)
Von Kaiser:
If ya disturb the war grandpa, he’s gonna rush to you screaming “ATTACKEN!” and bust into ya office. He vaults over your desk and slams his fist right into your face.
(Just evil German laughter here)
“Du bist so dumm, wie du mit Blutrot befleckt bist…”
(“You are as stupid as you are stained with blood red”)
“Deine Zeit läuft ab, Junge. Wenn deine Stunde zuschlägt... werde ich da sein, um deine Flamme zu löschen.”
(“Your time is running out, boy. When your hour strikes… I will be there to snuff out your flame”)
Disco Kid:
Disco’s itching to dance but equally itching to kill. He’ll boogie his way on up close and personal before spinning you round and round and slamming you into a hard surface. Owch.
“Whoopsie!~ Guess ya couldn’t handle the disco fever…”
“Aw, c’mon Pete! I was just gettin’ started too…”
“…C’mon now Peter… do you really think I’m just gonna let you go?… Mm-mm… I’m not nearly as nice as your friend. Let’s get down together… better keep up… or else I’m gonna paint you black and blue~”
King Hippo:
Hippo stomps right in, flips your desk and reenacts the bite of 87 on you.
“My, how flavorful!”
(Hippo laughter here)
(A different hippo laugh here)
“…Hippo sees you… in the camera… watching him…….. you.. look.. delicious. ….I’m coming for you.”
Piston Hondo:
Piston full on drags you into the vent like the xenomorph from Alien: Isolation while laughing maniacally.
(Evil ANIME laugh here)
(Enter another evil ANIME laugh here)
“Your ears aren’t up to par… that much is obvious.”
(This is said in Japanese but it’s difficult to accurately translate for me so just pretend) “Hah… Allow me to snuff out that flame of hope you have… I am not merciful like him. Struggle if you wish… it is futile. This night… I will not let you escape alive.”
Bear Hugger:
Well if ya don’t hide, he’ll just mow down your desk and crush your spine with his huge metallic arms! And if you hide when he’s already seen you, he’ll yoink ya from beneath the desk and lift you up, then crush your spine.
“Yahaha! Got ya!”
“Eh, no use hidin’ from me, Pete! I got the eyes of a hawk, ears like a bat and the strength of a bear! You can’t do nothin’ against me! Heheh!”
“Found ya!”
“C’mon, Pete… come out, come out wherever ya aaareeeee…~ I know you’re heeeree…~ I ain’t got candy for brains like that hoser… I ain’t stupid.”
“C’mon now, Birdie… I don’t like losin’… Why don’t you come on out for a nice, big squeeze…?~ I promise it won’t hurt… not for long anyways… heheheheh.”
Great Tiger:
Well ya slacked off and now you face the music. Tiger comes eeriely slithering out of your vent with his gem a-glowing before pouncing at you like a proper tiger. His clones even join in on the jumpscare! :D
(Mean laughter) “Oh… what terrible eyes you have, Peter.”
(Smooth but evil chuckle)
“If only you looked a little harder… oh well, you’re already dead…”
(Somewhat raspy and low) “Like a tiger, I stalk my prey… savor your pungent fear on my tongue… between my teeth… waiting… waiting… for the moment… that I… can finally… POUNCE!”
Don Flamenco:
Well, guess ya couldn’t resist the rose man’s charms. Don pops up and shanks ya right in the heart with his rose.
“Oh, pobre...”
(“Oh, you poor thing”)
“La muerte nunca ha sido tan poética, ¿eh?”
(“Death has never been this poetic, eh?”)
(Somewhat malicious laughter)
“Mercy…? Oh…… you foolish boy. I share no passion with… him. …The reaper calls your name… and I shall send you to him… I have no heart that beats in my chest… and I will bleed yours into stillness.”
Aran Ryan:
Well, ya looked. Why did you look? Well whatever the reason, Aran whips out his flail and tightens it around your neck. Snap crackle pop!
“Ya looked!”
(Irish gremlin chuckle)
(Irish gremlin cackling)
“Ya look pretty blue, Pete… did I squeeze ya a little too hard?”
“….You should see the look on yer face right now… heheh… what’s that…? You don’t want me to hurt you?… Heh… heheheheh! Sorry Petey… but I don’t change my mind like the other one does… Now… how about ya hold still…”
Soda Popinski:
Well, since Soda doesn’t kill you, he just breaks your door. He feels bad about it though.
“Sorry! Soda didn’t mean to break it!”
Bald Bull:
Busts down your door and proceeds to give you the nastiest headbutt of your life. …And the last headbutt of your life. Owch. That certainly left some blood.. everywhere…
“You weren’t going to keep me out forever.”
“You provoked the bull. And got the horns.”
(Slight evil chuckle) “Useless bird. You never stood a chance fighting me.”
“You may try and struggle… you may try and fight.. but it’s all in vain. I will get in one way or another… and when I do… I’ll coat the walls with your blood.”
Super Macho Man:
Well ya fucked around and ya found out. He sweeps your desk aside and caves your face in with his boot once you’re on the ground.
“You don’t ever keep a star waiting.”
“Ugh! You ruined my photoshoot! >:[“
“Work it!~”
“You were taking too long, dude… not my fault you got such a bogus fragile skull…”
“Don’t make me wait… don’t test me. I’m not an idiot like that guy.. so you’d better hurry it up… or else.”
Mr. Sandman:
You once again fucked around and found out. The power goes out, and Sandman creaks open one of your doors and makes sure you’ve seen him before he comes in. Creepy how the only thing you’d see is his eyes.
“Heheh.. night night, Peter…”
“It’s way past your bedtime, baby… why don’t you start countin’ sheep?”
“Heh… sound sleeper, huh?…” (he says while watching peter actively bleed out)
“…It’s time for bed, Peter baby… n’ don’t think I’ll hold any punches. He mighta done that cause he likes you… but I don’t do holding back. Brush your teeth, close your eyes… and go to sleep.”
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rastronomicals · 1 year
11:56 AM EDT April 4, 2023:
Pete Sinfield - “Wholefood Boogie” From the album Still (1973)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: Sole solos
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thenixkat · 5 months
Which Side Are You On? (remix by Rebel Diaz, dead prez, Rakaa Iriscience)
[Intro: Pete Seeger] Which side are you on, boy? Which side are you on? Which side are you on, boy? Which side are you on?
[Verse 1: G1] See before I draw the line, I gotta welcome you close To all the folks who knew Obama sold the people a hoax Gave the money to suckas while our community's still poor Withdrew the troops but started another war Colonized and terrorized and created an oil crisis So they could make a killin' on food and gas prices Prisons is fillin', they tryna lock up the future Militarize borders and control of computers While the stupid bumping music that ain't healthy for the shawties Povertize the schools and policeman in the hallways Can't be dormant, I've awoken, rise up, be ready Brought the family with us and we hold the machete
[Verse 2: M-1] Ridin' the fence, ridin' the fence Too many people be ridin' the fence Yeah you say you're ready for war but are you convinced? I'm not convinced If you're a writer, freedom fighter, crime exciter, then let's do this We can make one big united middle finger to the U.S Gimme the bravest and the truest, fuck the hippest and the coolest We're gonna spark this revolution and cross this off our to-do list Put your foot down if you look down on this criminal system Put your book down and get shook down like my niggas in prison Don't be condemning and condoning they actions in one sentence Now keep in mind, you decide Is you a patriot or a menace to society? So riot or sit by quietly But don't pull out your flag and try to say you gon' ride with me You flip-flopping like hip-hop, I don't get locked in that trick box Get got like Big and Pac, shit's got to stop "I am the people, not the pig," I repeat after Fred So please blow my brains out if I ever forget
[Verse 3: stic.man] I'm with the independent thinkers, I'm down with the movers and the shakers And the ex-Henny drinkers, the non-smokers The health advocates, the non-voters The young bloods in the hood trainin' like soldiers I'm on the side of the tracks with the hood gardens With the little child that don't color inside the margins I don't ride the fence, I cultivate my strength 'Cause if it ain't about power, it don't make sense I've been down with Boogie Down since BDP and Brown Pride And black power make RBG a OG An OG told me choose your battles wisely In the struggle, don't forget about your children and your wifey If you don't see me on the podium, preachin' it Every day, I hope my every action is teaching it 'Cause revolution is a process, it's not a speech or a panel Don't bite off more than you can handle
[Chorus: Pete Seeger & RodStarz] Which side are you on, boy? Which side are you on? Which side are you on, boy? Which side are you on? Chi City, Palastina, Venezuela Which side are you on, boy? Which side are you on? Which side are you on, boy? To South Bronx baby! Which side are you on?
[Verse 4: RodStarz] Ay, I still rock hard like slingshots in Palestina Con todos los estudiantes por educación gratuita I'm with workers uprising and the right to unionize We ain't crossed the border, so you better legalize I'm with la Penã del Bronx, I'm still with Victor Toro 'Cause gentrification is pollutin' my borough Sold bro never, South Bronx forever Decolonize the block, make your neighborhood better I ain't down with the rich, I'm more Richie Perez Don't talk to grand juries or cooperate with feds I'm with students, doctors, janitors, teachers We need living wages but they don't believe us Manida, Baretto, Spofford, Hunts Point My point, my hood I love, we join, forces Forming RDAC-BX Taking over buildings, Rebel Diaz for the children
[Verse 5: Rakaa Iriscience] Politics the sickness, streets express symptoms Caught up with a quickness, big business pimps 'em Scholars play the simpleton, fools play with wisdom Who will stand and fight back, who will play the victim? Trials and tribulations, here's your generations Stolen history and outsourced innovation Babel tower fell, tribes are at war The battle story not represented in the score The game's fixed, most of the faces and names switched Credit stolen for art, science, religion, language Technology, philosophy, and the strangest They paid in Haitian for the knowledge of the ancients Power in words, actions, guns swords Ain't Paris, Brown Berets, young lords, pick a side One sickness, one cure, one love One blood, one world, one war
[Chorus: Pete Seeger] Which side are you on? Which side are you on? Which side are you on? Which side are you on?
[Outro: Pete Seeger] Come all of you good workers Good news to you I'll tell Of how the good ol' union Has come in here to dwell
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