#bc uhhh caves ig
dreamcastingdust · 9 months
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Princess and Queen
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msm-tsotmw · 1 year
its been uhhh
some time ig
oh look pompoms coming
Hey , Mammott ! I Brought Some Pizza For You ! A Clamble Was Kind Enough To Share Some :)
ey thanks
Also , Have You Seen Furcorn Anywhere ? I Know They Said They Were Going To Go Meet Kayna , But I Haven’t Seen Them Since …
i havent seen them in a while either
its getting kinda concerning
… Hey , Are Those Furcorn’s Footprints ?
(PomPom and Mammott observe footprints in Tribal Island’s grass similar in size and shape to Furcorn’s. One of them looks different from the other due to Furcorn’s prosthetic leg.)
wait those ARE their footprints
Let’s Go Follow Them ! Maybe Furcorn Left Without Us …
(PomPom and Mammott follow the trail of footprints to the mushroom in front of the middle of Tribal Island’s tree, where it seems to have been moved slightly.)
Huh . Strange . Do You Think We Should Try To Move The Mushroom ?
leave it to me
You Sure ?
(Mammott tries to move the mushroom by himself but fails.)
nvm this shit heavy
mind lending me a hand
i mean plume
Sure !
(Both PomPom and Mammott successfully move the mushroom, leading to a formerly hidden entrance.)
Woah … Do You Think They Went In Here ?
yeah i think
I’ll Go Check If It’s Dangerous .
(PomPom grabs a flashlight hidden in her poofy-ass ponytails, switches it on, and explores the entrance to a hidden cave.)
Are These … Paintings ?
(PomPom observes a painting of a creature similar to her, albeit much smaller and sitting down. Looks like a kid.)
Hey , This Looks Like Sooza !
And That One Looks Like Mammott…
That One’s T-Rox…
(PomPom stumbles across a painting of a slim, candle-like figure.)
Huh ?
AH !
Wait … Mammott ? I Didn’t Even Come Out To Say It Was Safe Yet !
uhhhhh i was just curious and a little bit worried if youd come out alive so i figured id come in
Hey , No Need To Worry ! I Can Handle This Myse-
(The flashlight suddenly fucking dies like the Ohio meme.)
… Huh ?! The Flashlight Is Dead !!
oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK
Hey , Language ! Uhm , I’ll Try To Figure This Out Myself .
(PomPom desperately rummages through her ponytails for something, ANYTHING, but finds nothing.)
Shoot .
well were fucked
(Mammott tries to walk forward, but trips and nearly falls into some kind of hole.)
(Mammott grabs onto PomPom’s plume, but its fluffiness causes them to lose grip easily, sending both PomPom and Mammott into some kind of hole/pit thing or whatever.)
————To Be Continued————
fuck you (leaves you on a cliffhanger and doesn’t post until tomorrow afternoon bcs school)
-Mod Jimmy 🗣️
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i caved and made a twitter but its barely there 💀 uhhh follow me ig on rikkabodies (its priv tho bc i straight up have no plans of using it outside)
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viiridiangreen · 2 years
i'm cleaning out the PC bc it's fucken dying and a clean install may just keep it going long enough for me to buy new parts and uhhhh.... i found an extremely cursed image of f0urt33ny/o me trying to play thru the halo 3 (or maybe reach) campaign IN THE MIDDLE OF THE GODDAMN LIVING ROOM while m*m relentlessly shoved the camera in my face
what a fucking SETUP. a veritable BATTLE STATION.
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shortly after this pic my brother permanently kidnapped the xbox into his ungodly cave of a bedroom & the stench alone made me swear off games until..... like two years ago when i downloaded destiny lol
bonus: i made a habit of eating like this eat to try & avoid Religious Debates & General Conflict
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and uhhh ig i was turning 15 here?? grandma & my cousin are in the direction of the arrows hence the non-miserable expression. the rest are SUPER sulky though bc i hate(d?) getting my picture taken
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i should get a real mohawk @ some point 🤔
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aangfanclub · 4 years
liveblog s2 ep2: the cave of two lovers
sokka has the best hair. kataang stans get rights ig
Levi, before its even started: this one looks like its about love and uhh i dont like that. Thought love was canceled ever since yue turned into the MOON
Omg we love to see fun chill times with the gang
Ohhhhhh are we getting some kataang content rn??? Oh? I can get behind it
Sis: Momo and sokka DO have the same vibes. I refuse to elaborate
That hippie is keanu reeves !! specifically as bill or ted
Zuko said i was in a bush for 5 minutes and i wanna give up on life jskdfkls
Sis: zuko needs hair advice from sokka
Ooooooh appa looking SO cute with the hippies
Sokka be roasting katara at every turn djsfkjksd
The hippies said Sokka u need to learn to vibe for real
Wait hold on isnt omashi just a city?? How is bumi a king?? IS HE JUST THE MAYOR ?
Abby: i hope they keep these flowers in their hair for the rest of the show
Okay does Katara's hairline have a slit in it? Or are they really short bangs????
[Argument abt katara’s bangs. Eventually we just agree that sokka’s the only one with good hair in this show]
Aang is so happy this is all ive ever wanted
We are danging to the song these earth nation hippies are SO valid
The guy got the chorus and levi exploded “THAT’S WHAT THIS IS FROM??? IVE HEARD THIS ON TIKTOK SO MANY TIMES”
Omg this slaps SO hard
Aang deserves a flower crown and im so glad he got one
Yes. we always only need to be doing what makes appa comfy
[to the tune of secret tunnel] BUZZCUT ZUKO! UNCLE IROH
Someone adopt zuko and iroh and feed them. They’re like college boys who dont know how to do their own laundry
Sokka congrats on being the one with the braincell this episode
I love these hippies but they are all SO stupid
YES we’re travelsers,,,, of COURSE we have names,, zuko how have you managed to look so evil for so long when youre so stupid sjdlfkskl
Mushi and junior. Im going to die
Abby: this is how i feel at six flags trying to read the map
Bro: sokka hates this tunnel bc he doesnt believe in love
When u invite a random scarred child named junior into ur house and he spends the whole time eating ur food, giving 1 word answers, and staring at the wall dramatically thinking abt his tragic backstory
Yall are NOT making appa comfortable!! Get ur priorities straight!
Bro: appa’s bouta go sicko mode on that bat for real
Sokka imagined a world in which he was stuck with hippies and SCREAMED dkjsfsjdhk imagine,,
Is zuko gonna get? Human connection????
Matching burn scars? the Romance
We are vibing SO HARD to all of these songs dsjkfjkf u have no idea
[sis: imagine being named zucchini. Bro: imagine being named abigail. Sis: STOP IT THAT WAS SO MEAN]
Thanks sokka’s instincts!
The power of love always so strong omg
Katara said “what if we k’d in the secret love tunnel.. Hahah just kidding ....unless.?”
Aang said oh uhhh,,,, I suppose we could k for the greater good
Katara is so salty ksdjjkdsjklsdkljsdkjl
Sis: man BOTH the boys in this show have top notch game ive GOTTA say
[bro:: ok but he was frozen for 100 years, sis: that has no affect on his game!!!! Bro: maybe it DOES]
Im a sucker for zuko being polite. That boy says thank u once and i believe in goodness
Zuko just stole their horse thing?? Rough
Bro are they gonna K IN THE DARK?????
Kataang stans have rights i guess
Bro those badgers can earthbend??? Can animals earthbend??????
Sokka play a love song i swear its ur time to SHINE
Absolutely they kissed. 100% they kissed. This is the sweetest purest episode
“We let love lead the way” sokka did not even bat an eye jkdsjsdkl
Keanu stop pretending to have wisdom to give djsksdj
Oh katara is SO blushy they DEFINITELY kissed in there i am losing it
Oh no oh NOOOOO omashi!!!!
Bro: what about king annoying??
We stan kataang i guess. Sokka still has the braincell tho
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birch-forest · 5 years
Favorite Enchantment? Do you go to the nether or the end a lot? Using caves to find ores or strip-mining? Play at day or in the night? Are Fish your Friend or Food?
Uhhh depend on the tool tbh
I always go trough the nether to go to spawn in my current server bcs I live kinda far away (not as far as everyone else but it's still easier) n currently I've only been to the end once. I plan on endbusting more often once I have a supply of rockets. I try to not stay in the nether often in singleplayer bcs I don't stay on enough time without getting bored.
I prefer to find caves!! They're more fun n u can stumble on mineshafts n stuff lmao
I assume u mean when I usually log in Minecraft?? I'm not rlly allowed to stay on my pc late so ig day :p
I'm currently living off of cooked cods provided by my guardian farm so uhh idk
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((Author’s notes: Lol don’t ignore your hypos babes. This was like a uhhh vent piece bc I’ve started a new job and keep getting hypos at inconvenient times. Also bc we need more T1 rep out there. symptoms lists will always be like “oh they get shaky and pale and sweaty” meanwhile I’m over here like,,,, bruh that ain’t HALF of it. So. Have this ig lmao???))
The thing about hypos and performance nerves was: at the start, they feel the same.
John’s legs would feel heavy, he’d be sweaty, he’d shake. Then, ninety eight percent of the time, he’d go onstage and start playing with his best friends in the whole world and lose himself in the music, and those feelings would go away. (Well, not the sweating, but he was sweating for a different reason).
It had taken a bit of trial and error getting used to the feeling. They went through a lot of juice boxes and emergency shots of insulin trying to steady himself when he misjudged what was and wasn’t a hypo. That was years ago now though, and most of the time he had everything totally worked out with his body.
Most of the time.
The feeling had initially passed as excitement and adrenaline flooded his body as they started their concert. John played his bass and danced along to their music while Roger and Brian played with him and Freddie did his thing out front of the stage, exciting the crowd.
When his legs started feeling heavy again about half an hour into their set, he figured he was just tired. This was the third consecutive day they’d been playing. Forty five minutes into their set, and his legs were not just heavy but hollow as well, the feeling even starting to extend to his arms, he knew he was fucked.
It was fine, though. Another fifteen minutes of playing and they’d have a brief intermission where he could fix himself up. He was fine. He’d be fine. There was a huge catering table provided to them and all their crew, he’d have plenty to up his sugars.
His stomach panged at the thought, and he was suddenly uncomfortably aware of how fucking starving he was. God, he wanted to eat so bad… the song ended, and Freddie was doing his ay-ohs giving John a moment to study his hand. It was shaking, but not badly. He was sweating more than he usually was, and he must look pale, because Brian was throwing him a concerned look and miming the action of using a lancet.
John gave him a thumbs up and a smile. He felt like fucking shit, but it was nothing he hadn’t dealt with before, and nothing he wouldn’t deal with again. Hypos fucking sucked and whoever decided they should exist should go die in a fire, but he was fine. His feet started to hurt from holding up his weight, and he was still starving, and his legs were heavy and hollow, and his arms were starting to go hollow too, and all he wanted to do was sit down and eat and eat and eat, and he just felt shaky, and he was actually shaking judging by the trembling of his fingers, and he was cold and wet from sweat.
But it was annoying having to stop the show. It would only be fifteen more minutes. The intermission was there just for this type of thing! He knew his limits. He wasn’t going to pass out in fifteen minutes. He’d feel like absolute shit and feel like dying, but he’d make it. He wouldn’t have to bother anyone about this dumb little bitch of a disease. Fucking stupid diabetes. Stupid bitch ass hypos making him feel like shit. Who did they think they were. Always popping up at the most inconvenient times. Could never happen, say, when they were passing a lolly shop, nooo, only while he was trying to do his fucking job. Stupid idiot blood cells attacking his pancreas. Bitch ass little ho cells wanting their damn sugar.
He kept himself going like that until Freddie started talking to the crowd about them taking a break. Instead of sticking around and listening to his best friend make a five minute speech about them all getting laid or someshit, he just walked off. He handed his bass to one of the crew without his usual thank you, or even a smile. Yeah, maybe he’d pushed it a bit too far this time. Just a smidge. He’d been fine once he reached the catering table.
Fine he was, downing two glasses of full strength coke and piling one of the tiny plates with one of each of the pastries, as well as some of the savoury stuff. The other three found him sitting cross legged on the floor in front of the table, about a quarter through his plate, feeling better but still hungry.
“John Richard Deacon.” Freddie admonished, placing his hands on his hips. John grinned sheepishly and shrugged.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. But it was fine! I’m fine, see? Just hungry.” And sleepy, and a little sore still, but he wouldn’t mention that.
Freddie kneeled down in front of him, his face concerned, his mother hen instincts kicked into over-gear after not having noticed while they were on stage. John could see the cogs working in his brain and reached out to squeeze his arm.
“I only started feeling bad towards the end of Sheer Heart Attack, I wasn’t out there dying for long, I promise. If you wanna help me, please get me another fruit tart. I’m not ready to get up yet and it was sooo goooood.” He moaned exaggeratedly, the act getting a smile out of Freddie like he hoped.
The frontman huffed, rolling his eyes, but pushed himself up to actually get John another. Roger whacked him lightly on the back of the head, but otherwise didn’t say anything about the subject as he grabbed his own food and sat beside him on the floor. Freddie joined them, and Brian sighed, towering above them for a minute before grinning and caving, also sitting on the floor.
They spent the rest of their intermission there, eating and talking and laughing, John finally feeling better by the time they had to go back out. Brian stopped them before they left, looking down at him.
“Seriously though, John. You know if you need it any of us can distract them for a few minutes while you look after yourself. The last thing we want is you feeling bad, even if you’re ‘fine’, or ‘you’ll last’.”
John felt his heart swell. It always felt good to be reminded how much you were loved. He smiled at his friends and nodded.
“Yeah, I know.” He replied, rolling his eyes slightly as they just continued to look at him. “Alright, alright, I’ll let you guys know next time! Okay?”
“Splendid, darling. Now let’s finish our show.” Freddie grinned, taking him by the arm and dragging him back towards the stage.
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chaostwofold · 5 years
1-41 on the asks? Also gn
1. if you were to have Hanahaki disease, what flowers would you cough up?
Morning glories!! not only are they already my favorite flower, theyre extremely toxic and mean unconditional love! i have a tendency to fall for the wrong people and not realize until after,, BUT thats only half and half!! some people i loved unconditionally and contine to love them and others set me back in the recovery process,,
2. if someone were to catch Hanahaki disease for you, what flowers would they cough up?
Begonias id assume? not only are hanahaki flowers supposed to represent your feelings, they should also represent the person. begonias are known for misfortune, dark/unpleasant thoughts, and caution to new situations. on the flip side, its harmonious communications, understanding, and gratitude.
3. if you were any historic trope, what would you be? (i.e., the knight, the town baker, the witch of the forest, etd.)
hm. well, what about the urchin whos actually a prince? someone who originates from grand places, a great misfortune turns them into something undesirable and possibly bitter, and then when theyre brought back to the light of stability they provide for those who are in the same situation as he was
4. tell us about your ideal battle outfit
im long range magic tactics and healing always bc im too afraid of conflict :pensive: but the closest thing would probably be something flexible but strong, in black and the more sensitive areas like the neck and thighs covered more carefully (read: shadowhunter gear)
5. what would you be a god/goddess of and what would people sacrifice to you?
change on an emotional and mental plane. they would sacrifice those who refuse to change for the better. i determine what is better, and if they choose the wrong person to sacrifice they would pay depending on why they attempted to sacrifice someone who didnt deserve it.
6. name five iconic quotes that make you feel things.
“there is a difference between wisdom and intelligence... a person may have one without the other.” is an all time favorite from my favorite book The Soulforge by Margret Weis!!!!!!!
“plant your trees and watch them grow.” OUGH
 “There is a thin semantic line separating the weird and the beautiful. and that line is covered in jellyfish.” NIGHTVALE
“Ive been good sir / so very very good for what? / and ive given you / every single thing ive got / its feeling strange man / this whole arrangement / is gonna end with / me totally deranged” From Disobedient, from su:tm!!! it slaps man
“ What do you want from me? Why don't you run from me? / What are you wondering? What do you know? / Why aren't you scared of me? Why do you care for me?” Ah. billie eilish ily
7. scythe, battle axe, broad sword, spear or trident?
Scythe! the weapon of fate and peace,, it is used to reap the souls of those deemed to die and its used for harvesting crops!! the end of all thngs, its a graceful and symbolical weapon.
8. what combination of natural scents would you use as perfume?
Vaniila, star anise, and clary sage
9. ancient scrolls or leather-bound books?
leather bound books!!
10. describe yourself as if you were a storm.
a cyclone, probably. something threatening on the outside but extremely calm on the inside.
11. what type of flower (other than a rose) would you offer someone you were trying to court?
amaryllis, which is splendid beauty and worth beyond beauty
12. honey in milk or cinnamon in tea?
cinnamon in tea!!!
13. cabin in the woods, apartment in the city or mansion in the suburbs?
apt in the city
14. curtains of beads or lace?
bead curtains!!! retro AND can be like “hoohoo welcome to my brewery pick your literal poison im a witch”
15. vocal or instrumental music?
yall know i could never pick,, music is too much of an intimate thing too be taken lightly (whch is one of the reasons i have a burning hatred for jokey nursery rhymes like baby shark)
16. describe your ideal fantasy outfit
SOBS okay so. ough it depends man. i rlly like the idea of like. ponchos and shawls n stuff,,, id prolly go for a witch in the woods ngl (the prince REPRESENTS me the best but. witch of the dark woods is my aesthetic) so prolly like a heavy green shawl over a black shirt and jeans and combat boots or smth,,, i WOULD have a flower crown of poisonous flowers, yes
Changeling or shapeshifter definitely!! to be able to constantly change form in super mecore
18. hard candy, fruit preserves or spice cake?
fruit preserves
19. show us an a picture of your ideal crown.
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you all knew it was gonna happen ( its a mountain laurel!! poisonous. of course)
20. tying your hair up using ribbon, yay or nay?
my hair is WAY too short for that but i used to do it when i had longer hair and its a definite yay
21. an evening in the forest with elves, a night in the caves with vampires or a morning in the garden with fae?
an evening in the forest with elves or a morning in the garden with fae!! i cant decide man,,, if it had been a night in a victorian castle w vamps i wouldve been tied w that too but caves are a dwarven thing
22. tell us, in detail, about a curse a witch would put on you.
hm. maybe like. a true self thing? where im forced to say what i mean, i cant say sorry for things im not sorry for, i have to say when things make me uncomfy, i just become less timid (the witch who cursed me got pissed off bc i said sorry too much and didnt answer questions properly)
23. talking with sylphs or singing with nymphs?
talking with sylphs prolly??? i dunno man ive always loved sylphs ngl
24. mint, rosemary, basil or sage?
def mint
25. favorite childhood story? (doesn’t have to be a fairy tale)
what childhood lmao (honestly?? i loved reading the grim fairytales just over and over)
26. tell us about an experience you’ve had that seemed unreal or supernatural. (doesn’t have to be scary)
uhhh one time i was accused of witchcraft bc i was “guessing” peoples fav colours at a christian summer camp and our supervisors asked me to stop bc it was freaking them out bc im not christian (i had them close their eyes, think of their colour, and i would see it bc id close my eyes) OH also one time luke spoiled some pl stuff bc he was thinking abt the spoiler too loudly
27. would you rather have poison or healing ointment in your traveling pack?
oh healing def!! i already know a bunch of native poisonous plants so itll b fine
28. tell us three sayings that you live by.
only two chances for everyone, and then i cut them off entirely
cringe culture is dead. the only cringy people are assholes
hurt luke youre dead
29. vials or mason jars?
no. no. you CANNOT make me pick. its illegal
30. describe your ideal masquerade ball outfit (mask included).
uh! moss green, its a onepiece thats baggy and tied with a golden decorative rope at the waist and tightened at the ankles!! its loose at the sleeves and the shoulders are showing whereas the neck is turtled!! there are designs showing black mambas and lilies of the valley (poisonous...). the mask is black and covers my right eye, with subtle smooth scales on it.
31. splashing around in a river with mermaids or flying through the sky with harpies?
BOTH are p mean uh. i said sylphs earlier so ig ill go mermaids??? plus im afraid of heights
32. what would you end up in the dungeon for?
as the royal magician/wizard/witch/alchemist/magic jester? calling the royal family out on their bullshit
33. if you were a fairy, what color would your wings be?
they would be black owls wings!!! (if you meant pixies, like tinkerbell, you shouldve said pixies fam :pensive:)
34. if you could have any magical item, what would it be?
deaths cloak or a truth charm to get people to tell me, you guessed it, the truth
35. what song would the bards sing about you when you passed by?
a song about grim ends ad new beginnings.
36. would you rather be a pirate or a king/queen?
royalty! so i can fuck shit up from the inside
37. would you spend more time in the field of flowers, the tavern, the docks or the marketplace?
field of flowers or marketplace!! seeing the things people create and natural beauty and solitude are both wonderful
38. would you have a painting of yourself?
a modest one with a very dark palette, with my eyes painted a gleaming golden.
39. what skill are you famous for?
i talk rlly fast
40. if you could live any fairy tale, which one would you?
im not sure,, 
41. stained glass windows or fairy lights?
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No one asked but heres my weird dream I just had
Most of my dream took place in minecraft part of it I was like with a group of people uhhh we had to find something? And we were on some kind of like. it was like a huge flying wooden board like Huge like the width of a street. I think. Anyway we had to go into the minecraft like area ig it was an alternate dimension and I didnt take fall damage and it was just this hugeeeee foggy cave and all the blocks looked like nether blocks kind of. Anyway there was Something alive in there to harm us but I had to get some almost indestructible block that I think was yellow and it was left behind wherever the creature went. So ofc it got mad when I got the block but I was basically in creative so I just broke a long tunnel of blocks and filled it behind me with the yellow block and the creature was stuck trying to burrow through it (could have just gone around it tch) but then I got back with the rest of the group and opened some sort of portal to wherever we were before but it closed before they could go and then the dream changed to me looking at discord at a. scoreboard kind of? That I think Skippy had typed up that like scored me on sometjing in the dream but I couldnt read it fast enough bc I woke up
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moonlightcookie · 7 years
ooo how about all the odd numbers on the music thing, plus 30 :o
 im gonna put this under a cut! also thank u ilu
1. three songs that come up when you put your phone on shuffle
maretu ft miku and gumi- Eraser Girl, kyaami’s cover of utata-p’s Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee (with tei sukone and len), and narry ft miku- Tanzanite
3. three songs you were recently obsessed with
LuHan- Lu (ITS SO BAD BUT ALSO SO GOOD….), DBSK- Wrong Number, and Pinocchio-p ft miku- Ghosts Play to The Audience
5. three songs you wish you could forget (because listening to them hurts)
literally any melanie martinez song (ever since since shes been revealed to be a rapist), and listening to any shinee song still hurts but it’s getting better. these are all i can think of tbh. i definitely dont want to forget any shinee song tho!!
7. three songs you didn’t expect to like but eventually loved
honestly? psy’s gangnam style. bc ive heard his music before it came out and i was honestly disappointed with GS at first but evenually i liked it lmfao. minato ft. len- spice… i honestly never really cared much for it til i heard PrinceKuma’s cover with len v4x….its so good. and also travolta-p ft rin- kokoro. i honestly did Not like it until i heard some cover (still with rin) using vocalistener. that really made me love the song and now i love the original too!!
9. three songs that get you in the Christmas Mood
feliz navidad….idk who sings it but i LOVE it. Mitchie M ft miku- Suki! Yuki! Maji Magic….its so cute. and halyosy ft kaito- Snow Man
11. three favourite songs from movie or TV series soundtrack
uhhh i dont really watch movies or tv in general so i’ll include video game music bc otherwise these would all just be su songs. anyway rebecca sugar ft deedee magno hall- It’s Over Isn’t It is still so fucikng good… and Grant Kirkhope composes amazing music, i really love Crystal Caves (Indoors) and Fungi Forest Day. both are for Donkey Kong 64 which is my fave game of all time!!!
13. three songs you want at your funeral
kobayashi onyx ft miku- saihate….bc its fitting. honestly any song on my phone/tablet bc i dont want them all to be sad and also this is a hard decision? LMFAO. also ig TLC- waterfalls
15. three songs you want to dance with your love to
jagged edge- let’s get married, lonestar- amazed, and minato ft miku and luka- magnet ofc
17. three songs that remind you of your crush
^^^ literally the last 3 lmfao…… im a sap
19. three songs that are your guilty pleasure
LuHan- Lu…..listen to it and you’ll immediately know why LMFAO. selena gomez- love you like a love song. i swear thats the only SG song i like. and chris brown- with you. FUCK chris brown but…… his music slaps
21. three songs of your childhood
nsync- bye bye bye, sheryl crow ft kid rock- picture, and uhhhhh literally any kenny chesney song lol
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped up
maretu ft miku- white happy, maretu ft miku- darling, and maretu ft miku- uminaoshi. FUCK maretu but i still love his music above all else!!!
25. three favourite songs of 2017
hachi ft miku- sand planet ofc!!! literally any song maretu released in 2017… kikuo ft miku- it’s another maze there, and wowaka ft miku- unknown mother goose
27. three songs that you sing while drunk
the last time i got drunk i was like 3 so really idk. but if i had to guess id probably sing minato ft miku and luka- magnet, nsync- bye bye bye, and uhhh probably any britney spears song
29. three songs that influenced you most (some songs change or save lives)
god i honestly dont know. i guess every song has impacted me in some way. after all, music is super important to me and each song i like brings a lot of joy to my life
30. three songs you really want your followers to know (for reasons other than all those above)
god PLEASE listen to the Space Shortcut Key series……theres 4 so heres a bonus
1st one
2nd one
3rd one
4th one
theyre SO FUCKING GOOD….if you listen to them pls lmk bc i just. really wish more ppl knew abt them
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