1random-starfish · 16 days
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Might make this guy
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surskip · 4 months
5 word sad story: my hours on aseprite are catching up to my baldurs gate 3 hours bcase of working
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why, sunshine (for the ask game)
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I had practise
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Everywhere I go they install solar panels bcase my presence charges them
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note about our hiatus
chat box mod here! i'm deciding to bring this back !! i actually do not know where miau mod went to but i will be posting a new comic hopefully today! thanks for waiting around, everyone! also I'm removing all the bot follows bcase they're weird
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phucga0175 · 2 years
6 mẹo làm mới ốp điện thoại của bạn
Ốp điện thoại là một người bạn đồng hành vừa làm đẹp, vừa bảo vệ cho chiếc phone của mình nhưng theo thời gian chiếc ốp đáng yêu của chúng ta sẽ bị ố vàng hoặc không còn mới thì hôm nay Bcase sẽ chỉ cho các bạn 6 mẹo để làm nó mới như ban đầu.
1. Sử dụng vim:
Vim là một dung dịch hiệu quả để giải quyết tình trạng xỉn màu của ốp, chỉ với việc đơn giản là bôi nó lên ốp và chờ đợi 15-20p thì tình trạng ốp của bạn sẽ được cải thiện đáng kể.
Tuy nhiên, bạn hãy nhớ sử dụng găng tay để làm việc này để tránh ảnh hưởng đến da của mình.
2. Nước rửa chén làm sạch ốp điện thoại:
Nước rửa chén là một vật dụng mà nhà nào cũng có bạn chỉ việc bôi một ít dung dịch lên bàn chải rồi vệ sinh thật kĩ chiếc ốp điện thoại của mình thì bạn sẽ thấy được một kết quả cực kì đáng mong đợi.
3. Dùng Baking Soda:
Đây là một phương pháp vô cùng hiệu quả để làm mới chiếc ốp điện thoại của mình.
Hãy sử dụng một lượng nhỏ baking soda kết hợp cùng với nước và một ít nước cốt chanh khuấy đều tạo thành một hỗn hợp đặc sệt, sau đó bôi đều lên chiếc ốp của mình và để qua đêm hôm sau chỉ cần rửa lại với nước sạch rất đơn giản.
4. Dùng Han the:
Bạn có thể kết hợp than he cùng với nước rửa chén để đạt hiệu quả tốt hơn.
Sau đó trộn hai hỗn hợp lại trong thao nước rồi ngâm ốp lưng của bạn trong vòng 1-2h bạn sẽ thấy tình trạng ốp lưng bật tông rất rõ.
Lưu ý: bạn có thể mua than he ở các cửa hàng bán hóa chất.
5. Dùng Cồn IPA:
Đây là biện pháp cực kì hiệu quả cho các vết ố khó loại bỏ, mà không thể sử dụng các nước tẩy trắng bình thường, chỉ sau một vài lần sử dụng cồn bạn sẽ thấy ốp điện thoại của mình như mới.
Bạn có thể mua còn IPA ở tiệm thuốc tây.
6. Sử dụng đồ dùng tự nhiên:
Bạn có thể sử dụng các dung dịch tự nhiên như là giấm, chanh để làm sạch chiếc ốp của mình. Bạn chỉ cần pha trộn giấm, chanh với một ít nước theo tỉ lệ 1:2 sau đó chà hỗn hợp này thật kỹ lên ốp điện thoại.
Sau 10-15p rửa lại bằng nước sạch ốp sẽ được làm trắng và sạch sẽ hơn rất nhiều.
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mikeshouts · 4 years
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#bcase TUP magnetic cable organizer. Need we say more? https://www.instagram.com/p/CEotxzRs8cZ/?igshid=1qv3vnhtzvd0g
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nanine18 · 5 years
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This January case is just absolutely amazing. Really glad I got this one (especially since it's sea themed). Thank you @thebcase for this amazing box! #bcase #newbook #bathbomb #beautifulartwork #bookmark #newmug #stickers #pin #superhappy #superpretty #superexcited https://www.instagram.com/p/B8MQ-wNJki5/?igshid=1mgfn3utw0b8v
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anyways, since animal crossing is pretty much the only thing ive been doing outside of trying not to fail any classes, i decided that my sketchbook starter outfit would just be what my villager was wearing at the time.
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queenmobileblog · 5 years
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Kẹp dây từ tính Bcase Tup , Xem sp này: https://ift.tt/2Sx0Wg8 ⚡⚡⚡⚡ Mua ngay : http://bit.ly/2ZasPgK 🌸🌸🌸🔥🔥🔥 Giá: 𝟭𝟳𝟵.𝟬𝟬𝟬 ₫ https://ift.tt/31hYTQ6
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hunandonly · 8 years
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monster [extra clip] chen and sehun 
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I follow u bcase i love reading your tags xD (i hope its not weird)
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Not weird at all!!I’m pretty sure my tags are why I have followers at all xD
Thank you 💖💖
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bcaseconvo · 4 years
“...Yeah, I used to be fat.”
Historically, women have had to play the background to men... Women have not been recognized and/or acknowledged as equals to men. Hell, women haven't even been recognized and/or acknowledged in an equitable fashion for their value and contributions to our societies.
I say historically, but, even in 2021, per www.payscale.com women earn 81 cents for every dollar earned by men.
I share this information and these sentiments because often times, I find myself in awe in the amazing grace, that is women. Especially Black Women, I started off talking about the gender inequality and how women aren't treated as equals. Now imagine what Black Women experience..? I know some folks are going to deflect, and not want to speak directly to the isolated thought and sentiment being addressed here in this blog, which is acknowledging and applauding Black Women. But, I challenge you to seek understanding first, look through an empathic lens.
Yo! I’m blessed that I am surrounded by Dope women! My wife, mothers, sisters, and many other women who contribute and add value to my life. Black women like them and many others have so gallantly shouldered, not only our black communities and families, but also our nation as a whole.
Black women have raised a nation, consoled communities and cried tears through their strength. And unfortunately, Black women have been too often left holding the bag.
I recognize and understand that systemic oppression, gender inequalities and racism has left our beautiful black women having to carry enormous burdens. However, they should be applauded for carrying them with such grace, swag, unconditional love and faith.
Recently, I had the honor of having Andrea Mauldin, unit director at the BGC (Boys and Girls Club of Northeast Florida), and fitness expert as a guest on my podcast www.bcaseconvo.buzzsprout.com. Andrea is a phenomenal woman and person, who has added a tremendous amount of value to the lives of our youth, families and communities. Zahara, Andrea’s eleven year old daughter and her joined me to talk about: Kamala Harris, Black Girl Magic, body image and etc. Great energy, and conversation! Go check it out…
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once-delight · 5 years
The Marcomorphosis by Franz Karkat
it was an entrly norml morning dat morning marco thot befure he woke up. he was abit sore frum teh nite bfe becuse he had been aat a karkate turnament, so dat was nurmal too. it was onluy when he streetched his armes to turn of the alrm clock that he bcame alarmed. it was becase his arms had hid something hard over his hed. he felt along the hard thing with his hands, eyas still closed becas they had gunked over the night with eye snot and he was to tiered to open thm.
What the fudge “ he thot.
“ I must be still sleepin.”
becus teh hard thing he was fellin
was attached to his hed! it felt like… liek… HORNS!
“WHAT THE FUDGE!” he yelld out loud nnow, but his vioce soundded strange, freakken him out even moar. he rushd to his feet, but fell on teh floor, tangled in his shits. He scrammed, and rubbd his ice to ungunk dem. He had to sea what was going on.
the room lookd like it alwas did, coved in paosters of karakte fighters, and drowings he had mad himself of his demon friend Tom. It wasnt like he he LIKED tim like that!!!! he just thot he had a cool cataracts design ok. it is normal for friends to draw other friend,.
anyway it was despite the pont. sumthing weird was going on this monring. he looked at his hands and scriemd again! his skin was rd and he had drak blak claws at the end fo the fingers. the fingras were norml size.
“what the heckkie? margo lamnted to the room. no 1 anserd. peraps that was gud. he didnt want any1 to see him b4 he new wat was goin on. he tried to go 2 the mirror, but his fed was acting strange and it was difcult 2 blance. he removed the shit and locked at his feat.
his feat was HOOVES?”!!!
bfore he culd scram the thurd time, a red tale weeped into view. he had a tale! he grabd the furniture so he culd scoot 2 the mirror, but the funture movd from teh wall insted. Camo realizd he was also relly strong!!!! dis will be god for karate he thouoght for a sec before he panickd agan.
dere was only 1 person who might no what was gong on.
TOMMEH!” he yelld into da phone
“new phone who dis” anserd the other end
“Itsa me Marcio! I hav problme!!!”
“ahaha is only joke. I no its u” the dement laughd a dry huskily laugh at teh other end
“not funneh!” marcoc ried . “am serius! somthng weirt is ging on. I think i am becum….
thom was silencio on the otter end. “u wot m8” he sad then.
“2 sec ill be rite over. dunt go anywear”
“i cant I have goat legs” mac sobbd but thomas had alredy left the convo
thanksfulli tom was dere fast bcase he had demovnic sped. he knocked on moccas bedrrom door.
he was relief until marcca realzid timothy woud see his fanarrt.
oh no. but it was 2 l8.
Tem was alridy insde!
“noice” Torn said whene he saw Mrocas walls. “what u dont think is weard?”
“nah, althouogh I think i hav bigger guns”. “u do”, mrlos confesd. but I couldnt draw them without shaeking tu much.!”
“Is ok, i forgive.” “thank” Marlo wuld blush if he wasnt alredy red all ovver.
“oh yah that” teh demon saw his human friend or shudl i say FORMERLY humn friend????
u kno whts going on?” the boye asked.
Tumtum shrogged. was it HE dat sudnly looked emberassd?
“i guss” he mumbbled.
“Was is ist? am i demon now. why?” mr co was full of question and confus.
“I didnt kno it would happen! But I asked the other demons right now thru demon psychosis. and….”
he hsitated; “it turjns out dat when a demon luvs a human, the human turns to dmeon so they can mate!””!”
he bluarted out the last past.
Margo was still convused. But i dont now any demmonbabes. how can this be?
“aaahr u dumb snot! the demonhunk hissed. is me! i LUV U! ALLRIGHT? THEAR I sed it!”
mcdonalds suddenly felt liek he had been hit by a chunk of lava. his buddy was burning. had he herd right.
but… but I AM not a gaye?” he thot.
Thomas who had demon sidekicks, and culd red mr magoos mind now dad he was a demon said:
U must be… becus it only happs when teh human luvs the demans backk.
“oh wow ok” maracas thoguht. “this is happn I guess.”
Nand then they kissd adn make horny dmeon love.
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englishnationalism · 5 years
Why do you think you're ugly? :(
i mea n have you seen my selfies im ugly as fuckk but its kkat okay itsokay.i on;t be long so its fine buti do wish i didn;t haev to die  a v*rgin bcase that s reaklly embarrassing 
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xiaomilifeonline · 4 years
Xiaomi Bcase Portbale Live Braket (bcase 一体式补光灯直播支架)
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objetivoreggaeton · 7 years
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Official Video // Juan Magan, Belinda, Manuel Turizo, Snova, B-Case - Déjate Llevar
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