#bc it’s not something that needs to be worried about
alvojake · 2 days
Vipers Touch | L.HS
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「pairing」 : heeseung x fem!reader 「word count」 : 5.4k
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「synopsis」 : being a princess was tiring, and you hated it. you wanted out—to become just a normal person, to be free. but there was only one person who could help you, the dark warlock that no one bothered because of his practices. you had no other choice but to go visit him; however, were you willing to take him up on his offer to gain your freedom, even if it meant losing a bit of your self-worth?
「genre」 : DARK THEMES!!!, nasty smut, dark warlock!heeseung, princess!reader
「warnings」 : MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!!, cussing, unprotected sex, usage of aphrodisiacs, dub-con, manipulation, petnames (princess, bunny...), dom!heeseung x sub!reader, choking, finger choking, degradation, derogatory names (slut...), oral (f. receiving), cum eating, usage of magic, bondage, overstimulation, dacryphilia, teasing, biting/marking, bludge kink, slight manhandling, breeding, dumbification, power play, fingering, slight clit biting, clit play, squirting, spanking, passing out, lmk if I missed anything!
「notes」 : this is for my favorite girasole rae (@dr0wnme0ut)!! I wish you the happiest birthday in the world bc god only knows that you need it!! I may or may not have gone a little stir crazy with this... but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless!! also, I started growing delirious towards the end and while editing, so I apologize if the ending is trash and if there are any mistakes!! besides all of that, happy reading, sweets!!!
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“M’lady, I sincerely do not think this is a good idea,” Your royal advisor, who just so happened to be your childhood best friend, Vernon spoke as he slowly walked behind you. “What if your father finds out? Worst yet, what happens if it doesn’t work?”
“Vernon, you worry too much; my father will not find out.” You looked over your shoulder, a smirk playing on your lips. “It’ll work, I’m sure. People aren’t scared of him for no reason.”
Vernon let out a defeated sigh, knowing that he wasn’t going to be able to talk you out of this. So he just handed you the clock in his arms before watching you tie it over your shoulders and pull the hood over your head. You then slipped out of the secret door that was hidden in the furthest wall of the kitchen, leading right out to the stables.
Slipping out under the cover of the night to go see a dark warlock probably wasn’t the best idea, but you didn’t have any other choice. Your father was adamant about finding you a suitor before the end of the month, meaning you didn’t have much time left to find a way out.
Walking into the stables you were welcomed by the huffs and whines of the few horses that were in their stalls.
“Hi, guys.” You greeted the creatures before walking over to your personal horse, Starlight. She was a beautiful, sleek black horse with white streaks in her mane and tail. Reaching out, you patted her snout a few times before grabbing her saddle, “C’mon girl, we’ve got a rough ride ahead of us.”
After saddling her up you walked her out of the stable, closing the door behind you. Grabbing the reins you put your foot in the stirrup before pulling yourself up to sit up on Starlight’s saddle. Glad that you had opted for not wearing a dress but rather a blouse and a pair of slacks.
Sighing deeply, you patted the horse’s neck before grabbing the reins once more, “Alright, girl… let’s get a move on.”
And just like that, the two of you set off into the night on the hunt for this dark warlock that you believed was the key to solving all of your problems.
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“Haven’t we been here already?” Your eyebrows furrow as you take a look at your surroundings. However, you can hardly tell because all of the trees look the same. Pulling on the reins, you stopped Starlight, who let out a soft huff. 
Something about this place felt off like something was missing. The only sounds were those of the insects and wildlife around you, as well as the soft breeze that blew through the trees. Yet you couldn’t help but feel uneasy, something in your gut telling you to turn around.
Swallowing thickly you closed your eyes, taking a deep breath to center yourself. You had to do this; you had no other choice, especially if you wanted to get out of this life you’re living right now. So, giving yourself a curt nod, you nudge Starlight forward, keeping a keen eye out.
It took you almost five hours before you were able to even find any kind of sign as to where this warlock was hiding. However, after walking into the opening where the hut was sitting, you couldn’t help but notice that something was off.
It was quiet. Far too quiet.
All of the sounds of insects and animals were suddenly gone, leaving behind an eerie silence. Stopping at the end of the pathway, you patted Starlight’s neck as she whined in protest, the hairs on her back standing tall. Slipping off of her back, you took another look around, trying to find any sign of life. However, there was none.
Taking a deep breath, you shook your hands out, trying to calm your nerves and racing heart. You walked forward with hesitant steps, keeping an eye on your surroundings just in case something or someone were to pop out.
Something about this whole area gave you a bad vibe. It felt as if you were in a different place entirely—not in the middle of the forest.
You started to wonder if this warlock even existed and, if he did, if this was some kind of trap that he had set up for any unwanted visitors. The same gut feeling returned, screaming at you to turn around and run home.
Despite this feeling, you continued to push forward. You’ve come this far; why would you turn around now? Letting out a huff, you reached towards the door handle, wrapping your fingers around the cool metal.
“Does being a princess mean that you lose all sense of common decency?” His voice broke the eerie silence, scaring you half to death and causing you to turn around with wide eyes. There stood a tall male, his red hair messy, his outfit completely black save for the white top under what looked to be a corset vest. “I let my vail down for you, and all I get in return are you barging into my home?” His tone was stark, eyes narrowed into slits, and hands shoved in the pockets of his trousers.
“N-No! I was just-” You started stumbling over your words, watching as he stepped closer to you. However, he was quick to cut you off, his tone sarcastic.
“Oh, so you weren’t about to just let yourself in?” He stepped even closer, and with each step he took towards you, more power you could feel radiating off of him. The energy caused the hairs on your arms to stand tall, goosebumps littering your skin.
You knew he was dangerous, but it wasn’t until now that it fully sank in. He could easily kill you if he saw fit, not giving a care to the world if you were a princess or not. Your breath hitched as he stood before you, bending down until he was at eye level with you.
“Cat got your tongue, princess?” He smirked, the feeling was sinister leaving your heart raging under your ribcage, mouth suddenly dry. Your wide eyes search his, flinching when he brings his hand up. “Well, you wanted to talk, right? Let’s talk.” With a snap of his fingers, the door behind you flung open, allowing a cold gust of air to wash over your body, intensifying your goosebumps. Looking over your shoulder a sense of dread filled your veins as you took in the dark entrance, the only lighting were the candles lit along the walls.
Looking back over at the tall male, you took in the wide smirk that was still plastered on his lips, a dark gleam in his eye. There was really no running away now. You had no other choice but to comply and talk to the warlock. So, with a shaky breath, you turn and take a hesitant step toward the door.
You stood before the red-haired male, hands interlocked in front of your body as you looked everywhere but him. He, however, kept his eyes on you, a smirk tugging on his lips at your visible fear and unease. Something that he loved seeing on those who came to visit him, although most would have run with their tails tucked between their legs by now. So, to say he was intrigued would be an understatement.
Leaning back on the desk behind him, Heeseung tilted his head slightly, arms crossed over his chest. The movement caught your eye, causing you to look over, your breath catching in your throat as you met his eyes.
“So what is it that you’re wanting princess?” His tone was cocky as if he already had an idea as to what it was you wanted. Your mouth suddenly goes dry, suddenly wary of telling him what you were wanting.
“I-” You cursed yourself internally when your voice cracked, missing the cocky look that flashed across the warlock’s face. Clearing your throat, you met his eyes once more, “I want a way out of the royal life.”
Your words only made the redhead chuckle, amused by them. The sound made your stomach churn, sure that he was mocking you. Eyebrows furrowing, you opened your mouth to speak once more, but he cut you off.
“What did daddy say no to getting you another pony?” He laughed, the action causing his lips to pull up, showcasing his pearly white teeth. However, his words left a sour taste in your mouth; who was he to mock you? Taking a breath, he met your eyes once more, that same cocky smirk lying on his lips, “You do know that you're asking for your title to be taken away, the fame, the riches, the fancy lifestyle you live, everything. Is that something you really want?”
Swallowing thickly, you nodded your head; you knew what you were asking for. Hell, you had thought about any other solution, but this was the only thing that you could think of that would actually work. Even if it meant that you lost your title and all of your wealth. You’d still take it.
“It is. I want out; I want to start anew.” Despite the shakiness in your voice, your words held truth, which only further amused Heeseung.
He had met many, many people who had asked him for the same thing. They never took his deal, though, because it would mean losing a piece of who they were. Though he had a small inkling that you would be different, and boy, was he going to have fun with you.
“Alright.” He nodded his head, pushing himself off of the wooden desk before walking towards a shelf that held countless vials and containers of liquids and unknown items. Your eyes trailed after him, the unease growing in the pit of your stomach. “I’ll give you what you want, but in exchange, I want your help.”
You already knew that it wasn’t going to be easy; you couldn't just walk in, ask and he’ll give it to you. No. He would obviously want something in return. Watching him closely, you saw him grab a beaker filled with a purple liquid and pour it into a smaller glass.
“I need help testing out this elixir and…” He turned around after capping the beaker once more. Your heart started racing as he took a few steps closer to you, only stopping when he was an arm's distance away. “You just happen to show up at the perfect time,” Your eyes fell on the glass in his hand, filled about a quarter of the way with that purple liquid. 
You then glanced up at him wearily, not entirely sure you could trust his word. How could you be sure he wasn’t trying to kill you? Or turn you into some weird creature? Monster even?
“Take this and let me record the results, then I’ll give you what you want.” His voice was smooth, with no indication of a lie. However, you still couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach, but you once again pushed it away as he held the glass out to you.
“What does it do?” You asked, shaky fingers reaching out to take the glass from him, your fingers brushing his. An electric shock jolted through your entire body, making the hairs on your arms stand tall. Noticing your reaction, Heeseung had to bite back the shit-eating grin that was threatening to pull onto his lips.
“It’s a sensory enhancer.” He started explaining as you examined the dark, glittery liquid. Confused, you looked up at him, wondering why he couldn’t just test it on himself. “It’s much better to record results from a third party.” He shrugged, the words falling from his lips as if he had just read your mind.
Turning your attention back to the elixir in your hand you contemplated the pros and cons, wondering what the worst was that could happen if you did drink it. Sighing, you pulled the glass away from your face, meeting his chocolate irises once more.
“So I take this, tell you how I feel then you give me my freedom?” You questioned, eyes narrowing slightly as his lips curled inward, a hum of agreement reverberating from his throat. “And that’s it? Just like that?”
“Just like that.” He repeated your words, holding his hands up in a mock surrender.
Looking at him with a skeptical eye, you tried to find any sign that he was lying to you, but there wasn’t one to be found. Sighing, you nodded your head, agreeing to his deal, and looked down into the glass once more. Missing the sinister gleam that had appeared in the male’s eyes.
Inhaling deeply, you tried to will your heart to calm down, repeating to yourself that it would only take a few minutes, and then you’d be on your merry way with your freedom.
Oh, but how wrong you were…
Heeseung watched as you brought the glass up to your lips, a sense of excitement coursing through his veins. It has been far too long since he’s had a new plaything, especially one as pretty as you.
As soon as the bitter liquid touched your tongue, you had to stop yourself from gagging. Your eyes started to water. Trying to ignore the taste, you downed the rest of the liquid before pulling the glass away from your lips, a gasp following.
The room was silent as you waited for something to happen, your eyes moving over to meet the redheads. A smug, sinister grin decorated his face, filling your body with a sense of dread. However, after a few moments of absolutely nothing happening, you started to believe that you had gotten the easy way out and the elixir was a dud.
A gasp fell from your lips as the glass slipped from your fingers, shattering on the floor as a sudden overwhelming heat erupted throughout your body. Your skin feeling far too warm for it being late fall, your mouth filling with excess saliva and worst of all? Your core was throbbing, yearning to be filled causing you to clench your thighs together.
“Aw, you poor naive little bunny…” Heeseung smirked as he took a step towards you, waving his hand and making the glass shards dissipate into the floor. Your breathing became ragged as you tried to step back, only to stumble. However, Heeseung was quicker. He grabbed your wrist, yanking your body towards his, hand finding the small of your back, keeping your body pressed against his. “You shouldn’t ever trust a warlock’s word.”
His scent engulfed your senses, causing your brain to turn into mush, no matter how hard you tried to fight against it. Whatever he had given you was way too strong to resist.
“W-What did you give me?” You huffed out, fingers balling the fabric of his jacket into your fists. Your brain felt like it was trying to shut down, something trying to overtake your mind and body. All of the thoughts that you had were slowly fading away, replaced by the insatiable need to be touched.
Heeseung smirked as he took in your teary eyes, watching the internal conflict happen behind your dilated pupils. His grip grew tighter on your body, loving the way your body was already reacting to him.
“I wasn’t lying; it is a sensory enhancer.” He chuckled as he watched the shock morph on your features, “just not the one you thought it was.”
That’s when it clicked in your brain, he had given you an aphrodisiac. A sex drug. It was no wonder that it felt like you were in heat. You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to suppress the drug, pushing at Heeseung’s chest. 
This wasn’t how you wanted this to go. You wanted to gain your freedom. You knew that there would be some price to pay, but not this… this was–
Your brain started to go foggy, and you forgot what you were trying to say. The heat spreading throughout your body becomes so overwhelming that you just want it to stop. Your panties were soaked, some of it leaking onto your trousers. The clothes on your body feel so comfortable, wanting nothing more than to strip out of them.
Noticing the glaze over your eyes, Heeseung smiled sinisterly, knowing he had you right where he wanted you now. Reaching down, he took your chin between his forefinger and thumb, tilting your head so you were looking up at him. Your breath hitched in your throat as you met his heated gaze, acutely aware of how close he was to you.
“Help me. Please,” you plead, rubbing your thighs tightly together. A shiver coursed through your body as you felt his fingers slip under the fabric of your blouse. You felt like you were going insane, like a wild animal completely lost in primal instinct. Your fingers started to claw at the fabric of his vest, the tears that were once sitting on your waterline now overflowing down your flushed cheeks.
“Hmm, you want my help? Aren’t you a needy little thing?” Heeseung smirked, drawing your face closer to his. The warmth of his breath only added to your need. A needy whine fell from your lips as you tried to lean more into him. The sound only riled the male up more, wanting to hear more.
“Heeseu–” Your words caught in your throat as his hand moved down to cup your weeping heat, feeling your slick soak through the fabric even more, coating his digits in a thin layer. A choked moan tore through your lungs as he applied more pressure, your whole body trembling in his hold. Chuckling darkly, he moved even closer to you until his lips were right next to your ear, soaking in all of your little whines and mewls as he continued to toy with you. “Don’t worry, princess, I'll take great care of you.”
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A series of choked moans and cries fell from your swollen lips as Heeseung continued to fuck his fingers deep into your drenched cunt. His lips trailed the line of your jugular, leaving hot, wet, open-mouthed kisses along your skin. Your fingers dug into his shoulders as your mind was sent reeling, the smallest touch making you feel like you could cum then and there.
“Gonna cum already?” Heeseung asked, a cocky smirk on his lips as he pulled away from your neck, taking in your pleasure-twisted face. 
You couldn’t even reply to him as your orgasm washed over your body, eyes rolling back. It was so intense that your vision turned white for just a moment, legs trembling on either side of Heeseung’s hips as he had you perched on his desk.
“Such a desperate little slut aren’t you?” He berated you, picking up the pace of his fingers despite your whines of it being too much. Your shaking hands moved to try and pry his hand away from your sensitive cunt, but he was quick to slap your hands away, teeth nipping into the juncture of your shoulder. “Don’t be a brat, bunny.” 
You mewled at his words, already feeling another orgasm building up in the pit of your stomach. The heat of his body on yours offered no relief, only adding to the delirious feeling that was clouding your mind. 
Your pussy was leaking so much that a pool had started to form on the wooden surface beneath you, the sight only making Heeseung’s mouth water. Groaning softly against your skin, he pushed your body back roughly, making you lay flat on your back, body completely exposed to his predatory gaze.
“Shhh, my little bunny, I need to appreciate my meal before I dive in.” His eyes continued to travel down the length of your nude skin, taking in all the little details that littered your skin. Then his eyes fell down to your spread thighs, your dripping cunt on full display as his fingers continued to fuck into you slowly.
You bit your lip to try and muffle some of your sounds, watching as he kneels down, coming face-to-face with your pussy. However, all of those sounds broke loose as his lips wrapped around your puffy clit, sucking harshly. Your hands then fly down to grab his hair, fingers threading through the red locks.
“Fuck!” A cry tore from your lips as he nipped at the little button, his free hand moving up to pull your hands away from his head. Then, your hands were pinned to the desk above you by some unknown force.
Looking up, you tried to tug your hands out of whatever was holding them, but it was futile. Whatever it was was far stronger than you, keeping your hands firmly in place.
Your attention was then brought back to the man between your legs as he wrapped his lips around your clit once more. Tears spilled from your eyes as his pace picked up tenfold, leaving your legs trembling next to his head, held by the same invisible force as your wrist.
“Heeseung!” You cried out as his fingers brushed over a peculiar spot along your gummy walls, back arching off of the desk, shoving your cunt further into his face. You cry out once more as he bites at your clit, causing your whole body to tense as you come once again.
Pulling away from your cunt Heeseung moved over to your thighs, sinking his teeth into the plush fat. Pain erupted in the same spot, a pitiful squeak falling from your lips as you lifted your head to meet Heeseung’s smug gaze.
“Well, aren’t you a little pain slut?” He licked over the raised skin, eyes still on you, relishing in the tears that stained your cheeks.
Running his tongue over his teeth, Heeseung pulled his drenched digits out of your spasming cunt. A whine rolled off of your tongue at the emptiness that it left behind, eyes watching all of the redhead's movements.
He brought his hand to your mouth, tapping on your bottom lip. " Go ahead and clean up your mess, princess.”
Blinking away some of the tears that were blocking your vision, you parted your lips, allowing him to stick his fingers into your wet cavern. Your eyes rolled at the taste of yourself on his fingers, tongue running all along his digits. A moan vibrated from your chest when he pressed down on your tongue, saliva spilling from the corner of your lips, blending with your tears.
“See how sweet you are, bunny? I could have you on my tongue for centuries and never get tired of your taste.” His voice was hoarse as he slipped his fingers from your swollen lips. Your eyes went wide as you watched him stick those very same fingers in his mouth.
You could feel your pussy clench around nothing as Heeseung put on a show of lapping up the leftover cum and saliva off of his fingers, groaning at the taste. Pulling his fingers from his lips, he wiped his mouth before grabbing your hips.
The restraints on your body were suddenly gone, but you weren’t able to move much before Heeseung pulled your body off of the desk, hands maneuvering your frail body until you were bent over, chest pressed against the wooden surface.
A choked moan fell from your lips when Heeseung sent a sharp slap to the fat of your ass, watching the skin jiggle. Repeating the action a few more times, loving the sounds that would leave your lips every time his hand made contact with your skin.
“Look at you trembling. Are you gonna cum just from me spanking you?” He mocked you, grabbing your asscheeks and pulling them apart so he could see your needy hole that was throbbing with need.
“S-Seungie.” You whined out, pushing your hips back into him, wanting, no, needing him to do something.
Heeseung felt his cock grow even harder as the nickname rolled off of your tongue, teary eyes pleading with him to do something. Clenching his jaw, he released your ass, grabbing your hip and pulling you flush against his bulge. A sharp cry fell from your lips as you felt the rough fabric of his trousers rub along your exposed cunt.
“Is this what you want? My dick?” He leaned over your back, lips right next to your ear. “Want me to stuff you full, maybe even enough to get you pregnant?”
You mewled at his words, pushing your hips back into his. Heeseung hissed at the pressure, the fabric of his trousers soaking in all of your slick. Pulling away from your body, the redhead made quick work of his clothes, adding to the pile of haphazardly thrown clothing on the ground.
Trying to move your body to face him, you realized that you were once again stuck in place. Heeseung chuckled, grabbing the base of his cock, watching the way you struggled to try and move your body. Pumping himself a few times, he moved towards you, hand finding your hip, stilling all of your movements.
You let out a choked whine when he teased your entrance with the tip of his dick. Tears streamed down your face as you let your head fall to the surface of the desk when he started to push in.
“Hee–” Your words fall short when he pulls out again, a cry of protest falls from your lips. Heeseung continues to tease your entrance until you’re begging him to finally fuck you, tears streaming down your flushed cheeks.
Then he finally pushes his entire length into your weeping cunt, a choked moan slipping from your lips at the sudden stretch. Your eyes squeezed shut as he left you little to no time for you to adjust, pistoning his hips into yours.
“Fuck you’re still so tight.” He groaned, his grip on your hips tightening until his knuckles turned white. 
Your body felt like it was on fire, your mind clouding with so much pleasure that words were no longer forming. All that left your pretty swollen lips were chants of Heeseung’s name and babbled nonsense. The pleasure was so overwhelming that your legs were trembling despite the support of the desk, the coil in your stomach growing tighter and tighter at an alarming rate.
Reaching behind you, you made a grab for Heeseung’s wrist, hoping to get him to slow down. However, Heeseung just chuckled darkly before taking your wrist in his hand, pulling your body back to meet his thrusts.
“Give me your other hand.” He growled, reaching for your other hand, giving you no other choice but to hold your hand back to him. “Such an obedient little bunny,” He hummed, taking both of your wrists in one hand, using them as leverage to pull you back onto him as he continued to fuck into your needy cunt.
“Heeseung!” You screamed his name when the tip of his dick brushed over your sweet spot before hitting your cervix. The combination of the hits had your body spazzing, another orgasm hitting you like a ton of bricks.
“Shit.” He cursed as he felt your walls squeeze his dick almost painfully tight, but he kept his pace, never slowing.
Your moans seemed to rise in pitch as his tip kissed your cervix with each thrust, stars dancing across your vision. Heeseung smirked smugly, watching you completely lose yourself as he fucked into you.
He then released your hands and leaned over your body, pushing himself deeper. The feeling had your eyes rolling back, mouth gaping open. Taking the chance, Heeseung grabbed your chin, shoving his middle and ring fingers into your mouth until you gaged.
“You’re so fucking noisy.” He groaned as you squeezed around him once again; he then pulled your body up. The new position had your vision turning hazy as another orgasm conjured in the pit of your stomach. “Am I fucking you so good that you have to let anything and everything within a ten-mile radius know?” He mocked you, burning his face in your neck to lick and suck at the skin, making sure that marks were left behind.
You whined around his fingers when his other hand snaked around your waist, pressing on the small bulge at the bottom of your tummy. Your eyes almost crossed entirely as he added even more pressure, making sure that you felt everything. 
“Feel how deep I am, bunny?” He licked up the side of your neck until he reached your ear, “I could breed you so well.” He bit the shell of your ear, making your whole body shiver, more tears spilling from your eyes flowing down to join the spit and saliva that spilled out of your mouth around Heeseung’s fingers.
Pulling his fingers from your mouth, he moved his hand down to your throat. Encasing the soft flesh in his palm, loving how small your neck was in his hand. 
“Hee!” You choked out his name when he moved his hand from your tummy to play with your swollen clit, sending shocks of electricity all throughout your body.
Heeseung could tell you were close once again as your nails started to dig into the skin of his forearm, and your cunt was squeezing him with a vice-like grip. Picking up his pace, he made sure to hit all the spots that made you scream, and that’s exactly what you did.
“Cum for me bunny. Make a mess all over my cock like the desperate slut that you are.” He berated you, teeth nipping at the shell of your ear once more.
It only took a few moments for the coil in your stomach to grow tight, but this time, it felt different, like there was more pressure than normal.
“Heeseun–” Your words caught in your throat as his hold tightened, limiting your oxygen. Then your whole body convulsed as you squirted all over his cock and hand, the warm liquid running down your legs.
“Holy shit.” Heeseung groaned at the sigh as your walls fluttered around his cock. The choked mewls falling from your lips were like music to his ears, loving how fucked out you sounded.
“Seung–” His name spilled from your lips as he continued to pound into you at an almost animalistic pace, chasing his own high. The sensitivity had your body burning, almost as if you were on fire, completely overwhelming your senses.
Heeseung’s cock twitched in your cunt, begging for release after he had been holding out for a while. A breathy groan was pulled from his lips as he felt his high on the tip of his tongue. Tilting his head down, he whispered the nastiest things in your ear, making your body tremble even more.
“‘M gonna cum and make you a mommy,” He whispered lowly, lips brushing the skin of your tear-streaked cheek, “make you my cumdrop.” You whined at his words, shaking your head in protest, but he just disregarded it. “Isn’t that what you are, my little bunny? My desperate slut just waiting for me to fill you with my cum, hmm?” He chuckled as your body shivered, the sensitivity causing another high to build up rapidly.
“Fuck!” You cried out, head falling back on his shoulder when his fingers continued to toy with your puffy clit, sending your body right over the edge.
Black spots clouded your vision, threatening to black out entirely as your orgasm racked over your body. Your orgasm triggered Heeseung’s. He spilled deep in your womb just like he said he would. The warmth made your brain short-circuit, eyes rolling back before your vision went completely black.
Holding your body close to his, Heeseung laughed darkly as your lax form, body drained of energy entirely. Kissing up your shoulder, he moved his hand to continue leaving kisses until he got to your ear once more.
“Don’t worry, princess, you’ll get exactly what you want.” His words held a more profound, sinister meaning as he moved away from your skin. Just then, a small mark appeared on your skin right behind your ear, a sign that you were his.
You wanted to get away from being a princess, to start anew. So that’s what he would give you. A new start with him.
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@alvojake | Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, or repost any of my work
𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖗 : ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ɴᴏ ᴡᴀʏ ᴀ ᴛʀᴜᴇ ʀᴇᴘʀᴇꜱᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀꜱ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴘᴜʀᴇʟʏ ꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴛᴀᴋᴇɴ ꜱᴇʀɪᴏᴜꜱʟʏ.
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boyfhee · 20 hours
﹙𝓲ssue﹚ㅤ:ㅤclingy boyfriendsㅤ...ㅤ( 엔하이픈 )
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ㅤㅤ﹙2189﹚ ㅤ장르 fluff fluff fluff, est. relㅤㅤwarnings a few kisses and pecksㅤㅤᐢᗜᐢ had sm fun writing this bc i love cuddles. happy reading ^^ please rb and give feedback, it helps a lot ^_^ iNDEX requested
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“hee, i need to go,” you whine, trying to get out of his arms but his grip only gets tighter around you as he keeps holding you against him, laying on top of you. he has always been clingy, but he’s especially clingier today— been holding you for the past thirty minutes and refusing to let go. 
you like this— on contrary to your words. it’s nice when he’s being this cute and clingy. you feel him press a few tender kisses on the base of your neck, something that always makes your heartbeat faster.
“i see,” is all he says, propping his chin up on your chest, pretending to think as he looks up at you. you mouth a quiet ‘please’ and he chuckles, burying his face in your chest again. “no,” 
and you groan again while he continues to hold onto you stubbornly. he holds you even closer when you try to resist, a sigh falling off your lips as you seem to give up. “lunch is not going to make itself,”
“lunch can wait,” the words are muffled against your chest but you can hear him smiling. it’s only a few seconds until he looks up at you, stealing a quick peck before shooting you a grin. “let me hold you for a little longer, darling,”
he said it would be just a few kisses but it has been quite a while since you’ve been on jay’s lap, and his arms only seem to wrap tighter around you. you lift your head up from his shoulder, looking at him with a slight pout. “how long are you going to keep this up?”
“dunno, sweetheart,” he whispers against your lips, tilting his head to the other side to go in for a few feathery kisses on your cheeks and lips before looking at you longingly. “can’t seem to get enough of your lips today,”
and the club room is not the most ideal place to kiss since a student— or worse, a teacher— could walk in anytime. usually he’s the responsible one, making sure you two don’t get caught during your sneaky kisses and meetups between classes. however today, his mind is far away from thinking about anyone else but you.
“your new chapstick—” he speaks between the kisses, fingers drawing soft circles on your back as he pulls you closer. “is it cherry?”
you nod, one hand on his chest while the other on the back of his neck. “yep, i got it yesterday,”
“forgive me for taking up a little more of your time,” he chuckles, leaning in and capturing your lips in another kiss. he kisses you for longer this time, a bit slower, savouring the taste of your chapstick and the feeling of your lips moving against his. he pulls away reluctantly and lowly chuckles under his breath. “gosh, i can never get enough of you.”
“sorry for being too clingy, angel,” he whispers, nuzzling his face deeper into the crook of your neck as his arms tighten around your waist, pulling you closer. “you’re so warm, it’s nice,”
“you’re always like this,” you giggle, reaching out to brush his hair with your fingers. it’s always nice to have him spooning you as if no worries exist and it’s just you, him and your bed in this entire world.
you feel his lips trailing over the back of your neck down to your shoulders, planting soft and tender kisses in their wake. it doesn’t take you much to melt in his embrace— just a few kisses with his arms around you usually do the job.
“i hope you don’t mind it,” he says with a quiet laugh, turning you slightly towards him to look at your face. “you’re my sweetheart, the love of my life. i can barely spend an hour without you,”
and all you do is laugh at his words, a sound so melodious that it makes his smile grow wider. jake shifts a little, propping himself on his elbow before leaning in and smothering your face in kisses and whispering sweet nothings in between, his heart fluttering at the sound of your giggles. 
“watching you being clingy is my favourite thing in the world,” you manage to speak between his endless kisses and pecks, cupping his cheeks tenderly. 
the smile never leaves his lips, only growing wider as he presses his lips against your cheeks and gives you a few pecks before his lips are back onto yours. “you are my favourite thing in this world,”
“don’t you dare move,” you freeze at his words, surprise evident on your face. he doesn’t give you a chance to speak, pulling you closer with your back pressing up against his chest. “you’re not going anywhere,”
it’s new, almost rare for sunghoon to be this clingy. usually, he prefers you sitting next to him, arms linked or fingers intertwined, your head on his chest with his head on yours, kissing it every few seconds. but this— his arms basically engulfing you from behind and making it hard for you to focus on the movie with the way his chin rests on your shoulder, breath tickling against your neck— is usual, and you like it. 
“let me go get more popcorn,” you stifle your laugh, gazing at him from the corner of your eyes. you try your best to sound convincing, even though his arms only wrap tighter around you. “i’ll be back in a minute,”
“i said, no,” he tries to sound firm, although you chuckle at how cute he sounds and looks, his lips pressed together, brows furrowed. he catches you looking at him and narrows his eyes at you before shaking his head, kissing your forehead. “you’re not going anywhere until i say so, princess,”
you end up laughing, giving up on your request and relax in his arms, leaning back completely against his chest. “you’re so cute when you’re clingy,”
sunghoon only hums with his face against the crook of your neck. you can feel him leaving a few kisses there before he looks up, kissing the top of your head, whispering softly. “you feel too good in my arms for me to let you go,”
the silence and dim lights in your room almost lull you into sleep, the warm comforter only making the process easier before you hear sunoo whisper in the dead of the night, although not long after you’ve come to bed to sleep. “come closer,”
your stay quiet in your position for a few seconds before shifting closer to your boyfriend, arms slithering around his waist. “you okay?” 
and it’s not really rare for sunoo to ask you to sit or lay close to him. in fact, he would trade anything to cuddle with you and have you all nice and snug against him. although, the fact that he likes his own personal space while sleeping stands false for now, because he pulls you even closer, your body basically pressed up against him completely. 
he nods, burying his face in your hair while his hands trace up and down on your back, his soothing touch making you smile at the sensation. “i just want to hold you,”
your smile only grows wider at his words and you swear your can feel the thumping of your heart that paces as he starts leaving fluttering kisses on your cheeks. “you can hold me as much as you want,”
it only takes him a few seconds before he pulls you even closer, positioning you on top of him and enjoying the way your head rests on his chest. his hand continues to caress your back while the other fixes the comforter over you two. “this is better,”
“baby,” you hear his voice as soon as he enters through the door, quickly shuffling out of his shoes and making his way to you before wrapping you in his arms. “gosh, i’ve missed you, my love,” 
it’s cute, especially the way he’s almost lifting you off your feet while hugging, having you on your tippy toes. a few seconds in and he’s swaying you left and right, mumbling something against your shoulder that you can’t quite catch. “you’re squeezing me, wonie,”
“can’t help it,” he gives a quick response, lifting his head up slightly to look at you. it’s quiet for a few moments, just him admiring you as if taking in your face and remembering every little detail about it. you smile simply at the lack of words, finding his expression utterly sweet before he continues. “i missed you so so much. so damn much, you have no idea.”
you giggle at his words, poking his nose gently with your index finger, his arms holding you by your waist. “i think i do. those voice messages everyday give me a slight idea,”
he can’t help but laugh sheepishly, looking away briefly. it’s true he spammed you with texts and voice notes, and they were about everything— the weather, what they had for breakfast, the poor joke some member made or the way a cloud looked like you— everything.
“i’m never going on tours again,” he whispers between the quick kisses he plants all over your face, your eyes squinting at the act, something that, according to him, makes you look even more adorable. “too much for my heart,”
riki positions himself on top of you, basically burying you under himself on the couch and engulfing you in his embrace. it’s warm and nice— you can barely breath, trying to wriggle your way out before he mumbles against your shoulders. “stop moving,”
“i can’t breathe, ‘ki,” you manage to muffle out, your arms encircling around his much larger frame. he knows you are going to slip out from under him if he moves, probably laying on top of him— which he loves just as much as this, but laying on top of you is way more fun.
“so spoiled,” he grunts from your neck, although not moving for another few seconds before he shifts slightly and switches to a position where you can breathe properly. “better?”
you huff when he calls you spoiled as if reminding him of the postion you two were in. riki had practically begged for cuddles while you were working on a project, saying he’ll help you with it later. although, you two are more likely to end up sleeping in each other’s arms than getting up to work on the project.
if laying on top of you was not enough, he nuzzles his face even further in your neck as if he isn’t already close enough. you squint your eyes at him, poking his cheeks with your finger. “you are spoiled,” 
“well push me off yourself if you have a problem,” he says with a scoff, raising an eyebrow up at your silence. he wonders if you’re contemplating in silence, but when your arms wrap around him a bit more tightly, making him chuckle as he leans down to press his cheeks against yours. “thought so,”
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prettyforwoso · 24 hours
Intertwining Legs
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Alexia Putellas x reader smut
Warnings/ Summary: Soft needy smut, dom!alexia, sub!reader, fingering, scissoring
a/n: I've been gone. But now I'm back! HAhaha. I wrote this bc I fear there is a scissoring lesbian smut shortage-and we cannot be having that!
enjoy :)
The feeling between your legs has only been growing over the past few days. You were desperate for your girl, yearning for her to make you feel good. 
Alexia would usually never hesitate to give you exactly what you want, never wanting anything more than to get you in the headspace that you needed to be in. However, recently it's been different, with you still recovering from a recent illness, Alexia has become more hesitant about how she handles you- not wanting to push you too hard in your current state. You tried and tired to reassure her that you were fine, but it was no use. 
You eventually gave up, and with this new mindset, you acquired a new found frustration. You would only admit to yourself that maybe a little of this frustration was completely made up and in reality, an elaborate play to get more of Alexia's attention as she tried to figure out what was wrong. Little did you know- Alexia was very much aware of this too, however played along, with the intent of not upsetting her baby. 
Alexia knew you needed something to ground you at the moment, something to blame your anger and frustration on. In reality, it was clear to Alexia that there was a lot more going on in your head. You had been home, sick for a week, with nothing to do, bored out of your own mind. You were recovering now, but still not able to go back to training for a few days. In the back of her mind, she felt guilty that she wasn’t entertaining you, but she knew it was for the best. 
Your illness was easy to blame on your body being overworked and you not resting enough, you mostly just had a headache and sleepiness- it doesn't take a scientist to work that out. Therefore, Alexia didn’t have to worry about getting sick. She showed you all the love she could that didn't risk dangering your delicate form. 
You felt otherwise, and you made that as clear as you could over the past few days. 
“Are you coming to bed bebita?” Alexia speaks from the bed. She has her head in a book, as if to do more than just read it. You walk around the room finishing your bedtime routine. You stand and face her, dressed in your pajama top and underwear. “Yes… I can’t find my pants” 
Alexia breaks contact with her book to look at you when you speak however, doesn’t reply. 
You soon give up on the search, climbing into bed and taking your underwear off on the way. You curl up next to Alexia and she pulls her arm around you. “What are you reading baby?” You ask, looking up at her from her side. She looks down at you and presses a kiss to your forehead. She opps to not answer your question with words, instead closing the book over her thumb marking the page and shows you the cover. It’s one of the many books you got her for christmas, she’s been slowly making her way through them all. 
This kind of domesticity wasn’t abnormal in your relationship, Alexia usually stayed awake longer than you, working and then later coming and joining you in bed, or staying up reading in bed, with you wrapped up on her side. You are usually quick to roll over and fall asleep, usually taking Alexia arm with you and holding the side of your face, laying against it, or having her wrap it around your face and stroking your cheek with her thumb.
Tonight wasn't any different. Your eyes fell shut as Alexia turned the pages of her novel, too deep in the narrative to switch off and go to sleep. 
You were in and out of a shallow sleep by the time Alexia breaks from her book. Your delicate snores lead her towards you as she folds the corner of her page and closes the book, leaving it on the bedside table. She wraps her arms around your much smaller figure, pulling you closer to her and she shoves her face into your neck, engulfing herself in your scent. Your skin is smooth as she runs her nose along your neck. “Mhmm I love you so much my girl” 
She is aware you are asleep, however always says it anyway. You make muffled sleeping sounds as she moves around behind you, getting comfortable. You're now slowly becoming more awake, more awake and more aware of her. She's watching you, hovering above you and watching you. 
You crack your eyes open and look at her, vision still foggy from your state of sleep. “Eres tan hermosa mi amor” She says, breaking the silence. You roll your eyes and she pouts. “Where is my babygirl's smile huh?” She teasingly asks. “Alexia, I was sleeping” You joke back, the smile slowly creeping into the side of your mouth. Alexia's face gets closer as she brings her lips to yours, placing a soft kiss on your tender lips. “Wake up for me” she breaks the kiss. “Please, let me touch you.”
You're not sure what about Alexia's book that had got her in this mindset, but you had just woken up, and it was the middle of the night. Right now all you wanted from Alexia was her own body, her own hands and face. You needed it, close to you. 
Alexia's large hands are soon slowly rolling you over so you are laying flat on top of her, facing the ceiling. She shuffles up the bed so her upper body rests in the pillows as her face returns to your neck. You're starting to squirm on top of her, your legs falling open. “Alexia, baby” you breathe out.
“Shhh, you’re okay, ten paciencia mi amor” she whispers in your ear. Almost in the way you would expect her to talk to a pet. 
Her hands are beginning to wonder by the time her lips leave your neck, allowing you to turn your face into her. You're not wearing any underwear, just your top. You wouldn't be surprised if Alexia could feel your wetness dripping down onto her own core. 
And she absolutely could. It only had her more frantic with her hands, desperate to reach your core as soon as possible, not forgetting to give your nipples some love. 
Alexia was really no stranger to your boobs, frequently having one in her mouth, sometimes even falling asleep sucking on one of your nipples, molding the other one with her hand. 
One of Alexia's hands is soon to arrive where you are desperate for it, the other playing with your hard nipples. “Can I touch you here baby” she asks gently, as if it was your first time all over again. “Si us plau” you reply. Your attempt to speak the Catalans langage has always been a turn on for her, and in this moment, motivation.
Her long skilled fingers make themselves known at your core, moving from your clit to your hole consistently, making you squirm more. Her middle finger dips inside and you moan. Alexia smiles widely. Her finger moves from her knuckle, up and down inside you until you begin to shake, her palm pushing against your clit and she moves her hand with her consistent motions. The rhythm of it all begins to form the feeling in your stomach. “Alexia, oh fuck baby. I’m gonna come” You speak into her side, attempting to hide your face. “Whenever you’re ready princess, come for me” she answers. The hand on your boobs now comes down to hold your legs open and your warmth begins to take over. You grab a hold of her thick forearm with both hands as your body goes limp, you breathe through it like Alexia taught you to. 
“Good girl, good baby” she coos in your ear as you ride through your high. You're a moaning mess, breathing hard fast. “Shhhh, breathe for me, you’re ok baby. Et tinc”
As you begin to calm down, you realise that Alexia is no longer under you, now between your legs, stripped and rubbing your thighs with her hands.
You're too soon back to a normal state, eyes open and mind working again. “There's my pretty girl” Alexia says, coming up to your face and placing a small gentle peck on your lips. You simply squirm and moan in response- not abnormal for you in your post blitz. 
Alexia picks up your hips and tilts them a little more upward, making sure that you are still comfortable. Suddenly she is swinging her leg over yours and placing her own core against yours. 
This act of pure intimacy is something you absolutely yearned for. You loved when Alexia would strap you, filling you up, but there was something so special about interwinding your legs with each other and feeling each other in a most intimate way. 
Your head falls back into her pillow as she begins to roll her hips against yours. It was so gentle. 
Her head is soon coming to lay on your chest as the two of you create a rhythm of grinding on each other's cores. You hold one another as if this was nothing more than a soft cuddle after a long day. 
You both synchronize your breathing and moans as if neither one of you is in control, both just simply enjoying each others bodies. “Oh fuck, fuck baby. T'estimo tant” You say between breaths. “Jo també t'estimo, my sweet, sweet girl”
A new kiss is introduced, it's messy, as is her grinding against you. Lips and tongue with a mind of their own as the two of you put all of your focus in helping the other reach a climax. 
It’s coming. You can feel it in her legs. 
“Fuck, Oh my god, eghgh” Alexia looks down between your legs, the two of you making an absolute mess of one another. “Fuck are you coming baby? Come with me. Please, please my girl. Let me feel you” She trails off as she begins to shake. 
Your head falls back and she guides you through your second fall of the night. It's bigger, more high, you can’t keep your eyes open. You can hear Alexia as she screams through her own high, moving her body to sit up on your core, still grinding. She squeezes your ankle and pushes your legs more open, desperate to get more from you and she rides her high. 
The two of you soon fall quiet, the only sound in the air being you trying to catch your breath. Alexia lays back on your chest, your hands finding her hair. “Déu, t'estimo nena meva”. She turns her head and kisses your stomach. “I love you too” You speak back, looking down at her. “And thank you for looking after me” 
She looks up at you and smiles “Always.
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xoxochb · 3 days
heyy, i love your fics so much, your writing is really amazing 💖💖
and i was thinking, can you do a percy x reader and after their first time sleeping together (doesn’t need to be on a sexual way, you decided that) the reader wakes up, and percy too, and she sit on the bed and starts staring at the wall and percy starts to talking with her and she doesn’t say nothing and percy stars to panicking thinking he did something wrong to her and she just said that when she wakes up, she doesn’t able to speak bc she’s just processing that she’s awake
i just realized today that when i wake up i don't talk to no one until 30 minutes after i'm awake, sorry if something is wrong, english is not my first language
⋆·˚ ༘ * morning loneliness comes around when I’m not dreaming about you
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warnings: none
pairing: percy jackson x gn reader
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percy knew you were awake. he didn’t know how, but he just knew it without meeting your eyes. last night was your first time staying at cabin three, first time sleeping together. your relationship was fairly new, three months, and you haven’t yet shared a bed together until last night, which means this is your first morning together
percy loved being beside you in silence, just taking in your presence however the awkwardness of the situation was bothering him
“I was thinking we could go by the lake later after breakfast. you could bring your book, read to me for a bit, then we could eat lunch at my table- or yours if you want, I don’t mind. what do you think about after lunch? we need more hobbies. any ideas?” he rambles
he gives you a moment to answer but when you don’t he starts panicking thinking he did something wrong, or maybe you’re not even awake? did he do something he isn’t aware of? did he say something? his mind races and his heart pounds.
“y/n/n?” his voice is laced with worry and he taps your shoulder to get your attention
you snap out of your trance and turn over to face him
he had never been so happy to hear your voice in his life
“did I do something?”
you sit up “what are you talking about?”
“I don’t- you didn’t answer me, I was talking”
“oh” you frown realizing what happened “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ignore you. when I wake up I just take a while to process that I’m awake, almost like a trance or something, I really didn’t purposely ignore you”
“you go into a post-sleep trance?”
“are you mad?”
“of course not. I was just worried”
he sighs and pulls you back down by your waist to lay with him again. he nuzzles his face in your shoulder and placed a kiss there. perhaps you should sleep in cabin three more often
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halfmoonaria · 1 day
home - joey
pairing: joey (from abigail) x reader
summary: all you ever wanted was a home to call your own.
words: 4.4k
warnings: violence, mention of drug abuse & overdose, gore.
author’s note: this is more of a platonic/parentish relationship so yall dont have to worry about the age gap since it isnt meant in that way.
also i know joey isnt her real name, but it felt better to use that since thats what the character name is.
i have no idea how this is going to go, but i honestly don’t care bc im so tired of writing this.
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The second you stepped a foot into the van you could feel the whole atmosphere tense up. Especially Joey.
Her whole body stiffened noticeably, her shoulders tensed and her breathing almost hitched, an uneasy silence descended over the cramped space.
Was it because she could easily tell who you were by looking at you for not even a second? Or was it because she was anxious about the situation that was about to come? Perhaps it was both.
You could practically discern her actions without needing to look at her. Her movements were similar; her eyes were probably darting nervously, trying to look anywhere but at you. Her hands fiddling with one another, like they always did while she was uneasy.
The guy in the front seat looked back, his hair covered by a beanie, his features sharp and his eyes piercing behind his glasses, which had thick and prominent black frames.
As his gaze shifted to you, confusion flashed across his face. "What the fuck?" he spit, "How old are you, exactly?" his voice tinged with irritation.
Joey turned her head to you, suddenly interested in the subject and conversation at hand.
"Seventeen." You answered assuredly, shifting in your seat; feeling her gaze burn onto your skin. "Thought we weren't supposed to get personal though."
You crossed your arms defensively and sank down in your seat as you watched him clench his jaw in annoyance, turning his head back to the road muttering something about 'stupid fucking kids'.
Joey's gaze lingered on you for a moment longer, and despite your plans on not looking back, you did. You met her gaze with a defiant stare, silently challenging her unspoken question with your own: "The fuck you looking at?"
She turned away, her fingers still twisting together. Why did your presence make her so nervous?
Joey was the toughest woman you knew; she could effortlessly fix her own car, assemble furniture without instructions, and carry heavy groceries without breaking a sweat.
Her confidence showed in everything she did. So why did she look so incredibly agitated when you came along?
Possibly because of the past.
The van rumbled along, the road ahead illuminated by the headlights, casting long, eerie shadows in the surrounding darkness.
The man with the glasses seemed to sense the tension, couldn't resist but add, "You guys know each other or something?" Voice still as sharp as before.
His question hung in the air, cutting through the thick silence and forcing both you and Joey to acknowledge the underlying animosity that simmered between you.
You broke the silence, your voice low and edged with bitterness, "Not anymore." The words hung heavy in the air, signaling a past fraught with conflict and now, an uncomfortable present.
Joey's jaw tensed slightly, her gaze hardening as she stared out the window, a silent agreement in your response despite the tension it added to the already precarious situation.
You tried to steady your breath, the tension in the air making it difficult to relax. The silence in the van grew heavier, punctuated only by the occasional bump in the road.
You stared out the window, the night sky dotted with stars, a stark contrast to the turmoil inside the van.
The van rolled to a stop at the gates of the sprawling estate. Towering oak trees framed the entrance, their branches reaching skyward in a silent salute to the wealth that defined the property.
The mansion itself was a masterpiece of architecture. Gleaming windows reflected the moonlight, casting shimmering patterns across the manicured lawns that surrounded the estate.
Your eyes glimmered at the sight, staring at the mansion in shock. Wondering if this was how some people actually lived.
However, before you could open the car door to exit, the man with glasses glanced back again, his expression just as dark as before.
"Just to make things clear, you're not doing a shit." He snapped, jabbing his finger in your direction. "I'm not having some stupid fucking kid ruin everything for us."
"What the fuck?" you blurted out, feeling a surge of frustration. "If they didn't think I was capable, they wouldn't have sent me the message to come"
Your eyebrows knit together in annoyance as you leaned back in your seat, processing the implication of being underestimated. The comment stung, igniting a resolve to prove them wrong.
But you knew better than to act out. Three full-grown adults capable of kidnapping a child? They could do anything to you if you crossed them the wrong way.
So unfortunately for you, fortunate for the rest of them; you didn't do anything.
You followed them through the house, silent as a shadow, observing their movements. You watched as they found a secure hiding spot and brutally put the girl to sleep.
The weight of the situation pressed heavily on your shoulders as you stood witness to their intense planning, knowing that every moment counted in this risky endeavor.
Especially when the alarm went off.
You weren't much for panic or fear, but getting caught trying to kidnap a little girl would certainly not bode well for what was technically your first criminal activity.
But it worked out in favor.
Back in the van, the amount of people doubled. Some blonde chick with blue stripes of hair, a man with ginger beard and a black man who wore a leather jacket.
The house you arrived to later on was no different from the first one, standing out only for its poor choice of location and haunting appearance.
A man dressed in a black suit claimed his name was 'Lambert' and insisted to be the leader, the rules leaving his mouth as if they were simple.
You knew very well that the whole process wouldn't be so easy. Especially now that you knew that Joey would be there.
Arguing about the names seemed to be the main subject the first couple minutes, until they were randomly assigned to you by Lambert.
Riley? Was that the best he could come up with?
The name left a bitter taste in your mouth. It reminded you way too much of the girl in your seventh grade class who made fun of the woman you babysat for, claimed she was a junkie.
She ended up with a nosebleed and you with detention.
Then you remembered who the woman actually was. And all the memories came crashing down.
You yearned to shed those, to wipe the slate clean.
Which was why you thanked the Gods above for putting a bar in the house.
Everybody else seemed to be as impressed as you were, it was basically the room the whole group headed into.
The polished mahogany counter gleamed invitingly under warm light. And the pool table was not that long out of use, its felt still pristine and ready for the next game.
Amid the soothing clink of glasses and the murmurs of fellow conspirators, you felt a fleeting sense of release. It was as if this place had been crafted just for this purpose—to offer respite from the weight of memories.
You settled down into the seat next to 'Sammy', the girl with the with wannabe teenager style, who looked like she could've stepped straight out of a high school yearbook.
Reached for a glass to pour yourself a drink, but you all eyes in the room landed on you as Joey spoke up; sitting further away in an uncomfortable looking armchair.
"You're too young to drink." Joey said, her voice unbothered and determined as she leaned back in the armchair. Almost like she was your mother.
And for some reason, what she said and how she said it sparked a raging fire inside you.
"And you're too young to act like my mother," you countered sharply, your words laced with defiance and a hint of frustration you felt.
You filled up the glass and let it all slide down your throat, hoping that it fueled an irritation in Joey.
As tension hung thick in the air, Sammy sensed the atmosphere and looked between you and Joey, looking as dumbfounded as everyone else. Finally, she asked cautiously, "Um, were we allowed to share our ages or something? I thought we weren't supposed to share personal information."
Frank raised an eyebrow, nodding towards you and Joey. "Apparently they knew each other before," he remarked, gesturing between the two of you.
Peter furrowed his brow, clearly puzzled as if he wasn't in the car when it was mentioned.
At that Sammy chimed in again, her curiosity piqued. "Are you related or something?" she asked, glancing back and forth between you and Joey.
You rolled your eyes, not in the mood for discussing the subject; you were never in the mood for it. Now everybody in the house knew about it, and it was clear that they would be asking about it.
Joey didn't seem to mind it one bit. Instead she smiled weakly and answered like she could've done it in her sleep.
"Her mother's my best friend." She stood up from where she was sitting, directing her voice to Sammy who raised her eyebrows in surprise.
"Was," you corrected sharply through gritted teeth, feeling the familiar sting of annoyance.
The room fell silent at that, the weight of your words hanging heavily in the air: nobody seemed to know what to say next.
Instead, the conversation shifted, and you sat back, happy that no one seemed to care much about it. You listened attentively to everyone and observed their behaviors and personalities; trying to find out what kind of people they were.
You quickly realized that the man wearing glasses was aggressive with a short temper. The big, muscular man seemed oblivious and not very bright, but he was strong enough to lift a mountain if he put his mind to it. The black man with the motorcycle style was mysterious. He appeared to have a crush on Joey — as he often looked at her when she wasn't aware and spoke to her in a flirtatious manner.
The smoker, dressed in rainbow-colored clothes, was childish and seemed eager for Sammy's attention, though it was clear that Sammy had her eye on Peter.
You were great at observing things, uncovering manners and nuances that nobody else even noticed. Listing out their jobs, family lives, and relationships came as a bonus.
You had picked up the skill from Joey. She had made up the game just between the two of you to play whenever you went out for ice cream every weekend.
Observing people, figuring out stories about their lives based on their clothes and guessing their secrets based on their body language. You were good at it, great almost, but Joey was always better. And you wanted to be just like her.
Everybody in the room was now paying her to do just that—figure them out and make assumptions about their lives. Watching her, you realized you didn't want to play that game anymore. It felt too invasive, too much like prying into things better left alone.
She confidently walked around the room, collecting every dollar offered to her. With unwavering certainty, she revealed her insights: Frank had a background in detective enforcement, Peter had struggled with paternal abuse, Sammy hailed from wealth and enjoyed outdoing criminal exploits for a rush, and Dean was a nonprofessional sociopath.
To no surprise she seemed to be right on every single one of them.
However, when she arrived at you, you met her gaze with a steely expression of defiance. She almost looked uncertain, like she wanted to look away.
You were not in the mood for her to dig up your past like it was a game. "Do me, and I'll cut your throat."
Harsh. Way too harsh, but it worked since Joey walked away.
It was the fact that Joey wouldn't even have to guess your past that threw you off. She knew everything already. Almost everything.
Which was unsettling. You didn't want to share a past with her anymore. You didn't want for your past to be exposed meanwhile hers was well hidden.
Which was why you couldn't help but discreetly smirk at Frank's words, "And you are a junkie".
It was ironic, a moment of relief even. Making you realize that even her past was more transparent than you'd thought. She couldn't shield herself from having her own past exposed, despite her sharp insights in others.
As if things couldn't get any weirder, the kidnapped girl — whose name seemed to be Abigail — turned out to be a vampire.
Both Rickles and Dean had been killed out of nowhere, and it was now clear that the little girl was the one who'd done it.
She had made attempts at biting every single one of you, successfully capturing a bite in Sammy's arm, leaving everyone panicked.
And now, you guys had successfully captured her in a human cage; although it was clear she didnt belong to that group of species.
Abigail, from her confinement, proudly stated that she had orchestrated the entire operation and planned everything herself. That Lambert worked for her and that the money everybody was there for, didn't exist.
And without missing a beat, she had begun to expose everyone's real names and tragic pasts, laying bare the secrets they clearly had tried so hard to keep hidden.
She revealed that Sammy's actual name was Jessica Hurney, that she had made a career out of siphoning money from her rich parents, next came hedge funds and private offshore accounts. All of the facts confirmed what Joey had guessed earlier; she only did it for the kicks, since she clearly already had enough money.
Peter's real name was Terrence Lacroix, clearly much more complicated and advanced than his brain and his way of thinking. Appearently he had history with the Montreal Broussard family; snapping next for them. Which surprised you a ton, the guy might've looked stately, but he acted like he wouldn't hurt a fly.
Then she arrived at you.
She turned her head to you with a big proud smirk plastered on her face. Her hands were clasped together as she spoke, swinging back and forth on her heels.
"Y/N L/N" She spoke proudly, everybody's eyes on you. "Deceased mother, unkown father and two suicide attempts before the age of seventeen."
You clenched your jaw, even though you weren't affected by the slightest. You already knew everything she was saying. You lived through it. And it wasn't like you were ever going to see these people again, what was the shame in letting them know?
Everybody had their gaze stuck on you, but Joey's was burning onto your skin.
"Orphan at fourteen. Going through foster care after foster care yet nobody seemed to want you  permanentely. Was it because you were nothing but a burden? Or was it because you were caught stealing alcohol from most of them?" Abigail smiled proudly, and you wanted nothing but to smile back; showing her that she didn't affect you the way she thought she did. But your lips didn't move.
She then moved through Frank and Joey, and it seemed like she had invited everyone to punish and torture them for doing something to their family legacy.
Sammy had embezzled funds from their empire, Peter had stolen from them. Frank had betrayed them and Joey had accidentally caused the death of someone very important to Abigail's father.
Everybody had done something to them, but you? Hadn't done anything, for once.
Thinking that pulling a book from a bookshelf would help you find the way out was stupid, but what was even more stupid was that Joey thought that the walls would be breakable containing only one layer. And the fact that she got frustrated when it didn't work was laughable.
Ever since Abigail had revealed your past and managed to escape out of the cage, Joey had looked at you with worried puppy eyes; as if you were going to break down any second. Which only annoyed you.
But nothing infuriated you more than Sammy sitting herself down next to Joey, clearly trying to engage in some kind of conversation. She probably thought Joey was this amazing person that got through a bunch of tragic stuff with drug addiction and a son in the picture. But she wasn't, not in your eyes.
Joey explained that she had gotten clean, that she was planning to go back for him and start a new life with the money she took the job for.
Everybody gave her sympatic looks in return. Even Frank looked like it was getting to him.
And you were tired of it.
"That's bullshit." You stood up from the chair you were previously sitting on.
All eyes were back on you, Joey's in particular. Her eyes widened, a mixture of shock and hurt playing across her face. The room fell silent, the air thick with tension.
"What?" Joey's voice trembled, though she tried to keep it steady.
"You heard me," you said, your tone unwavering. "You weren't planning to use the money on a new life, you were going to spend it all on drugs."
Sammy shifted uncomfortably beside Joey, clearly caught off guard by your outburst.
Joey shook her head in determination to get you to stop, knowing what you were going to expose. "No." She let out, her voice almost failing her.
You scoffed, crossing your arms and looking around the room. "Do you guys want to know the actual reason my mom is dead?"
Nobody answered. You turned your glare towards Peter who watched you with nothing but pity in his eyes.
Joey's eyes, almost glistening with unshed tears, met yours. There was a flicker of something there—pleading for you to stop, perhaps.
"She died of an overdose." You looked around the room, seeing the wary and weary faces staring back at you. Feeling the weight of the words settle in the room like a thick fog.
Joey's face crumpled, and she turned away, trying to hide her regretful face with tears threatening to spill. Sammy looked between you and Joey, unsure of what to say or do. The rest of the group was equally silent, processing your revelation.
You continued, your voice growing steadier with each word. "She had been sober for 2 months until Joey decided to come over and ruin everything."
Joey's head snapped up, eyes wide but defiant. "It wasn't supposed to happen like that! I just... I wanted to-"
You scoffed, bitterness dripping from your words as you interrupted her. "Well you clearly didnt want to earn up to your mistake since you left the town the next day.
Joey's jaw tightened, her voice steady but strained as she tried to defend herself. "I panicked, okay? I didn't know what to do. I was scared."
The room was deathly quiet, everyone holding their breath. You took a deep breath and delivered the final blow, your voice cold and unwavering."Scared? You should be. Because you can't run from what you did forever."
The room fell silent again, everyone avoiding eye contact. The tension hung in the air, heavy and unspoken.
Finally, Sammy broke the silence, changing the subject to how she could lock up all the doors; that were covered with bars and lock if she found a power source.
The conversation rapidly shifted, but the impact of your words lingered, leaving everyone with a lot to think about. Mostly Joey.
You knew things would never be the same, but at least the truth was out.
The dumbest thing to ever do trapped in a house with a vampire on the loose would be splitting up. Yet Joey instructed everybody to do just that to find the power source Sammy needed, and since everyone had no clue what to do, they listened.
Peter willingly went with Sammy, since it was very clear that they liked each other. Either way it was stupid, you figured Sammy would turn into a vampire any second now.
In reality, you wanted to go alone, but unfortunately you were paired with Joey and Frank. The decision to split up seemed reckless, especially in a situation where safety was paramount.
Despite your reservations, there was no room for argument. Joey's instructions were clear, and you found yourself reluctantly following alongside Joey and Frank as they ventured into the corridors of the house.
In the midst of the tension, before you followed Joey and Frank into the corridors, Joey had pulled you aside with a determined look in her eyes. She spoke in a hushed voice, barely concealing her urgency,
'When we get out of here, you're coming to live with me. I'll make sure of it.'
There was no room for discussion as she hurriedly turned away, leaving you with a glimmer of hope in your eyes.
Every shadow seemed to move, every creak in the floorboards felt like a threat. The urgency to find the power source and secure the house drove you forward, but the unease never left your mind. Joey and Frank moved ahead with cautious determination, while you kept glancing over your shoulder, half-expecting for Abigail to appear at any moment.
As you anticipated,  Sammy had turned into a vampire no more than a few minutes into searching, killing Peter. Then exploded from the daylight Joey reflected from a small silver platter.
Lambert's true nature was exposed; he was the same species as Abigail, working for her and her father.
And Frank, in a moment of desperation, was foolish enough to accept Lambert's offer to join the them.
While you expected his transformation to take as long as Sammy's, it happened much faster. Within moments, after Lambert almost choked Joey to death Frank's eyes changed color, and his metamorphosis was complete.
Joey made a desperate attempt to call her son, assuming none of you would make it out in human form. Her attempt ended with her leaving a voice message, as he didn't answer.
After her unsuccessful attempt to reach her son, you and she hurried to the center of the house, aware that Frank was close behind, his footsteps echoing ominously through the corridors.
As you reached the center, the dim light from a flickering bulb overhead cast eerie shadows around you, intensifying the sense of dread that hung in the air.
And Frank wasted no time in springing into action. With a sudden burst of inhuman force, he threw both Joey and you up to the second floor landing.
You landed with a painful thud against the bookshelf covered wall, as if you were a weightless doll, struggling to catch your breath as Joey scrambled to her feet.
With menacing speed, Frank flew up to the second-floor landing where you and Joey stood, taken aback by his unnatural speed and power.
His eyes was now fixated on Joey. And in a terrifying display, he seized her by the throat, lifting her effortlessly off the ground. Joey struggled against his vice-like grip, grasping for air as her hands clawed his arm.
With a cruel twist of fate, Frank suddenly released Joey, throwing her backwards. At the same moment, he hurled you with his strength, propelling you over the edge of the landing.
Joey's cry of horror echoed through the air as you plummeted toward the hard cement floor below. Time seemed to slow as the ground rushed up to meet you.
And in the corner of your eye, you could see Abigail sliding on the black and white floor, allowing herself to catch Joey just in time.
But there was no one to break your fall.
It was abrupt and brutal, ending with the back of your head crashing against the cement floor with an unforgiving, bone-jarring impact.
The pain was immediate and excruciating, radiating from your scull down your entire body. You could feel the severity of the blow reverberate through your brain, a sensation that left no doubt about the damage it had caused.
Your vision blurred momentarily, and you struggled to focus on the chaotic scene around you.
Every heartbeat sent a fresh wave of agony through your head, and you could feel a warm trickle of blood pooling beneath you.
Each breath became a struggle, and your attempts to move were met with unresponsive limbs. The sounds of the fight above you started to fade, and the fact that Joey was calling your name to get up and help her, was inaudible from your side.
Not from distance but from your own waning awareness.
The cold cement beneath you was unyielding.
Numbness was spreading through your body.
And your eyes shut.
Joey didn't realize you were gone until the chaos had finally subsided. She had been so consumed with the fight for survival that your absence hadn't registered. It was only after the battle ended, and the adrenaline began to fade, that she noticed you weren't by her side and hadn't been at all since the fall. The shock and guilt hit her hard when she found your lifeless body, realizing that she had been too late to save you.
Joey had held onto you with tears streaming down her face.
The weight of your loss settled heavily on her, making her painfully aware that this was all your life was ever going to be.
Your life had always been a struggle. As a kid, your concerns weren't about choosing an ice cream flavor at the kiosk or picking out a dress at the shops. Instead, you worried about making sure the tap wasn't running and raising the water bill, and you focused on maintaining grades good enough to secure a well-paying job to help your mother with groceries.
What you didn't know back then was that you wouldn't get the time to find a job anyway. And now, the water bill didn't matter anymore; you didn't have a home to pay for it.
-this sucks and trust me, i’m aware, i just spent way too much dreading and time on writing this; it’s only be a waste for it to rot in drafts.
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spideybatsy · 3 days
Late Night | Chapter two
Summary: GN!Reader gets a cleaning job working at Wayne Enterprises when a certain billionaire playboy develops an obsession with them. Pairing: Bruce Wayne x GN!Reader WC: 2.4K Warnings: Although the reader is GN, they have female anatomy. With that clear - female and male masturbation (at different times), a bit of exhibitionism, and a blowie. Notes: Can be read as any batsy you’d like, I personally picture Bale bc I’m a slut for him <3 I have never written smut before, so I hope it's enjoyable! Masterlist
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Working for Wayne Enterprises had been going surprisingly well. Despite originally taking the job to make rent, you feel like you've settled right in. Your coworkers often invite you out on the weekends and you really enjoy spending time with them. Russell, the security guard downstairs, continues to chat you up when your shifts overlap. Even though he’s your type, you just aren’t interested in him and you’re not sure why. 
Okay, you know exactly why. It’s the exact same reason why you’re enjoying work so much. 
Bruce has been in almost every day you have, always taking the time out of his busy schedule to stop and talk with you. You’ve seen the magazines and tabloids about him but the real man is nothing like they say. Sure, he’s charismatic and incredibly good looking but he’s also hilarious and affectionate. 
Like, you haven’t had to bring dinner in since that fateful night a month ago. He either brings you into his office to eat with him or leaves something for you in the fridge. When it started happening you were worried about your coworkers being irritated by the blatant favouritism. Sure, the office was almost empty that late but you didn't want a target on your back.  When you brought it up with Bruce, he responded with a simple, “I’ll deal with it.” Meal vouchers have been passed out since. 
Coming into the kitchen, you were pleasantly surprised to find Bruce making coffee.
“Interesting,” you comment as you walk in.
Bruce hums, raising his eyebrows questionably.
“I didn’t know you knew how to,” you gesture at him.
“Make coffee?” He sounds borderline offended. “Of course I can. What do you think I am?”
“A billionaire with a butler at his beck and call.” You shrug playfully, “but what would I know?”
“More than most.” His deep voice does something to you.
A smile creeps up his face as he moves closer to you, towering over your shorter frame. You never really noticed how… big and strong he is. Sturdy. You could climb him like a-
Heat rises to your cheeks and you hope he doesn’t notice but he does. He always does. Rushing past him, you look away and start to fill the sink, trying to collect yourself. 
“I’m going to the ballet this weekend,” he pauses for a moment, panic flashing through his eyes. “Would you lik-”
“Hey, I’ve been thi-” Emily stops short. “Oh, I didn’t see you Mr Wayne. Sorry.”
“No need to apologise,” Bruce’s business voice rears its head and you can’t help but look at him. He’s not smiling anymore and he looks almost irritated. “I was just about to head out anyway, have a good evening you two.”
His eyes meet yours and for a moment, they soften, his lip twitching up. Then he’s gone, leaving you two alone in the kitchen.
“I don’t think he knows my name,” Emily whispers, bringing her dirty cup over. 
“I’m sure he does,” you laugh. 
“I’m just saying, he never took me out for lunch.” 
You grin as you take the cup from her. “Maybe he was just avoiding you.”
“Maybe he just wants to see the good looking cleaner.” 
Your smile softens, as you plunge your hands into the dishwater. “I think he just needed a friend. Someone who sees him as more than Mr Wayne.” 
“And you’re that friend?” She stops and looks at you.
“I don’t know,” you pause. “I hope so.”
She glances at you, “And what if he wants more than that?” 
“More friends?” You ask mindlessly, hands scrubbing at the cup.
“Don’t be obtuse.”
You take a moment to really think, even though you know the answer. Everyone seemingly knows the answer. You’re not oblivious to the knowing looks that follow you everywhere you go.
Bruce leans on the wall outside the door, the two of you ignorant to his eavesdropping. He’s waiting with bated breath, desperate for confirmation that you feel half as attracted to him as he is to you.
“Well, I wouldn’t be opposed.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Bruce can’t help but grin at Emily’s response. “Do you want to fuck him or not?”
“Of course I want to fuck him,” you blurt out. 
Bruce barely holds back a groan as his trousers suddenly grow tight. 
“Mmm, he does have the face of a god,” Emily comments.
You hum, continuing to wash up. 
“I bet his dick is-”
“As big and bulky as him,” you interrupt. 
Bruce can’t contain the sharp breath that leaves his lips, so loud it echoes off the walls. Before either of you can react, he hurries down the hallway and into his office, practically slamming the door.
You drop the cup into the sink, the water splashing your shirt. 
“Oh my God,” Emily’s hands are against her mouth. “Do you think that was him?”
“I-I don’t know,” you say quietly. “I hope not.”
“It might’ve been Fox.” She tries to reason, “he’s always here late.”
“He called in sick today.”
Emily swears under her breath, pacing through the kitchen. 
“You need to go into his office.”
“Me!” You yelp, pointing at her, “why should I have to go? You’re the one who started the conversation!”
“But you’re his friend,” she throws your previous statement back in your face. “He actually likes you!”
You huff and turn your back on her, thinking through your options. Someone needs to go and talk to him, squash it down before it turns into a big mess. Plus she’s not wrong, you’re definitely closer to him than she is.
“Fine,” you relent. “But if I lose my job, I’ll kill you.”
“Deal.” She nervously follows you to the door, the two of you peaking your heads out to look at the ominous office at the end of the hallway. Her hand comes up and pats you on the back “Good luck.”
God, he hasn’t been this horny since he was a teenager. Bruce has always had immaculate control, especially over something as trivial as his body. 
Yet here he is, fly down and cock in hand as he violently pumps to the memory of your words. You’d said it so quickly, effortlessly even. How often have you thought about his dick? Did you touch yourself while you did? 
He’s mid-stroke when he hears the gentle tapping against his office door. He ignores it for a moment, continuing as he replays your words in his head. Big and thick. Was that your preference? 
“Bruce, please.” 
Your words stop him dead in his tracks. He considers putting himself back in his pants but he’s so swollen it’s borderline painful. 
Carefully, he pulls his chair closer to his desk. Now there’s no way you could see what he’s doing under there. Giving his girth one final squeeze, he places his hands firmly on the desk and calls you in. 
His eyes immediately catch on the wet spots on your shirt, sticking to the tiniest bits of skin. 
“Bruce, I-I’m so sorry-” 
“What for?” He cuts you off.
“For what I said in the kitchen, I was just joking.” He can see the blood rush to your cheeks, your eyes suddenly studying his hands. 
Your name rolls off his tongue, “Look at me.”
The anxiety in your eyes is palpable as they meet his. Guilt suddenly floods his chest, almost drowning him in the tidal wave. How could he be doing this when you’re so upset? He should be comforting you, not stroking his dick to the thought of you.
“It’s fine, honestly.” He tries a gentle smile. “All you did was boost my already enlarged ego.”
“Y-Yeah?” Your eyes shine with unshed tears.
“Oh yeah, you could say my ego is big and bulky.”
His chest warms at your surprised laugh, “I’m so embarrassed.”
He reaches out for you, making sure to use his untainted hand to hold your own.
“You already have lots of embarrassing blackmail material for me, I think it’s only fair.” 
“Thank you.” You smile and take his hand in yours, squeezing it gently. 
“No problem,” he returned the smile and squeezes. “Now get back to work, I wouldn’t want to reprimand you.”
Bruce can’t help but stare at your ass as you walk out of his office, closing the door behind you. Waiting a minute to make sure the coast is clear, he pushes his seat back and looks at himself. His head is red and angry, leaking precum down his designer suit.
As bad as he feels, he can’t endure it any longer. He thrusts into his hand, hips angling until he’s biting back moans and cumming into a tissue. 
There’s something peaceful about being alone in the office, especially in the middle of the night. Even the bustling city seems sleepy beneath you, everything muffled and far away. You don’t miss the big bat symbol amongst the clouds, it’s on almost every night. Although you hope you’ll never need his help, knowing he’s there always brings you comfort. 
Bruce’s office is the only one left to clean and then you’re cleared to go home. You can’t help but chuckle as you remember what happened in this office only an hour ago. It seemed silly to be so stressed, of course he was going to take it in his stride.
But, if you’re being honest, you’re a little disappointed that he brushed it off. Part of you hoped he’d take you words for what they were and make a move. That was just wishful thinking. Bruce could have anyone he wanted, so why would he settle for you?
Something falls out of Bruce’s bin while you’re emptying it, landing right in front of you feet. Without thinking, you pick it up to throw it away. It’s squishy texture catching your attention. You don’t know why, but you feel compelled to open it. 
It’s full of pale white goo, it almost looks like…
Warmth that floods through your nether region. This is recent. He must’ve done this just before he left, which was minutes after you talked. Was this because of you? 
Your breath quickens and you find yourself sitting back on his chair. Was he playing with his cock in this very chair? Was he hard in his pants while you came in and begged for his forgiveness? 
Your hand slowly slides past your waistband and beneath your underwear, fingers rubbing slow circles against your clit. Breathy moans pass your lips as you draw the circles tighter, picking up the pace. Grasping the tissue, you close your eyes and visualise Bruce sitting in this chair, cumming to the thought of you. 
You hip rock against your hand, begging for more as you moan out his name. You cum quicker than ever before, hand continuing but softening its movement to draw out your orgasm. 
In an almost hypnotic state, you stop and take a moment to catch your breath. You slowly open your eyes, a sense of euphoria coursing through you. 
A cock stands to attention right in front of you, it’s head a breath away from your lips.
“Open your mouth, beautiful.” Bruce rumbles.
Your mouth opens as you look up at him through your lashes. His eyes are hooded as he looks back, tongues peaking out to lick his lips.
He hums, bringing his length to rest against your bottom lip.
“I’m going to put my cock in your mouth, baby.” His voice is so deep, you can almost feel the vibration. “And you’re going to suck it like a good little whore, aren’t you?”
You nod, core feeling like molten fire. He smiles, slowly pushing his head into your parted lips. You suck on it, enjoying the taste of his salty pre-cum. His moan echoes through the room, hands fisting at his sides.
He slowly thrusts in and out, inching his way further into your mouth. You’re not sure if you’re doing the right thing but his groans say you are. 
Turns out you weren’t far off the mark when you said he was big and bulky. His member is hot and heavy against your tongue. 
Without thinking, you reach out and take his hand in yours. His breath stutters before he intertwines your fingers.
“You’re so good for me,” his voice is rougher than you’ve ever heard it. “I’ve been thinking about these lips for months.”
Your mind temporarily notes that you’ve only known each other for a month but the thought rushes away as he pushes far enough to hit your gag reflex. Your other hand automatically comes up to rest on his thigh as you push back. He throws his head back as his free hand comes down to grasp your hair. He pulls at it, yet doesn’t push you any further down. You moan as your scalp burns, the vibration running up his dick.
“Fuck, I’m going to cum.” Pride swells in your chest, you’re going to make the Prince of Gotham cum. “You want it in your mouth, baby?”
You hum, which drives him even wilder. The sounds leaving his mouth are otherworldly and you can feel your own slick pooling in your underwear. His thrusts come to a stop as his cum rushes into your mouth. It tastes better than you thought it would, salty yet sweet. 
You swallow without thinking about it, looking up at him through hooded eyes. His face is flushed, mouth open in a perfect O. You think this might be the first time you’ve seen him dishevelled. You love it.
He slowly pulls back, saliva lines bridging the gap as he does. His eyes are glassy as he tucks himself in and slowly lowers to his knees, his hand still intertwined with yours. His free hand travels up your thigh, coming to play with your button.
“What are you doing?” You murmur, eyes focused on the rapid rising and falling of his chest. He stares down at your waistline, a post-orgasmic sheen coating his gaze.
“Repaying the favour.”
Your free hand stops him, causing him to look up at you. 
“You don’t have to do that.” You insist. 
Bruce recognises the panic that starts to swell in your chest, immediately pulling his hand away.
“What’s wrong?” His voice is soft, eyes starting to clear. 
“I-I-'' you fail to actually say anything before jumping from your seat. “My shift is over, I’ve got to go.”
Bruce says your name as he squeezes your hand. “Please, just speak to me.”
“I need you to leave me alone, right now.” You pull your hand from his before rushing out of the office, leaving Bruce alone on his knees.
Taglist: @so-uncute
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coolprettyleo · 24 hours
so why do i still long for a home? - ryan leonard ☆
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wc: 1.5k
tw: family angst, departure, leaving, arguing
ryan leonard x oc hughes sister!
death by a thousand cuts au
frankie's summer had been going amazing.
the girl finally felt like herself again. scratch that, the better version of herself. she was finally happy, and life once again held purpose for her, she felt like she had finally found her passion after searching so long to find it and that was the best feeling for the hughes girl.
she would admit that the hours were long, but it was nothing compared to the hours of 'torture', as she would call it, in the rink.
she had everything she'd ever wanted; a job she loved, loving friends, and a passion.
"I have to talk to you," summer said, coming into the brunette's room with a nervous look.
summer had liked her summer so far, only liked. of course, the girl was having a good time, but she didn't know if she held the same passion for modeling that frankie held. she wanted to return to bc in the fall, and that seemed to be the farthest thing on her best friend's mind.
"okay, shoot," frankie said, closing her laptop and focusing her attention on the blonde in front of her.
"have you thought about what you're gonna do in the fall?"
frankie had gave it thought. she'd given it a lot of thought, and she knew her answer almost instantly. she wasn't stupid; she knew summer wanted to return; she was just hoping to push off the conversation for a little longer.
"not really," she said, pushing the strand of hair behind her ear. everyone who knew the girl knew it was a habit she did when she wasn't telling the truth.
"I have, I want to go back to bc, and I know you don't, and that's okay. you can still stay here, you know my dad loves you-"
"i'm not staying here without you. part of the reason I'm having so much fun is because I'm doing it all with you. I'll just follow you back and find something else I'm supposed to do," she told her best friend.
"I think this is what you're supposed to do, frankie," she said as frankie sighed.
"i think it is too. but i'm scared. it's all becoming too real, and I don't know how everyone's going to take it," she said, thinking back to everyone's face when she told them she'd be moving to new york.
"you're dropping out?" her mother said, with a look of peer disappointment while her dad and brothers looked at her like she had three heads.
"i'm just going to try it out, nothing's for sure" she tried to smooth it over
"that industry is dangerous, frankie," luke said. the hughes brothers knew that a lot of those models either go crazy on drugs or go crazy trying to look better; they didn't know how they would feel about their little sister joining that whole scene.
"I only want to try it; if I don't like it, I'll return to bc in the fall," she said as she looked at her parents and brothers, who were all looking at her with worried eyes.
"are you running away from something? are you having problems with ryan? that's not a reason to just up and leave and change your whole life-" jack said.
"i'm not running away from anything-"
"seems like it" luke added with a scoff as she furrowed her eyebrows
"i really want to do this-"
"I don't like it," her father said, cutting her off, finally speaking.
"that's enough, frances. we've watched you throw away hockey, we're not watching you throw away your education as well. you don't have hockey to fall back on anymore; you're going to need a career, and moving to new york and partying for a living isn't," he said as her brothers held wide eyes. it was rare that their father ever raised his voice to scold them and even rarer for it to be directed at frankie.
"I'm eighteen; if I want to do this, I will-" frankie said with a shaky voice, raising her own voice.
"yeah? with what money? i'm not going to support this move frances! and god knows that city is expensive-"
"i already have a place to stay, and I have money saved up. I'm going whether you guys like it or not," she said, standing up and going to her room, slamming the door in the process.
"jim, that could have been handled better," ellen said once she was out of earshot.
"she's gone crazy!" the dad of four said.
"no, she hasn't. she's trying to find herself, and if doing this helps her, then maybe it's a good thing" she said before standing up and following after her only daughter.
"can i come in?" ellen asked with a knock.
"If you're coming here to change my mind, you won't," she said once her mother opened the door her back faced towards her.
"i know you won't. you're a stubborn girl. I just want you to remember that everyone in this house loves you and wants what's best for you, that's why hearing this news is a little scary, to say the least, but I'll always be standing beside you with a big sign and balloons no matter what you do" she told her as frankie burned holes into the wall. ellen waited for her to say something, but the stubborn girl did nothing.
"i'll be waiting for when you want to talk," she said softly before shutting the door.
frankie took a deep breath before sitting up and getting up to pull out her suitcase. she knew she couldn't stay here. they all looked at her like she was glass that was bound to break and she couldn't take it. thankfully she hadn't fully unpacked and only needed a couple of things.
the girl waited for everyone to head to bed before slipping out. she was startled when she saw quinn sitting on the island eating a bowl of cereal. the oldest hughes looked at her and down to her bag.
"you're leaving?" he asked his littlest sister as she nodded.
"you have to tell them, they're gonna worry-"
"I left a note," she said, continuing her way out the door, only for quinn to follow her out.
"frankie, don't leave. dad didn't mean to yell at you; he's just worried. we all are-"
"i have to do this, quinn. i'm not going to spend the rest of my life wondering 'what if'. I won't do it," she said, shaking her head as quinn sighed.
"at least let me drive you; you heading to the airport?" he asked, looking at her passport in hand as she looked at him suspisoucly.
"you'd do that?" she asked. quinn and her had never been the closest. he was six years older than her, and they were always at different stages in each other's lives. she was only nine when he left for the program.
"yeah, I'm not letting you take some sketchy cab," he said before grabbing his keys.
"thank you," she said, mumbling into his chest as she hugged him.
"just promise me, you won't be stupid out there, and if you ever need something, you won't hesitate to give me or any of us a call," he told her as they got into the car.
"okay" she said with a nod as they drove away from her home that hadn't been feeling much like home.
that had all been about a month ago. she had yet to speak to her dad but had exchanged a couple of check in calls with her mother and brothers but hadn't really spoken to them. 'needing space to be free' as she liked to call it.
part of her understood where her family's worries had been coming from. a lot had changed in little time. their daughter and sister, who seemed to love hockey like the rest of them, quit out of the blue, and now she was basically dropping out of college. to anyone, that seemed like an episode, but to the girl, it was her life.
the other part of her, though, didn't understand. her brothers left school, jack didn't even go, and they had been nothing but supportive of them. so why couldn't they just support her?
she knew her descion was not only going to cause an uproar within her family, but with her boyfriend as well.
she had barely seen ryan since school ended. he had been busy with the development program, and she had been busy with shoots. the two rarely got to talk. she had been feeling distant from him, and she knew he felt it too. he also still held hope she'd return to bc in the fall
"i'll always be here for you frankie. you need to stay here and live out your dreams," summer told her as she took a deep breath.
"I love you," she said, hugging her best friend.
the two girls stood there wrapped up in one another while the brunette didn't know what was to come for her. afraid of change, but excited for the new beginnings she was about to embark on.
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ghouljams · 9 hours
I have some tips for anal sex for anyone interested! (Not you ghoul unless you don't know some of this stuff.) (Also if this isn't appreciated I'm so sorry I just like sharing knowledge but i won't blame you if you delete this instead 😅)
1. Make sure the last time you took a crap was at least an hour before hand. This will help ensure there isn't anything at the entrance. Also, no, you do NOT need to not eat for a day beforehand or whatever nonsense, just make sure you've pooped and that you waited an hour after before cleaning up.
2. If you are doing some internal cleaning before, all you need is salt water and a way to get it into your anus. You do not need to douche. You do not ever need to shove ANYTHING up there that is not a penis, fingers, or salt water, and definitely not in that order. Salt water is all you need to clean any leftover feces out, and the reason you want salt water specifically is because it will help keep the skin in your anal tract moist, which in turn will help prevent tearing/bleeding/cuts/etc. Plain water will dry the skin out and make you more likely to retain an injury during anal. Do not douche, douches will cause risk of tearing and honestly only exist so people can tell you your body is dirty and shame you, they're fuckin useless.
3. Test your lube before you use it, like in the inside of your knee/elbow, and DON'T JUST USE SPIT. Spitting is fine as a *little* extra oomph, but not as your sole source of lube, and (especially for people with vaginas) definitely not without cleaning your mouths first and drinking water. You do NOT want to get a yeast infection bc your partner spit on your ass after drinking some soda and it got too close to your vagina. Make sure you're clean, make sure you aren't going to have a reaction to the lube (rashes on the butt/coochie/scrotum are not a good time!) and most importantly: use a lot of it! As much as you need and then some! Better safe than sorry!
4. Spend as much time as you need letting yourself get used to it, and don't let anyone pressure you into moving faster than you're comfortable with if you're new to anal. The anus can be damaged just like any other body part, and you will absolutely regret it if you aren't taking things slowly the first few times because you won't be used to what you can and can't take, and the signs for "Bad danger fuck off!!!" can come on very suddenly if you push yourself to do more. Pushing boundaries is for when you're experienced, not when you're a beginner, even if you know you'll like it. Save it for later and prep your body properly.
5. Last but not least: positioning is everything! You might want to try a couple different ones once you're used to the sensation of it, but I would recommend starting by laying on your stomach with a pillow under your hips. That's the easiest position to relax in, and will make the process of getting used to it easier so you can enjoy yourself later in other positions.
Alright that's all I got, hope these tips help somebody!
Good tips all around!
My last tip is don't worry about the mess! Sex is messy, even if you clean up your partner might have to wash their hands afterwards, it's not embarrassing it's just your body! Don't let worry about the mess stop you from trying something new. Your partner already knows what happens back there, they're also a human person, but gloves and condoms are your friends if you're looking for easier cleanup.
Also trim your nails.
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acourtofthought · 16 hours
Elriels want their ship to have a forbidden romance in the next books, but given how the bonus chapter ended, I'm not sure how that would work. I mean, how would that conversation go between Az and Elain?
Azriel: I want to finish what we started on Solstice.
Elain: Why should we finish what we started? You already said that it was a mistake.
Azriel: No, I only said that because Rhys got in my head right before we were about to kiss.
Elain: So, Rhys made you say it was a mistake?
Azriel: No, I actually said that on my own, but when Rhys told me to stay away from you, I told him he couldn't tell me what to do.
Elain: So, you called us a mistake of your own free will, but you still want to be with me?
Azriel: Yes.
Elain: Even though your high lord has spoken out against it?
Azriel: Yes.
Elain: How would that even work?
Azriel: Easy. We just have to keep it secret.
Elain: Secret? From our closest friends and family?
Azriel: Yes. It may be difficult, but think of how hot it'll be. Secret meet-ups late at night, stolen moments in the shadows.
Elain: And what happens if Rhys or someone else finds out?
Azriel: We'll be alright. Rhys might be worried about a blood duel, but I'm not.
Elain: Blood duel?
Azriel: Yeah, it's an Autumn Court tradition where two males can fight to the death over a female. Lucien has the right to demand it of me if he finds out I've been with you, but don't worry. I'd defeat him with little effort.
Elain:... You want to kill Lucien? You want to kill my mate?
Azriel: Why not? You have no interest in him, and I don't think he'll ever be good enough for any way.
Now, I'm not saying that exact conversation would happen, but given that not everyone is aware of the BC and sjm would have to reintroduce parts of it into the next book, I'm sure we'll get something about the almost kiss, "this was a mistake" and the blood duel. But, do Elriels really expect a secret relationship from all this? And even if that does happen, what if the necklace comes up again?
Elain: Az, I know we can't tell anyone about us, so I've decided I'd like the necklace back. I think it’d be romantic to wear it every day, a little token of us that I don't have to hide.
Azriel: Ok. I'll head down to the library and tell Clotho I need it back.
Elain: Clotho? Why would she have it?
Azriel: After you gave it back, I decided that returning it to the store wouldn't be right. So, I ended up giving it to Clotho to give to Gwyn.
Elain: Gwyn? Nesta's friend? You gave it to her?
Azriel: Yeah, but she doesn't know it's from me. Clotho just told her it came from a friend. I'll go down and tell Clotho that Gwyn needs to give it back now.
Again, this exact conversation probably won't happen, but if Elriel does happen, I'm sure the necklace is going to come up again at some point, and people just think Elain is going to get all this new information and just be fine with it?
I was so entertained reading that, I need more 😂
I agree with you though, there is no way for Az to tell Elain that Rhys told him to stay away from him without shooting himself in the foot a thousand times over. Without her being extremely put off by his words and actions.
We also need to add:
Elain: "Why didn't Rhys understand when you explained that you had these feelings for me?"
Az: "I didn't actually say I had feelings for you. I said we should be mates because your sisters are with my brothers. He also asked if I was over Mor but I refused to answer then he told me to use a pleasure hall if I was just looking for sex. I didn't say anything then either."
Elain: "So THIS is why the Mother gave me Lucien as a mate."
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sonboyadam · 3 days
Adam's birthday fic rec palooza!
hi! i didn't do anything for the Adam's birthday bc adulthood, but here's a short list of some adam centric fics that i've loved and bookmarked along the years. I chose oneshots for this, maybe i'll do another fic rec in another time. I'm doing this at work so let me know if the links are wonkyyy
things fall apart, the centre cannot hold by basicallymonsters
Adam's perspective throughout Mister Impossible, as his worry reaches a fever pitch, and the two versions of himself begin to converge.
I love everything this author has ever written, and this is my beloved forever, this adam pov is canon for me. It's angst and sad and so good
don't want no other shade of blue but you by the lace
It didn’t help his mood that they seemed to be taking all their cues straight from a bad how to help a friend who’s going through a breakup wikiHow article; breakup playlists he wouldn’t listen to, invitations to movie nights he hadn’t taken them up on, a bottle of Prosecco he had given to a girl who lived down the hall from him… And now they had decided to try setting him up on dates, apparently.
This oooone, im obssesed. adam tries to date after ronan ghosts him but at the end he's still a water sign you know
Mile Markers by escribo
All Adam needs is one signature on his application to Aglionby. That should be pretty simple, right?
Lovelove precanon fics, this is ppl telling adam no, and him going watch me💕
Wringing Out the Hours by quietcoast
Adam leaves for college, and realizes he has no idea what comes next.
Adam figuring it out what he wants!! this was posted very early post trk and before tdt even was a thing, but I love going back to this fics and see everyone's interpretation of how adam deals with the Future tm
Hold on by momebie (katilara)
(The one where Adam gets a tattoo and there's a lot of dialogue and feelings and dialogue about feelings.)
I think this one doesn't need more explanation, he gets a tattoo!!! Read it!! It's soft and he's free and he gets a tattoo!!
suppose you're in a meadow by deathlessaphrodite
Adam’s first love was a dirtbag fry cook working at the Waffle Inn on the outskirts of Henrietta, where Adam had journeyed every other night, on his bike, the summer he turned seventeen.
Like I said i looove precanon fics, this one is baby bi adam backstory, enough said
being witnessed in the act of wanting something by deathlessaphrodite
'Guilty' is such a childish word, Adam thinks; he associates it more with the church than the law, now.
Ok this one is sad too but I still love it very much, missing scenes are also one of my favorite fandom tropes:^)
And finally, finishing with some good tumblr drabbles💕
This drabble of adam buying flowers for ronan 💕
This drabble of adam making out with aglionby boys hehe
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artdcnaldson · 10 hours
you literally read my mind with making dodge prove he deserves you before he gets to do anything YOUR MIND im BARKINGGG (and so is he)
now i’m thinking about the remix ,, maybe you and dodge don’t get a chance to be alone together again for a bit bc you’re both busy competing and training. your rivalry is still going strong to outsiders, but you both know it’s fundamentally changed. there’s a different heat behind your gaze when you lock eyes with him across the ring, his hands will wander and subtly squeeze your hips when he’s moving past you in the stables. the longer this goes on the more pent up you’re both getting and it all comes to a head when the next big rodeo comes up.
for once, you stick around after your event to actually watch dodge ride. he sees you as he’s getting set up in the cage and flashes a quick smile before he really locks in to focus. theennn your eyes move from him across the crowd to see familiar bedazzled jeans and perky tits leaning against the rails of the ring, waving and batting her eyes at him.
and fuuuck that, you see red. if he needs to get his dick wet that badly, she can have him!! you turn on your heel and storm to your car right as the sound goes off and he’s let out of the gate.
after that, you’re cold to him. you completely ice him out for days, barely acknowledging his existence and avoiding him at all costs. he finally corners you in one of the tack storage rooms and when he figures out why you’ve been so upset with him he’s such a dick about it. you do your best to stay cold towards him and keep it a secret, but a snide comment about “cowgirl barbie” slips out before you could stop it and suddenly he’s a dog with a bone.
you try to shoulder past him to the door, but he grabs a handful of your hair and pulls you back to face him. he tilts your head up so his lips are practically on yours when he speaks.
“you know, if I’d known how cute you look when you’re jealous, I’d have fucked her right in front of you ages ago,” he says, tongue darting out to wet his lips. your eyes widen ever so slightly and you avert your gaze.
little does he know, you think as flashes of him mouthing at her tits in the back of his car run through your mind.
the problem is dodge is very perceptive. he’s known you almost all your life, even if you two hated each other for so long he still knows your tells.
“you dirty little girl, you already have seen me fuck her,” he grins. there’s a mean glint in his eye that sends heat straight to your pussy.
the words fly out of your mouth, “i didn’t watch you fuck her, i only saw—”
“enough to get the idea, huh? too bad you missed out on the whole thing, she got pretty loud towards the end.”
humiliation burns through you, more so than the grip he still has on your hair. you shut your eyes tight as tears well up in them. he coos at you and brings his free hand to caress your cheek.
“don’t worry baby, i haven’t fucked her again,” he says, still so condescending but with a hint softness. “you think i’d go back to her after tasting you? not a chance in hell. not when this pussy is all i can think about.”
you open your eyes and gaze up at him, they’re still full of tears and a whimper escapes your throat. it’s a sight that would have sent him to his knees had he not had days of pent up anger towards you for being such a brat and exponentially more pent up arousal over it.
he shoves his thigh between your legs and wraps the hand that was on your cheek around your throat. you squirm, but you know you’re not going anywhere if he doesn’t want you to. the powerlessness makes your mind go fuzzy and soft.
“you’ve been such a little bitch this whole week, trying to get back at me for something i didn’t even do,” he says, squeezing your neck just a bit tighter. “now you’re gonna be a good girl and make it up to me, isn’t that right baby?”
even with your restricted movement, you’ve never nodded your head so fast.
your honor i’m in love with him and his mile wide mean streak for cute little brats
Hnngngngnngng :(((( he’s mean :((((
I’m so not eloquent when it comes to dodge I wish I could write him I truly do but my head is just so empty :(((
But I’m Thinking in very vague terms about him fucking you hard and rough, making you moan and cry on his dick so everyone knows you’re his little plaything :(((((
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boycritter · 1 month
a guy can’t even say he’s in excruciating pain these days without people “”worrying”” about him. because of woke
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tzarrz · 9 months
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to all people who said PART 1 made them laugh - i lov u 💗 this is for u
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starflungwaddledee · 4 months
Oooo starstruck dee has little stars at the bottom of her feet! Are they just aesthetic or would they make imprints into the ground? (like pawprints)
exactly like that! though she's not the only one...
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edit: might need to add some additional dialogue to this to make it more clear, but a clarification in the interim; he knows about his own footprints. he's just surprised to see something similar already there when he knows he's only just landed. he lifts his own shoe to confirm that they're not identical (and also to reveal this to the viewer). seems his stoicism beat off the clarity in this one, sorry 😭
#meta knight#starstruck dee#have had this one sitting around for *months* while i bit my nails on posting it#and then i thought maybe i *shouldn't* during the shipaganza bc it's not a direct prompt; though i do think you can read it that way#and for ~Reasons~ i needed to post this one sooner rather than later so i had to bite the bullet.#though meta knight has understandably been the second most prompted. they do indeed have the Funnest Possible Dynamic for it#stoic guy and the bug eyed little Creature he doesn't really trust as far as he could throw her (long long way)#so just to clarify this one is NOT for the shipaganza but you can read it that way if you want to#this is just a canon scene between them from her storyline. this is just something they canonically share. starry eyed idiots.#also fwiw i think i probably picked up the shoe-patterns for the knights from postitnotes7#been a headcanon in the back of my mind for a long while but i'm pretty sure i osmosis'd it from their work#especially after drawing post's designs so much for the hnkss. i temporarily forgot how i used to draw their armour ngl#and also btw starstruck deetectives psspsps#i'm planning a much better post about this later (probably in march) but i'm going to start using this tag for Important Posts for y'all#🎀🔍#<- for the starstruck deetectives when there's something significant in the post.#i worry about making it 'too easy' but also want stuff to be accessible. it's just for fun? the OC lore game! ARG but it's just my oc.#that would be fun right? maybe? is that too indulgent? i could probably pull it off if folks were actually interested enough to participate#anyway!! go to bed starflung#also if you read this far: anon is open again! still open for shipaganza prompts but i'm not gonna be finished them in february 😂
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batbabydamian · 6 months
Hey, I started reading Robin son of Batman because of your recommendation (I literally have a print of your post on my phone to not forget lol). Honestly? One of the best things I ever read!!!
Thank you for opening my eyes! Damian has been one of my favorite characters for over a year, but I didn't read/watch much of him because of school, life (and probably an executive dysfunction in the mix).
Maya is incredible. I loved her.
I haven't finished all the issues yet, but do you have any other recommendations?
WAH this makes me so happy, i'm glad you still gave it a shot even with how busy life is!! ;v;
i’d love to give reccs, and i’ll try to go a beginner friendly route! tbh you can pick up whatever here, but since you've read R:SOB i’d immediately follow up with Batman and Robin (2011) #1-8! this first arc is what’s referred to in Maya’s introduction, and it's just. so good.
Main Books
Batman and Robin (2009)
Dick as Batman with Damian as his Robin!
#20-22 Tree of Blood: Dark Knight vs White Knight arc is done by Tomasi and Gleason, the team for the next Batman and Robin series
*Batman and Robin (2011)
Bruce and Damian figuring out their relationship as both Batman & Robin and father & son
imo you can enjoy the ride and read straight through this but i’ll add context to avoid as much confusion as possible since there’s the occasional tie-in or offscreen events, like Damian’s death nbd
Batman Incorporated (2012) #1-10
events leading to Damian's death - affects Batman and Robin (2011) from issue #18
kind of a tough read especially with how Talia's written, but a lot of iconic bits like Batcow, Damian's vegetarian declaration, Alfred the cat, "We Were the Best, Richard."
Robin (2021)
another self-discovery adventure, particularly after Alfred’s death and a fallout with Bruce (and questionable writing choices from his last Teen Titans run)
Batman and Robin (2023)
currently ongoing! after a number of events, Bruce and Damian are back as a duo
Damian Dynamics!
Batman: Streets of Gotham (2009) #7, 10-12
arc where Damian meets one of his first Gotham friends, Colin Wilkes
Batgirl (2009) #5-7, #17
Steph and Damian dynamic! "the bad cop, worse cop" dysfunctional duo
Red Robin (2009) #13-14
early Tim and Damian dynamic that of course includes fighting haha. funny enough, accidentally my first intro to Damian LOL
Teen Titans (2003) #89-92
Dick!Batman has Damian join the Teen Titans. Start of Damian and Rose Wilson dynamic that’s extended in Robin (2021)
Batman: Gates of Gotham (2011)
Damian meets Cass and has a brief team up
Gotham Academy (2015) #7
Damian meets Maps Mizoguchi! they have a few other meetings, but outside of that the series itself is a great read!
Robin War Event (2015)
Robin War (2015) #1, Grayson (2014) #15, Detective Comics (2011) #47, We Are Robin (2015) #7, Robin: Son of Batman (2015) #7, Robin War (2015) #2
Duke and Damian dynamic! not exactly beginner friendly but these are the main issues in order for the event! you can also read the TPB version for everything including Tie-Ins
Nightwing (2016) #16-20, #42, #43
#16-20 Nightwing and Robin arc!
#42 Dick on a mission to save Damian! the one appearance of "Wiggles" the dragon
#43 Dick, Roy, and Damian team-up
New Talent Showcase 2018 "Catwoman: Pedigree"
Selina, Damian, and Alfred the cat
Batman: Prelude to the Wedding - Robin vs. Ra's Al Ghul (2018)
Selina, Damian, and Cheese Viking - Damian's fav game shown in Nightwing: Rebirth (2016)
Monkey Prince (2022) #1-4
Marcus Sun Shugel-Shen's main comic, but Damian features as a fun dynamic here before they're in more serious circumstances in Batman VS Robin (2022)/Lazarus Planet event
Superman (2016) #10 - 11
the beginning of the Super Sons! featuring Maya!
Super Sons (2017)
solitary arcs but there’s a few event tie-in issues later
Adventures of the Super Sons (2018)
literally more Super Sons adventures lol galactic shenanigans yeehaw
Challenge of the Super Sons (2020) 
Super Sons time shenanigans feat. the Justice League
Robin 80th Anniversary (2020)
"Boy Wonders" - brief Damian feature as Tim considers his next step in life
"My Best Friend" - Jon's thoughts on Damian and their dynamic
"Bat and Mouse" - refers to Damian's unfortunate Teen Titans (2016) run at the time of release which follows up with Teen Titans Annual #2 where Damian briefly gives up Robin
Extra Comics!
Superman/Batman (2003) #77
Kara and Damian in a Halloween team-up! also the appearance of "Li'l Matches" lol
DCU Halloween Special '09 "Cavity Search"
Damian out on a solo mission for Halloween night. Immediately after is Tim's Red Robin story "Then and Now: Our Father's Sins" which is more somber in contrast but also a good read!
DCU Halloween Special 2010 "Robin the Vampire Slayer"
a Dick!Batman and Robin story featuring the vampire Andrew Bennett
Cursed Comics Cavalcade (2018) "The Devil You Know"
Halloween themed comic with a sweet short story of Damian alongside Solomon Grundy
DC's Terrors Through Time (2022)
"Trick or Treat" a Super Sons Halloween story
"The Haunting of Wayne Manor" Damian and Deadman story - in the end, Boston kinda refers to Nezha's possession of Damian in Batman VS Robin (2022) which was happening at the time of this release
Batman: Li'l Gotham (2013)
lighthearted series that instantly makes me smile with the silliness and Dustin Nguyen’s art i love this dearly
Secret Origins (2014) #4 "A Boy's Life"
a retelling of Damian's origin story
Detective Comics (2016) #1001-1005
Batman and Robin vs the Arkham Knight (unrelated to the game)
Truth & Justice (2021) #6/#16 - 18 Digital First version
cute story of Damian’s birthday! Juni Ba’s art is so fun!!
DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration (2021) “Special Delivery”
short story about Damian! and poisoned pizzas. completely forgot the artist Sami Basri drew Rebirth Damian here before catboy Damian lol Cass’s story “Sounds” is also cute! Marcus makes his first appearance in "The Monkey Prince Hates Superheroes"
DC VS Vampires (2021)
Damian makes appearances throughout this elseworlds book, but the one-shot DC VS Vampires: Hunters (2022) is vampire Damian-centric!
Batman: Black and White (2021) #5
“Father & Son Outing” short story written and drawn by Jorge Jimenez!
Batman: Urban Legends (2021) #20-23
#20 “My Son” Talia and Bruce focus
#20 - 23 “The Murder Club” 4 Parts
Tiny Titans (2008) #33, #39, #45, #47
a few appearances but SO CUTE, LOOK AT HIM
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*Batman and Robin (2011) reading guide
i'm mostly trying to avoid the "what did i just walk in on?" kinda feeling when i first started reading comics LOL i'll list the comics where events take place, but you don't necessarily have to read them to go through this book since things are usually explained as quickly as possible in the first page or so
#0 Someday Never Comes
Talia and baby Damian before he grows up to meet Bruce
#1-8 Born to Kill
just an incredibly solid arc for Bruce and Damian!
#9 Court of Owls Tie-In Issue
Damian VS a Court of Owls Talon. While Bruce is occupied with a home invasion of Talons, Alfred makes a call for allies to protect targeted Gotham public figures from Talons. During Batman (2011) #1-11
#10-12 Terminus
Damian challenges the previous Robins sans Steph
Batman Incorporated (2012) is occurring at this time where Talia has placed a bounty on Damian and there's small mentions of that
#13-14 Eclipsed/Devoured
mostly solitary arc! end of it leads into the Death of the Family event
#15-16 Death of the Family Tie-In Issues
Damian and Joker face-off... Alfred's been kidnapped by the Joker, and Damian goes looking for him. During Batman (2011) #13-17
#17 Life is but a Dream - Death of the Family Epilogue
a sort of subconscious check-in through the dreams of Damian, Alfred, and Bruce. Nightwing (2011) #17 features Damian encouraging Dick after Death of the Family events
#18 Undone "Requiem"
Bruce dealing with Damian's death from Batman Incorporated #8
other reactions to Damian's death: Dick in Nightwing (2011) #18, Tim in Teen Titans (2011) #18
#19-23 Denial, Rage, The Bargain, Despair, Acceptance
Bruce through the stages of grief with some batfam appearances in each. also introduces Carrie Kelley into continuity as Damian's acting tutor.
Batman (2011) #19-20 also addresses Bruce's loss
these could be skipped - villain stories, also related to Forever Evil event.
#24-28 The Big Burn
optional Batman and Two-Face/Harvey Dent arc, #23.1 is part of this story!
Damian's resurrection and return
#29-32 The Hunt for Robin
Ras took Talia and Damian's bodies from their graves, and Bruce goes after him.
-> Robin Rises: Omega
continues events from #32. if you don't want to jump to this, basically, Glorious Godfrey and a bunch of parademons from Apokolips are here for a chaos shard which Ra's put in Damian's sarcophagus. at some point, Bruce gets a hold of the shard where he sees a vision that leads him to believe Damian can be resurrected. Godfrey ends up taking the shard, along with Damian's body since it was emitting the same energy.
#33-37 Robin Rises
Bruce hellbent on retrieving Damian from Apokolips and reviving him
-> Robin Rises: Alpha
necessary to read and continues events from #37! Damian's back with a bang lol
#38-40 Superpower
Damian adjusting to having superpowers and being alive again
Annual #1 2013 Batman Impossible
sweet (and funny) one-shot of Damian sending Bruce on a meaningful scavenger hunt around the world while Damian gets to be the cutest Batman for a bit
Annual #2 2014 Batman and Robin: Week One
one-shot takes place during Damian's absence. after Bruce and Alfred find a mystery gift left for Dick, Dick recounts a story he had told Damian from his Robin days.
Annual #3 2015 Moonshot
one-shot Batman and Robin adventure on the moon!
...and of course after Batman and Robin (2011), Damian's story continues in his first solo Robin: Son of Batman (2015)!
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#gross. gross! i do not like this thing. two alternate angles under the cut for those of you who like this thing because i am about to tear#into it so hard. ahem#enamorus#this thing is ugly as fuck. all of the genies were already ugly as fuck and now this thing only makes that worse. all of their therian form#were like MILDLY better but this one takes that trend and just throws it out the window#like the anteater nose is FUNNY especially on a legendary but LORD DON'T MAKE ME LOOK AT IT#not to mention its boss fight taking place in the fucking SWAMP with all the SLOWY WATER#and it just ZOOMS AROUND AND TELEPORTS if i remember correctly#like the LAST fuckin pokémon in the pokédex you can catch and it looks like THIS??? why did we need another genie. what#i understand the trend in gen 8 where they kept adding new legendaries to already established like. groups. like regieleki and regidrago#but THIS group is one that DID NOT NEED ONE#like i can see the additions to the regis!!! they're cool additions and really modernize the trio into a quintet!! but this is just RIDICUL#sorry tumblr cut me off there. this is just RIDICULOUS#ooouuhhhuhuhuh all the other genies are buff men with beards but this one's a laaaady bc it's pink!! and fairy-type!!! and small!! a#NO!!!! STOP!!!!!!!!! WE DON'T NEED IT!!!!!! PUT THAT THING BACK WHERE IT CAME FROM OR SO HELP ME!!!!#it's literally like. the last pokémon in gen 9. i'm gonna have to start worrying about gen 9 models RIGHT after this#teechnically. i'm actually queuing this thing up before i'm done with all the hisuian forms so i have a bit of time#but it'll Look like it comes last in the queue right before gen 9#here's praying i have something figured out by then? but i doubt it because i've just started a new job#and that's probably gonna be taking a lot of my time until then
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