#bc like 18 people voted het i think so far
blondiest · 10 months
so sincerely, if you HC mello as straight, pretty pretty please tell me why (anonymously is fine) — if it has to do with shipping him with a female character, why do you HC him as het rather than bi? inquiring minds (me) need to know <3
literally even if it's SOLELY a vibe thing to you, just drop me a line and be like. “idk i get straight vibes.” i am certain i will not understand, but i am VERY curious and i pinky promise i will be nice !!
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aarafox · 7 years
"hi i'm not from the us" asks! i wanna ask a bunch so here xD 1, 2, 4-10, 13-22, 24, 26, 28, 29
Ahhahahahah omg thank you so much Myrsky!! This is gonna be a super long post xD I sent you a bunch so we can work on our answers at the same time ;)
“hi, I’m not from the US” ask set
1. Favourite place in your country?
I really like the Veluwe!! It’s a beautiful place of nature and there are lots of deer!!!!!!!! We go on vacation with our family there once in a while and I’ve always loved it :) and I also really like our small islands in the north! We go to one of them almost every year and they’re very beautiful and peaceful, lots of nature and no flats, so yeah those places I really love!
2. Do you prefer spending your holidays in your country or travel abroad?
Actually, I do like going on vacation here! It’s close to home, everyone speaks our language, and as I said in the previous question we often go on vacation with our family in the Netherlands, so that’s also why I like it :D I think going abroad also stresses me out a little more for some reason, but I do like other countries as well
4. Favourite dish specific for your country?
FRIKANDEL!!! This is a meat-y piece of meat that I’ve only encountered in other countries at places where lots of Dutch people visit! They’re super delicious and I’ll probably always love them haha xD
5. Favourite song in your native language?
Ooooooooooooo heck let me think… I really have no idea tbh, I don’t really listen to many Dutch songs, but one that I enjoy singing with my music partner is called “Het Regent Zonnestralen” (”It Rains Sunshine”) by Acda & De Munnik :D
6. Most hated song in your native language?
Oh blegh, so many!! But there’s this one that’s called “drank en drugs” (”alcohol and drugs”) and it’s just… why would you make a song like that >
7. Three words from your native language that you like the most?
Heck, uhmmmm, “schitterend”, “tinkelen” and “broeder” I think XD they mean “shining/wonderful”, “tinkle” and “brother” lol
8. Do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom?
Hmmm not in my experience? Maybe German bc some people can’t see the difference between Dutch and German :p when I speak English they don’t often guess I’m Dutch I think
9. Which of your neighbouring countries would you like to visit most/know best?
I love Great Britain the most I think!! Wonderful nature and the accents are great; I probably know it best too bc I’m studying English Literature and Culture xD so yeah I want to visit it again!
10. Most enjoyable swear word in your native language?
KUT lmao, or poep
13. Does your country (or family) have any specific superstitions or traditions that might seem strange to outsiders?
Answered in this ask! :D
14. Do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
Actually I do! By far not everything, many movies are cliche and always feature the same actors, but we’ve had some awesome shows and series here! “Flikken Maastricht” (”Police Maastricht”) is my fave series and “Zondag met Lubach” (”Sunday with Lubach”) and “Wie is de Mol” (”Who is the Mole”) are two of my fave shows!
15. A saying, joke, or hermetic meme that only people from your country will get?
Answered in this ask as well! :D
16. Which stereotype about your country you hate the most and which one you somewhat agree with?
The one I hate the most is that everyone smokes weed bc nooooooo we don’t! Tho Amsterdam smells like weed at many places lol; I agree with the one about the mills bc we have a lot of mills and I like mills xD
17. Are you interested in your country’s history?
Hmmm, not necessarily, I’m more interested in the way our history is taught in schools, bc the Netherlands have a history of slavery but we hardly get it taught in schools and I think that’s wrong. For the rest I care about the history of specific places, such as Utrecht or the north, where there were Vikings in the Middle Ages! So I like those :D but not the kind of history everyone always hypes about
18. Do you speak with a dialect of your native language?
19. Do you like your country’s flag and/or emblem? what about the national anthem?
I like the flag I guess tho I don’t know what exactly the colours? I don’t really like our anthem bc in it we sing that we honour the king of Spain and have German blood and all, and since none of those countries mention the Netherlands in their anthem I think we shouldn’t mention them in ours xD an eye for an eye folks! We don’t have to go all nationalistic and shit but I think by now we could make something more fitting haha
20. Which sport is The Sport in your country?
Football I think >.> everyone always goes wild during the world championships or European championships haha
21. If you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be?
A mill! XD and a frikandel!
22. What makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed?
It makes me proud that we’re the first country in the world to legalise same-sex marriage! Every time I’m reminded of it I go yaaaaay Netherlands!!! I’m less proud about these extreme right people who comment dumb stuff on Facebook and vote for one of the biggest idiots of our country and who don’t think of other people; and those who think their own needs and traditions are more important than minorities being hurt or refugees seeking a safe place to stay
24. What other nation is joked about most often in your country?
Belgium XDDDDDDDD without a doubt hahaha
26. Does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal?
Also answered in this ask! :D
28. Does your country have a lot of lakes, mountains, rivers? do you have favourites?
Some lakes, no mountains, many rivers! The lakes are mostly men-made tho, and in the south of our country we have many hills which are beautiful :D we also have some forests and boy do I love forests!!
29. Does your region/city have a beef with another place in your country?
I don’t know what that means xD is “have a beef” mean that you’re fighting or something? If that’s the case not really I think, tho we did have a clash with Amsterdam in the Middle Ages, I discovered last Friday xD but ehhh, no we only have fights with other cities when it’s about football -_-
Haha thanks Myrsky!! Really enjoyed this ^0^ enjoy the questions I sent you! ;)
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