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aetherceuse · 1 year ago
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FILE # 05062023 -> President Delacroix
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Name: Lusamine Delacroix Voice Claim: Rebecca Ferguson as Lady Jessica Age: 44 Height: 6'5" Date of Birth: Precise date unknown; celebrated on January 1st Hometown: Defunct city of the Ultra Ruins; paperwork lists her hometown as Cerulean City, Kanto. Current Location: Aether Paradise, Alola
Pokémon (Team): Clefable, Liligant, Bewear, Milotic, Mismagius, Alolan Persian. Additional Pokémon: Hatenna, Houndour, Nihilego, Guzzlord, Silvally. Gym Experience: Seven Indigo League badges (four from Kanto, three from Johto,) three Unovan League badges, one Hoennian League badge. No current interest in challenging any other leagues.
Education: Masters in Conservation Biology, PhD in Genetic Engineering. Business Association: Founder and President of the Aether Foundation, former board member of the Bureau of Cross-Dimensional Anomaly Investigation, BCDAI.
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Positive: Intelligent, innovative, problem-solver, confident, patient, calm, ambitious. Negative: Manipulative, cruel, apathetic, practically emotionless, disconnected, unforgiving.
MBTI: INTJ (The Architect) Alignment: True Neutral Sexuality: Asexual
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❛ You think everyone in this world is here to serve you, don't you? ❜
Lusamine was, for all intents and purposes, meant to be perfect. A brilliant mind-- a child prodigy. Her intelligent was vastly superior in comparison to her peers, and nearly every last individual her age. Her parents hoped that, with proper enrichment, and the right amount of careful path planning, that she would be an irreplaceable asset to Silph Co. and the global scientific community.
Though they had raised a genius, what came with it also-- was an apathetic, cruel madwoman.
Lusamine's origins are a classified secret; she is the first official documentation of a Faller since these individuals began to be recorded. Found at the age of five, wandering around the outskirts of Cerulean City in a daze on her own, Lusamine had fallen from an Ultra Wormhole when her home-- an alternative reality of this world-- was invaded and destroyed by Guzzlord. The entire planet had to be evacuated, and in the process, she was separated from her biological parents. However, because of the amnesia once experiences as a Faller, she has no memory of her home, or her family, at all. Only her name, Lusamine Delacroix, was kept in tact, due to her name being written on the sewn-on tag of the shirt she had been wearing when she was found.
After being discovered and placed in the care of an orphanage in Cerulean City, Lusamine quickly began to impress her caretakers and educators. Her intelligence surpassed that of the average five year old. She was capable of grasping concepts and theories that were more akin to what secondary school students were studying-- and she picked up language and mathematics with ease. Her remarkable intellect is what drew the attention of a married couple who worked for Silph Co. The two of them were incapable of having children on their own, and after fertility treatments failed, they turned to adoption. Lusamine seemed to be a perfect fit, and after several meetings and a lengthy therapy plan, she found her new home in Saffron City.
In reality-- Lusamine was adopted less out of their desire to start a family, and more so because the scientist pair was fascinated, and wanted to see what sort of results they could achieve by pushing the limits of human intelligence. And so, Lusamine was reared to be a premier student. A seemingly endless flow of education and enrichment was poured upon her; she was given state-of-the-art tools and tech in order to further her studies, and was taken from region to region with her parents in order to be taught by the "masters." Language studies in Lumiose, astronomy in Mossdeep, engineering in Nimbasa, just to name a few. By the age of 14, she had completed secondary school, and was already enrolled in college classes at the University of Saffron. At 16, she completed her first bachelors— and by the time she had turned 22, Lusamine Delacroix was already decorated with a PhD, after traveling abroad to study at the Unovan Institute of Technology in the northern stretch of the region.
Surprisingly, not everything was centered around book education! Lusamine was classically trained in Pokémon battling by Kantonian coaches. This fierce-spirited battling style still translates into her methods today, and is especially noticeable with her strategic approach to matches. Through this outlet, Lusamine’s love and appreciation for Pokémon was born, which offset her budding dislike of other people.
Success comes with sacrifice, of course. Lusamine did not have any type of social life unless it pertained to her studies. She was often seen with her parents at various conferences and summits related to the science of Pokémon, and their relationship with human society. These were rather boring to her, though she always made sure to apply herself to the best of her ability, both so that she did not let down her parents, and so that she could network for her future.
This did, unfortunately, permanently effect Lusamine’s ability to bond with other people, and began a life long struggle with connection and relationships.
From an outsider’s perspective, Lusamine had the perfect upbringing. She never wanted for anything. Money was never a struggle. She had constant mental enrichment. But, she lacked warmth in her dynamics. Neither of her parents were affectionate, nor did they have any intention of behaving as such. Every single behavior and decision that Lusamine displayed, was looked at with the scrutiny of a strict researcher. She more of a live-in controlled observational subject, more than a child. Log books were signed into and signed off of every day. Videos were taken, including a 24 hour feed in the household. Regular visits to clinics and laboratories to take blood samples and the occasional brain scan were simply a part of her routine. Everything was dictated by logic, and the scientific method, which extended into Lusamine’s outside relationships as well— other children often described her as a “creepy, dull” person to be around, and some adults found her to be an “uncomfortable” child to share space with.
To that, Lusamine hardly responded with anything beside her own disinterest— unless she saw an opportunity to observe the person interacting with her, in a similar manner to how her own adopted parents studied her. Lusamine was known to ask very specific and strange questions to her peers: ”What do you think about when you’re bored?” ”What are you afraid of?” ”What do you do when you’re afraid?” ”Are you afraid of yourself?” ”Do you think you’re a good person?”
She often found herself rehearsing scripts in her mind for human interaction. Socialization was draining, and putting on the facade of a normal person was even more exhausting. She much, much preferred the solitude of her home, and her study, and made sure she had ample excuses to be in those spaces.
Lusamine simply did not enjoy other people.
Her fascination with the cosmos came to be while she was staying in the Hoenn region for an extended period of time; one of her points of research when working on her masters in conservation, was on the migratory patterns of Tentacool and Tentacruel along the currents around the region’s islands. She had been renting out an apartment in Mossdeep City, giving her many opportunities to visit the Mossdeep Space Station. Her first glimpse through a telescope at the stars was, for all intents and purposes, a life-changing experience. A sense of familiarity and belonging that Lusamine had never experienced before, struck her to the core; from that point on, her appetite for astronomy became bottomless.
As to be expected, Lusamine became a respected member of the scientific community, and had no trouble with finding jobs once she was prepared to enter the work force. Since her parents were already longtime researchers at Silph Co., it only seemed logical that she would begin her career there. She accepted her first job when she was 20, in the division of the company that focused on conducting research on genetic disorders in certain Pokémon populations, and how these same disorders could be found manifesting in humans as well. While it made perfect sense that certain conditions could be shared— after all, humans and Pokémon originated from similar roots— this was still highly sensitive information.
— How peculiar it was, that during this time, Lusamine stumbled upon a file about herself as well.
Genesis & Biology of the Ultra Human
‘. . . intelligence and biology are just as hypothesized, displaying the unusually rapid rate of cranial development observed in previous scans, and the consistent rejection of synthetic food by the digestive system. What we have dubbed as the “Ultra Human” could be the next step in our own evolution, or, a reversion of evolution to return to roots akin to our humanoid Pokémon kin, that we are witnessing. Studies of the subject’s origins are inconclusive beyond the traces of wormhole radiation. This “Ultra Space” is currently theorized to be a dimension beyond our own. . .’
Unbeknownst to Lusamine, due to her memories being wiped once she fell through the wormhole, her biological mother was, in fact, an Ultra Human, while her biological father was more similar to the earthen humans of her current dimension. Due to this, her body existed in a state that lacked “equilibrium,” so to speak— but she still displayed the vast intelligence that Ultra Humans were known for. Along with this, unfortunately, she had also inherited an inability to consume many foods native to this world, and was immunocompromised, hence why she was consistently having her blood pulled.
The discovery was, understandably, jarring, and sparked the beginning of Lusamine’s mental downward spiral— which had already begun due to her growing lack of care and respect for other people in her community. Human beings did not seem to care about their world, and continued to make decisions that did not positively impact society, or Pokémon — rather, they continued to hinder themselves. She watched the people around her make ridiculous mistakes, because the average man refused to listen to the science, and operated from a place of emotional bias, rather than logic. She grew uncaring, and disgusted towards human beings.
Lusamine’s lowest point was when she finally realized that she functioned better alone, rather than surrounded by mediocrity, and people she could never connect with. And how COULD she connect with them? She wasn’t like them, not even on a biological level.
— But humans were terribly vital for her work. Fortunately, she was very talented at using them.
Lusamine’s research, understandably, began to lean heavily into anything, and everything, that could potentially lead her to uncovering the secrets behind Ultra Space. This led to her discovering the Bureau of Cross-Dimensional Anomaly Investigation, or, BCDAI— an international bureau that her parents had been feeding their research to.
Lusamine and BCDAI.
As the years went on, so did Lusamine’s accomplishments. The Aether Foundation was a culmination of everything that the woman was passionate about: innovation, technology, exploration, and Pokémon. It was to be headquartered at sea on an artificial island, which would come to be known as the Aether Paradise. This, of course, did not come without pushback from the Alolan government. Government officials were skeptical and rather hostile at times, towards the concept of a man-made structure being built into their territory, but after some convincing and rather flowery— manipulative words— construction went on, and Lusamine’s dream would soon come to fruition.
During the construction period, she began to network with key individuals in the scientific community: Bill, the creator of the PC Box, Professor Sada of Paldean fame, Professor Juniper— who was a peer of Lusamine’s at the end of her time in northern Unova— Doctor Colress, and of course— Mohn.
The courting of Lusamine and Mohn was romantically one-sided; Lusamine’s struggle with human connection made it difficult for her to reciprocate much, but Mohn was fascinated with the woman, and she knew that Mohn would play a major role in bolstering the influence and reach of the Aether Foundation. He had been responsible for major conservation and biological work through Sinnoh and Galar, while also holding a degree in astrophysics. The shared fascination with the universe made him a viable individual. Partnership— and later, marriage— seemed logical.
How unfortunate it is, that logic cannot replace love.
First came Mohn’s desire to have children. Lusamine resisted at first. She had no maternal instinct, nor any desire to set aside time to raise a child. It would not enhance her life, only hinder it. But he continued to insist, and Lusamine found that, perhaps, it would make sense to have a successor to her genetics. And so she made the decision to have a surrogate carry her first child— Gladion.
With this, came the repetition of a cycle that Lusamine knew very well. Of course she was going to take the opportunity to study her own child.
He was an unassuming offspring, inheriting very little of Lusamine’s Ultra Human genetics, much to her disappointment. Between the lack of physical bonding, and the already strong dissociation from emotional bonds, Lusamine quickly found herself incapable of connections with her first born— Gladion was usually left in the care of Wicke, unless he was glued to his father’s side.
Several years went on, the Aether Foundation continued to grow in size and influence. The golden trident of the foundation could be found on all of the islands of Alola, and through several different regions where other branches were founded. Technology to assist in conservation efforts and to enhance the people and Pokémon connection began to appear on the market. Aether-produced software could be found on computers throughout the community. Aether-created AI could be found on the property of the paradise. Aether-funding for research was becoming more and more sought after, and an invitation to study at the Aether Paradise was considered an honor. From their more public operations focused on improving the Alola ecosystem— to their classified projects conducted in the depths of the subterranean laboratories, there weren’t many things that Aether wasn’t partially involved in.
Structure of the Aether Foundation
Most notably, however, was Aether’s growing investment and interest in individuals who wanted to pursue research in astrophysics, especially black holes, and quantum theory. Lusamine wanted to reach the Ultra Space that had been whispered about in her file left behind at Silph Co— at first, it was out of a yearning to know about her true origins, but continued probing had yielded fascinating results. There were lifeforms similar to Pokémon beyond the rifts that Aether was able to produce, and with that, they began to record the existence of theses alien creatures, which they categorized as “Ultra Beasts.”
Poke Balls were ineffective on these strange beings, and so, Aether began to research and development of a device of their own in order to capture them for observation: the Beast Ball.
— And then came Lillie. Sweet little Lillie, in theory, would yield more successful results. Lillie was not born, she was created by the steady hand of Lusamine, in the same laboratories that the Type: Full project was being conducted in. She was, essentially, a clone of Lusamine, with some alternations made to her in the hopes of the more recessive Ultra Human genes would be inherited. And, at first when she was ‘born’, that seemed to be exactly what had been achieved. She displayed some of the recessive traits of the Ultra Human, such as the pale, nearly blue skin, and the ability to cloak herself. But unfortunately, this offspring also failed to meet Lusamine’s expectations. While she was not deemed a completely failed experiment, Lusamine had to come to accept that Lillie’s intellect would not be as remarkable as her own.
There came a point where Mohn began to push back against Lusamine’s morally unethical research. The Type: Full project was disturbing to him. He did not agree with the methods used to preserve Pokémon DNA in order to produce the splicing— the cryogenic preservation room was already full of hundreds and hundreds of species being kept on ice— and he grew increasingly concerned with Lusamine’s growing obsession around breaching the barrier between this dimension, and the others that laid beyond it. The success of Type: Full was only way that Aether would be able to defend themselves against the myriad of potential creatures that existed in “Ultra Space,” and was meant to be the most efficient creature possible. But Mohn believed that there were limits to science, and was vehemently against the project.
Lusamine no longer had a use for Mohn.
He had to go.
And so, she made the man disappear.
Of course, this woman is a constant chess player, and makes her moves very carefully. The media would never demonize a mourning wife and mother, and did not even think to pin Mohn’s disappearance on her. She cried for the cameras— and spoke with great sadness to reporters. When the news outlets left for the day, so did her false emotions.
Killing her husband was the easy part. Keeping up the facade of caring was more exhausting than anything else. And it continues to be.
As of now, Lusamine continues to bury herself in her research, entirely dedicated to it, while playing an extended game of political chess. Her associations with various organizations across the globe have been pivotal in Aether’s growth. Whether it be collecting notable students from prestigious institutions— or gathering up the broken pieces of fracture syndicates such as Team Galactic— Lusamine and the Aether Foundation are a powerhouse, situated in the middle of the sea, where she sits atop her symbolic tower, looking down upon the rest of the world.
And what are her true motives behind wanting to connect to Ultra Space? Well, her inner circle is very, very aware of her genetic experiments in the Aether laboratories the tampering of human and Ultra Beast DNA, the custody of the nebula creature, Cosmog, and the existence of the cosmic parasite, Nihilego. Alas, it will be an unfortunate day when the rest of the world finds out.
Lusamine is a cold, ruthless individual, with no regard for human life. She views all things around her as nothing but potential subjects for her experiments. Despite this, she continues to keep up her kind persona for the rest of the world to look up to, and is still a valuable, important, and powerful individual.
Are you willing to stop her, or will you become another pawn, either willing or involuntarily?
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keensdesign · 8 months ago
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Happy BC Day, Vancouver! 🎉
As we celebrate the beauty and spirit of #BritishColumbia, let’s kick off this Monday with a burst of motivation! 💪
“The future depends on what you do today." — Mahatma Gandhi
We believe in the power of today to shape a brighter tomorrow. 🌈 Let’s embrace the opportunities this week brings and create something extraordinary together!
Enjoy the festivities, soak up the sunshine, and let’s make this week one to remember! ☀️
#MotivationMonday 💪 #BCDay #MondayMotivation #Branding #Design #Marketing #Vancouver #NewBeginnings 💬 #quote #motivation #inspiration
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duaneburnett · 8 months ago
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🌞🎉 Flashback to the 2000s: Summer Edition at The 101 Brewhouse + Distillery in Gibsons 8pm Saturday August 3, BC Day Weekend on Sunshine Coast BC Canada 🇨🇦 What's your FAVE song from the 2000's? 👇👇
ABOUT: Get ready to dance under the summer stars at The 101's epic 2000s Night! This special event will take you back in time with a live DJ spinning all the biggest hits from the 2000s - think Britney, Timberlake, Rihanna, Eminem, and everything in between. 🎟️ Tickets: $10 before 9 PM, $15 after
Join us for a night of nostalgia and fun, perfect for reliving your glory days or experiencing the 2000s vibe for the first time. With cool summer drinks and an electric atmosphere, this is the party you don’t want to miss. See you on the dance floor! https://the101.ca/
SPECIAL EVENT: 2000s Night at the 101! https://www.facebook.com/events/1177492413494329
Sunshine Coast BC Canada Facebook events https://facebook.com/bc.sunshine.coast/events
HASHTAG #2000smusic #2000snight #the101 #101brewery #gibsons #event #bcdayweekend #sunshinecoastbc #explorebc #danceparty #djdanceparty #summer2024 #thingstodo #sunshinecoast #sunshinecoastcanada #events #bcdayevents #bcday
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mywinepal · 2 years ago
Two Sparkling Wines from Hester Creek Estate Winery for BC Day
Two #SparklingWines from @HesterCreek Estate Winery for #BCDay #bcwine #bcvqa @bcwine #somm #holiday
Did you know that Monday, August 7, 2023, is BC Day? On this day, which I assume will be wonderfully sunny, would be great to celebrate with a bottle(s) of BC wine. I have two sparkling wines from Hester Creek Estate Winery that are great on the patio with nibbles as I tried it out myself. I have their Hester Creek Old Vine Brut 2020 from Pinot Blanc grapes made with the Traditional Method and…
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hkrammrealtor · 4 years ago
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Beautiful day out on the water - thanks for hosting us @geoffharold and @travel_adicta as well as lovely Peruvian food. . . #socialrealtor #wp #bcday #bedwellbay #indianarm #motorboat #holidayweekend #theevlist #realtor #yaletown #westvancouverrealestate #newwestminster (at Bedwell Bay) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSF_fw2Fi16/?utm_medium=tumblr
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whaletalesorg · 5 years ago
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Happy long weekend Storytellers! Remember if you are out on the water this weekend be sure to practice physical distancing! Stay at least 200m away from all whales (and 2m from humans!) and if you #seeablowgoslow! #bewhalewise Photo by @vitalocean #whaletales #whales #killerwhale #orca #whalesareawesome #longweekend #BCday #whalewatching #talesofsavingwhales #getonaboat #explorebc #explorebclocal https://www.instagram.com/p/CDWmmCrn_YA/?igshid=184c0vz1jd18e
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glasscannoncreative · 3 years ago
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Perfect Pacific Summer Weekend #longweekend #vibes #westcoast #beachlife #sunny #holiday #bcday #ocean #pacificnorthwest #canada #westvancouver #dundarave (at West Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg0hdg3rmlM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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islander1974 · 3 years ago
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My province isn't perfect, but I'm happy to call it home. Happy #bcday (at Nanaimo, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgvBPXZPu_V/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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revarealtygroup · 3 years ago
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Happy BC Day! We are so lucky to call BC home! #bcday #bcdaylongweekend #beautifulbc #britishcolumbia #bcishome #revarealtygroup #revarealtygrouprealestatevancouver #卑詩省 #卑詩日長週末 #卑詩日 #鋭凡地產 #鋭凡地產精銳非凡 (at Reva Realty Group Inc.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CguIeuoLQ7r/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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megangrosdesigns · 3 years ago
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Happy BC Day long weekend! My entire Etsy shop is 20% off from now until Monday at midnight in celebration of the holiday. This includes my super-popular fidget pendants and Pride Collection, as well as everything else! Click here to visit my shop: https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/MeganGrosDesigns #chainmail #chainmaille #sale #onsale #shopsmall #smallbusiness #bcday #bcdaylongweekend #bcdaysale https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgkd7OfP5ft/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aetherceuse · 2 years ago
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⟢ - Notes on Ultra Beasts, Ultra Humans, Ultra Space & 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘
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The existence of Ultra Space and its inhabitants is highly confidential, top secret information, and is heavily guarded by international government and several law enforcement bureaus.
All information regarding the existence, and accessibility, of other dimensions, was completely theoretical, rooted in scientific conversation that did not have a great deal of credibility, until the early 80’s.
The discovery, and study, of Lusamine and several other Ultra Humans that had appeared across the globe, led to the creation of the Bureau of Cross-Dimensional Anomaly Investigation, BCDAI. BCDAI cooperates with regional governments and interpol in order to conduct studies, gather information about these unknown entities, track them, and potentially contain them. The safety and welfare of all people and Pokémon were taken into consideration when forming this division, out of concern of what visitors from other dimensions could do to the world.
Lusamine’s adopted parents played a major role in BCDAI, submitting countless papers and studies on Lusamine’s growth, her unusual intelligence, and her unique biology.
By the time Lusamine was in her early 20’s, her research began to focus on Ultra Space, under the watchful, strict eye of BCDAI. This, of course, greatly limited the amount of work she could do, and so her research grounded to a halt— she refocused on conservation efforts, technological innovation, and other humanitarian work.
With the hopes of winning the bureau’s trust, Lusamine volunteered to work with BCDAI, requesting more legal clearance, with the promise of all future work regarding Ultra Space being kept completely confidential.
Once Aether was founded in her 30’s, focused research into Ultra Space began once more; the creation of the Aether Paradise’s artificial island was done entirely to keep this top secret work away from prying eyes.
Through a series of political events and drama, Lusamine is elected the head of BCDAI, giving her access to all records of Ultra anomalies across the globe, and turning the Aether Foundation into the primary organization for Ultra Space research funding.
Tensions between BCDAI and interpol were stoked when Lusamine began to dispute the legality of agents probing into the Aether Paradise without proper clearance, due to the island existing in international waters. At the time, nothing unethical or illegal was being conducted, but Lusamine still required privacy and confidentiality of her own work, claiming that it did not fall into any particular laws covered by BCDAI.
After some time, BCDAI was restructured in order to move away from being an investigative bureau for Ultra Space; they wished to move their focus onto the welfare and protection of fallers. Lusamine then stepped down from the division entirely, wished to break ties, stating that she no longer wished to be a subject of government research. Lusamine is stripped of security clearance for information on fallers. BCDAI is dissolved. Hard drives are wiped and files are burned. Certain top secret documents on fallers and dangerous varieties of Ultra Beasts are preserved. The Faller Protection Agency is formed.
Lusamine independently formed her own dedicated branch of Ultra Space research through the Aether Foundation, along with a team meant to do what the former BCDAI no longer wished to do: watching the fluctuation of Ultra radiation across hotspots, and tracking the appearance of Ultra Beasts.
Unlike interpol and the Faller Protection Agency, the Aether Foundation uses certain technologies to keep track of the appearance of Ultra Beasts, and approaches people who have made contact with these creatures in order to assure that their existence is kept confidential. Aether also keeps an eye on wormhole activity, so that closer studies can be conducted, and potential Ultra Beast appearances can be recorded— in the hopes that the beasts can be captured and contained.
As of current day, Ultra Space, Ultra Beasts, and Ultra Humans are still highly confidential topics. The common man does not know that they exist. People who are exposed to anything involved Ultra Space are going to be approached, spoken to, and put into a position where they are signing a non-disclosure agreement, and consenting to keeping contact with one of the many organizations keeping a watchful eye on the worlds beyond this dimension. Information about Ultra Space is often scrubbed from social media.
Those closest to Lusamine and the Aether Foundation, and those who conduct their own research on inter dimensional travel, likely know about Ultra Space and Ultra Beasts to a certain capacity, but the Aether Foundation still holds MANY, MANY secrets— hence why Interpol is currently trying to investigate both Lusamine and Aether as a whole.
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surfmeimei · 7 years ago
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Fun #sailracing at #CowichanBay over the #BCDay long weekend! I love #Regatta ❤️and my crew! #vancouverisland #cowichanbayregatta #vancouver #adventurers #summer #sailing #sailor
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mywinepal · 5 years ago
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Here are two easy sipping wines from Spain's the Thr3 Monkeys, if you want to monkey around on your patio while you enjoy your lunch or dinner this #BCDay long weekend.  These wines are listed as #vegan friendly.  A very friendly price as well. Find at your local wine shop, not at BC Liquor stores. Thr3 Monkeys Fresh & Fruity White Wine, NV  (BC $13.98) -  Is bright medium lemon in colour.  It has a medium intensity nose showing a nice mix of citrus and touches of honey and stone fruits.  It is a bit sweeter than off-dry, is round and has a thicker, viscous mouthfeel.  A lower acidity but still gives you a light prickle on your tongue.  Lots of flavour from this wine with a blend of citrus, tropical fruit, apple and a touch of peach.  A medium length finishing with citrus flavours. Thr3 Monkeys Fresh & Fruity Rosé Wine, NV (BC $13.98) -  Has a bright orangy salmon colour.  It has a medium intensity nose with a mix of sweet and tart red fruits and cranberry aromas.  It is off-dry with a thicker mouth feel and has a light acidic prickle on your tongue. Medium plus intensity flavour showing red fruits and candied red fruits, cranberries and red cherries from the mid palate to the finish.  Red cherries with a touch of pepperiness on the finish. Stay tuned for my full tasting notes on mywinepal.com. #winelover #vino #gourmet #bottlesofwine #winewise #wineoclock #whitewine #rosewine #winetime #YVRblogger https://www.instagram.com/p/CDXN8Zph27X/?igshid=ic0fqm7bfrr5
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whaletalesorg · 6 years ago
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Happy long weekend Storytellers! Remember if you are out on the water this weekend to always #bewhalewise! Stay at least 200m away from all whales and if you #seeablowgoslow! ⠀ Photo by @brendonbissonnette⠀ #whaletales #whales #killerwhale #orca #whalesareawesome #longweekend #BCday #whalewatching #talesofsavingwhales #getonaboat https://www.instagram.com/p/B0rDbOzAXjp/?igshid=14of6ayx2wym3
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vridetv · 4 years ago
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Happy BC Day everyone, enjoy your time with family & friends. #BCday #BritishColumbia #ExploreBC 🏍🎥😃👩👍 https://www.instagram.com/p/CSE-iKlFM2d/?utm_medium=tumblr
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barksandrectrailbc · 4 years ago
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Barks and Recreation will be closed on Monday, August 2nd, 2021 for B.C. Day. The store will be open during our regularly posted hours the remainder of the weekend. Have fun, and stay cool and safe this weekend! #statholiday #dayoff #holiday #bcday #carlday #carl #barksnrecbc #kootenays # Canada #petsupplies #dogfood #catfood #dogsupplies #catsupplies #petstore (at Barks and Recreation Pet Services & Pet Supplies) https://www.instagram.com/p/CR7aAlcBsHB/?utm_medium=tumblr
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