#bc the art is drop dead gorgeous
mankai-march · 7 months
Mankai March question 8!
This one’s phrased weirdly, but I hope it works! Which card is your favorite based only on art? Maybe it’s an entire series of cards that has your favorite art? Or just one that really sticks out! Let’s hear about it!
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glowsticcc · 6 months
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there is an upsettingly small amount of pissa outfit swap content and i won’t stand for it any longer
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breanna777 · 7 months
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Looks a tad bit similar
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steakrogers · 7 months
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i'm starting to forget;
soaked in blood ,
only to be sterilized -
served alive
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himejoblr · 1 year
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i like his miximax hairstyle bonus doodle under cut
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lianhuajing · 4 months
this college au isn't getting out of my head so here y'all go, some headcanons
despite being the first in the world at age 15 LXY still ended up with crippling self-worth issues and imposter syndrome.. makes me think he'd be a burnt out fgli (first-generation low-income) student at a rich school.. university au (this has nothing to do at all with my experiences as a fgli student at an ivy league school lmaoo)
of course FDB is a shoo in legacy student and at first LLH is is incredibly annoyed bc FDB is clearly a rich kid who got in with his parents money
the name i picked for FDB is 择信 ("zéxìn" or "to choose faith"). his dad's name is 则仕 ("zéshì" literally "officer" the author is laugh at us so that zé didn't work, i picked another one to better fit my intention. same sound though.)
he's still called duobing as a nickname bc he was a sickly child, but fang zexin is what appears on official documents and his student id. of course his mom and his aunt still call him "xiaobao" and later on so does LLH
FDB abuses his "xiaohua" priviledges and when he extra wants something he'll pull out "xiaohua'er"
just them warming up to each other to deal with school stress. think of all the shenanigans!! i feel like 3am on a school campus is when you feel like you can do anything super well, even make empanadas when you've never made empanadas before (did i do this freshman year? yes.)
bonus: LXY has a phd in bio-med and is a famous researcher, but he's getting a herbology? nursing? (still deciding tbh) degree as LLH and passing it off as his first undergrad. he made a small fortune from his first go around so he can afford it, but i feel like he donated most of it and/or gave it to QMS + QP + SGD
yes i made LXY a genius progidy med student who got into college at 15 and wrangled a phd + patent at age 18. he's literally every asian parent's golden child wet dream. no wonder he disappeared and changed his name and only resurfaced 10 years later.
FDB is of course an engineering and business student (dual degree, our xiaobao is a champ) and he buys all the school swag cuz he has the spirit
bonus bonus: fdb is a professional college fencer lmaoo. do they have professional college martial arts?
bonus bonus li'er is a part of the family staff but the fang/he family pays handsomely so she's kinda uppity. she doesn't understand why her young master is hanging out with someone 1) obviously older and 2) obviously poorer
FDB of course falls in love at first sight bc LLH happens to be the most drop dead gorgeous person he's ever seen and reminds him vaguely of the researcher that helped with the cure to his childhood illness. surely there's no connection right..
FDB is 20 when he starts college bc he took a two year break to do an internship at his mother's company. it looks great on his resume and conveniently works well so i can line up canon ages
FDB finds out LLH is living in a van and immediately tries to move him into his dorm (freshman year). of course that doesn't work out, but i think around sophmore year, once they've started dating, he would've whittled down LLH enough for him to agree to live together in a house off-campus. LLH tries several times to convince the 20yo that he can do better than some old man who's just starting his undergrad at age 28 (my man breathes lies). FDB is literally signing their lease as he speaks.
bonus bonus bonus (and my fave): LLH makes those terrible tiktok recipes that never work but he keeps trying and the first couple of times FDB actually tries pretending that LLH's cooking is fantastic
bonus x4: DFS went to trade school and owns a handyman service (he makes bank doing it) and the jinyuan alliance is his crew of fixers. FDB is convinced DFS is a mob boss because LLH is always calling him Di 老大 (lǎo dà) when he comes around to fix LLH's rundown van. DFS gives LLH the i'm in love with u family discount but he'll never admit to it. the two of them have known each other since grade school.
bonus x5: DFS and LXY both did the same martial arts extracircular and were known rivals (affectionate) in those circles. they were constantly swapping between placing 1st and 2nd in tournaments.
bonus x5 extra bonus just for me: at one point LXY did call DFS "gege" before he grew out of it / they drifted a part. obvs they reconcillated bc LLH needed a van guy and DFS under all those scowls does care for LXY a lot.
bonus x6: LLH and JLQ absolutely know they are cousins (just bc it's hilarious for me if they do). they don't talk about it but JLQ hates him for "stealing" DFS's attention since their naptime days. he's her cousin timmy. LLH doesn't even know that he's seduced the love of her life, he's just vibing. DFS tries to explain to her that he's gay and has never been interested in women, but she doesn't believe in homosexuals exactly like in canon lmaoo
bonus x7: SGD and LXY were both in an orphanage before they got adopted by qi mushan and qin po. SGD protected LXY like an older brother, but got more bitter and jealous as LXY clearly displayed genius level academic excellence and as a by product got more attention (more care into selecting schools, more time dedicated to LXY's extracirculars, more time spent driving LXY to conferences and stuff as his research gained more traction)
can you imagine the pressure little xiangyi would've been put under to excel, and to excel bc he got this chance when all the other kids at the orphanage didn't? qi mushan and qin po weren't exacty rich, i imagine he must've felt so stressed being bombarded with scholarships and whatnot while his brother steadily closed himself off from xiangyi
nothing just imposter syndrome going off the charts when rumors started going around that a mistake in LXY's research cost someone their life. that no one should've trusted a teenager to be that smart. that some orphan kid just wanted attention and should've never been given a chance. it breaks him.
unintential pressure from qi mushan, qin po and SGD. why was he protected / saved / chosen if not to make their lives easier and to make them proud with his achivements. he's carrying his made-up expectations of their expectations and SGD's expectations
something something my dad was drunk one night and came on campus and told me i was the hope of our entire family bc i was the first to get into a good school and i could make something of myself. i was 18 at the time, same age as when LXY during his famous battle, and i just. feel some type of way. like. the man was carrying the expectations of the entire jianghu on his back. how was he not gonna be overwhelmed and break down?
bc this is a modern au i can make LXY go to therapy :) it takes a few years for him to be convinced to go (he is asian after all LOL), but he does go eventually and it helps him get the will to start again. FDB knows and actively encourages and praises LLH for taking care of himself.
LLH still carries the same self-hatred he has for his younger self bc he thinks his arrogance caused a mistake in his research and ended up causing ppl to die. he's working on it, okay, it's gonna take time
i'll end this with some crack: FDB accidentally hears DFS call LLH "xiangyi" and proceeds to give him an entire speech abt deadnames and such. it's bc he's seen LLH react to being called "xiangyi" before (come on, this guy was a prodigy and he's back at uni, some of the professors are bound to recognize him) and it's never pretty. he ends by saying "it's not like lianhua is running away from the law, he's not doing anything wrong" yes he thinks LLH is trans lmaoo. the entire time, DFS is giving him an incredious look. LXY was in fact running away from the law (or at least the press lmaoo). LLH is just standing there with an amused look on his face like "my xiaobao is a little confused, but he's got the spirit"
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fbfh · 6 months
I don't know if your requests are open but if they are could you like write something with Leo Valdez and a child of Aphrodite who's like really athletic and badass like into martial arts, plays american football and everything like what would that be like?
YES. It's giving the end of mean girls where regina joins the lacrosse team. you're drop dead gorgeous and can judo flip better than Annabeth. Leo will be foaming at themouth from the minute he sees you, but when he watches you body slam someone and sprint across the field to score a touchdown in the game of pickup football you joined with some of the other campers????? he's dead. he's actually losing his mind. bc he's never seen someone as gorgeous as you AND simultaneously fearless????? it's hard to describe but I've noticed a lot of times you can tell when an actor is trying to be pretty to a point where it's sacrificing the integrity of their performance. and granted a lot of that boils down to toxic patriarchal standards so it's not their fault, but it's so rare to find someone so intrinsically connected to their inner beauty, their divine energy that shines through from the inside out. and you have not only mastered holding your divine energy and confidence in a death grip, but you've found a way to blend it in tandem with your ambition, your ability commit to anything you set your mind to and give it your all. Leo has truly never seen anyone like you, and in that moment of tackling Travis Stoll to the ground and covering yourself in grass stains before jumping up and cheering with your teammates, you've singlehandedly ruined any other love interests for Leo. No one can hold a candle to you. Just by existing, you set the standard too high.
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incognito-duo · 1 month
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httpstes · 2 years
Hii hru??<3 Can u write a little about Taurus Venus in 10H?
Hey :)) i’m doing good i just finished majority of my exams and i am so over it 😭 anyways i’ll get on with the req so y’all don’t have to hear me complain ab how much i hate school🧏🏻‍♀️
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⍣♀ in 10H:
Venus in 10H individuals garner a lot of attention from everyone around them. They’re viewed as being full of love. Regardless of whether they understand the beauty they hold or not, others can easily see this. They could be seen as that one random pretty person in class or at work that everyone looks forward to seeing.
Venus in 10H individuals have really good reputations unless Venus is negatively afflicted to malefic planets. These people have something special about them that just draws others in. It’s always something unique and random as well. On a individual level, Venus 10H natives may have certain hobbies, interests, beliefs that others just find endearing. This and, well, they’re hot 🗣. Need i say more ?
Venus 10H individuals may be interested in or pursue careers to do with the arts and or cosmetology. Anything that involved you expressing you’re pure creative talent is best suited. A career where you can design, invoke desire, draw, paint, beautify etc. My aunty has this placement and she does interior design and also is like really good at cutting and styling hair ??!? Y’all have a natural inclination towards beautiful things as well as wanting to create beauty wherever you go, even if it’s on a subconscious level.
This is unless Venus apsects Pluto harshly from the 10H, this creates a dynamic of wanting to create a peaceful atmosphere but also craving destruction and wanting to see how chaotic things can get 😭
⍣Taurus Venus:
Taurus Venusians. ah i love you guys sfm. literal princes/princesses. but not one that is easily woo'd over. they have a lot of self respect and know when someone is overstepping their boundaries.
Taurus Venusians radiate such calming energy and this is why they are considered to be many people's safe space :) The best at comforting and making someone feel welcomed. They’re love language is probably gift giving/receiving and or physical touch and quality time.
One of my closest friends has this placement and she is constantly spoiled by people 😭 Do y’all attract people who like giving gifts all the time bc if so, hook me up i want some free gifts 🤭 Ofc Taurus Venusians themselves also give pretty good gifts but it’s a all or nothing type of situation. They either don’t get anything or go all out and give you the most thoughtful gift (possibly an expensive one but it’s more so thoughtful and based on things they know you want/need)
ok now putting both placements into perspective, yea ur pretty and gorgeous and i will continue to say it. Like cmon taurus, the sign of sensuality and luxury (taurus is obv much more than that but yk) and Venus in 10H, you appear aesthetically pleasing to everyone who comes by you, like you’re charisma and beauty is just so mesmerising.
Individuals with these placements definitely love artistic things and or creating art/beauty themselves. Yall be decorating your room, drawing/writing, and putting a lot of time into your makeup and skincare routine and ily for that. This is the ultimate self-love placement and they know when people are over-stepping their boundaries.
And so, both these placements equate to a individual who is not only drop dead gorgeous and literally divine, but one who won’t take shit from anyone and knows how to stand their ground. If you’re currently struggling with setting boundaries as a Taurus/Venusian, do understand that you will get there and you will prove others wrong that you are not a push over or one to be easily fooled. Keep your head high and stay stubborn I love you bitches 💗
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maluceh · 2 months
Oh also off topic but I love your art sm the way you draw jily is so beautiful and your James really makes me question whether or not I’m a lesbian bc like damn if that man was real I think I truly would throw it all away for him😭and lily is drop dead gorgeous too, your art style is just fucking amazing and I want to eat it lol, ty for keeping the jily girlies going<3
thank YOU!!! loooll i’m glad my art has an impact? but unfortunately, men like James are hard to find in real life
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redrocketpanda · 1 year
WIP Tag Game
rules: make a 24-hour poll with the names of your WIPs, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner got
tagged by: @axreliono ayyyyyy
tagging: this is a *super* low pressure tag but I'm also gonna be mean and tag @parad0xymoron eheheheh (and consider yourself tagged if ya want in!)
I have two in progress big bang fics which I can't share anything from but you do have this lovely array to choose from still:
little summaries:
What I Was Made For (skts) There are 3 things in life that Miya Atsumu knows for damn sure: 1. That he is hilarious, charming, drop-dead gorgeous and adored by all. 2. That he is outstandingly exceptional in (almost) every sense. 3. That if he is ever anything less than outstanding, no one will love him anymore. Or: how Sakusa & co. help Atsumu realise that he is good enough and worthy of love all the time, every day, exactly as he is
Fire On the Horizon (krbk) 15 years. It's been 15 years since Kirishima has seen Bakugou. Red Riot is now one of the most beloved top heroes, he helped to rebuild Japan in the wake of the post-war arc, he (mostly) moved on with his life. But all of that is thrown into disarray when "Dynamight: missing, presumed dead" suddenly reappears on the scene
Astarion Punishment Smut Fic (Domme! Vico/Bttm Astarion) Does what it says on the tin. 3 chapters of unadulterated Astarion punishment smut feat. my Tav, BDSM dynamics, and clowning Astarion over and over again
The Miya Atsumu Humiliation Show (Atsumu/Terushima) Similarly to above but a house party one-shot where smug Atsumu gets clowned multiple times in front of/by Terushima, until it all culminates in raunchy sex (where the clowning ofc continues)
The Hardest of Hearts (skts Dark Academia AU) Told from Sakusa's perspective as he navigates a rather complicated relationship with his roommate, Atsumu, and life studying abroad at a prestigious creative arts university in England. Features descriptions of Sakusa playing the piano, the discovery of Atsumu's secret art, and trying to figure out wtf it all means
Untitled Itadori/Inumaki/Sukuna trash smut Again, does what it says on the tin. I apologise to the internet for my horrendous brain but there was something about Inumaki/Itadori "experimenting" with Inumaki's cursed speech and Sukuna deciding that he needs to intervene that absolutely rotted my brain
HQ BokuAka Prom Fic (bkak) Bokuto desperately wants to ask Akaashi to prom but is scared that the Fukurodani students will treat Akaashi differently once Bokuto graduates. Enter: Kuroo, Hero of the Hour - who gets together his fellow volleyball captains to plot a HQ takeover of Fukurodani's prom. Birds (and cats, and plants, etc) of a feather flock together. Features super cute dancing scenes (bc ofc) and Bokuto's sisters
Kunichi Smut (Kunigami/Raichi) Raichi just cannot stop thinking about Kunigami and it doesn't help that Kunigami is fucking everywhere he goes - on the pitch, in the gym, in the mess hall, in the showers. But it doesn't make sense bc Kunigami's like... a guy? The fuck is up with that. Or: (almost wildcard) Kunigami notices Raichi has the hots for him and proceeds to wind him up until Raichi can't stand it anymore, and then Kunigami rails Raichi in the showers
Apotheosis (bkak greek mythology AU) Minor god Akaashi + Beloved mortal Bokuto fall in love with each other. It's a story that can only end in tragedy. Except, Bokuto doesn't accept that. He figures all he has to do is turn into a god and then they can be together forever. Sounds easy, right? Features a beautiful bkak love story, HQ characters as greek gods, and Bokuto just being wonderful
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z0urcherri · 1 year
Not really a full review but just the thoughts at the forefront of my mind If they'd of just cut some horror references (Shining elevator especially) down into shorter scenes (it'd also work as an unobtrusive background element) AND made it easier to tell apart future and past characters that happen to be in the same scene together, this film would honestly be damn near perfect. It was still an enjoyable experience, though. Alot of scenes genuinely come close to freaking me out, like the respawn terminal failure. Having a fully voice acted cast and some custom models was a treat, i just don't see why some were custom and some were just Scout with a mustache slapped on. Plus, in the funeral scene, it's too noticeable how detailed Redmond and Blutarch are compared to everyone else in the room. I joked at one point that they blew the character budget on those two and couldn't afford to detail everyone else. The voice direction also felt lacking, with certain actors (excluding Scout's and Soldier's bc DAMN i actually asked a couple times if they got Rick, posthumously, and Nathan to do the voice work) focusing more on sounding as much as they could like the original mercs than the actual performance. Mind you i'm not saying they did a BAD job, they did after all do a fantastic job with the emotional line deliveries. Usually, you would complain about the cartoony art style of TF2 clashing with someone's high-end attempt to make the shots photorealistic or so, but since Fortress Films went to all the trouble of touching up everything with grit and keeping it consistent throughout scenes, it honestly works well even if non-TF2 models end up being used. The contrast actually fits. The plot...honestly, again, this is where i wish certain horror tropes got cut way down. Did we really need a whole scene of zombie mercs doing stereotypical zombie things? I don't even think it added anything to the plot, it just happened and was pretty easy to forget right after they're all killed. It's just how it never gets referenced again once it's over. I'm...also not really a fan of the shoehorned Christian imagery around the end. It's basically another trope and again it added pretty much nothing. It's also fun trying to figure out who can and can't actually die. This, ironically, might be the only thing from the zombie scene worth any salt, if the implication is RED mercs zombify after some time while BLU just infinitely respawns (Jules wouldn't be dead and therefore would not need saving if this were the case, which is inch resting) The attention to detail otherwise is fantastic. I keep finding parallels i didn't catch the first time. Along with shots that are legit drop-dead GORGEOUS, or even cutting-edge as far as cinematography goes and are incredibly rare to see in other SFM animations, the mo-cap is some of the best i've seen. It's rough sometimes and makes for some funny facial expressions, but when it works it WORKS. The theatrical feel is just...unmatched. You almost wonder if Valve themselves produced this because of how good the scenes look. I was also really impressed with the sound design, and also the fire and water effects, prominent throughout the film. Obviously, i think the film was really, really good, it's just that some parts feel like this project started as a shitpost animation, before getting stitched together with the parts where the team decided "no, we need to put actual effort into this". I also don't understand why, if the soundtrack is an original composition, the artist couldn't be credited anywhere. Anyway, go see Emesis Blue and come back with your own thoughts.
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roastbeasts · 7 months
for the ask game: 4, 10, 14, 32!! and feel free to send me some if you like (no pressure) :D
4. who is/was your most intense sapphic crush?
i think the most intense crush i had (sans my partners obviously) was on this girl jenna at summer camp when i was like 13. she was like this fat buff bisexual who deadlifted me once for a talent show we were doing. she had a bunch of scars from various accidents & not-accidents that covered her arms and her shirts were extremely big on me but i loved wearing them bc they smelled like her. we dated ("dated" in a summer camp way) for a month or so and then i completely lost contact with her i hope she's butchin it up still
10. did you do anything gay as a kid that makes sense when you look back on your childhood?
the only thing i can really think of was fucking OBSESSING over fictional women and denying the fact that i was a lesbian the entire time. the first woman i ever actively obsessed over was astrid from httyd at the ripe old age of 9, then tigress from kpf at 12, then lucina from fire emblem at 13-14, ema skye from ace attorney at 15, and so on
14. list five things you look for in a partner, or five things you love about your current partner(s).
i have two partners! i love them both dearly. here are 5 things i love ab them:
i love gawain's sense of humor. by far the funniest person i've ever met by a longshot
i love how gawain is always willing to fight for me. no one in my life has ever really done that before
gawain is also a colossal artistic inspiration to me. his art owns supremely in a way that i don't have the words for
gawain is one passionate guy. just like in general. ab causes, ab me, ab doing stupid shit in video games. i love it
also he's hot as fuck. like insanely hot. drop dead gorgeous
i love charlie's gentleness. he's like full of kindness always
that being said, i love charlie's small kindnesses. he's got a tag for my art on his blog
i also love charlie's dedication. he'll send me those dunmeshi blingee things every morning and even if i can't / don't respond he just keeps doing it and i never want him to stop
i love charlie's art. he's a writer and that is something extremely beyond me but reading his writing is always a treat
most of all i think i love charlie's laugh. i don't think i've heard anything quite like it
32. tell a funny story about something really gay you’ve done.
not to bring up jenna again but she would literally ask me questions like what my bra size was and if i was into girls and i was so fucking oblivious at the time (our whirlwind romance happened the following summer) i just thought it was like a #girlthing to have conversations like this. she'd invite me to sleep in her bunk w her. we made candles together. also the deadlifting thing. and i left that summer very sure of my heterosexuality somehow
shoot me a number and i will bear my lesbian soul
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aajjks · 9 months
“good job today class!! you all have a wonderful day!” you tell your students as they happily rush out of your class. today was an early day at school which means you get to go home early too!!
of course you still do some lesson planning to stay caught up for next week which is about self-portraits for your kindergartners and western art history for your middle schoolers. as you’re finishing up your lesson planning, you feel your phone vibrate in your desk and before you can take it out—
“miss y/n? someone is here to speak with you” says one of your co-teachers who is standing at your door.
“good afternoon, y/n” he says and when you look up to see who it is, it doesn’t take you a long time to figure out just who the man in question is. from his suave demeanor, calm tone, and smile this man is jungkook’s father jeon jaehan.
“g-good afternoon mr. jeon. weird seeing you here” you say as you stand up from behind your desk to walk up to jaehan and shake his hand.
“no need to be formal dear” he smiles and sneakily his thumb travels to rub the smooth skin of your palm. jihye constant bashing about you made jaehan wonder what you looked like in person.
it’s only right that he meets the woman that’s got his son wrapped around his finger and he’s beginning to think that jihye was exaggerating because you are drop dead gorgeous.
your pretty eyes are enough to rival his wife’s, your lips are perfectly plump, and your freckles look like a constellation he could stare at all day and night. your voice is as sweet as honey and your body is to die for.
not to mention you smell so fucking good, if you were a piece of candy he’d eat you up. your coveralls are adorable and so are your glasses, to sum it up, jaehan completely understands why his son is so hung up over you.
“uhhhhhh…mr. jeon?”
“oh, sorry. spaced out there. you’re very beautiful”
“oh, uh, thanks?”
“no need to thank me. a woman like you should know that already. ehem, but that’s not why i’m here, would you look to eat dinner with me? my son would love for you to join us”
“thanks but no thanks. not sure if you’re aware but your son and i aren’t friends at the moment”
“oh really? why?”
“i’m sure he can tell you why”
he already knows why but he just wants to listen to you talk. no wonder these kids are so fascinated with you. your voice is perfect, your face is perfect, and you are perfect. didn’t jungkook say you broke up with someone?
whoever let you go is insane and his son is a bigger idiot than he thought because he fucked up his chance to have you.
but maybe…
“well i just had to meet the woman whose got my son so crazy in love. if you ever change your mind” jaehan hands you his card with both his phone number and personal address on it.
“just give me a call. enjoy your day” he says before turning to leave you with your confused thoughts.
‘great. first his mother and now his father?’ you think to yourself before you get your phone from your desk and open it to see a text message from an unsaved number saying ‘sage is missing you’
what a coincidence.
‘i miss sage too. how’s bam?’
Your reply is instant. And it’s already got him giggling like he’s gone mad. Jungkook sighs and relief as you’ve replied and he takes a few minutes to reply to your text back because he doesn’t want to seem too desperate.
But after three minutes, he’s already typing his message.
‘she says you should come here~- and as for him? He’s been a little grumpy, which is so weird because he’s never grumpy with me.’
He sends it, trying not to sound too persistent, and the truth is that sage doesn’t want you here, but he does.. jungkook laying down, waiting for your reply and everything is going good that is until… you tell him that his father just visited you.
And he immediately sits up straight from his bed, absolutely shocked, because why would he? What is going on? Did his mother tell him everything? And maybe he went there to you, were probably to offer you money so you can be out of jungkooks life forever?
‘wait yn?! I’m going to call you please pick up.’
He is so embarrassed right now because his parents don’t leave any opportunity to do that, why would he visit you when he’s always so busy even for his own son?
Jungkooks quickly dialing your number and you pick up after one ring. “Uh hello? My father was there?! at your workplace? How the fuck did even find it? I don’t know where you work?”
His father is not a nice man. He knows that very well and he wouldn’t just go there so he can fix his sons fucked up love life.
Not unless he has an agenda for himself.
“what did he say to you?”
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hopeswriting · 2 years
Aaaaa what did you think of the primo generation? I loved how the anime dedicated an entire arc to them! Alaude showed up and I started rioting bc HOT ??? VERY HOT MAN ???
honestly because of your ask i just realized i actually think very rarely about the first gen, if at all lol. and i would need to rewatch their arc and reread the shimon arc where we learn a lot about them to share anything substantial here, but that said, i like them!
gorgeous designs for sure, yes, and that’s just amano for you. most of her characters are so goddamn pretty and for what?? add to that her gorgeous art style, and we have no choice but to stan and simp. and that of course includes alaude for me too, but idk if it’s the blond hair or what lol, but funnily enough even if hibari, fon and alaude are practically triplets, for me hibari and fon still one up him, sorry. 💔 also giotto is so drop-dead gorgeous that’s not even funny, and i actually DIG the blond hair this time lol.
so that was for the simping moment lmao, but on another note i’ve always thought it a bit of a shame that amano was so heavy-handed with the “the 10th gen are the second coming of the 1st gen” angle. i think it’d have been fun if she had just made them basically twins physically, but then let them be different from each other while maybe still giving them the same ideals/principles. but not only their appearance, but their weapons/fighting style too, as well as their personality and circumstances, and even their dynamics overlap so much she could as well have confirmed reincarnation to be part of her world-building lol.
one thing i’ve always liked too is that line giotto says in response to tsuna’s resolution during the vongola trial. something like “i’ve been waiting for you” i believe? which i find so interesting because tsuna’s resolution was to burn vongola down to the ground before ever taking responsibilities for its sins and allowing them to continue. and when you think about how, through the rings, giotto saw vongola turn into a bloody and hungry for ever more power empire when he created it to help people no one else was willing to help, and saw the vongola bosses after him who either were leading vongola further along that bloody path or were trying not to but also didn’t do anything to change how bloody it was, it’s like... what was he saying there? what did he mean? that he was waiting for someone who’d see too that at this point, starting vongola from scratch again was the only way to save it? and for someone who was willing--resolute to do that before ever allowing it to become worse? or that he ended up wishing vongola would just disappear instead of keeping flourishing while having turned into what it did? idk, more likely he was just saying “finally someone is willing to put in the work to change vongola back to what it was and what i meant it to be”, but it’s interesting to think about.
thank you for the ask!
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bellarosethefangirl · 2 years
I'm just gonna like ramble here about my f/os real quick but ON GOD these are the hottest things my f/os could do that would have me SCREAMING internally and or be BARKING MAD
Fugo: looking up slightly from his paperwork with his glasses slightly tilted down and his sleeves rolled up bc this has me AAAAA
Jotaro: wearing gray sweatpants and his natural curls damp from taking a shower, a couple few strands on his face
Josuke: him with his hair down is enough like pLEASE HES ALREADY PRETTY AND IF HE HAD HIS HAIR DOWN 24/7 ALL SIMPS ARE DONE FOR
Caesar: for some reason, Caesar wearing glasses has me down on my knees but aLSO that side glance with him smirking? goodbye I'm gone
Yaomomo: she doesn't need to do anything bc everything she does has me screaming and got me going 'THAT'S MY FUCKING WIFE!!!!'
Anyways: certified SIMP hours
OMG thank you for this!!!! 💗 You’re always welcomed to ramble about f/o’s and anyone else for that matter 💖😌! (9 times out of 10 I might into them too) Gurl I totally understand I’m here wearing my strawberry earrings to represent our boy Fugo and I got my Bruno ring on. Trying to think of F/o posts as well.
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I second with you about Fugo doing so! His eyes are gorgeous. Imagine Fugo giving a loving look after doing so 💓🥺 what a cutie. My heart would melt into a loving puddle if Fugo were to do so. Not to mention his drop dead gorgeous smile.
I hadn’t any idea you admired Jotaro, Ceasar, Jousuke, and Kakyoin! They’re all admirable. That being said here’s art of all of them since they deserve love 💗 also Fugo too
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I can’t believe I never imagined Jousuke with his hair down nor Kakyoin in form fitting clothing. My fan girl heart would melt 💓 Ceasar would look amazing with glasses but honestly he’d look good in anything same with Kakyoin. Both are no match against the fan girl heart.
I may not be into Jotaro but I’m sure he’d pull his partner into his arms after showering and wearing only gray sweatpants. Probably place his signature hat on them while his hair dries. Pressing kisses to their neck.
As for Yaomomo she’d be great to her partner I imagine she’d lay them again her chest and cuddle. Good choice in wife she’s an amazing hero and she’s intelligent with a kind heart. I’m more of a Tsuyu fangirl that’s waifu right there for me.
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