genshinpng · 8 months
Happy Birthday, Alhaitham! (2024)
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I wouldn't have guessed I'd bump into you two in a Sumeru tavern. Here to give me your wishes? Thank you, it is indeed my birthday. I just hope that today will be as relaxing and enjoyable as any other. The signature dish here at Lambad's Tavern is fish rolls. You should give them a try if you're interested. If you stay a little longer, you'll see a couple of other familiar faces too. They're coming over from Avidya Forest, so they should be arriving any moment. When there's something that calls for a celebration, we meet at the tavern — that's how it's always been with us four.
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"Birthday wishes for me? I don't think they are necessary, but I don't see a need to disappoint them either."
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genshinpng · 8 months
Happy Birthday, Lynette! (2024)
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It's a fine day today. Perfect for an open-air magic show. Hmm... You mean why aren't I backstage preparing for the show? Lyney told me to just leave it all to him today. That said, I think I already know what kind of "surprise" magic he'll have prepared... I'd better pretend I haven't figured it out though.
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"Meow~ You're looking well today, keep it up." "Seems like Lynette's in good spirits... That makes me feel very glad."
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genshinpng · 8 months
Happy Birthday, Lyney! (2024)
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See this hat? You can confirm that there's nothing inside, right? Now, let the show begin! Blink, and you'll miss it! Tada! First things first, this is for Lynette... Huh? A Grin-Malkin Hat cake? Ahh, I see... Looks like someone in the audience prepared a "surprise" magic trick for the Great Magician too!
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"The Traveler and Paimon? Oh, you've come to give us a birthday surprise. Perhaps it'd be fun if I... swapped the gifts while you weren't looking?"
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genshinpng · 6 months
Happy birthday, Dehya! (2024)
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Ah, you're here already! W—Wait a sec, let me just fix my make-up... done! *ahem* And there I was thinking half an hour early would be plenty. But YET again... Haha, just teasin' ya. So, Boss-for-the-Day, how's our itinerary looking? Shopping, eating, or watching Zubayr's latest production? If excitement's what you're after, we could always head to the desert for a Sumpter Beast rodeo. Or take on a couple of Consecrated Beasts? But don't worry — wherever you go, I've got your back.
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"The Ajilenakh Nut congee smells incredible! Come grab a bowl."
BONUS: Darker skin edits by me based on her in-game model. You can download the PSD files below if you'd like to edit her skin color more.
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birthday art PSD, chibi PSD
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genshinpng · 4 months
Happy birthday, Baizhu! (2024)
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Good morning. How have you been holding up recently? Any discomfort? I've prepared a whole range of medicinal foods to help fortify your body, and Qiqi has also gathered some rare herbs for you. Also, take this herbal bouquet I put together for you. It'll have a calming effect if you put it by your bedside. If you'd rather not see the flowers wilt away, you may also decoct them. I'll show you how a little later.
Thanks to カネンゴミ for the fantastic artwork!
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"My sincere thanks to all of you, but I've already received far too many gifts today — any more would be wasted on me. Please, hold onto those and enjoy them yourselves."
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genshinpng · 7 months
Happy Birthday, Kokomi! (2024)
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Swimming in clear waters among glistening shoals of fish, feeling the gentle caress of the ocean... it has a calming effect on your mind. I've read much about the world beneath the waves of Fontaine in books. It's said to be a mysterious place full of unknown treasures. I've always wondered, though, if it's any different from the waters of Watatsumi Island — and if so, how exactly... Given how much of the world you've seen, you wouldn't be able to tell me more about it, would you?
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"I can sense everyone's good will towards me~ I feel blessed, even if I've completely run out of 'energy.' I guess I'll spend this evening reading some new military strategy books to recuperate..."
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genshinpng · 5 months
Happy birthday, Xiao! (2024)
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We've known each other for a long time, so just act normal. No need for anything special. This place is unusually tranquil, and you can survey all of Dihua Marsh at a glance... Only you could have found such a place. This Qingxin is for you. Decorating your home with it would surely add a touch of freshness.
Thanks to DSマイル for the fantastic artwork!
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"..." "..." "...What is it?" "I... don't remember."
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genshinpng · 4 months
Happy birthday, Diluc! (2024)
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The Winery's grapes have all been ripening these days. I was afraid the staff might be too shorthanded to pick them all themselves, so I came to help out. Take this bunch of grapes — we can make some juice with them. When they're ripe enough, grapes possess a wonderful sweetness and a strong, fruity fragrance. Your kind of flavor, if I'm not mistaken. As for the ones that aren't fully ripe yet... Those can be used for fermentation. Don't worry, none of them will go to waste.
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"Master Diluc, you look like you're in a good mood today. It's not often that I see you picking grapes!" "Thank you for keeping me company, Adelinde." "It's my pleasure, Master Diluc."
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genshinpng · 8 months
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Twin Birthday Shorts 2024 - Alhaitham
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genshinpng · 6 months
Happy birthday, Jean! (2024)
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Good afternoon. See how the wind's carrying those petals along? It brought your scent with it too. You were right after all. Taking a lunchtime walk to break up a busy afternoon fills you with energy, and actually makes you even more efficient when you get back. Fancy heading over to Windrise together? It's already become a birthday tradition for me. Don't worry, there's still plenty of time before my lunch break's over... Let's set off, shall we? Thanks to Chiri for the fantastic artwork!
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"Was the night in the story as peaceful as this one?"
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genshinpng · 5 months
Happy birthday, Yelan! (2024)
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Do you ever get tired of me inviting you over to this teahouse? Relax, I'm not saying I want our little meet-ups to stop. After all, you're my most important "informant." I've actually prepared something special for you today. Fancy doing something fun together under the cover of another identity? Worry not, of course this doesn't count as skipping work. Just another day in the life of an intelligence agent. As for your identity... well that's for you to decide.
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"And now... I'll let the dice decide what's for dinner."
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genshinpng · 7 months
Happy birthday, Shenhe! (2024)
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This is where I usually come to meditate. The streaming moonlight and gentle mountain breeze help me calm my mind and focus on my training. By the way, would you like a cup of Qingxin tea? I used the recipe you gave me last time we met. It's not bad — a hint of bitterness to begin with, then a sweet aftertaste. Mm... After all, too much raw Qingxin in one go makes a person uncomfortable. When I told Master that, she seemed very pleased and said I had finally learned to look after my health. Anyway, thank you. I'll take good care of myself, so you... needn't worry too much. Thanks to whoisshe for the fantastic artwork!
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"A birthday, just like any other... even her singing's as weird as usual."
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genshinpng · 7 months
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Twins Birthday Shorts - Bennett
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genshinpng · 6 months
Happy birthday, Noelle! (2024)
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Thank you for the lovely flowers! Is there anything I can do for you in return? I've recently been learning how to make lots of different Fontainian snacks, just to give the Knights a chance to try out something different. But if you'd like something else instead, I'd be more than happy to make— Oh, so all you want is for me to stay by your side? O—Okay then. It's been so long since the last time I spent such a leisurely afternoon... Ah, am I talking too much? I'm so sorry, p—please don't mind me!
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"Oh, are you singing to wish me a happy birthday? Your voice sounds so lovely!"
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genshinpng · 7 months
Happy Birthday, Beidou! (2024)
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Whoa, you're saying ALL this delicious food is for me? I'd better get stuck in! After eating salted fish for weeks on end out at sea, nothing gets your appetite going like a tableful of piping hot Liyue cuisine. I reckon we're gonna need some more rice to go with it! You want to know what's in the chest? Haha, what else could it be other than the piles of treasure I picked up along the journey? If there's something in there you like, just take it. You're my best buddy, after all! Oh and by the way, here's another treasure map we found. Fancy hopping aboard to try your luck next time we head out to sea?
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"Beidou, tell us some more stories about your adventures!" "Alright, alright, I know you want to hear the one about striking down Haishan..."
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genshinpng · 6 months
Happy birthday, Ayato! (2024)
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Each time we spar, your swordsmanship just seems to improve remarkably. It's truly astonishing. "Spring ripples thaw winter ice, falling blossoms pierce iron armor" ...I must say, there's something singularly elegant about sword-dancing amidst a shower of falling cherry blossom. But it seems a shame, does it not, to spend such fine spring sights on martial arts alone? I have already instructed my retainers to prepare tea and snacks. Stay with me a while so that we might admire the spring's beauty together.
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"Ayato, bro, tracking you down's like looking for an Onikabuto in a haystack! Speaking of which, check out this god-level beetle I caught for you!" "What an... unexpected gift. Thank you."
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