shiningsilverarmor · 8 months
Drop this sunflower🌻into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! Let's spread a little sunshine ☀️ Yipee!
Y- yip..
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Y---yippe ! ! Tiny sun in their hands!
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lostxtosunlight · 8 months
@bcund, x
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"So...you're telling me creatures and demons are real. And I'm supposed to believe that."
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screechingtires · 8 months
Drop this sunflower🌻into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! Let's spread a little sunshine ☀️ Yipee!
:000 aww thank ya!!
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splinter-sister · 10 months
"So tiny. So compact."
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werexcat · 10 months
Ed vc: those things are scam anyways >( *holds hand*
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There was something about Edward's grumpy expression all the while holding his hand that, just, tickled Gabriel in that moment--no, he was NOT admitting it was so cute, couldn't!!--and a rare laugh occurs.
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gunslinginnhogtyin · 10 months
CONTINUED. | @bcund
He had just given him permission to touch the most✨majestic✨ motor machine he had ever seen! In a flash, the cowboy is over by the bike touching anything and everything he can reach while reveling in its coolness.
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“Whoa! What’s this? So neat. An' that! An’ look at that!” Butch points excitedly and all of a sudden he gasps and looks at the other man, “Hey, I just got the best idea…” If the other had picked up on any sort of pattern, he would probably know where this was headed…
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strebcr · 8 months
Drop this sunflower🌻into the inboxes of the blogs that make you happy! Let's spread a little sunshine ☀️ Yipee!
thank you :^)
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arcanescholxr · 8 months
What’s something you do to try to get to know other’s?
Should people think you’re intimidating/scary?
What’s a good way to start talking to you if people are scared to?
What’s a tip you would give to people trying to get to know you?
Anxious Munday Meme!
What’s something you do to try to get to know others’s?
I’m honestly really shy and it’ll take a while for me to talk to some OOC, I try to wait for them to come at me first. But on a good day; I’ll just pop into someone’s DMS and give them a little hi and hope to get the ball rolling.
Should People think you’re intimidating/scary?
Nooooo! I hope not! I hope I come off as a nice, please don’t be scared of me I promise I don’t bite: well I do, but don’t mind the sharp teeth I’m just a little guy!
What’s a good way to start talking to you if people are scared?
Honestly, memes are a great icebreaker. Or people sliding into my dms to chat about our muses and plots, eventually cracks of my personality will get out and we can have a fun conversation.
What’s a tip you would give to people trying to get to know you?
I love cats. If you have a cat, and tell me about your cat, I will be all over you. Or if you just mention a cat I will go big eyes.
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thecircusfreaks · 9 months
|| @bcund || Lenev & Ron || liked for a starter ||
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His role as a politican had him in the spotlight quite frequently. Sometimes this would lead to a negative reaction. One could not always please everyone, he had learned that the hard way. His security detail was some of the best of the best but not everything could be forseen, thankfully that's where Ron was an amazing addition to his party.
"Ron ... that's enough, let him go so the others can take over." The scars on his face were a reminder of a previous attack on his life, Ron just prevented another by working a man with a hidden knife to the floor, nearly choking him out. Lenev couldn't have one of his own murder someone, which is why he needed Ron to stop. "You've done good, now let go so we can continue."
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"Happy New Year!!” from ed n dante uwu
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"Happy new year my love~" she purrs to the demon, thankfully she was wearing high heels that helped her to reach for his lips while warping arms around his neck.
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"Likewise pup " he smiles at Ed, pulling him into an embrace Vincent simply nuzzles his nose against the other cheek taking in the softness.
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misfxts · 9 months
"it's not over until the mockingjay sings." Proceeds to eat all the sweets. ( from orion @ ichi)
Songbird and Snakes sentences! @bcund
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"Wh-- hey?! Dickhead!"
Fucker's eating her sweets right out of the bag that she bought them in! Just walked right up to her and started doing it! Ichisada manages to pry the stranger away from her bag of sweet goods like a cat nose-deep in some catnip (though they were left with some sweets in their hands).
"You could've just asked!" Though if she'd comply was an entirely different bridge that they are not crossing anymore.
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ppriapus-a · 9 months
15. entry made featuring desire.
16.     entry made featuring anger.
17.     entry made featuring joy.
18.     entry made featuring sadness.
(Gimme the goods 👀 for the recent meme)
16 . entry made featuring anger
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they mistake my patience for weakness. i was mighty, i am mighty. the difference between me and my kin is that i knew my role; gaia was my charge, she was my mother, my reason. when they knew me as pan, i was loved, adored apollo himself, the little sprite, i love him, but he forgets himself. it was i who gave him the power to see into the future, and now his ego has grown fat. but that is my fault, i should have taken the boy from the mountain's top, raised him among the satyrs, but my memories were so broken. . my boy, you've been ruined by the stench of rotten gold and arrogance. i truly can't stand them, olympians. the titanomachy was worse, sure, but one coup and they think they're the shit. oh well, let them think they're running the show. if zeus gets a little uppity and starts going mad, i might just have to break his skull open.
17.     entry made featuring joy.
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i met a puppy, he's cute, but he's gotta' temper. i wonder if he's into rimming? oooh, maybe pet play? cliché, rlght? yeah, but you can't be a werewolf and not be into collars, that's like, genetics. seriously, i knew the first werewolf, and he was a horndog. he doesn't know that i knocked a bit of my essence into 'em during our little scuffle. he's gonna' see me in his dreams, naked maybe, but i'm gonna see what makes 'em tick. no, i don't just wanna fuck 'em, well, i do, but i'm me, so yeah, but i really wanna dig my teeth into his ass a little. figuratively. oh, and literally. plus, i got this therapy license that i wanna use on 'em. yes, it's also sex therapy, it's a real thing.
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warlordarcher · 10 months
Ron gonna boop the nose.
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"Hm?" The archer shivered slightly as he did not expect that suddenly contact, however, upon noticing the friendly figure he let out a small laugh, booping his nose in return
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malika-carnelian · 10 months
Sid gonna give her a KISSS
And Mali will just answer with the most bright of all smiles after accepting and giving back the kiss~
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splinter-sister · 8 months
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Don't forget to kiss your local sea serpent today! 💚 @bcund
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werexcat · 8 months
continued from 🐈‍⬛ with @bcund's cyrus !
Looking at this man now, with his red hair and his red eyes, it was like looking at another predator. In fact, he was eating a human, and Gabriel didn't need eyes to realize that. All he had to do was scent the air because all humans had a particular smell that made them, essentially, human, and there was no escaping that.
... And this man was anything but.
Green eyes didn't flicker to the meal for even a moment as he addressed the man.
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"I'm not sure I can trust you," he replied, honest but wary. "You could try to make a meal out of me."
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