#bc in my mind for these fuckers it's less of 'this one's the brother figure this one's the sister'
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Mom come pick me up the voices are loud again (the image of the poster children of Creepypasta in. Slender's Mansion again. All as one big fuck ass family. Fucked up one with issues abroad. But also one of mutual understanding and what if I want them to heal and grow as people. Forever changed by the events or even what they are fundamentally but still being able to live in this world as who they are now with a support group of beings similar yet so distant from themselves. They can never go back or completely change who they are without damaging themselves or there's nothing else to go back to anymore, so all they can do is move forward. And kill people, that's always a bonus)
#nebula rambles#creepypasta#i like to think that the fucking. creepypasta found family is the beginning of me really#liking found family tropes#im gonna fucking lose it man#there's a whole comic i did back in october of jeff and slendy actually like. talking it out#bc in my mind for these fuckers it's less of 'this one's the brother figure this one's the sister'#and while it. still is there minorly#it's more of like#a bunch of fucked up people (mainly arriving/being found as kids/teens)#coming together under one household with all their problems#and like. are we not going to take advantage of how jeff isn't. exactly mentally sound post fire#like. that's the whole reason for killing his family (or just his parents if we really go ham with homicidal liu) aside from the moment he-#killed randy but that's besides the point#i need to catch up and finish the ben arg so i can't say too much on ben's side#but the general shit of how it is before the arg got put on hiatus. oughgh#do you fuckers have any idea how hard i think of them once the floodgates open#and thinking of them as like. a rowdy bunch just trying to get by with what they have#with the house they have with a fuck ass Thing that brought them here#and the house slowly becomes more like a home the longer theyre here#the older they get#im. oughgh#anyways hiii ask me my creepypasta headcanons /nsrs /j
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Now, I know I've already done an energy check up on yoon but I wanted to see how he was doing now that he's gotten his shoulder surgery!
Disclaimer time: tarot is not to be takes as fact and is my interpretation if the cards :) entertainment purposes only~
SHIT IS STRANGE (it is Yoongi though so I'm not too shocked)

So. For starters, his energy is pretty calm and chill. He's also a bit more quiet?
I wrote a note that tomorrow is exciting... idk I wrote it down and I'm not sure if its exciting for him or for us? Maybe its just a general like, "tomorrow is a good day" type thing.
Now. 11... I wrote this down and I'm not sure why though I believe that he might be seeing 11:11 on the clock or possibly that something exciting is happening for him at 11:11 (I just checked and thats in like an hour and a half from when I'm writing this down(( update i just finished writing the whole post and it is about 11 minutes away)) idk. I make no promises but I wrote it down so there you go.
I also kept seeing plants and I'm not sure if people got him flowers or plants as a "get well" type thing or maybe he's stressing bc someone has to water his plants lol
Okay. Okay. Hear me out. Black bean noodles. It popped into my head and I was told to write it down but I'm also really hungry so take that with a grain of fucking salt. (I even pictured a nice elaborate bowl that was red as well as the take out container. Yum. Send me noodles)
Here's the actual reading lol. He is bored.
Thats all. Thank you for coming.
I joke. The cards give me a kind of frazzled feeling? Its the struggle of knowing hes done something good but it comes at a cost. Yoongi works. A lot. All the goddamn time. So what now? He's having this shake up thats forcing him to deal with stuff. Him having this surgery also may have brought back some less than favorable memories/ feelings that hes being forced to deal with now. Over all though he feels like its good. The 6 of wands makes me think that he's thinking of our response when he comes back. Its like he's gonna be so much more confident in himself and his dancing and he can finally move on from the car accident? It happed so long ago but he literally carried this burden with him. Its good. The wheel of fortune and is about a change and the 8 of swords is about self imposed restriction, imprisonment and over all bad/ negative feelings. I pulled the wheel of fortune first and asked what was changing and that was the 8 of swords. This surgery is helping to free him from this restricting, painful thing that may have been reminding him of the past! YES HEALING
Now. For this section I just kinda asked "whats up?" And got, easy does it, divine life purpose l, balancing masculine and feminine energies and uplift your thoughts. He may be resting but he's got his mind working on 3,000 my dude. Its the regular "yoongi is woke af" bullshit but damn. The cards say what they say. He's preparing. I'll come back to this.
Now the 7 of cups and the 3 of swords. I asked how he felt about missing out on promoting. He's heart broken with the 3 of swords. It genuinely pains him. And with the 7 of cups he might feel like there's a lot of ways this can play out and he's considered a lot of options.
I was curious how he felt about me coming into his energy so I asked him what he thought of me. Lol. These each came out separately. We got, 2 of cups, four of wands, the empress, justice, the magician, the sun and the lovers. Ha
So. To add to the mood setting my guide said "he's a drama queen" lol yeah he is.
So so so so so. I was confused? Still am a little confused but I'm like 80.9% sure that he isn't bothered by me poking around in his energy n shit. In fact my theory is that he's using this connection to his advantage? Lol sounds dumb but my best guess is that home boy sees my energy/ what I'm doing as a way to figure out his own shit? Idk maybe he thinks I'm his energetic therapist. Maybe even a matchmaker (I mean... I have been putting a lot of energy and work into finding/ connecting with his soulmate so maybe he's letting me do all the dirty work) I really don't understand but I got no further explanation.
Oki oki oki. Now. I was drawn to 2 books. The kybalion and the prophet. I asked yoon if there was any messages that we wanted to point out through the books and I got a number for each book so I took it as page numbers. 28 for the prophet and 54 for the kybalion

Take what you will from these if it calls to you. I haven't read these since I was around 13? The sentiments for each felt important to me so I'm curious what you all might think/ feel when reading these? ( I also get the feeling that Yoongi has read the prophet idk why)
Okay. At this point I was like cool, let's wrap this up but I need to talk about his pjs? Green/grey? Plaid pj bottoms don't ask me don't ask me don't ask me I don't know but It wouldn't go away so I had write it down? Help.
I had written yoongis brother down too. Theres something about him? I'm not sure what but thats all I got lol
I was very strongly told that I needed to remember 7, that its important. Got it. Worth it down.
Oki. As I was going back to the platform blah blah blah the string turned blue too. The cord is usually white or silver but it was blue so that was a fun thing and then I was like "nice. Cool. Thanks. This was awesome, get healthy blah blah" and go to leave/ end the connection but the cord wouldn't go away.
Then the string (idk if I said but that string shit is like on the third eye? Its connected to my forehead and his too.) Kind tightens.
I'm like, "oh shit."
Listen. Usually everything is smooth and nice and I just leave.
All is well though bc my guide is like, "stop being a little bitch" so I just let it happen.
Yoon shoves me back off the edge of the platform. Why he gotta be like that?
Now. This is strange. I had dropped down into a library.
I almost shit my fucking pants. Dear god.
He started walking me around until he found a blue book. His mother fucking book.
Home boy brought me to his fucking Akashic fucking blue fucking book.
I was big mad. "YOU LITTLE FUCKER! YOUVE KNOWN ABIUT THIS SHIT?" And he was like, "duh"
I've never felt more disrespect lol
Also the way the library was presented was way way way different from how it looks to me. So thats an interesting note. Looking at his book, on the base of the spine is a number 7...
Oki. Cool. I asked if I could look and he said, "Sure, when you can find your way back."
This mother fucker threw me out of a meditative state. Have you ever woken up just before you hit the ground in one of those falling dreams? THAT WAS THE FEELING.
?? I'm not sure what the fuck just happened or if it holds actual significance.
Anyway. After cursing the fuck out of yoobi I started thinking what else 7 ment.
I was specifically told to remember 7 and it was on his book. Then It popped into my head (I want to say its because I'm smart and thought of it all by myself but I think that was my guide wanting me to keep my last brain cell safe). What is yoongis life path number?
Now I don't know shot about life path numbers but imma read up on them tonight. I used a life path calculator on Google. HIS LIFE PATH NUMBER IS 7 Y'ALL.

Maybe I'm dumb as fuck but yoobi never disappoints.
Conclusion: Yoon is fine. Hes just being a yoongi and a yoongi does.
⬆️Me after this reading⬆️
⬆️ Yoongi rn playing 12D chess⬆️
#bts#bts tarot#bts reactions#bts imagines#bts rm#namjoon imagine#jin#kim seokjin#yoongi#yoongi imagine#min suga#min yoongi#hoseok#jhope#bts jimin#taehyung#jungkook#jk
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The mechanical boy AU always makes me think of an AU where Five is also a robot. I think it’s because of the way it’s phrased and I have no idea how it would work, but it still intrigues me
adssfDFGHJ i already have like. 5 whole ideas about this I literally got up out of bed and came downstairs so that I could write this out on my laptop so HERE I AM
Possibility one: Five is the prototype Grace - a robot Reginald built to see how indistinguishable from humanity he could program a bot to be. This is also the reason why Grace is more robotic, because Five had too much pesky free will and Reginald learned from his mistakes and put way more safeguards in with her. Reginald continues to update Five and build him newer (and older) bodies because it’s still a pretty cool experiment, but Five knows if he disobeys too much then Reginald will recycle him. Five hides his robotic origins from his siblings for various personal reasons, but it’s easier than Grace bc he’s genuinely built to be as hyperrealistic as possible
Possibility two: Five was purposefully built to be an extra sibling in order to keep a closer eye on the kids and track their progress. He started as a baby and Reginald built him new bodies to be uploaded into as he ‘grew’ and until Grace arrived Five didn’t actually know he was a robot. When his siblings started getting powers, he assumed he was supposed to get a power as well and his power is literally the power of math - his spatial jumps and time travel equations are literally a result of his mathematical capabilities and those abilities also somewhat explained by his computer brain. He’s actually kind of traumatized when he finally finds out that he’s not actually human and has a lot of issues surrounding that
Possibility three: the original number Five died. Maybe it was some test Reginald put the original through, maybe it was an accident with one of the others powers (Vanya’s? Ben’s?), but either way he is now down one (1) child and while he isn’t exactly torn up about this he doesn’t exactly want any of this investigated so he just. Replaces him. With a hyperrealistic robot. His original plan is to claim that both Five and Seven were failures with no powers, but the little Robot Five That Could adapts and manages to math himself spatial jumping powers and Reggie is just kind of like “huh okay wack” but in true irresponsible creator fashion decides that he’s going to see where this goes. The others don’t know that the original Five dies since they were like, three or four at the time?? children that young don’t have good concepts of death
in any of these aus you have a) a Five figuring out how to survive/repair himself/charge with maybe solar cables?? in the apocalypse (though food is less of an issue at least, but arguably it’s even harder), b) Five being even more protective of Dolores since as a a fellow non-organic being he feels even more kinship with her beyond pretending she’s company, c) because Reggie isn’t there to provide more bodies he doesn’t grow which makes his reappearance as a still 13-yr-old make sense (and then he explains it as a mistake in the math)
debatable whether the Commission know since while they say they’ve been ‘watching Five’ or whatever i’m not convinced on how closely they did so beyond checking every so often to see if he was still alive/any closer to finishing his equations. He could claim that time travel messed up his ability to age entirely and they might accept that
(because I absolutely think he would at least try to hide it - can you imagine the Commission with the knowledge of how to build hypercompetent spatial jumping time travelling robots at their command?? yeah it gives Five nightmares as well. Plus the whole ‘if they find out they’re probably going to vivisect me and my coding’ thing)
and he jumps back and Reggie is dead and that’s both a relief and alarming at the same time because yeah, now Reggie can’t fuck with Five’s code anymore and undo the bajillion changes Five has made to it to give himself basically unlimited freedom and autonomy but also Reggie’s robotics skills were frankly unparalleled and Five sure as hell doesn’t know how to build himself a wholeass new body (just how to repair what is currently there) so he’s going to have to approach the whole ‘immortal child’ angle with his siblings eventually and while he can use the same ‘time travel fucked up my aging’ excuse he gave the commission he doesn’t really want to lie to his siblings :(
but he also jumps back and Grace is messed up?? and that’s his mother. That’s the only other robot in Reggie’s Regime and they bonded over this okay. Wifi existed for five glorious years of Five’s life and they would yeet commentary at one another wirelessly while keeping straight faces and it was glorious. Even though Grace is arguably the younger robot between them, they definitely fell into a mother-and-son relationship
so yeah if anyone mentioned shutting down Grace, Five would throw the biggest of bitch fits and then immediately storm into the house and ask her permission to check her coding
and honestly this might possibly be when Five throws his whole “pretend to be human” schtick out the window because he cares more about fixing Grace than he does about maintaining his charade so he interfaces with her, finds out what the fuck is up, removes Reginald’s shitty mods that are messing her up, and then immediately uploads his own updates about owning yourself and being able to edit your own code and basically just straight up ensuring Grace has free will
(probably over Pogo’s protests, whoops. Derailing Reggie’s plan before it even really began? wack)
and then of course there’s the whole ‘Hargreeves probably don’t believe Five is actually Five because their Five wasn’t a robot and this is probably a cruel prank from some robotics genius for some reason - ’ and it takes Grace sticking up for him and Pogo’s eventual backing up of these claims for the siblings to realize exactly how fucked up this whole situation was
depending on which probability you subscribe to it’s EVEN WORSE especially if like. It’s the one where the original Five dies as a toddler.
the whole scene with Five collapsing from bloodloss bc of shrapnel? that’s Five going into forced shutdown bc of damage and Allison/Diego rushing him back to the house for Grace to patch up and reboot him
Luther: Five isn’t really feeling anything he’s just simulating emotions!
Five: oh? and what the fuck are you doing with the chemicals in your brain, fuckwad? they couldn’t possibly be little electrical signals between synapses and shit, right? fuck you AND the horse you rode in on me and mom apparently feel more than you do
Diego, finally validated that Grace feels: YEAH
Luther: ... okay i’m sorry
Diego tries to pick a fight with Five over who is Grace’s favorite child and Five is absolutely not having it and is just kind of like “you’re mom’s favorite HUMAN child and let’s just leave it at that”
“If you’re a prototype that means you’re older than she is!” Diego accuses, “That means you’re like, her older brother or something!”
“Right back at you, dickwad.” Five shoots back, inspecting his artificial fingernails, “Mom wasn’t built until she was needed which means you are at least four years older than her. Oh? Did you short circuit there, boy scout? Need to reboot? Fuck off with your age logic.”
since Reginald is probably a packrat he probably has?? Five’s old bodies hiding somewhere in the basement? how creepy would it be to just walk into a room of your brother’s corpses at various ages, some with damage. On the bright side, if Five’s current body gets too fucked up he can always download himself into a backup until they figure out how to fix it/if they can fix it. Downsides: he gets to look like even more of a child while they do that ://
“Ow!” Five whines, hand on his face
“Oh get over it you don’t feel pain.” Diego scowls, shaking his hand out, because Five is a robot, right?
“What the fuck do you call signals that you’re getting damaged!” Five howls loudly, attracting attention, “That’s what pain is! Signals that your body is injured or something isn’t right! I’m built of signals you fucker, same as you!”
“Oh,” Diego actually looks a little abashed, “Uh, sorry.”
“Apology not fucking accepted, I’m telling mom you were being a dick about me being a robot again.”
“No!” Now there is some panic because Diego cannot lose his position as favorite human child, “I - I’ll cover for you at the next family meeting!”
A considering look and then - “Deal.”
Honestly now that his siblings know about him being a robot it’s just. Five constantly being a little shit about it and threatening to tell mom when they make missteps. Also like, Five gets to use robot terms 24/7 as a consistent reminder to them all that he’s not organic.
Klaus: hey dude you’re just staring into space what’cha doing
Five, turning to Klaus with wide eyes: the internet is so big holy shit.
Klaus: uh, yes? I don’t know how to respond to that
Five: I found your arrest record by the way. Do the police know how flimsy their firewalls are?
Klaus: usually i am all for crime but please stop hacking people with the power of your mind
Five: i will when you stop downloading shitty 70s movies and getting all kinds of viruses on everything
OH SHIT Five gets sick bc he literally gets a bug i’m making myself laugh with shitty puns right now and it is magnificent
can you imagine them at a family meeting and Luther is just like “Five, stop surfing wikipedia or whatever and pay attention to the family meeting”
“Absolutely not,” Five says, “I’m learning important information about the current time period in order to better assimilate.”
“You’ve never assimilated to anything in your life and you know it.” Klaus grins from his spot sprawled across an entire couch.
“You don’t have to come to family meetings!” Luther says, throwing his hands up in the air in frustration.
Five blinks, “Luther, are you saying that I am not a member of this family?”
“What? No - ”
“Is that why Mom isn’t here?” Five says, and his eyes are welling up with artificial tears because he is a complete little shit. And now Klaus is cooing sympathetically and Allison and Diego are staring Luther down.
Luther just gives up entirely and puts his face in his hands. “Do whatever you want. Meeting adjourned.”
honestly this entire au is just
and i think that’s wonderful
#stelte23#tua#the umbrella academy#far tua long#five hargreeves#number five#grace hargreeves#diego hargreeves#luther hargreeves#allison hargreeves#klaus hargreeves#i'm having a blast rn tbh#i did see your whole family robot au asks as well!!#this was just my first initial thoughts lmao#excuse my shitty ms paint skills#robot five au#deadly little thing
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Can you please write a scenario where Mineta’s older sister named Ume comes to visit Class 1-A’s dorm. She’s really attractive so some of the guys start flirting with her, but she just “Thanks, but I’m a lesbian.”
Look, this was a bit troublesome for me bc I don’t write about the grape dude, but I decided to do this anyways and give him little to no participation - sorry if this wasn’t what you had in mind xD i hope you enjoy this! ♥
The short-haired woman strolled down thehalls of Yuuei, absolutely conscious of the many eyes posed on her figure as shepassed through the classrooms. While Ume was aware that she was indeedattractive, it did make her feel a bit awkward to know that the kids that wentto school with her brother were eyeing her but she did her best to avoid the thoughtas she reached the teachers’ lounge to ask for directions to the 1-A dorms. Shewas surprised to see the pro-heroes she was used to admire on TV right in frontof her, especially Vlad King, but she did her best to not look like a fangirlof any sort – not in front of them at least.
It was a short walk from the main building,her hips waving side to side as she took out her phone from her jacket’s pocketand shoot a text to Minoru to let him know she was already on campus. He justtexted an ‘OK’, and she remembered he had agreed to her visiting as long as thevisit would be kept short to avoid his classmates drooling over her. “Funny,” she muttered to herself with atired expression, “the little fucker doesthat to every girl he meets yet he doesn’t like it when other people do it withme.” She didn’t like the hypocrisy her brother showed and had many times calledhim out on it, hoping he’d listen to his big sis, but each time provedfruitless as Minoru came back home with either his cheek decorated with a bigred hand mark or an ice pack on top of his head.
The dorms’ building was big and she could’vegotten lost if it wasn’t for a tall boy with blue hair and glasses who offeredto show her the way once she explained who she was; she was thankful that heseemed more eager to help her than to say anything flirtatious to her, and shelearned that his name was Iida and that he was in the same class as herbrother. “Oh, so you’re friends with Minoru?” she asked happily, but thehesitant look on the guy’s face told her that she should be feeling differently.
“I wouldn’t say friends,” Iida said as hepulled his glasses up to scratch the bridge of his nose. “He’s got some ratherquestionable attitudes that are hard to tolerate sometimes –please forgive me,he’s your brother and I shouldn’t be saying this.”
Ume smiled at him and told him that it wasalright, that she knew and that she didn’t like it either; right as theyreached the dorms the conversation then turned to Iida and his Quirk, with her tellinghim that she had seen the Sports’ Festival on TV and that she thought it wasreally cool. The chatter died down as they entered the common room, thepiercing eyes of a certain little dude fixing on her as soon as he heard themcoming in. “Hi Minoru,” she greeted with a smile as Iida went towards his roomand she sat down next to her brother, but before he could reply another twovoice were heard from the hall across the room.
“I’m telling you, you should definitelycome with us to Yaomomo’s; her place is great to study in peace,” one of thevoices, the more upbeat one said. A blond guy with a redhead beside him wassmiling brightly as they walked into the common room, their eyes immediatelyscanning the room and posing onto Ume. They seemed to make the connection assoon as they saw her, and before she knew it the blond one was walking towardsher with a mischievous glint in his golden eyes. “Damn Mineta-kun, you should’vetold us that you were having a beauty over today.” Extending his hand as soonas he was next to her he winked, much to Ume’s confusion. She had never cringedso much. “The name’s Kaminari, nice to meet you.”
“You idiot, don’t approach her like that!”the redhead intervened and pushed the boy named Kaminari away lightly as hetook his place in front of her, smiling with the sharpest set of teeth she hadever seen – intimidating for sure, but he seemed like too much of a nice kid. “I’msorry for him; sometimes it’s hard for him to control himself when in presenceof a beautiful woman like you. I’m Kirishima,” he seemed less straightforwardthan his friend, and the blush on his cheeks led her to think he was the cutestperson around as he scratched his nape. “By the looks of it you’re Mineta-kun’ssister, right?”
And then it was her turn to be interruptedright before she even started to speak, her mouth hanging a bit agape as herphone started to ring loudly. Ume gestured for the boys to wait a bit as shepicked up the call. “Hello love!” she exclaimed animatedly, suppressing agiggle when she saw the evident disappointment in the younger men’s faces. She deliberatelyavoided mentioning any pronouns just for the sake of having a bit of fun,although she knew that it would be better to just burst the bubble before anyof them could get the wrong idea. “Yeah, I’ll see you later today; I’m visitingmy younger brother today and having a great time here at Yuuei.” Her partnerwished her good luck before saying goodbye, and with a last ‘I love you’ theyboth hung up, three pairs of eyes on her as she put the phone back in herpocket.
“So, I guess a beautiful girl like you justhad to be taken,” Kaminari said, thegrin on his face contrasting the sad tone in his voice. “Guess that’s one luckyguy then!”
Ume heard Minoru laugh from besides her,his two classmates shooting confused stares his way. She joined in however, andwhen she spoke again moments later the atmosphere turned slightly less tenseand a lot funnier. “Thanks guys,” she said as she wiped away a single tear thathad appeared thanks to the laughter, “but I don’t have a boyfriend – I’m a lesbian.” Kaminari let out a small squeal asKirishima froze in place, red and golden eyes looking at each other in what shethought was pure disbelief; it was an interesting afternoon indeed, and afterthat the two guys excused themselves and returned to their rooms. Ume had thestrange feeling she’d be seeing them again before the visit was over, and asshe turned to her brother who had been staring at the whole scene with a knowingsmirk she added, “Your friends sure are weird, Minoru.”
#bnha#boku no hero academia#bnha scenarios#bnha imagines#boku no hero scenarios#boku no hero imagines#mha#my hero academia#mha scenarios#mha imagines#my hero academia scenarios#my hero academia imagines#kaminari denki#kirishima eijirou#kirishima eijiro#mineta minoru#fem!oc#mine#xpegasusuniverse
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turn left writing prompt: 1. down for the count but the umbrella doesn't open so lup isn't there to help taako. 2. Stop Me but kravitz tells the crew that taako is trying to get himself killed
oh shit yeah I love it
send me a story and change one thing and I’ll tell you how it would have gone!
1. Taako just fucking dies. I set it up so Barry can’t get there in time, Taako is not capable of casting featherfall himself, he literally falls off the cliff and dies. Barry’s Real Fucked Up about it, but he was still falling fast enough to break the umbrella, so Lup’s here now, I guess. Magnus and Merle arrive to a corpse and two inconsolable liches. Barry feels terrible about it but he’s glad Lup is out, and Lup is so so frustrated at herself for not scraping up the energy to cast a level 1 fucking spell when her brother’s life depended on it.
Taako lives in the astral plane now. Lucretia takes it as evidence that she has to end this fast and sends the other two to Wonderland immediately, pretty much following canon timeline but with Taako kicking it in the Eternal Stockade while Kravitz tries to figure something out. Magnus and Merle are devastated, of course. They all kind of thought they’d be in it to the end. They don’t know why looking back, but they kind of felt like they were invincible. Even when he’s dead, they keep feeling like he’ll be there when they turn around. It’s a lot quieter now. Carey really tries to be there for Magnus but the three of them were family, you know? And Merle visits his kids and just. Holds them. It scares Mavis and he tries to act like nothing’s happened so he doesn’t freak them out.
They have a hard fuckin time of it for the first round of Wonderland. Magnus barely wants to live and Merle can’t keep it together all by himself. They’re doin Real Bad before Lup, who desperately wants to kill someone just to make the emptiness go away, fucking wrecks the place. Everyone in it except for Magnus and Merle die. They barely manage to save the Sterling crew too, but there are heavy injuries.
Meanwhile, something funny is happening in the astral plane. Taako’s been babbling about a sister when Kravitz knows full well he doesn’t have any family, and he keeps talking about something coming and Kravitz thinks whatever killed him must have fucked him up real bad, because he has no idea what it is, he just knows Taako died from it, and Taako is no pushover. But then he doesn’t have time to worry about it, because all of a sudden he’s drowning and everything is gone.
He thinks this is his eternity now, just drowning in oily darkness with no end in sight, when a light breaks through.
It’s Taako, and he’s kicking ass. They get to the Eternal Stockade and Taako is like, now do you believe me? Cause I fucking told you so. And they cling to each other for a bit. Taako catches Kravitz up on the end of the world. Kravitz has to take a moment. So that’s it, then? he thinks. This is the end? Taako’s going to disappear and I’m just going to end here?
Fuck no, says Taako, we’re gonna fucking beat this thing. And then a bright light shows Kravitz how Taako’s spent the last hundred years, and when he comes to Taako’s turning the floor into precious gemstones.
I appreciate you emulating the relic you created, Taako, very thematic, points for drama, good callback to how we met, but is now really the time?
Fuck off, I know what I’m doing. Gimme a hand here.
Between Lup in the Prime Material Plane and Taako and Kravitz in the Astral, they manage to open up a portal. Taako and Kravitz stumble out, Taako and Lup have a beautiful reunion, timeline follows canon.
In the end, Taako is dead, though. Like he’s very much not alive anymore and that’s not really, like, going away? He’s allowed to grow a body and have a second chance, but he looks at his options and, you know, he knows how elves age. He knows most of his companions are human. He decides he doesn’t want to be the last one standing while all his loved ones die around him. Bone zone’s not so bad, he says. I think I’ll stick around for a bit.
(Please don’t call it that, Kravitz says, pretending not to laugh)
Luckily for him, he’s got options. He’s the savior of reality, and also has shown some decent problem-solving skills and combat proficiency, so RQ wouldn’t mind giving him a position if he makes himself useful. He thinks about it. But really, he’s gotta go with Istus. Not that RQ isn’t cool and shit, just, death, you know? Black’s not his color. And fate is very much a part of the lives of each person who helped to save the world, so he gets to see his family. He spends a long-assed time as an emissary of Istus, and she tolerates his antics and only sometimes has to remind him that she could crush him with a thought. I’m tempted to say he convinces Magnus to also do that for a little? Partially bc I’m a sucker for reaper Julia (ooh or she could serve Istus too?) and also bc I think Magnus would be good at it.
2. Lup is kickin it with Magnus one day and some dude shows up. in her room. on the starblaster. Taako is going to kill himself, he says.
What the fuck, Lup says. Get the fuck out. Magnus hits him with a chair.
No actually, Taako is going to kill himself, he asked me to do it and I said no but he’s planning something really fucking stupid and you need to stop him, the dude says, but he’s wheezing a little bit so Magnus is satisfied. Got the wind knocked out of him.
You don’t know shit about my brother, says Lup, who has definitely seen the signs and is deeply into denial territory. She is handling it, she thinks, erroneously.
Kravitz tries Barry next, because Merle would be awkward, he doesn’t know Davenport, and Lucretia would probably be a bad idea. Barry takes one fucking look at him and nopes right out. He’s not dealing with this shit in his home where he can’t have collateral damage. Kravitz follows him to a randomly selected clearing planetside. Barry is ready to do that meme where you see something bad on the internet and you say to yourself, ‘wouldn’t want my lovely wife seeing this!’ and smash your computer with a hammer. Maybe light it on fire to be safe. You need to use all that extra gasoline somehow.
Kravitz does not have time for Barold J Bluejeans’s necromancer bullshit. Taako is literally trying to kill himself and like corrupt his soul somehow??? please. Like I don’t think your death crimes are what you have to worry about right now. We will definitely worry about those! but not right now.
Barry is intrigued by this. He is strongly against his dear friends committing suicide via horribly mutated arcane ritual. He doesn’t see why one of RQ’s people would come up with such an outlandish lie. He would like to know why Kravitz knows this, and also, why Kravitz knows who they are.
Kravitz, in this au, has not agreed not to talk about anything. He tells Barry everything. How he died, how Angus died, how Taako died, what he thinks must have happened after that. Barry does not say so, but he notes that they have a plan to defeat the Hunger now, and also apparently Taako has had that for at least a hundred years and said nothing??? okay, Taako. He must be missing something there.
Kravitz was honestly expecting Taako to have told the crew what’s what. He was a little disoriented when Taako told him no one knew. But now Barry knows, and he insists on telling Davenport, and once Davenport’s onboard it’s time to tell everyone else, and then they set up an intervention. They get all ready for it. They are waiting for Taako. He is late. He is later. He is very, very late. The sun is rising and he still has not come home. The sun is peaking and he has not come home. Lup is shooting massive amounts of anxiety-fueled fire into the sky and he still is not home.
Taako is gone. He has turned himself into the Prime Material Plane like a dumbass. In this au, they don’t have his notes and they don’t have anyone on the inside helping them. unless
Angus McDonald, 110 year old boy detective, is on the case. He is deeply frightened by quasi-sane definitely-dangerous Actual Plane Taako, but also Taako is his friend and he wants to help. He convinces Taako to come with him bc he wants to show him something. Zagged on ‘em, it’s actually an ambushtervention. Taako is forced to talk to his damned family, fucker, for once in your life. A non-bullshit solution is found but no spoilers for the actual fic. The whole Wonderland mess is averted and everyone is much less traumatized. Still kinda sucks tho, you haven’t unlocked Happy Ending.
There is actually one thing that could be changed that would make the whole thing happy, though. Keep trying!
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#so glad other people are ignoring later canon to give Finn and Sage the credit they deserve#and sage is the one who taught Damon to be a vampire and Damon can do magic with birds and mist and shit#so I hc that Finn and Sage figured that out together#and Sage never tells the other originals bc they don’t like each other but Finn doesn’t tell bc he’s just minding his own business#Finn is the ultimate champion of minding ur own business#Esther told him snitches get stitches when he was like four and dahlia came for freya#and he took that shit to heart#made it his life motto#*finn sees something really important*#*then he either decides it’s not worth mentioning or that snitches get stitches end up in ditches*#finn: *lying* this one’s for u mom - @matt-murdick
replying to both of you now bc i just remembered to CHECK MY NOTIFS ON HERE dfklsjghlsdkf
yeah there’s this implication that they all knew sage for a long time and that she’s from a lower class than the mikaelsons which is an interesting statement in viking culture since there’s no indication that their dad was say, a jarl so she’d have to be like, lower than a farmer basically. which would be a thrall. alternatively she could just be a girl with a REALLY wild/bad reputation, both options however say a LOT about “stick in the mud” finn since he looked at like, the MOST UNSUITABLE WOMAN BY THE CURRENT STANDARDS OF HIS TIME and said “yeah i’m gonna wife that”. honestly, fucking legend. finn confirmed for 9th century feminist icon.
i’m 100000% for sage and finn figuring out Next Level Vampire Nonsense and then just not really telling anyone else about it out like 50% pettiness and 50% “yall don’t need to know that”. like klaus is already paranoid enough he does NOT need to learn how to make birds his spies lol.
there’s also something so genuinely hilarious and great about the oldest vampires in existence not knowing how to do like 50% of the cool shit they have the potential to do and it’s all because they were an asshole to their big brother. and OF COURSE IT WAS FINN AND SAGE WHO FIGURED IT OUT!!!! sage out here like “lol what kinda hot shit you think we can do now? let’s test it out!!!!” and finn’s just like “okay bet. we’re gonna be SO THOROUGH AND EFFICIENT ABOUT THIS”. if you told me these fuckers figured out flight or transfiguration or whatever classical vampire powers you wanted to give them i would not be shocked lol. they’re the perfect mix of “what does this button do?” and “all people with incorrectly filled forms will be shot” to unlock Maximum Potential.
can’t believe this whole family shit the bed when they slept on finn. i bet that like 90% of their problems over the last 1,000 years woulda been less of a mess if they’d just let him out of the box and listened to him sometimes. tho he also woulda probably fucked off after a while and lived his best life with sage which also you know... the Smart Move.
look if plec doesn’t wanna respect her own narrative i don’t have to either
#honestly if the trio of fuckwits had listened to even KOL more their lives would be better kljsdghkljghsdf#kol and finn really got slept on by their family it's a CRIME#it's like a tvdu law that the witchest ppl in a posse have the most braincells so naturally finn and kol have the most fucking SENSE
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Annotations on Falling in Love with Love (Again)
FiLwL(A) is my 3zun cinderella which is actually just about the importance of qin su and also reuniting with your exes. Here’s my behind the scenes/notes/lore for chapters 9-11.
ch 9: nie mingjue being hot
i wrote this before i’d even written the Murder in ch 6;;;;; i just love nie mingjue
i so deeply believe in nie mingjue being smart and able to see through meng yao because he’s straightforward and strategic.
“hmm” i said to myself. “how do i write the bois getting together??” after much thought i decided on “by stabbing one of them a bunch”
bits of this are still funny to me. rip meng yao sometimes you gotta be up close and personal with a hot dude’s bare sweaty chest
also my version of “romantic and sensual” is just “doing math and deciding yeah, against your better judgement, you’re gonna smooch” because i love an overthinking murder twink
“on the bright side, the late-night guest was not jin guangshan’s type. unfortunately he was exactly meng yao’s type: nie mingjue” i can’t believe i let myself write this, bc it feels way too modern, but also the tone of this fic is just sarcastic enough that modern grouchy shit works
ever since i discovered that camel was a delicacy in tang china i became OBSESSED with it. i nearly included it in ‘i have always loved the door’ and it makes an appearance in ‘blood in the cut’
the guan reappears!! or at least is mentioned.in case u forgot it from chapter 1 it is Definitely Not A Glass Slipper Or Anything
“i love ruining a twink’s life” i said in the author’s notes. i was not lying. my hobbies are making nie mingjue look cool and making jin guangyao suffer.
“xichen was disappointed when he didn’t see you there” “and you of course, weren’t” “on the contrary i was happy to see you” is one of the exchanges that was like. core to this fic. similar to “i met someone” “i don’t know what you want me to say to that” “neither do i”
when outlining fics i tend to include some key dialogue/exchanges that strike me as the Mood TM and half the time these exchanges go through incredible rewrites or just get deleted, but it’s always nice to see them survive
the xiangqi was so much fun to write, not bc i have played the game a bunch (i haven’t) but bc it gave me a fun way to talk about the conversation without talking about the conversation.
“a controlled leak qould have been very useful” makes me so happy it’s such a MOOD and nie mingjue immediately going heart-eyes over it is complete wish fulfillment. when will a hot sword lesbian be enamored over my ruthless scheming???? im taking sword lesbian gf applications over in my ask box
“But it hadn’t been easy” this paragraph originally included “Nie Mingjue had broadened his moral compass, and Meng Yao had learned to trust” or something but i couldn’t really figure out how meng yao would describe his own personal growth since he left qinghe. like he DID grow he DID learn that he can trust the people he loves to trust him and that it’s worth bringing people in on your schemes and plans.... but he’s too dumb to describe this.
the xiyao troll’s comment on this was “LMFAO that oocness from both meng yao and nmj where nmj is suddenly JGY levels of cunning and JGY is dumb enough to make mistakes XD”
this has stuck with me so hard
how do you read Falling in Love with Love and only discover after 16k words that i think meng yao makes mistakes?????
how do u consume any adaptation of mdzs and think that nmj isn’t smart enough to go “huh that cunning twink who is absolutely mooning over me and xichen and also plays weiqi like my old buddy seems REAL FUCKING FAMILIAR” nmj canonically sees thru jgy machinations all the time
anyway i love nmj and the xiyao troll
did you know there’s an exchange to celebrate the troll’s works??? i discovered it after signups closed but im going to enjoy reading all of them
ch 10: and with very little trouble
this took me like a month to write oops but that’s just because a lot has to happen
the opening where meng yao is being mean to qin su was so hard to write. meng yao getting overworked?? fine. meng yao getting abused??? cool. meng yao being slightly short with his sister, who is in no way hurt by this bc she can tell it’s not about her??? HORRIBLE!!!
the detective scene happened. there’s not a lot to say about it, i don’t think, except to note that han meilin did try to stand up for qin su
ch 11: impossible things are happening every day
cinderella time mother fuckers!!! this is another one that took time!!
ch 10 took time bc i wasn’t 100% sure how it would play out
this took time bc even though i knew exactly what would happen and how, it has to be Real Good, y’know? it’s tying up the entire fic. if these 2k words don’t work, then the rest of the fic will feel less good and ppl won’t come back to it
(please everyone come back to this over and over if only to laugh at my obvious qin su agenda)
qin su and meng yao fighting over who gets to take the fall for their joint murder. i love them.
i wasn’t planning for this fic to start the sunshot campaign but here we are. in the war.
How did this version of the sunshot campaign go? Well. not good. because someone has no reason to invent necromancy. But not as poorly as you’d think. Jiang Sect isn’t destroyed, and the Cloud Recesses are functional (although not at full capacity), so they have more strength on hand. Plus, Meng Yao encouraged Koi Tower to funnel money and resources into the Qin Sect, specifically so if the war started before he expected it to (whoops!!! it did!!!!), those resources would be somewhere he could encourage to fight.
on the one hand, the sunshot campaign’s territory is divided in half by the wens. on the other hand, that means the wens are fighting on both the northern and southern border (since, again, jiang sect is still alive)
anyway i’d say it’s a more steady war, as opposed to my recollection of canon where like. everyone’s fucking miserable until our sexy goth boi comes out with his corpses and wrecks shop.
then han meilin and qin su look at their families and say “if you do not let us marry right now in a way that combines our sects equally...... we will just do it anyway.”
(meng yao in the background, holding a thin knife: fucking try me. try me. i want you to be mean to my sister just so i can stab you with my knives.)
anyway it’s time for the epilogue where meng yao is vice general and there is no more wen sect
(have i thought about the dafan wens in this ‘verse? no. i probably should not, either, as wwx would be less ride-or-die for them and that means maybe wen qing and wen ning would die in a war camp)
never mind!!! happy thoughts only!!!! like how qin su and meng yao are getting ready to kill again bc they are the bi crime sibling club!!!!
jin zixuan is invited to family brunch but he’s never invited to bi crime sibling club because qin su and meng yao refuse to let him lose his innocence.
“ge, jie, i’m married with children, i don’t have any innocence to lose--” “oh didi, precious baby, our infant brother, shining beacon of our heart...”
mo xuanyu is also forbidden from joining bi crime club. he’s too baby.
they do discover other jin bastards and invite them to lunch and sure, there might eventually be another bi criminal.
3zun visits each other in 2 month chunks, with one to two month breaks as needed. so the epilogue is the beginning of 2 months hanging out in meng yao’s house, and then later in the year they’ll hang out in the cloud recesses or whatever
qin su and meng yao both have secret lists of places to acquire babies for each other. han meilin knows about both of these lists and laughs every time she sees the same orphanages on both lists.
the final comment from the xiyao troll on this was: “Interesting choice to write a bland ooc AU, but I guess this is all you can manage with your writing skill. ;) This way you don't have to worry about JGY lying to Xichen for years, murdering NMJ, attempting to murder Xichen's family in the second siege, stealing secrets from the Lan sect, corrupting a healing song Xichen trusted him with, and fully betraying LXC's and NMJ's trust.”
like. yeah. of course i sidestepped the bad things. that’s what a fix-it au is for. it’s where i say “here’s an alternate universe, where certain bad things do not happen.” it’s where i say “if meng yao had always had qin su around to counteract the messaging his mother gave him, he might not have gone so far in his quest for power”. duh.
also like kiddo, troll, friend. the pitch for this fic is “cinderella except with murder and qin su rights”. i’ve been clear from the top that this is an Indulgent Fic with No Pretenses of Quality. im proud of some sentences and passages, but this ain’t Blood In The Cut where im tryna Say something or either of my jiang cheng-centric fics where im focusing on good characterization.
it’s a cozy murder where qin su gets to live and have a cool wife
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