#bc most of my thoughts r there anw
papaiyatree · 2 years
the new batgirls comic gave me whiplash after whiplash
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enden-k · 3 months
Just wanted to hear other people opinion about what they thought of the new storyline for wuwa.
(If you are unfamiliar with the old/cbt1 storyline drama here's a reddit post that explains the whole thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/YBEuZ7jhC5)
Long story short I have been hearing people saying they prefer the old storyline when in reality the old story wasn't perfect. Sure it had good moments but it doesn't make up the fact the Rover was still being disrespected even after all the quests they have done for the people.
Considering the fact that Kuro games had 6 months to rework the whole story before their release date it make sense why the story is rushed both in the main story and Yinlin story. There were things that felt like they could've explained better and revise here and there but there were moments where I didn't enjoy the mainstream (Scar, Jiyan and the Battle of Jinzhou were my favorite parts).
My biggest issue about this whole conversation is that people keep bringing up Genshin and HSR storyline. Now there is nothing against these two stories as they are quite in their own way but what I hate about this comparison is that Hoyoverse has a total of 8 games (one of them being a dating sim) so they have alot of experience in making lore meanwhile Kuro Games only has a total of 3 games. This is unfair comparison if you ask me.
Another issue that I have is that most of the lore that Genshin and HSR that you want to know about isn't main story but from the side quests. These sides are so long and info dumping that many players just skip through everything or don't play the quest (Aranana quest is a prime example)
Now I don't know how true this is but as of right now Kuro Games are still working on all the bugs and issues that players are facing but they are still hiring writers to help with the story. If this is true we might have to wait for awhile for the story to be more clearer and better.
But that just my opinion I love the game I think the story could use some work but the game just got released two weeks ago so it hard to decide what will happen next and how the story goes.
i dont have anything to add bc i share the same thoughts as you. the story is a little weak but all the things considered you just mentioned, i have patience and hopes it gets better (since some ppl just looooove comparing hoyo and kuro; gnshn wasnt perfect either, inazuma was a mess before they had better writing for sumeru and i dont even wanna start with what the fuck ever was the luofu story but they COOKED w penacony and belobog). some sections like scar and the final battle was pretty cool
anw im tired of ppl comparing gnshn/hsr w wuwa too thats why i just dont bother reading those comments or replying
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bluehwale · 1 year
SO I was like travelling in bus for my.classes nd im usually a person in public transport who is like quiet minds my own business nd doesnt talk to anyone cuz maybe either om too sleepy or using my phone nd yesterday in saw this guy on my bus he was wearing all black suit nd he had his ear pierced (cuz men over here dont like to pierce their ears cuz its feminine 💀) nd that guy was standing in front of me I was like observing him like I liked men black tuxedo okay cuz they look so good 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵😮‍💨😮‍💨nd I was thinking of completing his outfit nd I was like contemplating whether should I or should I not nd I was get so FUCKING anxious 😭😭 like me who has never complimented a stranger (not even a women is going nd complimenting a MAN ITS A BIG THNG ND IM LITERWLLY MY MIMD EAS SO BUSY DESPITE RUNNING ON 4HRS OF SLEEP) nd ykw im the end I ended up complimenting him nd before my stop I said ur outfit looks really good nd I like ur bag too nd he was literally smiling ear to ear so cite nd before he could say smth my stop came I was literally SCREAMING THE WHOLE WAY UNTIL I FOUND MY SENIOR 😭i jad to pull my my shit together nd talk to him ndi after I finished talking to him I was literally screaming nd sending voice notes to my frnd (hey sending voice notes r a BIG THING nd I never send voice texts unless I cant type.out my thoughts nd to arrange them properly im a text message nd I couldn't call the fuck.down I LEGIT WENT TO RESTROOM ND SCREAMEDDDDDD WELLL im becoming more loose like ND WJEM I COMPLIMENT ITS LIKE I DESCRIBE EVERY ASPECT OF IT ND TELL IT TO PPL ND IT ENDS UP WITH THEM BLUSHING ND I WAS Literally TRYIJG MY BEST NOT TO STUTTER 🥴🥴ND I ENDED UP GWTTING SHT AFTER GIVING THE COMPLIMENT 😭😭😭💀💀LIZ IT WAAS LIKE A ROLLER COASTER ND I TOLD ANT THIS TO 3 OTHER FRNDS ND THEY ALL HAD fucking diverse opinions like 😞😞😞imma cotinue it in the next ask 🥴🥴
olay so I told abt my adventure to 3other frnds one of then whom I told first thought I jad a crush on the gut like a fleeting crush who im never gonna see again (sue was genuinely.confused olay so o said I just liked how he dressed up nd yes black tum 💀🥴🥴im on my knees okay )
another frnd I told (she is the most logical one) she said guys get less compliments than girls nd u just made his day nd said when u get dressed up nd someone acknowledges it u are jiet over the moon nd she was also proud of me for implementing a stranger cuz it takes alot of courage
thw last.frnd I told she said u go on doing this nd make.every guy fall for.u 😭 im like im an over exaggerator who compliments in a very descriptive way nd I cant change it cuz it what it is nd imo descriptive compliments >>>>one line compliments (idk why I prefer it )
anw liz have a good day taake care of urself.ilyyy (2/2)
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MISS DIORWOO!!!! IM ALWAYS THE HAPPIEST GIRL WHENEVER I HEAR FROM U <33 (my response is under the cut, u better bUCKLE UP !!)
u: *internally screaming and dy1ng* 🧍‍♀️
A FLEETING CRUSH WHO U WILL NEVER SEE AGAIN???? PLS DONT BREAK MY HEART NOOOO 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔😞😞😞😞😞 (im gonna manifest that u’ll meet him again soon I HAVE MY PRAYER CIRCLE READY !!!!! 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️) honestly,,,,, so relatable i too would get on my knees for any man who dresses well and esp in black (the bar is so low its IN HELL)
NAH BCS IM GONNA GO WITH UR LAST FRIEND BCS IM PRETTY SURE HE FELL IN LOVE WITH U !!!!!! WHEN U COMPLIMENTRD HIM AND UR GAZE MET HIS, THATS WHEN HE KNOWS !!! ITS U !!!! U’RE THE ONE HES BEEN LOOKING FOR (sorry im obv over the mOON THIS IS TOO CUTE) but yeah im also so 🥺🥺proud🥺🥺 of u for complimenting a stranger bcs that takes balls that i dont hv I MEAN IVE NEVER ATTEMPTED TO DO IT BUT IK I WOULD GET 😨😨😨 *sweats* 😨😨😨 AND “hi i just wanna say that i rlly like ur outfi- well would u looK at that cat over there!! aHaHahah” WOULD PROBABLY COME OUT OF MY MOUTH INSTEAD SNBDDNNSNS (i hv 0 rizz) but anyWAYS IT PROBABLY MADE HIS WHOLE DAY AND I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT YOU’VE BECOME “THE GIRL IN THE BUS” TO ALL HIS FRIENDS BCS HE WOULD FOR SURE TELL EVERYONE THAT HE GOT A COMPLIMENT FROM U </333333 (im suffering thats so cute) U’RE IMMORTALIZED IN HIS HEAD AND IN HIS STORIES !!!!!
i loVE the way u give compliments u’re literally the sweetest and i know hE thinks that too </3 im hoping for another adventure of u meeting that guy OR ANYONE ELSE IN PARTICULAR REALLY BCS EEEEEK THIS MADE MY WHOLE DAY I LOVED THIS SM SNSBDBDNSBNSS 😭😭😭😭
thanku sm for sharing this adventure of urs !!! 🥺🥺🥺 i missed u and i love u and i hope u have a great day as well !!! take care always <333
hashtag my current mood:
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quidfree · 2 years
for the r&j discourse... actually the main topic was about chatgpt is currently available in my country and someone made a post to discuss whether ai would rule the world (and concluded its not gonna be that dramatic like people imagine after he teaching chatgpt chess and asking it questions about moral dilemma). the most possible scenario is that ai will be people's mental counselor (or even the one can give advice on/effect our life choices, our morality), and specifically it will replace book/film reviewers cause chatgpt is excellent at these. and that said person made a joke about if those reviewers dont want to be replaced, they should write something that ai would 'despise' writing about; and then he gave an screenshot that he sent chatgpt a message like:
so i was just being nosy or whatever about that line "Shakespeare wrote r&j just to criticize love because he thought it's stupid" and thought i could ask you (admittedly i have never read r&j even it got stranlated into my mother tongue 'cause i think it wouldn't be the same when i can read it in its language and still need some motivation for shakespere's works is ...hard lol)
in the discourse, he even noted that current world with ai will be likelier a dystopia in 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley than the one in '1984' by 'George Owell' (which i must also admit i don't have a clue, but asking you once again to give thoughts lol)
it was so random and a lot, i know, and you always have been so kind and generous, no need to burdern yourself with this, just delete this without any qualms if this is too much
thank you ^^
interesting..... i was not expecting this to be the direction that query went in lol.
i find the whole chatgpt/ai = future moral arbiter argument so odd. it's an appeal to objective morality that i don't understand bc i don't believe that exists. humans shape morals and humans make ai. like at the end of the day when we see 'ai generated art' it's art ripped from art real people made, and likewise whatever output we get from an ai stems from some person somewhere. it ultimately is just borrowing the voice of real people and their real opinions.
shakespeare is absolutely hard because the english is old and full of references that even the english no longer understand without guidance! i think if you're interested in romeo + juliet you should absolutely watch the 1996 movie, because it's really beautifully true to the feel and emotion of the play while translating it into a modern setting which makes the text a lot more easily understood. and it's sick. mercutio is so cool. the visuals are outstanding.
i don't know that i can give a good verdict on 1984 vs brave new world as our likely future. my thoughts on those 2 books in particular were like... i remember brave new world gave me the vibe that huxley had a lot of weird sexual hangups, and like a lot of his type of author he had 50/50 valid criticisms of liberal/libertarian capitalism and moral panic over irrelevant issues. 1984 on the other hand is a very particular/time-specific critique and a lot grimmer, and as such easier to read because it's less believable a permanent future.
anw in terms of 'accuracy', a lot of elements from those books exist in our current society, but that's because most dystopia is based on the horrors of present day rather than any genius visions of the future. i will squarely admit i don't enjoy the genre, maybe because i don't like to induce existential anxiety in myself when i read or maybe because i prefer my fictitious social critiques to be less... idk, exaggerated. i feel the same way abt candide.
also your message is very kind to me anon, no need to be so hard on yourself either! i'm always happy to weigh in on random subjects of interest.
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cookieshower · 2 years
"berasa di gereja dibaptis" kt non kristen ajshdhshs
do NOT read this cringe i'm writing everything like a bedside diary before i forgot ✍️😭 bc tumblr has the best format for texts
anw westlife long storytime
in january i played my spotify playlist of 2000s pop and rnb,, brain went "haha i will draw silly usuk art... them as 90s/00s boybands, arthur as blue and alfred as bsb :) might watch the mv again just to see silly 00s fashion :)"
except i ended up clicking westlife mvs again n again 💀 bc they're My fav of the 00s boybands despite only knowing like 5 songs. i'm too young to remember much back then.
after looping the same few songs i wanted sth new so......... i clicked on their old and new (post break) mvs. fell down the rabbit hole 🧍🤸 and. idk what kinda coincidence is this... found out they're gonna tour here, in 3 provinces, and my city is included :). last quarter 2022 they've done 3 dates too. what's better is it's much cheaper than other cities bc it's a no-class 2 days festival with lots other musicians
here's the internal debate lol, i never went into a concert before 🧎. super loud music is v uncomfy to me ntm the potential of crowd pushing, im short and won't see a thing, can't drive, commuting at night scary, but what are the chances of Westlife™ doing a gig in my city and tickets are only $40???
i didn't plan to go, jst streamed dozens of their songs but with Longing.
D-2 concert, i saw tickets resale @ $20 from ppl who couldn't go, im 👁️👄👁️. so i texted my fav cousin if shes interested (thought she might like westlife... turns out she is a fan). she said "that's a short notice u r kinda crazy but let's go i will drive no worry".
fast forward day 1 went well the artists exceed my expectations 👌 but the struggle is at day 2 where westlife is hshsjss. long before their turn to play, we bought food and thought we still could get barricade,,, but no. the main stage is alrd crowded.
then the drama 👺 a group of girls basically harassed us verbally and by pushing bc we tried to chill n don't let them go in front of us. FINALLY before westlife turn, thank god idk where they went but we're just few meters away from barricade 🤘😔 except for some groups most of the crowd are chill. got near but still can't see them bc we're short. pain from tiptoeing 💀. also the small annoyance that only us who knew & sang the lyrics to their newer/less Hit songs but ppl who only knew 2 songs r at the front wkwkwk.
but it's ok bc westlife was GREATTTTT..... their vocals,, esp. mark high notes 👌🥲. Nostalgia power ndndjsks. they started with starlight and ended with you raise me up, total of like 14 songs?? and one short acoustic exclusive to this date. that's a Lot. just minus a few songs compared to the stadium date in previous city but 10 times cheaper. 🛐🛐
they're not That big worldwide but big in SEA... we rarely gets 'world tour' from most artists. locals joked they should rent house here by how often they come 😭 ofc they in turn said our support kept the band alive. im 🧍
bts could've done this bc SEA contributed a ton of stream and socmed engagement but ig hybe preferred quick western cash 💔 hybe kacang lupa kulit
untung pisan jadi pergi AAAAa. nepi ngahaja matching sweater ◼️🌈 + sapatu ◼️🌈 nu can kapaké. felt my english level went up lmaooo bc i understood everything and their accent pronouncing u like o 😁
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ps can tumblr give a monthly quota of one post with multiple videos? 🤞
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cantalooprat · 2 years
The Tang Family's Seven Os
What I Liked
The Straightest Danmei I've Ever Read
somehow it rly managed to be So Straight despite being a danmei, plays w All The Early 2010 Era Romcom Tropes n leans into it so so much like it's such a brainless guilty pleasure read
split into 7 arcs so it's a nice read in between other works... will do a bit of a diff format for this wn bc of the 7 arcs
wow they actually didn't make pheromone scents such a big deal which is like... p unusual for omegaverse. like there r some vague scent descriptions but for the most part pheromones don't rly play a big role.
What I Disliked
the romcom tropes... there r goods n bads, but just as the cliches r super delicious, it also gets all the bad things abt said cliches lmao
arc 1: "amnesiac, thinks he's in love w his white moonlight while also being horny for his wife" gong × "always clamoring for a divorce" shou
it. it lowkey feels like a budget mr. dior which is like lmao anw this first arc is a good way to basically judge the rest of the wn bc the tone is all p... like this. it's fairly standard stuff. cute, kind of infuriating in the way early 2010 kdramas tend to be, has questionable moments of "is this rly? romance?" but ykno what i'll lean into these tropes n just enjoy the ride
arc 2: "friends-with-benefits who like each other's white moonlights only to realize they love each other" gong × shou
one of my fav arcs tbh i especially loved the acting make out scene that got the shou being all hesitant bc he was abt to make out w someone who's not the gong n the gong conveniently having a similar body type to the actor n he subs in lmaooo urgh n also also the heat scene... when shou was in heat n just. seeks the gong by instinct. n they roll around in bed, in love but not quite admitting to it... heheh.
arc 3: "popular singer-songwriter, mysteriously protective, kind of black-bellied" gong × "pretending to be B, secretly milky and cute" shou
also fairly standard stuff, didn't rly dig this dynamic this time around. gong exudes protective but also questionably "r u a stalker for knowing these private info" kind of vibes n shou is kind of silly also their romance was like So Fast n i was kinda ??? ok then
arc 4: "'sugar baby' lawyer who makes way more than his 'sugar daddy'" gong × "became a sugar daddy to keep his first love by his side" shou
this one is rife w misunderstanding n miscommunication but it's one of the less... usual tropes ig. i like it better than arc 1 n 3 but if asked why exactly idk either i just like their dynamics even tho irl it cant work out like this like bro u dont just ask someone to bear ur child without properly being lovers thats not how u affirm their desire to be ur lover 💀💀💀
arc 5: enemies to lovers "pheromone disorder-afflicted can't smell anything military general" gong × "pretending to be B, tough" shou
one of my fav arcs along w arc 2, tbh this one could've been its own full-fledged slowburn wn going for ~80-100 ch. also has forced heat due to aphrodisiacs trope n shou asking for gong to permanently mark him n then they get married which is just hnnnnng. such guilty pleasure. the only gripe i have is at the end when gong says he likes the shou but doesn't ask the shou if he likes him back, n the shou is all like "if u dont ask me, how am i supposed to express my feelings" like bro just say it!!!!!! (on a tangent. this is why i like iwaol so much, that scene when cui zuojing realizes that it seems like he hasn't told dong zheng he likes him yet n just expresses it clearly n dong zheng kisses his hand... i melt every time)
arc 6: "was in it for revenge but fake turns to real" gong × "ice cold beauty" shou
mmg yes another delicious trope that's semi wife-chasing i Felt The Heart Pangs when the gong's "lie" was found out n the shou was so sad n then the gong came back n had to chase after his wife hhhhhhh at first i thought the shou forgave him too quickly but like shou is smart n prob understands the circumstances n their time apart gave him the space needed to think n stuff.
arc 7: "overbearing crown prince" gong × "earnestly trying to reform his seatmate" shou
another cliched miscommunication trope lmao this gong is more overbearing than the other ones... it was ok ig. wouldn't particularly look for this arc to reread.
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
first off, hello 🤷‍♀️ anon! sorry i missed you out
and secondly, dw, marius is my favourite too lol, he reminds me a lot of my younger cousin who i lived with when i was younger. i was always the one who took care of him and marius calling me older sister just set off so much memories of my childhood. the both of them are also vv similar in personality, attention seeking, playful and artistic so i always see him whenever i look at marius.
artem is probably my second favourite ngl, ever since i read his ssr where he was jealous and got drunk (what a good combination lmao) i just grew so soft for him. at the end of the day, he's just a vv soft sweetheart who's insecure that we'll leave him :(( i have like 3 ssrs at lvl36, two of them are artem cards and the other is luke. i vibe with luke too bc i love the childhood friends trope, it's top tier. and as for vyn... i have vv mixed feelings abt him. i feel like he could so easily see through me if he was real and i'm just like, how about no. he's rlly pretty though, like rlly pretty.
*major spoilers*
and you've finished the archon quests!!! personally, i feel like the ending felt a bit rushed(?). it's weird bc i thought the resistance war against the raiden shogun was supposed to be the center of the story, but it just devolved to us helping yae with the entire war being swept to the side. and i already knew somebody was gonna die, and as soon as i saw that teppei had become the captain, i just knew.
it's interesting bc i would love to explore what happened to la signora and scaramouche to make them so disregarding of human life. like, i don't like them, but i want to understand their minds. it's sad to read signora's artifact's background honestly. and the fact that her crown said she used to be called rosalyne, that she had perhaps once led a more innocent and naive existence. i dunno, to me it seems like a good ending for her honestly, she had already lost herself after her lover's death and brings pain to many others, i don't think she can rlly return to being her again.
and honestly, a lot of people are talking abt scaramouche not telling signora he already had the gnosis and saying that he orchestrated her death, i don't rlly think so. i feel like he's just that apathetic to human life, even if it's someone that stands on his side, he just doesn't care enough. it also says how he never got along with anyone, not even his fellow harbingers, so i don't know why ppl expect him to seek out someone he doesn't like just to warn her of danger.
i vibe with scaramouche and la signora as the antagonists bc they're good antagonists, but as characters, well. other than the fact that they're pretty, they have like one likeable trait and that is their loyalty. they would do anything for the tsaritsa even if it cost them their life. i'm rlly excited to see what the tsaritsa has in store for us in the future.
considering our sibling is nicknamed 'the prince/princess', i wonder if there's gonna be a day where we're gonna have to go toe to toe with them. if we had them backed them into a corner with no way out, i wonder if they would kill us. it would be an interesting twist if we could actually die, but i feel like the protagonist halo will prevent it lol and i'm sorry bc god, this is so long.
— r. anon
marius. that’s the tweet. man,, you dont realize how in love i am w him?? like,, this man was literally my only hope when i fell horribly sick. i cant w myself now that i’m hearing it w my own voice. it must be nice to remember the good ol’ days… i despise my cousins and i dont have siblings so i dont really have that sort of connection w him. to me, his onee-san is just a joke? a petname? idk but it simultaneously makes me so mad and giddy just like childe’s existence does
i like vyn bc his vibes are sus but at the same time, he’s cares abt our mental health 🥺👉👈 no one’s ever said shit like that to me… jokes aside, luke is seriously threatening his spot bc of his blushing bs like pls 🤲 i’m so weak for that shit give me more. artem makes me soft too like,, he keeps mentioning that he trusts us and he’s just…. HE’S A BIG TEDDY BEAR THAT BLUSHES AT LIKE ACCIDENTAL HAND BRUSHES GRRRR. in conclusion, i love them all.
but man,, give me ssr luck… literally, im in pain…
now that the excitement’s worn off, i can now judge things properly. i think that… the pacing is horrible. like the plot is good, genuinely, but there’s just,, so much to explore abt this. if you think abt it, this is the climax and yet we didnt get much. scratch that. we got a lot but it’s all underdeveloped that it felt like nothing. we go to sangonimiya, got promoted, became captain for like, one sec before we are sent onto an investigation that didnt really produce any results bc app teppei alr knows everything? and then the delusion thing is a good plot point but it’s not really explored? just… a lot of things are left unexplored and i think that story wise, a lot of the possible lore explanations went down the drain. it would’ve been nice if we saw more abt the rebellion and if we had gotten to know whats the real deal w the commissions but eh… idk… i would’ve rather done more quests abt this whole storyline than like… do that whole dance w the three people who lost their vision in 2.0.
if im going to be honest, la signora is such a wasted character. like maybe her death was just for the shock factor or maybe it’s to prepare us for more harbinger encounters in the future.. idk but she’s such a good character from what we’ve seen but we know jack shit abt her and her motives. we know a little from the artifact set but beyond that, what do we have?
precisely! that’s how i feel abt this whole thing when we’re talking seriously. like w ei, i dont really agree w whatever they’re doing but i want to understand why they do the things that they do. everything has a reason and their psychology is just interesting to me.
i think scaramouche’s nature makes it easy for him to disregard human life. call it arrogance or whatever but ultimately, he’s seeing himself as smth above all these people bc he’s more or less capable of standing toe to toe w a god. why should he bother telling signora? it’s not like he gains anything if he does. i think that when he got the gnosis, he’s just ‘well she dies if she dies. who cares abt that? i dont have any need for incompetent colleagues anw’ i agree and i dont think he orchestrated her death but at the same time, he just allowed it to happen too.
as for signora, i’m actually surprised? for the most part, i think that the harbingers took their posts for selfish reasons. for scara, it’s to entertain himself and pass time. for childe, it’s to fight and grow stronger. for dottore, it’s to conduct dubious research w/o anyone stopping him. i expected signora to have some similar motive like power or money but it seems like she does actually believe in the tsaritsa? it would be very intriguing if signora’s main motive in becoming a harbinger is simply bc she is loyal to the tsaritsa and her will. bc in contrast, i think scara and dottore are more loyal to the fact that the tsaritsa can give them what they want, not bc they actually like her. actually, idek if they’re willing to die for her lol. like i wouldnt be surprised if they suddenly abandon post in a life or death situation but who knows…
in any case, they are very good antagonists. i like yo think that the tsaritsa isnt as bad as the game portrays her to be… of all the gods, she’s the one im looking forward to the most but… haha… what version would that be….
i’m almost certain that they’ll make us fight our twin maybe before we face the unknown god? if one of them dies, i would be very sad. like legit. but knowing mhy, well, our twin is almost 100% a walking death flag.
anw i’m shutting up rn— i also spoke too much kahdjabdhakbsjansb—
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00pbz · 6 years
cant sleep bc im.. anxious
we decided 2 celebrate rens bday today and.. it was the first time after awhile where i hung out w ppl (the first time after all the drama w w*de)
all in all it wasnt that bad? i had fun and ate (thankfully my fast times aligned w when we were hanging out so i didnt have to explain 2 anyone why i just , wasnt eating for most of the day)
mentioned to alex that i thought he was mad at me/hated me for like half of spring break,, he had to work on stuff but i was like “o ill tell u after u finish :)” n he was like “URE TRYING TO DISTRACT ME” n i was like “yea but its working :)))” n u know what? i was right! he forgot abt it and didnt ask again the rest of the night!!!
which im glad abt bc.. i dont rlly wna rehash things but also? i did kind of want to get it off my chest so hhhhh
anw i think nick esp was trying to b extra nice to me (hes usually one of the best at like.. picking up on how im feeling n all that) but i felt bad bc , im shit at conversation n im so awkward n just :^((((
hanging out w ppl was , ok? it was a lil hard when ppl mentioned things i wasnt even aware of (ie: oh this thing u guys r all talking abt seeing the other night? oop guess i wasn’t there!) but i did it to myself by going Full ghost mode on everyone so i cant rlly fault them for tht
i also just feel so shitty in my body ? like seeing the way i look on camera n shit like that makes me feel so so nasty ...... like im trying to start fasting n eating better n working out but :/ theres So Much wrong w me...
ren mentioned wanting 2 go to the pool n i was like hell yeah!!! but also Wait bc i gta get fit first so im not just this ugly ass bitch floppin around next to all of u....
but to lose weight,, sleep is rlly important so :( mb ill sleep tmrw
i just feel so gross in my Body and even just in my friend group bc, there r so many thoughts in my head n i have no one to talk to them to n AHHHHHH
like the body thing i figure ill get over once i get Fit and all tht but like ,, for rn while im still Large and ugly....... no thank u ! ill pass on that baybee
anw im just . going thru it and i dont know how to reach out n ask for help but thats cool ! its whatever !!! hahaha im gna get through this somehow
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mxtchalilies · 3 years
rimi chan! hi hi hi ‘m sorry for such rlly late reply! ahhh it’s alright, as long as you do take care and rest. i get that sometimes we just can’t help but rush things, i sometimes like that too (pls there’s nothing to be sorry at all lovely!). yes especially baji san’s death, the moebius arc already got me shock enough but soon relieved to know the draken lived,, but i DID NOT EXPECT BAJI ASDFGHJKL i thought he was gunna live 😭💔 watching tokyo revengers must have got me in tears for more than twice i swear — ToT (also u like mikey? ooo good taste 👍✨)
oh well, whatever projects they are, hope you’ll fin ‘em soon! yea rn for me half way thru first week of school already got me real busy and exhausted. for the last 2 days i got loads of work to do too (but i already fin ‘em now haha), so i agree. please lessen the work and projects on students. please we also need rest TwT and you’re welcome darling!
whaaaa thank you so so much sweetheart! okay so ah as i’ve said above on monday i got an art project — uh it’s a test actually, which the teacher give us one week to fin but for me who’s too lazy to procrastinate it away (only for me to be even more lazy 😂) i decided to do it right away which take me like 2 whole days + also having to or at least try to focus on classes and taking notes and stuff so yeah :// but luckily i finished all the work now! ‘m kinda proud with it tbh. and even tho my shoulders r still a bit sore, maybe from drawing too much or maybe bc of my earlier violin practice (if it’s about the back part my fingers hurt too lol) but they’ll be fine — anw again ‘m sorry for such late reply rimi! hope you can forgive me, pls have a luvly day or night as well!
[ SPOILERS FOR THE TOKYO REV ANIME !! ] : this gonna be a long answer; but if it's for bammie my beloved, i'll do it <333 (under the cut because again, it's long and i value yalls time <3)
bammie my dear don't feel guilty for late replies. i'd gladly wait for days for replies, i understand not everyone's free by the time i send something in and timezones differ :0 so really, i don't mind!! :D
my adrenaline and creativity all spike at different times and they're most often in the most inconvenient times ughh. notable mentions are when i get very nice fic ideas as i'm about to: sleep / enter classes / deliver speeches next / and answer a test. but then i don't have a single coherent thought when i actually get free time >:'(
baji's death has me crumbling and crying. from the moebius arc onwards, i have been anxious on my seat askjhfk. draken living is a huge relief but then the next arc baji dies and i just... i was not prepared for the emotional damage. i just wanna give them big ol' hugs and cry for them :( also yes mikey. i love everyone (ehem. except for kisaki.) but just wanna spoil mikey a tiny bit more <33
yikes, first week and you guys are exhausted already? the workload's not showing any mercy, huh? well, if anything, i'm really proud of you for working through all of it!! ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜i'm sure you did well, but don't forget to take some breaks too!! (we definitely need a petition to decrease workload or give reasonable time to work on it ssob)
so you did a test for arts? :0 eek that's gonna be quite the work for your hands ! and having to add on the note-taking for class... aaa !! DD: well, i'm sure you did well though especially considering the time you allotted for it <3
you deciding to not procrastinate the work because you were lazy is both a mood and a powermove, haha! then again, it'd make sense to do everything as much as you can before resting so you won't have to worry later :0 it's also something i practice (mostly in studies... here... not so much, unfortunately) i remember you mentioned once somewhere you play the violin, yes! i also used to play the violin back when i was in elementary! :00 stopped because i decided to prioritize my sports though.
again, i don't mind with the late response dear! you're all good <333 have a pleasant day or eve too, bammie <333
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d3ndroica · 7 years
Big Apple 8
Part 1     Part 2      Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6      Part 7
Friday morning, Madge headed to work with an extra spring in her step. Maybe because it was Friday and there was an afternoon holiday party at work. Or maybe because she had weekend plans with Gale. There was a constant fluttering in the pit of her stomach, half anticipation and half anxiety. In the morning she threw herself into the minutiae of lab work. She had a quick meeting over lunch confirming the expected schedule for the holidays - Madge had a few days off including Christmas. The lab’s holiday party was a casual thing starting at 2pm. Madge had finished most of her lab work in the morning, and as she checked email her mind wandered. Saturday dinner with Gale loomed in her mind. A Date! Okay, maybe a date. They hadn’t really specified, but Madge was feeling optimistic.
To help distract herself from the inevitable overthinking, Madge texted with Thom. He had been super grumpy since his show ended and she figured she could kill two birds with one stone, cheering him up and distracting herself. She convinced him she would come to his place for dinner and a movie or something. He only agreed because it was “totally gross” out and he had practically no disposable income, but at least he agreed.
The holiday party was, well, a bit awkward. Even though she’d done a few happy hours, having the bosses and other people she didn’t know put a damper on the party spirit. But there was wine and free food and a group gift exchange in which Madge scored a new travel mug and coffee shop gift card, so it wasn’t all bad.
She showed up at Thom’s after work with frozen pizza and ice cream. As usual, Thom proved to be an excellent distraction from whatever was on her mind. They watched a stupid comedy and made snarky comments through the whole thing. When the movie was over Thom switched over to Real Housewives and before Madge realized how late it was, she was half asleep on the couch, so she just stayed the night. Saturday was cold but clear. Madge was bundled up on the subway, reading a book on her way home when she got Gale’s message. She had to fish for the phone from her coat pocket and take off her gloves to unlock it. Gale 10:51am can’t make it tonight something came up sorry :(
Madge 10:54am OK. Everything OK?
Gale 10:55am Yeah OK. rain check?
Madge 10:57am Yeah np
Except, of course, it was a problem. Why, she wondered. He hadn’t explained, and she hadn’t asked, but it felt like rejection. Something came up, which could mean anything at all, or nothing. The idea of a rain check was little consolation.
Madge tried to make new plans. Well, she texted Rue about doing something, but Rue had a performance. She’d be free on Monday, so Madge agreed to meet up then. Madge also emailed Delly a sad diatribe about men being stupid, but mostly she felt like the stupid one. Ugh. So she wound up spending Saturday night doing laundry, watching Sex and the City streaming online, and getting drunk on cheap wine. She glared at her phone but did not text him. She’d decided that since he had canceled the plans she’d initiated, it was up to him to re-engage. Sunday she finished her holiday shopping. Delly called to commiserate about their lack of dating lives. That evening, Madge called her dad, catching him up on work and the city - everything except Gale. She didn’t talk about her dating life with family if she could avoid it. Her dad spent about 20 minutes describing the latest episode of Midsomer Murders he’d seen, practically scene by scene, except he kept mixing up which characters were which, so Madge was left with a  bizarre muddle of people who may have been blackmailing and/or sleeping with each other.
Monday rolled around all too quickly. Madge felt forlorn, a cold dreary Monday and still nothing from Gale. She had a busy day scheduled in the lab, prepping her new cell cultures. She was determined to be sure everything was pristine this time around. As she was breaking for lunch, she ran into another lab tech, Vinayak, whom she’d chatted with at the holiday party. He was watching some viral video a student had made for their biology class about cell reproduction processes - Madge had to appreciate it, it mentioned apoptosis! She got sucked into a short conversation with him and some other coworkers about it and other biomed social media. When she finally got back to her desk she checked her phone and found a series of messages waiting. Rue had messaged with a suggestion for a dive bar to meet at before the movie. And Gale had texted. Finally. Gale 11:23am hey
Gale 11:29am you free tonight?
Madge 12:41pm Sorry :( have plans Been stuck in the lab Maybe tomorrow?
Madge sighed. The more she thought about it, she realized she was angry at him. Did he think Monday night plans were just as good as Saturday? And why was it always the same day, couldn’t he make plans a few days out, give her some warning? She hadn’t really thought about it before but now it occurred to her that he had only ever made plans on the same day with her - never in advance. She wasn’t sure if that was supposed to tell her something about him - or about her. And he was mostly MIA on weekends which seemed, if anything, not promising. The whole things left her feeling grumpy. She was happy that she had enough of a life to not be at his beck and call (not a fair accounting but whatever, she still considered herself new to the city and for once she had plans so she could at least feel good about that). She was also annoyed that she wouldn’t see him.
Still, she was determined to have fun tonight, meeting up with Rue to see the latest Wonder Woman movie. Returning to the lab after lunch, Madge struggled to get through all the steps of the day’s protocol. After a hectic afternoon, Madge managed to be only a little late meeting Rue at a dive bar, just in time to take advantage of the cheap (and weak) happy hour specials before the movie. Madge barely even had time to look at her phone. They talked about the holidays - Rue’s shows were scheduled throughout so she would be in town working through all the holidays. She asked about Madge’s work. Madge started explaining her day, but gave up when she saw Rue’s blank look. They moved onto other topics before walking to the theater. The movie was entertaining, and they made vague promises of getting together again soon before each heading home.
Gale 1:03pm tomorrow should be ok I have a meeting til 5 then free
Madge 6:20pm Sounds good. I should be able to get off early tomorrow
Gale 6:41pm U up for morningside? Could eat nearby?
Madge 10:34pm ok Any ideas? Or just meet at subway stn?
Gale 10:39pm sure just meet 116th st subway @ 6?
Madge 10:50pm Soudns good ….so I just did the thing where I turned on the computer and started scanning the exact same feeds I’ve been looking at on my phone 😩😫
Gale 10:52pm 😆 home now?
Madge 10:54pm 👣🍿🎵
Gale 10:59pm long day?
Madge 11:04pm soo long It was hard But good, you know?
Gale  11:06pm you know i said day not date right? you didn’t send a going home with someone emoji
Madge smirked at her phone.
Madge 11:07pm You think if I were with long hard & good I would be on my phone?
Gale 11:08pm well good isn’t mindblowing so it depends if you want 🍆 or 💏
Madge 11:09pm It can’t be both? (Unless you’re accusing me of ethnic cleansing bc those people are weirdly yellow)
Gale 11:09pm  ok you’re alone so want to explain what was long, hard, and good for you today? inquiring minds want to know 😉
Madge 11:10pm Just another busy day curing cancer ;-)
Gale 11:11pm I heard it’s more complicated than that
Madge 11:12pm Well that’s what makes it so hard
Gale 11:14pm lol, guess i have to give you that one sounds stimulating 😎
Madge 11:16pm So - how was your day?
Gale 11:17pm well not as long or hard as yours 😉
Madge 11:18pm Well It’s not about the length of your day but what you do with it ;-) 
Gale 11:20pm 🙊 I’ll try to remember that looking forward to 2moro
Madge 11:21pm Me 2 :)
Gale 11:22pm 👍
Madge hesitated, typed, it’s a date, and told herself to press send. She wavered. She wanted him to say it was a date. Why couldn’t he say that? She knew he could see that she’d been typing. She deleted the words she’d written.
Madge 11:25pm my long day is catching up with me  See you tomorrow
Gale 11:26pm goodnight Madge set down her phone and thought about what she would wear the next day. She took a shower, washed and dried her hair. She pulled on comfy flannel pajamas and laid down for bed. And laid there. Awake.
Madge 12:13am Hi
Thom 12:15am Yo
Madge 12:16am Seeing GH tomorrow
Thom 12:17am 👍🔥  r u 2 DTF
Madge 12:18am NO We’re not even dating
Thom 12:19am nedn fuck him then u’ll know
Madge 12:21am Can you be serious for one minute? We’re supposed to go to morningside park Is that a terrible idea?
Thom 12:22am u rly worried?
Madge 12:23am I barely know him and we’re going for a nighttime stroll in a strange park. If this were a horror movie I’d be saying how dumb I was
Thom 12:24am STOP UR NOT IN A MOVIE anw he’s mr consent 100% ggg
Madge laughed out loud at that - mostly at herself. She didn’t even know where that had come from but Thom as usual managed to calm her while bordering on TMI.
Madge 12:25am lol Sorry
Thom 12:26am npgf now go 2 bed b ;)
Tuesday morning she opted for a shorter workout than usual, allowing some extra time to prepare for that night. She could not even pretend she thought this was going to be casual. She was still a little annoyed at him, but having a little advance warning was better than none. She could at least pick out her outfit knowing she’d see him.
She wondered what would happen. She knew she could be in for a big disappointment, but she couldn’t help hope. As distracted as she was, work was helpful for keeping her occupied. She was still determined to get the labwork right. She managed to push most of the thoughts of Gale to the side as she peered into her microscope to observe her lab cultures.
They sent a few texts midday, not much more than confirming the night’s plans. Before she knew where the time had gone, it was 6pm and she was packed with a thousand other strangers on the train, protecting her small allotment of breathing room from the other jostling passengers, speeding towards … something. She came through the turnstiles and he was there. Leaning on the wall, head bent down toward his phone, his eyes were skimming the turnstiles. For her. Her heart beat a little faster. How long had it been? He looked good. He was clean shaven; he wore a beanie with a Knicks logo pulled down low over his head.
Was this happening? She ran her fingers through her hair and walked over. Gale smiled when he saw her and tucked his phone into a pocket. His “hi” was warm. Madge’s mind chased the question whether it was a friendly warm or something more. If she had been hoping for time to stop, it didn’t - their eyes met for a moment and then suddenly he was adjusting his scarf and leading her toward the subway exit far too quickly.
She had done a cursory web search to see what food was nearby. Maybe Gale had too, or maybe he just knew the neighborhood. As they left the station he said, “Well, there’s seafood, a beer garden, or middle eastern right on the corner. There’s other stuff nearby. What are you in the mood for?”
“How about middle eastern?” she suggested. “I haven’t had a good falafel in ages.” Madge had already checked out their website.
“Falafel?” From his dubious tone, she guessed it wasn’t what he’d expected her to choose. 
“Is that okay?” She quirked up an eyebrow and looked at him. She had assumed he would be okay with his own list.
“Sure,” he agreed, seeming amused.
They quickly spotted the middle eastern cafe across the street, with a cute storefront. Gale took that extra stride as they approached the door and held it open for her. As he stepped through after her, Madge rubbed her hands in the warmth of the cafe.
They were led to a small table along the wall, and quickly shed their coats and scarves. They sat, Madge facing the inner restaurant and Gale facing the window, coats draped over chairs. Sitting across from each other, Gale asked Madge about her day. Whether real or imagined, the gleam in his eye led her thoughts directly to the long and hard convo … Shit, was he trying to be dirty or was it just her? It was going to be harder to keep her head clear with him right here in front of her. Madge saw the waiter coming to fill their water glasses and opened her menu as if to remind herself where they were. She was sure her cheeks flushed as she rambled something about her workday. When she asked about his day, Gale talked briefly about work, about working through bugs in their code, and a customer who kept changing their priorities.  
The menu choices looked pretty standard by Madge’s experience. They decided to share the appetizer sampler which included hummus, baba ghanoush, grape leaves and the like. Madge added falafel; Gale picked chicken shawarma. It wasn’t long before they’d put in their order with the young waiter.
Soon after the drinks arrived Gale asked, “So when are you going home for Christmas?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah,” she said. “Not til next week, my flight is Tuesday. I hope the weather doesn’t mess up my flights or anything. I’m just going for a few days - visit my dad and see a few friends. You?”
Gale shook his head. “Still need to get tickets. I’m going, I just don’t know the details yet.”
“Really? Isn’t it kind of late for that?”
“Well, I’m just catching a train. I’ll figure it out this week.”
Madge shook her head, amazed at how cavalier he was about leaving Christmas travel details to the last minute. “What about work?” she asked. As odd as it seemed, he had to know what he was doing; unlike her, he had done this before. He had lived here a lot longer than her.
“I took some time off,” he shrugged. “And i can work remotely if i need to.”
“Must be nice,” she answered.
Talking about Christmas plans led to talking about family. Gale talked about his more than she expected - two college aged brothers she had trouble keeping straight, and a twelve year old sister. He seemed extremely protective and fond of them. The waiter came and went, bringing appetizers and main courses. Gale asked about her family and hometown, things she usually didn’t talk much about.
She told him about her dad’s obsession with British crime dramas. ”We always watch a few when I’m home, except half the time he falls asleep in the middle, so I don’t know what the point is,” she laughed.
One side of Gale’s mouth twisted up in a half smile and their gazes held. “What do you do if he falls asleep?” He popped the last stuffed grape leaf into his mouth.
Madge shrugged. “I still watch it. I mean, by then I’m usually hooked anyway.”
“Are you sure he’s the one who’s obsessed?” he asked with a smirk.
They dawdled over the last crumbs on their plates until Madge asked the passing waiter for the bill. Turning back to Gale she asked, “So how far is Morningside from here?”
“A couple blocks. But we don’t have to go tonight,” Gale hedged.
“No I want to,” Madge countered. “I mean, that was the plan right? And a walk would be nice.”
“Okay, then,” Gale agreed, but he didn’t seem as enthusiastic as Madge had expected. A little doubt worried her thoughts.
After Madge paid the bill, they pulled their coats on and headed for the street. “Thanks for dinner,” Gale said.
“Well I did owe you,” she answered. “But you’re welcome.”
Outside the sky was that strange shade of purple caused by orange city lights reflecting off the dark clouds overhead. The streetlights lit their way down 116th street to the park. Madge shivered against the cold and pulled her gloves on as they walked.
“We could do the park another time,” Gale offered. “If it’s too cold.”
“Shut up,” Madge said, eyeing the darkness ahead of them. “I’ll be fine once we’re walking.”
Other than her toes, because her boots that could both look good and can handle walking were not well insulated, and her nose, she did warm quickly. She kept her hands in her pockets,mostly because Gale’s hands were in his pockets. Now that they were on their way, Gale seemed relaxed.             
As they approached the park, Madge’s uncertainty grew. She felt her awareness of the dark shadows ramping up and her heartbeat picking up the pace.
“Do you do this a lot?” she asked.
“No,” he admitted with a grin. A jogger with a dog passed by.  
“I’m all for trying new things but are you sure this is safe? Because it seems kinda crazy. And I would really like to not wake up dead in a ditch somewhere tomorrow.”
“Trust me, we’ll be fine,” he shrugged off her concern. “Give it a chance and if you want to leave, just say so and we’ll leave. Buddy system, remember?” On her own, Madge thought the buddy system sounded awfully platonic, but somehow he made it sound flirtatious.
“Right,” she said.
There weren’t many people around, just a few figures here and there who all appeared to be on their way somewhere. Gale headed to the left when they entered the park. There were street lamps here and there providing pools of light enough to follow the path easily. You could see the buildings on either side of the park, the ones to the west towering over them from the top of a steep and tree-covered hillside. They walked together past the dog run where a few stragglers were still chasing each other. Their owners stood off to one side, chatting to pass the time while watching the dogs. Gale raised an arm in a friendly gesture; one of the dog walkers reciprocated. When they reached a fork in the path, they turned further into the park and north again. 
Other than being dark off the path, the park seemed fairly innocuous. Madge’s nerves began to calm down. “So is this your favorite park?” she asked. 
Gale shook his head. “Nah. It’s too small. But I like it. It feels homey.”
“Homey?” Madge was dubious. 
“Well, yeah. You’ve got playgrounds and b-ball hoops, baseball fields, the dog walk. You’ll have to see it in the daylight sometime,” Gale said.
Madge pursed her lips, annoyed.
Gale must have realized it.  “Sorry I bailed on Saturday,” he said quietly.
“Uh-huh,” Madge replied, noncommittal. The silence stretched between them as she debated whether to ask more. Her mouth was dry. “So … what happened?”
With a rueful sigh Gale answered, “um, well. It’s not a good story. My roommate Jimmy had stomach flu last week. As in, literally immediately after we talked about getting together, he starts puking his guts out. And doesn’t stop. I was kind of hoping it was just food poisoning or something. But then it hit Carlo on Saturday morning. I figured I was next.”
“Oh,” Madge said, wrinkling her nose and, to be honest, trying not to laugh.
“It wasn’t pretty,” he added. “I basically spent the weekend watching sports in my room and cleaning everything in the apartment. I figured if we came Saturday I’d ruin it by getting sick. Or something. It didn’t matter - I never got sick, but still - guess I got lucky. They’re both fine now, anyway.”
“Oh, that’s good,” she agreed. “So ...  um. Why didn’t you say so?”
“Sorry,” he sighed. “It’s not exactly, you know, a pleasant image. I was going to email you … but I don’t have your email. So that plan kinda fell apart.”
“Oh,” she said. “Well I’m glad you’re okay. And at least we’re here now.” She was mostly relieved that it was a decent reason. Still, if she had only known, the last few days would have been easier, at least. But, complaining now seemed silly -she felt immature, and didn’t want him to know she’d felt so insecure and jealous over it. She had no right to feel those things.
“Yeah, we are,” Gale agreed, his mouth curving into a smile as he looked back at her - she hadn’t even realized she’d slowed down. He reached out a hand to her. “C’mon, then.”  She took it, feeling his heat through the fingers of her gloves.
Up ahead there was water on their left, between the hillside - no, the cliff - and the path. Madge eyed the water as they walked. She joked, “My roommate knows where I am and who I’m with. So, you know, you can forget about any plans you had to slash my throat and toss my body in the water.” The cliff face across the water looked imposing in the dark, a hulking shadow.
“What?” Gale shook his head. “Wow that would make me the worst buddy ever.”
“I’m just saying, logically, it’s a bad idea,” she argued, trying to sound matter of fact.
“Oh, thanks,” Gale answered. “Is that supposed to make me feel better? I think you’ve been watching too many crime dramas with your dad. And come on,  Slash your throat? Seems unnecessarily messy.”
She laughed.
“Besides this is no place to dump a body. It’s not THAT remote,” he scoffed.
“Oh, thanks, that’s comforting,” she answered, still laughing.
“Well when you said you were afraid to go in city parks alone in the dark I had no idea you would accuse me of being a knife-wielding maniac.”
“I never said maniac,” she protested.
“It was implied. If you can’t trust your buddy who can you trust?”
“I trust you,” She grumbled. “But -”
“But what?”
“You want to talk about implications, how about this? What are the implications of me being alone with you in a strange park at night. I want to see the park and I’m sure it’s great but it’s really not why I’m here. If you want to be buddies that’s fine, but -”
He cut her off, saying, “I thought it would be romantic.”
“The park. I thought it would be romantic. A walk through the park, moonlight, holding hands.“
Madge stepped in close. She tilted her face to his and kissed him. Her lips moved against his, soft and slow. He responded, and she felt his arms wrap around her.
She smiled against his lips.
“Romantic, huh?”
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llonelywater · 7 years
it is 1130pm and i have officially finished my entire surgical track. my entire surgical track!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
because i am still a massive loser i woke up multiple times again this morning and then had diarrhoea before setting off to cgh HAHAHAH omg it’s turning into some pre-clinicals ritual zzz. 
anw! ever since the final bell rang today ive just been floating around in a daze. was initially just super relieved but as the day crept on i kept thinking about little mistakes here and there that i made, or answers that couldve been better worded.... and then i want to slap myself like wtf! linz!!!! that is just super greedy!!!!! can you please be thankful!!!!!!!! and i am thankful for: 
1. a decent historian who - while frustratingly adamant on not giving out the diagnosis at the beginning - was beautifully primed and gave me a history that was not tortuous, not misleading, and not complex... a cold case with a clear timeline!! how fortunate is that!!! 
2. it was an approach to IO!!! IO!!!!! not mouth lump that i feared hahahaha
3. the underlying diagnosis was sigmoid CA!!! not haemorrhoids hahaha. again, how lucky is that!!!
4. the super lovely MO who kept smiling at me and nodding every single time i said something correct, and who put everything including reference ranges in a nice ppt slide for me 
5. the passive examiner who was also smiling and nodding throughout
6. the stern looking examiner who - even though he looked so fierce initially hahahaha saw him the first thing before entering the room omg almost lost my will to live within the 0.1s - asked me very fair questions and who guided me when i was going the wrong way and pushed me within reasonable limits when he thought i could give him better answers 
7. and at the end!!!! when the bell rang!!!!!!! the active examiner just broke into this HUGE smile like i really thought i was hallucinating bc it was such a drastic change from the straight face he’d been wearing for the past 35 min and he said well done, well done. and then the passive and MO turned to me and smiled too and said, well done. omg i nearly cried and fainted on the spot cos i was so relieved 
tbh.... at first while thinking over the case throughout the day i was a little sad that i didnt do everything 10000% PERFECTLY. like oh i forgot to rule out hypothyroidism. or oh shucks during the presentation i forgot to talk about these important negatives or the fact that the pt was on chemo. and not answering a question properly bc i misheard the examiner when i knew the answer to the question (like rly wouldve been 90s of verbal diarrhoea on tpn vs parenteral feeding...) but then i was like... nobody shortchanged me but myself. so there is really no point AT ALL feeling upset about it. the patient was a superb historian (if probed in the correct direction haha) and the examiners asked very, very fair questions. so every every mistake is mine; it’s my fault for not listening carefully, for not practicing enough, for being stressed out under exam conditions. bc an exam doesnt just test your theoretical knowledge... almost everyone will be able to think about hypothyroidism as a cause of IO if given enough time while being in the right environment. but true skill is thinking about something as forgettable as hypothyroidism amidst the stressful exam situation, in the middle of the most important surgical case of your life, and applying it within the tight time constraints. am i good enough to do that? probably not. so i concede the mark and i should do so without a grudge! 
so much mindless rambling above haha. but i just wanted to write it down to remind myself again that results arent everything!! yesterday while cramming last min info v distractedly i thought to myself, i hope that i will be able to enter the exam tomorrow with my ex-patients in mind. like mdm r and mdm t and mr k and... all of them haha. every last patient who taught me one thing or another. i rmb while practicing for shorts with jt we’d keep forgetting to thank each other at the end haha and fretting that we’d lose the professionalism marks. but then i was like... actually when you really see a patient it’s quite intuitive that you would wanna thank them after right! and we’d shrugged and laughed. but it’s really true. like i can forget to do the simplest things or say the stupidest things in the exam hall but ive not forgotten to thank a single patient since mbbs started... because it comes naturally always. cannot count on my brain to be functional all the time haha. but can always count on my gratitude to be true. 
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cantalooprat · 2 years
I Like Your Pheromones
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What I Liked
is this the omegaverse of my dreams, the danmei omegaverse i've always wanted to read?
duan jiayan is such a dense dumbass lmao ok it's understandable considering he's always thought he was a beta but i lowkey just felt so much pity for the ml for chasing him akjdlds ok ok but i like how thoughtful he actually is. like abt his family situation and his mother's remarriage, and how he's prob lonely inside but in the end realizes that some things just can't be measured in give and take and just does his best with what he has. and how once he got confessed to by lu xingci, he really started to consider the things lu xingci has done for him and how if he accepts now, it could be misconstrued as him accepting lu xingci's feelings and he doesn't want to lead him on. anw he's a great guy.
lu xingci is also such a good alpha good god he's gentle, respectful, sweet, but also with that repressed feral possessiveness that every reader craves for when seeking omegaverse stories to read. he is such a henpecked husband tho. he might be the alpha but duan jiayan is the one holding the reins in their relationship. i also like how he banters with duan jiayan and makes him speechless nghhhh truly the one with the brains.
yo i am so glad shen chilie isn't a second male lead childhood friend who's destined to lose. for once! he's just a normal friend! with normal concerns! and once he sees that lu xingci is good alpha material, he immediately warms up to him and his friends! u go dude!
there's no real plot it's just a fluffy highschool romcom in an omegaverse setting. i smiled a lot reading it. it's so cute! it's really cute! 
at this rate i need an actual subsection for ost, but anw the audio drama ost is also rly good! they even made one of the songs that was playing in-universe into an ost!
speaking of said ost, the moment in the wn where lxc realized his feelings for djy while the song was playing is such an iconic moment for me, whenever the ost plays i just picture that scene in my mind when djy turns around and asks if he’s good looking and lxc is like en you’re the best looking while inwardly he’s finally admitted that he likes djy ahhhhhh
What I Disliked
reading abt duan jiayan sometimes is so... he's so naive and defenseless, like when he decided not to take an inhibitor during his heat on his bday and let lu xingci do whatever bc duan jiayan loves him a lot even though shen chilie painstakingly tells him it’s dangerous n that he needs to draw some lines. it's good he met someone good like lu xingci, or else he can easily be one of those bad end shou type of char if he gave his all to a scum gong…
duan jiayan’s family background could have been explored a little more, or the author could’ve leaned more towards how he could find a home with lu xingci i feel
fak me it’s another unfinished tl i have to do the tbbf cope and parallel-read mtl and the raw /crying
the quote below actually came from the in-universe song that was playing when lu xingci realized his feelings for duan jiayan it’s kind of… cheating… but it’s an actual quote… rly…
220516 edit: adlkjfslsdf I FINALLY FINISHED IT… I MTL-ED THE REST… finished the last 3 extra chapters today, hngggg even the extras r super cute /crying /crying when lxc wanted to get married but still didn’t mark djy bc djy’s underdeveloped glands caused him to be able to have only one alpha in this lifetime, and lxc rly wants him to be sure… /crying wuwuwuwuwu i love them xingyan forever i’m so glad they’re married and happy and they even have a cat my heart felt so full reading all the extras
i like it so much i’ll prob buy the wn the next time i top up jjwxc
You're the most dazzling The spring breeze squeezing in between the pages of a book The summer sunset floating with the scent of flowers and grass The autumn moonlight stopping under the streetlight The winter fine snow hitting against the glass window After meeting you, the wind, flowers, snow, and moon all lost their radiance
“When you’re with him, you’ll feel like every day is a happy one.”
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
why hello 🌻 and 🍀 anon! it's nice to meet you :D
on the good side, i think i'm eligible for the vaccine? it's available to ppl ages 12 and above so that's good. but it's sorta debatable whether it rlly works considering what i've heard from the news so eh, i won't put my faith in it. if it works it works, if it doesn't it doesn't. the only loss is that i could catch cv even with it, but i doubt i'm gonna die that easily anyways
also, this is mostly to remind me but like, ppl are bad. like genuinely bad. it's honestly better invest your time and affections into a pet like dogs or smth considering they're literally the most pure beings that cannot lie. humans on the other hand... ha. ha. ha. i'm just lucky that i don't develop emotional attachment to ppl like, at all. most ppl i used to trust are from my childhood, and they're not good ppl either, which is... fun. humanity is disappointing me day by day :)
— r. anon
oooh that’s good, that’s good. vaccines don’t really function as a miracle cure or a ‘if-you-take-this-you-won’t-get-infected-doctors-hate-it’ kind of thing. rather, it’s like putting a dog inside your house that would shoo away intruders faster than you would if you have to wait to wake up or smth. whether it works or whether it doesn’t, you should take the vaccine if you can. it is after all, better to be safe and in this case, being ready for a possible infection rather than waiting with nothing for a possible infection is better.
i don’t want to say ‘ugh not all people 😌✋’ bc honestly? people are bad. also bc i’d hate to disregard your very, very valid feelings. however, i’m a little concerned? idk what kind of people you’re surrounding yourself w that your thought process went immediately to ew. anw, i don’t think they’re ‘it’, chief. u should just separate yourself from them or smth. hopefully, you meet someone that would restore even a tinsy bit of your faith in humanity but rn, i’m hoping for you to at least be happy w the non-human things in life more.
have a good day, r anon! it feels like it’s been a while since we last talked and i missed talking to you ☺️👉👈
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tartagliaxx · 4 years
first of all, your childe fic was amazing! i honestly thought it was gonna end in angst at first bc that's how my mind works but i'm glad that i don't have to cry a river for tortilla
second, i finally got to ar50 and ascended xiao to lvl90. he took about 1 million mora off me bc i also had to lvl his talents to 8-7-7. yes i am a simp for him and no, i do not take questions lmao
diluc is my next target, but i need to grind way more for him than i did for xiao. luckily, the leyline overflow event will save me (hopefully). the boss is easy with xiao + barbara, the only limiting factor is literally the resins. i have barely 1 million mora left for him, let's hope it's enough lol
not having slept in almost 24 hours is doing smth to me, and it's not good, so i'm gonna try to go sleep. i dunno how to end this so pls take care of yourself and drink some water after you read this :D
— r. anon
aksjdkjkslal well we can’t have our tears messing up our food amirite?? in any case, thanks for saying that? it’s not a big work compared to some of the things i already posted but... well i like its simplicity.
one million mora?! ahahahahahha wait so... i have this weird thing i do where i stop any sort of upgrade when i reach the hundred thousands bc i hate-hate being broke-broke and one million is my lower limit. and i usually touch talents last bc they’re the most expensive from the get-go. anw congrats on getting xiao to lvl 90! are you going to ascend to wl 7 now?
i have to say, as a fellow diluc haver, that pyro regisvine can go suck my (redacted). but seriously, the gemstone droprate is so horrendous that it just takes ages. and don’t get me started on the mora. please mhy. give us discounts. idk if having mona and zhongli, both brokelords, in my account is bad luck or what. hope you’ll have better financial stability than i do!
oh my god nonnie pls sleep im begging. uh, im told lavender scents help? maybe that would make sleep come easier for you. anw, thanks for telling me to drink water bc im in bed and i was planning to not drink any water which is bad when you just woke up. stay hydrated, kiddos.
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